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Math Lesson Plan

Athanasios Kamberis
Grade level: 7th grade- 702 # of Students: 12 ( in person 3 remote)

Topic: Order of Operations with negative numbers

Desired Results

Established goals: The main learning goal is for students to be able to simplify
mathematical expressions with different types of operations. They will also be able to
perform basic operations on expressions that have positive and negative values in them.

Content Standard(s):
New York State Mathematics Learning Standards
7.NS.A.1 Apply and extend previous understandings of addition and subtraction to add and
subtract rational numbers; represent addition and subtraction on a horizontal or vertical number
line diagram.

7.NS.A.2 Apply and extend previous understandings of multiplication and division and of
fractions to multiply and divide rational numbers.

Objective: Essential Questions:

Students will be able to… - What is the first thing we simplify
- Simplify expressions made up of in an expression?
different basic operations. - If we go left to right, how do we
- Perform correct basic operations know if we should multiply or
between values that are both divide?
positive and negative. - If we go left to right how do we
know if we should add or subtract?

Vocabulary: Materials and Instructional Resources:

- Positive and negative - Smartboard
- Multiply, divide, add, subtract - Powerpoint
- Order - Khan Academy excercises
- Left to right - Zoom

2 students in the classroom have an IEP and there are 3 students who will be remote and
communicating through the laptop connected to the smartboard. The lesson will be
differentiated through how it was prepared and our actions during practice. The materials
in the lesson provide:
 Teacher check-ins
 Breakdown of directions
 Positive reinforcement
 Integrated Co-Teacher setting
 Repetition
 Visual Aids
 Comfortable Learning Environment
This will meet the needs of all students in the classroom and who are learning remotely.


Performance Task:
Formative assessments
- Allow students to share their input as we work through examples as a class, seeing
their perspective.
- As students are doing exercises on their own on their laptops me and the other 2
teachers in the room will circulate and take note of how they are approaching and
performing on these exercises.

Learning Plan

Instructional Procedure
Provide Examples and then Immediate Feedback
What is the difference between an Equation and an Expression? (Equations have
an equal sign in them, expressions don’t). What does the abbreviation PEMDAS
mean? Why is there an arrow above MD and AS? (Multiplication does not always
come before division, go left to right, but MD always comes before AS). What is
the first thing we would do here? (When looking at examples). How can we
rewrite the fraction in this expression? (Emphasizes parenthesis and division).

Modeling: “I do”
The 3 examples being shown show specific techniques within order of operations
that students need to be aware of. It will be a more directed approach where
students will give input, but a specific approach will be emphasized. The most
efficient steps to simplifying the expression will be revealed on the PowerPoint as
explanations are given.

Guided Practice: “We do”

Now we will do one last problem together. Who has an idea on how to start
simplifying this expression. Why do you want to divide the 10 and 5 first? If 3 is
an exponent, and there is a negative in front of the parenthesis, why is the answer
-9 not 9? Should we add or subtract first?

Independent Practice: “You do”

Students have access to laptops and will have the opportunity to perform exercises
with problems similar to what they say in the examples, using what we went over on
order of operations. Students will log in to their Khan Academy accounts. This is a
website that provides examples for different topics and students will be given 7 different
expressions to simplify. Students who are remote will also have the same opportunity to
learn as this is an online platform. A teacher will also be by the laptop in use to speak to
students who are remote while the other teacher circulates and checks in on students in
the classroom.

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