MDD Potential Closure Letter FINAL May 2021

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Federal Aviation Administration FAA-ASW-650

Southwest Region, Airports Division 10101 Hillwood Parkway

Texas Airports District Office Fort Worth, Texas 76177

May 13, 2021

Mayor Patrick Payton

City of Midland
300 N. Lorraine
Midland, TX 79701
c/o -

Dear Mayor Payton:

Thank you for your letter of March 1, 2021 informing the FAA that the City of Midland (“City”) is
considering relocating the Midland Airpark (MDD) operations to Midland International Air and Space
Port (MAF). The City requested guidance and requirements on the consolidation and subsequent
closure of MDD. Since MDD is an airport under FAA’s State Block Grant Program (SBGP), the Texas
Department of Transportation (TXDOT) staff will be included throughout this process.

There are nuances with individual airport closures, but our general guidance can be found in Chapter
22 of the Airports Compliance Handbook (FAAO 5190.6B). The general closure package
requirements outlined in FAAO 5190.6B paragraphs 22.23-22.26 are included in Attachment A of this
letter. Should the City decide to move forward, a formal closure package with cover letter, answers to
the questions included in Attachment A of this letter, along with any relevant supporting
documentation will need to be submitted to the Texas Airports District Office (TXADO) for review.
Once TXDOT, TXADO and Southwest Region Airports Division have completed their review and all
requirements are deemed satisfactory, the closure package will be forwarded to FAA Headquarters for
a final determination.

In addition, we are currently reviewing previous grants issued to MDD from both FAA and TXDOT
totaling approximately $5.3 million. Although further analysis is required, a large portion of these
federal funds may be required to be returned to FAA as part of any closure.

If you have any questions, please direct them to Jessica Bryan, TXADO, at,
or Jim Halley, TXDOT, at

JESSE B Digitally signed by JESSE B
CARRIGER Date: 2021.05.13 16:22:14 -05'00'

Jesse Carriger
Manager, Texas Airports District Office

Cc: Dan Harmon, TXDOT Aviation

Jim Halley, TXDOT Aviation
Disclaimer: Although this questionnaire is comprised of both General and Airport Specific Questions, the
purpose of this questionnaire is to provide a starting point for airports in the FAA Southwest Region
evaluating closure. Other questions could arise during the airport closure process.

General Airport Closure Questions

1. What agreements with the United States of America are involved with this request?

2. What type of release, modification, reformation, or amendment is being requested?

3. What is the reason for the request?

4. What facts and circumstances justify the request?

5. How will this action benefit civil aviation?

NOTE: Only benefits to the airport may be cited as justification for the release,
whether tangible or intangible. The non-aviation interest of the sponsor or the local
community – such as making land available for economic development – does not
constitute an airport benefit that can be considered in justifying a release and

6. What requirements of state or local law should be considered in the language of the FAA
issued release document, if the request is consented to or granted?

7. What property or facilities are involved? Provide the legal description (survey with metes
and bounds). Attach current Property Map accurately depicting land parcels.

8. How was the property acquired or obtained by the airport owner?

9. What is the current airport acreage? How was this amount determined? How verified?

10. Provide a record of land disposition since the original airport agreement between sponsor
and United States. (All additions/releases/sales/etc. Provide table depicting
dates/disposition/total dollars/location of deed records).

11. What is the present condition of the property or facilities involved? What use is presently
being made of the property or facilities?

12. What use or disposition will be made of the property or facilities?

13. If there are active tenants, what is the plan for relocation?

14. Indicate the City’s plan to solicit public comment and feedback regarding the MDD closure
and tenant relocation process. This plan should, at a minimum, include the tenants at both
MDD and MAF.
15. What is the appraised fair market value for highest and best use of the property and/or
facilities? Attach copy of appraisal. Appraisal Guidelines are available at:

16. What revenues are expected from this proposed action? Describe the plan and proposed
timeline for the use of the revenues or proceeds.

17. What are the environmental impacts associated with this action? How were these impacts
assessed? Attach all environmental assessment method reports.

18. According to 2018 data, in the event MDD closes and tenants relocate to MAF, the increase
in air traffic operations will be 41,000 operations per year. What is the impact to air traffic
control related to the increased operations? How were these impacts assessed?

19. According to 2018 data, there are 56 aircraft housed on MDD. How many hangars are
currently on MDD? What size are the hangars? Does MDD have a waiting list for hangars?
Is the intent of the closure and subsequent tenant relocation going to result in a one for one
hangar move? Does the plan include a move for all existing hangars or just the hangars
currently occupied? Will the relocated tenants from MDD be displaced without hangars
during the transition to MAF?

20. A closure of MDD will result in a forfeiture of NPE ($150,000 per year) and removal from
the State Block Grant Program. What are other fiscal implications related to the closure
and relocation?

21. What are the financial implications of increased operations, capacity, and airfield
development(s) at MAF? What is the City anticipating for additional FAA funding related
to this increased demand?

22. What are the City’s expectations, if any, of financial support from the FAA during this
closure and relocation process?

23. Indicate any impacts to noise, including potential increase(s) to noise contour footprints.

24. Currently the airport enjoys the benefits of mineral rights located at the Midland Airpark.
What, if any is the plan for the use of these mineral rights in the event the FAA authorizes
the airport closure?

25. Submit a signed request for release of MDD and include a plan on how the airport revenue
will be invested in the relocation of existing facilities to MAF, per the current version of
FAA Order 5190.6.

26. Indicate the City’s timeframe to prepare and submit the above referenced items and overall
goal for relocation of operations to MAF and closure of MDD.

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