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Information Technology Project 2021

Group Members

Muhammad Rehan Bakhsh (16BSCS19659)

Muhammad Farhan (16BSCS19672)
Muddassar Khan (16BSCS19674)

Supervisor: Mam Qurat-ul- Ain Sign: _________

Online Electronic Sale PointPage 1

Table of Contents

1. Abstract........................................................................................................3
2. Introduction...................................................................................................3
2.1 Problem Statement......................................................................................4
2.2 Project Goals and Objectives..........................................................................4
3. Proposed System..............................................................................................4
3.1 Project Features............................................................................................5
4. Project Modules...............................................................................................5
5. Scope...........................................................................................................6
6. Methodology...................................................................................................6
7. Tools and Technologies......................................................................................6
8. Conclusion.....................................................................................................6

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1. Abstract
The Software Requirement Specification covers the design and implementation of the “Online Electronics
Sale Point” an Online Electronic Store which is the name of the store that we are working for. The main
requirement of this project is to create the website in the least expensive yet in a professional way – thus, an
open-source solution known as OS Commerce is utilized to develop the e-commerce system. The
application is implemented in HTML, PHP, and CSS and consists of two main components: Admin and
Customer side. Admin side consists of the features such as Creating Username & Password, Input Items,
Modify Items, Delete items, Query Sale Data, Query Database’s data, and Logout. Customer side consists
of the features such as Select Products, Search Products, Buy Items, Continue Shopping, Sign-in, Creating
an Account, Bill/Ship Information, Confirm, Send Order, and Delete Order. There are also the future works
for this application.

The project has been planned to be having the view of distributed architecture, with centralized storage of
the database. The application for the storage of the data has been planned. The database connectivity is
planned using the “SQL Connection” methodology. The standards of security and data protective
mechanism have been given a big choice for proper usage.

2. Introduction
Online Electronics Sale Point is an online web application where the customer can purchase electronic
device online. Through a web browser the customers can search for a device online by its name. Online
Electronic store is a store that offers Electronic Products to customers. The store offers a variety of Products,
such as Mobile Phone, Tablets and Accessories, TVs Audio and Video, Washing Machine, Air Conditions,
Computing and Fans etc. The user can login using his account details or new customers can set up an
account very quickly. They should give the details of their full name, email account, username and
password. The main goal of this project is to create a System, which allows customers to shop and purchase
the Electronic products online. Moreover, the project is also designed in such a way it lets managers
manage the products information online. The Electronic online store sells wine cellars. Customers can orders
products, and they will be contacted to further process the orders.
This website is created to help to increase its sales as well as to acquire more customers in the Electronic
Products market. As well as, to treat every supplier, employee, and customer with honesty, dignity and
respect, improve all aspects of service delivery to our customers, our employees and our community and to
provide a safe and convenient environment to Electronic Store. The customer can select any item of it and
enter the quantity of items he wishes to buy and update their orders. And supplier can view sales details.
Finally he dispatch ordered Products to the customer’s address to where the goods have to be delivered. The
admin of the web site provides a unique username and password for each employee through which he can
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login. Admin also has the authority to add details of the items to be sold. And he also has the right to edit or
delete that Information to/from the list.
2.1 Problem Statement
The existing system is manual system. Needs to be converted into automated system. As it has a risk of
mismanagement of data, less Security, no proper coordination between different Applications and Users,
fewer users - friendly, accuracy not guaranteed and not in reach of distant users.

 In the current system all work are done manually.

 Wastage of time to find out how many order are placed.
 In manual system generating reports for particular types of data based on some conditions.
 Time consuming task.
 Searching facility is not provided in a System.
 Time & Money is not save in a System.
2.2 Project Goals and Objectives
The main purpose of this project is to develop an Online Electronic Sale Point that provide facilities for
finding the appropriate Product item of choice and purchase the Product just by a mouse clicks. It require no
more effort.

Online store provide high quality services to all its customers with a professional, kind, and supportive
manner. This system is committed to being the best in all areas of its business. The primary aim of this
project is to demonstrate that with better interactive features in Electronic Products web sites that could
improve sales for online retailers. The objectives of the project are as follows:

 To learn about the Purchase Online Electronic Products.

 To investigate potential problems with Online Electronic Stores.
 Impress our customers, current and prospective, to encourage future business.
 Improve all aspects of service delivery to our customers, our employees and our community.
 To create a prototype web site focusing on one of the many problems that arises within Online
Electronic Stores.
 To evaluate the prototype with an existing online Electronic Products retailer.
 Provide a safe and convenient environment to Store.

3. Proposed System
By creating the Online Electronic Sale Point, we hope to deliver Products providing facilities for Online
shopping system to the customers by ordering it from Electronic Products distributors/suppliers. This system
will help to achieve maximum efficiency in shopping online and to reduce the time taken to purchase items.

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The Online Electronic Store is a web site that can be integrated with multiple stores' requirements with some
customizations as per customer needs. We do not need to create new software for different businesses. Many
stores surveyed either didn't have a proper inventory management or they do not track their inventory at all
due to high cost of available software in market. The store would just need a decent internet connection to
use this software. Each store can track their inventory status in real-time with the use of this software from
remote location as well. The Electronic Store System is cost effective and very easy to implement on
computer system.

3.1 Project Features

 Provide different type of searching facilities.

 Easy Browsing for available titles.
 In the new system customer can purchase Products online.
 Save time and money by online shopping.
 Customer can see the latest mobile.
 Give the Discount Offer For Customer.
 Member Ship of Customer.

4. Project Modules

 Login
 Add Products
 Add Product Detail
 Manage Products
 Update Record
 Manage Customers Order
 Manage Website
 Logout

 Account Registration
 Login
 Search Products
 View Detail
 Send Order
 View Order details

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 Logout

5. Scope
This site has great future scope. Online shopping system is developed on and for the Windows. This project
also provides security with the use of Login-id and Password, so that any unauthorized users cannot use your
account. The only Authorized that will have proper access authority can access the software.

 It provides online Shopping Facility.

 It reduces the time and cost of the customers.
 The system allows the customer to register accounts and purchase online Electronic
 The design of web application involves search and view different Products and display all
 Customer can view the total price of Products.

6. Methodology
The incremental build model is a method of software development where the product is designed,
implemented and tested incrementally (a little more is added each time) until the product is finished. It
involves both development and maintenance. This is the information system that will provide an easy way to
the Customers to access the system over the internet. We use incremental model in this project, because it’s
easy to use and especially for small projects. We can also achieve the facility of incremental development,
which help in changing requirements and it is also a good model for risk management.

7. Tools and Technologies

Front End: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Java Script, JQuery.

Back End: Php is used in Development and MySql will be used as database
support, SQL

Tools: Dreamweaver CC, XAMPP, Edraw Max

8. Conclusion
The application is working well so far, and it is easy to install and use. All the features such as Add items,
Delete items ‘Modify Item etc. in the Admin side are working well and are user friendly. More designs and
decorations should be added to the web pages to make them more attractive. The implementation of this
system as a single solution for different businesses was challenging. I have learned a lot about document
writing during this progression. The application Rush for Deals is created to help the customers to easily

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online shopping Electronic Products. The requirements of a basic store have been taken care of, and a few
features that can make the application easier to use and easy to understand to the user with beginner level
knowledge of computers have been added. We hope that Rush for deals System fulfills all basic
requirements for stores with intention of transferring to computerized inventory system. The survey of real
world small businesses helped us to understand current practice, and possible needs.

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