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Semana: 14/06 a 18/06

Leia o texto e responda as perguntas: IN THE PARK

The Jones family is in the park today. Today is a very beautiful day, the sun is shining and the
birds are singing. My father name is Mr. Jones. He is reading the newspaper my mother is
listening the radio. Sally is my sister and John is my brother. Sally is ten years old and her
favorite color is pink. Sally is reading a book now. John is twelve years old and his favorite food
is barbecue. He is playing the guitar in the park. My family is very happy today because we are
resting together.
a) Quantos anos tem Sally? ______________________________________________________
b) Quantos anos tem John? __________________________________________________________________________
c) Qual é a comida preferida de John? _________________________________________________________________
d)Qual é a cor preferida de Sally? _____________________________________________________________________
e) O que Sally está fazendo? _________________________________________________________________________

2) Responda TRUE ou FALSE de acordo com o texto:

a) A família de Sally está passeando na praia. ( )
b) A cor preferida de Sally é azul. ( )
c) John tem 18 anos. ( )
d) A comida preferida de John é pizza. ( )
e) Eles estão felizes por estarem na praia. ( )


3)Escreva frases em inglês com o vocabulário dado e as ações:

Playing guittar Reading a book Singing a song

Writing a letter Working on farm
1) _____________________________________________________________________________________
2) _____________________________________________________________________________________
3) _____________________________________________________________________________________
4) _____________________________________________________________________________________
5) _____________________________________________________________________________________

4) Passe as frases para a forma negativa:

a) I am working now. ______________________________________________________________________
b) They are drinking soda. __________________________________________________________________
c) We are playing basketball. ________________________________________________________________
d) They are living here._____________________________________________________________________
e) He is playing cards. _____________________________________________________________________

5)Passe as frases abaixo para a forma interrogativa(?)

a) She is drinking a lot. _____________________________________________________________________
b) They are speaking English. _______________________________________________________________
c) Cláudia is teaching now. _________________________________________________________________
d) We are playing video game. ______________________________________________________________
e) Susan is coking rice. ____________________________________________________________________

6) Complete with verb To be (am, is, are) :

a) He _____ a boy. f) They _______ birds.

b) We _____ Spanish. g) You _______ good pupils.
c) She _____ a girl. h) We _______ a student.
d) I ______ a teacher. I) She _______ a nurse.
e) It ________ an elephant. J) Piter ______ a doctor.

7) Observe as imagens abaixo e escreva o nome de cada verbo no local adequado:

8) Escreva o nome de cada verbo nas figuras:

9) Observe a figura, e escreva o nome de quem está realizando a ação.

a) ___________ is taking a shower.

b) ___________ is studying English.
c) ___________ is taking on the telephone.
d) __________ and __________ are running.
e) ____________ is playing video game.
f) ___________ and __________ are watching tv.
g) _____________ is playing guitar.


1) Recorte e cole, ou desenhe em seu caderno, 10 imagens de ações (verbos) e escreva o
nome deles em ingles. Faça com capricho!!!

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