All Ears' I'm All Ears

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1. EARS – Be all ears = I’m listening

When someone is ‘all ears’, he or she wants to listen very carefully to

what you have to say.

Eg: ‘So, tell me about your new job, I’m all ears.’

2.MOUTH – Have a Big mouth = ‘Do you want to hear a secret?’

When someone has a ‘big mouth’, he finds it difficult to keep a secret.

Eg: ‘Don’t tell my little brother about my sister’s surprise birthday

party yet. He’s got a big mouth.”

3.EYE – Keep an eye on = watch over something

When you keep an eye on something, you watch it carefully to make

sure it’s safe.

Eg: ‘Could you please keep an eye on my bag? I’ll be back in a few

4.NECK – A pain in the neck = annoying

When something (or someone) is a pain in the neck, it (he or she)

bothers you or annoys you.

Eg: ‘Washing dishes is a pain in the neck.’

5.HAND – Give a hand with - ‘Can I help?


When someone ‘gives you a hand with’ something, he or she helps you
do something difficult.

Eg: ‘Could you please give me a hand with my luggage? It’s very heavy.’

6.NOSE – Have a nose for

When someone has a nose for’ something, he has the ability to sense
or find something.

Eg: ‘My friend has a nose for news. He should be a news reporter.’

7.TOOTH – Have a sweet tooth

When someone has a sweet tooth, he loves to eat candy and other

Eg: ‘He wants to buy some candies because he has a sweet tooth.’

8.LEG – pulling one’s leg – ‘Do you believe me?’

When someone ‘pulls your leg’, he tells you something that’s not true
(as a kind of joke).

Eg: ‘Tommy said he failed the test, but he really got an A+. He’s just
pulling your leg.’

9.MIND – What’s on your mind = What are you thinking about?

When you ‘have something on your mind’, you are thinking about

Eg: ‘Why are you smiling? – What’s on your mind?


10. MIND – Make up one’s mind = decide

When you ‘have made up your mind’ you decided what you are going to

Eg: ‘Have you made up your mind? – Are you coming or not?’

11. HEART – Big-hearted = generous

When someone is ‘big-hearted’, he is very kind and generous.’

Eg: ‘He is very big-hearted, gave the poor child his best pair of

12. HEART – Learn by heart

When you learn something by heart, you know it without reading.

Eg: ‘ I’ve learnt the poem by heart. I don’t need the poetry book

13. BUG – to bug – bother/annoy

Bug = an insect or creature similar to an insect

Something bugs you when it bothers or annoys you.

Eg: ‘ It really bugs me when we get lots of homework to do over the


14. CHICKEN – Be a Chicken – coward

‘Uh… No thanks! I’d rather not!’

When someone is a ‘chicken’, he lacks the courage to do something.

It has a very negative meaning.

Eg: ‘He called me a chicken because I’m afraid to climb that big
tree, but I’m just very cautious, I don’t want to put myself in
danger for nothing.’

15. CATS AND DOGS – Rain Cats and Dogs – rain heavily
When it’s raining ‘cats and dogs’, it’s raining heavily.

Eg: ‘Look out the window! It’s raining cats and dogs!’

16. MONKEY – Monkeying around – ‘One more silly dance! Then,

my homework!’

When someone is ‘monkeying around’ he is playing or acting

foolishly, instead of doing something more important.

Eg: ‘My mother was angry because I was monkeying around.’


17. Guinea Pig – Be a Guinea Pig = ‘Why me?’

When you are a guinea pig, you allow some kind of test to be
performed on you.

Eg: ‘My wife tried a new cookie recipe and I was the guinea pig.’

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