Exam Paper

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Part 1 (Question 1)

There were many effects of colonization which will be emphasized in this essay. First and for a most, it is
important to mention that when a country or a land is colonized in Middle Eastern or North African
societies, one can easily observe that the detrimental impacts of colonization totally exceeds its positive
effects on local, especially on Muslim population.
Firstly, economies of colonized countries were set up for the well-being of colonizers. On one hand, this
prevents colonized country to build independent relations with other nations, which would have
significant benefits to the country. On the other hand, in these societies, conditions of local people have
become worse than it was before colonization. Such as, Algeria had too many advantages which were
captured by colonialist France. Most of local people lived in rural areas, therefore, land was one of the
most essential things for them to survive. However, after the colonization of Algeria, for the further
interests of France in these territories, these fertile lands were taken from Algerian Muslim population
and sold or given to European colons and local people were forced to displace. Through some economic
policies, France finally destroyed Algerian economy to the favor of European colons and France
government, rather than creating equal opportunities for the all people who live in those lands.
For sure, Colonization had lingual and cultural effects. Students in colonized countries were taught in a
way that students in colonizers’ countries were taught. Mainly, students in colonized countries learnt
colonizers’ languages first. For instance, in Algeria, Arabic language were taught as a foreign tongue to
local students. This has significant effects on how people think, behave, or act in society. As a result of
these activities, there were some people that were ethnically Arab, however, felt themselves more like
French in those periods. This is helpful for colonizers, because it makes it easier to continue colonial
practices in country when indigenous people lose their national and cultural identity.
Increase of national feelings was last effect of colonization in North African and Middle Eastern societies.
It is evident that, local people could not stand more under the pressure and they saw that only way of
escaping from colonialists is fighting against them under the unity. Many, organizations appeared in these
societies to fight and one of the most effective ones was National Liberation Front (NFL) in Algeria,
since the most violence was used in Algeria.

Part 2 (Question 1)
It is easy to observe from the story that for the child, king was one of the loveliest people in the world.
However, his father, mother, and the society were not frustrated or woeful about revolution. “On the
morning of the 27th of July, when the news of the king having been ousted and being forced to leave the
country was spread abroad, he went to the square. He found everything quiet and calm.” (Johnson, 1978,
p. 133). We can infer that the King was not wanted among people and he was not effective about ruling
the country for the well-being of the society. If the King was popular and wanted in society, we would
have seen people supporting King in the streets, as we have seen in other cases.
Secondly, we can see that in those periods, there was propaganda to love The King. In the story, when
child was disappointed about revolution, he always said ‘Long live the King!’, or King’s visits to
ceremonies is another example of popularization.
Finally, it is also seen in the story that most people were trying hard for revolution to be successful. They
believed that the next leader will be better than previous King, and Egypt will get its real independence.
Johnson, D. (1978). Egyptian short stories. London: Heinemann Educational; Washington, D.C.: Three
Continents Press, 1978.

Part 3 (Question 2)
To begin with, it is not hard to see aspects, such as proud of being from Egypt, passion for future, or
militaristic, and nationalistic manners in this national anthem, since it talks about protecting Egypt, killing
enemies, battlefields, or these kinds of things. Also, it is so active and have a power to unite Egyptians
under one notion and intention.
For sure, Nasser’s era is a turning point in modern history of Egypt. Because under his rule, Egypt
became truly independent country in 1952 and Suez Crisis was one of the evidences of it. It is easy to feel
that proud in the national anthem too. Furthermore, we can evaluate this anthem as what Egypt is going to
be under Nasser’s rule compared to pre-Nasser periods.
Hence, this anthem really suits to Nasser’s role on the improvements of life of Egyptian people and on the
improvements of geopolitical position of Egypt by his moves in this complicated region.

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