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Blender 3D: Noob to Pro 1

Blender 3D: Noob to Pro

About this book
This Wikibook is brought to you by many authors
and contributors as well as anonymous editors.

This book is a series of tutorials to help new users
learn Blender [1]. The tutorials increase in difficulty,
and later tutorials are built on the previous ones.
Therefore, Blender beginners should follow the
tutorials in sequence. Intermediate users can skip to
a tutorial of suitable difficulty. Efforts have been
made to accommodate everyone.

The latest version of Blender can be downloaded

from here [2].
This is one of the Blender-related Wikibooks. Have a
look at the complementary ones. For a Wiki with
more technical information on Blender, please see
The Blender Wiki [3].

Contributing to this book

If you would like to contribute to this book, you are
strongly encouraged (read as begged) to do so! There
Front Cover
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Simply click on the edit this page link at the top of whichever page you would like to edit! Your contribution will be
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Blender 3D: Noob to Pro 2

Adding Images
In Blender tutorials, images are vital. They clarify your point, provide a point of reference, and improve the teaching
process. However, if the image's copyright is not attributed correctly, we must remove it. This can make a
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Blender Help
• Blender FAQ
• /Hotkeys/
• /Output Formats/
• /Image Portfolio/
• Blender Wiki PDF Manual (1,426 pages) [4]

• Glossary of Blender Terms
• Materials Directory: Every Material Known To Man

Unit 1: Knowing Blender

/Know What You're Doing/

• /Cheat the 3D/
• /Performance vs. Quality/

/Thinking in 3D/
• /Orthographic Projections/
• /Isometric Projections/
• /Perspective Views/
Blender 3D: Noob to Pro 3

• /Coordinate Spaces in Blender/

Learning the Graphical User Interface

• /Tutorial Syntax/
• /Non-standard equipment/
• /Operating System specific notes/
• Become Familiar with the Blender Interface
• Learn the Blender Windowing System
• /The User Preferences Window/
• /The Buttons Window/
• /The 3D Viewport Window/
• /Other Windows/
• /Navigation in 3D/

Unit 2: Creation and Development

/Learn to Model/
• /Introducing Meshes/
• /Beginning Tips/
• /Quickie Model/
• /Quickie Render/

/Modeling a Simple Person/

• Detailing Your Simple Person I
• Detailing Your Simple Person II
• /Creating a Simple Hat/
• /Putting Hat on Person/
• Using Bones

Beyond Basics
• /Mountains Out Of Molehills/
• /Modeling a volcano/
• /Modeling a Gingerbread Man/
• Penguins from Spheres
• Die Another Way (dice modeling)
• Die Easy revised for 2.44
• /Model a Silver Goblet/
• Model a Silver Goblet Another Way
• /Light a Silver Goblet/
• /Simple Vehicle/
• /Simple Vehicle: Wheel/
• /Simple Vehicle: Seat/
• /Simple Vehicle: Rocket Launcher/
• /Simple Vehicle: Body/
• /Simple Vehicle: Some Assembly Required/
• /Modeling a 3D Parachute in Blender/
Blender 3D: Noob to Pro 4

• /Model a Low Poly Head/

• /Building a House/
• /Pipe joints/

/Creating Models With Photo Assistance/

• /2D Image (logo) to a 3D Model/
• /2D Image (logo) to a 3D Model Part 2/

/Curve and Path Modeling/

• /Intro to Bezier Curves/
• Curves in 3d
• /Deforming Meshes using the Curve Modifier/
• MetaObjects

/Materials and Textures/

• /Quickie Material/
• /Quickie Texture/
• /Halo Materials/
• /Procedural Textures/
• /Image Textures/

Using Materials and Textures

• Using Textures
• /Using a texture to make a material partially transparent/
• /Creating Basic Seawater/
• /Mountains Out Of Molehills 2/
• /Basic Carpet Texture/
• /The Rusty Ball/
• /Procedural Eyeball/
• Creating Pixar-looking eyes

UV Maps
• /UV Map Basics/
• /Realistic Eyes In Blender/

Unit 3: Broadening Horizons

• /Beginning Lighting/
• /Understanding Real Lights/
• /Adding Lamps/
• Faked Global Illumination with Blender internal
Blender 3D: Noob to Pro 5

• /Output Format Options/
• /Looking All Around - Panorama Settings/
• /Other Important Render Options/
• /Yafray Render Options/
• /Stamping/
• /2D, Toon, & CAD Rendering/

/Basic Animation/
• Screen Layout
• Lattice Modifier
• Bouncing Ball with Lattice
• /Creating Basic Water animation/
• /Flying Through A Canyon/
• /Using the sequencer to compile frames into an animation/
• External tutorial about regular 2D video editing, with lots of illustration. (keywords: sequencer, NLE) [5]

/Particle Systems/
• Fire
• Fur
• /Fireworks/
• /Particles forming Shapes/
• /Billboard Animation/

Soft Bodies
• /Soft Body Animation/
• /Simple Cloth Animation/
• /Soft Body with wind/

Blender Game Engine Basics

• Platformer: Controls and Movement
• Maze: Force and Multiple Levels
• Platformer: Improving the Physics
• How to make an executable
• /Build a skybox/
• /Basic mouse pointer/
• /Text in BGE/
• Platformer: Creating the Engine with Python
Blender 3D: Noob to Pro 6

Unit 4: Taking Off with Advanced Tutorials

Python Scripting
• Introduction
• The Language
• Export scripts
• Import scripts
• Procedural object creation
• Scripts for modifying meshes
• Creating a GUI for your script

Advanced Modeling
• High Dynamic Range imaging (HDRi)
• /Creating a Light Probe/
• Landscape Modeling with Heightmaps
• /Landscape Modeling I: Basic Terrain/
• /Landscape Modeling II: Texture Stenciling/
• /Landscape Modeling III: Exporting as a Heightmap/
• /Realistic Water using Fluid Sim and Yafray/

Advanced Materials and Textures

• Bump Mapping
• Normal Mapping
• Texture Normals
• Color Map Normals
• Nodes: An Introduction

Advanced Animation
• Introduction
• Guided tour:
• Armature Object
• Armature Object in Object Mode
• Armature Object in Edit Mode
• Armature Object in Pose mode
• Mesh Object
• Connection between Armature and Mesh
• Envelope
• Vertex Groups & Weight Paint
• Shape Keys
• Lip-Sync with Shape Keys
• Constraints
• Copy Location
• Copy Rotation
• Track-To
• Floor
Blender 3D: Noob to Pro 7

• Locked Track
• Follow Path
• Stretch-To
• IK Solver
• Timeline Window
• IPO Window
• Data Type
• NLA Window
• Introduction To NLA Editor
• The Stride feature
• Working example: Bob
• Working example: Piston, Rod and Crank
• Working example: Cutting Through Steel

Advanced Game Engine

• Advanced Game Engine Techniques (GUI)
• Creating Pop-Up Menus
• Creating Dropping Menus
• The "5-Layer" Button
• Creating Object Outlines
• Advanced Game Engine Techniques (Python)

Miscellaneous Tutorials
This is our attic, mostly tutorials that could be useful to some extent if they would be revamped completely, but are of
little use at the moment. If you can contribute to some of them, go ahead and rewrite them to your liking!
• /Modeling a simple space-ship/
• /Modelling tips/
• /Modeling and Texturing a Bottle/
• /Creating Weapons based on 2D Images/
• /Match Moving/
• Match Moving/Motion Tracking with Icarus and Blender
• /Create a Clayman/
• /Organic Modeling/
• /Free Blender Samples/
• /Understanding the Fluid Simulator/
• /Creating a jewel in Blender/
• General Advice on Modeling Realistically
Blender 3D: Noob to Pro 8

• /Modeling a picture/
• /Modeling with the Spin Tool/
• /Spin Tool Introduction/
• /Illustrative Example: Model a Wine Glass/
• /Illustrative Example: Model a Mug/
• /Creating Ogg-Theora movies using Blender/ Should this page be moved here?
• /Creating animated GIFs using Blender and Gimp/ Should this page be moved here?
• /3D Tiling Backgrounds For The Web/
• Cool Things That Aren't That Obvious in Blender Should this page be moved here?
• /Troubleshooting/ Common Technical Issues and What to do About Them Should this page be moved here?
• /Creating Blender Libraries/
• All Blender Tutorial Links – tutorials from all over the Web
• /Add some depth with stereo/
• Ways to create a "fluffy" effect (materials and lights)
• /Human Body/
• /Rendering Informations/
• /Using Blender Libraries/
• /Beginning Modeling Final Project/
• /Using Inkscape to make advanced Bezier curves/
• Modeling Textures
• Light Mapping
• /Modeling techniques and Workflow/ (to be constructed)
• /Polygonal Modeling/
• /Box Modeling/
• /Illustrative example: Model a Chair (Swan Chair)/
• /Model a Chair-Preparations/
Blender 3D: Noob to Pro 9

• /Model a Chair-The Seat/

• /Model a Chair-The Feet/
• /Illustrative Example: Modeling a Simple Human Character/
• /Modeling a Human Character - Preparations/
• /Modeling a Human Character - Modeling/
• /Illustrative Example: Model a Car (Box)/
• /Illustrative Example: Model a Dragon/
• /Polygon by Polygon modeling/
• /Illustrative Example: Model a Woman Face/
• /Illustrative Example: Model a Car (Polygon-By-Polygon)/
• /Blocking with Primitives/
• /Animation Notes and FAQ/

Resource Directories
• All Blueprints Links – blueprints from all over the Web

[1] http:/ / www. blender. org
[2] http:/ / www. blender. org/ download/ get-blender/
[3] http:/ / wiki. blender. org/ index. php/ Main_Page
[4] http:/ / pdf. letworyinteractive. com/
[5] http:/ / www. straightedgelinux. com/ videoBlender
Article Sources and Contributors 10

Article Sources and Contributors

Blender 3D: Noob to Pro  Source:  Contributors: 01mf02, 1983, 492star, AM088, AdRiley, Admijr, Admiral Spencer, Adolfohm,
Adrignola, Aidan.Sullivan, Alabandit, Alerante, Allefant, AndyD, Aragan Jarosalam, Arch dude (usurped), Argento, Astronouth7303, AttilaMH, AverieZen, Az1568, BANZ111, BeHE, Ben
Russell, Big Bill57, Bmud, BobbyMatt, Bootaleg, Boyage, Bullercruz1, Camel, Camp, Cbh, Charybdis, Chelseafan528, Chw333, Cleobod, Crawmm, Crouch, Cürps, Dallas1278, Damyeon,
Dan-aka-jack, Dan13, DanAvner, DanMan, Darklama, Darkonc, David Osborn, DavidCary, Derbeth, Dirk Gently, Dobz116, Dokuro, Dolsson5, Dragontamer, DuLithgow, EatMyShortz, Eb264,
Electro, Embri, EvanCarroll, Fr, Freakazo v2.1, Furrykef, Gabio, Gabriel, GeForce3, Geekboy2000, Geocachernemesis, Goeland86, Gogreen, Goodgirl4, Grawp the Giant, Greensweater,
Hagindaz, Halley, Harry107, Herbythyme, Hrakaroo, IJstLrndAlotAboutStargateAtWP, Ideasman42, Ikarsik, Iluvblender, Iodrome, Jackechan, James.Denholm, Jamin3D, Jawboot, Jclee, Jguk,
Jmartens, Joe 042293, Jogai, Jomegat, Jonon, Joystick Game, Joystick Tutorial, Justthisguy, Jywhltj, Kayau, Kellen, Kernigh, Klowner, Koos Jol, LION, Lazy-lump, Leinad13,
LightningIsMyName, LokiClock, MSK61, Mach1723, Magicink, Malaz, ManuelGR, Mastermind 007, Mats Halldin, Mdd4696, Michaelx153, Mike.lifeguard, Milky, Miyazaki, Mkn, Moohasha,
Moreejt, Morerunes, Morrolan, Mrkat, NCS Digiboy, Neo5842, Neoptolemus, Nick.anderegg, Nivix, Noob1230, Notmyopinion, Nuclearpidgeon, Null Point, OekelWm, Omegatron,
Oracleoftruth, Orbisonitrum, Ordigdug, Osxrules, Panic2k4, ParallaxTZ, Pi zero, Pietrodn, Pld, Popski, Qrc, Quantum Anomaly, QuiteUnusual, Radialronnie, Ramac, Randolf Richardson,
Read-write-services, Recent Runes, Remi, Ricvelozo, Rm5248, Robert Horning, Robert Valík, RobinH, Rocastelo, Romainbehar, Rosver, Rwst, Sailer, Saysaknow, SchmS, Scottpledger, Serge,
SergeantOreo, Sigma 7, Skyguy, Snarius, Soeb, SoylentGreen, Soylentgreen, Spiderworm, StarryTG, Sumoncil, Super3boy, Sureshgn, Surphaze, Swift, TBOL3, Tannersf, Tedka, Thecheet123,
ThomasShepard, Tjb0607, Tom soderlund, Trident, Tualha, Twentytortures, TwistedWeasel, Tyrant monkey, Uncle G, Vault, Venar303, Wavez, Wcsc, Webaware, WeirdHat, Wentam,
Whiteknight, Whitepaw, Wikibooks is Communism, Wwwwolf, Wynnmc, Xania, Xemkis12, Xerol, Yosofun, Zaknafien, ZeroOne, Zeviion, Zilch, 697 anonymous edits

Image Sources, Licenses and Contributors

File:CoverArt.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Jeremy B., Uploaded by
image: 00%.svg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: User:Siebrand
File:75%.svg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: User:Siebrand

Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported
http:/ / creativecommons. org/ licenses/ by-sa/ 3. 0/

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