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Low Voltage

0.6/1(1.2) kV
IEC 60502-1 / SNI IEC 60502-1
Copper conductor, PVC insulated, Galvanized round steel wire
or flat steel wire armoured and PVC sheathed cable
Main Uses : used for indoor and outdoor installation direct burial, preferably used where considerable
mechanical strees must be envisaged
2 Cores
Nominal Thickness Approximately
Nominal cross- No of wire and Inner Bending radius
Galv.steel wire Overall delivery
sectional area conductor shape Insulation Outer Sheath Sheath Net Weight min
armour Diameter length
mm 2 pcs - mm mm Kg/Km mm m
1,5 1 re 0,8 0,9 1,8 8,6 14 370 240 1,000
1,5 7 rm 0,8 0,9 1,8 8,9 15 410 260 1,000
2,5 1 re 0,8 0,9 1,8 9,6 15 425 257 1,000
2,5 7 rm 0,8 0,9 1,8 9,8 16 467 290 1,000
4 1 re 1,0 0,9 1,8 10,6 16 515 290 1,000
4 7 rm 1,0 0,9 1,8 11,4 17 596 300 1,000
6 1 re 1,0 0,9 1,8 11,6 17 590 310 1,000
6 7 rm 1,0 0,9 1,8 12,5 19 784 260 1,000
10 1 re 1,0 0,9 1,8 13,2 20 850 350 1,000
10 7 rm 1,0 0,9 1,8 14,2 21 877 260 1,000
16 7 rm 1,0 0,9 1,8 16,3 23 1,108 280 1,000
25 7 rm 1,2 1,6 1,8 19,7 28 1,778 340 1,000
35 7 rm 1,2 1,6 1,8 22,0 30 2,126 360 1,000
50 19 rm 1,4 1,6 1,8 25,4 33 2,627 400 1,000
70 19 rm 1,4 2,0 1,9 29,0 39 3,572 460 1,000
95 19 rm 1,6 2,0 2,2 33,9 44 4,637 530 1,000
120 37 rm 1,6 2,0 2,3 37,1 47 5,449 570 500
150 37 rm 1,8 2,5 2,4 41,0 52 6,859 630 500
185 37 rm 2,0 2,5 2,6 45,8 57 8,224 690 500
240 61 rm 2,2 2,5 2,8 51,8 64 10,205 770 300
300 61 rm 2,4 2,5 2,9 57,7 70 12,282 840 300
25 7 rm 1,2 0,8 1,8 19,7 26 1.522 320 1.000
35 7 rm 1,2 0,8 1,8 22 28 1.857 340 1.000
50 19 rm 1,4 0,8 1,9 25,4 32 2.330 390 1.000
70 19 rm 1,4 0,8 2 29,4 36 3.055 440 1.000
95 19 rm 1,6 0,8 2,1 33,9 41 3.943 500 500
120 37 rm 1,6 0,8 2,2 37,1 44 4.681 590 500
150 37 rm 1,8 0,8 2,3 41,4 49 5.670 590 500
185 37 rm 2 0,8 2,5 45,8 54 6.849 650 500
240 61 rm 2,2 0,8 2,7 51,8 60 8.679 720 300
300 61 rm 2,4 0,8 2,8 57,7 66 10.577 800 300

Resistance at 20 ºC
Current Carrying Capacity at 30 ºC
Nominal cross-sectional Short circuit current of
area DC conductor max Insulation min conductor at 1.0 sec

mm2 Ω/Km MΩ.Km A kA

1.5 12.1 12 21 27 0.17
2.5 7.41 10 39 36 0.29
4 4.61 10 37 48 0.46
6 3.08 8 45 60 0.69
10 1.83 6 65 77 1.20
16 1.15 5 89 101 1.91
25 0.727 5 119 113 2.96
35 0.524 4 148 158 4.13
50 0.387 4 178 185 5.87
70 0.268 3 228 228 8.19
95 0.193 3 272 277 11.09
120 0.153 3 317 317 13.98
150 0.124 3 371 351 17.46
185 0.0991 3 426 405 21.50
240 0.0754 3 505 467 27.86
300 0.0601 3 584 520 34.79
Note : This is only general information. For other specific requirement, please contact our marketing.

SUPREME Low Voltage Cables

0.6/1(1.2) kV
IEC 60502-1 / SNI IEC 60502-1
Copper conductor, PVC insulated, Galvanized round steel wire
or flat steel wire armoured and PVC sheathed cable
Main Uses : used for indoor and outdoor installation direct burial, preferably used where considerable
mechanical strees must be envisaged


3 Cores
Nominal Thickness Approximately
Nominal cross- No of wire and Inner Bending radius
Galv.steel wire Overall delivery
sectional area conductor shape Insulation Outer Sheath Sheath Net Weight min
armour Diameter length
mm 2 pcs - mm mm Kg/Km mm m
1,5 1 re 0,8 0,9 1,8 8,6 14 420 192 1,000
1,5 7 rm 0,8 0,9 1,8 9,2 15 448 260 1,000
2,5 1 re 0,8 0,9 1,8 11,6 15 480 205 1,000
2,5 7 rm 0,8 0,9 1,8 10,1 16 515 265 1,000
4 1 re 1,0 1.25 1,8 11,8 18 707 220 1,000
4 7 rm 1,0 1.25 1,8 12,1 19 761 300 1,000
6 1 re 1,0 1.25 1,8 12,4 19 808 230 1,000
6 7 rm 1,0 1.25 1,8 13,3 21 892 260 1,000
10 1 re 1,0 1.25 1,8 15,6 21 910 270 1,000
16 7 rm 1,0 0.9 1,8 17,4 24 1,294 290 1,000
25 7 rm 1,2 1.6 1,8 21,1 29 2,089 350 1,000
35 7 rm 1,2 1.6 1,8 23,5 32 2,526 390 1,000
35 19 sm 1,2 1.6 1,8 20,7 29 2,158 350 1,000
50 19 sm 1,4 2.0 2,0 23,5 32 2,692 390 1,000
70 19 sm 1,4 2.0 2,0 26,8 36 3,687 440 1,000
95 19 sm 1,6 2.0 2,3 30,9 41 4,771 500 500
120 37 sm 1,6 2.0 2,4 33,4 43 5,634 520 500
150 37 sm 1,8 2.5 2,5 37,3 49 7,144 590 500
185 37 sm 2,0 2.5 2,7 41,1 53 8,526 640 300
240 37 sm 2,2 2.5 2,9 46,7 59 10,694 710 300
300 37 sm 2,4 2,5 3,1 51,6 64 12,916 770 300
25 7 rm 1,2 0,8 1,8 21,1 28 1.811 340 1.000
35 7 rm 1,2 0,8 1,8 23,5 30 2.235 360 1.000
35 19 sm 1,2 0,8 1,8 20,7 27 1.896 330 1.000
50 19 sm 1,4 0,8 1,9 23,5 30 2.391 360 1.000
70 19 sm 1,4 0,8 2.0 26,8 34 3.139 410 1.000
95 19 sm 1,6 0,8 2.2 30,9 38 4.128 460 500
120 37 sm 1,6 0,8 2.3 33,4 41 4.939 500 500
150 37 sm 1,8 0,8 2.4 37,3 45 5.972 540 500
185 37 sm 2 0,8 2.6 41,1 49 7.271 590 500
240 37 sm 2,2 0,8 2.8 46,7 55 9.298 660 300
300 37 sm 2,4 0,8 3.0 51,6 60 11.384 720 300

Resistance at 20 ºC
Current Carrying Capacity at 30 ºC
Nominal cross-sectional Short circuit current of
area DC conductor max Insulation min conductor at 1.0 sec

mm2 Ω/Km MΩ.Km A kA

1.5 12.1 12 18 24 0.17
2.5 7.41 10 25 32 0.29
4 4.61 10 34 41 0.46
6 3.08 8 44 52 0.69
10 1.83 6 59 68 1.20
16 1.15 5 79 88 1.91
25 0.727 5 104 115 2.96
35 0.524 4 129 136 4.13
50 0.387 4 158 163 5.87
70 0.268 3 198 203 8.19
95 0.193 3 242 242 11.09
120 0.153 3 282 282 13.98
150 0.124 3 322 312 17.46
185 0.0991 3 366 351 21.50
240 0.0754 3 430 411 27.86
300 0.0601 3 595 460 34.79
Note : This is only general information. For other specific requirement, please contact our marketing.

Low Voltage

0.6/1(1.2) kV
IEC 60502-1 / SNI IEC 60502-1
Copper conductor, PVC insulated, Galvanized round steel
wire or flat steel wire armoured and PVC sheathed cable
Main Uses : used for indoor and outdoor installation direct burial, preferably used where considerable
mechanical strees must be envisaged


Nominal Thickness Approximately
Nominal Bending Standard
cross-sectional No of wire and Galv. Inner
Overall radius delivery
area conductor shape Insulation steel wire Outer Sheath Sheath Net Weight
armour diameter Diameter min length

mm2 pcs - mm mm Kg/Km mm m

3 x 50 + 25 19/7 sm/rm 1.4/1.2 2.0 2.0 27.4 37 1,420 450 1,000
3 x 70 + 35 19/7 sm/rm 1.4/1.2 2.0 2.1 31.2 41 4,369 500 1,000
3 x 95 + 50 19/19 sm/rm 1.6/1.4 2.0 2.2 35.2 45 5,545 540 500
3 x 120 + 70 37/19 sm/rm 1.6/1.4 2.5 2.3 39.0 50 7,105 600 500
3 x 150 + 70 37/19 sm/rm 1.8/1.4 2.5 2.5 43.4 55 8,316 660 500
3 x 185 + 95 37/19 sm/rm 2.0/1.6 2.5 2.6 47.2 59 9,986 710 250
3 x 240 + 120 37/37 sm/rm 2.2/1.6 2.5 2.8 53.5 65 12,477 780 250
3 x 300 + 150 37/37 sm/rm 2.4/1.8 2.5 3.0 58.9 71 15,026 860 200
3 x 50 + 25 19/7 sm/rm 1.4/1.2 0.8 2.0 27.4 34 2,847 410 1,000
3 x 70 + 35 19/7 sm/rm 1.4/1.2 0.8 2.1 31.2 38 3,746 460 1,000
3 x 95 + 50 19/19 sm/rm 1.6/1.4 0.8 2.2 35.2 42 4,848 510 500
3 x 120 + 70 37/19 sm/rm 1.6/1.4 0.8 2.3 39.0 46 5,971 560 500
3 x 150 + 70 37/19 sm/rm 1.8/1.4 0.8 2.5 43.4 51 7,061 620 500
3 x 185 + 95 37/19 sm/rm 2.0/1.6 0.8 2.6 47.2 55 8,584 660 500
3 x 240 + 120 37/37 sm/rm 2.2/1.6 0.8 2.8 53.5 62 10,927 750 500
3 x 300 + 150 37/37 sm/rm 2.4/1.8 0.8 3.0 58.9 68 13,340 820 200

Resistance at 20 ºC
Nominal Current Carrying Capacity at 30 ºC Short circuit current of
cross-sectional conductor
area DC conductor max Insulation min at 1.0 sec

mm2 Ω/Km MΩ.Km A kA

3 x 50 + 25 0.387/0.727 4/5 158 163 5.87

3 x 70 + 35 0.268/0.524 3/4 198 203 8.19
3 x 95 + 50 0.193/0.387 3/4 242 242 11.09
3 x 120 + 70 0.153/0.268 3/3 282 282 13.98
3 x 150 + 70 0.124/0.268 3/3 322 312 17.46
3 x 185 + 95 0.0991/0.193 3/3 366 351 21.50
3 x 240 + 120 0.0754/0.153 3/3 430 411 27.86
3 x 300 + 150 0.0601/0.124 3/3 495 460 34.79
Note : This is only general information. For other specific requirement, please contact our marketing.


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