C P E A 1: Urriculum LAN Valuation Ssignment

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Curriculum Plan Evaluation

Martella Thomas

EDUC 671 Curriculum Evaluation



When creating instruction the number one thing that must be considered is the diverse

needs of learners. Each individual student in the room is going to need something different.

Tailoring instruction to learners means that an educator is creating units that will address the

different levels of readiness, learning profiles, and interests of students. When creating units

there must be methods to motivate learners, to encourage shy students to engage, and to push

students to do their best. What cannot happen when creating units is using a generic formula for

their creation. The unit has to work with students that are in the classroom. What may work in

another classroom will not work in every classroom. Differentiation calls for creating lessons and

units that will account for the diversity in the classroom. Differentiation call for educators to be

flexible and creative.

One way to design a unit is through the backward design method. In the backward design

method the desired results are identified, and then appropriate assessment evidence derived from

the goals created during the first phase of the backwards design method are analyzed. The last

step in the backwards design model is developing a learning plan to help students achieve the

results of step one and two and equipping them to understand and show that understanding in

stage two. In step three differentiated instruction is seen in the use of background knowledge,

interest, and preferred learning methods of various students. Formative assessments are ways in

which instruction can be differentiated. Formative assessments help to guide instruction.

Formative assessments can be provided in a whole class format or they can be provided

individually. The use of formative assessments and pre-assessments help educators to know what

they need in order to tailor the learning plan.



This lesson focuses on looking at the Civil War through a child eyes. The lesson focuses

on the use of historical fiction and primary sources in order to expand students perceptions about

the Civil War. The lesson contains objectives that students can meet. For example, students will

be able to differentiate between primary and secondary source material, students will be able to

understand multiple perspectives, since will be able to analyze images and make inferences. This

lesson has elements that were seen in the text. This lesson shows a clear use a differentiation

because the lesson uses a combination of visual aids as well as other resources such as a graphic

organizer. Through the use of images and through the use of looking at the topic through the eyes

of a child, this is a way to increase students interest. The primary source analysis tool is

essentially a graphic organizer that is a part of the lesson and this is also a way to differentiate

instruction because this will help students to be able to expand upon those wide ranging ideas

and to break down their thoughts so that it is easy for them to understand.


This lesson has great objectives for the students but the lesson does not emphasize how

the educator will assess whether or not students have actually met those objectives. For some

students it will be difficult for them to be able to look at an image and analyze the meaning.

What may be more helpful for the lesson is to include short captions or brief herbage about the

images that they are looking at. Those students that are visual learners will really thrive with this

lesson but those who are not will struggle if they do not have an interest in images. A way to

shape this lesson more towards the information in the reading is to have students to pair up as a

way to differentiate instruction through using mixed-ability groups. The lessons needs to add

some form of assessment to see if students met the objectives in the lesson.


Gregorio, P., & Caskey, M. (2021). The Civil War Through a Child's Eye  | Classroom Materials
at the Library of Congress  | Library of Congress. Retrieved 25 April 2021, from

Wiggins, G., McTighe, J., & Wiggins, G. (2012). The Understanding by design guide to
advanced concepts in creating and reviewing units (pp. 88-103). Alexandria, Va.: ASCD.

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