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Republic of the Philippines

Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Bohol
Sta. Cruz, Calape, Bohol


Quarter 3 Summative Test 3

Name: ________________________________________ Date: ______________

Grade and Section: ______________________________ Score: _____________
Subject Teacher: _____________________

I. Direction: Identification. Fill in the blanks with the correct agent of socialization.
___________________1. It teaches people how to behave in and navigate these systems.
___________________ 2. It teaches participants how to interact with the religion’s material culture.
___________________ 3. It distributes impersonal information to a wide audience, via television, newspapers, radio,
and the Internet.
___________________ 4. This is the first agent of socialization.
___________________ 5. It is made up of people who are similar in age and social status and who share interests.

II. Direction: True or False. Write T if the statement is true, and F if otherwise.
____________ 1. Norms must be performed in connection with the expected behavior to achieve social goals.
____________ 2. Compliance means compliance with standards, rules, or laws.
____________ 3. Social position refers to the social classification of an individual into a category of one.
____________ 4. Social status refers to members’ positions or ranks in the hierarchy of power relations.
____________ 5. Deviance describes an action or behaviour that violates social norms, including a formally enacted
rule (e.g., crime), as well as informal violations of social norms (e.g., rejecting folkways and mores).

III. Direction: Multiple Choice. Encircle the correct answer.

1. Which of the following is NOT a factor that influence groups?
a. size of the group b. social category c. the kind of group cohesion d. type
of group goals
2. Refers to the independent network of roles and the hierarchy of statuses which define the reciprocal expectations
and the power arrangement of the members of the social unit guided by norms.
a. social function b. social role c. social status d. social structure
3. Which of the following is an example of an informal social group?
a. peer group b. student organization c. religious orders d. math club
4. This is a process of bringing order and significance into human social life.
a. social groups b. cultural institutions c. social organizations d.
political organization
5. Which of the following are examples of formal deviance?
a. robbery, theft, spitting on the street c. robbery, rape, graft
b. graft, pricking one’s nose, rape d. rape, theft, belching loudly
6. What do you call when the person is subjected to incompatible role expectations wherein he or she is required to
do two or more things that cannot all be done.
a. role overload b. social position c. positioning theory d. role conflict
7. This type of norm It can be observed through the type of clothing, manner and behavior in greeting a person, and
the use of appropriate words and gestures.
a. norm of conventionality b. norm of appropriatenessc. social goals d. social roles
8. What do you call the process where the culture that is currently established teaches an individual the accepted
norms and values of the culture or society where the individual lives?
a. enculturation b. socialization c. agent of socialization d. norms

IV. Direction: Enumeration. Enumerate what is asked in the following statements.

1-2. Give 2 examples of open social group.
3-4. Give 2 examples of primary social group.
5-6. Give 2 examples of social group based on pressure (purpose).

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