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Name: _____________________________________________ Score: ____________

Grade & Section: ______________________


Directions: Read and answer the following. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. I wanted to intervene when they were yelling at each other, but that would have just added
fuel to the fire.
A. something that worsen
B. avoiding the main issue
C. verbally threatening, but unwilling to do anything significant
D. a willingness to do something right away
2. He keeps threatening to shut down our paper after we ran that article about him, but I don’t
think he will. In my, opinion, he’s all bark and no bite.
A. something that worsen
B. avoiding the main issue
C. verbally threatening, but unwilling to do anything significant
D. a willingness to do something right away
3. The lumpy, bumpy road. The string was strong. Some mammals are clumpy.
A. Alliteration B. Consonance C. Simile D. Assonance
4. Clap your hands and stamp your feet.
A. Alliteration B. Consonance C. Simile D. Assonance
Among the given choices, choose only the letter of the word with the correct
plural form. (5 & 6)
5. A. loaves B. cactuses C. wifes D. analysis
6. A. pianoes B. elfs C. nuclei D. necessitys
From the given word, identify which of the following affixes should be used in
order to form a new word. Choose the letter of the correct answer. (7 & 8)
7. length= ______
A. –able B. –wise C. un D. dis
8. sense= ____
A. non B. – ify C. pre D. -ary
9. A third grade boy had won a medal as the best reader in class. Puffed with pride, he boasted
to the maid at home. “Let’s see if you can read as well as I can, Nora.” The good woman took
the book, looked at it closely, and finally said, “Why, Billy, I don’t know how to read. What is the
mood being expressed?
A. wonder B. boastful C. amazement D. happy
10. Alice opened the door and found that it led into a small passage, not much larger than a rat
hole. She knelt down and looked along the passage into the loveliest garden she ever saw. “Oh,
how I wish I could wander among those beds of bright flowers and those cool fountains!” What
is the mood being expressed?
A. amazement B. glad C. sadness D. nervous
11. Which of the sentences is correct?
A. Last year I go to India. C. Last year I am going to India.
B. Last year I went to India. D. Last year I will go to India.
12. Which of the sentences is correct?
A. I usually getting the bus to work. C. I am usually getting the bus to work.
B. I usually gets the bus to work. D. I usually get the bus to work.
13. We ______________ all of our chores.
A. have finished B. finished C. haven't finished D. have finish
14. Walter ________________ us many times.
A. have visited B.  has visited C. has visit D. have visit
15. His excuse _________ be true, but I don’t believe.
A. Can B. may C. will D. must
16. I _______ talk already before I was two years old.
A. Could B. should C. would D. will
Correct any errors in pronoun reference and agreement in the following sentences. This
may entail rewriting the sentence substantially. It might be helpful to identify the antecedent and
pronoun first. Choose the letter of the correct answer. (17 & 18)
17. Valerie told her sister that she was worried because she had lost weight.
A. Valerie had lost weight and she expressed her worry over this to her sister.
B. Valerie had lost weight and he expressed her worry over this to her sister.
C. Valerie had lost weight and she expressed his worry over this to her sister.
D. Valerie had lost weight and she expressed her worry over this to his sister.
18. George had always admired his father’s career in medicine, so when he grew up he decided
to become one too.
A. George had always admired her father’s career in medicine, so when he grew up he
decided to become a surgeon too.
B. George had always admired his father’s career in medicine, so when she grew up
he decided to become a surgeon too.
C. George had always admired his father’s career in medicine, so when he grew up
he decided to become a surgeon too.
D. George had always admired his father’s career in medicine, so when they grew up
he decided to become a surgeon too.
Arrange the given events in sequence. Write the letter of your answer. Choose the
letter of the correct answer.( 19 & 20 )
19. One day something special comes to an island. It is a clump of floating trees, vines, weeds
and roots. The plants are from an island far away. They were carried out to the sea. As they
wash up onto a beach on the island, the fat green lizard crawls off the raft. Then she lays her
eggs on the island. Finally the eggs hatch and the island has a whole family of lizards.
_____ Then she lays her eggs on the island.
_____ One day something special comes to an island.
_____ As they wash up onto a beach on the island, the fat green lizard crawls off the
_____The plants are from an island far away.
_____ The island has a whole family of lizards.
A. 4-1-3-2-5 B. 2-3-4-1-5 C. 3-2-1-4-5 D. 1-3-2-4-5
20. Many years later, a ship stops near the island. Then some scientists row up to the island in
small boats. They have come to study the animals. Before they go, something new is added to
the island. Now there are few rats. The rats were hiding in some boxes the scientist brought with
them. They now have a new home.
_____ Many years later, a ship stops near the island.
_____They have come to study the animals.
_____ Some scientists row up to the island in small boats.
_____Now there are few rats.
_____ They now have a new home.
A. 4-1-3-2-5 B. 2-3-4-1-5 C. 3-2-1-4-5 D. 1-3-2-4-5
21. Pete's stomach ________ when it is empty.
A. growls B. growl C. growling D. are growling
22. Brown bears _________ thick fur only in the cold winter months.
A. has B. be C. have D. having
23. When my teacher talks too _______, it's difficult to understand him.
A. Quick B. quicker C. slow D. slower
24. I always study _____ for the big test.
A. Good B. harder C. hard D. worse
25. My grandmother lives in the __________________ house on the corner
A. little, blue, green and white C. little, blue, green, and white
B. little blue and green and white D. white, blue, little, and green

26. The store carries an assortment of _____________________ objects.

A. interesting new, old and antique C. interesting, old and new and antique
B. new, old, interesting and antique D. old and new and antique,interesting,
Identify the type of underlined adverb used in each sentence. Choose the letter of the
correct answer. (27 & 28)

27. After hitting the ball, Kelly runs swiftly.

A. Adverb of frequency C. Adverb of time
B. Adverb of manner D. Adverb of place
28. The tire travellers would unpack their things later.
A. Adverb of frequency C. Adverb of time
B. Adverb of manner D. Adverb of place
29. __________the table are a laptop, a paper, a calculator, an appointment calendar, two pens
and a muffin.
A. above B. at C. on D. between
30. The woman is looking ___________ her laptop.
A. at B. on C. to D. above
Combine each pair into a single compound sentence using the appropriate coordinating
conjunctions and, but or or. Choose the letter of the correct answer. (31 & 32)
31. James scrubbed the potatoes. Donald peeled them.
A. James scrubbed the potatoes, and Donald peeled them.
B. James scrubbed the potatoes, but Donald peeled them.
C. James scrubbed the potatoes, or Donald peeled them.
D. James scrubbed the potatoes, so Donald peeled them.
32. You should put on your shoes. Your feet will get wet.
A. You should put on your shoes, and your feet will get wet.
B. You should put on your shoes, or your feet will get wet.
C. You should put on your shoes, yet your feet will get wet.
D. You should put on your shoes, but your feet will get wet.

Read the story carefully and answer the questions. Choose the letter of the
correct answer. (33 & 34)
It was raining very hard. Six men with pale faces slumped on two rows of make-shift
bench and there was no catch for the day. Gloomy skies above gave them intangible pale faces.
None of them knew the color of the sky while their eyes looked upon the waves that swept
toward them. These waves were of different colors except for its top, which were foaming white.
All of the men knew the color of the sea. The horizon narrowed and widened, and dipped and
rose and all the time they were ready for the big waves to swallow them quickly. And finally they
saw an island in the horizon.
33. What would likely happen to the six men?
A. They will transfer to another boat. C. They will reach the island safely.
B. They will not survive. D. They will cross the sea.
34. The men in the story were probably ____.
A. tourists B. farmers C. swimmers D. fishermen
35. I don't think we are behind anybody, but I would be arrogant if I said we were significantly
A. declarative sentence C. Interrogative sentence
B. imperative sentence D. exclamatory sentence
36. Houses were built using stout pieces of lumber fitted together with heavy joints.
A. declarative sentence C. Interrogative sentence
B. imperative sentence D. exclamatory sentence
37. The owner of the restaurant wouldn’t allow Samantha to walk through the door. “I’m sorry,”
she said, “but you started a food fight the last time you were here. You may not have ingress to
my restaurant!” What does “ingress” mean in this selection?
A. a kind of bird that lives by the sea C. any food that can be thrown
B. a good price for a meal D. the right to enter
38. Murphy Mole is the protagonist in the new novel by Trent Troll. Murphy must stop Oscar
Rat and Shrimpy Shark from enslaving the inhabitants of Lazy Woods Park. He risks his life in a
series of events that lead to a final battle between good and evil. What is a protagonist?
A. the main character of a story
B. an animal that lives underground
C. someone whose first and last names start with the same letter
D. someone with bad body odor
39. One of the main spectacles was combat between gladiators; another was hunting wild
A. Complex sentence C. Simple sentence
B. Compound sentence D. Compound-complex
40. Messages were memorized and carried by runners, who could cover up to 150 miles a day.
A. Simple sentence C. Complex sentence
B. Compound sentence D. Compound-complex

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