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Chapter 1



Social media is a computer-based technology that facilitates the sharing of ideas,

thoughts, and information through the building of virtual networks and communities. By

design, social media is internet-based and gives users quick electronic communication of

content. Content includes personal information, documents, videos, and photos. Users engage

with social media via computer, tablet or smartphone via web-based software or web

application, often utilizing it for messaging. (Dollarhide, 2014)

Social media has been linked to higher levels of loneliness, envy, anxiety, depression,

narcissism and decreased social skills. The students are enhance with the new trends of

innovative way of learning. However, looking into the causes of social media to their self-

esteem aspects, students now are becoming so democratic in revealing on what they have in

their mind. They become vocal to what information’s they wanted to share and thoughts to


Self-esteem alludes to a person’s positive or negative assessment of the self; the

degree to which a person sees the self as beneficial and competent. Self-esteem is the

evaluative enthusiastic component of the self-concept (Heatherton & Wyland, 2013). Too,

self-esteem can be conceptualized as both a generally steady characteristic that creates over

time as well as a liquid state that's responsive to every day occasions and settings (Heatherton

& Policy, 2013). As a result of inveterate or incidental introduction to upward comparisons

on social media sites, there might be a negative effect on people’s self-evaluation and self-

esteem. Regular confirmed utilizing social media may influence characteristic self-esteem
adversely, whereas state self-esteem can too be influenced by coincidental operation. In

reality, inquire about appears that

individuals who utilize Facebook as often as possible report higher sadness rates and

diminished well-being (Feinstein, 2013).

The connection between the social media and the self-esteem is that social media

plays a vital role to every individual , specifically it contributes to social awareness of each

person and become an active member of the society in the sense that he/she knows on what is

happening in his/ her surroundings.

Over the past couple of years, social media metrics has had a huge impact on our

sense of self-worth of the youth. The amount of followers, likes, or views we get affects us so

much that it lets us define our value and self-worth. Nowadays, people correlate someone

having a low amount of social media metrics to meaning that the person isn’t as important, or

as interesting. Whereas someone having a high amount of social media metrics has the

opposite meaning. They’re seen as interesting and important. And based on that, people

automatically assume that a person who has a high number of followers is more liked than a

person who has a few followers. Therefore, with that view, we let social media metrics define

our sense of self-worth (Hammoud, 2014).

Barker (2018) stated that Social Media can influence a person’s self-admiration

depending on how they use it. The great unwashed can use social media to examine others on

how they should live. Individuals who are not confident with their coming into court will use

social media to develop an objectified self-construct to gratify their own show. Sometimes,

this type of contentedness can also help with encouraging the person to alteration their ways

by eating healthy, exercising, and conducting other activities that can increment their health
and physical fitness . It can encourage people who are not confident with themselves to be the

person they want to be and feel better about themselves along the way.

The summary from the different study of the researchers are the relationship that

shows on how impactful social media is on the self-esteem of the user. The one researcher

considered reasons social media is used, the relationship of social media usage and self-

esteem, and if the problems were consistent between adolescents. The other research worker

think sociable media usage help with loneliness. This could be due to how the user is able to

create an anonymous identity and enactment like a mortal they’re not while expressing

themselves in a comfortable situation. Both negative and positive effect of social media to the

aspects of self-esteem are discussed. The emphasis of this is if the high levels of social media

use will connect with low levels of self-esteem.

The current study aims to clarify some of these conflicting findings by exploring how

teenagers affect people’s utilization of social networking sites and in turn, how the use of

social networking sites impact reflected appraisals and self-esteem. Einbinder (2017)

The focus of this study was to know on what is the causal factors of the social media

to the self-esteem of the students for any behavior, omission, or deficiency that if corrected,

eliminated that should be avoided probably and that would have prevented the fatality. Where

there was a loss of situational awareness concerning the dangers associated with the causes of

the social media to the self-esteem.

State and trait self-regard. Self-esteem can be distinguished in two different ways:

state self-esteem and trait self-esteem. A multidimensional conceptualization of trait-oriented

look of self-esteem, in which specific orbit s of self-evaluation are differentiated from one

another, has been proposed by numerous researchers (Tevendale, DuBois, Lopez, &

Prindiville, 2013). For instance, Waschull and Kernis (2013) included an assessment of

constancy in domain-specific self-evaluations of scholastic competence and social banker's

acceptance in their research where they discovery that the more unstable the children’s self-

esteem, the greater the likelihood that they reported becoming angry because of the self-

esteem threatening prospect of aversive interpersonal issue.

Many research worker use the term Department of State self-admiration to refer to

the emotions they are calling feelings of self-worth, and trait self-regard to refer to the way

multitude generally feel about themselves (Brown & George Marshall , 2014). Individuals

tend to evaluate themselves to become variable across short fourth dimension periods and it

is these specific evaluation that are referred to as state self-esteem, which then hyperkinetic

syndrome up to an amount of money that produces the constancy of self-esteem. State self-

esteem occurs when an individual’s feelings about himself or herself modification from

prison term to time.

Studying the Factors Affecting the Self-Esteem of Students exposed to Social Media,

therefore, gives contribution to the total well-being of an individual for the reason that he/she

knows what is the current situation and the trends that we have in the society. It is then a

great factor that to be knowledgeable with regards to social media and self-esteem one can

consider as the person that knows what are things happening around us and thus can consider

as vigilant observer in his/her community.

Theoretical Framework

An individual’s self-esteem comes from many different factors in his or her life and

these factors have different weights of importance on their contribution to self-esteem,

depending on how important each factor is to the individual. Rosenberg and Pearlin (2013)

describe it as follows: some elements of the self-concept are at the center of attention, at the

heart of the individuals’ major concerns, other are at the periphery. Thus, the impact of any

given component on global self-esteem will depend on its importance or unimportance,

centrality or periphery, in the individuals’ cognitive structure. A factor may or may not be

highly influential on the view of self-esteem because an individual could possibly place value

or disvalue on that specific factor. If an individual thinks of a factor as important or valuable,

then this factor will be highly influential on determining one’s self-esteem.

Barker (2018) stated that this study is the connection of social media usage and self-

esteem. Research on this relationship shows how impactful social media is on the self-esteem

of the user. The researcher considered reasons social media is used, the relationship of social

media usage and self-esteem, and if the problems were consistent between adolescents. To

explore a correlation between high usage of social media use and lower levels of self-esteem.

The study focus on the teenagers who are so glued to their phones, computers, and all other

forms of technology. This study was designed to examine the relationship of social media

usage and self-esteem. Specifically, the study was designed to view the impact social media

has on a person’s self-esteem.

According to Barker (2016), the other research worker think sociable media usage

help with loneliness. This could be due to how the user is able to create an anonymous

identity and enactment like a mortal they’re not while expressing themselves in a comfortable

situation. Lastly, those with David Low self-respect were less likely to post selfies on mixer

media. Social Media can influence a person’s self-regard depending on how they use it.

People can use sociable media to examine others on how they should live. Individuals who

are not confident with their appearance will use social media to develop an objectified self-

concept to gratify their own appearance. Sometimes, this type of content can also help with

encouraging the person to change their means by eating healthy, exercising, and conducting

other activities that can increase their health and seaworthiness confident with themselves to

be the person they want to be and look better about themselves along the way.
Barker (2018) stated that this study is the connection of social media usage and self-

esteem. Research on this relationship shows how impactful social media is on the self-esteem

of the user. The researcher considered some reasons that social media is used and the

relationship of social media usage and self-esteem, and if the problems were consistent

between adolescents. To explore a correlation between high usage of social media use and

lower levels of self-esteem. The study focus on the teenagers who are so glued to their

phones, computers, and all other forms of technology. This study was designed to examine

the relationship of social media usage and self-esteem. Specifically, the study was designed

to view the impact social media has on a person’s self-esteem.

Barker (2015) explains that despite numerous changes in these social media websites

and how society has evolved, the main idea of social media, that is a series of “online

communications channels dedicated to community-based input, interaction, content sharing

and collaboration” (Rouse, 2013), has not changed. Social media could be used as a

communication tool for to reach someone in as little time as possible at the comfort of one’s

location (Banner, 2013). Despite which platform a user is on, they can find those they can

easily connect to.

Pineiro (2016) stated that to explore correlation between social media use and self-

esteem levels. Specifically, how much social media use the participant engages in daily. The

hypothesis for the current study, is that higher usage of social media will correlate with lower

levels of self-esteem. After reviewing the data from the online survey given to the

participants and the Rosenberg Self-Esteem scale, there did not appear to be a significant

correlation between social media usage and self-esteem levels. These results indicate that this

particular group of undergraduate college students, frequent social media use does not

correlate with self-esteem levels. Past research has indicated that frequent use of social
media, including different social media sites and how much time spent on these sites, has a

direct effect on self-esteem levels due to overexposure and social comparison.

Much of the information and research contribute to a great start and gives insight to

why people use the Internet; use social media and how it affects them. One flaw they

constantly ran into was the lack of data for students in middle school; at the time when social

media and the Internet became relevant middle school students were not using the Internet as

much as they do today. The purpose is to find out how strong the correlation is between

high levels of social media use and self-esteem levels. Social media is widely used today.

In this study, both negative and positive aspects of self-esteem are discussed. The

main focus though will be if high levels of social media use will correlate with low levels of

self-esteem. It is argued that every individual has a basic human need to raise or maintain

self-esteem. According to Mehdizadeh (2014) Self-esteem is considered an important

indicator of an individual’s wellbeing.

One way people gain information and learn about their own self-esteem is through the

use of a sociometer. On the basis of the importance of social connection for survival, humans

may have evolved a sociometer—a mechanism that translates perceptions of rejection or

acceptance into state self-esteem, (Eisenberger, Inagaki, Muscatell, Haltom, & Leary, 2013).

According to Leary (2013), self-esteem is a meter or gauge that monitors the quality

of people’s relationships with others. In other words, a person’s self-esteem is derived from

his or her relational value to others. Thus, although moment-to-moment assessments of self-

esteem may feel like a private evaluation of one’s self-worth—separate from the opinions and

feedback of others—sociometer theory suggests that self-esteem is directly responsive to

perceived acceptance or rejection from others (Eisenberger et al., 20014).

Chen and Lee (2013) found that individuals who locked-in in visiting Facebook

interaction too appeared more prominent mental trouble and a brought down self-esteem due

to the effect of individuals feeling over-burden by the endless sum of complex

communication gotten from different sources, which is characterized as communication over-

burden. Vogel, Rose, Roberts, and Eckles (2014) inspected the relationship between

Facebook utilize and social comparisons and found that individuals put more significance on

self-views when comparing themselves to predominant others who have positive

characteristics than when comparing themselves with second rate others who have negative

characteristics, hence coming about in brought down state self-esteems. One ponder found

that individuals who utilized Facebook most regularly had poorer self-esteem (Vogel et al.,

2014). All of these past considers bolster the proposal that the use of social organizing

destinations may have a negative effect on one’s self-esteem. According to the literature,

positive interactions on social media often lead to a high self-esteem and negative

interactions lead to lower self-esteem (Valkenburg et al. 2015).

Research indicates that those with low self-esteem tend to accept more friend requests

from people they do not know very well (Tazghini &; Siedlecki, 2013). Individuals with

lower self-esteem find it easier to connect with new friends and communicate through social

media since they can avoid one-on-one contact with people. Facebook allows users with

lower self-esteem to create an image of themselves that they want others to perceive. They

tend to frequently "untagged" themselves from unflattering pictures in order to preserve this

image (Tazghini &; Siedlecki, 2013).

Past research has indicated that frequent use of social media, including different social

media sites and how much time spent on these sites, has a direct effect on self-esteem levels

due to overexposure and social comparison.

The study revealed that stigmatized reflected appraisals had an inverse and significant

association with overall state self-esteem and two of its domains: appearance and

performance. From this, we could infer that when people experience interaction with others

that express liking and approval, their feelings of self-worth will increase. From previous

literature, Mead (1934) postulated that reflected appraisals describe people’s perceptions of

how others see and evaluate them and moreover, a finding of the current study demonstrates

that Facebook provides people a platform to rely on these sources of evaluation. The state

self-esteem of people may fluctuate between increasing and decreasing values dependent

upon the type of interaction they are having with other people on Facebook. For instance,

people may experience a positive reflected appraisal by posting a status or photo on their

profile page, and their state self-esteem may improve when he or she receives “likes” or

positive “comments” from other individuals. On the other hand, people may also experience a

stigmatized reflected appraisal if they do not receive the amount of “likes” or positive

“comments” they were expecting , (Fagot, 2017).

Statement of the Problem

This study focuses on the factors affecting the self-esteem of students exposed to

social media.

Specifically, it quest to answer the following questions:

1. What are the different factors involve in the self-esteem of students?

2. What are the positive and negative implications on the self-esteem of students?
Chapter 2


Research Design

A qualitative method using a narrative analysis design. Narrative research is a term

that subsumes a group of approaches that in turn rely on the written or spoken words or visual

representation of individuals. These approaches typically focus on the lives of individuals as

told through their own stories. The emphasis in such approaches is on the story, typically

both what and how is narrated retrieved from (ATLAS.ti, 2015).

The researchers choose the Grade 11 students, specifically, the Academic track,

Strands (Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics, Humanities and Social Sciences,

and Accountancy and Business Management), from all the sections of each strand, S.Y.


The researcher considered reasons social media is used, the relationship of social

media usage and self-esteem, and if the problems were consistent between adolescents. To

explore a correlation between high usage of social media use and lower levels of self-esteem.

Instrumentation and Data

The study will make use a semi-structured interview guide made by the researchers to

gather the data needed in the study a semi-structured interview consist of several key

questions that help to define the areas to be explored, but also allows the interviewer or
interviewee to diverge in order to pursue an idea or response in more detail. The flexibility of

this approach, particularly compared to structured interviews, also allows for the discovery or

elaboration of information that is important to participants but may not have previously been

thought of as pertinent by the research team. Paul Gill (2014).

The questions will be validated by three experts (an English teacher, adviser, and a

research specialist). The questions will be crafted through a priori coding.

In gathering the data needed in the study, the researchers will first seek a permission

through a letter to the principal of the University of Northern Philippines Laboratory Schools.

After securing permission from the principal, letters of request to conduct the interview will

be forwarded to the advisers of the respondents. Similarly letters requesting for the

respondents to participate in the study.

Interviews will be used to gather the data needed in answering the problems of the

study before the conduct of the interview, the researchers will make sure that the participants

are willing to form part in the research undertaking. It will be explained that there will be no

direct benefits in joining the study and that the responses will be used solely for the purpose

of the study.

Voice recorders will be used to document the responses of the learners. This will be

made known to the respondents. However, for purposes of a more careful analysis, a hidden

video camera will be situated. Notes will be taken while the interview is going on. The voice

recordings and videos taken will be deleted immediately after analyzing the answers.

Analysis of Data

Responses will be handled after the interview. Codes will be assigned to the responses

to facilitate easier interpretation and analysis. The content would be cast based from the set of

data that would arise. This will be verified by an adviser and a professional researcher.
After the designated results are finalized, member-check will be employed. A

member check is also known as informant feedback or respondent validation, is a technique

used by researchers to help improve the applicability, internal validity, or fittingness of a

study. (Wikipedia, 2018). This will be done to strengthen the results of the study.

Chapter 3


Problem 1: Different factors involve in the self-esteem of students.

Not sure about what they feel before posting
This is what they call of being hesitant or being not sure to a certain thing. This
implicates that respondents who answered hesitancy in posting status on social media are
sometimes feel confident and sometimes they are hesitant.
“Sometimes hesitant but sometimes also I’m confident because I still have self-
Showing assurance or confidence
This theme lies on sure and assured to a certain thing. This conjugates that
respondents who answered confident in posting status on social media are confident, free, and
don’t listen to what other people might say. They are determined to a certain thing.
“Let’s just focus on Facebook since it’s the most active social media that I am with
so, before I post my statuses on social media, I do feel confident because I know that my
posts don’t harm anybody, and I just don’t care what other people would say to me”
Afraid of people’s reactions
Afraid or fear; filled with concern to a certain situation. Respondents who answered
afraid of people’s reactions are likely have a low self-esteem, they think people wouldn’t like
their post wherein they didn’t post yet, they are being drowned with fear upon people’s
reactions because there many judgemental people nowadays. Small thing you do or say in
posting your status they would blabber about it.
“I feel hesitant because people may not, might not like what I will post”
Updating capriciously
This means by updating often and quickly. Respondents who answered they’re often
to use their account to post their status are often changing suddenly in mood like in one
moment they want to post but minute after they don’t want to.
“It depends. I would be posting after many hours”
Updating usually
Those who update or post a lot are rampant and are indulge with social media. They
share posts a lot in a day not minding how many post they shared.
Updating occasionally
Respondents who don’t share posts a lot are likely to post occasionally only, when
there’s a special moment they want to share to their friends on social media, when they feel
that photo or status needs to get post, and are changing their profile pictures only.
“Sometimes when there’s a special moment that I want post”
Using social media to spend time with academic matters
Social media has been a widely used even the past years, students nowadays don’t
frequently read their lessons, search their lessons and assignments, and other school matter on
books/notes neither spending much in library because using social media, just one click all
you want to see and know would pop up immediately.
“I usually use social media to study and do my school activities like that”
Doing academic tasks before social media
Hearing that doing all your school activities to improve more your academic
performance first before using social media is a pleasant ignition. Focusing first more on
one’s school activities before doing such things you like social media are likely overwhelm
because you don’t have to worry when you finished all your works that need to finish before
using social media.
“Sometimes, example if there’s a project or assignment I finish it first before using
social media, and also before I sleep”
Good in time managing
Time management is the no.1 key to finish all works that needed to finish at the
chosen time or day especially for student, time managing is important because cramming or
undecided time in doing your tasks may lead to cramming and irresponsibleness.
“I have a very good management so, how do I manage my time in using social
media? I set aside social media if I know there’ll be many school activities to finish and I
only use social media when I really have a free time, like no school activities to do or finish
to avoid distraction in my academic performance”
Focusing more on social media
Focusing more on social media and setting aside academic matter is an unpleasant
behavior for us, students. Some students who spend too much on social media that they can’t
foresee their performance in their academic happens to have a lower grade, passive in class,
more specifically, cannot focus on class and school activities because they are too engrossed
in social media than academic matters.
“I use social media more than focusing on my academic performance”
Using social media in consuming free time
Respondents are likely to engross their time in using social media when they have free
time, nothing else to do.
“It depends if I have free time, I use social media”
Steadfast accurately
Respondents who answered on how stable is their decision and self-acceptance in
developing their self-confidence are those who believe their selves especially self-decision
making. They are firmly determined.
“It is stable because I’ve strengthen my self-confidence and self-esteem”

Continuing without stopping

Those who answered their decision and self-acceptance in developing their self-
confidence is continuing. They improving theirselves day by day to develop more their self-
confidence and self-decision making.
“It’s continuous”
Not sure about their decision and self-acceptance
Those who answered of being not sure about their decision and self-acceptance are
more likely drowned by doubt and low self-esteem. Doubt upon their selves, they think they
can’t decide better for their selves, and began to overthink various things.
Personal judgement
These respondents are determined and accepting their selves as who and what they
are. No matter how many trees would block their path, they would still find a way to seek
through it and breathe freely.
“Self-confidence starts within you that’s why it called self-confidence right. So, I
decide on my own, like I decide for myself not for others. I don’t want being dictated that I
should be like this, I should be like that, so, I decide for my own and accept myself for who I

Problem 2: The positive and negative implications on the self-esteem of students.

Has the confidence in posting status on social media

This theme illustrates that the respondent has still the confidence in posting status on social
media. Nevertheless, even there are judgemental people’s that throw unthoughtful words they
just ignored it and didn’t get affected because it’s the respondents own life after all.

“Of course I still have the confidence to post another one, it’s my life after all. I
shouldn’t get affected by their unthoughtful words to me”

Has no IG account

The other respondents have no social media account. But if they ever have an IG account and
if they were bashed by throwing unthoughtful words they will also ignore those comments.
“I don’t have Instagram but if I have, I’ll just ignore their comments.”

Has Hesitation in Posting Status

This theme illustrates that sometimes they are hesitant to post status on social media but
instead of getting affected by those negative comments they just use it as their motivation.

“Sometimes that will hinder me to post but I just use it as motivation”

Avoiding in making the situation worst

This theme illustrates that the other respondents won’t have any confidence to post any status
because when the bashers starts to comment unthoughtful words and may tend to reply. It
will just worsen the situation. So it’s better to just avoid the negative comments.

“No, because if you tend to reply and care about them, the more the situation become

Negative Thoughts

This theme illustrates that there are negativities that affect their self-esteem where they end
up to find the worst in everything, or reduce their expectations by considering the worst
possible situations they may see in social media posts.

“Like if I have something within my body or that is actually the same the post that
will make me like kind of ashamed of what I have so, that’s it”

Don’t usually interact

This theme illustrates that nothing particular that can affect the self-esteem of other
respondents because they don’t usually interact in social media posts.
“Well, nothing in particular because I’m not sharing posts that much and I don’t
usually interact”

Cyber bullying Victim

This theme illustrates that those who are experiencing cyberbullying are the one’s that can
affect their self-esteem because they are hesitant to post status because there are many people
who are judgemental.
“Maybe, those people who are experiencing cyberbullying. It bothers you to post or
share something since many people are judgemental nowadays.”
Doubtful Capability
This themes illustrates that some respondents hold positive and negative view about
theirselves when they post. But they make sure that negative view wouldn’t come up.
“Sometimes positive, sometimes negative. I’m making it sure that negative thing
wouldn’t come up”
Positive Thoughts
This themes illustrates that there are positive views that the respondents have because they
know theirselves.
“No. I hold positive view because I know myself”


Relevant factors to establish self-esteem really establish some factors that may affect

to what they could contribute, it is where the big problem arises hence if some notable

focuses to considered this endeavor could be the best idea to have in the reason that any

young individual that focuses on his field of chosen career, he or she might give the best

resolutions or give the best phases he can to contribute in his/ her success. Dealing with good

companions, having the directions or correct path to follow and the dreams to pursue, the

strong determination to attain such inspiration, an individual may inspired and may outcast

his inferiority complex. Thus it is within the individual to resolve this problem provided that

he/she has the power to prove within himself the positive output of being confident of what

you are doing and making. One must believe within his or her capabilities for a better

outcome of such endeavor.

Taking the positive implications of self-esteem will greatly contribute to the

development of an individual. For the reason that they could be explore to what they were

supposed to engage with and thus they could simplify the possible good outcome of believing

of what is right and wrong to this field of endeavor. It suggests factors that could lead to the

development of the student holistically by nature. On the other hand, negative outcome will

surely destroy one’s position, individual capabilities and its suggest destruction to everyone.
Chapter 4


The semi structured interview done by the researchers was answered sincerely by the

respondents. Personal experiences where shared in connection to the research study which is

about the involved factors of social media to the self-esteem of students. With their

involvements in social media to their self-esteems, the researchers had withdrawn salient

findings regarding the involvements of students of grade 11 senior high school having a

factor involved of social media to their self-esteem.

Different factors involve in the self-esteem of students

By means of gathering and analyzing data, the following factors appeared to be a

factor cause of social media to the self-esteem among Grade 11 senior high school students,

what is the main reason why social media is a factor to their self-esteem, why social media

can affect their self-esteem and lastly why they are hesitant in posting status on social media.

Not sure about what they feel before posting

Most of the students are not sure on what they feel when they are posting status on social


Afraid of people’s reactions

Some of the students has a low self-esteem on this situation because they are afraid on

what people think when they post.

Personal judgement

Students have their own decision whether they have the confidence in posting status

because they knew how to decide on their own and they know and accept theirselves on who

they are.

Positive and Negative Implications on the self-esteem of students

Negative Thoughts

Most students have negativities and that affect their self-esteem where they end up to find the
worst in everything considering the worst possible situations they may see in social media

Positive Thoughts
Some students hold a positive views and a better outlook where they are confident in posting
status on social media.


The study concentrated on the factors affecting the self-esteem of students exposed to

social media. Self-esteem is the experience of how a lot one likes, or dislikes one’s personal

self. Self-esteem is a very real feeling directed completely secret, protecting more power over

us than the feelings we have for other people, or that they have for us. Good, healthy egotism

is responsible for supporting us to accomplish our goals, and to live on and get better from

frustrations and disappointments. The route of our arrogance starts off evolved at birth, if not

before. Throughout infancy and childhood, we acquire millions of cues from all the people

around us and that imitate how they experience about us and what they supposed to know

about an individual.
With these regards in creating self-esteem, our perceptions on how these people

experience and assume about us to grow will be internalized in our minds as records about

who we sincerely are. Moreover, as they say, everything a person t hears, sees and feels from

those around her/him has an effect on its self-esteem. An example of this as to take into

consideration, a person who would like to finish his/ her studies the urge to have the diploma

as a sign of his/her positive self –esteem on his/ her life.

In general, social media plays a great impact to the life of an individual. If they use it

in a good way an impact to this matter would really contribute to his total development when

it comes to his journey in receiving information and taking his/her notes in studies but if

social play on its negative way, assurance of mismanagement of themselves and failures will

be totally the output they can get. So having self-esteem in dealing social medias, everyone

should be responsible enough to manage their own capacity to understand such ideas



The researchers concluded that having the self-esteem, one must consider the possible

effects of using this in a positive way in order to create greater impact in using social media



Based on the conclusion drawn, the following recommendations are forwarded:

- In the next study, there should be a deeper research on the case in order to eliminate

problems with self-esteem through social media.

- The researchers recommend that social media’s understanding should be with parental

guidance especially when a person is younger.

- The researchers recommend to do this study on the junior high school students for

them to know the other impacts of social media to their self-esteem.


Pineiro, C. R. (2016). Social media use and self-esteem in undergraduate students

(Order No. 10112657). Available from ProQuest Central; ProQuest Dissertations &
Theses Global. (1796054273). Retrieved from

Einbinder, E. (2017). The relationship between social media and self-esteem in middle
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