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Exercise 16

1. Text 1
Ear infections in children
Doctors have noticed an increase number of children who are treated for ear
infections. This could mean that more children get infections than in the past. Such an
increase could be caused, in part, by an increased use of day care. In day-care centers, little
children can catch infections from each other.

Main Idea:
Doctors have noticed an increase number of children who are treated for ear infections.
Caused, in part by an increased use of day care.
In day care centers, little children can catch infections from each other.

2. Text 2
A young child’s untreated ear infection can lead to serious consequences. The
infection can spread to the throat and cause a general ilness. It can also do permanent damage
to a child’s hearing ability. Perhaps the least-known consequence of untreated ear infection
involves language development. Languange learning depends on good hearing. Children with
frequent or untreated ear infections cannot hear well. The result is a delay in their ability to
speak and use language effectively.

Main idea:
A young child’s untreated ear infection can lead to serious consequences.
Untreated ear infection
1. Cause a general illness
2. Permanent damage to a child’s hearing ability
3. Cannot hear well

3. Text 3
The greater numbers of reported ear infections could result from social and
economic factors. Parents may be more aware of the importance of treating the condition.
Doctors may have more time for such simple ailments, now that more dangerous diseases are
controlled by immunization. And there may be economic causes. Some doctors who are paid
for each visit might have an economic interest in paying attention to ear infections. Economic
factors may influence parents as well, since some health centers charge very little for visits.
Thus parents are encouraged to bring in their children more often for lesser problems, such as
ear infections.
Main idea:
The greater numbers of reported ear infections could result from social and economic factors.
1. Ear infection could result from social and economic factors.
2. There may be economic causes
1. Doctors may have more time for such simple ailments, now that more dangerous diseases
are controlled by immunization.
2. Some doctors who are paid for each visit might have an economic interest in paying
attention to ear infections.
3. Thus parents are encouraged to bring in their children more often for lesser problems, such
as ear infections.

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