VISION: A Premier S & T University For The Formation of A World Class and Virtue-Laden Human Resource For Sustainable

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Republic of the Philippines

Bohol Island State University

Main Campus
Tagbilaran City
VISION: A premier S & T university for the formation of a world class and virtue-laden human resource for sustainable
development of Bohol and the country

MISSION: BISU is committed to provide quality higher education in the arts and sciences, as well as in the professional and
technological fields, undertake research and development and extension services for the sustainable development of Bohol and
the country.

Name: Lorelyn Mae Torrenueva

Year & Section: BSEd-Social Studies 3-2
GE 8 Ethics
Activity #5
Would there be morality without man? Justify your answer by crafting at least 4
paragraphs with adherence to correct grammar and substantial content, this good for 30
No, there would be no morality without the existence of man. Man is the one who
performs the action which we consider to be moral or immoral, if there would be no man,
morality don’t exist because morality is a way of life that we inherit from our family and
community from generation to generation. The way of life which tells us the do’s that are right
and don’ts that are wrong. If there would be no generations of man, that do’s and don’ts will not
exist. For an instance, we ought to believe that killing is an immoral act because we think that
killing is wrong especially that it is written in the doctrine that this is an act of immorality. Such
as the “extra judicial killings” that is controversial and rampant in the Philippines, in the sense of
morality and in the belief of man, even if it lessens the use of illegal drugs in the country still this
portrays immorality since we perceived killing as very wrong and we believe that no man has
given the right to kill a person, so killing is an immoral act that every single man shouldn’t be

On the other hand, due to the existence of man, doing the right thing is moral since we
perceived right actions as moral. For an instance, respecting and helping others especially elders
in times of needs portrays a moral act because man believes these things as the right things that a
person should be doing. With the existence of man and the differences in the belief, a moral
perspective can also be viewed differently. Take the act of a person stealing a loaf of bread from
a supermarket and that loaf is intended for a starving family member on the street nearby. Others
may perceive it as an immoral act but for others, they may also perceive it as a moral act, reasons
like if the action is done out of righteousness, generosity, and in a virtuous way.

More so, man is considered as the highest form of living beings. Human beings are
rational and free agent, we can think, we can reason, we can analyze and we can evaluate things
and because of that, we have the capacity to make conscious decisions of what is right and
wrong. Since we humans are rational and free agents, we are responsible for our actions and our
responsibility is not only for our actions as well as for their consequences and the quality of the
choice we make. Also, because of human freedom and responsibility, people are always
concerned with what is right and wrong. We have the capacity to contemplate on what is the
right thing to do and the wrong thing to avoid. It is us humans who will determine the course of
our actions.

Furthermore, there would be no such thing as the do’s and don’ts, the right and wrong,
the moral and immoral without the existence of man. It means that actions such as cheating,
stealing, respecting, disrespecting, honesty, lying, etc. we can’t tell which of these actions are
moral and which are not. Simply because morality doesn’t exist if there would be no man,
animals and other living things don’t set morality in their actions. Thus, morality is only for
persons because only the human beings can act in accordance of morality.

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