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Designation: E 253 – 01

Standard Terminology Relating to

Sensory Evaluation of Materials and Products1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E 253; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

absolute judgment, n—an evaluation of a stimulus made different connotations. Usage of these terms varies with the training and
without direct comparison (1996). experience of the investigator, habit, tradition, personal preference, and
acceptability/unacceptability, n—degree to which a stimulus other factors.
is judged to be favorable or unfavorable (1996). astringency, n—the complex of sensations due to shrinking,
acuity, n—the ability to repeatedly detect or discriminate drawing, or puckering of the epithelium as a result of
sensory stimuli (1996). exposure to substances such as alums or tannins (1996).
adaptation, sensory, n—a decrease in sensitivity to a given attitude, n—a predisposition to respond in a characteristic way
stimulus which occurs as a result of exposure to that stimulus toward a class of objects, concepts, or stimuli (1996).
(1996). attitude scale, n—a means for eliciting indications of the
affective test, n—any method to assess acceptance, attitudes, attitudes or opinions held, usually on a measuring system
emotions, or preference for a stimulus(i) (1998). using marks or value designations (1996).
after effects, n—total array of sensations that occur after attribute, n—a perceived characteristic (1996).
elimination of the physical stimulus from the sensing field audition, n—the sense of hearing (1996).
(1996). aversion, n—feeling of dislike provoking avoidance of a
aftersensation, n—sense impression after direct stimulation of stimulus (1996).
the sense organ has ceased (1996). bias, n—systematic error manifested as a persistent positive or
aftertaste, n—the oral or nasal sensations that occur after the negative deviation of the method average from its accepted
source of the stimulus has been removed from the oral true value (1996).
cavity. See after effects (1996). bite, chemical, n—stinging experienced primarily in the oral
ageusia, n—lack of sensitivity to taste stimuli (1996). cavity as a result of exposure to substances such as highly
anchoring point, n—a reference point against which other carbonated beverages (1997).
items are judged (1996). bitter, (taste), adj—taste produced by substances such as
anosmia, n—lack of sensitivity to odor stimuli (1996). quinine or caffeine when in solution (1997).
antagonism, n—joint action of two or more stimuli whose body (food), n—the quality of a food or beverage relating
combination elicits a level of sensation lower than that either to its consistency, compactness of texture, fullness,
expected from combining the effects of each stimulus taken flavor, or combination thereof (1997).
separately (1996). brightness—see color (of an object) (2001). (For consensus
aroma, n—perception resulting from stimulating the olfactory technical defintion see brightness in Terminology E 284.
receptors; in a broader sense, the term is sometimes used to burn chemical, n—perception of increased temperature and
refer to the combination of sensations resulting from stimu- irritation resulting from exposure to such substances as ethyl
lation of the entire nasal cavity (1996). alcohol, or high concentrations of NaCl or acids. The
DISCUSSION—Aroma, odor, and smell have the same basic meaning; sensation lingers a short time after the stimulus is removed
however, in common usage they may have different connotations. (1997).
chroma, n—see color (2001). (For consensus technical defin-
assessor, n—a general term for any individual responding to tion see chroma in Terminology E 284.
stimuli in a sensory test (1996). classification, n—a method of sorting stimuli into predefined
DISCUSSION—The terms assessor, judge, panelist, panel member, and categories (1997).
respondent all have the same basic meaning, although sometimes color blindness, n—total or partial inability to differentiate
certain hues (1997).
This terminology is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E18 on Sensory color (of an object), n—the appearance of an object dependent
Evaluation of Materials and Products and is the direct responsibility of Subcom- upon the spectral composition of radiant and incident light,
mittee E18.01 on Terminology. the spectral reflectance or transmittance of the object, and
Current edition approved May 10, 2001. Published September 2001. Originally
published as E 253–65T. Last previous edition E 253–00. the psychological response of the observer. The experience

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

E 253
may be described in terms of three attributes: hue, bright- samples is the same as the reference (1998).
ness, and chroma. (2001.) (For consensus technical defini- expectation, error of, n—a bias due to preconceived ideas that
tion see color in Terminology E 284 as defined by committee influences an assessor’s judgement (1999).
E12.) expert, n—a common term for a person with extensive
hue—attribute of color related to the wavelength of electro- experience in a product category who performs perceptual
magnetic energy and experienced as “red”, “green”, “blue” evaluations to draw conclusions about the effects of varia-
and other elements of the visible spectrum. tions in raw materials, processing, storage, aging, etc.
brightness—aspect of visual perception whereby an area Experts often operate alone (1995). (See also assessor and
appears to emit more or less light. expert assessor.)
chroma—experienced as color purity, attribute of color used expert assessor, n—an assessor with a high degree of sensory
to indicate the degree of departure of the color from a gray acuity who has experience in the test procedure and estab-
of the same brightness. lished ability to make consistent and repeatable sensory
consumer panel, n—a group that is representative of the assessments. An expert assessor functions as a member of a
potential user population and that does not have technical sensory panel (1995). (See also assessor and expert.)
knowledge of the products to be tested (1997). flavor, n—the total of the sensations perceived by means of the
context effect, n—effect upon the perception of a stimulus taste buds, olfactory organ, and the buccal cavity which may
arising from its interrelationship with other stimuli in a include pain, temperature, and tactile sensations.
presentation set (1997). free-choice profiling, n—a form of sensory profiling in which
contrast, n—visual, the degree of dissimilarity in appearance each assessor independently generates attributes to evaluate
of two parts of a field of view seen simultaneously or a group of samples. The assessors’ attributes may be the
successively (1998). same or may differ from sample to sample. The assessors’
contrast effect, n—special case of context effect in which the sensory profiles are combined statistically (for example, by
perceived degree of difference between stimuli is exagger- Generalized Procrustes Analysis) to produce a map of the
ated as a result of their interrelationship (1997). samples. (2000)
convergence, n—tendency of a stimulus to be perceived as gloss, n—a shiny appearance resulting from the tendency of a
similar to prior stimulus or stimuli (1997). surface to reflect light energy at one angle more than at
convergence effect, n—special case of context effect in which others. (2000) See reflectance, directional and for the
the perceived degree of difference between stimuli is dimin- consensus technical definition see gloss in Terminology E
ished as a result of their interrelationship (1997). 284.
cooling, chemical, n—sensation of reduced temperature expe- gustation, n—(1) the sense of taste. (2) pertaining to the act of
rienced as a result of exposure to certain substances such as tasting. (2000)
menthol or anise. The sensation usually persists after the heat, chemical, n—sensation of increased temperature result-
stimulus is removed (1997). ing from exposure to substances such as capsaicin or hot
cooling, physical, n—sensation of reduced temperature expe- peppers. The sensation tends to persist after the stimulus is
rienced as a result of exposure to thermally cold substances, removed.
such as ice; to substances that evaporate rapidly, such as heat, physical, n—sensation experienced as a result of expo-
acetone or alcohol; or to substances that have a negative heat sure to thermally hot substances such as water above 120°F.
of solution, such as crystalline sorbitol. The duration of the The duration of the sensation is usually limited to the time of
sensation is usually limited to the time of direct contact with direct contact with the stimulus.
the stimulus (1998). hedonic scale, n—a scale on which liking or disliking of a
cutaneous sense, n—any of the senses whose receptors lie in stimulus is expressed. (2000)
the skin or immediately beneath it (or in the external mucous hue, n—see color (of an object) (2001). (For consensus
membranes): contact, pressure, warmth, cold, and pain technical defintion see hue in Terminology E 284.)
(1997). inadequate stimulus, n—a stimulus which is not regarded as
descriptive analysis, n—any method to describe and quantify normally affecting a particular sense, but which may actually
the sensory characteristics of stimuli by a panel of trained do so (for example, pressure on the eyeball producing a
assessors (1998). perception of light, or electrical stimualtion generating a
difference limen, n—See threshold, difference (1997). taste). (2000).
discrimination, n—the process of qualitatively or quantita- insipid, adj—lacking in distinctive sensory characteristics.
tively differentiating among stimuli (1998). (2000).
discrimination test, n—any method to determine if differ- intensity, n—the perceived magnitude of a stimulus. (2000).
ences among stimuli are perceptible. For example: triangle judge, n—See assessor. (2000).
tests, duo-trio tests, paired comparison tests, etc. (1998). just noticeable difference, n—See threshold, difference.
duo-trio test, n—a method of discrimination testing comprised (2000).
of two coded samples and one identified reference. One of kinesthesis, n—perception of pressure, position, or motion in
the coded samples and the reference are identical. The muscles, tendons, or joints.
assessor is asked to select which of the two coded samples is magnitude estimation, n—a ratio scaling technique in which
different from the reference or which of the two coded numerical values are assigned to the intensity or hedonic

E 253
tone of attributes of products. The values assigned are exposure to ammonia or to the volatiles of such substances
proportional to the assessor’s perception of the attributes. as freshly prepared mustard or horseradish.
See ratio scaling. pure stimulus, n—a form of excitation (for example, light
masking, n—the phenomenon where one quality within a waves, chemical substances, sound waves) that affects a
mixture obscures one or several other qualities present. receptor without having any concomitant or complicating
matching, n—the experimental process of equating or relating forms of stimulation.
stimuli, usually to determine the similarity between standard qualitative sensory profile, n—a description of a sample
and unknown, or between unknowns. consisting of sensory attributes, but without intensity values.
modality, n—any of the sensory systems (for example, audi- quality, n—collection of features and characteristics of a
tory, taste, or visual modality). product, process, or service that confers its ability to satisfy
mouthfeel, n—a mixed experience deriving from sensations in stated or implied needs.
the oral cavity that relate to physical (for example, density, quantitative sensory profile, n—description of a sample
viscosity, particulate) or chemical (for example, astringency, consisting of both attributes and their intensity values.
cooling) properties of a stimulus material. Trained panelists ranking, n—a method in which a series of three or more
differentiate the physical sensations as texture properties and samples is presented at the same time and arranged in order
the chemical sensations as flavor properties. of intensity or degree of some designated attribute.
observer, n—an assessor in a visual sensory test. (See also
ratio scaling, n—scaling method in which values are assigned
to the intensity of attributes in proportion to the assessor’s
odor, n—See aroma.
perception of the intensity of the attributes with reference to
odorant, n—a substance that stimulates the olfactory recep-
a selected standard.
odorimetry, n—measurement of olfactory sensations. receptor, n—a cellular structure mediating the physiological
olfaction, n—(1) the sense of smell. (2) pertaining to the act of response to the presence of physical or chemical agents.
smelling. (2000) recognition threshold, n—the lowest physical intensity at
organoleptic, adj—relating to a property of a sample per- which a stimulus is correctly identified a specified percent of
ceived by the sense organs (obsolete, see sensory). the time.
paired comparison, n—a method in which stimuli are pre- reference sample, n—a sample designated as the one to which
sented in pairs for comparison on the basis of some defined all others are to be compared.
criterion. reflectance, diffuse, or Rd, n—light energy diffusely reflected
palatable, adj—sufficiently pleasant to be consumed. by a substance. As opposed to specular or directional
panel, n—a group of assessors chosen to participate in a reflectance, diffuse reflectance emanates in all directions,
sensory test. thus causing no gloss.
panelist, n—See assessor. reflectance, directional, n—light energy reflected from a
panel member, n—See assessor. surface at a specified, characteristic angle at greater intensity
partial sensory profile, n—a profile comprising certain se- than at other angles.
lected attributes, with their intensity values. Examples are respondent, n—See assessor.
flavor profile, odor profile, and texture profile. salty, (taste), adj—taste produced by substances such as
perception, n—the awareness of the effects of stimuli. sodium chloride when in solution.
preference, n—choice of one product, treatment, or item over saturation (in color), n—another term for chroma. See color
others in a given set based upon hedonic criteria. (2001).
psychometrics, n—application of measurement principles to screening, n—a preliminary selection procedure.
psychological phenomena. sensitivity, n—ability to perceive, identify or differentiate,
psychophysical methods, n—procedures for establishing re- qualitatively or quantitatively, or both, one or more stimuli
lationships between measurable physical stimuli and sensory by means of the sense organs.
sensory, adj—pertaining to the sense organs.
psychophysical power law, n—a power function describing
sensory evaluation, n—a scientific discipline used to evoke,
the relationship between physical amounts of stimuli and
measure, analyze, and interpret reactions to stimuli per-
their respective perceived intensities. The mathematical
ceived through the senses. (2000)
relationship is:
sensory panel, n—a group of individuals that may be selected
R5kSn on the basis of sensitivity to stimuli, reliability, or whose
where: perceptions are judged to be representative of some larger
R = perceived intensity of a given stimulus, population. It is used to obtain information concerning the
S = physical amount of that stimulus, sensory attributes of physical stimuli.
k = constant reflecting the unit of measurement, and sensory profile, n—a description of the sensory properties of
n = exponent which is an empirical constant characteristic a sample, consisting of the sensory attributes in the order of
of the given sensory system. perception, and with assignment of an intensity value for
pungency, n—irritating, piercing, or sharp trigeminal sensa- each attribute.
tion, experienced primarily in the nasal cavity, as a result of single stimulus method, n—any psychophysical method in

E 253
which a judgment follows the presentation of only one The difference threshold is often called the difference limen
stimulus at a time. (DL) or the just noticeable difference (JND).
smell, n—See aroma. threshold, population, n—the median or other measure of
sour, (taste), adj—taste produced by substances such as citric central tendency of the distribution of detection or recogni-
acid when in solution. tion thresholds for a specified population.
stimulus, n—anything that has the potential for activating a threshold, recognition, n—the minimum physical intensity of
receptor. a stimulus for which there is a specified probability (most
subject, n—the individual to whom a stimulus is applied frequently 0.50) that an assessor will assign the same
(1996). descriptor each time it is presented.
sub-threshold, adj—pertaining to a stimulus below the speci- threshold, terminal, n—(1) the maximum intensity of a
fied threshold. stimulus that will produce a given type of sensory experience
supra-threshold, adj—pertaining to a stimulus above the without change in modality. (2) the intensity of stimulation
specified threshold. above which increase in intensity cannot be detected.
sweet, (taste), adj—taste produced by substances such as trained assessor, n—an assessor with a high degree of sensory
sucrose when in solution. acuity who has experience with the test procedure and an
synergism, n—the joint action of two or more stimuli whose established ability to make consistent and repeatable sensory
combination elicits a level of sensation greater than the result assessments. (See also assessor and expert.) (1996)
of combining the effects of each stimulus taken separately.
taint, n—a taste or odor foreign to a product. DISCUSSION—A trained assessor functions as a member of a sensory
taste, n—perception resulting from stimulating the gustatory panel.
receptors in the taste buds (1999). transmittance, n—of light, that fraction of the incident light of
taster, n—an assessor in a taste test. (See also assessor.) a given wavelength which is not reflected or absorbed, but
texture, n—the rheological and structural (geometric and passes through a substance.
surface) attributes of a product perceptible by the kines-
triangle test, n—a method of discrimination testing comprised
thetic, tactile, visual, and auditory senses.
of three coded samples, two of which are identical. The
threshold, absolute, n—See threshold, detection.
assessor is asked to select the odd sample (1998).
DISCUSSION—Early literature used this term inconsistently, referring two-of-five test, n—a method of discrimination testing com-
to either the detection or the population threshold. prised of five samples: two are identical samples of one
threshold, detection, n—the minimum physical intensity of a product and three are identical samples of a second product.
stimulus which has a probability of 50 % above chance of The assessor’s task is to determine which two samples are
eliciting a response. different from the other three (1999).
threshold, difference, n—the minimum difference in physical two-point threshold (touch), n—the minimum normal dis-
intensity between a stimulus and a comparison stimulus such tance between two objects such that they are perceived as
that there is a specified probability (most frequently 0.50) two a specified percent of the time.
that an assessor will perceive the two stimuli as different. vision, n—the sense of sight.

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