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Time: 55 Minutes

1. Which of the following countries is going to withdraw itself from OPEC in January 2020?
A. Ecuador B. Qatar C. Nigeria D. Algeria

2. Which of the following cricketers won the Professional Cricketers’ Association (PCA) Players’ of the
Year award?
A. Shakib Al Hasan B. Ben Stokes C. Kane Williamson D. Virat Kohli

3. Which country’s women cricket team has clinched the Asia Cup Twenty-20 tournament 2018?
(A) Australia (B) Bangladesh (C) India (D) Pakistan

4. The hottest planet in the solar system

A. Earth B. Venus C. Mars D. Jupiter

5. Which of the following award is popularly known as Asia’s Nobel Prize?

A. Academy Awards B. Pulitzer Prize C. Ramon Magsaysay Award D. Booker Prize

06. The event ‘Vostok-2018’ which Russia will be conducting is a/an ________.
A. International conference with NATO
B. Gaming event
C. Military exercise
D. International science conference

07. Which country topped in the 18th Asian Games?

A. China B. India C. Hong Kong D. Indonesia

08. Which of the following planet has abundant Carbon dioxide?

A. Mercury B. Mars C. Saturn D. Neptune

09. How much did China offer to Africa to enhance its economy and security?
A. $400 B. $500 C. $600 D. $700

10. Headquarters of Internet Society (ISOC)?

A. Virginia, USA B. London, UK C. Cape Town, South Africa D. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

11. Japanese space agency is to test a miniature version of satellite, first of its kind. What is
the movement of the satellite?
A. Elevator movement
B. Orbital movement
C. Elliptical movement
D. Circular movement

12. Which University has launched world’s first COVID-19 Government response tracker?
A. Columbia University B. Cambridge University C. Oxford University D. Stanford University

13. Which of the following book is the compilation of the speeches made by PM Narendra
A. Abode of Love B. Jyotipunj C. Exam warriors D. Setubandha
14. Who is the CEO of Amazon?
A. Bob Iger B. Jeffrey Preston Bezos C. Tim Cook D. Mark Zuckerberg

15. At Which City International Aviation Summit Held?

A. New Delhi B. Hyderabad C. Chennai D. Pune

16. ISRO plans to set up its First Overseas Ground Station

at A. North Pole B. North America C. South Pole D. Greenland

17. Which of the following Bangladesh Naval Ship recently arrives at Visakhapatnam on a goodwill visit?
A. Shadhinota B. Abu Bakar C. Bangabandhu D. Somudra Joy

18. Japan recently hit by strongest storm of 25 years, called Typhoon

A. Shanshan B. Haiyan C. Jebi D. Maria

19. Facebook will invest over $1 billion to build its first Asian data centre in
A. India B. Russia C. China D. Singapore

20. Which metro has become the second-most unaffordable transport network in the world after
Hanoi in Vietnam?
A. Paris B. Hong Kong C. Delhi D. Guangzhou

21. Google recently launched new search engine for scientists, named:
A. Google Ask now B. Search Encrypt C. Dataset Search D. Google Scholar

22. What is the maximum tenure of the Internal Ombudsman (IO) as prescribed by Reserve Bank of
India? A. 7 years B. 3 years C. 5 years D. 4 years

23. How many avian species declared “extinct” in this decade by Bird Life International?
A.8 B.10 C.15 D.14

24. China’s richest man Jack Ma retires from Alibaba at 54. He co-founded Alibaba in
A.1994 B.2003 C.1999 D.2001

25. United Nations’ recent study said the growing global hunger is due to _________.
A. Population
B. Climate Change
C. Spreading of disease in plants and crops
D. War between the countries

26. Which of the following country is to join with Russia to connect its far east with the Asia-Pacific?
A. US B. UK C. China D. Australia

27. What is the specialty of the Smartwatch which Apple launched recently?
A. it can check sugar level
B. it can perform ECG
C. it can connect to emergency if the person undergoes cardiac
arrest D. it can navigate
28. China is planning to establish bullet train between ________.
A. Kolkata and Kunming B. Aizawl and Lincang C. Gorakhpur and Yuxi D. Guwahati and Lijiang

29. Who is the founder of SpaceX?

A. Elon Musk B. Bill Gates C. Nikola Tesla D. Tim Cook

30. Which country retained its number 1 ranking in the United Nation’s latest Human
Development Index (HDI)?
A. Norway B. Switzerland C. Australia D. Germany

Read the following passage and answer Questions 31-35:

Pretty much everybody agrees that clean air is a good thing, right? Evidently not so. Since the 1960s,
when people started talking about clean air in the first place, the American energy industry, which
includes coal companies, oil companies, and utility companies, has dragged its heels on every initiative
to improve the quality of the air we breathe. Even after the Clean Air Act of 1970 and its amendments in
1977 and 1990 made it clear that controlling air pollution is a national priority, these companies have
found tricks and loopholes to avoid compliance. Perhaps the most egregious loophole is the one that
allows older power plants to disregard limits on sulfur dioxide emissions until they undergo a major
renovation, at which point they have to comply. Sulfur dioxide from coal-burning power plants is the
primary cause of acid rain in North America. The Clean Air Act states that when coal burning power
plants upgrade their equipment, they must then comply with sulfur dioxide limitations by either
installing scrubbing equipment that cleans the emissions or using fuel with lower sulfur content. The law
tied the timing of compliance to major renovations in order to give power plants a grace period in which
to comply. Many power plants, however, have exploited a loophole in this law by instituting a series of
“minor” renovations that, in effect, upgrade their equipment without requiring them to comply with the
Clean Air Act. Some plants have cheated the system by undergoing “minor” renovations for decades.
The power companies claim that they have to resort to these underhanded measures because the cost
of compliance with the Clean Air Act is too high. And if everyone else is cheating the system, why should
they have to install costly sulfur dioxide scrubbers?

This cost argument falls apart upon scrutiny. Since 1977, more than 400 power plants across the country
have managed to comply with the restrictions and are still making money. The sulfur dioxide scrubbing
equipment has turned out to be far less expensive than the power industry naysayers claimed it would
be. Many power plants have even complied with the emissions limits and reduced their operating costs
by switching from high-sulfur Appalachian coal to the low-sulfur coal produced in western states such as
Wyoming and Idaho. Western coal is not only cleaner than eastern coal, but also, because it is generally
closer to the surface, as much as 30 percent less expensive to extract. Clearly, the costs of compliance
with the Clean Air Act can be justified, but if these companies were honest, such justifications would not
have to be made. If they were honest, they would acknowledge the costs of not complying: the health
costs of increased rates of asthma and lung cancer in high-emissions areas; the environmental costs of
acid scarred forests and lakes; the aesthetic costs of a haze of sulfur dioxide cutting visibility across the
eastern United States to only half of what it was in pre- industrial times. When you look at the true costs
you have to ask, is any cost too high for clean air?
31) Which of the following best expresses the purpose of this passage?
A. To explain how a loophole in the Clean Air Act allows power plants to avoid compliance with
emissions restrictions
B. To raise awareness of the problems caused by sulfur dioxide emissions from coal-burning power
C. To argue against a specific implementation of the Clean Air Act that relates to greenhouse
gas emissions
D. To argue that companies should not exploit a loophole in the Clean Air Act concerning an atmospheric
E. To advocate the passage of a new Clean Air Act that places limits on sulfur dioxide emissions

32) The author’s tone can best be described as which of the following?
A. Angry and subjective B. Calm and objective C. Analytic and ambivalent D. Grim and self-satisfied E.
Tentative and biased

33) The author most likely begins and concludes the passage with questions for what
reason? A. To suggest possible areas for current and future research
B. To pose a question that is answered in the body of the passage, and then to formulate a question that
arises naturally out of the discussion
C. To gain the readers’ attention and encourage their agreement with the arguments in the passage
D. To suggest through rhetorical questions that the problems described in the passage do not
actually have answers
E. To test the readers’ knowledge of the material discussed in the passage

34) According to information given in the passage, which of the following statements presents the
most accurate comparison of an average ton of coal from Wyoming with an average ton of coal from
the Appalachian range in West Virginia?
A. The former is cheaper and has higher sulfur content than the latter.
B. The latter is found closer to the surface and contains more sulfur than the former.
C. The former can help coal-burning power plants meet limits on sulfur dioxide emissions and
costs more than the latter.
D. The latter generates more energy per pound of coal than the former.
E. The former is found closer to the surface than the latter and helps coal-burning power plants meet
limits on sulfur dioxide emissions.

35) According to the information given in the passage, sulfur dioxide emissions are linked to all
except which of the following phenomena?
A. Reduced visibility in the eastern United States
B. Damage to the ozone hole
C. Increased rates of asthma
D. Acid rain
E. Damaged forests
Correct the following sentences from the options provided (Questions 36-40):

36) As the rising toll of victims at Chernobyl made clear, neither the scientists nor the ecologists knows
how to deal with the lethal effects of nuclear power plant accidents.
A. Neither the scientists nor the ecologists knows
B. Neither the scientists nor the ecologists know
C. Neither the scientists or the ecologists know
D. Neither the scientists together with the ecologists
knows E. Not the scientist or the ecologists know

37) After battling hypertension for years, Mr. Khan was relieved by the results of his doctor’s annual
physical examination, which indicated his blood pressure was normal.
A. His doctor’s annual physical examination, which
B. His annual physical examination by which it was
C. His annual physical examination, which
D. An annual physical examination by his doctor, which
E. His doctor’s annual physical examination that

38. Chile laborers are employed not so much for their skill but instead by the fact that these children
are cheap in terms of their wage rates.
A. but instead B. rather than C than D. as E. so much as

39. The earnings of the female workers are well below that of male workers in spite of
educational differences that are diminishing between the sexes.
A. well below that of male workers in spite of educational differences that are diminishing
B. much below that of male worker's despite educational differences diminishing
C. much below male workers in spite of diminishing educational differences
D. well below those of male workers in spite of diminishing educational differences
E. below male workers despite their educational differences that are diminishing

40. Seeming to be the only organization fighting for the rights of poor people in the country, Elina
Khan, a lawyer of Bangladesh, joined Human Rights Society in 1988.
A. Seeming to be B. As C. In that they seemed D. Since it seemed E. Because it seemed to be

41. If (7.5/.5+x) = 10, then x = ?

A. 0.3 B. 0.5 C. 2.5 D. 0.1 E. 0.25

42. ABC is an isosceles triangle. Its two sides AB and AC are equal to one another. Its BAC = 20
degree. The baseline BC is extended up to D. Of how many degrees is the angle ACD?
A. 80 degree B. 100 degree C. 90 degree D. 110 degree E. 120 degree

43. If the total salary expense of a company in year Y was Tk. 84,000, which was 20% more than in
year X, what was the total salary expense in Taka in year X?
A. 64,000 B. 68,320 C. 70,000 D. 60,000 E. 52,320
44. If a > b > c, then which of the following is true?
A. a – b < b – c B. a – c > a – b C. a + b = b + c D. a – c < a – b E. a + b > 2a

45. What percent of 3/4 is 1/4 of 3/5?

A. 15% B. 20% C. 33 1/3% D. 75% E. 80%

46. Between two consecutive numbers if one-fourth of the smaller one exceeds the one-fifth of larger
one by 3, find out the numbers.
A.64&65 B.60&61 C.44&45 D.40&41 E.20&21

47. In a table, there are 100 socks of which 30% are green and the rest are red. From the red ones, 20%
are torn and from the green ones 20 are torn. How many socks are not torn?
A. 36 B. 46 C. 56 D. 66 E. 76

48. In how many ways can 4 Bangladeshis and 4 Americans be seated at a round table so that no
two Bangladeshis may be together?
A. 104 B. 124 C. 134 D. 144 E. 154

49. In the final examination 20% students failed in Math and 25% students failed in Bangla. Fifteen
percent students failed in both Bangla and Math. If 28 students passed in both Bangla and Math, what is
the total number of students?
A. 40 B. 12 C. 30 D. 56 E. 80

50. Ali lives 4 km north of school and Moshi lives 3 km east of school. A straight road is made between
Ali’s house and Moshi’s house. If the cost of road is Taka 100,000 per km, what is total cost
of constructing the road in Taka?
A. 7,00,000 B. 6,00,000 C. 5,00,000 D. 4,00,000 E. 8,00,000

51. If p is less than q which of the following numbers is greater than p and less than q?
A. ((p+q)/2 B. (pq)/2 C. q^2– p^2 D. pq E. q – p

52. Given that a and b are real numbers, let f (a, b) = ab and let g(a) = a^2 + 2, then f [3, g (3)]=?
A. 3a^2 + 2 B. 3a^2 + 6 C. 27 D. 29 E. 33

53. The ratio of the number of boys to the number of girls in a certain school club is 3:4. If there are
5 more girls than boys in the club, how many girls are in the club?
A.7 B.8 C.12 D.15 E.20

54. Out of a total of 600 employees in a corporation, 54 percent are females and 25 percent of these
females work in research. If 48 percent of the total numbers of employees work in research, how many
male employees do not work in research?
A. 292 B. 98 C. 357 D. 69 E. 149

55. In each production lot for a certain toy, 25 percent of the toys are red and 75 percent of the toys
are blue. Half of the toys are size A and Half are size B. If 10 out of a lot of 100 toys are red and size A,
how many of the toys are blue and size B?
A. 15 B. 25 C. 35 D. 40 E. 30
56. One-fifth of the light switches produced by a certain factory are defective. Four-fifths of the defective
switches are rejected and one-twentieth of the non-defective switches are rejected by mistake. If all the
switches not rejected are sold, what percent of the switches sold by the factory are defective?
A. 4% B. 5% C. 6.75% D. 18% E. 13%

57. Hasan’s income is 50% more than Javed’s income, and Javed’s income is 40% less than
Babu’s income. What percent of Babu’s income is Hasan’s income?
A. 160% B. 90% C. 96% D. 120% E. 75%

58. At apartment complex z, 30 percent of the residents are men over the age of 18 and 40 percent are
women over the age of 18. If there are 24 children living in the complex, how many total residents live
in apartment complex z?
A. 32 B. 80 C. 94 D. 112 E. 124

59. If x > 1 and (√x/(x^3)), what is the value of m?

A. -7/2 B. –3 C. -5/2 D. –2 E. -3/2

60. If x is equal to 2 more than the product of 4 and z, y is equal to 2 less than the product of 3 and z,
then how much 3x is greater than 4y?
A.2 B.–2 C.12 D.5 E.14

61. If the average of the four numbers M, 2M+3, 3M+1 is 63. What is the value of M?
A. 11 B. 15.75 C. 22 D. 23 E. 25.3

62. Shuma receives 10% raise each year for three consecutive years. What was her salary after
three raises if her salary was Tk. 10000 per month?
A. 13105 B. 13310 C. 14520 D. 14109 E. 15221

63. The sum of an odd and an even number is:

A. Sometimes an odd number B. Always an odd number C. Always a prime number
D. Always divisible by 2 E. Always divisible by 3, 5, or 7

64. A student has an average of 86 in three examinations. What grade must he/she receive on
his/her next test to raise his/her average to 88?
A. 94 B. 90 C. 92 D. 100 E. 96

65. In a group of 9 children, there are twice as many girls as boys, and twice as many right-handed
people as there are left-handed people. If a third of the boys are left handed, how many girls are right-
A.1 B.3 C.4 D.5 E.6

66. If m is an integer, then which of the following is the sum of the next two even integers greater
than 4m+1?
A. 8m+2 B. 8m/4 C. 8m+6 D. 8m+8 E. 8m+10

67. The length of a rectangle is three times the width. If the perimeter is 36 cm, the width is:
A. 9 cm B. 4.45 cm C. 13 cm D. 13.5 cm E. 18 cm
68. What is the smallest number of apple that can be distributed equally (without cutting any apple)
among 6, 10, 14 or 18 boys?
A. 1260 B. 315 C. 360 D. 630 E. 780

69. If there are 5 routes for traveling between two places A and B, how many option are there for a
person to travel from A to B and return back?
A.5 B.10 C.9 D.25 D.20

70. The quantity of goods produced in firm is given by the equation x^2+5x=6, where x is number of
units produced in thousand units. If you solve this equation, what is the rational level of production?
A. 6000 B. 4000 C. 5000 D. 1000 E. 2000

71. If 3/p=6 and 3/q= 15 then p-q=?

A. 1/3 B. 2/5 C. 3/10 D. 5/6 E. 5

72. What number should come next of the series: 201, 202, 204, 207, ------?
A. 205 B. 208 C. 210 D. 211 E. 213

73. A store usually sells certain item at a 40% profit. In one week, the store has a sale during which
the item is 20% less than the usual price. During the sale what is the percent profit the store makes on
the item?
A. 6% B. 8% C. 11% D. 12% E. 14%

74. The purchase price of an article is Tk 80. In order to include 20% of the cost for overhead and to
provide Tk 20 net profit, the mark up should be:
A. 16% B. 21% C. 25% D. 35% E. 45%

75. Mr. X invests Tk 2400 in the Brac Bank at 5%. How much additional money must he invest at 8%
so that the total annual income will be equal to 6% of his entire investment?
A. Tk 1200 B. Tk 3000 C. Tk 1000 D. Tk 3600 E. Tk 2400

76.Suppose you begin reading a book on page h and end on age k. if you read each page completely and
the page are numbered and read consecutively, then how many pages have you read. A. h+k B. h-k C. k-
h+2 D. k-h-1 E. k-h+1

77. The length of a rectangle is 7 more than its width. If the perimeter of the rectangle is the same as the
perimeter of a square of side 8.5, what is the length of a diagonal of the rectangle?
A. 12 B. 13 C. 23 D. 31 E. 33

78. If one root of the equation 2x^2 + x - k = 0 is 6, what is the value of k?

A. 90 B. 42 C. 18 D. 10 E. -10

79. If a 10% deposit has been paid toward the purchase of a certain product is Tk 110, how much more
remains to be paid?
A. 880 B. 990 C. 1000 D. 1010 E. 1110

80. Taxi service charge an initial fee of Tk 22.50 at the begining of a tri and an additional charge of Tk
3.50 for 2/5 of a mile traveled. What is the total charge for a trip of 3.6 miles?
A. Tk 31.50 B. Tk 44.50 C. Tk 45.00 D. Tk 48.00 E. Tk 54.00
A. Confederation : State B. Trepidation : Courage C. Serenity : Equipment
D. Surfeit : Food E. Computer : Hard Drive


A. Flag : Anthem B. Storey : Building C. Mural : Painting D. Refund : Deposit E. Weigh : Value


A. Easy : Simple B. Quiet : Loud C. Good : Better D. Huge : Tiny E. Plain : Ugly

84. Precarious: Vulnerable

A. Certain: Secure B. Impede: Progress C. Hazardous: Uncertain
D. Assertive: Dislike E. Accustomed: Unusual

85. Patron: Support

A. Spouse: Divorce B. Restaurant : Management C. Councilor : Advice
D. Host : Hostility E. Artist : Imitation


86. Tyranny
A. domination B. importance C. evilness D. square E. bossiness

87. Resided
A. Resigned B. Hunted C. Lived D. Hid E. Enriched

88. Tranquil
A. Angry B. Insolvent C. Squeeze D. Accept E. Reject

89. Find the answer that is closest in meaning of "Hole and corner"
A. Crack B. Hallow C. Frank D. Foolish E. Secrecy

90. Adroit
A. Skillful B. Adept C. Competent D. Dexterous E. Tactless

Read the following passage and answer the questions 91 through 95:

One phase of the business cycle is the expansion phase. This phase is a two-fold one, including recovery and
prosperity. During the recovery period there is an ever-growing expansion of existing facilities and new
facilities for production are created. More businesses are created and older ones expanded. Improvements of
various kinds are made. There is an ever increasing optimism about the future of economic growth. Much
capital is invested in machinery or "heavy" industry. More labor is employed. Rawer material is required. As
one part of the economy develops, other parts are affected. For example, a great expansion in automobiles
results in an expansion of the steel, glass and rubber industries. 'Roads are required; thus the cement and
machinery industries are stimulated. Demand for labor and materials results in greater prosperity for workers
and suppliers of raw materials, including farmers. This increases purchasing power and the volume of goods
bought and sold. Thus prosperity is diffused among the various segments of the population. This prosperity
period may continue to rise and rise without an apparent end.
However, a time comes when this phase reaches a peak and stops spiraling upwards. This is the end of
the expansion phase.

91. Prosperity in one industry:

A. Reflects itself in many other industries
B. Will spiral upwards
C. will affect the steel industry
D. Will end abruptly
E. Will help all segments of the society except the farmers

92. Which of the following industries will probably be a good indicator of a period of
expansion? A. Toys B. Machine tools C. Foodstuffs D. Cosmetics E. Farming

93. During the period of prosperity, people regard the future:

A. Cautiously B. In a confident manner C. Opportunely D. Indifferently E. Bearishly

94. It can be assumed that in the next paragraph the writer will discuss:
A. Cyclical industries B. Union demands C. The status of the farmer D. The higher cost of living E.
The recession period

95. The best title of the passage would be:

A. The Business cycle B. The Recovery Stage C. Attaining Prosperity D. An expanding society E.
The Period of Good Times

Find the real meanings of the underlined portions of the following sentence (questions 96 through 100)

96. Mr. Rahman is in high spirits.

A. independent B. thoughtful C. cheerful D. gloomy E. strong

97. He is in hot water over the report.

A. in warm water B clean C. accused D. in trouble E. responsible

98. It is a far cry from Dhaka to London.

A. a long way off B. a shout C. difference D. a loud voice E. a hot connection

99. There are black sheep.

A. big ram B. selfish persons C. shy persons D. bad characters E. kind persons

100. The manager was charged with cooking the accounts.

A. preparing false accounts B. illegal business C. improper relationship
D. creating trouble E. instigating people

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