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LibShortText: A Library for Short-text Classification and Analysis

LibShortText: A Library for Short-text Classification and


Hsiang-Fu Yu
Department of Computer Science, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712 USA
Chia-Hua Ho
Yu-Chin Juan
Chih-Jen Lin
Department of Computer Science, National Taiwan University, Taipei 106, Taiwan

Editor: Editor name

LibShortText is an open source library for short-text classification and analysis. Properties
of short texts are considered in its design and implementation. The package supports effec-
tive text pre-processing and fast training/prediction procedures. We provide an interactive
tool to perform error analysis. Because of the short length, details of each short text can
be investigated easily. In addition, the package is designed so that users can conveniently
make extensions. The ease of use, efficiency, and extensibility of LibShortText make it very
useful for practitioners working on short-text classification and analysis. The package is
available at
Keywords: short-text classification, interactive error analysis, open source, linear classi-
fication, machine learning

1. Introduction
Recently, there has been a growing interest in short-text classification and analysis. Ap-
plication domains include titles (e.g., Shen et al., 2012), questions (e.g., Zhang and Lee,
2003; Qu et al., 2012), sentences (e.g., Khoo et al., 2006), and short messages. Existing
text-classification packages may not be suitable for analyzing short texts because of not
considering their special properties. For example, it is difficult to analyze a text with many
words, but we can easily investigate details in training/predicting short texts. Unlike gen-
eral texts such as web pages and emails, short texts in a corpus may have similar lengths and
words in a short text are often distinct. In addition, practitioners wonder if the standard
procedures for text classification must be applied when experimenting with short texts.
We develop LibShortText as an open source tool (under the BSD license1 ) for short-text
classification and analysis. It has the following features.
1. For large-scale short-text classification, it is more efficient than general text-mining tools.
2. Based on our study (Yu et al., 2012), we carefully select the default options for LibShort-
Text. Users need not try many options to get the best performance for their applications.
3. We provide an interactive tool to perform error analysis. In particular, because of short
lengths, details of each text can be investigated.
1. The New BSD licences approved by the Open Source Initiative.

Yu et al.

Workflow Libraries Command-line tools

short texts

feature generation


analysis libshorttext.analyzer

Figure 1: Workflow of LibShortText and the corresponding libraries/command-line tools.

4. The package is mainly written in Python for simplicity and extensibility, while time-
consuming operations are implemented in C/C++ for efficiency.
5. We provide full documentation including class references and examples.

2. The Software Package

The workflow of LibShortText is shown in Figure 1. Each step corresponds to a library in
the core Python module libshorttext.
1. libshorttext.converter: For given short texts, LibShortText follows the bag-of-word
model to generate features. Users apply procedures in this library to pre-process short
texts by tokenization, stemming (optional), and stop-word removal (optional). The
library also allows users to choose between unigram and bigram features.
2. libshorttext.classifier: Following users’ choice on feature representation (binary,
word count, TF, or TF-IDF), this library generates sparse feature vectors, conducts
instance-wise normalization (optional), and calls the popular linear-classification pack-
age LIBLINEAR (Fan et al., 2008) for training/testing. All these operations can be easily
built upon LIBLINEAR’s Python interface, but for computational and memory efficiency,
part of the implementation is in C/C++. We carefully design this library so that no
modification of LIBLINEAR is required. For multi-class classification, we follow LIBLIN-
EAR to support the one-versus-rest approach (e.g., Bottou et al., 1994) and the method
by Crammer and Singer (2001). In addition, a parameter selection tool for selecting the
penalty parameter of SVM/logistic regression formulations of LIBLINEAR is provided.
3. libshorttext.analyser: The library provides a simple interactive tool to conduct error
analysis in both macro and micro levels. By macro level we mean the overall performance
(e.g., accuracy), while the micro level involves the analysis of each feature of a short text.
Based on the study (Yu et al., 2012) for product title classification, we set the following
default options.
Default options
no stemming, no stop word removal, bigram features
instance-wise normalization, binary feature representation,
Crammer & Singer multi-class SVM

LibShortText: A Library for Short-text Classification and Analysis

For general texts, one option suitable for some texts may not suitable for others. In contrast,
it is easier to select options based on properties of short texts. For example, because in a
short text words are generally distinct, Yu et al. (2012) show that the SVM models obtained
by binary and TF-IDF feature representations give similar performance.

2.1 Command-line and Interactive Use

We provide two main command-line tools: pre-processes a text file and
trains a model, while predicts another text file to obtain classification
accuracy and generates an output file of predicted results.

$ python train_file

[output skipped]
$ python test_file train_file.model predict_result
Accuracy = 90.7873% (9662757/10643283)

Because users may train with the same data several times after the pre-processing phase,
we provide to convert short texts to sparse feature vectors of term frequency.
Then can directly train a model on these sparse vectors.

$ python train_file

[train_file.text_converter and train_file.svm are generated.]
$ python -P train_file.text_converter train_file.svm

LibShortText supports interactive error analysis. First, we enter Python, import the module,
load the prediction results, and create an object of ‘Analyzer’ by reading a model.

$ python
>>> from libshorttext.analyzer import *
>>> predict_result = InstanceSet(’predict_result’)
>>> analyzer = Analyzer(’train_file.model’)

We randomly select 1000 instances with two labels ‘Books’ and ‘Music’ and generate a
confusion table.

>>> insts =[’Books’, ’Music’]), subset(1000,

... ’random’))
>>> analyzer.gen_confusion_table(insts)

Books Music
Books 425 3
Music 9 563

Next, to see how a short text “MICKEY MOUSE POT STAKE” is predicted by our model,
the following operation gives the feature weights of the top three classes. For multi-class
SVM and logistic regression used in LibShortText, in the trained model, each class has a
corresponding weight vector. The decision value is the inner product between the weight
vector and the test instance. For this example, the class “Home & Garden” is correctly
predicted because of the highest decision value. From the weights, we identify “stake” as
an important word for the “Home & Garden” class.

Yu et al.

>>> analyzer.analyze_single(’MICKEY MOUSE POT STAKE’, 3)

Home & Garden Specialty Services Toys & Hobbies
pot 9.786e-01 4.070e-01 2.023e-01
mouse 2.683e-01 3.613e-01 1.649e-01
stake 1.392e+00 2.801e-01 3.924e-01
mickey mouse 3.564e-02 9.631e-02 6.446e-01
mouse pot 5.168e-01 -7.780e-02 -1.771e-01
pot stake 5.489e-01 -9.084e-03 -3.282e-01
mickey -8.684e-02 -4.901e-02 1.075e-01
**decval** 1.381e+00 3.813e-01 3.804e-01

We provide more operations for error analysis. Details are in the documents.

2.2 Making Extensions

Because of the modularized framework, extending LibShortText is easy. We show an example
to replace the tokenizer. The default tokenizer assumes that tokens are separated by space
characters. If other characters are used, users may write their own tokenizer.
1 from libshorttext . converter import ∗
3 def comma_tokenizer ( text ) :
4 return text . lower ( ) . split ( ’,’ )
6 text_converter = text2svm_converter ( )
7 text_converter . text_prep . tokenizer = comma_tokenizer
We define comma tokenizer to separate tokens by commas. We then create an instance of
converter, text converter, and assign the new tokenizer to it in lines 6–7.

3. Experiments
To demonstrate the efficiency and effectiveness of LibShortText, we crawled 20 million eBay
product titles in 34 classes. The first 10 million titles are for training, while the next 10
million are for testing.2 On a machine with Intel Xeon 2.4GHz CPU (E5620), 12MB Cache,
and 64GB RAM, running with default options takes about 37 minutes,
where 21 minutes are for generating features from texts and 16 minutes are for training.
For prediction, takes 28 minutes and achieves 90.7873% accuracy. In
contrast, a general text-mining tool such as RapidMiner (Mierswa et al., 2006) fails to
even pre-process the data because of the memory issue. On a subset of prod-title with
100K instances, LibShortText takes only 17 seconds and 240 MB memory, while RapidMiner
requires 10 minutes and 3 GB memory.

4. Conclusions
LibShortText is an easy-to-use, efficient, and extensible tool for short-text classification and
analysis. Its design and implementation incorporate properties of short texts. The package
is still being improved by new research results and users’ needs.
2. We cannot redistribute the data; see

LibShortText: A Library for Short-text Classification and Analysis

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Anthony Khoo, Yuval Marom, and David Albrecht. Experiments with sentence classifica-
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