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In this ever changing and fast pacing world, companies need to bring new products and services
not only to keep them in competition, but also to fulfill the needs of the customers. For this,
understanding the consumers’ behavior and their latent needs are very important. There are
numerous reasons to bring new service in the market, like to remain competitive, utilizing
excess capacity, reduction of risk and exploiting new market opportunities. As we were asked to
bring any new service in the Bangladeshi Market, we have gone through the process or well
known as strategies of new service product development. The process of my new Service
designs given below:


This is the first step to generate ideas for My service product development. In the
very beginning we need to talk to customers, listen to their feedback, what they are asking for
and pay attention to customers using competing products. Once we know what features
are most valued to customers, the main goal is to obtain, validate and implement customer
feedback. After that we need to make a list of customers’ potential need based on the
information we gathered. We need to identify the service gaps in the industry and make a
feasible plan which can easily reach to customers. We also need to conduct an internal and
external SWOT analysis from where we can learn My strength, weakness and as well as
industry’s opportunities and threat. By evaluating the opportunities of the industry, we can
come up with various ideas to serve customers. While generating new ideas, we need to know
need to My strength and use it as “points of difference.”

 As we are required to bring any new service in Bangladesh, we have examined My service
industry very carefully. We came to know that with the high pace of technology and
digitalization, we need to bring a new concept with technical support. Along with we wanted to
give something back to the society too. Keeping all these matters in My mind, we came up with
couple of new ideas. These ideas

Baby-sitting service

Fastest first aid service

Home delivery of medicine

Mobile Food cart business

Home service for elderly person


The second step of service development is idea screening. In My service

development process, my ideas have the abilityto take us in many different directions. And whe
n teams are faced with prioritizing initiatives, they often try to come to a consensus or allow
leadership to decide what to pursue. But without knowing which ideas consumers prefer, we
could be wasting my resources on ones that will not succeed in future testing. Idea screening
measures my ideas on metrics that we need to understand early in the service development
process, like relevance and uniqueness. By getting consumer feedback early, we will have a
simple, yet powerful way to identify ideas with the most potential for future service
development. When we are coming up with new service ideas, it can be hard to know where to
focus with the effort. We often face limits on My time and budget that keep us from testing all
but a few ideas. After so many brainstorming, we came up with five ideas which are babysitting
service, fastest fast aid service, home delivery of medicine, mobile food court business & home
service for elderly person. Among these ideas, we choose to do fastest first aid service because
this will surely help the people of My country. Basically, we want to do something that is most
needed right now and by which we can help the maximum number of people. As My main
target is to help My people sowed will not be taking money from them. It will be totally a
voluntary service.

This is an app based service like: Pathao,Uber, FoodPanda” etc. And we named it “Helpline”. 

Nowadays it is very common and almost every educated person knows how to operate an app.
One has to provide the address and the disease/problem of the patient in the app and request
for the help. We will be sending a medic person to the address. So that he/she can help and
provide the necessary first aid needed for the patient. My rider will use bike so that he/she can
be there as soon as possible


Concept development involves coming up with a detailed description of the emergency

services, explained from the perspective of the customer. This method would typically
highlights the best features of the emergency services in terms of:

 Convenience

 Usability

 Quality

 Functionality
 Performance

 Price

 Values

 Experience

Concept testing helps to assess the customer reaction to emergency service or service prior to
introducing it to the market. How much do they like the service?

 How desirable do they find the service’s features?

 What features do they like most/least?

 How well would the service compare to other brands or similar servic

 What price point would they find appealing?

 What would they like to change about the service?

The ambulance service and paramedics are very important in society as they save hundreds
olives daily by responding to emergency calls. One of the important roles of the ambulance
crews to stabilize and treat patients quickly to prevent any mishap before the patient reaches
the medical center or hospital.

Due to the high stakes in this service, the test marketing should first be conducted in areas with
high concentration of hospitals and clinics. This would ensure that the emergency aid could
be provided in the least possible time. Also the transfer time to the hospital will be less and so
there is a higher chance of success. This would also allow the people to get acquainted to the
service and the consumers can get the popularity needed to fuel its future business.

 Benefits of Concept development and testing

Concept testing will help you evaluate objectively which service ideas are likely to yield the best
results. It may also help you to:

 Estimate the concept market potential

 Prove the viability of the concept

 Eliminate poor concepts

 Identify features that customers find most desirable

 Develop and further test my prototypes

 Segment my potential customer base

 Identify the appropriate price point and position for my service

 Estimate sales and potential return on investment


This is the fourth stage of new service product development. Once decided upon the concept
development and testing, we will do business analysis which involves a review of the sales, cost
and profit projection for the new services to find out whether these factors satisfied the
business objectives.

In My country roads accidents are very common issue and its increasing day by day. Over2400
people are died on road in this year. The wife and son of footballer Sohel Rana were killed on
24 November, 2018. He was injured as a truck hit their motorbike on Dhaka-Aricha highway. It
has come in many studies that if we can provide first aid medical emergency service within
3minutes of an accident, the victims can survive. But whether it is in Dhaka metropolitan city or
outside of Dhaka city, heavy traffic is a major issue. In many cases, we have observed that
because of heavy traffic, poorly maintained roads and lack of knowledge of traffic rules oftenlea
ds ambulances to reach late at the accident spot. This evidently increases the number of fatal
victims. Along with this ambulance service is not also well equipped and majority of the
case paramedics who are responsible to give first aid to the victims, are not available. As every
life on earth is equally precious and valuable, we want to give a chance to every victim. I have
designed my service in such that whenever a person meets an accident, whether at home or at
road, they or the people nearby can call or send request in My app. My trained and equipped
volunteers will be their within shortest possible time. They will then call an ambulance and in
the mean time they are responsible to give medical first aid to the victim. We believe that this
will help to decrease the risk of the victims and give them a chance to survive. That’s why we
named My service as “Helpline”. My service will be totally voluntary based. People who are
over 18 and has a motorbike ( with license). They will be given small bag containing very
primary supplies and equipment for medical services. There will incur some others cost
technology cost, maintenance cost and backend peoples cost who will maintain the system. My
service will be totally free. As their will be cost of different things like training, medicine, fuel
cost, app development and promotion, I’m hoping to fulfill those through Donations. There are
many organizations that are run under full donation like: Rotaract Club of Dhaka, School for
street children – Hashimukh, Jaago Foundation, Utsho Bangladesh and many more.
This reflects that my work is feasible. As we are going to do novel work and will provide my
service voluntarily so my organization will be non-profit organization. We will not be paying any
monthly remuneration to my volunteers. We will run my organization by sponsor’s donation;
we will accept any kind of donation people are willing to pay. We reinvest my profit for the
betterment of my service. We are very hopeful that as medical emergency service is very
important and needed in our country perspective, many people will come forward and helps
regarding this issue


Product servicing is showcasing of unmistakable products. Substantial products or items

incorporate things that can be touched, felt and seen. In straightforward words the execution
of unmistakable products can be seen and caught on by gatherings of people you need to offer
my items to. Modern item improvement could be a handle of taking a product or benefit from
conception to showcase. The method sets out an arrangement of stages those modern items
regularly go through, starting with ideation and concept era, and finishing with the product's
presentation to the showcase.

 How My service product works:

To maintain this service we need to go to the different universities to collect some students as
volunteers who have bikes and have the desire to help people. They can be engineers, business
students or they can be graduates but if we can arrange medical students that will be a great
help for My service. Besides that we need to train up My volunteers to give primary level
treatment. Their knowledge level should be just the level to save lives in immediate situation.
We will use Dhaka medical college or any other nursing homes to train up My volunteers. After
getting at least 1 month training they are able to give primary level treatment. This whole
service will be done by donations. We will be providing My whole service will be operate by two

 App based

 Hotline number

App Based:

Earlier, individuals had to contact a centralized calling center to call for a rescue vehicle, but
with this app, individuals can essentially diminish the sum of time to call one. The reason ofa
rescue vehicle is to urge a quiet to a clinic, as before long as conceivable; the presentation of
this app can offer assistance spare lives by giving a much-needed speedier benefit in traffic-
congested Dhaka. Ural EMS as of now gives a standardized rescue vehicle benefit by means of
their app and call middle. The passage for the benefit is calculated based on the remove voyage
and the sort of emergency vehicle utilized.

Hotline Number:

In a therapeutic crisis, calling for an emergency vehicle seem cruel the distinction between life
and passing. Be that as it may, individuals now and then waver to call since they are
not beyond any doubt in the event that the circumstance qualifies as a crisis. In case in question
, continuously call triple zero. The individuals who take my call are prepared to assist you and
will coordinate you to the suitable resource


The last stage before commercialization in the new product development process is test
marketing. In this stage of the new product development process, the product and its proposed
marketing programmed are tested in realistic market settings. Therefore, test marketing gives
the marketer experience with marketing the product before going to the great expense of full
introduction. In fact, it allows the company to test the product and its entire
marketing programme, including targeting and positioning strategy, advertising, distributions,
packaging etc. Before the full investment is made.

The amount of test marketing necessary varies with each new product. Especially when
introducing a new product requiring a large investment, when the risks are high, or when the
firms not sure of the product or its marketing programmed, a lot of test marketing may
be carried out. For the given business idea, app will be launched in Dhaka first. Areas like
Mirpur, khilkhet,Kuril where the tendency of accidents tends to be very high. We will promote
My services through different pharmaceutical shops to install the local people to install. If
anything thing goes wrong then My team will be reached. We will train the volunteers. We will
have area wise volunteer team who will be trained by expertise. When any incident will happen
then, people can contract with us through apps and My team will reach. At least 2,297 people
were killed and 5,480 injured in road accidents in the last six months according to Daily star. It
can be reduced by giving fastest aid service.

Target Market:

 My target markets will the people of all ages and geographic based.

Extended 3ps of Service Marketing:

 People: People will be the volunteers (fresh gradate and College student who have also
 Process: If any people seek for medical service through My apps, My nearest volunteer
will go within shortest time so that is very important and thousands olives can be saved
through this emergency aid.

 Physical Evidence: There will be some medical equipments (example-pressure machine)

and id card that will be mainly the physical evidence.

Marketing Mix

 Service / Product: My service is giving emergency first aid service .People will contract
with us through apps and based on the information My nearest volunteer will reach.

 Place: Mohakhali, kuril ,Mirpur , Uttara

 Promotion: We will promotion about My service by following steps:

 Through local pharmaceuticals shops local people will be informed about Myservice.

 We will aware people through social media and through different pages. Details will be 


It is free service.


Commercialization is the process of introducing a new product or service into the market. It
means making a concept or idea into a real business opportunity. To go through the
commercialization process, they need to undergo a process of market research and

Development, prototyping, drawing up business, marketing and distribution plans, and

protecting their intellectual property before it becomes commercially available. There are some
steps involved in it. They are:

a. Launching and commercializing new products:

Introducing a new product into the market is a significant business achievement. Deciding
when, how and where to launch product/service will determine its early
impact on the market. How My service will add value to the emergency need for medical
attention is priority to focus on advertising.
b. Develop a direct marketing campaign:

 Direct marketing methods such as direct mail, email marketing and social media marketing can
help you get straight to the customers in my target market. Here for My marketing campaign,
we will use social media like Facebook mostly as now a day people spend a good amount time
of their daily activities.

c. Create advertising plan:

 Analyzing where My target market customers get their product information. We will broadcast
regarding My fast medical service on media like TV, radios, road side posters, in build
application advertisement etc. We will also take help from popular service provides like Pathao,
Uber to use their own platform to promote volunteer service.

d. Create communications materials:

 To support my launch I will create a product brochure and point of sale posters to draw
attention to the new product/service.

e. Develop a public relations and news media strategy:

 Use of public relations (PR) is My advantage. Mainstream media often pick up innovation
stories. We will launch a print and online news media campaign and target interested industry

 f. Developing a pricing strategy:

 My service will be free of cost as it is totally donation based.  In the conclusion, we can say
that, surely this project is a very new and unique concept in Bangladesh’s context. But with the
pace of time, I need to upgrade My selves. This technology based social app might help us to go
on that way

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