Tonacao, Thea Beatriz CMSC186 2-Tier Distributed System

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2-Tier Distributed System

The 2-tier distributed system is divided into two parts: Client Tier and the Data
Tier. In the client application, it handles presentation layer or the user-interface layer
that runs on the client, while dataset layer gets executed and stored on server side.

3-Tier Distributed System

The 3-tier distributed system is divided into three parts: presentation layer,
application layer and the data access layer. The presentation layer is also the user
interface layer. Its function is to communicate with the application layer by passing
information that the user input. This is assigned on the client-side. While the
application layer also called logical layer, acts as the middleman of the presentation
layer and the data access layer. Its function also includes validation of data,
calculations, and data insertion/modifications. These data will be forwarded to the
data access layer allowing smoother and faster communication between both the
presentation and the data access layers. And lastly, the data access layer receives
the data from the application layer performs the necessary operation into the
database which is done on the server side.

Multi-tier Distributed System

For the multi-tier distributed system, it is quite similar to 3-tier. An example is
a 4-tier which has 4 tiers namely: presentation layer, data service layer, business
logic layer, and data access layer. Data access layer, business logic layer, and the
data services layer are on the server side, while presentation layer is on the client
The presentation layer serves as the interface shown to the users, receives
user input, interprets user instructions and sends requests to the data services layer.
Then, the data services layer transfers the data submitted by presentation layer to
the business logic layer. data services layer separates the business logic from the
client to guarantee the security of information. While the business logic layer plays a
connecting role in exchanging of data. It is responsible in performing issue-specified
functions and data business logic processing. And lastly, the data access layer which
allows access to the database.

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