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“Marketers are not responsible for the consequences of their actions when developing markets.

            Many people discuss that marketing is the most necessary factor that shapes our world.
However, we live in a century that marketers’ ideas are not as crucial as before since this is
obvious that we nearly passed the era of customer-driving marketing. We live in a time that
people’s future depends mostly on their actions, not marketers.

         Firstly, there is a pressure regarding competitive environments having an implication on

management as seeking ways of increasing profit and growth. That is to say, higher levels of
management can be held responsible in the ways that they encourage or influence marketers to
choose more profitable ways of doing the job. In that sense, marketers are not responsible for the
consequences of their actions because they do not have the right or autonomy in these decisions
and actions in developing markets. 

         Moreover, the impact of marketers on overall environmental pollution including every

kind, is not major as much as thought, since 35% of all carbon emissions are made by just 20
companies, and they are all fuel companies in which their outcome and way of producing are the
same, regardless of their marketing campaigns (Taylor,2019). When we consider the fact that we
are living in a world with a population of 7.5 billion, nature and we are carrying the burdens of
choices which are not made by nearly any marketers. So, there are responsible of this crisis, but
we are missing the point and putting the blame on the wrong side of the business cycle.

Another argument that is often used by the people supporting the “Marketers are
responsible…” concept, is the subconscious racist and sexist moods sent to the masses. To begin
with, neuromarketing is a thing, however, it is a relatively young science, which is not yet totally
studied. Considering that, it is inappropriate to say that marketers are sending these kinds of
messages on purpose. Also, we should note that the perception of every single customer is
unpredictable, and the very same idea could be interpreted cardinally differently. On the point of
famous companies using examples of using black people or women in an unpleasant way, we
should not forget that historical and cultural context matters when considering those practices.
One should never forget: it is the people and their ideas shaping the marketing strategy in most
To conclude, actions of marketers are affected by several factors that are determined by
conditions or other people. Marketers might have an influence on the product’s perception and
its indirect reflections on the public side. However, they cannot be held responsible for those
actions’ consequences.



Taylor, M. & Watts, J. (2019, October 9).

Revealed: the 20 firms behind a third of all carbon emissions. Retrieved from:

Griffin P. The Carbon Majors Database: CDP Carbon Majors Report 2017. CDP; 2017 July.

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