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Nowadays, fast food considered as a normal eating venture. People are not only eating
out on special occasions or weekends anymore, but also at breakfast, lunch, dinner, in every
occasion. It means that all the time they mostly eat fast foods. But we don͛t know yet the
negatives effect that caused by this kind of food. There are some drawback that caused by Fast

First, the fast food rise in obesity and cancer. This is because fast food not only
contains many more calories than traditional food, but also is more likely to undermine normal
appetite control systems. The large portion size of fast food also over-eating, instead of an
average sized meal, people consume extra large portions. The fact is the fast food has its
popularity in the 1940͛s. Within a few years, fast-food operations ! !!! . With
the compelling rise in fast-food restaurants since the 1940͛s, oddly it started the rise in obesity
and cancer during that same time period.

pecond, it is highly processed with a wide array of additives. To ensure fast food͛s low
cost, the fast food products are made with highly-processed ingredients to give it shelf-life, to
hold consistency, and to enhance flavor, texture, color and palatability in fast food are
enhanced by additives Fast food is altered from its original healthy form. These additives, like
sweeteners and colorants, may be extremely harmful to health.

Last but not least, the fast food Lack of Vitamins and Minerals—Fast food is lacking in
nutritional value, as it is rarely made of fresh fruits, vegetables or whole grains. By consuming
fast food, you are missing out on essential vitamins and minerals to keep you healthy.

po, there is no reason for us to consume fast food all the time, because absolutely fast
food has no nutritional. Fast food just simply feeds hunger and craving. So don͛t you consume
it all the time if you don͛t want to kill your own self!!

1. What is the text about?

a. The kind of fast food
b. The founder of fast food
c. The advantages of fast food
d. The disadvantages of fast food
e. The history of fast food

2. When fast foods become popular?

a. 1920͛s
b. 1930͛s
c. 1940͛s
d. 1950͛s
e. 1960͛s

3. What happen with fast food after they launched?

a. Boom-bust cycles
b. Nothing
c. Popular in everywhere
d. Popular in Europe
e. Controversial

4. What is the drawback after fast food was mushrooming in everywhere?

a. There are many restaurant
b. People become rich
c. There are new kind of disease
d. There are many kind of food
e. It will lead to a major gap between the haves and the have-nots

5. What kind of the ͞new͟ disease caused by fast food?

a. Cancer and obesity
b. Headache and cancer
c. Obesity and stomachache
d. Cancer and asthma
e. Asthma and itchy

6. Which statement is NOT true about the text above?

a. Obesity and cancer started rise at the same period as the appeal of fast food
b. Fast food products are made with highly-processed ingredients
c. Aspartame and monosodium glutamate are kind of fast food͛s ingredient
d. Chemical additives which used in fast food lead to weight and disease issues
e. Nowadays, people just eating out on special occasions or weekends

7. What is the main idea of paragraph 4?

a. The reason why people mostly eat fast food
b. The disease caused by fast food
c. The history of fast food
d. Fast food make us unhealthy
e. The explanation about aspartame and monosodium glutamate

8. The synonym of the    in paragraph 1 is͙.

a. Positive effect
b. Negative effect
c. Advantages
d. Benefits
e. Utility

9. Why are the fast food product made with highly-processed ingredients?
a. To damage health and waistline
b. Lead the people to the weight and disease issues
c. To give it shelf-life, to hold consistency, and to enhance flavor
d. To make the fast food become tasty
e. To economize the ingredients and time

10. What is the conclusion of the text above?

a. Usually, fast food used in many occasion
b. Fast food have some advantages
c. Fast food has its popularity in the 1940͛s
d. The reason why fast food products are made with highly-processed
e. Fast food has many drawbacks, mostly for our health

1. *
2. C
3. C
4. C
5. A
6. E
7. *
8. B
9. C
10. E






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