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Date: September 13, 2005

Issue #: 1

Chronicling the play of the ATAG

The season’s first—his career third!

The 23rd meeting of the Ansley Tuesday

Afternoon Golf Club saw 13 players
assemble on the first tee under beautiful
skies to challenge for the coveted golden
ale. The random ball drop resulted in a
“stacked deck” team of Lee Pearson,
TPEARSON HAS BIRDIE BARRAGE! Geoff Fitzpatrick, Richard Batelaan and
TYBER CLAIMS LOW GROSS! Jimmy Matthew teeing off first, followed
by Andy Tyber, Danny Morris, Mike Gutt,
and Jim Williamson, who were followed
Lee Pearson led the birdie parade with by the fivesome of Scotty Greene, Mike
four birdies, tying Brad Reese for most Gaddis, Don Nichols, Ron Majors, and
birdies in a round. Birdies were plentiful Doug Healy.
on this day as a total of 11 tweeters were
recorded: Pearson with 4,Tyberand This day saw some really good golf
Fitzpatrick with 2 each, and Matthew, including the first eagle of the season
Batelaan, and Nichols with one each. The by Ron Majors, a record score of 15
eagle by Ron Majors was a sight to see, under by the powerhouse team# 1, and
as his booming 275 yard tee shot from the the remaining two teams tied at 9 under.
back corner on # 7 was followed by a The tie was settled when the Team 3
towering approach shot that landed within fivesome’s score was adjusted to 8 under
12 feet of the pin. With putt reading after Majors score was randomly selected
assistance from Gaddis and Nichols, his to drop out, denying his team the credit
historic putt wobbled on the sandy for the net double eagle.
punched greens to the edge of the hole
where, to the loud exclamation of his The players were in a jovial and
teammates, it gently fell into the hole. sometimes loud and raucous mood on
this evening as they relished in their
Andy Tyber fired an impressive 35 to good play and told many funny, but not
claim low gross. Tyber also extended his suitable for a pg audience, stories that
birdie lead- by 3- over Bill Meagher. Low led to many additional rounds of
net of 2 under was shared by Morris, brewskies. Batelaan and Fitzpatrick failed
Matthew, and Nichols. Shot of the day was to claim their prize as they left before the
the back to back shots by Majors on # 7. match was over, but the majority of the
Honorable mention went to Nichols whose players stayed to well past 9 pm to enjoy
tee shot on # 9 stopped three feet short the famed ATAG fellowship. Joining them
of the pin, resulting in birdie. was core member Marty Arnold, claiming
business travel and injuries for his
absence the past few weeks.

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