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System Configuration Page 1 of 1

2. System Configuration
When configuring a control system, the engineer should take the system scale into consideration and create a
system configuration (engineering database) that meets the system requirements.

n Outline of System View

The System View can display the engineering data (folders or files) of the system in a tree view similar to MS
Windows Explorer. Via the various menus, create a project, create FCS, HIS, I/O modules that comprise a system
and various user-definable operations and monitoring windows as well as Help windows.

Do not use Windows Explorer to change the files handled by System View.

n Use the System View to Generate System

From System View, the following engineering works can be implemented.

l Create Projects
Create projects that are basic unit for engineering data management.

l Definition of System Configuration

Types of FCS and HIS as well as their connection in the network are defined in the system configuration.

l I/O Module Definition

Create engineering database for specifying the actions of the I/O modules used to acquire process data.

l Create Graphic Views

Create the user-defined Graphic views used for operation and monitoring.

SEE For more information about Graphic view, refer to:

ALSO “n User-Defined Windows” in 2.3, “System Windows and User-Defined Windows” in Human Interface
Stations Reference Vol.1 (IM 33J05A10-01EN)

l Help Messages Box Creation

The user can create arbitrary Help messages.

SEE For more information about help window, refer to:

ALSO 3.12, “Help Window” in Human Interface Stations Reference Vol.1 (IM 33J05A10-01EN)

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2.1 System View Page 1 of 5

2.1 System View

System View provides various menus in the menu bar. From the menu, an engineer can create projects
which are the basic units for engineering data management, and create various user-definable operation
and monitoring windows and Help windows used for FCS, HIS and I/O modules that comprise the

n System View Menu Items

▼ Menu List
A list of the menu items in System View is shown below:
Table 2.1-1 System View Menu Item (1/5)

Menu Menu item Cascade Description

Project... Creates a new project
FCS... Creates a new FCS
HIS... Creates a new HIS
BCV... Creates a new BCV
CGW... Creates a new CGW
SCS... Creates a new ProSafe-RS SCS
UACS... Creates a new UACS
State Transition Matrix... Creates a new State Transition Matrix
SEBOL User Function... Creates a new user-defined SEBOL function
SFC Sequence... Creates a new SFC sequence
File Create New
Unit Procedure... Creates a new unit procedure
FCS-C Task... Creates a new FCS-C task (*1)
Node... Creates a new Node (*2)
Nest... Creates a new Nest (*3)
IOM... Creates a new I/O module
Trend acquisition pen assignment... Creates a new trend acquisition pen assignment
Window... Creates a new window
Common Block... Creates a new common block (*4)
Recipe group... Creates a new recipe group (*4)
Station... Creates a new non-CS 1000/CS 3000 series
*1: This menu item is available only on PFCS, SFCS. When applying this package, please contact Yokogawa for
more information.
*2: This menu item is available only on FFCS Series, KFCS2, KFCS, LFCS2, LFCS, RFCS5 and RFCS2.
*3: This menu item is available only on RFCS5 and RFCS2.
*4: This menu item is available only when Batch Management is installed.

TIP For more information about SCS, see the User’s Manuals attached to ProSafe-RS products.

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2.1 System View Page 2 of 5

Table 2.1-2 System View Menu Item (2/5)

Menu Menu item Cascade Description

• Opens selected folder
• Starts builders to edit the selected files
Import Window
Imports window hierarchy information
External File Hierarchy...
Export Window Hierarchy... Exports window hierarchy information
Delete Deletes selected engineering data
Properties... Displays the properties of selected file or folder
Domain Properties... Displays the domain properties
Project Property Displays print preview of the project property
Domain Properties Displays print preview of the domain properties
Station Property Displays print preview of the FCS and HIS property
State Transition Matrix List Displays print preview of the state transition matrix list
Displays print preview of the SEBOL user-defined function
SEBOL User Function List
SFC Sequence List Displays print preview of the SFC Sequence list
Unit Procedure List Displays print preview of the unit procedure list
Preview FCS-C Program List Displays print preview of the FCS-C program list (*1)
Node Property Displays print preview of the node property (*2)
Nest Properties Displays print preview of nest properties (*3)
IOM Properties Displays print preview of the IOM property(*3)
Control Drawing List Displays print preview of the control drawing list
Window Hierarchy Displays print preview of the window hierarchy
Window List Displays print preview of the window list
Common Block List Displays print preview of the common block list (*4)
*1: This menu item is available only on PFCS, SFCS.
*2: This menu item is available only on FFCS Series, KFCS2, KFCS, LFCS2, LFCS, RFCS5 and RFCS2.
*3: This menu item is available only on RFCS5 and RFCS2.
*4: This menu item is available only when Batch Management is installed.

Table 2.1-3 System View Menu Item (3/5)

Menu Menu item Cascade Description

Project Property Prints the project property
Domain Properties Prints the domain properties
Station Property Prints the FCS and HIS property
State Transition Matrix List Prints the list of State Transition Matrixes

File Print SEBOL User Function List Prints the SEBOL user-defined function list
SFC Sequence List Prints the SFC Sequence list
Unit Procedure List Prints the unit procedure list
FCS-C Program List Prints the FCS-C program list (*1)
Node Property Prints the node property (*2)

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Nest Properties Prints the properties of nest (*3)

IOM Properties Prints the IOM properties
Control Drawing List Prints the control drawing list
Window Hierarchy Prints the window hierarchy
Window List Prints the window list
Common Block List Prints the common block list (*4)
Exit System View Exits System View
Cut Cut
Copy Copy
Paste Paste
Paste Shortcut Pastes shortcut
Move Upward Moves up
Move Downward Moves down
*1: This menu item is available only on PFCS, SFCS.
*2: This menu item is available only on FFCS Series, KFCS2, KFCS, LFCS2, LFCS, RFCS5 and RFCS2.
*3: This menu item is available only on RFCS5 and RFCS2.
*4: This menu item is available only when Batch Management is installed.

Table 2.1-4 System View Menu Item (4/5)

Menu Menu item Cascade Description

Toolbar Shows or hides the toolbar
Status Bar Shows or hides the status bar
Message Display Area Shows or hides the message display area
Large Icon Displays the data list area using large icons
Small Icon Displays the data list area using small icons
List Displays the data list area as a list
View Details Displays the details of the data list area
Displays the icons in the data list area by System
System Order
Arrange Icons
By Name Displays the icons in the data list area by name
By Date Displays the icons in the data list area by date
All control drawing display Displays all control drawings
Refresh Displays the most recent conditions
Builder Quick Start Opens the Builder Quick Start dialog box
Searches for function blocks, window names, and
Check for Double-Defined Tags...
drawing sheet name with the same name
Reference All Elements/Tags... Creates a tag cross reference list
Self Document Printing... Starts up self-document function
Print Parameters... Prints FCS tuning parameters
Search by Name... Searches for element numbers and tag names
Plant Hierarchy Viewer Displays Plant Hierarchy Viewer
Tuning Parameters Saving... Starts Tuning Parameter Saving Tool

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Offline Loading... Starts Offline Loading Tool

Calls the dialog box for checking the properness of
Block Parameter Validation...
the block parameters.
Pre-check before downloading... Calls the Pre-check before downloading window
Downloads to all field devices in the ALF111
Download All...
segment or in the FCS
Uploads block parameters of all field devices in the
Fieldbus (*1) Upload All...
ALF111 segment or in the FCS
Device Panel... Opens Device Panel
Opens Device Configuration dialog box for
Software Download...
downloading the software.
Creates ALF111 host file set for whole project or
Generate Host File...
for whole FCS
Pre-check before downloading Checks the differences between the previous
PROFIBUS communication PROFIBUS communication setting and the latest
Tools settings... one
PROFIBUS-DP Save PROFIBUS communication
Saves PROFIBUS communication setting
Downloads PROFIBUS communication setting
communication settings
Call dialog for updating the graphic linked parts of
Graphic View

Linked Part Call dialog for updating the graphic linked parts of
Updating... Control Drawing View, Logic Chart View and
Status Display/ Product Control/CS
Product Control View.
3000 Graphic (*2)
Call dialog for updating the CS 3000 Graphic linked
Starts Control Drawing Smart-Parts Manager to
Control Drawing Smart-Parts Manager...
quote or register the control drawing smart-parts.
Starts data exchange tool for exchanging data
Data Exchange SmartPlant Instrumentation... between CENTUM VP and SmartPlant
*1: Valid only in the FFCS Series, KFCS2, KFCS, RFCS5 or RFCS2 stations in which the ALF111 is configured.
*2: The cascade menu item “CS 3000 Graphic” only appears when there is any CS 3000 HIS in the project.

Table 2.1-5 System View Menu Item (5/5)

Menu Menu item Cascade Description

SCS Taglist Import... Imports ProSafe-RS SCS Taglist
Set Backup... Opens the backup setting dialog box
Start Backup... Opens the backup specification dialog box
FCS Database Diagnosis Tool... Starts FCS Database Diagnosis Tool
Tools Audit Trail DB Viewer Starts Audit Trail Database Viewer
HIS Database Conversion Tool (*1) Starts HIS Database Conversion Tool
Logging... Enables/disables user comment logging
Detailed Setting Status Display
Opens the status display setting dialog box

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2.1 System View Page 5 of 5

Opens the environment setting dialog box
Download Project Common Section Downloads common project data to HIS
Download to IOM Downloads I/O module configuration data to FCS
Save FCS Tuning Parameter Saves FCS tuning parameters
Offline Download
Download Off-line Downloads the engineering data to FCS
to FCS
Download to HIS Downloads engineering data to HIS
Downloads the FCS and BCV tag list to HIS.
Download Tag-List Downloads the information of station number of the Wide Area
Load Communication Router to station(s).
Download Status Display File Downloads status display files
Offline Download to BCV Off-line Downloads to BCV
Download Tag-List/Gateway Downloads taglist of the station (non CS 1000/CS 3000 series
Information station) and gateway information
Saves BCV operation marks.
Save BCV Operation Mark
Saves UGS tuning parameters.
Download to CGW Downloads to CGW
Download Common Block (*2) Downloads common blocks
Open Project... Opens an existing project
Close Project Closes a project
Modify or recompile to clean the invalid elements after project
Resolve Invalid Element
common area modification.
Error Check Checks the consistency of the engineering data within the FCS
Resource Information... Opens a resource information dialog box
Test Function (*3) Starts the Test Function
All Generation... Opens All Generation dialog box
Start HIS functions in virtual mode.
HIS Virtual HIS (*4) Runs Operation and monitoring functions without starting the
Test Functions or FCS Simulation.
UACS UACS Simulator (*4) Starts the UACS Simulator
Using the Online Manual... Displays how to use the online manual
Engineering Tutorial... Displays the Engineering Tutorial (IM 33S04H10-01E)
Builder Definition Items... Displays the builder definition item list
Version Information... Starts the Software Configuration Viewer
*1: This menu item only appears when there is any CS 3000 HIS in the project.
*2: This menu item is available only when Batch Management is installed.
*3: This menu is available only when Test Function is installed.
*4: This menu item is available only when the Enhanced Test Function installed.

SEE For more information about RFCS5 and RFCS2, refer to:
ALSO A1., “Configuring Migrated-FCS” in Migrated-FCS (FIO) (IM 33J60Q10-01EN)

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