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Readiness Assessment Checklist for Learning Delivery Modalities in the Learning Continuity Plan

of Private Schools
(Adapted from DepEd Order No. 013, s. 2020)


Area of Readiness Particulars Evaluation
Yes No/ Narrative
Platform and Support The school has an educational
platform or Learning
Management System (LMS),
either subscription-based or
locally developed.
The school has the technical
expertise to run and support the
educational platform 24/7.
Technical expertise can be in-
house OR outsourced OR a
combination, depending on the
nature of the deployment. The
more IN-HOUSE/locally
developed is the hosted
platform, the higher the degree
of the technical support
personnel required.
The school has email facility or
domain name for all teachers
and users. Note: The school can
The school has helpdesk
personnel working under the
platform managers whose main
task will be to directly answer
usage queries of both teachers
and students.
Content The school has complete and
appropriate content for Quarter
1 in the platform.
Assessment Together with the content, the
school has proper assessments
(e.g., quiz, exams) available in
the platform. The same
assessments should be regularly
reviewed and updated.
Teacher The school has institutionalized
the training and updating of
teachers to be more
technologically adept.
Teachers have access to device/s
and connectivity at the school.
The teachers are well oriented
on DepEd policies relating to
online distance learning and to
freely access the needed
resources accorded by the
Department like the DepEd
Commons and LRMDS.
Learners The learners have access to the
necessary resources (device,
connectivity) to access the
Parents The parents have expressed
willingness for the option of
online distance learning for their
The parents are willing to co-
supervise and co-monitor the
progress of their children's
online learning.
Governance The school orients the teachers,
parents and learners about the
online learning policies and
directions to ensure that
everyone is properly informed
and guided.
Continuance The school has a technology
knowledge enhancement
program wherein regular
trainings or seminars are given
to teachers, students, and
parents to make them embrace
the technology.


Area of Readiness Particulars Evaluation
Yes No/ Narrative
Governance The school orients the teachers,
parents and learners about the
modular learning policies and
directions to ensure that
is properly informed and guided.
Content The school has complete and
appropriate content (Learning
Modules/Self-Learning Modules
in print and e-copy for those with
device) for Quarter 1 available
for distribution to learners
Content The school has available
materials for distribution to the
Parents The parents have expressed
willingness for the option of
modular distance learning for
their children.
Parents The parents are willing to co-
supervise and co-monitor the
progress of their children's
modular distance learning.
Questionnaire on Teachers Awareness, Readiness and Online Learning Experience During
(Adapted from Teachers’ Covid-19 Awareness, Distance Learning Education Experiences and
Perceptions towards Institutional Readiness and Challenges by Lapada et al, July 2020)

Teacher’s Readiness to Distance Learning Yes Maybe No

Education Due to COVID-19
1. Ready to conduct distance learning
education to my students in times of
2. Ready to use the printed module as a tool
for learning at home.
3. Ready to use online modules or learning
materials available on the internet such as
Youtube, Ted Talk, and Khan Academy.
4. Ready to utilize learning management
systems like Edmodo, Canvas, Google
Classroom, or Zoom as a means of online
or distance learning education.
5. Well-equipped and ready for distance
learning since I attended a training or
workshop on distance learning education
Schools’ Preparedness to Distance Learning
Education Due to COVID-19
6. The school has a system of information
dissemination to communicate with the
parents and the learners during the CoVid-
19 outbreak.
7. The school has provided capacity building
on distance learning education
management for teachers.
8. The school has a designated workforce for
the COVID-19.
9. The school has provided the regulations
and policies on the use of distance learning
to protect student’s identity and data
10. The school has provided supplementary
materials for distance learning such as
subscriptions to online libraries,
procurement of online learning
management systems.

Challenges in distance learning education Strongly Disagree Agree Strongly

Disagree Agree
1. Challenges on Knowledge and skills
required in delivering distance learning
education classes
2. Challenges on establishing communication
with my students
3. Challenges on having stable internet access
intended for distance learning education
4. Challenges on the use of phones, laptops,
and tablets or any devices for distance
learning education
5. Challenges on the use of any Learning
Management System (LMS)
6. Challenges on Use of social media, e-
mails, and other platforms of distance
learning education
7. Challenges on Giving instruction and
responding to queries through e-mail and
8. Challenges on Encouraging participation
and utilization of features in online classes
9. Challenges on Time management in the
conduct of classes, monitoring of
responses, availability of students, and
other online classes issues.
10. Challenges on the sudden shift from face to
face to online classes.
11. Challenges on Managing the stress caused
by community quarantine at home and in
between online classes demands.
12. Challenges on Beating the deadlines and
requirements set by the school
13. Challenges on Establishing a network of
communication among stakeholders such
as parents for support at home.
14. Challenges on Checking and evaluating
students’ output from the e-mail of an
online Learning Management System.
15. Challenges on Building a positive
environment through online classes
through emotional support among my
students aside from content-based teaching
and learning.
(Adapted from UNICEF)


Overall, how would you evaluate the experience with the organization of distance learning?
[__] Excellent
[__] Good
[__] Neither good or bad
[__] Poor
[__] Very Poor

Considerations how to organize the instruction

Given your experiences so far, what support will be needed for realization of instruction?
[__] Training for the teaching staff for platforms adjusted to assessment
[__] Training on using digital platforms
[__] Equipment (computers/laptops)
[__] Digital educational materials adjusted to the teaching units
[__] Vouchers for access to stable and fast Internet
[__] Digitalization of textbooks
[__] Didactic guidelines for distance learning
[__] Technical support for resource platform
[__] Education for students and educational staff about safety measures for Covid-19
[__] Additional staff for hygienic measures maintenance
[__] Psycho-social support from professionals for dealing with stress


Teachers’ perception about students
How would you personally evaluate the home schooling compared to the period when classes were held
at school?
[__] Increased number of students with difficulties to master the teaching materials
[__] No significant difference
[__] Less number of students with difficulties to master the teaching material

Were there any students and/or parents that the school could not get in contact during the distance
[__] Yes, there were such cases, we could not get in contact with some of the students/parents and
we did not know for certain what was happening
[__] Yes, we did have such cases in the beginning, however, later we managed to get in contact
with all students/parents
[__] No, there were no such cases, we managed to get in contact with all students/parents from
the very beginning

Difficulties encountered by teachers

[__] Significant number of students did not take distance learning seriously enough
[__] Some students did not follow up on assignments and it was difficult to motivate them
[__] Students did not take the test/examinations individually - they shared the answers among
themselves or were assisted by their parents
[__] Some students would not connect to online classes, and I could not register them as absent in
the register
[__] Significant number of students shared a computer with other children in the family and were
faced with the problem "who can first use the…
[__] Significant number of students could not understand the material only through distance
[__] The schedule was disrupted without clear distinction between the time for school activities
and leisure time
[__] Some students complained about increased stress and anxiety due to the situation

Considerations how to organize the instruction

What support do you personally need if you have to proceed with distance learning in the next school
[__] Training for the teaching staff for platforms adjusted to assessment
[__] Training on using digital platforms
[__] Equipment (computers/laptops)
[__] Digital educational materials adjusted to the teaching units
[__] Vouchers for access to stable and fast Internet
[__] Digitalization of textbooks
[__] Didactic guidelines for distance learning
[__] Technical support for resource platform
[__] Education for students and educational staff about safety measures for Covid-19
[__] Additional staff for hygienic measures maintenance
[__] Psycho-social support from professionals for dealing with stress


Overall, to which extent do you think that home schooling was effective?
[__] Very Effective
[__] Effective
[__] Partially effective
[__] Partially not effective
[__] Not Effective at all

Which of the listed difficulties did you face as parent/custodian during home schooling?
[__] I did not have enough time to commit to learning with my child/children due to work
[__] For certain subjects, I (or other family members who helped) had difficulties to help with the
[__] I did not have enough time to commit to learning with my child/children due to household
errands (cooking, cleaning, buying food, etc).
[__] I had to rely on help from older children, because I could not cope with Internet platforms or
work on computer
[__] I had no one to rely on, and I found it hard to use Internet platforms or other communication
channels with teachers
[__] Other difficulties, please specify ________________

Which of the listed difficulties related to the ORGANIZATION OF INSTRUCTION OR WORK OF

TEACHERS did you face...?
[__] The schedule was disrupted without clear distinction between time for school activities and
leisure time
[__] Teachers were giving very extensive home work
[__] The approach applied by the teachers allowed the students to copy and share the answers
among each other or to get assistance from others
[__] I did not receive feedback from the teachers about the progress of my child
[__] Teachers did not have enough computer skills or skills for using internet platforms for
[__] The teachers failed to coordinate themselves and children were overburdened with
homework at certain periods
[__] Different teachers used different platforms and I (or my child) was overburdened with
[__] The organization of instruction at school level was very chaotic
[__] Teachers were not available for consultations and/ordid not give clear instructions
[__] Teachers did not examine the knowledge at all
[__] Do not know
[__] Did not face difficulties

Which of the listed difficulties did you face as parent in relation to ACCESS TO EQUIPMENT OR
[__] We had the problem "who can first use the computer" because children had to share the
computer/laptop among each other or with other family members
[__] We did not have a printer, and some of the assignments had to be printed out
[__] There were other technical problems (e.g. poor Internet connection for Zoom)
[__] We had problems with Internet or did not have Internet access at all
[__] We did not have a single computer/laptop
[__] Do not know
[__] Did not face difficulties

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