Raccoon Ecology Database: A Resource For Population Dynamics Modelling and Meta-Analysis

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E CO L O G I CA L IN F O R MA TI CS 3 ( 2 0 08 ) 87–9 6

a v a i l a b l e a t w w w. s c i e n c e d i r e c t . c o m

w w w. e l s e v i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / e c o l i n f

Raccoon ecology database: A resource for population

dynamics modelling and meta-analysis

Erin E. Reesa,⁎, Bruce A. Pondb , Julia R. Phillipsa , Dennis Murraya

Trent University, DNA Building, 2140 East Bank, Peterborough Ontario, Canada K9J 7B8
Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Peterborough, Canada


Article history: The value of scientific studies increases and is extended when their data are stored in a
Received 9 February 2007 manageable and accessible format. This is demonstrated through development of a raccoon
Received in revised form ecology database (REDB) to store, manage and disseminate available peer-reviewed and
22 January 2008 unpublished data on raccoon (Procyon lotor) biology, ecology and raccoon rabies, including
Accepted 23 January 2008 citations for data sources. Over 800 documents were identified and citations for them
entered into the database as literature references. Approximately 1000 trait values were
Keywords: entered from almost 200 of these sources. These data included estimates of population
Data warehouse density, survival rates, rabies incubation period, litter size, body weight, dispersal distance
Ecological database and home-range size, often by age or sex class. Each datum is linked to a citation for its
Relational data management system source, and to information about location and land use in the study area, time of year the
Meta-data study was undertaken, sample size, and variance. The relational database design enables
Meta-analysis querying and easy updating and manipulation of data.
The relational data model is presented, as is its application in further developing an
individual-based, spatially-explicit population model of raccoon rabies. Using information
queried from the REDB benefits model development by: i) assessing the appropriateness of
input parameter values, ii) providing sources for citing input values, iii) parameterising the
model to different geographic regions, iv) enabling meta-analyses for evaluating model
structure, as well as further contributing to parameterisation at specific locations, and v)
providing biologically appropriate parameter input values for model sensitivity testing. The
REDB is a useful research resource that will increase in value with ongoing inclusion of data
from future raccoon and raccoon rabies studies and serves as a model for database design
and research applications to other species. The database and an empty database for use
with other species are available online (http://redb.nrdpfc.ca).
© 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction studies. Traditionally, ecological reviews were qualitative and

used a standard “vote counting” approach. However, progress in
The synthesis of data from many independent studies into data the methodology of meta-analysis is increasing the ability of
warehouses encourages a more comprehensive analysis of review studies to analyse and present their results more
ecological systems (Jones et al., 2006). This is useful for advancing objectively and quantitatively (Arnqvist and Wooster, 1995).
ecological theory, for developing appropriate nature conserva- There are now well-established methodologies for properly
tion strategies and extracting additional value from past research undertaking such studies (Roberts et al., 2006; Gates, 2002), and

⁎ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: erin.rees@nrdpfc.ca (E.E. Rees).

1574-9541/$ – see front matter © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
88 E CO L O G I CA L IN F O RM A TI CS 3 ( 2 0 08 ) 87–9 6

Table 1 – Description of traits contained in the REDB, and the number of studies contributing data to the traits
Trait Description Count

age_of_first_movement_with_mother Age at which an offspring explores freely, but is still dependent on its mother 2
age_of_independence_from_mother Age at which an offspring is no longer dependent on its mother for survival 4
age_of_weaning Age at which an offspring is being weaned by its mother 1
age_ratio Ratio of juveniles to adults 2
body_condition Body condition 15
body_neck_circumference Circumference of an animal's neck 9
body_tail_length Tail length of an animal 9
body_total_length Total length of an animal 9
body_weight Body weight 39
body_weight_change Change in body weight over time 1
capture_rate Rate at which animals are capture in traps 21
contact_rate A measure of animals interacting among each other per unit time 6
dens Number of dens used by a animal for a defined period of time (e.g. season, year) 23
density Density of animals: density = population size / area 117
density_dependence Documented factors regulating population levels of animals 1
disease_cycling_period Duration of a period in a cycling pattern of disease incidence in a population 1
disease_enzootic_duration Length of time an established disease exists in an animal population 11
disease_epizootic_period Duration of time between cycling peaks of disease incidence this is epizootic 0
disease_first_epizootic_duration Length of time of the first epizootic (e.g. number of consecutive months 11
when disease incidence is greater than median
disease_first_epizootic_maximum Number of rabid raccoons in the first epizootic 11
disease_first_epizootic_period Length of time of the first epizootic AND the interepizootic period 17
before the start of the second epizootic
disease_incubation_period Length of time an animal carriers the disease from infection until 1
they are symptomatic
disease_infectious_period Length of time an animal is symptomatic and can infect another individual 1
disease_natural_immunity Measure of animals natural immunity to a disease 30
disease_positive_cases_time_to_peak Length of time from initial outbreak to the time of maximum disease incidence 63
disease_prevalence Prevalence of disease among a group of animals (e.g. percentage, count) 1
dispersal_distance Distance that an animal disperses 11
dispersal_period Time of year an animal disperses from its mother 4
habitat_selection Proportion and/or type of habitat which the animal chooses to occupy 12
home_range Area of the activity space of an animal 106
home_range_core The area of the most highly used portion of an animal's home range 13
(e.g. daily activity space)
home_range_core_overlapping Area that animals' core home ranges overlap 8
home_range_overlapping Area that animals' home ranges overlap 43
life_span Length of time an animal lives 2
mortality_causes Amount of mortality (e.g. count, probability) attributable to documented 11
factors, as reported in the “comments” field
movement_rate Rate of movement of animals 15
population_size Number of animals within a population 15
reproduction_birth_period Time of year when mothers are giving birth 6
reproduction_breeding_period Time of year when animals are mating 2
reproduction_chance_of_giving_birth Chance of a raccoon giving birth 12
reproduction_consortship_duration Length of time spent courting and mating with another animal 4
reproduction_consortship_partners Number of partners an individual has mated with during a breeding season 6
reproduction_consortship_success The percentage of consortships that resulted in the production of offspring 15
reproduction_fecundity Offspring/individual productivity of an animal 5
reproduction_gestation Length of the gestation period in days 1
reproduction_litter_size Number of living offspring in a litter 41
reproduction_mating_system A numerical value indicating the type of mating system: 1 = polygynous 2
(single male mates with multiple females), 2 = promiscuous
(both males and females have multiple mates)
reproduction_oestrus_duration Length of time a female is in oestrus 3
reproduction_oestrus_period Time of year a female is in oestrus 1
reproduction_parous Percentage of females that have given birth more than once relative to 24
all the sampled females
reproduction_placental_scars Number of placental scars 12
roadkill_index Road kills per kilometre of road (can be used as an index for density) 23
sex_ratio Ratio of males to females (or indicate if otherwise) 3
site_fidelity Measure of site fidelity 9
species_range Description of species range recorded in “comments” field 1
survival Survival of animals (e.g. proportion) for a defined period of time 177
E CO L O G I CA L IN F O R MA TI CS 3 ( 2 0 08 ) 87–9 6 89

consequently the need for ecologists to systematically preserve REDB data is also demonstrated as an additional contribution to
and make their data available has become increasingly impor- model parameterisation. REDB data obtained from studies
tant and feasible (Michener, 2006; Michener et al., 1997). spanning across the North American species range enables an
The multifaceted value of ecological data warehouses is exploration of parameterisation in different geographic regions.
demonstrated through the creation of a raccoon (Procyon lotor) Furthermore, specific aspects of model structure can be
ecology database (REDB). The REDB was designed to store and assessed, such as, males and females having equal home
manage traits about raccoon biology, ecology and rabies range sizes and males dispersing greater distances than females.
collected from available peer-reviewed published literature In this paper the REDB data model is presented and the utility
and unpublished “grey literature”, and includes citations of the REDB for model development is revealed. Beyond ORM
referencing the data sources. Traits were collected primarily development, the REDB is of value to wildlife biologists,
from ecological and biological field and laboratory studies ecologists and infectious disease researchers whose studies
undertaken in North America. Examples of the collected data pertain to raccoons and raccoon rabies. Also, managers of
include: mortality rates, litter size, home range size and raccoon populations and/or raccoon rabies disease control
raccoon rabies incubation period. Meta-data, such as sample programs would benefit by having access to a wide range of
size, a measure of the variance for each demographic and data from many North American locations spanning decades to
disease trait, sex and age class, time of year and geographic enable more informed decision-making. Similar studies have
coordinates of the study area, also were collected. created databases for other organisms that are also available for
The motivation for creating the REDB was to further develop research (e.g. Onstad, 2007; Gachet et al., 2005). The REDB is a
the Ontario Rabies Model (ORM). The ORM is an individual-based useful research tool that will increase in value with on-going
spatially-explicit disease-host simulation model currently con- inclusion of data from future raccoon and raccoon rabies studies.
figured for raccoons (Tinline et al., 2007). It simulates raccoon
population dynamics, raccoon rabies viral transmission, and
rabies control strategies. The ORM was built using the expertise 2. Methods
of field biologists who have studied Ontario raccoons. To
increase credibility in model design and results beyond the ISI Web of Science® and Google Scholar™ search engines were
builders it is necessary to assess and document sources of model used to identify literature containing information about
design as extensively as possible (Bart, 1995; Conroy et al., 1995). raccoons and raccoon rabies. Examples of key words used in
Creation of the REDB was largely motivated to provide an searches are: a) {raccoon OR P. lotor} AND density, b) {raccoon
efficient source of information for checking model parameter- OR P. lotor} AND {mortality OR survival}. Bibliographies and
isation (the appropriateness of ORM parameter input values and reference lists from books and review articles, respectively,
model structure), and for determining biologically reasonable provided an additional method for identifying primary
ranges of input values for model sensitivity testing. Assessing literature. The literature search included unpublished mate-
parameterisation and sensitivity testing are critical to proper rial (grey literature). Full citations of all literature sources were
model development (Jackson et al., 2000). A meta-analysis using managed in ProCite version 5.0 (www.procite.com) and also

Fig. 1 – Relational database design between the five tables of the REDB.
90 E CO L O G I CA L IN F O RM A TI CS 3 ( 2 0 08 ) 87–9 6

stored for the convenience of data users in the REDB. In the tion (pdf). Pdf's defining model behaviours (e.g. mortality
REDB a study attribute is used to flag grey literature so that it is rates, dispersal distances, density, litter size, rabies incubation
distinguishable from published material. As many publica- period) were derived from field, laboratory and modelling
tions as were accessible from university and Ontario Ministry studies undertaken in Ontario by the Ontario Ministry of
of Natural Resources (OMNR) provincial government libraries Natural Resources and their collaborators (e.g. Totton et al.,
were reviewed. Statistics were collected from primary litera- 2004; Tinline et al., 2002; Totton et al., 2002). In the ORM,
ture for 56 different traits (Table 1). Traits were chosen based
on their importance in defining raccoon biology, ecology and
raccoon rabies disease dynamics. Traits commonly reported Table 2 – Names and descriptions of the lookup (LUP) and
in the reviewed studies were also included. For every trait data tables found in the REDB
value entered into the database, ancillary data were collected Table name Description
pertaining to the value (e.g. sample size, variance, sex class)
LUP_age_class Age class categories
and study site (e.g. location coordinates, season; See Fig. 1.
LUP_captivity_status Captivity status categories
tables [T3_Trait_Values] and [T2_Study_Area] for a complete
LUP_country Countries where studies were undertaken
list). A “comments” field in table [T3_Trait_Values] was used to LUP_estimate_source Type of study undertaken (e.g. field, lab)
record information specific to each trait value. For example, LUP_landscape Types of landscape where studies were
for the “movement_rate” trait, the comments field was used to undertaken
record if telemetry data were acquired during the hunting LUP_latitude “North” and “south” hemispheres for
season, because hunting may affect raccoon movement. The study location
LUP_longitude “East” and “west” hemispheres for study
“comments” field was also used to store verbal definitions of
trait values, (e.g. providing the following detail about the
LUP_method Methods used to collect data (e.g. radio
“species range” trait: “Assiniboine and Red River valleys limit collars, mark recapture)
the northern range of raccoons in Manitoba”), though, the LUP_month_season Month or season when the data were
search was focused on obtaining quantitative data. collected
Five people reviewed and entered information from docu- LUP_organism Type of organism to which the trait
ments into the REDB. To check for bias and consistency in pertains
LUP_place Types of administrative units
reader interpretations, all readers initially reviewed and
LUP_season Periods of time as the seasons and an
entered data from the same 10 documents and the results overall annual period
were compared. Readers also entered study site and trait LUP_sex Gender codes (e.g. male, female, both,
information using data input forms built into the REDB to unknown, N/A)
ensure consistency and minimise data entry errors. Com- LUP_state Provinces in Canada and states in the
monly entered information was selected from predefined lists USA
LUP_trait_name Trait names for data values (See Table 1
stored in the database in lookup tables. For example,
for list)
“hectares”, “kilometres^2”, or “miles^2” could be selected
LUP_units Common units pertaining to
from the units field. measurement data (e.g. “hectares” for
area of home range)
2.1. REDB data model LUP_USA_counties All counties by state in the USA
LUP_year Years from 1930 to 2010 from which
The data were organized and stored in a relational database studies have been (and will be)
using Microsoft Access 2000®. Five tables store data and are
related to each other using one-to-many relationships (Fig. 1). REFERENCE_Julian_dates User reference table containing calendar
“T” prefixes the names of these tables. Lookup tables are days of the year and the Julian date
prefixed by “LUP”, and are linked to commonly entered fields equivalent
in the data tables. One remaining table serves as a reference T0_Reader_contact_info Data table containing contact
for users needing to convert calendar dates into Julian days information for people reading literature
[REFERENCE_Julian_dates], as was required for some of the and entering data into the REDB
T1_Authorship Data table containing full citation
temporal traits (e.g. birth period, dispersal period; Table 2).
information for every study found
during the literature search, and for
2.2. Ontario rabies model (ORM) those subsequent studies that have trait
values stored in the REDB. This table
The ORM is an individual-based spatially-explicit disease-host also stores the names of the “readers”
simulation model (For details see: Tinline et al., 2007). In this who reviewed the studies and entered
the data into the REDB
model, raccoon rabies dynamics operate on a lattice of
T2_Study_Area Data table containing information about
hexagonal cells, each with a radius of 2 km (from cell centre
the study area (e.g. geographic, time at
to each vertex of the hexagon), the approximate activity range which the study was undertaken)
of raccoons in Ontario (Rosatte, 2000). Model processes operate T2b_Place Administrative unit and name where
at one-week intervals and are stochastically determined. For study occurred
example, each year in week 18, juvenile (52–74 weeks old) and T3_Trait_Values The main data table of the database that
adult females (≥75 weeks old) have a chance of producing a contains the biological and/or ecological
information published in the study
number of offspring as determined by a probability distribu-
E CO L O G I CA L IN F O R MA TI CS 3 ( 2 0 08 ) 87–9 6 91

default parameter values are chosen to simulate disease yielded two estimates, one for each of the sexes, while studies
spread in rural raccoons. for density and litter size meta-analyses yielded one estimate
of the required trait. Data for trait values were converted to
2.3. ORM parameterisation common units (e.g. raccoons/km2 for density, and hectares for
home range).
To assess whether ORM default parameter input values fell within A meta-analysis, analogous to a one-way analysis of
the known range of raccoon and rabies ecology, rural studies were variance (ANOVA; Lipsey and Wilson, 2001), was used to
queried from the REDB, which were then further defined to assess the effect of sex on home range size. QB was used as the
retrieve trait information equating to ORM parameters. For ex- test statistic since it accounts for the portion of variation in the
ample, queries were defined to retrieve data for sex-specific home dependent variable, home range size, which is explained by
ranges and annual mortality rates (as opposed to seasonal esti- the categorical variable, sex. A weighted least squares regres-
mates); ranges of the trait values were then compared with ORM sion model was used to test for the relationship between
input values. latitude and density. Both analyses used a mixed-effects
model. This accounted for variation resulting from known
2.4. Meta-analysis factors within studies (e.g. sex, latitude, season), while still
accounting for the existence of factors causing variation
Meta-analyses were performed on data for home range size, among studies that are not being explicitly modelled (e.g.
density, and litter size. A trait value from a study was included different sampling protocols, unique study area characteris-
in the analysis if the study provided a mean, measure of tics, unknown random factors; Lipsey and Wilson, 2001).
variance and sample size for the required trait. This rule was Mixed-effect models are also among the most “appropriate,
not followed for the meta-analysis of litter size, as explained powerful, and informative for the analysis of weighted meta-
below. In general, studies for home range meta-analysis analysis data” (Gurevitch and Hedges, 1999).

Table 3 – ORM trait default values from Ontario field data and range of values found for rural raccoons in the REDB
Parameter ORM default REDB range
Annual rural raccoon density 5 raccoons/km 4.6–13.6 raccoons/km2
Age of independence 20 weeks 20–36 weeks
Year 0 male (female) mortality rate 0.5 Sub-adult: 0.4–0.51
Year 1 male (female) mortality rate 0.4 Adult: 0.3–0.9
Year 2 male (female) mortality rate 0.3
Year 3 male (female) mortality rate 0.3
Year 4 male (female) mortality rate 0.3
Year 5 male (female) mortality rate 0.6
Year 6 male (female) mortality rate 0.6
Year 7 male (female) mortality rate 0.6

Birth week Calendar week 18 (end of Mid-end April to end of May

April/beginning of May)
Juvenile birth rate 60% 29–66%
Adult birth rate 95% 73–100%
Average litter size 4 2–5
Litter size variance 1 1
Sex ratio at birth 50:50 male:female 50:50 male:female
Male juvenile/adult movement weeks Calendar weeks: 8–43 No movement during severe winters
(spring, summer, autumn)
Female juvenile/adult movement weeks Calendar weeks: 12–17, 38–43 No movement during severe winters
(spring, autumn)
Male young-of-year movement weeks calendar weeks: 38–43 (autumn) No movement during severe winters;
disperse July to November
Female young-of-year movement weeks Calendar weeks: 38–43 (autumn) No movement during severe winters;
disperse July to November
Juvenile/adult male dispersal distance a 1.36 km 1.2–10.2 km
Juvenile/adult female dispersal distance a 0.68 km 0.3–8.5 km
Young-of-year male dispersal distance a 2.12 km 0.2–16.1 km
Young-of-year female dispersal distance a 1.02 km 0.4–6.3 km
Incubation period a 5.47 weeks 1–6 weeks
Infectious period a 1.00 week 1 week
Chance of spread 1.5% –
Contact within cell 77.8% –

Unlisted REDB range values were not definable using data from the REDB.
Mean of ORM values derived from a probability distribution function.
92 E CO L O G I CA L IN F O RM A TI CS 3 ( 2 0 08 ) 87–9 6

Effect size (ES) and inverse variance weight (w) variables meterised models (McKay et al., 1979). LHS draws parameter
were calculated to standardise the results among studies so values without replacement and with equal probability over
that they could objectively be compared. These variables were the entire parameter space of its probability distribution
calculated as outlined by Lipsey and Wilson (2001) for function (pdf). The pdf defines a distribution of mean trait
arithmetic means: values. By using an empirical pdf, the shape of the distribution
P is reflective of the data and not constrained to specific
P xi distributions (e.g. Gaussian), which enables more realistic
ES ¼ X ¼ ð1Þ
n parameterisation. Some ORM parameter input values are
1 defined by the mean and variance of a pdf (e.g. mean litter
w¼ ð2Þ size and litter size variance). For other ORM parameters, the
user must convert pdf data into the probability of obtaining
where xi is an individual observation within a study, from i = 1 to discrete values. More specifically, input values for these
n, n is the sample size of the observations and v is the variance of parameters constitute a probability mass function (pmf; e.g.
the observations. The weighted least squares mixed-effects the incubation period parameter being defined as the prob-
regression models were performed in SPSS for Win/Version 11.0 ability of incubating rabies 1, 2 or more weeks).
as specified from macros provided by Lipsey and Wilson (2001) Thus, it was necessary to obtain as much information as
and available at http://mason.gmu.edu/∼dwilsonb/ma.html. possible for each parameter to define their pdf, and the REDB
A formal meta-analysis was not possible with the litter size was an efficient means of storing, managing and querying
data because too few studies reported information on varia- data for deriving pdf's for sensitivity analysis. In this paper,
tion of litter size; thus, w could not be calculated. Insufficient example pdf's are given for home range size by sex and litter
data is common in meta-analysis, but does not always size. Parameter pdf's were fitted using Palisade Corporation's
preclude analysis from the raw data, since it still can be @RISK software, version 4.5.4 (www.palisade.com).
informative (Gurevitch and Hedges, 1999). Therefore, correla-
tion analyses were used to test the relationship between
degrees of latitude and litter size. 3. Results

2.5. Sensitivity analysis The literature search of raccoon biology, ecology and raccoon
rabies produced a list of 838 documents. From these, over 200
A sensitivity analysis procedure was developed to test model articles and books were obtained. Most documents were
behaviour for demographic and disease parameters charac- primary literature. Readers reviewing literature were 100%
terising raccoon rabies dynamics in the ORM (Rees, 2008). consistent and accurate in their input of data from an initial
Parameter input values were defined using Latin hypercube review of the same 10 studies. Overall, 160 studies contained
sampling (LHS) because it is substantially more efficient than quantitative trait data that were entered into the REDB, and
using a fully factorial design when assessing highly para- another 5 studies contributed qualitative data. A total of 993

Fig. 2 – Scatterplot showing the correlation between the mean number of juveniles per litter and degrees latitude, and the
associated 95% confidence bands.
E CO L O G I CA L IN F O R MA TI CS 3 ( 2 0 08 ) 87–9 6 93

Fig. 3 – Probability distribution function of male and female home range sizes.

traits were entered into the REDB. The majority of data p=0.04). Meta-analysis of litter size revealed a significant positive
pertained to density, litter size, survival, home range, dis- correlation with latitude (r=0.38, p=0.032, n=32). The correlation
persal period and incubation period (Table 1). was strongest when studies were restricted to those occurring in
Most ORM parameters had equivalent traits in the REDB. Of rural landscapes and pertaining to adult reproduction, omitting
these parameters, the default values were found to lie within juvenile mothers (r=0.74, pb 0.001, n=18); a second order poly-
the variation for rural raccoons across North America (Table 3). nomial model fits most closely to the data compared to linear,
Meta-analysis indicated that males had significantly larger power or exponential models (Fig. 2).
home ranges (HR) than females (HRmale = 352.1 ha ± SE 52.5, The pdf's for male and female home range sizes illustrate
HRfemale =128.1 ha±SE 52.6; QB (one tailed, α = 0.05) =9.1, p-value= that males have significantly larger home ranges than
0.003). There was a significant negative relationship of latitude females, as determined by meta-analysis of raccoon home-
and raccoon densities (density = 584.2–12.3latitude, R2 = 0.11, range size (Fig. 3). The pdf of litter size indicates a range

Fig. 4 – Probability distribution function of litter size reported in 32 studies.

94 E CO L O G I CA L IN F O RM A TI CS 3 ( 2 0 08 ) 87–9 6

between 1 and 5 juveniles per litter, with a mean of 3.5 densities at the core of their range (Williams et al., 2003;
animals, for the reviewed North American studies (Fig. 4). Hengeveld and Haeck, 1982), because of habitat limitation at
range peripheries (Erb and Boyce, 1999). The raccoon species
range extends as far south as Central America (Zeveloff,
4. Discussion 2002). Meta-analysis for this study did not include studies
further south than the United States. Thus, it is possible that
The relational design of the REDB follows the well-established the negative correlation is caused by sampling raccoons near
relational data model to store traits from available literature, the core of their range in the United States, and then north-
and enabled subsequent flexible management and manipula- wards to studies sampled at the periphery of their range in
tion of these data. The REDB provided an efficient source of data Canada.
for assessing the appropriateness of ORM parameter values and An important benefit of the REDB is providing data for
model structure. For example, it was easy to query information meta-analyses. Science is advanced by comparing new ideas
about raccoon densities in rural areas to compare with the ORM to old ideas (Gates, 2002; Arnqvist and Wooster, 1995), and in
rural density parameter value; and, obtain annual mortality the case of the REDB, the analysis of raccoon biology, ecology
rates as opposed to season-specific values to assess the annual and raccoon rabies is advanced by enabling comparisons
mortality parameter values in the model. At the conclusion of among different landscapes, seasons, age classes, sexes and
the exercise, all ORM parameter default values were found to fall geographic locations. Results from a single study may seem
within the range of data queried from the REDB that were unimportant, but may appear more meaningful when as-
equivalent to ORM parameters. A further advantage of using the sessed in context of other studies.
REDB is that queried information provides additional sources to The REDB was also a valuable data source to define bio-
support the choice of ORM parameter values. logically appropriate parameter values for sensitivity testing
Meta-analysis is also demonstrated as another method the ORM. Biologically-defined values are necessary for deter-
contributing to ORM parameterisation. For instance, model mining processes that most significantly affect model out-
structure defines male and female home range size to be equal, comes (Ginot et al., 2006). This also means that the effect of
though, meta-analysis results indicate male home ranges are traits on model outcomes can be interpreted in a more
larger. This is not unexpected since raccoons are mostly biologically meaningful context. This is more appropriate for
solitary carnivores (Sanderson, 1987; Kaufmann, 1982) that a primarily mechanistic biological model, such as the ORM,
demonstrate sexual differences in behavioural strategies for than halving or doubling trait inputs as described in Voigt et al.
habitat use and breeding success (Kamler and Gipson, 2003; (1985), because even a trait of minor importance can impact
Gehrt and Fritzell, 1997; Fritzell, 1978). Male raccoons tend to be model results given a large enough variation in input values.
larger than female raccoons (Zeveloff, 2002), and a positive Doubling or halving input values has the potential to create an
correlation between body size and home range size has been unrealistic scenario for the natural system being modelled,
reported in other species (Anderson et al., 2005; Grigione et al., and might yield results that are less informative in terms
2002), which is likely due to larger energetic requirements of understanding the true biological effect of the trait being
needed to support a greater body mass (White et al., 2007). The examined.
ORM has the capability of modelling sex-specific home range There are several challenges to creating and using the REDB
sizes; however, a sensitivity analysis is necessary to determine and ecological data warehouses in general. The first is obtaining
if sex-specific home ranges produce more accurate model studies to contribute to the database. Over 800 raccoon and
outcomes beyond the cost of increasing outcome uncertainty raccoon rabies documents were identified, but approximately
resulting from using two estimates of home range size instead only 200 documents were obtained. ISI Web of Science® and
of one. Google Scholar™ search engines were effective methods for
The meta-analysis demonstration also highlights the identifying literature. It was easy to run many different queries
benefit of the REDB as a data source for parameterising the using various key words. Furthermore, bibliographies and
ORM to geographic regions beyond southern Ontario. For reference lists from review books and articles, respectively,
instance, meta-analysis of litter size against latitude clearly provided a means of identifying primary literature not de-
demonstrates a trend of larger litter sizes at higher latitudes tected using search engines. Unfortunately, journal articles
(Fig. 2). Positive relationships between litter size and latitude dating before 1995 are often unavailable online from publishers.
have been reported in many species (e.g. Bilenca et al., 1994; University, government and private libraries must then be used
Cockburn et al., 1983; Innes, 1978; Conaway et al., 1974). A to obtain hard copies of older literature, however, this requires
possible casual mechanism is attributed to higher latitudes considerably more time and effort.
having more extreme environments, causing increased mor- Publication bias and “the file drawer problem” (Bauchau,
tality risk due to seasonal variation in food, hence, a shorter 1997) are also problematic for using data from ecological data-
breeding period. To increase fitness, animals invest more per bases that warehouse data from multiple studies (Arnqvist and
reproductive event by having one large litter, as opposed to two Wooster, 1995). These phenomena refer to the greater likelihood
or three smaller litters produced over a longer period of time in of publishing studies reporting significant results (Kotiaho, 2002;
more favourably climates of lower latitudes (Rademaker and Gurevitch and Hedges, 1999). The strategy for countering
Cerqueira, 2006; Zeveloff, 2002). publication bias is to include grey literature in analysis (Roberts
Latitude had a significant negative correlation with density. et al., 2006; Burdett et al., 2003; McAuley et al., 2000). Unfor-
This result may be a consequence of the geographic sampling tunately, grey literature is difficult to identify and obtain
distribution of the studies. Species are expected to have higher because, being unpublished, it is less likely to be referenced. In
E CO L O G I CA L IN F O R MA TI CS 3 ( 2 0 08 ) 87–9 6 95

the health care industry, efforts are being made to make grey lookup tables and their relationships, are available online
literature more accessible (e.g. publishing abstracts of non- (http://redb.nrdpfc.ca).
significant results, grey literature citation databases; Benzies
et al., 2006; Conn et al., 2003); however, without these resources,
obtaining grey literature is dependent on receiving permission Acknowledgements
from researchers to use their unpublished data. Furthermore,
quality of data from grey literature is uncertain if the study has We are grateful to Rick Rosatte from the Ontario Ministry of
not undergone or has not passed a scientific peer review (Conn Natural Resources for his knowledge of raccoon ecology and
et al., 2003). access to his extensive reprint library. We also greatly appre-
Locating grey literature for the REDB was an onerous task. ciated an insightful review from Rowland Tinline, professor
Of the 165 studies entered into the database, only 11 were from emeritus, Queen's University, Canada. The database greatly
unpublished studies. However, data quality of the REDB likely benefited from the careful and meticulous data entry by Denis
benefits from not including grey literature. This is because the Carr, to whom we are indebted. This research has been sup-
REDB is designed to contain descriptive data and not results ported by a Strategic Grant from the Natural Sciences and
from studies testing specific hypotheses. Hence, a peer-re- Engineering Research Council of Canada to Bradley White
viewed process of descriptive studies more likely excludes of the Natural Resources DNA Profiling and Forensics Centre,
lower quality studies than biasing REDB information. Data Trent University and by a cooperative research agreement be-
warehouse users should still be diligent since poor quality tween the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Queen's
studies degrade the value of these data. These studies should University.
be identified through objective measures and eliminated from
potential analyses. Roberts et al. (2006) recommend “assessing
the experimental design, implementation and analysis” of REFERENCES
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