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Integrated Curriculum for Secondary Schools

Curriculum Specifications

Form 4

Curriculum Development Centre

Ministry of Education Malaysia
Copyright © 2005
Ministry of Education Malaysia

First published 2005

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, and recording or by any information storage and retrieval
system, without permission in writing from the Director of Curriculum Development Centre, Level 4-8, Block E9,
Government Complex Parcel E, 62604 Putrajaya, Malaysia.


The National Philosophy v

National Philosophy of Education vii

National Science Education Philosophy ix

Preface xi

Introduction 1

Scientific Skills 2

Thinking Skills 4

Scientific Attitudes and Noble Values 8

Teaching and Learning Strategies 9

Content Organisation 12


Learning Area : 1. Introduction to Biology 14

Learning Area : 1. Cell structure and cell organisation 16

Learning Area : 2. Movement of substances across the plasma membrane 20

Learning Area : 3. Chemical composition of the cell 24

Learning Area : 4. Cell division 28


Learning Area : 1. Nutrition 32

Learning Area : 2. Respiration 47



Learning Area : 1. Dynamic ecosystem 55

Learning Area : 2. Endangered ecosystem 62

Acknowledgements 67

Panel of Writers 68

Our nation, Malaysia, is dedicated to achieving a greater unity of all her peoples; to maintaining a democratic way of life; to
creating a just society in which the wealth of the nation shall be equitably shared; to ensuring a liberal approach to her rich
and diverse cultural traditions; to building a progressive society which shall be oriented towards modern science and

We, her peoples, pledge our united efforts to attain these ends guided by the following principles:



Education in Malaysia is an on-going effort towards further developing the potential of individuals in a holistic and integrated
manner, so as to produce individuals who are intellectually, spiritually, emotionally and physically balanced and harmonious
based on a firm belief in and devotion to God. Such an effort is designed to produce Malaysian citizens who are
knowledgeable and competent, who possess high moral standards and who are responsible and capable of achieving a high
level of personal well-being as well as being able to contribute to the betterment of the family, society and the nation at large.


In consonance with the National Education Philosophy, science education in

Malaysia nurtures a
science and technology culture by focusing
on the development of individuals who are competitive, dynamic, robust and
resilient and able to
master scientific knowledge and technological competency.


The aspiration of the nation to become an industrialised society In a recent development, the Government has made a decision to
depends on science and technology. It is envisaged that introduce English as the medium of instruction in the teaching
success in providing quality science education to Malaysians and learning of science and mathematics. This measure will
from an early age will serve to spearhead the nation into enable students to keep abreast of developments in science and
becoming a knowledge society and a competitive player in the technology in contemporary society by enhancing their capability
global arena. Towards this end, the Malaysian education system and know-how to tap the diverse sources of information on
is giving greater emphasis to science and mathematics science written in the English language. At the same time, this
education. move would also provide opportunities for students to use the
English language and hence, increase their proficiency in the
The Biology curriculum has been designed not only to provide language. Thus, in implementing the biology curriculum, attention
opportunities for students to acquire science knowledge and is given to developing students’ ability to use English for study
skills, develop thinking skills and thinking strategies, and to and communication, especially in the early years of learning.
apply this knowledge and skills in everyday life, but also to
inculcate in them noble values and the spirit of patriotism. It is The development of this curriculum and the preparation of the
hoped that the educational process en route to achieving these corresponding Curriculum Specifications have been the work of
aims would produce well-balanced citizens capable of many individuals over a period of time. To all those who have
contributing to the harmony and prosperity of the nation and its contributed in one way or another to this effort, may I, on behalf
people. of the Ministry of Education, express my sincere gratitude and
thanks for the time and labour expended.
The Biology curriculum aims at producing active learners. To
this end, students are given ample opportunities to engage in
scientific investigations through hands-on activities and
experimentations. The inquiry approach, incorporating thinking
skills, thinking strategies and thoughtful learning, should be (MAHZAN BIN BAKAR SMP, AMP)
emphasised throughout the teaching-learning process. The Director
content and contexts suggested are chosen based on their Curriculum Development Centre
relevance and appeal to students so that their interest in the Ministry of Education Malaysia
subject is enhanced.

designed to produce students who are literate in
INTRODUCTION science, innovative, and able to apply scientific knowledge in
decision making and problem solving in everyday life.
As articulated in the National Education Policy, education in The elective science subjects prepare students who are more
Malaysia is an on-going effort towards developing the potential scientifically inclined to pursue the study of science at post-
of individuals in a holistic and integrated manner to produce secondary level. This group of students would take up careers in
individuals who are intellectually, spiritually, emotionally and the field of science and technology and play a leading role in this
physically balanced and harmonious. The primary and field for national development.
secondary school science curriculum is developed with the aim
of producing such individuals. For every science subject, the curriculum for the year is
articulated in two documents: the syllabus and the curriculum
As a nation that is progressing towards a developed nation specifications. The syllabus presents the aims, objectives and the
status, Malaysia needs to create a society that is scientifically outline of the curriculum content for a period of 2 years for
oriented, progressive, knowledgeable, having a high capacity for elective science subjects and 5 years for core science subjects.
change, forward-looking, innovative and a contributor to The curriculum specifications provides the details of the
scientific and technological developments in the future. In line curriculum which includes the aims and objectives of the
with this, there is a need to produce citizens who are creative, curriculum, brief descriptions on thinking skills and thinking
critical, inquisitive, open-minded and competent in science and strategies, scientific skills, scientific attitudes and noble values,
technology. teaching and learning strategies, and curriculum content. The
curriculum content provides the themes, learning areas, learning
The Malaysian science curriculum comprises three core science objectives, suggested learning activities, the intended learning
subjects and four elective science subjects. The core subjects outcomes, notes and vocabulary.
are Science at primary school level, Science at lower secondary
level and Science at upper secondary level. Elective science
subjects are offered at the upper secondary level and consist of AIMS
Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Additional Science.

The core science subjects for the primary and lower secondary
The aims of the biology curriculum for secondary school are to
levels are designed to provide students with basic science
provide students with the knowledge and skills in science and
knowledge, prepare students to be literate in science, and
technology and enable them to solve problems and make
enable students to continue their science education at the upper
decisions in everyday life based on scientific attitudes and noble
secondary level. Core Science at the upper secondary level is

Students who have followed the biology curriculum will have the
foundation in biology to enable them to pursue formal and
informal further education in science and technology.

The curriculum also aims to develop a concerned, dynamic and 8. Realise the importance of inter-dependence among living
progressive society with a science and technology culture that things and the management of nature for survival of
values nature and works towards the preservation and mankind.
conservation of the environment.
9. Appreciate the contributions of science and technology
towards national development and the well-being of

10. Realise that scientific discoveries are the result of human

The biology curriculum for secondary school enables students endeavour to the best of his or her intellectual and mental
to: capabilities to understand natural phenomena for the
betterment of mankind.
1. Acquire knowledge in biology and technology in the 11. Be aware of the need to love and care for the
context of natural phenomena and everyday life environment and play an active role in its preservation
experiences. and conservation.

2. Understand developments in the field of biology and

3. Acquire scientific and thinking skills.

4. Apply knowledge and skills in a creative and critical

Science emphasises inquiry and problem solving. In inquiry and
manner to solve problems and make decisions on
problem solving processes, scientific and thinking skills are
biology-related issues.
utilised. Scientific skills are important in any scientific
investigation such as conducting experiments and carrying out
5. Apply knowledge of biology to improve one’s health and
well-being, and face challenges in the scientific and
technological world and be willing to contribute towards
Scientific skills encompass science process skills and
the development of science and technology.
manipulative skills.
6. Evaluate science and technology-related information Science Process Skills
wisely and effectively.
Science process skills enable students to formulate their
7. Practise and internalise scientific attitudes and good
questions and find out the answers systematically.
moral values.

Descriptions of the science process skills are as follows: Controlling Identifying the fixed variables, manipulated
Variables variable, and responding variable in an
Observing Using the sense of hearing, touch, smell, investigation. The manipulated variable is
taste and sight to collect information about an changed to observe its relationship with the
object or a phenomenon. responding variable. At the same time, the
fixed variables are kept constant.
Classifying Using observations to group objects or events
according to similarities or differences. Hypothesising Making a general statement about the
relationship between a manipulated variable
Measuring and Making quantitative observations using and a responding variable in order to explain
Using numbers and tools with standardised units. an event or observation. This statement can
Numbers Measuring makes observation more accurate. be tested to determine its validity.

Inferring Using past experiences or previously Experimenting Planning and conducting activities to test a
collected data to draw conclusions and certain hypothesis. These activities include
explain events. collecting, analysing and interpreting data and
making conclusions.
Predicting Stating the outcome of a future event based
on prior knowledge gained through Manipulative Skills
experiences or collected data.
Manipulative skills in scientific investigation are psychomotor
Communicating Using words or graphic symbols such as
skills that enable students to:
tables, graphs, figures or models to describe
an action, object or event.
? use and handle science apparatus and laboratory substances
Using Space- Describing changes in parameter with time. correctly,
Time Relationship Examples of parameters are location, ? handle specimens correctly and carefully,
direction, shape, size, volume, weight and ? draw specimens, apparatus and laboratory substances
mass. accurately,
? clean science apparatus correctly, and
Interpreting Data Giving rational explanations about an object, ? store science apparatus and laboratory substances correctly
event or pattern derived from collected data. and safely.

Defining Defining concepts by describing what must be

Operationally done and what should be observed.

THINKING SKILLS Critical Thinking Skills

A brief description of each critical thinking skill is as follows:

Thinking is a mental process that requires an individual to
integrate knowledge, skills and attitude in an effort to understand Attributing Identifying characteristics, features,
the environment. qualities and elements of a concept or an
One of the objectives of the national education system is to object.
enhance the thinking ability of students. This objective can be Comparing and Finding similarities and differences based
achieved through a curriculum that emphasises thoughtful Contrasting on criteria such as characteristics,
llearning. Teaching and learning that emphasises thinking skills features, qualities and elements of a
is a foundation for thoughtful learning. concept or event.
Grouping and Separating objects or phenomena into
Thoughtful learning is achieved if students are actively involved Classifying categories based on certain criteria such
in the teaching and learning process. Activities should be as common characteristics or features.
organised to provide opportunities for students to apply thinking
skills in conceptualisation, problem solving and decision-making. Sequencing Arranging objects and information in order
based on the quality or quantity of common
Thinking skills can be categorised into critical thinking skills and characteristics or features such as size,
creative thinking skills. A person who thinks critically always time, shape or number.
evaluates an idea in a systematic manner before accepting it. A Prioritising Arranging objects and information in order
person who thinks creatively has a high level of imagination, is based on their importance or priority.
able to generate original and innovative ideas, and modify ideas Analysing Examining information in detail by breaking
and products. it down into smaller parts to find implicit
meanings and relationships.
Thinking strategies are higher order thinking processes that
iinvolve various steps. Each step involves various critical and Detecting Bias Identifying views or opinions that have the
creative thinking skills. The ability to formulate thinking tendency to support or oppose something
strategies is the ultimate aim of introducing thinking activities in in an unfair or misleading way.
the teaching and learning process. Evaluating Making judgements on the quality or value
of something based on valid reasons or
Making Conclusions Making a statement about the outcome of
an investigation that is based on a

Creative Thinking Skills Making Analogies Understanding abstract or complex
concepts by relating them to simpler or
A brief description of each creative thinking skill is as follows: concrete concepts with similar
Generating Ideas Producing or giving ideas in a discussion.
Inventing Producing something new or adapting
Relating Making connections in a certain situation something already in existence to
to determine a structure or pattern of overcome problems in a systematic
relationship. manner.

Making Inferences Using past experiences or previously

collected data to draw conclusions and Thinking Strategy
explain events.
Description of each thinking strategy is as follows:
Predicting Stating the outcome of a future event
based on prior knowledge gained through Conceptualising Making generalisations based on inter-
experiences or collected data. related and common characteristics in
order to construct meaning, concept or
Making Making a general conclusion about a model.
Generalisations group based on observations on, or
information from, samples of the group. Making Decisions Selecting the best solution from various
alternatives based on specific criteria to
Visualising Recalling or forming mental images about achieve a specific aim.
a particular idea, concept, situation or
vision. Problem Solving Finding solutions to challenging or
unfamiliar situations or unanticipated
Synthesising Combining separate elements or parts to difficulties in a systematic manner.
form a general picture in various forms
such as writing, drawing or artefact. Besides the above thinking skills and thinking strategies,
another skill emphasised is reasoning. Reasoning is a skill
Making Hypotheses Making general statement about the used in making logical, just and rational judgements.
relationship between manipulated Mastering of critical and creative thinking skills and thinking
variables and responding variables to strategies is made simpler if an individual is able to reason in
explain observations or events. The an inductive and deductive manner. Figure 1 gives a general
statements can be tested to determine picture of thinking skills and thinking strategies.

Figure 1: TSTS Model in Science Mastering of thinking skills and thinking strategies (TSTS)
through the teaching and learning of science can be
developed through the following phases:

Thinking Skills 1. Introducing TSTS.

2. Practising TSTS with teacher’s guidance.
3. Practising TSTS without teacher’s guidance.
4. Applying TSTS in new situations with teacher’s
5. Applying TSTS together with other skills to accomplish
Critical Creative thinking tasks.

? Attributing ? Generating ideas Further information about phases of implementing TSTS can
? Comparing and ? Relating be found in the guidebook “Buku Panduan Penerapan
contrasting ? Making inferences Kemahiran Berfikir dan Strategi Berfikir dalam Pengajaran
? Grouping and ? Predicting dan Pembelajaran Sains” (Curriculum Development Centre,
Reasoning ? Making 1999).
? Sequencing hypotheses
? Prioritising ? Synthesising Relationship between Thinking Skills and Science Process
? Analysing ? Making Skills
? Detecting bias generalisations
? Evaluating ? Visualising Science process skills are skills that are required in the
? Making ? Making analogies
process of finding solutions to a problem or making decisions
conclusions ? Inventing
in a systematic manner. It is a mental process that promotes
critical, creative, analytical and systematic thinking. Mastering
of science process skills and the possession of suitable
attitudes and knowledge enable students to think effectively.

The mastering of science process skills involves the

Thinking mastering of the relevant thinking skills. The thinking skills
Strategies that are related to a particular science process skill are as
? Conceptualising
? Making decisions
? Problem solving

Science Process Skills Thinking Skills Science Process Skills Thinking Skills

Observing Attributing Controlling variables Attributing

Comparing and contrasting Comparing and contrasting
Relating Relating
Classifying Attributing
Comparing and contrasting Making hypotheses Attributing
Grouping and classifying Relating
Comparing and contrasting
Measuring and Using Relating
Generating ideas
Numbers Comparing and contrasting
Making hypotheses
Making Inferences Relating Predicting
Comparing and contrasting Synthesising
Experimenting All thinking skills
Making inferences
Predicting Relating Communicating All thinking skills

Using Space-Time Sequencing Teaching and Learning based on Thinking Skills and
Relationship Prioritising Scientific Skills

Interpreting data Comparing and contrasting This biology curriculum emphasises thoughtful learning based on
Analysing thinking skills and scientific skills. Mastery of thinking skills and
Detecting bias scientific skills are integrated with the acquisition of knowledge in
Making conclusions the intended learning outcomes. Thus, in teaching and learning,
Generalising teachers need to emphasise the mastery of skills together with
Evaluating the acquisition of knowledge and the inculcation of noble values
and scientific attitudes.
Defining operationally Relating
Making analogy The following is an example and explanation of a learning
Visualising outcome based on thinking skills and scientific skills.

Example: ? Being respectful and well-mannered.
? Appreciating the contribution of science and technology.
? Being thankful to God.
Learning Outcome: Compare and contrast animal cell and ? Having critical and analytical thinking.
plant cell based on the structure and ? Being flexible and open-minded.
organelles ? Being kind-hearted and caring.
? Being objective.
Thinking Skills: Comparing and contrasting
? Being systematic.
? Being cooperative.
Explanation: ? Being fair and just.
? Daring to try.
To achieve the above learning outcome, knowledge on the ? Thinking rationally.
structure and organelles in animal and plant cells are learned ? Being confident and independent.
through comparing and contrasting. The mastery of the skill of
comparing and contrasting is as important as the acquisition of The inculcation of scientific attitudes and noble values generally
knowledge on animal and plant cells. This would enable occurs through the following stages:
students to understand topics on mitosis and meiosis. ? Being aware of the importance and the need for scientific
attitudes and noble values.
? Giving emphasis to these attitudes and values.
? Practising and internalising these scientific attitudes and
noble values.

SCIENTIFIC ATTITUDES AND NOBLE VALUES When planning teaching and learning activities, teachers need to
give due consideration to the above stages to ensure the
Science learning experiences can be used as a means to continuous and effective inculcation of scientific attitudes and
inculcate scientific attitudes and noble values in students. These values. For example, during science practical work, the teacher
attitudes and values encompass the following: should remind pupils and ensure that they carry out experiments
in a careful, cooperative and honest manner.
? Having an interest and curiosity towards the environment.
? Being honest and accurate in recording and validating data. Proper planning is required for effective inculcation of scientific
? Being diligent and persevering. attitudes and noble values during science lessons. Before the
? Being responsible about the safety of oneself, others, and first lesson related to a learning objective, teachers should
the environment. examine all related learning outcomes and suggested teaching-
? Realising that science is a means to understand nature. learning activities that provide opportunities for the inculcation of
? Appreciating and practising clean and healthy living. scientific attitudes and noble values.
? Appreciating the balance of nature.

The following is an example of a learning outcome pertaining to
the inculcation of scientific attitudes and values. Appreciating the balance of nature.

Example: Being systematic.

Level: Form Four Being cooperative.

Learning Area: 2.0 Endangered Ecosystem

Inculcating Patriotism

Learning Objective: 2.3 Realising the importance of The biology curriculum provides an opportunity for the
proper management of development and strengthening of patriotism among students.
development activities and the For example, in learning about the process of colonization and
ecosystem. succession in an ecosystem, students will learn about the rich
biodiversity in the country, they will appreciate the diversity and
uniqueness of this natural resource of the country and deepen
Learning Outcome: Explain measures taken in the their love for the country.
management of development
activities and the ecosystem to
ensure a balance of nature is TEACHING AND LEARNING STRATEGIES
Teaching and learning strategies in the biology curriculum
Suggested Learning Carry out small group discussion emphasise thoughtful learning. Thoughtful learning is a process
Activities and present the findings, based on that helps students acquire knowledge and master skills that will
the following: help them develop their minds to the optimum level. Thoughtful
a) implementation of laws, learning can occur through various learning approaches such as
b) education on the management inquiry, constructivism, contextual learning, and mastery learning.
of resources, include the Learning activities should therefore be geared towards activating
reduce, reuse, and recycle of students’critical and creative thinking skills and not be confined
resources, to routine or rote learning. Students should be made aware of the
thinking skills and thinking strategies that they use in their
Scientific attitudes and Love and respect for the learning. They should be challenged with higher order questions
noble values environment. and problems and be required to solve problems utilising their
creativity and critical thinking. The teaching and learning process
Being responsible for the safety of should enable students to acquire knowledge, master skills and
oneself, others and the develop scientific attitudes and noble values in an integrated
environment. manner.

Teaching and Learning Approaches in Science learning approaches such as contextual learning and Science,
Technology and Society (STS).
Learning themes and learning objectives that carry elements of
Inquiry-discovery emphasises learning through experiences. STS are incorporated into the curriculum. STS approach
Inquiry generally means to find information, to question and to suggests that science learning takes place through investigation
investigate a phenomenon that occurs in the environment. and discussion based on science and technology issues in
Discovery is the main characteristic of inquiry. Learning through society. In the STS approach, knowledge in science and
discovery occurs when the main concepts and principles of technology is to be learned with the application of the principles
science are investigated and discovered by students of science and technology and their impact on society.
themselves. Through activities such as experiments, students
investigate a phenomenon and draw conclusions by themselves. Contextual Learning
Teachers then lead students to understand the science concepts
through the results of the inquiry. Thinking skills and scientific Contextual learning is an approach that associates learning with
skills are thus developed further during the inquiry process. daily experiences of students. In this way, students are able to
However, the inquiry approach may not be suitable for all appreciate the relevance of science learning to their lives. In
teaching and learning situations. Sometimes, it may be more contextual learning, students learn through investigations as in
appropriate for teachers to present concepts and principles the inquiry-discovery approach.
directly to students.
Mastery Learning
Mastery learning is an approach that ensures all students are
Constructivism suggests that students learn about something able to acquire and master the intended learning objectives. This
when they construct their own understanding. The important approach is based on the principle that students are able to learn
attributes of constructivism are as follows: if they are given adequate opportunities. Students should be
allowed to learn at their own pace, with the incorporation of
? Taking into account students’prior knowledge.
remedial and enrichment activities as part of the teaching-
? Learning occurring as a result of students’own effort. learning process.
? Learning occurring when students restructure their
existing ideas by relating new ideas to old ones. Teaching and Learning Methods
? Providing opportunities to cooperate, sharing ideas
and experiences, and reflecting on their learning. Teaching and learning approaches can be implemented through
various methods such as experiments, discussions, simulations,
projects, and visits. In this curriculum, the teaching-learning
Science, Technology and Society
methods suggested are stated under the column “Suggested
Learning Activities.” However, teachers can modify the
Meaningful learning occurs if students can relate their learning
suggested activities when the need arises.
with their daily experiences. Meaningful learning occurs in

? Collecting data.
The use of a variety of teaching and learning methods can ? Analysing data.
enhance students’interest in science. Science lessons that are
? Interpreting data.
not interesting will not motivate students to learn and
subsequently will affect their performances. The choice ? Making conclusions.
of teaching methods should be based on the curriculum content, ? Writing a report.
students’ abilities, students’ repertoire of intelligences, and the
availability of resources and infrastructure. Besides playing the In the implementation of this curriculum, besides guiding students
role of knowledge presenters and experts, teachers need to act to do an experiment, where appropriate, teachers should provide
as facilitators in the process of teaching and learning. Teachers students with the opportunities to design their own experiments.
need to be aware of the multiple intelligences that exist among This involves students drawing up plans as to how to conduct
students. Different teaching and learning activities should be experiments, how to measure and analyse data, and how to
planned to cater for students with different learning styles and present the outcomes of their experiment.
The following are brief descriptions of some teaching and
learning methods. A discussion is an activity in which students exchange questions
and opinions based on valid reasons. Discussions can be
Experiment conducted before, during or after an activity. Teachers should
play the role of a facilitator and lead a discussion by asking
An experiment is a method commonly used in science lessons. questions that stimulate thinking and getting students to express
In experiments, students test hypotheses through investigations themselves.
to discover specific science concepts and principles. Conducting
an experiment involves thinking skills, scientific skills, and Simulation
manipulative skills.
In simulation, an activity that resembles the actual situation is
Usually, an experiment involves the following steps: carried out. Examples of simulation are role-play, games and the
? Identifying a problem. use of models. In role-play, students play out a particular role
based on certain pre-determined conditions. Games require
? Making a hypothesis. procedures that need to be followed. Students play games in
? Planning the experiment order to learn a particular principle or to understand the process
- controlling variables. of decision-making. Models are used to represent objects or
- determining the equipment and materials needed. actual situations so that students can visualise the said objects or
situations and thus understand the concepts and principles to be
- determining the procedure of the experiment and the learned.
method of data collection and analysis.
? Conducting the experiment.

Project spreadsheet are valuable tools for the analysis and presentation
of data.
A project is a learning activity that is generally undertaken by an
individual or a group of students to achieve a certain learning The use of other tools such as data loggers and computer
objective. A project generally requires several lessons to interfacing in experiments and projects also enhance the
complete. The outcome of the project either in the form of a effectiveness of teaching and learning of science.
report, an artefact or in other forms needs to be presented to the
teacher and other students. Project work promotes the
development of problem-solving skills, time management skills, CONTENT ORGANISATION
and independent learning.

Visits and Use of External Resources

The biology curriculum is organised around themes. Each theme
consists of various learning areas, each of which consists of a
The learning of science is not limited to activities carried out in
number of learning objectives. A learning objective has one or
the school compound. Learning of science can be enhanced
more learning outcomes.
through the use of external resources such as zoos, museums,
science centres, research institutes, mangrove swamps, and
Learning outcomes are written based on the hierarchy of the
factories. Visits to these places make the learning of science
cognitive and affective domains. Levels in the cognitive domain
more interesting, meaningful and effective. To optimise learning
are: knowledge, understanding, application, analysis, synthesis
opportunities, visits need to be carefully planned. Students may
and evaluation. Levels in the affective domain are: to be aware
be involved in the planning process and specific educational
of, to be in awe, to be appreciative, to be thankful, to love, to
tasks should be assigned during the visit. No educational visit is
practise, and to internalise. Where possible, learning outcomes
complete without a post-visit discussion.
relating to the affective domain are explicitly stated. The
inculcation of scientific attitudes and noble values should be
Use of Technology
integrated into every learning activity. This ensures a more
spontaneous and natural inculcation of attitudes and values.
Technology is a powerful tool that has great potential in
Learning areas in the psychomotor domain are implicit in the
enhancing the learning of science. Through the use of
learning activities.
technology such as television, radio, video, computer, and
Internet, the teaching and learning of science can be made more
Learning outcomes are written in the form of measurable
interesting and effective.
behavioural terms. In general, the learning outcomes for a
particular learning objective are organised in order of complexity.
Computer simulation and animation are effective tools for the
However, in the process of teaching and learning, learning
teaching and learning of abstract or difficult science concepts.
activities should be planned in a holistic and integrated manner
Computer simulation and animation can be presented through
that enables the achievement of multiple learning outcomes
courseware or Web page. Application tools such, as word
according to needs and context. Teachers should avoid
processor, graphic presentation software and electronic

employing a teaching strategy that tries to achieve each learning
outcome separately according to the order stated in the
curriculum specifications.

The Suggested Learning Activities provide information on the

scope and dimension of learning outcomes. The learning
activities stated under the column Suggested Learning Activities
are given with the intention of providing some guidance as to
how learning outcomes can be achieved. A suggested activity
may cover one or more learning outcomes. At the same time,
more than one activity may be suggested for a particular
learning outcome. Teachers may modify the suggested activity
to suit the ability and style of learning of their students. Teachers
are encouraged to design other innovative and effective learning
activities to enhance the learning of biology.


Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary

1.1 Carry out small group discussion A student is able to:

Understanding on the following and present the
the study of findings:
Biology a) what is the study of Biology? ? state what the study of Biology
b) the importance of Biology with is,
respect to the study of living
things, environment, interaction ? explain the importance of
between living things and the Biology,

Construct a concept map based on ? list the different fields of study fields – bidang
information gathered on the in Biology,
different fields of study and careers
related to Biology. ? list the careers related to career – kerjaya

Small group discussion on the ? state various ways of studying

importance of the following: Biology,
a) acquiring scientific skills,
b) scientific method,
c) practising scientific attitudes
and noble values.

Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary

1.2 Observe a situation and identify all A student is able to:

Applying the variables. Suggest a question This activity helps scientific investigation –
scientific that is suitable for a scientific ? identify variables in a given the teacher to penyiasatan saintifik
investigation investigation. Discuss to: situation, assess students’
a) form a hypothesis, capabilities to carry
b) plan the method of investigation ? identify the relationship between out a scientific
including selection of apparatus two variables to form a investigation.
and work procedures. hypothesis,

Carry out an experiment:

a) to collect and tabulate data, ? design and carry out a simple
b) present data in a suitable form, experiment to test the
c) interpret the data and draw hypothesis,
d) write a complete report. ? record and present data in a
suitable form,
Carry out an experiment on the
making of bread using yeast in the ? interpret data to draw
absence and presence of sugar. conclusions,
Record the time taken for the
dough to double its size. For further ? write a report on an experiment,
investigations, salt is used.
These attitudes and
During investigation, highlight the ? practise scientific attitudes and values should be scientific attitudes – sikap
need to practise scientific attitudes noble values. observed in all saintifik
and noble values such as honesty investigations in noble values – nilai murni
and accuracy in recording and other learning
verifying data. areas.


Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary
1.1 Prepare and study slides to A student is able to:
Understanding compare the epidermal cells of
cell structure onion or cells of Hydrilla leaf with ? draw and label an animal cell,
and function human cheek cells. Observe, draw
and label diagrams of an animal
cell and a plant cell as seen ? draw and label a plant cell,
through a light microscope.

Study electron micrographs of

animal cells and plant cells to
identify cellular components of cell: The structure of the cellular components –
a) plasma membrane and cell ? identify the cellular components organelles is not komponen-komponen sel
wall, of an animal cell, required.
b) cytoplasm,
c) organelles: ? identify the cellular components
(i) nucleus: nucleolus, of a plant cell,
nucleoplasm and nuclear
(ii) rough and smooth
endoplasmic reticulum,
(iii) mitochondria,
(iv) Golgi apparatus,
(v) lysosomes,
(vi) ribosomes,
(vii) chloroplasts,
(viii) centrioles,
(ix) vacuoles.

Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary

Work in small groups to match ? state the functions of the cellular relate – mengiatkan
cellular components to their components in an animal cell,
functions. ? state the functions of the cellular density - ketumpatan
components in a plant cell,
Students present a comparison ? compare and contrast an animal
between the structure of an animal cell and a plant cell,
cell and a plant cell.

Discuss the relationship between ? relate the density of certain

the density of certain organelles organelles with the functions of
with the function of specific cells: specific cells.
a) mitochondria with the function
of sperm cells, flight muscle
cells in insects and birds, cells
in the meristems,
b) chloroplasts with the function of
palisade cells.

Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary
1.2 Observe the living processes of A student is able to:
Understanding unicellular organisms such as ? state the necessity for cell living processes – proses -
cell feeding, locomotion and specialisation in multicellular proses kehidupan
organisation reproduction through computerised organism as compared to
animation / video / mircoscope. unicellular organism, cell specialisation –
pengkhususan sel
Carry out small group discussion
on the following and present the
a) cell specialisation in ? describe cell specialisation in
multicellular organisms, multicellular organisms,
b) the necessity for cell
specialization in multicellular
c) cell organisation in the ? describe cell organisation in the
formation of tissues, organs formation of tissues, organs and
and systems in humans, systems in multicellular
animals and plants. organisms,

Construct models of tissues,

organs and systems in human,
animals and plants.

Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary

Conduct a discussion on the ? state the meaning of internal A simple

following: environment, explanation.
a) the meaning of internal ? identify factors affecting the
environment, internal environment,
b) factors affecting the internal
environment including
temperature, pH, osmotic ? explain the necessity to maintain
pressure and glucose level. optimal internal environment,
c) it is important that the
organism’s cells always
experience conditions which ? describe the involvement of
permit efficient functioning, the various systems in maintaining
involvement of various systems optimal internal environment.
in maintaining optimal internal

1.3 Discuss and predict the cell A student is able to:

Appreciating condition without a particular ? predict the state of certain cells uniqueness – keunikan
the uniqueness cellular component. without a particular cellular
of the cell component,
Conduct a role-play activity to show ? illustrate that most cells are
that cells become adapted for specialised for the job that they
different functions. perform.


Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary
2.1 Discuss the following: A student is able to:
Analysing the a) substances that are required by ? state the substances required by
of movement of cells, living cells,
substances b) substances to be eliminated ? state the substances that have
across the from cells, to be eliminated from cells,
plasma c) the necessity for movement of ? explain the necessity for
membrane substances across the plasma movement of substances across
membrane. the plasma membrane,

Discuss the structure of the plasma ? describe the structure of the Only a brief account
membrane as comprising the plasma membrane, of the structure of
phospholipid bilayer, carrier protein the plasma
and pores. membrane is
Conduct an experiment, using
starch suspension and glucose
solution, to study the movement of
substances across egg membrane
or Visking tubing.
permeability - ketelapan
Discuss the properties of the ? describe the permeability of the
plasma membrane as a semi - plasma membrane, simple diffusion – resapan
permeable membrane. ringkas

Discuss the movement of soluble ? explain the movement of soluble facilitated diffusion –
substances across the plasma substances across the plasma resapan berbantu
membrane through simple diffusion membrane through the process
and facilitated diffusion. of passive transport, passive transport –
pengangkutan pasif
Carry out an activity to show ? explain the movement of water active transport -
osmosis using a simple molecules across the plasma pengangkutan aktif
osmometer. membrane by osmosis,

Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary

Discuss the movement of ? explain the movement of Only a basic

substances across the plasma substances across the plasma explanation of the
membrane through active membrane through the process active transport
transport. of active transport, process is required.

Conduct a simulation activity to

show the movement of substances
across the plasma membrane
through passive transport and
active transport.

Use computer simulation to show

the movement of substances
across the plasma membrane.

Discuss the processes of passive ? explain the process of passive

transport and active transport in transport in living organisms
living organisms: using examples,
a) gaseous exchange in the alveoli
and blood capillaries (simple ? explain the process of active
diffusion), transport in living organisms
b) absorption of digested food in using examples,
the villus (facilitated diffusion),
c) absorption of water by root hairs
of a plant (osmosis),
d) ion intake by root hairs of a plant
(active transport).

Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary

Construct a concept map on the ? compare and contrast passive

movement of substances across transport and active transport.
the plasma membrane.

Use a graphic organiser to

compare and contrast passive
transport and active transport.

2.2 Carry out activities to study the A student is able to:

Understanding effects of hypotonic and hypertonic
the movement solutions on plant and animal cells: ? explain what hypotonic, The use of human
of substances a) plasmolysis and deplasmolysis hypertonic and isotonic solutions blood is
across the in plant cells, are, discouraged.
plasma b) haemolysis and crenation in red ? explain the effects of hypotonic, effects - kesan
membrane in blood cells. hypertonic and isotonic solutions
everyday life on plant cell and animal cell,
Discuss the following: ? explain plasmolysis,
a) hypotonic, hypertonic and deplasmolysis, haemolysis and
isotonic solutions, crenation,
b) plasmolysis, deplasmolysis,
haemolysis and crenation,
c) flaccidity and turgidity of plant turgidity - kesegahan
Carry out an investigation using ? design an experiment to The concentration of
various concentrations of salt or determine the concentration of the external solution
sugar solutions to determine the external solution which is which is isotonic to
concentration of external solution isotonic to cell sap, the cell sap is
which is isotonic to the cell sap of determined from the
plant tissues. plotted graph.

Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary

Discuss and make an inference on ? make an inference on the Discussion should wilting – layu
the concentration of cell sap in concentration of cell sap in plant be based on the
plant tissues which is equivalent to tissues, concepts of osmosis
the concentration of isotonic and plasmolysis. preservation - pengawetan

Discuss and correlate the ? relate the movement of

movement of substances across substances across plasma
the plasma membrane w ith the membrane with concentration
difference in concentration of the gradient,
external solution and that of the cell

Discuss the following: ? explain the phenomenon of

a) wilting of plants caused by the wilting in plants using examples,
excessive use of chemical
fertilisers, ? explain the preservation of food
b) preservation of food using salt using examples.
or sugar.

2.3 Compose poems to appreciate the A student is able to:

Appreciating movement of substances across ? explain the necessity of
the movement the plasma membrane. movement of substances across
of substances the plasma membrane which
across the occurs in a continuous and
plasma controlled manner for survival of
membrane a cell.


Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary
3.1 Carry out small group discussion A student is able to: Chemical
Understanding on the following and present the compounds in the organic compounds –
the chemical findings: ? state the elements in the cell, cell are limited to sebatian organik
composition of a) elements in the cell, including carbohydrates,
the cell carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, ? list the chemical compounds in lipids, proteins,
nitrogen sulphur, phosphorus, the cell, nucleic acids and
calcium, potassium, water only.
magnesium, chlorine, sodium
and ferum, ? explain the importance of A brief account on
b) the presence and importance of organic compounds in the cell, the importance of
chemical compounds in the carbohydrates,
cell. ? explain the importance of water lipids, proteins and
in the cell. nucleic acids is
3.2 Carry out small group discussion A student is able to:
Understanding on the following and present the A detailed molecular
carbohydrates findings: ? state the elements in structure is not
a) elements in carbohydrates, carbohydrates, required.
b) types of carbohydrates, i.e. ? state the types of
monosaccharides, carbohydrates,
disaccharides and
polysaccharides, using A brief account of
examples, ? explain the formation and condensation and formation – pembentukan
c) the formation and breakdown of breakdown of disaccharides and hydrolysis reactions
disaccharides, such as polysaccharides. is required. breakdown - penguraian
maltose, sucrose and lactose,
d) the formation and breakdown of reducing sugar – gula
polysaccharides, such as penurun
starch, glycogen and cellulose.
Conduct an activity to differentiate non-reducing sugar – gula
between reducing and non- bukan penurun
reducing sugars.

Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary

3.3 Carry out small group discussion A student is able to:

Understanding on the following and present the
proteins findings:
a) elements in protein, such as ? state the elements in proteins, A detailed molecular
carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, structure is not
sulphur, nitrogen and required.
b) dipeptides and polypeptides, ? state the various structures of A brief account of
c) the formation and breakdown of proteins, condensation and
dipeptides and polypeptides, ? explain the formation and hydrolysis reactions
d) essential amino acids and non- breakdown of dipeptides and is required.
essential amino acids. polypeptides,
? explain the meaning of essential
Use charts to illustrate the various amino acids and non-essential
protein structures, i.e. primary, amino acids.
secondary, tertiary and quartenary.

3.4 List the main types of lipids: A student is able to:

Understanding a) fat,
lipids b) oil, ? state the elements in lipids,
c) wax,
d) phospholipids, ? state the main types of lipids, A detailed molecular
e) steroids, such as cholesterol, structure is not
testosterone, oestrogen, and required.

Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary

Carry out small group discussion ? state the components of fats A brief account of saturated fats – lemak tepu
on the following and present the and oils. condensation and
findings: ? explain the formation and hydrolysis reactions unsaturated fats – lemak
a) elements in lipids, breakdown of fats and oils, is required. tak tepu
b) components of fats and oils,
c) formation and breakdown of
fats and oils. ? compare and contrast saturated
fats and unsaturated fats.
Use a graphic organiser to
compare saturated fats and
unsaturated fats.

3.5 Discuss on the following: A student is able to:

Understanding a) what enzymes are, ? state what enzymes are,
enzymes b) enzyme requirement in the ? explain why enzymes are
living process, needed in life processes,
c) general characteristics of ? list the general characteristics of
enzyme, enzymes,
d) naming of enzyme based on ? relate the name of enzyme to
the substrate, substrate,
e) sites of enzyme synthesis, ? state sites where enzymes are
f) intracellular and extracellular synthesised, intracellular enzyme –
enzymes and examples. ? state the meaning of intracellular enzim intrasel
enzymes and extracellular
Conduct a role-play activity to show enzymes, extracellular enzyme –
the involvement of ribosomes, ? explain the involvement of enzim luar sel
endoplasmic reticulum, and Golgi specific organelles in the
body in the production of production of extracellular
extracellular enzyme. enzymes,

Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary

Conduct experiments to study the ? explain the effects of pH, concentration - kepekatan
effects of pH and temperature on temperature, enzyme
the activities of amylase and concentration, and substrate substrates – substrat
pepsin. concentration on enzyme
Discuss the effects of enzyme
concentration and substrate
concentration on enzyme activity.

Discuss the mechanism of enzyme ? explain the mechanism of

action using the ‘lock and key’ enzyme action,

Discuss and correlate pH, ? relate the mechanism of enzyme

temperature, enzyme concentration action with pH, temperature,
and substrate concentration on enzyme concentration and
enzyme activity using the ‘lock and substrate concentration,
key ‘hypothesis.

Gather information from the

Internet and other sources on the
uses of enzymes in: ? explain the uses of enzymes in
a) daily life, e.g. tenderising meat daily life and industry using
b) industry e.g. food processing examples.
and detergent manufacturing.

Realising the Conduct a role play or story telling ? predict the consequences of deficiency - kekurangan
importance of session to predict the deficiency in carbohydrates,
the chemical consequences of deficiency in one protein, lipids or enzymes in the
composition in of the chemical components in the cell.
cells cell.


Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary
Understanding Conduct a brainstorming session A student is able to:
mitosis on the following: ? state the necessity for the
a) the need for production of new production of new cells in
cells in organisms, organisms,
b) the need for production of new ? explain the necessity for the identical - seiras
cells identical to parent cells. production of new cells identical
to parent cells, significance - kepentingan
Derive the meaning and ? state the significance of mitosis,
significance of mitosis from the
brainstorming session.

Study charts to identify the various ? identify the phases in the cell
phases of the cell cycle. cycle,

Make models to demonstrate ? explain the process of mitosis

mitosis and cytokinesis. and cytokinesis,
Prepare and observe a slide of ? arrange the various stages of
onion root tip to identify different mitosis in the correct sequence,
stages of mitosis.

Study the process of controlled and ? compare and contrast mitosis

uncontrolled mitosis and and cytokinesis in animal cell
cytokinesis through simulation, and plant cell,
computerised animation or video.

Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary

Conduct a brainstorming session to ? explain the importance of Techniques of controlled mitosis – mitosis
come up with examples on mitosis controlled mitosis, cloning include terkawal
as a controlled process for the tissue culture.
perpetuity of living things such as regeneration –
regeneration of lizard tail, certain pertumbuhan / penjanaan
plant parts and the healing of skin. semula

Gather information on diseases, ? explain the effects of uncontrolled mitosis –

including cancer or tumour, caused uncontrolled mitosis in living mitosis luar kawal
by uncontrolled mitosis in living things,
? describe the application of
Make a trip to a research institute knowledge on mitosis in
to study tissue culture technique. cloning,

Conduct a debate or forum on ? explain the advantages and

cloning issues. disadvantages of cloning.

Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary
4.2 Discuss the following: A student is able to:
Understanding a) trait inheritance in offsprings, trait inheritance –
meiosis b) the need to maintain diploid ? state the necessity of trait pewarisan ciri
chromosomal number from one inheritance in offspring for offspring – anak
generation to another, continuation of life,
c) the need to produce gametes ? state the necessity to maintain
with haploid number of diploid chromosomal number
chromosomes, from generation to generation,
d) the uniqueness of diploid ? state the necessity for
number of chromosomes in production of haploid gametes in
organisms, sexual reproduction,
e) the significance of meiosis, ? state the significance of meiosis,
f) the type of cell that undergoes ? identify the type of cell that
meiosis in human, animals and undergoes meiosis,

Observe the process of meiosis ? explain the process of meiosis, A detailed

through computerised animation, explanation of
photomicrograph, prepared slides, ? arrange the various stages of Prophase 1 is not
or video. meiosis in the correct order, required.

Use simulation activities to show

changes in chromosome behaviour
during meiosis I and meiosis II
? compare and contrast meiosis I
Use graphic organisers to compare
and meiosis II,
and contrast:
? compare and contrast meiosis
a) Meiosis I and meiosis II,
and mitosis.
b) Meiosis and mitosis.

Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary

4.3 a) conduct a role-play, A student is able to:

the movement b) avoid radioactive and ? describe what will happen when
of carcinogenic substances. the movement of chromosomes
chromosomes during mitosis and meiosis do
during mitosis not occur in an orderly manner,
and meiosis.
? know and avoid things that
maybe harmful.


Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary
Understanding Observe and identify types of A student is able to:
types of nutrition in various organisms.
Discuss autotrophic and ? state the types of nutrition,
heterotrophic nutrition with ? explain autotrophic nutrition,
reference to chemosynthesis,
? explain heterotrophic nutrition,
photosynthesis, holozoic nutrition,
saprophytism, and parasitism.
Use a graphic organiser to show
the types of nutrition.
Conduct an activity to classify ? classify organisms according to
various organisms according to the types of nutrition.
types of nutrition.

1.2 Carry out small group discussion A student is able to:

Applying the on the following and present the
concept of findings: ? explain the necessity for a balanced diet – gizi
balanced diet a) requirements of a balanced diet, balanced diet, seimbang
b) factors affecting the daily energy ? explain the factors affecting the
requirement such as age, sex, daily energy requirement of the
body weight and occupation. human body,
Conduct an activity to determine ? determine the energy value in The unit for energy
the energy value in food samples. food samples, used is Joule.

Design activities to test for the

? determine the nutrient content in
presence of starch, reducing sugar,
different food samples,
non-reducing sugar, protein and
lipid in food samples.

Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary
Conduct an experiment to
determine the Vitamin C content in ? explain the functions and roughage / dietary fibre –
various fruit juices. sources of vitamins in a diet to pelawas
maintain health,
Match the vitamins with their
sources, functions and effects of
Match the minerals with their ? explain the functions and
sources, functions and effects of sources of minerals in a diet to target group – kumpulan
deficiency. maintain health, sasaran
Discuss the sources, functions and
? explain the functions and
deficiency of roughage.
sources of roughage / dietary
Discuss the sources and functions fibre in a diet,
of water in the body. ? explain the functions of water in
the body,
Carry out a group discussion to
formulate and justify an appropriate
diet menu based on a nutrient chart ? justify the selection of an
for the following target groups: appropriate balanced diet for a
a) pregnant mothers, target group.
b) infants,
c) children,
d) teenagers,
e) athletes,
f) people with specific diseases,
g) the aged,
h) vegetarians.

Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary

1.3 Carry out small group discussion A student is able to:

Understanding on the following and present the
malnutrition findings:
a) meaning of malnutrition, ? explain what malnutrition is,
b) effects of deficiency in proteins, ? explain the effects of
vitamins, minerals, on health, malnutrition using examples,
c) effects of excessive intake of
carbohydrates, lipids, vitamins ? describe ways to reduce the
and minerals on health, chance of contracting certain
d) a diet low in saturated fats help health problems due to one’s
reduce the chance of diet,
contracting cardiovascular
disease, ? describe ways to reduce the
e) ways to reduce the risk of high effects of certain health
blood pressure, diabetes problems.
mellitus and osteoporosis.

1.4 Discuss the following: A student is able to:

Analysing food a) glucose, amino acids and lipids ? state the substances required by metabolic processes –
digestion are always required by the cell the cell to carry out metabolic proses metabolik
to carry out metabolic processes,
b) complex substances like ? list the complex substances that
carbohydrates, proteins and need to be digested,
lipids need to be digested. ? explain the necessity for
digestion of complex
Draw and label parts of the human ? draw and label the human
digestive system. digestive system,
a) ?

Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary

Discuss the functions of digestive ? state the digestive juices and digestive juices – jus
juices, including saliva, gastric substances that aid in the pencernaan
juice, pancreatic juice, intestinal process of digestion in human,
? describe the functions of the bile - hempedu
juice and other substances, i.e. digestive juices and substances,
hydrochloric acid and bile that aid
the process of digestion.
? explain the digestion of
Discuss the digestion of
carbohydrates, proteins and
carbohydrates, proteins and fats on lipids in the human body,
the following aspects:
a) specific location of each
digestive process,
b) chewing of food,
c) movement of food,
d) glands involved,
e) digestive enzymes,
f) suitable pH for each enzyme
g) substrates and products.
? identify parts of digestive system
Identify the parts of digestive in ruminants and rodents
system in ruminants and rodents. involved in the digestion of
Discuss the digestion of cellulose ? describe the digestion of
in ruminants (eg. cow) and rodents cellulose in ruminants and
(rabbit). rodents,

Use graphic organiser to compare ? compare and contrast the

and contrast the process of digestive process in humans,
cellulose digestion in humans, ruminants and rodents,
ruminants and rodents.

Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary

Plan and conduct experiments to ? design experiments to study the

study the enzyme actions on starch digestion of starch and proteins
and protein food samples. in food samples,

Collect information and discuss ? describe problems related to

problems related to food digestion: food digestion.
b) incomplete digestion of food,
c) bile stones preventing the flow
of bile,
reduced production of specific
digestive enzyme.

1.5 Examine models or diagrams of the A student is able to:

Understanding digestive system and cross-section ? identify the parts of the digestive
the processes of the small intestine. With system involved in absorption of adaptive characteristic –
of absorption reference to the models or digested food, ciri-ciri penyesuaian
and diagrams discuss the following: ? explain the adaptive
assimilation of a) adaptation of the small characteristic of the digestive absorption - penyerapan
digested food intestine, system related to absorption,
b) absorption process of amino ? draw and label the structure of a small intestine – usus kecil
acids, glucose, fatty acids, villus,
glycerol, vitamins and minerals ? explain the process of
in the villus. absorption in the villus,
Carry out an activity to study the
movement of substances through
the Visking tubing.

Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary

Based on the above activity ? make an analogy on the process transport – pengangkutan
correlate the movement of food of absorption in the small
substances through the Visking intestine,
tubing with nutrient absorption in circulatory system – sistem
the small intestine. peredaran
Discuss the absorption of water ? explain the absorption of water liver – hati
and minerals in the colon. and minerals in the colon,
Using diagrams, charts or
computerised animation discuss:
a) the transport of amino acids, ? describe the transport of assimilation - assimilasi
glucose, water soluble vitamins nutrients by the circulatory
and minerals by the circulatory system for assimilation,
i) from the small intestine to
the liver through the hepatic
portal vein,
ii) from the liver to the body
b) transport of lipids and fat
soluble vitamins.
Make a schematic diagram to show
the transport of nutrients from the
intestine to the body cells.

Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary

Discuss the following functions of ? explain the main functions of the

the liver: liver,
a) storage of nutrients,
b) processing the products of
digestion i.e. excess glucose
and amino acids,
c) detoxification.
Discuss the process of assimilation ? describe the process of
by the body cells. assimilation.

1.6 With reference to diagrams, charts A student is able to:

Understanding or model of the digestive system, ? identify the part of the digestive defecation – penyahtinjaan
the formation of identify the colon and rectum. system where the formation of
faeces and faeces takes place, faeces – tinja
Carry out small group discussion
on the following and present the
findings: ? describe the formation of
a) the formation of faeces, faeces,
b) the role of microorganisms in
the colon, ? explain the role of
c) effects of antibiotics on the microorganisms in the colon and
microorganisms in the colon, the effect of antibiotics on them,
d) what defecation is, ? explain what defecation is,
e) the importance of defecation, ? explain the importance of
f) importance of high fibre diets, ? explain the importance of high
fibre diets, constipation – sembelit
g) defecation related problems, ? describe the problems related to
i.e. constipation, colon cancer defecation. haemorrhoids - buasir
and haemorrhoids.

Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary
1.7 Carry out small group discussion A student is able to:
Evaluating on the following and present the
eating habits findings:
a) relationship between eating ? relate eating habits with health Eating habits eating habits – tabiat
habits and health problems problems, involve the makan
such as: frequency and time health problems – masalah
(i) gastritis, of eating and the kesihatan
(ii) obesity, type of food
(iii) anorexia nervosa, consumed.
(iv) bulimia,
b) evaluate the nutrient contents ? evaluate critically whether a
of food based on food labels or particular eating habit is good or
advertisments, bad.
c) evaluate the eating habits of

1.8 Conduct an activity to predict the A student is able to:

Realising the effects of a defective digestive ? predict the effects of a defective defective digestive system
importance of a system. digestive system on health, – sistem pencernaan yang
healthy tidak berfungsi dengan baik
digestive Conduct a discussion on ways to ? take care of the digestive
system take care of the digestive system, system for one’s well-being.
such as good eating habits, avoid
junk food, try to cut down on sweet
and fatty foods.

Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary
1.9 Carry out small group discussion A student is able to:
Understandingt on the following and present the
he importance findings:
of a) the elements required by ? list elements required by plants, elements – unsur-unsur
macronutrients plants,
and b) classify the elements required ? classify elements required by
micronutrients by plants based on the amount plants based on the amount
in plants needed: needed,
(i) macronutrients consisting
of carbon, hydrogen,
oxygen, nitrogen,
phosphorus, potassium,
calcium, magnesium and
(ii) micronutrients consisting of
boron, molybdenum, zinc,
manganese, copper and
Plan and conduct an experiment on ? design an experiment to study Maize seedlings
plants to study the effects of the effects of macronutrient may be used for this
macronutrient deficiency i.e. deficiency in plants, experiment.
nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium,
calcium, magnesium and sulphur. ? relate the effects of
Discuss and correlate the effects of macronutrient deficiency with
macronutrient deficiency with the the function of macronutrients,
function of the macronutrients
based on the results of the

Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary

Collect and interpret data from ? explain the function of each

various sources such as the macronutrient in plants,
Internet on the function of each ? state the function of
macronutrient in plants. micronutrients in plants,

Discuss the function of ? state the effects of micronutrient

mirconutrients and effects of deficiency in plants.
micronutrient deficiency in plants.

1.10 Students read about the discovery A student is able to:

Understanding of photosynthesis and extract ? describe the development that
photosynthesis important facts from it. leads to the discovery of
? state the substances required
for photosynthesis,
Study a cross-sectional model of a ? state the substances produced
leaf. Draw and label it. from photosynthesis,
? draw and label the cross-
Discuss the following: section of a leaf,
a) functions of the parts of a leaf,
b) adaptation of the leaf for ? state the function of each part of
optimal photosynthesis. the leaf with respect to
? explain leaf adaptation to adaptation - penyesuaian
optimise photosynthesis,
Carry out an activity to investigate
the adaptation of plants such as
hibiscus, water lily, Hydrilla and ? explain how plants from different
cactus with respect to: habitats are adapted to carry out
a) distribution of stomata, photosynthesis.
b) distribution of chloroplasts.

Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary
Understanding With reference to the structure of A student is able to:
the mechanism chloroplast discuss the light and Detailed structure of
of dark reactions of photosynthesis ? identify the parts of chloroplast chloroplast is not
photosynthesis with respect to: related to photosynthesis, required. light reaction – tindakbalas
a) substances required. ? explain the light reaction of cahaya
b) location of reaction. photosynthesis, Detailed pathways
c) products of reaction. ? explain the dark reaction of for light and dark dark reaction – tindakbalas
photosynthesis, reactions are not gelap
Draw a simple schematic diagram required.
of the light and dark reactions in
Discuss the following:
a) compare and contrast the light ? compare and contrast light
reaction and dark reaction in reaction and dark reaction in
photosynthesis, photosynthesis,
b) correlate light reaction with dark ? relate light reaction with dark
reaction in photosynthesis. reaction in photosynthesis,

Write an equation to represent the ? write an equation to represent

overall process of photosynthesis. the process of photosynthesis.

Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary
1.12 Conduct a brainstorming session to A student is able to:
Synthesising identify the factors affecting the ? identify the factors affecting the
factors rate of photosynthesis i.e. rate of photosynthesis,
affecting concentration of carbon dioxide,
photosynthesis light intensity and temperature.
Plan and carry out an experiment ? design an experiment to
to study the effect of light intensity investigate the effect of light
on the rate of photosynthesis. intensity on the rate of
? identify the factor that limits the
rate of photosynthesis at light intensity – keamatan
different light intensity, cahaya

Carry out small group discussion ? explain the effects of limiting factor- faktor
on the effects of light intensity, temperature and concentration penghad
temperature and concentration of of carbon dioxide on the rate of
carbon dioxide on the rate of photosynthesis,
photosynthesis. ? explain the difference in the rate
of photosynthesis in plants
throughout the day based on the
changes in light intensity and
Plan a strategy based on factors ? identify some ways to meet the
affecting the rate of photosynthesis need of increasing the
to ensure crop production productivity of crops based on
throughout the year in countries factors affecting the rate of crops - tanaman
with four seasons. photosynthesis.

Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary
1.13 Compose a poem or lyric of a song A student is able to:
Practising a to show appreciation of the role of
caring attitude photosynthesis in ensuring the ? tell why we need to take good
towards plants perpetuation of life. care of plants,

Conduct a planting project in the ? identify cases of mishandling

science resource garden or school or destruction of plants.

1.14 Carry out small group discussion A student is able to:

Understanding on the following and present the
the technology findings:
used in food a) the quantity of food needed for ? explain the need for improving improving -
production the present and future population the quality and quantity of food, menambahbaikkan
of the country,
b) the need for improving the
quality and quantity of food for
the country in line with the
national food production policy,
c) effort by various agencies to ? explain the effort to diversify
diversify food production, food production, diversify - mempelbagaikan
d) methods used to improve the ? explain ways to improve the
quality and quantity of food quality and quantity of food
production through the following: production in the country.
(i) direct seeding for rice,
(ii) hydroponics and aeroponics,
(iii) breeding,
(iv) tissue culture,
(v) genetic engineering
(vi) soil management,
(vii)biological control.

Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary

Conduct a field trip to relevant

agencies such as the Institute of
Agricultural Research and
Development of Malaysia (MARDI),
Agriculture Department and
Fishery Department.

Carry out a vegetable planting


1.15 Discuss the need for food A student is able to:

Evaluating the processing based on the following: food processing –
technological a) overcoming the factors ? explain the necessity for food pemprosesan makanan
development in causing spoilage of food such processing,
food as the action of microorganisms development -
processing and oxidation, perkembangan
b) extending the lifespan of food,
c) avoiding food wastage, food spoilage – kerosakan
d) diversifying the uses of food makanan
like milk and dairy products,
e) ensuring sufficient food supply.

Prepare a portfolio on the ? describe the development of

technological development of food food processing technology,
processing from the early days till
the present.

Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary

Correlate the following food ? relate food processing methods

processing methods with factors with factors causing food
causing food spoilage: spoilage,
i. cooking,
ii. using salt, sugar and vinegar,
iii. fermentation process,
iv. drying,
v. pasteurization,
vi. canning,
vii. refrigeration.
? assess the methods of food
Conduct a forum entitled “The processing to justify the choice
effects of processed food on of consuming certain processed
health.” food.


Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary
2.1 Discuss the following: A student is able to:
the respiratory a) living processes require energy, ? state that all living processes living processes – proses-
process in require energy, proses kehidupan
energy b) the main substrate for ? identify the main substrate for
production respiration, that is glucose, is producing energy,
obtained from the following:
(i) the digestion of
carbohydrates in human
and animals,
(ii) the process of
photosynthesis in plants.
? state the two types of
Carry out a discussion on the types respiration,
of respiration.
? explain what cell respiration is,
Carry out an activity to show
aerobic respiration.
? explain the energy production
Discuss the energy production in from glucose during the process
aerobic respiration. of aerobic respiration,
? state the conditions leading to
anaerobic respiration in cells,

? explain the process of anaerobic

Conduct an experiment to respiration in yeast,
investigate anaerobic respiration in

Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary

Discuss the following: ? explain the process of anaerobic

a) condition leading to anaerobic respiration in human muscles,
respiration in cells, ? write the chemical equations for
b) the process of anaerobic aerobic and anaerobic
respiration in human muscles. respiration,

Use a graphic organiser to ? compare and contrast aerobic

compare and contrast aerobic respiration with anaerobic
respiration with anaerobic respiration.

2.2 Observe graphics and live A student is able to:

Analysing the specimens and discuss the
respiratory respiratory structures in human and ? state the respiratory structures respiratory structures –
structures and other organisms including in human and some animals, struktur pernafasan
Breathing protozoa, insects, fish and
mechanisms in amphibians.
human and
animal Conduct an activity to compare the ? make an inference on the
total surface area of a flat card with various adaptations of the corrugated card – kad
a corrugated card, and correlate respiratory structures, lipatan beralun
the increase in total surface area
with the modified surface structure.
adaptations - penyesuaian
Discuss the relationship between
the total surface area of the
respiratory structures and the
efficiency of gaseous exchange in
various organisms.

Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary

Observe the respiratory structures ? describe the characteristics of respiratory surfaces –

to generalise the characteristics of respiratory surfaces in human permukaan respirasi
the respiratory surfaces in human and other organisms,
and other organisms such as
protozoa, insects, fish and
Construct or use a model that can ? describe the breathing breathing mechanism –
be manipulated to explain the mechanism in human and other mekanisma pernafasan
breathing mechanism in human. organisms,
Discuss the breathing mechanism
of other organisms such as
protozoa, insects, fish and
Use graphic organiser to compare ? compare and contrast the
and contrast the human respiratory human respiratory system with
system with that of other that of other organisms.

Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary
2.3 Using a diagram, discuss the A student is able to:
Understanding process of gaseous exchange
the concept of across the surface of the alveolus ? describe the process of gaseous gaseous exchange –
gaseous and blood capillaries in the lungs in exchange across the surface of pertukaran gas
exchange relation to: the alveolus and blood
across the a) the difference in partial capillaries in the lungs, blood capillaries – kapilari
respiratory pressure of respiratory gases in darah
surfaces and the air of the alveolus and
transport of blood capillaries in the lungs, partial pressure – tekanan
gases in i.e: separa
human (i) partial pressure of oxygen
is higher in the air of the
alveolus compared to the
partial pressure of oxygen
in the blood capillaries,
(ii) partial pressure of carbon
dioxide is lower in the air
of the alveolus compared
to the partial pressure of
carbon dioxide in the blood

b) the difference in partial

pressure of oxygen and carbon
dioxide in the blood entering
the alveolus with the blood
leaving the alveolus i.e.:
(i) partial pressure of oxygen
is lower in the blood
entering the alveolus
compared to the partial
pressure of oxygen in the
blood leaving the alveolus.

Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary

(ii) partial pressure of carbon

dioxide is higher in the
blood entering the alveolus
compared to the partial
pressure of carbon dioxide
in the blood leaving the

Discuss the following:

a) the transport of respiratory ? explain the transport of Caution: inhaled air – udara sedutan
gases in human, respiratory gases, Handle the following
b) the exchange of respiratory ? explain the process of gaseous solutions with care: exhaled air – udara
gases between the blood and exchange between the blood Alkaline pyrogallate hembusan
body cells. and body cells, and concentrated
? distinguish the composition of potassium
Use schematic diagram to explain inhaled and exhaled air. hydroxide.
the exchange and transport of
respiratory gases in human.

Conduct an experiment to
investigate the differences between
inhaled and exhaled air in terms of
oxygen, carbon dioxide and heat

Study the process of respiratory

gas exchange and transport using
simulations and computerised

Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary
2.4 Conduct an experiment to study A student is able to:
Understanding the effects of a vigorous exercise
the regulatory on the rate of respiration and rate ? describe the change in rate of
mechanism in of heart beat. respiration after completing a vigorous exercise –
respiration vigorous exercise, senaman cergas
Conduct a discussion on the

a) correlate the rate of respiration ? correlate the rate of respiration

with the oxygen and carbon with the oxygen and carbon
dioxide contents in the body, dioxide content in the body, regulatory mechanism –
mekanisma kawalatur
b) regulatory mechanism of ? explain the regulatory
oxygen and carbon dioxide mechanism of oxygen and
contents in the body. carbon dioxide content in the
Conduct a discussion on human ? explain the human respiratory response – gerak balas
respiratory response, rate of response and rate of respiration
respiration and rate of heart beat in in different situations,
different situations:
a) vigorous activities such as ? correlate the rate of respiration rate of heart beat – kadar
swimming, running, aerobic with the rate of heart beat. denyutan jantung
exercise, mountain climbing
and playing badminton,
b) relaxing,
c) fear.

Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary
2.5 Discuss the habits to be cultivated A student is able to:
Realising the or avoided to ensure the efficient ? care and maintain efficient efficient – berkesan
importance of function of the respiratory organs. function of the respiratory
maintaining a organs.
healthy Conduct an experiment to show the
respiratory effects of cigarette smoke on whit e
system cotton wool and draw an analogy
between the lungs and the white
cotton wool.

Show photographs of damaged

lungs (cancer) due to smoking.

2.6 Discuss the following: A student is able to:

Understanding a) the lower energy requirement ? describe the energy requirement energy requirement –
respiration in of plants compared to animals in plants, keperluan tenaga
plants for living processes,

b) the intake of oxygen by plants ? explain the intake of oxygen for

for respiration. respiration,
Draw a diagram to show the intake ? explain aerobic respiration in A diagram of the
of oxygen in plants. plants, cross-section of a
leaf is required.
Discuss the anaerobic respiration ? explain anaerobic respiration in
carried out by rice plants in a plants under certain conditions,
paddy field or other plants in
certain situations like flooding.

Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary

Use a graphic organiser to ? compare and contrast the

compare the process of respiration process of photosynthesis and compensation point – titik
with the process of photosynthesis respiration, pampasan
in plants.
light intensity – keamatan
Discuss the following: ? explain what compensation cahaya
a) meaning of compensation point is,
point, ? relate light intensity with the
b) correlate light intensity with attainment of compensation
compensation point from graph. point,

Visualise and describe the effect ? predict the situation when the
on living things when the rate of rate of photosynthesis and rate
photosynthesis and rate of of respiration remains at
respiration remains at compensation point.
compensation point.


Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary
1.1 Conduct a field study to: A student is able to:
Understanding a) identify the abiotic components ? identify the abiotic components Emphasis is on field abiotic components –
the abiotic and including pH, temperature, light of an ecosystem, study for the komponen abiotik
biotic intensity, humidity, topography, students to reinforce
components of and the microclimate of an their understanding biotic components –
the ecosystem, in this area. komponen biotik
environment b) identify the biotic components ? identify the biotic components of
of an ecosystem, an ecosystem,
c) investigate the feeding
relationships of the biotic ? classify biotic components into trophic levels – aras trof
components to construct the trophic levels,
food chains and food web s, and
classify the biotic components
into trophic levels,
d) investigate the interaction ? explain the interactions between
between biotic components as biotic components in relation to
follows: feeding, using examples,
(i) symbiosis among plants
and animals encompassing
? explain the interaction between
the following:
biotic components in relation to
- commensalism,
competition, using examples.
- parasitism,
- mutualism,
(ii) saprophytism,
(iii) predator - prey interaction.

Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary

(e) investigate the interaction predator – pemangsa

between biotic components in prey - mangsa
relation to competition, which
(i) intraspecific competition, competition - persaingan
(ii) interspecific competition.
Conduct an experiment to study
the intraspecific competition and
interspecific competition of plants,
e.g. maize and rice.
Collect and interpret data to study
intraspecific competition and
interspecific competition involving
Paramecium, for example
Paramecium aurelia and
Paramecium caudatum.

1.2 Conduct a field study on an A student is able to:

Understanding ecosystem i.e. a mangrove swamp ? state what an ecosystem is, mangrove swamp – paya
the processes or a pond to: ? identify the niche, habitat, bakau
of colonisation a) identify the niche, habitat, community and population of an
and succession community and population, ecosystem,
in an b) investigate the process of ? explain the process of
ecosystem colonisation, colonisation, colonisation– pengkolonian
c) investigate the process of ? explain the process of
succession, succession,
d) identify pioneer species, ? identify the pioneer species in succession – sesaran
successor species, dominant an ecosystem,
species and climax community, ? identify the successors in an successors – spesies
ecosystem, penyesar

Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary

e) identify the adaptive ? identify the dominant species in adaptive characteristics –

characteristics of pioneer an ecosystem, ciri penyesuaian
species and subsequent ? identify the adaptive
species in the habitat for the characteristics of pioneer pioneer – spesies perintis
processes of colonisation and species,
succession. ? identify the adaptive
characteristics of successors,
? explain the changes in habitat
caused by pioneer species,
Students present their findings or ? explain the changes in habitat
make a folio. caused by successors at every climax community- komuniti
level of succession until a climax klimaks
Study the processes of colonisation
and succession through video, community is reached,
computer software and printed ? relate the abiotic components
material. with the biotic components in an
ecosystem during the processes
Discuss and correlate the abiotic of colonisation and succession.
component and biotic component
during the processes of
colonisation and succession in an

Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary
1.3 Discuss the appropriate sampling A student is able to:
Synthesising techniques to study the population ? identify the appropriate sampling
ideas on size of an organism. technique to study the sampling technique – teknik
population population size of an organism, persampelan
ecology Conduct a field study or use an
appropriate analogy to: ? estimate the population size of
a) estimate the population size of an organism in a habitat,
animals such as garden snails
and wood lice,
b) investigate the distribution of distribution – taburan
plants using the quadrat
sampling technique. ? determine the distribution of density – kepadatan
organisms in a habitat based on
Based on the above study discuss
the density, frequency and frequency – kekerapan
the distribution of an organism in a
percentage coverage of the
species, percentage coverage –
? correlate the change in peratus litupan
Discuss and correlate the change
population distribution of an
in population distribution of an
organism with the changes in
organism with the changes in each
each of the abiotic factors,
of the abiotic factors.
Plan and conduct an experiment to ? design an experiment to
study the relationship of population investigate the effect of a
distribution of an organism with change in any one of the abiotic
factors on the population growth growth rate – kadar
changes in any one of the abiotic
rate of an organism. pertumbuhan
factors such as pH, temperature,
light intensity and humidity.
Suggested organisms:
Pleurococcus, Lemna

Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary
1.4 Discuss the following: A student is able to:
Understanding a) meaning of biodiversity, ? explain the meaning of biodiversity –
the concept of b) need for the classification biodiversity, biokepelbagaian
biodiversity system of organisms. ? explain the need for
classification of organisms, classification – pengelasan
Gather information on the
a) the five kingdoms in the ? state the five kingdoms used in
classification of organisms, the classification of organisms,
which are Monera, Protista,
Fungi, Plantae and Animalia,
b) main characteristics of ? identify the main characteristics
organisms in each kingdom, of organisms in each kingdom,
c) examples of organisms in each ? list examples of organisms in
kingdom, each kingdom,
Discuss the following:
a) the hierarchy in the ? state the hierarchy in the
classification of organisms from classification of organisms,
kingdom to species, using examples,
b) the method of naming a ? explain through examples, the
number of vertebrates and local method of naming organisms
flowering plants, using the using the Linnaeus binomial
Linnaeus binomial system, system,
c) the importance of biodiversity. ? explain the importance of
Conduct a field trip to create
awareness of biodiversity of an

Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary
1.5 Using charts, slides and A student is able to:
Understanding photomicrographs, identify and list ? classify various types of A brief account of
the impact of various types of microorganisms microorganisms based on their the basic
microorganism i.e. protozoa, algae, fungi, bacteria basic characteristics, characteristics of
s on life and virus. each type of
? state the abiotic components microorganisms is
Conduct an experiment to study affecting the activity of required.
the effects of temperature, pH, light microorganisms,
and nutrients on the activity of
microorganisms e.g. Bacillus
? explain the effect of a change in
subtilis or yeast.
each abiotic component on the
Gather information and discuss the activity of microorganisms,
role of useful microorganisms in
the following: ? explain the role of useful
a) decomposition, microorganisms,
decomposition - pereputan
b) nitrogen cycle,
c) alimentary canal of termite,
alimentary canal – salur
d) digestive system in human.
Gather information and discuss the ? explain the effect of harmful
effects of harmful micro -organisms: micro-organisms,
a) causing diseases,
b) spoilage of food and

Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary
Gather information and present the
findings on the following: ? explain the meaning of The scientific names
a) pathogens, vectors, symptoms, pathogen, of pathogens and pathogen - patogen
and methods in transmission of ? identify the pathogen, vector life cycle of vectors
diseases such as malaria, and symptoms of one particular are not required. transmission - pemindahan
dengue fever, cholera, disease,
ringworm, food poisoning, ? explain how the disease food poisoning – keracunan
AIDS, hepatitis, and SARS, spreads, makanan
b) methods to control pathogens ? describe the methods for
including the use of antibiotics, controlling pathogen,
vaccines, antiseptics and
Gather information and present the
uses of microorganisms in
biotechnology, such as:
a) production of antibiotics and oil spills – tumpahan
? explain the use of
vaccines, minyak
microorganisms in
b) cleaning of oil spills,
biotechnology, using examples.
c) waste treatment, waste treatment – rawatan
d) food processing, kumbahan
e) production of bioplastic,
f) production of energy from

1.6 Conduct a forum to discuss the A student is able to: preservation -

Appreciating importance of preservation and ? justify the importance of pemeliharaan
biodiversity conservation of biodiversity. preservation and conservation
of biodiversity. conservation –
Conduct an activity to preserve and ? preserve and conserve various pemuliharaan
conserve various living things living things around him/her.
around us.


Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary
2.1 Carry out small group discussion A student is able to:
Evaluating on the following and present the ? identify human activities that impact – impak/kesan
human findings: threaten the ecosystem,
activities that a) human activities that threaten ? explain the impact of human threaten - mengancam
endanger an the ecosystem, activities on the ecosystem,
ecosystem b) the impact of human activities ? evaluate critically the effects of critically –secara kritis
on the ecosystem, unplanned development and
c) the effects of unplanned mismanagement of the unplanned – tidak
development and ecosystem, terancang
mismanagement of the
ecosystem, such as: mismanagement – salah
i. soil erosion, pengurusan
ii. flash flood,
iii. landslide, development -
iv. eutrofication, pembangunan
v. water, air, thermal and
noise pollution, ecosystem – ekosistem
vi. global warming,
vii. ozone depletion, flash food – banjir kilat
viii. climatic change,
ix. extinction of living things, landslide – tanah runtuh
x. deforestation,
d) types of pollution and sources ? describe types of pollution and global warming –
of pollution, sources of pollution, pemanasan global

Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary

e) effects of pollution on the ? explain the effects of pollution ozone depletion –

following: on living things and the penipisan ozon
i. human health ( diseases environment,
affecting the respiratory extinction – kepupusan
system, skin problems,
conjunctivitis, cancer and deforestation -
cholera), penyahutanan
ii. animal and plant habitats,
iii. buildings, pollution -pencemaran
iv. agriculture,
v. climate.

Conduct an experiment to compare ? compare and contrast

solid pollutants in the air of different pollutants in the air from
environments and make an different environments,
inference on the sources of ? state the sources of air pollution,

Conduct an activity to analyse data ? interpret data on the level of air

on air pollution index of some cities pollution in some cities,
within and outside the country, and ? make an inference on the
make an inference on the sources sources of air pollution in some
of pollution. cities,
Conduct an activity to analyse data ? interpret data on the level of
on water pollution, such as water pollution in some rivers, Biochemical Oxygen
Biochemical Oxygen Demand ? make an inference on the Demand – keperluan
(BOD) value and content of heavy sources of water pollution in oksigen biokimia
metals in some rivers, and make some rivers,
an inference on the sources of

Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary

Conduct activities to formulate a ? predict the level of air and water

strategy to reduce the level of air pollution in a particular location
and water pollution in a particular within the next ten years,
location by:
a) analysing information on the ? suggest strategies to solve
population, such as the size of problems related to air and
population, socio-economic water pollution in a particular
activities, and level of air and location within the next ten
water pollution, years.
b) conducting an activity to predict
the level of air and water
pollution at a particular location
within the next ten years,
c) preparing an action plan
consisting of a strategy to
reduce the level of air and water
pollution at that particular
location within the next ten

Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary
2.2 Carry out small group discussion A student is able to:
Understanding on the following and present the ? explain what greenhouse effect
the greenhouse findings: is,
effect and a) greenhouse effect, including its ? correlate the concentration of greenhouse effect – kesan
thinning of the cause and effect, carbon dioxide in the rumah hijau
ozone layer. b) concentration of carbon dioxide atmosphere with global
in the atmosphere and correlate warming, The molecular global warming –
it with global warming, ? explain the thinning of the ozone structure of pemanasan global
c) ozone depletion, including its layer, chlorofluorocarbon
cause and effect, ? explain the impact of thinning of and equations for
d) impact of ozone depletion and the ozone layer and global chemical reactions
global warming on the warming on the ecosystem. are not required.

2.3 Conduct a debate on the need for A student is able to:

Realising the development to improve the quality
importance of of life and to meet the requirements ? justify the need for development,
proper of an increasing population.
management of
development Discuss the effects of an increase ? explain the effects of increase in
activities and in population on the ecosystem. population on the ecosystem,
the ecosystem
Carry out small group discussion
on the following and present the
a) implementation of laws,
b) use of technology, balance of nature –
c) education on the management ? explain measures taken in the keseimbangan alam
of resources, including the management of development
reduce, reuse, and recycle of activities and the ecosystem to maintain – mengekalkan
resources, ensure a balance of nature is

Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary

d) preservation and conservation ? care for the ecosystem, biological control – kawalan
of soil, water, flora and fauna of biologi
forests and mangrove swamps,
e) practice of biological control, renewable energy – tenaga
f) use of renewable energy, diperbaharui
g) efficient use of energy.
? participate in activities related to
Conduct activities to care for the the management of the
following ecosystems in school and ecosystem.
at home:
a) fish ponds,
b) gardens.

Plan and conduct a programme

related to the management of the
ecosystem, for example,
“Environment Day”.


Advisors Mahzan bin Bakar SMP, AMP Director

Curriculum Development Centre

Zulkifly bin Mohd Wazir Deputy Director

Curriculum Development Centre

Editorial Advisors Cheah Eng Joo Principal Assistant Director

(Head of Science and Mathematics Sector)
Curriculum Development Centre

Zaidi Yazid Assistant Director

(Head of Elective Sciences Unit)
Curriculum Development Centre

Editor Ho Heng Ling Assistant Director

(Head of Core Sciences Unit)
Curriculum Development Centre


Cheah Eng Joo Curriculum Development Centre. Ratna Devi a/p Kana SMK Victoria, Kuala Lumpur.
Zaidi Yazid Curriculum Development Centre. Azuyah bt. Hassan SMK Ayer Putih Dalam, Kedah.
Ho Heng Ling Curriculum Development Centre. Salmah bt. Mohd. Tahar SMK Sultan Omar, Trengganu.
Zainusham Yusof Curriculum Development Centre. Roslah Awang SMK Landas, Trengganu.
Salina Hanum Osman Curriculum Development Centre. Meli bin Hussin SM Sains Kuala Trengganu,
Mohamed Trengganu.
Aizatul Adzwa Mohd Basri Curriculum Development Centre. Norisa bte Mohamed Nor Sek. Men Sains Seremban, Negeri
Zulkifli Baharudin Curriculum Development Centre. Chan Suan Khin (Jacinta) SM Muara Tuang, Sarawak.
Yusof Ismail Curriculum Development Centre. Alice Tan SM Sains Selangor, Kuala Lumpur.
Salbiah Mohd. Som Curriculum Development Centre. Lim Boon Hock SMK Methodist (ACS), Melaka
Zainon Abdul Majid Curriculum Development Centre. Roslena bt. Zakaria SMK Bukit Jana, Perak.
Zaidah Md. Yusof Curriculum Development Centre. Ruslinah bt. Mohamad SMK Seri Tanjong, Kuala Lumpur.
Ahmad Salihin Mat Saat Curriculum Development Centre. Pn.Mazinah bte. Muda SM Sains Tengku Mohamad Faris
Petra, Kelantan.
Wahida Abdullah SMK Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra, Hasimah bt. Azit Sek. Seri Puteri, Wilayah
Selangor. Persekutuan.
Noraini Samin Sek. Men. Sains Muar, Johor. Chin Mee Ying SMK Menjalara, Kuala Lumpur.

Curriculum Development Centre
Ministry of Education

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