Elc Workplace Simulation

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Illya: hi morning irka! How was your day? Have you eaten breakfast yet?

Irka: hi morning illya, I haven’t breakfast yet. I came to the office early in the morning in a daze so I
didn’t have time to eat.

Illya: oh really? You must be very busy. Do u want some coffee? I could get it from the pantry.

Irka: sure. Thanyou illya.

Illya: here you go. I’ve heard that you are in charge over a big project in china right?

Irka: yes, it is quite challenging to me

Illya: why? I’ve been meaning to ask you this for awhile, you look like you having a rough day. Are
you alright?

Irka: hmm… actually at the moment I am fine physically but draining emotionally. In fact, this project
means a lot to me but I have a personal issue where I am easily distracted by social media. This
problem has affected my focus toward my job

Illya: Why do u think socmed affects your work productivity?

Irka: in my case, I always procrastinate to delay my work due to addicted with scrolling social media.
Sometimes, I also watch tv series and forget my work

Illya: I think this is usually happen to most of us. I used to procrastinate a lot before. But, now I am
improved slowly.

Irka: really? Do u mind give some tips on how to cope with this problem?

Illya: to be honest, I am not quite good in advising people but i would suggest you to set a screen
time limit on your hp so that you will be more discipline to manage your time with social media.

Irka: is it works? Because even if I manage to slow down my addiction toward social media, but I also
like to watch tv show until sometimes it drag the time.

Illya: yes it works depend on people determination sometime. You could try another way like create
a schedule or planning of your work so that you have a goal on what to do in a certain time limit.

Irka: that’s sound like a great idea. Do you usually do a schedule on planning your daily life?

Illya: yes I am, I usually set time 3hour to do my work and then take a break for one hour. This is to
avoid myself from procrastinate. Moreover, you also can start with set time limit of watching tv
2hour per day only. After that, slowly go down one hour and continuously.

Irka: wah you are right. I think it would help me in my problem. But I am too busy preparing
documents needed for my latest job and require me to read all the email send by the client. It also
burdens me to read and response to each one of it until it led to delay my main work

Illya: what I think u should do is set aside a specific amount of uninterrupted time to work on a
project. In that time, don’t looking at email or answering phone call until you are ready to answer
them. By using this way, you can focus on your work and not distracted by other things

Irka: true! I should learn to prioritize my work based on the dateline. In this way, it could reduce the
pressure and burden that I feel
Illya: im glad to hear that. After all, you need to take care of your health. Don’t take a risk and let
your work make you sick in a future

Irka: yes, thankyou for be a good listener. i hope all my collegue are also like u

Illya: hahaha, hearing that sounds like you are not comfortable with your collegue. What’s wrong?

Irka: It’s not serious but I also easily influence with people interruption like I love to join my collegue
to gossip as it is one habit in an office.

Illya: really? Is that not a good news? Sounds like you are close with your colleague to have a daily
conversation with them

Irka: I love to chat with them and hope it can improve our bonding. Unfortunately, it is a trap in an
endless conversations and gossip that make me delay my work during office hour

Illya: I believe gossiping is not just a distraction but it also creates a toxic workplace. You are not
allowed to gossip in the workplace. This is because workplace is a place where we want to find
money to support ourselves

Irka: yes true, that’s why I find it quite disturbing when my colleague do that when im around

Illya: irka, I think what u can do is try having a discrete conversation with them about the impact it is
having on your day. Or u also can use another method by put on a pair of headphones to focus and
as a signal that you don’t want to be disturb by your colleague

Irka: brilliant! I should try all this method as soon as possible. I don’t want this matter to risk my
career journey and block my path to catch my dream. Thankyou illya, sorry for taking your time on
my personal problems

Illya: it’s okay irka. Its not a big deal. I’’ve been in your place before and im more than happy to share
my experienced. Im really enjoy talking with you, maybe we can continue our conversation next

Irka: of course can! I gotta go now to do my work. See you later.

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