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Network for a Healthy California-Gold

Country Region
Healthy Eating Active Living Collaborative

Sharing Forum & Awards

March 31st, 2011 9:00am-3:00pm
Serna Center 5735 47th Ave. Sacramento, CA 95824

Join the Healthy Eating Active Living Collaborative for a day of sharing
promising practices, engaging discussion and recognition of the successes
and commitments of those working to educate, engage, and empower low-
income individuals, families and communities
to eat healthy and be active!
Registration & Lunch:
We strongly recommend early registration as this year’s forum will have limited
seating available. Please note, Coffee, Tea, and a complimentary healthy lunch will
be provided for all through sponsorship by Kaiser. This lunch will feature delicious &
healthy items now being served at lunch in the Sacramento City Unified School

Our Forum & Awards Ceremony will include:

Opening Remarks Superintendent Jonathan Raymond, Sacramento City
Unified School District
Keynote Presentation “Our Role in Healthcare Reform”
Dr. Carmen Nevarez, MD, MPH, Immediate Past President APHA & Vice
President for External Relations and Preventive Medicine Advisor, Public
Health Institute will speak

Panel Discussion: “Cultural Competency: How to Educate Diverse low-

Income Populations”
• Cynthia Robinson, Network for a Healthy California – Gold Country
Region African American Campaign Coordinator, Health Education Council
• Dao Moua Fang, Research Director for Hmong Women’s Heritage
• Martha Geraty, MA, Regional Health Promotion Specialist, Health Net
For CalFresh information, call 1-877-847-3663. Funded by USDA SNAP, and equal opportunity
provider and employer. Visit for healthy tips. •California
Department of Public Health
• Roman Romasco, Executive Director, Slavic
Community Assistance Center
• Dr. Sergio Aguilar-Gaxiola, M.D., PhD
Director, UC Davis Center for Reducing Health
Disparities (Invited)

Champion for Change Awards Ceremony:

The HEAL Collaborative will recognize five individuals on their efforts to educate
engage and empower low-income populations to eat healthy and be active. This
year, awardees will also have the opportunity to present on their recognized

Panel Discussion: “Healthy Food for All: Improving Food Systems to Better
Serve Low-Income Communities”

• Melissa Guajardo, Food Access Director, Soil Born Farms

• Charles Mason, Executive Director, Ubuntu Green
• Robyn Krock, Project Manager, Valley Vision
• Barbara Finnin, Executive Director, City Slicker Farms (Invited)
• Michelle Lawrence, Former Superintendent, Berkeley Unified School

Break-out Session: Attendees will have the option to attend session

A or B
A. Interactive nutrition education in School & Community Settings
• Eat From the Garden: A program that effectively teaches and
engages low-income youth on healthy eating through garden enhanced
nutrition education. Findings from the 2009/2010 Impact Evaluation
Report will be shared as well as resources & recipes, best approaches,
and future plans.
• Communities in Excellence Afterschool Leadership
Program: The Afterschool Leadership Program, a project of the
Network for a Healthy California, engages low-income high school
youth in nutrition education, cooking, and service learning projects as a
way to foster healthy living practices in themselves and in their
community. It aims to empower youth to become active in their
community and advocate for change around food accessibility issues.
• Center for Ecoliteracy: Smart by Nature: Making Learning
Connections between the Classroom, Lunchroom, and Garden Food
connects many of our most important concerns. Improving school food
and nutrition education are key to addressing major public health
issues. Children can learn best through combinations of hands-on and
brains-on experiences in diverse settings and this program
demonstrates how that can be done.
B. Healthy Food for All-improving food systems to better serve low-
income populations

For CalFresh information, call 1-877-847-3663. Funded by USDA SNAP, and equal opportunity
provider and employer. Visit for healthy tips. •California
Department of Public Health
• Food Policy Councils: Bringing Food to
Under-Resourced Communities: In order to
best support access to healthy foods, policies
need to be created and implemented. In some
cities, this is happening though efforts initiated by Food Policy Councils.
Learn how other cities are doing this and how their Food Policy Council
is working to improve access to healthy foods.
• Camptonville: School Wellness Policy & Fresh Food: Making the
Connection: The small town of Camptonville makes a powerful case
study of how good health is a community wide project. Although the
poverty level is high, the Camptonville School Board, with the aid of a
partnership between school, staff, parents and community worked to
develop a school wellness policy that values the connection between
fresh food and health.

Film Screening:

Helen Di Michiel, Co-Producer and Director of Thirty Leaves will present this
mosaic of short films to inspire vision, passion and action among individuals
and communities, and help change the way our children eat

Join Us! Visit HERE to register today! Registration will close

on March 28th, 2011!

For CalFresh information, call 1-877-847-3663. Funded by USDA SNAP, and equal opportunity
provider and employer. Visit for healthy tips. •California
Department of Public Health

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