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cartilage is found in the nose, ears, trachea, parts of the larynx (voice box), and smaller
respiratory tubes. Fibrous cartilage has the fewest cells so it has the most intercellular space.
Fibrous cartilage is found in the spine and the menisci.

 Cartilage is a flexible connective tissue that differs from bone in several ways; it is avascular
and its microarchitecture is less organized than bone.

 Cartilage is not innervated and therefore relies on diffusion to obtain nutrients. This causes it
to heal very slowly.

 The main cell types in cartilage are chondrocytes, the ground substance is chondroitin
sulfate, and the fibrous sheath is called perichondrium.

 There are three types of cartilage: hyaline, fibrous, and elastic cartilage.

 Hyaline cartilage is the most widespread type and resembles glass. In the embryo, bone
begins as hyaline cartilage and later ossifies.

 Fibrous cartilage has many collagen fibers and is found in the intervertebral discs and pubic

 Elastic cartilage is springy, yellow, and elastic and is found in the internal support of the
external ear and in the epiglottis.

Menisci _ Injuries to the crescent-shaped cartilage pads between the two joints formed by the femur
(he menisci of the knee are two pads of fibrocartilaginous tissue which serve to disperse friction in
the knee joint between the lower leg (tibia) and the thigh ...the thigh bone) and the tibia (the shin

involuntary: A muscle movement not under conscious control e.g. the beating of the heart. striated:
The striped appearance of certain muscle types in which myofibrils are aligned to produce a constant
directional tension. voluntary: A muscle movement under conscious control e.g. deciding to move
the forearm.

A male pelvis has a v-shaped pubic arch that is approximately <70°. The pubic arch is usually wider in
the female pelvis at about >80°. The coccyx in the male pelvis is projected inwards and immovable
while a female pelvis has a flexible and straighter coccyx.

Women have wider hips than men because their pelves must allow for the birth of large-brained
babies. ... Traditionally, the human pelvis has been considered an evolutionary compromise between
birthing and walking upright; a wider pelvis would compromise efficient bipedal locomotion.

Cartilage helps reduce the friction of movement within a joint. Synovial membrane. A tissue

called the synovial membrane lines the joint and seals it into a joint capsule. The synovial
membrane secretes a clear, sticky fluid (synovial fluid) around the joint to lubricate it.

Articular Cartilage

The articulating surfaces of a synovial joint (i.e. the surfaces that directly contact each other as the
bones move) are covered by a thin layer of hyaline cartilage.

The articular cartilage has two main roles: (i) minimising friction upon joint movement, and (ii)
absorbing shock.

Synovial Fluid
The synovial fluid is located within the joint cavity of a synovial joint. It has three primary functions:

 Lubrication

 Nutrient distribution

 Shock absorption.

Biceps and triceps is smooth voluntary muscle tissue.

Voluntary action

Triceps Extend the elbow (straightening the arm) Shooting in netball

Flex the elbow (bending the Drawing a bow in

arm) archery

Biceps and triceps is smooth voluntary muscle


Heart is smooth involuntary cardiac tissue.

Answer link
Another example of a pair of antagonistic muscles is found in your legs. Here your quadriceps and
hamstrings work together.

A skeletal muscle attaches to bone (or sometimes other muscles or tissues) at two or more places. If

the place is a bone that remains immobile for an action, the attachment is called an origin. If the
place is on the bone that moves during the action, the attachment is called an insertion.

Muscle TONE is defined as the tension in a muscle at rest. It is the muscle's response to an outside

force, such as a stretch or change in direction. Appropriate muscle tone enables our bodies to
quickly respond to a stretch.

Muscle tone is the resting tension in a skeletal muscle. It occurs because there are always a few
motor units contracting in a resting muscle. These contractions do not cause enough tension to
produce movement.

No exercise

You may lose muscle strength and endurance, because you are not using your muscles as much.
Your bones may get weaker and lose some mineral content. Your metabolism may be affected, and
your body may have more trouble breaking down fats and sugars. Your immune system may not
work as well.

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