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Identification of Conjugated Linoleic Acid Isomers in Cheese

by Gas Chromatography, Silver Ion High Performance Liquid

Chromatography and Mass Spectral Reconstructed Ion Profiles.
Comparison of Chromatographic Elution Sequences
Najibullah Sehata, John K.G. Kramerb,1, Magdi M. Mossobaa,
Martin P. Yurawecza,*, John A.G. Roacha, Klaus Eulitza, Kim M. Morehousea, and Youh Kua
U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, Washington, DC 20204, and bSouthern
Crop Protection, Food Research Center, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Guelph, Ontario N1G2W1, Canada

ABSTRACT: Commercial cheese products were analyzed for Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) has been reported to lead to
their composition and content of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) reduced carcinogenesis (1–5) and atherosclerosis (6,7), in-
isomers. The total lipids were extracted from cheese using pe- creased bone mass (8) and muscle mass (9–11), and to have
troleum ether/diethyl ether and methylated using NaOCH3. The antidiabetic properties (12) in laboratory animals. The term
fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) were separated by gas chro- CLA refers to a mixture of positional and geometric conju-
matography (GC), using a 100-m polar capillary column, into
gated octadecadienoic acid (18:2) isomers. The active isomer
nine minor peaks besides that of the major rumenic acid,
9c,11t-octadecadienoic acid (18:2), and were attributed to 19
has been assumed to be 9c,11t-18:2 (also called rumenic acid)
CLA isomers. By using silver ion–high performance liquid chro- because it is the major CLA isomer present in milk (13–20),
matography (Ag+–HPLC), CLA isomers were resolved into seven cheese (15,21–27), and meat (14,15,28) from ruminant ani-
trans,trans (5–9%), three cis/trans (10–13%), and five cis,cis mals. It is formed as an intermediate in the biohydrogenation
(<1%) peaks, totaling 15, in addition to that of the 9c,11t-18:2 of linoleic acid in the rumen (29–31), and possibly by ∆9 de-
(78–84%). The FAME of total cheese lipids were fractionated by saturation of vaccenic acid (11t-18:1) (32).
semipreparative Ag+–HPLC and converted to their 4,4-dimethyl- Besides the major 9c,11t-18:2 established by Parodi (13),
oxazoline derivatives after hydrolysis to free fatty acids. The there are a number of minor CLA isomers in cheese and milk.
geometrical configuration of the CLA isomers was confirmed by To date, their reported identities and levels remain question-
GC–direct deposition–Fourier transform infrared, and their dou- able, because of inadequate chromatographic separations and
ble bond positions were established by GC-electron ionization
confirmatory methods used to establish the double bond posi-
mass spectrometry. Reconstructed mass spectral ion profiles of
the m + 2 allylic ion and the m + 3 ion (where m is the position
tions and configurations. Ha et al. (21) were the first to report
of the second double bond in the parent conjugated fatty acid) six additional CLA peaks in cheese separated on a 60-m Su-
were used to identify the minor CLA isomers in cheese. Cheese pelcowax-10 gas chromatographic capillary column. Based
contained 7t,9c-18:2 and the previously unreported 11t,13c- on comparisons of gas chromatographic equivalent chain
18:2 and 12c,14t-18:2, and their trans,trans and cis,cis geomet- lengths with published data (33), they reported the presence
ric isomers. Minor amounts of 8,10-, and 10,12-18:2 were also of 10c,12t-18:2, 10t,12c-18:2, 11c,13c-18:2, 9c,11c-18:2,
found. The predicted elution orders of the different CLA isomers 10c,12c-18:2, 9t,11t-18:2, and 10t,12t-18:2 as fatty acid
on long polar capillary GC and Ag+–HPLC columns are also methyl esters (FAME) after BF3 methylation. They deter-
presented. mined the molecular weight of the CLA isomers by gas chro-
Lipids 33, 963–971 (1998). matography (GC)–chemical ionization mass spectrometry
(MS), but were unable to identify CLA positional isomers by
GC–MS using 4-phenyl-1,2,4-triazoline-3,5-dione deriva-
tives. Nevertheless, their BF3 methylation procedure, GC sep-
On sabbatical leave at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Washington,
aration conditions, and equivalent chain length comparisons
DC. were subsequently used by many investigators (17,23,24,34),
*To whom correspondence should be addressed at Office of Food Labeling with variation in the methylation catalyst, i.e., HCl (15,22),
(HFS-175), U.S. Food and Drug Administration, 200 C St., S.W., Washing-
ton DC 20204. E-mail:
tetramethylguanidine (25), or NaOCH3 (35). Acid (BF3 or
Abbreviations: c; cis; cis/trans, refers to the same positional isomers that HCl)-catalyzed methylations (8,15,17,21–24,34) were shown
have either a cis,trans or a trans,cis configuration; CLA, conjugated linoleic to lead to isomerization of cis/trans to trans,trans CLA iso-
acid; DMOX, 4,4-dimethyloxazoline; FAME, fatty acid methyl esters; mers and the formation of methoxy artifacts (19), as well as
GC–DD–FTIR, gas chromatography–direct deposition–Fourier transform in-
frared; GC–EIMS, gas chromatography–electron ionization mass spectrome- CLA artifacts from allylic hydroxy fatty acids (36). Acid fat
try; HPLC, high performance liquid chromatograph(y); t, trans. extraction procedures (22,25) may also lead to CLA isomer-

Copyright © 1998 by AOCS Press 963 Lipids, Vol. 33, no. 10 (1998)

ization. On the other hand, base-catalyzed methylation did not petroleum ether and diethyl ether (1:1, vol/vol). The com-
isomerize CLA isomers nor produce methoxy artifacts (19). bined organic phases were transferred into a 1000-mL sepa-
The GC resolution of CLA isomers was improved by using ratory funnel containing 500 mL distilled water and 30 mL
100-m polar capillary columns under optimal conditions, saturated sodium chloride. The combined organic extract was
which resulted in the separation of 10 GC peaks attributed to washed two more times with 100 mL distilled water. Any
CLA isomers (19,37). emulsion formed was broken up by the addition of saturated
Recently, Lavillonnière et al. (26) reported the identity of sodium chloride (2–5 mL), and allowed to stand for 30 min.
five additional minor CLA isomers in cheese (8c,10t-18:2, The combined organic layer was poured through a glass col-
8c,10c-18:2, 8t,10t-18:2, 11t,13t-18:2, and 11?,13?-18:2). umn (2.5 cm × 50 cm) containing a bed of anhydrous sodium
They methylated cheese lipids with NaOCH3, then partially sulfate (15 cm). The organic solvent was removed using a ro-
reduced the isolated CLA mixture with hydrazine, separated tary evaporator at 37°C and the total lipids were determined
the resultant monounsaturated (18:1) FAME by silver nitrate gravimetrically.
thin-layer chromatography, and analyzed them by GC. The Preparation of FAME. Free fatty acids of CLA were dis-
positional 18:1 isomers were identified as 4,4-dimethylox- solved in 1 mL of 20% methanol/benzene, placed in a reac-
azoline (DMOX) derivatives by GC–electron ionization mass tion tube fitted with a Teflon-lined screw cap, and reacted
spectrometry (GC–EIMS). These authors also evaluated the with trimethylsilyldiazomethane for 30 min at room tempera-
total CLA DMOX mixture by GC–EIMS. ture (40). Unreacted trimethylsilyldiazomethane was de-
We have just reported the separation of 12 CLA isomers stroyed by adding acetic acid with gentle swirling until the
as their FAME from a commercial CLA mixture by using sil- yellow color disappeared. After addition of H2O (5 mL), 1
ver ion high-performance liquid chromatography (Ag+–HPLC) mL isooctane was added to extract the FAME which were
based on their double-bond geometry (trans,trans, cis/trans, subsequently dried over Na2SO4.
and cis,cis) and position (8,10-, 9,11-, 10,12-, and 11,13-18:2) Portions of total lipids from cheese (20–70 mg) were
(27). The Ag+–HPLC method, together with reconstructed placed into 15-mL reaction tubes fitted with a Teflon-lined
GC–EIMS ion profiles of isomer-specific ions for CLA screw cap. One milliliter of benzene was added to dissolve
DMOX derivatives, permitted us to identify the previously the lipids, followed by 4 mL anhydrous NaOCH3. The tubes
unrecognized and abundant minor isomer, 7t,9c-18:2, in milk, were flushed with nitrogen, then heated at 50°C for 10 min
cheese, beef, and human milk and adipose tissue (38). with occasional shaking. After completion of methylation, 0.2
In the present communication, we report the accurate iden- mL of water was added, and the FAME were extracted with
tification and composition of CLA isomers in cheese, includ- hexane, dried over Na2SO4, and analyzed directly by GC and
ing for the first time the previously unreported 11t,13c- and HPLC.
12c,14t-18:2 isomers. Cheese lipids were fractionated by HPLC. The HPLC (Waters 510 solvent delivery system;
semipreparative Ag+–HPLC, and the minor CLA isomers Waters Associates, Milford, MA) was equipped with an au-
were identified by GC–EIMS and GC–direct deposition- tosampler and 2-mL injection loop for the semipreparatory
Fourier transform infrared (GC–DD–FTIR) spectrometry. column and a 200-µL injection loop for the analytical column
(Waters 717), an ultraviolet detector (Waters 486 tunable ab-
sorbance), a fraction collector (Waters LR 76413), and an op-
erating system (Waters MillenniumTM version 2.15.01). Both
A mixture of CLA FAME was purchased from Nu-Chek- ChromSpher 5 Lipids semipreparative (10 mm i.d. × 250 mm
Prep, Inc. (Elysian, MN). Pure CLA isomers (9c,11t-18:2, stainless steel; 5 µm particle size) and an analytical (4.6 mm
10t,12c-18:2, 9c,11c-18:2, and 9t,11t-18:2) were obtained as i.d. × 250 mm stainless steel; 5 µm particle size) silver-im-
free fatty acids from Matreya Inc. (Pleasant Gap, PA). Ace- pregnated column were used (Chrompack, Bridgewater, NJ).
tonitrile and hexane were ultraviolet grade. Other solvents CLA isomers were measured at 233 nm. The mobile phase
were distilled-in-glass quality. 2-Amino-2-methyl-1-propanol was 0.1% acetonitrile in hexane and operated isocratically.
(95%) was purchased from Aldrich Chemical Company, Inc. The solvent flows were 4.0 and 1.0 mL/min, for the semi-
(Milwaukee, WI). A 10% solution of trimethylsilyldi- preparative and analytical columns, respectively. The flow
azomethane in hexane was obtained from TCI America (Port- was commenced for 0.5 h prior to sample injection. For solu-
land, OR). The cheeses were purchased locally. tion containing about 20 mg/mL, typical injection volumes
Lipid extraction. Cheese was extracted using a published were 150–200 µL for the semipreparative column and 5–15
procedure (39). Briefly, 20 g cheese, 2 g potassium oxalate, µL for the analytical column. Whenever necessary, the col-
and 100 mL ethyl alcohol were placed in a blender jar and ho- umn was restored by flushing with 1% acetonitrile in hexane
mogenized for 3 min. The jar contents were poured into a for 4 h followed by 0.5 h with 0.1% acetonitrile in hexane.
250-mL centrifuge tube, to which 50 mL diethyl ether and 50 DMOX derivatives. In a reaction tube, 10–20 mg of methyl
mL petroleum ether were added. The contents were mixed heptadecanoate (17:0) and ca. 1–2 mg of CLA FAME were
well for 0.5 min after each addition of solvent. The mixture added, and the mixture was hydrolyzed with 1 N KOH/95%
was centrifuged at 1700 rpm for 7 min at room temperature. ethanol at 50°C for 30 min. The free fatty acids were ex-
The lower phase was reextracted two more times with 50 mL tracted with petroleum ether after the reaction was neutral-

Lipids, Vol. 33, no. 10 (1998)


ized with HCl. The free fatty acids were added to a screw-cap RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
reaction tube (1 mL) and a threefold excess of 2-amino-2-
methyl-1-propanol (w/w) was added. The tube was purged Fat extraction from cheese. The total fat was extracted from
with argon, capped, and heated at 170°C for 0.5 h in an oven. cheese (39). In this method, potassium oxalate served as a
The reaction mixture was transferred into a 250-mL separa- grinding agent and formed calcium oxalate, which prevented
tory funnel containing 40 mL of petroleum ether and 50 mL calcium ions from causing emulsions. The total fat content of
of water and shaken vigorously. Saturated NaCl was added to 11 commercial cheese products ranged from 14 to 37% (Table
break the emulsion. The aqueous layer was removed, and the 1). For the extraction of fats and oils, acid conditions were
petroleum ether was rewashed with water, dried over anhy- avoided because they may lead to isomerization of the
drous Na2SO4 and concentrated to the desired volume under cis/trans to trans,trans CLA isomers. In a previous study (22)
a stream of argon (36). preliminary acid digestion may have contributed to the low
GC. The cheese FAME were analyzed by GC (model content of 9c,11t-18:2, 48–68% (22), instead of 78–84% re-
5890; Hewlett-Packard, Palo Alto, CA) using a fused-silica ported for selected cheese products (Table 1).
capillary column (CP-Sil 88; 100 m × 0.25 mm i.d. × 0.2 µm Methylation. The total lipids from cheese were methylated
film thickness; Chrompack Inc.). The column was held at using NaOCH3 to avoid any isomerization of conjugated di-
70°C for 4 min after injection, temperature-programmed at enes and formation of methoxy and CLA artifacts. Acid-cat-
13°C/min to 175°C, held there for 27 min, then temperature- alyzed methylation using either BF3, HCl or H2SO4 would lead
programmed at 4°C/min to 215°C, and held there for 31 min. to conversion of cis/trans to trans,trans CLA isomers. Reduc-
Hydrogen was the carrier gas, at a split ratio of 20:1. ing the temperature during methylation reduced the extent of
GC–EIMS. The GC–EIMS was performed using a GC this conversion (17,23,43), but the methylation, particularly of
(Hewlett-Packard 5890, series II) coupled to a mass spec- phospholipids, may not be complete (19). Therefore, to avoid
trometer (Autospec Q mass spectrometer) and a data system isomerization and incomplete methylation of CLA, NaOCH3
(OPUS 4000; Micromass, Manchester, United Kingdom). is recommended. If test samples contained significant amounts
The GC–EIMS system utilized version 2.1 BX software. This of free fatty acids, alkali hydrolysis followed by subsequent
system was used with a 50-m CP-Sil 88 capillary column de- methylation using tetramethylsilyldiazomethane (40) was car-
scribed previously (41). The GC–EIMS conditions were: ried out and checked by thin-layer chromatography (19), and
splitless injection with helium sweep restored 1 min after in- these steps are recommended. However, neither of these two
jection; injector and transfer lines’ temperature 220°C; oven methods will methylate sphingomyelin, since the N-acyl bond
temperature was 75°C for 1 min after injection, then temper- is resistant to alkali. In the present cheese study, we ignored the
ature-programmed 20°C/min to 185°C, held there for 15 min, small contribution of CLA from sphingomyelin because its
then temperature-programmed 4°C/min to 220°C, and held level in cheese was less than 0.1%, and the occurrence of CLA
there for 45 min. in sphingomyelin is generally the lowest compared to all the
GC–DD–FTIR. A Bio-Rad (Cambridge, MA) TracerTM other phospholipids (37).
GC–FTIR 60A spectrometer system was used. This system GC. The CLA region of the FAME GC trace for cheese
was used with a 50 m CP-Sil 88 capillary column (42). (Fig. 1) was a complex mixture of 10 peaks attributed to many

Lipid Content and Composition of Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) Isomers in Commercial Cheesesa
Lipid Total CLA isomers (%)d
contentb CLAc 7t,9c
Types of cheese (%) (%) 9c,11t 8t,10c 11t,13ce 12c,14t Total t,t
American processed cheese 16.5 0.46 79.35 10.17 1.71 0.67 8.11
Cheddar, sharp 29.5 0.54 82.58 8.31 2.14 0.61 6.36
Cheddar, extra sharp 23.4 0.52 77.72 12.13 0.90 0.66 8.6
Colby 29.7 0.40 82.01 9.89 0.98 0.63 6.48
Cream cheese 36.7 0.77 83.53 4.61 4.23 1.57 6.06
Feta 24.7 0.49 80.76 11.05 1.51 0.90 5.78
Monterey Jack 26.9 0.47 80.01 10.97 1.32 0.93 6.77
Mozzarella 16.5 0.47 78.07 11.11 0.88 0.77 9.16
Parmesan 25.1 0.38 80.83 10.01 1.09 0.63 7.44
Prepared cheese product 15.3 0.56 81.74 8.63 1.80 0.99 6.84
Processed, Cheddar 13.5 0.50 84.15 8.57 1.26 0.61 5.41
As determined by silver ion–high-performance liquid chromatography (Ag+–HPLC).
Determined gravimetrically after total lipid extraction; see the Materials and Methods section.
Total CLA fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) content (% of total FAME) in extracted lipids determined by gas chro-
matography (GC).
CLA isomeric composition (% of total CLA FAME) determined by Ag+–HPLC.
See text regarding discussion about double-bond configuration.

Lipids, Vol. 33, no. 10 (1998)


Expected Gas Chromatographic Elution Order of Positional
and Geometric CLA Fatty Acid Methyl Ester, or Dimethyloxazoline,
Isomers on a 100 m CP-Sil 88 Capillary Columna
cis/trans-18:2b cis,cis-18:2c trans,trans-18:2d
7c,9t (7c,9c)e 12t,14t
(6t,8c) 8c,10c 11t,13t
(8c,10t) 9c,11c 10t,12t
7t,9c 10c,12c 9t,11t
9c,11t 11c,13c 8t,10t
8t,10c 12c,14c 7t,9t
The elution order was: all the cis/trans, followed by all the cis,cis, followed
by all the trans,trans CLA positional isomers. Many CLA isomers overlapped
within each geometric group.
The observed elution time of cis/trans CLA isomers increased as the ∆ value
of the cis double bond increased in the molecule. For a pair of cis/trans iso-
mers in which the cis double bond has the same ∆ value, the isomer with
the lower ∆ trans value eluted first. Therefore, it followed that for the same
positional isomer, the cis,trans eluted before the trans,cis geometric isomer.
The observed elution time of cis,cis CLA isomers increased with increased
∆ values.
FIG. 1. The conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) region of a gas chromatogra- The observed elution time of trans,trans CLA isomers increased with de-
phy (GC) trace for cheese. creased ∆ values.
CLA isomers shown in parentheses were predicted. For abbreviations see
Table 1.
more unresolved CLA isomers, even with a highly polar 100-m
capillary column. The CLA isomers in the gas chromatogram
were labeled based on an elution order that was verified re- GC–EIMS reconstructed ion profiles for DMOX deriva-
cently (19,37,38) as well as in this study; see the predicted tives of conjugated dienes. The fatty acid DMOX mass spec-
elution order in Table 2. Besides the major 9c,11t-18:2, there tra consisted of a series of even-mass ions separated by 14
were minor peaks in the cis/trans region corresponding to mass units due to successive losses of methylene units. A gap
9t,11c- plus 10c,12t-18:2; 11t,13c-18:2; and a mixture of of 12 mass units between ions containing n−1 and n carbon
10t,12c- plus 12c,14t-18:2. The 7t,9c,10c,12c- and 8t,10c- atoms indicated the presence of a double bond between car-
18:2 isomers eluted on the leading and the tailing edges of bons n and n + 1 of the parent fatty acid (44). For monounsat-
9c,11t-18:2, respectively. In the cis,cis region (Fig. 1) there urated fatty acids, more abundant peaks occurred due to al-
was one major peak consisting of a mixture of 7c,9c-, 8c,10c-, lylic cleavages on either side of the gap of 12 mass units for
and 9c,11c-18:2, followed by a smaller peak due to 10c,12c-, ions containing n − 2 and n + 2 carbons (44). In addition, the
11c,13c-, plus 12c,14c-18:2. The trans,trans region showed n + 3 carbons fragment ion occurred in equal abundance to
four responses attributed to the FAME of 12t,14t-18:2; the one containing n + 2 carbons; the mechanism of forma-
11t,13t-18:2; a mixture of 10t,12t-, 9t,11t plus 8t,10t-18:2; tion of this ion remains unknown (45). Therefore, for conju-
and 7t,9t-18:2 (Fig. 1). To separate and confirm the identity gated dienes, prominent ions occurred at n − 2, m + 2 and m
of CLA isomers, complementary techniques, such as + 3, where n is the position of the first double bond and m is
Ag+–HPLC, GC–EIMS and GC–DD–FTIR were used. the position of the second double bond along the parent con-
Ag+–HPLC. The separation of cheese FAME by Ag+–HPLC jugated fatty acid chain. These three prominent ions were
is shown in Figure 2. The elution order observed by Ag+- clearly recognizable in previous published spectra of CLA
HPLC for a commercial mixture of 12 CLA isomers (27), DMOX (27,46,47), and in the series of mass spectra of 12,14-
plus those found in natural products (38, and the present 18:2 to 8,10-18:2 isomers found in cheese (Fig. 3).
study), are listed in Table 3. The main CLA isomer in cheese The characteristic abundant ions with m + 2 and m + 3 car-
was 9c,11t-18:2. To determine the structure of the many bons in the GC–EIMS DMOX spectra of CLA isomers were
minor CLA isomers, FAME were prepared from 1 g of cheese used in this study to identify trace amounts of isomers, be-
lipids and were fractionated using a semipreparative cause the gap of 12 mass units was often too weak to observe.
Ag+–HPLC column. Five fractions were collected and those For example, all the minor CLA isomers in Figure 3, except
containing minor CLA isomers, Fractions 1, 2, 4 and 5, were for the major 9c,11t-18:2 isomer, were missing one or more
shown after expanding the y-scale in Figure 2. The fractions of the expected ions of the conjugated system, but the allylic
were subsequently derivatized to DMOX and analyzed by m + 2 and the m + 3 ions were clearly visible. The prominent
GC–EIMS and GC–DD–FTIR. ion profiles for the m + 2 and m + 3 pair of ions due to a spe-

Lipids, Vol. 33, no. 10 (1998)


Elution Order of Positional and Geometric CLA FAME Isomers
by (Ag+–HPLC)a
trans,trans-18:2b cis/trans-18:2b,c cis,cis-18:2b
(13t,15t)d (13,15 c/t)
12t,14t 12,14 c/t 12c,14c
11t,13t 11,13 c/t 11c,13c
10t,12t 10,12 c/t 10c,12c
9t,11t 9,11 c/t 9c,11c
8t,10t 8,10 c/t 8c,10c
7t,9t 7,9 c/t 7c,9c
The elution order was: all the trans,trans, followed by all the cis/trans, fol-
lowed by all the cis,cis CLA positional isomers.
The observed elution time of each group of geometric CLA isomers in-
creased as the ∆ values decreased.
For the same positional isomer, the cis,trans and the trans,cis geometric iso-
mers were not clearly separated under our experimental conditions.
CLA isomers shown in parentheses were not confirmed. For abbreviations
see Table 1.

cific CLA isomer were normalized and displayed. If these two

ion profiles superimposed, then this GC peak was due to this
specific CLA isomer. For nearly coeluting (or coeluting) CLA
isomers, the reconstructed ion chromatograms showed a
small (or lack of) difference in retention times. This recon-
structed ion profile GC-EIMS method allowed the identifica-
tion of most minor CLA isomers in cheese.
Identification of Ag+–HPLC fractions. Fraction 1 consisted
of a mixture of seven trans,trans CLA peaks (Fig. 2), as evi-
denced by the elution order of geometric CLA isomers previ-
ously found by Ag+–HPLC (27) and verified by GC–DD–FTIR
with characteristic =C-H stretching (3016 cm−1) and deforma-
tion (990 cm−1) vibrations for trans,trans CLA isomers. The
GC–EIMS reconstructed ion profile for the molecular ion m/z
333 of the DMOX derivative of all CLA isomers is shown in
Figure 4A. The total trans,trans CLA DMOX mixture exhib-
ited three GC–EIMS peaks using a 50-m CP-Sil 88 capillary
column. In using the reconstructed ion profile technique de-
scribed above, the identify of the first small peak (Fig. 4C) was
established as 12t,14t-18:2 (Fig. 3). The second CLA peak
(Fig. 4B) was due to 11t,13t-18:2 (Fig. 3), and the third one
(Fig. 4D) to 9t,11t-18:2 (Fig. 3). The CLA isomers 8t,10t- and
10t,12t-18:2 coeluted with 9t,11t-18:2 (reconstructed ion pro-
file not shown), while the 7t,9t-18:2 eluted on the tail of the
third peak [see reference (38), Fig. 1 bottom]. The first small
peak in the Ag+–HPLC chromatogram (Fig. 2, Fraction 1)
would appear to be 13t,15t-18:2 based on the Ag+–HPLC elu-
tion order, although this was not confirmed by GC–EIMS.
In Figure 3, GC–EI mass spectra were obtained from dif-
ferent cheese fractions, except the one for 10,12-18:2, be-
cause this trans,trans isomer coeluted by GC–EIMS with
9t,11t-18:2 (Fig. 4D), and the corresponding cis/trans and
cis,cis isomers were very weak. However, its identity was
confirmed from the reconstructed ion profiles for m/z 276 (m
+ 2) and 290 (m + 3) in each case. A mass spectrum of
FIG. 2. Silver ion–high performance liquid chromatography (Ag+–HPLC)
profile for a commercial cheese product. Expanded traces are shown
10t,12c-18:2, shown for comparison in Figure 3, was selected
for Fractions 1 (A), 2 (B), 4 (C), and 5 (D). These fractions were collected from a previous study on the distribution of CLA isomers in
by Ag+–HPLC for further analysis. pig lipid classes (37).

Lipids, Vol. 33, no. 10 (1998)


FIG. 3. GC–electron ionization mass spectra of the 4,4-dimethyloxazoline (DMOX) derivatives of 12t,14t-18:2 (Fraction 1), 11t,13t-18:2 (Fraction
1), 10t,12c-18:2 [reference (37), see text], 9c,11t-18:2 (Fraction 2), and 8c,10c-18:2 (Fraction 5). The allylic ions n − 2 and m + 2, and the m + 3
ion are labeled for each of the positional CLA DMOX isomers; the molecular ion was m/z 333. For other abbreviations see Figure 1.

Fraction 2 (Fig. 2) showed two minor cis/trans CLA peaks lished data). Therefore, the relative elution sequences of the
eluting before the major 9c,11t-18:2, whose cis/trans geomet- two c/t 11,13-18:2 isomers observed by both Ag+–HPLC and
ric configuration was consistent with Ag+–HPLC and GC are consistent with the presence of 11t,13c-18:2 in cheese.
GC–DD–FTIR data. In using the same reconstructed ion pro- On the other hand, the fact that 11t,13c-18:2 eluted before
file techniques described for the trans,trans CLA isomers, the 10t,12c-18:2 by GC cannot be reconciled with the expected
peaks were shown to be due to 12,14- and 11,13-18:2. The EI GC elution sequence (Table 2), namely, 10t,12c-18:2 is ex-
mass spectra of the DMOX derivative of the 12,14- and pected to elute first, followed by 12c,14t-18:2 and then by
11,13-18:2 isomer were similar to the corresponding 11t,13c-18:2. Therefore, the identification of the c/t 11,13-
trans,trans CLA isomers shown in Figure 3. The geometric 18:2 peak in cheese is only tentatively attributed to the
configuration of 12,14-18:2 was likely 12c,14t-18:2 based on 11t,13c-18:2 isomer. The double-bond configuration of these
the GC elution sequence and because it was possibly derived two c/t 11,13-18:2 geometric isomers (after isolation) still
from biohydrogenation and isomerization of α-linolenic acid needs to be definitively confirmed by such methods as hy-
in the rumen. The geometric configuration of the 11,13-18:2 drazine reduction and GC separation of the resulting 18:1
isomer in cheese was probably 11t,13c-18:2 based on the fol- fatty acids (26, and references cited therein). Trace amounts
lowing considerations. On a 100-m CP Sil 88 column (Fig. of 10t,12c-18:2 were generally not resolved chromatographi-
1), the 11,13-18:2 isomer in cheese eluted after the 11c,13t- cally from the major 9c,11t-18:2 by Ag+–HPLC because of
18:2 isomer previously found in a Nu-Chek-Prep commercial the large differences in concentration between these two iso-
mixture (27,37). In using two Ag+–HPLC columns in series, mers.
the 11,13-18:2 isomer in cheese eluted before the 11c,13t- Fraction 3 contained the major 9c,11t-18:2 (Fig. 2), which
18:2 present in the Nu-Chek-Prep commercial mixture when was not further investigated. Fraction 4 (Fig. 2) contained one
these two lipid mixtures were coinjected (Sehat, N., unpub- cis/trans CLA peak. The main isomer under this minor peak

Lipids, Vol. 33, no. 10 (1998)


Ag+–HPLC, the compositions of the various cheese products

are reported in Table 1. The concentration of the major 9c,11t-
18:2 ranged from 78 to 84% (as percentage of total CLA) in
the cheese products investigated. Among the minor CLA iso-
mers, 7t,9c-18:2 was the most predominant at about 5 to 12%
(containing undetermined small amounts of 8t,10c-18:2), fol-
lowed by 11t,13c-18:2 at about 2%. The presence of 7t,9c-18:2
in the rumen is expected from ∆9 desaturation of 7t-18:1, and
to a smaller extent from biohydrogenation and isomerization
of γ-linolenic acid, while 12c,14t-18:2 is from biohydrogena-
tion and isomerization of α-linolenic acid. The remainder was
a mixture of total trans,trans (5 to 9%) and cis,cis (<1%) CLA
isomers produced in the complex rumenal fluids.
Alternative methods used to determine CLA isomers in
cheese by partial reduction with hydrazine, followed by GC sep-
aration of the resultant mixtures of octadecenoic acids (18:1)
(26), did not lead to the identification of the 12,14- and 7,9-18:2
isomers. A possible reason for the latter is that 14t-18:1 is only
partially resolved on polar capillary GC columns from 13t-18:1
as DMOX, and even less resolved as FAME (48). Similarly, the
7t-18:1 FAME coelutes with 6t- and 8t-18:1 FAME, while 7t-
18:1 DMOX coelutes with 9t-18:1 DMOX (48).
The 11t,13c-18:2 isomer was found as a minor CLA com-
ponent in cheese lipids. On the other hand, the 11c,13t-18:2
isomer was present at about 22% of total CLA in a commer-
cial CLA mixture (27). The latter isomer, when included in
the diet of pigs at the level found in commercial CLA mix-
tures, preferentially accumulated in heart lipids, particularly
in heart and liver diphosphatidylglycerol (37). It would be of
interest to investigate if 11t,13c-18:2 also accumulated in
heart lipids and diphosphatidylglycerol, of pigs fed a cheese
product containing 11t,13c-18:2 at about 1% of total CLA.
The availability of Ag+–HPLC, GC–EIMS, GC–DD–FTIR,
and very long polar capillary GC columns has provided the
necessary tools to investigate the minor isomers of CLA in
FIG. 4. Reconstructed ion chromatograms for DMOX derivatives of
cheese products. Combinations of these methods plus re-
trans,trans CLA isomers in Fraction 1 isolated from cheese using
Ag+–HPLC showing the profiles for (A) the molecular ion m/z 333; (B) versed-phase HPLC will be required to identify the metabo-
the allylic ion (m + 2) and the m + 3 ion for 11,13-18:2, (C) 12,14-18:2, lites of CLA. In addition to 9c,11t-18:2 and the isomers re-
and (D) 9,11-18:2. In each case these two ions were normalized for the ported previously by Ha et al. (21) and Lavillonniere et al.
CLA isomer indicated. For abbreviations see Figures 1–3. (26), the previously unrecognized isomers 11t,13c-18:2,
12c,14t-18:2, the prominent 7t,9c-18:2 (38), and their
trans,trans, and cis,cis geometric isomers were found in this
was identified as 7t,9c-18:2 by GC–EIMS, GC–DD–FTIR investigation. On the basis of our observed results in this and
and by comparison with partial synthesis, as reported recently previous studies (19,37,38), the elution orders of CLA iso-
(38). In addition to the 7t,9c-18:2, small amounts of 8t,10c- mers on Ag+–HPLC and long polar GC columns were deter-
18:2 were evident under this peak by GC–EIMS. mined (Tables 2 and 3).
Fraction 5 (Fig. 2) contained a mixture of five cis,cis CLA
peaks as evidenced by their elution on Ag+–HPLC (Table 3).
The more predominant CLA isomers were identified by ACKNOWLEDGMENT
GC–EIMS as 9c,11c-18:2 and 8c,10c-18:2, with minor Contribution number S009 from Southern Crop Protection, Food
amounts of 12c,14c-, 11c,13c-, and 7c,9c-18:2. The EI mass Research Center, Guelph, Ontario, Canada.
spectrum of the DMOX derivative of the 8c,10c-18:2 isomer
is shown in Figure 3. The peak expected for 10c,12c-18:2 was REFERENCES
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Lipids, Vol. 33, no. 10 (1998)

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