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Republic of the Philippines

Region I
Canarvacanan, Binalonan, Pangasinan

Understanding Culture,
Society & Politics
Quarter 1 - Week 2
Module 2
The concept, aspects and changes in/of culture
and society

Most Essential Learning Comptency:

Analyze the concept, aspects and changes in/of culture and

Overview 1
Content 1

Competencies 1
Pretest 1
Lesson 1 3
Activity 1 3
Lesson 1 (Continuation) 4
Activity 2 6
Activity 3 6
Post Test 7
Answer Key 8
References 9


For the Learners

Congratulations! You have completed the previous module! You are now ready for the
next step which is learning how to analyse the concept, aspects and changes of culture and
society and also be able to explain the importance of cultural relativism in attaining cultural
understanding. Have some fun to learn more effectively, enjoy learning. Good luck!


This module will help you understand the concepts, aspects and changes of
culture and society. It will also explain the importance of cultural relativism in attaining cultural
understanding. You will be equipped with the skills needed in this fast-changing world.
The knowledge you will gain from this module will enhance your ideas upon relating to
the changes of culture and society, thus will improve your in- depth understanding of culture and
social aspects on our very own life setting. The learning competency of this module is:
1. Analyze the concept, aspects and changes in/of culture and society


This activity will enable you to assess your prior knowledge from the
topic that will be discussed in this lesson.

Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer and write your answer in your
activity notebook.

___1. Which of the following defines culture?

a. Culture is people’s way of life.
b. Culture is the norm and social behavior found and practiced in human societies.
c. Culture refers to that complex whole.
d. All of the above
___2. It is a society’s standards of acceptable behavior?
a. Norm b. Mores
c. Belief d. Folkways
___3. It is a Norm in proper way of dealing with their everyday living and social interaction?
a. Law b. Folkways
c. Mores d. Values
___4. Which of the following is an example of Non Material Culture?
a. Clothing b. Food
c. Law d. Automobiles
___5. Refers to the concrete and tangible things that man creates and uses?
a. Non Material Culture b. Material Culture
c. Ideal Culture d. Real Culture

___6. An aspect of culture that process a person adopts the cultural patterns he or she lives in.
a. Enculturation b. Culture Shock
b. Culture labeling d. Ethnocentrism
___7. Which of the following is TRUE about Culture?
a. Culture is learned and transmitted through socialization or enculturation.
b. People adopt the complexities of culture from the environment they are in.
c. Culture requires language and other forms of communications.
d. All of the above
___8. It is a culture being practiced within a broader variety of a culture, but practicing its own
separate values, practices, traditions and beliefs.
a. Ideal Culture b. High Culture
c. Subculture d. Popular Culture
___9. It is the actual behavior patterns exhibited by members of the society.
a. Real Culture b. High Culture
c. Subculture d. Popular Culture
___10. He is the father of Sociology?
a. Auguste Comte b. Robert Redfield
c. Edward Taylor d. Bronislaw Malinoski
___11. Which of the following defines Society?
a. Highly structured system of human organization that also follows common laws,
traditions, values and customs.
b. Constitution of social actors in constant interaction.
c. Constituting a fairly large number of people who are living in the same territory.
d. All of the above
___12. He defines culture as an organized body of conventional understanding manifest in art
and artifacts, which, persisting through tradition, characterizes a human group”.
a. Auguste Comte b. Robert Redfield
c. Edward Taylor d. Bronislaw Malinoski
___13. It is a process whereby the cultural heritage is socially transmitted from one generation
to another.
a. Cultural Variation b. Cultural Relativism
c. Ethnocentrism d. Socialization
___14. Which of the following is the mode of acquiring culture?
a. Imitation b. Indoctrination c. Conditioning d. All of these
___15. It refers to the differences in social behaviors that different cultures exhibit around the
a. Human Cultural Variation b. Cultural Relativism
c. Ethnocentrism d. Culture Shock

At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:
At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:
 analyze the concept of culture and society; and
 determine the aspects and changes of culture and society.

Activity 1. FILL IN THE GRAPH!
Direction: Fill in the Graphic Organizer regarding Aspects of Culture.

What have you noticed on the activity above? These have something to do
with culture.

What is Culture?
According to Edward Tylor, “Culture refers to that complex whole which includes
knowledge, beliefs, art, morals, law, customs, and any other capabilities and habits
acquired by man as a member of society”. It is also defined a set of practices and
traditions that define a specific society. Wherein Society Constitution of social actors in
constant interaction.
According to Robert Redfield, “Culture is an organized body of conventional
understanding manifest in art and artifacts, which, persisting through tradition,
characterizes a human group”.
Types of Culture
 Material culture refers to the concrete and tangible things that man creates and
uses. They range from the prehistoric stone tools of primitive man to the most
advanced computer of the modern man
 Non-material culture consists of words people use; the habits they follow; the
ideas, customs, and behavior that any society professes and to which they strive
to conform. Laws, techniques, lifestyle, and knowledge are included, too.
Aspect of Culture
 Culture is learned and acquired - not instinctive acquired through the senses and
from experience habits, skills, values, and knowledge. It may be acquired
through imitation, conditioning, suggestion, formal or informal instruction, or mass
 Culture is shared and transmitted - transmission through ideas, passed on to
generations using language and other symbolic means of communication
 Culture is social – due to man natural tendency to socialize.
 Culture is Ideational – Formation of ideas and use of the same assign meaning to
his environment and experiences
 Culture gratifies human needs – culture’s provision to satisfy biological and
sociological needs of people such as food, clothing, shelter, protections, love,
security etc.
 Culture is adaptive – Dynamism of culture and adaptiveness of customs.
 Culture tends toward Integration – elements or traits that make up culture are
(custom) mostly adjusted to or consistent with one another.
 Culture is cumulative – accumulation of certain features of culture over time.
Component of Culture
Norms - These are the guidelines people are supposed to follow in their relation with
one another. They indicate what people should or should not do in specific situation. It

indicates the standard of propriety, morality, legality, and ethics of a society that are
covered by sanctions when violation is made.

Social Norms
a. Folkways – these are everyday habits; customs, traditions and conventions
people obey without giving much thought to the matter
b. Mores- these are the norms people consider vital to their wellbeing and most
cherished values; they are special customs with moral and ethical significance,
which are strongly held and emphasized.
c. Laws- these are formalized norms enacted by people vested with legitimate
Ideas are non-materials aspects of culture and embody man's conception of his
physical, social and cultural world.
Beliefs refer to a person's conviction about a certain idea.
Values are abstract concepts of what is important and worthwhile, they are general
ideas that individuals share about what is good or bad.
Symbols - It refers to an object, gesture, sound, color or design that represents
something “other that itself”.

What is Human Cultural Variation?

Human Cultural Variation refers to the differences in social behaviors that
different cultures exhibit around the world. What may be considered good etiquette in
one culture may be considered bad etiquette in another.
Cultural Variation Between Cultures - If human cultures modify the natural environment,
it is also true that the natural environment initially shaped, and still shapes to some
extent, the culture of society.
Variation within Culture
1. Subcultures - A segment of society which shares a distinctive pattern of mores,
folkways, and values which differ from the pattern of larger society. It is a culture within a
2. Counter Culture - is a group whose values and norms place it at odds with
mainstream society or a group that actively rejects dominant cultural values and norms.
3. High Culture – consist of activities patronized by elite audiences, composed of
member of the upper-middle and upper class.
4. Popular Culture – consist of activities, products and services that assumed to appeal
to member of the middle and working classes.
5. Ideal Culture – is the way people describe the standard of behavior- the blueprint
which provides the directions and guidelines in relating either others or doing things.
6. Real Culture – refers to how one behaves in an actual situation within the context of
what may be regarded as acceptable by other members of society.

Direction: Explain the following questions, be guided by the rubrics provided.

A.) How does culture of a society provide behavioral patterns?


B.) How does culture serve as trademark or special feature that distinguishes one society from
one another?


Activity 3: MY POINT OF VIEW!
Direction: Explain the following questions.
Direction: Write an argumentative essay that will explain the importance of the Filipino
Social Intrapersonal Values (example; Pakikisama, Utang na Loob, Euphemism, Hiya
etc.) to our culture and the positive and negative implications of these values to our
country’s development.



Post Test
Direction: Pick the letter of which aspect of culture the statement falls from the
box below.

A.) Culture is social because it is the product E.) Culture is transmitted among members
of behavior. of society.
B.) Culture varies from society to society. F.) Culture is continuous and cumulative.
C.) Culture is shared G.) Culture is gratifying and idealistic.
D.) Culture is learned

_____1. Culture provides proper opportunities for the satisfaction of our needs and desires.
_____2. Culture does not exist in isolation, but it is a product of society, and develops through
social interaction
_____3. Every society has a culture of its own that differs from other societies.
_____4. Transmission of culture may take place by imitation as well as by instruction
_____5. Customs, traditions, beliefs, ideas, values, morals, etc. are all shared by people of a
group or society
_____6. Persons may share some parts of a culture unequally.
_____7. The cultural ways are learned by persons from persons.
_____8. Culture is often called “learned ways of behavior”
_____9. Cultures and cultural elements like customs, traditions, morals, values and beliefs are
not uniform.
_____10. Culture exists as a continuous process, and in its historical growth, it tends to become



1. D 6. A 11. D
2. A 7. D 12. B
3. B 8. C 13. D
4. C 9. A 14. D
5. B 10. A 15. A


1. G 6. C
2. A 7. E
3. E 8. D
4. B 9. B
5. C 10. F

Activity 1: FILL THE GRAPH!

Criteria Very Good (4) Good (3) Satisfactory (2) Poor (1)
Extremely well Organize.
Organizatio organized. Somewhat organized Poorly organized.
n Order & structure Structure allows
of information is reader to move Structure allows A clear sense of
compelling and through content reader to move direction is not
flows smoothly. without confusion. through some of the evident. Flow is
Flows smoothly content without frequently
confusion. Flow is interrupted.
Ideas are unclear
Ideas Insightful and well Ideas are Ideas are somewhat
considered ideas considered; more on topic; makes some few connections
making multiple than one thoughtful connections
connections connection is

Content Thorough and Complete Shows some Shows  incomplete

insightful understanding of understanding of understanding of
understanding of content content Content


Criteria Very Good (4) Good (3) Satisfactory (2) Poor (1)
Ideas are unclear
Relevance of Insightful and Ideas are Ideas are somewhat
the Ideas well considered considered; more on topic; makes few connections
ideas making than one some connections
multiple thoughtful
connections connection is

Content/Topi Thorough and Complete Shows some Shows  incomplete
c insightful understanding of understanding of understanding of
understanding of content/topic content/topic content/topic

Activity 3: MY POINT OF VIEW!

Criteria Excellent (4) Very Good (3) Good (2) Poor (1)
The essay is very Most of essay
Organizatio clear, organized content is clear Some of the content The content is
n and well-written and organized. is clear and unclear and
organized. disorganized.
The content did
Strength All arguments are Most of the Only some
not provide any
and strong, convincing arguments are arguments are
Relevance and relevant. strong, convincing convincing and
of and relevant. relevant.

Use of All arguments are Most of the Only some The content did
examples supported with arguments are arguments are not provide any
clear examples supported with supported with clear factual support
clear examples examples. m or examples.

A. Book

Government of the Philippines, Department of Education, Understanding Culture,

Society, and Politics, Teacher’s Guide-First Edition 2016

B. Online Resources


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