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Blue= Mvffy

Green = Tassy
Yellow= together

This is an ode to every mother and every

mother figure,

the one who prays and

stays and struggles with us

the one who fights and forgives and faces the storms

with uncompromising calm

This is an ode to Mom

the one who carries us in her

womb in her hands in her heart

in her we see the definition of grace

she keeps us safe keeps us fed keeps us in school in church in check

Inspired. She digs deep into the well of

her soul and finds a love that overflows

overrides overwhelms everything

and it always does

she gives the love of a thousand selfless deeds every day

she makes plaits makes clothes makes beds makes plans makes time
makes do

with what she has and she teaches us

that what we have is enough

she gives the love of a thousand victories in the

face of loss and suffering she wins

every time because she always serves first

she knows her worth, her covering

her comforting her faith believes that

her will be is greater than her was

She gives the love of a thousand sacrifices

in the shape of our expectations and she

makes it look so easy we could hardly

see the half of what she gives more than she takes

she prays she sees she tucks

us in and we've never seen her sleep but

she dreams the dreams and plants the seeds and bears the fruit,

bears the burdens, bears all the things that we

alone can’t bear

she wears her strength

and dignity like they will never go out

of style and she smiles at the future

and the future

smiles back because it knows the good

things she'll bring when she shows up

and she always does

she brings peace and virtue with her

everywhere she goes

courage in tow she shows us that

a fearless woman is a woman who fears the Lord

she stands ashore stands up straight

stands on his promises his Providence

her hands work with willingness as she does the most good
and she always does
she is fierce and unflinching unrelenting undivided

understanding undemanding she has grace

to manage her house into a household

where she holds all the pieces together

and never breaks under the pressure

she is underestimated underpaid and

understated when she faces the

temptation to give up she simply finds a

way to give more

and she always does and

all this comes before her children are

even up for the day and when they rise

they'll say blessed is this woman who

gives so much and says so much more than

a thousand words with a single touch and

she always does she gives the love of a

thousand generations of mothers before

her mothers who bore her and raised her

and gave her the stories we will never

read in history books but when history

looks back it will see that she was the

one worth writing about because many

women have done excellently but she she

has surpassed them all

and she always does

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