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Name: Avina Munawar  

                                                            Registration No: 1718185

Class: BABS Section C                                                              Time Allowed: 3 hours 30 mins 
Course Name: Leadership Development    
Exam Date: 19 June 2020  
Total Marks: 40 marks Submission time to send: 6:15pm-9:45pm

Answer 1:
Before pandemic After Pandemic
1. Business Results Orientation 1. Change Management

2. Strategic Innovation Orientation 2.Strategic Innovation Orientation

3. Value Orientation 3. Value Orientation
4. Change Management 4. Team Management

5. Customer Orientation 5. Business Results Orientation

6. Team Management 6.Customer Orientation

7. Collaboration & Influencing 7.Collaboration & Influencing

8. Talent Development 8. Intercultural Sensitivity

9. Intercultural Sensitivity 9.Talent Development

The following are the reasons why the rating of these competencies has changed:

 Firstly, covid-19 has proved how imperial it is for companies to be able to change the they work,
not just processes and infrastructure but has forced to change entire business models, hence
adapting to change and having a culture of change has become the most important in these
 It is important in such time to formulate a strategy plan for future that will have a positive
impact on the company by using analytic and conceptual capabilities is important, because
nobody has a plan right now in such an uncertain time. But you have to strategize according to
change in situations otherwise people may feel lost. Furthermore, business result orientation
has gone down as getting positive results right now is a very tough challenge and may
demotivate if the results are not achieved.
 Value Orientation right now is also very important, staying transparent with people and working
according to the values one styed true to in good times is important to be displayed in bad times
as well. This will help build a good image of thee person.
 Team management has taken the fourth position because in such uncertain times where people
are incapable of coming to facility and doing the work like they used to do is not probable.
Hence, team management will come into play when employees are sitting at home and leader
keeps them motivated and gets the work done.
Name: Avina Munawar                                                              Registration No: 1718185
Class: BABS Section C                                                              Time Allowed: 3 hours 30 mins 
Course Name: Leadership Development    
Exam Date: 19 June 2020  
Total Marks: 40 marks Submission time to send: 6:15pm-9:45pm

Answer 6:
They regularly credit others, external factors and good luck for their companies’ success and
achievements. When they do not get the desired results, they blame themselves rather than blaming
others, external factors or bad luck. They act quietly, calmly, and ambitiously focusing on inspired
standards to motivate others. Absolutely intolerant of amateurism. They do whatever it takes to
produce great results, eliminating everything else. They select amazing successors, in order to make
their companies to become even more successful in the future than they are with them leading.

I think Mr. Aamir Niazi is a level 5 leader as he has benefited Pakistan in many ways but has never
written a biography on himself, and is humble in his ways. He has been selected in the top 100 CEOs list
in 2014,2015 and 2016. Some of his contributions are:

He has published a number of articles on economic, industrial and foreign policy, namely:

 Pakistan at a Vital Crossroad 2014 and Beyond published in Evolve magazine, talked about the
foremost challenge that Pakistan faced; the extremist creed and violence and simultaneously
developing the socioeconomic conditions of Pakistan.
 EU Pakistan: Towards Better Ties and Times published in Evolve magazine, discussed how
important it is for both the stakeholders; Pakistan and EU, to do their bit in improving relations
which will prove to be beneficial for both the parties.
 Sovereign Debt Restructuring published in Evolve Magazine, discussing how best to address the
profoundly difficult problem of sovereign debt restructuring in the context of globalized and
integrated financial markets.
 Pakistan’s Foreign Policy around Sustainable Fundamentals publishes in Evolve Magazine,
addressing how national interest should be the only driving force behind Pakistan’s foreign
 Shifting Balance of Power published in Defense Journal.
 For almost 9 years, he has delivered a lecture series on leadership at a number of universities
and professional platforms such as Institute of Business Administration, Bahria University, Iqra
University, Greenwich University & PMI, aiming to engage undergraduate and graduate
university students in understanding how to deliver successful leadership, to review risks which
can lead to failures and to foster a culture of establishing benchmarks, that will drive
improvement in business results.

He is inspiring others with his experience and knowledge and has achieved superb results in all the
organizations that he worked in such as Descon Oxychem which in 2016 made 134 million in profits
when Mr. Aamir Niazi was working as the CEO of the company and continued on a good run making
453 million in 2018, so he definitely help choose a superb successor.
Name: Avina Munawar                                                              Registration No: 1718185
Class: BABS Section C                                                              Time Allowed: 3 hours 30 mins 
Course Name: Leadership Development    
Exam Date: 19 June 2020  
Total Marks: 40 marks Submission time to send: 6:15pm-9:45pm

Answer 5:
Industry 4.0 is a term that refers to the rapid transformation in the design, production, implementation,
operation, and service of manufacturing systems, products, and components. Embedding a culture of
change for the leader has become the important practice in the workplace. Revisiting and reviewing the
business model, in light of the processes of technological advancement or the current situation, have a
fundamental change in the business models has become imperative. Leaders must create scenarios, and
revisit their infrastructure and revisit the processes. Constant review is very important for leaders.

Start by identifying critical leadership roles and assess readiness of your talent to embrace and pioneer
digital transformation.

• Rethink your competency framework to include emergent knowledge and skills to focus leader
development. Many companies going through unprecedented change have not reexamined their
competency models.

• Develop digital accelerator leadership-immersion programs. This is an excellent approach to building

both technical know-how and leadership capability.

• Move beyond simply “doing digital” via discrete technology implementations to “being digital,” an
embedded leadership mindset and way of working.

Ambidextrous Leadership in Digital era:

Traditional leadership required focusing on four things:

1. Organization:

Managing tasks and projects within the organization with defined resources.

2. Processes

Executing tasks and projects on the basis of defined processes and guidelines.

3. Hierarchical

Distributing information only to a selected circle of close associates.

4. Execution

Define goals for people with measurable targets and expected results.

The digital era demands leadership to focus on:

1. Networking

Establishing a cross boundaries collaboration and new ways of working.

Name: Avina Munawar                                                              Registration No: 1718185
Class: BABS Section C                                                              Time Allowed: 3 hours 30 mins 
Course Name: Leadership Development    
Exam Date: 19 June 2020  
Total Marks: 40 marks Submission time to send: 6:15pm-9:45pm

2. Agility

Encouraging people to experiment, be different and create a learning culture.

3. Openness

Creating transparency and exchange information in time independent from the organizational level.

4. Participation

Involving people in the decision-making process, listen and take care of their opinions.

In an ambidextrous leadership the leader has to keep both in focus. In the digital world it is of
importance that the leader work in both directive and empowering style to help his/her workforce adapt
to change. This way the leader will be able to strategize and execute, and build and run the business.

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