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A Micro Project on 2020-21


Miss. Snehal Anil Deshmukh
Under the Guidance of
prof. J.S.Sawant

Department of Computer Engineering,

Sau. Shantidevi Chavan Polytechnic,Bhoras

Sau. Shantidevi Chavan Institute Polytechnic , Bhoras
Chalisgaon 424101

This is to certify that Miss.Snehal Anil Deshmukh Successfully
completed the micro Project on “A Tool For Effective Management”
under my supervision in the partially fulfillment of diploma of
Engineering (computer)of Sau.Shantidevi Chavan Institute


Place: Bhoras

Miss. J.S.Sawant Mr.Y.K.Pardeshi. Mr.D.A.Patil

Project Guide. HOD. Principal


Sr.No. Content Page.No

1 Acknowledgments 4
2 Abstract 5
3 Introduction 6
4 The Need for Effective Communication in an 7
5 Barriers to Communication in Organizations 8
6 Overcoming Barriers to Communication in 9
7 Methodology 12
8 System Analysis & Biblometrics 13
9 Work Analysis Techniques & Monitoring 14
Techniques and Controlling
10 Evaluation Techniques & Conventional Techniques 15
11 Conclusion 16
12 Reference 17


We would take this opportunity to express my sincere Thanks & Gratitude

my teacher Miss.J.S.Sawant for his vital support & Guidance in Completing this
We also express our gratitude to all the facility members, Parents And our
fellow mates who have helped me in making this Project a Success. We also thank
our almighty God for his blessings Showed on me During this period.


The concern of this research was information as a tool for effective

management .Objective of study wasto: point out the importance of information
in management;encourage managers to make judicious use of information in the
whole process of management and to add to the existing body of
knowledge.Ambrose Alliuniversity library and Registry provided the data for the
study. The survey research method was use for the study and the major findings
were that;information is a useful and indispensable tool in the management
process;the respondents agreed they often need information for effective
management in all areas;the respondents often visit information centers and
information sources are available that depend on for their information
needs;information has a positive effect on management and the major problem in
management is the lack of information and in trying to meet their information
needs,the major problem is fund and timely information. The study
recommended inter alia that: more funds should be allocated to libraries and
information centers to acquire more current information materials and Managers
should not depends only on the information centers immediately close to them.
They should also try and visit other centers even afar. In that case, they will be
exposed to more and more information. Similarly, Mangers should embrace
information communication technology in all ramifications and incorporate it into
every aspect of their activities. Keywords: Information; information as a tool;
effective management.


Further work, he submitted that there is more to management than mere

gut feeling. In performing these six major elements, adequate information is
needed to function well in any of the areas concerned. This means that
information in a very vital and important tool in management and without
its use, adequacy and appropriateness will be lacking in the process of
management. According to him, as long as man lives, he needs and will continue
to need information in his everyday activities. A well organized system of
information is a prerequisite for effective decision making. Consequently the
possession or awareness and use of appropriate information ensures managerial
functioning knowing that the major function is to increase the knowledge of the
user, reduce his level of uncertainty and reduce the variety of choices
available to him. Not only does information have a special meaning to the
manager, it is also extremely complex.
The world presently, is undergoing an information revolution, a time
when the world’s development has accepted information as a valuable
resource. Mintzbery (1973) includes information as one of the managerial
roles. He stated that the information roles incorporates monitoring, filtering
and disseminating information as common if not a universal part of managerial
work. Further, he stated that a manager’s unique access to information and his
special and authority places him at the central point in the system which makes
significant and strategic organization decision. Oshiotse (1993) stated that all the
human activities that results in the communication.

The Need for Effective Communication in an Organization

Effective Communication is a very important tool for organizational success. For

organization’s Management to perform its basic functions of organizing, directing,
coordinating, etc, it must apply a System or means of communication that is very
effective. The Management Study Guide states that Effective communication is a
building block of successful organizations”. In other words, communication Acts
as organizational blood. To this end, Madlock (2008) opined that “organizations if
planned Strategically, internal communication will significantly enable the
organization to achieve its goals more Effectively” As such, effective
communication in an organization, helps managers to perform their jobs And
responsibilities very well and in a coordinated manner too.

Barriers to Communication in Organizations

There is no doubting the fact that communication is essential for the effective and
efficient management Of every organization, yet managers/chief executives have
found communication very problematic and Stressful because of certain
barriers.These communication barriers include the following: communication
overload, bad expressed messages, Inappropriate medium, poor listening and
premature evaluation, grapevine, hostility between the Participants, bureaucracy,
social distance, communication filtering and distractions by personal and Family
problems. Hence, Diwan (2000) reasoned that, “the problem of effective
communication is Unfortunately greater than just the recognition of its scale and
importance.” As it were, Effective Communication is required for productivity in
any organization. To this end, Koontz (2001) while, Summarizing the barriers to
effective communication in an organization, opined that, communication
Problems are often symptoms of more deep-rooted problems. For example, poor
planning may be the Cause of uncertainty about the direction of the
organization.Succinctly, some barriers to effective communication as highlighted
in Onuoha (1991) include: Communication overload, badly expressed message,
inappropriate medium/Language, poor listening/decode and premature
evaluation arising from lack of understanding, grapevine with informal
Organizations within organizations, hostility between the participants,

Overcoming Barriers to Communication in Organizations

In order to deal with the barrier to communication in organizations, managers

must first recognize that Communication is an inherently complex process.
Another reason that communication is inherently Difficult is that human beings
perceive and interpret reality according to their backgrounds, needs, Emotions,
values and experience. A production mangers memorandum to supervisor asking
for figure on Absenteeism will be seen as a legitimate request by one supervisor
and as unnecessary meddling by Another supervisor, a manager instruction may
seem coldly formal to some subordinate and polite to Others, a quarterly report
to one superior and confusing to another. Some writers, in fact, believe that most
Organizational barrier to communication is based on difference on the way
people interpret the Communication they receive. Often, these differences can be
traced to cultural differences. In a nutshell, Efficient organization depends on the
effectiveness of the internal communication. And with the presence Of
communication barriers, how can an organization improve in its communication
networks. Some Suggestions made by the American Management Association are
useful in this direction. These include,
(1) Clarity of ideas before attempting to communication;
(2) examining the purpose of communication ;
(3) Understanding the physical and human environment when communicating;
(4) in planning Communication, consult with others to obtain their support as
well the facts;
(5) consider the content and Overtone of the message;
(6) whenever possible, communicate something that helps or is valued by the
(7) Message communication to be effective needs or require follow-up;
(8) communicate messages that Are short run and long run portfolios-
(9) actions must be congruent with communication;
(10) Be a good listener.

The Problem

Every organization and in particular educational institutions at the tertiary level

need effective Communication to succeed. However, management of many
organizations still appears not to reckon with The significance of communication
in their system.
This study, therefore, intends to look at the problems faced by organizations in
trying to communicate Effectively. Some of the problems encountered by
organization include, but limited to poor operational Structure, equipment and
low prospect for logistics, funds, etc. According to Eisenberg & Riley (2001)
Organizationally, communication failure occurs due to information overload,
communication anxiety, Unethical communication, bad timing, too little
information, message distortion, lack of respect, Insufficient information, minimal
feedback, ineffective communication, and even disinterest or apathy.
Objectives of the Study
The objectives which this study intends to achieve are as follows:
To emphasize the importance of communication in organizations as well as
expose the adverse effects of Under-utilization of modes or methods of
communication in the establishment.
(1) To determine the factors that influence effective communication in
(2) To ascertain whether there exists a relationship between effective
communication and job satisfaction Among members of organization.
(3) To examine the relationship between superiors and subordinates and its
attendant effect on Organizations.
(4) To find out the causes of conflict among members of organizations.
(5) To add new ideas to the existing knowledge on the subject matter.

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This study will serve as a good source of information to organizational players

(1) Employers of labour, labour and organization etc. in helping to identify

impediments and preferring Solution in their specific tasks/roles in their
(2) It will specifically encourage management to evaluate the progress made so
far in the organization to Avoid loss of goodwill and other economic losses.
This study will encourage staff members to imbibe good human relation and
develop good work habit for Success in operations.

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The Industrial Research Institute, (2010) opined that Research Methodology is a

way to find out the result Of a given problem on a specific matter or problem
(also termed research problem). In essence, Researchers use several available
criteria for solving/searching the given research problem in a study. Different
sources use different type of methods for solving the problem. If we think about
the word “Methodology”, it is the way of searching or solving the research
problem. The population is made up of All senior administration staff cadre in
Delta State Polytechnic, Ozoro numbering 100 persons. A simple Random
sampling technique was used to obtain a sample size of (70%) out of the
population. A well-Structured questionnaire was used to collect data from the
selected sample using five point scales, with a Cut-off point of 3.0. The
questionnaire was tested for reliability after its validation. The test-retest method
Was used to ascertain its reliability at a coefficient of 0.85 which is indicative of
very high level of Reliability. The z-score test statistics was to test three
hypotheses formulated for this study.

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System Analysis

Systems Analysis (SA), a tool for 1M has proved invaluable infantilizing complex
organizations and solving problmes resulting from Organizations in conflict with
an environment dominated by change and The uncertainty that inevitably
accompanies change. But its use in library And information environments has
been limited. Increasingly, however, In recent times, libraries are becoming aware
of its potential usefulness analyze and help solve their problems.


While British Standards Institution has defined Bibliometrics as "the study of the
use of documents and patterns of publication in which mathematical and
statistical methods have been applied". Sengupta defines it as "the organization,
classification and quantitative evaluation of publication patterns of all macro and
micro communication along with their authorships by mathematical and
statistical calculus". It is a quantitative science and is divided into Descriptive
bibloimetrics (productivity count) and Evaluative bibliometrics (literature usage
count).The techniques of bibliometrics have extensive applications equally in
sociological studies of science, information management, librarianship,history of
science including science policy, study of science and scientists,etc.tential

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Work Analysis Techniques

In managerial work, it is essential to analyze operations step-by-step as this

would facilitate efficiency and effectiveness of the operations.Several standard
techniques have been developed to aid this type of work Analysis. Some of the
techniques of work analysis which will be useful for 1M situations are block
diagram, flow process chart, decision flowChart, man-machine chart,
micromotion etc.

Monitoring Techniques and Controlling

While controlling usually refers to checking, verifying, testing, Reputating,

exercising restrain or directing influence in order to Successfully carry out a
management process, monitoring involves looking for faults, performing of duty,
giving advice and instruction and exercising Caution.A monitoring technique is a
time negotiated procedure on how allowed Resources will be committed to a
chieving objectives. It is a guideline, a Tool or an aid. The best techniques are
those that are not rigid as they Have provisions for adjustments as future events
become known. These include, Operation Research (OR), Management
Information System(MIS), Management by Objectves (MBO), Network analysis:
PERT and CPM, and Budgetary control etc.

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Evaluation Techniques

Evaluation of any service, process or activity in management usually Refers to

“determining its worth” or “assessment, valuation, appraisal,Criticism, review,
calculation, measurement” or need to know closely the Utility. Evaluation thus is
a matter of comparison of actual results, not Only with anticipated results, but
also with external standards, in the light Of existing institutional realities which
may be relevant to evaluating the Future trajectory of the program or service and
provide an objective basis For decision making. some of the basic techniques
which are applicable for evaluation Process are performance measuerment, cost-
effectivness and cost-benefit Studies etc

Conventional Techniques

It may not be out of place to mention that librarians were the first People to bring
some discipline and order to 1M with their classification And cataloging
schemes”, However, sometimes it is argued that with Automation of information
retrieval it is possible to dispense with Traditional methodologies I techniques for
organizing information, in Particular classification. The strongest counter
argument to this is that Classification underlies all thinking; thus it would be prima
facie surprising if it finds no place in online systems of the future.

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Whatever Information Management is, it perhaps is concerned with Obtaining the

best possible value for money from an organization’s Information resources. In
other words, the buzz words in this context Would be economy, efficiency and
effectiveness in relation to the information or record life cycle – creation,
communication, use, storage band disposal of information. To achieve this,
numerous tools and Techniques, both conventional and non conventional, have
been developed.
To conclude, as Best’ puts it “The field of Information Management has Never
been more exciting than it is today; our pressing needs, the technologies(and
techniques) available to us, and the demands of our business, Govemements and
society as a whole present a challenge to us to find ways Of satisfying demands
for ever more relevant, up-to-date and accurate Information at an economic cost.
Whether we succeed or fail is up to us”.

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