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“A. Farmer in the Dell, The ... . — Humpty Dumpty... oo... cece eee —lackand Jilly... 2... : _— London Bridge ...., ‘ie hime ss ee —— Mary Had a Little Lamb —s Mulberry Bush. The ......... — Ten Little Indians . . —— Three Blind Mice .. 4 — Tom, Tom, the PipersSon........2.... 6 “Te reinforce the feeling of achievement, the teacher or shagent may Pal a. when the page has been mastered: (SBN O-B407-Ga44-0 (© i884 Kjos Wess, 4340 jutiand Drive. San Diego, Caldornia uur. Amemational « secured, All rights reserved. Printed in USA. WARNING! AS the music. tat. nd graphics in this book are pce tected by Copyright law. To copy or eaprocce them by any method ti an infringement of che copyright lave. Arron who repeoduces exgyp- righted matter is subject to subsantial penalties and qisensmenes for ‘each infringement. The Mulberry Bush © This is the way ee wash our clothes. Wash our clothes, wash our clothes, This fs the way we wash our clothes, So earhy Monday moming. 3. This bs the way we iron our chathes, bron Gust clothes, iron our clothes, This & the sway we fron our clothes, So dary Tucsdiy morning 4 Ths bs the erage wee scrub the Boor, Sorub the Boor, scrub the floor, This is the ‘sey we scrub the floor, So carly Wednesday morning, 4S. This bs the wey we mend our clothes, Mend our clothes, mend car clothes. This & the way we mend our clothes, Soearly Thursday moming. 6. Th bs the way we sweep the house, Sercep the house. same thee house. This bs the way we sweep the house, So early Friday morrsing 7. This is the wey we babe our bread, Babe our breed, bake our bread. ‘This 5 the way we babe our bread. So early Saturday moring. 8. This is the way we go to church, Go bo chirdh, goto church, This is the way ee go to church, So early Sunday morning Tom, Tom, the Piper's Son Ten Little Indians 3 ‘wPrat Sing again with these words. - Ten little, rime litthe, etghe lithe inclines. Seven little, six line, trve line Inctians, Four litte. three litte. noo line Indians. (Onne lithe Inca bacxp. w Mary Had a Little Lamb a ti - th lamb, famb, ity Bit > be ‘wPaa 3. It followed her to school one day. school one day, schol one day. Iiokowed ber 16 school one cay which was. against the rake. 4. emade the children laugh and play. Hough ane play. laugh ard ply, I made the chikiren laugh ancl play fo see lamiy at schoo. a & The farmer tebes a wife. The fanmer inkes a wife, Heigh-ho the dairy-oh, The farmer tabes a wile 3. The wite mbes a child The wife ales a chil, Hebgh-ho the daire-oh. The wife tabes a child 4. The child tnbes 2 nurse. The child cobses a nurse, Heigh-bo he dairyoh, The chiki tales a nurse 4. The nurse tabes.o dog. The rrurse tales a chog, Heigh-he the dairy-oh, The nurse takes a cog. 6 The dog mbes a cao The clog takes 5 cat, Hetgh-ho the dairy-oh. The dog takes a cat. 7. The cor takes a rat, The cat takes a rat. Heigh-ho the dairy-oh, The cat tabes a rae. Baa, Baa, Black Sheep _ ‘waa Llolel lotal | a va ae Three Blind Mice BASTIEN PIANO BASICS by James and Jane Smisor Bastien Por the 5-7 year-old beginner Prine A Paty Sear this Vista Bega TE BE Theiry Technic foe the Verung iiegiraneer W232 Prierer Wt Wer for the Young Hhepgiemer WEI Theory. Technic for dhe Young Beginner WPZa2 Arnwericany Semaiticuas 4) W252 Hiacaiens! Collage of Sodoe~ Hook ih WTid Recaien ent Sein — Haak 3 Ranier Cella wif Seton — Eaveth Hecuens! Callage anf Sedo — Thoth Raeasers” Collage a rd eek Iogin, Rick & Cemareiry — Laren Nesogiie, Bock A Conny — Level B28 Hoagie, Rawk 4 Couriry = Lave 3 WPZa0 Deni fee hint Alinok fies wieaa © Techede WE213 edit Fe Vou, A= tok Lined 4 Detar For Yu, A= Book 3 © Pano went Dinosaur kinghoes 2-5 Wien © Theory W208 Vit Pirie of Skis P1) WIPE Performance WP211 Technic W218 WE AlLine A Day Sight Remit PEA Lawel © Panowraee Tomar Crain Some — Prine WTES0 © Theory WPEOF Piyqnular Christmas Some — Level UWPEE 1 Periormaccn WP212 er cues pee cinerea: I Technic WORT raudar Choristieans Some — Level 4 E223 ME A.Liew A Day Sips Poplar Hymn — Primer WF24 ; vikar Biyereve — Harve 1 47? Heading W0E54 Pepys 13 Pesala Hs = ave 3 Snales, Chomk.& Area Puno WP Seruna Parasby nf Sates! Theory WPE08 ‘seanatinas ies Cuber) WP2A0 Pevfortnancw Wh21 pe: Aeemunes (3-4) WEIN Teectwiie WIR 1 Paracke of Soko cea WEA Aine A Day Sight Tver soratiruns |) iste Reacting WrDER ote Learning Celebreion of Notes, A=fiook | P= 1) WPSsa Celebration nf Notes, A—fionk 201-2) 0254 Hio-tredien Ligh W304 Diobine Diet Nose Speer (Py WP anit Nein Pictures: ACodoring Sinie Sqetier 1) W1E20 Note Bealgee: A Coloring Note Sgoether (1) WP Sticking with the Hairs: Nites (PPE SStbckirg wth the Hanis: hy thurs W230 ‘ste kchrg th thee Hawai: Spat Heeb (P WUT byme eatairetaees campsite Livet 4 the ntuaient sf be prepared tet beg the ose Pla Rooney “ moran iRepestaire, Theary. Tre, and Mttebey Sofea WOE t8 kgos + AKIO MEPS COMPANY - 42880 JLTTLANTD DRIVE SAN DMG, CALIFORNIA S21 Fined ieee © Techie wr2es © Aine A Day digha Heading WPEE

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