Reading Toefl Ibt pg256

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256 MODEL TEST 2: PROGRESS TEST ‘4, According to paragraph 2, why was the Yukon Territory created? ® To encourage people to settle the region ® To prevent Alaska from acquiring it © To establish aw and order in the area © Tolegalize the mining claims Paragraph 2 is marked with an arrow [3]. 5. The word BEEViGUSIZ in the passage is ciosest in meaning to ® frequently ® suddenly © routinely ® formerly 6. How did the poetry by Robert Service contribute to the development of Ganada? ® It made the Klondike gold rush famous. ® It encouraged families to settle in the Klondike. © It captured the beauty of the westem Kiondike. @ It prevented the Klondike’s annexation to Alaska. 7. According to paragraph 3, the forest industry supported the development of Canada in all of the following ways EXCEPT @ by supplying wood for the construction of homes and buildings ® by clearing the land for expanded agricultural uses ® by producing the power for the hydroelectric plants ® by exporting wood and newsprint to foreign markets Paragraph @ is marked with an arrow [->]. 8. The word FURHBANIBI in the passage is closest in meaning to @ Although @® Because © Therefore ®@ Moreover

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