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(from Reinforced Concrete Fundamentals by Ferguson)


All practical columns are members subject to both direct load and moment. Creep
and shrinkage strains are important in column behavior and actual stresses under
service conditions can only be estimated. Nevertheless, the strength of a given cross
section at failure is rather definite. Column length effects complicate the design
moment to be used and this accounts for the part of the lower Φ factor (strength
reduction factor) which is specified, 0.70 or 0.75 as noted below. The other basic reason
for the low factors lies in the structural importance of a column; it carries a larger floor
area than does a beam.


Reinforced concrete columns normally contain longitudinal steel and are designated
by the type of lateral bracing provided for these bars.
1. Tied columns- have bars braced or tied at intervals by closed loops called ties.
2. Spiral columns- have the bars wrapped with closely spaced helix of spiral of small
diameter wire or rod.
3. Composite columns-may contain a structural steel shape surrounded by
longitudinal bars with ties or spirals or may consist of high strength steel tubing
filled with concrete or a steel pipe so filled.

Tied and spiral columns are the most common forms. Either may be made circular,
octagonal, square or rectangular in cross section.

From the 2015 NSCP Vol. 1: Section 429.7- Compression Members with or without Flexure

429.7.1 Combined flexure and axial load capacity of compression shall be taken as
40% of that computed with provisions in Section 422 of this Chapter.

Po = 0.85f’c(Ag – Ast) + FyAst

Po = ultimate load capacity (yield point strength) of tied or spiral column when
eccentricity is zero.
Ag = gross area of concrete section
Ast = area of longitudinal steel
f'c = 28 day ultimate concrete strength
Fy = yield strength of steel bars

Thus for alternate method of design, P = 0.40Po

Specifications for Columns:

Tied Columns:

1. Pg = 0.01 up to 0.08 (steel ratio)

2. Minimum number of rebars:

Square column: 4- 16 mm Φ bars
Round tied column: 6- 16 mm Φ bars
3. Lateral ties: 10 mm Φ for longitudinal bars up to 25 mm Φ; 12 mm Φ for larger
longitudinal bars.

4. Spacing of ties: Use the smallest value:

a. Not more than 16x bar diameter

b. Not more than 48x tie diameter
c. Least dimension of column

5. When there are more than 4 vertical bars, additional ties shall be provided so that
every longitudinal bars will be held firmly in its designed position. No bar shall be more
than 150 mm from such a laterally supported bar.

6. The concrete cover for tied column shall not be less than 40 mm
7. Special provisions for seismic requirements on lateral tie spacing are separately
provided by the Code.

Spiral Columns:

1. Pg = 0.01 to 0.08 (Steel Ratio)

2. Min number of bars: 6 – 16 mm Φ

3. Min. spiral: 10 mm Φ

4. Clear spacing between spirals should not exceed 80 mm and not be less than 25

5. Ratio of volume of spiral reinforcement to the volume of concrete core, Ps

Ps = 0.45 −1

Ag = gross concrete area

Ac = area of concrete core

Vol. of spiral reinforcement = As(π)Dc ; Dc = diameter of the core

Vol. of concrete core =

S = spacing of spiral or pitch

Ps = (Vol. of spiral reinforcement)/( Vol. of concrete core)

s= = spacing of spirals (pitch)

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