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TECHBRIEF Evaluation of Design Consistency

Methods for Two-Lane Rural
FHWA Contact: Ann Do, HRDS-20, (202) 493-3319,

These expert systems were devel- The information contained herein and in the three reports referenced
oped under the Safety Manage- below pertains in particular to new data concerning the Design
ment focus area. This focus area’s
Consistency Module, one of seven modules being developed as part of
activities are improving the qual-
the Interactive Highway Safety Design Model (IHSDM).
ity, uniformity, completeness, and
accessibility of safety data; im-
For further information on IHSDM and the IHSDM Design Consistency
proving the process of identifying
Module, click on “Safety” and then “Interactive Highway Safety Design
and addressing safety problems;
and providing critical training to Model” at to view IHSDM’s comprehensive Web site and
safety specialists. to examine in full the new Design Consistency Module studies, as well as
an online version of this technical summary.

This technical summary announces the completion of an FHWA study that

is fully documented for online viewing in three separate reports:

• Evaluation of Design Consistency Methods for Two-Lane Rural High-

ways, Executive Summary (FHWA-RD-99-173)
• Speed Prediction for Two-Lane Rural Highways, Final Report (FHWA-

• Alternative Design Consistency Rating Methods for Two-Lane Rural

Highways, Final Report (FHWA-RD-99-172)
(See report ordering information on the last page of this summary.)

The goal of transportation is generally stated as the safe and efficient
movement of people and goods. To achieve this goal, designers use
many tools and techniques. One technique used to improve safety on
roadways is to examine the consistency of the design. Design
consistency refers to highway geometry’s conformance with driver
Research, Development, and
Technology expectancy. Generally, drivers make fewer errors at geometric features
Turner-Fairbank Highway that conform with their expectations. An inconsistency in design can be
Research Center described as a geometric feature or combination of features that has such
6300 Georgetown Pike a high driver workload requirement that drivers may drive in an unsafe
McLean, VA 22101-2296 manner. This situation could lead to inappropriate driving maneuvers and/or an undesirable level of accidents.
A design consistency method will ways (FHWA-RD-99-173), was to ally, acceleration and deceleration
be incorporated into the Interactive expand the research conducted rates were developed to consider
Highway Safety Design Model under the previous FHWA study in the effects of horizontal curve
(IHSDM). IHSDM is being devel- two directions. These directions radius.
oped by the Federal Highway were (1) to expand the speed-profile
For passenger vehicles, the best
Administration (FHWA) as a suite of model and (2) to investigate three
forms of the independent variable in
evaluation tools for assessing the promising design consistency rat-
the regression equations were 1/R
safety impacts of geometric design ing methods. In addition, the
for horizontal curves and 1/K for
decisions. IHSDM focuses on the research objective was to identify
vertical curves. An example of the
safety effects of design alternatives. the relationship between accident
collected data and the developed
The Design Consistency Module frequency and the proposed design
regression equations for horizontal
will be one of seven modules which consistency methods. The follow-
curves on grades is shown in
are to be integrated with commer- ing is a summary of the efforts from
Figure 1.
cial CAD/roadway design software. this research project.
The other modules include: crash Operating speeds on horizontal
prediction, intersection diagnostic Speed-Profile Model curves are very similar to speeds on
review, roadside safety, traffic long tangents when the radius is
Several different studies were
analysis, driver/vehicle and policy approximately 800 m or more.
undertaken to predict operating
review. When this condition occurs, the
speed for different conditions such
grade of the section controls and
as horizontal curves, vertical curves,
Objective the contribution of the horizontal
and combinations of horizontal and
radius is negligible. Operating
An earlier FHWA study, Horizontal vertical curves; tangent sections;
speeds on horizontal curves drop
Alignment Design Consistency for and prior to or after horizontal
sharply when the radius is less than
Rural Two-Lane Highways (FHWA- curves. Speed data were collected
250 m.
RD-94-034), developed a design at over 200 two-lane rural highway
consistency evaluation procedure sites for use in the project. Re- Using the regression equations and
that used a speed-profile model gression equations were developed other data, a speed-profile model
based on horizontal alignment. for 85th percentile, free-flow pas- was developed. The model can be
The objective of the present study, senger vehicle speeds for the used to evaluate the design
Evaluation of Design Consistency different combinations of horizon- consistency of a facility or to
Methods for Two-Lane Rural High- tal and vertical alignment. Addition- generate a speed profile along an
alignment. The steps to follow in
Figure 1. Horizontal Curves on Grades: V85 versus R the model are shown in Figure 2.
The initial step is to select the
desired V85 speed along the road-
way. Based upon the findings from
the research, the average 85th
percentile speeds on long tangents
range between 93 and 104 km/h for
the States in this study. Therefore, a
speed of 100 km/h is a good
estimate of the desired speed along
a two-lane rural roadway when
seeking a representative, rounded

The speeds predicted from devel-

oped speed prediction equations
represent the speeds throughout
the horizontal or vertical curves.
The equations included in the Figure 2. Speed-Profile Model Flowchart
TWOPAS model can be used to
check the performance-limited Select Desired Speed
speed at every point on the roadway
(upgrade, downgrade, or level). If,
at any point, the grade-limited Predict Speed Predict Grade-Limited Speed
speed is less than the tangent or for Each Curve Using TWOPAS-Equations
curve speed predicted using the Consistency
speed prediction equations or the Evaluation Select Lowest Speed for Each Element
assumed desired speed, then the
grade-limited speed will govern.
Adjust Speeds for Acceleration and Deceleration
The speeds predicted from the
previous three methods (the as-
sumed desired speed, the speeds Select Desired Speed
predicted using the speed predic-
tion equations, and the speeds
from the TWOPAS equations) are
compared, and the lowest speed is cause more spot speed variability the correct path while using little
selected. If a continuous speed than would consistent features and visual information processing ca-
profile for the alignment is needed, could result in more driver errors pacity, thus allowing attention or
these speeds would then be and accidents. The results from the capacity to be dedicated to obstacle
adjusted for deceleration and analysis showed a low correlation avoidance and navigation. A way of
acceleration. between geometric alignment fea- measuring the amount of workload
tures and speed variance. Given or visual information needed is to
The speeds for the different
this finding, it is not appropriate to use visual demand. Visual demand
alignment features could be com-
consider speed variance as a reflects the percentage of time that a
pared at any step in the speed
design consistency measure for driver is observing the roadway and
profile model to identify unaccept-
horizontal curvature. is measured using a vision occlu-
able changes in speed between
sion procedure. During the proce-
alignment features. For example, a
Alignment Indices dure, drivers wore an LCD visor that
flag could be raised if the speed
was opaque except when the driver
change from one curve to another is
Alignment indices are quantitative requested a 0.5-second glimpse
greater than a preset value, such as
measures of the general character through the use of a floor-mounted
15 km/h. In addition, a flag could be
of a roadway segment’s alignment. switch.
raised if the deceleration is greater
Geometric inconsistencies can
than desired. Visual demand was determined at 3
arise when the general character of
types of facilities: test track environ-
Speed Distribution alignment changes between seg-
ment (24 subjects driving 6 single
Measures ments of roadway. None of the
curves and 4 paired curves for 6
alignment indices studied in this
Speed distribution measures— runs), on-road (6 subjects driving 5
project, however, were statistically
including variance, standard devia- curves for 4 runs), and simulation
significant predictors of the de-
tion, coefficient of variation, and (24 subjects driving 12 curves for 6
sired speeds of motorists on long
coefficient of skewness—are logi- runs). When comparing the findings
tangents of two-lane rural high-
cal candidates for a consistency among the different studies, statisti-
rating method to complement cal analysis showed that no
speed reduction estimates from the significant difference in slope (with
Driver Workload/Visual
85th percentile speed models. The respect to the inverse of radius)
rationale for using spot speed existed among all but one of the
variability measures is that incon- A consistent roadway geometry comparisons. This finding provides
sistent features are expected to allows a driver to accurately predict a level of confidence that workload
differences between features can applications of driver workload are were ratio of an individual curve
reliably be predicted. The compari- expected to reflect changes in level radius to the average radius for the
sons between intercepts, or con- rather than any absolute terms, the roadway section as a whole,
stants, however, showed that those general agreement with respect to average rate of vertical curvature on
intercepts generally were signifi- the slope of the workload measures a roadway section, and average
cantly different. used is very encouraging. radius of curvature on a roadway
section. Table 1 is an example of
The finding of no difference in the
Relationships of Design the relationship of speed reduction
slope of the regression line when
Consistency Measures between successive geometric ele-
comparing test track results with
to Safety ments and accident rate. Accident
on-road results, but of a difference
frequency is not as sensitive to the
in the intercept, would indicate that Of the candidate design consis-
alignment indices reviewed as it is
relative levels of workload can be tency measures, the speed reducton
to the speed reduction for indi-
ascertained, but not absolute on a horizontal curve relative to the
vidual horizontal curves. In addi-
levels. This finding shows promise preceding curve or tangent clearly
tion, the evaluation has shown that
in determining differences in has the strongest and most
the speed reduction on a horizontal
workload levels between succes- sensitive relationship to accident
curve is a better predictor of
sive highway features, but not frequency. Other candidate design
accident frequency than the radius
baseline levels. Because most consistency measures investigated
of that curve. This observation
makes a strong case that a design
Table 1. Accident Rates at Horizontal Curves by Design Safety Level consistency methodology based
Nu mb e r o f 3 -Y r Exposure A c c i dent Rat e on speed reduction provides a
D e s i g n Sa f e t y L e v e l * Hori z ont al A c c ident (mi l l i o n (a c c i d e n t s / better method for improving the
C u r ve s Fr e qu e n c y ve h -k m) mi l l i o n ve h -k m)
potential safety performance of a
Good: ∆V85 < 10km/h 4,518 1,483 3,206.06 0.46
proposed alignment alternative
Fair: 10km/h < ∆V85 < 20km/h 622 217 150.46 1.44 than does a review of horizontal
Poor: ∆V85 > 20km/h 147 47 17.05 2.76 curve radii alone.
Combined 5,287 1,747 3,373.57 0.52

* ∆V85 = Difference in 85th percentile speed between successive geometric elements (km/h)

Researcher: This study was performed by the following agencies: Texas Transportation Institute, The Texas A&M University System, College
Station, TX 77843-3135, phone no. (409) 845-7321; Midwest Research Institute, Kansas City, MO 64110-2229, phone no. (816) 753-7600, ext.
1571; The Pennsylvania Transportation Institute, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802-4710, phone no. (814) 863-7923;
and University of Michigan, Transportation Research Institute, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2150, phone no. (734) 763-3795. Contract No. DTFH61-95-

Distribution: This technical summary is available in hard copy and online formats. Direct distribution is being made to the Regions and

Availability: Additional print copies of this technical summary can be obtained by contacting Ann Do, FHWA/HRDS, 6300 Georgetown Pike,
McLean, VA 22101-2296 and via e-mail: as well as by visiting the Design Consistency Module portion of the Interactive
Highway Safety Design Model (IHSDM) Web site. (See subsequent Web site access information.)

The three reports referenced in the technical summary are available for online viewing only. To access the technical summary and the three
reports online, visit the IHSDM Web site at and click “Safety” and then “Interactive Highway Safety Design Model.” Click on the
Design Consistency Module page to view all materials in their entirety.

Key Words:Two-lane rural highway, design consistency, IHSDM, speed prediction, acceleration/deceleration, alignment indices, speed distribution,
driver workload, visual demand.

Notice: This technical summary is disseminated under the sponsorship of the Department of Transportation in the interest of information
exchange. The summary provides a synopsis of the study’s final publication. The summary does not establish policies or regulations, nor does
it imply FHWA endorsement of the conclusions or recommendations. The U.S. Government assumes no liability for the contents or their use.

NOVEMBER 1999 FHWA-RD-99-174

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