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A client is planning to construct an office building and he is interested to know the early
estimation for his project. The information given by the client are limited to the size, total
gross floor area, plan shape and number of storey.

a) As the QS appointed for the project, explain four (4) factors affecting the selection of
methods of estimating (10 marks)

1. The information and time available to do the estimate

- The duration of the project is important because if the time allotted is short, we
need to use a simple and easy method to do a preliminary estimate.
- This is necessary to prevent from any delay of work progress.
- Therefore, more information is required to allow a thorough method to be utilised.

2. The experience of the quantity surveyor

- The surveyor’s experience needs to be considered as it could assist in choosing

the best method to make an estimate.
- Moreover, an experienced surveyor will save the time to produce an estimate.

3. The amount and type of the cost data available

- Cost data information are required including cost data, drawings and project
- This is because, the cost data available will determine which method of estimating
are suitable to be use to do an estimate.
- For example, floor area method requires the drawing plan and gross floor area of a
building to be erected.

4. Nature of the project

- It is important for quantity surveyor to do a site visit during early of the project
before preparing the estimation
- This is because a variable site condition could affect the selection of method
estimating as the site may be level.
- Thus, it will be inaccurate to do an estimate.
b) Choose and explain with examples one (1) suitable estimating method that is
applicable in the above situation. Give the advantages and disadvantages of the method.
(15 marks)

- The estimating method chosen are storey enclosure method.

- This is because this method takes into account the building plan shape, total gross
floor area, number of storey and others as stated in the above situation.
- The storey enclosure method is based on the area of all the horizontal and vertical
planes of the building.
- The principle is the same as floor area method excluding that it includes the area of
external walls, roof and it uses weightage to reflect the actual design.
- For example, the total storey of enclosure area which is adding all the floor area, roof
area and external wall area then multiplied with cost/m2 storey enclosure to get the
total building cost.

Advantages of storey enclosure method

- The advantages of storey enclosure method is it is faster than the approximate

quantities method.
- Other than that, it also more accurate compared to other preliminary estimate
- Moreover, it takes into account the plan shape, storey height and others.
- It also can be used to portray the cost for different design at the initial design stage.
- Lastly, it is the most economical scheme in terms of plan shape, storey height and

Disadvantages of storey enclosure method

- The disadvantages are the price rate are difficult to obtain because rarely people use
- Next, the cost that are not included in the price rate must be calculated separately
such as landscape, surface water drainage and others.
- It also requires more calculation compared to earlier estimating methods.
- Therefore, this method is conveying no meaning to the client since most clients do
not comprehend this method.
- Last but not least, it is less helpful when considering client and architects
the floor area unit method is the most commonly used unit-cost estimate. The method
involves measuring the total floor area of all storeys between external walls without
deductions for items such as internal walls, lifts and stairwells among others.

- By multiplying the historical square-metre cost by the calculated square metre of floor
area for the proposed building, a pre-construction preliminary cost estimate for the
building can be determined

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