The Bikers Code

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> Go BIKERS COB used to be that all. bikers shaved a coranton boa, am ken code of ethics and behavior that transcended words and was built on respect and BotLons: There was never @ bible written on this bikers code and there was no weed for sud Gut the tines are a-chawgin’ aud theve seems tobe Lot of wew riders out there These days the riders you see blastin’ down the roadl are just as lkely to be olad ix shorts ama sneakers as jeans and engineer boots. And the roughest, toughest-Lookung biker you pull up next to could te your dostaror Lawyer andl many be wenria’ a Rolex watch wader their Unters There's nothing wrong with that, s lang as ese new iders lear. te Code just as we old-timers did, Being a heer usta tobe about using your oreativity to take w basket ease ola hag dia using only grit and ingenuity Burning it into a one-of-a-kind eye dazzler, thea visking your life on the asphalt ox a urself out of priv Tileers wore Leather and gvense because they knew eigers would just aS soon. ran thent down. as Took at tere, so they, had to be intinuidating, We were a bred unto oavselves with wo union, mo support group, find fn many cases, no farcly (they threw us out). We kad to wake tt a world of oar own, against all rules, againse mainstream society, and against all odds. We survived ana prospered because of the bikers code and we never took disrespect frome angio AS te old scocter bro once said: “it's every tranep's job to school the young. How else are they gonna Fenou'a Pauiena fora bee pan With that in. mind the following is *the basie bikers code’, Tralee heed, brothers an sisters, for our Code is a hallowed one filled with respect, howor, avd Loyalty, the Likes of whieh have mot been since the days of kaxighthood: Dow tae any disrespect. Be kind te women, children nud autiunls, but dow't take ay dlcrespet This isan essential pare of being a biker. te kas todo with vespect and honor Anyone son be a quick-tempered fool Be cool, stra tall avd backup what you say with action. Never li, chert or steal. Another way of saying tis s to always tal the Bikers know tat their word is thelr bond, Your word is all you have iLife th Guard tt carefully and be sonetthing noble for you ave a true knight of the road. — Dont snitch. If you see aitrong, ight it yourself if you are about anytiing youl take cae of Problems yourself and never feel the need to suitah someone off Sitehes ae th Lowest life formas on earth, vight up there with eer ekeves Ponce whine, Abclutly wo one Likes or espetsa whiner. Anaher way to say ts sol your mud” still another way to think of tei, Dow's swent the small stuff. remeiuter neestof If litle inconvenience® work themselves out whether You whine or vot. Keep Your chix up, dana ‘a bier, nat some lowly suail, Wever soy die and wever giv up it's ina fight, a debate, or a curve too tight, wo matter how bad (t gets, a biker never gives up. ‘Help others. Whex a brother or sister is byoken down by the side of the road, always stop and help ther al support, if that is all you car. give, is better than riding on by is about the jouraey, the ride, not getting there. You already ave there just help bikers, show the world that we ave beter than our image portrays Us. Courtesy costs you noting but it brings vespect to the biker nation to your guns. Bo wht you say you'l do, or there when. you say you will integrity, This also goes back to standing fer somsthiing, Like the song says, "Youve got to stand for something o 5 Life is wot a drill. Yeah, Yhis alae wo dress rehearsal. This is Life so go out and take big ‘You've got no time to Lose and bikers don't stand around waiting for the party to cone to there You only 90 around once. Tomorrow you could be road kill, thawes toa texte asleep it the whee of their cage, Live Life naw, nealee the most of each moment Allright, now let's review. You ave a biker, a modern-day kuvight of the road. Pr 1 weal, watk Wall avd stand proud. Your word is your bona. Stick to your gues. Dont take any disrespect. Life is mot a dill Now go forth and vide. When. ix doubt, vide. That's what bikers do...vide. if you want to vide around ia BBBY-Glo Hawaiian shirt and sandals, go for it, but {f you intend to Look like av. tic, at Lenst don't ack Le Bw talib These concraandimeris are ust afew 2h brond strokes, there isn lot more to being @ biker tna buying abies Uf you just buy a bike, You are a motoreyclist liebe away of life, a proud way of life that we hola Gr high regard with a ouyaii assig

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