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In your English class you have been talking about education. Now your English teacher has
asked you to write an essay.

Write your essay using all the notes and giving reasons for your point of view.

‘Some school subjects are more important than others.’ Do you agree?

Write about:

1. subjects you’re good at

2. future employment
3. …………………… (your own idea)

Many people agree that some school subjects are more important than others. However, I
think all of them are important as you can improve your knowledge. Some students prefer
scientifical subjects whereas other students prefer arts or literature.

Since I like Maths and Physics more, I am better at them. Therefore, I am most likely to
think that those kind of subjects are the most important but that is not true. For example,
everybody needs to know something about Geography or History and for this reason, you
should pay equally attention to all of your school subjects.

There are strong arguments in favour of studying only sciences if you want to become a
doctor or studying literature if you want to become a writer, because the other subjects are
useless and you will not use the information you get. From my point of view, until you go to
university you should learn as much things as you can and then you can focus on what you
really want to do and to learn.

On the other hand, the attitude of the teachers is very important too because a teacher
who knows how to teach and is funny will make his students more interested in his subject.

In conclusion, I would say that all subjects are important and essential but you should
focus more on those that you like and are linked to your future employment.

Content: 4 Organization: 5 Communicative Achievement 4 Language 4

Reviews wanted

Comedy TV series

We’re looking for reviews of comedy TV series that really make you and your friends laugh.

Tell us what the comedy series is about, why it’s so funny and whether you would recommend it to other people.

The best review will be published next month. 

For some weeks I have been watching a comedy TV series called FunFail. It shows funny
moments of people and it became extremely popular around the world for its content. It is
one of the funniest TV shows I have ever watched so I told my friends about it.
Since then, we all gather up on Sundays and watch the series enjoying it and having so much
fun. Although I do not really laugh at other people, this TV show actually made me laugh at
every single scene I have seen.
I was surprised to find out that this show was created by a group of teenagers. In fact, it
made me more exicted about watching it. I am sure everyone will really enjoy this series as
it is 2 hour long full of funny clips of different things. As an example, last week the clips were
about cats which were really hilarious and laughable.
The fact that some scenes are fake was rather dissapointing as I expected that all of them to
be real.
In spite of this, I love this comedy TV show and I am sure that everyone who watches it will
have a lot of fun and enjoy it so much.

Content: 4 Organization: 4 Communicative Achievement 4 Language 4

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