BRUTALITY Rules Free Version

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Copyright © 2020 Scott Wainwright

All rights reserved.

So What Does The 102-Page Full Version Have That This Doesn’t?

• Full lore for the various factions

• Minor factions
• Immersive yet simple campaign mode
• 5 More Missions
• More Regions to play in
• Advanced List Building rules
• More Model Abilities
• 4 More Upgrades for each model Class
• Unique models
• Faction Traits to take your warband to the next level
• 5 Legendary Traits for your most powerful models
• Full Solo/Co-op rules including 5 Missions
• Class-specific A.I. logic trees

So What Is Brutality? ............................................................................................ 6
The Scheme of a Goddess ..................................................................................... 7
The Life Cycle of the Brutal Realm .................................................................... 10
The Felix Map ..................................................................................................... 11
The Factions ........................................................................................................ 12
Ephrant’s Consortium ..................................................................................... 12
Cult of The One Mother .................................................................................. 13
Cogite Matrix .................................................................................................. 14

The Oathsworn ................................................................................................ 15
Grand Order Zenith ......................................................................................... 16
Brotherhood of Wayfinders ............................................................................ 17
Beast Kingdoms .............................................................................................. 18
Blood & Salt Trading Co. ............................................................................... 19
Legios Broadwater .......................................................................................... 20
Collegium Carnis ............................................................................................ 21
The Game ............................................................................................................ 22
What You Need To Play ................................................................................. 22
Board Size ....................................................................................................... 22
Terrain Placement ........................................................................................... 22
Gameplay Notes .............................................................................................. 23
Scattering a Model ...................................................................................... 23
Line of Sight ............................................................................................... 23
Re-Rolls & Stacking Abilities: ................................................................... 23
Game Length ................................................................................................... 23
Suggested Base Sizes ...................................................................................... 23
Pre-Game Phases ................................................................................................. 24
Deployment Zones .......................................................................................... 24
Objective Placement ....................................................................................... 24
Deploying Models ........................................................................................... 24
First Activation Each Turn .............................................................................. 24
Scoring Points ................................................................................................. 24
Altars of Ishtar ............................................................................................ 25
Scavenging Points....................................................................................... 25
Kill Points ................................................................................................... 25
Victory Conditions .......................................................................................... 25
Model Characteristics ..................................................................................... 26
Movement ................................................................................................... 26
Fighting Skill .............................................................................................. 26
Dexterity ..................................................................................................... 26
Hit Points .................................................................................................... 26
Willpower ................................................................................................... 26
Attacks ........................................................................................................ 26
Save ............................................................................................................ 26
Stat Checks ...................................................................................................... 26
Stat Minimums & Maximums......................................................................... 26
Activation Phases ................................................................................................ 27
Model Activation: ........................................................................................... 27
Movement Phase Actions................................................................................ 27
Move ........................................................................................................... 27
Flight/Agile................................................................................................. 27
Standing Up ................................................................................................ 27
Pick Up a Dropped Weapon ....................................................................... 27
Take Aim .................................................................................................... 28
Falling Models ............................................................................................ 28
Combat Phase Actions .................................................................................... 29
Powers ........................................................................................................ 29
Run.............................................................................................................. 29
Interact ........................................................................................................ 29

Staunching Bleeding ................................................................................... 30
Stamping Out Flames ................................................................................. 30
Use an Item ................................................................................................. 30
Melee Attacks and Charging ...................................................................... 31
Ranged Attacks ............................................................................................... 32
Saving Rolls................................................................................................ 33
Cover .......................................................................................................... 33
Wound Chart Rolls ..................................................................................... 33
Attack Modifiers ......................................................................................... 33
Command Token ........................................................................................ 33
Missions ............................................................................................................... 34
Basic Scenario ................................................................................................. 34
1. Base Assault ................................................................................................ 35
2. Behemoth Encounter ................................................................................... 36
4. Grab It! ........................................................................................................ 37
3. Taking Captives .......................................................................................... 37
5. I Smell A Rat .............................................................................................. 38
Region Effects ..................................................................................................... 39
City/Town Ruins ............................................................................................. 39
Twilight Fields ................................................................................................ 40
Psycho-Tropics ............................................................................................... 40
Warband Creation ................................................................................................ 41
Examples of Character Creation: .................................................................... 42
Building Your Army List- Simple .................................................................. 44
Building Your Army List- Moderate .............................................................. 45
MELEE ....................................................................................................... 46
FAST .......................................................................................................... 46
RANGED ................................................................................................... 47
SUPPORT................................................................................................... 47
Powers ............................................................................................................. 48
Model Traits .................................................................................................... 50
Model Abilities ............................................................................................... 50
Wound Chart ....................................................................................................... 51
Disarmed ......................................................................................................... 52
Blinded ............................................................................................................ 52
Knock Down ................................................................................................... 52
Agony .............................................................................................................. 52
Confused ......................................................................................................... 52
Bleeding .......................................................................................................... 52
Trauma ............................................................................................................ 52
Burning ........................................................................................................... 52
Quick Reference Rules Sheet .............................................................................. 53
Roster Sheet ......................................................................................................... 54

A Special Thanks to all the people who have helped make this possible:

To my wife Mandy, who always has my back and endures my crippling wargaming addiction.
And to my mother Kandie, for always supporting my writing and creative endeavors; love ya!

Euan Smith has been pivotal in providing feedback, play testing, and general good-natured
banter throughout the testing process and was the first stranger to adopt this game for use, as
well as partaking in the historical First International Brutality game with the Pimpcron via
Vassal. He is also the creator of the historical first-ever Brutality battle reports which were
quite clever.

Nathan Garza has been a frequent play tester and has always been helpful in editing and

Thanks to my test players Brandon Keplinger, Matt Collins, Derek Helms, Ash Giska, Andrew
Haggenbottom, JD Wilkins, Josh Horsman, and Maximilian Drewicz who have all helped
develop this game through lots of play testing and input. Thanks for always being willing to try
something new for a friend. Special thanks to my life-long friend James Mason for being the
wall I bounce most of my ideas off of at work, and for always listening to me yammer on about
this game.

Special thanks to Deviant Artist Wildweasel339 for most of the amazing artwork featured
in this book. You can find his stunning gallery here:

Images used in this book on the front cover, pages 14, 16, 19, 21, 38, 42, 46, and 49 were
sourced from Adobe Photostock. All others were wildweasel339’s artwork.

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0B So What Is Brutality?

• Use any 25mm-32mm models from any game

• Create your own stats
• Play with points, or not!
• Alternating activation
• Skirmish Wargame with RPG-lite aspects
• Campaign System
• A setting that allows you to bring your favorite characters together
• A model’s facing matters and different assault tactics get different bonuses!
• No models to buy! What could be easier?

I created this game for my own purposes because I had models from many different universes
that didn’t have games associated with them. I also had many models from games that I don’t
play anymore. But they weren’t the same universe or even genre! So I came up with a way to
bring them all together and forge new and exciting narratives involving characters I loved.
I also enjoy making my own stats for models, but didn’t want to bother with the minutia of
dealing with detailed points. So I developed a game that is inherently balanced across all unit
types, where there are no “bad” choices. But if you want to play with points, there is a very
simple system in place to make your own lists the way you want using points.
As I’ve matured in this gaming hobby, I find that I don’t have the time or patience for five-hour
long games. This game plays in about thirty minutes to an hour, which allows you to get several
games in.
I love a good campaign, and this system provides a quick and easy campaign without tons of
bookkeeping. You set the length you want the campaign to go and start rolling dice!
My favorite gaming memories are when the dice tell a story. This game is designed to tell a
story as you play, with crippling injuries and the battlefield itself being a hazard.
Do you always roll low? This game is designed so that sometimes you want to roll high, and
other times a low roll is needed. That helps even the playing field when your opponent is
rolling hot!
I appreciate you giving this a look, and hope you enjoy it!
-The Pimpcron

1B The Scheme of a Goddess
In the dawning years of humanity, the Old Gods ruled. They came from the sky and were
powered by the faith of their subjects. But as the ages passed, new religions and science eroded
the faith in the Old Gods and they suddenly found themselves back in their Ether Realm, where
the Gods reside in ageless eternity.

Ishtar, the ancient goddess known as “The Great Whore of Babylon” was a Sumerian goddess
of life and death, of rebirth and war. During her time on Earth she spurred her followers to
commit great acts of lustful depravity and remorseless savagery. Ishtar was not content to be
contained in the Ether Realm and devised a plan to win back her position of power in the
Mortal Realms.

With her power depleted, she spent a millennium mustering small portals to snatch up mighty
beings from the Mortal Realms. She’d then trap them in her timeless prison that many have
come to call the Brutal Realm, or the Brutality. With her existence proven to each new captive,
their faith slowly replenishes a sliver of the power she once wielded. With each passing age, the
population of captives has grown as well as her ability to stoke the flames of brutal murder and
rebirth in her own realm.

The land she has created is called many different names and is constantly changing. Although
there is one thing that remains the same: dotted across this enormous continent that drifts in a
sea of mystery, lay thousands of altars where her captives can worship Ishtar. Some unknown
machination causes the altars to disappear at sporadic intervals and reappear elsewhere in the
land. This makes the prayer to the Goddess even more urgent, and they are usually a hot bed for
wonton mayhem and murder. Nobody can be certain when they may stumble onto an altar in
the wilderness or deep within a cave.

Some places are more obviously dangerous than others.

One might wonder why her victims might want to worship her and would go so far as to
murder strangers and friends for the chance to do so. In tithing precious energy to the Dark
Goddess, they may win her favor and be blessed with resources to better survive in this terrible
realm. If a particularly devout inhabitant manages to impress Ishtar enough, they are granted
leave back to their original time and place, as if nothing ever happened. And thus, the flames of
brutal savagery are stoked as each person betrays brother and sister to be the one to worship the
most at an altar or spill the most blood.

Of course, praying and devotion aren’t all that interest the Great Whore of Babylon. Each
violent death gurgle and each convulsion of ecstasy also gain her favor. The three ways to gain
her favor is prayer, violence, and lust. Over the uncounted centuries that her captives have
occupied this place, each have found their own way of venerating her via one of these means.

Giving Ishtar the attention she craves has
other benefits. Her favor comes
in many forms and could be
anything from a cache of new
weapons mysteriously
appearing at your door, to the
secret location of your enemy
whispered in your ear at night.
Food is a common gift from
the Goddess in areas where
food is scarce.

In this place only death and

rebirth are known. Only the
tearing of skin and breaking of
bones is felt. Even the
saintliest person is soon driven to
blood lust as they experience the
burning of slashed flesh and the
empty stupor of their life blood
draining away on a daily basis.
And as they witness their loved-
ones brutally murdered time and
time again.

Each time someone is killed in

the Brutality, they wake back
up in the place where they last
woke up from sleep, clothed and
armed as they were when they A trapper replenishes his stock.
died. But the memories of death
are not easily shaken, and each
time they are slain takes them closer to the edge of insanity. Each rebirth finds another piece of
their past bled from them until some have no recollection of who they once were. To these
people, this place has always been their home and tales of other places outside of the Brutality
are fantasy. These poor souls are known as the Lost, and possibly the saddest of all inhabitants.

2B The Life Cycle of the Brutal Realm

New victims are plucked out of their space and time, instantly finding themselves in Ishtar’s
Realm and often bringing with them whatever they were holding or wearing. Sometimes, even
larger items such as vehicles are accidentally brought with the driver. When a fresh batch of
new victims is transported to this realm, they suddenly appear at what is called a Hag’s End.
The Hag’s End is a henge of solid gold monoliths that appears in a random spot on the
continent for only a moment while it delivers the confused new inhabitants. It is called the
Hag’s End by the inhabitants as a derogatory term, as if The Goddess pulled these people from
her rear end.

When people die in this place, they instantly wake up where they last awoke from
sleep, with everything they had in their possession at the time of death, and in the condition that
they were in when they previously woke. This is not time travel, but an instant teleportation of
their body back to their last sleeping location. Everyone knows not to kill a thief until he drops
your belongings, because he will just reincarnate at his base with all of the goods he stole. If
your arm was severed before you
died, you will awake with your arm
intact, leaving a severed arm where
you were just slain. But if you lost
your arm and survived the battle, and
then slept before the next time you
reincarnate, you will forever be
lacking that arm.

There are no children in this place,

and no one ages even a day after
their arrival. While sex of all types is
quite rampant, children are never
conceived due to the immortal
elements of this dimension. For a
child to form, they would have to be
able to age, which of course does not
happen here. On the other hand, wild
fauna (called Blanks) do die
permanently and reproduce naturally.

3B The Felix Map
Roughly 3,500 years old and drawn by dozens of different hands, this is the only known map of
the Brutal Realm. There are only a few copies in existence, and the lands of this dimension are
constantly changing. It has been said that it was originally drawn by a great artist named Felix,
who was one of the first people trapped here, and named many of these regions. The map has
changed hands thousands of times and nobody is sure of what Felix’s fate was.

4B The Factions
Ephrant’s Consortium- owner of such a prosperous organization does
The arrogant and boisterous not earn that title by being foolish. Due to his
Ephrant is the iron-fisted leader of secrecy, his real race, appearance, and
the Brutal Realm’s biggest crime whereabouts have developed into the stuff of
syndicate. This is likely the largest legend.
organization of any kind on the continent and
has its hand in everything from slaving, to Various factions have claimed to capture him
banking, to making booze. This cartel is over the years but he has continued to operate
always making and betraying new allies, and his massive conglomerate of criminals. Their
the Consortium includes beings from all wealth and influence make the Consortium
walks of life. Outposts can be found the deadly backbone of commerce in this
throughout the Brutality, but nobody knows place. Their complex and changing hierarchy
where Ephrant actually lives. means that you might be mugged by some
lowly thugs one moment, and find your items
Rumor has it that Ephrant was among the first hanging on the wall of an upscale shop in the
people to be brought to the Brutal Realm and next.
has not sat idly by all these centuries. The

A Pulpam dealer for Ephrant’s Consortium defends his stash from vandals.

Cult of The One Mother-
Surely the single largest
religious movement in all of
the Brutal Realm, it consists
of devout worshipers of
Ishtar. They claim that they carry out her
will, but most people feel that it is just an
excuse to carry out every depraved idea
they come up with. Madness runs deep in
this organization and they are known for
their drug-induced fits and particular taste
for cruelty.

Temples, ritual sites, and cathedrals can

be found all over Ishtar’s realm waving
banners emblazoned with her symbol, the
eight-pointed star. Whether through her
arcane support or some other devious
method, this group is home to some of the
most powerful sorcerers this dimension
has to offer.

Just as in Earth’s past and many of the

other planets Ishtar had influence, females A Viceroy oversees a new shipment
tend to dominate the command structure. of slaves being unloaded in
While many species have more or less the port city of Logtown.
than two sexes, this faction accepts any
person who displays feminine qualities. The
Cult of The One Mother does not actually The savage Narmo rules the frigid Northeast
have a figure head, but a council of High and has earned the nickname “The Wet
Priests that each reign over a region of Hand” due to their ritual cannibalism.
churches. One of the most famous Priests is Devotees consider giving one’s self as a feast
Ursel, who is said to have earned his freedom to others to be a high honor and test of faith.
from this world, but chose to stay here out of Narmo has perfected the technique of pulling
love for the Goddess. His region is in the hearts out of the believer and feeding it to
Northwest and is known for its particularly them before they perish.
violent brand of intimacy.

A Sentinel takes aim at an intruder.

Cogite Matrix-
All types of sentient androids, Unlike the flesh and blood inhabitants,
cyborgs, and robots form this mechanical people do not reincarnate. This
coalition. All emotion is banned, proves to be a very dangerous problem for
and punishable by exile. This them, as replacement parts are obviously hard
group may be the most neutral politically, as to make or find.
many of the wars and strife between other
factions are often over food. This of course is As a rule, many Cogites find themselves used
not a problem for the Cogites, and they do as appliances by non-Cogites and some small
well by generally keeping out of other towns are even powered by enslaved robots.
factions’ dealings. But they eternally search This has driven many Cogites to see normal
for new technology and energy sources, and people (they refer to as Skins) as enemies. Of
no force in this dimension can stop them from course, there are many exceptions to this in
obtaining it. Their domain is the Crystal most major factions where mechanical men
Blooms near the Vulture Belt, where gigantic are treated equally.
crystal clusters are mined for use as power

The Oathsworn-
This group is the only law
enforcement entity in
the entire realm and
lives by a simple rule:
Harming someone first
is illegal. Fully embracing the idea
of retaliation, their slogan means that
whoever strikes first is wrong. With
no patience for dealing with trivial
matters such as theft or crooked
dealings, this group draws the line at
torture, rape and slaving. Forever
short on manpower and out-gunned,
this may be the toughest set of
fighters to have ever shed blood in
the lands of Ishtar. As deadly as they
are just, most people try to keep their
distance from this group.

Since the Oathsworn is the only An Oathsworn Captain tracks her

prey in the Stone Woods.
faction to actively combat every
other organization at one time or
another, it is a testament to their skill
that they still exist. All factions have scores of
magic, martial arts, technology, or some other
skilled and deadly members, but the
skill set. No matter what their dimension of
Oathsworn forces are spread the thinnest and
origin was like, any person to wear the badge
have made the most enemies.
of an Oathsworn is someone to be feared and
avoided. An Oathsworn is easy to spot if they
Often times Oathsworn members possess
are in a public area and their badge is visible.
powers greater than the average person, or
else they’d not last long. Many Oathsworn
No matter how thick the foot traffic may be,
were great heroes or super-powered
there remains an empty bubble of avoidance
protectors in their home dimensions. Others
that encircles the officer.
are greatly enhanced genetically or
cybernetically augmented. Still others are a
true master of their particular discipline of

Grand Order Zenith- ground below. The most contact other groups
These lofty and aloof people have with them is during the Grand Order’s
share a common ability: the descending raids for supplies or artifacts. The
incredible power of flight. Grand Order has no allies, because all are
Possibly the most civilized of beneath them. Their colors are white with
all factions, they are in utter disgust of lesser brown or gray.
beings that cannot fly. They live high up in
their floating city in the clouds, called Zenith. Rumors abound how their city Zenith stays
Though they have an incredibly rigorous test afloat in the sky, but no outsider knows for
for prospective members to pass, they don’t sure. Those who have been there claim that
care how you fly; only that you can. the gothic stone buildings are trimmed in
gold, pillaged from the people below. Inside
A great many wizards, high-tech suits of this organization brews a sociopathic
armor, and leather or feathery-winged people superiority complex underneath a graceful,
live in this most pretentious of exclusive collected facade. This organization has few
societies. Among their ranks, even touching laws or edicts for its people, but social norms
your feet on the ground is looked down upon and expectations keep a tight grip on their
and they will often hover when visiting the population.

It is led by the wholly unfeeling

Grand Fleet Priest Jerellis, whose
atrocities on the people below
cannot be counted. From publicly
using land-dwellers in a heartless
game called The Drop, to brutally
sawing off wings of citizens as
punishment, Jerellis is to be

This faction can easily slip from

your mind in the Brutal Realm,
until they rain violent disciples
down upon you during a raid.
Their faces are flat and unmoved
even as they are splattered with
the gore of the innocent.
Banner art from one of the Zenith buildings.

Brotherhood of Wayfinders-
There is extremely little known Members of this group could be found
about this secretive group other anywhere, if you can identify them. Their
than their goal: to find a way to symbol is only used on official documents
defeat Ishtar. This group is and is otherwise never seen.
founded on the writings in the
Book of Krenell, the most
powerful wizard to ever inhabit
the Brutalilty. Ages ago, when
Krenell rose up in an attempt to
defeat Ishtar, he compiled a
journal of his mystical findings
in his search to shed Ishtar’s
shackles. As it is well known,
Krenell’s epic battle didn’t end
well, and his journal was

The Brotherhood of Wayfinders

is in possession of what is left of
his book, but with only portions
of it are intact. They infiltrate all
levels of society in the Brutal
Realm in an attempt to gather all
of the pages and free everyone Chieftan Apatos is secretly a Wayfinder.
from this terrible place. It is a
wonder that Ishtar allows them
to exist, but some say Krenell’s power still
Their entire existence is barely kept hidden
protects his followers to this day, hiding them
from the Goddess. The keyhole represents the
somehow from her prying eyes. Many believe
mystery they must unlock before they can
that this protection is Krenell’s last gift to
free the victims of this dimension. While
anyone who would defy her rule. While
there is no proof, it is widely believed that the
followers of the goddess see him as a villain
Brotherhood has nearly half the journal intact,
for obvious reasons, he continues to inspire
working day and night to piece together the
hope in the general population that one day
remnants of what Krenell sacrificed for.
they may go back home as so many of them
dream of doing.

Beast Kingdoms-
This vast and varied group is
an exclusive organization
made up of only Animal-
Men. Due to cannibalism
being so common in the
lands of Ishtar, Animal-Men are the
most commonly used for meat due to
their flesh tasting much better than

It isn’t uncommon at all for a clan’s

dungeon to be full of Animal-Men,
being cut apart constantly for meat,
only to re-awaken back in their cell for it
to start over again. For this reason, many
Animal-Men have deemed Humanoids
of all kinds to be their enemy and are A Vulpis Shaman calls upon a bestial
spirit guide for protection.
constantly raiding non-animal villages
and strongholds to free their brethren
from that terrible fate.

that are just normal primitive animals that do

Their base of operations seems to lie
not reincarnate. While the Prey do not tend to
somewhere in the Twisting Woods, because
support this practice, they understand that
their green and brown flags and symbols are
many of the Predators simply cannot digest
seen most often there. The members of this
kingdom include all types of Animal-Men
from avian, to feline and reptilian, all the way
The Beast Kingdoms are generally tribal in
to aquatic and insectoid.
nature but several of them have also
incorporated technology into their lifestyles.
As their symbol of the wolf and the deer
This faction is incredibly diverse, but their
suggests, Predator and Prey both live in peace
choice to put aside their natural urges for the
in this faction. While it is true that Predators
safety and survival of all Beastkind is what
tend to be more aggressive and hold more
binds them against the other factions.
leadership positions, many tribes are also ran
by Prey. Many Beast Kingsmen still feed on
the Blanks that inhabit this world; animals

Blood & Salt Trading Co.- honor is his bond. If the slave served with
This so-called “trading distinction, they may join the organization
company” is a massive fleet without the typical trial.
of pirate vessels that work
out of their gigantic floating Many a time has a town been forced to
base Ishtar’s Bounty. All races and genders purchase their stolen goods back from this
are treated equal in this large cartel, but the “trading company” mere hours after being
price is high to get in. In order to be accepted raided. For this reason, these pirates’
into this group, you must successfully steal collective wealth would rival even the great
something from the hold of one of their ships. Ephrant’s, if they’d stop immediately
This, of course, is no easy task and only a spending it on prostitutes and booze. This
handful of new members are inducted each faction mercilessly steals from any and every
year. The rest are eaten by one of the pet faction they can; with the exception of one.
Skargil Iguanas that protect each cargo hold. The Blood & Salt Trading Company is
careful not to anger the Legios Broadwater.
It may seem strange for an organization ran These people may be crooks, but they aren’t
by pirates, but the Blood & Salt Trading Co. stupid. Their flag is the chemical symbol for
sees the value in all its members including the salt inside a droplet of blood and was drafted
slaves. All slaves are indentured for a set by the trading company’s legendary founder
duration of time and then set free, as a sailor’s Captain Kep.

A Blood & Salt Captain looks out at the moored ships at Port Zatec.

Legios Broadwater- Tide People are water-logged zombies of land
Deep under the murky sea lies dwellers that have somehow been infected,
the property of the Legios enchanted, or otherwise altered to be mindless
Broadwater. One of the most minions of the Legion. Nobody is certain
mercurial groups in the what process makes these creatures.
Brutality, the land dwellers only know a few Numerous reports claim that people have
things about them. They include all sentient been swallowed whole by extremely bloated
underwater creatures, from hulking Tide People falling on them and absorbing
Lobstermen, to saw-toothed them before returning to the sea.
Makonians and all forms in

They believe all that lies below

the surface is theirs and are
more than willing to bring any
interloper’s life to an end. It is
said that they have far more
treasure than all of the other
major factions put together due
to shipwrecks, hidden treasure,
and deep sea platinum veins.
Generally keeping to
themselves, they have been
known to come out of the water
in pursuit of treasure hunters, to
pray at Altars, or to take metal
armor and weapons.

For obvious reasons, forging

metal underwater is difficult, A Legios scout slips silently through the depths.
and metal is much stronger than
their traditional coral plate
armor. Water Mages, aquatic robots, and
When they do make landfall, they march on
other water-adept people call the depths their
the beaches in phalanxes, killing all who
home and most of them are smart to join the
oppose them (when they choose not to drag
Legion. But not every person who fights for
victims back under the surf).
the oceanic armies does so willingly. The

Collegium Carnis- alterations, and bodily “enhancements” are
Possibly the most vile of all forced on their servants as well. All who
groups in this realm, the resist these procedures get their brain
Collegium Carnis is a dark “enhanced” to quiet them down.
hive of torture, abuse,
necromancy, and dark technologies. One This group is also known for being host to the
might think that necromancy would have no most advanced and deadliest technologies to
power in a place where death isn’t permanent, be had in this place. Many a would-be looter
but this isn’t the case. While the “sentient” has ended up as a brain-dead servant to this
peoples of this land keep incarnating after most treacherous of groups. Their base of
death, the fauna in this realm lives, breeds, operations is said to be in the South East near
and dies like normal creatures. Necromancers the Bay of Wolves. Their colors tend to be
trapped here have found that a resurrected black and red, though only the servants
Suuka Bear or a zombified Rafe Deer can be display the symbol, usually branded. This
equally as deadly as a humanoid. But to say group is certainly at the top of the political
that the Collegium is only interested in Dark power structure in the Brutal Realm, and they
Magicks would be false. All manner of trade goods and services just as often as they
surgeries, experiments, mechanical kidnap new subjects.

A Master Arcana Druidae gathers his flock of transformed servants,

eager to hear new rumors and news.

5B The Game
Tabletop Conflict Board Size
In the Brutal Realm, the various opposing This game is usually played on a 3 foot by 3
factions (or warbands) are represented by foot board. It is also possible to use RPG grid
28mm miniatures. This game is the constant maps as a substitute, in which case it is
struggle of wits and might to survive in this suggested that each square represent two
terrible realm. inches instead of one. On RPG maps, assume
all elevated terrain is 4” off the ground, and
What You Need To Play any odd numbers rolled for distance are
Each player will need between 4 and 8
rounded down. Decide in the beginning what
models to represent their warband. Both
cover benefit the map foliage will provide.
players will have to create the stat profile for
each model in their list and it is usually Terrain Placement
written on Warband Roster Sheets that can be It is recommended that you place as much
found and photocopied in the back of this terrain as possible on the board, which adds to
book. A tape measure (in inches) and usually the strategy needed to play. When setting up
no more than 5 D10’s are used to move and the board before play, place all your terrain to
activate the models on the board. Some one side of the board touching each other.
mechanics in this game will add effect tokens Ideally you want enough terrain to cover
to your models. You will need to write these about half of the board before spreading it
down on your roster sheet, create tokens, or out. At least half your terrain should be line-
purchase our official Brutality tokens. of-sight blocking.

A Beast Kingdoms sentry keeps look out in the Twisting Woods.

The Red Watch in the Twilight Fields.

Re-Rolls & Stacking Abilities: A roll may

11B Gameplay Notes not be re-rolled more than once. Sometimes,
Scattering a Model: When something multiples of the same effect may apply (such
scatters randomly, roll a D10 and use the as several Pause tokens on one model), which
point as the direction and number shown as would require a separate successful stat check
the inches moved. to remove each token. (covered later)
Line of Sight: All models have a line of sight Game Length
which is 180 degrees from ear to ear (or Unless your current mission states otherwise,
shoulder to shoulder if the model does not every game ends at the end of Turn 4. Make
have a head). Draw a straight line through the every activation count!
center of the base and make sure it is parallel
to the ears/shoulder line. This is used for the 12B Suggested Base Sizes
purposes of attacking other models in Close Max Base diameters:
and Ranged combat. Minions, Summoned: 25mm
For targeting enemies, we use Literal Line of Melee, Fast, Support, Ranged: 25-40mm
Sight, meaning you bend down and check to Monster: 50-60mm
see if any part of the models’ main bodies or Locus: 60-120mm
their bases can see each other. You cannot Mounted Bases: 60mm ovals
draw line of sight from or to held weapons,
hats, antennae, wings, etc. that are not part of
the model’s actual main body. The main body
is considered Head, Torso, Arms, Legs,
Hands, Feet.

Pre-Game Phases board (usually 4 to 6). Place them evenly
along the center line of the board running
The game consists of several phases that parallel to the players’ board edges (not
happen in this order. within 6” of another objective).
• Choose Mission (pg. 38)

• Choose which Region this mission is taking 13B Deploying Models

place in (pg. 43) Then the winner of the board edge roll gets to
choose who places the first model. After the
• Agree on list size and Create Warband
first model is placed, players take turns
placing one model at a time in their
• Set up terrain as mission dictates deployment zones. After deployment is
complete, scatter each Objective D10” in the
• Players roll off, highest roller chooses direction that the D10 is pointing.
which edge is their board edge
First Activation Each Turn
• Set up objectives as mission dictates
The player who finished deploying all their
• Player who won board edge roll off models first may activate the first model on
chooses which player begins deploying Turn 1. Every subsequent game turn, the
warbands (unless mission dictates says player who has lost the most models so far
otherwise) this game may choose to activate a model
first. If players have lost the same number of
• Scatter objectives (unless mission says not models, they roll off and the winner may
to) activate a model first.
• Begin playing game using Activation
Scoring Points
Each objective may only be scored once
Deployment Zones per player each Game Turn. Models may
Unless stated otherwise, each player rolls off not activate an objective if any enemy
to see who gets to choose their board edge. models are within 6” and line of sight of
The Highest rolling player chooses their the active model. Unless stated otherwise, all
board edge. The lowest-rolling player must missions include scoring for Objectives as
choose the board edge opposite of the winner. well as scoring for Kill Points. Objectives
Deployment is 10” from their board edge. cannot be stood on and do not confer cover.
Objectives take one of two forms in the
Objective Placement Realm of Ishtar, in a basic game you must
In a basic non-mission game, players choose choose which type you are using: Altars or
how many objectives to put down on the Scavenging Points.

A Hag’s End leaves a glowing glyph for a while after is disappears.

Altars of Ishtar they do, roll a D10. On a 2-9 your team

Two rival factions fight for Ishtar’s favor. receives a Victory Point. On a 1 the Scavenge
Models in base contact (and not within line of Point is empty and is removed from the game,
sight to enemy models within 6”) with the on a 10 something bad happens to the entire
marker may spend their Action in the Combat board. The outcomes are different depending
Phase, praying to the Goddess for good on where you are fighting. (See pg. 57))
fortune. When they do, roll a D10. On a 2-9
Kill Points
your team receives a Victory Point. On a 1
Whenever an enemy model is killed for any
something bad happens to the model praying,
reason (even Region Events, self-inflicted
on a 10 something bad happens to the entire
wounds, etc.) you receive a Victory Point, in
board. The outcomes are different depending
addition to your VPs from objectives.
on where you are fighting. (See pg. 57))
Warband Leaders always give up an extra
Scavenging Points Victory Point when killed.
Two rival factions are fighting over precious
resources which were either gifts dropped Victory Conditions
from Ishtar or the remnants of some poor sap. The Player with the most Victory Points
Models in base contact with the marker (and wins. Completely killing an opponent’s
not within line of sight to enemy models warband does not automatically result in a
within 6”) may spend their Action in the victory, you must still consult points totals.
Combat Phase searching for valuables. When

Model Characteristics: when attempting to break free of a Confusion
condition. (A model with a Will of 5 must roll
Each model in Brutality Skirmish Wargame a 1-5 to successfully remove its Confusion
has a series of stats that represent how skilled token.)
or inept at combat they are.
Attacks is the number of melee attacks a
Movement is the maximum number of inches model can make in close combat. This is not
a model can move when it is given a Move the number of ranged attacks a model can
Action. This number is also the maximum make. Ranged weapons have their own
distance a model can run if it is given a Run number of attacks when used.
Save is the elusiveness of a model when
Fighting Skill is the physical melee skill of a trying to avoid damage. In theory it is a
model. This is used in melee and a model combination of many things resulting in how
must roll within its Fighting Skill to hit in effectively a model can evade damage.
close combat. (A model with a FS of 5 needs Narratively it could be a durability, agility,
to roll a 1-5 to land a hit in melee, and so on.) force fields, luck, etc.
Dexterity is the agility rating of a model. Stat Checks: Many different actions in this
This is used when trying to leap across game require you to roll within your stat
distances, break free of a Pause condition, or level. This is always resolved by rolling
climb without being injured. (A model with a within the range of 1 through whatever your
Dex of 5 needs to roll a 1-5 to safely climb, stats number is to succeed.
etc.) This also serves as passive defense
against ranged weapons, which must roll Stat Minimums & Maximums: No stat
higher than the target’s dexterity to hit them. except for Hit Points can ever be less then 1
(A model with a Dexterity of 5 can only be after all effects are applied. No stat except for
shot with a ranged weapon on the roll of a 6- Movement can be higher than 8 after all stats
10.) are applied.

Hit Points is the number of unsaved damage More than death itself, most
a model can take before being slain and taken residents of the Ether Realm fear
off the board. being captured. Many Warbands in
this world have fallen to
Willpower is the mental strength of the cannibalism, and taking prisoners
model. Its most common function is when a guarantees a renewable food
model is using Powers. A model must roll source. They are slowly tortured
within its Willpower to use a Power. (A until they die, only to wake back up
model with a Will of 5 must roll a 1-5 to in their cell …
successfully use a Power.) It is also used

Activation Phases Move
You may Move your model up to its
Model Activation: maximum Move stat in any direction. Your
Each turn, players take turns activating one model can never be within 2” of an enemy
model and fully finishing its activation until model at any point of their movement and
all models have activated for both players. must finish their movement outside of 2” of
Each time a model is activated, it must do so an enemy model.
in the following order. When this is resolved, • Moving Vertically- Simply measure up
it is your opponent’s turn to activate one or down vertically as you would
model. horizontally.
• If a model attempts a Move or Run
Action more than 3” vertically, they
must succeed in a Dexterity check to
1. Movement Phase
finish that vertical movement. If they
2. Combat Phase fail, they Fall. (see Falling.)
• If a model attempts to move across an
elevated gap more than 2” wide, they
Movement Phase Actions must succeed in a Dexterity check to
You may perform one of the following finish that vertical movement. If they
actions in a model’s Movement Phase:
fail, they Fall. (see Falling.)
• Move
• Stand Up
23B Flight/Agile
• Pick Up a Dropped Weapon Models with this Trait ignore elevation when
• Take Aim making Move Actions. But they measure as
normal when making Charge Actions.

Standing Up
If your model received a Knocked Down
effect prior to this model’s activation, you
may not make a Move Action until you have
made a Stand Up Action.

Pick Up a Dropped Weapon

If your model received a Disarmed effect
prior to this model’s activation, you may
choose to Pick Up a Dropped Weapon and
you are no longer Disarmed. If you choose

not to Pick Up a Dropped Weapon on the first (Example: A model falling more than 3” but
activation after being Disarmed, you will be less than 6” will suffer 1 Crushing Wound
Disarmed for the rest of the game when Chart Roll with Saves. A fall of 6”- 9” would
making the applicable type of attack. deal 2 Wound Chart Rolls, and so on.)

Take Aim
If your model has ranged capabilities and is The Shadow People are often seen
planning on making ranged attacks in the lurking. They have no physical form
Combat Phase, you may want to Take Aim. and are often in the background …
When you Take Aim, you will receive a +2 to watching. It is said that they are
your roll to Hit your ranged target. This Ishtar’s mysterious minions, or do
cannot push your roll into a Critical Hit (see they have their own agenda? They
Ranged Attacks section.) have been seen watching important
events in the Brutal Realm, but
rarely interact with the people.
24B Falling Models Many believe they are good omens
A model will fall if it fails a Dexterity check and sometimes the Shadow People
while climbing or crossing a gap, or if it is leave gifts behind for people who
pushed off a ledge. If the failed Dexterity please the Goddess. They do not
check occurred 3 inches or more off the like being seen and will often run
ground, or the failed climb was attempting to out of sight when spotted. If chased,
climb higher than 3 inches, the model suffers they are no longer there, as if
1 Crushing Wound Chart Roll with Saves vanishing out of thin air.
allowed for each complete 3” the model fell.

In the center of this twisting and mercurial realm lies the Whispering Wood; a land
of trees and shadows. This is the place where all rumors and tales of what is going
on are gathered and documented by the Scribe Grove. These are trees in the center
of the Whispering Wood that have etched words appear on their bark, which
constantly peels off and rolls up into scrolls. The elderly, moss-covered Scribe Droll
walks the forest collecting the scrolls. It is here that only the fleetest of foot may raid
the grove and risk their life and sanity to snatch up a scroll or two. There is no way
of knowing what you might find on a scroll from this place, but it is said that there
lies a single scroll with Ishtar's true name, with which one may command her to stop
this infernal plan and send everyone back home.

Combat Phase Actions Run
You may perform one of the following You may choose to have your model run an
actions in a model’s Combat Phase. additional D10 inches by dolling a D10. Their
Move stat is the maximum distance that they
• Use all Powers can Run. (Example: Model with a Move of 8
• Run rolls a 10, it can only run up to 8 inches.)
• Interact with Objects
• Running Vertically- Simply measure
• Staunching Bleeding up or down vertically as you would
• Stamping Out Flames horizontally.
• Use an Item • If a model attempts a Run Action more
• Shooting all Ranged Weapons than 3” vertically, roll the D10 to see if
• Charge and Make Melee Attacks the result is far enough to make it
where they want to finish. If it is far
Powers enough, they must succeed in a
A model may choose to take a Powers Action Dexterity check to finish that vertical
in the Combat Phase. If it does, it can attempt movement. If they fail, they Fall. (see
to use ALL the Powers that it knows. To previous section on Falling.)
successfully use each Power, choose a visible • If a model attempts to Run over an
target and take a Willpower check. Roll a elevated gap more than 2” wide, roll
D10, and if the result is within or equal to the D10 to see if the result is far
your Willpower stat, the Power is successful. enough to make it where they want to
If the result is more than your Willpower stat, finish. If it is far enough, they must
the check was unsuccessful, but you may succeed in a Dexterity check to finish
remove a Hit Point from the user or an ally that vertical movement. If they fail,
model within 6" to make it a success. they Fall. (see previous section on
An unmodified Willpower roll of a 1 is a
Critical Success and makes the Power go off Interact
twice, and a different target or the same target Your model may choose to make an Interact
may be chosen. An unmodified Willpower Action in the Combat Phase. This may be
roll of 10 is a Critical Failure causing the user Praying or Scavenging an objective, or
to lose 1 Hit Point instantly with no Saves and interacting with a specific element in a
the Power may not be "fudged" into a success mission. Each mission will explain if any
in the way a normal failure can be. elements are interactive.

Staunching Bleeding
A model may make a Staunch Action in the
Combat Phase and remove all of the Bleeding
“In my decades of exploration in this
Tokens on their self or an ally within 1”.
terrible place, I’ve seen creatures and
lands that I could never have dreamed
Stamping Out Flames of. Steel men who don’t eat or sleep,
A model may make a Stamp Action in the towering stacks of rock that move
Combat Phase and remove all of the Burning about, and terrible sciences that’ll
Tokens on their self or an ally within 1”. strip your soul clean from its mortal
casing. Such wonders and terrors are
Use an Item the bouquet of variety in Ishtar’s
A model may make a Use Item Action in the ghastly vase of pain and sorrow.”
Combat Phase and activate an equipped Item.
-Klin M’Dorro,
Usually it is in campaign games that an Item Mining Prospector
is equipped on a model. It’s possible that an Ephrant’s Consortium
Item may be used in the Move Phase if the
Item description says to.

Beware the Widow of the Banks’ wailing call in the Swamps of Sorrow.

There are two types of attacks that can be
made in your Combat Phase:

• Melee
• Ranged

Melee Attacks and Charging

In the Combat Phase you may choose to take
a Melee Action which also includes Charging.

• Declare that you intend to charge a visible

enemy model within 10” of your active Two giants battle in the mountains.
model, provided that your model can
physically reach them. Roll a D10 and if unmodified roll of 10 is a Critical Miss
the roll is equal to or farther than the and is always a miss for Melee attacks.
distance needed to move into base-to-base
contact with the target, move the model, • After hits have been tallied, both models
you are now in Melee. If the roll was not must make a Save for each hit that landed
high enough, your model stays stationary on them. (See Saving Rolls)
and your Melee Action ends. An
• Any unsaved wounds that were dealt by a
unmodified roll of 10 for Charge distance
model cause the target to lose 1 Hit Point.
is a Critical Charge, dealing the defender 1
If the attacks were made by a model that is
Wound Chart roll with no Saves.
Armed in Melee, then the attacking model
• After successfully Charging an enemy may also roll on the Wound Chart of their
model, both models turn to face each other choice. (See Wound Chart)
and strike at the same time. Even if players
• After all hits, saves, and Wound Chart
take turns rolling for attacks in Melee, the
rolls have been made, the model that was
effects of a player’s attacks do not take
charged must move back 2” in the
effect until both players have rolled. Each
opposite direction of the charging model.
model rolls a number of D10’s equal to
This may force a charged model to fall
their Attack stat and each result that is less
from a platform. If the charged model
than or equal to their Fighting Skill is a
cannot move back far enough to create 2”
successful hit. The charging model
between it and the charger, then the
receives an extra attack for charging.
charger must move back, making up the
The roll of an unmodified 1 is a Critical
difference. Both models continue facing
Hit and counts as 2 hits instead of 1. The
each other after Melee.

Ranged Attacks
In the Combat Phase you may choose to take Slang Terms To Know
a Ranged Action, which includes shooting all Narrows- People who try to live well
ranged attacks that the model has equipped. and “stay on the straight and narrow”.
Carnals- Any cannibalistic tribe or
• Declare that you are making a Ranged group.
Action after measuring to be sure that a Furs- Humanoid animal races, which
includes non-mammalian races.
target is visible to the shooting model Plunderbunds- The countless small
and within firing range. (See Line of groups who live only to survive.
Sight, pg. 37) Blanks- Normal (non-Fur) creatures
who can’t talk or use weapons that are
• Each equipped ranged weapon can used for food.
target a single model with the number
of shots that are in the weapon’s
• After hits have been tallied, the target
model must make a Save for each hit that
• Roll a D10 for each shot the weapon landed on them. (See Saving Rolls)
can make, each roll that is higher than
• Any unsaved wounds that were dealt by a
the target’s Dexterity is a hit. An
ranged attack cause the target to lose 1 Hit
unmodified roll of a 10 is a Critical Hit
Point and the attacking model may also
and counts as 2 hits instead of 1. An
roll on the Wound Chart of their choice.
unmodified roll of 1 is a Critical Miss
(See Wound Chart)
and is always a miss for Ranged

Oathsworn Ranger Tennerik takes aim at slavers.

Saving Rolls within the target’s rear 180° arc, they
Each time a model has been successfully hit apply +2 to the To Hit roll. If a Melee
by a Melee or Ranged attack, or when a Attacker begins his Charge move
battlefield effect says that Saves are allowed, wholly within the target’s rear 180° arc,
they may make a Save roll. Roll a D10 for his Fighting Skill is treated as +2
each Save roll, and each roll equal to or less higher.
than the saving model’s Save stat cancels out • If the Ranged Attacker’s base is at least
a hit and any damage and Wound Chart rolls 3” above the target’s base at the time of
that would be dealt by the attack that hit them. the attack, he gets to re-roll To Hit rolls
An unmodified Save roll of 1 is a Critical for attacks. If the Melee Attacker’s
Save and ignores 2 hits instead of 1. The base is at least 3” above the target’s
unmodified Save roll of a 10 is always a fail. base before it makes its Charge move,
the attacker may re-roll To Hit rolls for
If the main body of a ranged attack’s target is
1%-49% obscured by terrain (base of model • If the Attacker (Ranged or Melee) has a
doesn’t count), the target gets +1 to its Save friendly model within 3” of the target,
rating. If the main body of a ranged attack’s he gets to re-roll the Wound Chart roll.
target is 50% obscured or more, it receives a
+2 to its Save instead of +1.
25B Command Token
Wound Chart Rolls If your Leader is alive on the board, you gain
When a model has been successfully hit by a one Command Token at the start of each
Melee or Ranged attack and failed to save it, Game Turn that may be used by the model of
the attacked model loses 1 Hit Point. If the your choice when they activate.
unsaved attack was a Melee attack by a model Using a Command Token allows you to
that is Armed in close combat, or if the attack choose a single model to perform a Free
was from a Ranged attack, the attacker may Action of your choice at some point during its
roll on a Wound Chart of their choice. To be activation. This Free Action may not be
clear, all ranged attacks are considered Armed performed twice in the same model
and may roll on the Wound Chart. activation. (ex: running twice, shooting twice,
moving twice, praying twice, etc.) Command
Attack Modifiers
Tokens do not carry over from turn to turn
All these modifiers stack with each other and
and any unused token is lost as soon as your
apply equally to Melee and Ranged Attacks.
Leader dies or the turn ends.
• If the Ranged Attacker’s base is wholly

6B Missions

The following scenario is considered the Basic Non-Mission Scenario. It is suggested that you
begin playing a few games with this scenario when you first start out. It is the most even and
least narrative mission for this game and is frequently preferred for one-off games. As you get
more accustomed to the game mechanics and strategy you will want to branch out into the other
ten missions.

If you wish to play against an automated enemy, please see the A.I. chapter later in this
book for Missions against NPC warbands.

Basic Scenario- Two equal teams fight for victory.

Place terrain and create lists as normal. Determine is if your objectives will all be Scavenging
Points or Altars. Place five objective markers on the board in a line down the center of the
board, no closer than 6” from each other. Determine deployment zones and deploy as normal.
After deployment, roll a D10 for each objective. Scatter each objective the number rolled in
inches and in the direction the D10 is pointing. Whichever player finished deploying first may
choose to activate the first model on Turn 1.

1 Victory Point for each enemy model killed (Leaders are worth 2 points instead). 1
Victory Point for each time an objective was successfully prayed to or looted.

“You get pulled in, and you think, you think ‘Am I dreaming?’ and the world seems so …
strange and yet familiar. A lot of people don’t, they don’t even believe it when it’s explained to
them later. Some Goddess I never heard of? Is this some sort of joke? Back home I had plenty
of enemies, powerful ones too. I figured one of them had finally figured out how to send me
away. Seems like I gave them too much credit. None of those mush-mouthed poozers could have
ever thought up such a terrible fate for me. If I’m being honest, I’ve fought wars for all my
younger years, and none of that prepared me for the subtle and, and viscious life in this place.
So many people will smile at you and then slit your throat when you turn to leave. It’s not
-Kam’ar the Blue
Merchant in the Blur

Sometimes it is fun to mix it up. Instead of playing the Basic Non-Mission Scenario, you can
roll a D10 for a random Mission or choose one on the following pages. Objectives all follow
the rules for Objectives (as previously described) unless stated otherwise in the Mission.

1. Base Assault!- One Warband attempts to rob an enemy base.

The location of your base is a closely held secret. If the enemy knows where you
respawn, they can trap you for good. Luckily this attacker only wants to rob you this
time …

Army Lists: As Normal but determine Defender and Attacker.

Deployment Zones: Attacker’s Zone is 18”, Defender’s Zone is 6”.
Objectives: Only 5 Scavenge Points (not altars) are used and are placed on the
Defender’s deployment zone line (at least 6” away from each other and do not scatter).
Victory Conditions: Objectives and Kill Points are used, and each earn 1 Victory Point
when scored. The player with the most Victory Points at the end of the game wins.
Notes: The Defender chooses 1 spot within their deployment zone to be their spawn
point. If any defending models are killed, they will spawn at the beginning of the next
Game Turn at the spawn point with fully healed stats and a Confused marker. Both
players are either trying to save or steal loot from the Scavenge Points, as well as kill
each other.
When looting Scavenge Points, both players use this table instead of the Region
Roll 1 Sabotaged!: Active model loses 1 Hit Point (no Saves) and is Confused.
Roll 2-9 Loot!: If active model is Attacker, receives 2 Victory Points. If active model is
Defender, receives 1 Victory Point.
Roll 10 Bear Trap!: Active model loses 1 Hit Point (no Saves) and becomes Paused.

2. Behemoth Encounter- A team tries to take it down a Behemoth.
Hunting monstrous game is one of the deadliest and most lucrative jobs that a warband
can take.

Army Lists: As Normal but must be exactly 10 points.

Deployment Zones: Player and Behemoth deploy in opposite corners in 12” x 12” squares.
Objectives: None.
Victory Conditions: 1 Victory Point for each Hit Point removed from the Behemoth. If it
dies, then the players win.
Notes: This one is fun for two players to team up against the Behemoth. The Behemoth
activates at the beginning of each Game Turn and will always move towards the closest
enemy and attempt to the deal the most damage possible. After attacking a model in one
activation, it will then choose the next closest model even if the 1st model is still alive. The
Behemoth’s activation has 3 phases: Movement Phase, Ranged Attacks-Run-or-Power
Phase, and Assault Phase (if it didn’t run). Behemoths are never affected by Disarmed,
Knocked Down, Pause, or Confused.

Behemoth’s stats are: Mov FS Dex HP Will Atk Save

+4” +2 +2 +7 +2 +3 +2
The Behemoth must choose one Upgraded Class and apply the above stat modifiers to that
Upgrade’s stat line but this does not receive free Model Traits, or Faction Traits. Remember
that no stat except Movement can ever be higher than 8 after modifiers.

3. Taking Captives- Each side wants to take prisoners.
Some capture for torture and experiment on their hapless victims. Others capture for
cannibalizing. Most commonly prisoners are taken to interrogate or ransom off for goods
or gold.

Army Lists: As Normal.

Deployment Zones: 18” for both players.
Objectives: None.
Victory Conditions: Objectives and Kill Points are NOT used. See scoring conditions
below. The player with the most Victory Points at the end of the game wins.
Notes: If a model is reduced to 0 Hit Points, it is Unconscious but may not be healed. Any
other model within 1” may use an Interact Action in the Combat Phase to pick up the model,
dropping a model is a Free Action during any phase. While carrying a model, models move
as normal but may not climb or charge, and run rolls are halved rounding down. If you move
or run off ANY table edge with a captured enemy model, you keep the captured enemy.
Your capturing model is not out of the game and will deploy on the point they left the board
edge on their next activation.

At the end of the game, every enemy model that you knocked out scores you 1 Victory Point.
Each enemy model your models are carrying awards 2 Victory Point. For each enemy model
taken off the board, you will receive 3 Victory Points. KO’d models may not be target of
any Powers but models holding them may be.

4. Grab It!- Two warbands fight over a rare element.

Food. Ammunition. Gems. Fresh water. There are many reasons why warbands may fight.

Army Lists: As Normal.

Deployment Zones: 18” for both players.
Objectives: Place one objective marker in the very center of the table to be the priceless
element. You cannot try to Interact with this objective marker.
Victory Conditions: Kill Points are NOT used. At the end of the Game, add up all of the
remaining Hit Points for all models within 6” of the Objective. Each player receives 1
Victory Point for each remaining Hit Point of their models within 6”. The player with the
most Victory Points at the end of the game wins.

5. I Smell A Rat- A member of one Warband is an imposter.
Whether an elaborate disguise, mind control, or exotic pheromones, one member of a
warband is not who they seem to be.

Army Lists: Roll off to see who the victim

of this treachery is. The lowest roller is the
Victim, while the highest roller is the
Infiltrator. If using the Points-free mode,
the Infiltrator takes two fewer models than
the Victim’s list. If using points, the
Infiltrator takes 2 fewer points than the
Victim’s list.
Deployment Zones: As Normal.
Objectives: As Normal.
Victory Conditions: The player with the
most Victory Points wins.
Notes: At the beginning of Turn 2, the
Infiltrator automatically goes first and
must activate his spy first. Roll randomly
to determine which of the Victim’s models
is the traitor (include dead models, you can
kill your spy). That model is removed from
the Victim’s list and is added to the
Infiltrator’s list for the rest of the game. The
treacherous model is activated by the
Infiltrator player for the remainder of the

If this is a campaign game, the model that

ended up being the traitor is treated as not
being in this battle at all. The traitor was
an allied 3rd party and is not an actual model
on the Infiltrator’s warband list.

7B Region Effects

Before each battle begins, you should choose which region you are fighting in. Each time a
model rolls to Scavenge or Pray at an Objective, they roll a D10. If you roll a 1 or 10, you score
no Victory Points and trigger the applicable Region Effect.

The lands of the Brutal Realm are vast and numerous; each biome ripped from their native
dimensions. They are stitched together by the Goddess and bring with them their own flora and
fauna as well as weather conditions. Some are wild with various beasts, while others are
haunted remnants of civilizations long gone.

The Strangetown is a busy trading spot for ships.

City/Town Ruins

These range from friendly settlements to dangerous ruins.

Roll of a 1- The active model is stuck in rubble and gain a Pause token

Roll of a 10- A random building collapses due to the fighting. Number the buildings and roll to
see which one. Use the direction the die is pointing to determine which way it falls. Literally
lay the building sideways to determine who would be under it. Anyone in the building takes 3
Crushing Wound Chart rolls with Saves allowed. Anyone caught under the collapsing building
is removed from play with no Saves. After laying the building down to determine who is
effected, remove it from play.

Twilight Fields

The haunted fields of the Northeast are eternally covered in dusk and home to all manner of
restless spirit.
Roll of a 1- Ghosts and spirits leap out of the Objective and deal 1 Damage to all models within
6” of the Objective with no Saves allowed. This Objective may not be used the rest of the
game, due to ghosts defending it.

Roll of a 10- The ghostly cavalry

called the MidKnights begin their
aimless search for prey. Use official
Brutality tokens or appropriate models
to form a line starting at the current
player’s right-hand board edge and
immediately move left D10”,
spanning from player edge to player
edge. Player models may make a Hide
Action that takes up their Movement
and Combat Phases. If the line of
MidKnights crosses over a player
model that is not hiding, that model is removed from play. MidKnights will continue D10” to
the left at the end of each Game Turn AND each time another 10 is rolled for an objective.


A humid jungle region, where madness grows likes vines.

Roll of a 1- The activating model accidentally comes in contact with the chemicals coating the
foliage. They receive one
Confused token.

Roll of a 10- A
hallucinogenic wind blows
through. Roll a dice for each
model on the board one at a
time. On an 8-10 they become
Disarmed and they receive -2
to Fighting Skill & Dexterity
until the end of this Game

8B Warband Creation
A few notes on warband creation. In the following pages you will find all you need to know
about creating your own warband. It should be understood that stats, traits, Powers, and
abilities of the models are intended to be representative of how the model behaves on the table.
Not necessarily what the model is. In other words, this simple yet deep system for creating your
models is intentionally vague as to fit any genre or character.

A Save value could be high for a number reasons on different models; it is only meant to
represent how easily they avoid damage. A character could be quite nimble and hard to wound,
a heavily armored warrior, or just a really lucky guy!

Your model may physically be holding a pistol, but that doesn’t mean you have to give him that
ability or choose that class. He may be conserving ammunition this battle, or he may be fresh
out of power cells. He might choose to use that pistol next game.

A Power is meant to represent things such as super powers, magic, technology, or some other
thing. One model may have Barrier because she can summon large walls of rock to jut out of
the ground magically, while another model may have this Power due to a portable Force Field
Generator he carries. Taking a wound to make a Power go off could be accomplished by
drawing some blood to force a ritual to work, or by using your finger to force a faulty device to
work. Use your imagination and be creative!

The Ashlands roil and churn with an

underground sea of lava.

17B Examples of Character Creation:

Let’s say I wanted to build a warband that consisted of a Ghost Hunter, Tyger, a Native
American Warrior, and a tough Sheriff named Zarda. Quite a group, huh? My opponent and I
are playing without points and agree on 4 models, with 3 of them Upgraded.

My first model I take is a Ghost Hunter, who will be a Support due to his technology. For his 2
Free Model Traits, I give him +1 Willpower because he’s so darn smart and an extra +1
Dexterity so he’s not so easy to shoot. As for Powers, I figure he has access to a portable
teleporter (Teleport), and maybe a forcefield device (Barrier). I figure giving him Disrupt
makes sense; he could emit some high frequency or something against his foes or grab them in
the Trap. Finally, I thought Summon would be neat if he wanted to let some ghosts out to fight
for him. For his Free Model Ability I chose Defensive Training because that will help defend
against attacks.

The second model is Tyger. He can become invisible so I will make him a Fast unit and
upgrade him to Ambush. This will represent him sneaking up to the enemy invisibly. I gave
him +1 Dexterity and a 6” Ranged Weapon in the form of his whip. Since he’s so sneaky, I
chose Stealthy for his Free Model Ability because he would make good use of cover.

Next is my Native American Warrior, who is a Melee due to the weapons the model has. Being
a fierce warrior, I gave him +1 Fighting Skill and +2” Movement because it seems to fit how a
Native American would fight. Another thing to note is that since he has a knife and axe, I
would choose the Piercing Chart when dealing damage. Crushing would be more fitting if he
had a war hammer, club, or even bare fists. Keep in mind that Save isn’t necessarily armor
either. So if you wanted him to be a particularly skilled dodger, you could add to his Save. Of
course you could even change his Class between missions, if his battlefield role is different. He
could be a Fast on missions he is more concerned with covering ground and being hard to hit. I
thought Clobber was a good Free Model Ability to give him, making him better in Melee.

Zarda is my last model on my roster, and one of my favorites. Her model has a Shotgun and a
pistol, so I made her Ranged and upgraded her to a Pistolier. That gives her 2 ranged shots at
10” plus I also gave her a 6” Ranged Weapon due to the pistol giving her a total of 3 shots
within 6”! For her Free Model Ability I chose Disciplined, because she is a sheriff for one of
my towns, so she’s got to be hard as nails.

The Maw
To the South of the Fleshlands, lies a terrible and humongous creature that is embedded in the ground. Its
gigantic gaping mouth stretches at least 12 meters across with its massive mouth parts raised high in the air.
The entire esophagus of this creature is lined with corrosive fluids and teeth. The throat spirals deep into the
ground and it’s impossible to climb out if you have fallen in. But this creature holds an even darker secret. The
Oathsworn use this massive beast as their final solution to criminals who have proven to be too much of a
bother. They force a sleeping pill down the throat of their captive, and push him over the edge and into his
fate. Forever sentenced to melting in stomach acid and rebirthing in constant agony.

18B Building Your Army List- Simple

Brutality: Prison Realm of Ishtar is a very simple game at its core. The complexity comes when
you begin to learn the flow of combat and the value of different abilities.

If you are playing your first game or two, it is recommended that you play while only using the
following Basic Classes. Including none of the other more advanced customization to make it
easy to learn the core rules. Each player should pick the same number of models.


Cost: 1 Point 6” 5 5 3 5 2 2 Armed


Cost: 1 Point 8” 6 6 3 5 1 2 Armed


Cost: 1 Point 6” 4 5 3 5 1 2 Unarmed
NOTES: One 20” Ranged Weapon- 2 shots


Cost: 1 Point 6” 5 4 3 6 1 2 Unarmed
NOTES: Knows 2 Powers.

Powers can be found later in the book, as well as the Wound Chart and the Roster Sheet.
As fun as this simple version can be, you are missing the fun character customization and
tactical options that are available in the other two, more complex versions of this game.

So enjoy playing and learning in this mode, but keep in mind that there is so much more
awaiting you when you’re ready!

There is said to be a pair of legendary twins that were the only two babies ever
born in the Brutal Realm, a male and female. Some say they are human, while
others claim they tower over the trees. It is believed that they are the only two
beings who can actually kill someone permanently in this dimension. For this
reason they are both hunted like animals by the prisoners of this place. For they
are the only way for someone to finally know peace …

19B Building Your Army List- Moderate

This is where our game begins to shine, and where you will begin to see the full depth of what
possibilities are at your fingertips. For the sake of not being redundant, all of the following
information is found in the Advanced section starting on the next page. In this Moderate mode,
you are given access to some of the options for list building, but the full experience still awaits!
This mode is compatible for running a campaign with, even if some options are lacking.

There are two different ways to make your list, both players must agree ahead of time of which
method you are using for the coming battle.

• If you don’t want to play with points: Agree with your opponent on the number
of models you will be using, and how many upgraded models you will be using.

Example: “Let’s take 5 models, three of them Upgraded, no Uniques or Legendary Traits.”

• If you prefer a point system: Add the points in each section while building your
Warband. You will find in the following pages that Basic models cost 1 point each, and
Upgraded models cost 1.5 points.

Example: “Let’s play a 7-point game.”

List Guidelines
• Lists may not have more than half of the models taken from a single class.
• Each model must choose a class, two free Model Traits, and one free Model Ability.
You may choose to Upgrade models if you wish. In Moderate mode, it is suggested
that you give every model in your list the same Model Ability to keep it simple.
• Choose one model to be your Leader. Keep in mind that as long as your Leader is
alive, your team receives 1 Command Token each turn to give one of your
models a Free Action. (See Command Tokens in rules section)

Many denizens of the Ether Realm have taken to taping, magnetizing, or tying their
weapons to their hands. This is because when they die, they will wake back up where they
last woke up from sleep, with all possessions they had on their person when they died.
Many a regretful person had their weapon struck from their hand just before death. Many
will never retrieve that trusty weapon.

Cost: 1 Point 6” 5 5 3 5 2 2 Armed

Upgraded models cost 1.5 Points instead of 1.


6” 5 6 3 5 1 3 Armed
NOTES: +2 to Wound Chart rolls, +1 ATK for each enemy within 6” when making Melee attacks.


8” 5 5 4 5 2 3 Armed
NOTES: This model cannot climb up or down.


6” 5 6 3 5 2 5 Armed


Cost: 1 Point 8” 6 6 3 5 1 2 Armed

Upgraded models cost 1.5 Points instead of 1.


10” 6 7 3 5 1 3 Armed
NOTES: This model can re-roll Run and Charge rolls.


8” 6 6 3 5 1 4 Armed
NOTES: Place it anywhere on table 4” or more from enemy models on Game Turn 1 as its Move Action
in the Movement Phase, it may act as normal in the Action Phase.


8” 6 6 3 5 1 3 Armed
NOTES: This model has Flight/Agile. This model always has the benefits of the Aura Power applied to it.

Cost: 1 Point 6” 4 5 3 5 1 2 Unarmed
NOTES: One 20” Ranged Weapon- 2 shots

Upgraded models cost 1.5 Points instead of 1.


6” 6 5 3 5 1 4 Armed
NOTES: Two 10” Ranged Weapons- 1 shot each. This weapon re-rolls missed hits.


6” 4 5 4 5 1 3 Unarmed
NOTES: One 20” Ranged Weapon- 2 shots. Aiming is a Free Action for this model.


6” 4 6 3 6 1 4 Unarmed
NOTES: One 20” Ranged Weapon- 2 shots. Unsaved wounds from this weapon deal 2 Wound Chart rolls.


Cost: 1 Point 6” 5 4 3 6 1 2 Unarmed
NOTES: Knows 2 Powers.

Upgraded models cost 1.5 Points instead of 1.


6” 5 4 3 6 1 4 Unarmed
NOTES: Knows 4 Powers.

Mobile Support MOVE FS DEX HP WILL ATK SAV Melee

10” 5 6 3 6 1 3 Unarmed
NOTES: Knows 2 Powers. Has Flight/Agile.


6” 6 5 3 6 1 3 Unarmed
NOTES: Knows 2 Powers. When using Powers, all Willpower Successes & Failures are treated as Critical
Successes & Critical Failures.

20B Powers
Models who have access to Powers
NOTE: No stat value other than Hit Points may may choose Powers from this list
ever be lower than 1 after all modifiers. No stat when making their lists. Powers
have a 12” range unless stated
other than Movement may ever be higher than 8
otherwise. Power effects are active
after all modifiers. Powers require line of sight to until the user’s next activation or
the target. A Power can only be taken once per until the user dies (whichever
model. comes first). Healing and Summon
effects do not go away like the
1.Barrier: Choose one of the two options each other powers.
time you use this power. The line must start within
your range and line of sight but may stretch out of
range or sight and may be in any direction:
Hindering Barrier- Place a 6” long straight line within your range that may not be moved
through or over. It provides Partial Cover if shot through (+1 Save).
Concealing Barrier: Place a 6” straight line within your range. This may not be seen or shot
through but may be moved through.
2.Curse: Choose one of the options each time you use this Power. Target enemy gains a Curse
token which is one of the following effects:
-2 to Fighting Skill -4” Movement -4” to Charge rolls
-2 to Willpower -2 to Dexterity
-1 to Attacks -1 to Save
3.Disrupt: Choose one of the two options each time you use this power:
Befuddle- All enemy models within 4” of the user receive a
Confusion token. (See Wound Chart)
Pause- Give Target Enemy a Pause token; they may not
Move or perform any Actions for the rest of the game.
At the start of each of its activations, the effected
enemy model may take a Dexterity check to break
free in order to move and make actions as
normal for the rest of the game.
4.Aura: Give Target Ally an Aura Token.
As soon as the target ally is in base-to-base
contact with an enemy, the enemy
immediately takes 2 Wound Chart rolls with
no Saves allowed. This resolves before
Melee attacks are made.

5.Summon: The Power user removes 1 Hit Point from itself that cannot be healed this game,
and places a summoned model within 12”. If the Willpower check to use Summon is a Critical
Success, the summoned model is spawned with 2 Hit Points, but the Summoner still only loses
1 Hit Point. This new model has the following stat line and starts activating as normal on the
turn it comes in. If either the summoned model or Summoner is killed, remove the summoned
model from the board. Otherwise, the summoned model activates like any other model until the
end of the game.
6” 4 4 1 4 1 4 Unarmed
NOTES: Summoned models cannot Pray, do not give up Kill Points, any experience they earn goes to the
Summoner, and can never have their Save reduced below 4 or ignored.

6.Time Slip: Give Target Ally a Time Slip Token. They may remove this token to turn any
single failed To Hit, Save, Charge, or Stat Check (such as Willpower checks, etc.) roll of theirs
into a success.
7.Teleport: Choose one of the two options each time you use this power. Neither count as the
target’s activation:
Short-Target Ally is moved up to 8” and gains Flight/Agile only for this movement.
Long- Target Ally is moved up to 16” in any direction and gains Flight/Agile only for this
movement. After moving, the target immediately takes a Crushing Wound Chart roll with Saves
8.Protect: Give Target Ally a Protect token. Their Save value
is +2 points higher and this bonus also applies in Melee.
9.Healing: Choose one of the two options each time you use
this power:
Ranged- Target Ally within 12” has either 1 lost Hit Point
restored or removes one status effect token (like Bleeding,
Confusion, etc.)
Close-Target Ally within 1” of the caster heals 1 Hit Point and
has all status effect tokens removed (like Bleeding, Confusion,
10.Missile: Roll a D10 and apply the following effects against
Target Enemy with no Saves allowed:
1-4: No Effect
5-7: 1 Wound Chart Roll
8-9: 1 Damage
10: 1 Damage & 1 Wound Chart roll

21B Model Traits
Choose 2 free Model Traits for each model in your list, Leaders get 3 Model Traits instead.
A model may not take the same Model Trait more than once unless they are an Upgraded
model or a Leader. No model stat except Movement can be higher than 8 after all modifiers.

●+2” Movement ●+1 Fighting Skill ●+1 Willpower ●A Power (6” Range)
●Flight/Agile ●+1 Save ●+1 Dexterity ●A 6” Ranged Weapon
(rerolls failed hit rolls)

22B Model Abilities

Choose one free Model Ability for each model in your warband. Any number of models in a
warband can take the same Model Ability.

Toxic/Burning/Poisonous: This model immediately deals 1 Burning! Token when in base-to-

base with an enemy model. (See Wound Chart)
Disciplined: At the start of each game turn, roll a D10. On a 9 or 10, this model gets a Free
Action this turn when activated but may not perform an Action twice. (Run twice, etc.)
Stealthy: This model receives an extra +1 Save from cover. (A +1 becomes a +2, etc)
Lightning Fast: This model gets +2 to Run and Charge rolls. When running, treat their
Movement value as +2 higher (since running distance is limited by your Movement value).
Sturdy: When this model suffers Wound Chart Rolls, treat results 1-4 as Nothing.
Defensive Training: When this model is Charged, treat enemy Fighting Skill as -1 this Phase.
Life Drain: Each time this model rolls a Critical Hit in Melee, you may heal this model 1
previously lost Hit Point instead of dealing an extra hit as normal.
Favored By Ishtar: Models with this rule treat rolls of 1 as a success when Praying or Looting.
Piercing: When this model rolls a natural 9 or 10 to hit with a Ranged attack, the Target suffers
-1 Save when trying to save this damage, in addition to any other modifiers.
Excellent Shot: If this model Aimed, targets of its Ranged attacks do not get Cover bonuses.
Fearless: This model can only be prevented from Praying or Looting if enemies are visible and
within 3” of them instead of 6”.
Clobber: When this model rolls a natural 1 or 2 to hit with a Melee attack, the Target suffers -1
Save when trying to save this damage, in addition to any other modifiers.

When To Use The Wound Chart

Every time a model suffers a point of Damage it loses 1 HP. If the Damage was caused by a
model “Armed” in Melee or a Ranged Weapon, the target also suffers a roll on the Wound
Chart. Damage from Unarmed attacks does not trigger a roll on the Wound Chart.
Some effects, such as falling or certain Powers, trigger a roll on the Wound Chart without
automatically inflicting a point of Damage like attacks do.
Only the unmodified roll of a 10 triggers the Critical! Result. Modifiers cannot produce this
Models may always retaliate in Melee, regardless of their status effect.

Wound Chart
Piercing Crushing Burning
1. Nothing Nothing Nothing
2. Disarmed Disarmed Nothing
3. Face Gash -1 Willpower Broken Hand -1 Fighting Skill Nothing
4. Skewered -2 Dexterity Broken Ribs -2 Dexterity Painful -1 Dexterity
5. Sliced -2 Fighting Skill Bludgeon -2 Willpower Blistered -2 Movement
6. Lacerations -2 Movement Fracture -2 Movement Burning! 1 token
7. Blinded Knock Down Burning! 2 tokens
8. Agony Confusion Agony
9. Bleeding Trauma Burning! 3 tokens
10. Critical! 1 Extra Damage Critical! 1 Extra Damage Critical! 1 Extra Damage

Disarmed: The model can’t make Ranged attacks and is unarmed in Melee until they perform a
Pick Up action. If they don’t pick it up on their next activation, they cannot shoot Ranged
attacks and are unarmed in Melee for the rest of this battle.
Blinded: The model’s sight in impaired and may only Move during its next activation; no other
actions may be taken. Remove the effect after one activation of being Blinded.
Knock Down: The model may not Move or Aim until after it performs a Stand Up action. If
they are knocked down while within 1” of a ledge, they will fall off the structure. Take 1
Crushing Wound Roll with Saves allowed for each 3” the ledge is off the ground. A model that
is Knocked Down and attacked grants its attacker the benefits of attacking in the rear arc.
Agony: This model must take a Willpower check at the start of each activation. If it fails the
check, it is in agony and may not make any actions in the Action Phase. If the Willpower check
is passed, remove the Agony effect and it immediately acts as normal.
Confused: The model must take a Willpower check at the start of each activation. If it fails, it
remains confused and will scatter D10” randomly (regardless on Movement value) and take no
other Actions. If the Willpower check is passed, remove the Confusion effect, and it
immediately acts as normal.
Bleeding: The model loses 1 Hit Point at the start of each time it is activated unless this model
or a friendly model can Staunch the bleeding. (See Action Phase description of Staunching)
Trauma: The attacking model chooses one of the
“I spent the first five or ten years
following: the wounded model has -3 to its Save
clawing, slicing, and punching my
value, can no longer make Ranged attacks, or is way to an escape route from here.
unarmed in Melee for the rest of the battle. In a Eventually you kind of get used to
campaign game, the attacker may choose to it. A gang barges in next door and
permanently destroy the victim’s item instead (if takes your neighbor; you watch
they have one). If this result is not from an attack from the window. You honestly
(such as falling damage) the model’s owner never know who is in the wrong.
More likely, they both are. Ain’t
chooses the effect.
nobody clean here.”
Burning!: At the start of each activation for this
model, the enemy may roll a D10 for each Burning -Morgush
Token on this model. The natural roll of a 2-9 Ex-Clergy, Bouncer
Brain Blender Lounge, Highrock
removes the token from this model with no effect.
The natural result of a 1 or 10 immediately causes
this model to lose 1 Hit Point with no Saves and the Burning Token is not removed. The
Burning Tokens may be removed from this model in a similar way that Bleeding is staunched.
(See Action Phase description of Stamping)

9B Quick Reference Rules Sheet

New players and veterans alike can make use of a good basic reference sheet.

Each Model Activation:

Players take turns completely activating one model at a time before letting their opponent activate a
Models perform 1 Action in the Movement Phase, and 1 Action in the Combat Phase. (Plus any Free
Actions applicable)

All models must stay more than 2” away from enemy models at all times unless in Melee.

Ranged Attacks:
Roll higher than the target’s Dexterity, adding +2 to your roll if you Aimed in the Movement Phase.

Cover Benefits:
If a model is 1%-49% obscured from the Ranged Attacker, they get +1 Save.
If a model it 50%-99% obscured from the Ranged Attacker, they get +2 Save.

Roll a D10 and if the result in inches would put your model in base contact with a visible enemy model,
move your model into base contact and begin Melee.

Unless an ability states otherwise, all models strike at the same time in Melee. Each model makes a D10
roll for each Attack they have in their stats and must roll within their Fighting Skill. The Charger gets an
extra attack for Charging. After the Melee resolves, the defender moves backwards, creating a 2” space
between the two models.

When you choose to use Powers, you may use all the Powers your model knows. Roll within your
Willpower to successfully use a Power.

Ranged attacks from the rear 180º arc of the target gives your attack roll +2 to hit. Charging from the
rear 180º arc of the target gives the Charger +2 Fighting Skill.
Ranged attacks from at least 3” higher than the target and Charging from at least 3” higher than the
target both allow you to re-roll missed hit rolls.
If a friendly model is within 3” of the target of your Ranged or Melee attacks, you can re-roll your
Wound Chart rolls.

Critical Rolls:
Melee hits of unmodified 1’s count as 2 hits. Ranged hits of unmodified 10’s count as 2 hits.
Unmodified Save rolls of 1 save 2 wounds instead of 1.
Unmodified Willpower rolls of 1 for Powers makes it go off twice (can choose a 2nd target or apply
twice to one), an unmodified 10 removes a Hit Point from the user with no Saves.

10B Roster Sheet


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