Propagandize Everyone Together To Fight The Virus Project Proposal

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Community Propaganda


Prepared by
Trần Duy Khang
Tôn Trần Trọng Điệp
Nguyễn Thanh Viên
Nguyễn Quốc Thái
Tô Hữu Bằng
Phạm Ngọc Khải
May 19th, 2021.
Table of contents:
1.Introduce.................................................................................................................... 1
2.Proposal Summary....................................................................................... 2
3.Purpose......................................................................................................................... 3
4.Background............................................................................................................ 4
5.Benefits......................................................................................................................... 4
6.Description of the solution..................................................................5
7.Finding and Analysis Table of contents...........................5
8. Timeline..................................................................................................................... 6
Currently, the situation of the Covid-19 epidemic is still a very dangerous
threat globally and there is no sign of stopping. We are currently students
of FPT University and we all join hands to fight the epidemic and want to
spread the word to everyone in the community. So our team wanted to
create a page on facebook to update information related to the epidemic.
With the development, social networks have really changed people's
behavior during the past decade. Social networks have the highest number
of users and have the ability to influence users. Can spread the message,
send all hope to everyone. Therefore, through this page, we can help:
people update information faster, know how to avoid it and most
importantly, they can spread the message to others without us.

2. Proposal Summary
The SARS-cov-2 suddenly affected all over the world, recently some
countries at Asia involve Vietnam. Now the situation is becoming worse
and worse. We can’t passively expect that we will overcome this rough
time but we can prevent and reduce it. By the way we stay safe, we
propagandize each other, we can contribute our efforts to a whole
community or a country as well.

3. Purpose
Although the situation is becoming worse and worse, there are still many
people who travel around and contact with many other ones. Especially,
there are no facemasks worn out on their faces. They’re still not scared
about the infectious thing. So on, we need to help them understand what is
going on around, and what to do to keep they safe.

4. Background
Currently, the epidemic is spreading at a very fast rate across the country.
The new strain of the virus spreads much faster and is more dangerous.
But many people still do not fully understand it and are still subjective and
do not take preventive measures. Many people, in order to make a living,
still do what the law prohibits. Now these things are extremely dangerous.

5. Benefits
Make a small contribution to the community's fight against the epidemic.
Help people have a better understanding of the pandemic, have the most
effective ways to prevent it. Bring everything back to normal. Help the
economy grow again after the pandemic.

6. Description of the solution
To prevent the spread of covid-19 using these ways to protect yourself and
Restrict the traval.
Stay home as much as possible and reduce visitors because traval will
increase your chance to getting and spreading virus. If you must go some
where you need to wear mask and stay at least 2 meters from others.
Wearing mask will reduce the risk of infected.
Have a good hygiene.
Wash hand with soap frequently for at 20 seconds after being in public
places. After using bathroom and before preparing food.

7. Finding and Analysis

SARS-cov-2 is a very dangerous virus for everyone in the world. SARS-
cov-2 affects people in different ways. Most people who contract the virus
will have mild to moderate illness and recover without needing to be
The symptoms of SARS-COV-2:
- Fever
- Dry cough
- Tired
Less common symtoms:
- Hurt
- Diarrahea
- Conjunctivitis
- Headache
- Loss of tase or smell skin rash or red or purple fingers or tose

Usally, symptoms appear 5 – 6 days after a person has contracted the
virus. However, this period can be up to 14 days.

8. Timeline

Date Online event Details

May 21, 2021 Officelly established “”  Launching page
page  Change avata
 Change background image
 Call for like share for the page
May 22, 2021 Start possing the first Articles about the Covid epidemic, the
post harmfull effect of the covid disease,
measure to prevent Covid.
May 23, 2021 Daily series of daily  Number of infective people in
updates of covid news. VietNam and the word
 Locations strongly affected by
Corona virus in VietNam,
 Outstanding facts about this
 Memes about the covid epidemic
are meant to remind people to
follow disaease prevention


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