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Social Evils
• E""''I). soci..1y has some: evils.
• With the pri:wess of science and technolol?Y- the rate of social "'"ils is day b~· ilily.
• lnju:.ticc is the main thing that br..'Ctls the roots uf this Jiscasc.
• The of countri..-s should le~slah: such ln,,·s that can
eradicate the disca-;c
• It is the need of the huur to collaburale ,,,ith the rest ()f the nntion.'i to
n1aintain a pe.a.·eful socit.1y.

E,-~ · society has :K>nte e,ils. Pcxlple hove some bad hnbits and iJeas
,,·bich develop into social evils.
... . . . .. .
With the progres.<, of science and technology. the ratio of social e\'ils is
increasing da~· by day. Difterent methods and \\iays of crime are ~ing
disco\'ered and adopted by the e\'ild~. Such persons are creating
complicated situation to r their respectiYe go\'emmcnts and concerned
authorities. That is \\'by ithe nlOdem go,·ernmcnls are legislating strong la,,·s
to control such evils. The administrative departments are implementing strict
la\\·s lo n1aintain la\\' and order in the societ,·.
_ _ _ _ _ is a global threat lo humanity. This social C\'il is found in
e,·ery SllCiely. every re[?ion and every country of 1he \\"Orld. No country or
socie~· can clain1 to have controlled ii properly. [ other de,·eloping
countries of the \\orlJ. Pakistan is also facing the social evil of -
This Sl1Cial e,·iJ spoils the real pillars of the state. The collecth·e patterns of
the JX."Ople. their tbU,,vays. nonns and \\·ays of lite are atlecied by iis gro\\1h.
The bases of society are \\·eakent.-d. The nmral values collapse. The edifice

of the society deteriorates. As a rcsuEI. the inh::{tri~ . Stlhdanl} and stabihl_y

of the nation arc enJangereJ ~

There are 1nany causes of this social evil. First. injustice is the n1ain thing
that breeds the roots of this disease. The oppressed people are not provided
the fair and ~ - justice \\·ell in Lime. In other \\'Ords " ·e can say that
justice delayed is justice denied.
Secondly. majori~· of our population has no ch·ic sense. People use
a\\l,\"ard \\·ays to perfonn their due function.
Thou~ ch·ic SCOS4! is conditioned " ·ith education. yet most of the educated
people sho\\· indecent manners ,vhile den1onstrating their duties.
Accwnulation of \\·ealth in a te\\· hands is also the root cause of this disease.
As a result. there are t,vo extren1es in the people of this society.
A trend of co1npetitio11 among p,eople to ~ rich than other is
developing \\·ith full mo~tum. Many people are using illegal " ·a~·s to
snatch their rights.
Many steps can be adopted lo tackle this evil. First. the legislath·e
bodies of the countries should legislate such la,vs that can eradicate the
disease. &=condly. a dutiful and sincere executh·e is quite necc:ssary to
implement the ta,vs " ·itb full commitn1ent. devotion and prolessionaJ
n.-sponsibiJity. A neutral judiciar~v is also necessary to a,·oid the violations of
the basic hwnan nghts done by the cxccuti\'e Thirdly. public opUllon c:m
play an unportant role in cnJin@ tlus discnsc. Ttus 1ask c:m be pcrfonn1.-<l b~·
1hc cll.!Clt:d represcnlati,:cs of the h..'!Ctd go,·cnuncnl 10 rnobilizc the public
Fourthly. mnss media should ir,·c proper co,·erntte to this c,il b~·
highlighting its bad and hanntul in1plica1ions. Editors. colunmists.
cortoonists and 303Jysts should expand u co111prclk:nsive muve by using the
P"' " ·er of pc..>tl nnJ pre.,;s. Si1nilnrly dif?lilled and prominent personalities can
also piny a leading role.
Finally. :i C<)ntprchcnsh-e move from c,·c~· lielJ of lite should be
l:1unchcJ lo cnJ tJus UL~a...c li-001 tJ1c surface c.1f the earth (>nl~ th1.~
nctiort~. :.k.'Jls anJ 1111.-asurcs. ,f 1ul"11 ,n lctt"~ onJ Sjltnts cun rcrurzc thc-
drerun of ,,cbare gl,>bal slate u1 l~J C'at k• Ctllltc.
It is the fk..-"-'-d of lb.: hour 1,, collaborale \\'ilh the r1."St of the notions to
1nainta1n a pe:tcctul society Without sincere initia11.,·c and strong
Jctcnninution. ull the clli,rts of doing ~ix;.-chcs and \\'Olks. the rules anJ
regulations arc nothing but the \\a:-.1agc of tune. lll\.loflcy . n1inJ anJ energy.

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