Architects Illustrated Pocket Dictionary

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Architect’s Illustrated Pocket Dictionary

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Architect’s Illustrated Pocket Dictionary

Nikolas Davies and Erkki Jokiniemi


Architectural Press is an imprint of Elsevier
Architectural Press is an imprint of Elsevier
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First edition 2011

Copyright © 2011, Nikolas Davies and Erkki Jokiniemi. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

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ISBN: 978-0-08-096537-6

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This book is a pocket edition of the Dictionary of Architecture and Building Construction,
compiled by the authors over 15 years, and published in 2008 by the Architectural Press.
It differs in format from its predecessor in that terms pertaining particularly to architec-
ture and related professions have been selected from the original manuscript, and illus-
trations have been located with their subject words, as opposed to in a separate section.
Many definitions have been updated, and new terms included. A full bibliography of
reference works can be found in the original book.
For this edition, thanks are due to those competent and helpful staff at Elsevier Renata
Corbani, Rhys Griffiths, Soo Hamilton, Amy Laurens and Liz Burton who worked on the
book in its various stages and gave us free rein with the layout concept and cover
designs. A special mention should also be given to Hannah Shakespeare for her undiluted
enthusiasm and efficacy, without which this book would not have seen the light of day.
As always, thanks also to the members of our extended family Paula, Liisa, Eeva-Maija,
Pauli, Maria, Sara, Robin and Samuel for their support and patience throughout.

Nikolas Davies, Erkki Jokiniemi

Helsinki, October 2010
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abaciscus Lat.; diminutive form of the given frequency incident upon it; see
word abacus; a patterned tile or rectangu- sound absorption coefficient.
lar area in a mosaic. absorptivity a material property, the
abacus Lat.; a flat squared slab at the very ability of a solid to absorb a liquid, radia-
top of a classical column, the upper part tion, energy, etc.; see thermal absorptivity,
of a capital above an echinus and below light absorptivity.
an entablature; see abaciscus. abutment 1 the meeting place, joint or
lap of two adjacent components, parts of
construction, etc.
2 the planar joint formed by two surfaces
or edges placed adjacent to or touching
one another.
3 the meeting of the upper edge or verge
of a pitched roof and a balustrade, para-
pet or upper wall surface; especially the
entablature vertical surface or structure which rises
from this.
abacus 4 the part of a loadbearing system or
member from which loads are supported.
echinus 5 walling or support on either side of the
impost of an arch to prevent it from splay-
ing outwards.
abele see poplar. 6 see end abutment.

Abies spp. see fir. abutment flashing in roof construction,

a vertical sheetmetal flashing used with
above ground see surface. profiled sheet or interlocking tile roofing
abraded finish see ground, honed, at an abutment.
rubbed finish.
abrasion the act of being rubbed or
abutment flashing
worn down.
above parapet
abrasion resistance the resistance of canopy
a surface, coating, etc. to marking or
scratching. abutment
ABS acrylonitrile butadiene styrene.
absolute humidity the moisture con-
tent of air measured as the weight of
water vapour per unit volume of air; SI
units are kg/m3.
absorber in acoustics, any component, abutting tenon joint, butt tenon
unit or surface treatment for absorbing joint; a timber joint in which the grain
sound in a space; see also resonator. ends of two tenons inserted in a common
absorbing glass see tinted solar control mortise from opposite sides abut each
glass. other.

absorption a physical phenomenon, the

soaking up of a liquid by a porous solid, a
gas by a liquid, or energy in the form of
sound, heat or light by matter; see sound
absorption, attenuation. abutting
absorption coefficient in room acous- tenon joint
tics, a measure of the capacity of a mate-
rial or construction to absorb sound of a
AC 2
AC see alternating current. equipment and card readers within build-
ings or restricted areas to allow the circu-
acacia [Acacia spp.] a genus of bushes
lation of authorized persons but inhibit
and hardwood trees from warm climates,
the passage of intruders.
whose wood is used for outdoor furniture;
specimens are often planted as ornamen- access cover a covering hatch, plate or
tals in countries with suitable conditons of construction attached over an access
warmth; Acacia melanoxylon, see opening in a drainage pipe, duct or vessel,
Australian blackwood. removed to allow for cleaning and
acanthus Lat.; carved and decorative
ornament found especially adorning clas- access door, access window, trap-
sical Corinthian capitals, based on stylized door; a removable panel in formwork
leaves of the Mediterranean acanthus which allows for internal inspection, clean-
plant, Bear's breech or brank-ursine ing, etc.
[Acanthus molla, Acanthus spinosus]; access floor, cavity floor, raised floor;
akanthos in Greek. flooring supported above a main floor
structure to allow for the passage of elec-
tric and computer cables, ducts and other
services beneath; see also platform floor.

access floor

Greek acanthus

accelerated curing see heat treatment.

accelerated set in concretework, an
increase in the rate of stiffening during
the setting of concrete.
accelerating admixture, accelerator structural floor
see set accelerating admixture, strength
accelerating admixture. access gully a drainage gully with a rod-
accent lighting interior lighting ding eye for cleaning.
designed to illuminate or accentuate fea- access pipe a drainage pipe with an
tures in a room, such as artwork, architec- opening for cleaning.
tural details and furnishings.
access stair, service stair; a secondary
accepted risk, excepted risk; in project stairway providing access to plant or
administration, known risks in construc- other installations.
tion such as uncertain ground conditions,
etc., referred to in the building contract, access window see access door.
for which the client accepts liability. accessibility 1 the regulative require-
acceptor a metal or extruded plastics ment that buildings should be designed
product attached at the edge of a wall and constructed to allow easy access for
opening, to which a door or window the elderly, infirm, disabled, those with
frame can be easily attached. prams, etc., with the inclusion of appropri-
ate ramps, handrails, widths of circulation
access, passage; internal or external cir- spaces, lifts, etc.
culation space leading to a building, 2 in town and traffic planning, a measure
opening or technical installation, or used of how easily and by which mode of
as a route; the point at which a building transport a particular area can be reached.
or site can be entered; see site access. 3 the ability of a component or construc-
access control any of a number of secu- tion to be easily accessed for mainte-
rity systems using locks, surveillance nance, repair, replacement, etc.
3 acoustics
accessory any small components used to acetone a colourless, strong-smelling, vol-
affix or supplement a construction, or fix- atile and flammable liquid distilled from
ings and trim supplied with a product, organic compounds and used as a
component or system. solvent.
accidental air see entrapped air. acid cleaning a cleaning treatment for
accordion door a folding door with a metals using sulphuric, phosphoric or
number of hinged vertical panels which citric acids in combination with surfac-
fold together when the door is open. tants to remove contaminants, rust and
scale from the surface.
acid-curing referring to two-pack lac-
quers and paints used on interior timber
surfaces, based on urea or melamine
formaldehyde resins, with good surface
hardness and long pot-life and which
harden by blending with an acid.
acidity, degree of acidity; the acid level
of a soil, solution, etc., as measured by
obtaining its pH level; see pH.
accordion door
acid wash a cleaning treatment for con-
crete and stonework by sponging with a
solution of acid salts.
accoupled in classical architecture, a
description of columns or pilasters ACM see polyacrylate rubber.
arranged in pairs, twinned or joined acorn an ovoid finial acorn
together. resembling the fruit-
ing body of an oak
tree; used as an orna-
mental terminating
element for a balus-
trade or pier, etc.,
often unembellished; see pineapple, pine
acorn nut see cap nut.
knotted accoupled
columns in St
acoustics 1 the study of sound and hear-
Mark's, Venice ing; the discipline of space design with
regard to sound.
2 the properties of a room pertaining to
sound; see room acoustics.
Accrington brick a hard, dark red brick
made of shale from East Lancashire in
acoustic, acoustical; dealing with or
based on sound, or the treatment
England, used for engineering and indus-
of sound.
trial purposes.
acoustic absorber see absorber,
Acer spp. see maple. muffler.
acetal see polyoximethylene. acoustic absorption see sound
acoustic absorption coefficient see
acetate a salt or ester of acetic acid, sound absorption coefficient.
used for many plastic household pro- acoustical analysis a study of the
ducts, as cellulose acetate for record sound insulating, absorbing and reflecting
discs and clear plastic sheet, etc.; ace- characteristics of a building or space, or a
tate compounds included as separate project at design stage.
entries are listed below: acoustical design the design of a
*amyl acetate; *cellulose acetate, CA; building or space with respect to
*lead acetate; *polyacetate, see polyoxi- absorption, insulation or enhancement of
methylene, POM; *polyvinyl acetate, PVA. sound.
acroterion 4
acoustical glass see sound control components added to affect the acoustic
glass. perception and performance in a space
acoustical treatment see acoustic with respect to sound insulation, absorp-
treatment. tion and reflection.
acoustic attenuation see attenuation. acroterion, acroter; in classical architec-
acoustic attenuator see muffler. ture, a plinth or pedestal for statues, set at
acoustic board softboard whose surface the apex or eaves of a temple; also often
is shaped, perforated or machined to the statues or ornaments themselves; plu-
improve its properties of sound absorption. ral acroteria; Latin form is acroterium,
Greek is akroterion.
acoustic board acroterion
panel with mineral
wool backing

acoustic ceiling a ceiling designed to

provide sound insulation or absorption for cornice
a space.
acoustic consultant see acoustician.
acoustic control glass see sound con- fascia, bed moulding
trol glass.
acoustic engineer see acoustician.
acoustic glass see sound control glass.
acoustician, acoustic engineer; an
expert who provides professional consul- acrylate adhesive acrylic-based poly-
tancy on acoustic matters. mer adhesive used for soft plastic seams
acoustic insulation see sound and adhesive tapes.
insulation. acrylic a synthetic polymer resin used in
acoustic intensity, acoustic intensity plastics, paints, adhesives and textiles.
level see sound intensity. acrylic baking enamel see acrylic stov-
acoustic isolation see sound insulation. ing enamel.
acoustic level, acoustic level meter acrylic cellular sheet, cellular acrylic
see sound level. sheet; cellular sheet glazing or cladding
acoustic mortar see acoustic plaster. manufactured from transparent acrylic
acoustic panel a panel designed to resin.
absorb sound and thus regulate the acrylic finish, acrylic coating; any sur-
acoustic quality of a space. face covering or coating, such as tiling,
acoustic plaster plaster containing boarding and paints, whose finish is
lightweight or other porous aggregates, acrylic.
used for its acoustic properties, especially acrylic flooring compound a hard-
sound absorption; also called acoustic wearing flooring for sports halls, corridors,
mortar. etc. laid over concrete floor slabs as a mix-
acoustic plasterwork plasterwork con- ture of liquid acrylic, powdered hardener
taining aggregate which has acoustic and fine aggregate.
properties; finished work in acoustic acrylic paint emulsion paint based on a
plaster. dispersion of acrylic in water.
acoustic power, acoustic power level acrylic polymer flooring see acrylic
see sound power. flooring compound.
acoustic pressure, acoustic pressure acrylic powder coating, stoved
level see sound pressure. acrylic; a hardwearing decorative coating
acoustic propagation see sound whose binder is acrylic resin, applied to
propagation. metal components as a powder and
acoustic spectrum see audio spectrum. baked on.
acoustic treatment, acoustics; acrylic primer acrylic paint used as a
physical or spatial measures, materials or primer or undercoat.
5 adhesive
acrylic rubber see polyacrylate rubber. additional work see extra work.
acrylic sealant an acrylic-based flexible additive a substance added to a material
sealant used for dry applications. or process to modify its chemical or physi-
acrylic sheet strong translucent or opa- cal properties.
que lightweight sheet of polymethyl
methacrylate plastics used for glazing and addressable system, intelligent fire
cladding; marketed as Perspex and alarm; an electronic installation for indi-
Plexiglas. cating the location and severity of an out-
acrylic stoving enamel, acrylic bak- break of hazardous fire in a building.
ing enamel; a hardwearing paint coating adhering knot see tight knot.
used in the automotive industry, based on
acrylic resin applied to metal surfaces as a
adhesion, bond; the action of sticking
together; the strength of the attractive or
liquid spray and baked on.
fastening force evolved between a surface
acrylonitrile butadiene styrene, material or coating and its backing, or
ABS; a tough, strong thermoplastic used between two components which have
for waste pipes, garage doors, small vehi- been glued or bonded together.
cles and taxi-cab roofs.
act of God see force majeure. adhesive a sticky solid or liquid bond-
ing substance used for the firm sticking,
active earth pressure the pressure of surface-joining and holding together of
earth acting against the side of a retaining materials and components as the adhe-
wall and against which it provides sive dries or sets; the words adhesive
resistance. and glue are generally synonymous,
active fire protection mechanical or although adhesive is often applied to
electronic control systems such as sprink- more technologically advanced pro-
lers, fire alarms, etc. for indicating the ducts, whilst glues are often of plant or
presence of or extinguishing hazardous animal origin; a cement is an inorganic
fires in buildings. adhesive which sets in hard, brittle
form; types of adhesive included as sep-
active leaf the door leaf in a double door arate entries are listed below:
usually used for throughfare. *aerosol glue, see spray adhesive; *albu-
men glue; *anaerobic adhesive; *animal
glue; *aqueous adhesive, see water-based;
bituminous adhesive; *bone glue; *brush-
doorset with active
ing adhesive; *casein glue; *cassava; *cel-
leaf closed and
inactive leaf open
lulose adhesive; *cold curing adhesive;
to show fire exit *cold glue, see cold setting adhesive, cold
bolt curing adhesive; *cold setting adhesive;
*collagen glue, see animal glue; *contact
adhesive; *cyanoacrylate adhesive; *elas-
tomeric adhesive; *emulsion glue, emul-
sion adhesive; *epoxide resin adhesive,
epoxy adhesive, epoxy glue, see epoxy
resin adhesive; *film adhesive, see film
glue; *fish glue; *gluten glue; *gunnable
adhesive, see gun applied adhesive; *hide
acute arch see lancet arch. glue; *hot-melt adhesive, hot-melt glue,
Adam style a style in interior decoration see thermoplastic adhesive; *hot setting
in England from 1760 1770 named after adhesive, hot setting glue, see thermo-
the Adam brothers, John, Robert and setting adhesive; *interior adhesive;
James, and characterized by classical *isinglass, see fish glue; *melamine form-
motifs and bold colours. aldehyde glue; *moisture curing adhesive;
addendum a separate explanatory state- *moisture resistant adhesive; *one-way
ment intended to clarify, amend or sup- stick adhesive; *phenol formaldehyde
plement a document, drawing, etc. glue; *polymer adhesive, polymer glue,
adhesive failure 6

see polymerizing adhesive; *polyvinyl ace- corrosion resistance and increase

tate glue; protein glue; *PVA glue, polyvi- strength.
nyl acetate glue; *resin adhesive, resin
glue, see synthetic resin adhesive; *resor- admixture a material added in small
cinol formaldehyde glue; *rubber adhe- quantities to affect the properties of a
sive, rubber glue, see elastomeric concrete or mortar mix; types of admix-
adhesive; *rubber solution; *Scotch glue; ture included as separate entries are
*single spread adhesive, see one-way stick listed below; see also agent.
adhesive; *solvent adhesive; *solvent- *accelerating admixture, see set accelerat-
based adhesive, see solvent borne adhe- ing admixture, strength accelerating
sive; *soya glue; *spray adhesive; *starch admixture; *air-detraining admixture;
adhesive; *structural adhesive; *super *air-entraining admixture; *anti-foaming
glue, see cyanoacrylate adhesive; *syn- admixture; *antifreezing admixture;
thetic resin adhesive; *synthetic rubber *bonding admixture; *colouring admix-
glue, see elastomeric adhesive; *thermo- ture; *corrosion inhibiting admixture;
plastic glue, see thermoplastic adhesive; *expansion producing admixture; *floccu-
*thermosetting adhesive; *two pack adhe- lating admixture; *foam forming admix-
sive, two component adhesive, two part ture; *fungicidal admixture; *gas forming
adhesive; *two-way stick adhesive; urea admixture; *high-range water-reducing
formaldehyde glue; *vegetable glue; admixture, see superplasticizing admix-
*water-borne adhesive, see water-based; ture; *mortar admixture; *permeability-
*waterproof glue, waterproof adhesive, reducing admixture, see pore filler; *plasti-
see water-resistant adhesive; *water- cizing admixture; *set accelerating admix-
based adhesive, see water-based; *wood ture; *set retarding admixture; *strength
glue, see wood adhesive. accelerating admixture; *superplasticizing
admixture; *thickening admixture; *water
reducing admixture; *waterproofing
adhesive failure, bond failure; the fail- admixture, see water-resisting admixture.
ure of a glued joint due to a reduction in
bonding between a glue or binder and
glued parts. adobe clay and unfired brick which has
adiabatic referring to a thermodynamics been baked in the sun; forms of construc-
process which occurs without the transfer tion making use of this; see mud brick.
of heat. adsorption 1 the intake of a liquid or gas
adjustable item an item in a bill of by a solid.
quantities for which provided information 2 a water purification treatment in which
is insufficient and whose quantities are water is percolated through solid granular
subject to reassessment. material, to which impurities adhere.
adjustable prop see telescopic prop. adularia a transparent variety of the min-
eral orthoclase or potash feldspar found
adjustable set square in technical in the Alps; a milky variety of this is
drawing, a set square in which the angle known as moonstone.
of the hypotenuse can be adjusted by a
sliding mechanism. advance, advance payment, prepay-
ment; a payment made prior to receipt
adjustable spanner a spanner with of goods or services, such as that paid by
screw-adjustable jaws to suit a range of a client to a contractor after the contract
widths. is signed but before the start of work.
adjustable wrench see adjustable adze eye hammer a hammer whose
spanner. head is fixed to the shaft by means of a
adjustment see formula price sleeve at the base of the head.
adjustment. aedicule, aedicula (Lat.); in classical
admiralty brass an alloy of copper architecture, a niche, recess or pedi-
and zinc with additional tin to improve mented structure, especially one housing
7 African walnut
a statue, surrounded by columns, pilasters which the subject or scene is viewed from
or colonnettes. above.

aerosol a suspension of fine particles of
solid or liquid in a gas, usually air.
aerosol glue see spray adhesive.
aerosol spraying the spraying of a
paint, varnish, glue or other liquid from
a pressurized airtight container to form an
aerosol, a suspension of fine particles of
paint in a gas.
Aesculapian column see serpent
Aesculus spp. see horse chestnut;
Aesculus hippocastanum, see European
horse chestnut.
Aeolic capital in classical architecture, a aetoma see aetos.
forerunner of the Ionic capital with a rect-
aetos, aetoma; Gk.; in classical Greek
angular upper section supported by
architecture, the tympanum of a pedi-
volutes divided by palmette decoration.
ment, usually ornamented with figures.
A-frame a simple triangulated framework
of two leaning beams meeting at a ridge,
connected by a stiffening collar.

A-frame crucks in traditional

timber-framed building
Aeolic capital Ionic capital

aerated concrete, cellular concrete,

porous concrete; various types of light-
weight concrete for in-situ work and pre-
cast products with good thermal
insulation, produced by the introduction
of bubbles of gas into the mix, either by a
foaming agent, by adding foam, by
mechanical foaming or by adding a chem-
ical which reacts with the concrete to pro-
duce gas bubbles; see also gas concrete, afara see limba.
foamed concrete. African cherry see makore.
aeration the introduction of air into a African ebony [Diospyros crassiflora,
material such as soil, water, concrete, etc.; Diospyros piscatoria], see ebony.
especially the introduction of oxygen into
raw sewage to reduce the quantity of African mahogany, khaya; [Khaya ivor-
other dissolved gases. ensis, Khaya spp.] a group of West African
hardwoods with relatively strong and
aerator see tap aerator. durable orange-brown timber; used for
aerial, antenna, (pl. antennae); a tele- interior joinery, furniture and boat-
communications receiver for airborne building; true mahogany comes from the
electromagnetic transmissions; see also South and Central American trees
satellite link aerial. Swietenia spp.
aerial amplifier an electronic device for African walnut, alona, Congo wood;
increasing the strength of signals picked [Lovoa trichilioides, Lovoa klaineana] a
up by an antenna or aerial.
West African hardwood with plain golden-
aerial view a presentation drawing, brown timber; used for furniture, panel-
graphic visualization or photograph in ling and veneers.
African whitewood 8
African whitewood see obeche. *lightweight aggregate; *manufactured
afrormosia, kokrodua; [Pericopsis elata] aggregate; *natural aggregate; *rounded
a West African hardwood with rich yellow- aggregate; *single sized aggregate; *sin-
brown timber used for internal and exter- tered aggregate; *wood particle
nal joinery, furniture and as a substitute aggregate.
for teak. aggregate block same as aggregate
afzelia, doussie; [Afzelia spp.] a group of concrete block.
African hardwoods with durable reddish- aggregate/cement ratio the ratio of
brown timber; used for interior and exter- the mass of aggregate to that of cement
nal joinery and cladding. in concrete or mortar.
aggregate concrete block see con-
agent 1 a material or substance used for crete block, usually refers to a light-
its effect on another material or process; weight aggregate concrete block.
in concreting it is often called an admix- aggregate exposure a finish treat-
ture; types of agent included as sepa- ment for a concrete surface in which
rate entries are listed below: water, or in some cases acid, is sprayed
*air-detraining agent, see air-detraining to wash away the surface layer of
admixture; *air-entraining agent, see air- cement, revealing the coarse aggregate;
entraining admixture; *alkaline cleaning the result is called exposed aggregate
agent; *binding agent, see binder; *bond- concrete.
ing agent; *cleaning agent; *colouring
agent, see colourant; *emulsifying agent,
see emulsifier; *flocculating agent, see agreement a binding decision made
flocculating admixture; *foaming agent; between two parties, a contract; see arti-
*polishing agent, see polish; *release cles of agreement.
agent; *retarding agent, see retarder; agricultural drain see field drain.
*surface-acting agent; *suspension agent, A-hinge a hinge whose leaves are elon-
thickening agent, see thickening gated and triangular, forming a lozenge
admixture. shape when opened out; used for hang-
2 one employed to organize matters on
ing wide or heavy doors.
behalf of another.
3 see also site agent. A-hinge

agglomerated cork a light, porous,

buoyant material manufactured by recon-
stituting granulated cork to form slabs
and other products.

aggregate inert granular material such

as sand, gravel, crushed rock and clinker aid any substance added to a process to
used as a main solid constituent in con- make it function more efficiently rather
crete, plaster, tarmacadam and asphalt; than affect the properties of the resulting
types of aggregate listed as separate product.
entries are listed below: aileron in church architecture and similar
*angular aggregate; *blended aggregate; structures, a gable with one vertical edge
*coarse aggregate; *continuously-graded closing the end of an aisle; a half-gable.
aggregate; *crushed aggregate; *crusher-
run aggregate; *cubical aggregate; *elon-
gated aggregate; *expanded clay aggre-
gate, expanded shale aggregate, see
expanded aggregate; *fine aggregate;
*flaky aggregate; *flaky and elongated ALE XANDER CAR DI N A L I S FA RN E S IV S S RE VI C E CAN I E C M D L XXV

aggregate; *gap graded aggregate; facade of Il Gesú,

*graded aggregate; *light expanded clay Rome, architect
aggregate, see expanded aggregate; Giacomo Della
Porta, 1568–1584
9 airless spraying
air admittance valve a valve in a vessel of sheetmetal for conveying air
drainage system to permit the entrance of to its points of use; see also ventilation
ventilating fresh air and to even out pres- duct.
sure differences. air-entrained concrete a form of con-
airborne sound sound conveyed as crete with increased workability and
pressure waves in air. resistance to weathering and frost, into
which minute bubbles of air have been
air brick, ventilating brick; a brick with introduced using an air-entraining
regular round perforations from stretcher admixture.
face to stretcher face, used to reduce the air-entraining admixture, air-
weight of walling construction and for entraining agent; an admixture
ventilating cavity walls, basement spaces, included in the concrete mix to promote
etc. the inclusion of air to improve its work-
air-change rate, ventilation rate; the ability and frost resistance.
specified number of times per hour that air filter in air conditioning, a porous bar-
ventilating air in a room is completely rier to collect impurities and particles
renewed and old air extracted, expressed from intake air.
as the hourly volume of air provided to
a space divided by the volume of the air gap 1 in piped water supply, the verti-
space. cal height between the outlet of a tap
and rim of a sink, or ballvalve and over-
air conditioning a mechanical installa- flow, a measure of the precaution against
tion system providing warmed, cooled, backsiphonage.
clean and otherwise treated air into the 2 a narrow space between adjacent build-
habitable spaces of a building; see also ing components or materials allowed for
central air conditioning. in construction for the circulation of venti-
air-conditioning duct an air duct used lating air, or for insulating purposes.
in an air-conditioning installation.
air-conditioning unit, air-handling air-gap membrane a resilient mem-
unit; a piece of mechanical services brane of high density polyethylene or sim-
equipment for treating air and conveying ilar polymer preformed with a grid of
clean air into a space or building. dimples or raised pattern, laid against
foundation walls as tanking, also provid-
air content the total amount of air in a ing a small ventilating gap to allow mois-
substance, expressed as a percentage by ture a passage out of the substructure;
volume; in concreting, it is the total vol- also called a cavity drainage membrane or
ume of air voids per unit volume tanking membrane.
in vibrated concrete, expressed as a
percentage. air-handling luminaire a light fitting
so designed that exhaust air from an air-
air-detraining admixture, air- conditioning or ventilation system is
detraining agent; in concretework, an extracted through it.
admixture included in the concrete mix to
inhibit the inclusion of air. air-handling plant room see ventila-
tion plant room.
air diffuser in air conditioning, an inlet
grille which gives direction to supply air air-handling unit see air-conditioning
passing through it. unit, fan unit.

air-distribution system in air condi- air inlet see fresh-air inlet, fresh-air vent.
tioning, an installation consisting of duct- air intake see return-air terminal unit.
ing and pumping plant for distributing air jet, airstream; the directed flow of
treated air to outlets. ventilation and air-conditioning air pro-
air dried, air seasoned; timber having duced by a supply air inlet.
reached equilibrium with outdoor atmo- airless spraying, hydraulic spraying;
spheric humidity, specified as 12% mois- an industrial painting process employing
ture content. a high-pressure pistol with a fine nozzle
air duct in air conditioning and mechan- to apply even coatings to building com-
ical ventilation, a long closed pipe or ponents and furniture.
air lock 10
air lock 1 an intermediate enclosed space bubbles either intentionally introduced as
or lobby between spaces with different entrained air or unintentionally as
environments or air conditions, affording entrapped air.
access from one space to the other with aisle an open passageway in a building,
minimal movement of air between the auditorium, etc. for circulation; especially
two. the longitudinal corridor flanking the nave
2 an unwanted bubble of air trapped in of a church, basilica, etc., bounded by an
pipework, inhibiting the flow of water or arcade or row of columns.
other fluids.
air outlet see supply air terminal unit. aisles nave aisles
air pocket see air void.
air release valve, bleed valve, pet-
cock; a valve for releasing unwanted air
or other gases from a system of pipes, cis-
terns, etc.
air resistance the property of a pigment
in paint to remain stable both in colour
and structure when exposed to the effects
of air and airborne pollutants.
air seasoned see air dried.
airstream see air jet.
air-supported structure, pneumatic alabaster a compact, fine-grained form
structure; any structure inflated with air of pure gypsum (calcium sulphate) with
as a means of structural support. similar rocks such as calcareous sinter or
air terminal unit in air conditioning and onyx marble; easily worked, and used
ventilation, any device, grille, diffuser, etc. for interior decoration and sculptured
through which air is supplied to or ornament.
extracted from a space; see also supply air alarm any security or safety device which
terminal unit. produces a signal in the form of a noise or
air termination a component or system light once triggered by a detector; see
of vertical or horizontal metal rods located also fire alarm.
on a roof to intercept lightning strikes; alarm bell a metal percussive device
part of a lightning protection installation which produces a noise as an alarm
for a building. sound.
alarm glass laminated glass whose inter-
air test, pneumatic test; a test to layer is inlaid with fine electric wires con-
inspect and locate leaks in pipework using nected to a circuit, which activate an
compressed air which is introduced into alarm if broken.
the closed system and its pressure moni- alarm system a system of warning bells,
tored over a period of time. lights and other means which react to the
air-to-air heat transmission coeffi- presence of hazards in buildings such
cient see U-value. as fire, toxic gases and unauthorized
air treatment in air conditioning, the entrants; see also intruder alarm system.
heating, cooling, purifying, filtering and albumen glue glue manufactured from
humidifying or dehumidifying of air from egg protein.
the outside prior to distribution. alcove any recess formed in the thickness
air vent a terminal device designed to of, or bounded by, the wall of a room.
allow the passage of fresh air to a space alder [Alnus spp.] a group of hardwoods
from the outside, or for release of stale air. with light, soft, fine-textured, non-durable,
air void, air pocket; in concretework, pinkish timber; alders are hardy trees
small spaces or voids in hardened con- which can survive on poorly drained soils,
crete containing air and formed by air available in a number of varieties and
11 all-glass
planted occasionally as waterside or street aggregates, causing internal swelling, rup-
trees. ture and scaling of the surface.
alkali feldspar a mineral, potassium
feldspar or sodium-enriched plagioclase
common alder, rock.
Alnus glutinosa
alkaline cleaning agent any highly
effective metal cleaning product based on
a solution of sodium hydroxide (caustic
soda) or potassium hydroxide (NaOH,
KOH), silicates, or phosphates, with a bal-
anced amount of surfactants in water.
alkali-resistant paint acrylic or resin
common alder, black alder; [Alnus glu- paint with good resistance to alkali attack,
tinosa] a European hardwood with light, suitable for use on concrete surfaces.
soft, pale brown timber; used for joinery alkali-resistant primer primer used on
and plywood. concrete surfaces beneath other paints to
grey alder, white alder (Am); [Alnus protect them against alkali attack from
incana] a European hardwood with the concrete.
light, soft, dull brown timber; used for
plywood. alkali wash a treatment to remove
red alder [Alnus rubra] a North American grease and other impurities from metal
hardwood with rich reddish timber, stron- surfaces with an alkaline solution contain-
ger than common alder, used for furniture ing a detergent and a surfactant before
and as a substitute for mahogany. coating or painting.
Alexandrian blue see Egyptian blue. alkyd a synthetic polyester resin used in
the manufacture of paints and coatings,
alidade, diopter; a sighting device for a formed by combining an alcohol with an
surveying level. acid.
alignment 1 the compositional lining up alkyd baking enamel see alkyd stoving
of a series of building masses or adjacent enamel.
constructional surfaces, points and alkyd paint an oil paint which contains
patterns. alkyd resins, used externally as a coating
2 a prehistoric straight row of standing and wood preservative; it is easy to brush,
stones, laid out for ceremonial, astronomi- durable and quick drying.
cal or symbolic purposes. alkyd putty a sealing and glazing com-
alizarin 1 a red dye used by the ancients
pound with an alkyd resin binder.
and produced by grinding the root of the alkyd stoving enamel, alkyd baking
common madder plant [Rubia tinctorum], enamel; a hardwearing paint coating
also known as madder red; see purpurin. used for metal components, based on a
After 1868 it has been manufactured melamine or carbamine and alkyd resin
artificially from anthraquinone, a coal tar binder, applied as a liquid spray and
derivative, and is known variously as baked on.
alizarin crimson, alizarin lake, alizarin red, alkyd varnish a varnish with alkyd resin
alizarin scarlet, or in brown form as mad- as a binder, used as a protective coating
der brown, brown madder or alizarin for furniture, joinery and timber floors.
brown. allen head screw a screw with hexago-
2 a range of dyestuffs manufactured in nal recess in its head, turned using an
this way, with the addition of metal oxides allen key.
to impart different shades of colour, as all-glass a description of components
alizarin blue, alizarin violet, alizarin such as doors, cabinets, balustrades, parti-
yellow, etc. tions, etc. which are made from sheets of
alkali-aggregate reaction, concrete unframed toughened glass through-
cancer; an undesirable chemical reaction bolted with steel fixings; when used for
in concrete between alkalis contained in facades, this type of construction is known
the Portland cement binder and some as structural glazing.
alligatoring 12
all-glass balustrade a simple balustrade
which is a sheet of toughened and/or
laminated glass, secured at its lower edge.
all-glass door a
door whose leaf is all-glass
an unframed sheet door
of structural glass,
often tempered or
tread stair in
laminated, to which plan and
hinges and door isometric
furniture are fixed. projection
alligatoring see crocodiling.
allowance, clearance, installation
allowance; spaces left between adjacent alto rilievo, high relief; sculptured relief
components in design such as the space ornament in which figures or elements
between a hinged door leaf or window are carved to such a depth as to appear
casement and its frame, to allow for fit- separate from their background.
ting, installation, manufacturing toler-
ances, expansion, workmanship and alum gypsum, marble gypsum; a mix-
movement. ture of plaster of Paris soaked with alum
solution (a sulphate salt of aluminium and
alloy a composition of two or more chem- potassium), burnt and finely ground, used
ical elements, one of which is always a as a high-strength, hard plaster for tiles,
metal, combined together to form a metal boards, render and in-situ work.
substance which benefits from their com-
bined properties to provide improved alumina, aluminium oxide; a chemical
strength, ductility, corrosion resistance, compound, Al2O3, used in the manufac-
etc. ture of some types of brick, as an abrasive,
alloy steel steel which contains over 5% and as a fireproof lining for ovens; see
carbon and other metals to improve its also corundum.
basic properties of strength, hardness and alumina hydrate an artificial form of
resistance to corrosion. aluminium hydroxide used as an inert
base in oil paints.
Alnus spp. see alder.
aluminium, aluminum (Am); a pale,
alona see African walnut. lightweight, ductile, common metal, Al, an
alteration a minor change to a building, important building material used for light-
requiring construction work. weight construction, cladding and
alternate bay construction; see chequer-
board construction, alternate lane
alternate lane construction, alter-
nate bay construction; a method of
casting large areas of concrete floors, etc.
in which adjacent parallel areas are cast range of aluminium
first and harden prior to casting of the sections and profiles
remaining voids; see chequerboard used in proprietary
construction. balustrade system

alternating current, AC; electric cur-

rent which reverses its direction of flow at
aluminium alloy aluminium which con-
a regular frequency.
tains other metals such as manganese,
alternating tread stair a stair with magnesium and silicon to improve
wedge-shaped steps arranged so that strength.
their wider edges alternate from side to aluminium brass an alloy of brass with
side as the stair is ascended, used for added aluminium to improve strength,
steep stairs where space is limited. hardness and corrosion resistance.
13 American elm
aluminium bronze a bright golden- aluminium-zinc coating a protective
yellow alloy of copper and aluminium galvanized surface coating for steel sheet-
which is strong and corrosion resistant. ing of hot-dip zinc with 55% aluminium
aluminium-faced timber window see and a small amount of silicon.
composite window. alumino-thermic welding see thermit
aluminium foil aluminium produced in welding.
the form of very thin sheets.
aluminium-framed window see alu- aluminum North American spelling of
minium window. aluminium.
aluminium hydroxide a non-toxic amber, succinite; the fossilized resin
chemical alliance of aluminium with oxy- from pine trees, a yellowish-brown
gen and hydrogen, AlOH, used as a white organic mineral; used as a gemstone, for
pigment. decoration and as a raw material in some
aluminium paint a metallic paint con- paints.
sisting of powdered aluminium and a
vehicle such as oil.
ambient sound see background noise.
aluminium plate aluminium or alumin- ambrosia beetle [Scolytidae,
ium alloy supplied in the form of metal Platypodidae] a number of species of
plate. insect which cause damage to unsea-
aluminium profile often synonymous soned hardwood and softwood by
with aluminium section, but usually more burrowing.
complex, thin-walled or hollow; used for ambulatory a place for walking in a
patent glazing, door frames, etc. cathedral or abbey church, a cloister, apse
aluminium roofing see aluminium aisle, etc.; particularly a semicircular exten-
sheet. sion of side aisles of a church to form a
aluminium section any thin length of walk behind the high altar and round
aluminium steel which has been pre- the apse; any similar processional way in a
formed by a process of welding, extrusion, church; Latin form is ambulatorium.
etc. into a uniform cross-section of certain
shape and dimensions.
aluminium sheet aluminium rolled into
sheets not more than 3 mm thick; used
for exterior cladding, etc.
aluminium sheet roofing profiled roof-
ing of corrosion-free coated aluminium
sheet used largely for industrial and low-
cost buildings.
aluminium window a window whose Cathedral of Notre Dame, Amiens,
frame is made primarily from coated alu- France, c.1220–69
minium; an aluminium-framed window;
for aluminium-faced timber window, see amendment see revision.
composite window. amendment arrow see arrowhead.
amendment block see revision panel.
aluminium amendment cloud see revision cloud.
window framing
American ash [Fraxinus spp.], see ash.
American beech [Fagus grandifolia], see
American bond see English garden-wall
American caisson see box caisson.
American cherry, black cherry (Am);
[Prunus serotina], see cherry.
American elm [Ulmus americana], see
American lime basswood 14
American lime basswood see lime. and spectacles consisting of an oval or
round space surrounded by tiered seating
American mahogany see mahogany.
for spectators; amphitheatron in Greek.
American plane, buttonwood, syca- 2 any curved or tiered structure, such as a
more; [Platanus occidentalis], see plane. natural hollow in the landscape used as
American walnut, black walnut; theatre seating, a large housing mass, etc.
[Juglans nigra], see walnut. amplifier see aerial amplifier.
American white oak [Quercus alba], see amyl acetate an organic chemical com-
oak. pound used as a solvent for nitrocellulose
American whitewood see tulipwood. lacquers.
American with Flemish bond see anaerobic adhesive an adhesive which
Flemish stretcher bond. sets by polymerization in the absence of
aminobenzene see aniline.
anaerobic sealant a sealant which sets
amino-plastic a group of thermosetting by polymerization in the absence of
resins formed by copolymerizing urea or oxygen.
melamine with an aldehyde, used for
pressings, adhesives, coatings and anaglyph referring to ornament which
laminates. has been embossed or sculpted in low
ammonia a colourless, water-soluble,
gaseous, chemical compound, NH3, which analogue detector an electronic fire
is strongly alkaline in solution and is cor- detector which sends warning signals to a
rosive to alloys of copper; used as a refrig- central computer in the event of fire.
erant and as a cleaning agent. anastylosis in building conservation, the
ammonium chloride, sal ammoniac; process of reconstructing a historic build-
a white, crystalline, water-soluble, chemi- ing in such a way that new and added
cal compound, NH4Cl, used in soldering parts and materials are clearly differenti-
flux, dry cells and in iron cement. ated from the original.
ammonium nitrate a white, crystalline,
water-soluble, chemical compound,
anathyrosis Gk.; the dressing of stone
joints at the surface of stonework to pro-
NH4NO3, used in explosives, fertilizers and
vide a neat fit, leaving concealed areas
freezing mixtures.
unworked or slightly rebated.
ammonium phosphate a chemical
compound, N2H9PO4, used as a fire-retar-
dant and in fertilizers.
anchor a metal fixing for connecting a
structural member or secondary compo-
amoretto, amorino see cupid. nent firmly to a main structure or to fix
amorphous referring to a material whose something firmly in place; often called
molecules and atoms do not form a crys- an anchorage; types of anchor included
talline structure, or one with no determi- as separate entries are listed below:
nate shape or structure. *anchor bolt; *concrete screw anchor;
*door-frame anchor; *ground anchor;
ampere, amp; abb. A; SI unit of electrical *hollow-wall anchor; *jamb anchor; *rock
current equal to a flow of one coulomb anchor; *sleeve anchor, see wedge
per second. anchor.
amphibole a black, dark green or brown
rock-forming mineral with a double chain anchorage a system of steel rods, guys,
silicate structure, which increases the braces, bolts, etc. for fixing a structure
strength and toughness of the rocks in firmly to its base or to the ground; the
which it is found. process thus involved; often synonymous
amphibolite a durable grey-green meta- with anchor, although anchorage is usu-
morphic rock formed from gabbro or ally a construction, anchor a component;
basalt. see anchor, end abutment, ground
amphitheatre, 1 amphitheater (Am.); anchor, rock anchor. See illustration on
a classical arena for gladiatorial contests facing page.
15 angle bead
value and as such is protected by
tie rods forming legislation.
anchorage for
ancone, ancon; in classical architecture,
retaining wall
a curved ornamental bracket or cornice
for supporting a ledge, shelf, balcony,
pediment or sculpture.

anchor beam 1 in traditional timber

frame construction, a beam whose end is
anchored to a post by means of a tenon
2 a timber tie beam fixed to the upper
ends of parallel side walls of a building to
prevent them from buckling outwards.
anchor bolt, foundation bolt, ragbolt; balcony
a bolt cast into concrete, whose threads
are left protruding from the surface so
andalusite a hard, yellowish, greenish or
that subsequent components can be
brownish aluminium silicate mineral used
as gemstones and for decoration.
anechoic chamber an acoustic room
with highly absorbing surfaces to reduce
reverberation times, echoes and sound
anchor bolt fixing for anchor bolt reflections to a minimum, used for testing
base plate of stanchion and recording sound.
angel light in Gothic church architecture,
especially of the Perpendicular period, a
small triangular light between the tracery
of a window, panel, or between adjacent
angle 1 the spacing or rotational dimen-
sion between two lines that diverge.
2 any profiled strip or section, L-shaped in
anchor bracket a fixing for attaching a cross-section; see angle profile, edge strip
pipe to a wall surface so that linear move- (angle bead), steel angle.
ment of the pipe is restricted. 3 a component of angled guttering used
anchor pile see piled anchorage, tension at the eaves of a hipped roof to convey
pile. water around a corner.
anchor strap a perforated galvanized angle bar see steel angle.
steel strip product used for tying adjacent angle bead, corner bead; a strip of
components such as timber framing planed timber or other material used as
members, brick leafs, etc. together. trim to cover the corner joints between
walls, floors, ceilings, etc.; see edge strip,
plasterwork angle bead.
range of angle beads
anchor strap hockey stick
cove quadrant

ancient monument any ancient man-

made structure such as a building or
earthwork, which is of historical or cultural
angle bevelled halved joint 16
angle bevelled halved joint, lateral angle luminaire a luminaire which pro-
bevelled halved joint; a timber angled vides illumination whose light distribution
halved joint in which the laps are bevelled is noticeably directional.
for increased strength. angle of reflectance the angle made
angle brace see angle tie. by a ray of light or other waveform with a
angle branch a pipe fitting for connect- reflecting surface.
ing a subsidiary pipe to a main pipe at an angle of refraction the angle through
acute angle to the direction of flow. which a ray of light bends on passing
angle brick any special brick whose end through a different medium.
is formed at an angle other than 90 to its angle parking, echelon parking; the
stretcher face, used at a change of direc- layout of individual parking spaces in a
tion at corners and curves in brick walling; sawtooth formation diagonal to a car-
see cant brick, squint brick. riageway or pavement.
angle plane see corner scraper.
angle brick cant brick angle profile, angle; any metal section
whose uniform cross-section resembles
the letter L; in aluminium these are
formed by extrusion and in steel by bend-
ing or by cold or hot rolling; also called an
L-profile or L-section; see also equal angle,
unequal angle, steel angle.

squint brick birdsmouth brick extruded
angle fillet, 1 arris fillet, cant strip; a bent steel
horizontal timber strip, triangular in cross- or copper
section, laid at internal junctions in con-
struction to round off sharp corners rolled,
before the laying of membrane roofing, structural
waterproofing, etc. steel

angle rafter in timber roof construction,

a diagonal rafter at the join of two sloping
roof planes which meet at an angle; a hip
angle fillet
rafter or valley rafter.
waterproof angle ridge see hip rafter.
in parapet
angle stair see quarter turn stair.
detail angle tie, angle brace, diagonal
brace, diagonal tie, dragon tie; in tra-
ditional timber frame construction, a
2 a similar triangular strip of material diagonal member in the horizontal plane
included in formwork to provide a cham- used to brace and tie together a corner
fer in cast concrete construction. joint; a similar brace in contemporary
angle grinder a hand-held power tool construction.
with a rapidly rotating thin abrasive min- angle tile 1 in floor and wall tiling, a spe-
eral disc, used for cutting metal sections cial L-shaped ceramic tile for covering an
and grinding stone and metals. internal or external corner.
angle iron see steel angle. 2 a similarly shaped exterior clay or con-
angle joint, corner joint; a joint formed crete tile for tile hanging, covering the
by members which are connected but do ridges and hips of tiled roofs, etc.
not lie in the same line, forming an angle angle trowel, corner trowel; a plas-
with one another. terer’s L-shaped trowel for smoothing
17 annular bit
inside and outside corners in plasterwork; traditionally used for cast and in-situ plas-
see twitcher trowel (internal angle trowel), terwork, insulation, building boards and
external angle trowel. panels.
angular aggregate coarse aggregate animal glue glue made from collagen, a
whose particles have sharp edges. protein released by boiling the bones,
angular guilloche see meander. hides, sinews and muscles of animals; see
bone glue, hide glue.
angular hip tile a special L-shaped roof
tile for covering the ridge formed by a animal interlace, lacertine; any orna-
hip. ment which consists of stylized animal
angular ridge tile an L-shaped ridge
capping tile for covering the ridge of a anionic bitumen emulsion a disper-
roof. sion of bitumen in water, with an emulsi-
fying additive which coats the particles of
anhydrite, anhydrous calcium sul- bitumen with a negative ion, causing
phate; natural mineral calcium sulphate, them to repel one another and to remain
CaSO4; used as a form of plaster and as separate droplets.
often produced by burning gypsum
at high temperatures; see synthetic anisotropic referring to a material, object
anhydrite. or construction which does not display
the same properties in all directions; see
anhydrous lacking water, especially that also isotropic.
for crystallization.
anhydrous calcium sulphate see annealing a heat treatment to soften
anhydrite. steel and relieve internal stresses caused
anhydrous lime see quicklime. by work hardening or welding; the tem-
perature is raised by heating right
aniline, aminobenzene; a colourless through to a certain level and then low-
oily liquid, originally produced by the dis-
ered slowly and evenly.
tillation of the indigo plant [Indigofera annealed glass ordinary untoughened
anil, Indigofera suffruticosa, Indigofera tinc-
glass that has been heated in an oven
toria], now manufactured from nitroben- then cooled slowly to relieve internal
zene and used as a base in the stresses that would otherwise arise; cf.
production of dyes, drugs, plastics and
toughened glass.
rubber products; aniline colours are a annealed wire see binding wire.
group of synthetic organic pigments in
use prior to the introduction of more per- annosus root rot, butt rot; [Fomes
manent pigments. annosus, Heterobasidion annosum] a fun-
gus which decays the roots of living trees
animal capital see protome capital, bull of all ages, especially conifers, spreading
capital, eagle capital, lion capital.
into the lower part of the trunk and caus-
animal column, beast column; a deco- ing death of the tree.
rative Romanesque stone column-type
richly sculpted with intertwined animal
annotation written text or references
which provide supplementary clarification
about drawn objects in design drawings
and documentation.
annual in landscaping, any non-woody,
shallow-rooted plant grown from seed
and which flowers, seeds and dies the
animal column,
same year.
abbey church of
St. Pierre annual ring, growth ring; one of the
Moissac, France, ringed markings in the cross-section of a
c. 1115–20 tree trunk, laid down annually as a new
layer of timber is formed, appearing as
animal-fibre reinforced referring to grain figure in converted timber.
composites of animal hair in a binder, annular bit see hole saw.
annular nail 18
annular nail, improved nail, jagged- anse de panier see three-centred arch.
shank nail, ring-shanked nail; a nail, antechamber see anteroom.
usually 19 75 mm in length, with a series
of ringed protrusions around its shaft to antefixa, antefix, plural antefixae;
increase its fixing strength when driven Lat.; in classical architecture, one of a
into timber; see also plasterboard nail. number of decorative blocks placed at the
eaves of a temple to cover the ends of
roofing slabs or tiles.
types of annular nail for
various applications

antefixae at eaves
of Italian tiling

annular vault a barrel vault in the form

of a ring or a hollow doughnut halved
annulated column a Romanesque col- antenna plural antennae; see aerial,
umn-type with a number of rings or annu- satellite link aerial.
lets carved at intervals around its shaft; antenna amplifier see aerial amplifier.
also called a banded or ringed column. anteroom a vestibule or transitional
space leading to a main room or hall;
often a lobby, porch, etc.
anthemion an ornamental motif found
in classical architecture consisting of styl-
ized honeysuckle foliage; the word derives
from the Greek for flower, anthos; see also
lotus anthemion.
Mesopotamian hom-anthemion
decorative moulding

annulet, annulus (Lat.), shaft ring; a

small semicircular or angular moulding anthemion and palmette an ornamen-
carved round the shaft of a Doric column tal band motif found in the architecture of
beneath the capital. antiquity consisting of stylized honey-
annunciator see indicator panel. suckle leaves alternating with a palmette
Anobiidae see furniture beetle; Anobium
punctatum see common furniture beetle. anthraquinone an organic compound
derived from anthracene, a blue fluores-
anodic dip painting see electro-dip cent crystalline material obtained from
painting. coal tar; used in the manufacture of a
anodizing, anodic oxide coating, small group of synthetic dyestuffs.
anodization; the electrochemical appli- anthraquinoid red a transparent red
cation of a layer of coloured aluminium organic pigment suitable for use in oil
oxide as a corrosion-resistant and hard- paints.
wearing protective surface coating for alu- anthropometric design the design of
minium products and components. buildings, rooms, etc. according to the rel-
anorthosite a variety of dark gabbro ative proportions of measurements taken
made up of spectral plagioclase or labra- from the ideal human body, a practice
dorite; see also Spectrolite. originating during the Renaissance period.
19 applied column
anti-bandit laminated glass a class anti-thrust action a latch mechanism in
of security glass designed to resist break- a mechanical lock whose latch bolt cannot
age for a short length of time; 10 mm be retracted manually.
laminated glass is often used. anti-vacuum valve, vacuum breaker;
anti-capillary groove see capillary a valve in a system of pipework which can
groove. be opened to admit air as compensation
anti-fading glass laminated glass con- for loss of pressure.
taining a special interlayer to absorb 99% anti-vandal glass a class of special lami-
of ultraviolet light, used in display cases, nated glasses which are relatively resistant
shop windows, etc. to protect coloured to vandalism.
objects from fading. Antrodia serialis see white spongy rot.
anti-flooding a description of drainage Antwerp blue, Haarlem blue; a pale
and sanitary components designed to pre- blue pigment, Prussian blue reduced with
vent the return passage of water, foul air, 75% inert pigment, usually alumina
etc. into spaces and systems. hydrate.
anti-flooding gully a drainage gully
containing a valve to prevent the back- apartment formwork, room form-
flow of water or other liquids. work, tunnel formwork; proprietary
anti-flooding intercepting trap a formwork used for casting two concrete
drainage trap containing a check valve, side walls and a horizontal slab spanning
which prevents the passage of foul air between them in one operation.
from a sewer to a drain. apex the highest point of a geometrical
anti-flooding valve a valve which pre- form such as a triangle or cone, or of a
vents a drain or sewer from flooding. pitched or ridge roof.
anti-foaming admixture in concrete- apex stone see saddle stone.
work, an admixture included in a concrete apophyge, apothesis; Gk.; a slight cur-
mix to inhibit the formation of air vature of the top of the shaft of a classical
bubbles. column where it meets the capital, and
antifreezing admixture, antifreeze; bottom where it meets the base.
in concretework, an admixture included in apparatus see equipment.
the concrete mix to raise its temperature
apple [Malus spp.] a genus of European
and prevent it from freezing.
hardwoods with fine-textured timber val-
antimony a brittle, metallic chemical ele- ued for its decorative grain; used for
ment, Sb, used in a number of alloys; tra- veneers and furniture.
ditionally known as stibium.
appliance any mechanical device such as
antimony orange see antimony
a shower, heater, fan, etc. used for a spe-
cific task in a building or technical
antimony vermilion, antimony
orange; a range of bright poisonous red
appliance flexible connection, flexi-
pigments based on antimony trisulphide;
ble rubber hose in gas installations, a
introduced in 1848, they have now largely
length of resilient rubber hose for con-
been replaced by cadmium pigments.
necting the outlet of a gas pipe or riser to
antimony white a white pigment con-
an appliance.
sisting of antimony oxide mixed with blanc
appliance governor in gas installations,
fixe; used as titanium white and usually
a device which regulates the pressure and
marketed under the name ‘Timonox’.
flow of gas to a particular appliance.
antimony yellow see Naples yellow.
application 1 in computing, a series of
antique glass glass with an uneven sur- interrelated software routines designed to
face, hand blown in the traditional way or
perform a specific function.
manufactured to appear that way.
2 a formal written request for an action to
antistatic referring to any device, prod- be undertaken, to order official services or
uct or surface treatment which counter- permits, or for employment; see planning
acts the effects of static electricity. application, interim application.
anti-sun glass see solar control glass. applied column see engaged column.
approval 20
applied sash glazing see secondary aramid fibre a group of very strong,
glazing. tough and stiff synthetic fibres used in
approval the acceptance of a design or the manufacture of radial tyres, fibre-
proposal by a client or local authority; reinforced composites, heat-resistant fab-
generally an announcement to the effect rics and bulletproof vests; one of these is
that certain criteria have been satisfied. commercially marketed as Kevlar.

apron 1 any protective flat vertical com-

Araucaria angustifolia see Parana pine.
ponent or construction designed to pro- arbitration an accepted procedure for
vide a transition between adjacent areas settling disputes, outside the courts but
of wall, such as a wall panel under a win- with legal force, using independent per-
dow opening, an upstand flashing at the sons acceptable to both parties in dispute.
junction of a lean-to roof and upper wall arborvitae see thuja.
abutment or a flashing to direct water
away from an eaves; see window apron, arcade 1 a passage or open walk, often
drop apron. lined with columns carrying arches, and
2 that part of a theatre stage in front of roofed with a vaulted ceiling.
the curtain.
apron eaves piece in sheet roofing, a
T-shaped member used to support the
eaves and provide a drip.
apron flashing a roofing flashing laid at
the junction of the upper end of a pitched
or flat roof and abutting wall or parapet; it
is tucked into the wall with an upstand,
and laid over the roofing. arcade
2 a row of columns surmounted by a
apse a semicircular or polygonal terminat- series of arches.
ing space at or behind the high altar of a
3 a roofed entertainment or commercial
church or basilica, often roofed with a
facility, such as a shopping arcade or
half-dome; Latin form is apsis.
amusement arcade.
apse aisle an aisle within the apse of a
arcade plate in traditional timber frame
church; a deambulatory.
construction, a horizontal member joining
apsidal of a building form, relating to or the tops of aisle posts and supporting
in the form of an apse, semicircular or rafters.
arc doubleau see transverse rib.
aquatic plant any species of landscaping
plant which usually grows in or under arch a two-dimensionally curved beam
water. construction for supporting loads
between two points of support over an
aqueduct a bridge or other structure opening; traditional masonry arches
designed to convey fresh water, usually a
were constructed from wedge-shaped
canal or river supported by piers and
stones locked together by loading from
arches, or a tunnel; from the Latin, aquae
above; a pattern or motif consisting of
ductus, ‘conveyance of water’.
this; types of arch included as separate
aqueous see water-based. entries are listed below:
arabesque arabesque
intricate decoration (Alhambra)
based on Moorish
and Arabic antece-
dents, combining keystone
extrados voussoir
a complexity of
flowing lines with intrados
geometrical and sy- springer
mmetrical patterns. masonry arch
Arabic arch see horseshoe arch.
21 architectural

*acute arch, see lancet arch; *Arabic arch, equilateral arch; *three-hinged arch,
see horseshoe arch; *arcuated lintel, see three-pinned arch; *transverse arch; *tre-
Syrian arch; *basket arch, see three- foil arch; *triangular arch; *tribunal arch;
centred arch; *bell arch; *blind arch; trifoliated arch; *triumphal arch; *Tudor
*cambered arch; *chancel arch; *cinque- arch; *two-centred ogee arch; *Venetian
foil arch; *cinquefoliated arch; *circular arch.
arch; *corbelled arch, corbel arch; *cor-
belled lintel; *crossette, see joggled arch;
*depressed arch, see drop arch;
*depressed ogee arch, see two-centred arch beam see cambered beam.
ogee arch; *depressed three-centred arch;
*discharging arch, see relieving arch; arch brace, concave brace; in tradi-
*draped arch; *drop arch; *Dutch arch; tional timber frame construction, a natu-
*elliptical arch; *equilateral arch; *false rally curved timber member for bracing
arch; *fan arch; *five-centred arch; *flat the junction between a post and beam,
arch; *Florentine arch; *foliated arch, see trussed rafters, etc.; also modern
cinquefoliated, multifoliated, trifoliated equivalents.
arches; *four-centred arch, four-centred arch braced roof truss a simple tradi-
pointed arch, see Tudor arch; *French tional timber roof truss with sloping raf-
arch, see Dutch arch; *gauged arch; ters braced at the eaves with arch braces.
*Gothic arch, see pointed arch; *horse- arch brick see radial brick.
shoe arch; *inflected arch, see ogee arch;
arched beam see cambered beam.
inverted arch; *Italian arch; *Italian
pointed arch; *Italian round arch, see arched head, arcuated head; the
Florentine arch; *jack arch, see flat arch; curved uppermost member of an arched
*joggled arch; *keel arch; *lancet arch; window.
*Moorish arch, see horseshoe arch; *mul- arched truss see trussed arch.
tifoil arch; *multifoliated arch; *Norman
arch; *ogee arch; *parabolic arch; architect a qualified professional or orga-
*pointed arch; *pointed cinquefoil arch; nization who designs buildings and super-
*pointed cinquefoliated arch; *pointed vises their construction.
equilateral arch, see equilateral arch; architect's office, architectural
*pointed horseshoe arch; *pointed multi- practice a private company, owned or
foliated arch; *pointed Saracenic arch, see run by one or a number of architects
stilted arch; *pointed segmental arch; for the professional practising of
*pointed trefoil arch; *pointed trifoliated architecture.
arch; *principal arch; *pseudo four- architectonic having the spatial quali-
centred arch; *pseudo three-centred arch; ties, properties and language special to
*quatrefoil arch; *Queen Anne arch; *rak- architecture.
ing arch, see rampant arch; *relieving architectural pertaining to architecture;
arch; *reverse ogee arch; *Roman arch; relating to, involving, in the manner of
*rood arch; *rough brick arch, rough architecture.
arch; *round arch, see circular arch; architectural design that part of the
*round cinquefoliated arch; *round horse- design of a building produced by an
shoe arch, see horseshoe arch; *round architect, which encompasses technical,
multifoliated arch; *round trefoil arch; structural, aesthetic and financial aspects.
*round trifoliated arch; *Saracenic architectural drawing a drawing pro-
pointed arch, see stitled arch; *segmental duced by an architect as part of design
arch, segmented arch; *semi-arch; *semi- documentation for a building project.
circular arch; *skew arch; *squinch arch, architectural language, vocabulary
see squinch; *stilted pointed arch, stilted the sum of architectural elements, form,
semicircular arch, see stilted arch; detailing, technical and functional solu-
*straight arch, see flat arch; *strainer tions of a building, the expression, sym-
arch; *straining arch; *Syrian arch; bolism and meaning contained therein.
*tented arch, see draped arch; *three- architectural practice see architect's
centred arch; *three-pointed arch, see office.
architecture 22
architecture 1 the art and science of pro- area lighting, floodlighting; the illumi-
ducing built form, the product and study nation of large external areas such as
of this. sports venues, industrial sites, airports,
2 in computing, the specification of the storage depots, etc.
contents and functioning of a particular area of historical interest see historic
computer system or network. site.
architrave 1 a strip or moulding used
arena 1 the main central space of
around a door frame to cover the joint a Roman amphitheatre or circus, or of a
between the door and the surrounding bullring, often sanded, from whence the
construction. name derives (arena is Latin for 'sand').
2 epistyle; in classical architecture, the 2 a modern sports or entertainment
lower horizontal band of an entablature, venue, often along the lines of the above,
supported by columns. a stadium.
3 a beam dividing aisles in a basilica.
arenaceous pertaining to types of soil,
archivolt arcus volutus (Lat.); a decorated rock or landscape composed of or con-
band above or on the soffit of the intra- taining a large proportion of sand; arenite
dos in an arch. is a generic name for arenaceous rocks
arch truss see trussed arch. such as sandstone or other sedimentary
archway an arched construction, often an rock composed of sandy grains.
open door or gateway, with a path, corri- arenite see arenaceous.
dor or throughfare passing through it. argillaceous rock, claystone; rock
arch window a window whose upper which contains an abundance of clay
edge is in the form of an arch. materials.
arc pattern a paving pattern of small argon a gaseous chemical element, Ar,
stones or cobbles laid in a series of paral- used in fluorescent and incandescent
lel curved rows. lamps.
arkose a form of reddish sandstone with
a high content of feldspar.
armour see pitching.
armouring metal covering for an electric
cable to afford protection against external
forces, abrasion, etc.
armour-plated glass see bullet-resis-
tant laminated glass.
arc pattern
aromatic cedar [Juniperus virginiana],
arc welding a method of fusion welding see eastern red cedar.
in which the metals to be joined are arrangement drawing see general
melted together by an electric arc. arrangement drawing.
arcuated of a construction or pattern arriccio, arricciato; in fresco painting,
which features arches as a main structural the coarse middle coat of three coats of
device or motif, or is bowed in shape. plasterwork, between the trullisatio and
arcuated head see arched head. intonaco, on which the design is sketched
arcuated lintel a beam over an opening, out.
whose underside is concave to form an
arris 1 a corner or meeting of two planar
arch; often used as a decorative motif, see
sides of an object such as a piece of tim-
Syrian arch.
ber, masonry unit, etc.; the sharp corner
area a contained or defined part of the line formed by this.
earth's or some other surface, often with a 2 eased arris, see pencil round.
specific function, characteristic or owner- arris fillet see angle fillet.
ship; a district, sector or zone; see also sur- arris gutter in roof construction, a
face area, basement area. V-shaped gutter, often constructed as a
23 asbestos
raised strip of roofing protruding directly metal which is man-made; see also natural
from the roof plane. fibre.
arris knot a knot in seasoned timber artificial light light produced by means
which appears on the longitudinal corner other than by the sun.
of a sawn plank. artificial lighting, illumination;
lighting for a space provided by lamps,
arris knot luminaires or means other than by
daylighting; see also permanent artificial
artificial stone see cast stone.
artificial ultramarine, French blue,
French ultramarine, Gmellin's blue;
arrissed edge see pencil round. an artificial blue pigment made by heat-
ing clay, soda, sulphur and coal, with the
arrowhead 1 in the dimensioning and
same colour and chemical properties as
annotation of drawings, etc., a notation
genuine ultramarine produced from lapis
for indicating where a dimension begins
and terminates.
2 a similar triangular marking for drawing Art Nouveau a movement in art and
attention to recent revisions made to a architecture in Europe from 1890 1910
drawing. characterized by the use of flowing natu-
ralistic ornament and informal composi-
arsenic a grey, poisonous, chemical ele- tions of plan and elevation; regional
ment, As, used in the preservation of
variations include Jugendstil or jugend
wood and as an insecticide.
in northern Europe, Stile Liberty
arsenic trioxide a poisonous, white, (Liberty Style) in Italy, and Secessionist
chemical compound, As2O3, used in the
(Sezessionstil) in Vienna, Austria.
manufacture of pigments, glass and
arsenic trisulphide a yellow or red Art Nouveau
chemical compound, As2S3, used as doorway,
the pigment king’s yellow; see also Finland,
orpiment. 1899–1900;
arsenic yellow see king’s yellow. architects
Art Deco, Style Moderne; a style in Lars Sonck &
Birger Federley
architecture and interiors (originating
from the Exposition de Arts Décoratif in
Paris in 1925) in Europe and America
in the 1920s and 1930s, characterized by
Art Nouveau and Modernist influences, Arts and Crafts a movement in architec-
playful forms and abstract decoration. ture and design from England, initiated by
William Morris in 1867 to counteract
artesando in Spanish architecture, an industrialism; it is characterized by an
intricately carved wooden ceiling of interest in the handcrafted, and uses
Moorish influence. motifs from nature and the Gothic Revival.
articles of agreement in project arylide yellow, Hansa yellow; a range
administration, the document in which of slightly poisonous synthetic organic
parties to a contract undersign as confir- transparent yellow pigments which have
mation of their agreement. good weatherability, light, acid and alkali
artificial cementing, grouting, injec- resistance.
tion; a method of strengthening, stabiliz- asbestos a mineral, magnesium silicate,
ing and waterproofing weak or porous occurring naturally as a glassy rock which
soils or rock by injecting concrete into the can be split into small fibres; formerly
voids therein. used as reinforcement and fireproofing, it
artificial fibre, synthetic fibre; any is hazardous to health and rarely used
fibre of polymer, carbon, glass, ceramic or nowadays in new construction.
Asclepian column 24
asbestos-free slate a roofing tile resem- *coursed ashlar; *dimension stone; *dry
bling a roofing slate, consisting of fibres ashlar walling; *natural stone block;
of a material other than asbestos, and *range work; *rusticated ashlar, rustic
cement. ashlar; *uncoursed ashlar, random ashlar.
asbestos removal, asbestos work; ashlar facing stone facing for rough or
the specialist work involving the disman- rubble masonry or concrete which con-
tling of hazardous asbestos construction sists of thin dimensioned and dressed
and its transport, safely packed, to a place stones; used to provide a fine finish at a
of disposal. lower cost than ashlar masonry.
Asclepian column see serpent column. ashlar masonry see ashlar.
ash 1 [Fraxinus spp.] a
pale hardwood valued
ashlaring, ashlering; in traditional tim-
for its toughness and
ber pitched roof construction, short verti-
flexibility; ash trees are
cal timber members for concealing the
occasionally planted in
internal triangular gap between external
parks and gardens for Fraxinus spp. -
joists, wall plate and rafters and to brace
their large size and
the eaves, often lined with board or
many-stemmed exotic leaf structure; see
infilled with blockwork.
below for the species of ash included in
ashlar post in traditional timber roof
this work.
construction, a short post running from a
American ash [Fraxinus spp.], a common wall plate to a principal rafter as part of
name for the green ash, Fraxinus pennsyl-
vanica, and the white ash, Fraxinus ameri-
cana, North American hardwoods with ash pan a vessel or pit inside a fireplace
tough and flexible grey-brown timber or solid-fuel appliance, located beneath
used for furniture, interiors and tool the grate to collect ash and other debris
handles. from burnt material.
European ash, English ash; [Fraxinus ash pan door a hatch in the front of a
excelsior] a European hardwood with flexi- fireplace or solid-fuel appliance from
ble white to light brown timber; used for which the ash can be removed.
making tool handles, furniture and trim. Asiatic base, Ephesian base; a classical
2 a deposit or residue that remains after Ionic column base which evolved in Asia
the combustion of organic material. Minor, consisting of a drum with scotia
mouldings surmounted by a reeded torus
ashlar, ashlar masonry; masonry moulding.
blocks or facing stone which has been
dimensioned, squarely dressed and laid
in bonded courses with narrow joints; a Asiatic base of
single block of such squared and Ionic order,
dressed stone used in masonry; types of Massalian
ashlar included as separate entries are (Marseille)
listed below: treasury, Delphi,
6th century BC

aspen [Populus tremula, Populus tremu-

loides] see poplar.
asphalt a mixture of bitumen and an
aggregate such as sand used as a hard-
wearing surface in road construction and
ashlar masonry external paved areas.
facing for brick asphaltic concrete a mixture of asphalt
wall and concrete used in road production to
provide a strong, stiff, structural surface.
25 attenuation
asphalt oil see road oil.
asphalt roofing roofing of molten
asphalt laid in successive layers.
asphalt shingles see strip slates.
asphalt topping, asphalt surfacing;
asphalt laid as a final durable and flexible
surface for roads, pavements, etc.
assembly 1 the putting together of pre-
fabricated parts of a component, con- atlas, telamon,
struction or installation on site. Doge's Palace, Venice,
2 a range of components which functions 14th to 15th century
together to form a whole, as in a doorset.
assembly drawing a detail drawing
which shows how a component, joint or Atlas cedar [Cedrus atlantica], see cedar.
construction is assembled or put together atmospheric burner see natural
on site; a construction drawing. draught burner.
assistant one who lends aid, gives advice atmospheric pressure see barometric
and generally helps out in various tasks, pressure.
especially in a design office.
atomizing oil burner a burner in an oil
astragal 1 ‘knuckle-bone’ (astragalos, Gk.); heating system in which oil is dispersed
in classical architecture, a small circular into small droplets and mixed with air
moulding between the shaft and capital prior to combustion.
of a column or pilaster, in the Doric order
typically between the trachelion and atrium Lat.; originally an open central
hypotrachelion. courtyard in a Roman dwelling, sur-
2 baguette moulding; an ornamental rounded by the habitable spaces of the
moulding consisting of a small semicircu- building; an aula in Greek architecture; in
lar projection in cross-section, often incor- early medieval architecture, a forecourt,
porating other motifs such as bead and often colonnaded, in front of the vestibule
reel. of an Early Christian or Romanesque
3 a small dividing glazing bar in a church, called atrium paradisus; a mod-
window. ern derivative is a space in a building
4 a vertical strip attached to the edge of a which functions as a transition space into
door leaf or window frame to close the more important rooms, or a large central
gap between it and the frame. space or court with a glazed roof, and
often the glazed roof itself.
astroturf see synthetic grass.
atrium house originally a Roman dwell-
astwerk see branch tracery. ing type in which the building mass sur-
astylar referring to architecture, usually rounds a main central space, the atrium,
classical, which does not contain columns open to the sky; nowadays a modern
or pilasters. dwelling type planned with rooms
asymmetrical glazing unit, asym- arranged around an open central space;
metrical hermetically sealed double- sometimes constructed with similar build-
glazing unit; a glazed unit with two ings in an adjoined row, also called a
panes of glass of unequal thickness or patio house.
consistency sealed around an edging attached column see engaged column.
strip with a gap usually filled with an attached pier a pier structurally con-
inert gas. nected to or built into a wall to provide
atlas, telamon (Gk.); pl. atlantes; in clas- lateral stability.
sical architecture, a massive carved attack see corrosion, fungal attack.
statuesque stooping male figure, often
serving as a columnar support for a attenuation, absorption, loss; the
pediment. reduction in strength of a signal in a
attenuator 26
telecommunications or sound system with auger a corkscrew-like tool or drill bit
distance from its source; see sound used for boring round holes in solid mate-
attenuation. rial such as wood or stone.
attenuator see muffler. auger bit a spiral drill bit in the shape of
an auger, used for drilling long large-bore
attic 1 an upper room or space contained holes, circular housings, etc.
within the pitched roofspace of a residen-
tial building; see also garret.
2 a blindstory raised above the eaves or
entablature line of a classical building to
conceal the roof, see attic storey.
Attic base the most common classical
column base consisting of an upper and auger bits
lower torus and scotia separated by a fil-
let, primarily found with the Ionic order.
augered pile in foundation technology,
Attic base of a form of bored pile in which the hole is
ionic order, cut with an auger.
temple by the
Ilissus, Athens,
aureolin see cobalt yellow.
Greece, 430 BC auricular ornament,
lobate ornament;
decorative ornament,
attic storey 1 the uppermost storey foliage and volutes,
beneath the pitched roof of a residential resembling parts of
building, containing storage or the human ear, found
habitable space. in early Baroque archi-
2 a storey above the entablature or cor- tecture in northern
nice of a classical building, in strict pro- Europe in the late auricular ornament
portion with lower elements. 1500s and early 1600s.
attic truss a roof truss designed so as auripigmentum see king’s yellow.
to allow for the construction of
habitable roof space between its struc- aurora yellow see cadmium yellow.
tural members. aurum mussivum see mosaic gold.
austenite a solution of carbon and other
materials appearing in gamma iron,
formed when iron is heated over 910 C;
found in some stainless steels used for
attic truss cutlery.
austenitic stainless steel stainless steel
attorney see letter of attorney. which contains 16 19% chromium and
4 6% nickel.
Aucoumea klaineana see gaboon.
Australian blackwood, black wattle
audio-frequency a frequency of sound (Aust); [Acacia melanoxylon] an eastern
within the audible range; frequencies of Australian hardwood with strong, flexible,
any oscillations within this range. golden brown timber; used for furniture,
audio spectrum, acoustic spectrum, interior joinery and woodwind
sound spectrum; in acoustics, the range instruments.
of frequencies and intensities of sound autoclaving, high pressure steam
emitted from a source or sources at any curing, autoclave curing; method of
given time; the measurable make-up of a curing concrete, usually lightweight con-
sound source. crete, by exposing it to high-pressure
auditorium that part of a theatre, con- superheated steam in a sealed vessel (an
cert hall, etc. in which the audience is autoclave) for a given time in order to
seated; any building containing the increase dry shrinkage and speed up
above. hardening.
27 axonometry
autoclaved aerated concrete a form auxiliary pigment a substance used in
of aerated concrete often containing alu- paints as a filler, to improve opacity and
minium or zinc powder as a foaming to strengthen the paint film.
agent, which has been steam cured in avenue 1 a wide, straight street in an
an autoclave to control the aerating urban context lined with broad-leaved
process. trees.
automatic-closing fire assembly a 2 a prehistoric double row of standing
motorized fire door, shutter, etc., normally stones believed to form a ceremonial way
kept in an open position, which closes to a major monument or cult centre.
automatically in the event of fire; an auto- award, prize; a merit, medal, sum of
matic fire door. money, etc. awarded to successful
automatic door a motorized door con- entrants of architectural and design com-
trolled by an optical or motion sensor, petitions, outstanding buildings, etc.
which operates door gear and opens and awl see bradawl.
closes it automatically.
automatic door gear the range of awning, shade; a framed textile external
mechanisms and equipment for control- shading apparatus which can be extended
ling the opening and closing of an auto- obliquely over and in front of windows to
matic sliding or swinging door, operated exclude direct sunlight from interiors.
by signals from detector devices, remote awning window see top-hung case-
controls, etc. ment window.
automatic door operator a motorized
device which controls the opening and
closing of a door leaf. axe a hand tool with a handle and
automatic fire door see automatic-clos- sharpened steel head for shaping and
ing fire assembly. chopping trees and wood, bricks on
site, and for treating and dressing stone
automatic fire extinguisher a fire surfaces by picking and scabbling; types
extinguisher operated automatically by of axe included as separate entries are
detectors in the event of an outbreak of listed below:
fire. *brick axe, see bricklayer's hammer; *chop
automatic fire-extinguishing system, axe; *mason's axe, see masonry axe; pat-
auto-suppression system; any system ent axe; pickaxe, see pick; *rock axe, stone
for detecting a building fire by means of axe, stonemason's axe, trimming axe, see
light, heat or smoke sensors and for extin- masonry axe.
guishing it using an automated system axed finish a rough stonework finish
such as a sprinkler system. produced by dressing with an axe, pick
automatic fire valve see fire valve. or bush hammer.
automatic lighting controller see
photoelectric lighting controller.
axial-flow fan in mechanical ventilation
automation the functioning of a process, systems, a high-efficiency fan which
installation or system without the use of pumps air through the main axis of its
continuous human input; door automa- rotors, installed along a line of ducting.
tion, see automatic door gear.
Axminster carpet a form of carpet with
auto-suppression system see auto- a soft tufted cut pile woven into a base
matic fire-extinguishing system. layer; originating in the English village of
autoxidation the spontaneous oxidation Axminster, Devon.
of a material caused by the presence of axonometry, parallel projection; a
oxygen; weathering and deterioration of method of drawing in which the object is
materials due to this. pictured in three dimensions such that all
auxiliary circuit an electric circuit used lines in each of the three major axes are
as part of an installation for powering aux- parallel; especially pertaining to isometric,
iliary devices such as compressors, fans, dimetric and trimetric projections, though
transformers, etc. usually used for all parallel projections
ayous 28
depicting three dimensions on a flat ayous see obeche.
azo dye one of the largest classes of syn-
axonometric cube see coordinate cube. thetic dyes comprising over half the com-
axonometric projection a form of pro- mercial dyes, manufactured from various
jection drawing using axonometry, depict-
coloured organic compounds containing
ing three dimensions with coordinate
nitrogen and used for colouring fabrics.
planes inclined in relation to one another;
in simplest form an oblique projection azurite, azzura della magna, blue
based on a true plan of a subject laid malachite, mineral blue, mountain
obliquely to the horizontal, usually 45 blue; a mineral form of basic copper car-
and 45 or 30 and 60 (more accurately bonate Cu3(OH)2(CO3)2, used as a clear
called a military or planometric projec- deep permanent water-based blue pig-
tion); verticals are drawn to the same ment since Roman times, and occasionally
scale as the plan and the lines in each as a gemstone.
dimension are drawn parallel; also a azzura della magna see azurite.
generic name for true isometric, dimetric
and trimetric projections, in full ortho- azzuro oltremarino see lapis lazuli.
graphic axonometric projection.
back the reverse, inferior or secondary face backflow prevention device a device
of a piece, component, building, etc.; the for inhibiting the backflow of water in a
surface of a timber board to the reverse drainage or sanitary installation.
side of the outer, usually finished surface, backflow valve, backsiphonage pre-
also called the worse face; the edge of a venter, backwater valve, back-
sawtooth adjacent to its cutting edge. pressure valve; a check valve in a water
back bed in glazing, bedding compound system which allows water in a pipeline to
or a proprietary product applied to a flow in one direction only; see pipe
rebate in a window frame, against which interrupter.
a pane is fixed. back form in concreting, formwork or
back boiler in a heating system, a boiler formwork surfaces used in locations which
fitted to the rear of a solid fuel heater, remain hidden in the final structure; back
which provides the thermal energy for formwork, in full.
water heating; see also high output back background noise, ambient sound;
boiler. in acoustics, general noise present in an
back clearance in glazing, the horizontal environment.
distance between the inner face of the background noise level in acoustics,
pane or glazing unit and its supporting the level of background noise in a space.
frame. back gutter in roof construction, a chan-
back cut veneer decorative veneer nel or gutter formed at the junction of a
formed by peeling the inner side of a half pitched roof and abutment wall, or
log or flitch off-centre on a lathe. behind a parapet or chimney to convey
water away.
back hearth the lowest masonry con-
struction on which combustion takes
place beneath a flue in a fireplace or fire-
place recess; the floor of an open
backing 1 a structural base such as con-
back cut crete, masonry or a framework onto which
veneer cladding is fixed.
2 see back-up material.
backdraught, smoke explosion; a rush backing coat see plaster undercoat.
of air into a room containing smouldering backing strip see back-up material.
contents due to the opening of a door
backings see plastering background.
during a hazardous building fire, causing backnut a nut at a threaded pipework
spontaneous ignition. joint which is tightened to secure the joint
backer see back-up material. between two fittings; see also stop nut.

backfill, fill; in sitework, earth replaced back-pressure valve see backflow

and compacted into an excavation to
cover subsoil foundations and services back putty, bed putty; in glazing, a fil-
once they have been laid. let of putty applied to a rebate in a win-
dow frame, against which a pane is
backflap hinge a hinge whose leaves
are long rather than tall, used for applica- bedded.
tions such as furnishings and table flaps backsaw a handsaw with a rectangular
where a butt hinge is insufficient. blade whose back is reinforced with a
metal strip to inhibit bending; used for
backflow a phenomenon in which liquid
flows along a pipe or channel in the carpenter’s benchwork.
reverse direction to that intended, caused backset the horizontal distance from the
by pressure or a partial vacuum; see also face of the forend of a lock to the centre
backsiphonage. of the keyhole.
backsiphonage 30
backsiphonage backflow of a liquid in bakelite see phenol formaldehyde.
pipework caused by siphonage; see also balanced construction the pairing of
backflow. matched layers in plywood or composite
backsiphonage preventer see back- boards around either side of the central
flow valve. layer to form a symmetrical construction
back sliced veneer decorative veneer and prevent warping.
sliced from the heart side of a half log or balanced door an automatic door
flitch. assembly in which the counterbalanced
leaf swings open around an eccentrically
placed pivot.

back sliced

back to wall pertaining to a soil appli- doors
ance such as a bidet or WC which is con-
nected to a wall or vertical surface, balanced pressure tap a mixer tap,
through which all pipes, drains and out- usually of stainless steel, fitted with a reg-
lets, etc. are connected. ulating device which produces equal pres-
back-up material, backer, backing; sures of hot and cold water drawn from it.
material such as foam rubber strip placed balanced step see dancing step.
into a construction joint to limit the depth balcony an accessible outdoor or glazed
of overlaid sealant. and balustraded platform projecting from
backwater valve see backflow valve. the external face of a building, often for
recreational use.
baffle a strip of material applied into con-
struction joints between components or
balcony-access flats see gallery-access
materials as weather or soundproofing.
balcony glazing a proprietary or spe-
bagasse board a building board manu- cially designed openable glazing assembly
factured from the waste fibres from sugar which provides shelter from the elements
cane processing. by closing off the front and sides of a bal-
baguette moulding see astragal. cony above its balustrade.
Bahia rosewood [Dalbergia nigra], see baldachin, baldacchino, baldaquin;
rosewood. an ornamental canopy of or representing
fabric over an altar, throne, bed or door-
bail see shackle. way; see ciborium.
baked enamel, stoving enamel; any
hardwearing protective polymeric coating
for metal components, building boards, etc.
which requires elevated temperatures to
activate a curing process; also known as
baking enamel, baking finish, stoved
enamel, stoved finish; see also powder coat-
ing, stove enamelling, acrylic stoving
enamel, alkyd stoving enamel. baldachin
baking see stove enamelling.
baking enamel see baked enamel,
acrylic stoving enamel, alkyd stoving balection moulding see bolection
enamel. moulding.
baking finish see baked enamel. balk see baulk.
31 balsa wood
ball and flower, ballflower; an ovular ball clay a fine textured, plastic, adhesive
decorative motif found in the church natural clay used in the manufacture of
architecture of the early 1300s, a stylized earthenware and firebricks.
three-petalled flower enclosing a small ballcock see ballvalve.
ballflower see ball and flower.
carved ball
ball hinge a hinge whose pins rotate
and flower upon a ball-bearing to reduce friction in
(ballflower) turning.
ornament balloon see wire balloon.
balloon frame a form of timber frame
ballast 1 material such as gravel, concrete construction in which vertical studs rise
slabs or cast concrete laid above an insulat- from sole plate to header plate through
ing layer on roofs and walkways to provide two or more stories; intermediate floors
weight and prevent its removal and deter- are carried on wall plates nailed to the
ioration by the forces of weather and wind. inside face of the studs.
2 an electronic component for maintain-
ing a constant current applied to a dis-
charge or fluorescent lamp.
ball-bearing a construction or compo-
nent consisting of a number of steel
spheres arranged in a ring and cased, pro-
viding a frictionless support for a rotating
ball-bearing hinge, ball-bearing butt
hinge; a hinge with a ball-bearing incor-
porated between adjacent knuckles to
reduce friction between them.

ball-bearing butt hinges


ball peen hammer a hammer whose

peen is hemispherical.
ballvalve, ballcock, floatvalve, float
operated valve; 1 a valve in the flushing
cistern of a soil appliance which controls
the level of water therein with the aid of a
ball catch, bullet catch; a catch which float; a flushing valve.
holds a door closed by means of a sprung 2 in plumbing pipework, a valve contain-
ball in a casing, fixed into the edge of the ing a perforated ball, which can be turned
door leaf; see also roller catch. to align with ports in the casing and allow
liquid to pass through.
balsam a fragrant and medicinal resinous
exudation from certain conifers; see
balsam fir [Abies balsamea], see fir.
balsam poplar [Populus balsamifera,
Populus tacamahaca], see poplar.
balsa wood [Ochroma spp.] a group of
South American tropical hardwoods with
soft and extremely light timber; used for
modelmaking, floating construction and
ball catch lightweight insulating coreboards.
baluster 32
baluster one of a series of vertical mem- hollow-stemmed grasses used as a basic
bers, often ornate and carved from stone, structural building material in tropical
which fill the space between the floor or countries.
ground level and handrail or coping of a band 1 in acoustics and electronics, a
balustrade; a similar slender element of range of frequencies between two
timber or metal in a lightweight balus- defined limits.
trade; also called a standard or upright. 2 see moulding.
baluster column any column whose
shaft is short and thick, resembling a bal- band and hook hinge see hook and
uster, especially those in ancient Assyrian band hinge.
architecture, whose carved upper capital, band course, string course; in
lower base and cylindrical shaft form a masonry, a projecting course, decorative
symmetrical whole. moulding, row of bricks, etc. set into an
elevation, often at storey level, to throw
off rainwater and as decoration.
banded column see annulated column,
rusticated column.
banding 1 in decorative veneerwork and
similar crafts, strips of material arranged
around central panels to form a border.
2 a horizontal protrusion round the cir-
cumference of the shaft of a column.
Assyrian baluster
bandsaw a mechanical saw whose blade
Niniveh, Iraq, Assyrian
is a toothed steel belt which revolves
period 850–500 BC between two powered wheels.
bandsawn a description of timber which
balustrade any waist-high barrier, open has been resawn with a bandsaw.
or closed, designed to provide protection banister 1 a light balustrade for a stair
from falling at the edge of a change in comprising a handrail supported on
level; an ornate equivalent of the above, closely spaced balusters.
consisting of a series of ornate vertical 2 one of the balusters in such a stair
members or balusters of stone or wood, balustrade.
often carved, supporting a coping; see banker 1 a timber workbench on which
stair balustrade. traditional stonework is carried out.
2 a rough box, platform or bench in which
small batches of concrete, plaster or mor-
standard, tar are mixed by hand.
banking a sloping mass of earth, an
baptistery, baptistry; a space, area or
separate building of a church or cathedral,
section containing a font where baptism takes
through place.
showing railed
balustrade bar 1 any longitudinal solid length of
material with a uniform cross-section,
balustrade height the total height of a usually metal; called a section when
balustrade measured from finished floor thin-flanged or hollow; types included
level to top of handrail; in a stair this is as separate entries are listed below:
measured vertically from the line of *angle bar, see steel angle; *crow bar;
nosings. *deformed bar; *flat bar, see flat; *glazing
bamboo [Bambusa spp., esp. bar; *hexagonal bar; *locking bar; *panic
Bambusa arundinacea] a group of giant bar; *reinforcing bar; *round bar; *square
33 Baroque

bar; *T-bar, see T-section; *threaded bar, of a pitched roof which covers the joint
see threaded rod; *water bar. between wall and roof.
2 the counter in a bar or restaurant, barge couple, cantilever rafter; in tim-
from which food and drinks may be ber roof construction, one of the short
served. end rafters which projects beyond the
end of a gable wall and onto which barge
boards are fixed.
barbed moulding a decorative mould- barge stone in masonry construction, one
ing with a series of hooked motifs joined
of a series of stones, often projecting, laid
end on end; primarily found in heraldic
along the upper edge of a stone gable.
barite see barytes.
barbed moulding barium a whitish, malleable metallic
chemical element, Ba; see compounds
and products below
barium chromate a yellow chemical
compound, the basic ingredient of the
barbed wire a steel wire product wound pigment barium yellow.
with a series of sharp protrusions; used for barium sulphate a white crystalline
security fencing. solid chemical compound, BaSO4, see
barytes, blanc fixe.
bar bender a manual or powered device barium yellow, lemon yellow, per-
used for bending reinforcement bars into manent yellow, ultramarine yellow,
the desired shapes for reinforced con- yellow ultramarine; a pale yellow pig-
crete; see also bending tool, bar bending ment, now obsolete, consisting of barium
machine. chromate; used formerly in oil paints.
bar bending machine, power
bender; a powered device for bending bark the exterior protective layer of tissue
reinforcement bars. on a tree.
bark beetle [Scolytidae] a family of
bar cramp see joiner’s cramp. insects which damage hardwood trees
bar cropper, bar cutter; in reinforced and their unseasoned timber by burrow-
concretework, a machine or tool used for ing beneath the bark.
cutting reinforcing bars to their desired bark borer [Ernobius mollis] an insect
lengths. whose larvae burrow under the bark of
barefaced tenon joint a mortise and dry softwood logs.
tenon joint in which the tenon is cut to barking chisel, peeling chisel, peel-
one side of the end of a member. ing iron; a wide-bladed chisel or similar
implement for peeling or stripping bark
from boles.
bark pocket see inbark.
bark-ringed knot see encased knot.
barley-sugar column see spiral
barometric damper see draught
tenon joint
barometric pressure, atmospheric
barefaced tongued and grooved pressure; the pressure of the air in the
joint a timber butt joint in which the atmosphere.
grain end has been rebated forming a Baroque an architectural style originating
tongue which is housed in a groove in the from southern Europe in the 1600s and
receiving piece. 1700s, characterized by classical motifs
bargeboard, gableboard, timber- used in a dramatic and theatrical manner,
board, vergeboard; in timber roof con- lavish ornamentation and integration of
struction, a board at a gable end or verge art and sculpture; the three recognized
barrel bolt 34
phases of Baroque architecture are as of reinforced concrete, a document pro-
follows: viding dimensions, bending patterns and
early Baroque c.1580 1620 arrangement of all reinforcement in a
high Baroque c.1620 1670 component.
late Baroque c.1670 1710 bar stop in ornamentation, the termina-
tion of a chamfered moulding or carving
with a protruding carved perpendicular
bar tendon in prestressed concrete, a
single reinforcing bar which acts as a pre-
stressing tendon.
bartizan, bartisan; an overhanging cor-
ner turret in a medieval castle, palace or
fortification, used for defence; often
Baroque doorway, Baroque window applied as ornament in later romantic
Palazzo Zuccari, with broken top revival styles
Florence; segmental bar tracery a range of types of Gothic
Federico Zuccari, pediment; Michna
palace, Prague,
tracery originating in the late 1200s,
1640–1650 formed by vertical window mullions which
interlink to form intricate patterns in the
barrel bolt a simple fastener for a door pointed window head.
or gate consisting of a round metal bar
baryta green see manganese green.
which moves in a tube or ring, fixed to
the door, and engages in a hole in a jamb baryta white see blanc fixe.
or gate post; see also foot bolt, flush slide. barytes, barite, heavy spar; a pale-
barrel nipple, shoulder fitting (Am); coloured mineral, barium sulphate,
in pipework, a short connecting pipe BaSO4, used as a raw material in some
which is externally threaded at either end, white paints, for increasing the specific
and which often has a cast nut in gravity of drilling fluids and for providing
between for tightening with a spanner. protection against radiation; see Bologna
stone, heavy spar.
barrel vault, cradle
vault, cylindrical basalt a blue-grey, brownish or black,
vault, tunnel vault, fine-grained, dense igneous rock, often
wagon vault, wag- used for paving; the earth’s most abun-
onhead vault; a dant volcanic rock type.
masonry or concrete base 1 the lowest, thickened section of a
roof vault which is column, pedestal, etc. beneath its shaft,
semicircular in cross- often decorated, which transfers loading
section, especially used onto a plinth or to a foundation.
in early churches; see 2 a substance which may chemically com-
pointed barrel vault. barrel vault
bine with an acid to form a salt.
barrel vaulted roof any roof structure 3 see substrate.
which is semicircular in section and in the
shape of an elongated semicircular arch. baseboard see skirting board, gypsum
barrier a physical obstacle, rail, etc. base coat, brown coat, browning
designed to prevent access or penetra- coat, floating coat, key coat; in plaster-
tion; types included as separate entries ing and rendering, a roughly finished layer
are listed below: or layers of mortar applied to masonry to
*boom; *cavity barrier, see fire barrier; provide a key or even surface for a finish
*plenum barrier; *vapour barrier. coat.
base course 1 in road construction, a sur-
bar schedule, bending schedule, facing layer of material directly beneath
reinforcement schedule; in the design and supporting the wearing course.
35 basketweave pattern
2 the lowest course of stones, bricks or basilisk, cocka-
blocks in masonry walling, or lowest layer trice; in medieval
of logs in horizontal log construction. ornament and depic-
base floor, bottom floor; the lowest tion, a mythical rep-
constructed floor level of a building, adja- tile born of a
cent to the ground; it may be at basement serpent from a
or ground floor level. cock’s egg, whose basilisk motif
breath or gaze was
basement the usable area of a building believed to be fatal.
that is situated partly or entirely below
ground level and may contain basin an open-topped vessel, often of
habitable rooms; in North America it is ceramics and built into a worktop,
less than halfway below ground level. designed to hold water for washing and
basement area, dry area, area; an other purposes; see handrinse basin.
unroofed narrow external space below basin mixer a mixer tap which can be
street level to provide light, air and often fitted for use with a basin.
access to rooms in a basement of town basin tap any tap which can be fitted for
houses, and to separate external base- use with a basin.
ment walls from the surrounding ground basket arch see three-centred arch.
to prevent entry of water.
basket capital a capital found in
basement parking an area of parking Byzantine architecture, consisting of a
located in the basement of a building.
splayed upside-down pyramid or cone-
base moulding a decorative moulding shaped block with intricate carvings.
at the lower end of the shaft of a column.
base plate see sole plate.
Byzantine basket
base ring, base unit; in drainage, a suit- capital, Hagia Sofia
ably shaped precast concrete, ceramic or Istanbul, Turkey,
plastics component used as the base for 532–537
an inspection chamber or well, around
which it is constructed.
base rock see bedrock.
base sheet, 1 reference drawing,
underlay; a drawing or graphic image
whose information is used, often by tracing
basketweave pattern 1 a paving pat-
tern resembling woven strands, in which
through, in the production of a drawing.
rectangular pavers are laid in twos or
2 first layer felt; in built-up roofing, the
threes side-by-side, forming a series of
lowest layer of bitumen felt, often bonded
squares at right angles to one another;
to the underlying structure and intermedi-
similar patterns in tiling; see half-basket-
ate sheet above.
weave pattern.
base unit see base unit.
basilica a Roman building type, rectangu-
lar in shape with an apse at either end,
used as a court of justice and an
exchange; a similar building type adopted
by the Early Christian church from Greek
and Roman precedents, consisting of a
clerestoried nave, side aisles and termi-
nated with a rounded apse containing an
basilica church a church type based on basketweave paving
a basilica antecedent, usually with a rect-
angular plan divided by colonnades into a 2 a veneering and parquetry grid pattern
nave and aisles, with an apse or apses at in which alternate squares of even size
one end. are laid with their direction of grain
bas-relief 36
running perpendicular to one another, batch a portion of material or goods
forming a chequerboard appearance. mixed for use, packed for delivery, etc. at
any particular time; see concrete batch,
plaster batch.
batch mixer in the production of con-
crete, a mixer which produces a set
amount of concrete at any one time; see
also continuous mixer.
batch production the manufacturing or
veneer pattern
processing of a product or material in a
bas-relief see basso rilievo. series of predetermined quantity rather
than in a continuous run.
basso rilievo, bas-relief, low relief; a batching see proportioning.
form of sculptured relief ornament in
batching plant, batching and mixing
which figures or elements are carved so
plant; an industrial assembly for mixing
as to project half their depth from a sur-
concrete to be used on site.
face or background.
bathroom a room for personal cleaning,
basswood, American lime; [Tilia ameri- containing a bath or shower and other
cana], see lime.
sanitary appliances.
bastard grain grain that forms an angle bathroom lock a lock designed for use
of 30 60 with the face of a piece of principally with the doors of bathrooms,
sawn timber. toilet cubicles, etc., containing a latch with
bastard sawing see through and handles, and a dead bolt operable from
through sawing. the inside only; the dead bolt is con-
nected to an indicator panel to show
bastion a polygonal structure projecting whether the room is occupied or not.
from the main fortified wall of a town or
castle, with two or more long faces meet-
ing at an angle, used for siting cannon
locking snib
and other weaponry to afford clear fire in
a number of directions outside the main lock case
line of defence. indicator panel

bathroom lock

bat’s wing an arched decorative motif

plan showing bastions in St Olaf's
with lines or flutes radiating from a central
castle, Savonlinna, Finland 1475–1495
(as was in 1790)
point, resembling the outstretched wings
of a bat.

bat, 1 brickbat; a full brick cut down to

size in order to act as a space filler in
bonded brickwork; often larger than a
quarter brick; types included as separate
entries are listed below:
*halved three quarter bat; *half bat;
*quarter bat; *three quarter bat.
2 mineral wool and other insulating pro- bat's wing motif
ducts manufactured into thick slabs for
ease of storage and installation. batted finish, broad tooled finish,
striated finish; a stonework finish with a
37 bay
series of parallel cut grooves produced by 3 the job of laying such battens.
dressing with a batting tool. batten roll joint see roll joint.
batted finish batter, rake; a slope in the face of any
massive or retaining wall; in particular, the
outwardly sloping base of a defensive
wall in a castle or fortification, used for
stability and to throw off missiles which
have been dropped from the battlements;
also called battering or a talus.
batten 1 one of a number of strips of
batter pile see raking pile.
timber laid at regular spacing as a base
onto which cladding, sheet materials battery, 1 cell; a portable device for pro-
and tiles may be fixed; types included ducing and storing electricity via chemical
as separate entries are listed below: reaction, used as an energy source in
*counterbatten; *flooring batten; *tiling applications where mains supply is
batten; *roof batten. unavailable or impractical.
2 any sawn timber section with cross- 2 see heating battery.
sectional dimensions of less than 3 see lift battery.
25 mm thick and 25 50 mm wide. battery mould one of a number of
3 in timber classification, a sawn soft- formwork panels used in series for casting
wood section with cross-sectional in-situ concrete.
dimensions of 44 100 mm thick and
100 200 mm wide; always considerably
batting tool, broad tool; a broad-faced
masonry chisel used for dressing stone
wider than thick.
with a batted or fluted finish.
4 parquet batten, see parquet block.
5 see screed batten. battlement, embattlement; a crenel-
lated parapet and walkway in a castle or
fortified wall, used for the purposes of
battenboard a timber building board defence; architectural imitation of this in
formed by gluing veneers on either side decorated building frontages; see also
of a core of solid wood strips with a width crenellation.
greater than 30 mm; the grain of the
veneers runs at 90 to that of the core. crenelle merlon


face battlement
battlemented see castellated.
battlemented moulding see crenel-
lated moulding.
battenboard baulk a piece of sawn timber with cross-
sectional dimensions of 100 3 100 mm or
battened stanchion a composite steel larger; in traditional timber construction, it
lattice column or stanchion in which verti- may be a squared log; any heavy log or
cal rolled steel sections are joined timber; also variously written as bauk, balk
together with stiff horizontal members. or bawk.
battening 1 timber strips attached to the bay, 1 trave; a division in a ceiling or roof
frame of a roof or wall as a base to receive marked out by adjacent vaults, beams or
a finish such as tiling, boarding or clad- arches, especially in stone vaulted
ding, or to support a construction, etc. architecture.
2 a series of shallow timber battens fixed 2 the division of a space defined by the
to floor substructure, onto which wooden spacing of roof trusses, partitions or
flooring or a floating floor is fixed. columns.
bay-leaf garland 38
bay-leaf garland an ornamental motif
found in classical and Renaissance archi-
tecture consisting of a mesh of lines
which intertwine to form openings in the
shape of eyes or bay leaves.

bay-leaf garland

bead edged boarding decorative tim-

ber cladding boards whose edge has
bayonet cap a lamp cap which connects been planed with a bead.
to a holder by means of transverse pins in
its side.
bayonet saw see jigsaw.
bay window a window set into a protru-
sion from the elevational plane of a
beaching small stones of 70 200 mm
used as revetment for embankments.
bead, 1 beading; a thin strip of planed edged
timber or other material used for covering board
joints, fixing of glazing or panelling in
frames and as surface decoration; see beaded joint a brickwork mortar joint in
glazing bead. which the mortar is laid flush with the brick
2 one of a series of decorative small round
surface then scored with a special tool to
(or elongated) hemispheres or half-cylin- form an inset convex shape or bead.
ders carved or machined into a moulding, beaded moulding, paternoster,
board, etc. pearl moulding; an ornamental motif or
3 see bead moulding, beaded moulding
moulding consisting of a row of beads or
bead and quirk moulding see quirk small hemispheres; also loosely known as
bead moulding. a bead moulding; see bead and reel.
bead and reel, reel and bead; a deco-
rative moulding consisting of a series of beaded moulding
small round beads, elongated hemi-
spheres or half-cylinders alternating with
pairs of flattened discs.

bead and reel mouldings beading see bead.

bead moulding, roundel; a slender
decorative moulding, semicircular in
cross-section; when found in classical
architecture it is called an astragal; see
beaded moulding, pellet moulding.
bead saw a small fine-toothed saw,
100 250 mm long, with a reinforced back
and turned handle, used for fine work.
bead polystyrene see expanded
bead boarding decorative timber clad-
ding boards whose surface is planed with
beakhead see beak moulding.
a series of convex mouldings, reeds also beak moulding, 1 beakhead; a decora-
called reeded or moulded boarding. tive moulding of Norman origin formed
39 bearing pile
with pointed projections resembling the composite beam; hollow-core beam;
head of a man, bird or mythical beast *I-beam; *inverted beam; *joggle beam;
with a protruding beak or lip. *L-beam; *laminated timber beam; *lami-
nated web beam; *lattice beam, see
trussed beam; *lintel; *longitudinal beam;
*main beam, see principal beam; *pitched
beam; *plywood box beam, see box
beam; *plywood web beam, ply-web
beam; *precast beam; *prestressed con-
crete beam; *principal beam, primary
beak ornament
beam; *ridge beam; *rood beam; *roof
beam; *secondary beam; *solid timber
2 bird’s beak moulding; a decorative
quadrant moulding with a concave beam; *spine beam, see mono-carriage;
*steel beam; *straining beam; *strut
beam, see collar beam; *summer beam,
see summer; *T-beam, tee beam; *tie
beak moulding
beam; *trabs, trabes; *transverse beam,
see cross-beam; *trimmed beam; *trim-
mer beam, see trimmer; *trussed beam;
*universal beam, see I-section; *upstand
beam; *wind beam, see collar beam.
2 a narrow ray of light or other
3 see cock beak moulding. radiation.
beam block, bond-beam block see
channel block.
beam 1 a horizontal structural member
beam box, beam form; formwork for
which transfers loading from above to a reinforced concrete beam.
its bearing points; types included as beam brick see lintel brick.
separate entries are listed below. beam form see beam box.
beam spread in artificial lighting, the
loading angle over which a spotlight or flood-
light directs the majority of its light
beam unit see precast beam.
beam vibrator in the compaction of
points of fresh concrete, a surface vibrator in the
support shape of a beam.

*anchor beam; *arch beam, arched bearer any device or construction for
beam, see cambered beam; *architrave; holding a component in place; a ceiling
*binder; *box beam; *brick beam, see bearer, gutter bearer, soffit bearer, etc.
reinforced brick lintel; *built-up beam, see
built-up; *cambered beam; *cantilever bearing a structural device which trans-
beam; *collar beam; *composite beam; fers load from a moving, moveable, slip-
*concrete beam; *continuous beam; *cor- ping or rotating part to a fixed support.
rugated ply-web beam; *cross beam; bearing capacity, loadbearing capac-
*double tee beam; *downstand beam; ity, loading capacity; the amount of
*dragon beam, dragging beam; *edge force, pressure, weight or stress that a
beam; *epistyle, see architrave; *filigree material, soil, foundations or a structure
beam; *fish-bellied beam; *flanged beam; can safely withstand without failure.
*framed beam, see trussed beam; *girder;
*glued and laminated beam, glulam
bearing pile, foundation pile; in foun-
dation technology, a pile which transmits
beam, see laminated timber beam;
vertical rather than earth-pressure loads
*ground beam, grade beam; *hammer
to the ground or hard subsoil; see list of
beam; *haunched beam; *hollow
common pile types under ‘pile’.
bearing surface 40
bearing surface any surface which bears bedrock, base
the thrust of a structural component. rock; the solid
bearing wall see loadbearing wall. layer of rock
bearing wall system see loadbearing beneath loose
wall construction. soil, sand or silt
in the earth’s
beast column see animal column. crust, which
Beaux Arts an architectural style originat- may be used as
ing from France at the École de Beaux a firm base
Arts in the 1800s, characterized by monu- for bearing
mental forms and eclectic decoration. foundations. bedrock foundation
bed 1 the lower horizontal surface of a bedstone, foundation stone; a large
brick or stone as laid in masonry. flat boulder used as a foundation, usually
2 bedding; a layer of material, often mor- for a temporary or traditional timber
tar, in which a brick, block or stone is laid; building.
the horizontal joint thus formed; a bed joint. beech [Fagus spp.] a group of hardwoods
3 floor bed, see ground supported floor. from Europe, Asia Minor, Japan and North
4 the lower surface of a roofing slate. America whose heavy, strong, hard,
5 stratum; in geology, a layer of sedimen- tough, pale pink timber has flecked mark-
tary rock and the natural plane in which it ings; used for flooring, interiors and furni-
lies in the ground. ture; a large tree, often planted in parks
6 a piece of furniture designed for sleep- and gardens, with many available variants;
ing in. see below for list of beech species
bedding 1 in masonry construction, the included in this work:
laying of a brick, block or stone into mortar European beech [Fagus sylvatica] a
or another cementitious material, and tap- European hardwood with pinkish, mottled
ping it into the correct position; see bed. timber; used for flooring, interiors and
2 see also edge bedding, face bedding, furniture.
glazing bedding, mortar bedding, sand American beech [Fagus grandifolia] a
bedding. North American hardwood with whitish
pink timber; used for interiors and
bedding compound 1 a compound
applied beneath materials as bedding.
2 a compound applied to joints between beeswax wax produced by bees, applied
components. with a solvent to finished joinery and
polished as a surface treatment
bedding mortar 1 coarse cement con-
sisting of a binder (lime, cement, etc.), fine
aggregate and water used in masonry- beetle, 1 maul; a sledgehammer with a
work as a jointing material onto which wooden head, used for driving in pegs,
successive courses are laid; also called wedges and staves.
masonry mortar. 2 any hard-shelled insects of the order
2 see tiling mortar. Coleoptera, many of which cause dam-
bedding plant in landscaping, any plant, age to trees, timber, and timberwork in
usually flowering, seasonally planted in buildings; species included as separate
ornamental flower beds. entries are listed below:
*ambrosia beetle [Scolytidae,
bed joint, horizontal joint; a horizontal Platypodidae]; *bark beetle [Scolytidae];
joint between two courses of stones, *common furniture beetle [Anobium
bricks or blocks laid in masonry. punctatum]; *death-watch beetle
bed mould in classical architecture, the [Xestobium rufovillosum]; *furniture bee-
flat fascia course directly beneath a cor- tle; *house longhorn beetle [Hylotrupes
nice; also called a bed; the lowest mould- bajulus]; *longhorn beetle
ing in any band of mouldings. [Cerambycidae]; *lymexylid beetle, ship
timber beetle; *sawyer beetle
bed moulding see bed mould. [Monochamus]; *spruce beetle [Tetropium
bed putty see back putty. spp.]; *woodworm, see furniture beetle.
41 bend
Belfast truss a roof truss composed of a belled pile see under-reamed pile.
curved upper chord and flat lower chord bell face hammer a hammer whose
braced by diagonals; a bowstring truss. striking face is rounded so as to avoid
damaging the surrounding surface when
driving nails.
Belfast truss
bell gable see bellcote.
bell pliers large pliers with notched jaws,
Belgian truss see fink truss. side cutters and a notched depression;
bell 1 the bulging part of a hammerhead used for gripping and cutting wire.
which bears the striking face, opposite the
belt sander a hand-held power sanding
tool with a motor-driven belt of sand-
2 see socket.
paper or abrasive cloth.
3 a percussive or electronic device which
produces a noise to draw attention, as in bench 1 a hard seat of stone, timber,
an alarm bell or door bell. metal or plastics for a number of people,
4 see calathus. with or without a back.
2 a workman’s table, see workbench.
bell-and-spigot joint see spigot-and-
socket joint. bench chisel a traditionally wooden-
handled chisel used for general woodwork.
bell arch a round arch supported on cor-
bels with rounded undersides, often in a bench grinder, grinder, grinding
different stone; see reverse ogee arch. wheel; a benchtop power tool with a
rigid rotating disc of abrasive material,
used for sharpening tools and grinding
metal surfaces.
benching 1 a horizontal ledge in an
embankment or other earthwork.
2 the addition of concrete to support and
reinforce an embankment.
3 sloping side construction in the base of
bell arch a drainage manhole to control the flow of
water and provide a base to stand on.
bell capital, 1 blossom capital, cam- benchmark 1 in engineering, computing
paniform, open capital; an Egyptian and technology, a predefined standard or
capital carved in the form of an upside- set of operations against which to test
down bell in stylized imitation of an open systems under trial.
papyrus or lotus flower; see papyrus 2 in surveying, a fixed point of known
capital. position and altitude, used as a datum
from which other measurements can be
bench plane a flat-bottomed wooden or
metal plane used for reducing, levelling
and smoothing wood; a generic term for
all flat and wide-bottomed planes.

2 a medieval capital type with a central

bench saw, joiner saw; a cross between
conical drum terminated at upper and a handsaw and a spineless backsaw.
lower edges by rings, discs or annulets. bench vice, carpenter’s vice; a vice
3 see trumpet capital. used by a carpenter, fixed or incorporated
bell cast in renderwork, the thickening of into a workbench to hold pieces in place
the lower edge of a laid render coat to act whilst they are being worked.
as a drip.
bellcote, bellcot, bell gable; a small bend a curved pipe fitting to change
belfry which surmounts the ridge of the direction of flow in a pipeline or duct;
roof of a church or public building.
bending 42

types included as separate entries are of water content; used also in rubber
listed below: compounds and synthetic resins.
*bent ferrule; *branch bend; *elbow; *fire bent-up bar in reinforced concrete slabs
bend; *knee, see elbow; *knuckle bend; and beams, a tensile reinforcing bar in a
*long radius bend; *machine bend; beam which has been bent to provide
*pulled bend; *reducing bend. shear reinforcement.
benzol black see carbon black.
bending 1 in structures, the bowing Berlin blue a name for the pigment
deformation of a beam or other member Prussian blue used especially in France.
under load.
2 the forming of materials or components beryl a colourless or variously coloured
such as metal pipes and profiles with bends. mineral used as ornamentation and gem-
bending moment, moment of stones (emerald, aquamarine) and as an
deflection; the total bending effect at ore for the extraction of beryllium.
any section of a loaded beam caused by Bessemer steel high grade steel manu-
the turning effect of remote force upon a factured in a converter using the
point; units are Nm. Bessemer process, in which hot air is
bending radius in the bending of pipes blown through molten pig iron in a con-
and other metalwork, the radius of curva- verter to reduce the quantities of undesir-
ture of a bend. able elements such as phosphorus and
bending schedule see bar schedule. silicon.
bending strength, flexural strength;
best reed, Norfolk reed; unbroken
the ability of a beam or other structural
stalks of the water or common reed
element to resist forces in bending.
[Arundo phragmites, Phragmites australis],
bending stress in structures, the stress,
dried and used as thatched roofing,
usually in a beam, caused by a bending
mainly in marshy areas of England, espe-
cially East Anglia.
bending tool, hickey (Am), hicky
(Am); a hand tool used for bending rein- beton brut an untreated in-situ concrete
forcement bars, pipes, etc. into their finish which bears the indentations and
desired shapes. markings of the sawn boards into which it
was cast.
bent pertaining to pipes, glass, timber
and metals which have been curved using better face see face side.
a special tool, pressure or casting process. Betula spp. see birch.
bent ferrule, bend; in water and gas
pipework, a pipe fitting with a 90 bend. bevel, 1 chamfer, splay; the blunting
bent glass, curved glass; glass that has with a slanting edge of a right-angled or
been reheated and curved in a kiln for sharp corner.
use in special glazing applications.
bent plywood plywood which has been
bent using jigs during the gluing stage of
production; used for specially shaped inte-
rior panels and furniture.

bent plywood
used for seat 2 see bevel moulding.
of the Paimio 3 a slanting planar surface in a piece of
chair, Alvar glass, usually formed by grinding an edge.
Aalto 1933
4 see also grinding bevel, honing bevel,
bevel square.
bevel edge chisel see bevelled-edge
bentonite suspension a thixotropic
drilling fluid consisting of bentonite and bevelled joint any timber corner joint
water; betonite is a form of clay which where the parts to be joined have been
undergoes great expansion with increase bevelled to fit together, see below.
43 binder
contract, usually in competition with
others for the same item; see tender.
bidet a seated sanitary appliance for
joints washing the private parts, consisting of a
bowl connected to a water supply and
bevelled bidet shower a shower hose and head
corner assembly in proximity to a WC suite and
connected to a water outlet.
scarf joint biennial any species of plant planted as a
seed one year and which flowers, seeds
bevelled corner joint, splayed corner and dies the following.
joint; a timber corner joint in which the
halved ends of members are bevelled for
bi-fold door a horizontally folding door
with two leaves, hinged in the middle.
increased strength and convenience.
bevelled halved joint, splayed
halved joint; a timber halved joint
whose laps are bevelled for increased
bevelled housed joint in timber frame
construction, a joint in which one member
is received into an angled recess or hous-
ing in another.
bevelled scarf joint, longitudinal bi-fold door
bevelled halved joint, straight bev-
elled halved joint; a timber lengthen- BIIR see bromine butyl rubber.
ing joint in which the halved ends are billet, billet moulding; a decorative
bevelled to fit together. moulding, found especially in
bevelled-edge chisel, bevel edge Romanesque architecture, consisting of a
chisel; a sturdy chisel whose blade is bev- series of recessed cylinders or rectangles
elled on both long edges as well as its arranged in a chequered pattern; see
end, used for the cleaning of edges, round billet, roll billet, square billet.
rebates and mortises in woodwork. billet moulding
bevelled moulding see bevel moulding.
bevel moulding a decorative moulding
whose cross-section is that of a fillet
splayed to the vertical; also known as a
chamfered or splayed moulding. bill of quantities, bill of materials
bevel square, bevel; a measuring tool (Am); a written contract document pro-
duced by a quantity surveyor containing
with a hinged metal blade or two jointed
an itemized list of all materials, methods
legs used for measuring, checking and
and workmanship for a particular con-
marking out angles.
struction project; see priced bill of
bianco sangiovanni, St John’s white, quantities.
lime white; a white pigment consisting
of a mixture of calcium hydroxide and cal-
binder, 1 binding agent, cementitious
cium carbonate used in fresco painting.
material; any material, usually a liquid
which hardens, used in mortar, concrete,
bibcock see bib tap. paints, plaster, etc. for bonding a mass of
bib tap, bibcock; a simple water tap for solid particles together; see paint binder.
filling or emptying vessels, etc. whose 2 in timber frame construction, any hori-
nozzle is bent downwards. zontal timber member used for holding
together a series of components, studs,
bice a variety of Bremen blue pigment. rafters, etc. of a timber frame.
bid, offer; an offer of a sum of money for 3 binding beam, binding joist, bridging
goods or a price for the gaining of a joist; in traditional timber frame
binding agent 44
construction, a heavy main beam or joist green foliage and attractive smooth bark;
which gives intermediate support to floor see below for birch species included in
or roof joists. this work:
4 a timber tie beam for connecting the European birch, silver birch, downy
upper ends of parallel side walls to pre- birch; [Betula pendula, Betula pubescens]
vent them from splaying outwards. a collective name for timber of the silver
5 see stirrup. and downy birches, species of European
binding agent see binder. hardwood with hard, strong, white to pale
brown, uniform timber; used for making
binding beam see binder. furniture and plywood and whose burr is
binding course in stone and brick often used in decorative veneers.
masonry, a row of through stones or paper birch [Betula papyrifera] a North
bricks laid crosswise to internally stabilize American hardwood with brown timber;
a wall, join two leaves together, etc. used as sawn boards, in plywood, furni-
ture and interiors.
binding joist see binder. yellow birch [Betula alleghaniensis] a
binding wire, annealed wire, iron North American hardwood with light
wire, tying wire; in reinforced concrete, brown to deep russet hardwearing timber;
soft iron wire for tying reinforcing bars used for plywood and turnery.
together before the casting of concrete.
bird cherry [Prunus padus], see cherry.
biodegradable waste see organic bird-pecked finish see sparrowpecked
biotite a form of dark brown, green or bird’s beak moulding see beak
black mica, a soft potassium iron magne-
sium silicate mineral; see black mica,
glauconite. bird’s eye in woodwork and joinery, per-
taining to certain cuts of the sugar maple
bi-part folding door a vertical folding with small circular markings on the wood
door leaf of two horizontally hinged
surface, valued for their decorative
panels, which lie in a horizontal plane
above the doorway when the door is fully
open. bird’s head sculpted band ornament
with a row of bird heads as if hung down-
wards, found especially in English Norman

bi-part folding
door bird's head ornament

bi-parting door see centre-opening birdsmouth, sally; in timber frame con-

door. struction, a notch cut into the end of an
inclined timber to receive a horizontal
birch [Betula spp.] a group of hardwoods timber running perpendicular to it; used
from the northern hemisphere with hard, for the housing of rafters; other similar
pale timber; used for notches in other components:
furniture, interior join-
ery, pulp and ply-
wood; birch plywood birdsmouth
is plywood in which housing
all or face plies are of
birch veneer; birch
trees are occasionally
Betulus pendula – birdsmouth in
planted in parks and
silver birch lower piece
gardens for their pale
45 bituminous
birdsmouth brick birdsmouth brick consisting of a thin fibrous mat of polyes-
a special brick man- ter or glass fibres saturated with bitumen
ufactured with an or a bitumen-polymer; used for roofing,
indented end, tanking, etc.
designed for use in bitumen felt roofing see bituminous
decorative brick- felt roofing, built-up roofing.
work and at an bitumen impregnated softboard
internal obtuse corner in a brick wall. a low density fibreboard impregnated
birdsmouthed notched joint see with 10 30% bitumen as water
birdsmouth joint. resistance.
birdsmouth joint, birdsmouthed bitumen macadam, bitmac; a tempo-
notched joint; in timber roof construc- rary or base surfacing for roads, coarser
tion, a joint formed by notching the than asphalt, consisting of graded aggre-
extremity of a rafter with a birdsmouth gate coated with bitumen to provide
and fastening it to a wall plate; any joint adhesion.
similar to this. bitumen paint see bituminous paint.
Birmingham wire gauge, Stub’s wire bitumen-polymer membrane
gauge; abb. BWG; a classification of thick- bitumen-polymer sheet used as tanking
nesses for wire and steel sheet, based on or roofing.
imperial units. bitumen-polymer sheet a form of bitu-
minous felt which contains a polymer
biscuit referring to ceramic products modifier and is reinforced with a layer of
which have been fired but have not under- fibreglass or other mesh.
gone further treatment such as glazing. bitumen primer in bituminous roofing,
bismuth white, Bougival white; a a bituminous liquid applied as a water-
white pigment consisting of bismuth proofing coating and to glue down suc-
nitrate, used in the early 1900s and now cessive layers of roofing felt.
largely replaced by zinc white. bitumen roofing see bitumen felt roof-
ing, bituminous roofing.
bistre, bister, brown lampblack; a bitumen shingles see strip slates.
yellowish brown pigment consisting of
bitumen solution a viscous liquid con-
soot containing tar from the charring of
sisting of bitumen and a solvent, used for
beech wood; used as a watercolour wash.
masonry tanking, waterproofing layers,
bit 1 a replaceable rotating blade or tip for coating steelwork and the underbodies of
use with a power tool; see cutter, drill bit, cars, etc.
screwdriver bit.
bituminous pertaining to any material,
2 a unit of information in a binary system.
product or method based on or contain-
bitmac see bitumen macadam. ing bitumen or coal tar.
bitter spar see magnesite, dolomite. bituminous adhesive any adhesive
based on bitumen or coal tar used for
bitumen a solid or viscous black tarry liq- bonding sheet materials such as roofing
uid found naturally or produced from the felt and linoleum.
distillation of petroleum, used as a binder, bituminous binder a bituminous mate-
an adhesive and for waterproofing rial that has adhesive and waterproofing
membranes. properties.
bitumen-based coating material see bituminous coating a thin layer of bitu-
bituminous paint. men, applied hot by mopping, used in
bitumen-coated chipboard chipboard tanking and roofing, etc.
which has been precoated with bitumen. bituminous felt see bitumen felt.
bitumen emulsion a dispersion of bitu- bituminous felt roofing roofing or
men in water with an emulsifying addi- layers of laid bituminous felt, either glued
tive; used in construction for the bonding on flat roofs using bituminous solutions or
of overlapping membranes and general tacked on pitched roofs using clout nails;
waterproofing. see built-up roofing, roll-jointed roofing,
bitumen felt, bituminous felt, roof- lap-jointed roofing, strip slates (bitumen
ing felt; a waterproofing membrane shingles).
black 46
blackbutt [Eucalyptus pilularis], see
black cherry, American cherry; see
black cottonwood [Populus trichocarpa],
see poplar.
black gum see tupelo.
bituminous felt
roofing with black iron oxide see iron oxide.
conical roll joints black lead see graphite.
bituminous membrane a general black locust an alternative name for tim-
name for bitumen felt and other similar ber from the robinia tree.
bituminous paint, bitumen paint, black maple [Acer nigrum], see maple.
bitumen-based coating material; black mica a black or dark-coloured form
paint or a thin coating consisting of of biotite mineral.
asphalt or bitumen in a solvent or emul-
sion, used for protecting ferrous metals.
black oxide of cobalt, cobalt black;
cobalt oxide, Co3O4, similar in properties
bituminous putty in glazing, a kind of
to Mars black or black oxide of iron, used
putty which consists of bituminous pro-
as a black pigment.
ducts and elastomers.
bituminous roofing any waterproof black oxide of iron see Mars colour.
roofing which is bitumen-based; often black oxide of manganese natural
bituminous felt roofing; see bituminous manganese dioxide formerly used as a
felt roofing, built-up roofing. black pigment; see manganese black.
black a general name for achromatic black poplar [Populus nigra, Populus
shades of colour which reflect very little spp.], see poplar.
light and are at the dark end of the grey blacksmith’s hammer a traditional
scale; types of black pigment included name for an engineer’s hammer.
as separate entries are listed below: black spruce [Picea mariana], see spruce.
*benzol black, see carbon black; *black
lead, see graphite; *black oxide of cobalt; black spruce beetle [Tetropium casta-
*black oxide of iron, see Mars colour; neum], see spruce beetle.
*black oxide of manganese; *blue black, black walnut see walnut.
see vine black; *bone black; *carbon
black; *cobalt black, see black oxide of
black wattle see Australian blackwood.
cobalt; *coke black, cork black, see vine blackwood see Australian blackwood
black; *Davy’s grey; *diamond black, see [Acacia melanoxylon].
carbon black; *drop black; *Frankfurt blade the metal cutting edge of a knife,
black; *gas black; *German black, grape plane, saw or any other cutting tool.
black, see vine black; graphite; *ivory
black; *kernel black, see vine black; blanc fixe, baryta white, constant
*lampblack; *manganese black; *Mars white, enamel white, permanent
black, see Mars colour; *oil black; *Paris white; a form of artificial barium sulphate,
black; *pine soot black; *slate black; *vine BaS04, used as a base and inert pigment
black; *yeast black. in paints.
blanc titane see titanium white.
black alder [Alnus glutinosa], see alder. blank 1 in mass-produced manufacturing,
a piece of material (metal, timber or plas-
black and white work traditional
tics), which has been roughly shaped or
English and central European half-tim-
moulded before working into a finished
bered wall construction in which the
state; see preform.
exposed timber frame is blackened and
2 see blind.
the wattle and daub infill is rendered
white. blank cap see end cap.
47 blind
blank tracery see blind tracery. bleed-through see bleeding.
blank window a window opening which bleed valve see air release valve.
has been walled up; often the same as a blemish an undesirable feature, stain, etc.
false window. that depreciates the visual appearance of
blast cleaning a method of cleaning a product, surface or finish, but has no
large masonry and concrete surfaces by effect on its quality.
projecting a gas (usually air), a liquid (usu- blend see mixture.
ally water), or an abrasive through a noz-
zle at high velocity. blended aggregate a mix of more than
one type of aggregate in concrete.
blast-furnace a large industrial vessel
where iron is smelted from iron ore by blended cement, blended hydraulic
mixing it with limestone and coke and cement; a cement composed of a latent
heating at 1100 C. hydraulic binder such as ground blast-
blast-furnace cement, blast-furnace furnace slag, pozzolana or fuel-ash mixed
slag cement; a blended cement com- with ordinary Portland cement; the mix
posed of ground blast-furnace slag mixed produces a chemical reaction which
with a hydraulic binder such as Portland improves the properties of the cement.
cement. blended hydraulic cement see
blast-furnace concrete see slag blended cement.
blast-furnace slag a clinker composed
blending see mixing.
mainly of calcium, magnesium and alumino- blind 1 a retractable shading device for a
silicates, a by-product of steel production window or other glazed opening, often of
used as a binder and aggregate in concrete. textile or slatted construction; see also
blast-furnace slag cement see blast- venetian blind, roller blind.
furnace cement. 2 blank; referring to an opening in con-
struction which has been walled up, or a
blasting, shot firing; the removal of rock decorative panel on a wall which imitates
from the ground, either for commercial
a window, door, tracery or some other
use or during excavation, using explosives.
blasting treatment the high-velocity blind arcade an arcade whose arches
projection of a gas, liquid or granular solid have been blocked up with masonry infill;
as a cleaning treatment and for producing a similar decorative effect formed by a
a finish on stone, concrete, etc. series of arches on a solid masonry wall.
blast-resistant laminated glass glass
specially manufactured with interlayers to
have anti-bandit and bullet-resistant
blast venting panel, blast wall; a blind arcade
panel wall designed to give way in the
event of an explosion, thus absorbing
some of its energy.
blast wall a structural wall designed to aisle
afford protection from an explosion; see
also blast venting panel.
Gothic church, section
bleb see blow-hole.
blind arch an arch which is blocked up,
bleeding, 1 bleed-through; a discolour- or appears as decoration on the surface of
ing defect in a paint finish appearing a solid masonry wall.
where pigment or other material has dif- blind door see false door.
fused into the paint film from below. blind dovetail joint see lapped dovetail
2 see concrete bleeding. joint.
bleeding Stereum [Stereum sanguino- blind hinge see concealed hinge.
lentum] a fungus which attacks wood in blind mortise see stopped mortise.
exterior timberwork and in storage. blind nailing see secret nailing.
blinding 48
blind tracery, blank tracery; Gothic 3 an urban plot of densely built form
tracery carved onto masonry wall surfaces bounded by three or four intersecting
and timber panelling as relief ornament. streets.
blind window see false window. 4 a building with a number of floors; a
blinding a layer of lean concrete multistorey building.
50 100 mm thick laid over soil to seal the 5 see blockage.
ground and provide a clean bed for fur- 6 see title block.
ther construction work.
blinding concrete concrete suitable for
use as a blinding over soil to seal it and blockage, block; in pipework, trapped
provide a clean bed for subsequent con- solid matter which inhibits the flow of a
struction work. liquid or gas, or the resulting problem
blinding course in construction of roads caused by this.
and external paving, a layer of concrete, blockboard a timber building board
crushed rock, gravel or sand laid to pro- formed by gluing veneers on either side
tect the surfacing from moisture rising up of a core of solid wood strips with a width
from the underlying ground. of between 7 30 mm; the grain of the
blindstory 1 a portion of the external veneers runs at 90 to that of the core.
wall of a building one storey high with no
openings; often a full storey parapet wall core
above roof level.
2 in church architecture, a triforium with a
blind arcade.
blister 1 an imperfection in glass consist- face
ing of a trapped bubble of gas.
2 blistering; a defect in a plaster finish
consisting of a local swelling which may
cause the plaster to peel away from its blockboard
3 blistering; a defect in a paintwork finish
consisting of trapped air bubbles caused block capital a common Romanesque
by the evaporation of moisture or other capital whose roughly cubic form has a
substances beneath the paint surface. rounded undersurface; also called a cush-
blister figure a decorative mottled ion capital or cubic capital.
figure in veneers cut from timber with irreg-
ular grain, resembling blisters in the surface. Romanesque block
blistering see blister. capital, Church of
St Michael,
Hildesheim, Lower
block, 1 building block, masonry Saxony, Germany,
block; a generic term for rectangular 1007–1033
units of mineral material, solid, perfo-
rated or otherwise shaped, used in
masonry construction; may be made of block end ridge tile, ridge end; a
clay, concrete or other mineral composi- ridge capping roof tile specially formed
tion and is usually larger than a brick; with one closed end to cover the end of a
examples included as separate entries ridge.
are listed below:
*concrete block; *hollow clay block; *glass block flooring see end-grain wood
block; *paving block, see concrete block block flooring.
paver. blockout see box out.
2 any small solid piece of material such
as stone, metal, wood, plastics, etc.,
block paver see concrete block paver.
often a squared lump used in construc- block paving see concrete block paving.
tion used as a spacing, filling or packing block plan, location plan; a drawing or
piece, e.g. a location block. vignette on a drawing which shows the
49 blue
location in plan of a site with respect to blown vinyl relief wallcovering
other parts of an area, or the location of wallcovering whose face surface has been
part of a building with regard to the whole, rendered with a raised pattern, formed by
usually drawn as simple outlines or blocks. foaming a layer of polymer such as PVC.
block plane a small one-handed plane blow out in concretework, the removal of
for smoothing and finishing small pieces, unwanted material, debris, etc. from
especially useful for working the end grain inside formwork with compressed air
of wood. before casting of concrete.
blockwork 1 walling construction in laid blowtorch see blowlamp.
blocks, or the result of this process.
2 see log construction.
blue a general name for shades of col-
bloom see efflorescence. our in the visible spectrum with an elec-
blossom capital see bell capital. tromagnetic wavelength in the range
440 480 µm; blue pigments included as
blow see throw. separate entries are listed below:
blower see fan, fan unit. *Alexandrian blue, see Egyptian blue;
blow forming a method of forming ther- *alizarin blue, see alizarin; *Antwerp blue;
moplastics moulded products by fasten- *artificial ultramarine; *azure cobalt, see
ing a heated sheet around its edges and cobalt blue; *azzura della magna, see
blowing it like a bubble; may or may not azurite; *azzuro oltremarino, see lapis
be blown against a mould. lazuli; *Berlin blue; *bice; *blue ashes;
*blue bice; *blue celeste, see cerulean
blow-hole, bleb, bug hole; in concrete- blue; *blue malachite, see azurite; *blue
work, a pitted defect in a hardened con- verditer; *Bremen blue; *bronze blue;
crete surface caused by air pockets *Brunswick blue; *caeruleum, see cerulean
released from the concrete and becoming blue; *celestial blue; *cerulean blue;
trapped against the formwork. *Chinese blue; *cobalt blue; *cobalt ultra-
blowlamp, blowtorch; a portable marine; *coelin, coeruleum, see cerulean
burner with a hot and accurate flame pro- blue; *copper blue, copper green; *corru-
duced by the forcing of liquid fuel leum blue, see cerulean blue; *cyanine
through a nozzle, and ignition on mixing blue; *Egyptian blue; *French blue, French
with air; used for various jobs on site such ultramarine, see artificial ultramarine;
as warming, melting, cutting, etc. *Gahn’s blue; *Gmellin’s blue, see artificial
blow moulding a method of forming ultramarine; *green ultramarine, see
hollow thermoplastics products by blow- ultramarine, ultramarine green; *Haarlem
ing air into a heated mould; sheet mate- blue, see Antwerp blue; *Indian blue, see
rial is thus forced against both halves of indigo; *indanthrone blue, see indan-
the mould. threne; *indigo; *intense blue, see phtha-
locyanine pigment; *iron blue, see
blown bitumen, oxidized bitumen; Prussian blue; *Italian blue, see Egyptian
bitumen through which air has been blue; *king’s blue; *lazuline blue, see lapis
blown to improve its elasticity and raise lazuli; *Leyden blue; *manganese blue;
its softening temperature. *Milori blue, see Prussian blue; *mineral
blown glass any glass traditionally pro- blue, see azurite; *Monastral blue, see
duced by manual blowing; see blown phthalocyanine pigment; *mountain blue,
sheet glass, crown glass. see azurite, Bremen blue; *Paris blue,
paste blue, see Prussian blue; *phthalocy-
blown oil, blown linseed oil; refined anine blue; *Pompeian blue, Pozzuoli
linseed oil which has had air blown
blue, see Egyptian blue; *Prussian blue;
through it to promote oxidation and
*Saxon blue, see smalt; *soluble blue;
thickening; used as a vehicle in paints.
*steel blue, see Prussian blue; *thalo blue,
blown sheet glass traditional sheet see phthalocyanine pigment; *Thénard’s
glass formed by blowing glass into cylin- blue, see cobalt blue; *ultramarine, ultra-
drical moulds, allowing it to cool, then marine blue; *Vestorian blue; *Vienna
cutting, reheating and flattening it. blue; *woad; *zaffer, zaffre.
blue ashes 50
blue ashes a variety of Bremen blue board cladding see timber cladding,
pigment. weatherboarding.
blue bice a variety of Bremen blue board finish plaster, board plaster;
pigment. hemihydrate plaster used as a finish for
blue black see vine black. even surfaces such as gypsum plaster-
board and other relatively smooth build-
blue celeste see cerulean blue. ing boards.
blue fungus see blue stain. board flooring flooring composed of
blue malachite see azurite. dressed wooden boards laid side by side,
either laid over joists or on battens over a
blue stain, blue fungus; an unsightly concrete slab; see wood board flooring.
blue tinge on timber caused by fungal
micro-organisms such as Ophiostoma board formwork formwork in which the
minus, which does not affect its strength concrete is placed against an assembly of
or other physical properties. sawn timber boards, plywood or other
building boards.
blue verditer a variety of Bremen blue
pigment. boarding, 1 sheathing; the cladding of
a building frame in building board as stiff-
blushing a defect in a transparent lac- ening, weatherproofing, lining, etc.; the
quer or varnish finish consisting of a milki-
boards thus fixed.
ness caused by moisture or cold.
2 sawn or planed timber boards or planks
bms see building management system. laid side by side as cladding or lining for a
board 1 any rigid sheet material of wood, frame; see roof boarding, floorboards,
plaster, plastics, etc. used in construction weatherboarding, siding.
for cladding and bracing a frame; a build- board-marked finish a finish for con-
ing board. crete in which the pattern of the boards
2 in the conversion of timber, a piece of used as formwork is evident in the surface.
sawn timber with cross-sectional dimen-
board on board cladding, staggered
sions of less than 38 mm thick and greater
than 75 mm wide; in general any sawn or
siding; external timber cladding of
boards laid vertically in two layers so that
planed section of timber of similar dimen-
the outer layer covers the gaps between
sions used in finished flooring, external
boards in the layer below.
cladding, linings, etc.
3 thin, stiff, wood or paper-based sheet used
in drawing, painting and modelmaking.
4 a number of people chosen by share-
holders to run the affairs and administra-
tion of a company or institution as its
decision-making body; a board of directors.
board and batten cladding a form of
board on board cladding in which the
joints between laid vertical boards are cov-
ered externally with thin strips of timber.

board on board cladding

board plaster see board finish plaster.

board sawn timber timber which has
been converted into boards.
boaster, drover; a broad-faced masonry
chisel for working stone to a relatively
board and batten cladding smooth surface. See illustration on facing
51 bolt
plane, such as for the joint between a tim-
ber panel and its frame.
bollard a low sturdy cast-iron or stone
post around which a rope can be tied
boaster when mooring a boat or ship, or one of
concrete, steel or other construction
body-tinted glass glass to which a tint designed to prevent the passage of vehic-
has been added throughout its thickness, ular traffic.
usually for the control of solar radiation;
Bologna chalk calcium carbonate sul-
see smoked glass, see tinted solar control
phate used as a filler in gesso for frescos.
Bologna stone the mineral heavy spar
bog oak see oak. found near
boiled linseed oil quick-drying raw lin- Bologna in Italy.
seed oil with added chemical lead or
manganese-based accelerators or driers,
1 headtree,
originally cooked to induce polymeriza-
saddle; in tra-
tion, used as a varnish for wood finishing,
ditional timber
or in paints and other varnishes.
frame construc-
tion, a horizon- bolster, 2
boiler, furnace (Am); a water heater tal timber piece
which heats water to below boiling fixed to the top of a post to spread the
point for domestic or other use; types load of a beam supported by it.
included as separate entries are listed 2 a wide masonry chisel used for cutting
below: bricks and blocks.
*back boiler; *central heating boiler; 3 a thickening in the neck of a chisel and
*electric boiler; *electric water heater; similar tools to prevent the blade being
*gravity boiler; *high output back boiler. forced into the handle when it is struck
boiler house a building or part of a with a mallet.
larger building complex in which the
boiler plant is housed.
boiler plant, water-heating plant; bolt 1 a flat-ended fastener with a heli-
mechanical plant consisting of boilers, cally threaded shank whose head has a
pipework, flues, etc. to produce hot hexagonal, octagonal or square projec-
water for a building; see also heating tion allowing it to be tightened to a nut
plant. using a spanner; types included as sepa-
boiler room a plant room that houses rate entries are listed below:
the boiler plant. *anchor bolt; *carriage bolt, see coach
bolt; *countersunk head bolt; *cremone
bolt, cremona bolt, cremorne bolt;
bois de rose see rosewood. *expanding bolt, expansion bolt; *founda-
boiserie decorative timber wall panelling tion bolt, see anchor bolt; *handrail bolt,
which is elaborately carved. see joint bolt; *hexagonal bolt, hex-head
bolt; *king bolt; *lag bolt, lag screw, see
bold roll tile see double roll tile. coach screw; *machine bolt; *ragbolt, see
bole 1 the trunk of a tree especially when anchor bolt; *rail bolt, see joint bolt; *rock
used for conversion into timber. bolt; *roofing bolt; *toggle bolt.
2 types of fine compact clay usually con- 2 any fastening or catch for a door
taining iron oxide, used as pigments. which involves a sliding bar which
3 gold size; a mixture of clay and rabbit engages in a housing in a jamb, the
skin or hide glue applied to the surface of most common of which is a barrel bolt;
an object being prepared for gilding. examples included as separate entries
bolection moulding, balection are listed below:
moulding, raised moulding; a mould- *barrel bolt; *dog bolt, see hinge bolt;
ing used to cover the joint between two *fire-exit bolt, see panic bolt; *flush
flat surfaces which do not lie in the same bolt, see flush slide; *foot bolt; *hinge
bolt croppers 52

bolt; *panic bolt; *security bolt, see hinge bond failure see adhesive failure.
bolt; *slide bolt; *tower bolt. bonding admixture in concretework, a
3 draw bolt, lock bolt; that part of a latex admixture included in the mix to
latch or lock which engages with a strik- improve tensile and bond strength.
ing plate in the frame to hold the door bonding agent, bonding primer; a
in a closed position; examples included chemical substance applied in liquid form
as separate entries are listed below: to a hardened substrate to improve the
*catch bolt, see return latch; *claw bolt; bond of subsequent layers or coatings.
*dead bolt; *hook bolt; *indicating bolt;
*latch bolt, see return latch; *slide bolt, bonding brick any brick which has been
snib bolt. cut or manufactured to non-standard size
4 see veneer bolt. or shape in order to fill space at the edges
and corners of a brickwork bond; often a
cut brick or bat; see also bonder.
bolt croppers, bolt cutters; a long scis- bonding compound, hot bonding
sor-like tool with long handles and power- compound, hot stuff (Am); in bitumi-
ful jaws for shearing thicker metal objects nous roofing, molten oxidized bitumen
such as bolts and screws. applied to bond successive layers of bitu-
men felt together.
bolted joint a joint fixed with a bolt or
bolts. bonding plaster plaster used for under-
coats in circumstances where the base
has little key or adhesion.
bonding primer see bonding agent.
bond line see bond plane.
bond plane, bond line; the surface of
adhesion or bonding in a joint.
bondstone see bonder.
bolted joint
bond strength 1 the strength of the
adhesive bond created by glue between
two glued or bonded elements, or
between a coating and its substrate.
boltel see bowtell. 2 in reinforced concrete, the strength of
bolt-through fixing a fixing for compo- the bond between reinforcing bars and
nents and fittings in which a bolt is the surrounding concrete, measured at
passed through the supporting construc- the point of failure of the bond.
tion and fastened on the reverse side with bond stress in reinforced concrete, stress
a nut. which occurs between the surface of rein-
bond 1 the fixing or securing force pro- forcement and the surrounding concrete
vided by mortar, adhesives, coatings, etc.; in a member under load.
see adhesion, concrete bond. bond timber, chain timber; in tradi-
2 see brickwork bond.
tional construction, a timber laid horizon-
3 in project management, a sum of
tally in a solid masonry wall to provide
money or securities placed by a building bracing and reinforcement.
contractor with a client or third party as
a guarantee of completion of construc- bone black a strong black pigment con-
tion work. sisting of impure carbon obtained from
burnt and ground bones; see also ivory
bond-beam block see channel block. black.
bond breaker see separating layer. bone glue a form of animal glue, tradi-
bonder, bondstone, bonding brick; a tionally used for furniture-making, book-
brick or stone laid crosswise into a wall to binding and gums, manufactured by
tie surface masonry to the rest of the wall. boiling the bones of animals.
53 bottomgrate
bonnet see chimney cap. borehole see wormhole.
bonnet hip tile, granny bonnet; a boring see drilling.
special roof tile formed into a convex Borneo camphorwood see kapur.
shape to cover a hip; its open end is usu-
ally filled with mortar once laid. borocarbon see boron carbide.
bookmatching a veneering pattern in boron carbide, borocarbon; a chemi-
which successive sheets cut from a log cal compound, B4C, used as a hard
are laid side by side as mirror images of abrasive.
one another, resembling an open book, borosilicate glass, Pyrex; a fire-resist-
also called book match; see also vertical ing glass which softens at high tempera-
butt and horizontal bookmatching. tures but does not crack.
borrowed light a glazed panel incorpo-
rated into an internal wall or partition; an
internal window between two spaces.
boss 1 a decorative ovular protrusion,
knob or node, found as a centrepiece in
bookmatch domes and ceilings, at the meeting of ribs
veneering in a vault, and as a terminating element
for mouldings; see knot.
boom, 1 barrier; a light barrier across a 2 a protruding spout in a sanitary appli-
road or waterway, a hinged bar or pole ance or pipe to which a pipe fitting can
which can be lifted to allow traffic to pass be attached; see screwed boss.
2 see jib. bossage in stonework, projecting stones
3 see chord. which have been left untreated either as
rustication or awaiting further tooling.
booster see booster pump, fire booster.
bottle trap a drainage trap with a water-
booster pump, booster; a pump for filled vessel divided by a baffle or interior
increasing the local pressure in a water pipe to form a lock, and a removable base
supply pipeline. to facilitate cleaning.
boot lintel an L-beam supporting over- bottom bead the lowest glazing bead in
head external wall construction above a a window, which fixes the lower edge of a
strip window. pane or unit into a frame.
borax sodium borate in natural form, bottom chord see lower chord.
used in soldering and as a detergent.
bottom floor see base floor.
border 1 in landscaping, a strip of plant-
ing used at the edge of a building or bottomgrate, grate; a metal grille in a
pathway. coal or wood fire on which the combust-
2 a decorative edging band for a panel or ible material rests and under which air is
area of wall. free to circulate during combustion; most
3 an inset line demarking the edge of a often of cast iron construction; see stool
drawing on all four sides. bottomgrate.
4 the dividing line between two politically
or administrationally independent areas.

bored pile in foundation technology, a bottomgrate
pile placed using excavations or boring on hearth of
into the ground; most often a cast-in- open fireplace
place pile; types included as separate
entries are listed below:
*augered pile; *cast-in-place pile; *large
diameter pile; *percussive bored pile.
bottom-hung 54
bottom-hung referring to a window, bowtell, boltel, boultine, boutell,
casement or hatch whose opening leaf is bowtel, edge roll; a decorative mould-
hinged at its lower edge. ing whose cross-section is a three-quarter
segment of a circle.


bow window a bay window, curved in

bottom rail the lowest horizontal mem- plan.
ber in a framed door leaf or window sash.
box beam a compound beam formed of
bottom raker in temporary sitework, the an upper and lower chord of timber with
lowest slanting prop in a raking shore. plywood or other sheet webbing fixed to
bottom reinforcement in reinforced either side, thus forming a hollow box in
concrete, longitudinal reinforcement cross-section; also similar construction in
placed near the base of a cast beam or steel, when it is also known as a box
slab to resist tensile forces. girder.
bouchard a hand-held bush hammer;
also written as boucharde.
Bougival white a form of the white pig-
ment bismuth white.
boultine, boutell see bowtell.
box beam
bow, camber; the warping of improperly
seasoned timber boards evident as longi-
tudinal curvature along the flat faces. box caisson, American caisson,
stranded caisson; a reinforced concrete
caisson constructed in such a way that it
is open at the top and closed at the base,
forming a part of the final foundation

bow in poorly
box corner joint a many-tenoned cor-
seasoned timber ner joint used in cabinetmaking for joining
board boards and sheets at right angles; some-
times called a finger joint or combed joint.
bow handle an arched or U-shaped pull
handle fixed to a door leaf by both ends.
bowstring truss a trussed beam in
which the lower chord is flat and the box corner joint
upper chord is curved with its apex in the with dovetailed
middle, forming a braced upside-down fingers

bowstring truss
supporting bridge
box dovetail joint a many-tenoned
dovetailed corner joint used in cabinet-
making for joining boards and sheets at
right angles.
box frame see cased frame.
55 bracket
box frame construction a form of tim- deadbolt and protect it from being tam-
ber frame construction in which the verti- pered with when the door is closed.
cal members (posts or studs), horizontal
members (plates) and bracing form a rigid
box; the roof structure is then placed or lock case
built on top.
box girder a box beam which consists of handle
a welded rectangular tube of steel plate.
box strike

boxwood, box; [Buxus sempervirens] a

box girder hardwood from Europe, North Africa and
bridge deck
the Middle East with pale yellow and very
box gutter, 1 rectangular gutter; in hard timber; used for turned work, inlay,
roof construction, any rainwater gutter chisel handles, chessmen and dressers.
which is rectangular in cross-section. BR butadiene rubber.
2 roof channel; a large gutter set below
the level of roof planes, usually rectangular brace 1 a hand tool with a crank and han-
in section; used for draining flat or butterfly dle for boring holes; a large manual drill
roof forms, at valleys, behind parapets, etc. with a kinked shaft.
2 in frame structures, any structural ele-
boxing in timber construction, the casing ment which stiffens and reinforces the
of a timber frame with boards. angle between two members, especially a
box match a veneering pattern in which diagonal structural member, strut or rod
four triangular pieces of straight-grained providing rigidity to a frame; see also
veneer are laid in a rectangular arrange- cross brace, diagonal.
ment with diagonal joints, forming a braced stanchion see lattice stanchion
series of diamond shapes by the direction
of grain; see reverse box match. brace moulding, bracket moulding,
double ogee moulding; a projecting
decorative moulding formed by two back
to back ogees, their convex ends
together; see keel moulding.
brace moulding
box match
box out, blockout (Am), core, former,
pocket; a formwork mould for creating
an opening in concrete, or the opening so
formed. bracing any system of structural mem-
bers designed to maintain the rigidity of a
box pile in foundation engineering, a pile structure, frame, etc.; see brace, cross-
which is a square hollow tube of welded bracing, frame bracing.
or rolled steel; a square pipe pile.
bracing panel a sheet component fixed
box spreader a machine with a hopper over a frame in order to provide rigidity.
which spreads concrete to the required
thicknesses between forms to produce a bracket 1 a secondary projecting
concrete road surface. fixing component from which other com-
ponents are supported, suspended or
box staple, keep, staple; a metal hood hung from a structure.
attached to the side of a door frame into 2 a projecting construction in masonry
which the latch of a rim lock engages. architecture to support pediments over
box strike a metal component fitted into doorways, balconies, ornamentation, etc.
a mortise in a door jamb to receive a bracket fungus see conk.
brad 56
bracketing in ornamental plastering, a branched knot, branched
series of timber brackets constructed to winged knot; a knots
support lathing when casting a cornice. knot in seasoned
bracket moulding see brace moulding. timber formed by
bracket saw see fretsaw. two or more
brad, 1 oval brad branches in close
head nail; a slender proximity cut at the
shanked nail with a brads same point.
small bullet-shaped branch fitting, branch; in a system of
head, used for interior finishing work and sanitary pipework, a T-shaped piece of
locations where a concealed fixing is drainage pipe, pipe fitting, etc. for making
desirable. the connection of a secondary pipe to a
2 a flat L-shaped nail cut and bent from main.
steel strip. branch tracery, astwerk; the tracery
3 see glazing sprig.
found in German Gothic churches of 1400s
bradawl, awl; a pointed tool used for and 1500s, with tree and branch motifs.
piercing holes in thin wood or board, or branch vent see branch ventilating pipe.
for making starter holes for screws.
branch ventilating pipe, branch
vent; a drainage pipe connected to a
ventilation stack, providing ventilation
and balancing pressure fluctuations in a
branch discharge pipe.
bradawls brashy, short grained; a description of
defective timber which is brittle and snaps
bradder a small nail gun for light nails up cleanly under lateral loading, either due
to lengths of 75 mm; used for fixing to fungal attack or natural causes.
boarding and cladding. brass a strong, corrosion-resistant, yellow-
brad hammer see tack hammer. ish alloy containing mainly copper and
brad point drill, dowel bit; a drill bit zinc, often with traces of lead, tin, alumin-
with a sharp point at the drilling end for ium, manganese, iron and nickel; used as
accurate centring, used for the drilling of sheetmetal and for pipes, castings and
holes in wood. forgings.

brake in lift machinery, an electro- Brazilian rosewood [Dalbergia sprucea-

mechanical safety device for stopping the na], see rosewood.
lift car if the electrical supply fails or is brazing, hard soldering; a form of sol-
switched off. dering which employs alloys (often of
branch 1 a secondary connection from a
copper, zinc and silver) which melt at a
main to a point of use in pipework, duct- much higher temperature than normal
work, wiring installations, etc.; see branch soft solder; the joints are thus stronger.
fitting, branch discharge pipe. brazing solder see hard solder.
2 one of the woody stems of a tree which breach of contract, violation of
spread outwards from the main trunk, agreement; a situation arising when a
from which leaves, etc. grow, and which party who has signed a contract, or made
appear as knots in sawn timber. an agreement, fails to keep to the condi-
branch bend a curved branch fitting for tions or terms of that agreement.
changing the direction of flow in a drain- break-glass unit a manual fire-indicat-
age pipeline. ing device with an alarm switch set
branch discharge pipe a drainage pipe behind a glass panel, which must be bro-
into which waste from one or a number ken in order to set off the alarm.
of appliances on the same floor of a breaking joint in masonry bonding, the
building is conveyed into a discharge overlapping of bricks in alternate courses
stack. so as to avoid continuous vertical joints.
57 brick architecture
breaking strength see ultimate *Accrington brick; *air brick; *angle brick;
strength. *arch brick, see radial brick; *beam brick,
breast drill a drill with an attachment see lintel brick; *birdsmouth brick; *bonder;
which is pressed against the chest to pro- *bonding brick; *bullhead brick, see cow-
vide additional force in drilling. nose brick; *bullnose brick; *burnt brick, see
breast lining joinery panelling, boarding, fired brick; *calcium silicate brick; *cant
etc. for the portion of the internal surface brick; *capping brick; *cavity brick, see hol-
of a wall between window sill and floor. low brick; *channel brick, see lintel brick;
*clay brick; *common brick; *concrete brick;
breastsummer, bressummer, brest- *coping brick; *cored brick, see perforated
summmer; in traditional timber-framed brick; *cove brick; *cownose brick; *cuboid
building, a timber beam which carries a brick; *cut brick; *dogleg brick; *engineering
load over an opening. brick; *facing brick, face brick; *firebrick;
breather paper, building paper; in *fired brick; *fireproof brick, see flue block,
timber frame construction, thick water- firebrick; *flared brick; *flint-lime brick; *flue
resistant paper used in the thickness of brick, see flue block; *glass brick, see glass
wall construction, which allows for ventila- block; *glazed brick; *great brick; *green
tion but acts as a barrier against the brick; *handmade brick; *hollow brick;
effects of driving rain and wind pressure. *imperial standard brick; *later; *lintel brick;
*metric brick, see modular standard brick;
breccia any rock consisting of angular *metric modular brick, see modular stan-
fragments of stone solidified in a finer
dard brick; *metric standard brick; *modular
matrix such as limestone or clay; some
brick; *modular standard brick; *mud brick;
marbles with this composition are used
*paving brick, paviour brick; *perforated
for decorative stone cladding.
brick; *plinth brick; *pressed brick; *purpose
breech fitting, 1 breeching; a Y-shape made brick; *radial brick; *red brick; *refrac-
pipe fitting used to converge two parallel tory brick, see firebrick; *rusticated brick,
pipelines. rustic brick; *saddleback capping brick;
2 see group connector. *saddleback coping brick; *sand-faced brick;
breeching see breech fitting. *sand-lime brick, see calcium silicate brick;
*special brick, special shape brick; *split face
Bremen blue, mountain blue, moun- brick; *squint brick; *Staffordshire blue brick;
tain green; a poisonous blue pigment *standard brick; *standard modular brick,
consisting of copper hydroxide and copper see metric brick; *standard special brick, see
carbonate, produced in various shades. special brick; *sun-baked brick, sun-dried
bressummer, brestsummer see brick, see mud brick; *tax brick; *three quar-
breastsummer. ter brick, see king closer; *US standard brick;
*ventilating brick, see air brick; *wirecut
brick, building brick; a rectangular brick; *wooden brick, see nog.
block made of fired clay, burnt mud,
concrete or other mineral material, used brick-and-a-half wall, one-and-a-half
for building walls, paving and other con- brick wall; a solid bonded brick wall
structions; its size is usually no larger whose width is the sum of the length and
than 338 3 225 3 113 mm, so it can be width of one standard brick plus one
held in one hand for ease of laying; intermediate joint, 13” or 327 mm.
types included as separate entries are
listed below:


stretcher face
half wall
header face
brick bed (underside)
brick architecture architecture in which
unrendered brickwork is the principal
brick axe 58
structural, expressive or decorative bricklayer, brickie; a tradesman or
material. skilled worker who lays bricks and blocks
brick axe see bricklayer’s hammer. on a construction site.
bricklayer’s hammer, brick axe, brick
brickbat see bat. hammer; a light hammer used in brick-
brick bond see brickwork bond. laying for shaping and chipping bricks
brick capping the uppermost protective and concrete blocks; its head has one
course of capping bricks in a freestanding chiselled end for cutting and one flat face
wall or parapet; see capping brick. or peen for tapping into place.
bricklayer’s line, builder’s line,
brick coping the uppermost protective stringline; a length of fine cord strung
course of coping bricks in a freestanding between two points on a building site to
wall or parapet; see coping brick. establish the line and level of prospective
brick clay see brick earth. construction, as an aid in bricklaying and
setting out, etc.
brick course a single row of bricks form- bricklayer’s trowel, brick trowel,
ing a horizontal band in a wall.
mason’s trowel, masonry trowel; a
brick earth, brick clay; clay suitable for steel-bladed hand tool used in bricklaying
use in the manufacture of bricks. for applying and smoothing bedding and
brick facing, brick veneer; a skin of jointing mortar.
non-structural brickwork attached to a brick lintel see reinforced brick lintel.
structural base such as concrete, masonry
brick nogging in traditional half-tim-
or, in some cases, studwork.
bered construction, brick infill for the tim-
brick hammer see bricklayer’s hammer. ber frame.
brickie a colloquial name for a bricklayer. brick on bed see brick on flat.
brick joint 1 any joint between adjacent brick on edge
bricks in masonry. in brickwork, a
brick laid on its
side so as to
A G leave either its
shorter edge or
its bed showing
C K in the masonry
surface; either brick-on-edge paving
a rowlock or
E M shiner; brick-on-edge coping is coping for a
freestanding wall formed from a row of
F N bricks laid on edge, usually across the thick-
ness of the wall as rowlocks; brick-on-edge
BRICK JOINTING paving, see brick paving.
A flush joint, flat joint
B extruded joint, convex joint brick on end in brickwork, a brick laid on
C squeezed joint, unfinished joint its end, either to leave the longer edge or
D raked joint, recessed joint
E recessed beaded joint
the bed showing vertically; see soldier,
F recessed keyed joint, rodded joint sailor; brick-on-end paving, see brick
POINTING paving.
G beaded joint
H concave joint, keyed joint,
bucket-handled joint, rodded joint
K scored joint, ruled joint; V-joint
L convex V-joint
M weathered joint
N struck joint

2 the final shaped mortar in horizontal

bed and vertical joints after the bricks
have been laid. brick-on-end paving
59 brick on end



1 tiled roofing
2 roof tile 15 tile flooring, floor tiling
3 tiling batten 16 ceramic tile flooring tile
4 ventilation gap, 17 tiling mortar
5 roof sheathing 18 ground supported floor
6 roof beam 19 thermal insulation
7 thermal insulation 20 gravel fill
8 vapour barrier
9 ceiling boarding FOUNDATION
21 concrete strip foundation
UPPER FLOOR CONSTRUCTION 22 cavity and thermal insulation
10 overlay flooring 23 subsurface drain
11 veneered parquet, 24 drainage membrane,
12 impact sound isolation
13 flooring sub-base - chipboard CAVITY WALL, HOLLOW WALL
14 floor joist 26 inner leaf - blockwork
27 wall tie, cavity tie
28 outer leaf - brickwork
brick on flat 60
brick on flat, brick on bed; a brick laid brickwork bond the overlapping and
on its largest side, in the way intended; interlocking of bricks laid in mortar in
brick-on-flat paving. successive courses to provide strength
and for decorative effects.

brick-on-flat paving

brick paving bricks laid side by side in a

horizontal plane as a hardwearing exter-
nal paved surface; brick-on-edge paving is
paving of bricks laid in series with sides brickwork joint see brick joint.
upwards; brick-on-end paving is paving of brickwork weathering, exfoliation,
bricks laid in series with ends upwards. flaking; the degradation and scaling of
brick slip a thin a brickwork surface over time due to
cladding brick or exposure to the elements and chemical
brick-shaped tile of reaction with the cement, causing inter-
the same material nal swelling and rupture.
and finish as the
surrounding brick brickworks an industrial plant for the
masonry, used for production and firing of bricks.
facing lintels, bridging joist, binder; a main spanning
beams, etc.; often a brick slips
beam in a timber floor, which supports
brick cladding tile. floor joists.
brick tile a clay wall tile used as a facing bridled scarf joint a timber lengthening
for concrete and other materials in imita- joint formed by cutting a tenon at the
tion of brick. end of one member; this sits in a bridle
brick trowel see bricklayer’s trowel. (an open housing or slot) cut into the end
brick veneer see brick facing. of the other.
bridle joint a timber angle joint in which
the end of one timber is cut with a groove
brickwork any construction in bricks
or slot to fit into a suitably shaped cutting
laid with a binder such as mortar; types
in the side of another; sometimes called
included as separate entries are listed
an open tenon joint if at a corner; see
double tenon joint.
*carved brickwork; *chequered brickwork;
*coloured brickwork, see polychrome
brickwork; *dogtooth brickwork; *fair-face
brickwork; *gauged brickwork; *herring-
bone brickwork; *honeycomb brickwork; bridle joint
*houndstooth brickwork, see dogtooth
brickwork; *loadbearing brickwork;
*moulded brickwork; *mousetooth brick-
work, see dogtooth brickwork; *ornamen- bridled housing
tal brickwork, see decorative masonry;
*patterned brickwork; *polychrome brick- notched
work; *rendered brickwork; *rubbed brick- housing
work, see gauged brickwork; *structural
brickwork. bridled scarf
61 brown
brief, programme; in the commissioning tapering profile, constructed of drystone
of a building project, a statement of the cli- masonry in cellular construction; alterna-
ent’s requirements which includes the tive spellings are brough and brugh.
scope of works, usage, number and floor broken colour in paint and colour sci-
area of spaces and functional requirements. ence, a base colour to which a small
bright timber commercial sawn timber amount of another colour has been mixed
with no defects in colouration or from to add subtlety.
staining. broken pediment, broken-bed pedi-
brise soleil a window louvre. ment, open-bed pediment; see
Bristol board smooth paper-faced card
available in a range of thicknesses, used broken white see off-white.
in printing, drawing and modelmaking. bromine a dark reddish toxic chemical
British Columbian cedar [Thuja plica- element, Br, used in the manufacture of
ta] western red cedar, see thuja. dyes, synthetic rubbers, etc.
British Columbian pine see Douglas fir. brominated anthranthrone a bright
semi-transparent yellow pigment used in
British Standard Whitworth thread the automotive industry.
see Whitworth thread. bromine butyl rubber, BIIR; a tough
brittleness the property of a material or synthetic rubber, butyl with a halogen, used
object to break suddenly under loading for car tyres, seals and hoses, cured more
without appreciable deformation. easily and readily than butyl, and thus more
suitable for use with other rubbers.
brittle point the highest temperature at
which a rubber material or elastomer bronze a hard, dark brown alloy of cop-
loses its elasticity and will fracture under per and tin which is resistant to corrosion;
sudden impact. copper alloys with other metals, such as
aluminium, magnesium and silicon are
broach a narrow-bladed masonry chisel also given the name bronze; true bronze
used for working stone surfaces. is sometimes called tin bronze.
broached hip see half hipped end. bronze blue Prussian blue pigment
broach stop, pyramid stop; in orna- which has a bronze sheen.
mentation, the termination of a cham- bronze plating see bronzing.
fered moulding or carving with a bronzing, 1 bronze plating; the applica-
protruding half-pyramid. tion of a protective or decorative coating
broad-leaf any non-coniferous tree, of bronze to metals.
which may be deciduous or evergreen, 2 the treatment of a copper surface with
from which hardwood is obtained; a chemicals to alter its colour.
member of the angiosperm group; see broomed finish see brushed finish.
hardwood for list of tropical and brooming see brushing.
European hardwood trees.
brotch, spar, spick, spike, staple; a fas-
broad tool see batting tool. tener for bundles of thatched roofing
broad tooled finish see batted finish. made of a willow or hazel branch bent
broch a prehistoric Scottish fortified tower into a hook-shape and pushed into under-
dwelling, round in plan and with a lying construction.

brown a general name for shades of

darkened yellow and dusky orange col-
our, not evident in the visible spectrum;
brown pigments included as separate
entries are listed below:
*alizarin brown, see alizarin; *bister,
brown lampblack, see bistre; *brown
plan and section of broch, Dun Troddan,
madder, see alizarin; *brown ochre;
Glen Elg, Scotland, c.100 BC *burnt sienna; *Cologne earth, see Cassel
brown cement 62
2 the application of paints, coatings, adhe-
earth; *iron brown, see Prussian brown;
*madder brown, see alizarin; *Mars sives, etc. manually, with a brush.
brown, see Mars colour; *Prussian brown; brushing adhesive types of adhesive
*Rubens brown; *sepia; *sienna, siena; which can be applied in liquid form with a
*umber, umbre; *Vandyke brown. brush.
bruzz chisel, corner chisel, dogleg
brown cement see Roman cement. chisel, parting chisel; a woodcarving
chisel whose blade is V-shaped in section.
brown coat see base coat.
browning plaster plaster used for BSW thread acronym for British
Standard Whitworth thread; see
undercoats, made from gypsum and sand
Whitworth thread.
and used in instances where the base has
a good key and adhesion; a browning bubble, bubbling; a defect in a paint fin-
coat was originally of plaster which was ish consisting of trapped bubbles of gas
brown in colour, see also base coat. in the hardened paint film, often caused
by careless application or by the use of
brown iron ore see limonite.
volatile solvents in the paint mix.
brown iron oxide see burnt sienna.
buck a fixing member at the side of a
brown lampblack see bistre. doorway or window opening to receive a
brownmillerite mineral oxides of cal- door or window and fasten it in place; see
cium, iron and aluminium oxides found in also door lining.
sulphate-resistant cements. bucket-handled joint see keyed joint.
brown ochre a dull brownish yellow buckling 1 in structures, the sudden
form of the native pigment ochre. creasing failure by crumpling of a longitu-
brown rot fungus a large group of dinal structural member loaded eccentri-
fungi which attack the cellulose of dead cally with a compressive force.
wood to leave the lignin as a brown pow- 2 the creasing of sheetmetal and other
dery residue, causing serious decay and sheet products due to lateral forces,
weakening of timber construction. defects, impact, etc.
buckling load the compressive load at
bruised lath in ornamental plasterwork, which a column or strut begins to buckle.
timber laths which have been softened, or
whose surface has been broken by strik- bucranium, bucrane; Lat.; a carved dec-
ing with a hammer to provide a key for a orative motif depicting the skull of a bull,
plaster coating. found in classical architecture; Greek form
is boukranion.
Brunswick blue a form of the blue pig-
ment Prussian blue to which barytes has bud capital, closed bud capital,
been added. closed capital; an Egyptian capital
carved in stylized imitation of the closed
brush a sweeping, cleaning and scouring flower of the lotus or papyrus plant; see
implement consisting of a number of stiff also papyrus capital.
fibrous bristles fixed into a head; a similar
implement with a clump of soft fibres or
hairs bound to a wooden or plastic han-
dle, used for applying paint, glue and
other liquids to a surface; see paint-
brushes for list of brushes.
brushed finish, broomed finish; a Egyptian
decorative or non-slip finish texture pro- papyriform bud
duced by scouring or scrubbing the sur-
face of fresh concrete or plaster with a buffer 1 any device that cushions the
stiff broom. effect of an impact or provides protection
brushing, 1 brooming; a surface treat- from the collision of moving objects, as
ment for fresh concrete and plaster pro- installed on vehicle loading bays, trains,
duced by scoring with a stiff brush, either lifts and behind heavy doors; see door
as decoration or to provide a rough finish. buffer, car buffer.
63 building firm
2 in computing, a temporary information building code see building regulations.
storage area or intermediate memory used
building codes of practice legal docu-
during data transfers between devices that
mentation setting out requirements to
are working at different speeds.
protect public health and safety, and out-
3 a machine tool with a rotating disc of
lining standards of good practice with
wool or cotton fabric, used for polishing
regard to the construction and occupancy
floors and other surfaces.
of buildings.
bug hole see blow-hole. building component a prefabricated
bugle head screw a screw with a trum- assemblage of parts or product such as
pet-shaped head containing a cross, allen a door or window assembly, technical
or Torx slot in its flat end. utility, etc. supplied ready for installation
builder see contractor. on site after the building frame is
builder’s see building firm.
building conservation see conservation.
builder’s lift a temporary on-site lift con-
sisting of a moving cage, in which work- building construction the discipline,
men, goods, etc. can pass rapidly between process, etc. of constructing buildings;
levels of a building under construction or matters pertaining to this.
repair. building contract an agreement by
builder’s line see bricklayer’s line. which a building contractor is committed
to construct a building, carry out building
building 1 any permanent structure works, etc. for a certain price within a cer-
which provides shelter, encloses space tain time and to documented designs.
and can be occupied by people, animals,
goods or services. building contractor see contractor.
2 the process or product of assembly of building control, building inspection;
elements, components, materials and the process of inspection, issuing permits,
finishes on a building site; also variously granting approval, etc. pertaining to build-
known as construction, building construc- ings under construction and repair,
tion or building development to differen- administered by a local authority to
tiate it from other forms of construction. ensure that they are properly constructed.
building automation see building building control officer, building
management system. inspector; a person, often employed by
a local authority, who inspects designs
building ban a local authority notice and constructions to ensure they comply
preventing the construction of a building with standards and regulations.
or buildings on a particular site.
building cost, construction cost; a
building block any mineral-based unit cost incurred as a result of building devel-
designed for use in construction; larger opment, usually plural.
than a brick; a generic term for concrete
and clay blocks and other masonry units building development see
which are often larger than bricks, usually development.
simply called a block; see also concrete building element any major function-
block, hollow clay block, glass block, pav- ing part of, or structural assembly in a
ing block (concrete block paver). building, such as roof, floor, walls, beams,
building board any rigid sheet material slabs or foundations; sometimes made up
of timber, mineral fibre, plastics, gypsum, of building components.
etc. used in construction for cladding and building envelope, external enve-
lining frames as a surface for a finish, as lope the external roof and wall compo-
insulation or as bracing. nents and constructions of a building
building by-laws locally varying regula- which protect the interior from the effects
tions controlling the construction and of temperature and the weather.
erection of buildings administered by building firm, builder’s; a private firm
local authorities on the basis of model which provides a building service; usually
by-laws provided by government. a small or family business.
building floodlighting 64
building floodlighting the aesthetic building permit formal approval in writ-
use of electric lighting to highlight exter- ten form by a local authority to an appli-
nal features of buildings and their eleva- cation for planning permission.
tions in the dark. building preservation an action by a
building frame the loadbearing ele- planning authority to maintain a building
ments, columns, slabs, beams, walls and of certain historical or cultural value in its
foundations in a building; often simply current state, preventing alteration or
referred to as a frame; for further informa- demolition.
tion about types of frame, see the follow- building project, development; the
ing entries: concrete frame; timber frame; preliminary arrangements, administration,
steel frame. funding and construction work under-
building inspection 1 a periodic check- taken during the realization of a particu-
ing on site by a local authority official to lar building or structure, viewed as a
ensure that parts of a building have been whole.
constructed according to regulations, by- building regulation a statutory code
laws, etc.; see building control. which regulates the construction, alter-
2 the detailed surveying of a building in ation, maintenance, repair, and demolition
use to ascertain its general condition, of buildings and structures with regard to
whether it has any particular faults and issues such as layout, accessibility, safety,
and whether it is in need of remedial health, materials and fire safety.
building sealant see sealant.
building inspector see building control
officer. building site, construction site; the
area of land on which excavation work,
building line an agreed-upon boundary building construction, storage of materials
line for the area occupied by a proposed and plant, etc. for a particular building
building or indicating how close to a site project take place.
boundary, public land, etc. a building may
be constructed, usually determined by the building stone natural stone used in
local authority. building construction for walling, clad-
ding, paving, etc.
building maintenance the act of look-
ing after, servicing and cleaning property building survey an inspection of a
regularly. property, usually undertaken by a profes-
sional prior to being bought or sold, to
building management system, ascertain its general condition and pro-
building automation, bms; an auto- spective repair work.
mated computer-based system for con- building surveyor a professional who
trolling the mechanical services and inspects and reports on the condition of
security installations in a building. existing buildings and carries out building
building material any basic substance, surveys.
raw or manufactured material, product, building technology see construction
etc. used in the construction of technology.
built environment an urban or rural
building moisture extraneous water milieu, structured or produced by built
which builds up within the construction form; that part of the surroundings relat-
and structure of a building due to occupa- ing to buildings, structures and civil engi-
tion or faulty design and construction. neering works.
building paper, kraft paper; thick built-in furnishings or other components
paper or card laminated or impregnated fixed in place so as to appear or function
with a waterproofing material such as as an integral part of a space.
bitumen, used in the construction of
roofs, floors and walls as a moisture bar- built-up of beams and columns, made
rier; see breather paper. from more than one timber fixed together
by bolts or splices to provide greater
building permission see planning bearing capacity and improved strength.
permission. See illustration on facing page.
65 bundle column
bull-faced finish see hammer-dressed
bull header see rowlock.
built-up beam of bullhead brick see cownose brick.
large timbers
bolted together bullion, bullion glass, bull’s-eye glass;
a traditional form of glass with a central
circular bulge, formed by rotating a clod
built-up roofing, built-up felt roof- of molten glass via its centre; the central
ing; roofing constructed from a number bulge so formed.
of layers of bitumen felt, laid in succession bullnose a rounded external edge.
with overlapping joints, usually used for bullnose brick any special brick with
flat roofs. one or more rounded edges; used for dec-
orative brickwork, paving, etc.; see cow-
nose brick.

bullnose brick
built-up felt
roofing bullseye a small traditional round win-
dow or light glazed with crown or bullion
bulb that part of an electric lamp, usually glass; any small round window in general.
of thin transparent or translucent glass, bull’s-eye glass see bullion.
which contains the gas, vapour or fila-
ment from which light is emitted; see also bull stretcher see shiner.
lightbulb. Bulnesia arborea see verawood.
bulbous dome see onion dome. bunch, shove; a bundle of Norfolk reed
bulk density the weight per unit volume used as a basic roofing material in thatch-
of a loose material, measured in kg/m3; ing; see also nitch.
usually used in conjunction with non- bunched cabling electric or telecommu-
homogeneous materials such as concrete nications cables installed together in tied
or piled timber which contain voids or groups.
water pockets. bundle see bundled bars.
bulk heater a device in an oil heating bundle column 1 a group of ancient
installation for warming oil to reduce vis- Egyptian column types with shafts carved
cosity prior to use.
to resemble bunches of tied plant stems,
bull capital an ornamental stone capital named according to the plant in question;
carved with a paired bull’s head motif, see also papyrus column.
especially found in the apadanas of
ancient Persian architecture. Romanesque
bulldog plate see toothed plate bundle column,
bullet catch see ball catch. Germany, 1260 AD
bullet-head nail see lost-head nail.
bullet-resistant laminated glass, Egyptian bundle
armour-plated glass; glass that can column, mortuary
withstand the penetration of gunfire, usu- temple of Ramses III,
ally formed from several sheets of glass Thebes, 1150 BC
laminated together with resin.
bundled bars 66
2 a stone column type in Gothic, burnt sienna, Italian earth, natural
Romanesque and Renaissance architec- brown iron oxide; a rich orange-brown
ture with a shaft carved into a number of native pigment, sienna, crushed and cal-
stems, as if of separate smaller columns, cined in a furnace; one of the most used
terminating at a capital; modern equiva- pigments.
lents of this; see also compound pier.
burnt umber, jacaranda brown, min-
bundle pier a Gothic compound pier eral brown, Spanish brown; raw
with a large number of shafts.
umber heated in a kiln to form an orange-
bundled bars, bundle; in reinforced brown native pigment; see also Vandyke
concretework, a group of reinforcing bars brown.
tied together in a bundle with wire, which
burr 1 see burl.
act as one larger bar.
2 see grinding burr.
bundling in reinforced concrete, the burr veneer see burl veneer.
placing of a number of reinforcing bars
tied side by side with wire to act as a bursting see rock burst.
larger bar. bush in drainage and plumbing, a short
buon affresco see buon fresco. piece of pipe or pipe fitting for joining
lengths of pipe with different diameters,
buon fresco, true fresco, buon affres- threaded internally at one end and exter-
co; a form of mural painting in which nally at the other; see socket reducer
mineral or earth pigments are applied to
(reducing bush).
lime or gypsum plaster while it is still wet;
see fresco secco. bush hammer a machine or hand tool
for producing a textured finish on the sur-
buoyancy the tendency of a body face of stonework and hardened concrete;
immersed in a denser liquid to float; the
a hand-held bush hammer is often called
force thus exerted, which moves the body
a bouchard or boucharde.
towards the surface and causing it to
buprestid beetle any woodboring
insect of the genus Buprestis spp.; see
metallic wood borer. hand-held
bush hammers
Burgundy violet see manganese violet.
burin, graver; a small wooden-handled bush-hammered a relatively even pitted
implement for making intricate cuts on
finish for concrete or stone in which the
wood or metal consisting of a metal shaft
surface has been worked with a bush
with a sharp pyramid-pointed end.
hammer or similar machine tool.
burl, burr, knur, knurl; a growth defor- busk a plastering hand tool consisting of
mity in a tree which, when cut as timber,
a flexible steel sheet, used for removing
is valued for its decorative figure in
excess hardened plaster.
veneer, furniture and turnery.
burl veneer, burr veneer; decorative butadiene rubber, BR, polybutadi-
veneer with mottled or wavy figure, cut ene; a synthetic resilient rubber with many
from the burl of a tree. uses, including car tyres, made from butadi-
ene, a gaseous unsaturated hydrocarbon.
burlap see hessian.
butane organic gas fuel, C4H10, stored
burner a device or chamber where the oil and transported in compressed bottled
or gas fuel for a heating or lighting system
form as liquids, used for blowtorches and
is burned.
other on-site burner equipment.
burnishing the polishing of a metal sur- butt chisel, pocket chisel, sash chisel;
face by rubbing.
a chisel with a short, wide blade.
burnt brick see fired brick. buttercup yellow see zinc yellow.
burnt carmine see roasted carmine. butterfly damper a flue damper with
burnt lime see quicklime. paired winged flaps which are folded
67 button
back in their normal open position, and butt hinge a hinge with two rectangu-
spring flat to close off a duct or flue. lar metal leaves and a central joining
butterfly head screw see one-way pin, usually inset into the edge of a
head screw. door leaf and its frame; types included
butterfly hinge a hinge with two deco- as separate entries are listed below:
rative leaves fixed to a central knuckle,
resembling a butterfly or bow-tie when butt hinge
opened out.

*ball-bearing hinge, ball-bearing butt

butterfly hinge hinge; *falling-butt hinge; *lift-off butt
hinge, lift-off hinge; *loose butt hinge, see
butterfly nut see wing nut. lift-off butt hinge; *loose pin butt hinge,
butterfly roof, Y-form roof; a roof form loose pin hinge; *loose-joint hinge, loose-
in which two sloping planes rise outwards joint butt hinge; *non-mortised hinge,
and upwards from a central gutter. non-mortised butt hinge; *pin hinge, see
loose pin butt hinge; *rising hinge, rising-
butt hinge.

butt joint 1 the joint or seam made by

the edges of two components or sheets
situated side by side without overlapping.

welded steel
butt joint
butterfly roof

butterfly tie see butterfly wall tie.

butterfly toggle see spring toggle.
2 end joint; a weak joint between two
butterfly wall tie a galvanized steel long members joined end on end without
wire wall tie twisted into a figure ‘8’ lapping or interlocking.

butterfly wall tie

timber lengthening butt joint
held together with dog
buttering the smearing of mortar onto
the underside and end of a brick or block
before laying into masonry, especially that butt match a bookmatched veneering
which forms a vertical joint or perpend in pattern in which adjacent sheets are mir-
the finished wall. rored vertically; see vertical butt and hori-
butternut, white walnut; [Juglans zontal bookmatching.
cinerea], see walnut. button, turn button; a simple catch con-
butt gauge see marking gauge. sisting of a piece of stiff material fixed
buttonwood 68
with a pivot to the inside of a door or butt welding, resistance butt weld-
exterior door frame, and which rotates to ing; a method of resistance welding
keep the door closed; see also push metal bars, wire or rods end to end by
button. pressing them together and passing a cur-
buttonwood see plane. rent through them.
butt weld a welded joint between abut-
butt purlin, tenon purlin, tenoned ting metal components.
purlin; in timber roof construction, a pur-
lin that is tenoned into the side of princi- butyl an isomeric form of the chemical
pal rafters. butylene; a tough synthetic rubber used
for sealing, roofing and in paints, see bro-
buttress a vertical rib or mass of mine butyl rubber.
masonry, concrete, etc. to provide lateral
support and stability to a wall, tower, etc.; Buxus sempervirens see boxwood.
sometimes called a counterfort; see flying buzzer see door transmitter.
buttress, counterfort, pier.
by-law see building by-laws.
buttress wall see counterfort wall.
Byzantine architecture, Italian
butt rot see annosus root rot. Romanesque; architecture of Byzantium
butt tenon joint see abutting tenon or the Eastern Roman Empire originating
joint. in c. 400 AD, characterized by the round
butt veneer a decorative veneer with a arch, the circle in plan, the dome and
distorted figure, cut from the stump of a work in mosaic.
CA cellulose acetate. with a number of parallel lengths of stain-
CAB cellulose acetate butyrate. less steel wire rope strung between
cabinet hinge, fur- cabinet hinge cable clamp see wire-rope clamp.
nishing hinge; cable duct, pipe duck; a pipe buried in
traditionally any small the ground, under concrete floors, etc. to
hinge used for cup- provide a protected route for electric
board doors, etc., nowa- cables.
days any one of a wide cable ladder a series of interlinked struc-
range of patented tural brackets for supporting a group of
mechanized hinges, often with spring parallel electric cables at or adjacent to a
mechanisms and specialized fixings. wall surface or slab soffit.
cabinet lock, cable lift a lift system in which the car
furniture lock; and counterweight are hung from a series
a small lock of steel cables over a sheave.
fitted to the cable manhole a manhole in which
doors, drawers, maintenance work can be carried out on
chest lids, etc. subterranean cables; sometimes called a
of furnishings. junction chamber.
cable moulding, cabling, rope
cabinetmaker cabinet lock
moulding; a decorative moulding repre-
a craftsman who makes fine furnishings,
senting the twisting coils of a rope.
joinery and veneerwork.
cabinetmaker's tenon joint see keyed cable moulding
tenon joint.
cabinet projection a form of oblique
projection in which the Y and Z axes are cable-stayed referring to any structure
in plan and the X axis is at 45 upward supported and braced by a system of
and to the right, with scaling of lines par- diagonal cables or rods.
allel to it at half that of the others; see
cavalier, military projections.
cabinet saw a timber-framed bow saw
like a turning saw, but with a wider blade.
cable-stayed bridge
cabinet scraper, spokeshave scraper;
a woodworking tool used for smoothing cable-supported referring to any struc-
and scraping; a scraper mounted in a ture supported by a system of cables in
spokeshave. tension.
cabinetwork the trade of making fine cable thimble see wire-rope thimble.
furnishings, joinery and veneerwork; the cable tray a pressed sheetmetal bracket
furnishings thus produced. for supporting a group of parallel electric
cables, often at high level or in a ceiling
cabin hook a large hook and eye, in void.
which the hook and ring are attached to
backplates, not screw fittings. cabling see cable moulding.
cable, 1 steel cable, wire rope; a struc- CAD acronym for computer-aided design.
tural steel product consisting of steel wire cadmium a soft bluish-white metal, Cd,
wound round a central steel core, very whose uses in construction include the
strong in tension and used in for guys, corrosion-resistant protective or rustproof-
stays, fastening and bracing. ing surface coating for iron and steel,
2 see electric cable. called cadmium plating.
3 see cable moulding. cadmium plating see above.
cable balustrade, wire balustrade, cadmium red, selenium red; a light-
wire-rope balustrade; a balustrade fast and alkali-resistant inorganic red
caeruleum 70
pigment mixed from cadmium sulphide calcium hydroxide a chemical com-
and cadmium selenide, in wide use since pound, Ca(OH)2, calcium oxide mixed
1910, opaque, quick drying and with water, used in cements and mortars
suitable for use in all types of paint. as a binder; the chemical form of slaked
cadmium yellow, aurora yellow; a or hydrated lime.
range of yellow pigments manufactured calcium oxide a chemical compound,
from cadmium sulphide with good hiding CaO, otherwise known as quicklime,
power and performance. made from heating limestone or marble;
caeruleum see cerulean blue. forms lime putty when mixed with water.
cage a three-dimensional assembly of calcium silicate one of a number of a
reinforcing bars for a reinforced concrete chemical salts of silicon and oxygen com-
beam or column, often prefabricated. bined with calcium, manufactured by
heating lime with silica sand and used as
caisson 1 a hollow foundation system, a binder in concrete and in the manufac-
impervious to water, which is fabricated, ture of calcium silicate boards, bricks and
sunk into the ground and emptied of soil blocks; see entries below:
and water to allow construction work calcium silicate block a building block
within. of similar constitution to a calcium silicate
2 see coffer. brick, but of a considerably larger size.
calathus Lat.; the main basket-like body calcium silicate board an incombust-
of a Corinthian capital, surrounded by ible and chemical-resistant fibre cement
acanthus leaves, sometimes called a bell; board used for fireproofing applications
Greek form is kalathos. and as a general weatherproof building
calcareous, calcarious; pertaining to
types of sedimentary rock which contain
calcium silicate brick a light grey or
white brick made by pressing a mixture of
considerable amounts of calcium carbon-
slaked lime mixed with sand (sand-lime
ate, CaCO3, such as limestone, sinter and
brick) or crushed flint (flint-lime brick) and
heating in a steam autoclave.
calcareous tufa a form of highly porous,
pure limestone or calcareous sinter, used calc-spar see calcite.
traditionally as building stone for arches, Caledonian brown poor quality burnt
and burnt to produce lime. sienna.
calcite, calc-spar; a crystalline, white or Caledonian white a white pigment no
coloured mineral form of calcium carbonate longer in general use, made from lead
found in limestone, marble and chalk; used chloro-sulphite.
in the production of Portland cement, in
the chemical, glass and cellulose industry, calendered polymeric roofing
and in the smelting of iron ores. roofing membrane of compressed layers
of bitumen polymer and fibre reinforce-
calcium a chemical element, Ca, found ment, manufactured by controlled rolling
naturally as a carbonate in building stones processes, see calendering.
such as limestone and marble, and used
in compound form in the manufacture of calendering a method of forming thin
cement; see following entries: thermoplastics sheet, laminate or backed
calcium aluminate cement see high sheet by feeding molten material
alumina cement. between hot rollers and cooling rollers in
calcium carbonate a chemical com- succession.
pound, CaCO3, the chemical form of calf's-tongue moulding see calves'-
chalk, limestone and marble; used also as tongue moulding.
a white pigment in paint; see calcite, caliper see calliper.
chalk, dolomite, bitter spar (calcium mag-
nesium carbonate), limestone, marl, quick- call for bids see invitation to tender.
lime, whiting. calliper, caliper; an instrument with two
calcium chloride a chemical compound, hinged legs for measuring the diameter or
CaCl2, used as an accelerator in concrete thickness of bodies; also called callipers;
and mortar. calliper gauge, see vernier callipers.
71 candelabrum
call point any kind of manually operated 2 an optical instrument for taking photo-
fire alarm switch, such as a break-glass unit. graphs, either on film or as digital data;
see surveillance camera and camera
Calocedrus decurrens see incense
calorie, calory, gramme calorie; abb. cal; camera surveillance, video surveil-
a unit of energy equal to 4.19 joules; equiv-
lance; intruder security provided by
banks of cameras installed at key points in
alent to the amount of energy required to
and around a building, linked to a central
raise one gramme of water by 1 C, under
monitoring point.
prescribed conditions of temperature and
pressure; confusingly, when written with a camera survey closed circuit television
capital letter, a Calorie (also kilocalorie or survey.
kilogramme calorie) is 1000 calories. campaniform ‘bell-shaped’; see bell
calorific value, heating value; the capital.
amount of heat generated by the com- campanile an Italianate bell tower, free-
bustion of a unit weight of specified standing or attached to a building.
material; its units are kJ/kg.
Camponutus herculeanus see carpen-
calorifier, heat exchanger; a water ter ant.
heater used in district heating systems,
etc. which heats domestic water via a Canada balsam an oleoresin exuded from
heating battery containing piped hot the balsam fir (Abies balsamea), used as a
water from a central heating plant. medium in paints, varnishes and adhesives.
calves'-tongue moulding, calf's- Canadian spruce [Picea mariana, Picea
tongue moulding; a decorative mould- glauca], see spruce.
ing with a series of small recessed pointed canalis Lat.; in classical architecture, a flut-
arches, taking its name from the row of ing or hollow between volutes in an Ionic
intermediate sharp elements which resem- capital.
ble the tongues of young cows or deer. canary wood see tulipwood.
calves'-tongue moulding candela abb. cd; the SI unit of luminous
candelabrum, pl. candelabra; Lat.; a
large branched candleholder which sup-
ports a number of candles or lights, often
camber a slight convex curvature in an hung from the ceiling.
otherwise horizontal line or surface as candelabrum column highly ornate
with the convex cross-sectional curvature columns in Renaissance and Baroque
of a road; see also hog, bow. architecture, with decoration resembling
cambered arch a brickwork arch with a that on candlesticks; also called a candle-
flat extrados and a curved intrados, often stick column.
used to relieve the illusion of sagging.
cambered beam,
arched beam; a
beam with upper,
lower or both sur-
faces curved to camber
form an arch.
cambered beam
cambered vault
see segmental barrel vault.
camber piece, camber slip see turning
came see lead came.
camera 1 Lat.; a vaulted roof or ceiling in Renaissance
Roman architecture; a chamber or space candelabrum
thus enclosed. column
candle lamp 72
candle lamp a decorative tapered light- cantilever beam a beam of which part
bulb whose upper end terminates in a or all is a cantilever, and on which loads
point, reminiscent of the flame of a are supported.
candlepower distribution curve see cantilever
light distribution curve.
candlestick column see candelabrum support
canephora, canephore, canephorum, support
kanephoros (Gk.); ‘basket-carrying’
cantilever beam
(Lat.); in classical architecture, a carved
statuesque column of a draped female fig- cantilevered stair, flying stairs; a stair
ure, a caryatid, carrying a basket, or with a in which each step is cantilevered out
basket on her head. from a wall or central newel; see double
cantilevered stair.

double cantilevered stair

Greek canephora from with treads supported on
the Treasury of Siphnos, central monocarriage
Delphi, 525 BC beam

cantilever rafter see barge couple.

cantilever retaining wall see cantilever
canker rot see red ring rot. wall.
cantilever slab a concrete floor or roof
cannel see grinding bevel. slab which extends beyond its points of
canopy 1 any overhanging roof, shelter or support forming a cantilever, as in a
ceiling providing cover or shelter. balcony.
2 hood; the upper construction in a fire- cantilever wall a retaining wall,
place, which directs smoke up a chimney. L-shaped in cross-section, which resists
3 an open ornamental shelter or covering, lateral pressure by the weight of earth
especially for an altar, tomb or throne; a resting on its flat protruding footing.
cant brick, angle
brick; a special
brick manufac-
tured with one or
two corners cham- brick
fered, used in dec-
orative and angled brickwork.
cant chisel see framing chisel. cantilever retaining wall

cantilever a horizontal structural mem- cantledge see kentledge.

ber which is rigidly supported at one end
only, forming an overhang; the structural cant strip see angle fillet.
configuration thus created. caoutchouc, indiarubber; unvulcanized
cantilever balcony a balcony which is natural rubber, an elastic and waterproof
attached as a cantilever, without support- material tapped from certain tropical
ing tie rods or columns. trees.
73 carbide

cap an upper terminating fitting, strip, bud capital; *Composite capital;

profile, or one designed to cover or seal Corinthian capital; *crocket capital; *cubic
an opening or joint; types included as capital, see block capital; *cushion capi-
separate entries are listed below: tal; *double scallop capital; *eagle capital;
*bayonet cap; *blank cap, see end cap; *Egyptian capital; *figured capital; *his-
*chimney cap; *Edison screw cap, see toriated capital, see figured capital; *Ionic
screw cap; *end cap; *flue cap; *inspec- capital; *lily capital; *lion capital; *lotus
tion cap; *lamp cap; *pile cap; *rain cap; capital, see lily capital; *moulded capital,
*ridgecap, see ridge capping; *screw cap; see bell capital; *open capital, see bell
*wall cap, see coping. capital; *palm capital; *papyrus capital,
see papyrus; *plume capital, see palm
capital; *protome capital; *scallop capital,
capacity 1 a measure of the internal vol- scalloped cushion capital; *stalactite capi-
ume of any vessel, especially the volume tal; *stiff-leaf capital; *supercapital, see
of liquid that a storage tank, cistern, etc. is dosseret; *tent-pole capital; *trumpet cap-
designed to hold. ital; *Tuscan capital; *vine leaf capital;
2 the ability of a system, workforce, etc. to *volute capital; *waterleaf capital.
cope with the demands of a certain task; 2 money and property owned by a busi-
the quantifiable ability of a machine, vehi- ness, or money used to start a business.
cle or other conveyor to move people,
products and goods from one place to
another. cap nut, acorn nut,
capillary, capillary tube; a narrow ves- dome nut; a nut
sel or pore narrow enough for capillary with a domed cover-
action to occur. ing over its hexago-
capillary action, capillarity; the rise of nal base.
cap nut
liquid in a fine bore tube or dry porous capoc see kapok.
material due to surface tension. capping 1 any long timber, plastics or
capillary fringe an area of ground metal product used to cover a joint, welt
above the water table containing water or seam; see glazing capping.
held by capillary action. 2 a construction at the top of a wall or
capillary groove, anti-capillary parapet to offer protection from the ele-
groove; in window and roof construc- ments; see coping, capping brick.
tion, etc., a groove cut in a sill or overhang capping block see coping block.
to prevent the backflow of water into capping brick a special brick designed
adjacent construction. as the uppermost protective course in a
capillary space in concretework, micro- freestanding wall or parapet; usually the
scopic interlinked spaces or voids in hard- same length as the width of the walling;
ened concrete containing water drawn see saddleback capping brick, coping
through by capillary action; see water brick.
void. capping tile ridge capping tile, see ridge
capillary water groundwater suspended tile.
above the water table through capillary
action. cap sheet in built-up roofing, the upper-
most layer of bitumen felt, bonded to the
underlying intermediate sheet and often
capital 1 a separate block or a thicken- coated with chippings or foil and fibre
ing at the top of a column or pilaster, reinforced.
used to spread the load of a beam, or as
decoration; types included as separate caput mortuum a reddish-violet pig-
entries are listed below: ment formed from iron oxide with clays
*Aeolic capital; *animal capital, see pro- and gypsums.
tome capital; *basket capital; *bell capi- carbide any of a number of chemical
tal; *block capital; *blossom capital, see compounds of carbon with a metallic or
bell capital; *bud capital; *bull capital; semi-metallic element; see tungsten car-
*closed bud capital, closed capital, see bide, calcium carbide.
carbolic acid 74
carbide hydrate see hydrated high cushion the fall of the lift car in the event
calcium by-product lime. of failure of the lift mechanism, cabling,
carbolic acid see phenol.
carburizing, cementation; a surface-
carbolic oil an oily substance produced hardening process for steel by heating it
by the fractional distillation of coal tar at with charcoal and coke in a carbonaceous
170 230 C, containing naphthalene, phe- environment for a number of hours, dur-
nols and other also alkaline compounds; ing which carbon diffuses into the surface.
used in the chemical, dye, food flavouring
and cosmetic industries; also called mid- carcass the frame of a building excluding
dle oil because of its distillation sequence. wall and roof cladding, services, fittings
and finishes; the term usually refers to
carbon a chemical element, C, found in timber-framed construction; also written
many inorganic and organic compounds, as carcase.
and in natural form as graphite and
diamond. card reader in security and access con-
carbon black, benzol black, diamond trol systems, an electronic device, often
black; a very fine, opaque black pigment, used in conjunction with a motor-locked
pure carbon, with high staining power; a door, through which an encoded card is
shade of black which takes its name from passed to permit access.
the colour of coal. car heating point see vehicle heating
carbon dioxide fire extinguisher a point.
fire extinguisher used for industrial and
carmine, Munich lake, nacarat car-
service spaces, which functions by increas-
mine, Vienna lake; a red pigment made
ing the percentage of carbon dioxide gas
from cochineal.
in air to such a degree as to make com-
bustion impossible. carnauba wax a hard wax used as a
carbon disulphide a chemical com- vehicle in paints and varnishes, obtained
pound, CS2, a pungent, poisonous, clear, from the leaves of the Brazilian palm
flammable liquid used as a solvent and in Copernicia cerifera (sometimes referred to
the manufacture of cellophane. as the tree of life); often added to bees-
carbon fibre a lightweight thread of wax to provide hardness.
pure carbon used for reinforcing polymers carnelian see cornelian.
and metals.
carbon-fibre reinforced a description Carolingian pertaining to the pre- and
of plastics, mineral and metal products early Romanesque art and Byzantine-
toughened with strengthening fibres of influenced architecture in France during
carbon; CRP is an acronym for carbon- the dynasty of the Frankish kings
fibre reinforced plastics. (768 843) founded by Charlemagne; often
carbon silicide see silicon carbide. referred to as the Carolingian Renaissance
carbon steel steel containing carbon, or the Carolingian renovation.
which may also contain small amounts of carpenter a craftsman or tradesman who
silicon, manganese and copper according works on site in structural and framing
to specification; usually refers to high car- timber; in North America this also includes
bon steel; see low carbon steel, medium one who works in joinery; an outdated or
carbon steel, high carbon steel. vernacular word for a carpenter is a
carbonation the combination of calcium carpenter and joiner a tradesman
oxide or calcium hydroxide with carbon
responsible for the woodwork in a
dioxide, responsible for the hardening of
plasters and cements.
carpenter ant [Camponutus herculeanus]
carborundum silicon carbide used as an a species of insect which burrows and
abrasive. nests in dead hardwoods and softwoods.
carborundum saw a circular saw whose carpenter's square see framing square.
blade is edged with carborundum. carpenter's vice see bench vice.
car buffer a resilient sprung or oil-loaded carpentry construction work in timber; in
construction at the base of a lift shaft to North America this also includes joinery.
75 casein

carpet 1 a thick floor covering woven carriage bolt see coach bolt.
from fibres, supplied in rolls and usually carrier the inert liquid medium in which
laid as fitted carpet; types included as the adhesive material, pigment, etc. in
separate entries are listed below: adhesives and paints is suspended or
cement carthame see safflower.
screed carved brickwork brickwork carved
with a decorative pattern or relief after it
impact has been laid.
insulation carving chisel see woodcarving chisel.
carving knife a small hand tool with a
concrete short, shaped blade used for decorative
structural woodcarving.
carpet Carya spp. see hickory.
*Axminster carpet; *cork carpet; *cut pile caryatid in classical architecture, a carved
carpet; *fitted carpet; *flocked carpet; statue of a draped female figure which
*looped pile carpet; *needle-punch carpet; functions as a column.
*tufted carpet; *velvet carpet; *wall-to-
wall carpet, see fitted carpet; *Wilton
carpet; *woven carpet.
2 see wearing course.
carpet strip a strip of metal, timber or
plastics used to hold down the edge of
a carpet or other sheet flooring.

one of six
caryatids from
the Erechtheum,
Athens, Greece,
c. 420 BC

Casali's green a form of viridian

carpet strip
carpet tile a soft flooring consisting of case see casing, lock case.
prefabricated rectangular sheets of cased frame, box frame; the hollow
carpet which can be laid as tiles. frame in a sash window, which contains
the mechanisms such as a rope or cable
and a counterweight.
Carpinus betulus see hornbeam.
casehardening a condition in improp-
carport a covered space, canopy or shel- erly seasoned timber where the outer
ter, open on at least one side, under layers of the wood have been dried too
which one or a number of vehicles may rapidly resulting in internal tensions.
be parked; see also garage.
casein a phosphorous protein found in
Carrara marble a high-quality, hard, the milk of mammals; used in glues and
white and durable form of marble, quar- paints.
ried in Carrara in Italy; polished and used casein glue a glue made from casein,
as an external and internal finish. more water-resistant than fish or animal
carriage, centre string; a sloping beam glue.
which supports the treads of a wide stair casein paint paint supplied as a water-
in the middle between the strings; see soluble powder, whose binder is a mixture
mono-carriage. of casein and lime; often applied as a
casement 76
finish to sawn exterior timber, plaster, cast see fibrous plaster cast.
murals, etc.
Castanea sativa see sweet chestnut.
casement an openable, framed, glazed castellated constructed in the form of a
and hinged light in a window unit.
castle, with fortifications, turrets and bat-
casement door, French door, French tlements; describing a pattern, compo-
window; a fully glazed panelled door, nent, etc. which is rendered with a series
usually paired, which opens onto a ter-
of indents or rectilinear undulations, as
race, balcony or adjacent room.
with battlements; also called crenellated,
casement frame a hinged frame of embattled or battlemented.
metal, wood or plastics members, which
castellated moulding see crenellated
holds the glass in place in a casement.
casement handle a device or fitting castellated nut,
used for opening a casement.
castle nut; a nut
casement hinge a hinge used in a side whose outer edge
or top hung casement window.
is formed with a
casement stay any device for regulating series of stepped
and inhibiting the opening of a window castellated nut
slots to fit with a
cotter pin through
casement vent a small hinged casement threaded shafts to secure the bolted joint.
in a window unit, openable for ventilation.
castellation see crenellation.
casement win-
dow a window cast glass, roughcast glass; traditional
with one or more flat glass, often with an uneven surface,
hinged sashes or manufactured by casting on a bed of
casements; see sand; see also plate glass.
top-hung casement casting the shaping of material such as
window, side-hung concrete, metal or plastics by pouring it in
casement window, liquid form (molten for metals) into suit-
hopper light ably shaped moulds and allowing it to
(bottom-hinged casement window harden.
casement window).
casting plaster a grade of plaster
case mould in ornamental plastering, a suitable for casting in moulds for orna-
flexible mould formed by pouring mould- ment and mouldings.
ing compound into the void between the
object to be modelled and a surrounding cast-in-place same as in situ.
plaster case. cast-in-place concrete see in-situ
casework see casing. cast-in-place pile, bored pile, cast-in-
casing, 1 casework, encasing; any situ pile, in-situ pile; in foundation
material, product, boarding, etc. used as a engineering, a concrete pile constructed
covering for a structural member or ser- by placing reinforcement and concrete
vice to conceal unsightly construction or into a preformed borehole or driven cas-
as fireproofing; see concrete casing. ing tube.
2 case, cover; a protective outer layer for cast-in-situ see in situ.
an appliance, component or device. cast-in-situ concrete see in-situ
3 see formwork, pile casing. concrete.
cassava a starch glue made from tapioca, cast-in-situ pile see cast-in-place pile.
the starch flour obtained from the tuber- cast iron a hard alloy of iron, carbon and
ous root of the tropical cassava plants silicon cast when molten into a mould,
[Manihot esculenta, Manihot dulcis]. then often machined; written cast-iron in
Cassel earth, Cologne earth; a form of adjectival form.
the brown earth pigment Vandyke brown, castle nut see castellated nut.
named after the town of Cassel, Germany,
where it was first obtained. cast steel, crucible steel; steel which
has been cast from molten material, and
Cassel green see manganese green. not worked thereafter.
77 caustic lime
cast stone, artificial stone, patent emulsifying additive which coats the parti-
stone, reconstructed stone; a reconsti- cles of bitumen with a positive ion (a cat-
tuted stone product used in place of natu- ion), causing them to repel one another
ral stone, manufactured from stone and to remain as separate droplets.
fragments in a cement binder. cat's eye see pin knot.
cast tile a tile manufactured by casting cat's head, cats-
ceramic material in a mould then firing it. head; an ornamental
catalyst, promoter; a substance, such as motif or moulding,
a hardener in some paints, which similar to a beak-
increases the rate of a chemical reaction head, consisting of a
or drying process without itself being series of stylized
consumed. heads resembling cat's head ornament
those of cats.
cataphoresis see electrophoresis.
catch any device catslide roof a pitched roof which con-
tinues in the same plane on one side
used for the fasten-
beyond the main eaves to roof an adja-
ing of a gate, door
cent structure, or in which the eaves are
or hatch in a cer-
lower on one side than the other.
tain position; see
ball catch, bullet
catch, magnetic
catch, roller catch,
turning catch. catch
catch bolt see
return latch.
cathedral a large and principal church of catslide roofs
a diocese, the seat of a bishop.
cathedral glass a strong roughcast
coloured glass, often with lead cames in cat's paw see nail claw.
imitation of stained glass. caulicole, caulcole; the spiral stalks
Catherine wheel window, wheel which carry leaves and volutes at the cor-
window; a round window with a series ners of a Corinthian capital; the Latin form
of glazing bars radiating out from the cen- is cauliculus.
tre, which takes its name from a decora- caulking, 1 stopping; the filling of joints
tive motif consisting of a spiked or and gaps in construction with flexible
burning wheel with radiating spokes, an material as weatherproofing and wind-
instrument of torture, the symbol of Saint proofing; the sealing substance or product
Catherine of Alexandria, to which she was thus used.
bound. 2 a product and process in which fibrous
materials such as old rope, hemp or rags
are forced into the gaps in a timber
boarded structure as jointing; see oakum.
caulking chisel, caulking iron; a metal
implement with a wide, blunt blade used
for caulking joints.
caulking ferrule a screwed sleeve for an
Catherine Catherine wheel opening in a pipe, sealed by caulking.
wheel motif window, St Davids caulking gun, extrusion gun, pres-
Cathedral, Wales, sure gun; a simple mechanical device for
1181 applying prepacked sealant into joints,
cathodic dip painting see electro-dip using hand pressure on a trigger.
painting. caulking iron see caulking chisel.
cationic bitumen emulsion a disper- causeway sett see sett.
sion of bitumen in water, with an caustic lime see quicklime.
caustic soda 78
caustic soda see sodium hydroxide. cavity membrane see air-gap
cavalier projection in technical draw- membrane.
ing, an oblique projection in which the Y cavity tie see wall tie.
and Z axes are in plan and the X axis is at cavity wall, hollow masonry wall,
45 upward and to the right; all scales are hollow wall; a common exterior wall
the same; see cabinet, military projections. construction, often of masonry, composed
of two adjacent walls or leaves tied
cavetto a decorative concave moulding together at intervals with an air space
which is roughly a quarter of a circle in between, often partially or wholly filled
profile; when appearing in a cornice, con- with ventilated insulation.
cave side down, it may be called a cove;
see also scotia. thermal insulation
air gap

inner leaf

cavetto moulding outer leaf

cavitation the formation of gas bubbles cavity wall construction

in flowing liquids due to the turbulent cavity wall tie see wall tie.
action of a pump or propeller, which, in
water supply installations, may lead to cavo-relievo, cavo-rilievo see sunk
corrosive oxidation of metal parts. relief.
cavity a void within a component to C-clamp see gee-clamp.
reduce weight such as in a hollow core CCTV closed circuit television.
slab, or in construction between two com-
ponents for insulation, such as between
CCTV survey closed circuit television
the leaves of a cavity wall; see also gap.
cavity absorber, Helmholtz resona- cedar [Cedrus spp.] a group of softwoods
tor; in acoustics, a construction consisting with strongly scented and extremely dur-
of bottle-like cavities containing air which able timber; used for joinery, fencing and
absorbs sound of a narrow band of fre- interior panelling; large spreading ever-
quencies by sympathetic resonance. green trees which are widely planted in
cavity barrier see fire barrier. parks and large gardens as ornamental
cavity block see cellular block. trees; other species such as the western
cavity bond, hollow wall bond; any red cedar, eastern red cedar, incense
true masonry bond in which bricks or cedar, yellow cedar and white cedar are
blocks are stacked in such a way as to not true cedars; see below for list of spe-
leave a cavity in the centre of the wall; cies of true cedars included in this work:
see rat-trap bond, Dearne's bond. Atlas cedar [Cedrus atlantica] a species
cavity brick see hollow brick. of cedar native to the mountains of
cavity closer in cavity wall or prefabri- Algeria and Morocco in North Africa; rela-
cated concrete panel construction, a piece tively pollution resistant and widely
of timber or other rigid material placed in planted in town parks and gardens.
the cavity at an edge or opening to pro- Cedar of Lebanon [Cedrus libani] a soft-
vide a thermal break and onto which win- wood from the mountainous regions of
dow and door frames may be attached; the Near East and Syria with a distinctive
also called a closure piece. smell, used locally for building construc-
cavity drainage membrane see air- tion; a fine ornamental tree with foliage in
gap membrane. characteristic flattened evergreen sprays.
cavity floor see access floor. deodar [Cedrus deodara] a softwood
cavity gas the inert gas between two from Afghanistan and the Himalayan
sheets of glass in a sealed glazing unit. mountains with pale brown timber, used
79 cell
for interiors; often planted as an ornamen- hot water pipework incorporated into
tal in parks and large gardens. ceiling panels.
Cedrus spp. see cedar. ceiling height, floor-to-ceiling
ceiba [Ceiba pentandra] a tropical African height, headroom, room height;
and Asian hardwood with extremely light the vertical height of an internal space,
timber which is used for furniture; also a measured from floor level to ceiling
water-resistant wool product formed from soffit.
the seed fibres of this tree; also called ceiling joist in timber roof construc-
kapok. tion, one of a number of horizontal
members to which ceiling boards,
ceiling the upper horizontal construc- panels, etc. are fixed.
tion or surface in an interior space; usu- ceiling linear strip see exposed
ally either suspended or the soffit of the runner.
overlying construction; types included ceiling luminaire a light fitting
as separate entries are listed below: designed to be attached to a ceiling
suspended mesh ceiling in ceiling painting see plafond.
section of office building ceiling panel a removable sheet prod-
uct of gypsum board, plastics, mesh or
sheetmetal, suspended on a system of
rails and hangers to make up a sus-
pended ceiling; see metal pan, metal
ceiling rose see centrepiece.
ceiling runner a metal profile sup-
ported by ceiling hangers, which forms
the basis of the frame into which ceiling
*acoustic ceiling; *coffered ceiling; *drop panels are laid in a suspended ceiling.
ceiling, false ceiling; *illuminated ceiling, ceiling strap see ceiling hanger.
luminous ceiling; *suspended ceiling. ceiling strip a horizontal moulding or
ceiling bearer a primary profile or cover strip at the junction of an internal
beam in a suspended ceiling system, wall and ceiling; see also cornice.
from which ceiling runners are ceiling surface the lower visible sur-
suspended. face of a ceiling.
ceiling board 1 any board products ceiling suspension system the frame
such as plasterboard, plywood, etc. fas- of hangers and profiles by which panels
tened to a frame or soffit to make up a in a suspended ceiling are supported.
fixed ceiling. ceiling tile a rectangular tile of plastics,
2 one of a number of machined timber laminates or ceramics used in series to
boards used as a ceiling. form a ceiling surface.
ceiling component any component ceiling trim see perimeter trim.
or product, a panel, hanger, runner, etc. ceiling void the space between a false
used to form a suspended ceiling. or suspended ceiling construction and
ceiling construction the materials, the soffit of the overlying construction,
components and structure which com- usually taken up with services and
prise a ceiling. ducts.
ceiling fan a large-bladed rotating fan
attached to a ceiling soffit to provide
circulation of air within a space.
ceiling hanger, ceiling strap; one of ceilure see celure.
a number of metal components celestial blue a form of the pigment
attached to the soffit or frame of the Prussian blue similar to Brunswick blue.
floor or roof above, from which a sus- cell 1 one of the curved vaulting panels or
pended ceiling is hung. surfaces between the ribs in a rib vault;
ceiling heating radiant space heating the curved or planar surface of a vault;
provided by electric cables, steam or also called a severy or web.
cella 80
2 any small isolatory chamber or part of a glued to either side of a cellular
building, such as a fire cell, monastic cell construction.
or prison cell; see fire compartment.
3 a normally non-rechargeable battery for cellular core
a small appliance such as a radio or torch;
an appliance for converting chemical or
light energy into electricity; see battery,
solar cell, photoelectric cell. face
cella, cellae (pl); Lat.; in classical architec-
ture, the central sanctuary space in a
Roman temple containing a cult image; a
naos in Greek architecture; cella is often cellular board
used for all enclosed shrine-like spaces.
cellular brick a perforated brick whose
cellar a basement or part of a basement cavities are large in proportion to its vol-
used for storage, heating plant and for ume, or of particular special shape; see
purposes other than habitation; a cellar in perforated brick (cored brick), air brick
a castle or palace is often called a vault. (ventilating brick), hollow brick (cavity
cellar rot [Coniophora cerebella, brick).
Coniophora puteana] a fungus which
attacks timber in constantly damp
cell ceiling, egg-crate ceiling, open
cell ceiling; a suspended ceiling system
formed from rectangular or polygonal
grids of baffles, slats, etc. with openings cellular bricks
to allow for the passage of air and light
from services located in the ceiling void. cellular concrete see aerated concrete.
cellophane a transparent plastics mate- cellular concrete block see cellular
rial made from viscose and used for block.
wrapping. cellular glass, foam glass; a glass
product manufactured by heating pulver-
cellular a description of a material, con- ized glass with carbon to form a strong,
struction layout or structural configuration
lightweight, fireproof and water-resistant
of a number of open cells, voids, etc.,
solid foam, used as an insulating material;
such as honeycomb.
also known as expanded glass.
cellular acrylic sheet see acrylic cellular
cellular glazing see cellular sheet.
cellular paver, crib paver; a concrete
cellular block a concrete building block
paving block precast with patterns of
with voids incorporated in its thickness
small holes, filled with earth and sown
during manufacture to reduce weight,
with seed compound for grass to grow;
improve thermal and sometimes acoustic
laid in series to form a hardwearing paved
performance; variously known as a cavity
but grassy surface called cellular, grass or
block or hollow concrete block.
crib paving.


cellular board, cellular plywood; a

building board of one or more veneers cellular paving
81 cement
cellular plastic a generic name for Celtic architecture the domestic, cere-
both expanded plastics and foamed monial and defensive architecture of the
plastics. Celtic peoples of present-day Scotland,
cellular plywood see cellular board. Wales and Brittany from 700 BC to 1100
cellular polycarbonate see polycarbon- AD, including hill forts, ceremonial Celtic
ate cellular sheet. crosses, standing stones and domestic
cellular raft a concrete raft foundation dwellings; often ornamented with
whose beams and crosswalls form a grid interlace.
structure in plan. celure, ceilure, cellure; in church archi-
cellular rubber a generic term for both tecture, a decorated panelled ceiling over
foam rubber and expanded rubber. a chancel or altar.
cellular sheet, extruded cellular
sheet; an insulating transparent polycar- cembra pine see pine.
bonate or acrylic sheet product of two
thin sheets around a hollow cellular core, cement 1 a powdered mineral sub-
used for lightweight glazing and roofing. stance, usually containing lime or gyp-
sum, mixed with water to form a paste
celluloid a thermoplastic made from cel-
which will set to form a hard, brittle
lulose nitrate, camphor and alcohol; tradi-
material; used as a binder in concrete,
tionally used for cinema film.
mortars, plasters, etc.; types included as
cellulose a major constituent of dried separate entries are listed below:
wood and plant matter which, when *blast-furnace cement, blast-furnace slag
extracted as pulp, is processed for use in cement; *blended cement, blended
the manufacture of a wide range of syn- hydraulic cement; *brown cement, see
thetic products including papers, fibres, Roman cement; *calcium aluminate
plastics, paints and adhesives. cement, see high alumina cement;
cellulose acetate, CA; a tough thermo- *coloured (Portland) cement; *composite
plastic used as a binder in emulsion cement, see fillerized cement; *expanding
paints, for light fittings and door furniture. cement; *extra rapid-hardening Portland
cellulose acetate butyrate, CAB; a cement; *Ferrari cement; *fibre-reinforced
tough thermoplastic used for coatings cement, fibre cement, FRC; *fillerized
and illuminated signs. cement, filler cement; *fuel-ash cement,
cellulose adhesive any adhesive such as see Portland pulverized fuel-ash cement;
wallpaper paste, which contains cellulose. *glassfibre-reinforced cement, GRC; *high
cellulose lacquer, cellulose varnish; a alumina cement; *high-early-strength
quick drying varnish, used mainly on cement, see rapid-hardening Portland
wooden surfaces, based on nitrocellulose cement; *hot cement; *hydraulic cement;
compounds in a solvent-based medium, *hydrophobic cement; *lime cement; *low
which dries by the evaporation of the heat cement, low heat Portland cement;
solvent. *low heat Portland blast-furnace cement;
cellulose loose-fill insulation loose-fill *magnesite cement, see oxychloride
insulation prepared from shredded waste cement; *masonry cement; *ordinary
paper, cardboard, etc., treated with water (Portland) cement; *oxychloride cement;
and insect repellent. *Parker's cement, see Roman cement;
cellulose nitrate, CN; a flammable ther- *Portland blast-furnace cement; *Portland
moplastic used for paint finishes and in cement; *Portland pozzolana cement;
the manufacture of celluloid. *Portland pulverized fuel-ash cement;
cellulose paint a solvent-based paint, *pozzolanic cement; *quick-setting
similar to cellulose lacquer, containing Portland cement; *rapid-hardening
compounds of nitrocellulose and usually Portland cement; *Roman cement; *soil
applied by spraying. cement; *sorel cement, see oxychloride
cellulose plastics thermoplastics such cement; *sulphate-resistant cement, see
as acetate and celluloid which are manu- sulphate-resisting Portland cement;
factured from cellulose. *supersulphated cement; *water-repellent
cellulose varnish see cellulose lacquer. cement, see hydrophobic cement; *white
cellure see celure. (Portland) cement.
cementation 82

2 any glue-like liquid substance used for cement paint an absorbent water-based
sticking things together, usually an inor- paint in which the binder is Portland
ganic adhesive. cement, often with added pigment to
provide colour.
cement paste cement powder and water
cementation see carburizing, grouting. mixed to form a thick smooth paste.
cementation process in ground engi- cement plaster see cement render,
neering, a process whereby cement grout Portland cement plaster.
is injected into underlying soil or rock in
order support and strengthen it. cement render, cement plaster;
cement mortar used as render for external
cement bonded chipboard see wood walls.
cement chipboard.
cement rubber latex flooring durable
cement clinker partially fused incom- flooring of a mixture of cement, rubber
bustible residue from a kiln created under latex and aggregates of stone, woodchips,
high temperatures, ground and used as etc., laid in situ over a concrete slab and
cement in concrete. ground to form a smooth surface.
cement content in concreting, the cement screed see screed.
amount of hydraulic binder per unit
volume or mass of mix. cement slurry a liquid mix of cement
paste used in grouting and rough render
cement fillet see mortar fillet. for masonry wall surfaces.
cement fixing see mortar fixing. cement tile see concrete tile.
cement flooring see cement rubber cement/water ratio in mixes of con-
latex flooring. crete, mortar or grout, the ratio of the
cement gel in concretework, the cohe- mass of cement to contained water, the
sive mass of microscopic calcium silicate reciprocal of water/cement ratio.
hydrate crystals in cement. centering, centres; a temporary curved
cement gun a pipe and nozzle used with frame of wood or other material for sup-
sprayed concrete and operated by com- porting a masonry arch while it is being
pressed air. constructed.
cement grout see neat grout.
cementite a white, brittle compound,
iron carbide (Fe3C) found in white cast
cementitious material see binder.
cementitious matrix in fibre-reinforced
products, the medium of resin, polymer or
cement into which fibres are dispersed as
reinforcement. timber centering for
brick arch under
cement lime mortar, cement lime construction
plaster see composition mortar.
cement lime render see composition
render. central air conditioning an air condi-
cement mixer a small portable concrete tioning installation in which air treatment
mixer with a rotating ovular vessel which plant, fans, etc. are located in one place,
is pivoted in order to empty out its from which conditioned air is distributed
contents. throughout a building.

cement mortar, compo; mortar which Central American mahogany see

contains a cement binder as well as sand Honduras mahogany.
and water; see also masonry cement central fan system see central plant
mortar. system.
83 centre to centre
central heating a heating system for a
building or group of buildings in which a
centrally located boiler heats water which
is then circulated as hot water or steam to
radiators and storage tanks; see also dis-
trict heating.
central heating boiler a boiler which centre matched
provides heated water for a central heat- veneering
ing network.
central heating installation the appli- centre-opening door, bi-parting
ances and devices that make up a central door; a double sliding door in which
heating system; a centralized boiler and both leaves slide away from the middle of
pipework to provide heat in the form of the opening; lift doors are a typical
hot water throughout a building. example.
centralized hot water supply, cen-
tralized boiler system; a large-scale hot
water heating system for industrial pre-
mises, schools, apartment blocks, etc. in
which water is heated, stored, and distrib-
uted throughout from a central location.
central locking a system by which all
locks in a building or secure area can be
operated from the same central lock. centre-
opening doors
centrally planned a square, circular, or
polygonal building with an open space at
the centre, around which other spaces are centrepiece, rose, ceiling rose; a deco-
arranged. rative central feature in a ceiling, from
central plant system, central fan which light fittings are often suspended.
system; an air-conditioning system in centre pivot hinge, centre hinge,
which air is treated in a centralized plant centres; the pivoted fastening on which
and ducted to the various spaces in a a pivot window rotates.
building. centre punch, punch; a tool for mark-
central ply, core ply; the central layer ing points or making starter drill holes in
or ply around which the other plies in ply- metal.
wood are glued.
centre bit a flat-ended drill bit with a
centring spike for drilling holes or circular
depressions in wood.
centre boards in the conversion of tim- centre
ber, boards sawn longitudinally from the punches
middle of a log, with end grain forming a
series of concentric circles. centres, 1 centre to centre, spacing;
centre gutter a flat-bottomed gutter abb. ccs; in dimensioning and general
between two inwardly sloping pitched construction, a notation expressing the
roofs. distance between the centres of adjacent
centre hinge see centre pivot hinge. objects such as rafters, columns, studs,
beams, battens, etc. in an equally spaced
centre match a variation of the book- series.
matched veneering pattern in which an 2 see centre pivot hinge.
even number of pieces of veneer are mir- 3 see centering.
rored across the centre line of a panel to
form a symmetrical image on the other centre string see carriage.
half. centre to centre see centres.
centrifugal fan 84
centrifugal fan a fan used in air-condi- ceramic tiled paving see tiled paving.
tioning installations, in which air is sucked certificate a legal document issued as
in perpendicular to the rotor blades and proof of something attained, origin
blown out radially; centrifugal refers to of goods, standard of work, evidence of
the physical tendency of a revolving body quality, etc.; see completion certificate.
to move away from the centre of
revolution. cerulean blue a bright, opaque, blue
pigment used in artist's paints and cera-
Cerambycidae see longhorn beetle. mics, consisting of cobaltous stannate, a
ceramic pertaining to products manufac- compound of oxides of cobalt and tin;
tured from fired or burnt clay such as variously known as blue celeste, caeru-
pipes, tiles, bricks, terracotta and pottery. leum, coelin, coeruleum, corruleum blue.
ceramic fibre an artificial fired clay ceruse an old name for the pigment
thread used in bulk in fireproofing white lead.
ceramic glaze see glaze. cesspool, cesspit, sewage tank; in the
ceramics any products made from a mix- treatment of waste water, an under-
ture of mineral substance and a clay ground storage container, emptied at reg-
binder fired to produce a hard insoluble ular intervals, for sewage which cannot be
material; the field of practice and produc- piped away for treatment.
tion in fired clay. Ceylon ebony [Diospyros ebenum], see
Ceylon satinwood, East Indian satin-
wood; [Chloroxylon swietenia] a tropical
hardwood from India and Sri Lanka with
3 very heavy timber.
chain 1 a fastening or connecting rope-
like structure formed from a number of
4 7 interlocking metal loops; see door chain.
8 2 an ornamental motif representing the
6 linked loops of a chain, a chain moulding.
chain link mesh wire mesh made from
series of wires interwoven in a zigzag pat-
tern to form diamond-shaped openings;
most often galvanized or organically
coated and used as fencing material.
1 square tile 6 floor tile
2 rectangular tile 7 geometric tile,
3 inside corner tile hexagonal tile
4 cove tile 8 non-slip tile
5 skirting tile 9 nosing tile

ceramic tile a thin, durable clay tile,

pressed and fired at a high temperature;
usually used for cladding floors and walls.
ceramic floor tiling chain link
membrane chain moulding an ornamental mould-
ing representing the linked loops of a
cement chain.
screed to
chain moulding
85 channel
chain pipe wrench, chain tongs, chalk line, snap line, snapping line;
chain vice; a tool for gripping and rotat- a long thread covered in chalk or coloured
ing objects such as pipes or tight bolts, powder, used to mark and set out long
consisting of a lever attached to a short lines of proposed construction on a build-
length of chain which tightens around the ing site.
object to be gripped. Chamaecyparis lawsoniana see
chainsaw a hand-held motor-driven saw Lawson's cypress; Chamaecyparis nootka-
with a cutting chain, used for logging and tensis see yellow cedar.
rough work; see saw chain.
chain timber see bond timber. chamfer, bevel; the splayed surface
chain tongs, chain vice see chain pipe formed when a corner is removed from
wrench. an acute or right angle, usually at 45 .
chamfered mould-
chair a construction of bent bars for sup- ing a decorative
porting the uppermost layer of reinforce- moulding or trim in
ment in horizontal concrete slabs, beams, which any edge has
etc. while concrete is being placed. been cut or formed chamfered
chair rail, dado rail; an interior horizon- with a chamfer. moulding
tal moulding at approximately waist chamfer stop in ornamentation, the ter-
height as an upper termination for wain- minating device for a chamfered mould-
scotting or to prevent the backs of chairs ing or carving.
from scraping the wall surface. chamotte see grog.
chaitya a Buddhist temple or the meeting Champagne chalk a high-quality grade
room of a monastery in India. of chalk, originally found in deposits in
Champagne, France.
chancel the area to the east end of the
crossing of a church, containing an altar,
and often a choir and an apse.
chancel aisle an aisle at the side of a
chancel of a large church.
Buddhist chancel arch a major transverse arch
chaitya supporting the roof or tower at the inter-
temple, cut section of the chancel and transept.
into rock,
Karli, India, change see variation.
100–125 AD channel, 1 channel iron, channel
section; a structural steel section formed
by rolling, whose uniform cross-section
chalcedony a blue-grey form of micro- resembles the letter C or U.
crystalline quartz, used for its decorative 2 drainage channel; any open water-
quality; also a general name for agate, course for the conveyance or drainage of
onyx, cornelian and crysophrase. water; see floor channel, box gutter (roof
chalk a form of soft, pale or white channel).
coloured, porous limestone used in the 3 in telecommunications, a range or band
manufacture of drawing and writing of wavelengths designated for the send-
chalks, and burnt to produce lime; artifi- ing of signals.
cial calcium carbonate is used as a bright 4 see canalis.
white pigment in water-based paints and channel block
a ground in oil paints. a concrete block
chalking a defect in an exterior paint fin- which is U-
ish consisting of the deposition of pig- shaped in cross-
ment in a chalky layer on the surface due section; designed
to decomposition of the binder. for use with rein- channel block
chalk lime quicklime produced by heat- forcing bars and
ing chalk. in-situ concrete as a beam or lintel over a
characteristic strength 86
window or door opening; also called a lintel 4 vapour check, see vapour barrier.
or bond-beam block. 5 see water check.
channel brick see lintel brick. checkered alternative spelling of
channel glass, chequered.
profile glass, checkered pattern see square pattern.
glass plank; a checkerplate see chequerplate.
glass product
with a U-shaped
section by rolling
or casting; a num-
ber of these, when channel
placed vertically glass
together, form a
glazed screen.
channel grating a longitudinal grating
over a drainage channel. chequerplate

characteristic strength in structural checkerwork see chequerwork.

engineering, the theoretical strength of a checking a defect in a paint finish caused
material gained from tests and research by a fine mesh of surface cracks caused
under normal conditions of loading, used by shrinkage or uneven drying.
as a base for structural calculations.
check lock see snib.
charge 1 the amount or accumulation of
energy in a system, especially electricity in check valve, clack valve, valve, non-
a battery; see electric charge. return valve, reflux valve; a valve
2 debit; a sum of money demanded as which allows for flow in a pipeline in one
payment for goods and services. direction only; see backflow valve, pipe
chargehand, leading hand; a trades-
man who is head of a team of tradesmen cheek 1 in timber jointing, the side of a
and labourers on site. tenon, mortise or recess.
2 the triangular side wall of a dormer win-
chartered engineer, professional dow or similar construction.
engineer; a qualified engineer who, as 3 the flat side surface of a hammerhead.
well as having a university degree in engi-
neering, has met the requirements of an chemical cleaning the treatment of a
engineering institute. surface or object by the application of a
chemical to clean it.
chase 1 in general construction, a shallow
channel cut into a solid wall, floor or ceil- chemical plating, electroless plating;
ing for the location of electrical servicing the application of protective or decorative
or pipework, usually subsequently filled. metal coatings to plastics or ceramic pro-
2 in joinery or carpentry, a long groove ducts by immersion into various chemical
cut into a piece of timber to receive solutions, during which deposition occurs
another piece; a housing or dado. by chemical reaction without the use of
chattering undesirable vibration of tools
which cause ripples in the finished surface chemical reaction the chemical binding
of a plasterwork moulding, certain together of two or more substances to
extruded products, machined timber, etc. form a new substance which may have
different properties from its constituents.
check 1 a split in an improperly seasoned
timber piece which appears as a result of chemical resistance the ability of a
uneven shrinkage; a seasoning shake; see material or finish to withstand chemical
also heartshake (heart check), surface attack or reaction.
checks. chemical shrinkage in concretework, a
2 in masonry, a rebate in the face of a reduction in size caused by chemical
brick, block or stone. changes during setting and final
3 door check, see door closer. hardening.
87 chicken wire
chemically strengthened glass a sour cherry [Prunus cerasus] a European
toughened glass used for optical lenses hardwood whose timber is used for musi-
and lamps, whose surface is hardened cal instruments and for the decorative
against abrasion by heating with salts to value of its grain.
encourage replacement of ions sweet cherry, wild cherry; [Prunus
chequerboard construction, alternate avium] a European hardwood with deep
bay construction, hit and miss con- red-brown timber; used for the decorative
struction; in concretework, a method of value of its grain in interiors and for musi-
construction of casting large areas of deck, cal instruments.
floor, paving, etc. to reduce cracking from cherry mahogany see makore.
drying shrinkage; diagonally adjacent chert, hornstone; a dense, fine-grained
areas or bays are cast then allowed to sedimentary rock composed mainly of
harden, after which the remaining voids are cryptocrystalline silica; difficult to work
filled using the existing concrete as but used, like flint, for stone facing; also a
support. general name for all horn-like rocks.
chequerboard pattern see square pat- chestnut any nut-producing hardwood
tern, basketweave pattern. from the genus Castanea, found in temper-
chequered brickwork decorative brick- ate regions of the Northern hemisphere;
work based on a repeated grid pattern as see sweet chestnut; other unrelated species
a result of the use of occasional coloured from other parts of the world are also
bricks, added stone or the arrangement of known as chestnuts, see horse chestnut.
bricks of varying colour into squares or chestnut brown an alternative name for
rectangles. the pigment raw umber.
chequered pattern see square pattern. chevet in church or cathedral architec-
chequerplate, checkerplate, raised ture, an apse with projecting radiating
pattern plate, tread plate; hot-rolled chapels or niches.
steel plate treated with a raised surface chevron Romanesque ornament consist-
pattern, used as durable cladding, indus- ing of a series of parallel zigzag lines;
trial flooring to provide grip, etc. often called a chevron moulding.
chequerwork, checkerwork; decoration
chevron mouldings
based on the use of a squared grid in
which alternate squares are rendered in a
second colour, relief or manner.
cherry [Prunus spp.] a
number of species of
European hardwood
tree with deep red-
brown, dense and
fine-grained timber;
used for flooring, join- chevron match see V-match.
ery and furniture; cher- Prunus spp., chicken wire a wire netting of thin gal-
ries are small trees cherry vanized wire with hexagonal openings;
widely planted in parks and gardens on also known as hexagonal mesh.
account of their white and pink spring
blooms and autumn leaf colour; see
below for species included in this work;
see also plum.
American cherry, black cherry (Am);
[Prunus serotina] a North American hard-
wood with reddish-brown timber; used
for furniture.
bird cherry [Prunus padus] a European chicken
hardwood with bitter scented, hard and wire
tough timber.
chickrassy 88
chickrassy, Chittagong wood; chimney crown the masonry or con-
[Chukrasia tabularis] a southern Asian crete construction at the top of a brick or
hardwood whose reddish-brown heart- stone chimney stack, often overhanging
wood is used in furniture. or weathered, to provide protection from
chiller see refrigeration unit. rain, snow, etc.
chimney flashing a layer of felt or other
chimney a vertical structure which con- sheet membrane laid around the base of
tains one or more flues to extract waste a chimney or flue at the point at which it
gases and smoke from a building, boiler, penetrates the roof structure, to prevent
fireplace or other apparatus; see chimney the passage of water.
stack, flue. chimney gutter a back gutter on the
upward side of the junction between a
chimney cap chimney and a sloping roof to convey
rainwater from behind the chimney.
chimney stack chimney-nook see inglenook.
flue chimney saddle, chimney cricket
(Am), cricket (Am); in roofing, a shaped
piece of impervious sheet material, laid
vent under roof tiles and other roofing behind
a chimney to protect the junction of chim-
ney and roof plane.
chimney shaft a large, usually industrial,
masonry stove freestanding chimney, containing a large
chimney stack the structure or construc-
tional surround for a chimney or flue; that
part of a chimney exposed above the
upper surface of a roof.
chimney block see flue block.
chimney bond, column bond; china clay, Devonshire clay; an impure
brickwork bonds used for slender con- variety of kaolin, hydrated aluminium
structions such as brick chimneys, piers silicate, a fine white mineral powder used
and columns. for making chinaware and as an inert
chimney breast a thickening or recess pigment in paints.
in a masonry wall containing space for a China wood oil see tung oil.
fireplace and flue constructions.
Chinese blue a form of high-quality
Prussian blue pigment.
Chinese bond see rat-trap bond.
chimney flue Chinese red see chrome red.
Chinese vermilion a red pigment, gen-
uine vermilion, manufactured in China;
also the name of a shade of red which
takes its name from this.
fireplace Chinese white zinc white pigment
prepared for use as a watercolour.
hearth Chinese yellow a name applied to a
number of yellow pigments, especially
chimney cap, 1
bonnet; a device king's yellow.
attached to the outlet in the top of a flue chinoiserie decorative Rococo ornament
or chimney which rotates in the wind and and style in Europe from the 1700s which
improves draught within the flue. arose as a result of trade with China; it is
2 see flue cap, rain cap. characterized by a fascination with
chimney-corner see inglenook. Chinese painting, wallpaper, vases and
chimney cricket see chimney saddle. pagodas.
89 Chloroxylon swietenia

chipboard, wood chipboard; a build- *claw chisel, claw tool; *clourer; *cold
ing board formed from chipped fibrous chisel; *corner chisel, dogleg chisel, see
material, usually woodchips, bonded bruzz chisel; *drawer lock chisel; *driver;
together with resin then pressed into *fantail tool, see fishtail chisel; *fillet
sheets most often it is synonymous chisel; *firmer chisel; *fishtail chisel, fish-
with particleboard, but not always; see tail tool; *floor chisel; *framing chisel;
particleboard; types of chipboard *gouge; *hammer-headed chisel; *head-
included as separate entries are listed ing chisel, see mortise chisel; *hinge chisel;
below: *joiner's chisel, see paring chisel; *jumper;
*bitumen-coated chipboard; *extruded *lock chisel; *long-cornered chisel, see
particleboard; *graded density chipboard; skew chisel; *mallet-headed chisel;
*laminated chipboard; *melamine faced *masonry chisel, mason's chisel, see entry
chipboard; *multilayer chipboard; *ori- for full list of masonry chisels; *mortise
ented strand board; *platen-pressed chip- lock chisel; *mortising chisel, mortise
board; *primed and filled chipboard; chisel; *nicker, see splitter; paring chisel;
*sanded chipboard; *single layer chip- *parting chisel, parting tool; *patent claw
board; *tongued and grooved chipboard; chisel; *pitching tool, pincher, pitcher;
*veneered chipboard; *wood cement *pocket chisel, see butt chisel; *point tool;
chipboard. *punch; *quirking tool; *registered chisel;
chipboard flooring flooring, under- *ripping chisel; *sash chisel, see butt
flooring or decking consisting of abut- chisel; *scraping tool, scraper; *sculptor's
ted or tongued and grooved chipboard. point; skew chisel; *spindle, see fillet
chisel; *splitter; stonecarving chisel, stone
chisel, stonemason's chisel, see masonry
chipped grain a chisel; *swan-neck chisel, see mortise lock
timber machining chisel; *tooth tool, see patent claw chisel;
defect in which *tracer; *turning chisel; *turning gouge;
small chips are chipped grain in *waster; *woodcarving chisel; *wood-
torn from the improperly working chisel, see entry for full list of
wood by blunt or converted board woodcarving chisels.
worn cutting
tools, leaving an undesirable pitted
Chittagong wood see chickrassy.
Chippendale a decorative style in furni-
ture named after the carpenter Thomas
chlorinated rubber natural rubber trea-
ted with chlorine to form a hard,
Chippendale (1718 1779), which was
stable and chemically resistant compound
influenced by Rococo, Gothic, Queen
used in paints and varnishes, and also in
Anne and chinoiserie.
some adhesives and printing inks.
chippings crushed rock aggregate chlorinated rubber paint a hard,
between 3 mm and 20 mm used in road water- and chemical-resistant coating
surfacing, roofing, render, etc. which contains a binder consisting of rub-
chippy a slang term for a carpenter. ber treated with chlorine; used for anti-
corrosion applications and swimming
chisel a hand tool whose metal blade is chlorinated rubber varnish a varnish
sharpened at one end, used for cutting in which the binder is natural rubber trea-
and shaping timber and stone; types ted with chlorine, used as a corrosion-
included as separate entries are listed resistant coating.
*batting tool, broad tool; bench chisel; Chlorophora excelsa see iroko.
bevelled-edge chisel, bevel edge chisel; chloroprene rubber, polychloro-
*boaster, drover; *bolster; *broach; bruzz prene; the chemical name for the syn-
chisel; *butt chisel; *cant chisel, see fram- thetic rubber neoprene.
ing chisel; *carving chisel, see woodcar- Chloroxylon swietenia see Ceylon
ving chisel; *caulking chisel, caulking iron; satinwood.
choir 90
choir, quire; the area in a church or chrome steel, chromium steel; a hard
cathedral where the choir sits, situated to and fine-grained alloy of steel containing
the east of the crossing in the chancel. significant quantities of chromium.
choir aisle an aisle in a large church chrome yellow, Leipzig yellow, Paris
alongside the choir. yellow; an opaque yellow pigment con-
choir screen a decorative screen which sisting of lead chromate, used in large
separates the choir from the nave and quantities in cheap paints.
other spaces in a church; often a rood chroming see chromium plating.
screen. chromium oxide green, oxide of
choker ring in foundation construction, chromium, Schnitzer's green; an opa-
the lower, wider edge of a caisson, used que pale green inorganic pigment consist-
for cutting its housing in the ground. ing of calcined chromium oxide; used in
oil and watercolour paints despite its low
chop axe a heavy mason's axe for even- tinting power; see also viridian.
ing off a stone surface before dressing. chromium plating, chrome plating,
chopped strand glass reinforcement for chroming; the electrochemical applica-
fibreglass consisting of short lengths of tion of a thin protective layer of chro-
glass fibre arranged in overlapping ran- mium to metals; items thus treated are
dom fashion. referred to as chrome-plated.
chord, boom; an upper or lower horizon- chrysoberyl a yellowish, greenish or
tal member in a trussed beam; see upper brownish mineral used for ornament, as a
chord, lower chord. gemstone (emerald, aquamarine) and as
raw material in the extraction of
chroma see colour saturation. beryllium.
chromatic pertaining to the colours of CHS see circular hollow section.
the visible spectrum.
chuck an adjustable device for holding a
chromatic aberration an optical phe- drill bit in a drill, or wood on a lathe.
nomenon, the blurring of colours at the
edge of an image due to the inability of a Chukrasia tabularis see chickrassy.
lens to focus all colours to the same point. church a building or consecrated space
chromatic colour, spectral colour; any for the practice of Christian worship.
colour contained in the spectrum of visi- church tower a tower often at the cross-
ble light. ing or west end of a church, sometimes
capped with a spire and containing bells.
chromatic pigment a pigment which
consists of colours other than simply Churrigueresque highly embellished
black, white or grey. Baroque architecture in Spain and Mexico
in the 1600s and 1700s with plateresque
chromium, chrome; an extremely hard influences, which takes its name from the
metal, Cr, used as an alloy in the manufac-
Spanish architect José Churriguera
ture of stainless steel, and as a corrosion-
(1650 1723).
resistant coating for steel.
chrome green a range of green pig- chute, shaft; a vertical void or sealed hol-
ments formed by mixing blue pigments, low structure through a building through
especially Prussian blue, and chrome yel- which goods, laundry and refuse are
low pigments; this range includes leaf thrown, to be collected at a lower level;
green, leek green, moss green, myrtle see concrete chute.
green, Royal green, zinnober green. ciborium Lat.; in Early
chrome orange an opaque poisonous Christian and Byzantine
orange pigment which consists of lead churches, a canopy
chromate; used in oil paints and glues. mounted on four posts
chrome plating see chromium plating. over an altar, shrine or
chrome red, Chinese red, Derby red; the tomb of a martyr;
an opaque poisonous red pigment which a baldachin; the origi-
consists of lead chromate; used in oil nal Greek form is
paints and glues. kiborion.
91 circular pattern
cill see sill. circuit breaker, cutout, trip switch;
cinnabar red native mercury sulphide in a device which automatically stops the
ore form, used since early times to make flow of current when an electric circuit
the red pigment vermilion. is overloaded or otherwise in danger;
cinnamon stone hessonite. once the circuit has been rectified it can
be re-set.
cinquefoil a decorative and ornamental circuit diagram a diagrammatic
device consisting of five leaf motifs radiat- design drawing showing the layout and
ing out from a point; a pointed cinquefoil connections of the various components
is one in which the foils are pointed in an electrical circuit.
arches. circuit efficacy, luminous efficacy,
efficacy; in lighting design, the ratio of
the amount of light, luminous flux, emit-
ted by a light source compared with
how much power it and its circuitry and
control equipment use; its unit is the

circular arch, round arch; any arch

cinquefoil motif cinquefoil arch
composed of a segment of a circle, usually
cinquefoil arch a decorative arch whose a semicircle; see also segmental arch,
extrados is composed of five lobes or foils horseshoe arch and semicircular arch.
in a cloverleaf arrangement. circular column, round column; a col-
cinquefoliated arch a decorative arch umn whose shaft is circular in cross-
whose intrados is composed of five lobes section.
or foils in a cloverleaf arrangement, and
whose extrados is a round or pointed
arch; especially found in Gothic architec-
ture; see round cinquefoliated arch,
pointed cinquefoliated arch.
cipollino, cipolin; a metamorphic rock
originating from Italy, marble patterned
with folded stripes; used in building as
decorative stone.
circle-end clamp see gee-clamp.
circline lamp see circular fluorescent
circlip, retaining ring, lock ring; a flat
sprung steel ring with a break at one
point for prising open so that it can be circular column
passed over an axle, shaft or spindle and
fitted into an annular recess, providing a circular fluorescent tube, circline
collar to prevent bearings and other com- lamp; a doughnut-shaped fluorescent
ponents from moving. tube.
circular hollow section, round tube,
steel pipe; a circular hollow steel section
circuit an arrangement of wires, electri- formed by rolling and welding steel plate,
cal and electronic components for per- used for structural purposes such as
forming a function; types included as columns, posts, etc.
separate entries are listed below: circular pattern a paving pattern of
*auxiliary circuit; *control circuit; *electri- small stones or cobbles laid in a series of
cal circuit; *final circuit; *pipe circuit; concentric circles with infill between; also
*radial circuit; *ring circuit; *short circuit. called concentric pattern.
circular plane 92
citron yellow a form of zinc yellow
city planning see planning.
civil engineer a qualified professional
who designs public utilities, roads, bridges
and sewers, and supervises their construc-
tion and maintenance.
civil engineering the construction of
paving in circular pattern roads, waterways, bridges, excavations,
earthworks and other structures, rather
than buildings.
circular plane see compass plane.
clack valve see check valve.
circular saw a power saw with a rotating
steel cutting disc whose teeth are often
shaped or tipped with abrasive; may be
hand-held, mounted in a bench, or part of cladding, facing; 1 any non-loadbearing
a larger industrial installation such as a system of boards, prefabricated compo-
sawmill. nents, stone, brick, sheeting, etc. attached
circular stair any stair whose treads are to a building frame as weatherproofing
arranged radially about a central newel; or as an exterior or interior finish; types
see spiral stair. included as separate entries are listed
circulating water the heating water *external cladding; *metal cladding; *nat-
conveyed in sealed pipework to provide ural stone cladding; *stone cladding, see
warmth to radiators, etc. in a central heat- stone facing, natural stone cladding; *tile
ing installation. cladding; *tiling; *timber cladding; *wall
circulation in the internal planning of a cladding.
building, the system of prescribed routes, 2 the action of producing the above, the
including stairs, lifts and corridors used work thus involved.
frequently by its occupants; see vertical cladding cleat see holdfast.
circulation. cladding component see cladding
circulation pump, circulator; a pump unit.
used to provide pressure in the hot and cladding glass, spandrel glass;
cold water systems of a building. opaque float glass that has been fired
circulation space a stair, corridor or on one surface with a non-transparent
gangway space within a building, along coloured ceramic enamel, used for
which people, goods, etc. can move or be external wall panels, blind windows, etc.
moved from place to place. in curtain walling.
cladding panel see cladding unit;
circulator see circulation pump. types included as separate entries are
circus Lat.; originally a long U-shaped or listed below:
enclosed arena for chariot racing; a hippo- *ceiling panel; *cladding glass; *insulated
drome, in Roman architecture; in more infill panel; *precast concrete panel;
recent times a circular open space, place, *sheetmetal cladding panel.
roundabout, etc. in an urban setting; a for- cladding rail one of a series of light-
mal urban street and buildings laid out in weight metal profiles fixed at regular
the form of a circle or oval. spacing to a structural base as a means
cistern 1 an open vessel for storing water of fixing external cladding panels, com-
at atmospheric pressure in a water supply ponents, boards, etc.
system; a storage tank; see expansion cladding stone see stone facing.
cistern. cladding unit, cladding panel,
2 a storage tank containing water for cladding component; a prefabricated
flushing a WC or other sanitary appliance; weatherproofing component of metal,
a flushing cistern, see also dual-flush concrete or composite material for clad-
cistern. ding the exterior surface, frame, etc. of a
93 clay

building; types included as separate and France during the reigns of Henry IV
entries are listed below: and Louis XIII and XIV (1589 1715).
2 Classical; referring in particular to the
*ceiling panel; *insulated infill panel; *pre-
cast concrete panel; *sheetmetal cladding architecture and art of classical Greece
panel. and Rome, or any architecture which fol-
lows the same principles and ideas, such
as Renaissance, neoclassical or revival
styles; see classicism, Greek architecture,
Roman architecture.
claim 1 in contract management, a
demand by one party for additional pay- classicism architecture and arts which
ment to which they are entitled under follow the ideas and styles of classical
the contract, or for damages for breach Greek and Roman precedents, as with
of contract due to faulty workmanship, neoclassicism and Baroque classicism.
failure to supply goods on time, etc.; classification, grade, grading; the divi-
types included as separate entries are sion of a mass of data, information, or pro-
listed below: ducts and materials into categories; the
*contractual claim; *extra-contractual resulting scheme.
claim, ex-contractual claim; *ex-gratia clastic sedimentary rock sedimentary
claim, see ex-gratia application. rock which has formed as a result of the
2 an application to an insurance com- fusion of particles from older, weathered
pany for reimbursement due to damage and broken down rocks.
or loss to insured goods or property.
claw bolt the bolt for a sliding door lock
or latch, with two sprung hook-shaped
clamp see cramp, wire-rope clamp. pieces which grasp a striking plate
attached to the door frame.
clamping ring a fitting for securing the
joint between a flue and the outlet pipe
of a gas, oil or solid fuel appliance.
clapboarding, colonial siding; external
timber wall cladding boards laid horizon-
tally so that each board overlaps the one

claw bolt

claw chisel a
toothed hand
clapboarding chisel used
for dressing
class see grade. also called a claw chisel
classical 1 pertaining in general to a claw tool; claw
period in history when a culture flourishes chiselling refers to the final dressing of a
or produces its culminating or most typi- stonework surface with such a tool.
fying works; especially classical Greece claw hammer a hammer with a fork or
between the Archaic and Hellenistic peri- claw opposite the striking face for extract-
ods c.480 323 BC, Rome during the time ing nails.
of Augustus c.63 BC 14 AD, but also
Mayan architecture from 250 1000 BC, claw tool see claw chisel.
Islamic Abbasid architecture from clay a range of fine plastic soils or rocks
750 1250 AD, the Renaissance in Italy, containing a high proportion of water;
cleaning agent 94
flowing saturated clay is called mud; clear plate glass ground cast glass or
building work in unfired clay is called cob, float glass.
adobe or pisé, depending on the method clear sheet glass, flat drawn glass;
used. glass formed by a process of drawing
clay block see hollow clay block. sheets of glass upwards from a reservoir
clay block paving see brick paving. of molten material to a tower where they
clay brick the most common type of are cut into suitable lengths.
brick, made or manufactured from clearing, clearance, site clearing; the
moulded clay, hardened by firing in a kiln removal of trees, stumps, vegetation, rub-
or baking in the sun; see fired brick, mud bish, stones and other unwanted debris
brick. from a building site prior to the com-
clay roof tile any roof tile manufactured mencement of construction.
from fired clay.
clayslate, killas; a greenish or dark grey clear span the open horizontal distance
sedimentary rock with excellent cleavage, between adjacent abutments of support-
used as building stone for roof and wall ing construction for a beam, truss, arch,
tiles, and for insulating slabs. etc.
claystone argillaceous rock. clearstory see clerestory.
clay tile any tile manufactured from fired
clay; see clay roof tile.
cleaning agent any chemical substance flying
used for removing unwanted dirt, scale buttress
and impurities from a surface. clerestory

cleaning eye, inspection eye, rodding triforium

eye; a small covered opening in a pipe-
line to provide access for cleaning and
clearing by rodding. aisle arcades
cleaning hinge see easy-clean hinge.
cleanout trap, cleanout; a removable section of Amiens Cathedral, France,
panel at lower level in formwork, from 13th century
which rubbish and other unwanted mate-
rial can be removed prior to casting or clear width see stair clear width.
placing concrete.
cleat any light secondary fixing for attach-
clear, 1 colourless; a description of glass ing components in place, preventing lat-
products, liquids, sealants, etc. which are eral movement of sheet cladding, etc.; see
uncoloured. sheetmetal cleat, glazing cleat.
2 see transparent; in artificial lighting, the
classification of a lamp whose bulb is of
cleft stone any building stone shaped by
cleaving rather than by sawing or hewing;
transparent rather than diffuse glass; cf.
cleaving is a neat and easy splitting along
pearl, opal.
naturally weak planes in the stone.
3 a description of commercial timber with
no visual defects. clenching see clinching.
clearance 1 a space between two adja- clerestory, clearstory; the upper part of
cent building components or construc- the side walls in the main body of a
tions for fitting, access, circulation, etc.; Romanesque or Gothic church, often with
see allowance, headroom, stair headroom. large windows to allow light into the
2 the narrow gap between a hinged door space. See illustration above.
leaf or window casement and its frame clerestory lighting natural lighting for
which allows it to open; see door clear- large high spaces provided by windows at
ance, back clearance, front clearance. high level or near the roof line.
3 see clearing. clerestory roof see split-level roof.
clerestory window, clearstory win-
clear glass see clear sheet glass.
dow; a window at or near the top of an
clear float glass float glass which is
internal wall, found in basilicas,
95 closed circuit television
Romanesque and Gothic churches and in clipped gable roof see half-hipped
some modern factory buildings, halls, roof.
gymnasia, etc. for top lighting.
cloaked verge tile a special roof tile
clerk of works, project representa- designed to cover the edge of a verge.
tive; a qualified professional employed by cloison in decorative enamelling, surface
the client to carry out periodical inspec-
panels or cells formed by bent wire or sol-
tions of a building under construction and
der fixed to the metal base to separate
ensure that work is carried out according
areas of colour in the enamelling process;
to the terms of the contract.
a similar use of clay ridges in glazing cera-
clevis a metal fastener mics; cloisonné refers to work carried out
for chains, etc. consist- in this way, see also next entry.
ing of a U-shaped metal cloisonné masonry decorative masonry
whose ends are closed in which small stone blocks or panels are
off with a threaded bolt framed by bricks placed vertically and
or cotter. horizontally in single or double courses.
client a person or organization which cloister a covered walkway or ambulatory
commissions a building or construction. around an open quadrangle in a monas-
client's representative see project tery, college, or monastic cathedral,
manager. previously used as a link, and for discus-
climbing formwork wall formwork sion and pensive
raised and supported on previously casted thought.
concrete once this has hardened. cloister vault,
domical vault; a
clinching, clenching; the hammering or domelike vault con-
bending over of the exposed ends of structed over a
driven nails or bolts on the reverse side of square or polygonal
construction to prevent the joints from base, from which
working loose. curved segments
rise to a central
point. cloister vault
close boarding boarding laid side by
side so that there are no gaps between
adjacent boards.
clinching of nails close couple roof, close couple rafter
roof, span roof; a couple roof tied by a
clink see double welt. ceiling joist or ties at the base of its raf-
clinker partially fused incombustible min- ters; a simple triangular roof truss.
eral material such as blast-furnace slag closed assembly time the period of
and fused ash created under high tem- time during which parts of a glued joint
peratures; used as a lightweight aggre- may still be repositioned before the adhe-
gate and in ground form in concrete. sive sets.
closed capital, closed bud capital
clip 1 any small metal fastener which see bud capital.
holds a component in place by a clamp-
closed circuit television, CCTV; a
ing action; examples included as sepa-
security system of television cameras and
rate entries are listed below:
monitors used for surveillance and obser-
*glazing clip; *insulation clip; *pipe clip,
vation of a building or premises.
see saddle clip; *resilient clip; *saddle clip;
closed circuit television camera see
*spring clip; *tile clip; *union clip; *wire-
surveillance camera.
rope clip, wire-rope clamp.
closed circuit television survey, cam-
2 tie, tingle; a narrow strip of metal or
era survey, CCTV survey; the inspec-
cleat used for securing roll joints and
tion of drains and sewers using remote
standing seams in sheet roofing.
video cameras to check for corrosion,
blockages and cracks.
closed eaves 96
closed eaves overhanging eaves whose clove oil see oil of cloves.
lower horizontal edge is closed with soffit cloven finish see riven finish.
cloverleaf a decora-
closed face see tight side. tive motif derived
closed riser stair a stair in which the from the leaves of
space between alternate treads is filled some plant species of
with a riser. the pea family which
cloverleaf motif
closed side see tight side. have three lobes,
Trifolium spp., sym-
close grained a description of slowly bolic of the Holy Trinity.
grown wood having densely spaced cloverleaf moulding see trefoil
growth rings; variously known as close moulding.
grown, dense grained, fine grained, fine
grown, narrow grained, narrow ringed, club hammer, lump hammer, mash
slow grown. hammer; an iron-headed mallet or
sledgehammer small enough to be held
close grown see close grained. in one hand.
closer 1 the last clustered housing housing built in
brick in a brick close-knit groups, either detached or
course at a linked with common facilities, courtyards,
stopped end or foundations, etc.
corner, often
manufactured clustered pier see compound pier.
to a non-stan- brick closer
clutch head screw see one-way head
dard large or screw.
small size to make up space in a brick- CN cellulose nitrate.
work bond.
2 especially a brick which exposes a half- coach bolt, carriage bolt; a bolt with a
header or header in brickwork, usually dome-shaped head cast with a square
used to make up space in the brick bond; protrusion on its underside which locks
see queen closer, king closer. into a timber surface or shaped housing
3 see cavity closer. when tightened with a nut.
4 a device for closing a door, window or
hatch automatically; see door closer.
closing face the face of a hinged door bolt
leaf, hatch or casement which closes
against its frame. coach
closing jamb see shutting jamb.
closing stile see shutting stile.
closure a thin brick used to bond inner coach screw, lag bolt (Am), lag screw
and outer leaves of masonry in early (Am); a heavy screw whose head is
forms of cavity wall construction. hexagonal and can be turned with a
closure piece see cavity closer. spanner.
cloud see revision cloud. coagulation in water purification, a pro-
clourer a pointed masonry chisel, used cess of treating waste water with floccu-
for the initial rough shaping of stone sur- lating chemicals which adhere to
faces; also called a point. impurities and encourage their removal
cloured finish hammer-dressed finish. from the water.
clout, clout nail, felt coal tar a dark viscous liquid formed as a
nail; a short galva- result of the distillation of coal; used as
nized nail with a large a preservative and in the chemical
flat head, used for fix- industry.
ing down roofing felt coal-fired referring to a heating system
and thin boarding. utilizing coal as its combustible fuel.
97 cobalt

coarse aggregate aggregate which coated wallpaper a wallcovering sur-

consists largely of particles over 5 mm face-treated with a thin layer of polyvinyl
in diameter; types included as separate acetate or similar flexible material.
entries are listed below: coating, finish; a protective or decorative
*angular aggregate; *cubical aggregate; layer or coat of material such as paint,
*elongated aggregate; *flaky aggregate; plastics, zinc, etc. applied to a surface; the
*flaky and elongated aggregate; *roun- surface application of one or a number of
ded aggregate. layers of protective material to provide a
coarse grained, 1 granular; a descrip-
coating system a number of layers or
tion of a soil which contains a substantial coats of material applied to a surface in
proportion of sand or gravel. the correct order to provide a finish.
2 an equivalent description for timber, see coaxial cable in telecommunications, a
coarse textured. transmission cable consisting of a conduc-
coarse gravel see gravel. tor shielded by two intertwined tubes of
metal wire, designed to have low radia-
coarse mortar mortar whose aggregate tion losses and high resistance to external
is coarse sand; see coarse stuff. interference.
coarse plaster see coarse stuff. cob a traditional walling material of
coarse sand see sand. unburnt clay mixed with sand and straw,
laid in situ and left to harden.
coarse silt see silt.
cobalt a silvery white metal, Co, used as
coarse soil see granular soil. an alloy in steel, in pigments and
coarse stuff 1 plaster, used for under- as an oxide in the manufacture of blue
coats, produced from lime putty and glass.
coarse sand. cobalt black see black oxide of cobalt.
2 simple lime sand mortar used in cobalt blue a permanent, opaque, blue
bricklaying. pigment consisting of a compound of
coarse textured, open grained, cobalt and aluminium oxide with varying
coarse grained; a description of wood degrees of zinc, developed by the French
with large pores or largely spaced growth chemist Louis Thénard in 1799; also
rings. known as azure cobalt, Thénard's blue,
king's blue and Vienna blue; also a shade
coat a single continuous layer of material of blue which takes its name from this;
such as paint or plaster applied to a surface cobalt ultramarine is a violet form of the
as protection, decoration or to provide a blue pigment cobalt blue made without
treatment; see plaster coat, thatch coat; see phosphoric acid.
also coating for paint coating cf. film. cobalt green a bright green inorganic
coated chippings, coated grit; pigment consisting of a compound of
aggregate between 3 mm and 20 mm in cobalt zincate and zinc oxide; developed
size range with a coating of a binder such by the Swedish chemist Sven Rinman in
as tar or bitumen; used in road 1780 and suitable for use in oil, waterco-
construction. lour and acrylic paints; variously known as
coated felt see mineral granule surfaced Gellert green, Rinman's green, Swedish
bitumen felt. green or zinc green.
cobalt oxide see black oxide of cobalt.
coated float glass see surface coated cobalt violet, cobalt violet phos-
float glass. phate; an inorganic clear semi-opaque
coated grit see coated chippings. violet pigment originally used in fresco
painting, initially made from a rare ore
coated macadam see tarmacadam. of cobalt and now manufactured
coated plywood plywood manufactured artificially.
or pretreated with a thin protective or cobalt yellow, aureolin; a toxic bright
sealing surface coat of material such as transparent yellow pigment used in water-
polyester, urethane, epoxy, etc. colour, tempera and oil paints.
cobble 98
cobble, 1 cobblestone; a naturally cock beak moulding a decorative
occurring lump of stone, by classification moulding whose cross-section is that of a
from 60 200 mm in size. shallow convex surface with a flat under-
2 one of a series of small roughly squared side, used in edging for boards and tables;
pieces of natural stone laid in sand or cf. thumbnail.
mortar as road surfacing or paving; some- cock comb see cock's comb.
times called a cube; see also pebble, sett,
cube. cocking piece see sprocket.
cobbled paving paving laid in natural cock's comb, cock comb, coxcomb; a
stone cobbles. hand-held serrated metal plate drawn
across a surface to produce a grooved fin-
ish in stonework; a toothed drag.
coconut fibre see coir matting.
code of professional conduct a set of
standards of integrity, ethics, guidance
and procedure drawn up by a professional
body, to which their members are
expected to adhere.
cobbled paving codes of practice see building codes of
cobblestone see cobble.
cobblestone wall, cobble wall; a
rough masonry wall constructed of coefficient a numeric factor which
rounded stones or cobbles laid in mortar. defines the property of a substance or
process, used as a multiplier in calcula-
tions; examples included as separate
entries are listed below:
*absorption coefficient; *acoustic absorp-
tion coefficient, see sound absorption
coefficient; *air-to-air heat transmission
coefficient, see U-value; *coefficient of dif-
fusion, see diffusion coefficient; *coeffi-
cient of heat transfer, see U-value;
*coefficient of thermal conductance, see
C-value; *coefficient of thermal conductiv-
ity, see k-value; *coefficient of thermal
cobwork see log construction. resistance, see R-value; *coefficient of
thermal transmittance, see U-value; *C-
coccolite a white or green form of the value; *external surface resistance value,
mineral pyroxene, a silicate of lime, mag-
see RSO-value; *heat transmission value,
nesium or manganese; used as building
see k-value; *internal surface resistance
stone at the beginning of the 1900s.
value, see RSI-value; *k-value; *Los
cochineal a red dyestuff produced from Angeles coefficient; *noise reduction coef-
the Central American insects Dactylopius ficient; *RSI-value; *RSO-value; *R-value;
coccus (a red scale insect that feeds on *sound absorption coefficient; *surface
cacti) and the kermes insect Coccus ilicis; coefficient; *U-value.
used in the manufacture of carmine.
cock 1 any simple tap from which piped
fluid or gas can be drawn off for use, or coelin, coeruleum see cerulean blue.
supply cut off to particular appliances; see coffer, caisson; one of a number of
draw-off tap. recessed polygonal panels in a decorative
2 plug tap, plug cock, plug valve; in or structural ceiling.
water installations, a tap or stopvalve con- coffered ceiling a decorated or struc-
taining a cone-shaped plug perforated tural ceiling relieved with a series of
with a hole, set in a housing and turned polygonal recessed panels, cassettes or
with a lever through 90 to cut off flow. coffers; see also lacunar.
99 cold forming
coffered slab see waffle slab. 4 any ornament with spiral motifs; see
coffering the decorative relieving of a continuous coil spiral, volute, helix.
ceiling or soffit with coffers. coil coating, prepaint process; a con-
cog 1 in timber jointing, a square cut tinuous automated industrial process for
made into a member received by another coating sheetmetal before fabrication into
member to prevent movement within the panels and other components, in which a
joint. coil of metal is unwound and cleaned,
2 see nib. chemically treated, primed and given a
cogged joint a timber framing joint in baked or painted coating and rewound
which the end of one member is cut with ready for supply to a manufacturer.
a square notch or cog to fit into another coin see quoin.
shaped member; see double cogged joint. coincidence in acoustics, a resonance-
like phenomenon in which skin structures
such as double glazing or panelled frames
experience a loss in sound-insulating
properties at certain frequencies.
coin flooring, coin-pattern flooring
see studded rubber flooring.
cogged halved cogged corner
joint joint
coir matting a rough-textured floor cov-
ering woven from coir (coconut fibres),
used for doormats, and for corridors,
cogged corner joint a timber bevelled foyers, etc.
corner joint in which the halved ends of
one member is cut with a cog for coke black see vine black.
increased strength. colcothar an obsolete variety of red iron
cogged halved joint a timber halving oxide pigment, formed by the distillation
joint in which a cog or recess is cut into of sulphuric acid from iron sulphate.
the halved surface to provide a lock for
the joint.
cold bridge, heat bridge, thermal
bridge; a conductive path in construction
cogging see notching. between interior and exterior for the easy
cohesion the sticking together of parti- passage of heat from inside to out, usually
cles of the same substance; cohesiveness causing problems with heat loss, thermal
is the ability of the particles in a material discomfort and condensation.
such as concrete, or an assembly of cold chisel a heavy-duty steel-handled
components, to remain united with chisel used with a mallet for the chipping,
another. cutting and shaping of masonry.
cohesion pile in foundation technology,
a pile, similar in action to a friction pile,
cold curing adhesive any adhesive
that sets without the application of heat.
which transmits forces to surrounding
ground around its circumference, through cold drawing, wire drawing; the pro-
cohesive forces. duction of high-strength metal wires by
cohesive soil a soil whose particles extruding cold material through a series
adhere to form hard lumps due to its high of dies; cold drawn wire is used as con-
content of fine particles. crete reinforcement and for nails.
coign see quoin. cold feed pipe a pipe that conveys cold
water from a cistern to a water heater.
coil 1 in heating and refrigeration technol-
ogy, helical piping through which chilled cold forming, cold rolling; the process
or hot liquid is passed to alter the temper- of forming light steel sections, profiles,
ature of surrounding liquid, air, etc. etc. by bending steel plate with a series of
2 windings of copper wire in an electric rollers.
motor, transformer, electromagnet, etc. cold formed section a lightweight
3 in the hot-rolling of steel, the product of structural steel section, often formed into
a strip mill, subsequently decoiled and an open profile by bending, or rolled into
flattened to produce steel strip. various cross-sectional forms while cold.
cold galvanization 100
cold galvanization the result of treating collapsible formwork formwork with
a metal surface with zinc-rich paint as cor- telescopic or hinged parts that can be
rosion protection; see zinc-rich paint. easily dismounted when striking.
cold glue see cold setting adhesive, cold collapsible gate, scissor gate; a side-
curing adhesive. opening shutter for goods lifts and service
cold oil ring main oil heating pipework areas, consisting of a latticework of
in which oil is supplied to a burner pivoted steel slats which enable the door
unheated, and any unused fuel returned to be folded to one side.
to the storage tank. collar 1 any fixing or restraining compo-
cold pressing a method of producing nent which fits over and is tightened to a
high-quality linseed oil, used as a vehicle cylindrical member.
2 see loose socket.
in paints, by extraction under low pres-
3 see collar beam.
sure without heat.
cold rolling see cold forming. collar and tie beam truss in timber
frame construction, a roof truss of slanting
cold roof pitched roof construction in rafters, a horizontal tie beam joining their
which insulation is situated between or lower edges and a collar beam situated
directly above horizontal ceiling joists, cre- between tie beam and ridge.
ating an uninsulated roof void or attic
space above. collar beam
ridge beam
cold setting adhesive, cold glue; any rafters
adhesive that will set at temperatures plate
below 23 C.
tie beam
cold start lamp see instant start lamp.
cold twisted bar collar and tie beam truss
in reinforced con-
crete, a reinforcing collar beam, collar, collar piece, strut
bar, square in pro- beam, wind beam; in timber frame con-
file, which has been struction, a transverse beam between
twisted to improve eaves level and ridge connecting two
cold twisted bars
its strength and principal rafters.
bonding with the concrete. collarino see trachelion.
cold water pipe, cold water supply collar piece see collar beam.
pipe; a pipe within a building which dis-
tributes cold water supply to cisterns, hea- collar plate see collar purlin.
ters, appliances and taps. collar purlin, collar plate; in traditional
cold-weather bricklaying see winter timber roof construction, a longitudinal
bricklaying. horizontal purlin carried on a crown post
or by other means, and supporting the
cold-weather concreting see winter collars between pairs of rafters.
collar roof, collar rafter roof; a form of
cold welding a welding process in which simple timber roof construction with each
soft metals are joined together by the pair of rafters tied between eaves and
application of pressure through ridge by a horizontal collar beam.
cold working the process of working ridge rafters
metal when cold, as in cold drawing and
cold rolling, so as to increase hardness;
see hot working.
cold worked deformed bar in rein- collar
forced concrete, a deformed bar which has wall
been cold worked to improve its properties. plate
collagen glue see animal glue. collar roof
101 colour sample
collar screed a specially shaped screed pigments have been added, imparting a
rail used in the plastering of concrete or colour to the finished surface.
masonry columns. coloured mortar mortar to which a
collateral see security. coloured pigment or aggregate has been
collision load a temporary dynamic load
imposed on a structure by the collision of coloured opaque glass non-transpar-
a vehicle or some other moving object. ent glass body-tinted, laminated or coated
with coloured material, used for work sur-
colloid a substance consisting of ultrami-
faces, cladding and bathroom finishes; see
croscopic solid particles suspended in a
cladding glass, spandrel glass.
liquid or gas.
Cologne earth see Cassel earth. coloured Portland cement ordinary or
white Portland cement to which inert pig-
colonial siding see clapboarding. ments have been added to provide
colonnade a series of columns which colour.
support a beam, roof or, in classical archi- coloured rendering rendering in which
tecture, an entablature. coloured mortar has been used.
colonnette a small column often adorn- colour fastness the ability of a material
ing windows, niches, etc. and carrying a or pigment to retain its colour over a
pediment or arch. period of time, or when exposed to the
colophony see rosin. weather or treatment, etc.
color see colour. colour filter see filter.
colorant see colourant, colouring colouring admixture, colourant; in
admixture. concretework, an admixture or pigment
included in the mix to add colour.
colossal order, giant order; in classical
architecture, a column which extends in colouring agent see colourant.
height through two or more storeys on colouring pigment see stainer.
the elevation of a building.
colour intensity in colour science and
colourant, colorant (Am), colouring painting, the measure of purity and
agent; any substance used as a physical brightness of a hue, its saturation.
means of adding colour to a material or
surface; a stain, dye or pigment; see col-
colourless, 1 clear; of a transparent
material such as glass or liquids, without
ouring admixture.
colour chart, 1 colour schedule; a 2 achromatic, neutral; referring to a
design document containing samples to shade of colour composed entirely of
show the range of proposed colours, and black, white and grey, without spectral
often materials and finishes in a building colour.
or space.
2 printed matter reproduced as small
colour purity in colour science, the
physical equivalent of colour intensity, the
patches indicating the range of standard
property of a hue which reflects light of
colours produced by a particular paint or
single wavelengths and is not mixed with
product manufacturer.
black or white.
colour circle see colour wheel.
colour rendering in lighting design, the
colour-coding any signing system which variation in appearance of colours under
uses colour to indicate use or action of a different lighting conditions; a colour ren-
device, escape route, etc. dering index is a measure of this, the
coloured brickwork see polychrome degree to which a colour is rendered by
brickwork. different wavelengths of light, compared
to a reference.
coloured cement see coloured Portland
cement. colour sample in design, a patch of col-
our or coloured material to display the
coloured concrete concrete containing final colour intended for a particular
cement to which permanent, inert surface.
colour saturation 102
colour saturation, 1 chroma, tone; in *filleted column; *fluted column; *half-col-
colour science, the degree of purity of a umn, see demi-column; *Hathor column;
colour, how much white, grey or black has *inserted column, see engaged column;
been added to a hue. *see Ionic column; *knotted column;
2 the point at which the addition of pig- *lighting column, see lighting post; *lotus
ment will no longer change the appear- column, see lotiform column; *Minoan col-
ance of a particular colour. umn, Mycenaean column; *Osiris column;
colour schedule see colour chart. palm column, see palm capital; *papyrus
colours in oil see oil paste. column, papyrus-bundle column, see
papyrus; *post; *proto-Doric column;
colour system in colour and paint sci- *recessed column; *reverse taper column,
ence, any system by which colours are see Minoan column; *ringed column, see
arranged and classified in a logical annulated column; *round column, see cir-
manner. cular column; *rusticated column; *salo-
colour temperature in lighting and monica, see spiral column; *serpent
colour science, the temperature at which column; *spiral column, Solomonic col-
a black body emits light (or radiation) of umn; *stanchion, steel column; *stone col-
a certain colour. umn, see vibroreplacement; *thermal
column, convection column; *Tuscan col-
colour wheel, colour circle; in colour umn; *twinned columns, see coupled col-
theory, a circular diagram of the colours
umns; *twisted column, see spiral column;
of the spectrum arranged around the cir-
*universal column, see H-section; *venti-
cumference with complementary colours
lating column; *wreathed column, see spi-
opposite one another.
ral column.
columbarium 1 a recess left in a
masonry wall as a housing for a timber
joist or beam, which takes its name for column and beam construction see
the place where a dove or pigeon nests. post and beam construction.
2 a storage place for cinerary urns, origi-
nally a Roman memorial chamber with column and slab construction a
vaulted niches containing cinerary urns of structural system in which the floors in a
the dead. building are supported by a series of
columns; the external walls are usually
column a structural shaft of concrete,
masonry, metal or timber which trans-
fers applied vertical loads through its
length to its base; see also pillar; types
included as separate entries are listed
*Aesculapian column, Asclepian column,
see serpent column; *animal column,
beast column; *annulated column; column
*applied column, attached column, and slab
engaged column; *baluster column; construction
*banded column, see annulated column;
*barley-sugar column, spiral column;
*bundle column; *candelabrum column, column base see base.
candlestick column; *circular column, column block a
round column; *composite column, com- concrete block
plex column (historical); *composite stan- designed for use as a
chion (modern); *coupled columns; reinforced or plain
*Cretan column, Minoan column; *demi- concrete column or
column, half-column; *detached column; pilaster when laid in a
*Doric column, see Doric; *edge-rolled col- vertical stack; also
umn; *engaged column; *figured column; called a pilaster block. column block
103 common purlin
column figure carved slender figures of combined system a system of drainage
saints and noblemen adorning the or sewerage in which both foul water and
recesses of a medieval church portal; see surface water are conveyed in the same
jamb figure, trumeau figure. pipelines.
column footing, column foundation comb joint see combed joint.
see pad foundation. combustion air the air used up in com-
column radiator in hot water heating, a bustion of fuel in a fireplace, burner, haz-
radiator with a number of interlinked ver- ardous fire, etc.
tical chambers of steel tube or cast iron, combustion chamber see firebox.
in which heating water circulates.
combustion gas colourless and poison-
column reinforcement steel reinforce- ous gases given off burning matter before
ment for a reinforced concrete column. the emission of smoke; combustion gases
column shaft see shaft. include carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide,
column strip in concretework, the linear hydrogen chloride and hydrogen cyanide.
zone of a reinforced concrete slab that combustion gas detector a fire detec-
links the upper ends of supporting col- tor which reacts to the presence of smoke
umns and oversails the column width in and other combustion gases from hazard-
the spanning direction of the slab. ous building fires.
comb see scratcher, drag, cock's comb. commercial timber timber of value in
combed joint a joinery corner joint for the construction, joinery and furniture
drawers and boxes in which pieces are industries, etc., often sold outside its
cut with a series of square notches to fit country of origin.
each other, also called a comb joint, finger commission an order from a client to an
joint or boxed corner joint. architect for the design of a building.
combed plasterwork see comb-finish commissioning 1 the scope of decisions
rendering. and actions by an owner or client in hav-
comb-finished rendering, combed ing a building built.
plasterwork, dragged plasterwork; 2 the testing, adjusting and running in of
rendering whose wet surface has been a technical or mechanical services installa-
worked with a serrated tool to produce tion prior to handover.
striations in its surface. common see common brick.
combination drill bit a drill bit which common alder, black alder; [Alnus
drills a hole and countersink for a screw glutinosa], see alder.
head at the same time. common bond see English garden-wall
combination plane, universal plane; bond, Flemish stretcher bond.
a versatile hand-held plane with common brick, common; a standard
adjustable and removable blades used for general-purpose rectangular mass-pro-
a variety of smoothing applications. duced brick with untreated faces; not gen-
combination pliers see footprints. erally used for special applications or
combination sink a domestic sink with visual quality.
a drainer cast or pressed in one piece. common furniture beetle [Anobium
combination square see try and mitre punctatum] a species of insect whose lar-
square. vae cause damage to furniture and other
timber by burrowing.
combined drainage see combined
system. common grounds see grounds.
combined extract and input system common joist in timber frame construc-
see mechanical input and extract tion, a basic floor or ceiling joist.
ventilation. common purlin, horizontal rafter; in
combined sewerage see combined timber roof construction, one of a series
system. of horizontal members parallel with a
common purlin roof 104
ridge or eaves, carried on principal rafters competitive tendering a procedure for
or trusses and onto which roof boarding awarding a contract by choosing the most
may be nailed. reasonable offer from a number of
common purlin roof, horizontal raf- bidders.
ter roof; timber roof construction in complementary, complementary col-
which roof trusses support a series of our, complementary hue; in colour sci-
horizontal rafters, onto which the roof ence, colours that are diametrically
boarding or roofing material is attached. opposite one another on the colour circle;
common rafter in timber roof construc- a colour opposite.
tion, a secondary rafter, one which does completion, realization; the finishing of
not carry purlins, supporting roof all or parts of construction on a building
covering. site; the state of readiness for occupation
common reed [Arundo phragmites, of the whole works, although some minor
Phragmites australis]; see best reed, work may be outstanding; also known as
Norfolk reed. practical completion; see also partial
handover (partial completion).
common wall see separating wall. completion certificate in contract man-
communication pipe that part of the agement, a document issued to the con-
service pipe of a water or gas supply tractor, that certifies completion of
system, outside a site boundary and specific areas of work, which have been
thus maintained by the supplier, approved by building control.
which connects a building to the supply completion date, handover date; the
main. date on which work on a building under
compact fluorescent lamp a small construction or repair is due to be com-
fluorescent lamp with good efficiency and pleted, as written into the building
long service life, with bayonet or screw contract.
caps and single or double U-shaped tube, completion of defects certificate in
often used as a replacement for incandes- contract management, a document issued
cent lamps. at the end of the defects liability period
certifying that all defects have been made
compaction see concrete compaction, good or repaired.
ground compaction.
complex column see composite
compartment any subdivision of a space column.
bounded by screens, partitions or furnish-
ing groups; a subdivision of a shelf, complexity richness, variation and layer-
drawer or storage furnishing; see also fire ing of space, form, material, colour and
compartment. detail in architecture.

compartmentation see fire compo see composition mortar, cement

compartmentation. mortar.
compo render see composition render.
compartment wall see fire wall.
component 1 one of a number of items,
compass plane, circular plane, round- substances, parts, etc. which, when assem-
sil (Sc.); a plane with a convex curved bled or blended together in an appropri-
base for planing curved surfaces. ate way, form a different and more
compass saw a small saw with a narrow complex item; see building component.
tapering blade used for cutting curves or 2 one of a number of different semi-liquid
holes. compounds mixed together to form a
substance which sets, such as an adhe-
compatible referring to components, sive, paint or sealant.
devices, computer programs and systems
3 in mechanics, that part of a force
which will function together, fit or com-
expressed as a vector in a particular
plement one another, or other systems,
without modification.
component drawing a contract draw-
compensation an award, usually a sum ing showing the dimensions and con-
of money, paid out for injury or loss or struction of a component such as a door
damage to property. or window.
105 composite window
component range drawing a design
or contract drawing outlining the quan-
tity, sizes, treatments and specifications
for components of a similar type in a
building project.
composite any product or construction
made up of a number of different materi-
als or technologies; usually a laminated Egyptian composite column
material or one of plastic, concrete or with Hathor and bell capital,
cement reinforced with fibres of glass, Kiosk of Nectanebo I
mineral, metals or polymers. (Temple of Isis), Philae c.
380–343 BC
composite beam any beam constructed
of a number of different structural materi- 2 Composite column; a column of the
als or using a variety of loadbearing meth- classical Roman Composite order.
ods; see hollow composite beam, filigree 3 see composite stanchion.
composite construction the acting
together of two or more materials, such
as steel and concrete, to form a construc-
tion with improved properties of strength,
durability, etc.
composite floor slab, composite
slab, steel deck floor; structural floor
construction of profiled steel sheeting
onto which concrete is cast; the steel acts
as permanent shuttering and resists ten-
composite board a building board sile forces in bending.
formed by gluing veneers on either side
of a core of material other than timber,
Composite order a classical Roman
order, a hybrid of Ionian and Corinthian,
such as cardboard.
with fluted columns, a capital with both
Composite capital 1 a capital at the top volutes and acanthus leaves, a base and
of a column of the classical Roman an entablature with dentils.
Composite order, carved both with lavish
acanthus foliage and leafy volutes, sur-
composite pile in foundation technol-
ogy, any pile which makes use of a num-
mounted by a flat abacus.
ber of different methods of piling to fulfil
its purpose.
composite slab see composite floor slab.
composite stanchion, composite col-
umn; a steel and concrete column con-
sisting either of a hollow steel stanchion
Composite capital,
Triumphal Arch of
filled with concrete or a steel profile cased
Septimius Severus, in concrete; used to minimize the amount
Rome, 203 AD of steel and for fire safety.
composite truss a truss in which the
main spanning members or rafters are of
2 composite capital;
an ancient timber and the other members, struts,
Egyptian capital combining various differ- infill, etc. are of steel.
ent motifs and styles.
composite window 1 a window assem-
composite cement see fillerized bly whose frame and casements are man-
cement. ufactured from different materials, often
composite column, 1 complex col- timber window frames with outer case-
umn; an ancient Egyptian column-type ments in aluminium; also known as a
combining various different motifs and compound window. See illustration on fol-
styles. lowing page.
composition 106
2 two or more windows joined to fill an comprehensive redevelopment,
opening. urban redevelopment; the rebuilding
composition 1 the various component and modernization of a large urban area,
parts of which a substance is mixed or often of derelict, redundant or
made up; the proportion of parts therein. unsuitable buildings, in accordance with a
2 the deliberated arrangement of ele- plan.
ments, forms and massing in a building, compressed air caisson, pneumatic
painting, sculpture, etc. to create a desired caisson; a caisson whose air pressure is
aesthetic effect. kept above atmospheric level to prevent
composition mortar, compo, cement the infiltration of surrounding water and
lime mortar; slow setting mortar consist- allow for dry working conditions inside.
ing of proportioned amounts of cement, compressed straw slab see
lime and sand, with good resistance to strawboard.
cracking, used for bricklaying and
compression a pressing force which acts
along the axis of a member or inwards on
composition render composition mor- a body; the act, result and state of being
tar used as exterior-grade plaster or ren- pressed or squeezed with this force.
der; usually called compo render, properly compression failure, cross break;
known as cement lime render. failure of the fibres in a piece of structural
composition shingles see strip slates. timber due to excessive longitudinal com-
pression or bending.
compound pier, compression fitting a pipe fitting
clustered pier, whose joint is secured by compressing
compound column; the pipe end with a threaded nut or other
in Gothic architecture, clamping device.
a heavy column compression moulding a method of
carved with a number forming thermoplastics products by plac-
of vertical cuttings to ing material powder into a mould then
appear as if it were applying heat and pressure.
formed from a num- compression reinforcement in rein-
ber of round shafts of forced concrete, reinforcement which has
compound pier
lesser diameter; each been designed to withstand compressive
shaft rises to form the various ribs of the loading.
vaulted ceiling; see also bundle pier, bun- compression wood
dle column. wood sawn from
compound window see composite the undersides of
window. branches and lean-
ing trees with
timber inner uneven growth rings
timber and low strength;
window compression wood
reaction wood in
compressive strength the property of
a material or component which has good
resistance to forces in compression with-
aluminium out fracture.
outer sash compressive strength test in concrete-
work, a test to determine the compressive
composite window
strength of concrete, either by cube test-
ing or cylinder testing.
comprehensive development the
development of a sizeable area of land compressive washer see spring lock
with buildings or built form and associ- washer.
ated roads, lighting and other infrastruc- computer-aided design, CAD; the
ture, usually as a phased operation. design and drawing of a system, building,
107 concrete
component or object using a computer concrete a mixture of sand, aggregate,
using software specially developed for cement and water, often including
that purpose. admixtures, which sets to form a hard,
concave joint see keyed joint. versatile building material, mainly used
concave moulding 1 see cavetto, for its structural properties; types
congé, cove. included as separate entries are listed
2 see scotia, gorge, trochilus. below; see also precast concrete and
3 see hollow moulding. reinforced concrete for illustrations.
*aerated concrete; *air-entrained con-
concealed door closer a door closer crete; *asphaltic concrete; *autoclaved
mounted within the thickness of a door aerated concrete; *blast-furnace concrete,
leaf or threshold. see slag concrete; *blinding concrete;
concealed dovetail joint see lapped *cast-in-place concrete, cast-in-situ con-
dovetail joint. crete, see in-situ concrete; *cellular con-
crete, see aerated concrete; *coloured
concealed fixing see secret fixing.
concrete; *cyclopean concrete; *dry
concealed hinge, blind hinge; a spe- packed concrete; *expanded aggregate
cial hinge used for high-quality joinery, concrete; *exposed aggregate concrete;
visible only when the door it supports *exposed concrete; *extruded concrete;
is open. *facing concrete; *fairfaced concrete; *fat
concealed nailing see secret nailing. concrete, see rich concrete; *ferroconcrete,
see reinforced concrete; *fibre concrete,
concealed system a suspended ceiling fibrous concrete, see fibre-reinforced con-
system whose supporting profiles are not crete; *flowable concrete, see self-placing
visible in the finished ceiling surface, usu- concrete; *flowing concrete; *foam con-
ally provided by slotting joints or by fixing crete, see foamed concrete; *fresh con-
to the rear of the ceiling panels. crete; *gas concrete; *glass concrete;
concentrated load see point load. *glassfibre-reinforced polymer/concrete,
concentric pattern see circular pattern. glassfibre-reinforced cement; *green con-
crete; *grouted aggregate concrete, see
concentric taper in drainage and grouted concrete; *hardened concrete;
plumbing, a short piece of conical pipe or *heavy concrete; *high alumina cement
similar fitting for joining two pipes of dif- concrete; *high-strength concrete; *high-
ferent diameters so that their centres lie density concrete, see heavy concrete; *in-
along the same line. situ concrete; *insulating lightweight con-
concept a general abstract notion; a prin- crete, see insulating concrete; *intrusion
cipal or central idea relating to a certain concrete, see grouted concrete; *lean con-
range of things; the underlying or gener- crete; *lightweight aggregate concrete;
ating thought, idea, philosophy, method *lightweight concrete; *low heat concrete;
or process for a design proposal or *luminescent concrete; *mass concrete;
scheme. *mixed concrete; *monolithic concrete;
*no-fines concrete; *non-vibration con-
concertina blind, folding blind; a
crete, see self-placing concrete; *no-slump
pleated window blind of sheet material
concrete; *pavement concrete; *plain con-
such as paper or cloth, which folds up or
crete; *plasticized concrete; *pneumati-
down with a concertina action.
cally applied concrete, see sprayed
concertina door see sliding folding concrete; *polymer concrete; *polymer
door. fibre reinforced concrete; *polymer
conch, 1 concha impregnated concrete; *polymer modified
(Lat.); a half dome concrete; *polymer Portland cement con-
used to roof semicircu- crete, see polymer concrete; *porous con-
lar apses in some crete, see aerated concrete; *Portland
churches. cement concrete; *post-tensioned con-
2 ornamental carving crete; *precast concrete; *pre-packed con-
conch motif crete, see grouted concrete; *preplaced
or decoration in the
form of a stylized conch shell. concrete, see grouted concrete;
concrete admixture 108

*prestressed concrete; *pretensioned con- *beam block, bond-beam block, see chan-
crete; *pumpable concrete; *ready-mixed nel block; *capping block, see coping
concrete, readymix concrete; *refractory block; *cavity block, cellular block; *chan-
concrete; *reinforced concrete; *resin con- nel block; *column block; *coping block;
crete, see polymer concrete; *retarded *hollow block, see cellular block; *insu-
concrete; *rich concrete; *roller-com- lated block; *lightweight concrete block;
pacted concrete, rolled concrete; *Roman *lintel block, see channel block; *partition
concrete; *rubble concrete; *sawdust con- block; *pilaster block, see column block;
crete, see wood-cement concrete; *self- *radial block; *sill block.
placing concrete, self-consolidating con-
crete, self-compactable concrete; *site
concrete, see mixed concrete; *site mixed
concrete; *slag concrete; *spaded con- concrete block paver a precast rect-
crete, see tamped concrete; *sprayed con- angular or interlocking concrete paving
crete; *steel concrete, see reinforced stone; also called a unit paver, paving
concrete; *steel-fibre reinforced concrete; block; types included as separate entries
*stiffened concrete; *structural concrete; are listed below, see also next entry.
*superplasticized concrete; *tamped con- *cellular paver, crib paver; *hexagonal
crete; *terrazzo concrete, see terrazzo; paver; *interlocking paver, interpaver;
*tremie concrete; *underwater concrete; *interweave paver; key paver; *pattern
*unreinforced concrete, see plain con- paver; *wavy paver.
crete; *vacuum dewatered concrete, vac-
uum concrete; *vibrated concrete; *white
concrete block paving an external
concrete; *wood-cement concrete.
paved surface made up of evenly sized
concrete units, laid on sand or a concrete
concrete admixture a substance added bed; also called unit paving.
to a concrete mix with the aim of chang-
ing its properties of drying, setting, work- concrete bond in concretework, the
ability, etc.; see list of concrete admixtures bond caused by friction and adhesion
under admixture. between the concrete and steel
concrete batch in concretework, an
amount of concrete mixed for use at any concrete brick an unfired brick made
one time. from concrete rather than clay.
concrete beam any beam of cast in-situ clay brick concrete brick
or prefabricated concrete, often prestressed
or reinforced with steel; see concrete lintel,
in-situ concrete beam, precast beam.
concrete bit see masonry drill.
concrete bleeding, water gain; in con-
cretework, the seeping out of excess water
concrete cancer see alkali-aggregate
not taken up by the hydration of cement.
concrete block a masonry block man- concrete casing concrete used as a fire-
ufactured from precast concrete, usually proof covering for structural steel.
of cellular or aggregate construction;
concrete chute in the production of
types included as separate entries are
concrete, an inclined open steel channel
listed below:
along which concrete is transferred from a
mixer into formwork.
concrete compaction in concreting,
the manipulating of freshly placed con-
crete by tamping or vibration to release
air voids and settle the mass.
concrete block concrete cover in reinforced concrete,
the thickness of protective concrete
109 concrete reinforcement
between a reinforcing bar and the exterior concrete paver 1 a precast concrete unit
surface of the concrete. or slab laid in series to form hardwearing
concrete cracking see cracking. external paved areas; see concrete block
paver, concrete paving slab.
concrete curing the treatment of hard- 2 a machine which runs on rails and pro-
ening concrete by covering, wetting, or duces concrete pavement.
steam treatment to maintain its tempera-
ture and moisture level, in order to pro- concrete paving 1 precast concrete
vide water for hydration, prevent cracking units or paving slabs laid horizontally as a
and improve the quality of the concrete. hardwearing external surface; see con-
crete block paving.
concrete drill see masonry drill. 2 concrete pavement; a layer of rein-
concrete flag see concrete paving slab. forced concrete laid as a hardwearing sur-
concrete flow test in concretework, a face on roads, pavements and pedestrian
test to determine the workability, consis- areas.
tency and degree of segregation of fresh concrete paving block see concrete
concrete by subjection to repeated jolting. block paver.
concrete paving slab, precast con-
concrete formwork see formwork. crete flag; a large rectangular concrete
concrete frame any building frame of slab used for paving external surfaces
prefabricated or cast-in-situ concrete such as pedestrian areas.
beams, columns, walls, slabs, etc., onto
which cladding components, flooring, concrete pile in foundation technol-
roofing, etc. are fixed; see precast con- ogy, a reinforced concrete pile, either
crete frame, in-situ concrete frame. precast and driven in, or cast in-situ in a
concrete grade see grade of concrete. prebored excavation; types included as
concrete lintel an in-situ or precast rein- separate entries are listed below:
forced concrete beam component used *augered pile; *bored pile; *cast-in-place
over openings in brick and block walls. pile, in-situ pile; *precast pile.

concrete maturity in concretework, a

measurement of the strength of harden- concrete placer see pneumatic concrete
ing concrete as a function of time and placer.
temperature, in units of degree day or
concrete placing, placement; the lay-
degree hour.
ing, pouring or pumping of fresh concrete
concrete mesh reinforcement see into formwork, moulds, excavations, etc.
fabric reinforcement. to attain its final shape.
concrete mix the component parts of concrete plank a precast concrete floor-
concrete such as sand, aggregate, cement, ing unit laid in series to span between
water and admixtures combined in an beams or crosswalls and provide a floor
appropriate ratio. structure; see also hollow-core beam.
concrete mixer in the production of concrete pump a machine for pumping
concrete, a machine for mixing the var- concrete from a mixer or storage vehicle
ious constituents to form a homogeneous into formwork, excavations, etc.
concrete mix; see cement mixer.
concrete nail see masonry nail. concrete reinforcement 1 steel rods,
concrete panel see precast concrete deformed bars, meshes and other steel
panel. products incorporated into reinforced
concrete to withstand tensile forces;
concrete patching in concretework, the types included as separate entries are
filling of surface holes and voids and listed below:
repairing of defects in the cast surface *beam reinforcement; *binder, see stirrup;
with mortar after the concrete has set. *bottom reinforcement; *cage; *column
concrete pavement see concrete pav- reinforcement; *compression reinforce-
ing, prestressed concrete pavement, con- ment; *concrete mesh reinforcement, see
tinuously reinforced concrete pavement. fabric; *fabric reinforcement; *foundation
concrete roof tile 110

reinforcement; *helical reinforcement; concrete slump test a standard on-site

*lateral reinforcement; *ligature, see stir- test to ascertain the consistency of fresh
rup; *link, see stirrup; *longitudinal rein- concrete by measuring the degree of col-
forcement; *main reinforcement; *mesh lapse of a poured out cone-shaped
reinforcement, see fabric reinforcement; sample.
*principal reinforcement, see main rein- concrete spraying, spraying, pneu-
forcement; *secondary reinforcement; matic concreting, shotcreting; the
*shear reinforcement; *slab reinforcement; application of sprayed concrete.
*steel reinforcement, see concrete rein- concrete structure see reinforced-
forcement; *stirrup; *tension reinforce- concrete structure, concrete frame.
ment, tensile reinforcement; *top
reinforcement; *transverse reinforcement,
see lateral reinforcement; *two-way rein- concrete testing various tests carries
forcement; *web reinforcement, see shear out on fresh and hardened concrete to
reinforcement; *wire-mesh reinforcement, ascertain strength, consistency, work-
see fabric reinforcement. ability, etc.; see below for types included
2 see reinforcing bar. as separate entries:
*compressive strength test; *concrete flow
concrete roof tile any roof tile manufac- test; *concrete slump test; *consistometer
tured from concrete. test, see VB-consistometer test; *core test;
*cube test; *cylinder test; *flow test, see
concrete saw a large powered circular concrete flow test; *slump test; *strength
saw used for cutting openings in hard-
test, see compressive strength test; *Vebe
ened concrete.
test, see VB-consistometer test; *works
concrete screed see screed. cube test.
concrete screw, masonry screw; any
hard-metal screw for fixing to hard porous
surfaces such as concrete or masonry.
concrete tile a floor or wall tile of
pressed, extruded or wet-moulded con-
concrete screw
crete, usually less than 300 3 300 mm in
anchor a double-
size; also called a cement tile, depending
helical screw for fix- concrete screw anchor
on the aggregates used; see also concrete
ing components
roof tile.
such as door frames, pipe hangers, etc.
directly to a concrete or masonry surface
into predrilled holes.
concrete segregation a defect in con-
creting caused by the separating out of
constituent parts, especially coarse aggre-
gate, from the mix.
concrete tile
concrete slab any relatively thin planar
area of reinforced concrete, usually a
structural floor or roof slab; types concrete topping a layer of concrete or
included as separate entries are listed mortar, usually 50 mm thick, laid as a
below: smooth hardwearing finish for a cast
*coffered slab, see waffle slab; *column concrete floor slab, deck or other
and beam construction, see post and construction.
beam construction; *column and slab
construction; *concrete paving slab; *flat concrete vibrator in the production of
slab, see mushroom slab; *folded plate, concrete, a mechanical device for com-
folded slab; *hollow-core beam, hollow- pacting concrete by vibration.
core slab, hollow-core plank; *honeycomb concretework any sitework relating to
slab, see waffle slab; *mushroom slab; the casting, erection and finishing of con-
*post and beam construction; *waffle crete construction; also the result of this;
slab. see also precast concretework.
111 conk
concrete yield, volume yield; the vol- heat can pass with minimum resistance,
ume of concrete produced by a given and for which it is made use of; see elec-
amount of cement aggregate and water, trical conductor, lightning-conductor; spe-
measured by weight. cifically, that part of an electric cable
through which the electricity flows.
concreting working with fresh concrete,
especially concrete placing. conductor header see rainwater head.
condensates pan, condensation pan; conduit a closed housing within con-
in an air-conditioning system, a vessel struction to conceal or provide a passage
beneath a chilling coil in a condenser to for pipework and wiring; see electrical
collect water. conduit, pipe duct.
condensation the process of water cone penetration testing, deep pen-
vapour or steam cooling to water on con- etration testing; in soil investigation,
tact with a surface below its dewpoint; penetration testing in which a cone-
the resulting droplets of water thus shaped testing implement is pushed with
formed, surface condensation; see also a steady force into the soil to measure its
flue condensation. bearing capacity.
condensation point see dewpoint. congé a concave decorative moulding; a
condensation polymerization see cavetto or cove surmounting a vertical
polycondensation. surface.
condenser that part of an air-condition- conglomerate, puddingstone; rock
ing and refrigeration system in which consisting of rounded stones or pebbles
refrigerant vapour is condensed, produc- embedded in a finer material such as
ing heat which is either reused or released limestone.
to the outside.
Congo wood see African walnut.
conditional planning permission
planning permission granted on the conical roll joint see roll joint.
grounds that certain local authority condi- conical roof a roof form in the shape of
tions are fulfilled; see reserved matter. a cone.
conditions of contract, 1 terms of conical vault 1 a
agreement; in contract administration, masonry vault, or
the terms describing the rights and obli- part of a vault, in the
gations of the contractor to which he or form of a segment of
she must adhere for the contract to a cone.
remain valid. 2 expanding vault;
2 terms of contract; a contract docu- a barrel vault whose
ment outlining contractual obligations, diameter gradually
rights of both parties and general practi- increases along its
cal matters used in a particular contract. length, used over conical vault
3 general conditions of contract; a splayed corridors and
similar standard document prepared by a other spaces with funnel-shaped plans.
professional advisory body, government conifer any cone-bearing evergreen tree
department or other authority for use in with needle-like leaves, from which soft-
all contracts. wood is obtained; a member of the gym-
conductance the property of a material nosperm group which includes pines, firs,
or substance through which energy can spruces, larches, etc.; see list of species of
freely flow, usually relating to heat or elec- tree from which softwood is obtained
tricity; see thermal conductance, electrical under softwood.
conductance. Coniophora cerebella, Coniophora
conductivity the measure of how well a puteana see cellar rot.
given material will conduct heat or elec- conk, bracket fungus, shelf fungus,
tricity; see thermal conductivity, electrical polypore; [Polyporaceae] a group of fungi
conductivity. which attack timber and produce hard
conductor any material, component or fruiting bodies protruding from the trunks
construction through which electricity or of trees and logs.
connecting point 112
connecting point see connection. constant white see blanc fixe.
connection, 1 joint; the meeting point
of two components such as pipes or struc- construction 1 an assembly of materi-
tural members which are fixed together; als or components which function
the joint thus formed. together to make up part of a building;
2 connecting point; the point at which
examples included as separate entries
a building is connected to the mains are listed below:
water supply, or to a public sewer. *alternate bay construction, see chequer-
3 in telecommunications and networks, board construction, alternate lane con-
physical access to a phone line or network struction; *balanced construction; *box
which allows for communication. frame construction; *building construc-
tion; *ceiling construction; *chequerboard
construction; *column and slab construc-
connector any accessory for fixing two tion; *column and beam construction, see
components, members, pipe fittings, post and beam construction; *composite
etc. together; examples included as sep- construction; *concrete construction;
arate entries are listed below: *crosswall construction; *cruck construc-
*electrical connector; *flue connector; tion; *discontinuous construction; *floor
*group connector; *pipe fitting; *shear construction; *half-timbered construction;
plate connector; *split ring connector; *hit and miss construction, see chequer-
*toothed plate connector; *union. board construction; *large-panel con-
struction; *lift slab construction;
*loadbearing wall construction; *log con-
consent see planning consent. struction; *muntin and plank construc-
conservation the maintenance, rehabili- tion; *offshore construction; *panel
tation and protection of old buildings and construction; *plank construction; *post
structures in their original state using tra- and beam construction, post and lintel
ditional and authentic materials and construction; *precast concrete construc-
methods; see also physical conservation. tion; *prefabricated construction, see pre-
conservation area an area or urban or fabrication; *rammed earth construction,
rural land designated as being of special see pisé; *reconstruction; *roof construc-
architectural or historical significance and tion; *shell construction; *stave construc-
protected by legislation to control tion; *steel construction; *stressed skin
development. construction; *timber construction; *trabe-
ated construction, see post and beam
consistency the firmness or cohesiveness
construction; *truss plate construction;
of thick liquid suspensions and pastes
*trussed construction; *window
such as concrete.
consistometer an apparatus for measur- 2 whole structural or building systems
ing the firmness or cohesiveness of sus- based on this.
pensions and thick liquids such as 3 see structure.
concrete, mortar, grouts and cement 4 see building, building construction.
pastes; see VB-consistometer test. 5 the setting out of technical drawings
console 1 a classical masonry bracket or and constructing of geometrical forms
corbelled stone for supporting overhangs, such as perspectives with guide lines
pediments, balconies and shelves, often and other points of reference.
ornate and decorated with volutes.
2 see monitor.
3 an operating station for electronic or construction cost see building cost.
automated equipment consisting of a construction drawing a drawing show-
monitor and keyboard, mouse, joystick, ing how parts of a building are to be con-
etc. structed on site, usually produced at a
consolidation the compressing of soil large scale (110, 120), often wall sections,
due to the weight of overlying structures junctions, etc.
bearing down on it; see dynamic construction engineering a discipline
consolidation. dealing with the structural frames and
113 continuously-graded aggregate
constructional technology of buildings see lathing; *measured work; *paintwork;
and structures. *panelwork, see panelling; *parquet work,
construction joint in concreting, a joint see parquetry; *pipework; *plasterwork;
between adjacent layers or areas of con- *ragwork; *range work; *remedial work,
crete that have been cast at different see renovation; *repair work, see renova-
times. tion; *sheetmetal work; *shift work; *spe-
construction manager a contractor's cialized work; *steelwork; *stonework;
employee responsible for managing and *studwork; *timberwork; *veneerwork, see
supervising work on a large site or several veneering.
small ones; a senior site manager.
construction moisture water in laid construction works that body of work
concrete, mortar, or other wet trades, on a building site concerned with the
which evaporates away during the con- actual assembling of a building, as
struction period. opposed to temporary work, ground
construction sequence, sequencing work, etc.
of operations; in project planning, the consultant a qualified person or profes-
stages in which construction proceeds, sional body employed by an organization
dictating the order in which materials and to give professional advice, liaise or pro-
components arrive on site. duce specialist designs for various aspects
construction site see building site. of a construction project.
construction technology, building contact adhesive an adhesive applied
technology, building science; a branch in liquid form to surfaces to be joined,
of technology dealing with the erection then allowed to partially dry before com-
and assembly of buildings, their compo- ponents are pressed together, resulting in
nents and structure. instantaneous adhesion.
construction time 1 the contract time contact metamorphic rock a name for
or time for completion of a building as types of metamorphic rock which have
specified in a contract. formed under high temperatures caused
2 the period of time during which a build- by magmatic intrusion; hornfels.
ing is under construction. containment see fire containment.
construction waste any material such contingency sum, contingency;
as rubble, earth or remnants left over money set aside within a building con-
from construction or demolition work tract to be used to cover the cost of
whose disposal is the responsibility of the unforeseen or unplannable items or
contractor. events.
continuous beam a single beam which
construction work any work pertain- spans over more than two points of sup-
ing to building construction; the various port, so that loading one section will
operations involved in assembling the affect conditions over the other spans.
foundations, frame, fabric and finishes
for a building; types included as sepa-
rate entries are listed below:
*additional work, see extra work; *asbes-
tos work, see asbestos removal; *block- continuous beam with central pier
work; *brickwork; *cabinetwork; support for deck of bridge
*casework, see casing; *ceiling work;
*cobwork, see log construction; *concrete- continuous coil spiral an ornamental
work; *cribwork, see cribbing; *daywork; motif consisting of a pattern of curving
*earthwork; *electrical work, see electrical lines which meet in spirals.
installation work; *extra work; *facework,
see fair-face brickwork; *falsework; *form- continuous hinge see piano hinge.
work; *framework; *groundwork; *land- continuously-graded aggregate in
scape work, see landscaping; *lathwork, concretework, graded aggregate which
continuously moving form 114
contains all grain sizes within a particular contractor, builder, building con-
range. tractor; a person or organization which
continuously moving form see carries out building work according to a
slipform. contract or agreement; types included
continuously reinforced concrete as separate entries are listed below:
pavement, CRCP; road construction in *electrical works contractor; *main con-
which the main structural base is a rein- tractor; *management contractor; *nomi-
forced concrete slab with no transverse nated subcontractor; *specialized
movement joints. contractor; *subcontractor.
continuous mixer in the production of
concrete, a concrete mixer which pro- contractual agreement see contract.
duces a continuous flow of concrete.
contractual claim a claim that can be
contorta pine see pine. settled within the terms of the contract
contract, contractual agreement; a without recourse to legal proceedings.
legally enforcing agreement between two control circuit an electric circuit by which
or more parties regarding provision of mechanical equipment is controlled.
goods, work or services, the scope of
work included therein; see also building
control device, regulator; a device for
operating motors, actuators, etc. to con-
trol automated and mechanical
contract document any written, drawn
or computerized document that forms
part of package on which a contract is control valve, discharge valve, regu-
based. lating valve; a valve for regulating the
contract drawing any drawing which rate of flow and preventing backsiphon-
forms part of a package on which a con- age of liquid in a pipeline.
tract is based. convection the transfer of heat or electri-
contract period a period stipulated in a cal charge via thermal currents in a gas or
contract for the execution of work, during liquid; see thermal convection, free
which the contract is valid. convection.
contract price see contract sum. convection column see thermal
contracts manager a contractor's repre- column.
sentative responsible for managing con- convection heater see convector.
tractual aspects of construction projects,
usually large-scale ones. convector a space heater which provides
contract sum, contract price; the sum warmth by the movement of air over a
of money payable by a client to a contrac- hot surface, to be conveyed into the sur-
tor for the execution of work outlined in rounding air by convection; see also fan
the building contract. convector.
contract time, construction time, conventional system see low velocity
time for completion; the time specified system.
for the prospective completion of a con- conversion 1 the sawing of logs into
struction job or building, measured from large timber sections, profiles and mould-
an agreed starting date to handover or ings for use in building.
another specified juncture.
contraction joint, shrinkage joint; in
monolithic concrete or masonry construc-
tion, a joint
which allows contraction joint in cement
for the shrink- screed and flooring
age of materials
on drying, often
filled after the
material has
hardened. conversion of a log
into timber sections of
different dimensions
115 coping
2 in computing, the transmutation of a perpendicular,
computer program or file to make it gradated coordi-
usable by another computer system. nate planes in
convex head an axonometric
roofing nail a or oblique pro-
nail for fixing cor- jection; some-
rugated roofing times called an
with an inverted convex head axonometric
roofing nail cube. coordinate cube
cup-shaped addi-
tion beneath its coordinator see door co-ordinator.
head to cover the curved space between copaiba balsam an oleoresin exuded
nail head and crest of sheeting; also var- from some species of South American
iously known as a nipple head nail or tree [Copaifera spp.], used with a solvent
springhead roofing nail. as a cleaner or isolation varnish in oil-
convex joint see extruded joint. painting.
convex plane see round plane.
conveyor belt conveyor belt mesh
mesh woven
coping, 1 capping, wall cap; a con-
struction of brick, block, stone or sheet-
wire mesh with a
metal on top of a freestanding wall or
weave permit-
parapet to shed off and prevent infiltra-
ting pivoting
tion of rainwater; types included as sep-
along its length;
arate entries are listed below:
used for indus-
trial conveyor
belts, and as a
cladding material coping block
for elevations,
ceilings, etc.
cooler unit see unit air-conditioner.
cooling 1 the reduction in temperature of coping bricks
an object, gas, room, etc.
2 in air conditioning, those measures
designed to produce thermal comfort by
introducing cool air to a space.
3 see cooling period. featheredged saddleback segmental
cooling coil in air conditioning, a unit
containing copper tubes supplied with
chilled water or other liquid to cool supply *coping brick; *featheredged coping;
air to a desired temperature. *pressed metal coping; *saddleback cop-
cooling period in the steam curing of ing; *segmental coping.
concrete, the period during which heat is 2 the cutting of stone slabs by making a
no longer applied and the concrete slowly groove on either face with a saw and
cools. then giving blows to the groove until
cooling tower 1 in air conditioning, an the stone cracks.
externally mounted device for cooling coping block a concrete block with a
warmed water from the system by spray- sloping upper surface, designed for use
ing it over a system of ventilated baffles, as a coping for a freestanding wall; see
causing partial evaporation and resultant masonry capping.
cooling. coping brick a special capping brick
2 a wide hollow concrete chimney in designed to be wider than the free-
which water vapour from power stations, standing wall or parapet which it pro-
etc. is cooled. tects, with throated overhangs on one
coordinate cube the basic volume unit or both sides; see saddleback coping
or cube marked out by the three mutually brick, featheredged coping.
copper 116

coping saw, scribing saw; a fine- corbelled lintel a lintel whose span is
toothed bow saw whose blade is held in reduced by the use of corbel stones on
tension in a deep metal frame; used for either side of an opening; usually found in
cutting out patterns and curves in stone architecture.
board. corbelled vault a masonry vault con-
coping stone see masonry capping, structed by overlapping successive
featheredged coping. courses of stone to meet at the highest
point; not a true vault.
copper a soft and malleable metal, Cu, corbelling a method of constructing a
masonry overhang by projecting each
which has good resistance to corrosion, is
successive edge course slightly outward.
a good conductor of heat and electricity,
and which can be used as an alloy with
other metals; used for wires, pipework
and sheetmetal cladding.
copper blue a form of the pigment
Bremen blue.
copper carbonate see azurite, see
copper green a form of the pigment
Bremen blue.
copper nail a round-shafted nail fabri- corbelling for
cated from copper, often for decorative use. dome on square
copper pipe, copper alloy tube; base
narrow-bore pipes of copper alloy used in corbel table an ornamental banded
water and gas installation pipework. motif consisting of a series of arches
copper plate a copper mill product of which project from a wall surface; often
flat plate over 10mm thick, usually manu- found beneath the parapet in
factured from a copper alloy. Romanesque architecture.
copper plating, coppering; the coat-
ing of an object with a thin layer of cop-
per as corrosion resistance or decoration;
the layer thus formed.
copper sheet copper rolled into sheets corbel table
not more than 3 mm thick; used for pati-
nated exterior cladding, etc. corbie gable, corbie steps see crow
coppering see copper plating.
coquillage Rococo decoration based on cordierite, dichroite, iotite; a blue or
brown magnesium aluminium silicate
stylized shell forms.
mineral used as a raw material in the
corbel a masonry bracket projecting from ceramic industry and as decorative stone.
the face of a building surface to provide
support for an overhanging object or
cordon 1 a masonry course, often project-
ing, at the foot of battlements in a wall of
a castle or fortification, or along the upper
corbelled arch, corbel arch; a false
surface of a ditch.
arch composed of a series of stones cor-
2 in walling, a projecting band course of
belled out from either side to meet in the
masonry or brickwork, often rounded in
middle; not a true arch.
corduroy work a surface treatment for
ashlar stonework consisting of narrow ver-
tical reeding.
core 1 the central layer of material in com-
ponents such as certain forms of composite
construction, building boards, composite
constructions or steel cables; e.g. the
corbelled arches internal filling of lower grade wood in a
117 corner fillet
timber-based board, covered by veneers; fluted columns, an ornate capital lavishly
see also door core, test core, box out. carved with acanthus foliage surmounted
2 the central service area in a multistorey by a flat abacus, a base and an entabla-
building, where lifts, stairways, toilets and ture with dentils.
riser ducts, etc. are located; see core cork the bark of the cork oak [Quercus
stiffening. suber], used in construction for its buoy-
coreboard any timber building board ancy, lightness, insulating and resilient
manufactured by gluing veneers to either properties, used for thermal insulation,
side of a solid timber core, to which the buoyancy aids, bottle corks, gaskets and
grain of the veneers runs at 90 ; types vibration control.
included as separate entries are listed cork black see vine black.
below: corkboard a building board made from
*battenboard; *blockboard; *cellular board; granulated cork pressed together with a
*composite board; *laminboard. binder.
cored brick see perforated brick. cork carpet, cork matting; a flooring
core drilling in soil investigation, drilling product in sheet form manufactured from
into the ground with special apparatus to granulated cork, mineral fibre and a
obtain core samples for testing; similar binder of resin or oil attached to a back-
action to obtain samples of rock and cast ing sheet, often with a surface coating of
concrete. hard plastic.
core form a mould introduced into the cork linoleum a hardwearing flooring
formwork for creating an opening in cast product in sheet or tile form consisting of
concrete. ground cork and polymerized linseed oil
core ply see central ply. on a hessian backing.
core plywood plywood in which the cork matting see cork carpet.
core is considerably thicker than the face cork oak [Quercus suber] a
plies; see coreboard. Mediterranean hardwood whose outer
core roll in sheet roofing, a timber fillet bark, cork, is used for thermal insulation,
around which roofing material is dressed buoyancy aids, bottle corks, gaskets, floor-
at joints and corners. coverings and vibration control.
core stiffening the fixing of intermedi- cork tile a hardwearing rectangular floor,
ate floors of a building to a central core, ceiling or wall tile which consists of granu-
often a lift shaft, stair or services block to lated cork and a binder such as oil or resin
provide vertical stability. attached to a backing sheet; cork ceiling
core strength the compressive strength tiles are made from reconstituted
of a concrete core sample, taken from a expanded granulated cork and often used
cast or existing concrete member. for their acoustic properties; cork floor
core test in concreting, a test to measure tiles are sheets of cork carpet laid as tiles.
the compressive strength of a concrete cork wallpaper cork paper manufac-
core sample, drilled from a cast concrete tured with a backing and used as a
member. wallcovering.
Corinthian pertaining to the Corinthian corkscrew stair see spiral stair.
order, the youngest of the three classical
Greek orders, characterized by slender cornel see dogwood.
cornelian a reddish-brown microcrystal-
line variety of the mineral chalcedony,
fleuron used as gemstones and for decorative
abacus ornament; alternative spelling is carnelian.
helix, volute
corner bead see angle bead; edge strip.
corner board in timber-clad construc-
acanthus tion, vertical boards nailed over the clad-
ding at corners as protection.
corner chisel see bruzz chisel.
corner fillet a timber finishing strip used
Corinthian capital, Temple of Olympian
to cover the internal corner joint between
Zeus, Athens, c.170 BC – 130 AD
two perpendicular surfaces.
corner half lap joint 118
corner half lap joint a timber halved corridor 1 a narrow longitudinal circula-
joint in which one member is perpendicu- tion space within a building providing
lar to another, forming the outside corner internal access to rooms or other spaces.
of a frame. 2 fire corridor, see fire break.

corner joint any joint in which the

members to be connected are not in a corrosion, attack; the wearing away,
straight line, or in the same plane; types destruction or decay of a material, espe-
included as separate entries are listed cially a metal, due to chemical or elec-
below: trochemical reaction with its
*angle joint; *bevelled corner joint; *box surroundings; types included as sepa-
corner joint; *box dovetail joint; *cogged rate entries are listed below:
corner joint; *corner half lap joint; *notch. *crevice corrosion; *deposit corrosion;
*electrochemical corrosion; *erosion cor-
corner scraper, angle plane, French rosion; *microbiological corrosion; *pit
plane; a bladed hand tool used in plaster- corrosion; *stress corrosion.
ing for removing excess plaster from inter- corrosion fatigue fatigue in steel
nal corners. caused by corrosion in members sub-
jected to repeated changing stresses in
cornerstone, foundation stone; a
a corrosive environment.
block of masonry cast or laid into founda-
corrosion inhibiting, rust inhibit-
tions as a memorial of the commence-
ing; the painting and other coating
ment of construction of a building, usually
treatments of metal, usually steel and
inscribed with information about the cli-
cast-iron components, with compounds,
ent, contractor and the occasion at which
alloyed substances, etc. to inhibit corro-
it was laid.
sion; a surface treatment thus used is
corner trowel see angle trowel. called a corrosion inhibitor.
cornice, 1 ceiling strip; a decorative hor- corrosion inhibiting admixture in
izontal moulding at the meeting of inter- concretework, an admixture included in
nal wall and ceiling. a concrete mix to inhibit the corrosion
2 in classical architecture, the horizontal of reinforcement.
overhanging upper band of an entabla- corrosion resistance the ability of a
ture above a frieze, made up of a cyma- metal to withstand chemical corrosion,
tium, corona and other mouldings. oxidation, weathering, etc.
3 in masonry, a large projecting moulding,
often classical, at the top of an exterior
corrugated a description of sheet pro-
ducts which have been preformed into a
Cornus florida see dogwood. wavy cross-section for improved longitu-
corona 1 Lat.; the lower moulding in a dinal strength longitudinal stiffening.
classical cornice, a projecting element corrugated fas-
with a vertical face beneath the cyma- tener, wiggle
tium; often called a geison in Greek nail, mitre brad;
temples. a short piece of cor-
2 corona moulding; any protruding hor- rugated steel with
corrugated fastener
izontal moulding whose lower surface is sharpened edges,
profiled to form a drip. hammered into a timber butt joint to
secure it.
corrugated glass rough cast glass
sheeting manufactured with corrugations
and used for glazed roofing.
corrugated iron a steel product of
corona moulding
sheetmetal preformed in a wavy cross-
section to provide longitudinal stiffening.
3 a circular side chapel in a church or
corrugated ply-web beam a plywood
web beam whose vertical web is wavy in
coroplastics the use of relief ornament plan to increase transverse buckling
and sculpture in terracotta work. strength. See illustration on facing page.
119 cottonseed oil
named after a group of architects, sculp-
tors and decorative artists who worked in
the same style in marble and mosaic in
the 1100s to 1300s in Rome and Naples;
usually religious work for choir screens,
pulpits, floors and walls.

corrugated ply-web beam

corrugated sheeting a metal or plastics
sheeting product preformed in a wavy
cross-section to provide longitudinal stiff-
ening; see also corrugated iron, corru-
gated sheetmetal. Cosmati work, Italy, 13th century
corrugated sheetmetal a product of
steel, zinc, aluminium, etc. sheetmetal pre- cost an amount of money outlaid or to be
formed in a wavy cross-section to provide paid for a product, service or completed
longitudinal stiffening. work, or spent on running a business.
corrugated sheet roofing profiled cost analysis a costing technique for
sheet roofing which has been formed tendering or physical construction using
with a wavy profile in cross-section. estimated or costed parts of construction
work distributed between cost headings,
allowing for easy and efficient
cost control the task of continuous
monitoring of costs incurred and available
finances for a building project.
cost estimate an estimation of the cost
of a construction project based on
designs, often undertaken by a quantity
surveyor at an early stage in design work.
corrugated sheet roofing cost in use a comprehensive cost esti-
mate of a design, component or product,
corrugated shell a tunnel, bridge, con- measured by adding together capital
duit, etc. structure of corrugated sheet expenses and costs incurred subsequently
steel. by maintenance and operation.
corrugation filler in profiled sheet roof- cost index a figure expressing the
ing, a component fitted beneath sheeting change in value of products or services in
at eaves, ridge or other edges to block up relation to time.
the gaps formed beneath the costing the calculation of prospective
corrugations. costs for a development.
corruleum blue see cerulean blue. cost per square metre, unit cost; a
Corsican pine [Pinus nigra] see pine. measure of the potential or final relative
cost of a building calculated by dividing
Cor-ten a proprietary weathering steel the construction costs by built gross or
with a high copper content whose surface net area of the building.
rusts evenly to form a weather-resistant cost-reimbursement contract, do-
orange-brown coating on exposure to the and-charge work; a form of building
elements; used as sheeting for external contract in which the contractor bills for
cladding. costs expended, usually taking a percent-
corundum a hard mineral form of alu- age of the total or fixed sum as payment
minium oxide, Al2O3, used as gemstones for overheads and profit.
(as ruby or sapphire) and as a grinding cotter pin a removable split wire fixing
and polishing agent; see also emery. inserted into a hole in a housed compo-
Corylus avellana see hazel. nent to secure it in place.
Cosmati work geometrical mosaic work cottonseed oil, cotton oil; a semi-
in coloured marble, glass and stone, drying oil used as a medium in some oil
cottonwood 120
paints, produced from the seeds of the countersink a drill
cotton plant, Gossypium spp. bit with a cutting
cottonwood [Populus spp.], see poplar. edge for making a
cone-shaped depres-
coulomb abb. C; SI unit of electric charge, sion around the rim countersink
the quantity of energy transported by a of a hole drilled for a
current of 1 amp in 1 second. countersunk screw; the widening cut thus
coumarone indene, coumarone made.
resin; a thermoplastic resin made from countersunk
coumarone, C8H6O, present in coal tar, head bolt a
used as a medium in paints, a binder in bolt with a coni- countersunk head bolt
floor tiles, in the rubber industry, etc. cal countersunk
council housing see public housing. head, tightened
with a screw- countersunk head screw
counterbatten in tiled roof construction, driver or driver
battens laid above the roofing membrane, bit.
onto which horizontal tiling battens are countersunk head screw, counter-
laid; see also entry below: sunk screw, flat head screw; a screw
counterbattening in timber frame con- whose head is cone-shaped so that it can
struction, secondary battening nailed be housed in a sinking, flush with a fin-
across studs, rafters or primary battens to ished surface.
allow for ventilation and water run off countersunk washer see recessed
within construction. screw cup.
counterbattening counter top basin see vanity basin.
counterweight a weight attached with
cables over a series of pulleys from a lift
car to counterbalance its weight.
coupled, twinned; a description of pil-
lars, pilasters or columns, grouped or
joined together in pairs; see entries
coupled columns, twinned columns;
a pair of columns linked or grouped
weatherboarding together for visual effect, or used in place
of a single stouter column.
counter flashing see cover flashing.
counterfort a vertical rib, projection, but-
tress or thickening in a wall to provide
strength and stability; in retaining walls it
is built into the side of the wall facing the medieval coupled
ground and thus works in tension. columns in St
counterfort wall, buttress wall; a can- George's Cathedral,
Limburg an der
tilever retaining wall ribbed with a num- Lahn, Germany,
ber of spaced buttresses to reinforce the (1235 AD)
junction between wall and footing.

coupled door a
door which has two
door leaves, one
counterfort behind the other,
hinged on the same
side and linked so
that they open as
counterfort wall coupled doors
121 courtyard house
coupled light an openable component coursed rubble masonry walling of
in a window consisting of two sashes, one unsquared stones laid in rough courses;
interior and the other exterior, hinged may be of squared or unsquared stones.
separately but linked so they open as one.
coupled rafter roof see couple roof.
coupled rafters, couple truss; in tim-
ber roof construction, a truss consisting
simply of two rafters which meet at a
ridge; see couple roof.
coupled window a double-glazed win-
dow whose openable part is a coupled
coursed rubble
coupler 1 a fitting for joining members in
tubular scaffolding. coursed squared rubble masonry
2 see pipe fitting.
roughly squared pieces of stone laid as
couple roof, coupled rafter roof; the masonry in courses.
simplest form of pitched roof structure, of
pairs of slanting rafters meeting at a

ridge rafters

wall squared
plate rubble
couple roof
coursed stonework any masonry laid in
courses with continuous horizontal joints.
couple truss see coupled rafters. court 1 an external area bounded by
coupling a pipe fitting for making a con- walls, buildings or rooms on four sides; a
nection between two pipes in a pipeline. courtyard.
course a row of bricks, stones or blocks 2 an enclosed area with a flat, hard sur-
which form a horizontal band in masonry face for playing ball games such as tennis,
walling construction, either one brick or basketball, etc.
stone high, or of uniform height; in log courtyard, court; an open area of land
construction, a single layer of logs laid as surrounded or enclosed by buildings or
walling. built form, often private or semi-public.
coursed ashlar ashlar masonry which courtyard house a prehistoric dwelling
has been laid in courses with horizontal from Iron Age Britain and northern
joints; courses may be of equal or varying Europe, with a series of chambers entered
height. via a central area.

plan of
courtyard houses,
Cornwall, England,
c.50 BC

cove 122
cove 1 a curved pipe, concrete over reinforcement; see
underside or soffit. concrete cover, nominal cover.
2 coving; a concave 2 see casing.
moulding of plaster, cover block see spacer.
timber or plastics,
fixed as a decorative cover board in board on board cladding,
covering at the meet- cove one of the surface boards nailed over the
ing of ceiling and wall; any meeting of base cladding to cover the vertical gaps.
ceiling and wall treated in this way; a cove cover fillet a strip of material, trim, etc.
tile; see also cavetto. used in construction to cover a joint or
3 a group of prehistoric standing stones seam.
laid out in a U-shape to form a tall cover flashing, counter flashing; in
unroofed box, open at the top and one roofing, a flashing laid against an abut-
side. ment to cover an upstand flashing.
cove brick a special
brick with a concave cover meter a device for measuring the
indentation running depth of concrete over reinforcement, or
along one of its concrete cover.
upper edges; used in cover soaker see pipe flashing.
decorative features,
or at the meeting of
cove brick cover strip, 1 joint
a wall and brick paving, etc.
strip; any strip of
material, or a prod-
coved tile, cove
uct, etc. used to
tile a curved ceramic
cover a joint in
tile fitting for creating
a smooth, concave
2 capping; any cover strip
join between adja-
similar product
cent perpendicular
used to conceal unsightly construction or
wall, floor or ceiling
cove tile fixings beneath.
surfaces; often simply
3 see architrave.
called a cove.
coved skirting tile a cove tile used as a cover tile see capping tile.
skirting in tiled bathrooms and wet areas; coving see cove.
see also inside corner tile.
coved vault a masonry vault composed cowl a device attached to the upper out-
of four coves meeting at a central point, let of a flue to improve draught and pro-
the reverse of a groined vault; a cloister vide protection from the elements.
vault. cownose brick,
bullhead brick; any
special brick with
one header rounded
into a semicircle,
used for wall ends, cownose brick
decorative banding,
cow plane see roughing plane.
coxcomb see cock's comb.
coved C-profile see C-section, channel.
CR chloroprene rubber.
cove lighting luminaires concealed cracking, 1 concrete cracking; a defect
behind a cove, directing light against a evident in the surface of set concrete
ceiling to provide indirect lighting for a caused by stresses induced by shrinkage,
space. loading or chemical reaction.
cover 1 the thickness of a protective layer 2 a defect in a dry paint finish, usually
of covering material, such as earth for a caused by internal stress, poor adhesion
123 crenellated
or ageing; various types of cracking are crazing, 1 map cracking; fine wide-
crazing and checking. spread defective cracking of a surface
crackle see crazing. layer of concrete, plasterwork, ceramic
glazes or paint.
cradle a specially designed fitting to pro- 2 crackle, craquelure; a mesh of hairline
vide support for a length of curved cracks which forms on the glaze of old
plumbing and drainage pipe or any other glazed ceramics and paintings due to
vessel with a curving base. shrinkage of the base.
cradle vault see barrel vault.
crazy paving see ragwork.
craft operative see skilled labourer
CRCP continuously reinforced concrete
cramp, 1 clamp; a simple frame tight- pavement.
ened with screws or wedges for holding
pieces in place and applying pressure cream of lime see lime white.
during gluing and working. creep the physical property of a material
2 see dog. to undergo gradual permanent deforma-
crampon see dog. tion under continual stress.
creep settlement in foundation technol-
crane tall freestanding mechanical plant ogy, the steady downward movement of
used on site for hoisting materials and lift- a building which occurs after immediate
ing components into position, allowing settlement on certain soil types due to
for movement in three dimensions. deformation or slipping of the underlying
cranked descriptive of a component, soil without appreciable increase in
implement, etc. which is elbow shaped. loading.
cranked brace, elbow brace; in tradi- Cremnitz white, Krems white; highly
tional timber frame construction, a natu- corroded white lead pigment made in the
rally bent brace at the angle between two 1900s, using litharge instead of the metal
members. lead.
cranked handle see cranked pull
handle. cremone bolt, cremona bolt, cre-
cranked hinge a morne bolt; a long mechanical fastener
hinge in which one or for holding double doors, with a paired
both leaves is bent bolt running the whole vertical height of
along their length, the door, which, when activated by turn-
allowing movement ing a handle, pushes out through the top
of a door through and bottom of the door to engage in
180 . cranked hinge holes in the floor and frame; see
cranked pull handle, offset handle; a espagnolette.
pull handle for a door, whose grip is offset crenellated referring to an ornamental
from its points of fixing. motif, parapet, etc. which is toothed in
cranked sheet a profiled sheeting com- some way or represents a battlement; see
ponent bent across its profile ribs, castellated.
designed for use at an angle; a cranked crenellated moulding, embattled
ridge sheet is a longitudinal profiled sheet moulding; a decorative moulding ren-
roofing component used at a ridge as dered with the rectilinear undulations of a
capping. battlement; see indented embattled
crank gouge a gouge whose neck is moulding.
kinked to allow for it to be driven along
deep grooves.
craquelure crazing in the glaze of old
pottery and ceramic tiles.
Crataegus spp. see hawthorn. crenellated moulding
crawlway a space within floor construc-
tion or beneath a building, high enough crenellation, crenelation; the indented
to be crawled through, providing access upper line of a battlement parapet, with
to services. merlons providing shelter from attackers
creosote 124
and crenelles providing openings for crimped wire in pretensioned concrete-
archers and marksmen. work, reinforcing wire which is wavy along
crenelle, crenel, kernel; openings or its length for improved bonding.
indentations in the parapet of a battle- crimped wire mesh a mesh product
ment, between merlons, to allow archers manufactured from two sets of parallel
and artillery to defend a fortification; an metal wires woven or welded against one
embrasure; a crenelet is a small crenelle. another with locking crimps to maintain
creosote, creosote oil; a dark brown, rigidity.
strong smelling oil distilled from coal tar
at 230 340 C; used as a cheap preserva-
tive for exterior woodwork and timber
crescent 1 the scythe shape which
remains when one circle is cut out of the
side of another one.
2 a formal urban street and buildings laid
out in the form of an arc.
crimped wire mesh
crest 1 the upper part of the profile of a
roof tile or profiled sheet. crinkling see wrinkle.
2 see cresting. cripple stud 1 in timber frame construc-
cresting, crest; raised and often perfo- tion, a stud which has been trimmed for
rated ornamentation along the ridge of a use over an opening or under a window.
roof, or on top of a wall or screen. 2 see jamb post.
Cretan column see Minoan column. crippling load, buckling load; the load
crevice corrosion a localized form of at which a column begins to buckle.
corrosion which occurs in a stagnant envi- crocket Gothic ornament based on a styl-
ronment in tight spaces or crevices under ized florid motif, found adorning pinna-
gaskets, washers, insulation material, fas- cles, capitals and spires.
tener heads, surface deposits, and coat-
ings, etc., initiated by changes in local
chemistry within the crevice. finial

crib a framework of crossed timbers or

structural members used as a buttress, to crocket
line a shaft, as a container, or as steel rein-
forcement in a foundation.
cribbing, cribwork; a series of hollowed quatrefoil
concrete blocks, interlocking or filled with
earth, used as a banked retaining wall for tracery
earth embankments.

Gothic gable, Cologne Cathedral,

Germany, c. 1250
crocket capital a capital found in
Norman architecture, consisting of a block
carved with a number of crockets.

cribbing for earth

retaining wall
crib paver, crib paving see cellular crocket capital,
paver. Lilienfeld Abbey,
crimped mesh see crimped wire mesh. Austria, 1202 AD
125 cross half lap joint
crocks see crucks. that the joints form distinct cross motifs in
the surface brickwork; see English cross
crocodiling, alligatoring; a defect in a
bond (St Andrew's cross bond), Flemish
paint finish consisting of a network of
cross bond.
cracks or splits which resemble crocodile
skin, caused by shrinkage. cross brace one of a pair of intersecting
diagonal braces used to stiffen and
croft see crypt.
strengthen a frame.
crook, 1 spring; a cross-bracing a method of stiffening a
form of warp frame using diagonal tension members
resulting in bend- which cross one another.
ing along the edge crook in
of an improperly improperly
cross break see compression failure.
seasoned timber seasoned timber cross bridging see herringbone
board. board strutting.
2 a long steel nail used in thatched roof- cross-cut saw any saw with teeth
ing for fastening down reed thatch. adapted for cutting across the grain of
3 see crucks. wood; see rip saw.
crooks see crucks. cross-cutting sawing across the grain of
cropping the removal of the unwanted timber, perpendicular to the longitudinal
projecting ends of bolts, reinforcing bars, axis of its fibres.
timbers or similar components in construc- crossette see joggled arch.
tion; the cutting down to size of a picture,
image or graphic design to enhance com- crossform roof a pitched hip and valley
position or omit unwanted elements. roof for a building which is cross-shaped
in plan, with four valleys and four gabled
cross 1 an ancient symbolic or hipped ends.
figure consisting of two bars which cross
each other, often at right angles; it
appears as a religious motif and ornament
in many different forms.
2 a cross-shaped pipe fitting for making
the connection between two secondary
pipes and a main pipe at right angles.
crossbanding the laying of alternate gable
plies in the thickness of plywood perpen- crossform
valley roof
dicular to one another for increased
cross grain grain at an angle to the edge
of a board cut from compression wood,
inner ply
making it difficult to work and season
cross-grained float a flat-bladed
face wooden plastering float whose grain runs
ply perpendicular to its length.
cross-grained plywood plywood in
which the grain of the outer ply is approx-
imately parallel to that of the lateral or
crossbanding of
shorter edge of the piece.
cross half lap joint,
crosslap joint, halved
cross-beam, transverse beam; a beam crossing joint; a tim-
perpendicular to the main axis of a space, ber halved joint in
which runs between two cross walls, or is which both face sides
perpendicular to other beams. of crossing members
cross bond any of a number of brickwork are cut away to receive cross
bonds with alternating courses laid so each other. half lap joint
crossing 126
crossing 1 the area where the transepts, slabs
chancel and nave in a church or cathedral spanning
intersect, often surmounted by a tower. between
2 a meeting and crossing of roads, pedes- crosswall
trian routes, railways, etc. at the same
crossing joint, cross joint; any joint in
which two members are fixed across one crosswall
another; see also cross half lap joint. construction

cross-welt in sheetmetal roofing, a hori-

zontal joint in which two adjacent sheets
are bent over each other then hammered
down; these are usually staggered and
notched double notched cogged run parallel to the eaves; see single-lock
welt, double welt.

halved notched and cogged single cross welt

cross joint, transverse joint; a con-

struction joint perpendicular to the gen-
eral plane of a surface; see perpend, double cross welt
crossing joint.
crosslap joint see cross half lap joint.
crow bar a toughened steel implement, a
cross-linked polyethylene, PEX, bar with forked ends for wrecking, prizing,
XLPE; a tough thermosetting plastic used wedging and extracting nails.
for electric-cable insulation, hot-water
pipes, films and durable sections; cross- crown 1 the highest point or apex of an
linking is a chemical reaction which arch.
occurs in the hardening of some thermo- 2 the highest point in the cambered cross-
setting plastics and films, in which poly- section of a road, usually in the centre.
meric molecules form a network of links. 3 head; in landscaping and forestry, the
part of a tree above the trunk, containing
cross nogging see herringbone branches and leaves.
strutting. 4 see chimney crown.
cross peen hammer, Warrington crown course in profiled sheet roofing, a
hammer; a hammer whose peen is a longitudinal piece used at a ridge as ridge
sharp wedge of steel with its ridge per- capping.
pendicular to the hammer shaft.
crown glass glass made traditionally by
cross-section see section. the cutting of a hollow blown glass
cross shakes see thunder shakes. sphere which is spun flat into a nearly cir-
cular sheet.
cross-slot screw any screw with a cross-
shaped indentation in its head for turning crown post in traditional timber roof
with a special screwdriver or bit. construction, a vertical strut between tie
beam and collar beam, supporting a collar
cross spar, pattern spar; a decorative
fastener or brotch laid visible at the ridge
crown post rafter roof in traditional
of a thatched roof.
timber roof construction, a collar roof with
cross vault see groin vault. a purlin which runs beneath the collars
crosswall construction a structural sys- and is supported on crown posts; also
tem in which the floors of a building are known as a crown post and collar purlin
spanned across a series of transverse load- roof or crown post roof. See illustration on
bearing walls. facing page.
127 cube
rafter crushed brick broken and powdered
collar purlin clay products used as a surface material
for sports venues, as hardcore, etc.
crushed gravel fines fine aggregate
produced by crushing gravel.
crushed rock coarse aggregate pro-
duced by the crushing of rocks and
crown post minerals.
collar beam crushed rock fines fine aggregate pro-
beam duced by crushing rock.
crown saw see hole saw. crusher-run aggregate an aggregate
made up of ungraded crushed rock.
crown silvered lamp, silvered-bowl
lamp; a lightbulb whose bulbous end is crypt crypta (Lat.), krypte (Gk.); a vaulted
internally coated with reflective material basement or undercroft in a church or
to direct light inwards and produce indi- cathedral, often containing a chapel and
rect lighting. tombs or graves; sometimes called a
shroud or croft.
crow steps, corbie steps, stepped
gable; in traditional masonry construc- crystal glass see lead glass.
tion, a decorative gable parapet whose crystalline schist a coarse-grained
upper edge is a series of steps. metamorphic rock with a structure of long
CRP carbon-fibre reinforced plastic. sheetlike crystals.
crucible steel see cast steel. C-section a cold-formed structural steel
profile which has the cross-sectional
cruciform in the shape of or resembling
shape of a squared letter ‘C’; other
a cross, as for the ground plans of build-
metal profiles with the same shape; see
ings, especially churches.
Cuban mahogany see mahogany.
cube 1 a solid three-dimensional shape
whose surface is composed of six squares
cruciform at right angles to one another.
beam 2 cobble; a small square sett or concrete
paver, used for paving roads, driveways,

cruciform log church,

Tornio, Finland, 1686

crucks in traditional timber frame con-

struction, pairs of heavy curved timbers
(cruck blades) which lean together form- cube paving
ing an inverted V-frame (a cruck truss) as
the basis for a building frame; also var- 3 see test cube.
iously known as crooks, crocks, crutches, cube strength in concretework, the
forks or siles. compressive strength of a concrete test
cube as measured in a cube test.
crude sewage see raw sewage. cube test in concretework, a compres-
crushed aggregate aggregate pro- sive strength test carried out by crushing
duced by crushing rocks and mineral a sample cube of concrete to be used in
materials. construction.
cubical aggregate 128
cubical aggregate coarse aggregate cupid, amoretto,
whose particles are almost cubical in amorino; a classi-
shape. cal statue, carving
cubic capital see block capital. or depiction of the
god of love, Amor
cubicle a small area of space partitioned or Cupid in Rome
off to provide temporary privacy for an and Eros in Greece,
individual. represented as cupid motif
cuboid brick any young winged boy
mass-produced rect- with a bow and arrow.
angular brick with a cupola the central dome of an interior
square cross-section, space, domed vaulting, a dome-shaped
often a modular recess in a ceiling or a small dome adorn-
brick. cuboid brick ing a roof.
cul-de-lampe a decorative console or Cupressus spp. see cypress; Cupressus
support for a candle or light in the shape nootkatensis; see yellow cedar.
of an inverted cone.
cupro-solvency the dissolving of copper
culvert a large rigid pipe, often of plastics, in copper and brass pipework caused by
concrete or metal plate which conveys high flow rates, turbulent flow and air or
water underneath a road or other particles in the water.
culvert header, tapered stretcher; a cup shake a shake
special brick, wedged-shaped in section or cracking occurring
so that its long faces are not oblong, used between the annual
as a header in a barrel vault. rings of a piece of
timber; also known as
ring failure, ring
shake, shell shake; cup shake
see also wind shake.
curb see kerb.
culvert header culvert stretcher curb roof, dou-
culvert stretcher, tapered header; a
ble pitched
special brick, wedged-shaped in section
roof, knee roof;
any pitched roof
so that its short faces are not oblong,
that slopes away
used as a stretcher in a barrel vault.
from the main
cup, 1 transverse ridge in two suc-
warping; a form cessive planes at
of warp resulting different angles curb roof
in cross-sectional with a ridge
curvature in an between; see gambrel roof, mansard roof.
improperly sea- cup in improperly
soned timber seasoned timber board curbstone see kerbstone.
board. Curculionidae see weevil.
2 see screw cup. Curing the hardening and gaining
3 see grinding cup. strength of a paint, glue, concrete or other
cup hook a screw similar material after it has set; see also
hook with a collar concrete curing.
above the threaded curing compound in concretework, any
shank to restrict its material placed over fresh concrete to
screw-in depth and inhibit evaporation of water.
cover the edges curing cycle the time taken for the
of the hole; a squ- complete process of steam curing of con-
are cup hook is cup hooks crete, including heating and cooling
L-shaped. periods.
129 cut nail
curl 1 see wavy grain. curving stair a stair which is curved in
2 see knuckle. plan.
current see electric current.
curtain 1 a domestic textile furnishing
hung above a window on a sliding track
to provide shade and privacy; see also
blind, fire curtain, shower curtain.
2 see sag.
3 see curtain wall.
curtaining see sag.
curtain rail a rail above a window which
supports a curtain, usually attached to it
curving stair
by means of sliding fixings.
curtain rod a rod above a window which cushion capital a capital found in
supports a curtain, usually attached to it Norman architecture, consisting of a
by means of curtain rings. squared block with its four lower corners
rounded off; also called a block or cubic
curtain wall 1 in modern construction, a
capital; any other wide capitals, especially
lightweight exterior walling system of
one surmounting Minoan or other Aegean
metal framing members and infill panels
column types.
of glass, ceramics and sheetmetal for a
building structure or frame; the processes
involved in this; curtainwalling is an area
of curtain wall, or the construction
Mycenaean cushion
curtain wall capital, Treasury of
Atreus, Mycenae,
Greece, c.1325–1250 BC

cushioning see padding.

section showing curtain wall joining cusp in Gothic tracery and vaulting, the
towers in St Olaf's castle, decorated intersection of two arcs, form-
Savonlinna, Finland 1475–1495 ing an ornamented point.

2 curtain; the surrounding outer wall of a customized section a non-standard

castle or fortification between towers, bat- metal profile which has been specially
tlements and bastions; also called a cur- formed to a design specification.
tain, cortina, bail or bailey wall in a cut a physical division made by the action
medieval castle. of cutting a material, product or surface;
curtilage the land between a building see also section.
and the boundary of the plot land on cut back bitumen bitumen to which a
which it stands; the plot on which a build- volatile oil is added to reduce its viscosity.
ing is situated. cut brick a brick shaped by cutting, saw-
curved glass see bent glass. ing or breaking on site, most often used
curved triangle see reuleaux triangle. for making up space in brickwork bonds.

Curvilinear style a late development of cut length in steel manufacture, steel

the Decorated style of English Gothic strip that has been cut to predetermined
architecture in the late 1300s, character- lengths from decoiled and flattened coil.
ized by a flamboyance and richness of cut nail a nail whose shaft is rectangular
motif not encountered in the Geometric in cross-section, manufactured by slicing
style. from heated steel strip. See illustration on
curvilinear tracery see flowing tracery. following page.
cutout 130
called Pelasgic masonry; generally known
nowadays as polygonal masonry.
cut nails

cutout see circuit breaker, fuse.

cut pile carpet a carpet manufactured
by cutting woven loops to form a surface
layer of upright strands. cyclopean masonry

cut stone see dimension stone. cylinder 1 a solid shape whose surface is
cutter, bit; the hard revolving cutting composed of a circle extruded through a
blade or knife of a planer, router or milling straight line perpendicular to its plane;
machine for planing and cutting profiles anything with this shape, see storage
in wood, metal and plastics; the cutter of cylinder, test cylinder, concrete cylinder.
a router or milling machine is also called a 2 that component part of a cylinder lock,
machine bit. including tumblers and a cylinder plug,
cutting the process of splitting, sawing, into which the key is inserted, which
or dividing parts of an object using a transmits its turning motion to operate a
machine or hand tool, flame, axe, laser, bolt.
etc.; see also veneer cutting.
cutting edge the sharpened edge or tip cylinder body
of a sawtooth, chisel blade or plane iron,
honed for cutting. tumblers
cutting gauge a device used for cutting cylinder
parallel to an edge of wood; a marking plug
gauge with a blade instead of a spike.
C-value, coefficient of thermal con- cam
ductance; a theoretical measure of how lock cylinder
well a given construction will conduct
cylinder body the external casing of a
heat, whose units are W/m2 C; used in
lock cylinder.
heat loss calculations and taken as the
cylinder caisson see open caisson.
amount of energy passing through a unit
cylinder guard, cylinder collar; a
area of construction for unit temperature
metal ring-shaped component which is
difference on either side of the construc-
fitted around the keyhole of a cylinder
tion; equal to k-value divided by thickness
lock to protect it and prevent forcing.
of construction; see also U-value.
cylinder hinge a
cyanine blue a blue pigment formed by form of invisible
mixing the pigments cobalt blue and hinge consisting of
Prussian blue. two jointed cylinders
cyanoacrylate adhesive, super glue; recessed into hinged cylinder hinge
an adhesive containing a compound components, com-
which polymerizes instantaneously when monly used for kitchen unit doors.
in contact with atmospheric moisture to cylinder lock a door lock in which the
form strong bonding without the need for key-operated mechanism is contained in a
heating and clamping. cylinder located separate from the bolting
cyclopean concrete a form of concrete cylinder strength in concretework, the
which contains large pieces of broken compressive strength of a concrete cylin-
stone and boulders as a filler. der tested to ascertain its suitability as
cyclopean masonry masonry construc- structural concrete.
tion for massive walls, originally that from cylinder test in concretework, a test to
ancient Mycenae, consisting of large determine the compressive strength of a
roughly hewn irregular blocks of stone sample cylinder of concrete to be used in
packed with clay and small stones; also construction.
131 cypress
cylindrical vault see barrel vault. cypress [Cupressus spp., Chamaecyparis
cyma Lat. (Gk. kuma); a doubly curved spp.] a group of softwoods found in tem-
S-shaped moulding composed of alternat- perate regions, whose timber is pale pink,
ing concave and convex segments in pro- durable and used for external construc-
file, as found in classical architecture; an tion and joinery; see below for species of
ogee moulding, see cyma recta, cyma cypress included in this work.
reversa, Lesbian cyma, Doric cyma, Ionic Lawson's cypress, Port Orford cedar;
cyma. [Chamaecyparis lawsoniana] a softwood
cyma recta Lat.; a doubly curved cyma from North America and the British Isles
or S-shaped moulding with its concave with pale yellow-brown timber, used in
part uppermost; see Doric cyma. general construction work, for interiors
cyma reversa Lat.; a doubly curved and boat-building.
cyma or S-shaped moulding with a con- yellow cedar [Chamaecyparis nootkaten-
vex part uppermost; a reverse ogee sis, Cupressus nootkatensis] a softwood
moulding; Lesbian cyma. from Alaska and the west coast of North
America; used in interiors, furniture and
cymatium, sima; the uppermost mem- boat-building; not a true cedar, see cedar.
ber of a classical cornice, convex in cross-
section; Greek form is kymation.
dabbed finish, dabbled finish; an outer leaf inner leaf
even stonework finish produced by dress- damp proof
ing with a point; a fine sparrowpecked insulation
dabs see plaster dots.
dacite a grey volcanic rock, rich in silica,
used in building construction for aggre-
gates, chippings and as decorative stone.
Dacron see polyethylene terephthalate.
dado 1 in joinery, a long groove machined damp proofing the treatment of a sur-
into a board to house another board; a face or construction to inhibit the passage
chase or housing. of moisture; also the result of this process.
2 die, tympanum; the unadorned rect- damp proof membrane, dpm; 1 any
angular or cylindrical central portion of a impervious layer included in construction
classical pedestal, on which a column is to prevent the passage of moisture.
supported. 2 a layer of plastics sheet material or mas-
3 the portion of an internal wall up to tic asphalt laid in base floor construction
waist height when faced or painted differ- to prevent the passage of ground mois-
ently to the upper part. ture upwards.
dado joint see housed joint.
dado plane a plane for cutting a groove damp resisting plaster plaster or ren-
across the grain in wood. der containing an admixture which inhi-
dado rail see chair rail. bits the penetration of water, sometimes
called waterproof plaster or render.
dais see podium.
dancetty banded ornament consisting of
Dalbergia spp. see rosewood. a zigzag line, a chevron or zigzag; primar-
damar, damar resin; a soft natural resin ily in heraldic motifs.
gathered from the forest trees of Malaya,
Borneo, Java and Sumatra; mixed with a
solvent such as turpentine and used as a
damp course see damp proof course. dancetty moulding
damper see smoke damper, flue damper,
fire damper, muffler, vibration insulator. dancing step one of a series of tapered
damper opening see throat. steps in a curving or spiral stair which do
dampness, damp; undesirable moisture not radiate from the same point; also
within layers of construction, rooms, etc. known as a balanced step or French flier.
from the ground, rainwater or as a result darby, Darby
of poor ventilation. float, derby; a
damp proof, moisture resistant; a long metal rule or
description of a material, product or con- board with han-
struction designed to withstand or inhibit dles, used for darby,
the presence of moisture. levelling fresh plas- Darby float or
damp proof course, damp course, terwork on walls derby
dpc; a horizontal layer of impervious and ceilings.
material laid in a masonry or concrete dart a decorative motif in the form of a
wall above ground level to prevent the sharp triangle, arrowhead or wedge-shaped
vertical passage of moisture. design; see egg and dart, leaf and dart.
133 Dearne’s bond
dash a masonry or concrete finish in deadlock a lock which can be operated
which a render coat is thrown on; with a key only, but from both sides of
this may then be left as a final coat a door.
or rendered (wet dash), or coated
with aggregate (dry dash), see also
dashed finish see wet dash.
datum in measuring and setting out, a
reference point or level from which all
subsequent measurements or levels
are taken; a datum level is a horizontal
reference plane (also known as a
datum height or datum plane); a
datum line is such a line marking out a deadlock
datum level or a starting line for
measurements. deadman a deadman
buried con-
daubing, rendering; the rough applica- crete slab
tion of mortar to a wall as a rendered fin- attached with
ish, either by hand with a trowel or with ties to the
an applicator. rear of a
Davy’s grey powdered slate used as a retaining wall
pigment; see slate black. to provide a
restraining deadman as anchor
day joint see stop end form. anchorage. for retaining wall
daylight in lighting design, all solar radia- dead shore, vertical shore; a heavy tim-
tion, direct and indirect, that reaches the ber post used as support for the underside
ground. of construction under repair, during under-
daylight lamp see neodymium oxide pinning, excavation work, etc.
daylight size see sight size.
dead-soft temper one of the annealed
conditions and states of hardness in
daywork in contract management, a which copper is supplied; others are hard
method of payment for additional con- and half hard.
struction work on the basis of hourly rates
of labour, materials and plant.
deal 1 commercial timber from the Scots
pine tree, Pinus sylvestris.
DC direct current. 2 a piece of sawn softwood with cross-
dead in room acoustics, referring to a sectional dimensions of 47100 mm thick
space which has poor reverberance and and 225275 mm wide.
little reflected sound. deal yard blue see yard blue.
dead bolt a rectangular lock bolt oper- Dearne’s bond, Dearne’s hollow wall;
able by the turning of a key only. a brickwork bond in which courses of
headers are laid with alternate courses of
dead knot a knot in seasoned timber stretchers on edge to form a 9” brick wall
which can be easily knocked out, not with cavities.
intergrown with the surrounding wood.
dead leg in pipework for domestic water
supply, a length of pipe extending from a
circuit, whose end is fitted with a tap or
deadlight see fixed light.
dead load, permanent load; the struc-
tural load in a building due to the weight
of the structure and other unchanging
factors; see live load.
death-watch beetle 134
death-watch beetle [Xestobium rufovillo- decorated tracery tracery of the
sum] a beetle whose larvae cause dam- Decorated style; see flowing tracery.
age to old wood and hardwood furniture decoration, ornament, embellishment;
by burrowing; it makes a ticking sound adornment, pattern, carvings, sculpture,
when moving, which was popularly etc. for a surface or space.
believed to be an omen of imminent 2 surface patterning or removable objects
death. of art for walls, ceilings, theatre sets, etc.
deburring the removal of unwanted 3 see decorative work.
sharp edges from a treated or milled decorative art 1 art and design in the
metal or plastics surface. form of decorative prints, sculpture, furni-
decay 1 fungal decay, see rot. ture, etc. intended to enhance the interior
2 see dote. decoration of a space.
decayed knot see unsound knot. 2 enrichment; applied decoration for
decay rate in acoustics, the rate of parts and surfaces of buildings and objects.
decrease in sound pressure level of a sound 3 see decorative work.
with respect to time; the slower the decay
rate, the longer the reverberation time.
decibel abb. dB; the basic unit of sound decorative brickwork brickwork
pressure level; the decibel scale is loga- designed and constructed to be aes-
rithmic, where 0 dB is the threshold of thetically pleasing, making use of bricks
hearing, and approximately 130 dB is the of various colours and textures, laid in
threshold of pain. patterned arrangements, etc.; types
included as separate entries are listed
deciduous pertaining to species of tree below:
which lose their leaves annually, often
*carved brickwork; *chequered brickwork;
(but not always) one from which hard-
*decorative masonry; *diaper; *gauged brick-
wood is obtained; see hardwood for list of
work; *herringbone brickwork; *lacing course;
tropical and European hardwood trees.
*moulded brickwork; *patterned brickwork;
deck a loadbearing raised slab or horizon- *polychrome brickwork; *rubbed brickwork,
tal composite construction supporting a see gauged brickwork.
floor, roof or external area.
decking 1 prefabricated components,
boarding or other sheet material used to decorative masonry, decorative brick-
provide the structure of a floor, roof or work; masonry which makes use of differ-
deck as a base for surface materials. ently coloured and glazed bricks, carved
2 spaced boarding laid as flooring for a stones, etc. laid in patterns and banding as
veranda, or as a platform, duckboards, etc. decoration for wall surfaces.
3 see roof decking.
4 see soffit formwork.
decorative motif see ornamental motif.
deck parking an area of parking on one decorative painting ornamental paint-
of a number of concrete decks, usually ing, murals, etc. applied to the surfaces of
the lower floors of a building, a multistor- a building.
ey car park, etc. decorative tile see ornamental tile.
declination in surveying, the angle that decorative veneer a thin sheet of high-
any given plane makes with true vertical; quality wood used for its decorative value,
see also solar declination. quality of grain figure, etc. as a facing for
decor see interior design. lower quality timber, board or plywood.

Decorated style an architectural style in

England from 1289 to 1400, the second of decorative work the preparation of
three phases of English Gothic architec- any decoration, ornamentation, paint-
ture, characterized by rich decoration and ing, carving, printing, etc. for a building;
tracery, lavish rib vaults and ogee arches; variations included as separate entries
see also Geometric, Curvilinear. are listed below:
135 demi-column

*black and white work; *checkerwork, see downward movement of the mid-span of
chequerwork; *corduroy work; *Cosmati a loaded beam.
work; *diamond work; *fanwork, see fan deflection curve, elastic curve in struc-
tracery; *fretwork, see fret; *honeycomb tural design, the curve of the main axis of a
work, see stalactite work; *knotwork; beam or other laterally stressed member
*leafwork, see foliated; *long and short under loading.
work; *poker-work; *stalactite work; deformation in structures, the change in
*strapwork. shape of a member or other component
under loading; see also elastic deforma-
tion, plastic deformation.
deep compaction, sand piling; a deformed bar in reinforced concrete, a
method of ground stabilization in which
reinforcing bar whose surface is textured with
pits or holes are made into soft ground,
a series of trans-
then filled with compacted sand or gravel
verse parallel
to increase the bearing capacity of the
ridges to provide
ground; see also dynamic consolidation,
better bonding
with the con-
deep foundation any foundation which crete; sometimes
requires a deep excavation for reasons of called a ribbed deformed bars
ground, groundwater or frost conditions. bar.
deformed wire steel wire, used as con-
crete reinforcement, which has a textured
surface to improve its bonding with the
concrete matrix.
degreasing the removal of grease or oily
material from a surface, product or com-
ponent prior to further treatment or use.
degree day in concreting, a measure of
deep the curing time, and thus strength or
foundation maturity of cast concrete based on local
statistical coldness conditions.
deep penetration testing see cone
penetration testing. degree hour in concreting, a measure of
the strength or maturity of concrete.
deep seated rock see plutonic rock.
defect, fault; an imperfection which low- dehumidifier an appliance which
decreases the relative humidity of air,
ers the quality of a material, product or
making conditions more comfortable in
construction and may spoil it both physi-
spaces whose air contains too much
cally and visually; see structural defect,
seasoning defect, sawing defect.
defective referring to a material or delamination in plywood or a
object which is of a lower standard than veneered surface, adhesive failure
required by a specification, is unservice- resulting in the separation of adjacent
able or does not function properly. plies; similar separation of adjacent
defects liability period, maintenance layers in laminated construction due to
period; the agreed period from comple- poor bonding.
tion of a building during which the con- delay penalty see liquidated damages.
tractor has an obligation to repair any
faults and shortcomings in the construc- Delrin see polyoximethylene.
tion work, performance of components delta connection an electric point with
and materials covered by the contract. three holes designed to receive a plug
defects schedule see schedule of from a three-phase power supply.
defects. demi-column, half-column; a decora-
deflection, deflexion; elastic deforma- tive semicircular protrusion in a wall
tion of a member under load, often the resembling a column which has been
demirelief 136
sunk into the wall surface, found in classi-
cal architecture.

2 dentil moulding.
deodar [Cedrus deodara], see cedar.
demi-column deoxidized copper a grade of copper
which can be easily soldered or brazed;
used, amongst other things, for domestic
demirelief see mezzo rilievo. plumbing.
demolition the destruction or disman- deposit corrosion, under-deposit cor-
tling and removal of old and unservice-
rosion, poultice corrosion; a form of
able buildings or dysfunctional parts of
crevice corrosion occurring under or
construction, often prior to redevelop-
around a hole, crack or break in a protective
ment or further construction work.
deposited coating on a metallic surface.
demolition ban a local authority notice
preventing the demolition of a building or depressed arch see drop arch.
parts of a building. depressed ogee arch see two-centred
demolition order a local authority ogee arch.
notice requiring the demolition of a build- depressed three-centred arch a flat
ing or parts of a building. three-centred arch.
demolition permit a permit issued in derby see darby.
certain circumstances by a local authority
prior to the demolition of a building or Derby red see chrome red.
parts of a building, especially one which is descriptive specification a concise
the subject of protective legislation. specification outlining the characteristics
dense grained see close grained. of a product, process or design, usually
including design and constructional
densifier see plasticizing admixture. details with sizes, basic technical data and
dentil an ornamental motif consisting of colour and material composition.
a series of square plates in relief. desiccant a substance incorporated into
dentil moulding, dentil frieze 1 an some products, processes or sealed com-
ornamental moulding consisting of a row ponents to absorb unwanted moisture.
of spaced rectangular recesses or projec-
tions; called a dentil frieze if below a design 1 the process of formulating, cre-
cornice. ating and planning a functional, graphic
or mass produced object such as a build-
ing, furnishing or fitting.
2 scheme; the representation, usually as
a series of sketches, documents, drawings,
models or computer generations, of a
building, built area, structure or object.
dentil moulding 3 see interior design.
4 see motif.
2 see Venetian dentil moulding. design and construct contract,
dentilation 1 masonry walling decora- design and build contract, package
tion consisting of a horizontal protruding deal, turnkey contract; a form of build-
toothed course of bricks or dressed stone. ing contract based on a brief provided by
137 devil float
the client in which a developer organiza- detail in design and construction, a
tion has full responsibility for the design solution to a small-scale issue such as a con-
and construction of a project. struction joint or the meeting of adjacent
designated fabric in reinforced concrete, components in such a manner as to be
fabric reinforcement which can be defined both functional and aesthetically pleasing.
by a coded fabric reference, negating the detail drawing a drawing showing a
need for a design drawing or schedule. constructional detail at small scale, usually
drawn as a section through the part.
design guideline information providing
a specialist designer with assistance con- detailed fabric in reinforced concrete,
cerning design matters from the point of fabric reinforcement whose arrangement
view of regulations, good practice, user is such that it requires a detailed drawing.
and client requirements, etc. detection device, detector, sensor;
design life the minimum length of time a device which produces a signal in the
for which a component has been presence of smoke, heat, water or move-
designed to correctly carry out its speci- ment and triggers an alarm; see
fied function. heat detector, combustion gas detector,
smoke detector, flame detector, radia-
design load in structural design, the max- tion detector.
imum load for which a particular structure
or structural member is designed. detector see detection device.
design project, design scheme; a par- detensioning, transfer; in the making
ticular building or development at design of prestressed concrete, the transfer of
stage. stresses from the tendons and prestres-
sing bed to the concrete.
design stage the pre-contract stage of a
building project, from initiation up to ten- determination in contract administra-
dering, when most or all of the design tion, bringing a building contract to an end
work is being carried out. before completion, under conditions speci-
fied in the contract or at common law.
destructive testing the physical and
chemical testing of samples of materials develop and construct contract a
and components in such a way that they form of building contract based on a
are damaged, crushed or changed during scheme design prepared by the client, for
testing. which a contractor produces production
drawings and carries out construction
desulpho gypsum the mineral gypsum works.
produced as a by-product of the purifica-
tion of sulphurous flue gases produced developer a building firm which devel-
during the combustion of fossil fuels. ops urban or greenfield sites with build-
ings, housing estates, etc.; often a
detached column a column adjacent to speculative builder.
a wall, but not physically attached to it,
often a decorative column on a pedestal development, 1 the process of construc-
or plinth. tion buildings or other structures.
2 project; a new building under design or
3 see urban development.
4 see building project.
5 see fire development.
development control see planning
development with deemed consent
in building control, building development
that does not require formal planning
devil see scraper.
column devil float see nail float.
Devonshire clay 138
Devonshire clay see china clay. diagonal brace any member set diago-
dewatering, 1 groundwater lowering; nally from corner to corner of a frame to
the artificial lowering of groundwater in a stiffen it; see also angle tie.
particular location or construction site diagonal grain see sloping grain.
using excavations and other means. diagonal pattern a paving pattern in
2 measures such as pumping and drainage which rows of pavers are laid with joints
to reduce the amount of water around oblique to a main axis, often forming a
foundations below the water table. lozenge pattern; also called diagonal
3 drying; reducing the water level in a
bond; similar patterns in parquetry, tiling
subterranean structure or the water con- and veneering.
tent of a saturated material.
dewpoint, condensation point, satu-
ration point; the lowest temperature at
which the contained water vapour in air
of a given humidity condenses; relative
humidity at this point is 100%.
dezincification the slow disappearance
or seepage of the zinc in brass due to
electrolytic action when in contact with
water; brass pipes are corroded as porous diagonal paving
copper is laid down.
diagonal rib, ogive, groin rib; a rib in
diabase, traprock; a dark igneous rock a rib vault which runs diagonally from cor-
used as building stone, similar to basalt ner to corner of the bay.
but with a larger grain structure.
diagonal sheathing see diagonal
diagonal 1 in geometry, a line which is boarding.
not parallel or perpendicular to a main
axis, usually from corner to corner of a diagonal tie see angle tie.
rectangle. dial gauge an instrument for measuring
2 see oblique. very small dimensions, consisting of a nee-
3 a diagonal strut or tie in a trussed beam dle plunger configured to a dial or meter.
or space frame.
diamond black see carbon black.
4 see brace, diagonal brace.
diamond fret, lozenge fret; an orna-
diagonal boarding, diagonal sheath- mental motif consisting of fillets which
ing; boarding nailed diagonally to clad a join together forming a series of diamond
building frame as bracing and for decora-
tive effect.

diamond fret

diamonding a form of warp which

results in improperly seasoned square tim-
ber sections becoming diamond-shaped.

diagonal boarding

diagonal bond 1 see Flemish diagonal

bond. diamonding in
2 see diagonal pattern. improperly
3 diagonal Flemish double stretcher bond; seasoned timber
see Flemish double stretcher bond. board
139 dimension
diamond match a veneering pattern in diffused lighting space lighting which
which four rectangular pieces of straight- does not have a directional quality and
grained veneer are laid together with provides a uniform degree of illuminance.
each individual grain at an angle to one diffuse light light or illumination without
another, forming a series of diamond noticeable direction, such as that from a
shapes; see also reverse diamond match. cloudy sky.
diffuse porous wood hardwood with
evenly sized and distributed pores.
diffuser 1 in an air-conditioning or
mechanical ventilation system, an outlet
or air terminal unit which directs supply
diamond match air in the desired manner.
veneering 2 the translucent or slatted construction in
a luminaire designed to scatter light and
diamond moulding see diamond fret. prevent glare.
diamond saw a power saw whose blade diffuse reflection glass translucent
is tipped with industrial diamonds, used
glass one face of which is textured to dif-
for cutting masonry or concrete.
fuse light passing through; see also
diamond work decorative masonrywork obscured glass.
formed with a repeated lozenge motif.
diffusion bonding a method of welding
diaper decoration consisting of a grid of specialized metal parts by pressing
elaborated or ornamented squares or together under high temperatures, during
lozenges; a diamond pattern in brickwork which adjacent surfaces are fused
created with the use of bricks in various together by atomic bonding caused by
colours and surface textures, coloured diffusion.
mortar, etc.
diffusion coefficient, coefficient of
dichroic mirror lamp a halogen lamp diffusion; a measure of the movement
whose rear mirror reflector, often honey- of water vapour through the thickness of
combed, reflects light but not infrared wall, floor and roof construction when the
energy, producing a cool beam; dichroism vapour pressure is higher on one side
is an optical phenomenon in which an than the other.
object appears to be coloured differently
diffusion resistance a physical
under different circumstances.
property, with units of measurement
dichroite see cordierite. 2
m sPa/kg, which determines how well
die 1 a hard metal implement formed with a material can inhibit the transmission
an inside-threaded hole of a certain of water vapour.
gauge, used for cutting threads into digger see excavator.
round metal rods by rotation.
diglyph in Renaissance architectural orna-
2 see dado.
mentation, a decorative projecting ele-
differential detector see thermo-differential ment with two vertical grooves or glyphs.
diluent see thinner.
diffraction the bending of light or sound dilution 1 the thinning of a concentrated
waves when they come in close proximity
liquid such as a paint by a solvent or dilu-
to an opaque edge; effects of light or
ent liquid.
sound caused by this phenomenon.
2 the ratio of concentrate to thinner.
diffracted sound in acoustics, sound
which reaches the listener as a result of
being bent round obstacles by diffraction. dimension 1 a mode of linear exten-
diffused glass see diffuse reflection sion in measurable space; length,
glass; obscured glass. breadth and height; see below.
2 the measurement of a distance
diffused illumination see diffused between two points to indicate size, as
dimensional coordination 140

marked on drawings, etc.; types variations of this orthographic dimetric

included as separate entries are listed projection are in use.
below: dimmer, dimmer switch; in lighting, a
*daylight size, see sight size; *dressed size, device to vary the amount of illumination
dressed dimension; *external dimension; given out by a luminaire.
*finished size; *full size, see tight Dingler’s green a variety of chromium
size; *glass size, glazing size, see pane oxide green pigment.
size; measurement; *modular size, modu-
lar dimension; *neat size, see dressed size; diopside a usually greenish glassy min-
*nominal dimension, nominal size; *over- eral, polished for decorative inlay and as
all dimension, overall size; *pane size; gemstones.
*span dimension;*sight size; *tight size. dioptase a glossy transparent emerald-
green silicate mineral used in ornament
dimensional coordination the dimen- and as a gemstone.
sioning of prefabricated components and
fittings such that they will comply with a diopter 1 see alidade.
2 an ancient instrument for measuring
modular building system.
angles and altitudes.
dimensional stability the ability to
retain shape and size under conditions of diorite a dark grey or greenish even-
changing moisture and temperature. grained igneous rock, similar in appear-
ance to granite; used as building stone;
dimensioned drawing a drawing to see also quartz diorite.
scale, usually of a floor plan, annotated
with dimensions. Diospyros spp. see ebony.
dimensioning 1 in design, the adding of dioxazine purple a transparent bluish-
annotated dimensions to a drawing. purple organic pigment used in oil, water-
2 the dimensions themselves.
colour and acrylic paints.

dimension line a straight line along dip painting, dipping; a method of

which incremental dimensions are added applying paint to objects by immersing
in a dimensioned drawing. them in a vessel of paint; see also electro-
dip painting.
dimension stock a piece of accurately sawn
timber with non-standard cross-sectional dipping 1 see dip painting.
2 see hot-dipping.
dimensions for a particular purpose.
dimension direct current, DC; electricity which
stone, natural flows in one direction only.
stone block, cut direct glare in lighting design, glare
stone; a piece of caused by light from a direct source.
natural stone direct glazed light fixed glazing fitted
which has been directly to the main frame of a window.
cut into rectan- dimension stone
gular blocks for direct heating 1 any heating system in
use in ashlar masonry. which thermal comfort is produced directly
from the combustion of fuels or electricity
dimetric projection ‘two measure- as with stoves, bar-heaters, etc.
ments’; any axonometric or oblique pro- 2 any heating system in which heating
jection drawing in which lines parallel to energy is produced within the building in
two of the three main axes are drawn to which it is distributed.
the same relative scale, with lines on the
third at a different scale; scales and angles direct hot water supply system a
are chosen to produce the most realistic system of pipes and heating vessels to
depictions; in particular, an axonometric provide a hot water supply, heated by a
projection in which the projection of the direct source of energy.
X axis is 40 310 above the horizontal, the direct–indirect lighting artificial light-
Y axis is 7 above the horizontal, Z is ing in which luminaires distribute an
vertical, and the X-axis is foreshortened approximately equal amount of the emit-
using a different scale; many standardized ted light upwards and downwards, and in
141 distribution pattern
which there is minimal horizontal disc tumbler one of a number of pivoted
illumination. discs in a lock mechanism which serve to
directional lighting space or task light- hold the bolt fast until activated with a
ing designed to be beamed predomi- suitable key.
nantly onto a certain area or feature. disc vent a round outlet device attached
direct lighting lighting for a space or to a wall or ceiling surface, through which
task provided by a visible source of illumi- stale air passes out of a space.
nation; see also indirect lighting. dish aerial, dish antenna, satellite
direct solar radiation see sunlight. dish; in communications, a concave, dish-
shaped aerial for receiving satellite trans-
direct sound in acoustics, sound which missions; see satellite antenna.
reaches the listener directly from a source,
without reflection. dispersal 1 the encouragement of smoke
flow to the outside along predesigned
disability glare in lighting design, glare routes or ducts during a building fire.
which makes seeing difficult without caus- 2 in town planning, the migration of pop-
ing physical discomfort. ulation and industry outwards from the
disappearing stair, loft ladder; a inner areas and centres of cities to smaller
retractable stepladder providing access to towns, suburbs and outlying areas.
a roof space, either sprung-hinged or tele- dispersion paint a paint containing drop-
scopic to fold away when not in use. lets of pigment or latex in a non-dissolving
disc grinder see angle grinder. liquid such as water; a dispersion is a mix-
discharge 1 see emission. ture of one substance in another in the form
2 fluid waste from a cooling or manu-
of fine droplets.
facturing process, drainage system, etc. dispersivity see light dispersivity.
3 flow rate; the rate of flow of a liquid in displacer see plum.
a pipeline, channel or waterway, mea-
sured in litres per second. disruption in contract administration,
discharge lamp an electric lamp consist- events or stoppages outside the contrac-
ing of a glass tube containing an inert gas tor’s control that slow down the progress
or metal vapour; light is produced by elec- of the work on site and may justify addi-
trical discharge which excites the gas or tional payments.
vapour. dissolvent see solvent.
discharge pipe, drain, drainline, distemper a traditional water-based
drain run, drain pipe; a succession of paint consisting of pigment and chalk or
pipes joined end to end to convey waste
clay bound together with glue.
water away from its point of use.
distemper brush, flat brush; a large
discharge stack in drainage, a vertical brush traditionally used for painting and
pipe into which a number of sanitary
decorating large internal surfaces such as
appliances, branch pipes, etc. on succes-
ceilings or walls.
sive storeys of a building may discharge
waste material. disthene see kyanite.
discharge valve see control valve. distributed load a structural load which
discharging arch see relieving arch. acts evenly along the length of a beam, or
discoloration a material defect, the loss over the surface area of a slab.
or change in original colour, staining or an distributing pipe, distribution pipe; a
undesired colour phenomenon; also pipe that conveys water, fuel, etc. from a
spelled discolouration. cistern, tank or main to an appliance.
discomfort glare in lighting design, distribution bars secondary reinforce-
glare which causes physical discomfort ment at right angles to the main rein-
without making it difficult to see. forcement in a reinforced concrete slab or
discontinuous construction in acoustics, wall, designed to spread a concentrated
types of construction for walls and floors, load, and as support during concreting.
etc. in which no direct path is provided for distribution pattern in air conditioning
structure-borne transmission of sound. and ventilation, a graphic representation
distribution pipe 142
of the spread of air from a supply air inlet, dog iron see dog.
part of its technical specification. dogleg descriptive of an implement or
distribution pipe see distributing pipe. component which is elbow or L-shaped.
district heating a system of heating for dogleg brick a kinked brick used at the
an area or district, usually a number of join of two wall planes meeting at an
residential buildings or estate, in which obtuse angle.
heated water is piped from a central heat- dogleg chisel see bruzz chisel.
ing plant; a district heating pipeline or dogleg stair, dog-legged stair, return
heating main is a supply pipeline consist- stair; a stair with two parallel flights side-
ing of insulated pipe-in-pipe, valves and by-side, joined by a single intermediate
other control devices. landing at half-storey height.
disturbed sample see remoulded sample.
diversity factor in pipework and electri-
cal installations, a design factor to deter-
mine the maximum rate of flow of water
or electricity in a system, based on the
various appliances connected to the sys-
tem and their requirements.
dividers a pair of compasses with points
at the end of each leg; used for measur-
ing, transferring dimensions and scribing
dogleg stair
arcs; see wing dividers, wing compass.
dividing strip 1 in floor construction, a
dogtooth, tooth
strip of flexible material used to divide a
ornament; a decora-
monolithic floor into discrete areas to
tive moulding found
allow for movement.
in Norman architec-
2 verge, margin, median; in traffic plan-
ture, consisting of a
ning, a strip of planted land to provide dogtooth
series of raised loz-
separation between a pedestrian path ornament
enge-shapes with a
and a carriageway.
carving resembling the imprint of a tooth
division bar see glazing bar. set into each.
division wall see fire wall. dogtooth brick-
work, hounds-
do-and-charge work see cost-reim- tooth brickwork,
bursement contract. mousetooth
document an official or unofficial written brickwork (Am); dogtooth
text, computer file, drawing, etc. produced decorative brick-
for a particular purpose of information, work in which a course or courses of
intent, instruction or evidence. bricks are laid diagonally so as to expose
documentation 1 the preparation of
a horizontal sawtooth edge in a wall
working drawings, specifications and surface.
other documents for a construction proj- dogtooth moulding, houndstooth
ect to form the basis of a building moulding, mousetooth moulding; a
contract. decorative sculptured band with a series
2 the collection of photographic and other
of protruding notched carvings, resem-
documentary evidence of buildings for an bling fluting in which the arcs are made
inquiry, building survey, conservation into V-shapes.
project, etc.
dog, cramp, crampon, dog iron; a
large steel or iron U-shaped fastener ham-
mered into a timber joint to strengthen it
and hold it together.
dog bolt see hinge bolt. dogtooth moulding
143 door
dogwood, cornel (Am); [Cornus florida] *bulbous dome, see onion dome; *drum
a hardwood from North America with dome; *half dome; *melon dome, see
pinkish non-splintering timber, tradition- umbrella dome; *onion dome; *parachute
ally used for small objects such as spin- dome, see umbrella dome; *pendentive
dles for the textile industry. dome; *pumpkin dome, see umbrella
dolerite a coarse-grained igneous rock, a dome; *sail dome, sail vault; *saucer
form of young basalt. dome; *semi-dome, see half dome;
dolly in piledriving, relatively soft material *umbrella dome.
2 see domelight.
such as a piece of hardwood or log placed
over the top of the pile as protection from domed roof, 1 domical roof; a roof in
impact damage during driving. the form of a dome.
3 one made up of a number of domes.
dolomite, 1 bitter spar; crystalline cal- dome head screw, round head
cium magnesium carbonate, CaMg(CO3)2, screw; a screw with a hemispherical
in mineral form found in some limestones; head which protrudes above the surface
used for its fire-resistant properties. into which it is fixed.
2 dolostone; limestone containing a high
proportion of the above.
dolomitic lime, high magnesium
lime; quicklime made from dolomite domehead screw
high in magnesium oxide, a mixture of
calcium oxide and magnesium oxide in domelight, dome rooflight; a roof-
the ratio 1:1. light of moulded polycarbonate plastics
dolomitic limestone limestone with a or shaped glass, usually dome-shaped
high content of the mineral dolomite. but often square, monopitched, barrel
dolostone see dolomite. vaulted or a pyramid, and often func-
tioning as a smoke vent.
dome 1 a hollow, flattened or raised dome nut see cap nut.
hemispherical roof structure, often of dome rooflight see domelight.
masonry, which rests on a circular,
square or polygonal base; types
included as separate entries are listed domestic solid fuel appliance see
below: room heater.
domestic water heater a water heater
domes of the
intended for a small central heating sys-
Cathedral of St.
Nicholas, Helsinki,
tem, for one household or a small
Finland, 1830–52, building.
dome C.L.Engel domical grating in drainage installa-
drum tions, a removable dome-shaped grating
lantern to protect the outlet of a drain from
blockage by leaves, gravel, etc.
cupola domical roof see domed roof.
domical vault see cloister vault.
donkey saw see mill saw.

cupola door 1 an opening in a wall with a
hinged or sliding partition to allow
access from one space to another.
2 the partition itself, see door leaf.
3 the partition and its associated frame,
see doorset.
4 see doorway.
door acceptor 144
2 see door stop.
see below for list of types of door
included as separate entries: door bumper see door stop.
*access door; *accordion door; *all-glass door buzzer see door transmitter.
door; *aluminium door; *ash pan door;
*automatic door; *automatic fire door, door casing see door lining.
see automatic-closing fire assembly; *bal- door chain, door limiter; a security
anced door; *bi-fold door; *bi-part folding door fitting for inhibiting the opening of
door; *bi-parting door, see centre-opening an entry door to its full extent, consisting
door; *blind door, see false door; *case- of a short length of chain attached to the
ment door; *centre-opening door; *con- inside face of a door leaf and the locking
certina door, see sliding folding door; jamb.
*coupled door; *double door; *double slid-
door check see door closer.
ing door; *exit door; *external door;
*false door; *fire door; *firebox door; *fire- door clearance 1 the horizontal or verti-
break door, see fire door; *fireplace door; cal open dimension between the mem-
*flush door; *folding door; *framed and bers of a door frame.
ledged door; *framed door; *framed, 2 the small gap between door leaf and its
ledged and braced door; *frameless glass frame, which allows it freedom of move-
door, see all-glass door; *French door, see ment in opening and closing.
casement door; *front door, see main 3 the installation gap between a doorframe
entrance; *glass door, all-glass door; and surrounding fabric to allow for
*glazed door; *hinged door; *hollow-core manufacturing tolerances and workmanship.
door; *inspection door; *internal door;
*landing door; *ledged and braced door; door closer, door check; a sprung or
*ledged door; *lift car door; *louvred hydraulic device for closing a door auto-
door; *matchboard door; *metal door; matically and keeping it closed until
*multi-folding door; *overhead door; manually opened; used for fire doors
*panelled door, panel door; *pass door, and external doors; see below for types
see wicket door; *plastics door; *rebated of door closer included as separate
door; *revolving door; *roller door, see entries.
roller shutter; *sectional overhead door; *concealed door closer; *door spring;
*side-hung door; *side-opening door; *sin- *jamb-mounted door closer; *overhead
gle door; *sliding door; *sliding folding door closer; *surface-mounted door
door; *smoke door, smoke control door; closer.
*soot door; *stable door; *steel door;
*swing door; *timber door; *timber glazed door co-ordinator a device fitted in
door, see glazed timber door; *trapdoor; conjunction with a door closer in a set of
*unframed door; *unglazed door; *up- double fire doors to ensure that the leaves
and-over door; *vertical folding door; close in the correct order and that rebated
*wicket door; *wooden door, see timber edges and locks function properly.
door core the filling material for a com-
posite door leaf, usually of foamed plas-
door acceptor see acceptor. tics, timber-based material or honeycomb
door assembly see doorset. construction.
door automation see automatic door door face 1 the external planar surface of
gear. a door leaf.
2 see opening face.
doorbell a sounding device attached to
3 see closing face.
or near a door to attract the attention of
4 door facing; the surface covering for a
door leaf.
door buck see door lining.
see buck. door facing see door face.
door buffer 1 a piece or strip of resilient
door fittings see door furniture.
material set in the rebate of a door jamb to door former formwork to create an
reduce noise from the door leaf slamming. opening for a door in a concrete wall.
145 door schedule
door frame the structural surround for a door jamb 1 one of the vertical members
door leaf, in which it is hung. of a door frame.
2 see door reveal.
door-frame anchor a short length of
metal strip for fixing a door frame to sur- door knob a rounded or oval door
rounding construction. handle.
door furniture, door ironmongery, door knocker a hinged device attached
door hardware; any fittings such as to a door leaf for tapping against the door
hinges, door handles and closers for the leaf to attract the attention of the occu-
operation and functioning of a door. pants of a building from outside.
door leaf the openable part of a door,
usually a hinged or sliding planar con-
door closer struction; for double doors see active leaf,
inactive leaf.
door scope

letter plate

push plate door

door stop door leaf

kick plate door limiter see door chain.

door lining, door casing, door buck;
boarding, etc. to cover the joint between
door gear 1 see automatic door gear. a door frame and surrounding construc-
2 see sliding door gear. tion at a door reveal.
3 see swing-door operator.
door lock any lock specially designed for
securing a door, operated with a remov-
door handle a device or fitting used able key.
for manually opening a door by grasp- door opening see doorway.
ing with the hand and pulling; types
door operator 1 see automatic door
included as separate entries are listed
2 see swing-door operator.
*flush handle; *lever handle; *pull han-
dle; *sliding door handle; *trapdoor door panel one of the non-structural
handle. infills in a panelled door.
door phone see telephone entry system.
door plate 1 see kicking plate.
door hardware see door furniture. 2 see push plate.
door head, 1 door soffit; the horizontal door post in timber-framed construction,
flat underside of a door opening. a vertical member at the edge of a door
2 the upper horizontal member in a door opening onto which the door frame is
frame or door lining. fixed.
door hinge a hinge designed for hang- door reveal, door jamb; the vertical flat
ing a door leaf. side of a doorway, perpendicular or skew
door holder a door fitting designed to to the main wall surface.
hold a door in an open position, usually a door schedule a contract document
hook or catch attached to a floor or adja- listing types of door, their ironmongery,
cent wall. fire-rating and other specifications for a
door ironmongery see door furniture. project.
door scope 146
door scope, door viewer, peephole; a
security door-fitting with a wide-angle
lens, through which occupants can view
visitors, etc. before opening the door.
door seal, door strip; a draught
excluder for a door.
door swing
doorset, door assembly, door unit,
door; a manufactured unit consisting of
door frame, door leaf, door trim and asso- door transmitter, door buzzer; an
ciated ironmongery. electronic doorbell device for an apart-
ment block, often with microphones for
frame inhabitants to communicate with visitors
outside the main door.
doortree a door post, or vertical member
of a door frame.
furniture door trim a strip of rigid material fixed
leaf around a door to cover the joint between
door frame and the surrounding construc-
tion; an architrave.
door unit see doorset.
door viewer see door scope.
door sill 1 the lowest horizontal member
in a door frame; a threshold.
doorway, 1 door opening; the opening
formed by a door in a wall, into which the
2 the framing member at the base of a
door frame is fitted.
door opening of a traditional timber-
2 door opening; the open space
framed building.
between the jambs of a doorframe and
door soffit see door head. the threshold and door head, in which the
door spring a simple door-closing mech- door leaf is fitted.
anism consisting of a steel spring Doppler effect in acoustics, an apparent
attached to the door leaf and frame on change in pitch of sound as the listener
the hinged side. moves towards or away from the source.
door stay see door stop. Doric pertaining to the architecture of the
doorstep the small platform or short stair Doric order, the oldest classical Greek
in front of the external door to a building, order, originating in Dorian Greece, char-
making the transition between floor level acterized by the following: fluted columns,
and external ground level. considerably sturdier than those of other
classical orders, with pronounced entasis;
door stile 1 one of the vertical framing
a simple capital consisting simply of a
members in a panelled door leaf. swelling or echinus surmounted by a rec-
2 see shutting stile, closing stile, lock stile. tangular abacus, no column base and an
door stop, 1 a rebate or abutment in a door entablature with triglyphs and metopes;
frame against which the door leaf closes. see also proto-Doric column, Roman
2door stay, door buffer, door bum- Doric.
per; a fitting set into a wall or floor beside
a door to prevent the door leaf or handle abacus
from striking the adjacent wall on open- echinus
ing; often a rubber stud or a metal pin annulet
with a rubber surround. necking
door strip see door seal. fluting
door swing the curve traced by the edge
of a door leaf as it opens, as marked on Doric capital, Temple of Hera I or
plan drawings. ‘Basilica’, Paestum, Italy, 550 BC
147 double door
Doric cyma an ornamental cyma recta dote, incipient decay, hardrot; fungal
moulding double curved in cross-section, decay which attacks the heartwood of liv-
concave at its outer edge and convex at ing trees.
its inner edge; in classical architecture dots see plaster dots.
originally rendered with a rectangular ver-
sion of egg and dart embellishment. double-acting hinge, swing door
hinge; a hinge containing a mechanism
which allows a swing door to open in
either direction; see also next entry; a
double-acting spring hinge is a double-
acting hinge containing a spring mecha-
nism to automatically return the door leaf
to its closed position.
double cantilevered stair a stair in
Doric cyma moulding, which each step is supported only at its
leaf scroll
midpoint by a sloping beam, and thus
cantilevers out sideways in both direc-
tions; a double cantilevered spiral stair is a
Doric Roman see Roman Doric. spiral stair with treads supported from
dormant, dormant tree, dorment; in their midpoints on a helical beam.
traditional timber frame construction, an double-coated adhesive tape see
old term for a timber beam or purlin double-sided adhesive tape.
which carries secondary beams.
double cogged
dormer see dor- joint a timber
mer window. crossing joint in
dormer vault a which a small notch
secondary trans- is cut into one
verse vault in the member to receive
side of a larger a sunken cog in the
vault to make an double cogged
other. joint
opening for a
semicircular or double cone moulding an ornamental
arched window. moulding with a series of raised cone
dormer win- dormer vault motifs joined together, apex to apex, and
dow a projecting vertical window and base to base.
surrounding construction located on a
pitched roof, usually to afford light to an
attic or upper storey space.
dosseret an additional block of stone
sometimes placed above the capital of
Byzantine and Romanesque columns; also double cone moulding
called a pulvin, impost block or
double C-scroll a
decorative motif
composed of two
C-shaped scrolls
joined at their tails,
in mirror image of
one another.
double door 1 a double C-scroll
Byzantine basket
door with a pair of
capital and dosseret leaves meeting in the middle, hung on
at San Vitale Ravenna, either jamb of the same frame. See illus-
Italia, 526 AD tration on following page.
double face hammer 148
double headed
nail a nail with
two heads on the
same shank, one double
above the other; headed nail
used in temporary
fixings and easily withdrawn with the claw
of a hammer; also known as a duplex nail,
scaffold nail or form nail.
double doors
double header bond see Flemish dou-
2 a door with a pair of leaves hung on the ble header bond.
same jamb, opening successively; used for double hipped roof a roof form con-
applications with demanding acoustic and sisting of two hipped roofs, side by side
thermal requirements. with a gutter in between, and common
see also coupled door, stable door, double eaves.
sliding door.
double-hung sash window see sash
double face hammer a small sledge- window.
hammer with a face on both ends of the
head. double lap joint a timber joint in which
two members in the same direction form
double Flemish bond a brickwork a lap joint on either side of another tim-
bond laid with Flemish bond showing on ber; used in truss construction.
both inner and outer faces of a solid brick
wall more than 9” thick. double lean-to roof a V-shaped roof
formed by two lean-to roofs which slope
double gable roof see M-roof. towards each other with a gutter in
double glazing glazing in which two between.
parallel layers of glass, with a gap between double-lock welt see double welt.
them, separate the inside and outside of a
building; a double-glazed unit or double- double notched joint see notched
glazing component is a glazed unit with joint.
two panes of glass sealed around an edg-
ing strip with a gap between; the gap is
usually filled with an inert gas; more fully
known as a hermetically sealed double-
glazed unit; a double-glazed window is a
window with two parallel panes of glass double
with an air space between, either in sepa- notched joint
rate frames or as a sealed unit.
double ogee moulding see brace
double pantile, double S-tile; a wide
air gap pantile which has two troughs instead of

inner pane


double hammer beam truss in tradi-

tional timber roof construction, a roof
truss with two pairs of hammer beams, double pantile
one resting on the other. roofing
149 double tenon joint
double pipe ring in pipework, a tight-
enable bracket for fixing two parallel Anglo-Norman
pipes to a wall surface or ceiling soffit. (Romanesque) scallop
capital in the church of
double pitched roof see curb roof. St Michael, Bockleton,
double-quirked bead moulding see Worcestershire,
flush bead moulding. England, 12th century

double return stair an ornamental double-sided adhesive tape, dou-

staircase with one flight leading to an ble-coated adhesive tape, double-
intermediate landing, and two flights side tape; adhesive tape which has an
leading in the return direction from that adhesive coating on both sides.
double-skin facade modern facade
construction methods making use of an
extra cladding of glass attached sepa-
rately from the external wall surface to uti-
lize effects of cooling and warming of air
within the cavity space.
double-skin roof covering roofing
construction with waterproofing provided
both by profiled sheeting and an underly-
ing weatherproof membrane.
double sliding door a sliding door with
two leaves, either a centre-opening or
side-opening door.
double return stair
double spiral screwdriver see spiral
double roll tile, bold roll tile; a double ratchet screwdriver.
pantile or double Roman tile.
double S-tile see double pantile.
double Roman tile a wide single-lap double stretcher bond see monk
roof tile with two waterways or channels
interspersed with convex projections.
double tee beam, double tee slab,
double T plank; a precast reinforced or
prestressed concrete beam component
laid in series to form long-span concrete
slabs; it is shaped like two adjoining tees
in cross-section with an upper flat slab or
table and two parallel protrusions or stalks.

Roman tiling

double roof see purlin roof. double tee beams

forming floor slab
double sash window a window com-
posed of two single glazed windows hung
double tenon
in the same window frame, forming a
joint a strong tim-
kind of double glazing; if the two sashes
ber joint in which
act as one, it is called a coupled window.
the end of one
double scallop capital a Romanesque member is cut with
scallop capital with only two convex two tenons to fit
undulations at the underside of each face. into a housing or double tenon joint
double T plank 150
mortise in another; sometimes called a dovetail
twin tenon joint or, in varied form, a bridle tenon
double T plank see double tee beam. scarf
double triangle tie a galvanized steel
wire wall tie in which wire is bent back on
itself and twisted to form a pair of triang- dovetail
ular shapes, also called a twin triangle halved
wall tie. joints

joints dovetail

double triangle tie dovetail corner joint a many-tenoned

dovetailed corner joint used in cabinet-
double welt, clink, double-lock welt; making for joining boards and sheets at
in sheetmetal roofing, a joint in which two right angles; also called a box dovetail
adjacent sheets are doubly bent over joint.
each other then hammered down. dovetail halved joint, dovetail lap
joint; a timber tee half-lap joint in which
one halved timber is cut into a dovetail
on one or both sides.
dovetail housed joint in timber frame
construction, a joint in which the member
double welt to be housed is dovetailed into a recess;
also called a dovetail or dovetailed
double window a window which has dovetail lap joint see dovetail halved
two lights side by side, separated by
a mullion, in the same frame; see
dovetail scarf joint a timber lengthen-
also coupled window, double-glazed
ing joint in which the halved ends of both
window, double-hung sash window,
timbers are cut with a dovetailed tenon to
sash window.
fit into a corresponding slot.
doubling piece, tilting fillet, eaves dovetail tenon joint in joinery, a mor-
board; in timber roof construction, a tim- tise and tenon joint in which the tenon is
ber strip, wedge-shaped in cross-section, dovetailed; a wedge or key is driven in to
used to raise the outer edge or the row of tighten the joint.
tiles or slates at the eaves.
dovetail marker see dovetailing
Douglas fir, Oregon pine, British template.
Columbian pine; [Pseudotsuga menziesii] dovetail moulding a decorative mould-
a North American softwood with strong
ing carved or rendered with a series of
reddish timber; the most important struc-
tural timber in North America.
doussie see afzelia.
dovetail pertaining to a rhomboid or
wedge-shaped form.
dovetail joint any timber joint in which dovetail moulding
a tenon or lap is splayed to form a
wedge-shaped dovetail to fit into a recip-
rocal housing; also called a dovetailed dovetail nailing see skew nailing.
joint; types included as separate entries dovetail saw a medium-sized backsaw
are listed below: or small bow saw whose blade is
151 draft lobby
200250 mm long, used for fine work convey current from a lightning strike
and cutting dovetails and tenons. safely to earth.
dovetailing template, dovetail down-draught cold, downwardly mov-
marker; a tool or stencil for marking out ing air from the outside, inside a flue or
dovetail joints. flue system, which prevents hot combus-
dowel 1 a piece of joinery timber milled tion gases from rising and restricts it from
so that it is round in cross-section. functioning efficiently.
downlight, downlighter; a luminaire
which produces a concentrated down-
ward beam of light, used for illuminating
high spaces from a ceiling to avoid glare.
downpipe a vertical water pipe directing
dowel, round
rainwater from a roof or roof guttering to
the ground or to a drain.
2 a small round wooden pin or peg used
for fastening joints in timber. downstand beam a beam which pro-
trudes from the lower surface of a con-
crete slab.

dowels for fastening

timber joint
dowel bar, dowel; in reinforced con-
crete, a short reinforcing bar which pro- downstand beam
trudes from the surface of cast concrete,
extends across a joint, or onto which a fix- downy birch [Betula pubescens], see
ing may be attached. birch.
dowel bit see brad point drill.
dowel joint any timber joint in which dpc see damp proof course.
wooden dowels are glued into receiving dpm see damp proof membrane.
holes in the members to be connected.
draft 1 the North American spelling of
dowel nail a wire nail with points at
draught; see also words beginning with
either ends, used for fastening secret
2 see preliminary.
3 see drafted margin.
draft damper see draught diverter.
drafted margin,
dowel nail
marginal draft; in
dowel screw a screw fixing with threads the cutting and
at either end and no head, used for fas- dressing of stone,
tening concealed joints in timber. an area around the
edge of a block of
stone dressed ini- drafted margin
dowel screw tially to facilitate its
further squaring and smoothing.
dowel sharpener a sharpened hollow
drill bit for chamfering the rims of dowels draft excluder see draught excluder.
used in fastening wood joints. draft flue system see natural draught
down conductor in lightning protection flue system.
for a building, a conductive path to draft lobby see draught lobby.
draft stabilizer 152
draft stabilizer see draught diverter. *storm drain; *subsoil drain, subsurface
draft stop a fire-resistant partition in an drain; *vertical sand drain, see sand
attic or above a suspended ceiling to pre- drain.
vent the spread of a building fire within drain cock in water supply, hot water
ceiling and roof voids. heating, air conditioning, etc., a tap at
draft strip see weatherstrip. the lower end of a system of pipework
for emptying the installation of liquid,
drag, 1 comb; an implement with a ser- condensation, etc.
rated steel blade used in plastering for drainline see discharge pipe.
spreading and evening out plaster sur- drain pipe 1 a length of pipe, usually a
faces, for removing excess plaster, spread- proprietary component with suitably
ing tiling mortar, etc. formed ends, joined in series to form a
2 see discharge pipe.
3 perforated pipe; a proprietary product
consisting of a length of plastic pipe
with regular holes or slots, used in a
drags field drain.
drain plug in heating, air conditioning
2 see scratcher.
and other piped systems, a plug which
3 comb; a hand-held metal toothed or
can be extracted for removal of excess
serrated plate drawn across the surface of condensation and other liquids.
masonrywork to produce a striated finish. drain run see discharge pipe.
dragged plasterwork see comb-finish drain valve a valve used to drain
rendering. water or other liquid from a pipework
dragger see flogger. installation, cistern, etc.
dragging beam see dragon beam.
dragline excavator a crane-like vehicle drainage 1 the removal of excess water
with a large bucket used for excavating from a building or construction.
soil and rock below the level at which it is 2 the runoff of surface and rainwater from
stationed. a building or built area into a system of
dragon beam, dragging beam; in tra- 3 see surface-water drainage.
ditional timber frame construction, a hori- 4 the use of drain systems to remove
zontal strengthening roof beam which excess water from building surfaces and
projects outwards from a corner at 45 use; see drainage system.
and receives the thrust of a hip rafter; also drainage channel 1 any large open
a similar beam in timber floor structures. watercourse for the conveyance, irrigation
dragon tie see angle tie. or drainage of water.
2 a small concave component or recess in
a floor or paving, etc. for conveying sur-
drain a channel, pipe or system of pipe-
face water into a gulley or drain.
work to convey foul water, surface
water, rainwater, etc. from buildings
drainage gully see gully.
within a private boundary; types
drainage layer layer of inert granular
material in landscaped planting, green
included as separate entries are listed
roofs, etc. beneath the growing medium,
which allows water to drain away.
*agricultural drain, see field drain; *dis-
charge pipe; *filter drain, see field drain;
drainage membrane see air-gap
*floor drain; *foul water drain, foul drain;
*French drain, see field drain; *gravity
drainage pipe a drain pipe or discharge
drain; *gully; *irrigation drain, see subsoil
drain; *land drain, see field drain, ditch;
drainage system a system of drains to
convey waste and surface water away
*outlet; *rainwater outlet; *sand drain;
from a building to a soakaway, sewer or
*sewer; *soil water drain, soil drain;
septic tank.
153 drawing
Dralon a proprietary name for synthetic whose purpose is to prevent the move-
fibres of polyacronitrile. ment of cold air, rain or snow into the
draped arch, tented arch; an ornamen-
tal arch whose intrados has convex draughtsman, draftsman; a person
haunches, as if draped with hanging employed in a design office to carry out
fabric. technical drawing and draughting;
draughtsmanship is the skill and art of
draught stabilizer see draught diverter.
draught strip see weatherstrip.
draw, draught; in concretework, a slight
inclination of the face of formwork to
make striking easier.
draped arches draw bolt see bolt.
drapery see linenfold, lambrequin. drawboring in traditional timber pegged
jointing, the practice of drilling holes
draught, draft (Am); 1 an upward cur- slightly offset from one another so that
rent of warm air in a flue or chimney when pegs are hammered in, the pieces
which carries smoke and other products are pulled together and the joint thus
of combustion out of a building. tightened.
2 the feeling of discomfort arising from
the movement of cool air in a space, often
drawer lock chisel a chisel with an
L-shaped blade for cutting hidden mor-
from gaps in construction or excess
tises for locks.
3 a slope given to surfaces of a concrete,
plaster, etc. mould to aid the release of a drawing 1 a two-dimensional represen-
cast from it; also called draw. tation of an area, building, technical
4 draft, see preliminary. installation, component or detail; usually
draught diverter, barometric damper annotated and set out on a sheet of
(Am), draught stabilizer; a mechanism paper, card or film, or produced from a
for reducing excessive draught in a flue computer file; a drawing containing
by automatically introducing cold air from information for construction is often
the outside into the flue. called a plan; typical types of drawing
included as separate entries are listed
draughted margin see drafted margin. below:
draught excluder, seal, wind stop, *architectural drawing; *arrangement
weatherstrip; a strip of flexible material drawing, see general arrangement
applied into joints between a door or win- drawing; *assembly drawing; *block
dow casement and its frame to prevent plan; *component drawing; *component
the passage of air. range drawing; *construction drawing;
*contract drawing; *detail drawing;
draught flue system see natural
*dimensioned drawing; *earthworks
draught flue system.
plan; *elevation; floor plan; *foundation
draughting the profession of producing drawing; *general arrangement drawing,
accurate line drawings of a product, com- general location drawing; *layout draw-
ponent, building, etc., showing various ing; *layout plan, see site layout plan;
standard annotated views by which it can *location drawing; *location plan, see
be presented or constructed; written as block plan; *measured drawing; *outline
drafting in North America. drawing, see sketch drawing; *perspec-
draught lobby a small enclosed space tive; *plan; *preliminary drawing, see
immediately after an external door sketch drawing; *production drawing;
drawing file 154

*projection; *record drawing; *reference dressed, surfaced, wrot, planed;

drawing, see base sheet; *revised draw- referring to sawn timber which has been
ing, see revision; *sectional drawing, see smoothed with a plane or planer on one
section; *site plan; *sketch drawing; or more surfaces.
*structural drawing; *survey drawing, see dressed dimension see dressed size.
record drawing; *working drawing. dressed finish any kind of worked finish
2 the act of producing the above. to a stonework surface.
3 see draughting. dressed size, dressed dimension,
4 see drawing-in. neat size; in milled timber, the finished
dimension after planing converted timber,
drawing file in computer-aided design, a slightly smaller than the sawn size.
computer file containing a design or dressed timber a range of readily avail-
drawings. able timber sections whose surfaces have
been machined smoothed with a plane.
drawing-in, drawing; the installation of
electrical cables and wiring into protective dressing, 1 planing, surfacing; the
conduit by pulling them through. smoothing or finishing of a timber surface
with a plane or planer.
drawing knife, draw knife, draw 2 the surface smoothing of rough timbers
shave, shaving knife; a two-handled, with an adze.
bladed tool used for the removal of 3 the working of stone with tools to pro-
excess wood and bark from timber. vide a finished surface.
drawing pin, thumbtack; a pin with a 4 see top dressing.
large flat head which can be pushed in by dressing compound see levelling
hand to fix paper on board. compound.
drawings schedule, schedule of dressing up in ornamental plasterwork,
drawings; a written tabulated document the fixing of plaster castings in place, and
with a list of project drawings, their con- the associated finishing work.
tent and dates of amendment.
drier, 1 an agent or compound designed
drawing up in drawing and draughting, to speed up the drying process of paints
the making of a final drawing from and varnishes by oxidation of oils.
sketches, underlays and reference draw- 2 siccative; metallic salts (oxides of man-
ings; modern equivalents using computer- ganese, lead or cobalt), combined with
generated methods. oils, resins and solvents and mixed with
draw knife see drawing knife. paints and varnishes to accelerate drying.
3 see hardener.
drawn glass see sheet glass.
4 see drying fan.
drawn sheet glass see sheet glass.
draw-off pipe in pipework, a length of
pipe to which a tap, valve or appliance is drill 1 a tool or machine for drilling or
fitted. boring a hole; types included as sepa-
draw-off tap, cock; a tap fitted to a rate entries are listed below:
piped water supply from which water can *breast drill; *concrete drill, see masonry
be drawn off for use. drill; *electric drill, see power drill; *ham-
mer drill; *hand drill.
draw shave see drawing knife. 2 see drill bit.
dredging excavation work carried out
from below a body of water such as a
lake, river or the sea, by a special rig
mounted on a floating deck. drill bit a sharpened metal blade for
boring holes, often helically shaped,
drench shower a shower device attached to and rotated by the chuck of
designed to provide a rapid soaking for a brace or drill; types included as sepa-
contents and surfaces in a building in the rate entries are listed below:
event of fire.
155 drover
driver 1 a flat-bladed masonry chisel for
dressing stone to a smooth surface.
2 device driver; in computing, software
or programming which operates a device
1 2 3 4 5
such as a disk drive or printer.
drive screw see screw nail.
driving in foundation construction, the
6 7 8 9 10 repeated hammering of certain types of
pile into the ground using a pile driver or
similar apparatus; also called piledriving.
11 12 13 14 15 driving shoe in foundation construction,
1 centre bit 9 dowel sharpener a pointed component attached to the
2 auger bit, Jennings 10 hole saw, annular bit, lower end of a pile to enable it to be
pattern bit crown saw, hole
driven more easily into the ground.
3 brad point drill cutter, tubular saw
4 flat spade drill 11 plug cutter drop see drop panel, gutta.
5 combination drill bit 12 twist drill, metal drill
6 expansive bit, 13 masonry drill drop apron, drip edge; in sheet roofing,
expansion bit concrete drill a flashing laid vertically at eaves or a verge
7 Forstner bit 14 glass drill to provide a drip and protect the edge.
8 countersink 15 screwdriver bit
drop arch, depressed arch; a form of
pointed arch composed of segments whose
*auger bit; *brad point drill, dowel bit; radii are less than the span of the arch.
*centre bit; *combination drill bit; *counter-
sink; *dowel sharpener; *expansive bit,
expansion bit; *flat spade drill; *Forstner
bit; *glass drill; *grinding burr; *hole saw,
tubular saw, hole cutter, annular bit, crown
saw; *Jennings pattern bit; *masonry drill,
concrete drill; *metal drill; *plug cutter;
*reamer; *twist drill; *wood drill.
drop arch

drilling, boring; the making of a hole in drop black a variety of vine black
a material, component or the ground, pigment.
using a rotating blade or similar device. drop ceiling see false ceiling.
drilling hammer a heavy hammer or
maul used for striking with cold chisels to drop chute, rubble chute; a temporary
drill or punch holes in stone and metal. chute with a number of interlocking plas-
tic conical pieces, assembled on site and
drill press a power drill vertically used for the removal of builder’s waste
mounted in a rigid frame, used for heavy- from an upper level in a building during
duty drilling and accurate work. refurbishment or demolition work.
drill stop a circular ring attached to a drill drop hammer, ram; in piledriving or
bit to regulate depth of drilling. drop-forging, a rig consisting of a heavy
drip, throat, throating; in building con- steel cylindrical weight known as a mon-
struction, a slot in the undersurface of a key, which is hoisted up and then repeat-
protruding external component such as a edly dropped from a controlled height to
sill to prevent water running back to the apply percussive force.
surface of the building. droplight see pendant luminaire.
drip edge see drop apron. drop panel a thickening in a flat slab or
dripstone see hood-mould. mushroom slab floor at a column head to
driven pile in foundation technology, spread the load from the slab and rein-
any type of pile placed by driving it into force the joint; also called a drop.
the ground. drover see boaster.
drum 156
drum see tambour. dry mix plaster see preblended plaster.
drum dome a dome which sits atop a dry-mix process a sprayed concrete
cylindrical wall structure or tambour. process in which damp aggregate and dry
drunken saw, wobble saw; a circular cement are mixed with water in the noz-
saw set so that it does not rotate in one zle of a pump prior to being projected at
plane; used to cut a groove or kerf. high velocity; see wet-mix process.

dry see shake. Dryobalanops spp. see kapur.

dry ashlar walling ashlar masonry dry packing, dry-tamp process; the
which has been laid without mortar to placing of damp and stiff concrete with a
bond the joints. low water content into existing hollows
and joints where it is tamped with a
dry dash a hardwearing finish for con- suitable tool or compacted by ramming;
crete or masonry in which the surface has dry packed concrete is concrete thus laid.
been treated with a coating of mortar, to
which aggregate is then applied; see also dry-pipe system a sprinkler installation
pebbledash, shingle dash, spar dash. used for subzero applications, whose
pipes are connected to a permanent sup-
dry fresco see fresco secco. ply of water, but under normal conditions
dry glazing glazing in which preformed are full of air under pressure; in the event
polymeric seals and gaskets are used for of a fire the air draws water from a main
fixing the glass in its frames rather than into the system.
liquid sealants, putty, etc.
dry powder non-conducting, non-toxic,
dry hydrate a white powder, calcium water-repellent fine powder used in some
hydroxide, Ca(OH)2, manufactured by the fire extinguishers to smother flames and
controlled addition of water to quicklime, cool outbreaks of fire.
calcium oxide, CaO; see also slaked lime, dry-powder extinguisher a fire extin-
hydrated lime. guisher used for putting out fires caused
drying 1 the evaporation of water from a by electrical faults and burning liquids; it
material. is operated by exuding dry inflammable
2 the transformation of a coat of paint, powder, see above.
coating, etc. from liquid to solid state. dry pressing, semi-dry pressing; a
3 see forced drying. method of producing clay bricks and
4 see seasoning. other ceramic products by the mechani-
5 see dewatering. cal compressing of clay powder with
drying fan, drier; any fan which blows a water content of 610% into suitable
out a stream of warm air, used for drying shapes.
of work on site, laundry, etc.
dry ridge tile a special roof tile formed
drying oil any oil used in paints as a vehi- to cover a ridge, fixed with a clip without
cle, which then dries by oxidation or absorp-
mortar bedding.
tion of air to form a tough adhesive film.
drying shrinkage see dry shrinkage. dry rot, tear fungus; [Serpula lacrymans],
[Merulius lacrymans] a fungal decay which
dry joint a masonry joint without mortar.
attacks damp timber in unventilated
dry kiln a large oven for seasoning con- spaces; also a general name for similar
verted timber. fungi.
drylining see plasterboard drylining. dry shrinkage, drying shrinkage; in
dry main see dry standpipe. concretework, a reduction in physical size
on hardening due to the evaporation of
dry mix referring to cements and mortars in
which all component parts are present
except water, which is added on site, prior to dry standpipe, dry main; an empty
use. vertical water pipe running the full height
dry mix concrete dry cement powder of a building, to which a fire hydrant or
with aggregate added, delivered to site pumper vehicle can be connected to pro-
where water is added to form concrete. vide water for firefighting at each floor of
dry mix mortar see preblended mortar. the building.
157 dustproof
dry-stone walling the technique of con- dummy a hammer whose head is of a
structing freestanding masonry walls soft metal such as zinc or lead, used for
using unworked or roughly tooled stones striking wooden headed chisels.
stacked without the use of mortar; dry- dummy furniture any fittings for a door
stone walls are often used for boundary or window which have no function other
fencing. than decoration.
dry-tamp process see dry packing. dummy joint, groove joint; in concrete-
dry to handle a stage in the drying of work, a longitudinal groove cast in the sur-
paint at which paintwork will not be dam- face of concrete designed to provide a
aged by handling. natural line for inevitable cracking during
drying and expansion.
dry to touch see touch dry.
dump bucket concreting a method of
dry walling any masonry walling laid placing concrete by lowering batches by
without the use of bonding mortar. crane in a closed container, from where it
drywall see plasterboard drylining. is discharged via a hatch into formwork or
drywall screw, excavations.
plasterboard dumper a small steerable motor vehicle
screw; a self- with four rubber-tyred wheels and a tip-
drywall screw
tapping screw with pable hopper or skip for moving earth
a thin shank, fine and other materials on site.
threads and flat
wide head, used for fixing plasterboard dumpling a mass of unexcavated soil left
tostudwork. over as excavation work is carried out ini-
tially at the edges, removed from the site
dual duct system an air-conditioning as the work nears its end.
system in which hot and cold air are pro-
vided in separate ducts and mixed locally duofaced hardboard hardboard which
according to a thermostat. is smooth on both surfaces.
dual duct terminal unit, mixing box; duopitch roof see saddleback roof.
a component in a dual duct air-condition- duplex nail see double headed nail.
ing system in which hot and cold air are duplex stainless steel a chemically
blended according to strictly controlled resistant, strong and hardwearing stain-
conditions before being released to a less steel developed in the 1950s, contain-
space. ing 25% chromium and small percentages
dual-flush cistern a water-saving WC- of nickel, copper and molybdenum.
flushing cistern which provides the user durability the property of a material or
with the alternative of flushing with two component to be longlasting, especially in
different amounts of water. terms of repeated use under force, other
dubbing the application of a first layer of changing circumstances, the weathering
plaster to level off recesses and gaps in a of the elements, etc.
plastering background such as lathing, duramen see heartwood.
masonry, etc.; also called dubbing out.
durmast oak, sessile oak; [Quercus pet-
duckstone see pebble. raea], see oak.
duct any sealed channel in a building for dust dry, dust free; a stage in the drying
the passage of air, waste gases, electric of paint at which airborne dust will no
cables and other services; see air duct, longer stick to the surface.
cable duct.
dust-pressed tile a tile manufactured
ducted flue a flue system in which intake by pressing into shape from semi-dry
and outlets are in the same duct or flue. granulated clay then fired.
ductility the property of a material, par- dustproof relating to a construction or
ticularly a metal, to be able to undergo mechanism which is protected by casing,
plastic deformation without fracturing. etc. so that the accumulation of dust does
dumb scraper see scraper. not affect its performance.
dust-tight 158
dust-tight referring to a component or Dutch white a form of the pigment
construction which is sealed so as to pre- white lead made by an old Dutch process.
vent the entry of dust. dwarf gallery a low arcade with small
Dutch arch, French arches supported on colonnettes with a
arch; a brick or stone passage behind, often a feature in the
arch formed of lean- exterior wall of a tower, cathedral, etc.,
ing rectangular- and bound by string courses.
shaped pieces whose dwarf wall a low masonry or brick wall.
intrados is horizontal
and nearly straight. dwelling a permanent residential unit
usually containing sleeping, cooking and
Dutch bond, 1 stag- Dutch arch sanitary facilities; the collective name for a
gered Flemish bond (Am); a brickwork house, flat, home, etc.
bond in which each course consists of dwelling unit a single fully functioning
alternating headers and stretchers, with unit of accommodation in a larger build-
headers in alternate header courses laid ing or complex; a flat or house.
with a half-header overlap.
dye-stuff see dye.
dyke rock see hypabyssal rock.
dynamic compaction a method of con-
solidating granular soils prior to construc-
tion by the repeated dropping of a heavy
weight over areas of the soil.
dynamic consolidation, ground
Dutch bond bashing, heavy tamping; in ground-
work, the strengthening of poor soils by
2 see Dutch paving. repeatedly dropping a heavy ram at inter-
Dutch paving paving in different sized vals to form pits which are then filled with
square pavers and slabs, laid in a diagonal sand and compacted; also known as
interlocking pattern, a type of herring- ground compaction or ground
bone pattern. compression.
dynamic load any structural load which
includes a moving element or impact
such as the loads on a floor caused by the
walking of occupants.
dynamic penetration testing in soil
investigation, penetration testing in
which the testing implement is ham-
mered with percussive force into the

Dutch paving
eagle capital a Romanesque column the ground, making an earth connection
carved with four eagle motifs. for a building’s electrical installation
ear see sheetmetal cleat. with it.

early stiffening see false set; an out- earthenware a ceramic material which
dated term. contains a relatively high proportion of
limestone and is used for wall tiles and
earlywood, springwood; the portion of ordinary quality china crockery.
the annual ring of a tree which forms first
and has large, low density cells. earthing the connection of an electrical
supply to the ground, or the result of this.
earth 1 material excavated from the upper
layers of the ground, fine mineral material earth-moving in building construction,
or topsoil. any operation such as excavation or back-
2 ground (Am); the mass of conductive
filling prior to laying foundations which
earth whose potential is zero, to which involves movement of earth.
cables in a low voltage electrical system earthquake load structural loads on a
are also connected; see earth electrode. building imposed by the sporadic occur-
rence of an earthquake, taken account of
earth colour, earth pigment, natu- in structural calculations in regions where
ral pigment; any of a number of natu- one is liable to occur.
ral pigments such as ochre, umber and earth pigment see earth colour.
chalk made from coloured mineral
earth; see below for list of earth colours earth pressure in geotechnical engi-
and mineral pigments included as sepa- neering, the pressure exerted by a mass
rate entries: of ground on a retaining wall or similar
*bole; *brown ochre; *brown iron oxide, see construction (see active earth pressure) or
burnt sienna; *burnt umber; *Caledonian the exertion required to deform a mass of
brown, see burnt sienna; *caput mortuum; earth (see passive earth pressure).
*chestnut brown, raw umber; *colcothar; earth termination the lowest compo-
*glauconite, see green earth; *gold ochre; nent in a lightning protection installation,
*green earth; *Indian red, see oxide red; any metal constructions providing a low
*Italian earth, see burnt sienna; *iron yel- resistance path to earth for surges of elec-
low, see Mars colour; *jacaranda brown, trical current from lightning strikes.
see burnt umber; *Mars yellow, Mars earthwork 1 any work on a construction
orange, see Mars colour; *mineral brown, site involving digging, moving, filling and
see burnt umber; *natural brown iron levelling earth; sometimes called
oxide, see burnt sienna; *ochre, ocher; groundwork.
*oxide red; *Persian red, see oxide red; *raw 2 see groundwork.
sienna, see sienna; *raw umber; *red ochre, 3 any artificial mound of earth, ditch or
see red oxide paint; *red oxide paint; *red- embankment used as a defensive fortifica-
dle, see red oxide paint; *Roman ochre, yel- tion, also called a rampart.
low ochre; *ruddle, see red oxide paint; earthworks plan a drawing to show the
*Sicilian brown, see raw umber; *Siena, see scope of excavations, ground levels, areas
sienna; *sil, yellow ochre; *Spanish brown, of fill for a construction project.
see burnt umber; *terra alba; *terra di
Siena, see sienna; *terra ombre, see raw eased arris, eased edge see pencil
umber; *terra rossa, see red oxide paint; round.
*Terra Sienna, see sienna; *terra verde, see easement a legal right of use of part of a
green earth; *umber, umbre; *Venetian red, private area of land, such as a path, drain
see oxide red; *yellow ochre; *yellow oxide or waterway running through it, by a
of iron, see Mars colour. party which does not own the land.
eastern hemlock, hemlock spruce
earth electrode an electrical conductor (Am); [Tsuga canadensis] see hemlock.
such as a cable or metal pipe buried in eastern larch see larch.
eastern red cedar 160
eastern red cedar, aromatic cedar; eaves ventilator a device or component
[Juniperus virginiana] a North American for providing an unobstructed ventilation
softwood with white streaked, red and path into roof space or roof construction
highly aromatic timber; used for fence at an eaves.
posts, shingles and mothproof closet ebonite, vulcanite; a form of fully vulca-
linings. nized hard rubber.
East Indian rosewood see Indian ebony [Diospyros spp.] hardwoods from
rosewood. South and Central America, Africa, South-
East Indian satinwood see Ceylon East Asia and Australia with black, hard,
satinwood. strong and durable timber; its density is
easy-clean hinge, cleaning hinge; a such that it does not float in water, and is
hinge for a side or top hung casement chiefly used for carving and ornamental
window, whose pin is projected outward cabinetwork; see below for full list of
from the plane of the leaves, thus making related species included in this work.
it easier to clean the windows. African ebony [Diospyros crassiflora,
Diospyros piscatoria] a tropical African
eaves the junction of the roof and wall of hardwood with especially heavy, dark tim-
a building. ber; widely used locally for construction
timber and props.
Ceylon ebony [Diospyros ebenum] the
original ebony, a hardwood from tropical
gutter India and Sri Lanka with very heavy and
gutter dark brown or black timber; uses included
bearer carved ornamention and parts of musical
rainwater fascia instruments.
hopper open soffit
Macassar ebony [Diospyros celebica] a
boarding hardwood from tropical Indonesia whose
elbow timber is very heavy and dark brown or
downpipe black; used for decorative panelling,
veneer, cabinetmaking and musical
eaves board 1 a timber board laid across instruments.
rafters at the eaves to raise the lower
edge of the bottom row of tiles in a tiled
eccentric referring to something which is
off-centre; eccentric motion occurs when
roof to the same angle as the other tiles;
a circle is rotated about a point other than
same as a doubling piece.
its centre.
2 see fascia board.
eaves closure piece a component fitted echelon parking see angle parking.
beneath the sheeting at the eaves to echinus 1 in classical architecture, a ring-
block up the corrugations in profiled shaped moulding carved around the
sheet roofing. lower part of a Doric capital or above the
eaves course the lowest course of roof head of a caryatid, making the transition
tiles laid as roofing; if a double course is from the abacus to the column shaft; ekhi-
used, the upper of the two. nos in Greek.
eaves flashing, pressed metal flash- 2 a decorated moulding beneath the
ing, sheetmetal flashing; preformed cushion of an Ionic capital.
sheetmetal or other sheeting product to echinus and astragal see egg and dart.
convey rainwater away from adjacent
eaves construction, or to rainproof the Eclecticism a name given to a style of
eaves. European and American architecture from
eaves gutter a channel at eaves level to the 1800s, characterized by the use of
collect rainwater from the roof of a build- decorative motifs from a range of differ-
ing and convey it to a downpipe. ent styles.
eaves soffit see soffit board. eclogite a mottled metamorphic rock
eaves tile a special roof tile which is which contains a large proportion of a red
shorter than other tiles, used for the low- variety of the mineral garnet; used locally
est or eaves course in roofing. for aggregates and decorative slabs.
161 efficacy
e-coating see electro-dip painting. edge knot a knot at the edge of a piece
ecological architecture architecture of timber.
and construction whose philosophy is based edge panel in concretework, a precast
on the use of energy-saving materials, meth- concrete wall panel designed for use at
ods and systems and makes use of sustain- an external corner.
ability and ecological methodology. edge roll see bowtell.
economiser a subsidiary water heater for edge-rolled column a square column
preheating water conveyed to a boiler by whose arrises are embellished with round
passing it over tubes containing hot com- mouldings.
bustion gases.
edge 1 the extremity, side, boundary or
arris of an object, surface or area.
2 the sharp boundary line between two
perpendicular planes, as with adjacent
sides of a block, etc.; an arris.
3 radial surface; the narrower side of a
piece of sawn timber, which, if converted
in the traditional manner, has growth rings
running approximately radially in relation section through
to the original log from which it was cut. edge-rolled
edge bead see edge strip. column at
edge beam in structures, a beam which 1134-1220
bears the outer edge of a slab, floor or
roof construction, from which exterior edge straightness the specification of
non-loadbearing walling or cladding is timber boards, tiles, etc. to be supplied
often supported. with edges straight and true.
edge bedding the laying of a brick or edge strip, edging, edge bead; 1 a
stone in masonrywork with its natural length of timber, plastics or metal trim to
bedding plane vertical and perpendicular cover the edge of a panel, component or
to the plane of the wall rather than the joint.
usual horizontal; used with stones laid in 2 angle bead, corner bead, L-profile; a
arches, soldier courses and copings. milled timber profile which is L-shaped in
cross-section; see above.
edged, squared; a description of sawn
timber in which the wane has been edging 1 in the primary conversion of
trimmed off to produce a rectangular timber, the removal of one or two curved
section. edges from a log to provide a flat edge
prior to through and through sawing.
edge form, side form; formwork used
for casting the edge of a concrete slab.
edge grain the surface of a piece of
sawn timber which has been roughly
radial in the original log.
edge grained see quartersawn.
edge-halved tenon joint a mortise
and tenon joint in which the tenon is cut
edging 1 edging 2
to one edge of the end of a member.

2 the removal of wane from sawn boards.

3 see edge strip.
4 in landscape design, a border strip for a
carriageway, path, area of planting, etc.

Edison screw cap see screw cap.
tenon joint efficacy see circuit efficacy.
efflorescence 162
efflorescence, 1 bloom; an often tem- by stone burial tombs, pyramids, massive
porary defect in clay brickwork caused by pylons and geometrical structures, the use
soluble salts which are leached from new of beam and post construction, and ele-
bricks and deposited as white crystals on gantly carved and coloured religious and
the surface. mythical motifs with characteristic two-
2 a defect in paintwork caused by conden- dimensional depictions; see also full page
sation, resulting in a surface deposition of article on Egypt, see p. 164.
crystals of soluble salts which have Egyptian capital capitals adorning
migrated to the surface of the dry paint ancient Egyptian columns, often richly
film. carved with plant motifs such as lotus and
papyrus, or with the heads of deities such
effluent the liquid component of pre-
as Osiris and Hathor.
treated or untreated sewage conveyed to
a waste water treatment plant.
Egyptian column stone columns in
ancient Egyptian architecture, often
effusion the passage of water vapour in carved in the form of stems of plants
circumstances when the size of pores in (papyrus, lotus) or deities (Osiris, Hathor).
building construction is smaller than the Egyptian pyramid great burial struc-
average distance between adjacent water tures erected by the Pharaohs of Egypt,
molecules. notably at Giza; usually, but not always,
effusive rock see volcanic rock. consisting of four sloping triangular sides
egg and dart, egg and anchor, egg culminating at an apex.
and arrow, egg and tongue, echinus Egyptian blue, Alexandrian blue,
and astragal; a classical Ionic decorative Italian blue, Pompeian blue, Pozzuoli
motif consisting of a series of carved ovu- blue; a blue pigment consisting of a mix-
lar protrusions alternating with sharp dart- ture of copper silicates used by the
shaped infill; see also Ionic cyma. ancients in ceramics and fresco painting;
one of the earliest artificial pigments.
Egyptian green a green variety of
Egyptian blue pigment.
elastic compression see immediate
Greek Ionic cyma elastic curve see deflection curve.
moulding with egg and elastic deformation, elastic strain; in
dart, and bead and reel structures, the change in dimension of a
member under load within a range over
which it will resume its original form
egg and tongue see egg and dart. when the load is released.
egg-crate ceiling see cell ceiling. elastic glazing compound an elastic
sealant used as a glazing compound.
eggshell a general word to describe a
grade of glossiness in a dry paint surface elasticity the ability of a material or struc-
that between gloss and flat; in the USA, the tural member to recover its original form
second of four grades of glossiness, slightly after loading forces on it are released.
more reflective than flat. elastic limit the point at which a material
eggshell flat, low sheen, silk; the sec- under continuously increasing loading
ond of five grades of glossiness in a dry begins to undergo plastic deformation
paint surface, characterized by little sheen and will not return to its original shape.
from oblique angles.
eggshell gloss, low gloss, satin; the elastic modulus see modulus of
middle of five grades of glossiness in a elasticity.
dry paint surface, midway between gloss elastic sealant a flexible sealant which
and matt. responds to movement between jointed
Egyptian architecture architecture in components or materials by stretching or
ancient Egypt from c. 2850 BC to the compressing accordingly.
Roman conquest in 30 BC; characterized elastic strain see elastic deformation.
163 electric cable
elastomer an elastic material containing electrical contractor see electrical
modified natural or synthetic rubber, works contractor.
which can be stretched and will return to electrical cupboard see electrical
its original form once stresses on it are cabinet.
elastomeric adhesive, synthetic rub- electrical engineer a qualified consul-
ber glue; a rubber-like glue manufac- tant who designs the electrical installa-
tured by a chemical process from tions for a building, oversees their
polymers such as acrylic; used for gluing installation, etc.
and sealing a wide range of materials. electrical engineering a discipline
elastomeric sealant a sealant applied which deals with the technology of elec-
as liquid or paste which cures to form a tricity and its use for servicing buildings
flexible solid. and installations.
elbow, knee; a piece of curved pipe or electrical installation 1 the circuitry,
pipe fitting to form a sharp acute bend in wiring, control gear and fixed appliances
a pipeline; see bend. for providing and maintaining an electric-
ity supply within a building.
elbow board see window board. 2 the job of work involved in attaching
elbow brace see cranked brace. and connecting the above; also called
electrical appliance any device or electrical installation work.
appliance which is powered by electricity. electrical installation contract see
electrical works contract.
electrical cabinet, electrical cup- electrical installation contractor see
board; a built-in cupboard or proprietary electrical works contractor.
storage unit containing control equip-
ment and meters serving the electrical electrical insulation in electrical instal-
installation of a building. lations, non-conductive coatings for com-
ponents and conductors.
electrical circuit an arrangement of
wires and electronic components around electrical lock see electric lock.
which electricity flows to perform a electrically wired hinge see electric
function. hinge.
electrical conductance the ability of a electrical resistance, resistance; the
given object to transmit or conduct elec- opposition to flow of electricity in a
tricity, the inverse of resistance, measured conductor, measured as amps per volt,
as current divided by voltage; its unit is whose basic unit is the Ω; a resistor is a
the siemen. device for inhibiting the flow of electricity
electrical conductivity the measure of in a circuit and converting it into heat.
how well a given material will conduct electrical work see electrical installation
electrical current, the inverse of resistivity, work.
measured as conductance per unit electrical works contract, electrical
volume. installation contract, electrical con-
electrical conduit small diameter plastic tract; a contract for the electrical installa-
or metal piping laid in construction to tion work in a building project.
contain a building’s electrical installation electrical works contractor, electrical
wiring; sometimes known as pipe duct. installation contractor, electrical
electrical connector an electric point contractor; a specialized contractor,
with holes or protrusions designed to con- reputable firm, etc. which carries out elec-
nect two parts of an installation circuit trical installation work in a building
together. project.

electrical contact that part of an electric electric boiler a domestic water heater
circuit or device by which a connection powered by electricity.
can be made. electric cable an insulated metal wire or
electrical contract see electrical works bundle of wires, part of an electrical instal-
contract. lation for conveying electricity.

The timespan of Egyptian monumental architecture is the
longest in the history of mankind, commencing with the Old
Late Period in the 6th century BC, although the culture lived
on for another 1000 years under foreign rule. Most Egyptian
monuments predate the earliest Greek stone temples, erected
in the 7th century BC, and much of Egyptian civilization centred
around a belief in a material afterlife; the deceased, mummi-

much of their assets in preparing for this event.

Above, depictions of the naturalistic
deities ANUBIS, the jackal annointer,
who embalmed the deceased and led
them on their journey to the afterlife,
and THOTH, the ibis scribe who took
stock of their souls

During the Old Kingdom, the pyramid

complex of Djoser in Saqqara, designed
by the architect Imhotep around 2650 BC,
pyramid; although
based on earlier mastaba tombs, it seems
that this 62 metre-high monument and
adjoining burial complex with ceremonial
colonnades, halls and enclosed false
in ashlar masonry, and did not have any
predecessor. Columns were engaged
to walls, not freestanding, and they imitate
plant stems or bundles of reeds in appear-
ance, foreseeing the freestanding columns
and capitals of future buldings. The 4th
pharoahic dynasty, from around 2500 BC,
erected the greatest genuine pyramids in
Dashur and Giza, and there are more than
90 royal Egyptian pyramids, some now in
ruins, built over the next thousand years.
1 2
1 Hathor fruit capi-
tal and composite
column from the
Kiosk of Nectanebo
I (Temple of Isis, Phi-
lae) c. 380-343BC
2 closed bud
papyrus capital
and bundle column
from the mortuary
temple of Ramses
Above, plan and section of the step pyramid II , Thebes, Egppt,
complex at Saqqara, 2650 BC, architect 1179-1213 BC
Imhotep, scale 1:6500.
The revolutionary feature of bronze-
age Egyptian architecture is the use
of hewn stone as a building mate-
rial, and trabeated construction
in burial and cult monuments, at a
time when royal palaces, fortresses,
walls of cities, temples and domestic
buildings were constructed of
mud brick and rammed earth
construction, and have long since
vanished. In all Egyptian pyramid
and temple construction, stone
blocks weighing more than 200 tons
were transported and installed with- Above, plan and elevation of the Kiosk
of Trajan, Philae, 100 AD, late Egyptian
winches and tackles, using only architecture from the Roman period,
wedges, levers, ramps and skids. scale 1:500

During the Middle Kingdom, from the 21st century BC, pyramids – if erected at all –
remain overshadowed by burial temples. For his eternal ‘apartment’ Pharaoh Men-
tuhotep II had a rock temple built at Deir el-Bahari, Thebes in about 2000 BC, locating it
opposite the temple of Karnak on the other side of the Nile. Karnak was to grow over the next
2000 years into the most impressive temple complex in the world. Flanking Mentuhotep’s
rock temple is the terraced funarary temple for the pharaoh queen Hatshepsut, which
architect Senenmut designed 550 years later, and which is still one of the most important
architectural monuments in the world.

Above, the impressive New Kingdom

mortuary temple of Queen Hap-
For roughly the last thousand years before Christ,
shetsut and Shrine of Anubis, Deir
the rulers of Egypt were foreigners – Nubian, Ethio-
el-Bahari, Thebes; c. 1470 BC, architect
pian and Persian. In the 4th century BC, Egypt was
Senenmut, scale 1:3000
conquered by Alexander the Great and thereon its
rulers were the descendants of his general Ptolemy. Below, the great pylon of the
In 30 BC the emperor Augustus made Egypt a Temple of Horus, Edfu; 237-57 BC.
province of the Roman empire. All the Greek and Ptolomaic period, scale 1:2000
unbaptised Roman emperors allowed themselves
to be worshipped as god pharaohs, and during
their rule the massive, typically Egyptian pylon
temple complexes of Edfu, Dendera and Philae
were erected. The Egyptians continued worship-
ping their old gods up until the Christian Late
Antiquity in 500 AD.
electric charge 166
electric charge the amount of electrical electric lock control the provision of
energy in a body, component, system, etc. building security with electric locks oper-
electric current the rate of flow of elec- ated by timers, remote or access control,
tric charge whose SI-unit is the ampere (A). etc. to control the latches of doors.

electric drill see power drill. electric meter see electricity meter.
electric fan heater see fan heater. electric point, power point; in electric
installations, a point from which electricity
electric heater a heating device which can be drawn for appliances.
converts electrical energy into useful heat;
for electric fan heater, see fan heater, see electric power see electrical energy.
also electric water heater. electric water heater, boiler, immer-
electric heating space and other heat- sion heater; a domestic water-heating
ing for a building for which the energy appliance containing heating electrodes
source is electricity. or elements powered by electricity.
electric hinge, electrically wired electro-acoustics the process of con-
hinge; a hinge which allows for the pas- verting sound energy into electrical form
sage of electrical wires from electric fit- or electrical energy into sound.
tings and locks in a door leaf to a door electrochemical coating, electroplat-
frame. ing, electrodeposition; the application
electrician a tradesman or skilled worker of thin, corrosion-resistant and protective
who is responsible for the installation and coatings of oxides, zinc, etc. on metals by
repair of electrical services. electron transfer using electrical current.
electricity a form of energy resulting electrochemical corrosion, galvanic
from the existence of charged subatomic corrosion; corrosion which takes place
particles such as the electron and proton. when two dissimilar metals are in direct
electricity meter, electric meter; a contact in the presence of an electrolyte,
meter for measuring and recording the setting off an electrochemical reaction
flow and consumption of electricity. which corrodes one of the metals.
electricity supply 1 the supply of elec- electrocoating see electro-dip painting.
tricity by a generation or distribution com-
pany to buildings. electrodeposition see electrochemical
2 the provision and continuous distribu- coating.
tion of electricity to an area or building. electro-dip painting, cathodic dip
electric lamp a device for converting painting, anodic dip painting, e-coat-
electrical energy into useful light. ing; an industrial painting process devel-
oped originally for the automotive
electric lead a cable with a plug for con- industry, in which aluminum, zinc, brass,
necting an electric appliance to an elec- steel, etc. parts to be coated are dipped
tricity supply. into acrylic paint and an electrical field
electric light 1 light produced by electri- applied between them and an electrode,
cal means. depositing an extremely uniform paint
2 a light, lamp or luminaire powered by film; also known as electrocoating, elec-
electricity. tronic coating, electronic painting, electro-
electric light fitting a light fitting pow- phoretic coating.
ered by electricity. electroless plating see chemical
electric lighting artificial lighting pow- plating.
ered by electricity. electrolysis chemical decomposition pro-
electric load the power required by an duced by passing an electric current
electric appliance. through a liquid, called an electrolyte, usu-
electric lock, electrical lock; a lock ally a solution of salts; used for the electro-
which is fastened or whose bolt is oper- lytic deposition of metal coatings and
ated by electrical power; see electromag- responsible for some forms of corrosion.
netic lock, solenoid lock, electro- electrolytic zinc coating, zinc elec-
mechanical lock. troplating; the application of a
167 elm
protective layer of zinc to steel compo- powder coatings by charging them so
nents by electrolysis. that they are attracted to and deposited
electromagnetic lock, magnetic lock; on the surface to be coated.
an electric lock which holds a door in electrum 1 see German silver.
the closed position by means of a power- 2 an alloy of gold and silver used as a dec-
ful electromagnet; electromagnetism is orative coating in ancient times.
magnetism caused by, or a product of, 3 gold found naturally which contains
electrical current; see also electromechani- some silver.
cal lock. element see building element.
electromechanical lock, motor lock; elevation 1 one of the exterior vertical
a versatile electric lock used for security planar surfaces of a building; its facades.
and access controlled applications, whose
bolt is operated by a remotely controlled
electric motor; see electromagnetic lock.
electromechanical lock control the
provision of building security with electro-
mechanical locks operated by timers,
remote or access control, etc. to control
the action of doors such that, when acti-
vated, they may be pushed open, other-
wise a key must be used.
electron-beam welding a form elevation of reconstruction of Raseborg
of accurate welding making use of a castle, Tammisaari, Finland, 1374–1550;
dense stream of electrons converted to architect M. Schjerfbäck,1887 (not realized)
heat upon impact, usually carried out in a 2 a drawing or planar projection showing
vacuum. a representation of the outside face or
electronic coating, electronic paint- facade of a building, viewed theoretically
ing see electro-dip painting. from infinite and at right angles to the
electronic shielding glass glass
3 the height of a particular point in a
designed to reduce the transmission of
building or landscape above sea level.
electromagnetic radiation, used for the
protection of computer and other electron- elevator North American word for lift.
ically or magnetically sensitive systems. Elizabethan architecture architecture
electro-osmosis in geotechnical engi- in England during the reign of Elizabeth I
neering, a method of lowering the amount (1558 1603), principally evident in secu-
of groundwater in silty soils by passing a lar palaces and country houses, and char-
current through the ground to induce acterized by the use of Renaissance
electrolytic movement, and pumping elements.
away excess water which gathers at the elliptical arch an arch composed of half
cathodes. an ellipse; see also five-centred arch.
electrophoretic coating see electro- elm [Ulmus spp.] a
dip painting. group of hardwoods
electroplating 1 a process whereby a found in temperate
layer of metal is deposited on a surface in climates in the north-
a solution of metal salts through electro- ern hemisphere, Ulmus spp.
chemical action; electrochemical coating. whose timber is hard elm
2 see electrolytic zinc coating. and tough and used
for interior joinery and furniture; see
electroslag welding a method of fusion below.
welding for thick steel plates using a con- American elm [Ulmus americana] a
sumable electrode immersed in molten North American hardwood with strong,
slag. tough and flexible pale reddish-brown
electrostatic deposition, elpo prim- timber; used for interior joinery, furniture
ing; the process of applying liquid or and coffins.
elongated aggregate 168
English elm [Ulmus procera] a European mixture of corundum and iron oxide
hardwood with tough, strong, dull brown ground.
timber; used for cladding, furniture and emery paper see sandpaper.
panelling. emissivity the property of a surface to
wych elm [Ulmus glabra], a European emit heat, measured as the rate at which
hardwood, see elm for further it does so compared to that of a black
information. body of the same temperature.
elongated aggregate coarse aggregate Empire style an architectural style in
with longish particles. France from 1804 to 1815, coinciding with
elpo priming see electrostatic deposition. Napoleon’s First French Empire, character-
embankment, bank; a sloping earth- ized by the use of neoclassical elements;
work at the side of a river, road, cutting or also Russian neoclassical architecture of
change of level to restrain water, retain the same epoch.
earth pressure, support a road, etc. emulsifier, emulsifying agent; a chem-
embattled see castellated. ical agent used to promote the formation
embattled moulding see crenellated of an emulsion in liquids such as paint.
moulding, indented embattled moulding. emulsion the suspension of one liquid in
embellishment see decoration. another as a dispersion of tiny droplets.
emulsion adhesive, emulsion glue; a
embrasure the recess of a window in a cold setting adhesive consisting of an
wall, between the reveals; originally a emulsion of synthetic polymer in a liquid
splayed opening in the parapet of a forti- carrier, which dries by evaporation so that
fied wall, through which a gun could be the droplets coalesce together.
fired at a range of angles, whilst giving emulsion cleaning the precleaning of a
cover to the marksman; also written as surface using an organic solvent sus-
embrazure. pended in water to remove oils and other
emerald a green variety of the mineral contaminants prior to painting.
beryl, used as a gemstone. emulsion glue see emulsion adhesive.
emerald chromium oxide see viridian. emulsion paint, plastic paint; a range
emerald green, Imperial green, of paints in which a dispersion of small
Schweinfurt green; a very poisonous, drops of polymer such as acrylic are sus-
brilliant green pigment consisting of cop- pended in water; the paint dries by the
per aceto-arsenate now used only in evaporation of the water.
artist’s colours. enamel, vitreous enamel; a hardwear-
emeraulde green see viridian. ing opaque glassy material fused at
emergency gas control a valve in a high temperatures as a protective coating
gas-heating system designed to automati- for ceramics, metal and other hard
cally close off supply in the event of an materials.
emergency. enamelling, 1 enameling; (Am) the pro-
cess of applying an enamel glaze to a
emergency handset a remote tele- ceramic or metal surface.
phone handset for alerting a central
2 see stove enamelling.
exchange of a building in the event of an
enamel white see blanc fixe.
emergency; also known as an emergency
telephone. encased knot, bark-ringed knot; a
knot surrounded by bark in the face of a
emergency lighting see safety lighting. timber board.
emergency stair see escape stair.
emergency telephone see emergency
emery cloth stiff cloth used for sanding
by virtue of an abrasive coating of pow-
dered mineral such as emery or hard
metal; emery is a naturally occurring encased knot
169 engineering
encasing 1 in building construction, clad- energy-saving measures taken in the
ding to cover or encase unsightly struc- design of devices, appliances or systems
ture or services, as fireproofing, etc. to reduce the amount of energy they
2 see casing. consume.
encaustic in ceramics, the use of inlaid enfilade the vista caused through aligned
clay decoration of a different colour to doorways in a succession of rooms.
that of the base. enforcement notice in building control,
end abutment, anchorage; that part of a notice served by a planning authority
a pre-tensioning rig to which the ends of that requires a contravention of planning
the tendons are anchored during control to be remedied before it can be
prestressing. approved.
end-bearing pile, point-bearing pile; engaged column, attached column,
in foundation construction, a pile which engaged pier, applied column, inserted
transmits forces to solid ground at its column; a column built into, adjacent or
base, through compression. physically attached to a wall, either for
end cap, blank cap; in plumbing and structural stability or for decorative effect.
pipework, a cup-shaped fitting which is
threaded internally and attached to a pipe
to close off an open end.
end grain grain whose fibres run perpen-
dicular to the surface of a piece of timber,
showing as growth rings in a log or tim-
ber section cut across its length.
end-grain wood block flooring,
wood block flooring; hardwearing tim-
ber flooring, used in workshops and labo-
ratories, in which the end grain of inlaid
blocks of wood form the floor surface. edge column

Engelmann spruce [Picea engelmannii],

see spruce.
engineer a qualified professional who
designs structures, technical services or
public utilities and supervises their con-
end-grain wood struction and maintenance; see also char-
block flooring tered engineer.
engineered log see milled log.
end joint a butt joint formed by two tim-
bers or long members fixed end on end. engineering a branch of science which
endoscope an optical device with a rigid deals largely with producing designs
or flexible shaft, used for remote surveys and structures through the use of tech-
of the interior cavities of closed bodies nology; see below for list of engineering
such as pipework, pumps or valves, or for disciplines included as separate entries:
inspecting cavities in building construc- *civil engineering; *construction engineer-
tion for damp problems, etc.; see also ing; *electrical engineering; *fire engineer-
fibrescope, videoscope. ing; *geotechnical engineering; *ground
engineering, see geotechnical engineering;
endurance limit in the fatigue testing of
*mechanical services engineering; *preci-
materials and components, the maximum
sion engineering; *structural engineering;
stress which will not cause damage
*water engineering.
despite repeated loading and unloading.
engineering brick 170
engineering brick a dense, evenly Perpendicular; characterized by use of the
sized, high-quality brick with high crush- pointed arch and medieval decoration.
ing strength and low porosity used for English oak see oak.
foundation and basement walls, civil engi-
neering projects, etc. English vermilion genuine vermilion
pigment made in England.
engineer’s hammer a small cross peen
sledgehammer used for striking imple- English walnut see walnut.
ments and work in a metalwork shop. English white see whiting.
engineer’s sledge a large two-handed engobe, slip; in coloured plasterwork
engineer’s hammer, also called a peen and pottery, a cream-coloured clay dilu-
sledge. tion applied to cover the original colour of
English ash see ash. the surface.
English bond a brickwork bond consist- engrailed moulding a decorative
ing of alternating courses of headers and moulding consisting of a row of arched
stretchers; see variations and illustrations forms joined at sharp points.
American bond, common bond,
Liverpool bond, see English garden-
wall bond; St. Andrew’s cross bond, see
English cross bond.
English cross bond, St Andrew’s engrailed moulding
cross bond; a brickwork bond with alter-
nating courses of headers and stretchers, enlarged base pile a foundation pile
laid with a half-brick overlap between alter- with a widening at its base to spread its
nating stretcher courses to produce an inter- loading over a wider area.
locking cross pattern in the wall surface.
enrichment, ornamentation; decoration,
English garden-wall bond, American pattern or artwork which embellishes a
bond (Am), common bond (Am), surface or space; see also plasterwork
Liverpool bond (Am); a brickwork enrichment.
bond with one course of headers alternat-
ing with three or five courses of stretchers. entablature in classical architecture, a
thick horizontal band or beam member
English elm [Ulmus procera], see elm. supported by columns in a portico, con-
English Gothic an architectural style in sisting typically of three sections: the
England from 1150 1550, comprising of architrave, frieze and cornice. See illustra-
three phases: Early English, Decorated and tion on facing page.

English bond English cross bond English double cross


types of English bond

brickwork; note header
courses with varying
numbers of stretcher
courses between

English garden-wall bond English garden-wall bond

171 equilateral arch
fragment of Ionic environmental and social effects of a
entablature, major development project.
Athens, architect EP epoxide resin.
Mnesicles, EPDM ethylene propylene diene rubber;
420 BC used in proprietary dry window and door
glazing systems for preformed seals and
Entandrophragma angolense see
Gedu nohor. Ephesian base see Asiatic base.
Entandrophragma candollei see omu; epistyle see architrave.
Entandrophragma cylindricum see sapele; epithedes Gk.; the upper decorated
Entandrophragma utile see utile. moulding or cymatium, along the upper
entasis Gk.; in classical architecture, the edge of a classical entablature or cornice.
slight vertical convex curvature in epoxide resin, epoxy resin, EP; a
the length of a column shaft to give it the tough, stable thermosetting resin, usually
appearance of straightness under load. supplied in two mixable component parts,
entersole see mezzanine. used for in-situ flooring, paints, adhesives
and varnishes.
entrained air in concretework, micro-
scopic spherical bubbles of air which have epoxy see epoxide resin.
been deliberately introduced into the mix, epoxy adhesive, epoxy glue see
usually by an air-entraining admixture, to epoxy resin adhesive.
improve workability and frost-resistance. epoxy coating a two-component epoxy
resin finish for metal structures such as
entrance a door, gate, portal, etc. by
bridges and pipes in contact with water
which a building or area can be entered;
and subject to corrosion.
the area or space in its immediate vicinity.
epoxy ester paint special epoxy paint
entrance hall, 1 hall; interior circulation used for its properties of water, acid or
space adjacent to the front door of a alkali resistance; usually a gloss paint.
dwelling or main entrance of a building, epoxy paint a tough, chemical- and sol-
giving access to other spaces. vent-resistant paint containing a two com-
2 the main circulation space at the ponent epoxy resin binder which, on
entrance of a prolific, large or public hardening, forms a thermosetting plastic
building, a foyer or lobby. coating, used for floors and hardwearing
3 see vestibule. interior surfaces.
4 see porch. epoxy powder coating a tough, corro-
entranceway, passageway; an open sion- and chemical-resistant polymeric
entrance passage through a building, link- powder coating whose binder is epoxy
ing a courtyard with the street. resin.
entrapped air, accidental air; in con- epoxy resin adhesive, epoxide resin
cretework, small unintentional air pockets adhesive, epoxy glue; an adhesive, usu-
in hardened concrete which occur during ally supplied in two components, consisting
mixing and remain after compaction. of a synthetic thermosetting resin which
produces a tough, hard chemical bond.
entrelace see interlace, knotwork.
entresol see mezzanine. EPS expanded polystyrene.
entry-phone system a door control sys- equilateral arch,
tem for flats, etc. by which communica- pointed equilateral
tion via intercom is possible and the door arch, three-pointed
can be opened by a remote switch; see arch; a pointed arch-
also door transmitter. form whose two radii
of curvature are iden-
envelope see building envelope. tical, and equal to the
environmental impact assessment a distance between the equilateral arch
detailed evaluation of the potential imposts.
equilibrium moisture content 172
equilibrium moisture content in the 3 an inscribed or decorated plate, espe-
natural seasoning of timber, the point at cially one in the shape of a shield bearing
which the moisture content of the dried arms.
timber is the same as that of its surround- 4 a warrior’s shield, the symbolic base of
ings, and drying ceases. heraldic designs and coats of arms, much
used as a decorative motif in architectural
equipment, apparatus, plant, gear; ornament.
the functioning collection of machinery or escutcheon pin a
devices in a building services installation short pin, usually
for performing a mechanical, electrical or brass, used for attach-
communications task. ing ironmongery to
erection 1 the construction or assembly joinery; it may be escutcheon pin
of a building frame or similar component, decorative.
usually prefabricated, on site. escutcheon plate see escutcheon.
2 see formwork erection. espagnolette a fastener for holding dou-
eremotes weevil [Eremotes spp.] a group ble windows or shutters closed, consisting
of species of long-snouted insects which of a long mechanism which runs the
infest dead softwood. whole vertical height of the window, and,
when activated, pushes hooks out
Ernobius mollis see bark borer. through the sides of or ends of the case-
erosion corrosion an accelerated rate ment to engage in holes in an adjacent
of corrosive attack in metal pipework due window frame; see cremone bolt.
to the relative motion of a flowing corro- essential oil, volatile oil; an oil
sive fluid. extracted from plants and seeds, used as
eruptive rock see igneous rock. a vehicle for some paints, varnishes and
other substances, based on alcohol, which
escalator, moving staircase, moving evaporates away on drying of the
stairway; a motorized staircase used as a substance.
means of automated vertical circulation, in
which treads fixed to a circulating belt estate clerk of works a qualified pro-
move up or down in the plane of the stair. fessional employed on a large public
property to ensure it is maintained.
escallop see scallop.
estates management see property
escape see means of egress. management.
escape lighting safety lighting required
by law to illuminate an escape route and
etching, 1 frosting; the treatment of a
glass or metallic surface with an acid
its signs in the event of a building fire or
or electrochemical means to roughen it or
other emergency.
produce a matt finish.
escape route 1 a designated route along
2 a form of printmaking in which acid is
which occupants can get to a safe place
used to corrode a design or pattern into
in the event of a fire or other emergency
the surface of a metal plate, from which
in a building.
prints are taken; the resulting print thus
2 see means of egress.
escape stair, fire escape, fire stair,
emergency stair; a protected or out- ethylene propylene diene rubber,
door stair which is part of an escape route EPDM; a tough, durable, weather- and
for use in the event of a fire or other acid-resistant synthetic rubber used for
emergency in a building. flexible seals and gaskets, cable insulation,
hoses and roofing membranes.
esconson see scuntion.
Etruscan architecture the architecture
escutcheon, scutcheon; 1 escutcheon of pre-Roman central Italy from c. 700 BC
plate; any metal protective plate for a to around the beginning of the first
door or window, often ornate. century.
2 key plate, scutcheon; a metal plate
which surrounds a keyhole and protects a eucalyptus [Eucalyptus spp.] a wide-rang-
door surface when a key is inserted. ing genus of Australian evergreen
173 ex-gratia application
hardwood trees, some species of which European walnut, English walnut,
are used in the construction and timber Persian walnut; [Juglans regia], see walnut.
industries; often tough and resistant to ter-
evaporation point in the heating of a
mites and insect attack; used in framing, as
solid or liquid, the temperature at which it
building timber, in joinery and as wood
will turn into a vapour.
fibres; see species of eucalyptus below:
blackbutt [Eucalyptus pilularis] a south- evaporator, expansion coil; that part
east Australian hardwood with brown, of an air-conditioning and refrigeration
heavy timber; used in construction for system in which coolant or refrigerant is
sheathing, flooring and for furniture. vaporized, binding latent heat and thus
jarrah [Eucalyptus marginata] a durable producing a cooling effect.
and resistant southern Western Australian even grained, even textured; a
hardwood with pink to dark red timber, description of timber which has a uniform
used for heavy constructional work, floor- structure throughout the growth ring.
ing, panelling and veneers. evergreen any species of tree or shrub
karri [Eucalyptus diversicolor] a durable which maintains its leaves, needles, etc.
and resistant south-west Western throughout the year; includes most coni-
Australian hardwood with reddish-brown fers (softwoods).
timber, used for heavy constructional work.
excavation 1 any work on a construction
tallow-wood [Eucalyptus microcorys] an site involving digging, blasting and
eastern Australian hardwood with heavy,
removing material from the ground; the
yellow-brown timber, used for all kinds of
result of this.
construction work.
2 pit; a hole, trench, etc. dug into the
eurhythmy, eurythmy; harmonious pro- ground on a building site for the location
portions, regularity and symmetry in archi- of foundations, drainage services and
tecture and built form. other subterranean constructions.
excavation depth the depth to which
European ash, English ash; [Fraxinus an excavation is to be made; the lowest
excelsior], see ash.
point in the construction of a building.
European beech [Fagus sylvatica], see excavation shoring temporary con-
beech. struction works to give support for the
sides of an excavation.
European birch [Betula pendula, Betula
pubescens], see birch. excavator, digger; a motor vehicle used
on a construction site for making excava-
European hop-hornbeam [Ostrya car- tions, often a tractor, crane or bulldozer;
pinifolia] a southern European and south- see also dragline excavator.
west Asian hardwood with very heavy
timber. excepted risk see accepted risk.
European horse chestnut [Aesculus ex-contractual claim see extra-contrac-
hippocastanum] a European hardwood tual claim.
with soft whitish timber; a large round- exedra, exhedra; 1 Gk.; a semicircular
topped tree with characteristic pinnate recess or apse, often with a structural
leaves, it is often planted alone in parks function and containing a raised seat.
and gardens as an ornamental, and to 2 in Greek and Roman architecture, a
provide shade. recess or room, often in the thickness of a
European lime, linden; [Tilia europaea, wall, used for relaxation, contemplation
Tilia vulgaris], see lime. and conversation.
exfoliation the natural and chemical
European oak, English oak; [Quercus scaling of a masonry surface due to the
robur, Quercus petraea], see oak.
action of the elements; see also brickwork
European plane [Platanus hybrida, weathering.
P. acerifolia], see plane.
ex-gratia application, ex-gratia
European redwood the Scots pine tree, claim; in contract management, a
see pine. request by a contractor for payment in
exhaust 174
circumstances where he has no legal right expanded metal a metal mesh product
to reimbursement. manufactured from slitted metal plate or
exhaust in heating and ventilation, the sheet which is stretched to form lozenge-
removal of used air from a space, gases shaped perforations; expanded metal
up a flue, etc. to the outside. flooring is metal flooring for walkways,
exhaust air in mechanical ventilation service gangways, access platforms, etc.
and air-conditioning systems, stale air fabricated from heavy-gauge expanded
which has been extracted from spaces metal sheet in a steel frame; expanded
and released to the outside. metal lathing is a base for renderwork
exhaust duct see return-air duct. manufactured from metal sheet which has
exhaust gas waste gases produced by been perforated; see also ribbed
combustion or similar processes. expanded metal lathing, rib lathing.
exhaust outlet an opening through
which exhaust air from an air-conditioning
system is conveyed to the outside.
exhaust vent in ventilation, a grille or
other device to allow the passage of stale
air from a room to the outside; see also
exhaust outlet.
exhedra see exedra.
exit that portion of a fire escape route
which is surrounded by fire-resistant con-
expanded metal
struction and leads to the outside.
exit corridor in fire safety, a passageway
surrounded by fire-resistant construction, expanded plastics any lightweight plas-
part of an escape route. tics material which has been chemically
exit door, final exit; in fire safety, an changed by the introduction of an
external door leading from an escape additive which evolves gas; a cellular
route to the outside. plastic.
exit lighting in fire safety, an electric expanded polystyrene, EPS, foamed
lighted sign which draws attention to the polystyrene, bead polystyrene; a light-
presence of a fire exit. weight plastics material consisting of a
exit stairway in fire safety, a fire-resis- foamed structure of beads, used as boards
tant stairway leading to the outdoors. for insulation, packing, etc.; see also
expanded aggregate, expanded extruded polystyrene.
shale aggregate, expanded clay expanded rubber cellular rubber con-
aggregate, light expanded clay taining a network of gas bubbles which
aggregate, Leca; a lightweight aggre- are closed and not interconnected; used
gate used in concrete, blocks, etc., con- for seals.
sisting of clay, shale or other minerals,
expanded shale aggregate see
which has been heated so that it
expanded aggregate.
expands to form a porous structure;
used also as thermal insulation for floors expanding bolt, expansion bolt; a fas-
and flat roofs. tener used for anchoring components to
expanded aggregate concrete concrete or masonry, consisting of a bolt
lightweight concrete whose coarse aggre- which mechanically expands when its
gate is expanded clay or shale, or perlite. head is turned tight against the sides of
the hole in which it is fixed.
expanded clay aggregate see
expanded aggregate. expanding cement cement which
expands on setting.
expanded glass see foam glass, cellular
glass. expanding vault see conical vault.
expanded granulated cork in the expansion bit see expansive bit.
manufacture of cork products, granulated expansion bolt see expanding bolt,
cork which has been expanded by heating. wedge anchor.
175 exterior
expansion cistern a cistern for a hot exposed runner, ceiling linear strip;
water supply system which accommo- in a suspended ceiling system, a profiled
dates expansion in the heated water. section which remains visible in the fin-
expansion coil see evaporator. ished ceiling surface.

expansion joint a joint in monolithic exposed system a suspended ceiling

concrete, masonry or other forms of mass system whose supporting profiles are visi-
construction which allows for the expan- ble in the finished ceiling surface, usually
sion of materials during an increase in of hung inverted T-shaped profiles which
temperature. support ceiling panels.

expansion producing admixture in extender, 1 filler, inert pigment; a

concretework, an admixture included in white mineral pigment added to paints to
the mix to produce a controlled increase volume, reduce cost or to modify
expansion. the finished paint surface.
2 any of a number of fine inert granular
expansion tank, 1 expansion vessel, substances added to glues to increase vol-
sealed expansion vessel; a reservoir to ume and spreading capacity.
compensate for variations in volume and extending the diluting of paints, glues,
to contain excess liquid on expansion in a etc. with fillers, usually translucent white
system of closed pipework with pressure pigments for paints, to increase their
and temperature differences. volume.
2 an open vessel which allows for an
increase in volume of water on heating in extension, 1 lengthening piece; an
a hot water heating system. addition to any member to increase its
expansive bit, expansion bit; a drill bit 2 addition; a building or part of a build-
with a blade which can be adjusted to a ing constructed as an enlargement,
range of diameters for the drilling of dif- annexe, etc. for an existing building.
ferent sized holes. 3 see extension of time.
explosive 1 the ability of a substance to 4 see prolongation.
produce an explosion; its volatility with extension line, leader line; in mea-
respect to this. sured drawing, one of a number of
2 any highly unstable substance which straight lines projected out from the key
will cause an explosion when activated or points on a dimensioned object, at right
ignited, used in blast excavating. angles to a dimension line, defining the
explosive welding the welding of metal extremities of dimensions thereon.
plates by bringing them together at high extension of time in contract adminis-
velocity using a controlled explosion tration, the allowance of extra time for
which fuses the pieces together at the completion due to delays outside a con-
join. tractor’s control.
exposed aggregate finish a hardwear- extent of contract see scope of contract.
ing, decorative concrete surface finish or exterior 1 space which is outside and
thin finish facing for precast units in open to the elements, usually in close
which coarse aggregate in the concrete is proximity to a building; the surface of a
exposed by brushing or spraying with building, component, etc. facing out-
water; concrete finished in this way is wards; see outer surface.
known as exposed aggregate concrete. 2 referring to a product which is used on
exposed aggregate plaster a mineral the outside of a building, exposed to the
plaster or render with a facing quality elements.
aggregate, which is exposed in the sur- exterior boarding see weather-
face by washing, scouring or sandblasting, boarding.
producing a finish not unlike dry dash. exterior cladding see external cladding.
exposed concrete concrete whose exte- exterior exit a fire exit door leading to
rior surface as cast is its finished state, the outside at ground level.
unfaced in the final structure; special care exterior facing see external cladding.
is usually taken with its components, sur- exterior luminaire a weatherproof lumi-
face texture, etc. naire designed for use outside.
external 176
exterior paint, external paint; any extinguishing, fire-fighting; the put-
paint suitable for use outside and which ting out of fire, especially actions by occu-
can withstand moisture and frost. pants of a building or a fire brigade to put
exterior plywood plywood for external out or contain hazardous and dangerous
use glued with adhesives which are mois- fires and limit their damage to a minimum
ture and frost resistant. using specialized equipment.
exterior woodstain woodstain used for extinguishant see extinguishing
external applications. medium.
external pertaining to the outside, visible extinguisher see fire extinguisher.
on an outside surface. extinguishing foam a fire-extinguishing
external angle trowel, outside cor- medium consisting of small bubbles of
ner trowel; a plasterer’s hand tool for non-combustible material which smother,
smoothing external corners in plasterwork wet and cool down a fire.
with a handled blade of bent steel sheet. extinguishing medium, extinguish-
external boarding see ant; any non-combustible material used to
weatherboarding. extinguish a fire in a building: water, inert
external cladding, facing; any non- gas, vaporizing liquid, dry powder, foam.
loadbearing material such as boards, tiles, extra see extra work.
sheetmetal pans, concrete panels, etc. for extra-contractual claim, ex-contrac-
covering the wall surfaces of a building tual claim; in contract administration, a
and forming their external finished sur- claim for damages not covering matters
face; see also weatherboarding. included under terms of the contract.
external dimension, overall dimen-
sion; in dimensioning and setting out, extract the removal of stale air from
the dimension of the external outline of a spaces within a building via ducting or
building in plan, measured along one of vents using a fan, see also mechanical
its main axes. extract.
external envelope see building extract air see return air.
envelope. extract duct see return-air duct.
external facing see external cladding. extract fan see smoke extract fan.
external glazing glazing in which at extract unit see return-air terminal unit.
least one glass surface is exposed to the extract ventilation, negative pres-
outside of a building; the outermost sure ventilation; a system of mechanical
panes of glass in a double-glazed unit. ventilation which functions by extraction
external leaf, outer leaf; the leaf of a of the air in spaces, thus causing negative
cavity wall which is exposed to the pressure which sucks in fresh air.
elements. extractor see roof extractor.
external paint see exterior paint.
external surface the surface of a wall or extractor hood a metal appliance with
grease filters and a fan, suspended above
building component facing towards the
a stove or similar appliance to convey
outside; see also outer surface.
steam and other unwanted fumes away
external surface resistance value see
into an air duct.
external tooth washer a tooth washer extrados the upper line of the voussoirs
with serrations along its outer edge. in an arch.
external vibrating, form vibrating; a extra-low voltage electrical supply of
method of compacting in-situ concrete less than 50 V.
using a vibrator attached to the external
surface of formwork; a machine which extra rapid-hardening Portland
does this is called an external or form cement Portland cement which hardens
vibrator. more quickly than rapid-hardening
external works the scope of works for a Portland cement.
building project which lie outside a build- extra work, extra, additional work; in
ing; the landscaping, hardstanding, drain- contract administration, construction work
age, fences and walls, etc.; see also ordered by the client after the contract
landscaping. has been awarded, not included in the
177 eyelet
contract and for which the contractor is extruded joint, convex joint; a brick-
paid separately. work mortar joint with mortar shaped
extrusion a method of forming thermo- with a tool to form a longitudinal convex
plastic, aluminium and ceramic products bulge protruding beyond the brickwork
such as pipes, profiles, bricks, etc. by forc- plane.
ing hot or cold material through a die into extruded particleboard, extruded
the required cross-sectional shape. chipboard; chipboard manufactured by
extruded cellular sheet see cellular a process of extrusion, with particles
sheet. arranged perpendicular to the plane of
extruded chipboard see extruded the board.
particleboard. extruded polycarbonate sheet see
polycarbonate cellular sheet.
extruded polystyrene, XPS, styro-
foam, polystyrene foam board;
expanded polystyrene whose structure
contains small closed bubbles of gas
rather than a mass of lightweight beads,
used for thermal insulation.
extruded tile a tile formed by a process
extruded chipboard
of extrusion.
extrusion gun see caulking gun.
extruded concrete concrete preformed extrusive rock see volcanic rock.
into profiled or cellular slabs by a process
of extrusion. eyelet see oeillet, roundel.
fabric, 1 cloth; a textile material woven faceplate see forend.
or otherwise fused from natural, mineral face ply the outer layer of veneer in ply-
or synthetic fibres. wood, often of a higher grade or quality
2 see welded mesh, fabric reinforcement.
timber than the inner plies.
3 the main constructional mass of a build-
ing; its frame, structure, walling, roofing face putty see putty fronting.
and floors. face side, better face, work face; the
fabric reference in the design of rein- face of a piece of sawn timber which is
forced concrete, a standard defining the regarded as superior in quality and to
size and spacing of bars used in fabric which a finish is applied.
fabric reinforcement, mesh rein- face veneer a decorative veneer used for
forcement, wire-mesh reinforce- the surfacing of furniture, joinery and inte-
ment, welded fabric; reinforcement for rior work.
concrete slabs or walls of steel bars or face width in tongued and grooved or
wires welded or woven into a preformed rebated boarding, the width of a board
mesh or grid. exposed on laying.
facade, façade; a grand or imposing ele- facework see fair-faced.
vation or outside face of a building; see
facing 1 the covering of a product, sur-
face 1 the external or visible planar surface face or frame with a decorative or pro-
of an object such as a door; see door face. tective finish material.
2 the wider side of a piece of sawn timber, 2 a layer of stone, brick, timber board-
whose growth rings run approximately ing, tiling, etc. applied to the face of a
tangentially in relation to the original log wall as cladding; see facing brick,
from which it was cut. cladding.
3 the exposed vertical surface of a brick, 3 the surface application of one or a
block or stone in masonry; see side, number of layers of protective material
stretcher face, header face. to provide a finish; see coating.
4 the striking surface of a hammer, axe, see also *ashlar facing; *brick facing,
etc.; also called the striking face. brick veneer; *door facing, see door face;
5 the front cutting surface of a sawtooth. *exterior facing, see external cladding;
face bedding the laying of a stone or *natural stone facing; *rubble facing;
brick in masonry with its natural bedding *timber facing, see timber cladding.
plane upright rather than the usual hori- facing brick, face brick (Am) any
zontal; used with cladding, voussoirs, etc. fairly durable brick used for its appear-
ance in external walls.
face brick see facing brick. facing concrete a layer of concrete
face coat see final plaster coat. placed over cast concrete as a finish.
face contact material in concreting, facing stone high-quality dressed nat-
any material included in the formwork, ural stone or similar products used for
usually sheeting or boarding in direct con- facing the external wall of a building.
tact with the cast concrete, providing its
surface with support and shape.
factor of safety, safety factor; in struc-
face grain the surface of a piece of sawn tural engineering, a design coefficient uti-
timber which has been roughly tangential lized to ensure that structural members
in the original log. are never overloaded; calculated as the
face joint a mortar joint visible in the sur- maximum stress that an element can
face of brickwork masonry, often finished withstand divided by the calculated
by pointing. design stress.
face knot a knot in the face of a piece of factory finish a finish coating applied to
timber. a component at manufacturing stage.
179 fan coil unit
factory glazed window a window whose be a suspended ceiling or simply attached
glazing is installed at the manufacturing to the underside of ceiling joists.
stage, prior to its arrival on site. false door, blind door; a decorative ele-
factory-made see prefabricated. ment in a building elevation, which mimics
a door, but does not function as such.
fading a minor defect, the paling of sur-
face colour in a paint, plastic or other false front see screen facade.
coloured finish exposed to sunlight or false hammer beam in traditional tim-
chemical attack. ber roof construction, a hammer beam
Fagus spp. see beech. with no hammer post.
faience a tin-glazed or decorated form of false set in concreting, the unusually rapid
terracotta originating in the village of setting of cement which can be unhar-
Faenza, Italy. dened by further mixing; also referred to
as early stiffening, hesitation set, prema-
failure the breakdown in performance of a
ture stiffening, rubber set.
material or component due to overloading,
wear, defect, deterioration or corrosion. false tinder fungus [Phellinus ignarius,
Fomes ignarius] fungal decay found in liv-
fair-faced 1 referring to brickwork or
ing hardwoods, especially aspen.
blockwork of sufficient quality laid in a
neat fashion without need for further cov- false window, blind window; a decora-
ering or applied finish; fair-face brickwork tive element in a building elevation which
is also called facework. mimics a window, but does not function
2 describing a fine finish in cast concrete as such.
which requires no further treatment, coat- falsework in construction work, any tem-
ing, tooling or facing; the method porary structure for supporting unfinished
involved is called fair-face casting, the structures, construction, masonry, etc.
product fairfaced concrete.
fall the angle of a slope, line, road or river to
the horizontal, measured as a difference in
height per length or as a percentage.
falling-butt hinge
a hinge whose cylindri-
cal pin housings or
knuckle are cut with
a helix so that the falsework for masonry arch
door leaf drops slightly construction; also known
when opened and as centering
swings open under the fan 1 blower; a device for propelling a
force of gravity. falling-butt hinge
stream of air through an air-conditioning
false acacia see robinia. or ventilation system; see flue fan.
false arch types of arch such as triangular 2 any mechanical device, often portable,
or corbelled arches which do not utilize for bringing about air circulation within a
masonry voussoirs to provide support space; see ceiling fan.
over an opening. fan arch a decorative design with a fan
false bond in brickwork, the laying of motif under an arch, often with a figure at
bricks without overlap on successive the centre.
courses such that there is no structural fan circulated flue system see fanned
bonding between adjacent bricks other draught flue system.
than that provided by the mortar. fan coil unit a localized air-conditioning
false ceiling, drop ceiling; a ceiling unit in which air is blown into a room
which is lower than the soffit of the floor over coils to heat or cool it, using an
slab above to make a hidden space for in-built fan; a localized air-conditioning
services and ductwork, or to cover up system consisting of a series of such units
unsightly overhead construction; it may is called a fan coil system.
fan convector 180
fan convector an electric room heater ribs fanning out from each column and a
which sucks in cold air, passes it over a heat- flat diamond-shaped area at the apex of
ing element and blows it out using a fan. each vaulted bay.
fan heater, electric fan heater; a
portable heater containing a fan which
blows out a stream of warm air over a
heated coil; see warm-air heater.
fan heating see warm-air heating.
fanlight, transom light, transom win-
dow; any window or glazed panel above
a door, often fitted in the same frame;
originally a fan-shaped window with radi-
ating glazing bars.
fanned draught flue system, fan cir-
culated flue system; a flue system in fan vaulting in King's College chapel,
which draught is provided by a fan. Cambridge, 1505–1518

fan pattern see fantail pattern.

fantail pattern a traditional paving pat- fanwork see fan tracery.
tern of small stones or cobbles forming fascia 1 fascia board in roof construc-
radiating areas resembling a fan or the tail tion, a horizontal board attached vertically
feathers of a bird; originating from the to the ends of joists or rafters at eaves
area that could be paved by hand by one level; other similar boards in construction
man without moving from his place; also see.
called peacock tail or fan pattern. 2 one of a number of undecorated flat
horizontal bands in a classical architrave; a
fascia moulding or fillet.
fascia board see fascia.
fascia bracket in roofing, a support for
fixing the eaves gutter to a fascia board.
fascia gutter in roofing, a gutter fixed to
the fascia board of the eaves.
fascia moulding an ornamental mould-
ing consisting of a slightly projecting flat
band, wider than a fillet; also simply called
fantail paving a fascia.
fantail tool see fishtail chisel. fastener any device or construction for
fan tracery, fanwork; Gothic blind trac- fixing or holding a component in place;
ery found on the surface of fan vaulting. may be a fixing, fastening or latch, see
corrugated fastener, push-pull fastener,
fan truss a triangular roof truss whose toothed plate fastener (nail plate).
diagonals fan out from a single point, usu-
ally the ridge. fastening see fixing.
radial web members fast-pin hinge, tight-pin hinge; a hinge
whose pin is fixed in place and cannot be
withdrawn, or one whose pin is integral
with the lower hinge leaf.
lower chord, tie
fat concrete see rich concrete.
fan unit, air-handling unit, blower; fatigue the permanent weakening or
that part of a mechanical ventilation or depreciation of the strength of a material
air-conditioning system which blows air or component, often a moving part, due
along ductwork. to its repeated loading and unloading.
fan vault intricate Gothic vaulting from fatigue failure the physical failing of a
the late 1400s and early 1500s with stone material or component due to fatigue.
181 fenestration
fat lime, rich lime; high-quality hydrated feather grain, feather curl, feather
lime produced from pure limestone, which crotch; a decorative timber figure in the
in lime putty can be spread evenly and has form of a sweeping curve, found in curl
good properties of plasticity and setting. veneer.
fat mix see rich mix. feather joint, feather-jointed board-
fatness see plasticity. ing see spline joint.
fatty oil, fixed oil; neutral organic hydro- feed, input; the supply of a liquid to a
carbon liquid compounds from animal or source, water to a boiler or gas or oil to a
vegetable sources; oils which are viscous burner.
at normal temperatures and become fluid feed pipe see cold feed pipe.
on heating, traditionally used in paints, feed-roller
varnishes and other finishes; see also min- marks defective
eral oil, essential oil. indentations along
the edge of sawn
faucet see water tap. timber boards
fault see defect. caused by mechan-
faux blanc see off-white. ical feed rollers feed-roller marks along
during automated edge of improperly
feasibility the analysis of costs, scheduling, conversion. converted timber board
funding, planning, ground conditions and
resources in the planning stages of a con- feeler gauge a simple device with a
struction project to ascertain its practicability. number of calibrated thin blades used for
measuring a narrow gap between two
feather see spline, see plug and feathers. components.
featherboarding see featheredged board. fee scale a scale of standard charges for
services of professional consultants, local
authorities, etc.
feint, set; the slight bend along the
edges of sheetmetal cappings and flash-
ings to provide rigidity and strength.
feldspar, felspar; a common white or
reddish, structurally brittle, alumino-silicate
mineral; see alkali feldspar, Labrador feld-
featheredged spar (labradorite), potash feldspar.
felt an unwoven fabric of fibres matted
feather crotch, feather curl see together using heat, pressure or mechanical
feather grain. action; see roofing felt and bitumen felt.
featheredged board a timber exterior felt nail see clout.
cladding board, wedge-shaped in cross-sec- felt roofing see bituminous felt roofing,
tion, laid horizontally with the thicker edge built-up roofing, roll-jointed roofing, lap-
of one board laid downwards and overlap- jointed roofing.
ping the thinner edge of the one below; felt shingles, felt tiles see strip slates.
featheredged boarding or featherboarding is felt underlay bitumen felt used beneath
exterior timber wall cladding in such boards; tiled, slate or sheet roofing; often rein-
see also rebated featheredged board. forced felt.
featheredged fencing the material or components from
coping a coping which a fence is made; a length of fence;
stone or special brick the construction of fences.
which is wedge- fenestration 1 the multitude and
shaped in cross-sec- arrangement of windows, glazed panels,
tion to encourage etc. in a building elevation.
rainwater to run off to 2 the arrangement of glazing bars in a sin-
one side. featheredged coping
gle window or glazed panel.
Ferrari cement 182
Ferrari cement an alternative name for fibred plaster see fibrous plaster.
sulphate-resistant cement, named after its fibreglass a strong lightweight material
inventor. consisting of fine filaments of glass woven
ferric oxide see iron oxide. into a mat or matrix and embedded in a
ferrite a sintered ceramic material with plastic or resin.
magnetic properties, consisting of a mix- fibre optics a branch of telecommunica-
ture of iron and other metal oxides. tions using a carrier beam of light to
ferritic stainless steel a form of stain- transmit signals along fine fibres of glass.
less steel containing 17% chromium.
fibre-reinforced referring to any com-
ferroconcrete see reinforced concrete. posite material which is strengthened by
ferrous pertaining to a substance contain- internal reinforcing fibres.
ing iron, especially an alloy or ore with a fibre-reinforced cement, fibre
significant quantity of it; a ferrous metal is cement; a fibre-reinforced composite
any metal whose major constituent is iron. consisting of fibres in a Portland cement
matrix, used for building boards and wall
ferrous ferric oxide, ferrous oxide panels; often abbreviated to FRC.
see iron oxide. fibre-reinforced composite any com-
ferrule, sleeve; a metal sleeve which posite material which consists of a dis-
attaches the head to the handle or shaft of persal of reinforcing fibres in cement,
a brush, chisel or similar implement; espe- concrete, plastics, etc.; often abbreviated
cially a small metal ring fitted around one to FRC.
or both ends of the handle of a chisel or fibre-reinforced concrete, fibre con-
other hand tool to prevent splitting when crete, fibrous concrete; concrete con-
struck with a mallet. taining fibres of glass, steel, etc. to reduce
festoon, gar- weight and increase tensile strength;
land, swag; a often abbreviated to FRC.
decorative motif fibre-reinforced plaster see fibrous
consisting of a plaster.
hanging repre- festoon ornamentation fibre-reinforced plastic, reinforced
sentation of flowers, foliage, fruit or fabric plastic; a light composite material con-
carved as if suspended between two points. sisting of reinforcing fibres of glass, steel
or plastics in a synthetic resin matrix, usu-
FFL see finished floor level. ally polyester; used for structural applica-
fibre, fiber (Am); a very thin filament or tions, car bodies, mouldings, sheets,
thread of material. roofing slates and drainage fittings; often
abbreviated to FRP.
fibreboard, fibre building board; a fibre-reinforced render special render
building board manufactured from wood
with added polymer fibres, which mesh
fibres mixed with water and compressed;
together in the applied product to
see hardboard, MDF (medium density
form a flexible and impact-resistant
fibreboard), softboard (insulation board).
fibre cement see fibre-reinforced fibre reinforcement natural, artificial or
cement. glass fibres used as reinforcement in com-
fibre cement sheet, fibre cement posite materials such as concrete, plaster,
board; a non-toxic, durable, fireproof and resins, plastics, etc.
resilient sheet material consisting of
fibre saturation point, saturation
cement, cellulose and mineral filling; a
point; in the seasoning of timber, the
replacement for asbestos products used
point at which all free moisture has evap-
for cladding and encasing.
orated, leaving only the water in the cell
fibre cement slate a rectangular or
walls of the wood.
shaped roofing tile manufactured from
Portland cement pressed together with fibrescope an endoscope with a long
natural or synthetic fibres. flexible tube, illuminated by fibre-optics.
fibre concrete see fibre-reinforced fibrous concrete see fibre-reinforced
concrete. concrete.
183 fillet
fibrous plaster, fibred plaster; gypsum filigree beam a composite beam whose
plaster used for casting ornaments and steel formwork shell is filled with concrete
mouldings, often strengthened with glass and acts as tension reinforcement once
fibres, lathing or textile; fibrous plastering is the concrete has set.
the process of working in fibrous plaster. fill 1 in sitework, earth or other material,
fibrous plasterwork, ornamental such as hardcore, used to raise or level the
plasterwork; any finishing work done in existing ground or to make an embank-
fibrous plaster. ment; earthmoving and similar operations
fiddleback grain, fiddleback mottle; for this.
a decorative grain pattern found in certain 2 see backfill.
hardwoods with curly figure; traditionally 3 material used to fill a void in construc-
used for the backs of violins. tion, as packing, etc.
field drain, agricultural drain, filter filler 1 a substance added to plastics,
drain, French drain, land drain; a drain paints and some adhesives to improve
for drying out damp or saturated ground their properties and reduce cost by bulk-
consisting of a backfilled trench contain- ing; also known as an extender.
ing a length of perforated pipe; in build- 2 surface filler; in finishing walls and ceil-
ing construction most often referred to as ings, a paste applied over a surface to fill
a land drain. in any irregularities and, when hard, pro-
field drainage see land drainage. vide a smooth surface for painting; also
field surveying see land surveying. called stopping or spackling.
3 a fine material such as fine aggregate
figure the pattern caused by the natural used to stiffen a bituminous binder.
grain of wood, evident in a timber surface. see also corrugation filler, jamb filler, joint
figured of ornament, decorated with filler, lintel filler, pore filler.
depictions of animals and people, usually fillerized cement, filler cement, com-
in carved form. posite cement; ordinary Portland cement
figured capital, historiated capital; a to which an inert material or filler of finely
Romanesque capital decorated with ground limestone has been added to
figures of animals, birds, humans, etc. increase its volume.
with or without foliage, often symbolic or
part of a narrative sequence. fillet, 1 list; a thin straight raised or sunk
horizontal decorative moulding; see raised
fillet, square fillet, sunk fillet.
Romanesque figured
capital at the
monastery in
Alpirsbach, Germany,
fillet moulding
figured column any decorative column
carved or shaped in the form of a human 2 see moulding.
figure; a caryatid, canephora, atlas, etc. 3 see fascia, fascia moulding.
4 a thin strip of material, see angle fillet,
filament a thin wire of tungsten inside an mortar fillet, tile fillet.
incandescent lamp, which glows white fillet chisel, spindle; a narrow-bladed
hot when electricity is passed through it, masonry chisel used for carving details
giving off light. and ornament in stonework.
file 1 a hand tool whose steel blade is filleted column, filleted pier; a Gothic
roughened with a series of serrations, column carved in such a way as to appear
used for sharpening cutting tools and to be formed from small round columns
shaping metal. joined together.
2 in computing, a set of related data, a fillet raised moulding a decorative
document, etc. stored, used or edited as a moulding consisting of a small rectangular
discrete entity. projection in cross-section.
fillister head screw 184
fillet saw a fine saw for cutting fillets filtration the cleansing of a liquid or gas
and other details in stonework, or one for of impurities by passing it through a filter
cutting mouldings in joinery. or other screening device.
fillet sunk moulding a decorative fin see flash, flash line.
moulding consisting of a groove, rectan-
gular in cross-section. final account in contract management,
fillet weld a V-shaped butt weld in a document stating the cost of all
which abutting metal components have work undertaken and the total payment to
been chamfered; stronger than a normal be paid, as accepted by all parties involved.
butt weld. final certificate in contract manage-
fillister head screw a screw with a ment, a document that authorizes pay-
raised cylindrical head whose upper sur- ment to the contractor of the final
face is convex. account, an approval that the terms of the
contract have been met.
film 1 the thin layer formed from one or a
number of coats of hardened paint or final circuit an electric circuit between
varnish. an electric point and an appliance.
2 any thin flexible plastic sheet product, final coat, finish coat, finishing coat;
often transparent and used for packing. in painting and plastering, the uppermost
3 a thin sheet of plastic with a light-sensi- coat applied to a surface as a finish.
tive coating, on which photographic and
cinematic images are reproduced.
final exit see exit door.
film adhesive see film glue. final inspection a building inspection
film-faced plywood plywood which has held after all work by the contractor has
been faced with resin impregnated film; been completed to a reasonable degree,
has good resistance to moisture and is prior to handover and concurrent with offi-
thus used for shuttering. cial approval; see also period of final
film glue solid phenol formaldehyde resin inspection.
used in thin layers for gluing expensive final plaster coat in plastering, any coat
veneers to a backing by hot pressing. of plaster laid as a finished surface; also
filter 1 a cleaning or purifying apparatus called a face coat, finishing coat, setting
for the separation of unwanted particles coat or skimming coat.
of solid material, gas, liquid, radiation or final set the later period of setting of
sound from a medium. cement or concrete, as measured by stan-
2 colour filter, light filter; a piece of dard tests.
coloured translucent material placed in
front of a light source to change its colour fine see penalty.
and composition. fine aggregate aggregate consisting
3 a device for eliminating electromagnetic largely of particles with a size range of
output of selected wavelengths. 75 µm 5 mm
4 see strainer. fine-aggregate asphalt rolled asphalt
filter cloth see filter fabric. road surfacing with a high proportion of
filter drain see field drain. sand or other fine aggregate.
filter fabric strong fibrous sheet used in fine grained 1 referring to very cohesive
concrete pavement construction, paving, types of clay or silty soil which contain lit-
planted areas, etc. to prevent layers of tle or no coarse materials larger than
construction mixing with one another, to 0.02 mm and are highly compressible and
provide stability and to prevent the pene- impermeable.
tration of roots, while allowing drainage 2 see close grained.
through; also called filter cloth.
filter mat a sheeting component included fine gravel see gravel.
as a layer in landscaping, green roofs, etc. to fine grown see close grained.
prevent fine material being drained away,
whilst allowing for water to pass through;
fine mortar mortar whose aggregate is
coarse sand; see coarse stuff; see also fin-
see also filter fabric.
ish stuff.
185 fir
fineness modulus in aggregate grading, finish carpentry see joinery.
a measure of the fineness of an aggregate finish coat see final coat.
obtained by passing a sample through a
standard set of sieves and dividing the finished floor level, FFL; the floor level
sum of percentages of each size by 100. of flooring, screeds, etc. above the structural
floor, usually excluding thin floor coverings,
fines in soil classification, material whose from which all vertical measurements and
particles will pass through a 0.06 mm sieve. levels are taken in a room or storey.
fine sand see sand. finished size the size of a piece of
fine silt see silt. machined timber, subject to machining
fine stuff see finish plaster. tolerances.

finger joint a timber lengthening joint finishing, finish; a final treatment, layer
formed by cutting or machining deep zig- of material or coating for a surface or
zags into the ends of two timbers to be component; the act of producing a finish.
joined, then gluing them together; used finishing coat see final coat, final plaster
especially in laminated timber products coat.
and factory-made assemblies; see box cor- finishing nail see lost-head nail.
ner joint, combed joint. finishings the final coverings, facings,
treatments or coatings for surfaces and
components; see paint finishing.
finishing trowel, smoothing trowel;
a plasterer's trowel used for the applica-
tion and smoothing of a final coat of
lengthening finish plaster 1 fine grade plaster used
corner as a coating for undercoat plaster, provid-
finger joints
ing a finish.
finger-jointed plywood plywood 2 fine stuff hard lightweight plaster used
which has been increased in dimension as a finish.
using finger joints. finish washer see screw cup.
finger plate see push plate. Fink truss, Belgian truss, French truss;
finial florid Gothic decoration for the top a diagonally braced pitched roof truss
of a gable, spire or pinnacle. without vertical strutting, whose diagonals
form a W-shaped pattern; developed by
finial the German engineer Albert Fink in
America in the 1800s.

crocket pitched
upper chord diagonal

Fink trusses lower chord

Gothic gable,
fir [Abies spp.] a group of common soft-
Cathedral, woods from the northern hemisphere
Germany, c. 1250 with pale, lightweight, straight-grained
timber which is prone to fungal attack;
finish the final surface treatment or cover- used in construction work, packaging and
ing for an object, surface or component for pulp; firs are often planted as single
produced by the application of a coating or ornamentals in parks and gardens on
facing, by machining, or by a mechanical or account of their rich evergreen spruce-like
chemical processes; see coating, surface foliage; see also Douglas fir and detailed
treatment, finishing, stonework finish. list below:
fire 186
balsam fir [Abies balsamea] a Canadian fire bend a bend in metal pipework
softwood whose cream-coloured timber is made by softening the pipe with a blow-
used for construction work and packag- torch and bending; see also pulled bend.
ing, often planted as an ornamental.
fire block a fire barrier for preventing the
Siberian fir [Abies sibirica] a Siberian spread of fire through or within timber
softwood used principally for pulp and
elements such as walls or floors.
fibres, and planted in parks as an orna-
mental tree. fire booster an automatic water pump
silver fir [Abies alba] the largest used during fire-fighting to increase the
European softwood with light brown tim- pressure of water in a main for drenching
ber; used in all kinds of construction work water and sprinkler installations.
and joinery. firebox, combustion chamber; the
white fir [Abies concolor] a North closed compartment of a solid fuel appli-
American softwood used for sawn boards, ance, gas stove, burner or fireplace in
widely planted as an ornamental on which combustion takes place.
account of its pale grey-green foliage and firebox door a small hinged front-
large needles. opening hatch to close off the firebox of a
fire 1 any heater or other appliance in fireplace, stove, etc.
which material is burned and has a live fire break construction in a building to
flame. inhibit the spread of fire from one com-
2 the destructive burning of a building or partment to another.
part of a building. 2 open space left between rows of hous-
fire alarm a device which emits a sound ing or adjacent buildings to curtail the
on detection of the presence or outbreak spread of fire in a built-up area.
of fire in a building to draw attention to a 3 fire corridor; a linear zone of agricul-
possible fire hazard; also the sound made tural or forest land cleared to soil level of
by this device. trees, plants, crops, etc. to prevent the
fire alarm indicator an electronic con- spread of fire.
trol panel which indicates the location of firebreak door see fire door.
fire alarms which have been triggered by firebreak floor see fire floor.
a fire. firebreak wall see fire wall.
fire alarm system a fire safety system firebrick, refractory brick; a brick of
which will sound an alarm or alarms in special composition capable of withstand-
the presence of a building fire, triggered ing high temperatures without melting or
by a fire-detection system. fusion, used for masonry chimneys, flue
linings, kilns and fireboxes.
fire area in planning for fire safety, a dis-
crete area, rooms or spaces, etc. of a fire cell see fire compartment.
building bounded by fire-resistant con- fire certificate in planning for fire, a doc-
struction to prevent the spread of fire; the ument, issued by the fire brigade follow-
area within a fire compartment. ing an inspection, specifying means of
fire assembly any assembly of materials, escape, alarms, extinguishers, signage and
construction or component which has other fire precautions.
fire-resistant properties; usually refers to a fireclay a simple ceramic material with
rated fire door, window or hatch with high kaolin content used for firebricks.
fire compartment, fire cell; a subdivi-
fireback a shaped unit, laid masonry or sion of a building into an isolated unit sur-
refractory brick, etc. forming the rear and rounded by fire walls and floors to inhibit
side walls of a fireplace. the spread of fire.
fire compartmentation in planning for
fire barrier in fire protection, an area of fire safety, the division of a building or
non-combustible sheet material attached part of a building into discrete fire
to components, across cavities within con- compartments.
struction, etc. to inhibit the spread of fire.
fire containment 1 measures in building
fire behaviour see fire performance. design to restrict the spread of fire by
187 fire officer
inclusion of fire compartments, non-com- fire-fighting equipment fire hoses,
bustible construction, extinguishing systems blankets, portable extinguishers, fixed sys-
and procedures, and smoke venting routes. tems and other apparatus used in the
2 the restriction of smoke flow and spread event of a fire breaking out.
of flame by firefighters during a hazard-
fire floor, firebreak floor, party floor;
ous building fire.
the upper or lower protective construc-
fire corridor see fire break. tion of a fire compartment, a floor or
fire curtain, safety curtain; in theatre ceiling slab which forms its fireproof
design, a fireproof curtain which can be low- boundary.
ered to isolate the stage area from the main firefront, fret; the front of an open fire.
body of the auditorium in the event of a fire.
fire glass see fire-resisting glass.
fire damper, fire shutter; a shut-off
valve in an air-handling system for pre-
fire grading see fire-resistance grading.
venting the flow of smoke and combus- fire hazard any combustible material,
tion gases through a duct. assembly or situation which poses a threat
to fire safety in a building and increases
fired brick, burnt brick; any clay brick
the risk of spread of fire.
which has been fired in a kiln; cf. mud brick.
fire detector in planning for fire safety, fire hose a hose of approved and tested
an electric sensor which reacts to the material, construction and dimension
presence of excess heat, smoke and flame; used in fire-fighting.
it may trigger alarms, sprinklers, alert the fire-hose reel, hose reel; a fire hose
fire brigade and set off other methods of coiled and placed in a designated cabinet
inhibiting the spread of fire. at a fire point with a connection to a
fire-detection system a system of fire main, used by occupants of the building
safety sensors which react to the presence in the event of a fire.
of heat, smoke or flame and set off fire fire hydrant an outlet from a fire main
prevention measures. from which a supply of extinguishant
fire door, firebreak door; a specially water can be used for fire-fighting in the
designed and approved door assembly event of a building fire.
rated to contain the spread of a building fire inspection an official inspection of a
fire for a specified time. building by a fire-prevention officer prior
fire escape see escape stair. to the issue of a fire certificate.

fire-exit bolt see panic bolt. fire insulation see fireproofing, firespraying.
fire exit sign any sign in a building fire load a measure of the combustibility
designed to indicate the location of fire of the contents of a space in a building,
escape routes and emergency exits. given as the total energy in megajoules
given out when its entire contents burn,
used to calculate fire severity.
fire extinguishing system, fire sup- fire-load density a measure of the
pression system; an integrated system potential relative severity of fire within a
of piped extinguishant such as a non- space, given as fire load per unit floor
combustible liquid, gas, vapour or foam area, measured in units of MJ/m2.
released in the event of a fire; types fire loading see fire load.
included as separate entries are listed
below: fire main in fire-fighting, a mains water
*automatic fire extinguisher; *carbon pipe used by firemen to extinguish a fire.
dioxide fire extinguisher; *dry-powder fire officer, fire-prevention officer; a
extinguisher; *foam extinguisher; *halon person, often in the employ of the local
fire-extinguishing system; *sprinkler fire brigade, who inspects designs, con-
system. structions and site procedures to ensure
fire extinguisher a portable apparatus they comply with safety standards and
for putting out a small fire. regulations with regard to fire.
fire performance 188
fire performance, fire behaviour; a fire rating see fire-resistance grading.
description of the combustibility, smoke fire reserve water for use in fire-fighting
release, toxicity, etc. of a particular mate- stored in tanks in the basements and roof
rial or component with regard to fire and spaces of buildings.
fire safety.
fire-performance plasterboard plaster- fire resistance the relative non-combus-
board graded according to its properties tibility of a material or component which
of fire-resistance. restricts the spread of fire or maintains its
structural properties in the event of a fire.
fireplace a domestic masonry construc- fire-resistance grading, fire grading,
tion, recess or proprietary metal appli- fire rating, fire-resistance rating; a
ance, usually open or with glazed doors at system of grading materials and compo-
the front and fitted to a flue, in which nents according to the results of labora-
solid fuel is burnt to provide heating and tory tests carried out to ascertain their
atmosphere to a room. fire-resisting properties.
fire-resistance rating see fire-resistance
fire resistant see fireproof.
flue fire-resistant gasket in glazing, a strip of
fire-resistant material fixed around the exter-
nal edges of a pane of glass to provide a seal.
fire-resisting glass, fire glass, fire-
resistant glass; glass of special construc-
open fireplace tion or constituency, used where a certain
degree of fire protection is required; see
fire point a clearly marked designated also laminated intumescent glass.
place within a building where fire-extin- fire retardant a chemical treatment
guishing equipment is located for use in applied to materials and components, fab-
the event of a fire. rics, etc. designed to inhibit their combus-
fire prevention measures taken in a tion; especially one applied by impregnation
building to reduce the risk of outbreak of as protection for timber.
fire. fire retardant board a grade of chipboard
fire-prevention officer see fire officer. or other wood-based panel product whose
surface is faced or treated with fire retardant
fireproof, fire-resistant; a general term material; suitable for use as a lining and clad-
for a material or component with good ding in situations such as fire escapes where
fire-resistance; in North America a material the spread of fire is to be avoided.
or component which can safely withstand fire retardant plaster types of plaster
the burning of the whole building. used to increase the level of fire protec-
fireproof brick see firebrick, flue block. tion; see also perlite plaster, vermiculite
fireproof lining, refractory lining; plaster; sometimes called fireproof plaster.
non-combustible material added to a sur-
face as fireproofing. fire safety measures taken to reduce the
fireproof mortar see refractory mortar. risk of fire and to inhibit damage to the
fireproof plaster see fire-retardant plaster. occupants, property and construction of a
building in the event of a fire.
fireproofing, fire protection; material fire safety sign any sign in a building
or treatment added to construction to designed to provide information about
increase its resistance to fire; see also the location of fire escape routes, emer-
firespraying. gency exits, fire-fighting equipment,
fireproofing paint see intumescent paint. smoke vents, etc.; see also fire exit sign.
fire protection see fireproofing, active fire separation fire-resistant construc-
fire protection, passive fire protection. tion such as a bounding wall, floor or roof
fire pump a water pump which main- with the appropriate properties to contain
tains pressure in sprinkler systems in the a fire within a compartment for a speci-
event of a fire. fied amount of time.
189 fish-bellied
fire severity a measure of the combusti- fire wall, compartment wall, fire-
bility of the contents and surface finishes break wall, division wall; 1 a wall or
in a fire compartment used in design for partition in a building designed to
fire safety. prevent the spread of fire between
fire shutter 1 a large sliding, folding or
2 a continuous fire-rated wall running
rolling door to prevent the spread of fire in
a building, often operated automatically. from foundation to roof level to provide
2 see fire damper.
subdivision of a building or fire separation
from adjoining buildings.
firespraying, sprayed mineral insula- 3 see separating wall.
tion; the sprayed application of mineral-
based covering to improve the fire fire window a window assembly which
resistance and insulating properties of a has a specified fire resistance and
structure or component. approved construction for its use.
fire stair see escape stair. firmer chisel a sturdy chisel whose
blade is rectangular in section, used
fire stop, fire stopping; a thin strip of with a mallet for general rough work,
non-combustible material inserted into removing of wood and initial smoothing.
joints to prevent the spread of fire
through gaps such as joints between firmer gouge a gouge whose blade is
components, and where pipes and cables sharpened on its convex edge, used for
pass through construction. cutting shallow depressions in wood; see
fire stop sleeve, pipe closer; a pipe fit- also scribing gouge.
ting used as fire protection for plastic pipe firm price contract a form of building
crossing from one fire compartment to contract in which the price cannot be
another; if this melts during a building fire amended regardless of changes in eco-
it expands to fill the gap, preventing the nomic conditions.
spread of fire.
fire stopping see fire stop.
firring, furring; thin strips or pieces of
timber or other material laid or fixed to a
fire suppression system see fire extin- structure or frame to raise the level of a
guishing system. surface cladding or to make it even, to
fire test the controlled burning of a mate- provide falls, etc.; a firring piece, or furring
rial, construction or component under labo- piece, is a piece of timber nailed to the
ratory conditions to ascertain its fire rating. upper surface of roof joists to provide a
slope for a flat roof.
fire valve a valve to automatically close
off the supply of gas or oil in the event of first coat see first plaster undercoat.
a building fire. first floor the storey above the ground
fire vent, smoke outlet, smoke vent; floor in the UK; in continental Europe and
an openable or fusible vent, window or USA this is the second floor.
hatch opened automatically, manually or first layer felt see base sheet.
by melting in the event of a building fire
to allow the release of combustion fumes first moment of area see static
and smoke to the outside. moment.

fire venting, smoke venting; in fire first plaster undercoat 1 in plastering,

control, the expelling of combustion gases the first coat of plaster, applied directly
and smoke from a building through spe- to lathing or onto another background;
cially designed ducts and hatches. see two coat, three coat plastering; also
fire venting installation 1 measures called a floating coat, pricking-up coat,
such as shafts, mechanical apparatus, vents, render coat, scratch coat, straightening
etc. within a building to facilitate the extrac- coat.
tion of smoke in the event of a fire. 2 see base coat.
2 mechanical smoke extraction system; fish-bellied a description of a compo-
mechanical plant for removing smoke in nent whose underside is convex, bulging
the event of a fire. downwards in the middle.
fish glue 190
fish-bellied beam a concrete or steel fitted cupboard a cupboard unit such
beam whose underside is curved down- as a kitchen unit fitted permanently in a
wards towards the middle, forming a space against a wall.
U-shape. fitter a skilled workman who installs
and assembles system products such
as suspended ceilings, fixed furnishings
and technical installations on a building
fitting 1 a piece of hardware for a door,
window or hatch.
2 any fixed accessory such as a kitchen
fish-bellied beam cupboard or basin which can be removed
without damage to the building fabric.
fish-bellied truss a trussed beam in 3 the fastening in place of fixed furnishings,
which the upper chord is flat and the
technical appliances and installations.
lower chord is curved, forming a braced
4 see installation.
5 see mounting.
6 see fitment.
upper chord web members see also: door fittings, door furniture;
light fitting, luminaire; pipe fitting; water
fish-bellied truss fitting-out the installation of fixed fur-
nishings, fitted cupboards and joinery, fin-
fish glue, isinglass; glue made by boiling ishings and carpets, etc. for a building
up the swim bladders and skins of fish. project.
fish joint see spliced joint. fittings see fixed furnishings, rainwater
goods, door fittings (see door furniture).
fish plate, fish piece, splice plate; a
plate fixed to either side of a lengthening five-centred arch an arch whose intra-
joint to fix two members rigidly together. dos is constructed from five centres of
fish plate joint see spliced joint. curvature, an approximation of a true
elliptical arch.
fishtail chisel, fishtail tool, fantail
tool; a chisel with a wedge-shaped blade
splayed outwards towards its cutting edge.
fishtail wall tie,
fishtail tie; a wall tie
formed from metal
strip with split and
forked ends to pro- fishtail wall tie
five-centred arch
vide a better bond
with masonry. five pound maul a heavy one-handed
fish tenon joint see free tenon joint. hammer with a steel head; used for strik-
ing chisels and other implements.
fitment, fitting; a fixed component such
as a hook, door handle, etc. that is not fixed furnishings, fittings; any built-in
part of the building fabric. furnishings for a project, included in the
contract documents.
fitted a description of a fixed furnishing
which is made to measure for a particular fixed light, deadlight, fixed sash; a
space or situation. glazed area of window which is not open-
fitted carpet, wall-to-wall carpet; a able, or a window whose glass is fixed
carpet fixed in place at its extremities and directly to the frame.
extending over the whole floor area of a fixed luminaire a luminaire fixed perma-
space. nently to a wall, floor or other surface.
191 flange
fixed oil see fatty oil. flaky and elongated aggregate coarse
fixed price contract a contract in aggregate whose particles are long and flat.
which the contract sum is given in a Flamboyant style the later phase of
tender or is based on a schedule of French Gothic architecture from the late
rates; this sum may be exceptionally 1400s, characterized by flowing and flame-
amended due to a change in economic like tracery.
conditions. flamboyant style tracery tracery of the
fixed sash see fixed light. Flamboyant style; see flowing tracery.

fixing, 1 fastening; the connecting of

two components together or the attach-
ment of one to another. Flamboyant
2 any hardware such as nails, screws, style rose
bolts, etc. used to attach components in window at
place or connect them together; also Beauvais
called a fastener. Cathedral,
3 the laying of tiles, fine stone, ashlar, etc. France,
into mortar with fine joints; see bedding. 1225–1272
4 see pipe fixing. flame cutting the cutting of metals by
5 see holdfast. local melting using an intense flame of
fixing block see nog. gas such as oxy-acetylene.
fixing mortar 1 fine mortar, lime putty,
stone dust or cement used for bedding flame detector, radiation detector; a
stonework with fine joints. fire detector which reacts to the presence
2 see tiling mortar. of flickering ultraviolet or infra-red light,
present in many types of flame.
fixture any fitting, furnishing, appliance
or installation built in or firmly attached to flamed finish, thermal finish; a rough-
the fabric of a building; for light fixture, textured non-slip stone surface treatment
see luminaire. produced by using high intensity flamers
to crack surface crystals in the stone; often
flag see slab, natural stone paver, con- used for granite flooring and facing.
crete paving slab.
flame-retardant paint see intumescent
flagstone a heavy paving stone, see nat- paint.
ural stone paver.
flame-spread rating a fire safety classi-
flakeboard fication which determines the surface
particleboard man- spread of flame across an interior finish.
ufactured from flat
chips or flakes of flammable a description of a material
wood bonded which will readily burn with a flame; also
together with resin used for volatile liquids such as liquid fuels
and pressed into flakeboard and thinners, and materials such as plastics
sheets. and fabrics, which will burn with ease;
flammability is the measure of this.
flake white, Flemish white, French
white; white lead pigment in flake form. flange any flat protruding part of a compo-
nent, such as the flattened end which encir-
flaking 1 a defect in a paint, plaster or other cles a pipe as a fixing or the upper and
finish involving the separation in flakes of a lower flat protrusions in an I-beam.
coat from its underlying surface. flanged beam a
2 wattle, withe braiding; in thatched beam whose upper
roofing and similar traditional construc- or compression sur-
tion, a layer of woven reed or thin twigs face is increased by
of hazel or willow laid as a base for thatch, widening; in a steel
daub, etc. beam this may be
3 see brickwork weathering. the upper or lower
flaky aggregate coarse aggregate with flange, in concrete it
flattish particles. may be a floor slab. flanged beam
flanking path 192
flange joint a pipework joint made by an arc and thus melt the ends before
bolting the flanges at the ends of conse- pressing together.
cutive pipes together. flat 1 a rectangular metal bar formed by
flanking path in acoustics, an unwel- rolling, whose uniform cross-sectional
come route for the transmission of sound is wider than thick, but whose thick-
from one space to another via voids, cavi- ness exceeds one tenth of its width;
ties, ducting, pipework, etc. uses in construction include braces, brack-
flanking transmission, flanking sound; ets, frames, base plates, ornamental work,
in acoustics, the transmission of sound etc.
2 matt, matte; the lowest of five grades
from one space to another through open-
ings in partitions, usually ductwork or of glossiness in a dry paint surface, char-
piping. acterized by little or no sheen, even from
oblique angles.
flanking window, wing light; a full- 3 apartment; a single (or double) storey
length window beside an external door. dwelling within a multistorey residential
flap hinge see strap hinge. building.
flared brick a brick which, after firing, flat arch, jack arch,
is darker at one end, and is used as a straight arch; a
header in patterned brickwork; similar masonry arch formed
decorative bricks with a darker or disco- of wedge-shaped
loured surface. pieces, whose intrados
is horizontal and
flash see flash line. nearly straight.
flash butt welding see flash welding. flat bar see flat.
flat arch

flashing 1 a strip of impervious sheet flat brush 1 any paintbrush with bristles
material or preformed profile laid in held in a flattened ferrule, forming a rect-
construction to protect a joint from the angular bristle-head; the most basic form
passage of rainwater; types included as of paintbrush, available in a range of
separate entries are listed below: widths and bristle-types; also called a flat
*abutment flashing; *apron flashing; *chim- wall brush, or flat varnish brush, depend-
ney flashing; *cover flashing; *eaves flash- ing on use.
ing; *head flashing; *pipe flashing; *pressed 2 see distemper brush.
metal flashing; *raking flashing; *sheetme- flat cutting, flatting, ripping, rip-
tal flashing; *stepped flashing; *upstand sawing; the resawing of converted tim-
flashing. ber into planks or timber sections along
2 a defect in painting consisting of gloss- the grain.
ier patches in the paintwork caused by flat cut veneer a
paint drying whilst the surface is being decorative veneer pro-
painted. duced by the through
slicing of a log or
flitch; also variously
flash line, fin, mould mark; a visible known as flat sliced,
raised line evident in the surface of casted plain cut, straight cut.
products such as fibrous plaster, concrete flat cut veneer
or plastics, caused by the seepage of cast flat drawn glass see
material into joints between adjacent clear sheet glass.
parts of a mould; similar linear protrusions flat glass any glass manufactured in flat
occurring in a finished concrete surface sheets.
due to slightly open joints in adjacent
flat grain see plain sawn.
formwork boards.
flat head screw any screw in which the
flash welding, flash butt welding, upper surface of the head is flat; often a
resistance flash welding; a method of countersunk head screw.
resistance welding rails end to end by
passing a large current between to form flat joint see flush joint.
193 Flemish bond
flat nose pliers pliers which have flat, flat wall brush see flat brush.
wide jaws. flat washer, plain washer;
flat plate synonymous with metal plate, an ordinary flat circular
especially that made from steel. washer with a hole in the
flat roof, platform roof (Scot.); a roof centre; if the hole is small flat washer
which has a slope of less than 10. compared with the washer's
surface area, it is called a penny washer.
membrane flax a blue-flowered plant, Linum usitatissi-
mum, whose dried stem fibres are woven
parapet into linen (in use as early as 2500 BC by
capping the Egyptians for wrapping their mum-
vent mies), pressed into flaxboard, etc., and
whose seeds are pressed for linseed oil.
loose-fill flaxboard parti-
insulation cleboard manufac-
tured from the
stem fibres of the
flax plant, or other
cavity wall flat roof similar plants,
bonded together flaxboard
flatsawing see through and through with resin then pressed into sheets.
flat sawn see plain sawn. fleak a rough hewn timber used in
flat slab see mushroom slab.
Flemish bond a brickwork bond in which
flat sliced veneer see flat cut veneer. each course consists of alternating head-
flat spade drill a drill bit with a flat, ers and stretchers, laid so that each header
sharpened cutting edge and centre spur is centred over a joint in the course below;
for drilling holes in non-metallic materials any of a number of brickwork bonds
such as wood. based on this pattern; see raking Flemish
bond, Dutch bond and list below. See also
flat stop in ornamentation, the termina-
illustrations on the following page.
tion of a chamfered moulding or carving
with a perpendicular triangle.
Flemish cross bond a brickwork bond
in which courses of alternating headers
flatting see flat cutting. and stretchers are interspersed with
flatting down, rubbing; the scouring of courses of stretchers, laid so that the
a primed surface with a fine abrasive to joints form distinct cross motifs; a form of
remove irregularities prior to painting. Flemish stretcher bond.
Flemish diagonal bond variations of
flat top truss a steel or timber long-span Flemish stretcher and Flemish double
lattice girder whose upper chord is paral- stretcher bond in which brickwork joints
lel or nearly parallel to the lower chord; create a pattern of interlocking diamond
also simply called a flat truss. shapes.
Flemish double header bond a brick-
work bond in which each course consists
of stretchers alternating with two headers.
Flemish double stretcher bond a
brickwork bond in which each course con-
sists of a repeated series of one header
flat top trusses in and two stretchers; see also monk bond;
space structure see following variations:
staggered Flemish double stretcher bond;
flat varnish brush a flat brush whose diagonal Flemish double stretcher
bristles are designed for the application of bond; raking Flemish double stretcher
varnish. bond.
Flemish bonds 194

Flemish bonds

Flemish bond Flemish double header bond Flemish double stretcher bond

Flemish garden-wall bond Flemish header bond Flemish stretcher bond

Flemish garden-wall bond, Sussex fleury moulding a decorative mould-

bond, Silesian bond; a brickwork bond ing with a series of fleur-de-lis motifs
in which each course consists of a joined end on end; primarily found in
repeated series of one header and three heraldic designs; also called flory
stretchers; alternate courses are laid sym- moulding.
metrical about the header.
Flemish header bond 1 a brickwork
bond in which courses of alternating head-
ers and stretchers are interspersed with
courses of headers, and in which the stretch-
ers are always laid in the same vertical line. fleury moulding
2 see Flemish double header bond.
Flemish stretcher bond, 1 American flexible metal roofing see supported
with Flemish bond (Am), common bond; sheetmetal roofing.
a brickwork bond in which one course of flexible mould a mould of a non-rigid
alternating headers and stretchers alter- material for taking ornamental plaster
nates with between one and six courses casts from difficult or intricate situations.
of stretchers.
2 Flemish double stretcher bond, see flexible pavement paved or road con-
monk bond. struction made up of a base layer of
aggregate surfaced with bituminous
Flemish white see flake white. material.
fleur-de-lis, French lily; flexible pipe, hose; metal or plastics
a decorative motif of three pipe which can be deformed by hand or
stylized lily petals tied near with pipe benders, etc. without fracturing.
their base, especially used
in ornament and heraldry flexible rubber hose see appliance
by the French. flexible connection.
fleuron decoration consisting of a carved flexible saw see saw chain.
flower or leaf motif. flexible steel tape measure, tape
measure; a device consisting of a scaled
sprung roll of steel tape used for measur-
ing distance.
flexible tube any tube, conduit, pipe,
etc., often spiral wound or segmented,
which can easily be bent by hand.
fleuron flexural strength see bending strength.
195 floating floor
flier, 1 flyer, parallel tread; a flat rectan- float, 1 floater (Am); a hand tool for
gular step in a normal staircase. compacting and smoothing plaster sur-
2 see flying shore. faces, a flat steel blade with a handle on
flight, stair flight; a number of steps in its reverse; similar hand and power tools
continuous series between two landings used for smoothing concrete; types
or levels; a straight section of a stair included as separate entries are listed
between two landings. below:


*cross-grained float; *darby, Darby float,
derby; *devil float, see nail float; *plaster-
landing ing float, plasterer's float; *power float,
rotary float; *skimming float; *sponge
float; *straight-grained float; *wood float.
flint a dense, siliceous rock type found 2 any material or component designed
as distinct round lumps in chalky to provide buoyancy; a pontoon.
ground; it is difficult to work but tradi-
tionally used in England for stone facing
and paving. floated coat see float-finished rendering.
flint-lime brick a light, weak brick floated finish a smooth finish for concrete
made from a mix of lime and crushed or plaster formed with a wooden or steel
flint as opposed to clay; see calcium sili- float.
cate brick. floater see float.
flint nogging in traditional timber frame
construction, flint infill for a timber stud float-finishing the smoothing of a con-
frame. crete or plaster finish with a float in a circular
action; also called floating or scouring.
flitch 1 a large rough timber sawn from a
float-finished rendering, floated
log or the trunk of a tree. coat; rendering whose wet surface has
2 a log or piece of timber from which
been worked with a hand-held float, pro-
veneer is peeled or sliced; see also veneer ducing a smooth but rather uneven finish.
flitch sawing in the primary conversion float glass transparent sheet glass with
of timber, the through and through saw- an exceptionally smooth and even sur-
ing of a log into timber pieces of even face, manufactured by pouring molten
dimension after two opposite curved glass onto a bed of molten tin on which it
edges have been removed. floats; see also clear float glass.
floating 1 see flooding.
2 see float-finishing.
floating coat see first plaster undercoat,
second plaster undercoat, base coat.
floating floor the upper layer of floor con-
struction supported on battens, mountings
or a resilient sheet membrane of damping
material such as expanded polystyrene or
flitch sawing
mineral wool to provide acoustic isolation.
floating rule 196
floating rule a rule used in plastering for
levelling a plaster surface.
floating screed concrete floor construc-
tion separated by layers of resilient mate- floor covering
rial from its base and side walls to provide floorboards
acoustic isolation.
float operated valve, floatvalve see
flocculation 1 a process of treating
waste water with chemicals to form joist
flaky solids which adhere to impuri-
ties and encourage removal from the soffit lining
water. timber floor construction
2 the tendency of the particles in some
paints in storage to combine, gel or settle
into distinct clumps. *access floor; *base floor, bottom floor;
flocculating admixture, flocculating *cavity floor, see access floor; *fire floor,
agent; in concretework, an admix- firebreak floor; *floating floor; *glazed
ture included in the mix to increase floor, glass floor; *ground supported floor;
cohesion. *honeycomb floor, see waffle floor; *in-situ
concrete floor; *modular floor, palette
flocked carpet carpet manufactured by floor, see platform floor; *plate floor; *plat-
electrostatic projection of polymer fibres form floor, raised access floor; *raised
against an adhesive-coated or surface- floor; *ramped floor; *rectangular grid
melted backing. floor, see waffle floor; *steel deck floor, see
flocked wallcovering a wallcovering composite floor slab; *structural floor;
treated with a layer of textile fibres stand- *subfloor; *suspended base floor; *sus-
ing perpendicular to its surface. pended floor; *timber floor; *waffle floor.
2 any level in a building, between two suc-
flogger a paintbrush with a long head
of bristles, dragged or slapped over cessive floors constructions; see storey.
wet paint or glaze to apply surface
texture or pattern, especially used to
floor base material which supports a
mimic the background grain figure of
flooring sub-base or flooring.
woods such as mahogany, walnut, rose-
wood and cedar; sometimes also called a floor bed see ground supported floor.
dragger. floorboards, floorboarding; flooring of
flooding, floating; the separating out timber boards laid side by side over joists,
of pigments in a paint film such that battens, etc.; a floorboard is a single tim-
one comes to the surface; may be a ber board used as flooring.
defect or deliberately caused for effect. floor channel a long recess in the floor
floodlight a powerful external luminaire of wet spaces, garages, etc. for conveying
used for area and building lighting. waste and surface liquids into a drain.
floodlighting see area lighting, building floor chisel a long sturdy chisel used for
floodlighting. prising up floorboards.
floor construction the component parts
or layers of the horizontal levels in a building,
floor 1 the horizontal lower surface including structure, insulation and floor
of a room or interior space and its sup- covering.
porting construction; see also flooring,
floor covering thin sheet material such as
floor covering, floor construction; types
linoleum, carpet or plastics matting used for
included as separate entries are listed
providing a finish to a floor; see also matting
and flooring for lists of types of floorcovering.
197 floor saw
floor drain, floor gully; a trapped outlet flooring batten one of a series of timber
fitting for the floor of a wet area, garage, strips fixed to a structural floor as a base
etc., through which waste water and other for decking or floorboards.
fluids are conveyed into a drain. flooring bead a strip of planed timber
floor finish, floor finishing; material or other material for concealing the edge
laid above a concrete or timber floor of laid flooring.
structure or subfloor to provide a hard- flooring board see floorboard.
wearing walking surface.
flooring component a prefabricated
floor framing the timber frame of joists, component used to form a base on which
trimming pieces and strutting, etc. which a floor surface is laid.
supports a boarded floor.
flooring compound see acrylic flooring
floor grating a framework of metal slats compound.
immediately outside external doors, often in
a mat well, to collect dirt from footwear. flooring saw, inside start saw; a hand-
saw with teeth on both sides of the blade
floor gully see floor drain. and a rounded end, enabling cuts to be
floor heating see underfloor heating. started in the middle of a piece of wood;
floor height, floor-to-floor height, sto- used for cutting holes in boards.
rey height; the height between successive flooring strip see flooring bead.
storeys of a multistorey building, as mea- flooring sub-base that part of floor con-
sured from floor level to adjacent floor level. struction which provides a base for the
flooring material.
flooring any material used for surfacing a flooring tile see floor tile.
floor or providing a floor finish; types
included as separate entries are listed flooring underlay a sheet product
below: designed for use as resilient underlay for
*acrylic polymer flooring, see acrylic flooring matting, parquet, etc.; see underlay.
compound; *block flooring, see end-grain floor joist in frame construction, one of a
wood block flooring; *board flooring; series of beams or joists which carry
*cement rubber latex flooring, cement floor- flooring.
ing; *chipboard flooring; *coin flooring, floor lamp, standard lamp; a free-
coin-pattern flooring, see studded rubber standing movable lamp consisting of a
flooring; *end-grain wood block flooring; light source at the top of a pole which is
*expanded metal flooring; *floor covering; fixed to a base.
*latex cement flooring, see cement rubber
latex flooring; *metal flooring, see open floor-mounted closer see floor spring.
metal flooring; *natural stone flooring, see floor outlet see floor drain.
stone flooring; *open bar metal flooring;
*open metal flooring; *overlay flooring;
floor paint tough paint based on epoxy
or acrylic resin, used as a sealant or deco-
*parquet flooring; *pattern flooring, see
ration for concrete or timber floors.
studded rubber flooring; *plank flooring, see
wide plank flooring; *plywood flooring; floor plan a schematic drawing showing
*puncheon flooring; *raised-pattern flooring, the entire spatial layout, structure and
see studded rubber flooring; *rubber floor- components of a building in horizontal
ing; *rubber latex cement flooring, see projection.
cement rubber latex flooring; *sheet floor- floor quarry see quarry tile.
ing; *solid timber flooring; *stone flooring;
*strip flooring, see wood strip flooring; floor sander a machine tool containing a
*studded rubber flooring; *tiled flooring, see dust bag and revolving sanding head
tile flooring; *timber flooring; *wide plank used for smoothing and sanding a timber
flooring; *wide strip flooring, see wide plank floor.
flooring; *wood block flooring, see end-grain floor saw a machine tool for cutting
wood block flooring; *wood board flooring; openings in concrete floors with a dia-
*wood flooring; *wood strip flooring. mond-tipped circular saw.
floor sealant 198
floor sealant a polyurethane-based floriated carved or rendered with decora-
treatment for a timber floor to increase tive flower motifs; see also foliated.
durability and seal the pores in the wood. flory moulding see fleury moulding.
floor slab a horizontal suspended con- flowable concrete see self-placing
struction of concrete or similar material concrete.
which provides the structure for a floor;
see composite floor slab. flowing concrete concrete whose con-
sistency is such that it flows easily when
floor space standard, floor space wet, achieved by adding a small percent-
factor; a standard measure of the floor age of superplasticizer; see also self-placing
space per person required for buildings of concrete.
different functions, used in space plan-
ning and fire safety calculations. flowing tracery, curvilinear tracery,
undulating tracery; tracery found in
floor spring, floor-mounted closer; a churches of the late 1200s and 1300s
door closer incorporated into a pivot mech- (Decorated and Flamboyant styles), charac-
anism recessed into floor construction, on terized by free-flowing patterns and ogees.
which the leaf of a pivot door turns.
floor square see parquet floor square.
floor strip a thin strip of material such as
plastics, timber or metal, used to cover
the join between floor and wall, or adja-
cent areas of floor; see flooring bead, car-
pet strip, skirting.
floor structure loadbearing construction Gothic flowing
tracery at the
which supports a floor surface, often a
concrete slab or a timber, steel or com- Vienna, Austria
posite frame.
floor surface the upper surface of a flow main in a district heating system, a
floor, in contact with the occupants of a pipeline which conveys water to a place
building. of use from its heating plant.
floor tile, flooring tile; one of a number flow pipe in hot water heating and simi-
of tiles of ceramic, concrete, cork, stone or lar installations, a pipe from a boiler or
plastics material, laid as a durable floor hot water storage vessel to radiators, out-
surface. lets, etc.; cf. return pipe.
floor tiling the laying of floor tiles; the
product of this process. flow rate see discharge.
floor-to-ceiling height see ceiling flow rock see igneous rock.
height. flow test see concrete flow test.
floor-to-floor height see floor height. flow water hot water distributed for use
Florentine arch, Italian round arch; a in a central or district heating system.
round arch whose extrados and intrados do fluctuation in contract management, an
not spring from the same point, and which increase or decrease in the prices of labour,
is fatter at the apex than at the sides. materials or plant from those specified in the
tender, allowed for in the building contract.
flue, 1 smoke pipe, chimney; a vertical
pipe or duct to remove smoke, combustion
gases and other gaseous products from a
fireplace, boiler or other heating device to
the outside of a building; a chimney.
2 any vertical sealed channel for conveying
ventilation air, usually out of a building.
Florentine arch see also insulated flue, ducted flue.
199 flush joint
flue adaptor a fitting for connecting a fluorescent reflector lamp a fluores-
solid-fuel stove or other appliance to a flue. cent lamp with an internally silvered inner
flue block, chimney block, flue brick; surface to reflect light outwards in a cer-
1 a specially formed solid or hollow brick or tain direction.
block which is of modular size to enable it fluorescent tube see fluorescent lamp.
to be laid uncut for flues and chimneys. fluorite, fluorspar; a coloured, crystalline
2 a fireproof brick or block used to line a flue. mineral used as a flux in the metal industry
flue brick see flue block. and in the production of hydrochloric acid.
flue cap a flue terminal or rain cap, fitted
to the upper outlet of a flue to prevent the fluorspar see fluorite.
passage of rainwater and improve draught. flush a description of a surface, joint or
flue condensation condensation which other construction which is smooth and in a
occurs in a flue as a result of flue gases continuous plane, or of a component or fit-
being too cool. ting assembled with its outer surface at the
flue connector that part of a fireplace, same level as adjacent surfaces in which it is
stove or other flued appliance, or a separate housed.
component, by which it is connected to a flue.
flue damper an adjustable pivoting
flush bead moulding, double-quirked
bead moulding, recessed bead
sheetmetal plate for controlling the flow
of air in an air-conditioning or mechanical
moulding; a decorative moulding cut with
two parallel quirks or notches on either
ventilation system.
side to form a bead which is flush with the
flue fan a fan connected to a flue to aid
surface; a variety of quirk bead moulding.
and improve natural draught.
flue gas any gas produced as a result of
combustion within an appliance or installa-
tion, including soot and particles in
suspension, which passes up through a flue.
flue lining fire-resistant surface material
of plaster, refractory brick, etc. for the flush bead muolding
inside of a flue or chimney.
flue pipe a flue or part of a flue con- flush bolt see flush slide.
structed or assembled from metal tube.
flue system an assembly of fittings for a flush eaves eaves in which the roof ter-
working flue or group of flues, the means minates at or close to the outer wall.
by which waste gases from a building are flush grated waste a plug-hole fitting
discharged. for a basin or sink connected to a dis-
flue terminal a protective device fitted charge pipe, which contains a grating to
to the upper outlet of a flue to prevent collect solid waste.
the passage of rainwater and snow, and
to reduce or utilize the effects of wind.
flush handle a handle for a door, win-
dow or hatch which is flush with the sur-
flueway the inner open space of a flue,
face into which it is housed.
through which combustion gases are con-
veyed to the outside. flushing rinsing in a sudden rush of mov-
ing water.
fluorescent pertaining to a component
containing a substance such as phospor flushing cistern a cistern containing
which emits light when subjected to inci- stored water for flushing a soil appliance.
dent radiation (ultraviolet light or X-rays) flushing mechanism a device for pro-
from a source such as mercury vapour. ducing a specified amount of flushing
fluorescent lamp, fluorescent tube; water for a WC in a specified time, usually
an electric discharge lamp with a phos- by manual operation of a ballvalve.
phor-coated glass tube containing argon flushing valve, flush valve, flush-
and a mercury vapour, producing light by ometer valve (Am); a valve for deliver-
excitation of the layers of phosphor. ing a regulated amount of flushing water
fluorescent luminaire a luminaire con- to a soil appliance.
taining fluorescent lamps and associated flush joint, flat joint, plain cut joint; a
starting and control devices. brickwork mortar joint in which the
flush mounting 200
mortar is laid at the level of the brickwork fluted moulding any horizontal flat or
surface, or set slightly behind it. torus moulding scored with a series of
flush mounting, recessed fixing; a parallel concave indentations.
description of a fitting such as a luminaire
or electrical point installed so that its visi-
ble parts are flush with the surface in
which it has been fitted.
flushometer valve see flushing valve.
fluted moulding
flush pipe a pipe which conveys flushing
water from a cistern or tank to a soil fluted torus moulding a semicircular
appliance. decorative moulding carved with flutes or
parallel concave indentations; especially
flush pointing in brickwork, pointing in found on some classical column bases.
the same plane as the brick surface, form- fluting surface decoration of flutes for
ing a smooth surface. classical columns and other objects.
flush pull a metal or plastics fitting flutter echo, flutter; in acoustics, a
housed in the leaf of a sliding door, which series of echoes in rapid succession result-
provides a finger recess by which the ing from reflection between two parallel
door can be opened or closed. surfaces such as walls in a corridor.
flush rodded joint a masonry flush joint flux 1 in ceramics, a chemical applied to
tooled with a longitudinal concave fired clay to aid the fusing of a subse-
depression when the masonry is wet. quent glaze.
flush slide, flush bolt; a small mechani- 2 see luminous flux.
cal door bolt, often incorporated into the fly-ash see pulverized fuel-ash.
thickness of the door, to engage with the
floor. flyer see flier.
flush valve see flushing valve. flying bond see monk bond.
flute in classical architecture, one of a flying buttress in Gothic church architec-
series of shallow concave grooves cut ture, a stone buttress designed to take the
along the length of a column, pilaster or lateral thrust of a roof, vault, or wall; it con-
moulding. sists of a slender bar of masonry which trans-
Fluted referring to a surface that has mits loading to a heavy pier on an outer wall.
been cut or formed with a series of
parallel concave grooves; see also
reeded. flying buttress
fluted column one inscribed with flutes
along the length of its shaft, originating in
the masonry columns of the Greek Doric
order and those of the Egyptian Old pinnacle
Kingdom (proto-Doric).


flying shore, flier, horizontal shore;

horizontal props to provide temporary
support for the external wall of a building,
sides of an excavation, etc. from an adja-
fluted column cent vertical structure or abutment.
201 foliated
flying stairs see cantilevered stair. foil 1 any metal produced in very thin
fly wire see insect screen. sheets less than 0.15 0.25 mm thick;
actual thickness varies with national speci-
foam any lightweight solid or liquid with fication and type of metal; see aluminium
considerable quantities of small entrained foil, gold foil (gold leaf).
bubbles of gas; see also extinguishing foam. 2 a decorative motif representing a styl-
foam compound see foaming agent. ized leaf.
see trefoil, quatrefoil, cinquefoil, sexfoil,
foamed concrete, foam concrete;
aerated concrete made by the addition of
foil moulding a decorative moulding
a foaming agent.
with a series of pointed leaf motifs joined
foamed glass see foam glass. end on end; primarily found in heraldic
foamed plastics any lightweight plastics designs.
material which has been aerated to intro-
duce gas bubbles; a cellular plastic.
foamed polystyrene see expanded
foil moulding
foamed polyurethane polyurethane to
which a foaming agent has been added; foil wallcovering see metal foil
used for injected cavity insulation and as wallcovering.
a sealant. folded plate, folded slab; a reinforced
foam extinguisher a fire extinguisher concrete shell structure used for long
containing liquid which, on release, span roofs, consisting of a number of thin
expands into a foam which is sprayed cast slabs at a vertical angle to one
onto a fire. another, forming a zigzag pattern in
cross-section; also called a polygonal shell.
foam forming admixture in concrete-
work, an admixture included in the mix to
promote the formation of air bubbles.
foam glass, 1 foamed glass, reinforced
expanded glass; low density glass with concrete folded
entrained bubbles of gas used for thermal plate roof
and acoustic applications. construction
2 see cellular glass.
folding blind see concertina blind.
foaming agent, 1 foam compound; a
liquid used in fire-fighting and as fire- folding casements a pair of hinged
proofing which becomes a non-combusti- window casements, hung in either side of
ble foam when released or activated. a frame, which do not have a mullion or
2 various substances added to some plas- frame member between them.
tics, rubbers or concrete to promote the folding door a door hinged at one edge
formation of tiny gas bubbles within the which folds with a concertina action along
material and improve properties of ther- the line of a threshold; see sliding folding
mal insulation, fireproofing and to reduce door, bi-part folding door, bi-fold door.
folding rule a traditional measuring
foam rubber, sponge rubber, latex stick, a rule jointed at fixed intervals for
foam; a form of cellular rubber contain- convenience in carrying.
ing a network of gas bubbles which are
open and interconnected; used for pack-
folding wedges in timber jointing,
paired timber wedges driven into a joint
ing and padding.
during or after assembly to tighten it.
focusing effect in acoustics, the usually
undesirable effect of concave walls,
folding window see sliding folding
domes, vaults, etc. in a space to locally
reinforce sound levels by focusing foliated carved or rendered with decora-
reflected sound to a point. tive leaf motifs; foliate ornament is often
foliate head 202
called leafwork or leaf ornament; see also force majeure, act of God; in contract
floriated. law, an unforeseeable event such as an
foliated arch see cinquefoliated arch, earthquake or the outbreak of war that is
multifoliated arch, trifoliated arch. outside the influence of parties to a con-
foliated gneiss see gneissose micaschist. tract and prevents a contractor from fulfill-
Foliated style a form of English ing his obligations either in part or in full.
Geometric Gothic architecture character-
forecourt an external courtyard, area of hard-
ized by the use of carved leaf motifs.
standing or driveway in front of a building.
foliate head, green foreman the contractor's representative
man; a traditional dec- responsible for supervising work on a
orative round semi-
building site; see general foreman, section
human face motif of
foreman, trades foreman.
plant and foliage forms
representing the force forend, lock faceplate, lock front; the
of nature merging with outer plate of a mortise lock, visible in the
foliate head, narrow edge of a door, which has holes
humanity. green man
for screws, a bolt, and any secondary bolts
folium a traditional dark violet pigment or latches.
made from the seeds of turnsole plant
(Chrozophora tinctoria), used originally for foreshortening in perspective and axo-
inscriptions. nometric drawing, the shortening of obli-
que or converging lines perpendicular or
folly a purely decorative building or struc- skew to the picture plane, to produce the
ture, often a fake ruin, tower or statue,
illusion of three-dimensionality; in
located in parkland.
dimetric and trimetric projections this is
Fomes spp. a number of fungi which often constructed by convention; a fore-
cause decay in wood and trees, see below shortening factor is the ratio by which
for species: dimensions along one or two of the obli-
Fomes annosus see annosus root rot. que axes are arithmetically reduced.
Fomes ignarius see false tinder fungus. forging the shaping of metal by hammer-
Fomes pini see red ring rot. ing, either manually or with heavy
foot bolt a barrel bolt set machinery, whilst red hot.
vertically at the foot of a forged nail a tradi-
door to hold it shut by tional nail which has
engaging with a housing in been fashioned by heat-
floor construction. ing and hammering nail
footing 1 a foundation slab into shape; also called a
beneath a column or wall. foot bolt wrought nail.
2 strip footing, see strip foundation. forge welding, smith welding; the
3 column or isolated footing, see pad simple joining of metals by hammering
foundation. them together when red hot.
footprints, combination pliers, pipe forks see crucks.
tongs; long-handled pliers or tongs with forkstaff plane a plane for carving out
adjustable pivoted and serrated jaws,
and smoothing convex surfaces in wood.
used by a pipe fitter for gripping pipes
and other cylindrical objects. form see formwork.
form lining see formwork lining.
forced draught burner in gas heating, form nail see double headed nail.
a gas burning appliance whose burner is
form oil see mould oil.
provided with air under pressure.
formply plywood used as shuttering,
forced drying a mild form of baking in usually waterproofed with film or resin
air at temperatures of 30 60 C for coat- impregnated paper.
ings and paints to greatly reduce their form stop see stop end form.
drying time. form tie see formwork tie.
forced ventilation see mechanical form vibrating see external vibrating.
ventilation. form vibrator see external vibrator.
203 foundation
formaldehyde, methanal; a poisonous, *apartment formwork; *board formwork;
colourless, pungent gas, HCHO, used in the *climbing formwork; *collapsible form-
production of resins, adhesives, etc.; see work; *lost formwork; *permanent form-
melamine formaldehyde (melamine, MF), work; *quick strip formwork; *reusable
phenol formaldehyde (phenolic resin, PF), formwork; *room formwork, see apart-
urea formaldehyde (UF). ment formwork; *soffit formwork;
formalin a solution of formaldehyde in *table formwork; *tilt-up formwork; *top
water; used as a disinfectant and preservative. formwork; *tunnel formwork, see apart-
formation see foundation. ment formwork.
2 the on-site work involved in building
Former see box out. and installing these; formwork erection.
forming, shaping; in manufacturing, formwork erection the construction
the pressing, extruding or moulding of or assembling of formwork prior to cast-
a plastic material into a predesigned ing in-situ concrete.
shape; see thermo-forming, vacuum formwork lining, form lining; sheet
forming. material included in formwork to give a
particular surface texture to the
formula price adjustment in contract concrete.
management, a method of calculating the
formwork nail see double headed nail.
amount to be added to or deducted from
formwork panel reusable framed
a contract sum due to changes in the
sheet material against which concrete is
costs of labour, plant and materials during
cast in formwork; see shuttering.
construction using a price variation
formwork sheeting see sheeting.
formwork striking see striking.
formula variation of price contract formwork tie, form tie; one of a
a variation of price contract in which number of small steel tension members
prices are amended according to prev- used to hold formwork accurately in
iously agreed terms. place once concrete is placed.

Forstner bit a patent drill bit for drilling

formwork, 1 casing, mould, shutter- flat-bottomed holes or round sinkings in
ing; concreting moulds of boarding, wood.
sheet material or specialized construc- fortification a structure consisting of
tion to give temporary support for walls and battlements constructed for
in-situ concrete while it hardens; types defence; part of a defensive structure, a
included as separate entries are listed fortifying component such as a battle-
below: ment or tower, a work.
foul drain see foul water drain.
sheeting, foul water in drainage and waste water
shuttering treatment, a mixture of soil water and
waste water conveyed to a sewer.
foul water drain, foul drain; in drain-
age and waste water treatment, a hori-
zontal pipe, most often buried beneath
the ground, for leading soil and waste
water from a building to a private or pub-
wale lic sewer.
prop foundation 1 a subterranean structure
designed to transmit the structural load-
formwork for ing of building to the ground; see spread
concrete beam foundation, piled foundation, footing. See
illustration on following page.
four-centred arch 204
cavity wall



foyer, 1 lobby, entrance hall; a main

reinforcement entrance hall at ground level in a public
drain footing building, hotel or large office building.
2 lobby; a main open space in a theatre
or concert hall, in which the audience
2 formation, subgrade, subsoil, may gather before a performance or dur-
ground; the bearing layer of soil or rock ing the intervals.
below the substructure of a building or
other construction.
fracture line a line along which a struc-
tural member or surface treatment has
3 an organization which maintains and
cracked or failed structurally.
distributes funding for the arts, research,
scholarships, etc.
foundation bolt see anchor bolt. frame, 1 framework; a rigid structure
foundation depth the distance of slender loadbearing members joined
between ground level and the lowest together, for attaching and supporting
point of foundation construction. cladding, infill and other components;
foundation drawing, foundation examples included as separate entries
plan; a drawing produced by a structural are listed below:
engineer showing the layout and type *box frame, see cased frame; *casement
of foundations for a building or structure. frame; *hyperstatic frame, see statically
foundation pile see bearing pile; indeterminate frame; *isostatic frame, see
see also list of common pile types under statically determinate frame; *loadbear-
‘pile’. ing frame, structural frame; *mat well
foundation plan see foundation frame; *perfect frame, see statically deter-
drawing. minate frame; *piling frame, see pile
foundation stone see bedstone, driver; *plane frame; *portal frame, rigid
cornerstone. frame; *redundant frame, see statically
foundation wall that part of the exter- indeterminate frame; *statically determi-
nal wall of a basement which is below nate frame; *statically indeterminate
ground level and transmits loading to the frame; *space frame; *subframe.
foundations or ground below. 2 skeleton; the loadbearing elements
of a building, erected first, onto which
four-centred arch see Tudor arch,
cladding and other components are
pseudo four-centred arch.
four-centred pointed arch see Tudor
3 see building frame (types of building
frame listed there).
fox wedge, secret wedge; in timber 4 the surrounding construction of mem-
mortise and tenon jointing, one of two bers onto which a door leaf or window
wedges placed into cuts made in the base casement is hinged.
of the tenon to tighten the joint on 5 framing; the peripheral members
assembly. which form the structure of a window
fox-wedged joint one which has sash or casement, or a panelled or
been fastened and tightened with a fox glazed door leaf; see window frame,
wedge. See illustration opposite. door frame.
205 freestanding
frame anchor see door-frame anchor. flooring and in framing work; sometimes
called a stud gun; see also nail gun.
frame bracing, frame stiffening; any
elements such as crosswalls, diagonals,
framing hammer a large nail hammer
used by construction workers.
etc. to provide stiffening to a building
framing joint any joint between two
timbers used in timber frame construc-
framed and ledged door a door in tion, fashioned by a carpenter on site.
which the leaf is formed of a rigid frame framing square, carpenter's square; a
with a middle rail or ledge as stiffening; large steel try square with many scales and
boarding is then attached to this. gradations used for marking and measuring
framed beam see trussed beam. 90 angles in building work; see square.
framed door any door whose leaf is sup- Frankfurt black a brownish-black pig-
ported by a frame; may be a glazed door ment made by grinding up burnt grape-
or panelled door. vines and other waste products of the
wine industry.
Franki pile in foundation technology, a
patented driven cast-in-place pile consist-
ing of a metal pipe driven into the ground
and then filled with concrete.
Fraxinus spp. see ash.
FRC see fibre-reinforced concrete, fibre-
reinforced cement, fibre-reinforced
framed door
free convection, natural convection,
framed, ledged and braced door a self convection; the transfer of heat
within a fluid or gas by movement
framed and ledged door with diagonal
induced by temperature and density dif-
bracing between the horizontal members.
ferences within it.
frameless glass door see all-glass door.
free match in decorative wallpapering, a
frameless glazing 1 glazing for facades, description of patterned wallpaper which
partitions, balustrades, etc. of glass panels does not have to be hung in a specific
with primarily sealed butt joints, drilled sequence for the overall pattern to be
proprietary fixings, not installed in fixed evident.
2 see structural glazing.
freestanding 1 describing a column which
does not carry structure, essentially for dec-
frame member, glazing bar; part of a orative or monumental purposes, or a wall
window frame between two openable which has no support at its upper edge.
sashes or casements; see mullion, transom.
frame saw see gang saw, mill saw.
frame stiffening see frame bracing.
framework 1 any basic secondary struc-
tural rails, battens or other structure fixed
to a building frame as a base for cladding.
2 a surrounding, supporting or loadbear-
ing structure of members for a construc-
tion; see frame.
framing see frame.
framing chisel, cant chisel; a heavy
chisel with a reinforced, rounded or
canted back for heavy carpentry and freestanding
framing gun a robust nail gun for nails 2 describing a dwelling surrounded by
up to 100mm long, used for fixing timber space on all sides, in a detached house.
free tenon joint 206
free tenon joint, fish tenon joint, slip fresh-air inlet 1 an opening in an out-
tenon joint; a timber mortise and tenon side wall to allow the passage of fresh
joint in which a mortise is cut into both ventilation air into a space.
members and the tenon is a separate piece. 2 an opening to allow the entrance of
fresh air to a drainage system.
spline fresh-air vent in natural and mechanical
ventilation systems, a component contain-
ing a grille and filter, installed in an open-
ing in an external wall, through which
fresh air is introduced; often referred to
simply as an inlet or vent.
fresh concrete concrete that has not yet
free tenon joints begun to set and is still in a workable
French arch see Dutch arch.
fret 1 banded running ornament of lines
French blue see artificial ultramarine. or fillets linked or interlinked to form a
French chalk, steatite, soapstone; continuous motif; often called a key pat-
ground magnesium silicate used as a tern, it always has orthogonal geometry;
dusting powder, in dry cleaning, etc.; see also diamond fret, Greek key, guil-
another name for talc as sold in North loche, key pattern, labyrinth fret, meander,
America and Great Britain. potenty moulding, Vitruvian scroll.
French door see casement door.
French drain see field drain.
French flier see dancing step. fret
French lily see fleur-de-lis. 2 see firefront.
French nail see round wire nail. fretsaw, bracket saw, jigsaw, scroll
French plane see corner scraper. saw; a fine-toothed saw whose narrow
blade is held in tension in a very deep
French polish a mixture of shellac and a frame, used for cutting small openings
solvent such as methylated spirit rubbed and curves in boards.
with a rotary motion into smooth untreated fretwork see fret.
joinery surface as a fine but non-resistant
finish; French polishing is the art and craft friction joint any joint or connection
of applying French polish to wooden arti- which remains fast due to the action of
facts, fine joinery, etc. friction.
French truss see Fink truss. friction pile in foundation technology,
any pile which transmits forces to sur-
French ultramarine see artificial rounding ground around its circumfer-
ultramarine. ence, through friction.
French white see flake white. friction welding a specialized method
French window see casement door. of welding in which heat is generated by
fresco mural painting in mineral or earth the high-speed rotation of one compo-
pigments applied to lime or gypsum plas- nent while pressed to the other.
ter while it is still wet; otherwise known as frieze 1 a decorated horizontal band adorn-
true fresco or buon fresco. ing the elevation or interior wall of a build-
fresco secco, dry fresco, secco; ing below a cornice, eaves or ceiling line.
decorating painting on dry plaster or sub- 2 in classical architecture, the middle
sequent touching up for true fresco, band of an entablature, often decorated
undertaken once the plaster surface has with sculpture.
dried. frit a blue ceramic glaze known to the
fresh air air from the outside, drawn into a Egyptians, made by melting siliceous
ventilation or air-conditioning system to materials with copper, lead and other
replace stale air in a building; see supply air. metallic salts, then cooling and grinding.
207 fungi
fritting a protective or decorative treat- fuel-ash see pulverized fuel-ash.
ment for a ceramic or glass surface consist- fuel-ash cement see Portland pulverized
ing of granular mineral material, often fuel-ash cement.
powdered glass or sand, which is baked on. fugitive referring to a pigment which will
frog an indenta- frog not retain its colour in the prolonged
tion in the upper, presence of light.
lower or both large full gloss, high gloss; the highest of five
surfaces of a brick, grades of glossiness in a dry paint surface,
made in order to stretcher header characterized by a smooth mirror-like finish.
reduce weight. face face
full size see tight size.
front bent gouge see spoon gouge.
full-spectrum lamp see neodymium
front clearance in glazing, the horizon- oxide lamp.
tal distance between the outer face of the
pane or glazing unit and its glazing bead. full-turn stairs see one-turn stairs.
fronting in glazing, a fillet of soft mate- functionalism a Modernist architectural
rial, putty, etc., triangular in section, and design movement in Europe and
applied to the external edges of a window America from the 1920s and 1930s, charac-
pane to hold it in place in its frame. terized by a concentration on the functional
aspect of buildings and objects and an inter-
frontispiece the main or monumental est in structure and material rather than
elevation, bay or entrance of a building. decoration.
fronton see pediment.
front putty see putty fronting. fungi simple forms of microscopic plant
frost action detrimental effects caused by whose parasitic attack of wood may
the build-up of ice in and around construc- cause surface staining, mould or decay;
tion, beneath foundations, etc. due to con- plural form of fungus; species included
tained water freezing in very cold weather. as separate entries are listed below:
*annosus root rot [Fomes annosus,
frost attack see frost damage. Heterobasidion annosum]; *bleeding
frost boil in soil engineering, the soften- Stereum [Stereum sanguinolentum]; *blue
ing of soil after it has thawed after a stain, blue fungus, deal yard blue, log
period of frost or being in a frozen state. blue, sap-stain; *blue stain fungus
frost damage 1 damage which occurs to [Ophiostoma minus]; *bracket fungus, see
building fabric because of sub-zero conk; *brown rot fungus; *canker rot, see
weather, often due to the expansion of red ring rot; *cellar rot [Coniophora cere-
trapped water on freezing. bella, Coniophora puteana]; *conk
2 frost attack; the pitting and spalling of [Polyporaceae]; *dote; *dry rot [Serpula
a hardened concrete surface due to the lacrymans, Merulius lacrymans]; *false tin-
expansion of water held in pores during der fungus [Phellinus ignarius, Fomes
freezing weather. ignarius]; *hardrot, see dote; *heartwood
rot; *honeycomb rot, see red ring rot;
frosted see pearl. *incipient decay, see dote; *mould; *pith
frost heave the rising up of the surface of flecks [Agromyza]; *pocket rot; *polypore,
ground during freezing weather due to see conk; *red ring rot [Phellinus pini,
trapped groundwater expanding as it freezes. Fomes pini, Trametes pini]; *ring scale
fungus, see red ring rot; *roll-rim [Paxillus
frosting 1 a defect in a gloss paint finish
panuoides]; *root rot, see annosus root
consisting of a matt or textured surface.
rot; *sap-stain; *sapwood rot; *scaly cap
2 see etching.
fungus [Lentinus lepideus]; *shelf fungus,
frost protection construction measures see conk; *slash conk [Gloephyllum separ-
taken in cold countries the use of insula- ium, Lenzites separia]; *spalt; *tear fun-
tion in foundations, careful detailing, etc. gus, see dry rot; *white pitted rot, white
to prevent damage caused by freezing. pocket rot, see red ring rot; *white rot;
FRP see fibre-reinforced plastic. *white spongy rot [Antrodia serialis].
funicular polygon 208

fungal attack, fungal decay see rot; and other fabric products used in interior
see list of wood-attacking fungi under decoration.
fungi. furniture 1 any non-fixed fittings in a
fungicidal admixture in concrete- building, such as chairs, tables, curtains, etc.
work, an admixture included in the mix 2 see door furniture.
to inhibit attack from fungi. furniture beetle, woodworm;
fungicide, preservative; a substance, [Anobiidae] a family of insects whose lar-
usually in liquid form, used for the treat- vae cause damage to furniture and timber
ment of timber against fungal attack; by burrowing; see also common furniture
see also fungicidal admixture. beetle [Anobium punctatum].
fungistat a substance which prevents furniture designer a specialist designer
the growth of mould and fungi, used in of pieces of furniture, often an interior
wood preservative and foodstuffs. designer who also produces furnishing
furniture lock see cabinet lock.
funicular polygon the polygonal shape furring see scale, firring.
assumed by a chord suspended at both
ends which has a number of loads hung fuse, cutout; an electric component
from it at intervals. which melts in the event of a flow of
excess current, breaking the circuit.
furan any of a number of colourless
organic compounds with a chemical ring fused silica glass, quartz glass; glass
structure, used in plastic form for chemi- produced from 99% silica or quartz, expen-
cal-resistant adhesives, varnishes, etc. sive to manufacture and used for special
applications such as laboratory equipment.
furfuraldehyde, furfural; a colourless liq-
uid, originally obtained from distilling bran fusible link a jointing component for
or corn cobs, used to produce polyconden- holding a damper or fire door open,
sate plastics for use in laminates. which melts at a relatively low tempera-
ture (68 C) to release the mechanism in
furnace see boiler. the event of fire.
furnishing the design and process of fusion rock see igneous rock.
assembling, mounting and arranging fur-
niture, furnishings and loose fittings in a fusion welding a method of welding in
space. which the metals to be joined are melted
furnishing hinge see cabinet hinge. together as in gas or arc welding, often with
furnishings the non-fixed items of furni- a filler rod to provide additional material.
ture and fabrics in a building; these when fuzzy grain, woolly grain; in the conver-
regarded as a whole. sion or manufacture of timber, a machining
furnishing textile a general name for defect resulting in wood fibres frayed loose
curtains, drapery, carpets, mats, upholstery at the surface after cutting.
gabbro a very dark, coarse-grained plu- gabled roof see gable roof.
tonic rock composed of pyroxene and pla-
gioclase, used as a building stone.
gabion, rubble basket; a stackable com-
ponent of loose stones or boulders in a
rectangular cage of galvanized mesh or
welded reinforcing bars, used for road
embankments, retaining walls, erosion
control, etc.; a gabion wall is a retaining
wall of loosely stacked or tied gabions,
gable roof
used to restrain earth embankments at
roadsides or in landscaping.
gable end an exterior elevation or end
of a building containing a gable.
gable roof, gabled roof; a roof with
two sloping planes which meet at a cen-
tral ridge and a gable at one or both
gable wall any wall which contains a
gablet a small gable, as found in a dor-
mer window.
gablet roof see gambrel roof.
gabion wall
gaboon, okoume; [Aucoumea klaineana]
a West African hardwood with brown, fea-
gable the triangular upper portion of wall tureless timber; used for interiors and ply-
at the end of a double pitched roof; called wood, rarely as solid wood.
a pignon in traditional timber-framed
gadroon, godroon, knulled orna-
ment, lobe ornament, nulled orna-
ment, thumb moulding; ornament
brick gable of
made up of a number of protruding paral-
medieval church of lel convex mouldings, lumps or carvings;
St Mary, Turku, gadrooned means decorated with a series
Finland, 1300s of longitudinal convex protrusions.


gage see gauge.

Gahn’s blue a variety of cobalt ultrama-
gableboard see bargeboard. rine pigment.
gabled mansard roof, gambrel roof
(Am); a doubly pitched roof with a gable Galfan a high-quality zinc coating consist-
at either end. ing of zinc with 5% aluminium and 1%
gable dormer a dormer window with a misch metal.
pitched roof and gablet over the glazed gallery 1 an upper space, bounded by a
area. balustrade, opening out to a larger space;
galvanic corrosion 210
an upper storey of a church, cathedral or
other large hall, which opens out into the
main space, often for seating.

gambrel roof

gallery 2 see gabled mansard roof.

gamma iron see austenite.
ganged form, gang form; a number of
aisle prefabricated formwork panels attached
together in situ for casting large concrete
Gothic Cathedral of Notre Dame elements.
in Laon, France, c.1157–1205 ganger a workman who is in charge of,
2 a boutique or museum for exhibitions or and works with, a number of labourers on
for the sale of art. site.
gallery-access block, balcony-access gang form see ganged form.
flats; a multistorey residential building
type in which entry to all flats is via long
gang nail see nail plate.
external walkways at storey level, each gang saw, 1 frame saw; a group of par-
joined to a central stairway; also called allel saws which cut a log lengthways into
gallery flats. boards simultaneously.
2 see mill saw.
galvanic corrosion see electrochemical
corrosion. gangway a narrow interior circulation
space between furnishings, rows of seats,
galvanic couple, voltaic couple; the
machinery or other equipment to provide
phenomenon of electricity produced by
chemical reaction between two dissimilar
conductors in contact with one another, gap see air gap, cavity, ventilation gap,
often leading to accelerated corrosion of allowance (installation gap).
exposed metal components in buildings; gap graded aggregate graded aggre-
see electrochemical corrosion. gate without particles of a certain size.
galvanization the deposition of a metal gapped boarding see spaced boarding.
coating onto a material by electrolysis or
hot dipping; in construction usually the garage gully a deep gully containing a
coating of steel with a layer of zinc as cor- sediment bucket to collect small amounts
rosion resistance. of waste oil and petrol in places where
motor vehicles are stored or maintained.
galvanized referring to a steel product
which has been coated with a protective garance a reddish dyestuff produced by
layer of zinc; see also above and following treating the madder root with sulphuric
entry. acid.
galvanized steel, galvanized iron, garbage solid waste material from food
zinc coated steel; steel treated with a preparation; see also domestic refuse.
thin protective coating of zinc either by garden black ant [Lasius niger] a species
electrolysis or by dipping in baths of mol- of insect which infests cladding boards,
ten zinc. logs and wood-based insulation by bur-
gamboge a natural yellow gum from rowing and building its nest within the
Thailand used as a transparent pigment. wood.
gambrel roof, 1 gablet roof; a roof hav- garden bond see mixed garden bond,
ing a gablet near the ridge and the lower English garden-wall bond, Flemish garden-
part hipped. wall bond.
211 gas welding
garden furniture, outdoor furniture; gas heating see gas-fired central
any furniture, benches, tables, seats and heating.
sunshades intended for external use, usu- gas installation pipework any pipe-
ally of weatherproof materials such as work, meters and associated apparatus
treated wood, plastics and metal. which convey gas fuel to its outlets and
gargoyle a projecting stone water spout appliances for use.
at the eaves or parapet of a building gas installation riser see installation
which has been carved into the form of a riser.
grotesque animal or head; see rainwater gasket, seal; a preformed strip of flexible
spout. sheet material of variable cross-section
included to form a compression seal at a
gargoyle at the
butt joint or convey water out of construc-
basilica of St tion joints; see also glazing gasket.
Nazaire, gas main a principal gas supply pipe to
Carcassonne, which individual users or buildings can be
France, 11th to 14th
gas metal-arc welding see GMA
garland see festoon. gas meter a meter for measuring and
garnet a silicate mineral which occurs in recording the flow and consumption of
many different types of rock and is evi- gas supplied to an installation.
dent in a number of colours, especially gas oil distilled oil which is thicker and
deep red; used as a grinding agent and as with a higher boiling point than kerosene,
gemstones. used as a fuel in atomizing burners.
garret, loft; a habitable room, dwelling or gas pipe any sealed tube through which
apartment in the attic space of a building; gas is conveyed from a place of storage or
see also attic. manufacture to a point of use.
gas appliance an appliance such as an gas point a point in a gas installation
oven, fire or lamp which runs on natural from which gas can be extracted or to
or bottled gas. which an appliance can be connected.
gas black a black pigment, carbon gas service riser a length of supply and
formed as soot from the chemical distribution pipe installed vertically in a
industry. gas installation.
gas concrete aerated concrete made by gas-shielded welding one of a number
the addition of a foaming agent. of welding processes in which an inert
gas detector see combustion gas gas is used to protect the metal being
detector. welded from reaction with the surround-
gas-fired referring to a heating system ing air.
which uses gas as its combustible fuel. gas-shielded metal-arc welding see
gas-fired central heating, gas heat- GMA welding.
ing; central heating in which water, etc. is gas soundness test in gas heating, a
heated by the combustion of gas in test for leakage of gas pipework and
boilers. appliances.
gas fitter a tradesman skilled in the fit- gas supply the supply of gas for a build-
ting of gas pipework and appliances. ing from a main.
gas forming admixture in concrete- gas tungsten arc welding see TIG
work, an admixture included in the mix to welding.
promote the formation of bubbles of gas. gas welding a skilled method of fusion
gas governor in gas heating, a device welding in which the metals to be joined
for regulating the flow of gas in a pipeline are melted together using a blowtorch
and for converting mains pressure to that burning oxy-acetylene, propane or oxy-
suitable for domestic use. hydrogen.
gate 212
gate a hinged barrier, door or hatch in a gauged brickwork, rubbed brick-
wall or fence which can be opened to work; decorative and relief effects pro-
allow thoroughfare; see also shutter, roller duced in facing brickwork by laying soft
shutter. bricks rubbed to exact dimensions in thin
gateway the structural or ornate sur- mortar joints.
round for an entrance opening in a wall gauged coarse stuff plaster used for
or building; a portal. undercoats, produced from lime putty
and sand mixed with Portland cement or
gypsum plaster; see coarse stuff.
gauged lime plaster see gauged stuff.
gauged setting stuff finishing plaster
the Lion Gate, produced from lime putty and sand mixed
Mycenae, with gypsum plaster; cf. setting stuff.
Greece, gauged stuff, gauged lime plaster;
c.1250 BC
traditional plaster consisting of lime putty
gather, gathering; the narrowing of the mixed with either gypsum plaster or
top of a fireplace to meet a flue. cement to reduce setting time.
gauge rod, storey rod; a vertical timber
gauge, gage; 1 meter; any instrument batten used in the setting out of brick-
designed to measure a varying dimen- work, onto which the levels of brick
sion or quantity, displaying the mea- courses, sill heights, etc. are marked.
sured value numerically. gauging trowel a plasterer’s trowel with
2 an instrument, tool or apparatus used a triangular metal blade used for applying
for measuring whether a component or small amounts of plaster.
material conforms to a standard or
designed measurement. G-clamp see gee-clamp.
3 a measure of the thickness of thin gear in building installations, the mechan-
sheet objects. ical apparatus for operating doors, shut-
4 a mason’s tool used for marking out ters and other automated systems.
parallel lines when setting out a piece Gedu nohor [Entandophragma ango-
of work. lense] a tropical West African hardwood
5 see honing guide.
sold as mahogany; it has pale reddish-
types of gauge included as separate brown timber and is used for plywood,
entries are listed below: veneered furniture and interiors.
*Birmingham wire gauge; *cutting gauge;
*dial gauge; *feeler gauge; *marking gee-clamp, G-clamp, C-clamp, circle-
gauge; *mortise gauge; *micrometer; end clamp; a cramp consisting of a
*plug gauge; *pressure gauge; *thread U-shaped piece of cast metal with a screw
gauge; *vernier callipers; *wire gauge. for clamping objects.
geison Gk.; a corona in a classical Greek
cornice; see corona.
gauge board a board on which mixed
plaster stands while awaiting use. general arrangement drawing, gen-
gauged arch a brick arch in which all eral location drawing; a type of design
drawing, usually a plan, showing the lay-
the voussoirs are wedge-shaped.
out of construction works, how they are
located in relation to one another, door
and furnishing codes, and other refer-
ences to detail and assembly drawings.
general conditions of contract see
conditions of contract.
general contractor see main
gauged arch contractor.
213 geotechnical engineering
general diffuse lighting artificial light- as lines of disturbance and wavefronts,
ing in which luminaires distribute used for large spaces where the wave-
40 60% of the emitted light downwards lengths of sound are small compared with
or to the area to be illuminated. the dimensions of the space.
general foreman, foreman; the con- geometrical stair a stair cantilevered
tractor’s employee responsible for super- out from a wall.
vising all work on site. geometrical tracery see geometric
general lighting lighting of a space tracery.
whose task is to provide a uniform light Geometric style 1 a decorative style
level, as opposed to highlighting certain from Archaic Greece (900 750 BC) with
areas. regular geometrical patterns such as keys
general lighting service lamp, GLS and frets, especially used for vase
lamp; a standard incandescent painting.
25 2000 W lamp running off 220 240 V, 2 an early development of the Decorated
with a clear opal or pearl bulb and a screw style of English Gothic architecture in
or bayonet lamp cap. England in the early 1300s, characterized
by geometrical patterns and forms in trac-
general location drawing see general
ery and other decorated elements.
arrangement drawing.
geometric tracery tracery found in
general purpose mortar common and Gothic churches of the late 1200s, with
versatile mortars which can be used for slender vertical bars supporting a pattern
masonry bedding, tile fixing, cement ren- of foils and circles; also called geometrical
der patching, etc. tracery.
general purpose
screw a steel or
brass screw for fix-
ing to wood, tim- general purpose screw
ber-based boards,
plastic, etc.
general surround lighting lighting
Gothic geometric
designed to provide a general lighting
tracery in Cologne
level in a space, without regard for the Cathedral, Germany,
illumination of special features or exits, 1248–1880
generator any device for producing elec-
trical energy from motion or mechanical geometric tile
energy. specially shaped
ceramic tiles
geodesy see land surveying. designed to be laid
geodisist see land surveyor. with other similar
geogrid a synthetic sheet product with tiles and form a
large perforations, incorporated into geometric pattern geometric tile
groundworks as soil stabilization. on the tiled surface; see hexagonal tile.
geological map a map which presents Georgian wired glass wired glass with
distribution of underlying rock, mineral a 13 mm steel mesh.
and soil types for a district, with different geosynthetic referring to any synthetic
types usually shown in different colours. product, including geomembranes and
geomembrane in geotechnical engi- geotextiles, incorporated into the ground
neering, an impermeable membrane, for soil drainage, sealing or reinforcing.
often of sheet plastics, incorporated in the geotechnical engineering, ground
ground to inhibit penetrations of liquids engineering; a branch of engineering
and gases. whose task is to investigate and improve
geometrical acoustics, ray acoustics; the ground on which a building or struc-
a method of analysing acoustical effects ture is to be constructed.
geotextile 214
geotechnical survey, geotechnical girder a large main steel beam with
investigation, ground investigation; upper and lower chords separated by a
in geotechnical engineering, investigation web; a lattice beam, truss or universal
of the soil and foundation conditions of a beam.
particular site.
geotextile a durable woven plastics mat
incorporated into the ground to inhibit
erosion and as stabilization against shear
or slip.
geothermal energy heat stored natu-
steel girders
rally in underground rock formations, uti-
supporting bridge
lized as a heating source for buildings by deck
drilling deep boreholes.
German black see vine black.
German silver, electrum, nickel brass; glare in lighting design, a condition of
a silverish alloy of brass, containing zinc, poor light distribution in which the ability
nickel and copper. of the human eye to see is impaired due
to excessive contrasts.
gesso a mixture of gypsum, a glue and
linseed oil used as a base in painting and
for cast plaster decoration.
glass a hard, impermeable, transparent
giant arborvitae, giant cedar [Thuja material formed from sand, soda ash,
plicata] western red cedar, see thuja. limestone and dolomite; used for many
giant order see colossal order. applications especially window glazing;
types included as separate entries are
Gibbs surround an ornamental masonry listed below:
surround for a doorway or window with *absorbing glass, see tinted solar control
alternately projecting blocks. glass; *acoustical glass, acoustic control
gilded, gilt; coated with a layer of gold glass, see sound control glass; *alarm
leaf or painted with gold paint. glass; annealed glass; *anti-bandit lami-
gilder’s liquor a mixture of water and nated glass; *anti-fading glass; *anti-sun
alcohol used in gilding to activate the glass, see solar control glass; *anti-vandal
dried glue present on the surface onto glass; *antique glass; *armour-plated
which gold leaf is applied. glass, see bullet-resistant laminated glass;
gilding the art and craft of providing a *bent glass; *blast-resistant laminated
decorative surface coating with a thin glass; *blown glass; *blown sheet glass;
layer of gold leaf. *body-tinted glass; *borosilicate glass;
gilding size see gold size. *bull’s-eye glass, see bullion; *bullet-resis-
gilding primer in gilding, a compound tant laminated glass; *bullion, bullion
or filler used to smooth and seal a surface glass; *cast glass; *cathedral glass; *cellu-
prior to sticking down gold leaf. lar glass; *channel glass; *chemically
gilt see gilded. strengthened glass; *cladding glass; *clear
gimlet, twist gimlet, wimble; a pointed float glass; *clear plate glass; *clear sheet
hand tool for making starter holes in glass; *coated float glass, see surface
wood for nails or screws. coated float glass; *coloured opaque
glass; *corrugated glass; *crown glass;
*crystal glass, see lead glass; *curved
glass, see bent glass; *cut glass, see crys-
tal; *diffuse reflection glass, diffused glass;
*drawn sheet glass, drawn glass, see
gimlets sheet glass; *electronic shielding glass;
*expanded glass, see foam glass, cellular
gimp pin a small brass panel pin for glass; *fibreglass, fiberglass; *filigree glass;
upholstery, whose shaft is 10 19 mm in *fire resisting glass, fire-resistant glass, fire
length. glass; *flat drawn glass, see clear sheet
215 glassfibre reinforced

glass; *flat glass; *float glass; *foam glass, coloured or textured; used to form glass
foamed glass; *fused silica glass; screens and external translucent glazing.
*Georgian wired glass; *heat-absorbing
glass, see tinted solar control glass; *heat
resisting glass; *heat-soaked glass; *insu-
lation glass, see sealed glazed unit; *intu-
mescent glass, see laminated intumescent
glass; *laminated glass; *laminated intu-
mescent glass; *laminated safety glass;
*laminated solar control glass; *lami-
nated sound control glass; *laminated
ultraviolet light control glass; *lead glass;
types of glass block
*lead X-ray glass; *leaded glass, see
leaded light; *low emissivity glass; *milk
glass; *mirror glass, mirrored glass; *noise glass concrete solid glass blocks
control glass, noise reduction glass, see bonded with reinforced concrete, used to
sound control glass; *obscured glass; form a wall, screen or surface.
*one-way glass; *opal glass, opalescent glass cutter a small tool with a longitudi-
glass; *opaque glass; *patterned glass; nal handle and sharpened rotating wheel
*plate glass, polished plate glass; *potash used by a glazier for cutting glass; a
water glass; *profile glass, see channel scored line is made on the glass surface,
glass; *Pyrex, see borosilicate glass; along which it will naturally snap.
*quartz glass, see fused silica glass; *radi-
ation-shielding glass; *reeded glass; glass door see glazed door, all-glass
*reflective float glass, see surface coated door, casement door, French door.
float glass; *reflective glass; *rolled glass; glass drill, glass bit; a drill bit for boring
*roughcast glass; *safety glass; *security holes in sheets of glass, usually tipped
glass; *sheet glass; *shielding glass, see with a cutting plate of hard metal.
radiation-shielding glass; *silica glass, see glassfibre-base bitumen felt bitumen
fused silica glass; *silk-screened glass, silk- felt whose supporting fibrous mat is
screen glass; *smoked glass; *soda-lime mainly of glass fibres.
glass; *solar control glass; *sound control
glass, sound insulation glass, sound glassfibre cloth, woven roving;
reduction glass; *spandrel glass, see clad- reinforcement for fibreglass and compos-
ding glass; *special glass; *surface coated ite materials consisting of rovings which
float glass; *surface-modified tinted float have been woven into a mesh.
glass; *tempered glass, see toughened glassfibre mat a reinforcing mat of
glass; *tessera; *tinted glass; *tinted solar chopped strand used in fibreglass and
control glass; *toughened glass; *translu- other composite materials.
cent glass, see diffuse reflection glass;
*transparent mirror glass; *ultraviolet
glassfibre reinforced referring to com-
posite products and materials which con-
control glass, see laminated ultraviolet
sist of glass fibres in a matrix of cement,
light control glass; *Venetian mirror glass;
concrete, plastics, etc., also called glass
*volcanic glass; *water glass, see sodium
silicate; *window glass; *wired glass,
glassfibre-reinforced cement, glass-
wired cast glass; *X-ray resistant glass, see
fibre-reinforced concrete, GRC; a
lead X-ray glass.
fibre-reinforced composite consisting of
glass fibres containing zirconium in a
glass balustrade see all-glass balus- Portland cement matrix; used for thin-
trade, glazed balustrade. walled panels and street furniture.
glassfibre-reinforced concrete see
glass bit see glass drill. glassfibre-reinforced polymer/concrete,
glass block, glass brick, hollow glass glassfibre-reinforced cement.
block; a rectangular hollow block made glassfibre-reinforced gypsum, glass-
from two moulded glass units fused reinforced gypsum, GRG; a tough,
together, whose surfaces may be clear, non-combustible composite consisting of
glass lens 216
glass fibres in a gypsum matrix; used for roofspace and laid with normal roofing
making fire-resisting building boards and tiles.
panels. glass unit see sealed glazed unit.
glassfibre-reinforced plaster see
glass-reinforced plaster. glass wool, glass silk; an insulating
glassfibre-reinforced plastics any pro- material produced from fine glass fibres
ducts consisting of glass fibres which which have been sprayed with a binder
have been impregnated with synthetic and formed into random masses.
resin, usually polyester; used for mould- Glauber salt hydrated sodium sulphate
ings, sheets, roofing slates and drainage used in the manufacture of dyes and in
fittings. some heat storage systems.
glassfibre-reinforced polymer/con-
crete, glassfibre-reinforced concrete,
glauconite 1 a dark green form of the
mineral biotite, an iron silicate mineral
GRPC; a polyester resin-bound concrete
found in the sea bed.
which contains glass fibres; less dense
2 see green earth.
than ordinary concrete and with a higher
tensile strength. glaze, glazing; a hardwearing glossy
impenetrable finish for tiles and other
glass lens see lens. ceramic products achieved by vitrification
glass mosaic one of a number of small, of the surface and of a surface coating
flat pieces or blocks of glass supplied on a such as ash, enamel, etc.
paper backing, used as tiled floor and wall
covering and for decorative effects.
glazed 1 referring to an opening, frame
or partition into which glazing has been
glasspaper fine sanding paper whose fitted.
abrasive is powdered glass, used for 2 referring to ceramic products which
smoothing and polishing. have been fired with a glaze.
glasspaper block, sandpaper block; glazed balustrade a balustrade with an
a small pad to which a number of sheets infill of glass in a timber, steel or alumin-
of abrasive paper have been attached; ium frame.
used for sharpening lead pencils and glazed brick a brick of which at least
charcoals. one end and one face have been glazed
glass partition see glazed partition. during firing.
glazed door a door whose leaf is glazed,
glass plank see channel glass. particularly one with glazed panels in a
glass/polyester base bitumen felt frame; see all-glass door, casement door,
bitumen felt whose reinforcing fibrous French door.
mat is mainly of glass and polyester fibres.
glass reinforced see glassfibre
glazed doors
glass-reinforced gypsum glassfibre-
reinforced gypsum.
glass-reinforced plaster plaster which
contains glass fibres for added reinforce-
ment; used for ornamental pillars, pila-
sters, cornices, etc.; abb. GRP; often
timber frame steel frame all-glass
glassfibre-reinforced gypsum.
glass-reinforced polyester, GRP; a
product consisting of glass fibres which glazed floor, glass floor; a transparent
have been impregnated with polyester or translucent floor of specially strength-
resin; used for mouldings, sheets, roofing ened glass panels held in frames.
slates and drainage fittings. glazed metal door, metal glazed
glass silk see glass wool. door; a steel or aluminium framed door
with one or more glazed panels.
glass size see pane size. glazed partition, glass partition; an
glass tile, glass slate; a roofing tile interior dividing screen which consists of
made of glass, used to allow light into a framed or structural glass.
217 glazing gasket
glazed roof, glass roof; a roof or part *security glazing; *single glazing; *struc-
of a roof constructed of glass panels in a tural glazing; *subsidiary glazing; *system
timber, steel or aluminium frame. glazing, see patent glazing; *triple glaz-
glazed tile a ceramic tile which has been ing; *upper glazing, see top light.
treated with an earthenware or enamel 3 the application of a glaze to ceramic
glaze before firing to provide a shiny products.
impenetrable surface. see salt glazing.
glazed timber door, timber glazed
door; a timber-framed door with one or
more glazed panels. glazing bar, division bar, window
glazed unit see sealed glazed unit, dou- bar; a framing member to which glazing
ble-glazed unit, triple-glazed unit. is fixed; part of a timber window frame or
glazed wall see window wall. metal patent glazing, etc.; see frame
glazier a tradesman or skilled worker member.
responsible for the installation and glazing bead, glaz-
replacement of windows and glazing. ing fillet; a strip of tim-
glazier’s hammer a hammer with an ber, metal or other
angled oblong head used in framing and material used to fasten
the pinning of glazing beads; also any glazing bead
glazing in a frame.
small hammers used for this purpose.
glazier’s point see glazing sprig. glazing bedding in glazing, a bedding
glazier’s putty see putty. compound such as putty applied around
the rebate in a window frame prior to the
fitting of a pane of glass.
glazing 1 the installation of glass, glass
glazing block, setting block; in glaz-
panels or products into frames or other
ing, a packing piece set beneath or beside
supporting systems.
the glass to keep it in position in its frame
while it is being fixed with putty or beads.
glazing capping a profile fixed to the
outside of glazing bars to protect and
conceal the joint between it and the glaz-
ing, especially one of extruded aluminium
system glazing or metal clipped on over glazing bars of a
with double patent glazing system.
glazed units glazing cleat a small angled stainless
glued into
steel or aluminium metal jointing compo-
nent fixed to a frame to hold a pane in
glazing clip in glazing, a small non-
2 the resulting glass panels and win- corrodible metal jointing component
dows thus installed; see below for types inserted into a hole in a metal window
included as separate entries: frame to hold a pane in position.
*applied sash glazing, see secondary glaz-
ing; *balcony glazing; *cellular glazing, glazing compound in glazing, resilient
see cellular sheet; *double glazing; *dry material applied in semi-liquid form, putty
glazing; *external glazing; *frameless or sealant which sets to form a seal
glazing; *inside glazing; *internal glazing, between a glass pane and its frame; see
interior glazing; *intruder glazing; *lead elastic glazing compound, non-setting
glazing, see leaded light; *outer glazing, glazing compound, putty.
see external glazing; *outside glazing; glazing fillet see glazing bead.
*patent glazing; *planar glazing, see
glazing gasket, seal; a strip of flexible
structural glazing; *polycarbonate cellular
material such as neoprene fixed around
glazing, see polycarbonate cellular sheet;
the external edges of a pane of glass to
*roof glazing, see glazed roof, rooflight;
provide a weathertight seal between it
*safety glazing; *secondary glazing;
and its framing member.
glazing peg 218
glazing peg in metal framed glazing, glued and laminated beam see lami-
one of a number of pieces holding the nated timber beam.
glass pane or panel in its frame. glued joint a joint in which glue is used
glazing putty see putty. as the fastening medium.
glue gun an electrically heated device
glazing rebate a rebate in a glazing bar for applying lines of hot melt glue to parts
or frame against which glazing is fitted. to be joined together, seams of vinyl mat-
glazing sealant see glazing compound. ting, etc.
glue laminated timber, glulam, lami-
glazing size see pane size. nated wood; a structural wood product
glazing sprig, brad, composed of lengths of timber glued
glazier’s point; in together longitudinally in strips to form a
glazing, a small head- larger piece; this reduces the effects of
less nail used to hold defects in individual strips; see laminated
a pane of glass in a glazing sprigs timber beam.
timber frame while glue line the thin gap or seam between
the putty hardens, or to fasten a glazing two abutting glued surfaces, filled with
bead. adhesive.
glazing system see patent glazing. glue size 1 a weak water-based glue
solution for sealing plaster and other
glazing tape adhesive tape used as porous surfaces onto which further deco-
weatherproofing for a window. ration may be applied.
glazing unit see sealed glazed unit. 2 a similar solution used also to stiffen
glazing unit spacer see spacer. paper, card and cloth and for gluing light
globe a spherical or ovoid translucent papers and metal foils to a base.
diffuser or shade for a luminaire. glue spreader a simple rubber or
plastic implement with a straight or ser-
globe valve in water supply pipework, a rated blade for applying glue to large
screwdown valve with a spherical body. surfaces.
Gloephyllum separium see slash conk. glulam see glue laminated timber.
gloss 1 reflectance or shininess in a sur- glulam beam see laminated timber
face such as paint, varnish, ceramics or beam.
other planar material. gluten glue starch glue made from glu-
2 the degree of reflection of light from a ten, a mixture of proteins present in
dry paint surface; in Britain graded into wheat flour.
five degrees: flat, eggshell flat, eggshell
gloss, semi-gloss, full gloss; in the USA glyph in classical architecture, a vertical
there are only four, with eggshell covering decorative groove or channel found in
both eggshell flat and eggshell gloss. threes making up triglyphs in an
3 a vague word to describe grades of
glossiness in a dry paint surface, charac- GMA welding, gas metal-arc welding,
terized by a high reflectance of light. gas-shielded metal-arc welding; a
gloss paint any paint such as alkyd paint method of welding metals in which the
which has a high gloss finish, used on arc is shielded with an active gas such as
wood and metal surfaces. carbon dioxide or oxygen, an inert gas
GLS lamp see general lighting service such as argon, or a mixture of the two; a
lamp. generic name for MIG, MAG and TIG
glue any adhesive manufactured from
boiling up animal and fish remains, or one Gmellin’s blue see artificial ultramarine.
that sets without applied heat; in general gneiss a dark, banded, coarse-grained
use glue is synonymous with adhesive, metamorphic rock composed of quartz,
although adhesive is the preferred term in feldspar and mica, formed under intense
construction; see adhesive for types of conditions of heat and pressure; see
glues; see also cement. gneissose micaschist, foliated gneiss,
glue block see angle block. granite-gneiss.
219 gradient
gneissose micaschist, foliated gneiss; Gothic architecture see full page entry
a dark grey or black layered metamorphic on pp. 220 221.
rock containing a high proportion of mica; Gothic arch see pointed arch.
a variety of gneiss, it is cleaved for use in gouache a quick-drying opaque waterco-
construction as paving and tiles. lour paint with a gum binder and filler of
gobelin high-quality woven decorative opaque white; a method or technique of
fabric from a state-owned French carpet painting with gouache paints.
factory named after its founder family
which supplied to the court from Arras in gouge a concave chisel used for cutting
Flanders in the 1400s; any tapestry of a rounded grooves in wood; types
similar type or weave. included as separate entries are listed
godroon see gadroon. below:

going, run; the horizontal dimension of a

step as measured in plan, perpendicular
to its front face; see also total going.
gold a yellowish, heavy, soft and malleable gouge
metal, Au, which is an excellent conductor spoon turning
of electricity; a much sought after com- gouge gouge
modity, also used in the form of leaf as a
decorative finish and in industrial products *crank gouge; *firmer gouge; *front bent
such as thin conducting coatings for glass. gouge, spoon gouge; *turning gouge.
gold foil see gold leaf.
gold ground a method of painting in governor see gas governor, appliance
which colours are applied to a back- governor.
ground of gesso covered with gold leaf, grade 1 see gradient.
used especially in medieval religious art to 2 the ground level of final excavations
emphasize celestial glory. and earthworks in a building site.
gold leaf, gold foil; a fine sheet of gold 3 see quality.
as thin as 0.0001 mm; used for the orna- 4 see classification.
mental covering of embellishment, plaster 5 class; the classification of a material,
casts, and for illuminating manuscripts. product, system or piece of work regard-
gold ochre a cleaned and crushed warm ing quality.
brownish variety of yellow ochre pigment. 6 see grade of concrete.
gold size an oleoresinous varnish used for
sticking down gold leaf and for making fil- grade beam see ground beam.
lers; also called gilding size; see also bole. graded aggregate aggregate which has
golden section, sectio aurea (Lat.); a been sorted into particles of a particular
division of a line or value into two parts range of sizes; see also continuously
such that the ratio of the length of the graded aggregate, gap graded aggregate.
longer part to the whole is equal to that graded density
of the length of the shorter part to the chipboard
longer part (about 1:1.618); designs made chipboard manu-
on this basis are considered to have good factured with
composition. woodchips of var-
Gonystylus spp. see ramin. ious sizes, graded
from finer on the graded density
goods lift a large robust lift designed to surface to coarser
carry goods and people. towards the core.
gorge 1 a narrow structure or neck in a grade of concrete, concrete grade;
castle leading to a bastion, or the rear for concrete, the specified characteristic
entrance to any other fortification. cube strength expressed in N/mm2.
2 see trochilus.
3 see scotia. gradient, grade, slope; the degree of
slope of an inclined plane, track or pipe-
gorgerin see hypotrachelion. line relative to the (continued on p. 222)


In the 1130s Abbot Suger of Saint-Denis near Paris argued that it was
necessary to rebuild his abbey church because of crowding caused
by the throng of pilgrims who “spilled out of every door.” The chevet

new style, the opus modernum or “French style”, which lasted from
the mid-12th century to the 16th century, and which is now known
by the mocking term “stilo gotico”, the Gothic style, given by its Italian
Renaissance critics.
Right: exploded view of section of com-
pound pier from the Basilica of St Denis,
1135-1144, showing carving of main
and secondary shafts

5 6
5 Left: internal elevation and cross section
of the Gothic cathedral of Notre Dame
4 in Noyon, France, c.1155-1205, showing
1 nave, 2 aisles, 3 gallery, 4 triforium, 5
3 3
Scale 1:800

2 1 2

style” because it spread rapidly from the Ile de

France, Champagne and Normandy to Britain, and
was thence transported via ambitious work-seek-
ing masons around the continent, so that local
variations of High and Late Gothic can be found
in nearly every European country. In Britain, Goth-
English style, the Geometric, Curvilinear
or Decorated style and the Perpendicular or
Rectilinear style.
Above: High Gothic rose window at cathe-
dral of Notre-Dame, Amiens, 1220-47

1 Moorish 2 Early English 3 Decorated 4 Perpendicular

Above: development of Gothic tracery from a Moorish antecent to the Perpendicular style: 1
Moorish , 2 Early Gothic, Great Abingdon church, nr. Cambridge, c.1200; 3 High Gothic, Great
Haseley church, Oxfordshire, c.1300; 4 King’s College Chapel, Cambridge, c.1446-1515

Gothic appears particularly in the largest and tallest cathedrals ever built in Europe,
over a period in which Christianized Europe had extinguished paganism and the traditions
of classical civilization, and in which the Catholic church had established itself as the sole
spiritual power.

aisle ambulatory Chapel
west end nave chancel altar


Above, High Gothic, Cathedral of Notre

Dame, Amiens, France, c.1220-69, Robert of
Luzarches, Thomas and Renault of Cormont
(prior to addition of chapels in 16th century)

Below, tracery and other typical Gothic

elements in part elevation of Kölner
Dom, Cologne, 1248-1880. Scale 1:90

2 pinnacle
3 crocket
4 tracery 2
5 lancet arches

3 Above, system of Gothic vaulting over

1 nave and aisles, showing quadripar-
tite ribbed vault over nave, and groin
vaults over aisles

The pointed arch, its most distinguished fea-

ture, is not a new invention but a loan from an-
cient Sassanian architecture via the Arabs and
Normans from the time of the Crusades. Never-
theless, the slender high arches combined with
clustered columns and ribbed vaults,
the development of the exterior -

tress, and the gradual reduction of walls to a
rose windows and decorative designs and
sculptures, including gargoyles, create the ap-
pearance of etherial skeletal structures reach-
ing up to heaven.
grading 222
horizontal, expressed as a percentage or granular referring to a material which is
given as a ratio of the level difference to composed of discrete pellets or grains, or
horizontal travel. whose structure is such; see also coarse
grading 1 the breakdown of percentages
by weight of different sized particles in a granular backfill, gravel fill; granular
granular material such as soil or mineral material used for backfilling exca-
aggregate. vations, providing a stable and permeable
2 see sieving.
covering for foundations and footings.
3 see classification.
granular soil, coarse soil; non-
4 in siteworks, the formation of masses of
cohesive soil composed of particles of
earth into the required contoured shape sand, gravel, etc. over 0.06 mm in size.
with bulldozers and other mechanical granulated blast-furnace slag blast-
plant, into embankments, etc. furnace slag, a by-product of steel making,
grading curve a graphical representa- cooled in water to form granules; it is
tion of the range of grain sizes of particles used, ground, as a binder in cement.
in a granular material such as soil or granulated cork corkwood, usually off-
concrete. cuts from a conversion or manufacturing
graffiti see next entry. process, which is ground and used as
loose thermal insulation.
graffito, pl. graffiti; 1 writing inscribed
or written on a wall, especially in ancient granulite a banded metamorphic rock
times; nowadays unwanted writings or which contains quartz and feldspar, simi-
drawings on building surfaces in spray lar to gneiss but without mica.
paints, felt pen, etc., written in plural form grape an ornamental motif consisting of a
graffiti. series of tear-shaped forms.
2 a marble tablet onto which carved deco-
ration making use of shadows is inscribed. grape black see vine black.
3 see sgraffito. graphics 1 pictorial matter produced by
digital, printed or other repetitive means;
graining a decorative surface treatment computer graphics is the generation of a
made by painting or otherwise imitating
graphic representation, animation or
the figure of wood or marble.
drawing with a computer.
grainer any paintbrush used for imitating 2 graphic art; art produced by a
the grain effects of wood and marble on
repeatable process of printmaking such as
wall surfaces as decoration.
woodcut, linocut, engraving and silk
grain size a property of the coarseness screen printing; prints are limited to a cer-
of a granular material, the relative size of tain number and each is produced by the
its constituent granules. artist himself.
gram, gramme; SI unit of mass, abb. g. graphite, plumbago; a naturally occurring
form of grey carbon used as pencil lead, as
grand master key a key which fits all a lubricant and for its properties of electrical
the locks in a number of suites of locks,
conductivity; when used as a greyish black
each of which has a master key.
pigment it is known as black lead.
granite a very durable igneous rock type grass any of a large number of species of
whose basic constituents are alkali feld- hardy plant from the family Gramineae or
spars and quartz, much used in construc- Poaceae used in landscaping for covering
tion as cladding, masonry and paving. areas of parkland, fields and lawn.
granite-gneiss a composite metamor- grass paving see cellular paver.
phic rock gneiss which occurs in grass roof see turf roof, green roof.
abundance with granite.
grate see bottomgrate, grating.
granny bonnet see bonnet hip tile.
grated channel a drainage channel with
granny’s tooth see router plane. a grating housed in its upper surface;
granodiorite a granite-like igneous rock used for external paved areas, garages,
used in building for cobblestones, kerb- etc. where continuity of surface is desir-
stones, flooring and cladding. able; often a rebated block channel.
223 green
grating, grate, grille; a metal barred or gravity wall see gravity retaining wall.
perforated component over an opening in GRC glassfibre-reinforced cement.
construction to provide protection whilst
allowing for the passage of air, water, etc.; grease trap, grease interceptor; in the
see channel grating, domical grating, inlet drainage of industrial kitchens and restau-
grating, outlet grating. rants, a chamber in a drain which sepa-
rates grease or oil from the waste water
gravel, shingle; a classification of granu- to prevent the clogging of pipes.
lar mineral material, broken stone com-
posed of particles from 2 mm to 60 mm in great brick a large, thin brick used in
size; graded as fine gravel (particles size medieval England to avoid paying exces-
from 2 mm to 6 mm), medium gravel (par- sive brick tax; see also tax brick.
ticle size from 6 mm to 20 mm) and Grecian purple see Tyrian purple.
coarse gravel (particle size from 20 mm to
60 mm).
Greek architecture the architecture of
ancient Greece from c. 3000 BC to the
gravel fill see granular backfill.
Roman period, characterized by temples,
graver see burin. use of proportions and orders; roughly
gravity boiler a heating appliance from divided into the Geometrical, Archaic,
which hot water or steam is circulated for Classic and Hellenistic periods; see also
use via convection, without the need for full page entry on p. 224.
pumps, based on the fact that hot water see Helladic; Hellenistic; Mycenaean archi-
in flow pipework will rise when balanced tecture; Minoan architecture.
by cooler water in return pipework. Greek column see Doric column, Ionic
column, Corinthian column.
gravity door hinge see rising hinge. Greek key classical two-tone banded
gravity drain a drainpipe in which waste ornament using a fret or meander pattern.
and soil water is conveyed by the force of
gravity rather than by pumping.
gravity retaining wall a retaining wall
which resists horizontal forces by virtue of
its weight alone.
Greek key

Greek orders the three orders of classi-

cal Greek architecture: Doric, Ionic and
Corinthian; see Greek architecture entry.
Greek pitch see rosin.

gravity retaining wall

green 1 a description of timber that is
freshly cut and unseasoned, with a
gravity toggle a toggle bolt with a lock- moisture content above saturation
ing ‘job’ hinged off-centre so that it point; see also green concrete.
swings into a vertical position once 2 a general name for shades of colour in
inserted into a bored hole, and clamps the visible spectrum between blue and
against the rear of construction. yellow, covering the range of electro-
magnetic wavelengths 480 560 µm;
see below for green pigments included
as separate entries:
*Arnaudon’s green; *baryta green, see
manganese green; *Casali’s green, virid-
ian; *Cassel green, see manganese green;
insertion fastening *chrome green; *chromium oxide green;
*cobalt green; *Dingler’s green, chromium
gravity toggle oxide green; *emerald chromium oxide,
(continued on p. 226)


that are usually regarded as the oldest in Europe. The older peaceful, seaborne civilization
on the island of Crete is known as Minoan culture, and the other, mainland culture is
known as Mycenaean, after an important archaeological site at Mycenae.

The Minoan asymmetrically-arranged

stomion palaces were constructed of stone
rubble or sun-dried brick coated
with plaster, and incorporated proper
drainage systems. In their construction
methods the Mycenaeans reflected
Minoan influene, and they also built
fortifictions with massive rough-hewn
blocks of stone, each weighing several
tons; the later Greeks called this tech-
nology Cyclopean masonry.
tholos dromos, passageway Left, plan and section of the Treasury of
Atreus, or “Tomb of Agamemnon”, Myc-
enae, Greece,1325-1250 BC, scale 1:1250

Dorian Greeks arrived in the northern mainland of

Greece, while the Ionians settled in Athens, the
west coast of Asia Minor (modern Turkey) and on 3

constructed in the 7th century BC and, by this

time, a standard pattern had already been adopted,
which to remain unchanged over the following
centuries. 2

The peristyle of columns surrounding the temple 1

mark out the sacred and ceremonial areas. Behind
them there is the naos – or cella in Latin – an
otherwise empty room housing the cult image. The
room behind the naos was a treasury. The temple
was only a part of a much larger sacral precinct,
usually including a quantity of other shrines, altars,
treasuries, theatres and colonnades linked by a cer- Above, plan of the 2nd temple of
emonial road lined with statues, all accommodated Zeus, Nemea, Argolis, Greece, 330
naturally into the landscape. BC, 1:1000

Greek monumental architecture is based on

trabeated construction of marble, that is,
structures of columns and walls supporting
horizontal beams over openings and rooms.
The repeated combination of various architec-

aesthetic pattern is called an order.

Left, reconstructed section of the Parthe-
non, Athens, 447-432 BC, scale 1:1000

Ionic and Corinthian orders – whose main distinction can be found in their capitals. The
order, however, is based on the combination of a larger number of architectural elements,
the entablature or main beam above the columns, which consists of horizontal bands
of architrave, frieze and cornice, and the column with its distinctive capital, shaft
and base
building parts.
7 7 Right:
1 column
6 2 base
4 4 5
6 3 capital
5 4 entablature
3 5 architrave
5 3
6 frieze
3 7 cornice

1 1

right, Corinthi-
an: Temple of
Zeus Olympios,
Athens c.170
Below, town plan of
BC-130 AD
Ionia,(now modern
left, Doric: left, Ionic: Tem- Turkey); town plan
Parthenon, ple on the River probably by Hip-
Athens, 447- Ilissus, Athens, podamus of Miletus c.
432 BC 430 BC 450-400 BC.
1 2 2
1 agora - main square
Above, comparison of proportions of the three principal 2 stoa - colonnade
orders of Greek architecture, from left to right, Doric, Ionic and 3 bouleterion-council
Corinthian chamber
4 temple
Typical to the Greeks was their belief in their own 5 gymnasion
unchallengeable cultural superiority, which was
to be seen in their town planning and in the
specialized buildings in their cities. The Greek
traveller and geographer Pausanias wrote in his
famous Description of Greece (2nd century AD)
"From Chaeroneia it is twenty stades (2½ miles) 4
to Panopeus, a city of the Phocians, if one can
give the name of city to a habitation which pos-
sesses no government offices, no gymnasium,
no theatre, no market-place, no water descend- 5
ing to a fountain, where the people live in bare
shelters just like mountain cabins, right on a 3
ravine. Nevertheless, they have boundaries with
their neighbours, and even send delegates to the
Phocian assembly." It seems that all the essential
building types, with the exception of the temple,
were missing in Panopeus, and the tone of the 4
venerable author in noting this, gives an idea of 1
the level of civilization to be expected in any typi-
cal Greek polis (city state).
green ash 226

see viridian; *emerald green; *emeraulde green roof roof construction comprising
green, see viridian; *Gellert green, cobalt growing plant material laid in soil over a
green; *green gold; *Guinet’s green, see drainage layer and waterproofing mem-
viridian; *Hungarian green, see malachite; brane; the soil layer provides insulation
*Imperial green; *leaf green, leek green, and protection from the elements; see
see chrome green; *manganese green; turf roof, grass roof.
*mineral green, see malachite; *Mittler’s
green, viridian; *Monastral green, see
phthalocyanine green; *moss green, see growing medium
chrome green; *mountain green; *native drainage layer
green, chrome oxide; *nickel azo yellow, membrane
see green gold; *nitrate green, chrome insulation
green; *oil green; *oxide of chromium, see structure
chromium oxide green; *Pannetier’s
green, see viridian; *phthalocyanine green roof
green; *Plessey’s green, chromium oxide greenstone a dark green igneous rock
green; *Rinman’s green, see cobalt green; type, diabase, containing feldspar and
*Rosenstiehl’s green, see manganese hornblende.
green; *Royal green, see chrome green;
*Schnitzer’s green, see chromium oxide green timber timber which is
green; *Schweinfurt green, see emerald unseasoned.
green; *smaragd green, see viridian; grey alder, white alder (Am); [Alnus
*Swedish green, see cobalt green; *thalo incana], see alder.
green, see phthalocyanine green; *trans-
parent oxide of chromium, see viridian;
grey cast iron, grey iron; non-ductile
cast iron which contains carbon in flake
*vert emeraude, see viridian; *viridian;
*zinc green, see cobalt green.
grey lime quicklime produced by heating
grey-coloured chalk.
green ash [Fraxinus pennsylvanica], see grey poplar [Populus canescens] see
ash. poplar.
greenbelt in town planning, an area of grey scale in colour theory, a scale of
open country, parkland, woodland, etc. achromatic colours, ranging from white to
within or surrounding a built-up area, left black, used to define the greyness of a
unbuilt to prevent the spread of urban colour.
development and provide amenity for the
local inhabitants. greywacke a grey or grey-green, fine-
grained sandstone used locally for aggre-
green brick a clay brick pressed into gates and chippings.
shape but not dried or fired.
grey water waste water from domestic
green concrete a description of con- use, which does not contain soil from toi-
crete that has set but not yet hardened. lets and other soil appliances.
green earth, glauconite, terra verde; GRG glassfibre-reinforced gypsum.
a group of greenish mineral clays or
earths containing iron hydroxide, used in gribble, marine crustacean; [Limnoria
the manufacture of earth pigments. spp.] any of a number of marine organ-
isms which cause damage to wood sub-
greenfield site a site of rural or parkland merged in seawater by boring.
character targeted for development, often
at the periphery of a built-up area, on grid, 1 structural grid, modular grid; a
which there are not, nor have ever been, regular framework of reference lines to
existing buildings. which the dimensions of major structural
components of the plan of a building are
green gold, nickel azo yellow; a fixed.
slightly poisonous greenish-yellow pig- 2 in town planning, a chequerboard net-
ment used in oil paints and watercolours. work of intersecting streets and avenues
green man see foliate head. forming the basic layout of a city or town.
227 groin
3 electricity supply grid; an area-wide dis- circumferential edge coated or faced with
tribution network of cables, substations abrasive material.
and other equipment to provide a supply
of electricity.
grid line one of the lines demarking a
structural, modular or layout grid of a
building, to which dimensions are
griffe see spur.
griffin, gryphon; a decorative motif of a grinding cups
mythological beast with a lion’s body and grinding disc a replaceable thin rotating
the head of an eagle, used especially in disc of abrasive material as used in an
Romanesque times, but known from angle grinder; used for cutting and
Mesopotamia, Egypt and Greece. grinding.
grill see grille. grinding wheel a stiff rotating disc of
abrasive material used for honing tools,
grillage, grillage foundation; a founda- grinding and sanding; see also bench
tion construction for a column or concen- grinder.
trated load consisting of a series of
layered beams laid at right angles to one grindstone an even block or spinning
another. wheel of mineral material used for sharp-
ening the blades of tools and grinding
grille, 1 grill; an open grating or screen to stone surfaces.
allow for the passage of air, as a security
measure, to enclose space, etc. grinning through, grinning; a defect
2 in ventilation and air conditioning, a in a paint or plaster finish in which the
protective cover for an air terminal unit colour or a pattern from an underlying
with openings, baffles, etc. for air to pass layer or coat is clearly visible.
through. grit coarse angular aggregate used as an
3 see also window grille, window louvre. abrasive surface in road construction.
grinder a machine tool with a rotating grog, chamotte; a ceramic material used
mineral disc for shaping and smoothing for making firebricks and terracotta, con-
hard materials such as stone, concrete sisting of fresh clay mixed with crushed
and metals; see also bench grinder, angle fired clay.
groin the curved edge formed by the
grinding the removal of excess material intersection of two masonry vaults.
on a rough stone or metal surface to pro- groined vault see groin vault.
duce a fine finish using an abrasive. groin rib see diagonal rib.
grinding bevel, cannel, ground groin vault, cross vault, groined
bevel; the splayed end or edge surface vault, intersecting barrel vault; a
of the blade of a chisel or other cutting vault formed by the perpendicular inter-
tool, honed to provide a cutting edge. section of two barrel vaults, found espe-
grinding burr a round, conical, disc- cially in early masonry churches.
shaped, etc. drill bit of mineral material;
used in specialist stone and metalwork for round pointed
smoothing and cleaning irregular surfaces.

grinding burrs

grinding cup a metal disc-attachment

for a rotary stone grinder, with a raised groin vault
groove 228
groove any slot-like cutting or relief in ground compaction the reduction of
construction, such as the recess in one the air and water content of the underly-
side of a tongue and groove joint. ing soil by mechanical vibrating, rolling
groove joint see dummy joint. and by various forms of draining; see also
dynamic consolidation.
grooving saw, notching saw, stair-
builder’s saw, trenching saw; a saw ground compression see dynamic
which resembles a plane, having a saw consolidation.
blade embedded in the base of the stock; ground engineering see geotechnical
used for cutting grooves in wood. engineering.
grossular a greenish variety of the min- ground finish see ground.
eral garnet; also known as grossular gar- ground floor a lower storey in a building
net or grossularite; see also hessonite, that provides principal access at or near
cinnamon stone. ground level; in the USA and continental
grotesque, grottesco; a decorative art- Europe this is known as the first floor; see
work or carving which makes use of vines base floor.
embellished with interwoven animals, ground improvement see soil
plants and fruit. reinforcement.
ground 1 material at or under the surface ground investigation see geotechnical
of the earth or an area or plot of the survey.
earth’s surface, land; see earth.
2 see foundation. ground plate, ground sill; the lowest
3 one of a number of timber strips fixed at horizontal frame member in traditional
regular spacing to masonry as a nailing timber-framed or log construction, to
base for finishing boards; see also which other structural components such
grounds. as floor joists and posts are fixed.
4 the treated opaque surface in painting ground profile see topography.
which provides a base for the application
of paint; see substrate.
grounds, 1 groundwork; timber battens
attached to a masonry or other wall sur-
5 a description of a concrete, masonry,
face as a base for a lining such as
metal, etc. finish produced by smoothing
with abrasives; see honed, rubbed finish
2 common grounds, rough grounds;
ground anchor, ground anchorage; a narrow timber pieces set into or attached
system of steel rods, bolts, guys or braces to masonry as nailing strips for a lining,
for fixing a structure firmly to its base, to a battening or trim.
foundation or to the ground. 3 an area of surrounding land, gardens or
ground bashing see dynamic an estate attached to a building.
consolidation. ground sill see ground plate.
ground beam, 1 grade beam (Am); in ground slab see ground supported floor.
concrete construction, a beam which
ground supported floor, ground
transmits the weight of walls to a founda-
tion structure, or is itself a foundation.
slab, slab-on-grade (Am), floor bed;
reinforced concrete floor construction cast
2 tie beam; in piled foundation construc-
directly onto the underlying ground so
tion, a concrete beam which connects a
that loads from the floor are transmitted
number of piles or pile caps and transmits
evenly to the ground below.
the loading from walls, etc. down to the
piles. groundwater lowering see
3 in timber-framed construction, the low- dewatering.
est structural timber beam which trans- groundwork 1 in the construction of a
mits loading from walls to a foundation. building, the initial stage of construction,
ground bevel see grinding bevel. making and filling excavations, laying
drains and dealing with groundwater; also
ground coat in paintwork, a matt base
called earthwork.
coat of pigment over which a glaze coat is
2 see grounds.
229 gunite
group connector, breech fitting; a guarantee, guaranty, warranty; a writ-
drain fitting with a number of inlets con- ten agreement covering repair or replace-
nected to a gully. ment of defects or faults in products or
group heating a system of heating for a workmanship within a set period of time;
building complex or housing estate, smal- see security.
ler than district heating, in which heated guideline see design guideline.
water is piped to a number of buildings guilloche a decorative motif consisting of
from a central heating plant. interwoven curving bands surrounding a
grout 1 a liquid mixture of cement and series of circles, usually applied to a
water used for filling cracks, joints and moulding; a curving fret motif; angular
voids in masonry and concrete construc- guilloche, see meander; see also wave
tion, and for cementing components in pattern.
2 a soft flowing slurry of cement, sand
and water injected into voids in
unstable ground to provide support and
reinforcement. guilloche
3 see injection mortar. Guinet’s green see viridian.
4 see tile grout.
grout concreting work in grouted gulley see gully.
concrete. gully, drain, gulley, trapped gully; an
grouted aggregate concrete see outlet fitting for a drain, most often
grouted concrete. trapped, into which rainwater, surface
grouted concrete, grouted aggre- water, waste water and other fluids are
gate concrete, intrusion concrete, conveyed; see floor drain.
pre-packed concrete, preplaced con-
gum, 1 sweetgum; [Liquidambar styraci-
crete; concrete made by placing coarse
flua] a valuable tropical hardwood from
aggregate in a mould or form and then
south-east USA with pinkish-grey heart-
grouting or injecting with a binding mor-
wood, used for furniture, posts and pack-
tar; used for special cases and underwater
aging; sweetgum are planted as
ornamentals in North America on account
grouting, cementation, injection; the
of their star-shaped leaves and autumn
strengthening and support of unstable or
foliage; a local name for some species of
loose soils and rock, and in some cases
eucalyptus tree; black gum, see tupelo.
old masonry, concretework, etc. by the
2 latex; the water-soluble resinous secre-
injection of cement grout into prebored
tion of some tropical hardwood trees and
holes and small voids; see also pressure
shrubs which hardens on drying; also a
grouting, artificial cementing.
corresponding synthetic product, used as
grouting concrete concrete used to fill
a base for rubber; any sticky liquid exuded
voids and cracks in existing concrete
from plants which may be used as a weak
adhesive, or any materials similar to this;
grout rake see raker.
see also gutta-percha, gamboge, paste.
growing medium the uppermost layer gum arabic, gum acacia; a water solu-
of nutritious soil laid in landscaping and ble gum from some species of acacia
green roofs, etc. for plants to grow in; also (Acacia spp.) used in the manufacture of
called a growth medium. certain glues.
growth ring see annual ring. gun applied adhesive, gunnable
GRP glass-reinforced polyester, glass- adhesive; adhesive supplied in pre-
reinforced plaster. packed tubes, suitable for application with
a caulking gun.
GRPC glassfibre-reinforced polymer/
concrete. gunite sprayed concrete containing
aggregate smaller than 10 mm in size,
GTA welding see TIG welding. placed by projecting it against a surface
Guaiacum spp. see lignum vitae. using pneumatic pressure.
gunnable adhesive 230
gunnable adhesive see gun applied gymnosperm one of the two main clas-
adhesive. ses of plant to which conifers or soft-
gunstock see jowl. woods belong, with woody stems and
seeds unprotected by fruit.
gusset, gusset plate; in timber roof con-
struction, a piece of timber board or ply- gypsum 1 a white or coloured mineral,
wood for fastening together members in hydrated calcium sulphate CaSO4.2H2O,
a planar truss with nails; a timber nail used as a building material in plasters, etc.
plate. and as a raw material in the ceramic
gutta, drop; plural guttae; Lat.; in classi- 2 natural calcium sulphate used as an
cal architecture, one of a series of carved inert pigment and an adulterer in paints.
droplet projections beneath the regula see phospho gypsum, selenite, synthetic
and metopes in the Doric entablature; anhydrite, terra alba, titano gypsum.
occasionally also called campanulae, gypsum adhesive see gypsum-based
lachrymae or trunnels. adhesive.
guttae plural form of gutta. gypsum baseboard plasterboard manu-
guttae band see regula. factured to receive a surface coating of
gutta-percha the dried resinous sap or gypsum-based adhesive an adhesive
latex from the Malayan gutta-percha tree,
whose main constituent is gypsum binder.
Isonandra gutta, used as electrical insula-
gypsum board see plasterboard.
tion and in dentistry.
gypsum-perlite plaster see perlite
gutter a channel to collect water and plaster.
lead it away from a surface; types gypsum plank, plasterboard plank; a
included as separate entries are listed plasterboard product formed in thick, nar-
below: row boards; used for ceiling panels and
*arris gutter; *box gutter; *centre gutter; other cladding applications.
*chimney gutter; *eaves gutter; *fascia gypsum plaster a quick-setting plaster
gutter; *half round gutter; *hung gutter; consisting of gypsum and water, used for
*rainwater gutter; *secret gutter; *valley plaster casts and rendering.
gutter. gypsum plasterboard see plasterboard.
gutter bearer any device or frame- gypsum plasterboard composite a
work for supporting or fixing a gutter in laminated building board of which at least
place. one layer is plasterboard.
gutter bracket a steel strip or proprie- gypsum rock 1 rock which contains a
tary accessory bent into the shape of a high proportion of gypsum.
hook; used for carrying a gutter. 2 see natural gypsum.
gutter end see stop end. gypsum-vermiculite plaster see ver-
gutter plane see round plane. miculite plaster.
gutter stop see stop end. gypsum wallboard thin plasterboard,
9.5 mm thick, suitable for receiving a fin-
guy, guy rope, stay; a diagonal tension ish on at least one face, used for lining
cable, wire or rope anchored to the partitions and internal walls.
ground or an abutment to stabilize a mast gypsum wallboard panel see prefabri-
structure, suspension bridge or tent cated gypsum wallboard panel.
Haarlem blue see Antwerp blue.
habitable room any room for living in,
not usually including kitchens, toilets,
bathrooms and other service spaces. half-brick wall
hacking in concretework, the working at
a hardened concrete surface with hand half-column see demi-column.
tool and mallet; see tooling. half dome, semi-dome; a vaulted roof
hacksaw a bow saw with a fine blade of half a hemisphere used for covering a
held in tension in a metal frame, used for semicircular space, as found in religious
cutting metal and plastics. architecture over apses; see also conch.
haematite, hematite; a grey-black or
red-brown mineral, a natural oxide of iron,
Fe2O3, used in various forms for pigments
and jewellery; also a very important iron
ore; see also iron oxide.
haft the handle or shaft of a hand tool.
hag's tooth see router plane.
hagioscope see squint.
hairline crack, hair cracking; a defect
in a concrete, plaster or paint finish, a very
fine surface crack. half dome
half-basketweave pattern a paving
pattern resembling basketweave pattern, half drop see offset match.
but with arrangements of stones forming
rectangular areas; similar patterns in par-
half hipped end, broached hip; the
trapezoidal sloping roof plane at one or
quetry and tiling.
both ends of a half-hipped roof, capped
by a gable or gablet.
roof, jerkin-
head roof,
hipped gable
roof, shread
head roof,
clipped gable
half-basketweave roof; a roof,
pattern often a man- half-hipped roof
sard roof, which
is hipped from the ridge halfway down to
half bat, snap header; the eaves and gabled from there down; the
in brickwork bonding, opposite of a gambrel roof.
the squared remains of half landing, half space landing; a
a brick which has been landing between two flights of stairs par-
cut in half, and which allel to one another, between two adja-
shows in a masonry half bat cent storey levels.
wall as a header.
half-brick wall a solid brick wall whose half lap joint see halved joint.
thickness is that of the short side of a halfpace stair, half-space stairs; a stair
brick. which turns through 180 on its ascent,
half relief 232
consisting of two parallel flights with a half tile a special roof tile which is half
half-height landing at one end, with or the width of other tiles in the same roof;
without a stairwell; a halfpace stair with- used at edges and junctions.
out a well is known as a dogleg stair.
half timber in the conversion of timber,
half relief see mezzo rilievo. a baulk cut longitudinally in half.
half round any milled half-timbered construction a tradi-
joinery profile or orna- tional form of timber frame construction
mental moulding which in which timber cross members form a lat-
is semicircular in cross- half round profile tice of panels filled with a non-loadbearing
section. material or nogging of brick, clay or plas-
half round capping a half round cop- ter; the frame is often blackened and
ing brick whose length matches the width exposed on the outside faces of the
of the wall on which it is laid, without building.
overhangs on either side.
half round channel a drainage channel
which is semicircular in cross-section. blackened
half round coping a special coping frame
brick or block whose upper surface is
semicircular, wider than the wall for which
it is designed, and with throated over-
hangs on either side, used as an upper
termination for freestanding walls and
half round gutter, rhone; a rainwater
gutter which is semicircular in cross- brick
section. nogging
half round moulding see half round.
half truss in traditional timber frame con-
struction, half a roof truss placed perpen-
dicular to the other trusses at the end of a
building to form a hip; also modern
half round moulding half turn stair any stair which turns
through 180 on its ascent around an
half round veneer a decorative veneer open well or lift shaft, with stair flights on
formed by peeling the outer side of a half three sides; see also halfpace stair, dogleg
log or flitch off-centre on a lathe. stair.

half round veneer

half-space landing see half landing.

half-space stairs see halfpace stair.
half span roof see lean-to roof. half turn stair
233 hammer
half turn circular stair a circular stair mortise from opposite sides are cut in half
which occupies a semicircular shaft, turn- so that they fit side-by-side.
ing through 180 on its ascent. halved three quarter bat, queen
halogen a collective name for the group closer; a three quarter bat cut in half for
of gases, fluorine, chlorine, bromine, use in brickwork bonding.
iodine and astatine, which react well with
most metals and many non-metals.
halogen lamp, tungsten-halogen
lamp; an electric incandescent lamp
which produces light by means of a
heated tungsten filament suspended in a
glass tube filled with low-pressure bro- halved three quarter
mine or iodine vapour.
halon any compound of carbon and bro- halving the notching and rebating of the
mine or fluorine with other halogens, ends of timber members to be jointed in
often used in fire extinguishers but dam- order to form a timber halved joint.
aging to the ozone layer. halving joint see halved joint.
halon fire-extinguishing system a fire-
extinguishing system used for technical hammer a hand tool with a shaft and
spaces such as computer rooms and elec- heavy metal head for striking, breaking
tronic archives, which operates by releasing or driving nails; types included as sepa-
halon gas to choke a building fire. rate entries are listed below (see illustra-
halved joint, half lap joint, halving tion on following page):
joint; a timber joint in which both pieces *adze eye hammer; *ball peen hammer;
have been cut away or halved at the joint *beetle; *bell face hammer; *blacksmith's
to receive the other. hammer; *bouchard; *brad hammer, see
tack hammer; *bricklayer's hammer, brick
halved and tenoned halved corner hammer, brick axe; *bush hammer; *car-
scarf joint joint
penter's mallet; *claw hammer; *club
hammer; *cross peen hammer; *double-
clawed hammer; *double face hammer;
*drilling hammer; *drop hammer, ram;
*dummy; *engineer's hammer; *engineer's
halved scarf joint
sledge; *five pound maul; *framing ham-
halved mer; *glazier's hammer; *jack hammer;
*joiner's hammer; *lump hammer, see
club hammer; *machinist's hammer, peen;
*mallet; *mash hammer, see club ham-
halved joints mer; *maul, mall; *nail hammer; *peen,
halved and tabled scarf joint, see machinist's hammer; *peen hammer;
indented scarf joint; in timber frame *peen sledge, see engineer's sledge; *pick
construction, a lengthening joint in which hammer; *pin hammer, see tack hammer;
the ends of the timbers are cut with cogs *pitching hammer; *riveting hammer;
to fit each other. *rock pick; *saddler's hammer; *scabbling
halved and tenoned scarf joint a tim- hammer, scabbler; *scaling hammer;
ber lengthening joint in which the halved *scutch hammer, scutch; *sledgehammer,
ends of both timbers are cut with a pro- sledge; *smith's hammer, see blacksmith's
truding tenon to fit into a corresponding hammer; *soft face hammer; *spall ham-
slot. mer, spalling hammer; *splitting hammer;
halved crossing joint see cross half lap *straight peen hammer; *striking ham-
joint. mer; *tack hammer; *tinner's hammer;
halved scarf joint a timber lengthening *trimmer's hammer; *upholsterer's ham-
joint in which the ends of the timbers are mer; *veneer hammer, veneering ham-
halved to receive one another. mer; *Warrington hammer, see cross peen
halved tenon joint a timber joint in hammer.
which two tenons inserted in a common 2 see water hammer.
hammer 234


1 claw hammer BUSHING TOOLS
2 framing hammer 17 patent hammer, toothed axe
3 ball peen hammer 18 bush hammer
4 cross peen hammer, 19 bush hammer
Warringon hammer 20 mason's axe, stone axe
5 straight peen hammer 21 scabbling hammer
6 joiner's hammer
7 bricklayer's hammer, scutch MAULS AND SLEDGES
8 upholsterer's hammer 22 drilling hammer, maul
9 saddler's hammer 23 pitching hammer, striking hammer
10 glazier's hammer 24 machinist's hammer
11 veneer hammer, veneering 25 peen sledge, engineer's sledge
hammer 26 splitting hammer, spalling hammer
12 double-clawed hammer 27 scabbling hammer, trimming hammer
28 scaling hammer, rock pick
MALLETS 29 pick hammer, scutch
13 soft face hammer 30 club hammer, lump hammer, maul
14 rubber mallet 31 double-faced sledgehammer
15 dummy 32 pick, pickaxe
16 carpenter's mallet
235 hand shears
hammer beam in traditional timber roof handing a term describing which direc-
construction, a short horizontal member tion a hinged door or window opens and
cantilevered out from a wall top, brace or the side on which it is hinged, affecting its
purlin, supported on an arch brace and hardware specification, denoted as right-
carrying a hammer post which gives sup- handed or left-handed; there is no univer-
port to a primary rafter. sal rule about which is which, and the def-
inition of handing varies from country to
country; according to the Scandinavian
classification, a left-hand door which
rafters opens outwards has its hinges on the left,
and so on; in Great Britain and North
America this is most often called a right-
hand door, but not always.
handle 1 a construction or fitting grasped
by the hand for opening, closing or mov-
wall plate hammer ing a component; see pull handle, door
handle, casement handle.
hammer beam roof 2 that part of a hand tool by which it is
held, its shaft or grip.
hammer beam roof a roof whose raf- handmade brick a brick, usually uneven
ters are supported by hammer beams, as in shape, which has been manually
with many timber roofed medieval halls; moulded using a timber mould.
see also double hammer beam truss.
hammer-beam roof truss a roof truss hand mixing the mixing of small
in which the rafters are given additional batches of concrete using hand tools
support by hammer beams, hammer rather than mixing plant.
posts and arch braces. handover the legal process by which the
hammer-dressed finish, bull-faced contractor hands back the site and com-
finish, cloured finish, hammer-faced pleted building to the client at the end of
finish; a rough stonework finish produced construction; see also partial handover.
with a hammer; also called a quarry finish handover date see completion date.
when machined on commercial stone. hand-plastering plasterwork which is
hammer drill a drill for boring a hole in carried out manually, using hand tools;
masonry and concrete with a drill bit sometimes called trowelled plastering.
which oscillates back and forth with a handpull a handle, inset, etc. for opening
chattering action. and closing a sliding panel, door or
hammer-faced finish see hammer- partition.
dressed finish. handrail a rail for support or protection
hammer-headed chisel a solid steel at approximately waist height above a
masonry chisel with a flat end shaped so balustrade, or fixed to a wall by a stair;
as to take striking with a lump hammer; see also stair rail.
cf. mallet-headed chisel. handrail bolt see joint bolt.
hammer post in traditional timber roof handrinse basin, washbasin, handba-
construction, a post resting on a hammer sin; a small basin mounted at waist
beam and supporting a principal rafter. height and connected to a water supply
and drain, designed for washing the
handbasin see handrinse basin. hands.
hand drill a hand tool for boring holes. handsaw any hand-held saw with a wide,
handed 1 referring to the side of a door tapering blade.
or window casement which bears hinges;
see following entry. handset a hand-held shower head con-
2 referring to hand tools, etc. supplied as
nected to a water source by a length of
mirror-image products for right-handed flexible pipe.
and left-handed users. hand shears see tin snips.
hanger 236
hanger 1 in timber roof construction, a ver- hardening 1 the gain in strength of con-
tical timber hung from a ridge, rafter or pur- crete after the initial setting of the
lin, which gives support to ceiling joists. cement.
2 any strap or component for fixing 2 a heat treatment to increase the hard-
cabling, ceilings, pipes, ducts, etc. to walls ness of steel by heating it to a certain
and soffits; see tie rod, pipe hanger, ceil- temperature and then rapidly cooling in
ing hanger. water, brine or oil.
3 one of a series of vertical cables or rods 3 see surface hardening.
supported at their upper ends by a suspen- hardening shrinkage autogenous
sion bridge cable, from which the bridge shrinkage.
deck is hung; also called a suspender. hard maple [Acer saccharum, Acer
4 see joist hanger.
nigrum], see maple.
hanging jamb the vertical frame mem- hardness 1 the property of a material to
ber to which a window casement or door resist permanent change in form as a
leaf is attached with hinges. result of attempted abrasion, penetration
hanging sash window see sash or indentation.
window. 2 a measure of the content of mineral
hanging stile the vertical side member salts in water, measurable with a pH test.
of a window casement or framed door hardness number a value obtained by
leaf from which it is attached with hinges impact and compressive testing to mea-
to a frame. sure the hardness, scratch resistance and
resistance to deformation of a material.
Hansa yellow see arylide yellow.
hard rock, hard stone; according to a
hard anodizing a tin-based anodic coat- classification of hardness of rocks used by
ing for aluminium which produces shades stone masons and construction techni-
of bronze formed during the coating cians, rock which has a compressive
process. strength above 1800 kg/cm2 ; this class
hardboard a dense fibreboard formed includes igneous rocks, quartz and gneiss.
into thin sheets with a density of over hardrot see dote.
800 kg/m3; used for lining and casing,
thus one side is usually smooth and the hard solder, brazing solder; a form of sol-
other embossed. der which contains copper, usually an alloy
hardboard pin a small of copper, zinc or silver used in brazing.
nail 13 38 mm in length hard soldering see brazing.
used for fixing hard- hard stone see hard rock.
board, softboard and hard temper one of the annealed condi-
thin ply, often with a hardboard pin tions of copper and states of hardness in
square sectioned shank. which it is supplied; others are half hard
hardcore small chunks of stone, broken and dead-soft.
brick, concrete and other minerals used as hardware, 1 ironmongery; any of the
inorganic fill beneath foundations and metal fittings such as hinges, locks and
roads. latches or other equipment for a door,
hard drawn wire steel wire formed by window or hatch; for door hardware, see
pulling through a die at normal tempera- door furniture.
ture; used as reinforcing bars. 2 a general term for computers and other
hard dry a stage in the drying of paint at associated electronic devices as opposed
which the surface has hardened and can- to software or computer programs.
not be easily marked. hardware schedule see ironmongery
hardened concrete concrete which has
attained a major part of its final strength,
usually at least 28 days after placing. hardwood the wood from a broad-
leaved tree in the botanical group
hardener, drier; a catalyst or other sub- angiosperm, in general denser and
stance added to paints, varnishes, glues, harder than softwood, but not necessar-
concretes and plasters to increase their ily so; listed below are species of
speed of drying.
237 Hathor column

European and North American hard- [Bulnesia arborea]; *wenge [Millettia

wood tree, followed by a list of tropical laurentii].
hardwoods and eucalypts; see also hardwood board a piece of sawn
softwoods. hardwood with a thickness less than
temperate climates (European and 50 mm.
North America) hardwood plank a piece of sawn
*acacia [Acacia spp.]; *alder [Alnus spp.]; hardwood with a thickness greater than
*apple [Malus sylvestris]; *ash [Fraxinus 50 mm.
spp.]; *aspen, poplars [Populus spp.]; hardwood scantling a piece of sawn
*beech [Fagus spp.]; *basswood [Tilia hardwood with non-standard cross-sec-
spp.]; *birch [Betula spp.]; *boxwood tional dimensions.
[Buxus sempervirens]; *cherry [Prunus hardwood strip a piece of sawn
spp.]; *chestnut [Castanea spp., Aesculus hardwood with cross-sectional dimen-
spp.]; *dogwood [Cornus florida]; *elm sions of less than 50 mm thick and
[Ulmus spp.]; *hawthorn [Crataegus spp.]; 50 140 mm wide.
*hazel [Corylus avellana]; *hickory [Carya
spp.]; *hop-hornbeam [Ostrya carpinifo-
lia]; *hornbeam [Carpinus betulus]; *horse harewood see sycamore.
chestnut [Aesculus spp.]; *lime [Tilia spp.];
*maples and sycamores [Acer spp.]; *oak harl see wet dash.
[Quercus spp.]; *pear [Pyrus communis]; harsh a description of a fresh concrete
*plane [Platanus spp.]; *poplars, aspen mix that is difficult to work and place due
[Populus spp.]; *robinia [Robinia pseudoa- to its consistency.
cacia]; *rowan, mountain ash [Sorbus hasp and staple a fastener for a door,
aucuparia]; *sweet chestnut [ Castanea gate or casket with a slotted hinged plate
sativa]; *tulipwood [Liriodendron tulipi- (a hasp) attached to the leaf, fitting over a
fera]; *walnut [Juglans spp.]; *willow ring attached to the jamb; the assembly is
[Salix spp.]. usually made fast with a padlock through
tropical climates (Africa and Asia) the ring.
*African mahogany [Khaya ivorensis];
*African walnut [Lovoa trichilioides, hatch a small hinged door in a roof, wall
Lovoa klaineana]; *afrormosia [Pericopsis or floor; see sliding hatch, inspection
elata]; *balsa wood [Ochroma spp.]; hatch.
*ceiba [Ceiba pentandra]; *Ceylon satin- Hathor column an Egyptian column
wood [Chloroxylon swietenia]; *chickrassy, with a capital decorated with the head of
Chittagong wood [Chukrasia tabularis]; the goddess Hathor on two or four sides;
*ebony [Diospyros spp.]; *eucalyptus, jar- Hathor was the ancient Egyptian cow-
rah, karri, etc. [eucalyptus spp.]; *gaboon, goddess, giver of milk, symbolic of child-
okoume [Aucoumea klaineana]; *Gedu birth and caring, nursemaid to Horus,
nohor [Entandrophragma angolense]; depicted as a woman with a cow's head
*gum [Liquidambar styraciflua]; *idigbo, or ears.
limba [Terminalia spp.]; *iroko
[Chlorophora excelsa]; *kapur
[Dryobalanops spp.]; *lignum vitae
[Guaiacum spp.]; *mahogany [Swietenia
spp.]; *makore [Mimusops heckelii,
Tieghemella heckelii]; *obeche
[Triplochiton scleroxylon]; *padauk
[Pterocarpus spp.]; *ramin [Gonystylus
spp.]; *rosewood, palisander [Dalbergia
spp.]; *sandalwood [ Santalum spp.]; *sat-
Hathor column at the
inwood [Chloroxylon swietenia]; *teak temple of Hathor,
[Tectona grandis]; *tupelo [Nyssa spp.]; Dendera, Egypt,
*verawood, Maracaibo lignum vitae 54 BC–60 AD
haunch 238
haunch the curved part of an arch 2 see head plate.
between the crown and springing; some- 3 a heavy beam over a window in tradi-
times traditionally written as hance or tional timber construction.
hanse. 4 rainwater header, see rainwater head.
haunched beam a beam with a down- header bond, heading bond; a brick-
ward thickening at its bearing points. work bond in which each course is a
haunched tenon series of headers; alternate courses are
joint a joinery mor- laid with a half header overlap; see also
tise and tenon joint Flemish header bond.
with an L-shaped
tenon flush with both
edges of the member haunched tenon joint
at its stem, then
stepped back on one side towards its end.
hawk, mortar board; a board with a header bond
straight handle fixed to its underside, for
carrying plaster and mortar on site, and header course, 1 heading course; in
from which it is applied with a trowel to a brickwork, a course of bricks with only
surface, to bricks and block, etc. their short sides showing in the wall.
2 the uppermost layer of logs in log
hawthorn [Crataegus spp.] a hardwood construction.
tree or shrub with dense, fine-grained tim-
header face the visible side of a brick
ber; used mainly for the decorative value
when laid in masonry as a header.
of its grain in veneers and quality furni-
header joint see perpend.
ture; widely planted as hedging.
header plate see head plate.
hazel [Corylus avellana] a deciduous hard- header plinth,
wood from the northern hemisphere with plinth header; a
pale red-brown or green-brown resilient special brick whose
timber. upper arris has
HDPE, HD polythene high density been chamfered
polythene. along one of its
short sides for use header plinth
head 1 the highest or terminating part of as a header in a
a construction; see crown, shower head, brick coping or above a projection.
sprinkler head, rainwater head.
2 the upper horizontal member in a door head flashing a flashing used over an
or window frame; see door head, window opening to direct water outwards and
head. waterproof the lintel.
3 the upper end of a roof tile or slate as heading bond see header bond.
heading chisel see mortise chisel.
4 the metal striking or cutting component
of a hammer, axe or other similar hand heading course see header course.
tool, fixed to its shaft; see hammerhead. head joint see perpend.
5 the enlarged part of a screw, nail or
other fixing, by which it is attached or headlap the overlap of adjacent parts of
driven in; a nailhead or screw head. roofing material such as tiles or roof
sheeting in a line parallel to the slope of
header 1 a brick the roof.
or stone laid with
its short side or head plate, head piece; the upper hori-
end exposed in a zontal framing member in a timber-
masonry surface; framed wall or partition, or stud wall.
see also bull headroom, clearance, overhead clear-
header (rowlock), ance; the free height between a floor and
plinth header overhead obstacle such as a door head,
(header plinth), radial header, tapered beam, etc.; see stair headroom, ceiling
header (culvert stretcher). height.
239 heating
headtree see bolster. of equilibrium produced by this, known as
thermodynamic equilibrium.
heart and dart see leaf and dart.
heart check see heartshake. heat bridge see cold bridge.
hearth the base or floor of a fireplace, on heat capacity see thermal capacity.
which combustion takes place. heat detector a fire detector which
reacts to the presence of heat and triggers
an alarm signal at a certain temperature.
flue heat differential detector see thermo-
differential detector.
heat distribution the distribution of
heat throughout a building in the form of
hot water or steam from a centralized
boiler or district heating plant.

heater 1 see heating appliance; types of
heart-palmette see palmette heart. heater included as separate entries are
listed below:
*bulk heater, outflow heater; *convection
heater, see convector; *domestic water
heater; *electric heater; *electric fan
heater, see fan heater; *electric water
heater, immersion heater; *gas heater;
*outflow heater; *pressure water heater;
heart palmette *radiant heater; *radiator; *room heater;
*sauna heater; *solid-fuel heater, see
solid-fuel stove; *storage heater; *thermal
heartshake, heart storage heater, see storage heater;
check, rift crack, *warm-air heater; *water heater.
star shake; a radial 2 that part of an air-conditioning system
crack near the cen-
which transfers heat to the supply air.
tre of a tree trunk,
apparent in timber
cut from it. heartshake
heartwood the central core of wood in a heat exchanger a device which trans-
tree, usually darker than the outlying sap- fers thermal energy from one installation
wood, made up of cells which are no lon- to another without the direct flowing of
ger active in transporting sap to the tree's material between the systems.
2 in an air-conditioning system, a device
leaves; also called duramen.
for transferring heat to or from air passing
over it, usually via heated or cooled liq-
uid-filled coils, metal baffles, etc.
3 see calorifier.

heartwood heating, space heating; the provision

sapwood of heat to spaces of a building by appli-
bark phloem
ances and mechanical installations to pro-
vide a level of thermal comfort.
heartwood rot fungal decay in the heating and ventilation see mechani-
heartwood of timber. cal services.
heating and ventilation engineer a
heat-absorbing glass see tinted solar person who is responsible for designing
control glass.
technical services, and supervising their
heat balance the result of subtracting heat construction and maintenance.
losses from heat gains for a space, building heating appliance, heater; a device or
or installation; the stable temperature state apparatus located within a space for
heat insulation 240
providing warmth, either fuelled directly heat pump a device, used in refrigera-
by electricity, gas, oil or solid fuel, or fed tion, geothermal and some solar heating
with warm air or water from a centralized systems, in which a gas is compressed or
plant. expanded to raise or lower its
heating battery 1 in air-conditioning, temperature.
coiled piping in which hot water is circu-
lated; used for heating air to the desired heat recovery in air-conditioning, a pro-
temperature. cess whereby heat from exhaust air is
2 in district heating and other indirect hot
transferred using a heat exchanger to
water heating systems, a unit of pipework fresh input air.
or a coil inside a cistern, through which heat recovery unit, thermal wheel; in
hot water circulates to heat up water air conditioning, a heat exchanger for
within the cistern. transferring thermal energy and some-
heating cable an electric cable embed- times moisture from the return air to the
ded in floor construction, under pave- supply air.
ments, etc., which provides heat for heat resistant, heat-proof; relating to a
underfloor heating and similar installa- material or surface which has the ability
tions when electricity is passed through it. to withstand high temperatures.
heating installation, heating system; heat resisting glass types of glass such
the means, devices and apparatus to pro- as fire glasses or borosilicate glass which
vide warmth for a building. can withstand high temperatures without
heating main see district heating. shattering.
heating period, heating; in steam cur-
ing of concrete, the period for which heat heat-soaked glass toughened glass
is applied so that the concrete heats up used for external wall systems and roofs,
slowly. re-treated to remove imperfections and
heating pipework pipework carrying overcome the problems of spontaneous
hot water in a heating installation. fracture.
heating plant, boiler plant; in heating heat transmission value see k-value.
and hot water systems, the installation
producing thermal energy for heating, heat-treated wood, heat-treated tim-
transferred and distributed by water, ber; sawn timber sections of pine, spruce,
steam, air, etc. birch and aspen processed into an eco-
heating point see vehicle heating point. logical wood product by baking at tem-
heating season that period in the year peratures of 200 C or more to break up
during which the heating system of a sugars inside the wood into a form unus-
building is required to be in use. able by rot fungi.
heating stove see room heater. heat treatment, 1 accelerated curing;
heating system see heating installation. a method of curing concrete using hot
heating value see calorific value. water or steam to speed up hardening; it
heating, ventilation and air condi- may reduce the final strength of the
tioning see HEVAC. concrete.
heat insulation see thermal insulation. 2 the modification of the mechanical
properties of steel by its controlled heat-
heat load the amount of excess heat ing and cooling; heat treatments include
within a space that has to be transferred hardening, tempering, annealing and
by an air-conditioning system. normalizing.
heat loss the transfer of heat from a heat welding a method of joining plas-
body or building to the outside, usually as tics components by pressing together and
waste energy. briefly heating by either high-frequency
heat of hydration a rise in temperature electric current, friction, a hot-knife or by
produced during the setting of concrete ultrasonic means.
and cements due to the chemical reaction heavy clay a soil type that contains
of the cement with water. more than 60% clay: tough and plastic
heat-proof see heat resistant. when wet, hard and uncrumbling when dry.
241 herringbone
heavy concrete, high density con- hemihydrate plaster, hemihydrate
crete; concrete which contains heavy gypsum plaster, plaster of Paris,
aggregate such as iron ore, scrap iron, or stucco; plaster whose binder is calcium
barium sulphate; it weighs between sulphate hemihydrate.
2800 5000 kg/m3 and is used for radia- hemlock [Tsuga spp.] a genus of North
tive shields. American softwood trees with soft, light,
heavy plate see quarto plate. pale brown timber; see below; often
heavy spar a naturally occurring form of planted as a background or an evergreen
the mineral barytes; see also Bologna ornamental on account of its feather-like
stone. fronds.
eastern hemlock, hemlock spruce
heavy tamping see dynamic consolidation. (Am); [Tsuga canadensis] a North
heel gable a gable at the outside corner American softwood with soft, pale brown
of two gable roofs which meet at right timber; used for interior work and fencing.
angles. western hemlock [Tsuga heterophylla] a
western North American softwood with
white to yellowish-brown timber, one of
the lightest softwood in use; used for gen-
eral construction and plywood.
hempseed oil a drying oil used as a
vehicle in paints, pressed from the seeds
of the hemp plant [Cannabis sativa].
herm, herma, plural hermae; in classi-
cal architecture, a square tapered column
heel gable capped with the carved head, bust or
torso of a figure, often Hermes; originally
used by the Greeks as a boundary marker,
helical reinforcement concrete column later as decoration.
reinforcement which is spiral or helical
in shape, binding the main reinforce-
ment within the column to form a three-
dimensional cage.
helical stair see spiral stair.
helicopter see power trowel.
heliotrope, bloodstone; a dark green
microcrystalline variety of the mineral
chalcedony speckled with red streaks of
jasper; used for decorative ornament and
as gemstones.
helix, 1 pl. helices; any spiral shape,
especially ornament as found in a classical
building. hermetically sealed glazed unit see
2 Lat.; one of the spirals or volutes sealed glazed unit, double-glazed unit.
beneath the abacus in a classical herringbone a decorative pattern in
Corinthian capital; often used in the plural, which stones, bricks, tiles or lines are
helices. arranged diagonally to interlink with one
Helmholtz resonator see cavity another so that each successive course
absorber. points in the opposite direction; see below:
herringbone brickwork, herringbone
helm roof a hipped roof constructed bond; decorative brickwork in which
diagonal to the rectilinear geometry of a bricks are laid at a slant with alter-
building thus producing gables on all four nate bricks at right angles; Roman her-
sides; usually used for spires. ringbone brickwork was known as opus
hematite see haematite. spicatum. See illustration on following page.
hertz 242
fibres such as hemp or jute; often used in
construction for reinforcing plasterwork.
hessonite, cinnamon stone; a brownish-
orange variety of the mineral garnet; a form
of grossular.
herringbone brickwork
Heterobasidion annosum see annosus
herringbone match see herringbone root rot.
pattern. HEVAC acronym of HEating, Ventilation
and Air Conditioning, also shortened to
HVAC; the discipline which deals with the
design and installation of heating, ventila-
tion and air-conditioning services for a
building; also called mechanical services
engineering or mechanical engineering.
herringbone hexagonal bar a manufactured metal
match veneering
bar, hexagonal in cross-section; when of
steel it is used in welded construction, for
herringbone panelling in traditional tie rods, detail work, etc.
timber frame construction, the filling of
the half-timbered panels in a framed wall hexagonal bolt, hex-head bolt; a bolt
by diagonally laid timbers or bricks. with a hexagonal head which can be
herringbone parquet mosaic parquet tightened with a spanner.
flooring laid in a herringbone pattern by hexagonal mesh see chicken wire.
gluing or nailing.
herringbone pattern a veneering pat-
hexagonal nipple a short connecting
pipe fitting externally threaded at either
tern in which veneers with slanting grain
end, whose middle section is hexagonal
are glued side by side in mirror image
in section so that it can be tightened with
along a centre line, resembling the bones
a spanner.
of a fish attached to its spine; a similar
pattern in tiling, paving and parquetry. hexagonal nut, hex
herringbone paving paving laid in a nut; a nut which is a reg-
herringbone pattern; see also Dutch ular hexagon in section
paving. so that it can be tight-
ened with a spanner. hexagonal nut
hexagonal paver a
concrete paving unit which is hexagonal,
laid in a honeycomb pattern.

herringbone paving

herringbone strutting, cross bridg-

ing, cross nogging; short timber diago-
nal members used to cross brace and
stiffen the joists in a timber joist floor
hertz the SI unit of frequency or cycles
per second, abb. Hz. hexagonal paving
hesitation set an outdated term mean-
ing false set. hexagonal tile a ceramic floor tile which
hessian, burlap (Am), sackcloth; a is hexagonal, laid in a honeycomb
roughly woven fabric made of natural pattern.
243 hinge
hexapartite vault see sexpartite vault. provides water for domestic use and
space heating.
hex-head bolt see hexagonal bolt.
hex nut see hexagonal nut. high performance referring to mater-
ials, products or components of reputed
H-hinge see parliament hinge. high quality, strength, durability or special
hickey, hicky see bending tool. properties; see also standard.
hickory [Carya spp.] a North American high-pressure sodium lamp a sodium
hardwood with hard and strong pinkish- lamp capable of producing a wider spec-
brown timber; used for tool handles, lad- trum of coloured light than normal
der rungs, furniture and sports sodium lamps, used for external and gar-
equipment. den lighting.
hide glue animal glue made from colla- high pressure steam curing see
gen, a protein released by boiling the autoclaving.
hides of animals. high pressure system see high velocity
hiding power see opacity. system.
high alumina cement, calcium alu- high-range water-reducing admix-
minate cement; a cement produced by ture see superplasticizing admixture.
grinding the clinker formed by burning high relief see alto rilievo.
calcareous and aluminous materials in a
kiln; an active hydraulic binder.
high-strength concrete concrete that
has a cube strength at 28 days of at least
high alumina cement clinker, high
50 N/mm2.
alumina clinker; a clinker formed by
burning calcareous and aluminous materi- high-tensile brass see manganese
als in a kiln; composed mainly of alumina bronze.
(aluminium oxide) and oxides, hydroxides high-tensile steel structural steel with a
or carbonates of calcium. carbon content of up to 3% and which
high alumina cement concrete concrete may contain significant proportions of
made with high alumina cement. other metals.
high alumina clinker see high alumina high-tension steel cable one of a num-
cement clinker. ber of cables which give a post-stressed
high carbon steel tough steel which concrete member its structural strength.
has a carbon content of 0.5 1.5%; used high velocity system, high pressure
for casting and cutting tools. system; an air-conditioning system in
high density concrete see heavy which air is forced through ductwork at
concrete. 5 20 m/s using a powerful fan, enabling
use of smaller duct-sizes.
high density polythene, HD poly-
thene, HDPE; a hard and rigid form of high voltage a voltage greater than
polythene used for plastics sheet, contain- 1000 V in an electric circuit.
ers and pipes.
high-early-strength cement see rapid-
hardening Portland cement. hinge a pivoting mechanism to provide
a fixing and rotating action for framed
high gloss see full gloss. door leaves, window casements, etc.;
high Gothic the middle phase of Gothic types included as separate entries are
architecture in France in the 1200s (see listed below:
Rayonnant) and elsewhere in Europe in *A-hinge; *backflap hinge; *ball-bearing
the 1300s (see Decorated); see also hinge, ball-bearing butt hinge; *ball
Geometric style, Curvilinear style. hinge; *band and hook hinge, see hook
and band hinge; *blind hinge, see con-
highlighting see spotlighting. cealed hinge; *butt hinge; *butterfly
high magnesium lime see dolomitic hinge; *cabinet hinge; *casement hinge;
lime. *centre pivot hinge, centre hinge; *clean-
ing hinge, see easy-clean hinge; *con-
high output back boiler a boiler fitted
cealed hinge; *continuous hinge, see
to the rear of a solid fuel heater which
hip 244

piano hinge; *cranked hinge; *cylinder hinge mortise, hinge rebate; a shal-
hinge; *door hinge; *double-acting hinge; low depression cut into a door frame
*double-acting spring hinge; *easy-clean and the edge of a door leaf to receive
hinge; *electric hinge, electrically wired the leaves of a hinge and ensure flush
hinge; *falling-butt hinge; *fast-pin hinge; installation.
*flap hinge, see strap hinge; *furnishing hinge pin that part of a hinge around
hinge, see cabinet hinge; *gravity door which the leaves rotate; either
hinge, see rising hinge; *H-hinge, see par- retractable or permanently fixed to one
liament hinge; *hook and band hinge; of the leaves; a hinge pin in a lift-off
*invisible hinge; *lift-off butt hinge, lift-off hinge is often called a pintle.
hinge; *loose butt hinge, see lift-off butt hinge rebate see hinge mortise.
hinge; *loose pin butt hinge, loose pin
hinge; *loose-joint hinge, loose-joint butt
hinge; *non-mortised hinge, non-mortised hip, 1 hip end, hipped end; the sloping
butt hinge; *parliament hinge; *piano triangle of a roof plane at one or both
hinge; *pin hinge, see loose pin butt ends of a hipped roof.
hinge; *rising hinge, rising-butt hinge;
*rule joint hinge; *screw hook and eye hip 2
hinge, screw hinge; *secret hinge, see
invisible hinge; *spring hinge; *strap
hinge; *surface hinge; *surface-fixed
hinge, see non-mortised hinge; *swing
door hinge, see double-acting hinge; hip 1
*tee hinge, T-hinge; *rule joint hinge,
see table hinge; *tight-pin hinge, see fast- hip roof
pin hinge; *weld-on hinge; *window
hinge. 2 piend; the sloping ridge formed by two
pitched roofs which meet at an outside
hip and valley roof a pitched roof con-
hinge structed with both hips and valleys, as
with an L-shaped building.
hip end, hipped end see hip.
pin hipped gable roof see half-hipped roof.
hipped mansard roof, mansard roof
(Am); a hip roof in which all four roof sur-
faces are doubly pitched.

leaf knuckle


hinge bolt, dog bolt, security bolt;

a metal security lug fitted to and pro-
jecting sideways from the hinge stile of
a door leaf, which fits in a housing in
the jamb when the door is shut and pre-
vents it from being forced open. hipped mansard roof
hinge chisel a thin chisel with a ser-
rated cutting edge, used for making hipped roof see hip roof.
thin mortises for concealed hinges. hip rafter, angle ridge; in timber roof
construction, a diagonal rafter at a junc-
hinge joint see pin joint. tion or hip formed by two sloping roofs in
hinge leaf one of the metal flaps by different planes.
which a hinge is fixed to the edge of a hip roof, hipped roof; a pitched roof
door and its frame. with slopes on all four sides which meet
245 hollow-core door
at the corners to form hips; it may or may holing in slate roofing, the making of a
not have a ridge. hole in a roof slate for fixing with a nail.
hip tile a roof tile which is specially hollow see hollow moulding.
formed to cover a hip; see angular hip tile,
bonnet hip tile (granny bonnet). hollow bedding the laying of blocks in
masonry in such a way that mortar is
historiated capital see figured capital. applied only to the edges and sides to
historic site, area of historical inter- protect the blocks against cracking during
est; an area of land of cultural and histori- movement.
cal value by virtue of a structure thereon,
hollow block see cellular block.
or as the site of an important historical
event, often protected by legislation. hollow brick, 1 cavity block; a brick
manufactured with a large hole or holes
hit and miss construction see che- through it, forming cavities within the
querboard construction.
thickness of a brick wall to reduce
hoarding 1 a temporary fence enclosing weight and to house wiring and pipe
a construction site. installations, etc.
2 a large freestanding screen designed to 2 a general name for all types of perfo-
carry adverts. rated brick.
3 a covered overhanging wooden gallery
hollow-chisel mortiser a drill or drill
built next to the parapet of a fortified wall
bit with a square casing around a helical
or tower to allow defenders to drop mis-
bit, used for cutting rectangular mortises
siles on assailants below; also known as a
in wood.
hoard or hourd.
hollow clay
hockey stick a strip of planed timber block a light-
which is L-shaped or rebated in cross-sec-
weight clay
tion, used as trim to cover the corners or
building block
edge joints of partitions, panels, etc.; an
extruded with
edge strip with one limb longer than the hollow clay block
internal voids.
hod a three-sided wooden or plastic box hollow composite beam a patented
supported on a short pole, used on a hollow perforated steel beam site-grouted
building site for carrying bricks, blocks or with concrete, used for the support of pre-
mortar to their place of use. cast floor slabs and planks.
hog, camber, hogging; the built-in hollow concrete block see cellular
upward bowing of a prestressed or other block.
beam, which then becomes straight on hollow-core beam a precast and preten-
loading. sioned concrete slab unit with longitudinal
hoist apparatus for lifting and lowering voids, used as rapidly laid structural floor
components and equipment on site; see and roof components to span between
also winch. main beams; also called a hollow-core slab
hoisting plant see lifting equipment. or concrete plank.
hoistway see lift well.
holdfast a metal fixing or cleat used for
fastening stone cladding to a structural
hole cutter see hole saw.
hole gauge see plug gauge.
hole saw, tubular saw, hole cutter, hollow-core beams
annular bit, crown saw; a drill bit for over concrete beam
drilling large bore circular holes in board, and column structure
by means of a blade which is a short
length of tube with a serrated edge.
hollow-core door a door whose leaf is
holiday see miss. of light cellular cardboard construction
hollow-core slab 246
with veneers or laminate sheets bonded of a gap or lightweight frame; see cavity
to either side. wall.
hollow-wall anchor, molly, toggle; a
metal threaded fastener for fixing to plas-
terboard hollow wall surfaces, inserted
into a drilled hole and secured by means
of a sleeve which is retracted to clamp
tight against the reverse side of construc-
tion when the screw is turned.


hollow-core door
insertion fastening
hollow-core slab see hollow-core beam.
hollow glass block see glass block. hollow-wall
hollow masonry wall see cavity wall.
hollow moulding a decorative mould-
ing composed of a curved segmental or insertion fastening
three-quarter circular recess, used at the
inner junction of perpendicular surfaces hollow wall bond see cavity bond,
such as ceilings and walls; see also trochi- Dearne's bond, rat-trap bond.
lus, scotia. hollow-wall plug, molly, toggle; a
nylon version of a hollow-wall anchor,
used for fixing lighter objects; see also
legs anchor.
homelift a lift designed for domestic use
by the elderly and disabled.
hollow moulding homogeneous plywood plywood in
which all the veneers are of the same spe-
hollow plane a woodworking plane with cies of wood; homogeneous refers to a
a concave base and blade used for cutting material or substance which is of uniform
convex shapes; usually sold as a pair with composition.
a round plane. Honduras mahogany, Central
hollow roll joint a bitumen sheet or American mahogany; [Swietenia macro-
sheetmetal roofing joint in which two phylla] a Central American tropical hard-
adjacent sheets are intertwined along wood with red or golden brown timber;
their edges without a core roll. used for interior and exterior joinery,
flooring, furniture and boat-building.
hone, whetstone; a fine-grained grind-
stone used for sharpening the blades of
tools and polishing stone surfaces.
hollow roll joint honed a description of a smooth, lightly
polished, matt finish in stonework, pro-
hollow section, tubular section; a duced by treatment with a fine abrasive;
round or rectangular hollow steel section the same as a polished finish, but without
formed by rolling and welding steel plate, the final shine, see also rubbed finish.
used for structural purposes; see circular honeycomb brickwork brickwork laid
hollow section, rectangular hollow section, with staggered openings between adja-
square hollow section. cent bricks for decoration or to permit
hollow wall any wall whose construction ventilation through the wall. See illustra-
is of two leaves, boards, etc. on either side tion on facing page.
247 horizontal pivot window
hook and eye a simple fastener for a
window or door consisting of a pivoted
hook, attached to the leaf, and a ring,
attached to the frame, into which the
hook fits.

brickwork hook and eye

honeycomb floor see waffle floor. hook bolt 1 a lock bolt which is hook-
honeycomb rot see red ring rot. shaped or curved, used for fastening slid-
ing doors.
honeycomb slab see waffle slab.
honeycomb work see stalactite work.
honeycombing, rock pocket (Am);
voids in faulty concrete caused by a lack
of fine aggregate or insufficient
honing the sharpening of the tip of a
metal blade of a hand tool or the produc-
tion of a matt surface on stonework using
a fine grindstone or hone.
honing bevel the very tip of the bev- hook bolt
elled blade of a chisel or other cutting
tool, ground or sharpened to provide a 2 a metal fastening consisting of a bolt
cutting edge. whose end is bent over, used for fixing
honing guide, gauge; a device for profiled sheet roofing to a steel frame.
holding the blade of a tool such as a
chisel at the correct angle while it is being hooked scarf joint see tabled scarf
sharpened. joint, splayed and tabled scarf joint.
hood see extractor hood, canopy. hook pin in traditional timber frame con-
struction, an iron peg hammered into a
hood-mould, dripstone, label; a raised joint as a temporary fixing, replaced with
protruding moulding above a masonry a wooden peg at a later stage.
arch or opening to throw off rainwater.
hook screw see screw hook.
hook 1 in reinforced concrete, a reinfor-
cing bar whose end has been bent back hop-hornbeam see European hop-
on itself around a thick pin in order to hornbeam.
provide anchorage. hopper head see rainwater head.
2 see screw hook.
hopper light a bottom-hinged window
hook and band hinge, band and casement which opens inwards, often a
hook hinge; a hinge consisting of a flap small vent window beneath a larger fixed
which fits over a pin attached to a back light.
plate, bolt or lug; used for cupboard horizontal boarding timber cladding
doors. boards laid horizontally on a frame as
interior boarding, weatherboarding, clap-
boarding or shiplap boarding.
horizontal glazing bar see lay bar.
horizontal joint any construction joint
which runs horizontally; see bed joint.
horizontal pivot window, tip-up
hook and band hinge window; a window with an opening light
horizontal rafter 248
hung centrally on pins on either side of horseshoe arch,
the frame, about which it opens. Arabic arch,
Moorish arch,
round horse-
shoe arch; an
arch composed of
a segment of a cir- horseshoe arch
cle which sub-
tends an angle of more than 180 , often
stilted; see also pointed horseshoe arch.
hose reel see fire-hose reel.
horizontal pivot hot-air dried see kiln dried.
hot-air stripping in painting and deco-
rating, renovation work, etc., the softening
horizontal rafter see common purlin. of old paint prior to removal using an
horizontal rafter roof see common appliance which provides a blast of hot
purlin roof.
horizontal section a drawing represent- hot bonding compound see bonding
ing a horizontal cut through a site, build-
ing or object; a plan view.
hot cement cement at an undesirably
horizontal shore see flying shore. high temperature at its time of use, usu-
horizontal sliding window see sliding ally caused by inadequate cooling after
window. manufacture.
hornbeam [Carpinus betulus] a European hot-dipping, hot-dip zinc coating; the
hardwood with extremely hard, heavy, application of a protective layer of zinc to
dense and durable white timber which steel components by immersion in a bath
turns and machines well; used where of molten zinc; a form of galvanizing.
toughness and durability are essential.
hot-dip zinc coating see hot-dipping.
hornblende a dark brown, black or hot forming see hot working.
green mineral containing silicates of iron,
magnesium and calcium; found in granite hot-melt adhesive, hot-melt glue
and many other rocks. see thermoplastic adhesive.
hornfels a collective name for types of hot pressing the production of linseed
fine-grained metamorphic rock which oil for paints and finishes by extraction
have formed under high temperatures, under extreme pressure and heat.
often dark grey or greenish and very hot rolling the most common process of
weather-resistant; see contact metamor- forming steel sections by passing hot steel
phic rock, crystalline schist. through a series of heavy rollers.
horntail see woodwasp. hot-rolled deformed bar a deformed
bar produced by a hot rolling process;
horse chestnut used as concrete reinforcement.
[Aesculus spp.] a genus
hot-rolled steel section a structural
of hardwood trees
steel section formed by a process of hot
from the northern
hemisphere, the most
common of which is hot setting adhesive, hot setting
the European horse horse chestnut glue see thermosetting adhesive.
chestnut, Aesculus hip- hot stuff see bonding compound.
pocastanum, a large tree (the 'conker
tree') often planted in parks as a shade- hot water water heated by gas, electric-
giver and for its dramatic bloom spikes. ity, oil or steam to not more than 65 C for
use in a domestic supply.
horse mould see running mould. hot water central heating a central
horsed moulding see run moulding. heating system in which piped hot water
249 H-section
is circulated from a boiler or storage cylin- 2 in joinery, a long groove machined into
der to radiators, etc. a board to house another member; a
hot water heating a heating system in chase or dado; in framing construction
which the heating medium is circulated this may be called a let-in.
hot water. 3 a general term for a group of dwellings; a
hot water storage heater see storage housing development; policies, regulations,
heater. development and other matters relating to
hot water supply system, hot water residential buildings, when viewed as a
system; a system of pipes and heating whole; see also housing production.
vessels for the provision and distribution housing area see residential area.
of hot water to spaces in a building; see
indirect hot water supply system and housing development, housing
direct hot water supply system. scheme, residential development; an
area of new housing functioning as a unit,
hot working, hot forming; the process either a design scheme or as completed.
of shaping metal when hot by forging and
hot rolling, etc. to prevent brittleness in housing joint see housed joint.
the final products; see also cold working. housing production, housebuilding;
houndstooth brickwork see dogtooth that area of design, development and
brickwork. construction relating to residential
houndstooth moulding see dogtooth
moulding. housing project see residential develop-
ment, public housing.
hourd see hoarding.
housing scheme see housing develop-
housebuilding see housing production. ment, residential scheme.
housed joint, 1 housing joint; any tim- Howe truss a form of lattice beam or tri-
ber joint in which the end of one member is
angular truss patented by the American
held in a depression or housing in another.
William Howe in 1840, in which, by virtue
2 a timber joint in which the end or side
of the layout of its web members, all diag-
of one piece is housed in a longitudinal
onals are in compression and all verticals
cutting or groove in another; also called a
in tension, the opposite of those in a Pratt
dado joint or housing joint.
truss; diagonals in the triangular version
housed scarf joint, form a V-pattern and in flat trusses an
shouldered scarf A-pattern; see Pratt truss, Vierendeel truss,
joint; a timber scarf Warren truss.
joint in which the
ends of both timbers
are cut with a stepped housed scarf pitched diagonal
halving to interlock joint truss
with one another and
provide added bending strength. upper chord
flat truss
house longhorn beetle [Hylotrupes
bajulus] a large insect which causes damage
to dry softwood in buildings by burrowing. lower chord
Howe trusses
housing 1 a cutting or recess in one
member to receive another.
H-pile any steel pile whose main shaft is
an H-section.
H-section, 1 UC section, universal col-
umn; a structural steel stanchion section,
formed by rolling, whose uniform cross
section resembles the letter H in which
the width of flanges is approximately
housing equal to the height of the web.
hue 250
2 similarly shaped non-structural sections hydraulic binder a cement binder
in other metals and materials. which sets by chemical reaction
hue in colour science, that aspect of a col- with water, as opposed to evaporation
our which defines its actual colour (as of water, and will thus harden under
opposed to brightness or saturation), water.
caused by a specific wavelength or wave- hydraulic cement a binder for concrete
lengths of light. which will set under water, produced by
the grinding of clinker.
human scale a concept whereby the hydraulic lift a lift with a lift drive pow-
dimensions of a built environment and its ered by piped liquid under pressure to
components take into account the physi- raise a piston, plunger or ram on which
cal and psychological well-being of its the lift car is located.
inhabitants. hydraulic lime quicklime in which the
humidifier an appliance which increases amount of silica and aluminates is suffi-
the relative humidity of air, making condi- cient for it to set in contact with water, or
tions more comfortable in spaces whose under water.
air is too dry; in air conditioning, the intro- hydraulic lime mortar a versatile mor-
duction of water vapour to dry air is car- tar made from hydraulic lime; it has good
ried out by a humidifier. properties of elasticity, permeability and
resistance to weather, fungal growth, etc.,
humidity 1 water vapour suspended in
and is used for general plastering, render-
ing and renovation work on traditional
2 a measurement of the water content of
and vernacular buildings.
air; see relative humidity.
hydraulic spraying see airless spraying.
humus highly organic soil formed by the hydraulic test see water test.
decomposition of vegetable matter.
hydrochloric acid a corrosive solution
hung ceiling see suspended ceiling. of hydrogen chloride, HCl, in water; used
hung gutter a gutter at eaves level, sep- in galvanizing, steel pickling and the elec-
arate from the fascia, hung on gutter tronics industry.
brackets. hydrogen the most common chemical
Hungarian green see malachite. element, H; a colourless, odourless gas
which burns explosively in the presence
HVAC see HEVAC. of oxygen to form water.
hydrant an outlet point through which hydrogen chloride a corrosive, gaseous
water can be drawn from a mains water chemical compound, HCl, which, when
supply; see fire hydrant. mixed with water, becomes hydrochloric
hydrant box a covering construction for acid.
a hydrant, usually some sort of cupboard. hydrogen peroxide a chemical com-
pound, H2O2; an oxidizing, antiseptic and
hydration 1 the chemical alliance of a
bleaching agent.
substance with water.
hydrogen sulphide a poisonous, pun-
2 the reaction of the silicates and alumi-
gent, gaseous chemical compound, H2S,
nates in cement with water to form a used in metallurgy and in the manufac-
hard mass. ture of chemicals.
hydrated high calcium by-product
lime, carbide hydrate; a white powder hydrophilic attracted to or having a ten-
whose main constituent is calcium dency to absorb water.
hydroxide CaOH2; a by-product of the hydrophobic cement, water-repellent
manufacture of acetylene gas used as cement; a form of Portland cement
hydrated lime. whose particles are protected with a
hydrated lime, lime hydrate; water-repellant treatment such as wax,
quicklime to which water has been added, worn off during mixing, which prevents it
either supplied in powdered form as dry from setting during storage or transport;
hydrate or in liquid form as slaked lime. hydrophobic means having a tendency to
repel water.
hydraulics the science of fluids in motion
and at rest, especially that of fluids in pipes. hydrostatics the science of fluids at rest.
251 hypotrachelium
hydrostatic head, hydrostatic pres- hypaethral, hypethral; in classical archi-
sure the pressure of a liquid measured at tecture, referring to a building which is
any point; it is the depth of the liquid mul- fully or partly open to the sky.
tiplied by its density. hyperbolic paraboloid roof a shell
hydrostatic level see water level. roof shaped like a butterfly in profile,
hydrostatic pressure see hydrostatic formed from the three-dimensional curva-
head. ture of a hyperbolic parabola.
hygrometer, moisture meter; a device hyperstatic frame see statically indeter-
for measuring the relative humidity of air. minate frame.
hygroscopic moisture the adsorbed or hypethral see hypaethral.
capillary moisture in a substance such as
soil when in contact with air; hygroscopic hypocaust in classical Roman architec-
is a description of a solid with the ten- ture, an underfloor room heating system
dency to absorb water from air containing using voids or channels through which
water vapour. hot air is introduced from a central fur-
nace; also the underfloor space itself.
Hylotrupes bajulus see house longhorn
beetle. hypostyle hall a hall in an Egyptian tem-
ple whose roof is supported by a dense
hypabyssal rock, dyke rock, transi-
grid of thick columns.
tional igneous rock; types of igneous rock
formed from magma hardening in channels hypotrachelium Lat.; the upper part or
and vents in the earth's crust; their use in groove in the shaft of a Doric column
the building industry is minimal due to the beneath the trachelion; Greek form is
relatively small size of deposits. hypotrakhelion.
I-beam any steel, concrete or timber designs hand-painted by monks for deco-
beam with an upper and lower flange rating the initial letter of a page.
connected to a central web, I-shaped in illuminated ceiling see luminous
cross-section; see also I-section. ceiling.
imbrex, plural imbrices; Lat.; a U-shaped
roofing tile used in conjunction with a
tegula in Italian and Roman tiling, often
capped with antefixae at eaves and ridge.
immediate settlement, elastic com-
precast pression, initial settlement; in founda-
concrete I-beam tion technology, the slight downward
movement of a building which occurs
idigbo [Terminalia ivorensis] a hardwood during and immediately after construc-
from the West African rainforests with yel- tion, caused by compression of soil grains
low to yellow-brown timber; used for its and gas pockets in the underlying ground
attractive appearance in joinery and due to the weight of the building.
immersion heater see electric water
igneous rock, magmatic rock, pyro- heater.
genic rock, fusion rock, flow rock, immersion treatment the preservation
massive rock, eruptive rock; types of of timber by immersing it in a solution of
rock which have formed from the solidi- preservative for a specified time.
fication of volcanic magma, including
immersion vibration, poker vibra-
plutonic, hypabyssal and volcanic rocks;
tion; the compaction of fresh concrete
types included as separate entries are
using an immersion vibrator.
listed below:
*acidic rock, acid rock; *andesite; *basalt; immersion vibrator, internal vibrator,
*basic rock; *diabase, traprock; *diorite; poker vibrator; a vibrating probe fully
*dolerite; *dyke rock, see hypabyssal rock; immersed in fresh concrete to provide
*effusive rock, volcanic rock; *extrusive compaction through gentle agitation, pro-
rock, volcanic rock; *gabbro; *granite; vided by means of an eccentrically rotat-
*granodiorite; *greenstone; *hypabyssal ing mechanism; see surface vibrator.
rock, dyke rock, transitional igneous rock; impact driver see impact screwdriver.
*intermediate rock; *lava rock; *pegma-
tite; *peridotite; *plutonic rock, plutonite; impact insulation class a measure of
*porphyry; *pyroxenite; *quartz diorite; the sound caused by impacts such as
*syenite; *transitional igneous rock, see walking, etc. transmitted between adja-
hypabyssal rock; *ultrabasic rock; *volca- cent rooms.
nic rock, vulcanite, effusive rock, extrusive impact noise see impact sound.
rock. impact resistance see impact strength.
impact screwdriver, impact driver; a
ignimbrite, welded tuff; a brown volca- heavy-duty cast steel hand tool for open-
nic rock originally formed from fused ing tight screws and bolts by striking with
deposits of glowing hot clouds; used a mallet to produce a turning action.
locally as building stone.
impact sound, impact noise; in acous-
illuminance in lighting design, the ratio tics, sound which arises as the result of an
of luminous flux per area falling on a sur- impact on building fabric, such as that of
face, measured in lux. footsteps or a door closing.
illumination 1 see lighting, artificial impact sound isolation a thin layer of
lighting. fibrous or porous sheet material laid
2 the art of decorating manuscripts with under hard flooring to prevent vibration,
ornament, gold leaf, colours, etc.; espe- walking impacts, etc. being transferred to
cially those often complex and colourful the floor structure, and to spaces below.
253 indents
impact strength the property of a mate- incense cedar [Calocedrus decurrens] a
rial which is able to resist forces in impact softwood from western USA whose close-
without permanent deformation or rup- grained timber has a fragrant resinous
ture; impact resistance. odour and is highly resistant to moisture;
impedance the effective electrical resis- used as sawn boards.
tance of a component in a circuit at a incipient decay see dote.
given frequency of current. inclined, sloping; of a roof, ramp, chan-
imperfection a feature that depreciates nel or other planar surface, at an angle to
the appearance or lowers the quality of the horizontal; inclination is the angular
an item, product, surface or finish; a measure of this slope.
defect. inclined pile see raking pile.
imperial standard brick a standard indanthrene a proprietary name for a
size of brick previously in use in Great number of commercial synthetic pigments
Britain with regular dimensions of based on anthraquinone and related com-
85/8" 3 41/8" 3 25/8" (219 3 104.8 3 66.8 mm). pounds, especially indanthrone blue (used
impost a stone, block, brick or masonry in oil paints and acrylics for internal use)
from which the voussoirs of an arch are and indanthrene yellow, which has
supported. replaced traditional Indian yellow.
indanthrone pigment a group of pig-
impost block 1 see dosseret. ments manufactured from anthraquinone;
2 a corbelled stone at the impost of a used also for dying fabrics.
masonry arch, on which its voussoirs are
supported. indentation see indents.
impregnation a process by which tim- indented moulding, sawtooth moul-
ber is saturated with a wood preservative ding; a decorative moulding consisting of
or flame retardant. a series of triangular indentations; see also
impregnated timber see pressure indented embattled moulding.
impregnated timber.
improved nail see annular nail.
improved wood timber whose pores indented moulding
are impregnated with synthetic resins,
heated and subjected to pressure, used indented embattled moulding an
for floorings and exterior work. embattled moulding whose upper protru-
inactive leaf the leaf in a double door sions have V-shaped indentations.
which is usually kept locked, against indented scarf joint see halved and
which the active leaf is latched. tabled scarf joint.
in-and-out screwdriver see spiral indented wire steel wire used as rein-
ratchet screwdriver. forcement, with surface indentations to
in antis Lat.; in classical architecture, a improve its bonding in concrete.
description of a temple whose frontal col- indenting see indents.
umns are bounded at either side exten-
sions of the side walls; see also antis
inbark, bark pocket, ingrown bark;
bark around branches and knots which indents left in
has become embedded in wood as the brickwork wall for
tree grows. construction of
incandescent lamp an electric lamp masonry
which produces light by means of a
heated tungsten filament suspended in a indents recesses left during masonry con-
glass tube in a vacuum or filled with an struction into which later work, including
inert gas; incandescence is the emission perpendicular walls, ornament, etc. can be
of light by any heated object or body. bonded; often called reverse toothing.
index of plasticity 254
index of plasticity see plasticity index. inductive loop an aerial wrapped
index of refraction see refractive index. around a building or embedded in con-
struction, which receives electromagnetic
indiarubber see caoutchouc. signals from a portable transmitter; used
Indian blue see indigo. in telecommunications and remote con-
trol doors, etc.; also called an induction
Indian oak see teak. loop.
Indian red see oxide red. industrialized building the construc-
Indian rosewood, East Indian rose- tion of buildings using prefabrication,
wood; [Dalbergia latifolia], see rosewood. specialized building components and
Indian yellow, puree, pwree; a yellow factory-made units to increase site effi-
pigment used in the 1900s, originally pro- ciency and speed up construction.
duced in India by heating the urine of inertia the tendency of a material or
cows fed on mango leaves. body to resist change; especially the prop-
indicating bolt, snib latch; a lock for a erty of a body to remain at rest or move
WC or bathroom incorporating a dial indi- in a straight line at a uniform velocity in
cating by colour or words whether the the absence of external forces.
room is occupied. inertia block a thick layer of heavy
material onto which mechanical equip-
indigo, Indian blue; a deep blue pigment ment is placed to reduce its resonant fre-
originally extracted from the Indian indigo quency and absorb vibration caused by
plant [Indigofera tinctoria, Indigofera anil] moving or oscillating parts.
but since made synthetically from coal tar,
see aniline; used mainly as a dyestuff. inert pigment see extender.
indirect hot water supply system a infill, infilling; 1 material used to fill in
hot water system in which hot water is the spaces in a building frame, such as
provided by an indirect cylinder or calori- panels of glass or sheet material held in
fier rather than a boiler. curtainwalling profiles.
2 the part of a balustrade between the
indirect lighting illumination or task handrail and floor level which is filled with
lighting provided by light reflected, solid material, glass or obstructing wires
refracted or diffused by surfaces; see also or rods to afford protection.
direct lighting.
infiltration 1 the seepage of fresh air
indirect solar radiation see skylight. into a building through open vents, cracks
induced siphonage the sucking out of and construction joints around windows
a water seal in a trap by siphonage and doors, etc., as ventilation.
caused by pressure differences in a drain, 2 the undesirable leakage of air into con-
allowing foul air to escape into a room. struction and spaces; air introduced in
inductance the magnitude of electromo- such a way, often causing draughts and
tive force produced by a change in electri- discomfort.
cal current in a circuit or conductor. infiltration rate a measure of the seep-
induction convector system, induc- age of fresh air into a building, given as
tion unit system; an air-conditioning m3/h or litres per second (l/s).
system in which the temperature of inflammable same as flammable; often
ducted air is regulated locally by hot and confused with its opposite, non-
cold water pipes. flammable.
induction hardening a surface-hardening inflected arch see ogee arch.
treatment for steel by briefly heating it
with a high-frequency electrical current influence line in the theory of structures,
and then immediately quenching in water. a graph plotted to show loading at var-
induction unit a localized air-conditioning ious points along a beam.
unit in which ducted air is blown into a infrared radiator a heater which pro-
room over coils to heat or cool it; cf. fan coil duces heat by the emission of infrared
unit. radiation, which is electromagnetic radia-
induction unit system see induction tion of a longer wavelength than that of
convector system. the visible spectrum.
255 inside start saw
infrasound sound with a frequency treated native earth such as burnt sienna;
below that which can be heard by the organic refers to a substance which is not
human ear, less than about 15 30 Hz. found in or derived from living organisms.
inglenook, chimney-corner, chimney- inorganic polymer any polymer which
does not contain carbon.
nook; a seat, seating place or bench inte-
grated into a large traditional open input air see supply air.
fireplace. input device see supply air terminal unit.
ingrain wallcovering see woodchip input ventilation, pressure ventila-
wallpaper. tion; mechanical ventilation by pumping
ingrown bark see inbark. fresh air into spaces, thus causing internal
pressure which forces out stale air.
inhibitor a substance which slows down
a chemical process. insanitary a description of a construction
or space contaminated by biological pol-
initial prestress, initial stress; in pre-
lutants such as bacteria and living
stressed concrete, the stretching force
microbes which may be a liability to the
applied to prestressing tendons, which is
health of occupants.
then imparted to the concrete as com-
pressive stress. insect screen, fly wire; a fine mesh of
metal wire or plastics fixed to a frame to
initial settlement see immediate
prevent insects from entering a building
via windows, doors, eaves, etc.; the mesh
initial stress see initial prestress. itself is called insect mesh.
injection see artificial cementing, insert see patch.
inserted column see engaged column.
injection mortar a wet mix of mortar
used for grouting; grout.
inserted plywood plywood in which
defects in the surface plies have been
injection moulding a method of form- repaired with patches of veneer.
ing thermoplastics and thermosetting
plastics products by heating granulated
inset screw cup see recessed screw cup.
material and injecting it into a mould. inside calliper a measuring tool with a
pair of curved hinged legs, used for mea-
inlay flush decoration made by gluing or
suring the inside diameter of pipes and
casting material of another colour, compo-
other hollow objects.
sition or pattern into surface depressions.
inlet see fresh-air inlet, fresh-air vent. inside corner tile a ceramic tile
designed for use at the lowest edge of a
inlet grating the perforated or slatted lid tiled wall, where it meets the floor.
for a gully, through which surface water
passes to a drain.
inner bark see phloem.
inner leaf the skin of brickwork, block-
work, stonework or concrete cavity wall
construction which faces the interior of a
building; in concrete construction it is
usually loadbearing. inside corner
inner ply one of the layers or veneers in
plywood which are not on the surface. inside corner trowel see internal angle
inner sash the sash in a coupled window
which faces the interior of a room. inside face the face of a piece of sawn
timber which is nearest the heart when
inorganic referring to a substance which cut from a log.
is not found in or derived from living
organisms, or one of mineral origin. inside glazing glass or other glazing
inorganic pigment, mineral pig- material that has been added to the inner
ment; a pigment which is either a syn- side of external glazing.
thetic metal salt such as zinc oxide, or a inside start saw see flooring saw.
in situ 256
in situ, cast-in-place (Am), cast-in-situ; provides a mechanical or electrical service
referring to concrete and other similar for a building or construction.
materials which have been cast fresh on 2 fitting; the fixing of prefabricated
site as opposed to being prefabricated; components or services in place and
written in-situ when used as an adjective; subsidiary work to affect their
in-situ casting is the process of doing this. performance.
in-situ concrete, cast-in-place con- 3 the fastening in place and connection to
crete (Am), cast-in-situ concrete; a supply of technical appliances and
concrete placed on site in formwork rather plant.
than having been precast as units. installation allowance, installation
in-situ flooring floor surfacing laid or gap see allowance.
cast in situ. installation riser any vertical gas pipe
in-situ pile see cast-in-place pile. within a building.
in-situ plasterwork, solid plaster- instant start lamp, cold start lamp; a
work; ornamental plasterwork cast or laid fluorescent lamp which lights up immedi-
in its final position, as opposed to being ately after being switched on.
precast and fitted; in-situ plastering or
solid plastering is the process of working instant tack the spontaneous sticking
with in-situ plasterwork. together of surfaces coated with wet con-
tact adhesive as they are brought
inspection a periodic survey or check together to form a joint.
of work at key stages in construction, instructions to tenderers in tendering
undertaken on site by a qualified person for building work, the requirements and
such as a local authority official, clerk of conditions covering the preparation and
works or architect to ensure that it submission of a tender.
meets with building regulations and insulant see insulating material.
norms and is in accordance with the
designs; examples included as separate insulated block
entries are listed below: a lightweight con-
*building inspection; *final inspection; crete block with
*fire inspection; *investigation; *property an interlayer or
survey; *reinspection; *site inspection; core of polysty-
*survey. rene incorporated
inspection cap an end cap for the as thermal insula- insulated block
open end of a drainage pipe, which can tion during manufacture.
be removed for inspection. insulated flue a prefabricated flue of
inspection chamber, manhole; a metal twin-wall construction with fire-
subterranean chamber with a removable proof insulation between the inner
cover at ground level, usually located steel tube and outer sheetmetal
outside a building to provide open sheathing.
access for inspection and maintenance
of a drainage or sewerage system.
insulated glazing unit see sealed
glazed unit.
inspection cover an openable cover
for an inspection chamber. insulated infill panel opaque infill
inspection door an inspection hatch panels for glazing and curtain walling sys-
in a flue. tems, containing thermal insulation.
inspection eye see cleaning eye. insulated render proprietary rendering
inspection hatch, inspection door; systems in which render is applied to wire
a door or hatch in ductwork or casing mesh lathing attached directly to a layer
which can be opened for inspection, of thermal insulation.
cleaning, maintenance, etc. of a con-
cealed device or construction. insulating, non-conductive; the prop-
erty of thermally, acoustically or electri-
cally isolating with a barrier of
inspector see building control officer, fire suitable material to inhibit the flow of
officer. heat, sound or electricity.
1 a fixed assembly of appli- insulating concrete, insulating light-
ances, components and fittings which weight concrete; concrete with a low
257 interior design
thermal conductivity and good insulating also petrol intercepting trap, oil
properties. interceptor.
insulating glass unit see sealed glazed intercom see internal telephone system.
insulating lightweight concrete see intergrown knot,
insulating concrete. live knot; 1 a knot
insulating material, insulation, insu- in seasoned timber
lant; any material used as thermal, elec- whose grain is
trical or sound insulation. intergrown with the
surrounding wood.
2 see red knot. intergrown knot
insulation the laying or installation of interim application in contract admin-
thermal or acoustic insulation; the insu-
istration, a document drawn up periodic-
lating layer thus formed; types included
ally by a contractor requesting fees owed
as separate entries are listed below:
for work carried out.
*acoustic insulation, see sound insulation;
*electrical insulation; *fire insulation, see interim payment in contract adminis-
fireproofing; *frost insulation; *heat insu- tration, a payment made at any given
lation, see thermal insulation; *insulating stage in construction for work carried out
material; *sound insulation; *thermal up to that point.
insulation; *vibration insulation. interior 1 the inside of a building, space,
insulation bat a preformed panel of component, installation, etc.; that part of a
thermal insulation such as mineral wool building bounded by internal walls, ceil-
and wood wool slabs. ings and floors.
insulation board see softboard. 2 see interior design.
insulation clip a thin plastic accessory interior adhesive, INT; adhesive
attached along the length of a wall tie intended primarily for interior use, unre-
to hold insulation bats in their correct sistant to prolonged damp, the weather
position in a masonry cavity wall; also and boiling water.
called an insulation retainer. interior decoration see interior design
insulation glass see sealed glazed (below).
unit, sound insulation glass, see sound interior glazing see internal glazing.
control glass. interior luminaire a non-weatherproof
insulation retainer see insulation clip. luminaire designed only for use within a
interior paint, internal paint; paint
INT interior adhesive. suitable for interior use only; often emul-
intaglio rilevato see sunk relief. sion paint.
interior plaster plaster suitable for use
intarsia, tarsia; decorative inlaid work in
on interior walls.
mosaic of various colours and materials,
interior plywood plywood intended for
especially wooden inlay from the Italian
interior use, glued with adhesives which
Renaissance; see marquetry.
have low resistance to humidity.
integrated system an air-conditioning interior wall, partition; a wall inside a
or mechanical ventilation system using building, neither of whose faces are open
in-built ducting, air-handling luminaires, to the outside.
interior design 1 the discipline and pro-
intelligent fire alarm see addressable fession of designing interior spaces,
system. including the planning of layouts, and the
intense blue see phthalocyanine blue. design and choice of surface finishes and
intensity level see sound intensity level. 2 decor, interior, interior decoration;
intercepting trap, interceptor, inter- the wall and floor finishes, surfaces mate-
ceptor trap; a drainage fitting or con- rials and treatments, colour scheme, lay-
struction which inhibits the passage outs and furnishing of a building or space.
of unwanted gravel, silt, oil, etc. in the interior designer a trained person or
waste water to a drainage system; see professional consultant responsible for
interlace 258
designing and specifying decor and fur- 2 a horizontal rail fixed to balusters or ver-
nishings for the interior of a building. ticals between floor level and the handrail
interlace, entrelace; decorative orna- of a balustrade.
ment of complex intertwined bands or intermediate rock types of igneous
lines; see also knotwork. rock whose silica content is between 52%
and 66%.
intermediate sash the middle of three
window sashes in a triple glazed window
interlace unit.

interlaced arches, interlacing arches, intermediate sheet in built-up roofing,

a smooth middle layer of bitumen felt
laced arches; a series of round arches or
bonded to the underlying base sheet and
arched shapes in which adjacent arches
cap sheet above.
overlap one half-arch width.
internal angle trowel, inside corner
trowel; a plasterer’s trowel for smoothing
internal corners in plasterwork with a han-
dled blade of bent steel sheet.
interlaced arches internal door a door between two adja-
cent spaces in a building, neither face of
interlocked grain, interlocking grain, which is exposed to the outside.
twisting fibres; timber grain produced in
alternate groups of growth rings forming internal force a force occurring within,
spirals in reverse directions round the tree and restrained by, a structural member,
trunk; it is generally difficult to work and material, component, etc.
used in decorative veneers. internal friction see viscosity.
interlocking paver, interpaver; a pro- internal glazing glazing not exposed to
prietary concrete paving product pre- the outside; a window or glass screen in
formed in a variety of shapes and laid in an internal partition.
groups to form patterned surfaces; some-
times called a key or interweave paver,
internal paint see interior paint.
depending on its profile. internal plaster see interior plaster.
interlocking tile a clay or concrete roof internal surface the surface of a wall or
tile whose edges are moulded with a building component facing towards the
series of grooves to fit into corresponding inside.
mouldings in adjacent tiles. internal surface resistance value see
internal telephone system, inter-
com; an electrical communications sys-
tem for use within a building or complex.
internal tooth washer a tooth washer
with serrations along its inner
internal vibrator see immersion
interlocking tile
internal wall see partition.
intermediate landing, stair landing; interpaver see interlocking paver.
a horizontal platform between two flights
of stairs, or at the top of a stair between interrupter see pipe interrupter.
two floors. intersecting barrel vault see groin
intermediate rail 1 a rail between the vault.
top and bottom rails of a panelled door to intersecting tracery Gothic tracery in
provide added stiffness. which parallel mullions are bent over at
259 Ionic
their upper ends to form a series of inter- inverted arch
laced pointed arches. an arch con-
structed upside
down, usually
for structural

inverted arch
Gothic intersecting
tracery at Exeter inverted beam a beam which protrudes
Cathedral, c. 1350 above the plane of the surface which it
supports, so that its soffit is at the same
intersole see mezzanine. level of the soffit of floor or roof
interspace the gas-filled cavity between construction.
adjacent sheets of glass in a sealed glazed inverted roof see upside down roof.
inverted siphon see sag pipe.
interweave paver a specially-shaped
concrete paving unit which is laid to cre- invert level see invert.
ate a regular undulating pattern. investigation, survey; the inspection,
intonaco the smooth uppermost coat of measuring and researching of ground
three layers of plaster, onto which a fresco conditions, condition of repair of existing
is painted. structures, etc. prior to sale, construction,
design, etc.; see geotechnical survey, site
intrados the lower line, underside, soffit investigation.
or face of an arch.
invisible hinge, secret hinge; a hinge
intruder alarm system a warning sys- which is not visible when the door to
tem of bells, lights and other means which it is fixed is both open or closed;
which react to the presence of unautho- see also concealed hinge.
rized entrants to a building.
invitation to tender, call for bids (Am);
intruder glazing glazing designed to in project management, an invitation to
prevent the forced entrance of intruders selected firms to submit tenders, or an
to a building via its windows; types announcement that tenders are invited to
included as separate entries are listed carry out certain work.
below: inward opening referring to a window
*alarm glass; *anti-bandit laminated casement or door which opens inwards
glass; *anti-vandal glass; *armour-plated with respect to the exterior of a building.
glass, see bullet-resistant laminated glass;
*blast-resistant laminated glass; *security Ionic pertaining to the classical Greek
glass; *security glazing; *toughened glass. Ionic order originating in Ionian Greece,
characterized by fluted columns, a voluted
intrusion concrete see grouted
concrete. Ionic cyma

intrusive rock see plutonic rock. canalis

intumescent glass see laminated intu-
mescent glass. apophyge

intumescent paint, flame-retardant flute

paint; a surface coating for metals which
changes into a fire-resisting and insulating
foam in the event of excess heat from a fire.
invected moulding see scallop balteus
invert, invert level; the level of the low-
est part of the inside of a channel, pipe- Ionic capital
line or other vessel in a drainage system.
ionization chamber smoke detector 260
capital, a base and an entablature with and also gold and copper, which it con-
dentils. tains in small quantities.
Ionic base a column base used with the iron wire see binding wire.
classical Ionic order, usually differentiated iron yellow see Mars colour.
as an Attic base or a Samian base. ironmongery see hardware; door iron-
Ionic capital a capital surmounting a mongery, see door furniture.
column of the classical Ionic order, with ironmongery schedule, hardware
characteristic paired volutes over an egg schedule; a design and contract docu-
and dart moulding, bound with a decora- ment listing and specifying metal fittings,
tive belt known as a balteus. hardware and components for doors and
Ionic column a column of the classical windows in a construction project.
Greek Ionic order, with fluting, a voluted
capital and Ionic base; considerably more iron oxide 1 ferrous oxide; a dark
slender than those of the Doric order. greenish-black chemical compound, FeO,
Ionic cyma in classical ornamentation, a used as a pigment in glasses.
cyma moulding enriched with egg and 2 ferric oxide, red iron oxide, haema-
dart ornament. tite; a red chemical compound, Fe2O3,
used as a polishing agent and as a red
pigment; see limonite (brown iron ore)
Fe2O3.nH2O and haematite (hematite),
3 ferrous ferric oxide, black iron
oxide; a black chemical compound,
Fe3O4, used as pigment, polishing agent
Ionic cyma, with egg and dart, and and in magnetic coatings for computer
bead and reel mouldings disks and tapes.
ionization chamber smoke detector see magnetite, black iron oxide, magnetic
a smoke detector which reacts to a volt- iron ore Fe3O4.
age difference between two ionization 4 brown iron oxide, see burnt sienna.
chambers, occurring in the presence of irregular bond, random bond; a brick-
combustion gases. work bond in which bricks in consecutive
iotite see cordierite. courses overlap, but with no regular
repeating pattern.
IR isoprene rubber.
iridium a white metal, Ir, used in hard
metal alloys.
iroko [Chlorophora excelsa] a tropical
African hardwood whose yellow-brown to
dark brown timber is strong and highly
durable; used as a substitute for teak. irregular bond
iron 1 a common, pale-coloured, strong
metal, Fe, used primarily as a basic ingre- irregular grain grain in a piece of timber
dient of steel, alloyed with carbon to which is not straight due to natural abnor-
improve its hardness and corrosion malities in the wood.
resistance. irrigation drain see subsoil drain.
2 the blade of a plane or similar cutting
tool. I-section 1 I-beam, UB section, univer-
iron blue see Prussian blue. sal beam, joist; a structural steel beam
iron brown see Prussian brown. section formed by rolling, whose uniform
iron carbide see cementite. cross-section resembles the letter I and
iron disulphide see iron pyrites. whose height is over 1.2 times its width.
iron oxide see below. 2 similarly shaped non-structural sections
iron pyrites, pyrite, sulphur-ore; a in other metals.
brassy yellow mineral, natural iron disul- isinglass 1 mica, especially that found in
phide, FeS2; an important source of sul- thin sheets.
phur, sulphuric acid and iron sulphide, 2 see fish glue.
261 ivy leaf
isocyanurate see polyisocyanurate. archivolt is thicker at the apex than at the
base; see Italian pointed arch, Florentine
isodomic construction masonry laid in
courses of equal height.
isolated footing see pad foundation. Italianate referring to any architecture or
ornamentation which adopts the styling
isolating membrane see separating and motifs of the Italian Renaissance.
Italian blue see Egyptian blue.
isolating varnish a general name for
thin varnishes sprayed on to recently
Italian earth see burnt sienna.
dried paint to provide a base for over- Italian pointed arch a pointed arch
painting or correction. whose intrados and extrados are con-
structed from different centres so that the
isolation mount see vibration insulator.
archivolt is thicker at the apex than at
isometric projection 1 ‘of equal mea- the base.
surement’; in general, any axonometric or
oblique projection drawing in which all
Italian round arch see Florentine arch.
lines parallel to the three main axis are Italian tiling, pan and roll tiles; roof
drawn to the same relative scale. tiling in which the gaps in a lower course
2 in particular a conventional axonometric of flat tiles with side lips (tegula) are cov-
drawing constructed by extending a plan ered with a course of U-shaped tiles
drawn on axes skewed to 30 on either (imbrex), laid concave side down.
side of the vertical to a dimensioned
height, with all lines parallel to the three
main axes, which are 120 apart, drawn to
the same scale; this is the most common
form, properly classified as an ortho-
graphic isometric projection.
isophote, isophot; in lighting design,
one of a number of theoretical lines or
contours on a drawing representing
points of equal light intensity.
isoprene rubber, IR; a synthetic rubber, Italian tiling
similar to natural rubber, often found in
conjunction with other polymers such as
isobutene in butyl; used for inner tubes ivory black a strong black pigment con-
and gaskets. sisting of impure carbon obtained from
burnt and ground bones, originally the
Isoptera spp. see termite. tusks of elephants; synonymous with
isostatic frame see statically determi- bone black.
nate frame. ivy leaf a Gothic decorative motif based
isotropic referring to a material or sub- on the leaf of the climbing plant ivy,
stance which displays the same properties Hedera helix.
in all directions.
isotropic slab a concrete floor slab con-
struction whose inlaid reinforcement is of
the same magnitude in both directions.
Italian arch a round or pointed arch
whose intrados and extrados are con-
structed from different centres so that the ivy leaf
jacaranda [Jacaranda spp.] a group of 3 a vertical timber at the edge of an
South American tropical hardwood shrubs opening in traditional timber construc-
and trees with hard and dark timber. tion, to which a door or window frame is
jacaranda brown see burnt umber. fixed.
jamb anchor a metal strip used to fix a
jack see jacking device. door or window frame to surrounding
jack arch see flat arch. construction.
jacked pile in underpinning work, any jamb figure a carved column figure deco-
pile forced into the ground in sections rating the jamb columns or recesses in the
using the weight of the overlying main portal of a medieval church; also
building. called a jamb statue.
jamb filler a preformed flashing of
jack hammer a large hand-operated per- sheetmetal; used at the side of a door or
cussive implement powered by com- window opening to cast out water.
pressed air, used for breaking, demolishing jamb lining a timber board used to
and the digging of stone. cover the jamb of an opening.
jacking device, jack; in concretework, a jamb-mounted door closer a door
hydraulic or screw device attached to slip- closer mounted to the door jamb and
form to raise it at regular intervals. hinged edge of the door leaf.
jamb post, cripple stud; in timber
jack plane a standard sized bench plane frame construction, a post which supports
(320 360 mm long).
a lintel over an opening.
jack rafter in timber roof construction, a jamb statue see jamb figure.
shortened rafter running between eaves
Japanese larch [Larix kaempferi, Larix
and hip or valley and ridge.
leptolepis], see larch.
jack shore a slanting member of a raking
shore which supports a riding shore. Japanese oak [Quercus mongolica],
see oak.
Jacobean architecture a late
Renaissance architectural style in England Japan scraper a set of simple steel-
during the reign of James I (1603 1625); bladed spatulas with rounded corners and
found primarily in secular palaces and plastic or wooden handles, designed to
country houses, and characterized by the apply and shape plaster and putty,
use of classical elements, Dutch gables remove paint, etc.
and roof turrets. jarrah [Eucalyptus marginata], see eucalyptus.
jade a hard, green, blue or white sodium jasper a microcrystalline variety of the min-
aluminium silicate mineral used principally eral chalcedony, varying in colour and
for ornament and as jewellery; a general pattern; used as gemstones and for
name for the minerals jadeite and ornament.
jaune brilliant, jaune d’antimoine
jadeite a hard greenish mineral, often
see Naples yellow.
cut for decoration as jade.
jagged-shank nail see annular nail. Java cotton see kapok.
jamb 1 a vertical abut- Jennings pattern bit an auger bit with
ment on either side of a a double helically shaped shank for dril-
door or window open- ling deep accurate holes in wood.
ing; a door jamb or win- jenny leg calliper, odd leg calliper; a
dow jamb; see also calliper with one leg ending in a point
reveal. and the other turned in at its base; used
2 the vertical side mem- door for scribing lines parallel to a surface.
ber of a door or window leaf
frame; see closing jamb jerkinhead roof see half-hipped roof.
(shutting jamb), hanging jamb jet inlet, jet, nozzle; in mechanical ven-
jamb. tilation, a small-bore terminal device
263 jointer
which produces a stream of air in a partic- joggle piece, joggle; an extra cogged
ular direction. piece sometimes added to tie a timber
jetting the cleaning of a pipeline by forcing scarf joint or built-up beam together.
a high pressure stream of water through it. joggle post see king post.
joggle-spliced scarf joint a timber
jib, boom; a main horizontal or slanting lengthening joint which makes use of a
beam attached to the vertical mast of a joggle piece to fix the pieces together.
crane or lifting device, from which loads
are carried.
jig a device used to guide the blade of a
machine tool when cutting repetitive pat-
terns or milling; any similar implement for
a specific job of work.
joggled scarf joint joggle-spliced scarf
jigsaw, bayonet saw, sabre saw; a joint
power operated saw with an oscillating
blade for cutting curves and openings in
joggle tenon joint see stub tenon joint.
board; a sabre saw is one in which the
joggle truss a timber truss in which the
blade points out of the front as opposed
chord or tie beam is above a vertical jog-
to the rear of the saw; see also fretsaw.
gle post; the end of the post is triangu-
Job a design or building project, the work lated with the ends of the chord by
involved therein; see also jobbing order. diagonal braces.
jobbing order, job; small and relatively
basic building works which involve simple
Joiner a tradesman responsible for the
non-structural timberwork such as furni-
agreements and minimal site administra-
ture, interiors and panelling in a building.
tion and organization.
joiner saw see bench saw.
job card, production card; in stone-
joiner’s chisel see paring chisel.
work, a card which lists the type of
joiner’s cramp, bar cramp, sash cramp;
masonry, scope of work, size and shape of
a large cramp with a long bar along which
stones, etc. for any particular job.
adjustable stops can be placed; used for
joggle 1 in oblique timber jointing, a holding large objects in compression while
shaped abutment in one piece which they are being glued.
bears the thrust of another. joiner’s hammer a medium sized ham-
2 see joggle piece. mer with an octagonal or bell head and claw
joggle beam a built-up timber beam in or wedge-shaped pee; used by a joiner.
which the timbers are held in place with
joggles or cogged pieces.
joinery, finish carpentry (Am); fine
woodwork such as doors, window frames,
trim and panelling in a building.
joinery moulding, joinery profile see
timber trim.
joint 1 the meeting of two components or
joggle beam materials in construction.
2 the formation and sealing material
joggled arch, crossette; a masonry placed there.
arch in which adjacent voussoirs are cut see connection, brick joint, sand joint,
with rebates and interlocked. construction joint, knuckle, timber joint.
joint bolt, handrail bolt, rail bolt; a
threaded shaft to which nuts can be
screwed; used as a concealed connector
in butt jointed wooden components such
as handrails.
jointer any tool for shaping and smooth-
ing mortar jointing and pointing in
joggled arch brickwork.
jointer plane 264
jointer plane, trying plane; a long *rolled steel joist (RSJ) see I-section; *roof
plane 500 750 mm in length traditionally joist; *steel joist, see I-section; *timber
used for dressing long timber boards. joist; *trimmed joist, see trimmed beam;
joint filler any compound or substance *trimmer joist, see trimmer; *trimming
applied as filling for joints between adja- joist.
cent components or materials; called joist hanger a metal fixing component
jointing compound if an organic sealant; for attaching the ends of joists and
see jointing strip. other horizontal timber members at
jointing 1 the making or filling of con-
right angles to other construction.
struction joints. joist spacing the distance, centre to
2 the binding of bricks together using
centre, between alternate joists in a
mortar; same as bedding. floor or roof structure.
3 the tidying up and smoothing of excess
wet mortar from a brickwork joint, and joule, newton-metre; abb. J; SI unit of
shaping it into the desired form. energy or work equal to that required for a
4 the result of the above actions.
current of 1 amp to operate against a resis-
jointing bead see jointing strip. tance of 1 ohm, or that required to move 1
jointing compound a compound metre against a force of 1 newton.
applied to joints between components or
materials as bedding, weatherproofing, jowl, gunstock; in traditional timber
finishing or as an adhesive. frame construction, the thickening at the
jointing mortar mortar used for jointing top of a post or column to receive another
in masonrywork and tiling. member.
jointing strip, joint strip, jointing juffer in traditional timber frame construc-
bead, sealant strip; preformed foam, tion, a square timber 4 5 inches in
mastic or elastic strip pushed into the dimension.
gaps or open joints between adjacent
components or elements to form a base Juglans spp. see walnut.
for applied sealant. jumper 1 in brick or stonework walling, a
jointing tape various types of adhesive long vertical or horizontal stone which
tape used for joining sheet materials such overlaps two or more smaller stones.
as bitumen felt and carpet together and for 2 a pointed masonry chisel for making
closing seams and sealing pipe fittings, etc. holes in stone.
jointing tool a mason’s trowel with a
bent round or hemispherical steel rod junction 1 the meeting or joining place
which is run along mortar joints to form a of two parts of construction such as that
keyed joint. formed by a roof and wall.
jointing trowel a very thin-bladed brick- 2 a length of pipe for attaching a subsid-
layer’s trowel for shaping and smoothing iary pipe to a main pipeline.
masonry joints. junction box a casing for connections or
junctions in an electrical installation.
joint method see method of joints.
junction chamber see cable manhole.
joint sanding, sand jointing; the spread-
ing or brushing of sand over freshly laid Juniperus spp. juniper; a genus of
external paving to fill the joints between around 60 evergreen conifer trees and
alternate paving stones or slabs. shrubs from all over the northern hemi-
sphere, planted as ornamentals and used
joint sealant see sealant. for their timber; Juniperus communis, the
joint strip see cover strip, jointing strip. common juniper, is a softwood whose
brownish-yellow aromatic timber contains
joist one of a series of spaced beams numerous solid knots; Juniperus virginiana,
used to support a floor or roof; types see eastern red cedar.
included as separate entries are listed jute fibres from the inner bark of the jute
below: plant from India [Corchorus capsularis];
*binding joist, see binder; *bridging joist; used for making ropes and rough fabric,
*ceiling joist; *common joist; *floor joist; canvas, sackcloth, etc.
kallaite see turquoise. kerb, curb (Am); in road and street con-
kaolin a form of pure clay produced from struction, the raised edge of the carriage-
the decomposition of feldspar, hydrated way where it adjoins a footpath, often
aluminium silicate; used as a filler and formed by a row of cut stones or concrete
white pigment in latex and emulsion units.
paints; often the same as China clay. kerb parking see street parking.
kerbstone one of a number of cut or
kapok, ceiba, capoc, Java cotton, silk dressed stones or specially cast concrete
cotton; a water-resistant wool product units laid to form a kerb at the edge of a
formed from the seed fibres of the tropi- carriageway; written curbstone in USA.
cal ceiba tree [Ceiba pentandra]; used for
stuffing mattresses and furniture. kerf the groove made by a saw when cut-
ting timber.
kapur, Borneo camphorwood;
[Dryobalanops spp.] a hardwood from kermes a dark red dyestuff made from
Malaysia and Indonesia with coarse, heavy, the bodies of adult females of the insect
reddish-brown timber; used for outdoor Kermes ilicis.
furniture and joinery. kernel see crenelle.
karri [Eucalyptus diversicolor], see kernel black see vine black.
eucalyptus. Kevlar see aramid fibre.
Kassler yellow see Turner’s yellow. key 1 any roughness in a surface designed
keel arch a decorative pointed arch with to encourage the bonding of a successive
two mirrored S-shapes which meet at the layer of material.
apex; a pointed reverse ogee arch. 2 see keystone.
3 a small portable implement by which a
lock can be operated.
4 one of the buttons on a computer key-
board which represent symbols when
5 see key pattern, Greek key.
6 see wood key.

keel arch key block see keystone.

keel moulding an ornamental projecting key coat, primary coat; a coating or
moulding whose section is roughly in the layer of material such as plaster, paint, etc.
shape of a pointed arch, formed by two applied to a surface to promote the adhe-
ogees with their concave ends together. sion of further coats; see also base coat.
key drop, keyhole cover; a pivoted
metal flap which covers a keyhole.
keyed alike a description and the associ-
ated programming of a number of locks
within a building such that they are oper-
keel moulding able with the same key.
keyed joint 1 any timber joint tightened
keep see box staple. with a wedge or peg.
keeper see striking plate.
Kentish tracery Gothic tracery found in
some English churches of the
Perpendicular style, characterized by use
of foils and barbs.
kentledge, cantledge; temporary
weight added to test or provide stability keyed splayed and keyed tenon
to a structure. tabled scarf joint joint
keyed lock 266
2 bucket-handled joint, concave joint, also called an interlocking paver or
rodded joint; in brickwork, a recessed interpaver.
concave mortar joint either as a key for key plate see escutcheon.
receiving a finish or as a decorative treat-
ment; see also raked joint. keystone, key, key block; the highest
keyed scarf joint, wedged scarf wedge-shaped piece in a masonry arch,
joint; a timber lengthening joint tight- often decorated, which locks the voussoirs
ened by driving a pair of folded wedges in position.
into a notch cut into the splayed ends. khaya [Khaya ivorensis], see African
keyed, splayed and tabled scarf mahogany.
joint in timber frame construction, a
kicker in concretework, a small raised
splayed lengthening joint hewn so as
area of a cast concrete slab which pro-
to be tightened with a peg or pair or fold-
vides a location for wall or column
ing wedges after assembly; a keyed scarf
keyed tenon joint, pinned tenon kicking plate, door plate, kick plate; a
joint, cabinetmaker’s tenon joint; protective plate, usually of metal or plas-
any through timber mortise and tenon tics, fitted to the lower part of a door leaf
joint which has been fastened with a to prevent wear.
transverse wedge, peg or pin on the killas see clayslate.
reverse side of the mortised piece.
killed steel in steel processing, steel
keyed lock one of the locks belonging to which has been well deoxidized when
a suite of locks. being poured into ingots, showing no
keyhole a hole or shaped orifice which evolution of gas as it solidifies.
receives a key into a lock. kiln an oven for baking ceramics, bricks,
keyhole cover see key drop. or for the controlled drying of timber; see
keyhole saw, lock saw, pad saw; a dry kiln.
compass saw whose tapering flexible kiln dried, hot-air dried, kiln sea-
blade and handle are aligned; used for soned; a description of timber which has
cutting the apertures for locks in doors. been dried in a kiln to assure controlled
keying the physical programming of locks seasoning and minimize warpage.
within a suite to enable or restrict passage kilocalory, Calorie; abb. Cal; a unit of
for various combinations of keyholders. energy 5 4190 joules; the energy required
key pattern classical banded running to raise one kilogram of water by 1 C.
ornamentation made up of horizontal and king block in traditional timber roof con-
vertical lines or fillets which interlink to struction, a timber at which principal raf-
form a geometrical pattern; often synony- ters or blades form an apex, often
mous with fret; see also angular guilloche carrying a ridge purlin.
(meander), potenty moulding, Greek key.
king bolt, king rod; in traditional timber
roof construction, a vertical wrought iron
rod replacing a king post in a king post
roof truss.
king closer, three
key pattern
quarter brick; a
three quarter length
key paver a brick or bat with one
concrete pav- splayed corner to
king closer
ing unit which give the appearance
is shaped to of a closer in brick-
create a pat- work; also mislead-
terned paved ingly called a three
surface of sim- quarter brick due to
ilar interlock- the three out of four faces which can still
ing blocks; be used as exterior edges.
key paving
267 knot
king piece see king post. kit building a prefabricated building
king post, king piece, joggle post; in assembled from a set of standard prefabri-
traditional timber roof construction, a cen- cated parts.
tral vertical strut rising from a tie beam kite step, kite winder; a triangular or
and carrying a ridge purlin. wedge-shaped step in a turning or circular
king post roof truss, king post truss a stair.
roof truss with a tie beam, coupled rafters knee 1 in traditional timber frame con-
and a king post. struction, a timber block fixed at the
king post roof roof construction sup- meeting of two framing members to
ported by a series of king post trusses. stiffen the joint.
2 see elbow.
knee brace in traditional timber frame
construction, a short up brace.
rafters purlin knee roof see curb roof.
knife cut veneer see sliced veneer.
knife-edge load, line load; a structural
load imposed along the length of a thin
line; see distributed load, point load.
wall plate tie beam knob 1 an ovoid handle for a drawer,
king post
king post roof door, etc.; see door knob.
2 a decorative carved boss, a knot.
knocker see door knocker.
king rod see king bolt.
knocking up see retempering.
king’s blue a variety of cobalt blue
pigment. knop a round decorative element, a boss
or knot.
king strut in traditional timber roof con-
struction, a central vertical strut rising knosp, knot; a boss carved in the shape
from a tie beam but not carrying a ridge of a bud.
purlin. knot 1 a hard, ovoid or swirling growth
king strut roof truss in traditional tim- evident in the surface of sawn timber; a
ber roof construction, a roof truss with a branch stem in the original tree cut
tie beam, coupled rafters and a king strut. through its width.
king’s yellow, arsenic yellow, auripig- 2 boss, knosp, knop, knob; a carved
mentum, orpiment, Royal yellow; a decorative terminating element represent-
very poisonous bright opaque yellow pig- ing knotted twine or foliage located at the
ment consisting of artificial arsenic trisul- meeting of ribs in a vault or at other simi-
phide; no longer in use since the lar locations.
introduction of cadmium yellow. knot cluster a group of knots appearing
in the surface grain pattern of seasoned
king tie, upper king post; in traditional timber.
timber roof construction, a short central knot hole a hole in a piece of machined
vertical member rising from a collar and timber left by the removal or separation
carrying a ridge purlin in a timber truss. of a knot.
kink a localized warp in a timber board
caused by the presence of a knot or other
weak spot.

kink in improperly
seasoned timber knot hole
knot sealer see knotting.
knotted column 268
knotted column a Romanesque stone knuckle the joining tube of a hinge, in
column or coupled columns whose com- which the pin rotates and around which
pound shafts are carved as if knotted the leaves pivot; sometimes known as a
together in the middle; also known as a loop, joint or curl.
knotted pillar. knuckle bend a curved pipe fitting with
a small radius of curvature; designed for
use at a sharp change of direction in a
knulled ornament see gadroon.
knur, knurl see burl.
kokrodua see afrormosia.
kraft paper strong brown paper made
from sulphate pulp; see building paper.
Krems white see Cremnitz white.
knotted column k-value, coefficient of thermal con-
ductivity, heat transmission value; a
knotting a transparent liquid consisting theoretical measure of how well a mate-
of shellac dissolved in methylated spirits, rial or construction of unit thickness will
used as a sealer to inhibit the bleeding conduct heat, whose units are W/m C; cal-
through of surface resin from knots in tim- culated as the amount of energy passing
ber before the application of paint; the through a unit area of one metre thick
application of the above. construction for unit temperature differ-
ence on either side of the construction;
knotwork, entrelace, interlace; in the (the C-value is obtained by multiplying
early architecture and art of northern by thickness of construction, see also
Europe, especially that of Christian Ireland, U-value)
decorative ornamentation representing
intertwined, overlapping and knotted kyanite, disthene; a hard, bluish, crystal-
bands. line aluminium silicate mineral with a high
melting point; used for heat-resistant
materials and as jewellery.

Celtic knotwork
label see hood-mould. go ahead without planning constraint and
labourer a person employed on a con- intervention, governed solely by commer-
struction site to carry out manual or cial interest.
unskilled work. lake any pigment formed by the addition
labour-only contract a building con- of an organic dye to a metal oxide,
tract covering the supply of labour only. hydroxide or salt to render it insoluble.
lake red a shade of red which takes its
Labrador a trade name for larvikite. name from the colour of dye made in India
labradorite, Labrador feldspar; a from the secretion of the insect Coccus lacca.
highly coloured and specular variety of lake asphalt a naturally occurring vis-
the mineral plagioclase, polished and cous liquid asphalt which, when added to
used in ornamental masonry, or carved distilled bitumen, increases the hardness
for decoration. and durability of a road surface without
labyrinth fret see meander. detracting from flexibility; see also natural
rock asphalt.
laced arches see interlaced arches.
laced stanchion a composite steel lat- lambrequin a short drapery fringe above
a window, etc.; ornament representing
tice column or stanchion in which vertical
this, especially stylized drapery hanging
rolled steel sections are joined together
from the helm of a coat of arms; also
with stiff diagonal members.
called mantle or mantling.
lacertine see animal interlace. laminate, plastics laminate;
lachryma occasional name for gutta; hardwearing or decorative sheet material
‘tear’ in Latin. produced by bonding thin sheets of ther-
lacing see lacing course, interlaced arches mosetting plastics such as melamine, urea
(laced arches). or phenol formaldehyde resins together.
lacing course a course or courses of laminated referring to a material or com-
bricks or finer material used as decoration posite product made up of thin layers of
or reinforcement in a rough stone or rub- material bonded together for added
ble wall. strength.
lacquer see cellulose lacquer. laminated beam see laminated timber
lacunar Lat.; in classical architecture, a
decorated ceiling relieved with a series of laminated chipboard a building board
polygonal recessed panels or coffers; a used for hardwearing interior working sur-
coffered ceiling. faces, cupboard doors, etc., made from
chipboard with plastics laminate bonded
ladder a freestanding or fixed frame to to its surface.
provide temporary or permanent vertical
access, consisting of two vertical side rails
with horizontal rungs or steps in between; laminated glass glass which has been
any construction resembling this. manufactured with a core of plastic
ladder stair see open riser stair. sheet to provide resistance against
impact; types included as separate
lag bolt see coach screw. entries are listed below:
lagging thermal insulation of mineral
wool or foamed plastics for boilers and shattering of laminated
pipes. glass: on breakage,
the pane remains
lag screw see coach screw. intact, held together by
laid on purlin see through purlin. its interlayer
laissez-faire ‘allow to do’; lack of govern-
ment interference in economic life; in town
planning the permitting of development to
laminated log 270

*alarm glass; *anti-bandit laminated laminated timber board 1 a general

glass; *anti-fading glass; *coloured opa- term for timber boards such as plywood or
que glass; *intumescent glass, see lami- blockboard made of timber strips, sheets
nated intumescent glass; *laminated or pieces glued together side by side.
safety glass; *laminated solar control 2 a timber product used for shelves and
glass; *laminated sound control glass; worktops, made from strips of solid wood
*laminated ultraviolet light control glass, glued together side by side under pres-
ultraviolet control glass; *safety glass; sure, then planed.
*security glass. laminated veneered board any build-
laminated intumescent glass a fire- ing board to which a surface layer of plastics
resisting glass with a layer of intumes- laminate has been bonded for decoration or
cent material which expands to a foam protection.
on heating and becomes opaque and laminated web beam a laminated tim-
fire-resisting. ber beam consisting of plywood or similar
laminated safety glass safety glass thin timber pieces glued side by side.
whose strength is provided by laminat-
ing two or more sheets of glass around laminated wood see glue laminated
plastic interlayers. timber.
laminated solar control glass lamination the bonding of two or more
laminated glass with a tinted interlayer sheets of material such as paper, timber
between the two sheets, or in which or fabric together with a polymer, resin or
one of the sheets is solar control glass. glue to form a composite sheet.
laminated sound control glass
laminated glass in which the plastic
laminboard a timber building board
manufactured by gluing veneers on either
interlayer and thickness of the glass
side of a core of solid wood strips with a
used make it useful for improving sound
width less than 7 mm; the grain of the
veneers runs at 90 to that of the core.
laminated ultraviolet light control
glass, ultraviolet control glass;
special glass laminated with an interlayer core
capable of reflecting up to 98% of harm-
ful ultraviolet radiation from the sun.

laminated log, glue-laminated log, ply
lam-log, structural log; an industrial
timber product of uniform rectangular or
round cross-section and cogged ends,
glue-laminated and machined from a laminboard
number of strips of wood and used in the
construction of system built and off-the- lam-log see laminated log.
shelf log buildings.
laminated timber beam, glulam lamp 1 a component powered by electric-
beam, glued and laminated beam; a ity, oil, gas or other fuel to produce light.
beam consisting of timber strips glued one 2 the replaceable part of a luminaire from
on top of the other for added strength; see which light is emitted; a lightbulb; types
also laminated web beam. included as separate entries are listed below:
*candle lamp; *circular fluorescent tube,
circline lamp; *cold start lamp, see instant
start lamp; *compact fluorescent lamp;
*crown silvered lamp; *daylight lamp, see
neodymium oxide lamp; *dichroic mirror
lamp; *discharge lamp; *electric lamp;
laminated timber *fluorescent lamp; *fluorescent reflector
beam lamp; *full-spectrum lamp, see neodymium
271 landscape designer

oxide lamp; *general lighting service lamp, lancet window a slender sharp-pointed
GLS lamp; *halogen lamp; *high-pressure arched Gothic window.
sodium lamp; *incandescent lamp; *infrared land drainage 1 ditching, subsoil
lamp; *instant start lamp; *mercury vapour drainage, field drainage; the digging of
lamp, mercury lamp; *metal halide lamp, networks of ditches to drain areas of land,
metallic-additive lamp; *neodymium oxide usually to improve ground for agriculture,
lamp; *reflector lamp; *silvered-bowl lamp, forestry and construction.
see crown silvered lamp; *sodium lamp, 2 the control of external water around the
sodium-vapour lamp; *spot lamp, see reflec- foundations of a building or structure
tor lamp; *standard lamp, see floor lamp; using a system of drains, channels and
*tri-phosphor lamp; *tungsten-halogen walls.
lamp, see halogen lamp; *ultraviolet lamp. land drain see field drain.
3 see luminaire.
4 a luminaire such as a table or floor landing a horizontal platform or level
lamp which can be moved while in use; area at the top of a flight of stairs, which
a non-fixed luminaire. may have another flight leading from it;
lamp base see lamp cap, lamp stand. see also intermediate landing, storey land-
lampblack pure carbon powder origi- ing, lift landing.
nally collected from the combustion of landing door the outer door of a lift,
burning oils, used since prehistoric times which opens out onto a landing and does
as a black pigment; a form of carbon black. not move with the lift car.
lamp cap, lamp base; the metal part landing plate a level metal platform at
of an electric lamp by which it is con- either end of an escalator or similar device,
nected to an electricity supply and fixed from which passengers step on and off.
to a holder; see bayonet cap, (Edison) landing valve a water outlet located at
screw cap. each level in a building, connected to a
lampholder a device from which an fire riser, and used by firemen in the event
electric lamp is supported, and by which a of a fire.
contact is made with an electricity supply. land restoration work to prepare an
lampshade, shade; a shading or dif- area of land for development or other use
fusing component placed in front of or after it has been damaged by mineral
over a lamp to prevent glare and pro- extraction or industrial processes.
duce scattered or directional light.
lamp stand, lamp base; the base and landscaping, landscape work;
shaft of a table or floor lamp. construction work to provide a functional
lamp starter an electronic component and amenable external environment
for providing a momentary increase in around a building using earthworks, struc-
voltage required to excite the gas, vapour, tures, hardy materials and planting; see
etc. in a discharge lamp and provide light. also landscape design.
landscape architect, landscape
designer; a qualified professional or
lancet pertaining to Gothic windows and organization responsible for designing
arches which are sharply pointed like the gardens, parks and external environments.
blade of a small lance or surgical knife; landscape architecture the design and
see ogival. planning of external areas, gardens and
lancet arch, acute arch; a sharply parkland, especially those in proximity to
pointed arch. built form, to provide a pleasing, safe and
healthy environment.
landscape design 1 the discipline of
planning the external areas, hard surfaces,
planting and roads surrounding a new or
existing building.
2 landscaping; a design or designs thus
landscape designer see landscape
lancet arch architect.
landscape garden 272
landscape garden, English land- 2 any timber joint in which the face sides
scape garden; an informal planned gar- of two members are joined together,
den or park surrounding a country house often rebated or half lapped.
or mansion, fashionable in England in the lap-jointed roofing felt roofing in
1700s. which seams running parallel to the ridge
and eaves are formed by overlapping the
land surveying, 1 field surveying, sur-
roll of felt above and nailing through.
veying; the physical measuring of the
dimensions and topography of a particu-
lar site or area of land; a procedure of this
sort is called a land survey.
2 geodesy; the science of measuring and
presenting the form and size of tracts of
land surveyor, geodicist; a qualified
professional who measures the topogra-
phy of an area of land or site and pro-
duces a map or survey from the results.
land use the use of land for a specific pur- lap-jointed roofing
pose as designated by a town or area plan.
lantern the upper part of a church tower lap length see lap.
or other similar construction which is lapped corner joint a corner joint used
glazed to allow light in; see following entry. in cabinetmaking for joining boards and
lantern light, lantern; a glazed turret or sheets at right angles, in which the end of
other construction on the roof of a building one piece is halved along its edge to
or construction to allow daylight into a receive the other abutting edge.
space beneath, often of ornamental nature.
lap, 1 lapping, overlap; the covering of lapped corner joints
one another by two laid adjacent materi-
als or products such as jointed timbers,
sheets, tiles, bricks, etc.; the distance,
dimension or amount of this.
2 in brickwork, the surface formed by two
bricks in adjacent courses which overlap
to form a bond.
3 lap length; in reinforced concrete, the lapped lapped and lapped
overlap of two longitudinal reinforcing rebated dovetail
bars to form one longer bar.
lap cement see sealing compound. lapped dovetail joint a cabinetmaking
joint in which dovetailing shows on one
lapis albanus Lat.; see peperino. side of the joint only; may also be called a
lapis lazuli, 1 lazurite, lapis; a semi-pre- blind, concealed, secret or stopped dove-
cious blue mineral consisting of silicates tail joint.
of aluminium, lime and soda, found in lapped joint see lap joint.
Iran, Afghanistan, China and Chile and
used for mosaics and as a pigment. lapping see lap.
2 azzuro oltremarino, lazuline blue; a lap weld a welded
rich blue pigment formed by grinding the joint between
precious stone of the same name and overlapping metal
refining the product; used since ancient components.
times as ultramarine, now largely replaced larch [Larix spp.] a lap weld
with artificial ultramarine. deciduous softwood of northern climates
lap joint, lapped joint;
1 the joining of with tough, dense, durable timber which
two members, components, sheets, etc. so has good resistance to rot; a large tree
that they overlap. with distinctive needled foliage, which
273 latex
turns golden in autumn, planted in parks disengage a bolt; types included as sep-
and gardens as an ornamental; see below arate entries are listed below:
for species of larch included in this work:
Japanese larch [Larix kaempferi, Larix
leptolepis] a hardy softwood found in key, cylinder lock case
Japan and the British Isles, whose timber and cylinder
is used for sawn boards, exterior construc- guard
tions, fencing and decking. thumb
Siberian larch [Larix russica, Larix sibiri- bolt and
ca] a softwood from eastern Siberia with
the typical properties of larch; one of the forend lever
most common source of larchwood in handle
tamarack, eastern larch; [Larix laricina] latch
a softwood native to Canada and the
north-west United States with resistant *mortise latch; *panic latch; *return latch;
red-brown timber; used for posts and *rim latch; *snib latch, see indicating bolt;
packing. *spring latch, see return latch; *turning
western larch [Larix occidentalis] a soft- latch.
wood native to western North America latch bolt see return latch.
with coarse-textured reddish-brown latchset a set of door fittings compris-
wood; used in building construction and ing a latch, two door handles, two roses,
flooring. two cover plates and a spindle.
large diameter pile in foundation tech-
nology, a bored pile which has a diameter
of greater than 600 mm; usually a steel latchet see sheetmetal cleat.
pile. late Gothic Gothic architecture in Europe
large-panel construction industrialized from c. 1400 1500, the Flamboyant style
building using precast concrete panels for in France and the Perpendicular in England.
structural framing and cladding of build- lateral bevelled halved joint see
ings, involving careful design to ensure that angle bevelled halved joint.
components fit together on site, but saving lateral bracing the stiffening of a struc-
time and expense at construction stage. ture or building frame perpendicular to its
Larix spp. see larch. main axis using cross walls, etc.
larvikite a bluish-grey or dark green var- lateral reinforcement, transverse
iety of syenite containing colourful feld- reinforcement; secondary concrete rein-
spar, found in Larvik, Norway; used for forcement linked and placed at right
decorative floors, as cladding and for angles to the main reinforcement to pro-
ornamental stone, and often sold under vide stiffening and resistance against
the trade name Labrador. shear forces.
laser a device which produces a narrow, latewood, summerwood; the portion
powerful beam of monochromatic light. of the growth ring of a tree with small,
laser cutting a method of cutting metals dense cells, formed after earlywood dur-
using a jet of gas which has been heated ing periods of slower growth.
with a powerful laser beam.
latex the milky sap of the rubber tree or a
laser welding a method of fusion weld- similar synthetic liquid consisting of a
ing in which heat is produced by a power- polymer dispersed in a water-based vehi-
ful focused laser beam. cle; also known as gum.
Lasius niger see garden black ant. latex cement flooring see cement rub-
ber latex flooring.
latex foam see foam rubber.
latch any lock-like fastening mechanism latex paint an easily brushable and rap-
for a door or gate, in which a handle idly drying emulsion paint with a latex
rather than a key is pushed or turned to binder in water, which evaporates off
lath 274
during drying, leaving a film of latex, pig- lay bar an intermediate horizontal glazing
ment and additives. bar in a window.
lath 1 a thin strip of wood, often formed laying-on trowel see plasterer’s trowel.
by cleaving, used in basketwork, making
laylight a horizontal window set into a
fences and lattices.
suspended ceiling below a rooflight.
2 a split timber batten fixed to a base in
rows as a base for plaster; see lathing, layout the schematic arrangement of
bruised lath. parts of a building or other designs show-
3 a piece of sawn timber with cross- ing how component parts fit and function
sectional dimensions of 6 17 mm thick together.
and 22 36 mm wide. layout drawing a design drawing show-
ing the spatial relationships between
lathe a powered machine on which wood buildings on a site or rooms in a building.
or metal is shaped into cylindrical or
layout plan see site layout plan.
round forms by cutting blades whilst
being fixed to a rapidly spinning chuck. lazuline blue see lapis lazuli.
lazurite a blue sodium aluminium silicate
lathing, lathwork; any surface of tim- crystalline mineral, the main constituent
ber battens, expanded metal or mesh of the rock lapis lazuli.
fixed to a wall surface to provide a L-beam a beam
mechanical key for plasterwork; lath- which is L-shaped
work most often refers to timber lath- in cross-section,
ing; types included as separate entries usually of con-
are listed below: crete; see also precast
*bruised lath; *expanded metal lathing; boot lintel. concrete
*mesh lathing, see wire lathing; *metal L-beam
lathing; *ribbed expanded metal lathing, LDPE, LD poly-
rib lathing; *timber lath; *timber lathing; thene low density polythene.
*wire lathing, wire-mesh lathing. lead (pronunciation: sounds like ‘bed’; see
next entry) a soft, malleable, heavy metal,
Pb, with a low melting point; used in tra-
lattice any open structure or surface of ditional paints and coatings, and as sheet-
long strips of material (originally laths) metal for roof flashings.
attached together in a crossed formation lead acetate a poisonous white chemical
to produce an open screen-like construc- compound, Pb(C2H3O2).3H2O, used as a
tion; see also space lattice, and below. drier in paints and varnishes.
lattice beam see trussed beam. lead came a small lead glazing bar,
lattice stanchion, braced stanchion; H-shaped in cross-section, which holds
a composite steel column or stanchion panes together in leaded-light glazing.
with a number of vertical rolled steel sec- lead carbonate a poisonous white
tions braced at intervals with diagonal or chemical compound, PbCO3, used as a
horizontal struts, or a combination of both. pigment in exterior paints.
lattice structure see truss. lead chromate a poisonous yellow
LA unit see Los Angeles coefficient. chemical compound, PbCrO4, used as an
industrial pigment in paints.
lava rock types of igneous rock which lead drier a compound of lead used in
are ejected from the earth’s crust as lava
solvent form in paints to speed up
and solidify rapidly in air.
lavatory see toilet. leaded brass an alloy of copper and zinc
lavatory bowl see WC pan. with additional lead to increase ductility
lavender oil see oil of spike. and improve machinability.
leaded light, leaded glass, lead glaz-
lawn in landscaping, a mowed and ing; traditional glazing with small diamond-
tended area of grass. shaped or square panes of glass held
Lawson’s cypress, Port Orford cedar; in a mesh of lead glazing bars, called
[Chamaecyparis lawsoniana] see cypress. cames.
275 lean-to roof
lead-free paint any paint which does
not contain lead compounds for health
reasons, according to law.
lead glass, crystal glass; a clear colour-
less glass containing lead oxide, used for leaf and dart
optical devices and neon tubes. leaf and rose scroll an ornamental
lead glazing see leaded light. motif consisting of a coiled leaf design
lead in oil a traditional paint of white with roses at the extremities of the coil.
lead ground into linseed oil.
lead oxide, lead monoxide; a chemi- leaf and tongue see leaf and dart.
cal compound, PbO, used amongst other leaf green see chrome green.
things in the manufacture of lead glass;
see red lead, massicot.
leaf moulding see foil moulding.
lead paint any paint which contains leaf ornament see foliated.
white lead or red lead. leaf scroll a classical ornamental banded
lead pigment any pigment of lead salts motif representing coiled foliage, espe-
such as lead chromate or lead carbonate, cially acanthus, anthemion, lotus and pal-
usually insoluble in water, poisonous and mette, and in medieval architecture, vines;
opaque; see also massicot (yellow), red see also leaf and rose scroll.
lead, white lead.
lead plate thick rolled sheet manufac-
tured from lead; used for soundproofing
and radiation protection.
lead primer see red lead.
lead sheet rolled sheet manufactured leaf scroll
from lead; traditionally used for flashings,
roof and wall claddings and damp proof leafwork see foliated.
courses; see also lead plate. lean clay a soil type composed of
lead wool lead in fibrous form, used as 30 50% silty clays and clayey silts, gener-
sealing for pipes. ally of low to medium plasticity.
lead X-ray glass, X-ray resistant
glass, radiation-shielding glass; glass lean concrete concrete with a lower
which contains lead oxide and is relatively than usual percentage of cement.
resistant to X-rays. lean lime low-quality hydrated lime pro-
lead (pronunciation: sounds like ‘bead’; duced from impure limestone, which,
see previous entry) an insulated wire, fit- when used as lime putty, cannot be
ted with a suitable connection at either spread evenly and has poor properties of
end, which conveys electricity from a plasticity and setting.
source to an appliance. lean mix a mix of concrete or mortar
leader header see rainwater head. which contains little binder.

leader line see extension line. lean-to roof, half span roof; a mono-
pitch roof whose summit is carried on a
leading hand see chargehand. wall which extends beyond the apex of
leaf, 1 wythe, withe (Am); one single the roof; often an overhang or canopy.
skin of brick, blockwork, concrete, etc. in a
cavity wall, or as facing for a steel or con-
crete frame.
2 very thin metal sheet, see foil.
3 any flap-like component or accessory,
see door leaf, hinge leaf.
leaf and dart, heart and dart, water-
leaf and dart; an ornamental motif con-
sisting of a series of stylized leaves
alternating with sharp dart-shaped forms. lean-to roof
leathercloth 276
leathercloth a plastic-coated fabric hav- on end to form one longer piece; see also
ing the appearance of leather, used in scarf joint.
upholstery. lengthening piece see extension.
Leca see expanded aggregate. lens 1 a transparent solid optical object
ledge a horizontal structural rail in a shaped to bend light passing through it in
ledged door, to which boards are fixed. a controlled way.
ledged and braced door a ledged 2 glass lens; a translucent solid glazing unit
door with diagonal bracing. made by a pressing process; embedded in
ledged door a simple door-type whose cast concrete decks, floors and footways to
leaf is constructed from vertical match- provide natural lighting to spaces beneath.
boarding nailed to a series of spaced hori- Lentinus lepideus see scaly cap fungus.
zontal members or ledges.
Lenzites separia see slash conk.
Lesbian cyma in classical ornamenta-
tion, a cyma reversa moulding enriched
with leaf and dart ornament.

Lesbian cyma
ledged and moulding with leaf
ledged door braced door and dart, and bead
and reel mouldings
ledger 1 a scaffolding beam running par-
allel to the wall of the building under con- lesene, pilaster strip; an
struction, which carries putlogs. exterior pilaster without a
2 a large flat stone which covers a tomb base or capital; found primar-
or grave in a church. ily in Romanesque churches
3 see ligger. providing lateral support for
leek green see chrome green. high walls.
left-handed, left-hung, LH; see let-in see housing.
handing. letter-box plate see letter
legget a steel-faced hammer used in plate.
thatched roofing for tapping and tighten- lettering brush a finely
ing the thatch and its fastenings. pointed paintbrush used pri- lesene
legs anchor, hollow-wall plug; a range marily for lettering on signs, plaques, etc.
of nylon wall plugs for fastening to plas- letter of intent 1 a general communica-
terboard hollow walls, with wings which tion from one party to another indicating
spring out once pushed through a drilled a serious intention.
hole and clamp to the reverse side. 2 in contract administration, a formal let-
ter from a client to the chosen tenderer
stating that they propose to enter into a
contract with them.
letter plate, letter-box plate, letter
slot, mail slot; a slotted rectangular
metal or plastics plate with covering
insertion fastening hinged flap to allow for the conveyance
of mail through a door leaf.
legs anchor
level 1 the height or datum of a point above
Leipzig yellow see chrome yellow. sea level, as marked on drawings and maps.
2 see storey.
lemon oil see oil of lemon. 3 any instrument, apparatus or device for
lengthening joint any joint used to join measuring true horizontal; see also level-
two long pieces or members together end ling instrument, water level, spirit level.
277 lift-off butt hinge
level invert taper in drainage and lift car door the inner door of a lift car,
plumbing, a short piece of conical pipe or which moves up and down with it; a lift
similar fitting for joining two pipes of dif- gate is usually a door of open lattice con-
ferent diameters so that their lower inter- struction; see also landing door.
nal surfaces lie along the same line. lift drive, lift machine; the machinery,
levelling compound, dressing com- motors or apparatus for moving and halt-
pound, synthetic screed; in floor con- ing a lift.
struction, a material such as cement or lift gate see lift car door.
resin mortar applied in semi-liquid form in lift group see lift battery.
very thin layers, which sets to provide a lift guide, lift runner; a rail attached to
level surface for flooring. the wall of a lift shaft to guide the lift car.
lift landing an area of floor in front of a
levelling instrument, level; in survey- lift, at which it stops.
ing, an optical instrument used in conjunc- lift machine see lift drive.
tion with a levelling staff for measuring lift machine room, lift motor room,
levels. LMR; a space located adjacent to, above
levelling staff, levelling rod; a long or below a lift shaft, with machinery to
gradated rod used in surveying for ascer- operate the movement of a lift car.
taining heights and levels from a known lift pit, run-by pit; a space at the base
point. of a lift shaft to accommodate the under-
side of the lift car and counterweight.
lever handle a handle for a door or win- lift pulley room a space located adja-
dow casement, with a protruding lever,
cent to a lift shaft, containing pulleys
which operates a latch mechanism when
which operate the lift, but no machinery.
turned downwards.
lift runner see lift guide.
lift shaft see lift well.
lift shaft module a prefabricated unit of
spindle a lift shaft, which can be lifted into place.
lift sheave, sheave; a large pulley
wheel around which lift cables, lift car and
rose jamb counterweight are hung in a traditional
lever handle overslung lift installation.
lift well, hoistway (Am), lift shaft; the
lever tap, lever-operated tap; a water duct, tube or shaft in which a lift car
tap in which water flow is controlled by a moves.
lever. lift well enclosure the structure that
encloses a lift shaft.
Leyden blue a form of cobalt blue lift well module see lift shaft module.
lifting a defect in a paint finish consisting
LH see handing. of the separation of a dry undercoat from
lich gate see lych gate. a substrate on application of a successive
lierne a tertiary rib in a vault, which con- coat of paint.
nects a point on a rib with a tierceron or lifting equipment, hoisting plant; any
another lierne; often for decorative rather equipment, cranes, hoists and elevators
than structural purposes. used on a building site for lifting goods,
lift, elevator (Am); a mechanical installa- machinery and people
tion for lifting of passengers or goods from one level to another.
from one level or storey in a building to lift-off butt hinge, lift-
another, see also lift car. off hinge, loose butt
lift battery, lift group, lift bank; a hinge; a hinge whose
number of lifts in the same area whose central joining pin is
controls are synchronized to work together. welded to the upper part
lift car the lowered and raised compart- of one hinge leaf, permit-
ment for carrying passengers and goods ting a door to be simply
in a lift installation. lifted on or off. lift-off hinge
lift slab construction 278
lift slab construction a method of con- lighting, illumination; the provision of
crete construction in which concrete floor light for spaces in a building by the con-
slabs are cast one above the other then trolled placing of lights, windows, etc.
raised into position for support by lighting column see lighting post.
lighting controller see photoelectric
ligature see stirrup. lighting controller.
ligger a longitudinal timber used in lighting fitting, lighting fixture see
thatched roofing to hold down thatch. luminaire.
lighting mast, pylon; a tall freestanding
light 1 electromagnetic waves which structure for the high-level support of
can be seen by the human eye; see also floodlighting, external area lighting, etc.
artificial light, daylight, diffuse light, nat-
ural light. lighting point an outlet to which a light fit-
2 any device for producing illumination; ting can be connected to an electricity supply.
a lamp or luminaire; see also droplight lighting post, lighting column; a free-
(pendant luminaire), electric light, flood- standing column for supporting an exte-
light, spotlight. rior luminaire.
3 an opening in a wall for a window; a lighting track in artificial lighting, a sur-
small window or glazed unit; types face-mounted conducting track to which
included as separate entries are listed movable spotlights can be attached.
*angel light; *borrowed light; *coupled light loss factor in lighting design, a
light; *domelight; *fanlight; *fixed light; measure of the aging of light sources,
*lantern light; *rooflight; *side light; *top measured as a ratio of the illuminance
light. after a specific period of time to the illu-
minance of the source as new.
lightning-conductor, lightning-rod; a
light alloy a mixture of light metals such simple metal rod attached to the roof of a
as aluminium. building or the top of a mast, connected
lightbulb, lamp; a device which contains to an earthed cable and used for convey-
a gas or metal filament enclosed in a ing current from lightning strikes to earth.
sealed glass vessel, excited by electricity lightning protection the physical pro-
to give off light. tection of a building from random light-
light dispersivity in lighting design, the ning strikes using rooftop installations to
property of a surface to disperse light by lead unwanted power surges safely to
interference or refraction. earth; any system of air terminations,
down conductors and earth terminations
light distribution curve, polar curve, for diverting energy this way is called a
candlepower distribution curve; a lightning protective installation.
graphical representation of the light distri-
bution characteristics of a particular lumi- lightning-rod see lightning-conductor.
naire or lamp, with luminous intensities lightning shakes see thunder shakes.
for all directions from the source plotted light output in lighting design, the
on polar coordinates. quantity of luminous flux emitted by a
light expanded clay aggregate see source of light.
expanded aggregate. light resistant see lightfast.
lightfast, light resistant; the property of light sensitivity the property of a mate-
a pigment, paint film or coloured coating rial or surface which has the tendency to
to resist fading or deterioration of its col- react in some way to light which falls on it.
ours on exposure to sunlight.
light shaft a narrow shaft either within a
light filter see filter. building or externally, but surrounded by
light fitting, light fixture see built form to introduce natural light to
luminaire. internal spaces, courtyards, etc.
279 lime cement
light transmittance in lighting design, structure in wood; extracted from paper
the ratio of luminous flux transmitted pulp and used in the manufacture of
through an area of material to that inci- plastics.
dent on it. lignum vitae [Guaiacum spp.] a very hea-
vy hardwood from the Caribbean and
South America; its timber is greenish-
lightweight aggregate aggregate black, extremely hard and durable, and
classified according to bulk density as has a high oil content; used for machine
less than 1200 kg/m3 for fine aggregate, rollers, mallet heads and ‘woods’ in the
or 1000 kg/m3 for coarse aggregate; game of bowls; see also verawood
types included as separate entries are [Maracaibo lignum vitae].
listed below:
*expanded clay aggregate, expanded lily a common motif in
shale aggregate, light expanded clay Egyptian architecture and
aggregate, see expanded aggregate; *sin- art, originating from styl-
tered aggregate; *wood particle ized depictions of species
aggregate. of flowering plant of the Greek lily
lightweight aggregate concrete genera Lilium, Nymphaea, motif
lightweight concrete which makes use etc. which have bulbous
of a lighter than usual coarse aggregate, blossoms on long stems; also called a
often vermiculite, expanded clay, blast- lotus.
furnace slag or in some cases a polymer lily capital an ancient Egyptian capital
or sawdust. carved with decoration in imitation of styl-
lightweight aggregate concrete ized lily blossoms; also called a lotus
block a concrete block manufactured capital.
using lightweight aggregate. lily moulding see fleury moulding.
limba, afara; [Terminalia superba] a West
African hardwood with straight-grained
lightweight block see lightweight con- and coarse-textured yellowish timber,
crete block. used for panelling, plywood and veneers.
lightweight concrete concrete which lime 1 [Tilia spp.] a num-
has a bulk density range from ber of species of hard-
400 1760 kg/m3 and is lighter than ordi- wood tree from Europe
nary concrete, either by virtue of its light- and North America
weight aggregate (as in no-fines concrete, (where it is known as
lightweight aggregate concrete) or basswood) with pale, Tilia spp. – lime
entrained voids of air or gas (as in aerated soft, light, fine textured timber; used for
concrete). joinery, plywood and trim; widely planted
lightweight concrete block a concrete as a street tree; see below:
block manufactured from lightweight con- basswood, American lime; [Tilia ameri-
crete, or one with voids; see also light- cana] a hardwood from North America;
weight aggregate concrete block, cellular see also lime.
block. European lime, linden; [Tilia europaea,
lightweight partition an interior non- Tilia vulgaris] a European hardwood with
loadbearing wall for dividing a space into fine-grained, light, soft, weak, pale yellow-
rooms; often of plasterboard on a stud- ish timber; used for carving, turnery and
work frame. plywood; lime trees are often planted as
street trees and for lining avenues in parks.
lightweight plaster plaster which con- 2 chalk or limestone burnt in a kiln, used
tains lightweight aggregate. as a binder in cement and plaster; a
light well a narrow external space sur- generic name for quicklime, hydrated
rounded by built form to provide light lime, lime putty, slaked lime, calcium
and ventilation to internal spaces, court- oxide or calcium hydroxide.
yards, etc. lime cement Portland cement to which
lignin one of the organic polymeric sub- lime has been added; used as a binder in
stances which stiffens and bonds the cell masonry cement.
lime hydrate 280
lime hydrate see hydrated lime. line of draw ribbon-like variations in
lime mortar brickwork mortar consisting of thickness of drawn glass caused by the
slaked lime and sand in the ratio of 16 or manufacturing process, which give rise to
other proportions depending on usage and visual distortion.
exposure; may occasionally also include line of nosings, nose line, nosing
cement; see also composition mortar (cement line, pitch line; a theoretical line drawn
lime mortar), lime sand mortar, lime plaster. between the front edge of the steps in a
lime plaster a form of crude plaster made stair, parallel to the incline.
from neat lime or a mixture of lime and sand. liner a finely pointed paintbrush with bris-
lime putty soft hydrated lime in solid but tles shaped to produce continuous lines,
plastic form; used as a binder in plaster. used for architectural rendering, decora-
tive edges, lettering, etc.; also called a lin-
lime rock rock consisting largely of lime- ing brush.
stone or partially consolidated limestone,
quarried from natural limestone deposits.
lime sand mortar, coarse stuff; mortar lining 1 any dry covering of sheet,
consisting of lime and coarse sand, often boarding, etc. for cladding the interior
delivered to site ready mixed. surface of a wall or wall frame.
2 a surround for a door or window
limestone a sedimentary rock composed reveal, covering the joint and surface
of calcium carbonate, used extensively as between frame and adjacent construc-
building stone and burnt to produce lime. tion; types included as separate entries
limewash see whitewash. are listed below:
limewashing, whitewashing; the appli- *breast lining; *door lining; *formwork lin-
cation of a solution of lime and water, or ing; *flue lining; *jamb lining; *plaster-
crushed chalk and water, to a masonry board drylining; *sock lining, resin lining;
surface as a clean, white finish. *timber lining; *wall lining; *window
lime white, cream of lime, milk of
lime; a watery or creamy emulsion of cal-
cium hydrate or quicklime in water, tradi-
lining brush see liner.
tionally used for whitewashing walls; see
also bianco sangiovanni. lining paper see wall lining.
liming in landscaping and forestry, the linishing the smoothing of a surface, usu-
addition of lime or any other calcareous ally metal, using a continuously moving
material to the soil as fertilizer and to neu- abrasive belt to produce a fine satin finish.
tralize acid soils. link see stirrup.
limiter see door chain. link aerial see satellite link aerial.
Limnoria spp. see gribble. link house, linked dwellings; a form of
limonite, brown iron ore; a brownish low-rise residential building, similar to a
or yellowish earthy mineral, a natural terraced house, in which adjacent dwell-
oxide of iron, Fe2O3.nH2O, used in various ings are connected by outhouses, car
forms for pigments (yellow ochre); also an ports and pergolas; see also terraced
important iron ore. house.
linear strip see exposed runner.
line load see knife-edge load.
linenfold, drapery,
linen scroll; carved
decoration for wooden
panelling, stone, etc.
representing hanging
cloth with loose verti-
cal folds. link houses
281 LMR
link mesh see chain link mesh. lintel filler a preformed flashing, usu-
link yoke in traditional timber frame con- ally of sheetmetal, used over an
struction, a piece joining the upper ends opening.
of principal rafters, supporting a ridge lintel unit see lintel block.
linoleum a hardwearing, soft sheet floor- lintol see lintel.
ing consisting of fibrous mineral material
such as wood, chalk, cork and flax mixed lion capital a capital
with linseed oil and calendered; shortened carved with the images of
form is ’lino’. two or four prostrate lions
facing in opposite direc-
linseed oil oil pressed from the ripe tions; typical of the edict col-
seeds of the flax plant (Linum usitatissi- umns of Indian architecture.
mum), used as a vehicle and binder in
paints; see also boiled linseed oil. liparite see rhyolite.
linseed oil putty see putty. Liquidambar styraci-
flua see gum.
liquidated damages in lion capital
lintel, lintol; a beam above a window contract administration, a predetermined
or door opening; types included as sep- amount taken from payments due to a
arate entries are listed below: contractor in the event of any delay on
their part with regard to contractual obli-
gation; a delay penalty.
liquid limit in soil mechanics, the maxi-
mum water content for a clay, which,
when exceeded, promotes a change from
brick veneered the plastic to a liquid state.
precast concrete
lintel over doorway Liriodendron tulipifera see tulipwood.
in masonry wall listed building a building of recognized
historical or cultural value which has offi-
cial protected status against demolition,
*boot lintel; *corbelled lintel; *concrete modification and disrepair.
lintel; *precast concrete lintel, see concrete listel, list, tringle; a narrow flat fillet
lintel; *pressed steel lintel; *reinforced
brick lintel.
lintel block, lintel unit; a specially lithopone, oleaum white; a fine white
formed concrete or clay block with an pigment consisting of zinc sulphide and
indentation in its upper surface for barium sulphate which has good struc-
grout and reinforcing bars; used in tural properties and is relatively cheap;
masonry beams as the tension flange or used for exterior house paints and indus-
lower soffit; see also channel block. trial coatings.
lintel brick, beam brick, channel live referring to a device, circuit or con-
brick; a clay lintel block used over an ductor which is connected directly to an
opening in brickwork, having the same electricity supply.
outward appearance, texture and size,
etc. as the other bricks. live knot see intergrown knot.
live load changing structural loads in a
building imposed by the use of the build-
ing, its occupants, furnishings, etc.
Liverpool bond see English garden-wall
live sawing see through and through
lintel brick sawing.
LMR lift machine room.
load 282
load the forces imposed on a structure or location block one of a number of small
structural member in use by building fab- pieces placed under and around a glass
ric and components, furnishings and ser- pane or panel to prevent it moving in its
vices, internal forces and own weight, frame during installation of glazing.
wind and snow, etc. location drawing a design drawing
loadbearing brickwork brickwork showing how or where a site, building or
which has a structural function and trans- part of a building is situated with respect
fers building loads to a foundation. to its surroundings; see also general
loadbearing capacity see bearing arrangement drawing.
capacity. location plan see block plan.
loadbearing frame, structural frame;
those parts of a building which carry lock 1 a fastening mechanism for a door or
structural loads to the foundations. gate, operated using an external mechani-
loadbearing structure see structure. cal or electronic device such as a key, push
button or digital pad; types included as
loadbearing wall, bearing wall; any separate entries are listed below:
wall which transfers structural loads from *bathroom lock; *cabinet lock; *check lock,
above and is part of the structure or struc- see snib; *combination lock; *cylinder lock;
tural frame of a building. *deadlock; *door lock; *electric lock; *electro-
loadbearing wall construction, bear- magnetic lock; *furniture lock, see cabinet
ing wall system; a structural system in lock; *keyed lock; *magnetic lock, see electro-
which the floors in a building are supported magnetic lock; *mortise lock; *motor lock,
by loadbearing external walls and partitions. see electromechanical lock; *padlock; *rim
lock; *security lock; *solenoid lock; *thief-resis-
tant lock, see security lock; *time lock; *toilet
lock, WC lock, see bathroom lock; *Yale lock.

key, cylinder lock case

and cylinder
guard thumb
bolt and
loadbearing wall construction
plate lever
loading 1 the imposition of a load on a lock handle
structure or structural member.
2 see air lock.
2 the variation and types of load imposed
on a structure.
loading capacity see bearing capacity. lock bolt see bolt.
lobate ornament see auricular ornament. lock case the protective casing or cover-
local air conditioning air conditioning ing which houses the locking mechanism
for a specific room or targeted area within of a rim or mortise lock; in a cylinder lock
a room. this may be remote from the cylinder.

local lighting, localized lighting; lock chisel a chisel with an L-shaped

artificial lighting designed to provide a blade for cutting hidden mortises for
higher level of illumination in certain locks.
areas of a room or space. lock control the provision of security for
local planning authority see planning a door or doors with the use of locks; see
authority. also electromechanical lock control, elec-
tric lock control, central locking.
local ventilation mechanical ventilation
for a specific room or targeted area within lock cylinder see cylinder.
a room. lock faceplate, lock front see forend.
283 log construction
locking 1 the securing of a lock with a key. loess in soil mechanics, fine material or
2 mechanisms and procedures associated silt which has been blown by the wind;
with this. also a porous, yellowish sedimentary rock
locking bar a bar attached to a door leaf formed from hardened wind-blown dust
or pair of leaves to enable them to be fas- and containing the same minerals as clay.
tened shut with a padlock. loft an accessible space within the roof-
locking snib see thumb turn, snib. space of a building intended for habitation
and frequently used for storage; see garret.
lock nut 1 a nut with a nylon
friction-ring cast into its loft ladder see disappearing stair.
threads to prevent it from log blue sap-stain in unseasoned logs.
working loose once attached.
2 see stop nut.
lock nut log cabin siding decorative timber clad-
ding boards whose outer face is rounded
lock rail see middle rail. so as to resemble log construction.
lock ring see circlip, lock washer.
lock saw see keyhole saw.
lock stile see shutting stile.
lock suite see suite.
lock washer, lock ring; any of a number
of specially shaped, toothed or sprung
washers for use under bolt heads to fas- log cabin
ten a bolted joint, especially one with a siding
groove or projection to fit in a
housing along a shaft and
log construction, blockwork, cob-
prevent it from rotating; see lock washer work; building frame construction using
also spring lock washer.
solid hewn or machined logs piled on top
lodgepole pine, contorta pine, shore of one another horizontally, interlocking at
pine; [Pinus contorta], see pine. the corners with joints known as notches.

sectional isometric drawing

of log building showing log
courses and roof structure

exploded detail of
log notch

loggia 284
loggia in classical architecture, an loop tracery a form of bar tracery found
arcaded or colonnaded porch or gallery of in Scotland in Gothic churches con-
one or more stories attached to the structed from 1500 to 1545, dominated by
ground storey of a building; also a sepa- large looped forms.
rate colonnaded ornamental structure.
Lombardy poplar [Populus nigra italica],
see poplar.
long and short work in stonework, a Gothic looped tracery
at Blackfriars chapel,
decorative quoin treatment for external
St Andrews, Scotland,
masonry corners or jambs, using large 1516
stones interspersed vertically with flat
loose butt hinge see lift-off butt hinge.
long-cornered chisel see skew chisel.
loose-fill insulation insulation for roof
long-grained plywood plywood in spaces, wall cavities and floors consisting
which the grain of the outer ply is approx- of lightweight granular or flaked material
imately parallel to that of the longitudinal pumped into the void or laid in sacks; the
edge of the piece. most common forms are cellulose fibres,
longhorn beetle, longicorn beetle; spun or expanded fibres or pellets of min-
[Cerambycidae] a family of insects whose eral material, glass, etc.; see cellulose
larvae burrow under the bark of living loose-fill insulation.
softwoods. loose-joint hinge, loose-joint butt
longitudinal beam a beam which lies hinge; a hinge which enables a door leaf
parallel to the longer axis of a space or span. to be lifted off without removing the
hinge; a lift-off butt hinge.
longitudinal bevelled halved joint
see bevelled scarf joint. loose leaf the leaf of a hinge which swi-
vels around the hinge pin.
longitudinal reinforcement reinforcing
bars which run parallel to the main axis of loose knot a dead knot
a reinforced concrete component, espe- that is loose and may
cially a beam or column. become detached from
a piece of timber.
longitudinal rib a protrusion which runs
along the length of a reinforcing bar. loose piece mould in
ornamental plastering, a
longitudinal ridge rib, ridge rib; a hori-
mould consisting of a
zontal rib which runs parallel to the main loose knot
number of parts; used
axis of a space at the ridge of a rib vault.
for taking or making casts from intricate
longitudinal section, long section; a or complex details.
sectional drawing of a building or object
cut along its long axis.
loose pin butt hinge, loose pin
hinge, pin hinge; a hinge with two rect-
long mesh fabric fabric reinforcement angular metal leaves and a central joining
for concrete, with clearly elongated rather pin which can be withdrawn for quick
than square openings in its mesh. removal of a door leaf from its frame.
long radius bend a piece of curved loose rust, loose scale; flakes of rust
drainage pipe with a large radius of curva- loosely attached to the surface of steel
ture, designed for use at a gradual change delivered on site, which should be
in direction of the pipeline. removed before priming and finishing.
long section see longitudinal section. loose side, open face, open side,
slack side; the side of a veneer sheet
long straw thatch see straw thatch. which has checks and markings from the
loop see knuckle. cutting and is thus rougher than the face
looped pile carpet a woven floor textile or tight side.
in which the weft or yarn formed in loops loose socket, collar; in plumbing and
is left uncut at the surface. drainage pipework, a short fitting pushed
285 low heat cement
over the adjacent ends of two aligned of a 1000 Hz tone above the audible
pipes to form a connection. sound threshold; it is thus a subjective
loose tongue see spline. version of the decibel, which is directly
Los Angeles coefficient, LA unit; a
measure of the hardness and durability of louvre, louver (Am); one of a series of
aggregates, given as the percentage of horizontal slats in a grille, venetian blind,
detritus forming under standard grinding etc.; a grille thus formed, used for shading
tests with ball-bearings in a rotating devices, ventilation outlet covers; see win-
vessel. dow louver.
louvred blind see venetian blind.
lost formwork in concreting, any form- louvred door a door with an open slat-
work left in place once the concrete has ted construction to allow for the passage
hardened. of air; used for the ventilation of plant
lost-head nail, finish- rooms or for rooms in warm climates.
ing nail, bullet-head
nail; a round or oval nail
with a small tapered
head; used in situations lost-head nail
where the nail should
remain hidden.
lotiform, lotus; denoting capitals of
Egyptian architecture, carved in imitation
of stylized open or closed flowers of the
sacred white lotus or water lily [Nymphaea louvred door
lotus] or blue lotus [Nymphaea caerulea],
or columns with ribbed shafts carved in louvred shutters see persiennes.
imitation of tied bunches of lotus stems; louvred window a
similar forms in Buddhist and Hindu window with a series of
culture. pivoted horizontal glass
louvres which may be
rotated open to provide
ventilation; also louvre
Egyptian lotus bud window.
capital on bundle
column, tomb of Khety, Lovoa klaineana,
Beni Hasan, Egypt, c. Lovoa trichilioides see
2000 BC African walnut. louvred window

low carbon steel steel with a carbon

lotus anthemion painted ornamental content of 0.04 0.25%, used for wire and
banding originally from Mesopotamia, thin sheet.
Egypt and Greece, depicting stylized lotus low density fibreboard see softboard.
blooms alternating with other plant motifs
such as pine cones, closed flower buds, low density polythene, LD poly-
etc. thene, LDPE; a tough and resilient poly-
lotus and papyrus an ornamental motif thene which is soft and flexible.
consisting of stylized lotus and papyrus low emissivity glass float glass with a
leaves. transparent surface treatment to reflect
loudness in acoustics, the subjective phe- longer, hotter wavelengths of solar radia-
nomenon of sound measured in sones; tion outwards.
one sone is equal to the perceived loud- lower chord, bottom chord; the lower
ness of a 1000 Hz tone at a sound level of longitudinal horizontal member in a truss.
40 dB.
loudness level in acoustics, the measure low gloss see eggshell gloss.
of loudness in phons; one phon is equal low heat cement see low heat Portland
to the perceived sound level in decibels cement.
low heat concrete 286
low heat concrete concrete with a slow L-section see angle profile.
rate of heat release from the chemical L-stair see quarter turn stair.
reaction which takes place during setting.
low heat Portland blast-furnace lug sill in masonry construction, a win-
dow or door sill which extends sideways
cement a blended Portland blast-furnace
beyond the edge of the opening, and is
cement in which the heat released in set-
thus built into the wall at either side.
ting (heat of hydration) is significantly less
than that for ordinary Portland cement. lumber (Am) see timber.
low heat Portland cement, low heat lumen abb. lm; in lighting design, the
cement; a Portland cement which gener- SI unit of luminous flux.
ates less heat on setting than ordinary
Portland cement.
luminaire, light fitting, light fixture
low-pressure hot water heating a (Am), lighting fitting; an electric fit-
hot water heating system in which hot ting to provide illumination; usually a
water produced for circulation and use is lamp contained in a base with control
no more than 80 C. equipment and a diffuser or shade;
low-pressure sodium lamp a sodium types included as separate entries are
lamp with a very efficient light source listed below:
emitting strong yellow light; widely used *air-handling luminaire; *angle luminaire;
for streetlighting. *ceiling luminaire; *cove lighting; *down-
light, downlighter; *droplight, see pen-
low relief see anaglyph, basso rilievo. dant luminaire; *exterior luminaire; *fixed
low-rise pertaining to a class of residen- luminaire; *floodlight; *fluorescent lumi-
tial buildings including detached houses, naire; *inground luminaire; *interior lumi-
row and terraced houses, and multistorey naire; *non-fixed luminaire; *pendant
residential buildings with few enough luminaire; *recessed luminaire; *spotlight;
storeys (usually up to three) to negate the *surface-mounted luminaire; *uplighter.
need for a lift.
low sheen see eggshell flat.
luminance in lighting design, a measure
low velocity system, conventional of the brightness of a surface in a given
system; an air-conditioning system using direction, measured in candelas.
rectangular supply and return air ducting,
in which air is conveyed at speeds of luminescent having the material prop-
3 8 m/s using conventional fans; cf. high erty of emitting small amounts of light
velocity system. without heat input, often as a result of
phosphorescence or fluorescence.
low voltage a voltage in an electric cir- luminescent concrete precast concrete
cuit classified as less than 1000 V but
to which luminescent material has been
greater than 50 V.
added; used in precast stair units to pro-
low water closet a self-contained toilet vide a low level of illumination in dark-
connected to a water supply, using small ened stairways, etc.
amounts of water for flushing waste. luminescent pigment, luminescent
lozenge fret, lozenge moulding see paint; various metal sulphides used in
diamond fret. paint to provide luminescence or fluores-
L-profile see edge strip, angle profile. cence; used especially in roads signs and
L-roof a hip and valley roof for a building
which is L-shaped in plan. luminous ceiling, illuminated ceiling;
a suspended ceiling whose ceiling panels
are translucent glass or plastics sheets or
baffles with luminaires behind, providing
lighting for a space.
luminous efficacy see circuit efficacy.
luminous flux in lighting design, a mea-
sure of the flow of light energy from a
light source or surface, measured in
L-roof lumens.
287 lymexylid beetle
luminous intensity in lighting design, panel or window, especially an arched or
the amount of energy in a cone of light, polygonal window in a roof.
or solid angle from a light source; the lux abb. lx; in lighting design, the SI unit of
ratio of luminous flux per solid angle, illuminance, given as luminous flux per unit
measured in candelas. area or lumens per square metre (lm/m2).
lump hammer see club hammer.
lych gate, lich gate; a roofed entrance
lump lime high-quality quicklime in solid gateway to a churchyard, usually of tim-
lump form. ber, originally for the purpose of resting
lump sum contract, stipulated sum coffins.
agreement; a form of building contract lymexylid beetle, ship timber beetle;
in which a single agreed sum is given as [Lymexylidae] a family of insects which
payment for work done. cause damage to standing trees and
lunette an arched area, moulding or unseasoned hardwoods and softwoods by
panel above a door, rectangular wall burrowing.
macadam aggregate or crushed rock root of the madder plant [Rubia tinctor-
compacted for use in road construction. um], in use originally in Egypt, Greece and
Macassar ebony [Diospyros celebica], Rome, now mainly replaced by alizarin
see ebony. crimson.
madder red a red pigment traditionally
machinability, workability; the ability produced from the root of the madder
of a material to be shaped with ease on a plant (see above) and the various shades
lathe or other cutting machine without of red colour thus formed.
flaking, blunting tools, etc.
MAG welding, metallic active-gas
machine bend a bend in metal plumb- welding; a method of arc welding of
ing pipe produced with a bending metals in which the arc is shielded with
machine; see pulled bend. an active gas such as carbon dioxide or
machine bit see cutter. oxygen.
machine bolt a bolt whose shank has magenta a deep purple pigment, one of
threads along its end portion only so a the earliest dyes, named after the site of
nut can be attached. the Battle of Magenta in Italy in 1859.
magmatic rock see igneous rock.
machine bolt magnesia white magnesium carbonate
used as a white pigment.
magnesite, bitter spar; a mineral form
machine screw of magnesium carbonate, used as a raw
material in heat-resistant construction, as
machined log see milled log. insulation and as a magnesium ore.
machine mixing, mechanical mixing; magnesite cement see oxychloride
the mixing of concrete or mortar with a cement.
spinning or oscillating device such as a magnesium a pale, lightweight metal,
drum or pan mixer. Mg, which is ductile and easily machined.
machine room, motor room; a plant magnesium carbonate a manufactured
room within a building containing equip- intense white chemical compound,
ment, motors, gear, etc. for operating MgCO3, used as a white pigment; see also
mechanical installations such as lifts, fans, magnesite, bitter spar.
etc.; see lift machine room. magnesium oxychloride flooring see
machine screw a screw with Whitworth oxychloride cement.
or metric threads, a flat end, slotted head magnetic catch a fastener used for fur-
and a shank with an even diameter, fas- niture and other lightweight doors which
tened with a nut or into a predrilled hole; holds by magnetic attraction.
see also machine bolt. See machine bolt. magnetic flux a physical quantity whose
machine trowel see power trowel. SI unit is the weber (Wb); a measure of
machining, milling; a process of shap- the strength of a magnetic field, given as
ing materials such as metal, wood and the amount of magnetic field lines which
plastics using a machine tool with a pass through an area.
swiftly rotating bit, or by rotating the magnetic flux density see magnetic
material to be worked. induction.
machining tolerance in the machining magnetic iron ore see magnetite.
of timber, a permissible variation in the magnetic lock see electromagnetic lock.
dimensions of the machined piece.
magnetite, black iron oxide, mag-
machinist’s hammer, peen; a metal- netic iron ore; a grey-black mineral
work hammer with a solid peen for shap- oxide of iron, Fe3O4, the most widespread
ing and bending. and important iron ore; also used as a pig-
madder lake, rose madder, natural ment, polishing agent and in magnetic
madder; a red dyestuff made from the tapes.
289 management contract
mahogany, American mahogany, maisonette, duplex apartment; a
Cuban mahogany; [Swietenia spp.] a dwelling of more than one storey within a
genus of tropical Central and South larger residential block, with its own pri-
American hardwoods with heavy and vate internal vertical circulation.
extremely hard and durable red or golden- makore, African cherry, cherry
brown timber; Swietenia is the true mahogany; [Tieghemella heckelii,
mahogany, although many other species Mimusops heckelii] a hardwood from West
are also sold as mahogany; see also Khaya. Africa with pink to dark purple-red,
mail slot see letter plate. stable and highly durable timber which
main a service pipe or cable which con- has an abnormal blunting effect on tools;
veys electrical power, water or gas from a used for cabinets, flooring, boat-building
supplier to consumers; see also water and plywood.
main, gas main. malachite an opaque yellowish-green
main bar one of the reinforcing bars in mineral, natural copper carbonate
reinforced concrete which make up the Cu2CO3(OH), polished as a gemstone,
main reinforcement. carved for ornamental work and ground
since ancient times as a bright green pig-
main beam see principal beam. ment; it is also known as Hungarian green
main contractor, general contractor, or mineral green.
prime contractor; a contractor who is malachite green see copper green.
responsible for all work on site, though mall see maul.
they may subcontract part of it.
malleable cast iron cast iron which has
main entrance the principal, most been heat treated to improve its tough-
important or monumental entrance door ness and strength.
or means of entry into a building, via
which most of the building users will mallet a hammer with a wooden, rubber
enter. or plastic head, used for striking wooden
or soft objects such as chisels, pegs, etc.;
main reinforcement, principal rein- see rubber mallet.
forcement; reinforcement designed to
resist principal loads in reinforced
mains stopvalve, stopcock; the valve
by which mains water supply to a building
is controlled.
mains supply see mains voltage. mallets with different types
of head for various uses
mains voltage, mains supply; the elec-
trical potential supplied by mains electri-
city from generating plant, usually mallet-headed chisel a masonry chisel
220 240 V. whose handle is shaped with an ovoid
end, to take striking with a wooden mal-
main switch a switch which shuts off let; cf. hammer-headed chisel.
electricity to all circuits in an electrical
maintenance, servicing; the care of a
building, structure, system or technical
installation in order to keep it functioning.
maintenance manual a document con- bolster boaster claw tool
taining the basic requirements for main- mallet-headed chisel
taining and servicing the finishes,
appliances and other components of a
building or construction works. Malus sylvestris see apple.
maintenance painting see repainting. management contract a building con-
maintenance period see defects liabi- tract in which a contractor provides con-
lity period. sultation during the design stage and is
management contractor 290
responsible for planning and managing all other motifs in a frivolous, superficial and
post-contract activities and for the perfor- unconventional way.
mance of the whole contract. 2 Mannerism a style in Italian
management contractor a person or Renaissance art and architecture which
organization, employed by the client, flourished from 1520; technically profi-
responsible for coordinating design and cient and breaking away from classical
construction work in a building project. harmony, with the emphasis on inner
mysticism and external realism.
man-day, person-day; a measure of the
amount of work done by a person over
the period of one day; used in estimating
potential labour costs for a project.
manganese a metal, Mn, often used in Mannerist portal of
steel alloys as a hardener. Uffizi Gallery,
manganese black a black pigment con- Florence; architect
sisting of artificial manganese dioxide, Bernardo Buontalenti,
used in cements and plasters. 1580
manganese blue a brilliant blue pig-
ment consisting of barium manganate.
manganese bronze, high-tensile manometer see pressure gauge.
brass; an alloy of copper and zinc which mansard an attic storey directly under a
contains small amounts of manganese mansard or gambrel roof.
and other metals to increase strength and mansard roof 1 a hipped or gabled roof
improve resistance to corrosion. form in which each roof plane is doubly
manganese dioxide MnO2, see pitched.
manganese green, baryta green,
Cassel green, Rosenstiehl’s green; a
green variety of the pigment manganese
manganese spar see rhodochrosite.
manganese steel an alloy of steel with
manganese and carbon, which is
extremely hard, brittle and resistant to
abrasion. gabled mansard roof
manganese violet, mineral violet,
permanent violet, Burgundy violet; a 2 see hipped mansard roof.
permanent inorganic violet pigment con- mansard roof truss a roof truss
sisting of manganese chloride, phosphoric designed to maximize the use of interior
acid and ammonium carbonate; used in roof space by having a large open central
oil and tempera painting. area topped by a king post truss and
sided by rafters to produce a doubly
manhole see inspection chamber.
pitched roof.
manhole cover a removable cover for
an inspection chamber, usually of con-
crete or cast iron.
man-hour, person-hour; a measure of
the amount of work done by a person
over the period of one hour; used in
invoicing and estimating potential labour mansard roof truss
mansard tile a special roof tile manufac-
Manila hemp fibre from a tropical plant tured for use at the joint of roof planes in
[Musa textilis], used for making rope; also a mansard roof.
written as Manilla.
mantelpiece a decorative surround for
mannerism 1 any architectural style or an open fireplace, often forming a shelf
detail which incorporates classical and above it; originally a beam across the face
291 margin strip
of a fireplace, supporting masonry above; hard maple [Acer saccharum, Acer nigrum]
also written as mantlepiece. a collective name for timber of the sugar
maple and black maple of North America.
red maple [Acer rubrum] a North
American hardwood; a soft maple used
for furniture and panelling.
silver maple [Acer saccharinum] a North
mantlepiece, American hardwood with light brown tim-
surround ber, marketed as soft maple; used for fur-
niture, panelling and packaging.
soft maple [Acer saccharinum, Acer
rubrum] a collective name for the timber
of the North American silver and red
manual metal-arc welding, MMA sycamore, harewood; [Acer pseudopla-
welding, shielded metal-arc welding tanus] a hardwood with tough, light, fairly
(Am), SMA welding (Am), stick weld- strong perishable yellowish timber, used
ing; a manual method of arc welding for flooring and veneer; in North America
using electrodes covered with material
the tree known as sycamore is the
that shields the arc.
American plane [Platanus occidentalis].
manufactured aggregate aggregate mapping, surveying; the making of a
produced as the result of an industrial
map or chart of an area of land on the
basis of measurements and observations
manufacturing tolerance an taken at various points.
acceptable range of dimensions or mea-
Maracaibo lignum vitae see
surable quantities within which a manu-
factured item should be supplied to meet
a specification. marble a metamorphic rock derived from
limestone or dolomite, used extensively in
man-year, person-year; a measure of building for floors and walls cladding;
the amount of work done by a person
ground and polished as sheets or used as
over the period of one year; used in esti-
chippings in terrazzo and other composite
mating potential labour costs for a large
marble dust small chips of ground mar-
maple [Acer spp.] hardwoods of North ble used as aggregate in the plaster base
America and Europe with fine-textured, of fresco and mural painting.
hard, strong, tough, flexible, cream- marble flour a fine form of marble dust
coloured timber; used for flooring, panel- used in fresco painting.
ling, joinery, interiors and musical marble gypsum see alum gypsum.
instruments; with a great many species, marble stucco high-quality polished
maples are often planted as street liners stucco which resembles a marble surface,
and in parks and gardens for their spec- mixed from natural products including
tacular autumn foliage; see below for full lime, marble dust, limestone and water.
list of species of maple and sycamore
marbling a decorative surface treatment
included in this work:
applied by painting or other means in imi-
tation of marble.
margin the shaped exterior edge of a
rectangular object such as a stone slab,
tile, wooden table top, etc.
marginal draft see drafted margin.
Acer spp. – maple margin knot a knot near a corner or arris
black maple [Acer nigrum] a North of a piece of timber.
American hardwood; a hard maple used margin strip in timber flooring, a board
for furniture and panelling. laid at the edge of a floor as a border.
margin trowel 292
margin trowel a narrow-bladed hand head, especially used for keystones and
plasterer’s trowel used for applying plaster panels.
to small, confined areas. masking in painting and decorating, the
marigold window see rose window. temporary covering of boundary areas
which are to remain free of paint with
marine crustacean see gribble.
tape and paper.
marine mollusc see shipworm.
masking tape pale brown adhesive
marine plywood a grade of plywood paper tape used by painters and decora-
manufactured from quality wood veneers tors for masking off boundaries of areas
bonded together with waterproof glues; to be painted; also used as a general pur-
used especially for applications in contact pose tape, and often as draughting tape.
with seawater.
mason, stonemason; a skilled craftsman
marking awl see scribe. who works in stone, in building construc-
marking gauge, butt gauge; a device tion, producing stone walling and
used in woodwork for marking out a cut- embellishment,
ting line on a piece of timber.
masonry any construction in laid bricks,
marking out see setting out. blocks or stone; types included as sepa-
marl a variety of clay containing a high rate entries are listed below:
proportion of calcium carbonate. *ashlar masonry, see ashlar; *blockwork;
marlstone limestone with an abundance *brickwork; *cloisonné masonry; *coursed
of clay material. squared rubble masonry; *cyclopean
masonry; *decorative masonry; *opus,
marquetry inlaid work of different Roman stonework; *Pelasgic masonry, see
coloured veneers as surface decoration for cyclopean masonry; *polygonal masonry;
panelling and furniture; see intarsia. *random squared rubble masonry, see
Mars colour any of a range of coloured uncoursed squared rubble masonry;
artificial iron oxides used as permanent *squared rubble masonry; *stone
pigments; Mars black (or black oxide of masonry; *stonework; *thin bed masonry;
iron) is a dense opaque black pigment *uncoursed squared rubble masonry.
consisting of black iron oxide, suitable for
use in all types of paint; Mars yellow (oth- masonry axe a tempered steel, double-
erwise known as iron yellow, Mars orange, headed axe used for dressing and
yellow oxide of iron) is a synthetic, smoothing stonework; variously called a
organic, yellow iron oxide pigment which stone axe, rock axe, stonemason’s axe,
has good chemical and weather resis- trimming axe or chop axe.
tance; Mars brown is a form of synthetic
brown iron oxide pigment. masonry bit see masonry drill.
martensitic stainless steel a variety of masonry block see block.
stainless steel which contains 13% masonry capping, coping block, cop-
chromium. ing stone; one of a series of a bricks,
mascaron see mask. blocks or stones placed along the top of a
freestanding wall to protect it from the
mash hammer see club hammer. infiltration of rainwater; see also capping
mask, mascaron; carved ornamentation brick, coping brick.
of a grotesque human or animal face or masonry cement any cement used for
bonding bricks, blocks or stones together
in masonry walling, in particular Portland
cement with finely ground lime, plastici-
zers or other additives.
masonry cement mortar a Portland-
cement-based mortar containing a fine
mineral filler and air-entraining agent; it
has good workability and is used in
mask bricklaying.
293 mastic asphalt

masonry chisel any of a wide range of mason’s trowel see bricklayer’s trowel.
solid steel cold chisels used for shaping, mass concrete, plain concrete;
carving and dressing stone; also called a concrete containing no reinforcement,
stonemason’s, mason’s, stone or stone- used in bulk solely for limited structural
carving chisel; types included as sepa- applications, fill, etc.
rate entries are listed below: mass density the mass per unit volume
*batting tool, broad tool; *boaster, drover; of a solid granular material, calculated to
*bolster; *broach; *claw chisel, claw tool; include the spaces between the granules;
*clourer; *cold chisel; *driver; *fantail tool, its units are kg/m3.
see fishtail chisel; *fillet chisel; *fishtail
chisel, fishtail tool; *hammer-headed massicot a yellow lead oxide pigment no
chisel; *jumper; *mallet-headed chisel; longer in use, occurring naturally as soft,
*nicker, see splitter; *patent claw chisel; earthy deposits.
*pitching tool, pincher, pitcher; *point massing the location and size of the var-
tool; *punch; *quirking tool; *sculptor’s ious built volumes and forms in an archi-
point; *spindle, see fillet chisel; *splitter; tectural composition.
*tooth tool, see patent claw chisel;
*tracer; *waster.
massive rock see igneous rock.
mass law in acoustics, an approximation
according to which the acoustic insulation
masonry drill, concrete drill, masonry of a construction increases relative to its
bit; a drill bit for boring holes in masonry mass per unit area.
and concrete, usually tipped with a hard
metal alloy such as tungsten carbide. mast a tall, relatively slender vertical struc-
ture or pole, often trussed or braced with
masonry joint any joint between adja- guy ropes, used for supporting antennae,
cent stones, bricks, etc. in masonry; the
lighting, flags, etc.
final shaped mortar in bed and vertical
joints. mastaba 1 an Arabic stone bench or seat
fixed to a dwelling.
masonry mortar see bedding mortar, 2 mastaba tomb; a large ancient
masonry cement mortar.
Egyptian stone tomb with sloping stone
masonry nail a sides and a flat top, built over a burial
smooth round hard- masonry ground or chamber.
ened steel nail used nail
for fixing materials
and components to
masonry and concrete.
masonry paint, organic rendering,
plastic paint, stone paint; a thick emul-
sion alkali-resistant paint used for
masonry surfaces. section through mastaba at
masonry primer a primer for use on a Saqqara, Egypt, Old Kingdom
masonry surface.
master key a key which fits all the locks
masonry saw a machine tool with a dia- in a suite of locks, each of which has a ser-
mond-tipped circular saw, often hand- vant key.
held or bolted in place, for cutting open-
mastic 1 natural resin gathered from a
ings in masonry walling, concrete, etc.
certain Mediterranean tree [Pistachia len-
masonry screw see concrete screw. tiscus], used with a solvent such as turpen-
masonry trowel see bricklayer’s trowel. tine to form a varnish.
2 any soft non-elastic substance used as a
masonry unit any brick, block or stone sealant; see sealant, sealing compound.
used in the laying of a wall; a generic
name for both bricks and blocks. mastic asphalt a mixture of asphalt and
chippings or sand, laid hot, but which is
mason’s axe see masonry axe. solid at normal temperatures; used for
mason’s chisel see masonry chisel. paving, flooring and roof waterproofing.
masur birch 294
masur birch an irregularity in birch flooring; *sisal matting; *woven matting,
wood which produces a speckled pat- see woven carpet.
terned surface; used in veneers and deco-
rative surfaces.
mat see matting. maturity see concrete maturity.
matchboarding, tongue and groove mat well, mat sinking; a recess in floor
construction in front of an external door-
boarding; timber boarding which has
way, designed to house a doormat or grill
been milled with a tongue along one
so that it is flush with the floor surface.
edge and a corresponding groove along
the other; when laid, the tongue fits into
mat well frame a frame for the perime-
ter of a mat well.
the groove of the adjacent board; a single
board of this type is called a matchboard; maul, mall; a heavy hammer such as a
a matchboard door is a simple ledge door sledgehammer or club hammer, used for
faced with tongued and grooved boards. crushing and driving; see also beetle, five
pound maul, club hammer.
mauve, Perkin’s violet; a synthetic
organic violet pigment manufactured
from coal tar intermediaries, originally dis-
covered by Sir William Perkin in England
in 1856.
maximum temperature period in the
steam curing of concrete, the period over
which the temperature is maintained at a
matchboarding constant maximum level.
matching 1 see tongue and groove Maya architecture the architecture of
jointing. the Mayan Indians in Central America and
2 the alignment of adjacent sheets of pat- Mexico from c. 400 900 characterized by
terned wallcovering so that the pattern is ziggurats, planned gridiron towns, stone
continuous. corbelled vaulting and the use of cement
3 the craft of arranging sheets of wood and concrete manufactured from burnt
veneer into neat repeated or mirrored lime; a Mayan pyramid is known as a
patterns for the surfaces of panels and teocalli.
tops or fronts of furnishings. MDF medium density fibreboard.
mate a labourer on a building site who meander, labyrinth fret; a decorative
helps a tradesman. pattern of intertwining perpendicular lines
matrix 1 calcite, resin, Portland cement or forming a band; a complex or intricate
other material which binds the grains in fret or key pattern, sometimes called an
stone, concrete or other similar materials angular guilloche; see also potenty
together; see also cementitious matrix. moulding.
2 see mould.
mat sinking see mat well.
matt, matte see flat. meander

means of access a public or private

matting, mat; softish floor coverings roadway, driveway or path for use of vehi-
such as rubber and synthetic sheeting, cles or pedestrians to enter or approach a
linoleum and various fibrous and fabric- site.
based sheets, usually supplied in rolls; means of egress, means of escape,
types included as separate entries are escape route; a term appearing in fire
listed below: regulations to mean the continuous and
*carpet; *coir matting; *cork matting, see unobstructed way of exit travel during a
cork carpet; *filter mat; *floor covering; fire or other emergency from any point in
*glassfibre mat; *linoleum; *rubber a building or facility to a public way.
295 medium-hard rock
measure 1 the value or extent of a mea- in which both supply and extract of air
sured quantity, a unit of measurement; through terminal devices is controlled by
see also dimension. a fan.
2 an implement used in measurement, mechanical joint any joint fixed without
such as a graded scale or graduated glass the use of glue or other bonding medium.
vessel; see also measuring tape, tape
measure. mechanical mixing see machine
measured drawing a drawing to scale
produced from a survey of an existing mechanical plastering see projection
building or structure; see also record plastering.
drawing. mechanical services, heating and
measured work in contract manage- ventilation; heating, water supply and
ment, site work paid on the basis of mea- discharge, and ventilation services for a
surement of its scope and quantities after building.
it has been undertaken. mechanical services engineering the
building design and construction disci-
measurement 1 the measuring of mag- pline encompassing heating, water sup-
nitude of an object, site, material, physical ply, drainage and ventilation; see HEVAC.
property or building work carried out. mechanical services installation the
2 the numerical quantity which results provision, apparatus and equipment to
from measuring something. operate the heating, water supply, and
3 see system of measurement. ventilation requirements of a building.
4 see dimension.
mechanical smoke extraction sys-
measurement contract a form of tem see fire venting installation.
building contract whose final sum is
based on the total amount of work done, mechanical trowel see power trowel.
valued according to an itemized agreed mechanical ventilation, forced venti-
schedule of rates. lation; the ventilation of a building which
measurement preambles in contract relies on mechanical plant to convey,
administration, clauses that explain or introduce and remove air.
clarify methods of measurement for items medallion a decorative round or oval-
in a bill of quantities. framed wall panel, either bare, ornamen-
measuring tape a long steel or fibrous ted or containing a portrait.
rolled and gradated tape up to 30 m long medium see paint medium.
for measuring long distances; see also medium board a class of medium den-
flexible steel tape measure. sity fibreboards, including high density
measuring telescope, scope; that part and low density medium board; density
of an optical surveying instrument which 350 800 kg/m3.
contains a telescope whose sight is marked medium carbon steel steel with a car-
with a gradated scale and cross-hairs. bon content of 0.25 0.5%, used for forging.
mechanical adhesion the adhesion of medium density fibreboard, MDF; a
two surfaces caused by bonding agents dense and versatile fibreboard formed
keying into porous or rough surfaces; cf. through a dry process in which the fibres
specific adhesion. are bonded together with urea formalde-
mechanical engineering see mechan- hyde resin; its density does not exceed
ical services engineering. 600 kg/m3.
mechanical extract in ventilation, the medium gravel see gravel.
removal of used air from a space, gases medium-hard rock according to a clas-
up a flue, etc. with a fan or other mechan- sification of hardness of rocks used by
ical plant. stone masons and construction techni-
mechanical input and extract venti- cians, rock which has a compressive
lation, combined extract and input strength between 800 kg/cm2 and
system; a mechanical ventilation system 1800 kg/cm2.
medium sand 296
medium sand see sand.
medium silt see silt.
medulla see pith.
medullary ray, pith ray; fine radial lines megaron 'Phylakopi
in wood extending outwards from the III', Mycenae,
pith of a tree trunk. Greece 3300–
1100 BC
medusa a classical decorative motif
based on the only mortal of three hideous
sisters or Gorgons, from Greek mythology, 2 a simple Greek temple type consisting
with live snakes for hair and a gaze that of a columned pronaos (a portico or vesti-
turned its onlooker to stone. bule) leading to a single chamber contain-
ing a ritual hearth; also called a megaron
melamine, melamine formaldehyde, MF
a clear, resistant thermosetting resin used
for mouldings, hardwearing surface coat-
ings and adhesives.
melamine faced chipboard chipboard
Etruscan medusa
manufactured with a surface coating of
palmette, or gorgon
motif melamine impregnated paper or mem-
brane; used for hardwearing table tops
meeting, conference; a formal occasion and kitchen surfaces.
where parties with a common aim, proj- melamine facing the treatment of a sur-
ect, etc. gather to discuss matters and for- face by the thermal application of mela-
mulate decisions; see also site meeting. mine impregnated sheet; the finish
meeting stile the vertical side member formed by this.
of the folding casement or double door melamine formaldehyde the full name
leaf opposite that from which it is hung. for melamine.
melamine formaldehyde glue a syn-
megalith a prehistoric structure such as a thetic adhesive of melamine formalde-
dolmen, chambered tomb or cist con- hyde resin used for gluing veneers or
structed from one or more large blocks of laminated plastics.
rough stone. melamine laminate any laminate
megalithic temple prehistoric temples whose main component is melamine
such as those found at Tarxien, Malta, formaldehyde resin; used for hardwearing
with walls constructed from shaped and surfaces of worktops and doors.
placed upright blocks, or orthostats.
melon dome see umbrella dome.

membrane a flexible tough sheet or

thin covering layer incorporated in con-
struction to prevent the passage of
moisture; types included as separate
entries are listed below:
*air-gap membrane; *bitumen-polymer
megalithic temple at Hal Tarxien, membrane; *bituminous membrane; *cav-
Malta, 3000–2500 BC ity drainage membrane, cavity mem-
brane, see air-gap membrane; *damp
megaron 1 Gk.; an early Greek or proof membrane; *drainage membrane,
Mycenaean dwelling type; a long rectan- see air-gap membrane; *geomembrane;
gular central hall in a Mycenaean dwelling *isolating membrane, see separating
or temple, with an entrance at one end; layer; *slip membrane; *tanking mem-
originally evolving from the Mycenaean brane, see air-gap membrane; *water-
dwelling type. proofing membrane.
297 metal-electrode inert-gas welding
membrane absorber in acoustics, an types included as separate entries are
absorbing construction consisting of a listed below:
board or sheet material stretched *crimped wire mesh; *conveyor belt mesh;
between battens to absorb sound *chain link mesh; *fabric reinforcement;
through sympathetic resonance. *insect mesh, see insect screen; *hexago-
membrane curing a method of curing nal mesh, see chicken wire; *steel mesh;
concrete slabs by covering with a layer of *welded mesh; *wire mesh; *woven wire
impervious material such as polythene mesh.
sheet or sprayed resin to prevent 2 see mesh size.
evaporation. mesh lathing see wire lathing,
membrane roofing, membrane expanded metal lathing.
waterproofing; a general name for thin mesh reinforcement see fabric
flexible sheet materials and products such reinforcement.
as bitumen felt, plastic sheet or asphalt mesh size the measure of fineness of a
used to provide a waterproof upper layer wire mesh, the distance from centre to
in flat or pitched roof construction. centre of adjacent parallel wires, some-
times given as the number of openings
membrane waterproofing a thin layer per unit measure (inch or cm); also sim-
of waterproofing material or product, usu- ply called mesh; see opening size.
ally a membrane of bitumen or other
polymeric resilient sheeting, laid as the
final covering for flat roof construction;
see also membrane roofing.
Mesopotamian architecture
architecture from 3000 BC to 600 BC origi-
mercury a silvery-white, highly poisonous nating in the valleys of the rivers Tigris and
liquid metal, Hg, found in the mineral cin- Euphrates in what is now Iraq; character-
nabar, and used in the production of ther- ized by lavish palaces, tombs and ziggurats
mometers and mirrors, and in alloys. in massive masonry and mud bricks.
mercury vapour lamp, mercury
lamp; a discharge lamp whose light
emphasizes yellow and blue colours, con- metal 1 one of a class of elements
taining mercury vapour and argon in a which are malleable, ductile, lustrous
sealed glass tube. and good conductors of heat and elec-
tricity; the principal metals used in the
merlon solid parts of a battlement para-
construction of buildings, or in alloys,
pet, alternating with openings or cre-
are listed below:
nelles, which provided archers and
*aluminium, aluminum, Al; *brass;
artillery with shelter while defending a
*bronze; *chromium, chrome, Cr; *cobalt,
fortification; similar motifs in decoration
Co; *copper, Cu; *iron, Fe; *lead, Pb;
and ornament.
*manganese, Mn; *nickel, Ni; *steel; *tin,
Sn; *titanium, Ti; *vanadium, V; *zinc, Zn.

metal cladding any metallic surface cov-

ering for a wall, building or structure, such
merlon in plan
as sheetmetal panelling products, plate,
and elevation
lathing, mesh, grilles, etc.
metal component see prefabricated
Merulius lacrymans see dry rot. metal unit.
metal decking see profiled sheeting.
metal drill a hardened steel spiral-
mesh 1 any product woven, welded or cutting drill bit for cutting round holes in
fused from sets of perpendicular strands metal.
to form an open sheet structure; if the
metal-electrode inert-gas welding
openings are small it is called cloth;
see MIG welding.
metal flooring 298
metal flooring see expanded metal
flooring, open bar metal flooring, open
metal flooring.
metal foil see foil.
metal foil faced bitumen felt
bitumen felt which has been treated on
one side with a layer of metal foil and the
other with a surfacing of fine granular
metal multi-tile roofing
metal foil wallcovering decorative metal pan see metal tray.
wallcovering surface-treated with a layer
of metal foil.
metal halide lamp, metallic-additive metal plate, flat plate; any metal
lamp; a high-pressure mercury discharge product rolled in sheets over about
lamp containing metal halide additives to 2 5 mm thick; actual thickness varies
alter the colour spectrum of its light with national specification and type of
output. metal; see also sheetmetal, foil; types
included as separate entries are listed
metal lathing a keying base for plaster *aluminium plate; *chequerplate, checker-
of expanded metal sheet, mesh, metal plate; *copper plate; *lead plate; *quarto
slats or laths, etc.; types included as sep- plate; *steel plate.
arate entries are listed below:
*expanded metal lathing; *mesh lathing,
see wire lathing; *ribbed expanded metal metal primer a priming compound for
lathing, rib lathing; *wire lathing, wire- use on a metal surface.
mesh lathing.
metal lathing plaster plaster metal roofing see sheetmetal roofing,
supported sheetmetal roofing, aluminium
suitable for use with metal lathing.
sheet, corrugated sheetmetal, metal multi-
tile roofing.
metallic active-gas welding see MAG metal section any thin length of steel,
welding. aluminium, copper, brass, etc. which has
metallic-additive lamp see metal been preformed by a process of rolling,
halide lamp. extrusion, bending, etc. into a uniform
metallic pigment, metallic paint; cross-section of certain shape and dimen-
inorganic paint which contains tiny flakes sions; see section for list.
of metal, producing a speckled metallic metal sheet see sheetmetal.
sheen when applied as a surface metal spraying see zinc spraying.
metal tray, metal pan; a pressed metal
metallic wood borer, buprestid bee- ceiling panel in a suspended ceiling.
tle; [Buprestis spp.] a group of insects with
hard shiny shells whose larvae burrow metamerism in lighting design, a phe-
beneath the bark of living trees. nomenon which occurs when two col-
ours which match under one set of
metallization see zinc spraying. lighting conditions do not match under
metallized wallcovering decorative another.
wallcovering with a layer of metallized
plastic film applied as a shiny surface metamorphic rock rock which has
finish. been transformed from existing igne-
metal multi-tile roofing a form of ous, sedimentary and older metamor-
sheetmetal roofing, often organically phic rock types under the influence of
coated, which has been rolled into high pressure and temperature, causing
embossed sheets in imitation of slate or chemical change and recrystallization to
tiled roofing. alter the structure and composition;
299 micrometer

types included as separate entries are metric modular brick see modular
listed below: standard brick.
*amphibolite; *cipollino, cipolin; *contact metric sabin, absorption unit; in
metamorphic rock; *crystalline schist; acoustics, a unit of sound absorption
*eclogite; *foliated gneiss, see gneissose equivalent to one square metre of perfect
micaschist; *gneiss; *gneissose micaschist, absorber.
foliated gneiss; *granite-gneiss; *granulite; metric standard brick a standard size
*hornfels; *marble; *mica schist; *phyllite; of brick in use in Great Britain with regular
*quartzite; *schist; *serpentine, serpenti- dimensions of 215 3 102.5 3 65 mm.
nite; *slate. metric thread a standardized screw
thread whose spacing is based on frac-
tions of a metre; denser and at less of an
meter 1 any measuring instrument
angle than Whitworth thread.
which indicates quantities by means of
a graduated scale or dial; see also mews a row of town dwellings converted
gauge; types included as separate from stables, or any modern development
entries are listed below: of a similar character; originally dwellings
*acoustic level meter, see sound level converted from the Royal Stables in
meter; *ammeter; *barometer; *consist- London.
ometer; *cover meter; *electricity meter, mezzanine, entersole, entresol, inter-
*electric meter; *gas meter; *hydrometer; sole; an intermediate storey between two
*hygrometer; *manometer, see pressure adjacent floors of a building, often a gal-
gauge; *micrometer; *moisture meter; *oil lery, balcony or partial storey.
meter; *parking meter; *psychrometer;
*sound level meter; *tacheometer; *water
mezzo rilievo, demirelief, half relief;
sculpture in which figures and elements
project half their width from the
2 American spelling of metre.
meter cupboard a small space which
contains an electricity or gas meter. MF melamine formaldehyde.
meter cabinet a wall-mounted unit mica a shiny, soft potassium iron magne-
with a hinged door, often of sheetmetal, sium silicate found in mineral form as very
which contains an electricity meter. thin flakes or small plates in granite; used
in the manufacture of plastics, in electrical
and thermal insulation, and as an additive
methanal see formaldehyde. in paints for its structural qualities and
method of joints, joint method; in sparkle; see also biotite, black mica,
structural engineering, a method of calcu- muscovite.
lating the forces acting on members in a mica schist a grey, fine-grained meta-
truss by considering each portion of the morphic rock containing quartz, mica and
triangulated construction as a static entity. muscovite; easily cleaved and used in
method of sections, sections building as paving and tiles.
method; in structural engineering, a microbiological corrosion the deterio-
method of calculating the forces acting ration, chemical attack, etc. of metals, con-
on members in a truss by considering crete and other materials caused directly
each joint in turn as a static entity. by, or by the acidic by-products of, micro-
metope in classical architecture, one of a bial activity in bacteria, algae, moulds or
series of plain or carved rectangular panels fungi.
lining a Doric frieze, separated by triglyphs. microcline a form of the mineral ortho-
metre, meter (Am); abb. m; the SI basic clase used as a raw material in the
unit of length. ceramic industry and for jewellery.
metric pertaining to a system of weights micrometer, 1 micrometer gauge; an
and measures based on the metre and instrument with a G-frame and gradated
using the number 10 as a basic division. screw for accurate measurement of fine
metric brick see modular standard brick, thicknesses down to 0.001 mm.
metric standard brick. 2 see micron.
micrometre 300
micrometre see micron. milled sheet lead lead sheet formed by
micron, micrometre, micrometer a process of rolling.
(Am); a unit of length equal to one mil- Millettia laurentii see wenge.
lionth part of a metre, 1/1000 mm. milling, 1 machining; the shaping of
micropascal abb. uPa; in acoustics, a wood and other materials using a
unit of measurement of sound pressure, machine tool with a high-speed rotary
one millionth of a pascal. blade.
micropile see mini-pile. 2 the shaping of metal pieces, circular in
section, on a lathe.
middle oil see carbolic oil.
mill saw, donkey saw, frame saw,
middle rail, lock rail; the intermediate gang saw; an industrial saw for convert-
horizontal framing member between the ing logs into timber sections with one or
bottom and top rails in a framed door, a series of oscillating blades held vertically
where the lock is often fitted. in a frame.
middle raker the middle slanting prop mill scale iron oxide, Fe3O4, which forms
in a raking shore. on the surface of iron sections during hot
middle strip in concrete structures, that rolling.
portion of a reinforced concrete slab Milori blue see Prussian blue.
spanning between columns; measured as
the span of the slab with the width of the Mimusops heckelii see makore.
column strips subtracted. minaret a balconied tower in a mosque
MIG welding, metal-electrode inert- from which prayers and announcements
gas welding; a method of arc welding are given, the faithful are called to prayer,
light alloys and steels in which the arc is etc.
shielded with an inert gas.
migmatite a composite rock type con- mineral any naturally occurring solid
sisting of metamorphic rock infused with inorganic material with definite chemi-
bands of igneous rock when molten. cal composition and usually crystalline
structure obtained by mining; usually
mild steel ductile steel with a carbon rocky material such as quartz and feld-
content of 0.15 0.25%, used for pipes, spar; see below for list of minerals
joists and bars. included as separate entries in this
military projection a form of oblique work:
projection in which the X and Y axes are *adularia; *alkali feldspar; *amber, succi-
in true plan (laid at an angle) and the Y nite; *amphibole; *andalusite; *anhydrite;
axis is drawn vertical, with scaling of lines *asbestos; *azurite; *barytes; *beryl; *bio-
on all axes equal; see cavalier, cabinet pro- tite; *bitter spar, see dolomite, magnesite;
jections; sometimes called a planometric *black iron oxide, see magnetite; *black
projection. mica; *Bologna stone; *brown iron ore,
milk glass, opaline; ordinary glass to see limonite; *brownmillerite; *calcite;
which ingredients are added at the mol- *carnelian, see cornelian; *chrysoberyl;
ten stage to provide obscurance or *cinnamon stone, hessonite; *coccolite;
translucency. *cordierite, dichroite, iotite; *corundum;
*cornelian; *dichroite, see cordierite;
milk of lime see lime white. *diopside; *dioptase; *disthene, see kya-
milky quartz an opaque white variety of nite; *dolomite, bitter spar; *emerald;
crystalline quartz, used as a gemstone and *feldspar, felspar; *fluorite; garnet; garni-
carved for ornament. erite; *glauconite; *grossular, grossular
garnet or grossularite; *gypsum; *haema-
milled log, machined log, engineered tite, hematite; *heavy spar; *heliotrope;
log; an industrial timber product of uni- *hessonite, cinnamon stone; *hornblende;
form rectangular or round cross-section
*iotite, see cordierite; *iron pyrites, pyrite,
and cogged ends, machined from a single
sulphur-ore; *jade; *jadeite; *jasper; *kal-
log and used in the construction of sys-
laite, see turquoise; *kyanite, disthene;
tem built and off-the-shelf log buildings;
*labradorite, Labrador feldspar; *lazurite,
see also laminated log.
301 minor works contract

lapis lazuli; *limonite, brown iron ore; mineral-surfaced bitumen felt see
*magnesite, bitter spar; *magnetite, mag- mineral granule surfaced bitumen felt.
netic iron ore, black iron oxide; *mala- mineral violet see manganese violet.
chite; *manganese spar, see mineral white gypsum used as an inert
rhodochrosite; *mica; *microcline; *mus- pigment.
covite; *nephrite; *opal; *orpiment;
*orthoclase; *phlogopite; *plagioclase; mineral wool fibrous material produced
*potash feldspar, orthoclase; *pyrites; by heating and spinning rock, glass or
*pyrolusite; *quartz; *rhodochrosite, man- other mineral material, formed into soft
ganese spar; *rhodonite; *sard; *selenite; slabs (known as bats) and used as thermal
*sillimanite; *sodalite; *succinite, see insulation for walls, floors and roofs; see
amber; *sulphur-ore, see iron pyrites; glass wool, rock wool.
*tourmaline; *turquoise, kallaite. mineral yellow see Turner’s yellow.
minette a form of the pigment yellow
mineral blue see azurite. ochre.
mineral brown see burnt umber. mini-hacksaw a small hacksaw for cut-
ting metal, plastics and wood.
mineral fibre thin filaments of man-
made mineral product, rock, glass, etc. minimalism art or architecture which
used in fireproofing and insulation; min- employs simple and often stark geometri-
eral fibre reinforced refers to composites cal devices, colours, forms, etc.,
consisting of man-made mineral fibres in unadorned surfaces and pared detail.
a cellulose binder; used for fire-resistant minimum gradient, self-cleansing
building boards and glazing channels. gradient; the smallest possible slope of a
mineral granule surfaced bitumen drain, etc. such that discharge will flow
felt, coated felt, mineral-surfaced bitu- through and carry solid matter with it
men felt; bitumen felt which has been under the influence of gravity.
treated on one side with coloured mineral mini-pile, micropile, pin pile; in foun-
granules and the other with a surfacing of dation technology, a small pile whose
fine granular material such as sand; used diameter is less than 300 mm.
for roofing and general waterproofing.
minium see red lead.
mineral green see malachite.
Minoan architecture the architecture
mineral oil a general name for some of bronze-age Crete from 2800 1150 BC,
crude petroleums after more volatile ele- characterized by massive masonry in
ments such as gasoline, mineral spirits stone, elaborate building plans and
and kerosene have been distilled off; vis- planned towns.
cous liquids used as lubricating oils and in Minoan column,
some polishes and plastics. Cretan column,
mineral pigment a general name for Mycenaean col-
natural or synthetic inorganic pigments umn, reverse taper
such as umber, sienna, ochre (raw or column; a round col-
burnt), and metal salts (chrome green, umn type with a
white lead); see earth colours for list of smooth shaft tapering
earth colours and mineral pigments; see down to its base, sur-
also inorganic pigment. mounted by a wide
cushion capital; found
mineral plaster rendering mortar con- originally in the
Minoan column
taining coloured inorganic or mineral
Minoan architecture of Crete, and later in
material, ground glass, etc., which may be
Mycenae on mainland Greece.
exposed in the surface by washing, scour-
ing or sandblasting once the coating has minor works contract a form of build-
hardened, producing a variegated ing contract designed for simple, low-cost
coloured surface. projects, interior design jobs, renovations,
etc., in which the freedom of the architect
mineral render see mineral plaster. as client’s representative is increased in
mineral spirit see white spirit. the choice of subcontractors or suppliers.
mirror glass 302
mirror glass, mirrored glass; any glass Mittler’s green a variety of viridian
coated on one side with reflective mate- pigment.
rial, such as silver, from which a mirror is mix a combination of substances or ingre-
made; see one-way glass; transparent mir- dients which form a homogeneous whole
ror glass, Venetian mirror glass. whilst remaining chemically independent,
mirror screw a special also called a mixture or blend; concrete
screw for fixing mirrors mix, plaster mix.
and glass fronts, which mirror screw mixed concrete, site concrete; the dry
comes supplied with a constituents of concrete mixed with water
domed piece to cover the slotted head ready for use on site.
and provide a neat finish.
mixed garden bond a brickwork bond
mirror test an inspection for possible in which a course of alternating headers
obstructions in pipework using a mirror or and stretchers alternates with between
periscope. one and six courses of stretchers in no
mismatched see random match. regular pattern.
miss, holiday, skip; a defect in a paint mixed plywood plywood whose core
finish consisting of areas which have not veneers or inner plies are of a different spe-
been painted. cies of timber from that of the outer plies.
mission tile see under-and-over tile. mixer 1 see mixer tap.
mitre 1 mitred edge; a 45 splay cut into 2 see concrete mixer, cement mixer.
both ends of two corresponding frame mixer tap, mixer; a water tap in which
members to form a neat right angled hot and cold water are blended and
joint. released at a controlled temperature from
a single nozzle; see also monobloc mixer.
mixing the mechanical stirring together,
agitating, etc. of component parts of a
concrete or plaster mix to form a homo-
geneous mass before applying; the mixing
of dry powders is often called blending or
tenons in joint are
mitred to fit together mixing box, 1 mixing unit; in certain
air-conditioning systems, a chamber in
2 a corner joint used in picture and glaz- which air from two supply ducts contain-
ing framing, fine joinery, etc. in which two ing air with differing temperatures and
perpendicular pieces meet with joined humidities are blended.
ends splayed to 45 ; also called a mitre 2 see dual duct terminal unit.
mixing valve in plumbing and drainage,
mitre box, mitre block; a device for a device containing a chamber in which
guiding a handsaw at a 45 or 90 angle
hot and cold water supplies can be mixed
when cutting a mitre in a piece of wood.
into a single stream and to a regulated
mitre brad see corrugated fastener. temperature.
mitre cramp see corner cramp.
mitred edge see mitre. mix proportions the proportions of
mitre joint, mitred joint; any framing each of the component parts in a con-
corner joint in which members are joined crete, mortar or plaster mix.
with mitred edges. mixture, blend, mix; a combination of
mitre square an implement for measur- substances or ingredients which form a
ing and marking mitres consisting of a homogeneous whole whilst remaining
stock with a metal blade set at 45 . chemically independent.
mitre stop a piece of splayed board or
sheeting placed in a mould to produce a MMA welding see manual metal-arc
mitred termination at the external corner welding.
of an ornamental plaster or concrete mobile scaffold scaffolding which can
moulding. be moved from place to place without the
303 moisture
need for dismantling; most often a frame- modular component, module; any
work on wheels furnished with a brake. prefabricated building component which
model 1 a construction built as an exam- has been designed and dimensioned to
ple or pattern for a component or build- be part of a modular building system.
ing; see scale model. modular coordination a design and
2 computer model; a virtual three- construction system in which all compo-
dimensional computer representation of a nents conform to an agreed set of sizes
design scheme, building, geographical and are based on a single unit or module.
area, etc. used to test solutions, present modular dimension see modular size.
proposals, etc. modular floor see platform floor.
modular grid a grid of lines to which
modelling 1 the artistic shaping of wax, dimensions are coordinated, which marks
clay and other plastic materials. out lines of modular coordination on a
2 the creation, by computer, of a compre- drawing.
hensive three-dimensional virtual model modular size one of the basic starting
of a building, as a design tool and for pur- dimensions used in a modular system.
poses of presentation. modular standard brick, modular
modernism, 1 modern movement; an brick, metric modular brick, metric
architectural and design movement origi- brick, standard modular brick; a stan-
nating in Europe in the 1920s and 1930s; dard size of brick in use in Great Britain
it is based on the use of modern materials with regular dimensions of 190 3 90 3
and methods, and disregards decoration 65 mm; see also US standard brick.
and historical precedents. module 1 a convenient unit of measure-
ment used in design and construction
as an aid in setting out, usually based on
standard component sizes or a structural
modernist portal at 2 a prefabricated assembly of components
the Maisterhaus, brought to site for installation; often a
Bauhaus, Dessau, whole working space such as a bathroom,
1925–26; architect
staircase, serviced living accommodation,
Walter Gropius
etc.; see modular component, lift shaft
2 any architecture and art which is current
modulus of elasticity, elastic modu-
and rejects traditional and classical ideolo-
lus, Young’s modulus the ratio of stress
gies and methods.
to strain within the elastic range of a
modification see variation. material, whose SI units are MN/m or Gpa.
modified binder a bituminous binder modulus of section see section
whose properties have been improved by modulus.
the use of an additive.
moist curing the curing of fresh con-
modillion in classical architecture, one of crete by covering it with a layer of damp
a series of small ornate corbelled brackets material such as wet sand or sawdust, by
which support a cornice of the Corinthian ponding and by spraying with water.
or Composite order.
moisture water in the form of surface
modular pertaining to components, often droplets or wetness contained within the
prefabricated, which are manufactured to fabric of a material or construction; see
a standardized range of sizes; see module. also humidity, dampness, condensation;
modular brick a mass-produced rectan- see building moisture, construction
gular brick produced to metric standard- moisture.
ized dimensions, coordinated in terms of moisture content the weight of con-
height, length and width to a basic unit of tained or condensed water in a material
100 mm, varying in size from country to expressed as a percentage of its dry
country and state to state; see also cuboid weight.
brick, modular standard brick, US standard moisture curing adhesive an adhesive
brick. which sets by polymerization and is
molding 304
cured by reaction with moisture from monitor roof a pitched roof with a
the air. raised central area, also roofed, whose
moisture meter an instrument used for vertical walls often contain glazing.
the rapid determination of moisture con-
tent in wood by electrical means; see also
moisture movement the change in
dimensions of a material such as timber,
concrete or mortar as a result of a change
in water content.
moisture resistant see damp proof,
water resistant, waterproof.
moisture resistant adhesive, MR; a monitor roof
grade of adhesive which is relatively unre- monk bond, flying bond, Flemish
sistant to hot water but which can with- double stretcher bond, Yorkshire
stand external exposure to weather and bond; a brickwork bond in which each
micro-organisms for a few years. course consists of a repeated series of one
molding see moulding. header and two stretchers; alternate courses
are laid symmetrically about the header.
molly see hollow-wall plug, hollow-wall
anchor. monkey, ram; in piledriving, the
weighted component in a drop hammer.
molybdenum a pale, brittle metal, Mo,
which, as an alloy improves the corrosion monobloc mixer, single-hole tap; a
resistance of stainless steel, especially in mixer tap to which the flow of hot and
saline conditions. cold water is controlled separately but
mixed in a single body and released
moment in mechanics, the turning effect
through one nozzle.
of a force on a body around a given point,
calculated by multiplying the imposed mono-carriage, spine beam; in stair
force by the perpendicular distance from construction, a single string or beam
its point of action. which supports the treads from their mid-
moment of deflection see bending points so that they cantilever out from
moment. both sides.
moment of inertia, moment of gyra- Monochamus see sawyer beetle.
tion, second moment of area; the
sum of the products of all the elementary monolithic consisting of one large block
areas of a section multiplied by their dis- of stone, or a solid unjointed mass of
tances from the axis squared. material such as cement, concrete or plas-
moment of resistance, resistance tics; a monolith is any large block of rough
moment; in structural engineering, the stone, prehistoric standing stone or large
highest bending moment which a beam freestanding pillar.
can withstand. monolithic concrete solid reinforced in-
situ concrete construction for walls and
Monastral a proprietary name for certain slabs, which has no joints other than con-
blue and green phthalocyanine, and red struction joints.
and violet quinacridone pigments; see
phthalocyanine. monopitch roof, shed roof, single
pitch roof; a roof with only one sloping
monitor, 1 console; a long vertical strip plane.
window, part of a raised section of roof in
factory buildings with sawtooth and simi-
lar roof forms.
2 screen; a television screen in a
manufacturing plant, security system or
control installation for surveillance of an
area or process, or a television screen
which displays information from a com-
puter system; sometimes known as a VDU
or visual display unit. monopitch roof
305 mortise and tenon joint
Monterey pine see pine. formed in roofing construction at the
Montpelier yellow see Turner’s yellow. base of an upstand to lessen the angle
monument an impressive building, struc- at an inside corner, raise a layer of tiles
ture or statue, especially one erected to at a verge, etc.
commemorate an event, person or group mortar fixing the fixing of tiles, stone
of people, or one of cultural or historical facing, etc. to a wall or floor surface by
significance; see ancient monument. bedding them in mortar; also called
cement fixing.
monumental grand or impressive in
architectural layout, size or style.
Moorish arch see horseshoe arch.
mopboard see skirting board.
mortar fixing of tiles to
mopping in bituminous roofing and a concrete substrate
tanking, the application of hot bitumen or
bonding compound with a brush or mop. mortar mill, pug mill; a power-driven
Moresque stylized Spanish Islamic and mixer for mixing mortar with blades or
Moorish geometrical and foliated surface paddles for blending and breaking up
ornament and decorative art. lumps in stiff mixes.

mortise, mortice; a recess cut into a tim-

ber member to house a tenon, lock, etc.;
see also hinge mortise, stopped mortise,
blind mortise, slot mortise.
Moresque column from
Alhambra palace,
Granada, c. 1300 mortise and tenon joint, tenon
joint; a strong timber framing joint in
which the end of one member is cut
with a tenon which fits into a housing
mortar coarse cement consisting of a or mortise in another; see below for list
binder, fine aggregate and water used of types included as separate entries:
for bedding and jointing of masonry-
work and tiling, and as render; types
included as separate entries are listed
below: tenon
*bedding mortar; *cement mortar;
*cement lime mortar, see composition
mortar; *coarse stuff, see lime sand mor-
tar; *coloured mortar; *composition mor-
tar, compo; *fixing mortar; *jointing
mortar; *lime mortar; *lime sand mortar; mortise and tenon joint
*masonry cement mortar; *pneumatical
mortar, see sprayed concrete; *ready- *abutting tenon joint; *barefaced tenon
mixed mortar; *refractory mortar; *tiling joint; *butt tenon joint, see abutting
mortar. tenon joint; *cabinetmaker’s tenon joint,
mortar admixture a substance added see keyed tenon joint; *double tenon joint;
to a mortar mix with the aim of chang- *dovetail tenon joint; *edge-halved tenon
ing its properties of drying, setting, joint; *fish tenon joint, see free tenon
workability, etc. joint; *free tenon joint; *halved tenon
mortar bedding the layer of mortar in joint; *haunched tenon joint; *joggle
which a brick, block or stone is laid to tenon joint, see stub tenon joint; *keyed
secure it in place in a wall. tenon joint; *open tenon joint, see bridle
mortar board see hawk. joint; *pinned tenon joint, see keyed
mortar fillet, cement fillet, weather tenon joint; *shouldered tenon joint; *slip
fillet; a triangular strip of mortar tenon joint, see free tenon joint; *splayed
mortise chisel 306

tenon joint; *stepped tenon joint, see Roman times for elaborately decorative
shouldered tenon joint; *stopped tenon flooring, and nowadays for bathrooms
joint; *stub tenon joint, stub mortise and and external surfaces; see also wood
tenon joint; *stump tenon joint; *through mosaic, mosaic parquet.
tenon joint; *tusk tenon joint; *twin tenon mosaic gold, aurum mussivum;
joint, see double tenon joint; *undercut metallic powder consisting mainly of
tenon joint. bisulphide of tin, formerly used as a
cheap substitute for powdered gold in
ornament and painting.
mortise chisel, heading chisel, mor- mosaic parquet see wood mosaic.
tising chisel; a chisel with a narrow, thick mosaic tile small ceramic tiles used for
blade for making holes and mortises in bathroom walls and floors; often sheet
wood. mosaic; floor or wall facing in mosaic
mortise gauge a device for marking out tiles is called mosaic tiling.
parallel lines for cutting mortises and
tenons from a piece of wood, consisting
of two spikes attached to a wooden body.
mortise latch a latch designed to be set
into a mortise in the edge of a door leaf.
mortise lock a lock designed to be set
into a mortise in the edge of a door leaf;
see rim lock.
mosaic tiled flooring

motif, design, element; in architecture

and ornament, a significant feature such
as a component, sculpting or artwork,
often repeated as part of a theme; see
also ornamental motif.
mortise lock
motorised damper in air-conditioning
mortise lock chisel, swan-neck and mechanical ventilation systems, a
chisel; a narrow chisel with a hooked thermostatically controlled damper which
blade, used for cutting and cleaning out automatically regulates the flow of air in
holes and mortises in wood. ductwork.
mortiser see hollow-chisel mortiser. motor lock see electromechanical lock.
mortising chisel see mortise chisel. motor room see machine room.
mouchette a typical pointed tracery
motif formed by intersecting glazing bars
mosaic one of a number of small tiles
in the Gothic Curvilinear style; a curved
or pieces of glass, stone or ceramics
dagger motif.
used as a hardwearing and waterproof
surface finish for walls and floors; see
also sheet mosaic and below for list of mould, 1 matrix; a hollow negative or
types included as separate entries; a female pattern into which material to
decorative surface pattern for a wall or be shaped by casting or pressing is
floor made up from the above. placed; types included as separate
*Cosmati work; *glass mosaic; *intarsia; entries are listed below:
*marquetry; *parquet mosaic, see parquet *battery mould; *bed mould; *case
block; *sheet mosaic; *tessera; *wood mould; *fibrous plastering mould; *horse
mosaic, mosaic parquet. mould, see running mould; *loose piece
mosaic flooring flooring of small tiles mould; *peg mould; *piece mould; *run-
of glass, ceramics or stone, used in ning mould, horse mould; *skin mould;
307 mud brick

*thumb mould; *waffle mould; *waste mounting, fitting; the fastening of a

mould. component, fixed furnishing, technical
2 see formwork. appliance, door leaf or services to a struc-
3 a fungal growth on the surface of tural base such as a wall, floor or ceiling
wood or other damp surfaces, usually soffit; see surface mounting.
visible in the form of greenish-black, mounting height the height at which a
blue or brown powdered residue. component is to be fixed in place; espe-
cially used in lighting design, where it is
defined as the distance at which a lumi-
moulded boarding see bead boarding. naire is or should be mounted above the
moulded brickwork brickwork whose working plane or floor.
bricks are moulded to special shapes mousetooth brickwork see dogtooth
before firing to form a decorative relief brickwork.
when laid.
mousetooth moulding see dogtooth
moulded capital see bell capital. moulding.
moulding, molding (Am); 1 a horizontal movable partition a partition, often
ornamental projecting band in a wall sur- temporary, whose location within a space
face, often with decorative running motifs may be changed without alteration to the
and of carved stone, timber or plasterwork. surrounding fabric.
2 band; a two-dimensional printed or ren-
dered longitudinal decorative strip. movement joint a construction joint in
3 fillet; a long three-dimensional profiled
a large rigid structure or monolithic con-
strip in a wall surface. crete slab which allows for movement
4 strip; any long flat or profiled piece of
such as expansion or contraction to avoid
timber or other material attached as deco- the occurrence of cracks.
ration, or as an ornamental gutter, cornice moving load a structural live load
or string course. imposed by a moving object; see rolling
5 profile, strip; a long, narrow piece of load.
extruded metal, machined timber or pre- moving staircase, moving stairway
formed plastics formed into a specific uni- see escalator.
form cross-sectional shape; used for
various applications such as for covering moving walk see passenger conveyor.
construction joints, as glazing bars, etc. MR moisture resistant adhesive.
6 joinery moulding, see timber trim.
M-roof, double gable roof, trough
7 see bed mould.
roof, valley roof; a roof formed by the
moulding plane a woodworking plane junction of two simple pitched roofs with
with a base and blade specially shaped a valley between them, resembling the
for working ornamental mouldings. letter M in section.
moulding wheel a power tool with a
profile-formed rotating abrasive disc for
grinding mouldings in stonework.
mould mark see flash line.
mould oil, form oil; in concretework,
lubricating oil applied to the inside face of
formwork sheeting to permit easy and
defect-free removal from the hardened
concrete surface. M-roof
mountain ash see rowan.
mountain blue see azurite, Bremen mud brick, sun-baked brick, sun-
blue. dried brick; an unfired clay brick which
mountain green see Bremen blue; also has been dried and hardened by heat
an outdated name for the mineral and from the sun, in use in various forms since
pigment malachite. ancient times; see adobe.
muffler 308
muffler, damper, silencer, sound multilayer parquet parquet strip floor-
attenuator; noise-reducing treatment or ing of matched lengths of plywood, chip-
devices for air-handling ductwork within board, blockboard, etc. with a surface
ceiling voids and other acoustically sensi- layer of hardwood veneer up to 5 mm
tive areas. thick; also called veneer parquet or
mullion, munnion, muntin (Am); a ver- veneered parquet.
tical dividing or framing member in a win-
dow, proprietary glazing systems, etc.
multifoil a decorative design consisting
of a number of leaf motifs or lobes (called
foils) radiating outwards from a point.

multilayer parquet

multilevel development modern

urban planning in which various activities
such as vehicular and pedestrian circula-
multifoil motif tion, commerce, dwellings, utility services,
multifoil arch
etc. are segregated and located on differ-
ent vertical levels.
multifoil arch a decorative arch embel-
lished with more than five foils. multi-ply plywood consisting of more
than three layers or plies.
multi-folding door a folding door with
a number of side-hinged folding leaves.
core plies
multifoliated arch a decorative arch
whose intrados is composed of a number
of lobes or foils in a cloverleaf arrange-
ment, and whose extrados is a round or
pointed arch; especially found in Gothic
architecture; see trifoliated, cinquefoliated,
round multifoliated arch, pointed multifo-
liated arch. face
multilayer chipboard chipboard manu-
factured in layers of chips of different multi-ply
sizes pressed together; the layers of finer
chips on the exterior provide a denser multipurpose plaster plaster which
and harder surface. may be applied to a number of different
multistorey building, block; any
building with a number of storeys, usually
more than three, divided into separate
flats, offices, etc. according to building
multi-tile roofing see metal multi-tile
Munich lake see carmine.
multilayer chipboard munnion see mullion.
muntin 1 an upright frame member or
multilayer deposit a protective finish bar, especially a subsidiary vertical frame
for a metal surface formed by successive member between the stiles of a panelled
deposition of a number of layers of differ- or glazed door leaf.
ent metals. 2 see mullion.
309 mutule
muntin and plank construction a mushroom slab, flat slab; a beamless
form of traditional timber wall construc- flat concrete slab used with concrete col-
tion in which heavy horizontal planks or umns which have thickenings at their
boards are laid between a series of slotted upper ends, so named because the col-
posts at intervals. umns resemble mushrooms.

concrete column with

enlarged upper end
cast concrete
mushroom slab slab

muntin and plank

construction mutule in classical architecture, one of a
number of projecting blocks on the
mural, wall painting; a large-scale deco- underside of a corona, above a triglyph in
rative painting or artwork for the wall of a a Doric pediment; Latin form is mutulus
building, especially that such as fresco (plural mutuli).
applied directly to a wall surface.
muscovite a white variety of mica, a
potassium aluminium silicate mineral.
nail 1 a slender-shafted metal fastener nail gun a power tool which fires nails
driven in with a hammer to fix one com- into surfaces to be fixed, operated by
ponent to another, relying on friction as a compressed air or electricity; see framing
means of attachment; types included as gun, bradder.
separate entries are listed below: nail hammer a hammer used for driving
nails, with a round flat face and claw.
neck nailhead 1 the flat or bulging shaped
end of a nail, by which it is driven.
shank 2 an ornamental motif consisting of a
series of pyramid-shaped protrusions,
resembling the heads of hand-forged
nail nails; a nailhead moulding is a moulding
decorated with nailhead ornament.
*annular nail; *bullet-head nail, see lost-
head nail; *clout, clout nail; *concrete nail,
see masonry nail; *convex head roofing
nail; *copper nail; *corrugated fastener; *cut
nail; *double headed nail; *dowel nail;
*duplex nail, see double headed nail; *felt nailhead moulding
nail, see clout; *finishing nail, see lost-head
nail; *forged nail; *form nail, formwork nail,
see double headed nail; *French nail, see
nailing the fixing of timber and other
members with nails.
round wire nail; *gang nail, see nail plate;
*improved nail, see annular nail; *jagged-
shank nail, see annular nail; *lost-head nail;
*masonry nail; *nipple head nail, see convex nailed joint held
head roofing nail; *oval brad head nail, see fast by angled nails
brad; *oval wire nail; *pin; *plasterboard (skew nailing)
nail; *plug nail; *ring-shanked nail, see
annular nail; *roofing nail; *round nail; nailing block see nog.
*round wire nail; *scaffold nail, see double
headed nail; *screw nail; *sleeved nail; nail plate, gang nail,
*springhead roofing nail, see convex head toothed plate fas-
roofing nail; *square twisted shank flat tener, truss plate; a
head nail, see screw nail; *staple, U-pin; toothed metal plate
*trenail; *upholstery nail, see upholstery used for joining two
tack; *wiggle nail, see corrugated fastener; timbers in the same
nail plate
*wire nail; *wrought nail, see forged nail. plane; especially used
2 see gutta. in the manufacture of timber roof trusses.
nail claw, cat's paw, nail puller; a nail puller see nail claw.
screwdriver-like hand tool whose blade is nail set, nail punch; a pointed metal rod
forked and bent; used for removing nails used as a base for hammering nails
from wood. beneath a surface, to avoid damage by
nailed joint a timber joint in which the the hammer face to the surface material.
members are held together with nails. naphthol carbamide a bluish-red semi-
nail float, devil float; a plastering hand transparent pigment, invented in 1921,
float whose face has a series of projecting suitable for use in printing.
nails or spikes; used naphthol red a bright red organic pig-
for scraping the ment used in watercolours, acrylics and oil
plaster surface to paints.
make a key for the
Naples yellow, antimony yellow, bril-
following coat.
nail float liant yellow, jaune brilliant, jaune
311 Naxian base
d'antimoine; a highly poisonous heavy natural rock asphalt a mixture of natu-
semi-opaque yellow pigment consisting rally occurring aggregate or crushed rock
of lead antimonite; an ancient pigment and bitumen, often found as sedimentary
much used by painters. rock whose voids contain bitumen; see
narrow grained, narrow ringed see lake asphalt.
close grained. natural rubber rubber which has been
native green natural chrome oxide, for- produced from latex tapped from a rub-
merly used as a pigment. ber tree.

natural aggregate aggregate found natural stone stone which has been
naturally or ground from natural minerals. quarried, cut, shaped and dressed for use
in the construction industry; cf. artificial
natural anhydrite the mineral anhydrite stone.
occurring in natural deposits in the earth. natural stone block any shaped,
natural brown iron oxide see burnt squared or dressed block of natural stone
sienna. used in construction; nowadays usually as
facing, walling, etc.; see dimension stone,
natural convection see free convection.
natural draught burner, atmo- natural stone cladding external clad-
spheric burner; a gas heating appliance ding in sheets or blocks of natural stone,
whose burner is provided with air at hung from a wall frame or structure.
atmospheric pressure.
natural draught flue system a flue
system in which draught is produced by natural stone cladding
heat from combustion. for concrete wall,
natural exhaust in mechanical ventila- showing fixings
tion, the forced removal of stale air from a (holdfasts) held in rails
attached to the
building through vents using internal
pressure caused by the introduction of
supply air.
natural fibre a general name for both
animal and vegetable fibres. natural stone facing external facing in
natural stone, fixed to a wall frame or
natural gas naturally occurring gas con-
structure; often the same as natural stone
sisting mainly of methane produced by
the decay of living organisms, extracted
natural stone flooring see stone
from beneath the ground or sea bed;
used for combustion, especially in gas
natural stone paver, flagstone a flat
rectangular paving stone made from cut
natural gypsum, gypsum rock; the or shaped natural stone; see also cobble,
mineral gypsum which can be found in pebble, sett, cube.
natural deposits in the earth's crust. natural stone paving see stone paving,
naturalized plant any species of plant stone block paving.
which does not naturally grow wild in a natural ventilation the ventilation of
certain habitat, but is introduced and able internal spaces of a building by natural
to thrive and reproduce there. convective movement of air via ducts,
natural light in lighting design, light chimneys and openable windows without
which comes through windows, rooflights the use of mechanical plant.
or openings directly or indirectly from the nave the main longitudinal space of a
sun; cf. artificial lighting. church, cathedral, basilica, etc.; the body of a
natural pigment see earth colour. church between the west end and crossing.
natural resin a group of soft or hard Naxian base a classical column base
oleoresins, hardened exudations from which is a simple stone block without
trees which have been refined by poly- mouldings, on which the fluted column
merization and other treatments. rests.
NBR 312
necking a narrow moulding at the top of
the shaft of some classical columns, sepa-
rating it from the capital; see also
needle file a small, fine-toothed and
thin-bladed hand tool used for the accu-
Naxian base, Delphi, rate filing, smoothing and grinding of
Greece, c. 570 BC metalwork.
needle-punch carpet a thin carpet
NBR nitrile rubber. made by mechanically punching an array
neat grout, cement grout, neat of fibres into a supporting backing sheet.
cement grout; a grout consisting of a negative pressure ventilation see
mixture of a hydraulic binder such as
extract ventilation.
cement and water, without fine aggregate
or sand. negotiated contract a form of building
contract between a client and a single
neat gypsum plaster plaster produced chosen contractor in which terms and
from the mineral gypsum, with no added
financial matters are discussed and
aggregate or sand.
agreed beforehand, without recourse to a
neat size see dressed size. tendering procedure.
nebule moulding an ornamental neoclassicism an
Norman moulding consisting of a raised architectural style in
undulating line with a sunken lower edge; Europe from the late
also written as nebulé or nebuly. 1700s and 1800s
characterized by the
use of monumental
forms, strict adher-
ence to the classical neoclassical window
orders, and refine- with pediment
ment of detail; see
also Adam style, Empire style,
Palladianism, Regency style.
neodymium oxide lamp, daylight
lamp, full-spectrum lamp; a standard
lamp whose bulb is made of glass
containing neodymium oxide, which
nebuly mouldings causes the characteristic purplish hue in
the glass and counteracts the adverse
colour rendering of its otherwise yellow
neck 1 the thin part of a chisel blade,
which separates the handle from the cut-
ting edge. neo-Gothic architecture any architec-
2 the thinning behind the bell or striking ture which makes abundant use of Gothic
face of a hammerhead. motifs and elements, usually referring to
3 the part of the shank behind the flat architecture appearing in the late 1800s
head of a nail. and 1900s.
4 shank; the square pro-
neon tube a high-voltage fluorescent
trusion in the underside
lamp which does not require a heated
of the head of a coach
cathode, with a low light level meaning it
bolt or other similar fas-
is usually used for signs and advertising;
tener which prevents it neck
usually contains neon, an inert gaseous
from turning.
chemical element, Ne; in general, any cold
5 in log jointing, the notched thinning at
cathode lamp.
the extremity of a log to receive another
log. neoprene a synthetic rubber with good
6 see necking. resistance to oils and solvents, used for
313 nitrocellulose lacquer
seals, roofing and gaskets; a trade name nickel a whitish metal, Ni, used in alloys
for chloroprene rubber. and for the protective coating of steel; it
nephrite a hard greenish mineral, often also improves the toughness of high-
cut for decoration as jade. chrome steel.
nickel azo yellow see green gold.
nest of saws a saw with several inter- nickel brass see German silver.
changeable saw blades which can be nickel plated referring to metals which
used at different times in the same have been treated with a thin protective
handle. coat of nickel.
net vault a vault whose ribs are arranged nickel silver a hard and ductile alloy of
in an overlapping pattern, giving the copper and zinc with additional nickel to
impression of a net or mesh of rectangu- improve corrosion resistance.
lar or lozenge-shaped openings. nickel steel an alloy of steel containing
nickel and carbon, with superior proper-
ties to those of carbon steel.
nicker see splitter.
niello a black mixture of sulphur, silver
and lead or copper used to fill engravings
in silver and other metals; the decorative
net vault of the Holy Cross Cathedral product thus formed.
in Schwäbisch Gmünd, 1491
nine inch wall see one-brick wall.
neutral chemically neither acid nor alkali; niobium a grey metallic chemical ele-
ment, Nb, used in alloys and as a super-
in colour science, without strong or
conductor; occasionally known as
marked colour.
neutral axis a line, plane or surface
within a structural member in bending, nipple see hexagonal nipple.
which is neither in tension nor compres- nipple head nail see convex head roof-
sion, nor does it undergo deformation. ing nail.
neutral pressure, neutral stress see
pore-water pressure. nit abb. nt; the SI basic unit of luminance
equal to one candela per square metre,
newbuild a generic term for the design cd/m2.
and construction of new buildings as
opposed to refurbishment or amend- nitch a bundle of combed wheat reed
ments to existing ones. used as a basic roofing material in thatch-
ing; see also bunch.
newel a post used to support a stair bal-
ustrade at either end; the central post nitrate green a blue variety of chrome
onto which the steps in a circular stair are green pigment.
fixed; also called a newel post. nitric acid a yellowish, corrosive, chemi-
newton abb. N; the SI basic unit of force, cal compound, HNO3, used in the manu-
equal to that required to give a mass of facture of explosives and fertilizers.
one kilogram an acceleration of one nitriding in metallurgy, the hardening of
metre per second per second; a steel surface by heating it in an atmo-
1 N 5 1 kg  m/s2; at the earth’s surface, sphere of ammonia and hydrogen to pro-
the gravitational force acting on a mass of duce a very hard corrosion-resistant
1 kg is 9.8 N, approximated to 10 N for surface layer.
many purposes. nitrile rubber, NBR; a resilient oilproof
newton-metre see joule. synthetic polymer manufactured from
nib, cog; a projection at the upper end of acrylonitrile and butadiene; used for seals,
a roof tile which, when laid, hooks over a hoses, joints and storage vessels.
roof batten to provide a secure fastening. nitrocellulose lacquer a highly inflam-
niche a recess within the thickness of a mable varnish used as a transparent finish
wall, usually for an ornament or artifact; for wood, made from treating cellulose
see also aedicule. with nitric acid.
node 314
node see panel point. a material or component, measured over
a range of frequencies.
nodular cast iron, spheroidal cast
iron; a ductile form of cast iron produced noise reduction glass see sound con-
trol glass.
by special heat treatment of normal cast
iron. nominal cover the specified thickness of
concrete designed to cover reinforcing
no-fines concrete lightweight concrete
bars in reinforced concrete.
consisting of coarse aggregate and
cement, without sand or fine aggregate. nominal dimension, nominal size;
the size by which a component or
nog, 1 wooden brick, wooden block,
material is specified; in reality it may be
fixing block, nailing block; a small
smaller or larger than this by an agreed
piece of timber used like a brick, espe-
cially one built into brickwork as a nailing
base in masonry. nominated subcontractor a subcon-
2 see nogging. tractor who has been appointed by the
client, or their representative; a nomi-
nogging 1 in traditional timber frame
nated sub-contract is a sub-contract in
construction, masonry infill for a timber
which the client selects the contractor.
stud frame; see brick nogging, flint nog-
ging, stone nogging. non-bearing wall see non-loadbearing
2 in traditional timber frame construction, wall.
short horizontal timber struts inserted non-combustible in fire testing, refer-
between adjacent uprights, posts, studs, ring to a material which, under specified
rafters or joists to provide lateral support; test conditions, can be considered not to
cross nogging, see herringbone strutting. burn.
noise 1 sound in an environment which is non-conductive see insulating.
made up of all frequencies with no regular
pattern. non-destructive testing the physical
2 in acoustics, unwanted or disturbing and chemical testing of materials and
sound. components in such a way that they are
3 interference; in an electronic or tele- in an unaltered state after testing.
communications system, interference nondrying oil a range of oils extracted
caused by the obscuring action of an from vegetable products, used in paints
unwanted signal. to add flexibility and reduce the speed of
noise control the careful planning of drying.
buildings and measures therein taken to non-fixed furnishing in interior design,
reduce the amount of unwanted sound in furnishings such as tables, chairs, mats,
spaces, achieved by the use of isolating curtains, etc. which can be moved around
construction and the addition of absorb- or easily removed.
ing material to surfaces. non-fixed luminaire a light fitting such
noise control glass see sound control as a table lamp or lamp stand not
glass. designed to be fixed to the building fabric.
noise level in acoustics, the measure of non-loadbearing partition see light-
undesired or overloud sound level. weight partition.
noise pollution sound from external non-loadbearing wall, non-bearing
sources, such as traffic, loud music, etc., wall; any internal or external wall in a
which causes a nuisance to those in nearby building which supports only its own
buildings or the immediate environment. weight, including fittings and wind loads,
noise reduction in acoustics, reducing and which does not have a structural role.
the sound pressure level or amount of non-mortised hinge, non-mortise
unwanted noise between two adjoining butt hinge, surface-fixed hinge; a
spaces using careful planning, insulation hinge with one flap shaped to fit in a cut
and absorption. out in the other, which, when closed, has
noise reduction coefficient in acous- the thickness of one flap only. See illustra-
tics, a measure of the sound absorption of tion on facing page.
315 notch
England after the Norman conquest in
1066, characterized by sparing use of
detail, bulky forms and the round arch;
known on the continent as Romanesque

wheel window from
the Norman church
of St. Mary,
non-plastic soil any granular soil type Patrixbourne, Kent,
with a plasticity index of zero, or one for England, 1170
which a plasticity index cannot be
Norman arch a round arch with a highly
non-return valve see check valve. ornate archivolt, as found in Norman
non-setting glazing compound a architecture.
glazing compound which deforms plasti- northern red oak [Quercus rubra], see
cally and remains in a semi-liquid state. oak.
non-slip a treatment or fixing for floors northlight roof a sawtooth roof with
and stairs in which the surface is rough- north facing glazed lights used for over-
ened or profiled to provide friction on head illumination of industrial buildings in
otherwise potentially slippery areas. the northern hemisphere.
non-slip tile a ceramic tile manufactured northlight shell roof a northlight roof
with raised mouldings, grooves or a rough in which the curved bands of roof
textured surface, designed for use at pool between vertical lights are half barrel
edges, stair nosings, etc. vaulted concrete shell structures.
Norway spruce [Picea abies, Picea excel-
sa], see spruce.
Noryl a proprietary name for polypheny-
lene oxide plastic.
nose see nosing.
non-slip tile
nose line, nosing line see line of
non-standard referring to any manufac- nosings.
tured product or component which devi- nosing, nose; a horizontal protrusion of
ates from the usual standard form; usually a stair tread beyond the riser.
requiring special manufacture. nosing tile an L-shaped ceramic tile fit-
non-vibration concrete see self-placing ting designed for use at the front edge of
concrete. a step.
Norfolk reed see best reed.
norm, standard; an officially recognized
exemplary standard of measurement,
quality, regulative legislation or
nosing tile
normalizing a heat treatment to refine
grain size and increase the strength of no-slump concrete stiff concrete whose
steel by heating to a certain temperature test sample exhibits very little slump.
and rapidly cooling in air; normalized steel notch 1 in timber frame construction and
is a fine-grained, homogeneous, weldable jointing, a small cutting made in the side
steel which has been heat-treated by of a framing member in order to fasten or
normalizing. stiffen a joint.
Norman architecture, Anglo-Norman 2 in log construction, the carefully hewn
architecture; religious architecture in and crafted joint formed by cutting into
notched joint 316
overlaid crosswise logs so that they inter- 2 the announcement by one of the parties
lock with one another at the external cor- to a contract that it is to be terminated
ner of a log building. after a specific period of time.
notched joint 1 a timber joint in which a notice to proceed in contract adminis-
notch is made in one piece in order to fas- tration, a written announcement by a client
ten it in position; usually used for the fas- to a contractor informing of the duration
tening of joists on a wall plate or beam. and starting dates of construction work.
nozzle 1 the perforated outlet of a water
notched or gas-fed appliance such as a tap or
joints shower which controls flow and direction.
2 see spout.
3 see jet inlet.
nulled ornament see gadroon.
and cogged nut 1 a hexagonal, octagonal or square
fastener with a threaded hole to receive
notched a bolt; types of nut included as separate
crossing housing
entries are listed below:
2 in timber frame construction, a crossing *acorn nut, see cap nut; *backnut; *but-
joint in which one or both members have terfly nut, see wing nut; *cap nut; *castel-
a recess or notch cut to receive the other. lated nut, castle nut; *dome nut, see cap
3 see notch (log construction). nut; *hexagonal nut, hex nut; *lock nut;
double notched joint a timber crossing *seal nut; *square nut; *stop nut; *thumb
joint in which the faces of both members nut; *wing nut.
are cut with notches to receive each other.
notched and cogged joint a timber hex lock castellated
notched joint in which a cog is cut into
the receiving member to further fasten
the joint.
notched housed joint in timber frame round flat square
construction, a housed timber joint which
has a notch cut in the end of one member
for stiffening purposes.
notched lap joint a timber lap joint cap seal wing
which has a notch in the lap and recess to
strengthen the joint.
single notched joint, trenched joint;
a timber crossing joint in which the face types of nut
of one member is cut with a notch or
groove to receive a second member. 2 the seeds of various fruit-bearing
notched trowel a plasterer's trowel trees, used as a source of food and
whose blade has a castellated edge to pressed for oils used in some paints;
provide the plaster coat with a striated these trees are often used for fine tim-
texture. berwork; see walnut, hazel, nut oil.
nut oil various types of drying oils used
notch effect in structures, a local build- as vehicles in paints, pressed from the
up of stress at the point in a member
dried kernels of nuts such as the walnut;
where it turns through a sharp angle, or is
see hazelnut oil, walnut oil.
notching saw see grooving saw.
notice 1 a written announcement of nylon any of a number of tough, whitish,
intent by a client, contractor or local durable polyamide thermoplastics used to
authority informing of an action which is produce fibres, hardware, coatings and
being undertaken, or which should be car- garden furniture.
ried out. Nyssa spp. see tupelo.
oak [Quercus spp.] a oakum a stuffing for sealing and packing
group of tough, hard, horizontal joints in log buildings and
heavy hardwoods of wooden ships made from hemp, old rope
the temperate climates or other fibrous material.
ranging in colour from obeche, samba, African whitewood,
light tan to pink or wawa, ayous; [Triplochiton scleroxylon] a
brown; used in con- Quercus spp.
–oak West African hardwood whose light
struction and decora- porous timber is pale brown to white;
tion, for interiors, used for interior joinery and plywood.
flooring, boat-building, plywood and raw
cork (produced from bark of the cork oak, obelisk an Egyptian monolithic four-sided
Quercus suber); ancient oaks are an essen- standing stone, tapering to a pyramidical
tial part of many British and European cap, often inscribed with hieroglyphs and
rural landscapes; see below. erected as a monument.
American white oak [Quercus alba] one
of a number of similar species of North
American hardwood used for flooring and
other hardwearing applications.
bog oak ordinary oak which has been
immersed in ponds, rivers, wet land, etc.
for up to a hundred years, whose wood
has a blackish hue and is valued in turnery.
durmast oak, sessile oak; [Quercus pet-
raea]; a species of European oak tree with
heavy, hard and strong pale brown timber
marketed as European or English oak.
European oak, English oak; [Quercus
robur, Quercus petraea] species of European
hardwood with heavy, hard and strong
obelisk of Senuseret I,
pale brown timber; used in traditional tim-
Heliopolis, Egypt,
ber construction as framing, and nowadays 1965–1920 BC
for joinery, flooring, veneers and furniture.
Indian oak see teak.
Japanese oak [Quercus mongolica] an oblique, skew; referring to a line, plane
Asian hardwood with relatively durable or building orientation at an angle to a
pale yellow timber; used in construction, major alignment or axis.
for furniture and in boat-building. oblique butt joint a longitudinal timber
pedunculate oak, common oak; butt joint in which the ends of one or
[Quercus robur]; a European hardwood with both are splayed so that the members are
heavy, hard and strong pale brown timber at an angle to one another.
marketed as European or English oak. oblique projection a parallel projection
red oak [Quercus spp.] a group of hard- drawing in which the projectors are paral-
woods, especially the northern red oak, lel but intersect the projection plane at an
Quercus rubra, from eastern North America angle other than a right angle; one face of
with light reddish-brown timber which is rel- an object is thus drawn in true proportion,
atively hard, heavy, strong, coarse-grained parallel to the picture plane, and the other
and used for external cladding and interiors. axes are represented by extending obli-
white oak [Quercus spp.] a group of que lines; see cavalier, cabinet, military
hardwoods from North America, especially projections.
the American white oak, Quercus alba, oblique shake one of a series of cracks
with heavy durable timber which is grey running across the grain of a timber board
to reddish-brown; used for flooring, panel- at an angle. See illustrations on following
ling and trim. page
obscurance 318
oculus, plural oculi; Lat.; a circular open-
ing or rooflight in a roof or dome, espe-
cially that in a Roman building; see
oblique shakes in improperly odd leg calliper see jenny leg calliper.
seasoned timber
offer see bid.
oblique tenon joint a mortise and
tenon joint used when joining two tim- offset handle see cranked pull handle.
bers at an oblique angle to one another. offset match, half drop; a condition of
obscurance see translucency. patterned wallpaper which should be
hung with adjacent lengths staggered
obscured glass translucent glass of vertically so that horizontal patterns
which one face has a diffuse surface pro- match.
duced by sandblasting, grinding, etching
or acid embossing; see also reeded glass. offset screwdriver a screwdriver whose
bit and handle are not aligned; used for
observation lift, scenic lift; a glazed tightening screws in cramped positions,
lift for hotel foyers, shopping centers, etc., or for those requiring extra leverage.
designed to offer a view to the surround-
ing area. off-white, broken white, faux blanc; a
shade of white which has been slightly
obsidian a form of dark, compact, natu- tinted with another colour, most often
rally occurring volcanic glass, traditionally grey or yellow, to reduce its intensity or
used for weapons and tools, now used for sterility.
ogee a continuous double curve, shaped
occupant one permanently resident in a like a shallow letter ‘S’.
dwelling, or renting space in a building. ogee arch, inflected arch; an arch
occupant load in fire safety, a specified whose intrados is composed of two mir-
total number of occupants per floor area rored ogees which meet at an apex; see
of building space. depressed ogee arch (two-centred ogee
arch), bell arch (reverse ogee arch).
ochre, ocher (Am); a group of earth pig-
ments, hydrated iron oxides with added
clay, which range in colour from yellow
to orange-red or brown; suitable for use
in all types of paint; types included as
separate entries are listed below:
*brown ochre; *gold ochre; *red ochre,
see red oxide paint; *Roman ochre, yellow
ochre; *sil, yellow ochre. ogee arch

ogee brace in traditional timber-framed

Ochroma spp. see balsa wood. construction, a naturally S-shaped curved
timber member used to brace the junc-
octopartite vault a masonry vault tion between a post and beam.
sprung on eight points of support, octag- ogee moulding a decorative moulding
onal or rectangular in plan and composed whose cross-section is that of an ogee or
of eight curved roof surfaces. S-shaped profile, the concave part upper-
most; called a cyma recta in classical archi-
tecture; see also reverse ogee moulding,
cyma reversa.

cyma recta,
reverse ogee
octopartite vault moulding
319 okoume
ogee roof an ornamental roof form oil green a light yellow green variety of
which is ogee-shaped in cross-section. chrome green pigment.
ogee stop in ornamentation, the termi- oil heating see oil-fired heating.
nation of a chamfered moulding or carv-
ing with a shallow S-shaped form. oil interceptor a chamber in a drainage
system where water-bound oil from
ogival, lancet; a pointed arch; pertaining drained surface water is deposited to pre-
to Gothic architecture, as named by the vent it from passing further along a drain.
French (‘l’architecture ogival’ or ‘le style
ogival’). oil meter a device for measuring and
recording the flow and consumption of oil
ogive see diagonal rib. in an oil heating system.
ohm abb.; the SI unit of electrical resis- oil of cloves, clove oil; an essential oil
tance, equal to that which will produce a distilled from the dried buds (cloves) of
current of 1 amp when a potential differ- the tropical myrtle plant Eugenia caryo-
ence of 1 volt is passed across a resistor. phyllata [Syzygium aromaticum], tradition-
ally used as a slow drying solvent in
oil any greasy liquid, insoluble in water, paints and varnishes and as an odour-
obtained from animal, vegetable and masking agent.
mineral sources and used for lubrication, oil of lemon, lemon oil; oil extracted
energy production, etc.; types included from the fresh peel of lemons, tradition-
as separate entries are listed below: ally used in paints and varnishes to mask
*anthracene oil; *asphalt oil, see road oil; odours.
*blown linseed oil; *boiled linseed oil;
*carbolic oil; *China wood oil, see tung oil of spike, spike lavender; an essen-
oil; *clove oil, see oil of cloves; *cotton- tial oil distilled from the leaves of the
seed oil; *creosote oil, see creosote; *crude broad-leaved variety of lavender,
oil, see petroleum; *diesel oil; *drying oil; Lavandula spica, traditionally used as a
*essential oil, volatile oil; *fatty oil, fixed solvent in paints and varnishes.
oil; *fixed oil, see fatty oil; *form oil, see oil of turpentine see turpentine.
mould oil; *fuel oil; *gas oil; *hempseed oil of vitriol see sulphuric acid.
oil; *lemon oil, see oil of lemon; *lavender
oil, oil of spike; *linseed oil; *middle oil, oil paint any paint whose binder is an oil
see carbolic oil; *mineral oil; *mould oil, such as linseed oil, poppy oil, etc., from
form oil; *nondrying oil; *nut oil; *oil of which the solvent evaporates to leave a
cloves; *oil of lemon; *oil of spike, spike tough film; used for external joinery and
lavender; *oil of turpentine, see turpen- furniture.
tine; *paraffin oil, see paraffin; *pine oil; oil paste, colours in oil; a concentrated
*poppyseed oil, poppy oil; *road oil; *soya colour source consisting of pigment in an
bean oil; *stand oil; *sun-bleached oil, oil paste, used for tinting paints.
sun-refined oil; *sunflower seed oil;
*thyme oil; *tung oil, China wood oil;
oil ring main see cold oil ring main.
*volatile oil, see essential oil; *walnut oil. oil stain a translucent colouring agent for
porous surfaces such as timber, consisting
of a dye suspended in oil.
oil-based referring to a paint, sealant, oilstone a fine-grained stone used with
etc. whose medium is oil rather than lubricating oil to sharpen the honed
water. blades of tools.
oil black a black pigment manufactured oil storage tank a large vessel or similar
from the carbon deposits from burned oil. construction for the storage of oil, espe-
oil burner a device in an oil heating sys- cially for an oil heating system or other
tem for converting fuel oil into a fine oil-fired installation.
spray or vapour and igniting it. oil varnish a glossy varnish containing
oil-fired heating, oil heating; a heat- oil and resin.
ing system in which the fuel used is com- okoume see gaboon.
bustible oil.
old woman’s tooth 320
old woman’s tooth see router plane. one-turn stairs, full-turn stairs; a stair
Olea europaea see olive. which turns through 360 on its ascent,
formed from straight flights which meet
oleoresin, balsam; a thick viscous liquid at corner landings.
exuded from certain conifers; used as a
binder in some paints and as an additive
to improve brushing and flexibility.
oleoresinous paint a traditional hard
gloss paint containing oleoresin.
oleum white see lithopone.
olio d’abezzo see Strasbourg turpentine.
olive [Olea europaea] a Mediterranean one-turn stair
evergreen hardwood with hard and heavy
greeny-brown timber; used for joinery and one-way glass, mirror glass; glass trea-
turnery; a shade of dark grey-green which ted on one side with a transparent reflec-
takes its name from the colour of fruit of tive finish or with a laminate so as to
this tree; also known as olive green. appear see-through from one side and as
omu [Entandrophragma candollei] a tropi- a mirror on the other.
cal West African hardwood sold as one-way head screw, clutch head
mahogany; it has pale reddish-brown tim- screw, butterfly head screw; a screw
ber and is used for plywood, veneered fur- whose head has a slot designed so that it
niture and interiors. may be tightened but not undone by a
one-and-a-half brick wall see brick- cross-slot or traditional screwdriver.
and-a-half wall. one-way slab a reinforced concrete slab
one-brick wall, nine inch wall, whole- whose reinforcement is designed primar-
brick wall; a solid brick wall whose width ily to span parallel supports in one
is the length of one standard brick, 9” or direction.
215 mm. one-way stick adhesive, single
spread adhesive; an adhesive applied to
only one of the surfaces to be joined.
onion dome an ogee-shaped dome
resembling an onion, pointed at the top,
found in Russian, Byzantine and some
one-brick wall Baroque architecture; a common motif in
Indian and other Asian architecture; also
one-coat plaster see single-coat plaster. called a bulbous dome.
one-coat plasterwork see single-coat
one-component see one-pack. onion dome

one-family house a freestanding dwell-

ing with living space for one family unit;
see house.
one-pack, one-part, one-component;
a description of products such as glues,
sealants and paints which are supplied
ready for use and do not require the addi-
tion of other components.
one-pipe system, single-pipe system;
a central heating system in which each
radiator is served by a circuit with one
pipe, in which the heating water is piped onion dome
from one to the next.
321 open mortise
on-street parking see street parking. open ceiling 1 the underside of a timber
onyx marble a pale brown or yellow roof or intermediated floor whose joists or
banded calcareous rock used as decora- beams are exposed from below.
tive stonework in building, marketed as 2 a suspended ceiling of open baffles,
onyx. mesh or grid, usually concealing lumi-
naires and ventilation inlets; see cell ceil-
oolite sedimentary rock, especially lime- ing, open mesh ceiling.
stone, composed of spherical grains.
open cell ceiling see cell ceiling.
opacity, opaqueness, hiding power; a
measure of the non-translucency of a open eaves eaves which have no soffit
paint; its ability to mask colours in coats board and are open from below.
beneath. open excavation an excavation requir-
opal 1 a white or coloured mineral, an ing no shoring, open to the elements and
amorphous form of hydrated silica used often with sloping sides.
for ornamentation, gemstones and open face see loose side.
jewellery. open grained see coarse textured.
2 satin; in artificial lighting, the classifica-
tion of the bulb of a lamp whose inner open-hearth process, Siemens-mar-
surface is treated with a white silica coat- tin process; a steelmaking process devel-
ing producing stronger obscurance of the oped in the 1860s for producing steel on
filament and better diffusion than with a a large scale from scrap and pig iron; it
pearl finish. utilizes hot gases to heat up the metal
opal glass, opalescent glass; while removing unwanted carbon, man-
opaque or translucent diffuse glass with ganese, silicon, phosphorus and sulphur.
a milky coloured or white appearance, opening a hole left or cut into a wall,
produced by laminating clear glass with floor or other component for the fitting of
an obscuring plastic sheet or by intro- a door, window, hatch; if left open it is
ducing fine obscuring particles into the often called a void; see throat (damper
glass itself. opening), doorway (door opening), win-
opaline see milk glass. dow opening.
opaque referring to a material, surface or
construction which inhibits the passage of
opening face the side of a door leaf or
window casement which opens away
from the frame.
opaque glass glass with a surface treat-
ment or interlayer through which light opening light a hinged or sliding part of
does not penetrate, often used as clad- a window unit or glazed screen which can
ding glass; see also coloured opaque be opened.
glass, cladding glass. opening size a measure of fineness of a
opaqueness see opacity. wire mesh, the open space between adja-
open balustrade a balustrade without cent parallel wires; see mesh size.
infill between handrail and floor level; a open joint a construction joint left open
railing. between two adjacent components, with-
open bar metal flooring metal floor- out jointing compound, seals or covering.
ing consisting of a grid of welded bars; open mesh ceiling a suspended ceiling
used for maintenance platforms and system formed from rectangular mesh
walkways. panels to allow for the passage of air and
open bidding see open tendering. light from services located in the ceiling
open boarding see spaced boarding.
open metal flooring metal flooring of
open caisson, cylinder caisson; a foun- perforated panels in or on a frame.
dation caisson constructed in such a way
so as to be open at both the top and
open mortise see slot mortise.
open mortise joint a mortise and tenon
corner joint in which the mortise cut into
open capital see bell capital. the end of one piece is open on three
open piling 322
sides to receive a tenon in the other; often usually as a result of a public announce-
called a bridle joint. ment for calls to tender.
open tenon joint see bridle joint.
open timbered roof see open roof.
open time in painting and decorating,
the time elapsed before a freshly painted
surface has dried sufficiently for an adja-
open mortise joint cent coat to be painted next to it.
open tongue and groove boarding
open piling the open stacking of timber tongue and groove boards with rebated
or other wood products in layers, sepa- external edges to form longitudinal
rated to allow for air circulation during indents between adjacent laid boards.
seasoning and drying.
open plan a description of large open
office space without permanent dividing
open rise the open space between treads
in a stair with no risers.
open riser stair, ladder stair, open
rise stair, skeleton stair; a stair with
open tongue and
no infill construction between its treads.
groove boarding

operation manual a written document

with specifications and a description of a
particular appliance or piece of equip-
ment, and instructions and advice for its
open riser use.
operative a skilled or semi-skilled person
who carries out work on a site involving
open roof, open timbered roof; operating a machine.
pitched roof construction in which the
roof structure or rafters are not concealed Ophiostoma minus see blue stain
with a lining or ceiling and are visible fungus.
from the space below. optical pertaining to the human eye,
open section a cold formed or cold sight and vision, especially with regard to
pressed metal section which is not a hol- how it reacts to light.
low section; one bent or formed into an optical fibre a very fine, high-quality
open shape. glass tube in which light is used as a
medium in telecommunications systems.
open side see loose side. optical mixing in colour theory, the
open space areas between buildings or merging of small dots of colour to form
groups of buildings for recreational use; different colours when viewed at a
any public open urban land such as parks, distance.
gardens or squares on which no buildings optical smoke detector, visible
have been constructed. smoke detector; a fire detector which,
open stile balustrade a balustrade using a photocell or other sensor, reacts
with a series of vertical parallel stiles to the disturbing effects on a light or laser
between handrail and floor level to pro- beam as it passes through smoke from
vide an intermediate barrier. fire.
open tendering, open bidding (Am); opus, pl. opera, work (Lat.); an artistic
a competitive tendering procedure in composition or pattern, especially as used
which any suitable firm or person can sub- in relation to Roman stonework.
mit a tender for a building contract, orange vermilion a variety of cinnabar.
323 ornament
orangepeel, orange peeling; a defect organic and can be broken down with
in which a dry paint or lacquer finish has microbes.
a dimpled surface resembling orange organosol a dispersion of particles of a
peel, caused by lack of solvent in the plastisol, resin or synthetic polymer in an
paint, or poor workmanship. organic solvent, which can be converted
orant figure, orans figure; a standing to a solid on heating; used for PVC coat-
figure with both arms raised in prayer, as ings for roofing and other sheetmetal
found in Greek and Early Christian art and components.
architectural ornamentation. oriel window, oriel; an upper storey
orbital sander a portable power tool window which protrudes from the eleva-
with a rectangular sanding surface driven tional plane of a building; see bay
with a rapid oscillating action. window.
order 1 one of the predominating styles Orientalism any architectural style which
in classical architecture, a classical order; borrows motifs from the Arab world, India
see Greek architecture, Roman and the Far East.
architecture. orientation, 1 direction; the angle that
2 one of a series of projecting bands an object, main axis of a building or street
above the intrados of an arch making up makes with respect to due north.
an archivolt. 2 the location of a building on its site and
ordinary Portland cement, ordinary the arrangement of spaces therein so as
cement; a Portland cement, used in gen- to take into account the direction of sun
eral construction, formed by mixing and prevailing winds, views and disturb-
Portland cement clinker and calcium ing factors according to the points of the
sulphate. compass.
Oregon pine see Douglas fir. oriented strand board, oriented
organic 1 referring to a substance, a structural board, OSB; a building board
manufactured of layers of flakeboard
chemical compound of carbon, which is
glued together with the flakes or strands
found in or derived from living organisms;
at right angles to those in adjacent layers.
with regard to plastics and polymeric pro-
ducts it denotes a carbon-based molecu-
lar structure in the material.
2 biogenic; of soil, some foodstuffs and
other products, based on or manufactured
using living organisms.
organic architecture architecture which
oriented strand
seeks to physically, ecologically and
environmentally unify buildings with their
surrounding environment through careful
planning, use of materials, form and Orient yellow a variety of deep cad-
technology. mium yellow pigment.
organic coating see plastics coating, original a version of an architectural
stove enamelling, powder coating. drawing or document, to which possible
organic rendering see masonry paint. amendments are made and from which
organic roof any roof whose roofing is copies are taken for distribution.
of organic materials such as wood, bark,
turf, planting, etc.
Orlon a proprietary name for polyacryloni-
trile plastics, used for fibres and textiles.
organic soil in ground engineering, soil
containing decayed remnants of plants ornament two- or three-dimensional
and animals, rich in organic material and decoration, sculpture, carving, etc. for the
with a poor bearing capacity. surfaces or spaces of a building or other
organic solvent see solvent. object.
organic waste, biodegradable waste; ornamental bed an area of landscaped
waste material from industrial processes, ground prepared and planted with plants
residential establishments, etc. which is and flowers as decoration.
orpiment 324
ornamental brickwork see decorative orthotropic slab a reinforced concrete
masonry, patterned brickwork, poly- floor slab, such as a one-way slab, in
chrome brickwork. which reinforcement in the direction of
ornamental motif, decorative motif; span is greater than that perpendicular to
a design, pattern, sculpture, symbol, etc. it.
used as surface decoration for the surface OSB oriented strand board.
of a building or other object; often with
specific meaning, message or symbolic osier see with.
value. Osiris column an ancient Egyptian col-
ornamental plaster moulding see umn carved in an image of Osiris with
fibrous plaster moulding. arms crossed; also known as an Osiris,
ornamental plasterwork see fibrous Osirid, Osiride or Osirian pillar or column;
plasterwork. Osiris was originally the corn god of the
ornamental tile any roof, wall or floor Nile Delta, later principal deity of the Old
tile with decorative profiled edges, Kingdom; king and judge of the
embossing, patterns, etc.; especially a clay Underworld, depicted in mummy-dress
roof tile used for decorative eaves, verge wearing a crown of plant stems; brother
or ridge embellishment. of Isis, father of Horus; ‘Asar’ in Egyptian,
ornamentation see enrichment. ‘Osiris’ is Greek.
orpiment a greasy, lemon yellow mineral,
natural arsenic trisulphide, As2S3, used as
the pigment king’s yellow, for removing
hair from animal skins and as a source of
orthoclase see adularia, alkali feldspar,
microcline, potash feldspar. Osiris column at the
orthogonal relating to objects, axes, Ramesseum, mortuary
temple of Ramses II,
grids or lines which lie at right angles to Thebes, Egypt,
one another; a line at right angles to an 1279–1213 BC
axis, line or plane.
orthogonal projection any projection
drawing in which projectors meet the pic-
ture plane at right angles, producing a ostrum see Tyrian purple.
plan, elevation, side view, etc.; in practice Ostrya carpinifolia see European hop-
the same as an orthographic projection. hornbeam.
orthographic projection a drawing oundy moulding, swelled chamfer,
which shows a surface or section drawn at undy moulding, wave moulding; an
scale as if from infinity, at right angles to ornamental motif consisting of a series of
the cutting plane or elevation; in architec- lines representing the breaking of waves.
tural drawing the result is a plan, elevation
or sectional drawing, though sometimes
extended to include true axonometric
projections; also called an orthogonal
oundy moulding
orthographic axonometric projec-
tion the fuller name for true isometric, outdoor furniture see garden furniture.
dimetric and trimetric projections. outer glazing see external glazing.
orthography the art of drawing parallel
outer leaf the outer skin of masonry in a
brick cavity wall or other sandwich con-
orthostat a large stone slab laid vertically struction; see external leaf.
in a structure or set in the ground, such as
a prehistoric standing stone, a large stone
outer ply in plywood, the surface layer or
in the lower part of a Greek temple or a
decorated Mesopotamian monolith in the outer sash the sash of a coupled window
foundations or interior of a building. facing the exterior of a building.
325 overcloak
outer surface, external surface, exte- submitted by contractors who are tender-
rior; the surface of a component or con- ing for a project.
struction which faces outwards, or outside air, external air; in heating and
towards the open air. ventilation design, the air surrounding a
outflow heater a device for preheating building, whose temperature and mois-
oil from a storage tank to reduce its vis- ture content have an effect on the inter-
cosity prior to use as fuel in an oil heating nal temperature of a building, and which
installation. is introduced as fresh air for ventilation,
air-conditioning and cooling systems.
outlet 1 a component through which outside calliper an instrument for mea-
water drains off a level roof or paved sur- suring the outside diameter of pipes and
face, etc. into a drain; a gully; see below other round objects, consisting of a pair
for types included as separate entries: of curved hinged legs.
*floor outlet, (see floor drain); *gully; outside corner trowel see external
*rainwater outlet, roof outlet; *rainwater angle trowel.
2 drain, waste; the point at which an
outside face the face of a piece of sawn
timber which is furthest from the heart
appliance or sanitary fixing is connected
when cut from a log.
to a drainage system; a drainage outlet.
3 a component through which fresh air outside glazing glass or other glazing
is introduced to a space, or stale air, products which have been added to the
smoke, etc. extracted from it; see below outer surface of external glazing.
for types included as separate entries: outward opening referring to a window
*air outlet, see supply air terminal unit; casement or door which opens outwards
*exhaust outlet; *fire vent; *smoke outlet. with respect to the exterior of a building.
4 the point at which a connection can
be made to a service or public utility oval brad head nail see brad.
provided to a building; see below for oval head screw, raised countersunk
types included as separate entries: screw, oval countersunk screw; a
*socket outlet; *spray outlet; *telecommu- countersunk screw with a convex head
nications outlet; *water outlet. which protrudes
above the surface
into which it is oval head screw
outlet grating 1 see outlet strainer, wire fixed.
2 see domical grating.
oval knot a knot in seasoned timber
which has been cut at an angle to the
outlet strainer a wire balloon, grating or branch and is thus oval in shape.
other device placed over a roof gulley or
rainwater outlet to prevent the passage of oval wire nail a slender nail with an oval
leaves and other detritus into the drain- shank 13 150 mm in length and a small
age system. bulging head.
outline 1 the bounding line of a two- overall dimension, overall size; the
dimensional image, object or shape. largest measurement of an object in any
2 a preliminary sketch or initial version of direction; see also external dimension.
a design, plan, scheme or document. overall programme a diagrammatic
outline drawing see sketch drawing. scheme produced by a main contractor
outline planning permission indicating the various jobs of work on site
pertaining to a building project, their
planning permission for a development
scope, sequencing of construction, and
granted in principle, without official status
proposed duration.
and subject to approval of further details
of siting, planning or external appearance. overall size see overall dimension.
outline programme, tender pro- overcloak the upper overlapping part of
gramme; a proposed programme of a folded sheetmetal roofing seam or welt,
work and programme chart sometimes which covers an undercloak.
overconsolidated 326
overconsolidated a description of soils, overlaid plywood plywood whose face
especially clays, which are in a state of plies have been coated with an overlay
compression caused by previous loading such as paper, plastics, resins, metal, etc.
from overlying ground, buildings, etc., overlap 1 see lap.
which are subsequently removed or 2 a defect in veneering and plywood
demolished. caused by the overlapping of two adja-
overcurrent a current in an electric cir- cent veneers.
cuit exceeding the rated value. overlap and double cut in wallpaper-
overflow 1 the escape of liquid from a ing, a method of ensuring even vertical
vessel which is too full. butt joints by overlapping adjacent sheets
2 an opening in the side of a basin or then cutting through with a knife.
other vessel, usually with a suitable fitting, overlay flooring prefabricated pre-fin-
through which water can escape into a ished panels or proprietary interlocking
drain if the water level rises too high; see wood strips designed to be laid directly
weir overflow. onto a structural floor slab; see parquet
overflow pipe a drainage pipe con- strip.
nected to a basin or other vessel to lead
water into a drain to avoid water flooding overload a structural load greater than
over the rim of the vessel. that for which a structural system or
member is designed.
overgrainer a paintbrush with groups of
soft fibres tied in a row of bundles; used overload current an electric current
in decorative graining to imitate the which exceeds the rated value without
shaped grain of hardwoods. damaging an electric circuit.
overhand struck joint see struck joint. overload trip, trip switch; a switch in a
circuit which turns off electric current in
overhang see projection. the event of dangerously high levels or
overhead clearance see headroom. surges which may damage equipment
overhead door a door which runs on and appliances.
vertical tracks and, when open, is stored overpainting see repainting.
in position above the door opening; see overrun a space at the top of a lift shaft
also up and over door; sectional overhead to allow for inaccuracies of control and to
door; roller shutter. accommodate necessary apparatus.
ovolo moulding 1 a decorative convex
moulding, semi-elliptical in cross-section.

overhead door ovolo moulding

overhead door closer a door closer 2 a quadrant moulding found at the inter-
designed to be mounted to the door nal junction of perpendicular planar
head and the upper edge of the door leaf. surfaces.
overhead heating downward radiant oxidation the reaction of chemical ele-
heating provided by heating panels hung ments with oxygen; see also oxidization.
high in a space. oxidation tank see aeration tank.
overhead shutter a lightweight shutter oxidative drying a process of drying of
designed to provide night security at paints and coatings in which the evapora-
open shop fronts, often of lattice con- tion of contained solvents is followed by
struction and contained in a recess or chemical reaction between the binder
overhead or side space when not in use. and oxygen in the surrounding air.
327 oxygen trim

oxide a chemical compound formed oxidization a process whereby a com-

when an element reacts with oxygen; pound, metal, etc. is brought in contact
oxides included as separate entries are with oxygen, activating an oxidation
listed below: reaction.
*aluminium oxide, see alumina; *black oxidized bitumen see blown bitumen.
iron oxide, see iron oxide; *brown iron oxychloride cement, magnesite
oxide, see burnt sienna; *calcium oxide; cement, sorel cement; a hard, strong
*carbon monoxide; *cobalt oxide, see cement of calcined magnesite and mag-
black oxide of cobalt; *chromium oxide nesium oxychloride with an aggregate
green; *dioxide; *emerald chromium filler; used for hardwearing in-situ floor
oxide, see viridian; *ferric oxide, see iron surfacing.
oxide; *ferrous ferric oxide, see iron oxide;
*ferrous oxide, see iron oxide; *hydrogen oxygen trim a method of controlling the
peroxide; *hydroxide; *natural brown iron air/fuel ratio fed into a gas or oil burner
oxide, see burnt sienna; *polyphenylene according to the proportion of oxygen
oxide; *red iron oxide, see iron oxide; *tri- measured in flue gases.
oxide; *zinc oxide; *zirconium oxide.
oxide of chromium see chromium
oxide green.
oxide red, Indian red, Persian red,
Venetian red; a range of red pigments
manufactured by the oxidation of fer-
rous salts.
PA polyamide. hinged door and its frame, enabling it to
PA-system public address system. be secured with a padlock.

Pacific red cedar [Thuja plicata] western pad saw a small saw with a thin tapering
red cedar, see thuja. blade used for cutting curves or holes; see
keyhole saw.
package deal see design and construct
contract. pagoda a multistorey Buddhist temple
with projecting roofs at storey level, often
packing piece see glazing block. replicated in Europe in the 1800s as an
padauk [Pterocarpus spp.] a group of ornamental pavilion in gardens and parks.
hardwoods from Africa and Asia with red
or purple-brown streaked timber; used in
cabinetmaking and veneers.
padding, cushioning; soft or resilient
material used as a base in furnishings, as
protection in packing or to dissipate vibra-
tions from heavy plant.
paddle mixer see rotating pan mixer.
pagoda at the West
pad foundation, column footing, iso- temple precinct,
lated footing; a precast or in-situ rectan- Horyu-ji, Nara, Japan
gular block foundation of reinforced 700 AD; elevation and
concrete which transmits vertical point section
loads such as those from columns to the
underlying ground. pain threshold see threshold of pain.
paint a liquid substance used for provid-
ing a protective or decorative surface
coating, consisting of a pigment and a
binder which sets or is treated to form a
resistant film.
paint binder the component of paint
which forms film and produces a bond to
the surface being painted.

pad foundation
paintbrush a hand-held implement
used for applying paint, consisting of
fibres, bristles or hairs bound to a
padlock a small detachable lock with a
wooden or plastic handle, available in a
fastening ring, openable with a key.
range of widths, shapes and sizes; types
included as separate entries are listed
*distemper brush; *dragger, see flogger;
*dusting brush; *flat brush; *flat varnish
brush; *flat wall brush, see flat brush;
*flogger; lettering brush; *liner, lining
brush; *overgrainer; *paint pad; *paint
roller, see roller; *radiator brush; *rigger
padlock and brush, rigger; round brush; *script brush;
padlock eye *scrubbing brush; *varnish brush, see
padlock eye one of a pair of perforated flat varnish brush; *wall brush, see flat
metal plates attached to the edge of a brush.
329 pale
painter a tradesman or skilled labourer
who does painting work in buildings.
painter's and decorator's a commer-
cial service which specializes in the paint-
ing and decorating of buildings and parts
of buildings.
painter's putty in painting and decorat-
ing, linseed oil putty used as a filler by a
paint finish a surface coating of paint,
the material and process therein.
paint medium the liquid component of
paint, in which pigments and fillers are
paint pad a paint applicator for delicate
areas, edges, etc. consisting of a rectangu-
lar piece of soft material with a sponge
back, a short nap and a handle.
paint removal, paint stripping; in
painting and decorating, the removal of old
paintwork before a new surface is applied.
paint remover, paint stripper; in paint-
ing, a liquid applied to soften hardened
paint thus enabling it to be easily
removed with a scraper, spatula or abra-
sive substance.
paint roller see roller.
paint scraper see scraper.
paint shop the part of a factory, works,
establishment, or separate space where
components are painted, usually by
paint spray gun a device with a nozzle
connected to a supply of paint and pow-
A flat brush, flat varnish brush ered by compressed air, used for project-
B flogger, dragger ing paint in a fine spray; see spray
C radiator brush painting.
D overgrainer, grainer
E round brush paint stripper see paint remover.
F dabber, stencil brush paint stripping see paint removal.
G rigger brush
H lining tool, liner paint system a number of layers of paint
K lettering brush, fitch applied in the correct order to provide a
L script brush durable and attractive finish.
M liming or whitewashing brush
N softener, blender paint tray see roller tray.
O distemper brush paintwork the painted surfaces in a
P scrubbing brush building; the job of doing such work.
Q paint pad
R dusting brush PAL permanent artificial lighting.
S paint roller
T roller tray, paint tray pale a timber post driven into the ground,
freestanding or as part of a wall, fence or
palisade; a timber pile; a vertical timber
palette 330
board or strip in a palisade fence, nailed palmette a decorative motif found in the
at its upper and lower edges to rails. architecture of antiquity, consisting of a
palette the range or choice of colours stylized fan-shaped palm leaf; palmette
used by an artist, interior decorator or heart or heart-palmette is palmette orna-
other colour-renderer, which takes its ment in a heart-shaped border.
name from the thin wooden board on
which an artist mixes their paints.
palette floor see platform floor.
paling a series of pales driven into the
ground to form a fence or timber wall, or Greek palmette design
a series of pales, timber boards or strips in
a fence.
palisade a fence or wall made from tim- palmiform see palm capital.
ber posts driven into the ground; a forti- pamment a thin square paving brick or
fied enclosure thus constructed. tile between 9” and 12” long.
palisander a name for various tropical pan see ash pan, condensates pan, metal
timbers from South America, especially tray, WC pan.
rosewoods [Dalbergia spp.]; used for high-
PAN polyacrylonitrile.
quality work.
pan and roll tiles see Italian tiles.
Palladianism an architectural style origi-
nating in Italy from the theories and prac- pane 1 a piece of glass or glazed unit fit-
tice of Andrea Palladio (1508 1580); it is ted in a window frame or as glazing.
characterized by close adherence to 2 see peen.
Roman orders, symmetry and proportion. pane size, glazing size, glass size; in
Palladian motif (otherwise known as a glazing, the actual size of a pane of glass
Serlian or Venetian motif) a Renaissance cut or manufactured for use in a frame.
motif such as a door, window or other
opening in a wall which is divided into panel 1 a distinct area of material or orna-
three, and whose central portion is ment on the surface of a wall, ceiling or
arched. vault.
2 a prefabricated cladding unit fixed to a
structural frame, a cladding panel.
3 a framed decorative tablet on a wall,
door or ceiling surface, or a painting or
decorative motif therein.
4 in structures, the open space delineated
by members or lines of force in a truss.
5 the main area of a panelled door, joinery
paneling, etc., housed by framing mem-
bers; a door panel.
Palladian motif
see also ceiling panel, formwork panel,
solar panel.
Palladian window see Venetian
panel clamp a mechanism for holding
formwork together during the casting of a
palm capital, palmiform; an ancient concrete panel.
Egyptian capital carved in imitation of
panel construction a form of construc-
bunches of stylized palm fronds tied
tion used for panelled doors and parti-
round the head of a pole, sometimes
tions, in which main framing members
called a plume capital by virtue of its
have infill panels of a non-loadbearing
resemblance to a series of feathers bound
at their base; a palm column is an ancient
Egyptian column surmounted by a palm panel door, paneled door see
capital. panelled door.
331 papyrus
panic hardware any mechanisms for
opening escape doors from the inside
with a simple pushing action without a
key during a building fire or other
panic bar proprietary hardware for an
escape door consisting of a horizontally
pivoted rod which, when pushed, opens a
latch; see panic latch.
panelled door panic bolt, fire-exit bolt; a fastener fit-
ted on the inside of a double escape
door, consisting of a horizontal bar at
panel form a small standard-sized ply- waist height which, when pushed, will
wood unit used in series to form a larger open the door.
formwork component such as one for panic latch a latch for a single escape
casting a wall or floor. door operated during an emergency by
paneling see panelling. pushing against a panic bar or lever, or by
some other simple action.
panelled door, framed door, panel
door; any door whose main members pan mixer a concrete mixer with a hori-
(rails and stiles) are tenon jointed, forming zontally rotating pan in which the constit-
a rigid frame for infill boarding, glazing or uent materials are mixed.
panelling; also written as paneled door. Pannetier's green see viridian.
panelling, paneling (Am), panelwork; pantile, S-tile; a clay roof tile which is
internal joinery cladding for ceilings and S-shaped in section to overlap with adja-
walls; the construction of the above; see cent tiles in the same course; see double
also wall paneling. pantile, Roman pantile (Roman tile).
panel pin a slender
small-headed nail whose
shank is 13 50 mm, used
panel pin
in joinery, glazing, etc.
where it can be nailed
beneath the surface.
panel planer see thicknessing machine.
panel point, node; the meeting point of
two members in a triangulated structure
such as a truss.
panel product see wood-based panel pantile
product. roofing

panel radiator, pressed-steel radia-

tor; a radiator manufactured from pressed paper-backed referring to a sheet prod-
sheetmetal with cavities in which hot uct such as gypsum board, wire mesh or
water for space heating circulates. tiling which has been backed with paper
panel saw a small handsaw with a long as reinforcement.
blade 250 600 mm long, used for cutting paper birch [Betula papyrifera]; see birch.
across the grain of softwood boards and paper-faced referring to a sheet product
sheet materials. such as plywood or gypsum board which
panel tracery see rectilinear tracery. has been faced with paper.
panel wall a wall or partition, usually of paperhanging see wallpapering.
brickwork or blockwork, used as a non- papyriform see papyrus.
structural infill within a structural frame.
papyrus a type of paper made originally
panelwork see paneling. by the Egyptians from the leaves of the
pan form see waffle mould. rusk-like plant Cyperus papyrus, of the
parabolic arch 332
genus Cypereae, an aquatic sedge found same direction; used for beams and other
in tropical and sub-tropical regions; a clas- applications where loading is one-sided.
sical and Egyptian ornamental motif
based on stylized leaves from this plant; inner ply
heraldic plant of Lower Egypt (Nile Delta).
papyrus capital (also called a papyri-
fom) an Egyptian capital carved in imita- face
tion of a tied bundle of papyrus leaves, ply
either open, as in a bell capital, or closed,
as a bud capital.
papyrus column
(also called a papyrus-
bundle column or
papyriform) an parallel projection a method of draw-
Egyptian column type ing projections in which all the projectors
whose shaft is carved for a given axis or direction are parallel to
to resemble a bunch one another, as if the view point is an infi-
of tied papyrus stems, nite distance from the viewed object;
surmounted by a papyrus capital
often referred to as axonometry; cf. per-
papyrus capital. spective; see axonometric projection, obli-
parabolic arch an arch whose form que projection, orthographic projection.
traces out a parabola, a geometrical curve parallel tread see flier.
formed by slicing through a cone parallel
to its main axis. Parana pine [Araucaria angustifolia] a
South American softwood with pale
cream-coloured and straight grained tim-
ber; used for interior joinery, staircases
and furniture.
parapet a low wall, barrier or balustrade
at the edge of a roof, balcony, terrace or
bridge; the junction at which an external
wall and a flat roof meet, with a small
parabolic arch upstand facing the side of the roof,
against which the roofing membrane is
parachute dome see umbrella dome. dressed.
paradise an open space in front of, or in parapet capping a pressed metal cap-
the cloister or garden of, a church or ping to protect the upper surface of a par-
monastery. apet against the elements.
paraffin, kerosine, kerosene, paraffin parapet gutter in roof construction, a
oil; a product of the fractional distillation gutter at the junction of a roof plane and
of crude oil; a volatile pleasant-smelling a parapet.
oil used as fuel for some vehicles, lamps parge a traditional render of cow dung,
and flueless heating appliances; see also hair and lime sand mortar used as a
paraffin wax. smooth interior lining for brick chimneys;
paraffin wax a soft, waxy, white, solid modern equivalents of this; also called
residue from the distillation of petroleum, parging, pargeting.
used as a fuel in candles and in some pargeting, parging; 1 a decorative, pat-
polishes and surface treatments. terned or scored coat of render.
paragone a variety of black Italian 2 see parge.
marble. paring chisel, joiner's chisel; a light,
parallel connection the arrangement of long-bladed chisel used without a mallet
appliances in an electric circuit so that in joinery and cabinetwork.
each receives the same voltage. Paris black an inferior grade of ivory
parallel-grain plywood plywood in black pigment.
which the grain of each ply runs in the Paris blue see Prussian blue.
333 parquet floor square
Paris white high grade whiting.
Paris yellow see chrome yellow.
Parker's cement see Roman cement.
parking bay see parking space.
parking garage, parking hall, car
park; a building or part of a building
designed for the parking of motor vehicles.
parking requirement the number of
parking spaces for a particular facility as
required by a brief or regulatory norms.
parking space, parking bay; a marked parquet batten see parquet block.
space designated for the parking of a sin- parquet block one of the small pieces
gle vehicle. of wood that make up a mosaic parquet
parking standard the number of park- floor; also sometimes called a stave, bat-
ing spaces for a development as required ten or mosaic.
by statutory norms or a town plan.
parliament hinge,
H-hinge, shutter
hinge; a surface-
mounted hinge with
T-shaped leaves
which open out from
a central knuckle into parliament hinge
parquet block
the shape of the let- flooring
ter H; its pin is not in the same plane as
the leaves, allowing a door or shutter to
swing back against an adjacent wall. parquet composite see parquet strip.
parpend, perpend stone, perpent,
perpin, through stone, parpen; in parquet flooring floor surfacing con-
masonry construction, a bonding stone or
sisting of wood blocks or thin strips,
brick which is laid crosswise so that its
often on plywood or softwood backing,
ends are visible on both faces of a wall.
laid in a patterned or parallel arrange-
ment; see paraquet; types included as
separate entries are listed below:
parquet, parquetry; hardwearing *multilayer parquet, veneer parquet;
flooring of solid or laminated strips,
*solid parquet; *wood mosaic, mosaic
blocks or staves of timber laid in rows
or various rectangular arrangements;
types included as separate entries are
listed below: parquet floor square a square or rect-
*floor square, see parquet floor square; angle of parquet flooring, often with bat-
*herringbone parquet; *mosaic parquet; tens laid in a pattern which is repeated
*multilayer parquet; *parquet batten, see once the squares are laid in series; a par-
parquet block; *parquet block; *parquet quet tile.
composite, see parquet strip; *parquet
floor square; *parquet flooring; *parquet
mosaic, see parquet block; *parquet strip;
*parquet tile, see parquet floor square;
*parquet work, see parquetry; *solid par-
quet; *strip parquet, see parquet strip;
*veneer parquet, *veneered parquet, see
multilayer parquet; *wood mosaic, mosaic parquet floor
parquet. square
parquet mosaic 334
parquet mosaic, parquet stave see partition a lightweight, non-loadbearing
parquet block. wall dividing interior space in a building;
parquet strip, parquet composite, see interior wall, lightweight partition,
overlay flooring; thin tongued and screen.
grooved boards of solid hardwood or partition block
hardwood-surfaced composite used as a an unperforated
hardwearing wooden flooring surface; see concrete block
also solid parquet, multilayer parquet, used for con-
veneer parquet. structing internal
walls, providing
parquet tile see parquet floor square. good sound insu- partition block
parquetry parquet work; the laying of lation between
parquet flooring; the result of this; see adjacent rooms.
parquet. party floor 1 see separating floor.
partial handover, partial possession; 2 see fire floor.
in contract administration, the process of party wall see separating wall.
the contractor delivering up part of the
site and building works thereon to the cli- parvis, parvise; a colonnaded entrance
ent prior to full completion. court in front of a church or cathedral.

partially crushed gravel a coarse pascal abb. Pa; the SI unit of pressure,
aggregate containing gravel, some of equal to one newton per square metre
which has been crushed. (1 N/m2 )

partial release, strain relief; in the pass door see wicket door.
pretensioning of concrete, the stressing passage a narrow exterior or subterra-
of the setting concrete with part of the nean circulation space intended for
stresses held by the prestressing pedestrians, bounded on both sides and
tendons. sometimes covered; also called a
particle analyser a device for measur- passageway.
ing the size, quantity and consistency of passage grave, passage tomb; a
particles in a gas, usually air. stone-age chambered tomb from western
Europe, with a long passage leading to a
burial chamber or chambers.
particleboard a range of non-struc-
tural building boards manufactured
from chips or fibres of wood bonded
together with resin then pressed into
sheets; although the term particleboard
includes products such as chipboard,
flakeboard, flaxboard, and OSB, most
often it is synonymous with chipboard;
types included as separate entries are
listed below:
*chipboard; *fibreboard; *flakeboard;
*flaxboard; *oriented strand board; *soft-
board; *waferboard. passage grave or chambered cairn,
Newgrange, Ireland, c. 3250 BC

parting chisel 1 see parting tool. passenger conveyor, moving walk

2 see bruzz chisel.
(Am); a moving horizontal or sloping belt
parting compound see release agent. of rubber or metal slats functioning as a
parting tool, parting chisel; a turning means of circulation for pedestrian users
chisel with a flat blade pointed at its end, of a large building such as an airport.
used for removing a piece of work from a passenger lift a lift designed to carry
lathe once it has been shaped. people.
335 patterned glass
passivation the treatment of freshly
machined metal surfaces with acids or
pastes to remove contaminants and leave
a very thin protective layer to improve
corrosion resistance.
passive fire protection the design and glazed units
planning of a building with fire safety in
mind, with compartments, designated
escape routes, fire-resistant materials and patent glazing glazing
structure, etc. aluminium frame capping
passive solar energy solar heating
based on the planning, orientation, con-
struction techniques and mass of a build- patent stone see cast stone.
ing rather than solar panels and patent yellow see Turner's yellow.
collectors. patera, phiala; Lat.;
paste, gum; a simple thick adhesive a decorative orna-
mixed from an organic material such as ment resembling a
flour, or a polymer which swells in water; round dish, flat vase
used for gluing paper and wallpaper. or flower in low
paste blue see Prussian blue. relief.
patch a piece of material used to repair paternoster 1 a continuous, slow moving
damaged or defective surface construc- lift with a number of twinned cars
tion, as with a piece of veneer used in the arranged in a rotating formation so that
repair of plywood; in joinery, a small piece one side moves upwards and the other
of wood glued into a wooden surface in downwards.
order to cover a defect, loose knot, etc.; 2 see beaded moulding.
also called an insert or plug. pathogenic descriptive of certain sub-
patch fitting hardware fittings (hinges, stances which have the property of caus-
handles, latches) for all-glass doors and ing disease through contact or inhalation.
components, clamped and bolted to the patina, patination; a coloured protective
glass surface; so named because they layer of oxide forming naturally on the
resemble patches. surface of some metals such as copper
patching the repair of holes, pitting and and bronze (green) and lead (dark grey)
other defects in concretework, veneerwork, on exposure to the elements.
plasterwork and other finishings and coat- patination the act of artificially inducing
ings; particularly the filling of voids, cracks, a patina on a copper or bronze surface as
etc. and repairing of defects in a plaster or a hardwearing finish; also a synonym for
cast concrete surface with mortar; see con- the patina itself.
crete patching, remedial plastering. patio a paved external area directly out-
patent axe a metal mason's tool with side a dwelling at ground floor, furnished
raised teeth or blades, used for dressing with seats for recreation, taking outdoor
hard stone and granite. meals, etc.
patio house see atrium house.
patent claw chisel, tooth tool; a
masonry claw chisel with a replaceable pattern an abstract design of lines, marks
blade. or forms as surface decoration; a diagram
showing how something, a model or part
patent glazing, system glazing; a dry of a design, is made; a template.
glazing system of proprietary metal struc-
tural framing members with glazing infill, patterned brickwork decorative brick-
used for large glazed areas and curtain work in different coloured and textured
walls; also other proprietary systems with bricks; see polychrome brickwork.
a predesigned set of accessories, gaskets patterned glass rolled glass treated
and fixings, structural glass, frameless with a patterned relief to obscure one or
glazing, etc. both surfaces.
patterned plasterwork 336
patterned plasterwork see textured
pattern flooring raised pattern flooring, paver
see studded rubber flooring. sand bedding
pattern paver any specially shaped con- sub-base
crete paving unit which is laid to create a subgrade
regular pattern; see interlocking, key, hex-
paving detail
agonal and interweave pavers.
pattern spar see cross spar. 2 the trade of laying floor slabs and
pavement 1 the main structural and sur- paviors with butting joints as covering for
face construction of a road or paved area, external areas.
laid in courses of concrete, stone or paving block see concrete block paver.
asphalt above a subgrade. paving brick, paviour brick, paver; a
2 a raised path or way along the side of a brick of special dimension and durability
road, street or carriageway for use by used for paving.
3 see concrete paving. paving pattern the various patterns in
pavement concrete concrete used as which stone and concrete pavers, slabs,
surfacing for external areas such as roads, etc. can be laid as paving.
pavements, etc. paving slab see concrete paving slab.
pavement light a square or circular paving stone, stone paver; any natural
glass lens incorporated into a concrete
stone product used for paving.
slab to allow natural lighting to a space
below. paving unit see concrete paving slab.
paver any brick, concrete or natural stone pavior, paviour see paver, slab.
product, etc. used for paving external sur- paviour brick see paving brick.
faces; also called a paving stone, pavior or
paviour; see also paving brick, concrete Paxillus panuoides see roll-rim.
paver, concrete block paver, concrete pav- PC 1 see polycarbonate.
ing slab. 2 acronym for personal computer.
pavilion a small ornamental structure or PE polyethylene.
shelter set in parkland as a summer peacock tail pattern see fantail
house, bandstand or to provide changing pattern.
facilities and stores at a sports ground.
pavilion roof a hipped roof with a pear [Pyrus communis] a European hard-
square or polygonal plan, composed of a wood with rosy pink, fine-grained wood
number of triangular roof planes. used in veneers, furniture, turned bowls
and parts of musical instruments for the
decorative value of its grain.
pearl, frosted; in artificial lighting, the
classification of a bulb of a lamp which
has a diffuse inner or outer surface pro-
duced by etching or sandblasting to
obscure the filament; cf. opal lamp.
pearl moulding see beaded moulding.
pavilion roof pearl stone see perlite.
peat a dark and fibrous soil type formed
paving 1 blocks, precast units or thin
from the decomposition of organic matter.
slabs of stone, brick, concrete or ceramic pebble, duckstone, cobble; naturally
material laid horizontally as a hardwearing weathered rounded stones, larger than
external surface; see stone paving, brick shingle, used in a cement or concrete
paving, concrete paving, tiled paving, cel- base as wall facing, surface paving for dri-
lular paver. veways, etc., or laid loose around borders.
337 pegged joint
pebbledash, dry dash; a weatherproof segmental pediment a pediment in
finish for masonry and concrete with a which the upper chord is a segment of a
coating of pebbles or gravel embedded circle.
into wet mortar. triangular pediment a pediment with
pecked finish see picked finish, sparrow- straight sloping upper surface meeting at
pecked finish. a central apex.

pedestal 1 a columnar support for an

pedunculate oak, common oak;
object; often used with reference to sani- [Quercus robur], see oak.
tary appliances, to differentiate between PEEK polyetheretherketone.
one which is supported by a floor on a peelable wallcovering wallcovering
columnar stand (pedestal), and one which which can be removed once dry so that
is fixed to a wall (wall hung); see below. its backing or webbing remains attached
2 a rectangular masonry block on which a to the wall.
classical column, statue, caryatid, etc. is
supported, consisting of a plinth and peeled veneer see rotary cut veneer.
dado, often surmounted with a cornice. peeler block a timber from which veneer
pedestal bidet a bidet supported by the is peeled.
floor on a short columnar stand.
pedestal pile see under-reamed pile.
peeling 1 a defect in a paint or plaster
finish caused by separation from its
pedestal washbasin a washbasin sup-
underlying coat or surface.
ported by the floor on a columnar stand
2 see veneer peeling.
rather than being attached to a wall.
pedestal WC pan a WC supported by peen, 1 pein, pane; the end of the head
the floor on a short columnar stand. of a hammer opposite its striking face,
shaped with a point, ridge, ball, claw, etc.
pediment, 1 the triangular gabled por-
for a variety of uses.
tion of a classical portico or building; fore-
2 see machinist's hammer.
runners of this.
peen hammer a hammer with a peen
opposite its striking face; see cross peen
hammer, Warrington hammer, ball
peen hammer, straight peen hammer.
peen sledge see engineer's sledge.
peephole see door scope.
broken segmental peg in traditional timber frame construc-
tion, a small piece of wood or dowel used
for fastening or tightening joints; a timber
nail; see also dowel, trenail, wood key.

peg board, perforated hardboard;
hardboard manufactured with a regular
grid of holes; uses include decorative and
acoustic linings.
2 fronton; in Renaissance, Baroque and
Neoclassical architecture, a triangular or
segmental ornamental device, panel or
canopy above doorways, windows and
panels; types of Renaissance, Baroque and
Neoclassical pediments below:
broken pediment a pediment whose
base has a central opening; also called a
broken-bed pediment or open-bed
pediment. peg board
open pediment a pediment with an
opening where the apex should be; also
called a broken-apex pediment or open- pegged joint a timber joint fastened by
topped pediment. pegs or wooden nails.
pegmatite 338
pegmatite a very coarse-grained crystal- pendant an elongated decorated round
line igneous rock often containing rare piece or boss hanging down at the join of
minerals. ribs or other members in a vault or orna-
peg mould in ornamental plasterwork, a mental ceiling.
template drawn across a plaster surface pendant luminaire, droplight; a fixed
between two pegs set apart, forming a light fitting designed to be hung from a
curving moulding; a curved running roof, structure or ceiling, and which sheds
mould; see run moulding. most of its light downwards.
pendentive a curved segmental surface
or construction for joining the round base
masonry of a masonry dome or opening to a
base square structure beneath.
plaster pendentive dome any dome con-
coat structed on pendentives; often a sail
semicircular pendentive
moulding in

peg mould

pein see peen.

Pelasgic masonry see cyclopean
pellet moulding a narrow Romanesque
or Gothic ornamental moulding decorated penetration the place at which a com-
with a series of small hemispheres or ponent such as a pipe or chimney passes
raised flat discs. through a floor, wall or roof, usually
requiring special measures to ensure
weatherproofing and fireproofing; see
roof penetration.
penetration testing in soil investiga-
tion, the testing of the stiffness of non-
pellet moulding cohesive soils and gravel by sinking a
special implement into the ground and
pelmet a board or trim above a window measuring the force required to do so; see
opening to cover a curtain rail or blind. also cone penetration testing (deep pene-
tration testing), dynamic penetration test-
penalty, fine; compensation to be paid ing, static penetration testing, vane
by one who breaks an agreement or con- testing.
tract, or financial punishment of one who
breaks the law. penning see pitching.
penalty clause in contracts administra- penny washer see flat washer.
tion, a condition stating the details of the Pentarthrum huttonii see wood weevil.
terms and amount to be paid if the con-
tract is broken. penthouse a separate apartment or suite
of rooms at the top of a high-rise building;
pencil arris see pencil round. originally a subsidiary building with a
pencil round the blunting of the sharp sloping roof, attached to the exterior wall
edges of rectangular stone, woodwork, of a larger building.
glass, etc. objects by slight sanding or penthouse roof, pent roof, shed
grinding, usually with less than 3 mm roof; a monopitch roof which covers the
chamfer; also referred to as a pencil or top of a higher wall on which its upper
eased arris, or an arrised or eased edge. end is supported; see also lean-to roof.
339 period of final inspection
pentise roof a monopitch roof built perforated pipe a clay or plastics pipe
against a wall as a canopy. with slotted perforations along its length;
pent roof see penthouse roof. see drain pipe.

peperino volcanic tuff found in the areas perforated sheetmetal a sheetmetal

south-east of Rome, used as a building product manufactured with a series of
stone by the Romans; also called lapis regular circular or rectangular openings.
percussive bored pile in foundation
technology, a bored pile in which excava-
tion is carried out using repeated blows or
vibration of the pile casing.
percussive welding, resistance per-
cussive welding; a method of resistance
welding in which a local electric current is
perforated sheetmetal
passed concurrently with the sudden
application of a high pressure.
perennial in landscaping, any species of perforated underlay bitumen felt,
flowering plant that lives for many years, vented underlay, venting layer;
usually dying down at winter and regrow- bitumen felt manufactured with perfora-
ing from shoots the following spring. tions and treated with granular material
on its reverse side; used in a warm flat
perfect frame see statically determinate roof as an underlay to allow for the move-
frame. ment of air within roof construction.
perforated brick, cored brick; a clay perforation the drilling, punching or
brick which has a pattern of vertical holes forming of holes through components,
through it for weight reduction, but also sheet materials, etc.; the holes or pattern
to save on material and improve the insu- of openings thus made.
lation properties of the brickwork; the
maximum permitted amount of perfora- performance specification a technical
tion is usually governed by a national specification that outlines, lists and docu-
standard, less than 25% in Great Britain; ments the behaviour or use of a product,
see also air brick (ventilating brick), hollow process, installation or service.
clay block, hollow brick. pergola in landscape and garden design,
a passage, walkway, gateway, etc. with a
canopy of trelliswork on which climbing
plants are trained to grow.
Pericopsis elata see afrormosia.
peridotite a dark, coarse-grained igneous
rock type used as building stone; a major
constituent is olivine (also known as peri-
dot and chrysolite) an olive green, crystal-
perforated bricks line magnesium iron silicate mineral.
perimeter surveillance the use of cam-
perforated hardboard see pegboard. eras and alarms on boundary fencing and
gates to prevent the entry of intruders.
perforated masonry unit any brick,
block or stone perforated with holes, perimeter trim a profile fixed to a wall
indentations or cavities; see also perfo- at the edges of a suspended ceiling to
rated brick (cored brick), air brick (ventilat- provide support to ceiling panels.
ing brick). perinone orange a strong, clean red-
perforated panel absorber in acous- dish-orange organic pigment used in
tics, an absorbing construction consisting acrylic paints, discovered in 1924.
of a perforated board with an air gap or period of final inspection in contract
mineral wool behind. administration, the time during which
peristyle 340
measurement of the completed works permissible stress, working stress; in
takes place and the final account is structural design, the maximum stress
agreed. which can be applied to a structure or
peristyle, peristylium (Lat.), peristy- structural member; usually set by a stan-
lion (Gk.); in classical architecture, a row dard equivalent to a specified fraction of
of columns surrounding a building or the tested failure stress of the structure.
open courtyard; the open courtyard or
temple thus surrounded; a classical tem- permit an official document issuing per-
ple type which is surrounded by a colon- mission to carry out a certain task or
nade on all sides is called a peristyle function such as construction, demoli-
temple or peristylos. tion and various types of hazardous
Perkin's violet see mauve. work; examples included as separate
entries are listed below:
perlite, pearl stone; dark, natural volca- *building permission, see planning per-
nic glass composed of small nodules,
mission; *building permit; *conditional
used as a lightweight building material for
planning permission; *demolition permit;
filtering, filling, fireproofing and for
*outline planning permission; *planning
permission, planning approval, planning
perlite plaster, gypsum-perlite plas- consent.
ter, fire-retardant plaster; plaster con-
taining perlite aggregate in place of sand
as thermal and fire resistance. permitted development building work
Perlon a proprietary name for a polyam- and other development that does not
ide plastic; a variety of nylon produced by require planning permission.
the polymerization of caprolactam. permittivity in electronics, the ratio of
permanence the property of a pigment electric displacement to the electric field
or paint to retain the strength of its colour intensity producing it.
under prolonged exposure to light. peroxide see hydrogen peroxide.
permanent artificial lighting, PAL; perpend, perpend joint, cross joint,
the continuous lighting with luminaires of head joint, header joint; in masonry
deep office or windowless spaces in which construction, a vertical joint between
the amount of natural light is insufficient. adjacent bricks or stones in the same
permanent formwork in concreting, course; see also parpend.
formwork of plywood, plastics or steel Perpendicular style, Rectilinear style;
sheet, which remains in place once the the last and longest of three phases of
concrete has hardened. English Gothic architecture from 1350 to
permanent load see dead load. 1550, characterized by a vertical emphasis
in decoration and tracery, large glazed
permanent supplementary artificial
lighting of interiors, PSALI; areas and elaborate fan vaulting,
continuous artificial lighting provided to perpendicular tracery tracery of the
supplement daylighting in interiors where Perpendicular style; see rectilinear tracery.
the illumination level would otherwise be
permanent violet see manganese violet.
permanent white see blanc fixe. Gothic
permanent yellow a loose name for tracery at King's
barium yellow pigment. College Chapel,
permeability the property of a porous England, 1446–1515
solid to permit the passage of liquids
through, due to differential pressure. perpend joint see perpend.
permeability-reducing admixture perpend stone, perpent, perpin see
see pore filler. parpend.
341 phenocrystal
perron one or a number of staircases three-dimensional visualization to repre-
leading to a raised platform in front of a sent the ground or datum plane.
grand building; the raised platform itself. Perspex a proprietary name for thin
Persian red see oxide red. sheets of acrylic used as glazing, translu-
cent roofing and for cladding; see poly-
Persian walnut see walnut.
methyl methacrylate.
persiennes, louvred shutters; a pair of
hinged external window shutters to pro-
pervious macadam a low-splash, porous
and self-draining road surfacing consisting
vide shading by means of louvres held in
of bitumen, aggregate and a filler.
a light frame.
person-day see man-day. perylene, perylene red; a transparent
red pigment used in watercolours and oil
person-hour see man-hour. paints.
person-year see man-year. PET polyethylene terephthalate.
perspective 1 the optic phenomenon in pet-cock see air release valve.
which objects in the distance are per-
ceived as smaller than objects in the
petroleum spirit see white spirit.
foreground. petrol interceptor 1 a chamber in a
2 a technique for rendering three-dimen- drainage system in which petrol and other
sional objects in a realistic way on a flat volatile liquids are evaporated off from
surface using converging projectors; the surface of waste water.
sometimes called linear perspective to dis- 2 petrol intercepting trap; an outlet
tinguish it from other forms of perspective construction for separating petrol and oil
rendering. from waste water to inhibit its passage
3 the art or science of perspective draw- into the drainage system; found in gar-
ing; see types below: ages, petrol stations and repair shops.
one-point perspective a method using pewter a grey alloy of tin, antimony and
only one vanishing point, producing a copper or tin and lead used primarily for
view in which verticals are seen as vertical kitchen utensils and ornament.
and horizontals parallel to the picture
plane seen as horizontal; also known as PEX cross-linked polyethylene.
central, Renaissance or parallel PF phenol formaldehyde.
perspective. pH or pH-value, a measure of the acidity
two-point perspective a perspective of a solution or soils from 0 14; pH7 is
constructed from two vanishing points, neutral, under 7 is acidic, and over 7 is
producing a view in which verticals are alkaline.
seen as vertical and lines on other axes
seen as converging; also called angular phantom in drawing and rendering, part
perspective and, in Great Britain, some- of an object or building that has been
times called oblique perspective. shown transparent or in outline only so
three-point perspective a perspective that what is behind may be shown.
drawing constructed from three vanishing phase 1 one of a number of sections of
points, producing a view in which lines work in a large building development,
parallel to all three major axes are con- often with its own contractual agreements
verging; sometimes also known as oblique for design, management and construction
perspective in North America. that arises from splitting up the project to
colour perspective the portrayal of make it more manageable; see stage.
apparent distance in landscape painting 2 a particular point or stage in the cycle of
and architectural renderings using warmer a wave, process, etc.; see single-phase,
tones in the foreground and bluer shades three-phase.
in the distance.
perspective grid a network of converg- Phellinus ignarius see false tinder
ing predrawn lines to aid in the construc-
tion of a perspective drawing; an
Phellinus pini see red ring rot.
orthogonal grid superimposed onto a phenocrystal see porphyritic.
phenol 342
phenol, carbolic acid; any one of a photomontage an image produced
group of acidic hydrocarbon compounds using parts of a number of photographs
(especially C6H5OH) used in the manufac- joined; a drawn image superimposed onto
ture of epoxy resins, plastics and dyes. a photograph.
phenol formaldehyde, PF, bakelite; a Phragmites australis common reed, see
tough, brittle, dark-coloured thermoset- best reed, Norfolk reed.
ting resin used for moulded products and
in paints and adhesives, otherwise known phthalocyanine pigment a group of
as phenolic resin. brilliant, transparent, blue and green syn-
phenol formaldehyde glue a thermo- thetic organic pigments developed in the
setting, moisture-resistant, synthetic adhe- 1930s.
sive used for gluing plywood plies, phthalocyanine blue (also called
veneer, etc.; see film glue. intense blue, Monastral blue, thalo blue) a
phenolic resin see phenol formaldehyde. deep greenish-blue opaque organic pig-
ment, invented in 1935, consisting of cop-
phiala see patera. per phthalocyanine, similar in properties
Phillips head screw a screw with a pat- to Prussian blue.
ented cross-shaped indentation in its phthalocyanine green (also called
head for turning with a special screw- Monastral green, thalo green) a bright
driver or bit. bluish-green poisonous pigment, devel-
phloem, inner bark; the layer of living oped in 1938, consisting of organic poly-
cells directly beneath the bark of a tree, chloro copper phthalocyanine and
which conducts synthesized food down suitable for use in all kinds of paints.
from the leaves. phyllite a dark grey fine-grained metamor-
phlogopite a greyish-yellow or green- phic rock, the surface of which, when
brown scaly metallic mineral, used for cleaved, is shiny with minute grains of mica.
electrical insulation. physical conservation, remedial con-
phon in acoustics, a unit of perceived servation; active building conservation in
loudness equivalent to 1 decibel at a fre- which direct measures are taken to pre-
quency of 1000 Hz. vent further deterioration of structures
and properties in a state of disrepair.
phosphating the pretreatment of a metal
surface with hot phosphoric acid to form a physical drying the drying of paints or
corrosion-resistant layer of iron, zinc or other coatings by simple evaporation of
manganese phosphate to enhance bond- contained solvents.
ing of subsequent coatings; a phosphate piano hinge, continuous hinge; a
is a salt of phosphoric acid, a colourless, long, slender butt hinge continuously
water-soluble chemical compound, H3PO4. formed into standard lengths which may
phospho gypsum the mineral gypsum be cut to suit the size of door or hinged
produced as a by-product of the manufac- surfaces; originally used for piano lids,
ture of phosphoric acid. now mainly in use for furnishings.

photoelectric cell, photocell; a device

designed to convert light into electricity;
see also solar cell.
photoelectric lighting controller, piano hinge
automatic lighting controller;
electronic control equipment for switch-
ing on electric lights and lighting systems piano nobile the main living spaces of
automatically when darkness falls, oper- an Italian palazzo or townhouse, located
ated by a signal from a photocell reacting over subsidiary rooms, above the base-
to the level of illuminance. ment or ground floor level.
photogrammetry the technique of piazza 1 a square or open space in an
using photographs for measurement and Italian town or city; a piazzetta is a small
to make maps and drawings. piazza.
343 pile
2 a veranda or covered walkway in front
of a building or square.
Picea spp. see spruce.
pick an axe whose head is sharply pointed
at both ends, used for hacking stone and pier providing lateral
masonry, in demolition and excavation strength to brick wall
work, etc.; also called a pickaxe; see rock
pick, pick hammer.
pickaxe see pick. 4 a structure built on stilts or supported
by other means, projecting over a body of
picked finish, pecked finish; a rough
water such as the sea or lake, and used as
stonework finish produced by dressing
a landing stage for boats and for recrea-
with a pick or point.
tional activities; a seaside pier.
pick hammer a small hammer with a
sharp peen, used in plastering, for
pigeonhole one of a number of open
compartments in a furnishing unit in
removing scale, raking out mortar joints,
which papers, letters and memos, etc. may
be stored for easy access and distribution.
pickling the removal of oxides, scale, rust
and other compounds from steel surfaces
pigment fine coloured powder which
may be mixed with (but not dissolved
by dipping in sulphuric acid before prim-
into) a liquid medium such as oil or water
ing or other surface treatments.
to form paint.
picture frame cramp see corner cramp. pigment figure grain figure in wood
picturesque referring to attractive with colour variation from absorbed
townscape or the countryside which has material.
the visual quality of a painting or illus- pignon, pynnion; a gable in traditional
tration; a style in English country houses timber frame construction.
and mansions from the 1700s and early
1800s in which asymmetrical building
pilaster a vertical rectangular protrusion
in a wall, often carved or decorated to
masses and groups are set in romantic
resemble a column and usually for orna-
mental rather than structural purposes.
picture window a large window which
frames a particular exterior view.
piecemeal development small-scale
and fragmentary urban development
undertaken bit by bit without adhering to
a town plan or taking into account its
piece mould in various casting pro-
cesses, a mould composed of a number of
pieces which are assembled for casting pilaster
and disassembled to remove the cast.
pilaster block see column block.
piend see hip. pilaster strip see lesene.
pier 1 a masonry column or small section
of masonry walling between two adjacent
openings; see attached pier, engaged col- pile in foundation technology, any vertical
umn (engaged pier). structural member of concrete steel or
2 a heavy stone column or pillar, espe-
timber used in series as a foundation on
cially a compound column in a Medieval types of soil with poor or uneven bearing
religious building; see bundle pier, com- capacity; it transmits building loads deep
pound pier (clustered pier), filleted col- into the ground or to bedrock, or func-
umn (filleted pier). tions as an earth retaining structure; verti-
3 a vertical protruding rib built at right
cally loaded piles are generally called
angles to a wall surface to stabilize it; a bearing or foundation piles; types included
buttress or counterfort. as separate entries are listed below:
pile cap 344

*anchor pile, see piled anchorage, see ten-

PILED FOUNDATIONS sion pile; *augered pile; *batter pile, see
raking pile; *bearing pile; *belled pile, see
under-reamed pile; *bored pile; *box pile;
*cast-in-place pile, cast-in-situ pile; *cohe-
sion pile; *composite pile; *concrete pile;
*driven pile; *end-bearing pile; *enlarged
base pile; *foundation pile, see bearing
pile; *Franki pile; *friction pile; *H-pile; *in-
situ pile, see cast-in place pile; *inclined
pile, see raking pile; *jacked pile; *large
diameter pile; *micropile, see mini-pile;
*mini-pile; *pedestal pile, see under-
reamed pile; *percussive bored pile; *pin
pile, see mini-pile; *pipe pile; *point-bear-
ing pile, see end-bearing pile; *precast
pile, prefabricated pile; *preliminary pile;
*raking pile; *screw pile; *segmental pile;
*sheet pile, see steel sheet pile; *steel pile;
*steel sheet pile; *tension pile; *test pile;
*timber pile; *trial pile; *tubular pile, see
pipe pile; *under-reamed pile; *wooden
pile, see timber pile; *working pile.

pile cap 1 a steel plate at the upper end

of a pile to provide protection during
2 a concrete footing, beam or plate to
which the upper ends of groups of piles are
attached, which transmits loading from a
building or structure to a series of piles.
pile casing a length of steel tubing sunk
into the ground as permanent or tempo-
rary formwork for a concrete pile.
piled anchor-
age, anchor
pile; a buried pile
A driven pile, precast pile
or stake attached
B batter pile, raking pile, inclined pile with ties to the
C underreamed pile, belled pile, rear of a retaining
pedestal pile, Enlarged base pile wall to provide a piled anchorage for
D end-bearing pile, point-bearing pile restraining retaining wall
E friction pile, cohesion pile anchorage.
F cast-in-place pile,
in-situ pile, bored pile piled foundation any foundation sys-
G pile casing tem which makes use of piles to transmit
H augered pile, bored pile building loads to the underlying bedrock
or ground.
K box pile pile driver, piling frame; site plant for
L pipe pile, tubular pile, augered steel pile hammering piles into the ground with a
M H-pile repeated percussive action, usually a
N timber pile, wooden pile winch, frame and heavy weight or drop
piledriving, piling; the placing of con-
crete or timber piles into the ground by
345 pine
repeated downward blows from a ham- pine [Pinus spp.] a group
mer, pile driver or similar plant. of common softwoods
pile-placing see piling. found in the northern
hemisphere with pale
pile yarn in the making of carpets, rugs reddish-brown timber;
and mats, yarn which forms the final used for general con-
wearing surface of the mat as opposed to structional, cladding and pine
the structure. joinery; see below for
piling, pile-placing; the process of cast- species of pure pine included in this work;
ing, installation or driving of foundation see also Oregon pine, Parana pine.
piles on site; see also piledriving. Corsican pine, Austrian pine; [Pinus
piling frame see pile driver. nigra] a softwood with light yellowish-
pillar a heavy masonry column or pier, brown timber; used for joinery; a native to
freestanding or supporting a structure, central and south-east Europe, it is widely
often other than round in plan. planted for timber and as windbreaks or
sand dune stabilizer in coastal areas.
lodgepole pine, contorta pine, shore
pine; [Pinus contorta] a planted softwood
from the Rockies, Scotland and
Scandinavia, originating in the Pacific
United States; used in the manufacture of
pitch pine [Pinus spp.] a collective name
for a number of pines from the east coast
of North America (esp. Pinus rigida) with
pillar resinous timber; used occasionally for hea-
vy construction work and in the manufac-
pillow in traditional timber frame con- ture of turpentine.
struction, a small horizontal timber piece radiata pine, Monterey pine; [Pinus
added to the top of a post to spread the radiata] a softwood from temperate
load of a beam; a timber capital. regions with pale pink timber; originating
in coastal California, it is a conifer very
pin 1 a small nail or fixing with a slender widely planted as a shelter tree on the
shank; examples included as separate coast, and its wood is used for exterior
entries are listed below: cladding, flooring and joinery.
*cotter pin; *drawing pin; *escutcheon Scots pine, European redwood; [Pinus
pin; *gimp pin; *hardboard pin; *hinge sylvestris] a softwood from northern
pin; *panel pin; *U-pin, see staple. Europe and north western Asia with pale
reddish timber sold as red or yellow deal;
used in all timber industries; one of the
most common and versatile softwoods for
Siberian yellow pine, cembra pine;
2 in timber frame construction, a [Pinus cembra] a mountainous Siberian
wooden peg with round cross-section pine with long needles and light wood,
driven in to the sides of a joint as a used for cabinetwork; a similar subspecies
fixing. of this, the arolla pine, is found in the
see also dowel, hook pin, trenail. Alps.
western white pine, soft pine; [Pinus
monticola] a softwood from the western
pincers a metal scissor-like hand tool USA with pale yellow-red-brown heart-
with hinged jaws used for removing nails, wood, used for interiors and plywood; the
gripping and cutting. tree is widely grown locally as an
pinched finish see pitched finish. yellow pine, Weymouth pine, white
pincher see pitching tool. pine; [Pinus strobus] a softwood from
pineapple 346
eastern USA with pale yellow-brown, soft pin joint, 1 hinge joint; any joint which
timber; used for non-structural interior is free to rotate about a pivot, or can be
work, crates and boxes, widely planted in regarded as such for purposes of struc-
central Europe as a timber tree. tural calculation.
pineapple a decorative ovoid finial 2 see pinned joint, dowel joint.
carved with a web of diagonal lines or pin knot, cat's eye; a small knot in sea-
bands, resembling a pineapple; similar to soned timber, less than 6 mm or 1/4” in
pine cone. diameter.
pine cone depictions of the cone-shaped
fruit of a conifer, as found in ancient
banded ornament and mouldings, or
sculptured as a terminating element for
newel posts, pendants, balustrades, finials,
etc.; similar to pineapple.
pin knot

pin leaf the leaf of a hinge to which the

hinge pin is fixed.
pinnacle a small pointed or pyramidical
turret in Gothic architecture, often adorn-
ing buttresses, doorways and roofs and
pine cone ornamented with crockets and finials.
pine oil oil extracted from the needles,
wood and resin of pine trees, with charac-
teristic odour; used as an additive in insec- pinnacle
ticides, detergents and some paints.
pine soot black a variety of Chinese
lampblack pigment.
pin hammer see tack hammer.
pin hinge see loose pin butt hinge, fast- Gothic elements,
pin hinge. Cologne
Germany, c. 1250

pinned joint a timber joint in which

wooden or metal round pins are laterally
driven in to fasten and tighten members
together; see also dowel joint.

pin hinge

pinhole 1 a small round hole in wood

caused by the infestation of insects. pinned joint
2 see pinholing.
pinholing, pinhole; a defect in a paint pinned tenon joint see keyed tenon
finish consisting of tiny holes produced by joint.
bursting bubbles of air or gas introduced
into the paint during mixing or pin pile see mini-pile.
application. pintle a hinge pin in a lift-off hinge.
347 pisé
pin tumbler one of a number of moving pipe interrupter a device containing
pins in a lock mechanism which holds the apertures for the introduction of air to
bolt fast until lifted with a suitable key. inhibit the backflow of water into sanitary
Pinus spp. see pine. pipework; a form of backflow valve.

pipe a rigid, hollow tubular product of pipelaying the installation of lengths of

plastics, ceramics, concrete or metal, usu- pipeline for drainage, water supply or dis-
ally used to convey liquids or gases; see trict heating, into trenches in the ground,
pipeline, gas pipe, circular hollow section along the sea bed, etc.
(steel pipe). pipeline, line; a length of pipe as part of
pipe bracket a support for fixing a pipe an installation for gas, water, sewage, etc.
to the building fabric. pipe pile, tubular pile; in foundation
pipe circuit a system of pipes in which engineering, a pile formed from a steel
liquid or gas flows for a particular function pipe; see also box pile.
such as heating, cold water supply, etc. pipe saddle, saddle fitting, service
pipeclay an impure variety of kaolin. clamp; a pipe component with a suitably
shaped curved flange and socket to make
pipe clip see saddle clip. a connection from a new drain to an exist-
pipe closer see fire stop sleeve. ing sewer.
pipe duct, conduit; a length of usually pipe shoe, rainwater shoe; a kinked fit-
plastic pipe built into construction to pro- ting at the lower end of a rainwater pipe
vide an unobstructed route for installation to throw water away from the surface of a
cabling and pipework; see cable duct, building.
pipework duct. pipe sleeve a length of pipe built into
floor or wall construction to provide an
pipe fitting, connector, coupler, opening through which pipes or cables
coupling; a length of special pipe can later be passed.
attached to a pipeline to alter the direc-
tion or action of the flow or to connect
two pipes together; types included as pipe system test a test for blocks,
separate entries are listed below: interruptions and leaks in a system of
*bend; *branch fitting; *breech fitting; pipework; types included as separate
*bush; *compression fitting; *connector; entries are listed below:
*coupling; *cross; *elbow; *fire stop sleeve; *air test; *gas soundness test; *hydraulic
*gully; *hexagonal nipple; *knuckle bend; test, see water test; *mirror test; *pipe sys-
*reducing fitting, reducer; *screwed pipe; tem test; *pneumatic test, see air test;
*slotted waste; *taper; *tee; *union; *smoke test; *soundness test, see gas
*waste coupling, waste; *Y branch. soundness test; *water test.

pipe fixing a bracket, hanger or other pipe tongs see footprints.

means for securing a pipe to supporting pipework the job of installing and
construction. mounting pipes for a water, drainage,
pipe flashing in roof construction, a strip heating or gas system; the pipes thus
of impervious sheet material used to installed; see pipe circuit, plumbing, gas
waterproof the junction where a pipe or installation pipework.
other component penetrates roofing pipework duct, pipe duct; a service
decking, etc.; also called a cover soaker, duct for carrying pipework.
roof soaker or vent soaker. pipework test see pipe system test.
pipe hanger a component for hanging a pipe wrench, Stillson wrench; an
pipe from a soffit or overlying structure. adjustable metal hand tool with jaws for
gripping pipes and other round objects.
pipe-in-pipe in a district heating system,
a composite tube consisting of a pipe PIR see polyisocyanurate.
wrapped with insulation in a hard casing, pisé, rammed earth construction, pisé
in which heated water is conveyed. de terre; a traditional walling
pit 348
construction of clay laid and compacted pitched finish, pinched finish; a stone-
in boarded formwork, allowed to dry in work finish which resembles natural rock,
the sun and often faced with stucco. produced by dressing with a pitching tool;
pit 1 a defect in a concrete or other finish the same result as a quarry finish.
caused by a small recess in the surface. pitched roof 1 a roof form of two slop-
2 an area of ground or a room whose low- ing roof planes meeting at a ridge, termi-
est surface is below that of its surround- nating at either end with either hips or
ings; the part of the ground floor of a gables.
theatre auditorium behind the stalls; see
also excavation, lift pit.
pitch 1 the angle of a sloping plane mea-
sured as a fraction or percentage; see also
slope, roof pitch.
2 the vertical distance measured from the
impost to the crown of an arch; also
known as rise.
3 slope; the angle of a stair from the hori- pitched roof
zontal, measured along the line of
nosings. 2 any sloping roof, usually one with a
4 the sloping of the face of a saw tooth pitch of more than 20.
relative to the vertical. pitcher see pitching tool.
5 the distance between adjacent ridges in
pitch-faced see pitched finish, quarry
a screw thread, a measure of its fineness.
6 in acoustics, the subjective frequency of
a sound as perceived by the human ear. pitching, armour, penning, rubble
7 a dark resinous residue formed from the revetment, soling; stones of
distillation of coal, crude turpentine and 180 450 mm used as revetment for
tar, used for caulking and waterproofing embankments.
timber constructions; also any similar bitu- pitching hammer a mason's hammer
minous products; see resin. used for striking a pitching tool or punch.
pitch line see line of nosings. pitching tool, pincher, pitcher; a
pitch pine [Pinus spp.], see pine. chisel-like masonry tool with a blunt end,
used for the initial rough dressing of stone
pitch pocket, resin pocket; a flattened surfaces.
round or oval separation containing resin
in the grain of certain grades of softwood.
pitch streak, resin
streak; a local accu-
mulation or streak of
resin in the grain of
certain grades of pitching tool
highly resinous
softwood. pitch streak pitchstone a form of dark, naturally
pitched beam a concrete or steel beam occurring glass which has a resinous lus-
whose longer upper edge is V-shaped, tre; used as aggregate.
with a ridge in the middle, like a pitched pit corrosion one of the most destruc-
roof. tive forms of corrosion of metals, localized
attack resulting in surface holes.
pith, medulla; the small core of soft
spongy tissue at the centre of a tree
pith flecks longitudinal discolorations of
wound tissue in timber caused by fly lar-
vae of the genus Agromyza spp.
pitched beams pith ray see medullary ray.
349 plane
pit lime good quality slaked lime which plain tile a standard flat rectangular roof
has been produced and aged for a period tile, usually of clay and with holes or nibs
of years in pits excavated in the ground; for fixing.
stored as a wet paste and used as a
binder in fresco paints and a raw material
in lime mortar.
pivot damper see swivel damper.
pivot window a window with an open-
ing light hung centrally on pins attached
to the frame, either vertically or horizon-
tally, about which it opens; see vertical
pivot window, horizontal pivot window
(tip-up window).
pixel abb. of picture element; one of the plain tiling
multitude of basic square units or grains plain washer see flat washer.
of uniform colour or illumination of which
a television screen image or graphic print plain weatherboard a horizontal tim-
is composed, which defines its resolution. ber cladding board, wedge-shaped in
placement, placing see concrete
placing. plan 1 a horizontal section of a building or
area as if from above, drawn to scale,
plafond a decorative painting applied to showing the relationships between spaces
a roof or ceiling surface, or the richly dec- therein; a floor plan.
orated or ornate ceiling itself.
plagioclase one of a group of sodium- plan of timber-framed
calcium mineral feldspars; see labradorite, bed
detached dwelling,
Labrador feldspar. architect E. Jokiniemi
plain bar a reinforcing bar whose surface
is smooth with no ridges or ribs. bed
ribbed bar


plain bar 2 one of the principal design drawings of

a building.
3 outline; a series of decisions based on
an idea, the structural formulation for real-
plain carbon steel any steel which con-
ization of an idea or aim; see programme,
tains carbon but does not contain sub-
stantial proportions of alloying element.
plan of work a document that outlines
plain concrete, unreinforced con- the principal stages in the design, con-
crete; concrete without steel struction and maintenance of a project
reinforcement. and that identifies main tasks and per-
plain cut joint see flush joint. sons; also called a work plan or work
plain cut veneer see flat cut veneer.
planar glazing see structural glazing.
plain reinforcing bar see plain bar.
plain sawn, flat grain, flat sawn, slash
grain, slash sawn, tangentially cut; a plane 1 a two-dimensional flat surface;
see roof plane.
description of sawn timber which has
2 [Platanus spp.] a large hardwood tree
been cut approximately tangentially from
from Europe, western Asia and North
the log; plain sawing is also called
America with distinctive smooth mottled
through and through sawing.
planed 350

bark and maple-like leaves, planted as planer, 1 plane, planing machine; a

an ornamental tree in urban squares and machine with a wide rotating cutter
in parkland; see below for species: mounted into a bench for smoothing or
American plane, buttonwood, syc- milling timber and other materials in a
amore; [Platanus occidentalis] a North variety of ways; see surface planer or
American hardwood with reddish-brown thicknesser.
timber; used for interiors and furniture. 2 rotary planer; a hand-held power tool
European plane [Platanus hybrida, P. with a narrow rotating cutting blade for
acerifolia] European hardwoods with planing wood.
warm, light-brown rayed timber; used for plane truss a truss in which all members
interiors, decorative work and veneer. lie in the same plane.
3 a powered or hand tool with a cutting
plane wave in acoustics, a theoretical
edge for shaping and smoothing pri- wave pattern describing a wave front in
marily wood, but sometimes metal and terms of a flat plane; used in modelling
plastics; types included as separate and calculations.
entries are listed below:
*angle plane, see corner scraper; *bench planing see dressing.
plane; *block plane; *circular plane, see planing machine see planer.
compass plane; *combination plane; *com- planing mill an establishment where
pass plane; *convex plane, see round plane; timber is sawn and planed.
*cow plane, see roughing plane; *dado
plane; *French plane, see corner scraper; plank a long piece of sawn softwood
*granny's tooth, see router plane; *gutter with cross-sectional dimensions of
plane, see round plane; *hag's tooth, see 38 100 mm thick and over 175 mm
router plane; *hollow plane; *jack plane; wide, used for flooring and walling; any
*jointer plane; *moulding plane; *old wooden section of similar section, a tim-
woman's tooth, see router plane; *rebate ber board; also other types of beam-like
plane, rabbet plane; *roughing plane; components in other materials; types
*round plane; *roundsil, see compass plane; included as separate entries are listed
*router plane; *scrub plane, see roughing below:
plane; *scud plane, see roughing plane; *concrete plank; *double T plank, see
*scurfing plane, see roughing plane; *shoul- double tee beam; *glass plank, see chan-
der plane; *side rabbet plane; *smoothing nel glass; *gravel plank, see gravel board;
plane; *spout plane, see round plane; *try- *see gypsum plank; *hardwood plank;
ing plane, see jointer plane; *universal *plasterboard plank, see gypsum plank;
plane, see combination plane. *precast concrete plank, see concrete
4 see planer. plank; *ridge plank, see ridge board; *soft-
wood plank.
plank construction a form of tradi-
planed a description of timber which has tional timber construction in which tim-
been dressed with a plane; see dressed.
bers are laid vertically, side by side, to
planed all round, por, surfaced four form a wall; see also muntin and plank
sides (Am); a description of sawn timber construction.
which has been smoothed with a plane
on all four sides.
planed square-edged board, PSE; a
timber board which is rectangular in
cross-section and has been smoothed by
a plane on all sides.
planed timber see dressed timber.
planed tongued and grooved board
a timber board which has been planed
and milled with a tongue and groove.
plane frame a two-dimensional frame- plank construction
work of structural members.
plane iron the sharpened metal cutting plank flooring see wide plank
part of a plane. flooring.
351 plaster
planner see town planner. development by a local planning author-
ity or building control department after
planning, 1 spatial planning; in archi-
inspection to ensure that they conform
tectural design, the creation of functional
with a town plan and local bye-laws; a
layouts or sequences of rooms or spaces
legally binding requirement obtained
as required by a brief.
prior to commencement of building work,
2 the legislative process of land-use plan-
valid for only a limited period; see also
ning, layouts, etc. for an urban area,
outline planning permission, conditional
designed to regulate development and
planning permission.
provide a healthy environment for its
inhabitants, taking into account various plant 1 any heavy machinery or other
socio-economic, aesthetic, industrial, and mechanical devices used on a construc-
recreational factors; also called city, town tion site; site equipment or site plant.
or urban planning. 2 machinery which operates heating, air
planning application a formal written conditioning and other installations in a
request to a local planning authority for building or construction; see equipment.
permission to carry out development or 3 a living vegetable organism.
building work on a designated site, in the planter a vessel or container of concrete,
form of drawings and explanatory clayware, timber or plastics for decorative
documentation. planting, placed on or built into hard
planning approval see planning landscaping, balconies, pedestrian areas,
permission. etc.
planning authority a local authority
department which prepares plans and planting in landscape design, an area
oversees the control of building develop- which has been planted with selected
ment for a particular region through pro- plants, groundcover, trees or shrubs.
cesses of planning permits and building plant room, machine room, service
control. space; a room or space within a building
planning condition a restriction or pro- containing machinery and equipment
vision imposed by a local authority as a which operate technical services, air con-
condition of granting planning permission ditioning, heating, electrical and lift
for a building or development. installations.
planning consent planning permission plan view in projection drawing, the
for demolition, extension or alteration orthographic planar projection made of
works, especially regarding listed or pro- an object or building on the horizontal or
tected buildings, monuments, etc. ground plane, as if viewed from above;
planning control, development con- also called a top view.
trol; in town planning, the various pro-
cesses of planning applications and plasma cutting a method of cutting
enforcement of planning legislation by metals with an intense flame of ionized
which a planning authority controls build- gas.
ing development; see also building plasma welding arc welding in which
control. hot plasma, an ionized gas containing
planning department see town plan- electrons and free positive ions, is used as
ning department. the heat source.
planning gain an obligation by a devel-
oper to provide associated facilities, utili-
ties, infrastructure or amenities additional plaster, 1 plaster mix, plastering
to those in a planning application, mix; a mixture of a hydraulic binder
imposed by a planning authority as a con- such as lime, gypsum or Portland
dition for planning permission. cement with water and sand, used as a
planning office see town planning surface treatment for walls; the term
department. plaster is usually used nowadays in ref-
planning permission, planning erence to interior work when used
approval, building permission, plan- outside it is called render; see also ren-
ning consent; compulsory official der, stucco; types of plaster included as
approval of proposed building designs or separate entries are listed below.
plaster batch 352

2 gypsum plaster; a mixture of cal- plasterboard joint the joint or seam

cined gypsum (sulphate of lime) and formed by the butting of the edges of
water used for finishing interior walls adjacent sheets of plasterboard, often
and ceilings and moulding into strengthened with tape and skimmed.
ornaments. plasterboard nail a galvanized nail with
*acoustic plaster; *base coat; *board finish a large flat head and annulated shaft for
plaster, board plaster; *bonding plaster; greater holding power; used for fixing
*browning plaster; *casting plaster; plasterboard to timber studs.
*cement plaster, see cement render; *see plasterboard screw see drywall screw.
Portland cement plaster; *coarse plaster, plasterboard seamless drylining a
see coarse stuff; *damp resisting plaster; drylining made from gypsum wallboard
*dry mix plaster, see preblended plaster; with seamless joints.
*exposed aggregate plaster; *fibrous plas- plasterboard seamless joint a smooth
ter, fibre-reinforced plaster, fibred plaster; plasterboard butt joint which has been
*finish plaster; *fire-retardant plaster, fire- covered with tape and jointing
proof plaster; *gauged lime plaster, see compound.
gauged stuff; *gypsum-perlite plaster, see plaster cast see fibrous plaster cast.
perlite plaster; *gypsum-vermiculite plas-
ter, see vermiculite plaster; *gypsum plas-
ter; *hemihydrate gypsum plaster, see
plaster coat a single layer of plaster
laid at any one time; types included as
hemihydrate plaster; *interior plaster,
separate entries are listed below:
internal plaster; *lightweight plaster; *lime
*backing coat, see plaster undercoat;
plaster; *metal lathing plaster; *mineral
*brown coat, see base coat; *browning
plaster; *multi-purpose plaster; *neat gyp-
coat; *face coat, see final plaster coat;
sum plaster; *one-coat plaster, see single-
*final plaster coat; *finish coat, see
coat plaster; *perlite plaster; *plaster of
final coat; *finishing coat, see final
Paris, see hemihydrate plaster; *polymer
plaster coat; *first plaster undercoat,
plaster, see polymer render; *Portland
first coat; *floated coat, see float-fin-
cement plaster; *preblended plaster; *pre-
ished rendering; *floating coat, see first
mixed plaster; *projection plaster; *Rabitz
plaster undercoat; *key coat; *plaster
plaster; *ready-mixed plaster; *reinforced
undercoat; *pricking-up coat, see first
plaster; *renovation plaster; *sanded plas-
plaster undercoat; *primary coat, see
ter; *sawdust plaster, see wood-fibred
key coat; *render coat; *scratch coat,
plaster; *scratch plaster; *single-coat plas-
see first plaster undercoat; *second
ter; *spray plaster, see projection plaster;
plaster undercoat, second coat; *setting
*thin coat plaster; *thin wall plaster;
coat, see final plaster coat; *skimming
*undercoat plaster; *vermiculite plaster,
coat, see final plaster coat; *straighten-
vermiculite-gypsum plaster; *waterproof
ing coat, see first plaster undercoat;
plaster, see damp resisting plaster; *wood-
*second plaster undercoat.
fibred plaster; *X-ray resisting plaster.

plaster dots, plaster dabs; in plaster-

plaster batch in plasterwork, an amount ing, a number of blobs of wet plaster
of plaster mixed for use at any one time. thrown onto a wall at intervals and flat-
plasterboard, gypsum plasterboard; tened as a guide to define the thick-
a very inert building board made from a ness of the plaster coat and provide a
thin layer of gypsum plaster cast between key.
two sheets of paper; easily cut and screw- plasterer a tradesman or skilled labourer
fixed to a frame and used as a drylining, who does building work on site in plaster,
internal wall cladding, etc. render and plasterboard.
plasterboard composite see gypsum
plasterboard composite. plasterer's float see plastering float.
plasterboard drylining, plasterboard plasterer's trowel, 1 laying-on trowel;
drywall; a lining for lightweight parti- a steel-bladed hand tool for applying and
tions, etc. made from gypsum wallboard, smoothing plaster; see also finishing
requiring no wet trades. trowel.
353 plasticity

plastering the process of applying a plasterwork construction work in gyp-

coat of plaster to a wall surface; types sum plaster for coating walls, rendering,
included as separate entries are listed ornamental mouldings, etc.; the finished
below: work thus resulting; types included as
*fibrous plastering; *hand-plastering; *in- separate entries are listed below:
situ plasterwork; *mechanical plastering, *acoustic plasterwork; *combed plaster-
see projection plastering; *projection plas- work, see comb-finish rendering;
tering; *remedial plastering; *rendering; *dragged plasterwork, see comb-finish
*solid plasterwork, see in-situ plasterwork; rendering; *fibrous plasterwork; *in-situ
*spray plastering, see projection plaster- plasterwork; *one-coat plasterwork, see
ing; *trowelled plastering, see hand- single-coat plasterwork; *ornamental
plastering. plasterwork, see fibrous plasterwork; *pat-
terned plasterwork, see textured plaster-
work; *rendering; *run-moulded
plastering background, backings; in plasterwork; *single-coat plasterwork;
plasterwork, any surface or structure to *solid plasterwork, see in-situ plasterwork;
which plaster or plaster casts are applied. *stucco; *textured plasterwork; *three
coat plasterwork; *two coat plasterwork.
plastering dabs, plastering dots see
plaster dots.
plastering float a flat bladed hand tool plasterwork enrichment, plaster
used in plastering for the application and ornament, stucco ornament; any orna-
smoothing of plaster. ment in plaster, especially decorative plas-
terwork casts which are difficult to cast in
plastering mix see plaster. situ and are added to wet plaster mould-
plastering mortar mortar designed ings and surfaces.
especially for use in plastering, with good
plastic 1 relating to a material which,
adherence and resistance to cracking; also
when deformed with a force, will not
called plastering mix.
return to its original shape once the force
plastering screed a narrow band of is released.
plaster initially laid on a wall surface as a 2 a description of concrete which is easy
guide to thickness and aligning of a sub- to work.
sequent coat of plaster; see screed rail, 3 sculptural; relating to the form of a
collar screed. building or object, free and often expres-
plaster lathing see lathing. sive as if moulded from clay.
4 pertaining to any product made of
plaster mix see plaster. organic polymers; often used in the form
plaster mixer pump in plastering and plastics when used as an adjective; see
rendering, a device for mixing plaster and plastics for full list of organic polymers
pumping it to a spray gun, ready for and resins.
application. plastic cracking cracks caused by plastic
plaster of Paris see hemihydrate plaster. shrinkage during the setting of fresh
plaster ornament see plasterwork concrete.
enrichment plastic deformation, plastic flow,
plaster pump in plastering and render- plastic yield; the change in dimension of
ing, a device for pumping plaster to a a member under load which is permanent
spray gun, ready for application. and will not be reversed once the load is
plaster spray gun a device for spraying
plaster onto a surface, operated by com- plastic-faced window a composite win-
pressed air. dow in which plastic framed sashes are
fixed into timber or metal frames.
plaster undercoat, backing coat; in
plastering, a layer of plaster applied to a plastic flow see plastic deformation.
surface, which provides a base and key for plasticity 1 the property of a material or
the final coat. substance which enables it to be worked
plasticity index 354
or deformed into a permanent reshapen HDPE; *isocyanurate, see polyisocyanu-
state using mechanical force. rate; *laminate; *low density polythene,
2 the property of how well a soil will
LDPE; *melamine formaldehyde, mela-
remain whole and homogeneous under mine, MF; *Noryl, polyphenylene oxide;
mechanical force. *nylon, polyamide; *Orlon, polyacryloni-
3 workability, fatness; the property of
trile; *Perlon, polyamide; *Perspex, poly-
how well a mortar or cement can be methyl methacrylate; *phenol
mixed, laid and applied. formaldehyde, phenolic resin, PF; *polya-
4 an aesthetic property of architecture or
cetal, polyacetate, see polyoximethylene;
sculpture, as if moulded or sculpted from *polyacrylonitrile, PAN; *polyamide, PA;
clay. *polycarbonate, PC; *polyester; *polyester
plasticity index, index of plasticity; in resin, UP; *polyetheretherketone, PEEK;
soil analysis, a measure of the range of *polyethylene, PE; *polyethylene tere-
water contents for clay at which it remains phthalate, PET; *polyformaldehyde, see
plastic. polyoximethylene; *polyisocyanurate, PIR;
plasticized concrete concrete contain- *polymethyl methacrylate, PMMA; *poly-
ing an admixture to increase workability olefin; *polyoximethylene, POM; *polyphe-
when fresh. nylene oxide, PPO; *polypropylene, PP;
*polystyrene, PS; *polysulphone, PSU, poly-
plasticizer see plasticizing admixture, sulfone (Am); *polytetrafluoroethylene,
water reducing admixture. PTFE; *polyurethane, PU; *polyvinyl ace-
plasticizing admixture, densifier, tate, PVAC; *polyvinyl alcohol, PVA; *poly-
plasticizer; in concreting, either a water vinyl chloride, PVC; *polyvinyl fluoride,
reducing admixture or a superplasticizing PVF; *polyvinylidene chloride, PVDC; *poly-
admixture, included in the mix to increase vinylidene fluoride, PVDF; *reinforced plas-
workability. tic, see fibre-reinforced plastic; *Rilsan,
polyamide; *silicone, SI; *styrene-acryloni-
plastic limit in soil analysis, the lowest
trile, SAN; *teflon, polytetrafluoroethylene;
water content for which a clay remains in
*thermoplastics; *thermosetting plastics;
the plastic state.
*unsaturated polyester, see polyester resin;
plastic paint see masonry paint, emul- *urea formaldehyde, UF; *vinylidene chlo-
sion paint. ride, see polyvinylidene chloride.

plastics any of a vast range of poly-

meric organic materials derived from plastics coating, organic coating; the
petroleum or coal which can be shaped electrostatic application of a protective
by heat or pressure at some stage in surface layer of polyester or other plastics
production; types included as separate to metal surfaces for resistance to
entries are listed below: corrosion.
*acrylonitrile butadiene styrene, ABS; *ace- plastic sealant flexible sealant with plas-
tal, see polyoximethylene; *acetate; tic properties, which undergoes perma-
*acrylic; *alkyd resin; *amino-plastic; nent change of form as a response to
*bakelite, see phenol formaldehyde; *cello- movement between jointed components
phane; *celluloid; *cellulose acetate, CA; or materials.
*cellulose acetate butyrate, CAB; *cellulose
nitrate, CN; *cross-linked polyethylene, plastic settlement see secondary
PEX, XLPE; *Dacron, see polyethylene tere- consolidation.
phthalate; *Delrin, see polyoximethylene; plastic sheet curing see membrane
*Dralon, see polyacrylonitryl; *epoxide curing.
resin, epoxy resin, EP; *expanded polysty- plastic shrinkage the shrinkage and
rene, EPS; *extruded polystyrene, XPS; cracking of fresh concrete as it loses mois-
*fibre-reinforced plastic, FRP; *foamed ture due to the effects of temperature,
plastics; *foamed polystyrene, see lack of humidity and wind after place-
expanded polystyrene; *foamed polyure- ment, but before any strength develop-
thane; *furan; *furfuraldehyde, furfural; ment has occurred; a problem especially
*gutta-percha; *high density polythene, in hot countries.
355 platform
plastics laminate see laminate. platen-pressed chipboard, pressed
plastic soil the classification of very cohe- chipboard; chipboard manufactured by
sive soils, such as clay, which can be rolled pressing between flat steel plates.
into thin threads without crumbling. plate tracery early Gothic tracery con-
plastics pipe stiff pipe formed from a sisting of a simply divided arched opening
polymer such as polythene and unplasti- with a solid plate of masonry or spandrel
cized polyvinyl chloride, used for a num- above, into which a foil or other shape
ber of applications including drainage has been cut.
plastics wallcovering hardwearing and Gothic plate tracery,
water-resistant decorative wallcovering basilica of San
made of plastics, supplied in rolls and Francesco, Assisi,
used for wet areas, etc. Italy 1228–1253;
architect Jacobus von
plastics window see PVC-U window. Meruan
plastic yield see plastic deformation.
plastisol a thin coating, often polyvinyl platform any area artificially raised higher
than its surroundings, on stilts, piers or a
chloride dissolved in a plasticizer, baked
structural base; any level area at the top
to provide a hardwearing and corrosion-
of a building or construction; a long raised
resistant surface for steel components.
area used for passengers embarking or
plastomer a molecule or combination of disembarking vehicles such as trains,
molecules that form the basis of a plastic; trams and buses; see also plinth.
usually a resin or other thermosetting platform floor, modular floor, pal-
polymer. ette floor, raised access floor; floor
Platanus spp. see plane. construction supported on a series of
props above the main floor structure to
plat band a flat decorative horizontal allow for the passage of cables and ducts.
band or course slightly projecting from platform frame, platform framing,
the surface of a masonry wall. western framing; a form of multistorey
timber frame construction in which sin-
plate 1 any thin, rigid sheet or piece of gle-storey stud walls bear on the floor or
material, structural layer, etc.; see below platform constructed at the level below.
for examples:
*chequerplate, checkerplate; *key plate,
see escutcheon; *kicking plate; *metal
plate, flat plate; *name-plate; *push plate;
*quarto plate.
2 any horizontal member fixed to walling
and used as a bearing for joists and other
members; see wall plate, sole plate.

plate floor a solid concrete floor slab of

even thickness in which bottom reinforce-
ment compensates for the lack of sup-
porting beams.
plate girder, welded plate girder; an
I-beam welded from steel plate, used for
long spans; the thickness and size of the
flange and web may be varied according
to loading requirements.
plate glass, polished plate glass; thick
cast glass which has been ground and
polished; largely replaced with float glass;
see clear plate glass. platform frame
platinum 356
platform roof see flat roof. 2 see stopper.
3 see electric plug.
platinum a heavy, ductile silver-coloured
4 see patch.
metal, Pt, which is corrosion resistant and
5 see wall plug, hollow-wall plug.
has a high melting point.
plaza originally a Spanish urban square; plug and feathers an implement for
nowadays any large open urban space, cleaving stone in a quarry, consisting of
often linked to a prestigious building. two semicircular metal plates, known as
feathers, inserted into a shallow hole; a
pleat a localized defect in veneering and wedge, known as a plug, is then driven
plywood caused by lifting and folding of between, causing the stone to cleave.
plug cock see cock.
plenum barrier the upper extension of
a partition into a ceiling void providing an plug cutter a drill bit for cutting circular
acoustic barrier to inhibit the transmission wooden inserts to conceal the heads of
of sound to adjacent spaces. submerged screws.
Plessey's green a variety of chromium plug gauge, hole gauge; a cylindrical
oxide green pigment. metal bar with stepped or cone-shaped
Plexiglas a proprietary name for thin machined ends used for the accurate
sheets of acrylic used as glazing, translu- measurement or checking of round holes.
cent roofing and for cladding. plugmold see skirting trunking.
pliable tube metal or plastics pipe which plug nail a fastener consisting of a ser-
can be bent into shape with pipe benders, rated nail in a plastics wall plug; used for
etc. without fracturing; pliability is the fixing components to concrete or
property of a solid material which is easily masonry.
bent or folded.
plug socket see socket outlet.
pliers a metal scissor-like tool used for
gripping objects. plug tap, plug valve see cock.
plinth 1 a thickening or base at the base plum 1 [Prunus domestica] a hardwood
of a wall, column or building, on which it with dense, fine-grained timber used
stands. mainly for the decorative value of its grain
2 the round or square construction on in veneers and quality furniture; planted
which a classical column is supported; the as a small tree in gardens for its fruit and
lowest part of a classical base or pedestal. decorative flowers.
3 see plinth brick. 2 displacer, plum stone; in concrete-
work, a large stone or piece of hardened
plinth brick, plinth; a special brick with concrete placed in the pour as a space
one upper edge splayed along its length, filler.
used in a brick coping, above a projection,
etc.; see also header plinth, stretcher plumb in surveying, setting out and con-
plinth. struction work, measured as or installed
exactly vertical.
plinth header see header plinth.
plumbago see graphite.
plinth stretcher see stretcher plinth.
plumber a tradesman who installs and
plot ratio an indication of the density of repairs water pipes, drains, sanitary fittings
building for a particular area, the ratio of
and other water systems.
built floor area to area of site on which a
building stands. plumbing 1 the job of installing the pipe-
work and other assemblies for a function-
plucking a defect in concretework ing water supply or drainage system; the
caused by the separation of surface mate-
various systems of pipes and fittings thus
rial from the concrete on striking of the
installed, called pipework.
2 the measuring or setting up of a con-
plug 1 a rubber, metal or plastics acces- struction to true vertical.
sory for a sink or basin to temporary close plumbing unit a prefabricated assembly
the outlet to a discharge pipe. of water fittings or sanitary appliances
357 pocket chisel
with supporting framework, which can be plywood; *sanded plywood; *scarf-jointed
installed and connected as a unit. plywood; *scraped plywood; *softwood
plumb line a device used to indicate plywood; *special plywood; *treated ply-
true vertical by means of a length of fine wood; *unsanded plywood; *wood-based
cord with a weight hung on the end. core plywood.
plume capital see palm capital. plywood beam see corrugated ply-
web beam, laminated web beam,
plum stone see plum. plywood box beam (see box beam), ply-
plutonic rock, plutonite, intrusive wood web beam (ply-web beam).
rock, deep seated rock; types of
coarse-grained igneous rock which form
from slowly solidified magma in the lower
part of the earth's crust; these include
granite, diorite, gabbro and peridotite.
ply 1 a layer of sheet material in laminated
plywood beam
construction, particularly a layer of veneer
in plywood. plywood flooring flooring consisting
2 a common abbreviation for ‘plywood’. of plywood boards, often with matched
ply-web beam see plywood web beam, edges.
corrugated ply-web beam. plywood web beam, ply-web
beam; a composite beam made with
an upper and lower chord of a timber
section with a plywood web in between;
plywood, ply; a timber building board see also corrugated ply-web beam.
manufactured by gluing an odd number
of thin timber veneers or plies face to
face under pressure; each alternate
veneer is arranged with its grain at 90
to the adjacent veneer to increase
strength; also called veneer plywood;
types included as separate entries are
listed below: plywood web beam
*bent plywood; *birch plywood; *cellular
plywood, cellular board; *coated plywood;
*core plywood; *cross-grained plywood; PMMA polymethyl methacrylate.
*exterior plywood; *film-faced plywood; pneumatically applied concrete see
*finger-jointed plywood; *foil-faced ply- sprayed concrete.
wood; *formply; *hardwood plywood;
pneumatical mortar see sprayed
*homogeneous plywood; *inserted ply-
wood; *interior plywood; *long-grained
plywood; *marine plywood; *metal-faced pneumatic caisson see compressed air
plywood; *mixed plywood; *multi-ply; caisson.
*overlaid plywood; *parallel-grain ply- pneumatic concrete placer a machine
wood; *prefinished plywood; *preformed for pumping concrete into formwork,
plywood; *raw plywood; *repaired operated by compressed air.
face veneer pneumatic concreting see concrete
inner ply
pneumatic document conveyor see
central ply
tube conveyor.
pneumatic structure see air-supported
pneumatic test see air test.
pocket see box out.
pocket chisel see butt chisel.
pocket rot 358
pocket rot localized fungal decay in tim- pointed cinquefoil a decorative and
ber, surrounded by sound wood. ornamental device consisting of five
podium, 1 dais, stand; a platform, stage pointed arches motifs radiating out from
or raised area of floor in a hall or audito- a point.
rium for a speaker, committee, dignitaries
or for a presentation, etc.; a raised plat-
form from which speeches and other per-
formances are given.
2 Lat.; in classical architecture, a wall and
raised platform surrounding the arena in
an amphitheatre or theatre, reserved for
the seating of high-ranked officials; the pointed cinquefoil pointed cinquefoil arch
high base on which a temple, column or
statue stands; also called a crepidoma. pointed cinquefoil arch an arch com-
posed of five pointed lobes or foils in a
podzol a light, grey soil type common to cloverleaf arrangement.
cold and damp climates, in which most of pointed cinquefoliated arch a decora-
the soluble minerals have been leached to tive arch whose intrados is composed of
underlying soils by rainwater. five pointed lobes or foils, and whose
point, 1 point tool, clourer; a pointed extrados is a pointed arch.
masonry chisel, used for the initial rough
shaping of stone surfaces or to produce a
pitted finish to smooth stonework.
2 the outlet at which a device can be con-
nected to a supply; see electric point,
lighting point.
point-bearing pile see end-bearing
pointed arch any arch with a pointed cinquefoliated arch
apex; sometimes called a Gothic arch; pointed equilateral arch see equilat-
types included as separate entries are eral arch.
listed below:
*equilateral arch; *Italian pointed arch; pointed horseshoe arch an arch com-
*lancet arch; *pointed cinquefoil arch; posed of two segments of a circle which
*pointed cinquefoliated arch; *pointed meet at an apex and bow outwards.
horseshoe arch; pointed multifoliated
arch; *pointed Saracenic arch, see stilted
arch; *pointed segmental arch; *pointed
trefoil arch; *pointed trifoliated arch;
*Saracenic pointed arch, stilted pointed
arch, see pointed Saracenic arch;
*Venetian arch.
pointed architecture see Gothic horseshoe arch
pointed multifo-
pointed barrel liated arch a deco-
vault, Gothic rative arch whose
vault; a curved intrados is composed
masonry roof vault of a number of
which is pointed in pointed lobes or
uniform cross-sec- foils, and whose
tion, found especially extrados is a pointed
in Gothic churches. arch; see trifoliated, pointed
pointed barrel vault cinquefoliated. multifoliated arch
359 polishing
pointed quatre- pointing mortar mortar designed espe-
foil a decorative cially for use in pointing brickwork and
motif of four inter- masonrywork.
secting pointed point load, concentrated load; a struc-
arches radiating tural load imposed over a small area, in
outwards from a pointed
quatrefoil theory a point, as opposed to being
point. spread evenly over a larger area.
pointed Saracenic arch see stilted point of inflection see inflection point.
points per inch see PPI.
pointed segmental arch any type of
pointed arch composed of two segments point tool a pointed masonry chisel, see
of a circle leaning in on one another. point.
point tool finish a finish for concrete
pointed trefoil a decorative motif of produced by dressing with a point tool.
three intersecting pointed arches radiat-
ing outwards from a point. poisonous referring to a substance which
pointed trefoil arch an arch composed has a toxic effect on human health, or
of three pointed lobes or foils in a clover- may cause death, in even small amounts.
leaf arrangement. poker vibration see immersion
poker vibrator see immersion vibrator.
poker-work the burning of a design or
decoration onto a wooden surface with a
heated metal instrument; the product of
this process.
polar curve see light distribution curve.
pointed trefoil pointed trefoil arch
pole plate in traditional timber roof con-
struction, a horizontal timber supported
by the lower end of principal rafters,
pointed trifoliated arch a decorative which carries the lower end of common
arch whose intrados is composed of three
pointed lobes or foils in a cloverleaf
arrangement, and whose extrados is a poling board in excavation work, one of
pointed arch. a series of vertical timber boards which
support the sides of a trench or
polish, polishing agent; a minutely
abrasive substance rubbed into a smooth
surface to provide a glossy sheen as a
polished finish a description of an easily
scratched glossy finish in stonework
caused by the natural reflection density of
pointed the stone's crystals; created by treating
trifoliated arch with a very high diamond abrasive such
as 8000 grit, polishing bricks or powders;
pointed vault see pointed barrel vault. similar glossy finishes for other materials.

pointing the filling of masonry joints polished plate glass see plate glass.
with better quality mortar after the bed- polishing the finish treatment of a
ding mortar has hardened in order to pro- smooth surface by rubbing with very fine
vide a smooth, compressed and attractive abrasives, leather or cotton fabric until a
surface. glossy sheen is produced; see also bur-
pointing compound a flexible joint nishing, French polish.
filler used in glazing. polishing agent see polish.
pollution 360
pollution substances or phenomena, haz- glass-reinforced plastics and paints,
ardous to health, which contaminate the varnishes and floor coverings.
environment; see noise pollution, air polyetheretherketone, PEEK; a high-
pollution. strength radiation-resistant engineering
polyacetal, polyacetate see plastic used in electrical installations and
polyoximethylene. appliances for the chemical industry.
polyacrylate rubber, ACM, acrylic polyethylene, polythene, PE; a chemi-
rubber; a synthetic rubber with good oil cally resistant thermoplastic; a polymer of
and heat resistance, used for seals, gas- ethylene used for drainage and water
kets and hoses. pipes, membranes and concrete curing
polyacrylonitrile, PAN; any of a range
of acrylic plastics based on acrylonitrile,
polyethylene terephthalate, Dacron,
resilient and UV-resistant plastics sold as
PET; a strong, tough, heat-resistant poly-
mer used to make textile fibres.
Dralon and Orlon and used as fibres.
polyaddition see addition polymer- polyformaldehyde see polyoximeth-
polyamide, PA; any of a range of syn- polygonal masonry, cyclopean
thetic resins whose chemical units are
masonry; uncoursed masonry walling
laid of large irregular stones in rough
linked together with amide molecules;
polygonal shapes to fit in with adjacent
proprietary names are Nylon, Perlon and
stones, often without mortar; ancient
polygonal masonry was known as Pelasgic
Polybutadiene see butadiene rubber. masonry, while Roman polygonal masonry
polycarbonate, PC; a dense, hard, was known as opus siliceum.
tough, transparent thermoplastic used as
a glazing material.
polycarbonate cellular sheet, cellu-
lar polycarbonate; lightweight cellular
sheet glazing or cladding manufactured
from two sheets of transparent polycar-
bonate separated by an insulating cellular
polycarbonate structure.
polychloroprene see chloroprene masonry
polychrome brickwork brickwork polygonal shell see folded plate.
which makes use of bricks of differing col- polygonal truss a truss whose upper
ours for decorative effect. chord is made up of more than two
polychromy the use of a range of differ- angled segments of a polygon.
ent colours in architecture and painting
for decorative effect. upper chord web members

polycondensation polymerization in
which a simple molecule such as water is
condensed out; a polymer produced by lower chord
this process is called a polycondensate.
polygonal truss
polyester a group of plastics which are
polymerized from ester; used for making polygonal wall see polygonal masonry.
fibres for fabrics and textiles.
polyester base felt roofing roofing felt polyisocyanurate, isocyanurate, PIR;
whose fibrous mat is primarily of polyester a non-flammable urethane foam used as
fibres. thermal insulation in composite
polyester resin, UP, unsaturated structures.
polyester; a thermosetting resin which polyisoprene a polymer of isoprene, one
hardens without heat or pressure; used in form of which is natural rubber.
361 polyurethane
polymer any chemical compound con- number of different ways in architectural
sisting of long chains of similar repeated composition, etc.
molecules; most plastics are polymers; see polyolefin any plastic manufactured by
plastics for full list of organic polymers the additional polymerization of ethyl-
and resins. ene and propylene; used for synthetic
polymer adhesive see polymerizing fibres.
polyoximethylene, polyacetal, polya-
polymer binder, polymeric binder; a cetate, polyformaldehyde, POM, ace-
synthetic resin binder for paints and glues tal, Delrin; a tough, strong polymer
that sets by polymerization. manufactured from formaldehyde and
polymer concrete, polymer Portland used for wearing parts of bearings, cogs,
cement concrete, resin concrete; taps, pumps, zips and valves.
chemically resistant concrete whose polyphase current a number of electric
binder is an organic polymer. currents supplied with identical frequency
polymer fibre reinforced concrete but differing phases.
concrete reinforced with polypropylene polyphenylene oxide, PPO, Noryl; a
fibres, used for in-situ concrete and piles. high-strength, temperature- and moisture-
polymer glue see polymerizing resisting plastic used for computer equip-
adhesive. ment, appliances and pipes.
polymeric binder see polymer binder. polypore see conk.
polymeric roofing see calendered poly- polypropylene, PP; a thermoplastic
meric roofing. used for drainage pipes and fittings, road
polymer impregnated concrete gullies, WC seats and cavity trays.
concrete which, when hard, has been polystyrene, PS; a brittle, flammable,
impregnated with a polymer. low-cost thermoplastic, clear in unmodi-
polymerization the chemical action of fied form, used for light fittings, formwork,
forming polymers or long chain molecules paints and as expanded polystyrene (bead
from simple repeated molecules; most or foamed polystyrene) and extruded
plastics are formed by this process. polystyrene.
polystyrene foam board see extruded
polymerizing adhesive any adhesive polystyrene.
which sets by polymerization.
polysulphide a synthetic rubber used in
polymer modified concrete concrete mastics and sealants.
which contains an emulsion of PVC to
increase strength and resistance to oil and polysulphone, PSU, polysulfone
abrasion. (Am); a tough, strong, stiff, heat- and
chemical-resistant synthetic resin used for
polymer plaster see polymer render. plumbing fixtures, automotive parts and
polymer Portland cement concrete cable insulation.
see polymer concrete. polytetrafluoroethylene, PTFE, tef-
polymer render types of render or plas- lon; a resistant, expensive thermoplastic
ter designed for difficult external wall sur- used for non-stick surfaces, dirt-repellant
faces, consisting of mineral aggregate in a coatings and sliding expansion joints in
polymer binder; also called polymer large structures.
plaster. polythene the more common abbrevi-
polymethyl methacrylate, PMMA, ated name for polyethylene; see high den-
polymethyl methylacrylic; a clear sity polythene, low density polythene.
acrylic resin used in sheets for glazing and polythene sheet curing see membrane
roofing, and formed into light fittings, curing.
basins, urinals and signs; sold variously as polyurethane, PU; a hardwearing, resil-
Perspex and Plexiglas. ient, stable thermosetting plastic used for
polymorphism the use of a repeated paints, varnishes, sealants, sheeting and
element, form, volume or space in a foams.
polyvinyl acetate 362
polyurethane foam, PU foam; an bridge, jetty or temporary structure on
expanded plastic made from polyure- water.
thane and freon gas, used for rigid ther-
poplar [Populus spp.] a
mal insulation in cavities and composite
group of large, fast
growing hardwoods
polyurethane powder coating a pig- from Europe and North
mented polymeric powder coating whose
America with soft, pale
binder is polyurethane.
timber which does not
polyurethane varnish, urethane var- splinter; used for furni- Populus spp. –
nish; a clear, waterproof, durable gloss ture, packaging, panel- poplar
varnish which contains polyurethane as a
ling and plywood;
poplars are widely planted as a landscape,
polyvinyl acetate, PVAC; a thermoplas- street or park tree, but should not be
tic used in wood glues, emulsion paints, planted too near buildings because of
plaster, screed bonding agents and in-situ root damage to foundations; see below
floor coverings. for related species included in this work;
polyvinyl acetate glue, PVA glue; an see also tulipwood (yellow poplar,
emulsion glue with a binder of polyvinyl Liriodendron tulipifera).
acetate used for gluing paper and card. aspen [Populus tremula, Populus tremu-
polyvinyl alcohol, PVA; a resin formed loides] hardwoods from Europe and North
by treating polyvinyl acetate with acids or America respectively with soft, porous,
alkalis; used in paints and adhesives, for straight-grained, pale-coloured timber; used
films, and as a raw material in textile as boards for cladding and for plywood and
fibres. matches; Populus tremuloides, the American
species, is called quaking aspen.
polyvinyl chloride, PVC; a versatile, balsam poplar [Populus balsamifera,
low-cost thermoplastic used for coatings, Populus tacamahaca] a North American
pipes and trim. hardwood with pale brown timber; used
polyvinyl fluoride, PVF; a thermoplas- in plywood, as sawn boards and for
tic used as a decorative and protective furniture.
surface film for metals and plywood. black cottonwood [Populus trichocarpa]
polyvinylidene chloride, PVDC, a North American hardwood whose pale
vinylidene chloride; a plastic manufac- brown timber is used as sawn boards and
tured into extruded films for the packag- for plywood, packing and furniture.
ing industry. black poplar [Populus nigra, Populus
spp.] a group of hardwoods, especially
polyvinylidene fluoride, PVDF; a plas- from Europe, with soft, pale timber; used
tic used for injection-moulded products for plywood; the Lombardy poplar
and extruded films. [Populus nigra italica] is a tall slender var-
POM polyoximethylene. iety of black poplar.
cottonwood [Populus spp.] a group of
pomegranate the reddish fruit of the hardwoods from North America with soft,
tree Punica granatum with many seeds
pale timber; used for furniture, panelling
and a hard rind; in classical ornament,
and plywood.
symbolic of fertility, love, and of life and
grey poplar [Populus canescens] a hard-
death; in the medieval Catholic church,
wood from Europe; a hybrid between the
symbolic of the blood of the Virgin Mary.
aspen and the white poplar.
Pompeian blue see Egyptian blue. white poplar, silver poplar, abele;
ponding, 1 water seasoning; a process [Populus alba] a hardwood from Europe
in which logs are stored under water prior and Central Asia with silver-green foliage
to conversion, to protect them from insect and leaves with bright white undersides,
and fungal attack. planted in rural areas.
2 the curing of fresh concrete by pouring poppy oil, poppyseed oil; a clear, slow-
a shallow layer of water on top of it. drying oil pressed from the seeds of the
pontoon, float; a floating support such poppy plant, used as a vehicle in some
as an air-filled barrel used to support a paints.
363 Portland cement
pop rivet a light, hollow aluminium rivet portal a grand, often ornamental gate-
used to form quick and clean joints in way, porch or main entrance for a castle,
sheetmetalwork using special pliers. religious or large public building.
Populus spp. see poplar. portal frame, rigid frame; a simple
pop-up waste a pipe fitting for joining a beam and column framework with rigid
sink or basin to a discharge pipe at a joints, often of welded steel girders or lat-
plug-hole, which incorporates a raisable tice construction.
plug operated by a lever.
por see planed all round.
porcelain a ceramic material similar to
vitreous china but made from higher qual-
ity products under more controlled condi-
tions; used for high class crockery and
electrical insulators. portal frame

porch 1 a space immediately in front of

the external door of a building, usually
porte cochère a doorway or porch
designed to allow for the passage of a
unheated and sometimes glazed.
vehicle, originally one to allow the pas-
2 the main entrance door and surround-
sage of carriages into a courtyard.
ing wall fabric of a temple, church or
other religious building, often highly portico a formal ornamental gateway,
ornate; an enclosed and roofed entrance porch or main covered entranceway for a
room or space in a church. classical temple, religious or public build-
ing, etc. consisting of rows of columns
pore a cross-cut vessel in the structure of
which support a roof, often pedimented.
hardwood, or small void in soils, mortar
and concrete, etc. porticus 1 Lat.; any open Roman building,
pore filler, permeability-reducing canopy or structure whose roof is sup-
admixture; a mineral admixture included ported on one side by a row of columns;
in a concrete mix to reduce the size of the roofed veranda around the edges of a
voids or pores by filling them. peristyle in a Roman dwelling; a portico.
pore-water pressure, neutral pres- 2 shallow side spaces off the nave of a
sure, neutral stress; in soil mechanics, Saxon church.
the pressure of water contained in voids Portland cement an active hydraulic
or pores in saturated soil. binder (so named because it resembles
porosity a measure of the ratio of voids Portland stone) formed by grinding the
to total volume in a granular or porous clinker which is produced by burning clay
solid. and lime in a kiln; nowadays all cement
used in concrete is Portland cement.
porous concrete see aerated concrete.
Portland blast-furnace cement a
porous wood wood with longitudinal blended cement formed by a ground mix-
cells which transport water in a living tree; ture of blast-furnace slag, Portland cement
these same cells in converted timber form and calcium sulphate.
the basic structure of hardwood. Portland cement clinker, Portland
porphrytic, phenocrystal; a description clinker; clinker composed mainly of cal-
of types of rock which contain distinct cium silicates made by burning clay and
crystals in a homogeneous mineral lime in a kiln; used in Portland cement.
matrix. Portland cement concrete concrete
whose binder is Portland cement.
porphyry an igneous rock with large red Portland cement plaster plaster pro-
or white feldspar crystals set in a fine- duced with Portland cement as a binder.
grained mass. Portland pozzolana cement a blended
portability the ability of a component, cement formed from a ground mixture of
furnishing or construction to be easily car- Portland cement and pozzolan.
ried or moved without excess difficulty, Portland pulverized fuel-ash
heavy transport or machinery. cement, fuel-ash cement; a blended
Port Orford cedar 364
cement formed from a ground mixture of gateway in the wall of an enclosure such
Portland cement and pulverized fuel-ash. as a churchyard.
see also quick-setting Portland cement, post-tensioned concrete a form of
rapid-hardening Portland cement. prestressed concrete, usually manufac-
Port Orford cedar see cypress. tured on site, in which tendons are placed
possession see possession of site, in tension once the concrete has hard-
handover. ened; this method is called post-tension-
ing; see also pretensioned concrete.
possession of site, site possession;
the contractor's legal right to occupy a site potash a crude form of potassium
after the signing of a building contract in carbonate.
order to carry out construction work. potash feldspar, orthoclase; a potas-
sium silicate mineral used as a raw mate-
post any slender column, often round in rial in the ceramic and glass industries;
plan; either freestanding as a fixing for see adularia.
lighting, one supporting a fence, etc. or a potash water glass a thick alkaline liq-
structural vertical timber which acts as a uid, potassium silicate, which dries to
column or strut to support overlying form a weak type of glass used as a glaze
structure. or medium in some painting.
post and beam construction a struc- potassium carbonate an alkaline com-
tural framing system for a building in pound used in the production of washing
which floor and wall loads are transferred powders and some types of glass; potash
via framing beams to a grid of supporting is a crude form.
columns down to foundations; also called
post and lintel construction, column and potential the electrical force at any point
beam construction (especially in concrete in a circuit caused by the presence of an
or steel construction), trabeated electric charge.
construction. potential difference see voltage.
potenty moulding classical fret orna-
slabs spanning ment made up of a series of crutch-like
between forms joined end-on end.
beams beam

column potenty moulding

pot life, working life; the period of time
after mixing during which an adhesive or
post and beam varnish remains in a usable state.
potstone see soapstone.
post and lintel construction see post Potter's flint any silica or quartz-based
and beam construction. material ground to a powder as a basic
material in ceramics.
post and rail balustrade a balustrade
constructed of horizontal rails supported poultice corrosion see deposit
by regularly spaced uprights, with or with- corrosion.
out an infill material of glass, mesh, board- powder coating a hardwearing protec-
ing, etc. tive or decorative coating formed by the
post-contract stage in contract man- application of a finely divided pigmented
agement, the range of sitework, construc- organic polymer fused into a continuous
tion and administration events film by the application of heat during a
commencing from the point at which a baking process; see acrylic powder coating.
contract is signed. power a measure of rate of exchange of
postern a secondary, side or rear door- energy in a system, a physical quantity
way in a fortified wall; a secondary whose SI unit is the watt (W).
365 precast concrete
power bender see bar bending PPO polyphenylene oxide.
machine. practical spreading rate the rate at
power drill, electric drill; a hand-held which a coating can be applied to a sur-
machine tool for boring holes. face under normal conditions.
power factor the ratio of active power Pratt truss a form of lattice beam or tri-
to apparent power in an electric circuit; angular truss patented by the Americans
the lower the power factor, the less effi- Thomas and Caleb Pratt in 1844 in which,
cient the circuit. by virtue of the layout of the members, all
power float, rotary float; a machine diagonals are in tension and all verticals
tool for the finishing of concrete slabs in compression, the opposite of those in a
after the initial set with rotating steel Howe truss; in the triangular truss diago-
smoothing blades, a horizontal disc or nals form an A-pattern and in flat trusses
some other smoothing mechanism; see a V-pattern; see Howe truss, Vierendeel
power trowel. truss, Warren truss.
power floated finish, power tro-
welled finish; a smooth concrete floor pitched truss
finish formed with a power float.
power line any main cable used for dis- chord web members
tribution of electricity.
power point see electric point.
flat truss lower chord
power saw any saw or sawing device
Pratt trusses
powered by electricity.
power trowel, helicopter, mechanical
trowel, machine trowel, rotary trowel; preblending the mechanical stirring
a power-driven machine with a number of together of dry or powdered component
rotating blades in its base, used for pro- parts of a concrete, plaster, paint, etc. mix
ducing a smooth finish on freshly cast to form a homogeneous mass; packed
concrete floors; cf. power float. and supplied in bags as dry mix.
power trowelled finish see power preblended mortar the component
floated finish. parts of a mortar mix, mechanically mixed
together as dry powder before supply,
Pozidriv head screw a screw whose and mixed with clean water on site prior
head has a patented cross-shaped inden- to use; also known as premixed mortar or
tation similar to the Phillips, but with dry mix mortar.
small oblique notches for added grip preblended plaster the component
when turning. parts of a plaster mix, mixed together as
pozzolan, pozzolana, pozzuolana; a dry powder before supply, and mixed
siliceous volcanic dust occurring naturally with clean water on site prior to use; also
in Pozzuoli, Italy and used by the Romans known as premixed plaster or dry mix
in their concretework; nowadays a finely plaster.
ground manufactured product, it sets in
the presence of calcium hydroxide and
water to form a hardwearing cement precast concrete constructional con-
binder. crete in the form of prefabricated units
and manufactured products that are
pozzolanic cement a blended cement
cast with fixings and openings, and
formed from a ground mixture of Portland
cured under controlled conditions in a
cement and a pozzolan (which has to
factory or plant, then transported to a
have passed a pozzolanicity test).
building site for installation or erection;
Pozzuoli blue see Egyptian blue. mainly used for structural components
PP polypropylene. such as walls and slabs. See illustration
on following page.
PPI points per inch; a measure of the fine- precast beam, beam unit; a concrete
ness of a saw blade or similar implement, beam manufactured in a plant, brought
the number of points of sawteeth per inch.
precast concrete 366

A roof, roofing K internal wall, partition

B roof slab – hollow-core L precast beam, beam unit
slab, hollow-core beam M base floor, bottom floor
C external wall – N footing, foundation
load bearing wall unit, O foundation wall
load bearing wall panel P precast column,
D window opening column unit
E intermediate floor
F base wall, wall base
G doorway, door opening
H doorstep
367 preform

to site ready made with reinforcement precision tube relatively thin-walled

and fixings for erection; see also con- manufactured steel tubing used for appli-
crete plank, hollow-core beam. cations such as bicycle frames, furnishings
precast concrete flag see concrete and trim.
paving slab. precompression see prestressing.
precast concrete frame a concrete preconsolidation the process of com-
building frame whose beams, columns, pacting the ground upon which founda-
slabs, etc. have been cast elsewhere, tions of a building are to be laid by using
and brought to site for assembly. a preload or other techniques prior to
precast concrete panel a precast construction, in order to limit the amount
concrete unit for wall structure or clad- of final settlement.
ding; types included as separate entries
are listed below: pre-contract stage in contract adminis-
*edge panel; *sandwich panel; *wall tration, the stage of design work, tender-
panel; *window panel. ing, administration, etc. prior to the point
precast concrete paver see concrete at which a contract for construction work
block paver. on site is placed.
precast concrete ring a large-bore predecorated, prefinished; pertaining
precast concrete pipe used for man- to wallboard and other sheet or strip pro-
holes, wells, soakaways, etc. ducts which have been given a factory
precast concrete slab unit see pre- finish.
cast slab unit.
precast concrete unit a concrete prefabricated, factory-made; referring
to a product or component which is man-
component, usually for floor or wall con-
ufactured or assembled in a factory as
struction, that is cast in a factory under
opposed to on site; precast is the term
controlled conditions, then assembled on
used for prefabricated concrete products.
site as a unit when hardened and cured;
see also entries under precast concrete.
prefabricated building a building for
which the majority of elements and com-
precast concrete work the casting,
ponents are prefabricated elsewhere for
finishing and installing of precast con-
assembly on site; called a kit building if
crete panels and units.
consisting of a set of standard prefabri-
precast flag see concrete paving slab.
cated parts.
precast panel see precast concrete
panel, precast concrete unit.
prefabricated gypsum wallboard
precast paver see concrete block panel a prefabricated partition panel
consisting of gypsum wallboard fixed to
either side of a frame or core.
precast pile in foundation technology,
a pile consisting of a prefabricated, pre-
prefabricated pile see precast pile.
stressed or reinforced concrete unit.
prefabricated unit, prefabricated
precast plank see concrete plank. component, unit; any building compo-
nent or set of components which have
precast ring see precast concrete ring.
been manufactured and assembled prior
precast slab unit, slab unit; any of a
to arrival on site; see also precast concrete.
number of prefabricated concrete units
used as floor structure in multistorey
prefabrication, prefabricated con-
struction; a quick and clean method of
construction in which components or
groups of components are made under
precipitation 1 the separation of a solid workshop conditions and transported to
from a liquid as the result of a chemical site for installation.
process. prefinished see predecorated.
2 water falling from the atmosphere as prefinished plywood plywood whose
rain, snow or hail. face plies have been surface treated at
precision engineering the accurate the manufacturing stage.
design, manufacture and maintenance of preform, blank; the basic shape of a key
machines, devices and appliances which or other moulded product before it has
have small components. been cut for use.
preformed plywood 368
preformed plywood plywood which presentation model a scale model of
has been bent or moulded during the glu- the final design for a project or proposal,
ing stage of production, using clamps, constructed for the purposes of present-
heat treatment, etc. ing or selling a scheme to clients.
preformed rope, trulay rope; metal or preservation 1 the treatment of timber
plastics rope whose strands or wires have with a preservative to protect it from fun-
been bent into their final helical shape gal decay and insect attack.
before laying to remove internal stresses 2 see building preservation.
and prevent fraying when cut. preservative, wood preservative; any
preformed wire rope preformed rope substance used to protect timber from
manufactured from metal wires; used for fungal decay or insect attack; see also
tension and bracing cables. fungicide.
preheater see bulk heater. pressed brick a brick made by moulding
preliminaries in contract administration, under high pressure.
that part of a bill of quantities or specifica- pressed chipboard see platen-pressed
tion that describes not the work itself, but chipboard.
associated matters such as site use, facili- pressed metal components and con-
ties, security, etc. struction of sheetmetal or thin plate
preliminary, draft; a rough or initial ver- which has been preformed by bending
sion of a drawing or document, often used and stamping into flashings, beams drips,
as a basis for further design development. upstands and cladding panels.
preliminary drawing see sketch pressed metal capping preformed
drawing. sheetmetal construction of galvanized
steel, zinc or aluminium used as a weath-
preliminary pile in foundation technol- erproof covering for an exposed abut-
ogy, a pile sunk prior to foundation con- ment, parapet, upstand or upper surface
struction to test design criteria, structural of a freestanding wall; see also next entry.
suitability and dimensions of the piling pressed metal coping a sheetmetal
system; see also test pile, trial pile. capping for the exposed top of a free-
preload embankment, preload fill; a standing wall or parapet.
pile of earth placed over the location of pressed metal facing unit see sheet-
future foundations of a building for a metal cladding panel.
period of time prior to commencement of pressed metal flashing a pressed
construction to compress the ground sheetmetal component included above
beneath and limit the amount of settle- openings and at junctions, etc. in con-
ment of the building once constructed; struction to direct water to the outside of
see preconsolidation. a building; see also eaves flashing.
pressed metal sill a sill of pressed
premature stiffening see false set. sheetmetal beneath a window to protect
premixed pertaining to mortar or plaster the join between window frame and wall
which is delivered on site as a dry powder from infiltration by rainwater.
in a ready mixed condition. pressed steel lintel a proprietary or
pre-packed concrete see grouted standard steel beam for supporting wall-
concrete. ing loads over a window or door opening.
prepaint process see coil coating. pressed-steel radiator see panel
prepayment see advance.
pressing 1 one of a number of products
preplaced concrete see grouted such as sheetmetal flashings or some solid
concrete. plastic components which are formed in
prepolymer in plastics technology, an batches by compressing raw material in
intermediate product of polymerization moulds or by the application of localized
processes used as a raw material and fully bending pressure to sheetmetals.
polymerized at a later stage in 2 the mechanical processes of producing
manufacture. such products, natural oils, etc.
369 pretensioned concrete
pressure the physical quantity of force prestressed the condition of a structural
per unit area, whose SI unit is the pascal, concrete component of being internally
or newton per square metre, N/m2. compressed by steel tendons in tension
prior to use to compensate for tensile
pressure gauge, manometer; an stresses when the component is under
instrument for measuring the pressure of
fluids or gases.
prestressed concrete reinforced con-
pressure grouting a strengthening pro- crete placed in a state of permanent com-
cess in which voids and air pockets in pression by stretched high-tensile steel
hardened concrete and soil are filled with wires, strands or tendons within its fabric;
grout, cement or mortar injected under these enable the component to withstand
pressure. higher tensile loading than normal; see
pressure gun see caulking gun. also post-tensioned, pretensioned
pressure impregnated timber timber
which has been saturated with preserva- prestressed concrete beam a con-
tive, usually a toxic liquid compound of crete beam which contains tensioned
copper with chromium or arsenic, in a cables or tendons which enable it to with-
sealed vacuum or under pressure, to stand greater loads than a simply rein-
ensure deep penetration; this process is forced concrete beam.
known as pressure impregnation or pres- prestressed concrete pavement a
sure treatment. structural base and surfacing of large pre-
pressure reducing valve, reducing stressed concrete decking slabs for roads,
valve; a valve which maintains a constant factory floors and airstrips.
pressure in pipework regardless of the prestressing, precompression; the
changes in pressure of gas entering it. application of an internal force to a con-
pressure surge see water hammer. crete component, usually with tensioned
steel tendons, to put it in a state of com-
pressure tank 1 any vessel for storage of pression when in a normal non-loadbear-
gases and liquids under pressure. ing condition, thus improving its strength
2 a water tank to which pressurized gas is under tensile loading.
applied, providing the force for circulation
in a high-pressure hot water heating prestressing force, prestress; in pre-
system. stressed concrete, the tensile loading
applied to prestressing tendons, which,
pressure treatment see pressure on their release, exerts an internal com-
impregnation. pressive force on the concrete.
pressure ventilation see input prestressing strand in prestressed con-
ventilation. crete, a prestressing cable formed from a
pressure vessel any pipe, chamber or number, usually 6, 19 or 37, of cold drawn
boiler in a heating system whose pressure wires wound together round a central
is greater than that of the surrounding air. core wire.
pressure water heater a water heater prestressing system the proprietary
in which water is heated to over boiling assembly, fixings, anchors and tendons
point under pressure. that are used in the prestressing of con-
crete members.
pressure welding, solid-phase weld-
ing; a method of welding in which heated prestressing tendon see tendon.
parts to be joined are held together under prestress loss in prestressed concrete,
pressure, either by machine or by the difference in theoretical prestressing
hammering. force and that occurring after transfer,
pressurized space any space in which due to shrinkage of the concrete and
air pressure is maintained at a higher level creep of the steel tendons.
than in surrounding spaces, often for pur- pretensioned concrete prestressed
poses of industry, ventilation or research. concrete, usually precast units, in which
prestress see prestressing force. the tendons are placed in tension before
pretensioning 370
the concrete is cast around them; the and a primer to reduce porosity and
hardened concrete is placed in compres- receive a finish.
sion when the force on the tendons is primer, priming paint; a paint or liquid
released. compound applied to a surface to ensure
pretensioning a prestressing method of that subsequent coats will adhere, to seal
placing a concrete unit in continual com- a porous base, etc.; see also masonry
pression to enable it to resist tensional primer, metal primer, wood primer, seal-
loading, using embedded steel tendons ant primer.
which are placed in tension while the con- primer-sealer paint applied to a surface
crete is wet. to reduce its absorbency and ensure that
pretensioning tendon a steel prestres- subsequent coats will adhere.
sing rod, cable or strand in pretensioned priming the treating of a surface with a
concrete. primer.
pretreatment any treatment for a prod- priming coat, prime coat; an initial
uct or surface, often factory-produced, coat applied to seal a wall surface, steel
which cleans or primes it to receive a fin- component, etc. as a base onto which suc-
ish; a similar stage in other production cessive coats or a final coat may be
processes. applied; a coat of primer.
price adjustment see formula price priming paint see primer.
primrose yellow a loose name for the
priced bill of quantities a bill of quan- pigments cadmium yellow, cobalt yellow
tities in which a contractor has entered and zinc yellow, after the flower of the
rates and costs against items to produce a primrose [Primula vulgaris]; a general
total tender sum. name for shades of pale yellow.
price variation formula in contract princess post in traditional timber roof
administration, a standardized method of construction, where a queen post is used
amending contract prices to reflect varia- for long spans, an intermediate post
tion in economic conditions, cost and between the queen post and eaves.
price fluctuations, etc.
principal see principal beam; principal
pricking-up coat see first plaster rafter.
principal arch one of a series of major
primary beam see principal beam. arches lining the sides of the nave of a
primary coat see key coat. vaulted building such as a Romanesque
basilica church, supported on columns; any
primary colour any of the three main similar or large arch in a modern structure.
colours from which all other colours can
be mixed: red, green and blue for light, principal beam, principal, main
and red, yellow and blue for pigments. beam, primary beam; a beam which
bears major structural loading or which
primary consolidation, primary com- supports other beams.
pression; the reduction in volume of soil
beneath the foundations of a new build- principal designer the coordinating
ing due to the gradual squeezing out of professional or firm in a construction proj-
water from it. ect responsible for the overall design of
the building, usually a qualified architect.
prime coat see priming coat.
principal post, teagle post; in tradi-
prime contractor see main contractor. tional timber frame construction, a main
primed referring to a component or sur- post at a corner or meeting of walls
face to which a treatment has been responsible for the support of the
applied prior to a subsequent or final building.
coating. principal rafter, principal; in timber
primed and filled chipboard smooth roof construction, a main rafter support-
chipboard supplied with its surface trea- ing purlins, which in turn support com-
ted with a filler, to even out irregularities, mon rafters.
371 project
principal reinforcement see main *aluminium profile; *angle profile; *C-pro-
reinforcement. file, see C-section, channel; *L-profile, see
principal roof truss in framed roof con- edge strip; *joinery profile, see timber
struction, a roof truss which provides trim; *metal profile; *steel profile; *ther-
intermediate support for purlins, which in mal-break profile; *U-profile, see channel.
turn carry rafters. 3 see template.
principal shaft a large or main shaft in a
bundle or clustered column, essentially profiled sheet roofing roofing of pro-
found in Gothic architecture. prietary sheets of metal, plastics or fibre
cement formed into a wavy or undulating
profile to increase stiffness along their
length; see troughed sheet, corrugated

principal shaft of
column in Gothic

privacy, seclusion; the provision for

occupants of a space with visual isolation,
physical separation, screening from noise
or protection from other disturbance. profiled sheet roofing

probe, sensor; a metal extension to a

measuring instrument by which tempera- profiled sheeting, 1 metal decking,
ture, moisture level, etc. can be measured. tray decking; structural roofing or deck-
ing formed of sheetmetal or plate ribbed
production card see job card. with deep corrugations to provide a load-
production drawing, working draw- bearing base for further construction.
ing; an annotated and scaled design draw- 2 troughed sheeting; roofing formed of
ing intended for use by a contractor as a sheeting (usually treated steel, plastic or
guide to the manufacture of components aluminium) ribbed with a continuous
and construction of parts of a building. series of shallow corrugations to give it
added stiffness in one direction.
profession a skilled occupation, usually 3 ribbed-sheet roofing; the same as the
one requiring specific education, training,
previous entry, but with only occasional
knowledge or experience.
or spaced ribs.
professional practice the practising of 4 see corrugated sheeting.
an occupation according to accepted pro-
profile glass see channel glass.
fessional procedures, ethics and
guidelines. programme, schedule; a written or
graphical statement of the sequence and
timing of operations of work on a con-
profile 1 the outline shape of an object struction project; see also brief, outline
or form as if viewed in projection; a sil- programme, overall programme, plan, site
houette or sectional cut. preparation programme.
2 any length of material preformed into
a uniform cross-section of certain shape programme chart a graphic representa-
and dimensions; often synonymous with tion of a programme of work or overall
section, but in metals usually more com- programme, showing various stages and
plex, thin-walled or hollow; used for pat- their timing, etc.
ent glazing, door frames, etc.; types project 1 an undertaking, plan, commis-
included as separate entries are listed sion or process intended to put into
below: action and bring to completion a
projecting headers 372
conceived idea or design; a design project task is to run construction projects for a
is one on which an architect will work; site client.
or completed work relates to a construc- project representative see clerk of
tion project. works.
2 see development.
3 see public housing. project signboard a large sign or pla-
que erected at the edge of a building site
projecting headers headers in brick- containing information pertaining to the
work bonds laid projecting from a wall building under construction, listing who
surface for decorative effect. commissioned and paid for it, its
projecting window a window which designers, engineers, consultants and con-
projects from the exterior wall plane of a tractors, and its completion date.
building; see also oriel windowbay project specification a specification of
window. works written for a particular construc-
tion project, rather than a standard
projection 1 the technical drawing of document.
three-dimensional objects on a two-
dimensional plane by extending imagi- prolongation an extension to a building
nary lines, called projectors, from a contract period that requires the payment
point or from infinity through the object of costs by the client to the contractor or
to be visualized onto the plane; types vice versa.
included as separate entries are listed promoter see catalyst.
below: prop a short timber member used in con-
*axonometric projection; *cabinet projec- struction for temporary vertical support
tion; *cavalier projection; *dimetric projec- and shoring of groundwork, scaffolding,
tion; *isometric projection; *military unfinished construction, etc.
projection, planometric projection; *obli-
que projection; *orthogonal projection; propagation see sound propagation.
*orthographic projection; *parallel projec- propellant the compressed inert gas in
tion; *perspective; *trimetric projection. an aerosol can or similar device which
2 the drawing resulting from this provides the pressure to expel its
method, a projection drawing. contents.
3 overhang; part of a building such as
a balcony, oriel window, moulding,
property survey, property inspection;
a detailed inspection by an official, quali-
upper storey, etc. which projects out-
fied professional or specialist to assess the
wards from an external wall.
condition of a building.
proportion 1 an aesthetic quality relating
projection plastering, mechanical to the massing and relative sizes of forms,
plastering, spray plastering; lines, etc.
plasterwork applied by spraying and fin- 2 the empirical or numerical comparison
ished with tools or left as a textured sur- of one dimension or quantity with
face; plaster suitable for use in projection another.
plastering is called projection plaster or proportioning, batching; in concreting,
spray plaster. the measuring out of the constituent parts
projection welding, resistance pro- of concrete into their correct amounts
jection welding; industrial resistance prior to mixing; see weight batching, vol-
welding utilizing an electric current ume batching.
passed through a number of points of proposal a design, idea, etc. presented
contact provided by small surface projec- for assessment, approval or discussion.
tions; similar to spot welding.
proprietary referring
project management the profession of to a product made
running construction projects on behalf of and manufactured
a third party. under patent or
project manager, client's representa- licence.
tive; a professional person or body whose proprietry wall tie
373 public address system
propylaeum, propylon (Gk.); Lat.; in Romanesque architecture with classical
classical and Egyptian architecture, a mon- influences c. 1100 1200 or that from the
umental gateway to a sacred enclosure, lower reaches of the Rhone.
fortification, town or square; often used in Prunus spp. see cherry, plum.
the plural form propylaea, as used for the
gateway to the Acropolis, Athens. Prussian blue a deep intense opaque
greenish-blue pigment consisting of fer-
protected corridor, protected lobby; ric-ferrocyanide; it was simultaneously dis-
part of a fireproofed escape route within covered by Diesbach in Berlin and Milori
the storey height of a building, which in Paris in the early 1700s and is used in
leads to an exit. oil and watercolour paints; variously
protected membrane roof see upside known as Berlin blue, iron blue, Milori
down roof. blue, Paris blue, paste blue, steel blue.
protective finish, protective coating; Prussian brown, iron brown; a perma-
a layer of material such as paint, anodiza- nent opaque brown pigment, natural red
tion, zinc coating, etc. applied to the iron oxide, formed by burning Prussian
external surface of a component as pro- blue pigment.
tection against wear, weathering and PS polystyrene.
PSALI acronym for permanent supple-
protein glue glue made from mentary artificial lighting of interiors.
vegetable or animal proteins.
PSE planed square-edged board.
proto-Doric column an Egyptian col-
umn of the Old Kingdom, polygonal or pseudo four-centred arch a triangular
fluted in section and with a simple capital, arch whose extremities are curved.
often thought to be the forerunner of the
Greek Doric column.

pseudo pseudo
three-centred arch four-centred arch
proto-Doric column at
Beni-Hasan, Egypt, pseudo three-centred arch an arch
2040–1782 BC
with a flat intrados whose sides are
curved downward.
protome, protoma; a classical decora-
tive or sculptural motif depicting the styl- Pseudotsuga menziesii see Douglas fir.
ized forepart and head of an animal. PSU polysulphone.
protome capital a decorative capital
carved with the stylized head and upper psychrometer a hygrometer for measur-
body of an animal or animals, found espe- ing atmospheric humidity with dry bulb
cially in medieval architecture. and wet bulb thermometers.
Pterocarpus spp. see padauk.
PTFE polytetrafluoroethylene.
P trap a drainage trap in the shape of the
letter P lying on its back, with a vertical
Romanesque protome
capital at Speyer inlet and a horizontal outlet.
Cathedral, Germany, PU polyurethane.
public address system, PA-system; a
proto-Renaissance architecture system of loudspeakers installed at key
regarded as being the direct forebear of points in a building or complex for relat-
Renaissance, such as the severe Tuscan ing audial messages to occupants.
public building 374
public building an administrative or rec- pulvin 1 the baluster-shaped piece at the
reational building maintained by local or sides of an Ionic capital which joins the
national government with taxpayers' money. paired volutes on either face; also called
public housing, council housing, pulvinus, meaning cushion in Latin.
2 see dosseret.
housing project (Am), project (Am),
social housing; affordable rented hous- pumice a light, porous lava stone or vol-
ing provided by a town council, munici- canic glass with a high silica content; used
pality or the state for its citizens. as an abrasive and a polishing compound.
public sewer a system of sewers laid, pump a mechanical device for providing
run and maintained by a municipality or the force to move mass materials in liquid,
public water treatment company, which granular or gaseous form, or to compress
conveys foul water to a water treatment gases; see concrete pump, site pump.
plant. pumpable concrete concrete of a con-
public space space to which the public sistency that enables it to be placed with
has right of access. a pump when fresh.
puddingstone see conglomerate. pumped circulation the circulation of
puddling furnace a small furnace in water supply, gas or other liquid in a
which pig iron and millscale are heated to mechanical service installation, induced
produce wrought iron. by pressure from a pump.

pugging boards, sound boarding; pumped drainage, pumped sewer-

boards attached between or to the under- age; an installation in which sewage and
side of floor or ceiling joists, traditionally foul water are conveyed from a building
used to carry sand or other material as to a sewer at a higher level, requiring
thermal and acoustic insulation (pugging). mechanical pumps or compressed air.

pug mill see mortar mill. pumping aid an admixture included in a

concrete mix to reduce friction while
pulled bend in plumbing and drainage, pumping it into formwork.
a bend in metal pipework formed by
mechanical bending with special tools. pumpkin dome see umbrella dome.
pulley room see lift pulley room. pump screwdriver see spiral ratchet
pull handle a handle fixed to a door,
window or hatch, containing a grip by punch 1 a hard metal tool consisting of a
which it can be pulled open; see bow han- shaft with a patterned end; used with a
dle, cranked pull handle (offset handle), hammer or press for embossing designs
wire pull handle (wire handle). and lettering into a metal surface.
2 a pointed steel masonry chisel used for
pulpit a raised structure in a church from the rough dressing of stone.
which a sermon is delivered. 3 see centre punch.
4 see nail set.
puncheon in traditional timber frame
construction, a vertical framing member
or stud in a wall.
puncheon flooring timber flooring of
halved logs with their flat faces upwards.
punning see tamping.
puree Indian yellow pigment in crude form.
purging the displacement of unwanted
pulpit air, etc. by another gas in a gas pipeline.
purlin a horizontal roof beam running
pulverized fuel-ash, fly-ash; a fine parallel to the ridge or longitudinal axis to
material extracted from the combustion give added intermediate support for roof
gases of bituminous coal; used as a binder joists or rafters.
in some cements. purlin brace see wind brace.
375 pylon
purlin roof, double roof; roof con- leaf, by which it can be pushed open at
struction in which secondary support is approximately waist height.
given to rafters by purlins; see also trussed push-pull fastener a catch which holds
purlin roof. a door closed but releases it on applica-
rafters ridge beam tion of pressure to the door leaf.
putlog in scaffolding, horizontal members
supporting a walkway.
putlog scaffolding scaffolding sup-
ported on one side by props or standards
and on the other by the building itself.
wall plate putty, glazier's putty, glazing putty; a
mixture of chalk and linseed oil tradition-
purlin roof ally used for the fixing of glazing into a
window frame, for stopping or spackling,
purple a shade of colour between crim- etc.; see also glazing compound.
son and violet, formed when red and putty fronting, face putty, front
blue are blended, originally obtained as putty; in glazing, a triangular fillet of
a pigment from the shellfish Murex pur- putty applied to the external edges of a
purea, Murex brandaris, or other mol- window pane to hold it in place.
luscs of the genera Nucella, Thais; it is putty knife, spackling knife, stop-
the complementary colour for green ping knife; a knife with a metal blade
and does not appear in the visible spec- used by a decorator and glazier for apply-
trum; see below for list of purple and ing filler, stopping, etc. putty.
violet pigments:
*alizarin violet; *Burgundy violet, see
manganese violet; *Byzantine purple,
Byzantium purple; *cobalt violet; *dioxa-
zine purple; *Grecian purple, see Tyrian putty knives
purple; *magenta; *manganese violet;
*mineral violet, see manganese violet; PVA polyvinyl alcohol.
*ostrum, see Tyrian purple; *permanent PVA glue see polyvinyl acetate glue.
violet, see manganese violet; *purple of PVAC polyvinyl acetate.
the ancients, see Tyrian purple; *purpurin;
*quinacridone violet; *Tyrian purple; *vio- PVC polyvinyl chloride.
let madder lake, see alizarin violet. PVC-U window plastics window; a
window whose frame is made primarily
from PVC-U plastics.
purpose made brick a non-standard
clay brick specially shaped, or of unusual
PVDC polyvinylidene chloride.
colour or consistency, for a particular pur- PVDF polyvinylidene fluoride.
pose; see also special brick. PVF polyvinyl fluoride.
purpurin a red-coloured substance pwree see Indian yellow.
obtained from the root of the madder
plant [Rubia tinctorum]; used as a colour- pylon 1 in Egyptian architecture, one of a
ant in dyeing processes. pair of gigantic tapered stone towers sur-
rounding a monumental temple gateway.
push button a disc or button-like mech-
anism which operates an electrical or
mechanical device when pressed with the
thumb or forefinger.
push pad a protective plate attached to
a door leaf but slightly apart from it, by
which it can be pushed open.
push plate, finger plate; a protective Great pylon of the Temple of Horus,
metal or plastics plate attached to a door Edfu, Egypt; New Kingdom, 237–57 BC
pynnion 376
2 a large freestanding open-lattice steel pyramidion a small secondary pyramid
structure for carrying overhead power such as the pyramid-shaped termination
lines. of an Egyptian obelisk.
3 a tall steel or concrete tower from which pyramid roof a hipped roof on a square
suspension or cable-stay bridge cables are plan whose four identical triangular roof
strung; a bridge pylon. planes meet at a central point.
4 see lighting mast. pyramid stop see broach stop.
pynnion see pignon. Pyrex a trade name for borosilicate glass.
pyramid 1 a three-dimensional shape in pyrites hard, pale-coloured crumbly min-
which one surface is a polygon and the eral sulphides of metal in mineral form,
others are triangles which meet at a single especially iron disulphide; see iron pyrites.
point. pyroclastic rock any rock which has
2 a huge monumental Egyptian stone
been ejected by volcanic action.
tomb, the burial place of a Pharaoh, usu-
ally consisting of four sloping triangular pyrogenic rock see igneous rock.
sides on a square base, culminating at an pyrolusite a grey metallic mineral, natu-
apex; see also ziggurat, teocalli. ral manganese dioxide, MnO2, used for
colouring glass and an important ore of
pyrolysis the decomposition or chemical
alteration of a substance by the action of
pyroxenite a dark-coloured igneous rock
composed almost entirely of the mineral
pyroxene a dark green, black or brown
mineral composed of calcium and magne-
sium silicates.
Great Pyramid of Khufu (Cheops), Giza,
Egypt; Old Kingdom, 2589–2566 BC Pyrus communis see pear.
quadrangle, 1 any planar four-sided quality grading the classification of
figure with four internal angles. sawn timber and other mass products
2 quad; an open square or rectangular according to visual defects.
space wholly surrounded by buildings, quantity survey a central contract docu-
often with a central lawn and within a col- ment itemizing materials, products and
lege or monastery. components used in building work, their
quadrant 1 a sector of a circle bounded amounts and costs; undertaken by a quali-
by two radii at right angles to one another fied quantity surveyor, and presented as a
and the enclosed length of circumference; bill of quantities prior to construction.
one quarter of a circle. quantity surveyor a qualified profes-
2 a decorative strip, sional responsible for drawing up bills of
moulding or piece quantities and advising the client on con-
of joinery trim tractual and financial matters.
which is a quarter quarry 1 a place where rock is extracted
circle in cross- from the ground for use in construction,
section. quadrant angle bead
quadriga Lat.; in classical architecture, a 2 a quarry tile.
triumphal statue or rendering of a chariot quarry finish an uneven, rough-
pulled by four horses. textured stone surface treatment, pro-
quadripartite vault a masonry vault duced by dressing with
sprung on four points of support; square hand or machine tools
or rectangular in plan and composed of to resemble stone in
four curved roof surfaces or compart- its natural state; also
ments divided by ribs. variously called rubble
or scabbled finish, or quarry finish
pitch or rock-faced,
and hammer-dressed or pitched when
produced by hand-tooling.
quarry tile, floor quarry; a thick
unglazed clay floor tile formed by
quarter bat, quarter; a brick which has
been cut to one quarter of its length for
use in brickwork bonding.
quadripartite vault

quadriportico an area closed off on four

sides by building form or masonry, with
an entrance portico on each side.
quadro riportato decorative ceiling quarter bat
painting which depicts scenes in normal
perspective. quarter brick wall a thin brick wall laid
quaking aspen [Populus tremuloides] see with bricks on edge, whose thickness is
poplar. the same as the height of a brick.
quality, grade; the classifiable character-
istics of a material or product as
demanded by use or suitability.
quality control a system whereby pro-
ducts or services are checked for a speci-
fied quality at each stage in processing. quarter brick wall
quarter cut 378
quarter cut see quarter sliced veneer.
quarterpace stairs, quarter-space
stair; an L-shaped stair which turns
through 90 at a landing.

quarter sliced veneer

quarter-space stairs see quarterpace

quarter turn stair, 1 angle stair,
L-stair; an L-shaped stair which turns
through a right angle on its ascent, either
with a landing, as with a quarterpace stair,
or with a series of wedge-shaped steps.
2 see quarterpace stair.
quarterpace stair
quarto plate, heavy plate; relatively
thick, uncoiled and heavy steel plate
quarter round a decorative moulding rolled to individual specification regarding
which is a quarter of a circle in cross-sec- composition and size, manufactured on a
tion; a quadrant; see also cock beak special quarto plate mill.
moulding, thumbnail bead moulding.
quartz a very hard, transparent, whitish
mineral form of silica, often found natu-
rally in the form of hexagonal crystals; a
violet form is known as amethyst; all
types included as separate entries are
listed below:
quarter round
*amethyst; *chalcedony; *milky quartz;
*quartzite; *rose quartz; *smoky quartz.
quartersawing, radial cutting, rift quartz diorite an igneous rock, similar
sawing; a method of converting timber to granite and diorite, containing a high
by sawing a log radially into quarters and proportion of quartz; its uses in building
then converting the segments to provide are similar to that of granite.
fine quality timber boards with relatively quartz glass see fused silica glass.
even perpendicular end grain; see also quartzite a white, grey or reddish
sawing round the log. metamorphic or sedimentary rock which
consists almost wholly of quartz; it is
durable and resistant to chemical and
frost action, and is used for flooring tiles.
quartz porphyry see rhyolite.

quatrefoil a decorative
motif consisting of four
stylized leaf designs rad-
iating out from a point;
quartersawn, 1 edge grained, radi- see also pointed
ally cut, rift sawn, vertical grained; a quatrefoil. quatrefoil
description of timber sawn approximately quatrefoil arch an arch composed of
radially from a log. four lobes or foils.
2 see quarter sliced veneer. Queen Anne style an architectural and
quarter sliced veneer a decorative interior decoration style in England during
veneer formed by the radial slicing of a the reign of Queen Anne (1702 1714),
quarter log or flitch; also called quarter evident principally in urban buildings and
cut or quartersawn. residences and characterized by the use
379 quirk
of red brickwork in a mix of Renaissance
and Baroque motifs from Holland and
Queen Anne arch a pointed arch over a
tripartite window, with a horizontal intra-
dos and a protruding arched portion in
the centre.
Queen Anne revival a revival style in
town house architecture in England from queen strut
the 1800s, characterized by the use of red
brick, white framed windows, bay and queen strut roof
oriel windows and dramatic roof forms.
queen closer 1 a cut brick which shows
queen strut roof truss a timber truss in
a half-header width in a brick wall; a brick which rafters are supported by purlins car-
halved lengthways to fit in with a bonding ried on queen struts.
pattern. quenching in the tempering of metals,
rapid cooling of the heated metal by
plunging it in water or some other liquid.
Quercus spp. see oak.
quicklime, anhydrous lime, burnt
lime, caustic lime; lime which has been
queen closer produced by the burning of limestone or
calcium carbonate, CaCO3, to form cal-
2 a quarter bat. cium oxide; mixed with water to form
3 a three quarter brick which has been cut slaked lime.
in half lengthways.
quick-setting Portland cement a
queen post in traditional timber roof Portland cement which sets more rapidly
construction, one of a pair of posts carry- than ordinary Portland cement.
ing purlins in a queen post truss, which is
a timber truss consisting of a tie beam, a
quick strip formwork formwork used
for casting and supporting the underside
pair of vertical queen posts, a collar or
of a concrete slab, which can be removed
straining beam and principal rafters.
without necessitating the removal of its
quilted figure a decorative figure in
purlin veneers cut from irregular grained timber,
straining especially bigleaf maple, as if the surface
rafters beam
is quilted.
quinacridone a group of durable and
light-fast dark-reddish synthetic pigments
based on organic hydrocarbon polymers;
tie beam used for high performance paints in the
wall plate queen post automotive industry, and for industrial
queen post roof coatings.
quinacridone red a synthetic lightfast
queen post collar rafter roof a collar organic red pigment used in many types
roof with purlins supported on queen of paint.
posts. quinacridone violet a synthetic organic
queen post rafter roof a rafter roof violet-red pigment used since the 1960s
with purlins supported on queen posts, in oil, watercolour and acrylic paints.
with a brace between them; also called a quirk a narrow decorative cutting in a
queen post roof. moulding or ornate surface to separate
queen strut in timber roof construction, main elements such as beads, rolls, etc.
a queen post that does not carry a purlin quirk bead moulding, bead and
directly. quirk moulding, quirked bead
quoin 380
moulding; a decorative moulding whose
cross-section is that of a bead or ovoid
formed with a quirk or notch on one or
both sides; see also flush bead moulding.
quirking tool a small masonry chisel for
cutting narrow grooves or quirks in deco-
rative stonework.
quoin one of a series of staggered corner
stones or bricks at an external masonry
corner, often of a different material or col- quoining when masonry blocks or bricks
our to the rest of the wall, as decoration; are added to the external corner of a
also spelled coign or coin. building’s wall as quoins.
rabbet see rebate. in a curving brick wall, circular well or
rabbet plane see rebate plane. chimney stack, etc.
Rabitz plaster special gypsum lime plas- radial joint one of the joints between
ter reinforced with a mesh and animal voussoirs in a masonry arch.
hair, invented by Karl Rabitz in 1878; used radially cut see quartersawn.
primarily for domes and other vaulted
structures. radial stretcher a special brick which is
bow-shaped in one of its long faces and
raceway see trunking. wedge-shaped in plan; used as a stretcher
racking, racking back see raking. in a curving brick wall.
rad and dab see wattle and daub. radial surface see edge.
radial see radial brick. radiant heater, radiant panel, radia-
radial arm saw a circular saw suspended tor; any heating device which imparts ther-
from and moving along a cantilevered mal energy primarily by radiation; radiant
arm, used for various cross-cuts in wood. heating is heating in which thermal com-
fort for a space is provided by radiant heat,
radial block a concrete block manufac- as opposed to warm air, convection, etc.
tured with curving vertical faces, designed
for use in curved wall construction. radiant moulding see rayonny moulding.
radiant panel see radiant heater.
radiata pine, Monterey pine; [Pinus
radiata], see pine.
radiation the transmission of energy in
the form of electromagnetic waves; see
thermal radiation, cold radiation.
radial block radiation detector see flame detector.
radiation resistance the ability of a
radial brick, arch brick; any special material or construction to resist penetra-
brick shaped for use in a curved or tion by nuclear radiation.
vaulted brick surface such as a well or bar- radiation-shielding glass any protec-
rel vault; see also radial stretcher, radial tive glass designed with interlayers and
header, culvert stretcher (tapered header), added compounds to reflect or absorb
culvert header (tapered stretcher). radiation and restrict its transmission; see
lead X-ray glass, electronic shielding glass.
radial stretcher radial header radiation-shielding mortar; see X-ray
resisting plaster.
radiator 1 a space heating appliance, which
may be part of a central heating system or
an individual heater, in which hot liquid
(water or oil) circulates in a metal chamber.
2 see radiant heater.
culvert radiator brush a long-handled painter’s
header culvert and decorator’s brush with either a kinked
radial bricks stretcher or a perpendicular handle; used for paint-
ing difficult or constrained areas such as
behind radiators and crevices.
radial circuit an electric circuit with a
number of appliances attached to a single
radiator heating a hot water central
heating system in which heating water is
power supply.
circulated to radiators.
radial cutting see quartersawing.
radius of gyration in mechanics, the
radial header a special brick which is effective distance of the centre of mass of an
wedged-shaped in plan; used as a header object from its centre of rotation or oscillation.
rafter 382
2 crazy paving, random stone paving;
rafter one of a series of timber beams
carrying roofing in a sloping roof; the stone paving of irregularly shaped and
upper member of a roof truss or a sloping randomly sized stones.
roof joist, a roof beam; types included as rail 1 a horizontal frame member in a door
separate entries are listed below: leaf, sash, casement or other framework;
*angle rafter; *common rafter; *hip rafter; see bottom rail, middle rail (lock rail),
*horizontal rafter, see common purlin; intermediate rail, top rail.
*jack rafter; *principal rafter; *trimmed
rafter; *trimming rafter; *valley rafter.
rafter bracket a roofing accessory for fix-
ing an eaves gutter to the end of a rafter.
rafter roof in timber roof construction,
a roof in which rafters are the basic
frame supporting the roof covering. leaf of
raft foundation a foundation consisting frame
of a continuous reinforced concrete slab
(usually the lowest floor slab of a building) 2 a horizontal profile, moulding or section
which transmits overlying loads over its in a balustrade or similar framework.
whole area. 3 a lightweight balustrade, open waist-
height barrier, handrail, etc.; see railing,
floor guard rail, handrail, safety rail, stair rail.
slab 4 a shaped metal supporting bar for a
moving system such as a track, sliding
screen or electrical installation; see clad-
ding rail, curtain rail, chair rail, (dado rail),
towel rail (drying rail).
5 a steel product, one of a pair of formed
bars of specified cross-sectional profile
raft foundation laid side by side to form a railway track.
6 see screed rail.

ragbolt see anchor bolt. rail bolt see joint bolt.

raguly moulding a crenellated mould- railing a fence, balustrade or low barrier
ing whose castellations are slanting, of metal bars fixed to a frame structure,
resembling the stumps left when supported by posts at regular intervals;
branches are sawn from a tree trunk. often used in the plural.
rainbow roof a roof in the cross-sec-
tional form of a pointed arch.
rain cap, flue cap; a lightweight protec-
raguly moulding tive construction fitted over the upper
outlet of a flue to prevent the passage of
rainwater and snow.
ragwork 1 masonry walling of rough thin
stones laid horizontally; see slate walling. rainproof referring to a component or
construction which is impervious to rain or
resistant to the penetration of rainwater.
rainwater system a system of gutters,
channels, outlets and pipes which collect
water from roofs and other areas and con-
vey it to a drainage system.
rainwater goods, rainwater fittings;
ragwork paving ragwork gutters, downpipes and other metal, plas-
walling tic or ceramic fittings, often part of a
383 raking
manufacturer’s system of parts; used to raised moulding see bolection moulding.
convey rainwater from roofs and other
raised pattern flooring see studded
surfaces into drains.
rubber flooring.
rainwater gully, surface water gully;
an inlet to lead surface water and rainwa- raised pattern plate see chequerplate.
ter from paved external areas and down- rake see batter.
pipes to a drainage system.
rainwater gutter, roof gutter; a raked joint, keyed joint, raked-out
slightly sloping channel at an abutment, joint, recessed joint; a brickwork mortar
eaves, etc., to collect rainwater from a joint which has been recessed to a certain
roof surface and convey it to a downpipe. depth either as a key for plaster or point-
rainwater head, conductor header ing, or for decorative effect.
(Am), hopper head, leader header raker 1 in bricklaying, a simple metal tool
(Am), rainwater header, rainwater used for removing excess or old mortar
hopper; in roof construction, a funnel- from a joint.
shaped vessel designed to collect rainwa- 2 one of the slanting support props in a
ter from a gutter and convey it to a raking shore; see bottom raker, middle
downpipe. raker, top raker.
rainwater header, rainwater hopper raking 1 referring to vertical joints in adja-
see rainwater head. cent courses of bonded masonry which
rainwater outlet, roof outlet, roof form a regular diagonal sawtoothed pat-
gully; a component, fitting or construc- tern in a wall surface; bricks are laid with
tion through which rainwater collecting one quarter brick overlap.
on a flat roof surface is led out to a drain, 2 racking back, raking back; the laying
downpipe, etc. of bricks or stones in stepped layers at the
rainwater pipe a drainpipe conveying end of a brick wall under construction to
rainwater away from a roof or paved sur- support a builder’s line and ease the lay-
face; see also downpipe. ing of the rest of the wall.
rainwater shoe see pipe shoe.
rainwater spout, gargoyle, outlet,
water spout; in roof construction, a
piped fitting to cast rainwater from a gut-
ter or roof surface away from the roof and
wall surfaces of a building.
raised access floor see platform floor. raking, or
racking back,
raised countersunk head screw see of brick wall
oval head screw.
raised fillet a plain, thin decorative 3 using a rake to even out a granular sur-
moulding, protruding from a flat surface. face, or remove excess material from a
lawn or other landscaped surface.
raking arch see rampant arch.
raking back see raking.
raking bond any brickwork pattern
whose vertical joints form a regular diago-
nal sawtoothed pattern in the wall sur-
raised fillet
face; see raking Flemish bond; raking
stretcher bond.
raised floor 1 any floor which has been
raking flashing in roofing, a flashing at
raised as a dais, platform, stage or access the junction of the side of a sloping roof
floor. and a parapet or wall; the upper surface
2 see access floor.
of its upstand is sloping at the same pitch
raised grain in woodworking, the natural as the roof plane.
raising of wood fibres after the wet appli- raking Flemish bond brickwork laid in
cation of a finish, sanded down on drying Flemish bond with a quarter brick overlap
before a final coat. between courses so that the vertical joints
ram 384
form a regular diagonal sawtoothed pat- rampant vault a masonry vault which is
tern in the wall surface. a rampant or asymmetrical arch in uni-
form cross-section; used over stairs and
changes in level.

raking Flemish bond

raking pile, batter pile; in foundation

technology, any pile placed at a slant to
the vertical; often a tension pile.
raking shore excavation shoring in the rampant vault
form of a series of slanting props to sup-
port a wall. rampart the fortified wall or earthwork
raking stretcher bond 1 a brickwork surrounding a castle, encampment or
bond consisting entirely of courses of town; used as a defensive barrier, see
stretchers, in which alternate courses are enceinte; originally the embankment of
laid with a quarter brick overlap. earth excavated from a surrounding ditch.
2 the same with modular bricks in which ranch house a single storey American
alternating courses are laid with a one- dwelling type built in a rustic style to imi-
third brick overlap. tate a house on a ranch.
ram see monkey. random ashlar see coursed squared
ramin [Gonystylus spp.] a group of hard- rubble, uncoursed ashlar.
woods from South-East Asia with pale, random bond see irregular bond, ran-
featureless, timber; it smells unpleasant dom paving.
when freshly cut and is used for joinery
and furniture. random match, mismatched; veneering
using veneers which are variable in grain
rammed earth construction see pisé. pattern and are glued in no strict pattern.
ramming see tamping.
ramp a sloping planar surface providing
access from one level to another.
ramp stair a gradu-
ally ascending stair
with deep treads and random
short risers, resem- match
bling a ramp. veneering

rampant arch, rak- random paving paving in rectangular

ing arch; an arch pavers of differing sizes in no particular
whose imposts are at ramp stair recognizable pattern; see also ragwork.
different levels.

rampant arch random paving pattern

385 Rayonnant style
random rubble masonry construction of rat-trap bond, Chinese bond, rowlock
roughly shaped stones not laid in courses; bond, silverlock bond; a brickwork bond
also called uncoursed rubble. in which all bricks are laid on edge with each
course consisting of alternating headers and
stretchers in a similar way to Flemish bond;
used for hybrid cavity wall construction.

random rubble wall

rat-trap bond
random squared rubble masonry
see uncoursed squared rubble masonry. raw plywood plywood whose face plies
random stone paving see ragwork. have undergone no treatment during man-
ranger see waling. ufacture other than sanding or scraping.
range work stonework which is com- raw sewage, crude sewage,
posed of coursed ashlar with small stones. untreated sewage; sewage which has
yet to undergo any treatment at a water
rapakivi, rapakivi granite; a reddish or treatment plant.
brown porphyritic hornblende granite orig-
inating in Finland, characterized by round- raw sienna see sienna.
ish deposits of feldspar, prone to decay raw umber, Sicilian brown, terra ombre;
and used as building stone for cladding. dark brown iron oxide containing manga-
rapid-hardening Portland cement, nese hydroxide; used as a pigment in a simi-
high-early-strength cement; a Portland lar way to ochre.
cement that produces concrete which raw water water obtained by a water board
hardens more rapidly in early stages than for distribution to a water supply, to which
ordinary concrete. further purifying aids are sometimes added.
rasp a toothed metal tool or coarse file for ray acoustics see geometrical acoustics.
rough shaping and smoothing of wood ray figure, ray fleck, splash figure,
and plastics. storied rays, ripple marks; a decorative
ratan see rattan. figure produced by the radial slicing of certain
ratchet, ratch; a gear wheel with slanting hardwoods for veneers, caused by the rays in
teeth and a stopper or pawl which allows the wood appearing as ripples in the surface.
for turning in one direction only; used in ray figured veneer decorative veneer
some winches and handtools. with ray figure.
ratchet screwdriver a screwdriver with ray fleck see ray figure.
a ratchet mechanism to operate in one Rayonnant style the middle phase of
selected direction at a time. French Gothic architecture from the 1200s
rate of placing, rate of placement; and 1300s, characterized by radiating lines
the speed at which concrete is placed in in tracery.
formwork, regulated to prevent drying,
cracking or the formation of voids.
rationalism a movement in architecture
which sought to reorder the process of
design and construction in a logical way.
Rayonnant rose
rattan, ratan; the dried stems of a range window of the
of tropical climbing palms used for mak- Minoritenkirche,
ing cane furniture and fittings. Vienna, 1276–1350
rayonny moulding 386
rayonny moulding banded ornament 3 a hinge rebate, see hinge mortise.
consisting of a series of flame-like motifs; 4 a sum of money paid back or deducted
primarily found in heraldic motifs; also called as a result of commercial dealings.
radiant, rayonnant, rayonné moulding. rebated block channel a drainage chan-
nel which is rectangular in cross-section,
shaped with a semicircular recess and rebates
to house a grating along its upper face.
rebated corner joint a lapped corner
rayonny moulding
joint used in cabinetmaking for joining
rays tissues in the structure of wood rad- boards and sheets at right angles, in
iating in bands from the pith towards the which the end of one piece is grooved
bark of a tree. near its edge to receive the rebated edge
of the other piece.
r.c., r-c, rc reinforced concrete.
reaction wood wood with unevenly
spaced growth rings, which is weak and
prone to warping, resulting from abnor-
mal growth of a tree.
ready-mixed referring to concretes,
cements and mortars in which all component
parts, including water, have been mixed
together before delivery for use on site; also
written as readymix; see also dry mix. rebated corner joint
ready-mixed concrete concrete which
has been mixed either in a suitable vehicle
or an off-site mixing plant, and is delivered rebated door a door whose leaf has
for immediate use on site. edges rebated to form a small overlap
ready-mixed mortar mortar delivered with surrounding framing members.
to site mixed and with water added.
ready-mixed plaster plaster delivered
to site mixed and with water added.
realization see completion.
reamer a hand tool or drill bit with a
straight or tapered serrated blade, used
for enlarging or cleaning out drilled holes
in metal, rock and other materials.
door leaf

rebated featheredged board a tim-

ber cladding board, wedge-shaped and
reamers rebated in cross-section.

reaming the enlargement or finishing of

such holes.
rebar see reinforcing bar.
rebate, 1 rabbet; a step-shaped reduc-
tion along the edge of or in the face of a
piece of timber or other component, usu-
ally to receive another piece.
2 a housing in a window or door frame in rebated
which a door leaf, casement or pane of featheredged
glass is fitted; see glazing rebate. boarding
387 rectangular gutter
rebate joint a timber joint in which one recessed portal a main doorway in a
piece has been rebated to receive Romanesque or Gothic church, stepped
another; see lapped corner joint, rebated inwards with columns bearing sculpted
corner joint. figures.

recessed portal at
rebated housing joint Heilbronn church,
rebate plane, rabbet plane; a plane
for cutting a groove or rebate in a piece
of wood.
recessed screw
rebound material from spray concreting cup, countersunk
and painting processes which does not washer, inset screw
adhere to the intended surfaces and cup; a pressed metal
bounces off or is otherwise lost as waste. recessed ring for a recessed screw cup
recaulking the refilling of horizontal tim- countersunk screw to
ber joints in log construction with caulk after protect the base into which it is being
the initial settlement of the building frame. fixed.
recess any setting back or a depression of recirculated air in air conditioning,
a wall in plan, often to allow for servicing return air which is reused once it has
installations, a door or window, or orna- been pumped back to the plant rooms.
ment; see niche. recirculation duct in air conditioning, a
duct conveying return air back to a plant
recessed bead moulding see flush room for reuse.
bead moulding.
reconditioning the steam treatment of
recessed column a column incorporated improperly seasoned timber to reduce dis-
within a small recess in an adjacent wall. tortion and warping.
reconstituted stone, reconstituted
marble; a stone product consisting of
fragments of marble or other soft rock
embedded in a matrix of resin, cement or
marble dust, cast, cut and shaped as
building stone.
reconstructed stone see cast stone.
reconstruction restoring or rebuilding a
dilapidated, ruined or non-existent build-
ing, often using archive documentation;
the product of this process.
record drawing, survey drawing; a
drawing produced from data and mea-
recessed column surements taken during a land or building
survey; a measured drawing.
recessed fixing see flush mounting.
recessed joint see raked joint. recoverable tie a formwork tie removed
for reuse once formwork is struck.
recessed luminaire a light fitting
designed to be flush mounted into a ceil-
rectangular grid floor see waffle floor.
ing, or set into a suitable niche or recess. rectangular gutter see box gutter.
rectangular hollow section 388
rectangular hollow section, RHS; a see iron oxide; *red lead; *red ochre, see
rectangular hollow steel section formed red oxide paint; *rose madder, see madder
by rolling and welding steel plate; used lake; *safflower; *saturnine red, see red
for structural purposes such as framing, lead; *scarlet vermilion, see vermilion;
columns, posts, etc. *selenium red, see cadmium red; *toluidine
rectangular tile red; *vermilion; *Vienna lake, see carmine;
any tile whose face *zinnober, see cinnabar.
is rectangular in
red alder [Alnus rubra], see alder.
rectangular tube
a metal profile of red brick a very common clay brick con-
hollow rectangular rectangular taining iron oxide which gives it a reddish
cross-section; when tile brown colour.
in steel and used for structural purposes, it red cedar [Thuja plicata] western red
is called a rectangular hollow section, RHS. cedar, see thuja.
Rectilinear style see Perpendicular red deal the timber from a Scots pine
style. tree.
rectilinear tracery, panel tracery,
perpendicular tracery; Gothic tracery reddle see red oxide paint.
found in churches of the Perpendicular redevelopment the rebuilding, reshap-
style, characterized by the use of a lace- ing or improvement of a building, block
work of vertical glazing bars. or urban area; see urban renewal, compre-
hensive redevelopment.
red gold a metal alloy consisting of 95%
gold and 5% copper.
red iron oxide see iron oxide.
red knot an intergrown knot in softwood.
red lead, lead oxide, lead primer,
minium, saturnine red; a heavy poison-
rectilinear or ous lead oxide (Pb3O4) pigment used in
perpendicular tracery,
paints, metal primers, glass, glazes, putties
Winchester Cathedral,
from 1079 to 16th century and batteries.
red maple [Acer rubrum], see maple.
red oak [Quercus spp.], see oak.
red a general name for a range of wave- red ochre see red oxide paint.
lengths of coloured light from the visi-
ble spectrum between 640 780 m; see red oxide iron oxide when used as a red
list of red pigments: pigment.
*alizarin; *aniline colour; *anthraquinoid red oxide paint traditional paint used
red; *antimony vermilion; *cadmium red; for external timber surfaces, a mixture of
*carmine; *carthame, see safflower; earth rich in iron-oxide and oil; the earth,
*Chinese red, see chrome red; *Chinese ver- used in differing mediums as paint is var-
milion; *chrome red; *cinnabar; *cochineal; iously known as red ochre, reddle, ruddle
*Derby red, see chrome red; *English ver- and terra rossa.
milion; *ferric oxide, see iron oxide; *gar- red ring rot, red rot, canker rot, hon-
ance; *haematite, see iron oxide; *iron eycomb rot, ring scale fungus, white
oxide; *kermes; *madder lake; *mauve; pocket rot, white pitted rot, white
*minium, see red lead; *Munich lake, see speck; [Phellinus pini, Fomes pini, Trametes
carmine; *nacarat carmine; *naphthol car- pini] a fungal decay in living conifers in
bamide; *natural madder, see madder Europe and North America which, in its
lake; *orange vermilion; *perinone orange; early stages, forms a red stain in the
*Perkin’s violet, see mauve; *perylene; *pur- heartwood, spreading as pockets of white
purin; *quinacridone red; *red iron oxide, filaments which weaken the timber.
389 reflux valve
reducer 1 see thinner.
2 see reducing fitting.
reducing bush see socket reducer.
reducing fitting, reducer; a pipe fitting
for joining two pipes of different dia- reeded moulding
meters; see also straight reducer.
reducing bend a piece of curved reduc- reeded torus moulding a semicircular
ing fitting which changes the direction of decorative moulding carved with reeds or
a pipeline. parallel convex projections.
reducing cross a pipe fitting to connect
two smaller bore subsidiary pipes at right
angles to a main pipe.
reducing elbow a small radius reducing
reducing socket a short length of con-
reeded torus
necting pipe which is internally threaded
and shaped for joining pipes of different
diameters. reeding an ornamental motif or surface
reducing tee a pipe fitting for connect- treatment for masonry, glass, sheet pro-
ing a smaller-bore subsidiary pipe at right ducts, etc. with a series of parallel convex
angles to a larger-bore main pipeline. carvings or protrusions.
reducing valve see pressure reducing reed thatch thatching material of dried
valve. unbroken reed stems.
reduction, smelting; the process of reel and bead see bead and reel.
heating metal ore in order to extract use- reference drawing see base sheet.
ful metal.
reflectance in lighting design, a measure
redundant frame see statically indeter- of the reflectivity of a surface given as a
minate frame. fraction of the luminous flux that is
redwood, sequoia; [Sequoia sempervirens] reflected from it; see also value.
a softwood from North America with dark reflected glare in lighting design, glare
red-brown heartwood and white sapwood, caused by light from an indirect or
resistant to fungal attack; used for vats, tanks, reflected source.
joinery, plywood and construction work.
reflected sound in acoustics, sound
reed 1 a grassy plant found growing near which reaches the listener after bouncing
water and on marshland, with long, hollow off a wall, floor or ceiling surface.
stems used for thatching roofs, matting,
reed pens, etc.; see best reed, Norfolk reed. reflection the bouncing or turning back
2 a thin decorative band; see reeded,
of wave motion as it strikes a smooth sur-
reeding. face; see sound reverberation, specular
reed and tie moulding a decorative
moulding representing a parallel set of reflective glass solar control glass sur-
reeds bound intermittently with diagonal face treated or coated with a layer to
crossed ribbons. reflect solar radiation; see surface coated
float glass.
reeded referring to a surface that has reflective float glass see surface coated
been cut or formed with a series of paral- float glass.
lel convex ridges; see fluted.
reeded boarding see bead boarding. reflector that part of a lamp, luminaire,
reeded glass glass which has been sign or treated surface designed to direct
obscured with a reeded pattern of parallel reflected light in a certain direction.
grooves impressed into one side. reflector lamp, spot lamp; a lamp with
reeded moulding any horizontal flat or an internally silvered lining to reflect light
torus moulding scored with a series of parallel outwards with a directional narrow beam.
indentations, convex carvings or protrusions. reflux valve see check valve.
refraction 390
refraction the change in direction of a during the period when Philip, Duke of
wave such as a beam of light as it enters Orleans, was regent.
a medium of different density at an angle. registered chisel a sturdy chisel used
refractive index, index of refraction; for heavy work, which has a ferrule at
the ratio of the speed of an electromag- either end of the handle to prevent it
netic wave in a certain material to that in from splitting when struck with a mallet.
a vacuum.
regularizing the planing of seasoned
refractory a description of a fireproof softwood sections on four sides to pro-
material or construction which is non-com- duce an accurately measured cross-
bustible, resistant to the action of heat, or is section.
difficult to melt fuse, or destroy by heating. regularized timber timber which has
refractory brick see firebrick. been resawn this way.
refractory concrete concrete designed regulating valve see control valve.
to withstand high temperatures; for use in
flues, fireboxes, etc.; prepared with calcium regulation a rule provided by an authority
aluminate cement and refractory aggregate. indicating the way in which a matter should
refractory lining see fireproof lining. be undertaken; see building regulation.
refractory mortar finely crushed mortar, regulator see control device.
often made from fireclay, silica sand and rehabilitation an action of bringing
firebrick, able to withstand high tempera- buildings, structures and their servicing
tures and used for masonry flues and ovens. back to a state of functional repair.
refrigerant a liquid medium through which reheating in certain air-conditioning sys-
energy in air-conditioning refrigeration plant tems, the final heating up of conditioned
and other cooling installations is transferred. air, governed by a thermostat within the
refrigeration unit, chiller; an air-condi- space, prior to release as supply air.
tioning appliance for producing a cold reinforced blockwork blockwork with
stream of liquid used for cooling condi- reinforcing bars laid in bed joints to with-
tioned input air. stand structural loading.
refurbishment, renovation; the action reinforced brick lintel, brick beam; a
of bringing buildings, structures and their laid-in-situ or prefabricated beam of bricks
technical installations up to modern and reinforcing bars in bed joints; used
requirements, or restoring them to meet over openings in walls.
current functional standards.
refuse solid waste products from con-
sumption, manufacture, industrial pro-
cesses, etc.
refuse bin, ashcan (Am), bin, dust-
bin, trash can (Am), rubbish bin; in
waste management, a container for the
storage of household and commercial
solid waste.
refuse chute see waste chute. reinforced brick lintel
over doorway in
refuse collection, waste collection; masonry wall
the organized collection of waste material
from buildings, and its transportation to a
refuse dump.
Regency style 1 an architectural style in reinforced brickwork brickwork with
England from the early 1800s between reinforcing bars laid in bed joints to with-
the Georgian and Victorian periods when stand structural loading.
George, Prince of Wales, was regent; it is reinforced concrete, ferroconcrete,
characterized by use of classical propor- steel concrete; structural concrete con-
tion and eclectic motifs. taining inlaid steel reinforcing bars or a
2 a style of Rococo and late Baroque archi- mesh to increase strength in tension;
tecture in France from the early 1700s often written as rc, r-c or r.c.
391 reinforced plaster





A in-situ concrete slab, F in-situ concrete duct

slab reinforcement G top reinforcement
B in-situ concrete column, H bottom reinforcement
column reinforcement K main reinforcement,
C in-situ concrete beam, principal reinforcement
beam reinforcement L longitudinal reinforcement
D in-situ concrete wall, M lateral reinforcement,
wall reinforcement transverse reinforcement
E in-situ concrete footing, N stirrup, binder, link, ligature
foundation reinforcement

reinforced concrete pavement see con- reinforced felt, sarking felt; bitumen
tinuously reinforced concrete pavement. felt reinforced with a hessian web; used
reinforced concrete structure any beneath tiled or slate roofing.
structure designed to make use of con- reinforced joint a horizontal joint in
crete and its contained steel reinforcement which reinforcing bars have been set;
acting together to withstand loading. used in structural brickwork over open-
reinforced earth earth with inlaid layers ings, etc.
of binding reinforcement such as geotex- reinforced plaster any plaster or render
tile; used for stabilizing embankments and which has been strengthened with or
earthworks. supported by a steel mesh; see fibrous
reinforced plastic 392
plaster, fibre-reinforced plaster (fibred reject a material or product which is not
plaster), metal lathing plaster, Rabitz acceptable for use in construction work
plaster. due to its poor quality, imperfections or
reinforced plastic see fibre-reinforced faults, or because it does not meet a
plastic. specification.
reinforced render see reinforced relative humidity the ratio of the
plaster. humidity of air to the saturation point of
air at the same temperature and pressure.
reinforcement 1 any rods, fibres, mesh
or fabric added to a mass product (con- relaxation in structural engineering, the
crete, plaster or plastics) to withstand the loss of stress in a loaded tensile member
loading against which the material itself is due to creep.
weak; see concrete reinforcement for list relay an electromagnetic switch in an
of separate types of reinforcement for electric circuit.
concrete; see also soil reinforcement, fibre
release agent, parting compound; in
concreting, a material or compound
2 see reinforcing bar.
applied to formwork to facilitate its
3 see steel fixing.
removal from the concrete.
reinforcement schedule see bar
schedule. relief, 1 relievo; a two-dimensional
reinforcement spacer see spacer. design, pattern or sculpture which is
raised partly or entirely above a flat sur-
reinforcing bar one of a number or face to appear as if in three dimensions.
configuration of deformed steel bars used
2 decorative ornament carved, embossed
in reinforced concrete to provide resis-
or otherwise pressed into a surface.
tance to tensile stresses; also called a
see sunk relief (cavo-relievo, intaglio rile-
vato), anaglyph, basso rilievo (low relief,
bas-relief), mezzo rilievo (half relief), alto
deformed rilievo (high relief).
relief wallcovering wallcovering with a
face surface rendered or embossed with a
raised pattern.
plain relieving arch, discharging arch; a
twisted blind arch built into masonry above a win-
reinforcing bars
dow or door opening to spread loading to
side wall abutments.
reinforcing cage see cage.
reinforcing fabric an area of plaster-
soaked textile used in plaster casting as
structural reinforcement.
reinforcing strip see taping strip.
reinspection a subsequent building
inspection held after defects in building
work have been made following an initial
inspection, or where work has not been
ready or the approved plans and specifi- relieving arch over tripartite opening
cations are not on site during an initial
relieving vault a simple vaulting system
reinstatement the restoring of public found above chambers in the Egyptian
areas, infrastructure, landscaping and sur- pyramids and other massive stone monu-
roundings which have been affected by ments, whose purpose is to redirect loads
construction work to their pre-existing state bearing directly onto the chamber roof to
after the completion of building work. side abutments.
393 reorganization
relievo see relief. compo render; *fibre-reinforced render;
relocatable partition see demountable *insulated render; *mineral render, see
partition. mineral plaster; *polymer render; *rein-
remedial pertaining to a process or pro- forced render, see reinforced plaster;
cedure intended to return or repair some- *scratch render, see scratch plaster; *thin
thing to its original state. coat render, thin section render; *water-
remedial conservation see physical proof render, see damp resisting plaster.
2 see rendering mortar.
remedial plastering the repairing of
pits and cracks in an existing plaster sur- render and set see two coat
face using small areas of fresh plaster, plasterwork.
having first removed loose material and
wetted the treatable areas; also known as render coat a single layer of render laid
patching. as surfacing for a wall at any one time;
remedial work see renovation. see first plaster undercoat.
remoulded sample, disturbed sam- rendered brickwork brick masonry
ple; a soil sample which has been manip- waterproofed with a render finish.
ulated on removal from the ground and render, float and set see three coat
has had its structure altered. plasterwork.
Renaissance the rebirth of classicism, a cul-
tural movement originating in Florence, Italy rendering 1 the process of applying a
in the 1400s; in architecture it is characterized coat of render to a wall surface; see also
by the use of classical elements for primarily daubing.
secular buildings; styles of Renaissance are 2 the render thus applied; see plaster,
listed below; see also Mannerism. plasterwork, render, stucco; types of ren-
early Renaissance Renaissance architec- dering included as separate entries are
ture from the early period, quattrocento listed below:
in Italy, c. 1420 1490. *coloured rendering, *comb-finished ren-
high Renaissance the middle phase of dering, *float-finished rendering, *masonry
Renaissance architecture, cinquecento in paint (organic rendering), *trowel-finished
Italy, c. 1480 1535. rendering.
late Renaissance the latter stage in 3 see torching.
Renaissance architecture, c.1530 1580. 4 in computer graphics and CAD, the
neo-Renaissance eclectic Renaissance application of surface colour or texture
styles in architecture from the end of the to an image or model.
nineteenth century. 5 see colour rendering.
proto-Renaissance architecture regar-
ded as being the direct forebear of
Renaissance, such as the severe Tuscan rendering mortar mortar designed
Romanesque architecture with classical especially for use in rendering and plaster-
influences, c. 1100 1200, or that from the ing, with good adherence and resistance
lower reaches of the Rhone. to cracking; also called render.
renewal see urban renewal.
render, 1 rendering; an exterior finish renovation, remedial work, repair
for concrete, masonry and rough stone- work; the action of repairing or remodel-
work consisting of a mixture of cement, ling a building or a space within a build-
sand and water, applied wet; commonly ing to meet current requirements; see
also known as plaster, though this usu- refurbishment.
ally applies to traditional methods and renovation plaster plaster used for
materials, or interior work; types repairs in old buildings where the back-
included as separate entries are listed ground may be damp.
below: reorganization, reconstruction; the
*cement render; *cement lime render, see rearranging of the contents or methods of
composition render; *composition render, operation of an existing building, organization
repainting 394
or business to improve its performance or design or construction; see housing
effectiveness. development.
repainting, 1 maintenance painting; residential scheme, housing scheme;
in painting and decorating, the addition of a distinct unit of new housing, usually
a fresh coat of paint to an existing painted arranged around a yard and with certain
surface, including filling cracks, removing communal facilities.
hardened paint which is loose, etc. resident parking an area of parking
2 overpainting; the adding of subsequent designed for the use of residents of adja-
coats of paint to a freshly painted surface. cent dwellings.
repair the action of restoring an item, residual stress internal stresses in a
part of a building or component which is structural member or component caused
broken or in poor condition to its original by manufacturing processes, etc. rather
functional state; the result of this action. than applied loading.
repaired plywood plywood in which residue waste or unusable material depos-
defects in the face plies have been patched ited from a chemical or sedimentation
or filled. process.
repair work see renovation. resilient a description of a compomnent
reprocessing the industrial recycling of or material which is elastic and will return
waste material into new materials or to its original form after release of stres-
products. ses; especially used with regard to acous-
tic products and vibration dampers.
request for bids, request for tender; resilient channel a metal acoustic chan-
the stage in a contract tendering proce- nel fixing to prevent any vibration of fit-
dure during which sets of tender docu- tings and wall surfaces being transmitted
ments are sent to a number of potential to the building fabric.
contractors, to which they will supply a resilient clip a metal fixing clip used in
tender price or bid. acoustic construction to prevent any
requirement in design and construction, vibration of fittings, etc. being transmitted
a local authority, client or contractual con- to the building fabric.
dition, obligation, standard or imposition resilient mounting any flexible support
which should be fulfilled. or fixing designed to prevent vibration
from fittings, mechanical plant, etc. being
resawing the longitudinal sawing of con-
transmitted to the building fabric.
verted and seasoned timber into smaller
reserve water tank a tank of water resin 1 a natural or synthetic organic
polymer used in the manufacture of
from which extinguishant water is pumped
varnishes, adhesives, paints and plastics;
in the event of a building fire.
types included as separate entries are
reservoir any vessel which temporarily listed below.
stores liquid used in a process, installation, 2 pitch; the viscous secretion from the
etc.; a natural or man-made lake for the resin canals of some pines, distilled to
storage of a large volume of water. form tar, oil of turpentine and other pro-
residential pertaining to or characterized by ducts; see also natural resin.
homes and dwellings; see following entries. *alkyd resin; *amber, succinite; *bakelite, see
residential area, housing area; an phenol formaldehyde; *coumarone resin, see
urban district consisting principally of coumarone indene; *damar resin, see damar;
dwellings; an area on a town plan desig- *epoxide resin, epoxy resin, EP; *fossil resin;
nated for dwellings. *gutta-percha; *melamine formaldehyde,
residential building, dwelling house; melamine, MF; *natural resin; *oleoresin, bal-
a building which contains one or a num- sam; *phenol formaldehyde, phenolic resin,
ber of dwellings, or one whose sole pur- PF; *polyester resin, UP; *polysulphone, PSU,
pose is to serve as such. polysulfone (Am); *polyvinyl alcohol, PVA;
residential development, housing *unsaturated polyester, see polyester resin;
project; a new area of dwellings under *urea formaldehyde, UF.
395 reticulated

resin adhesive, resin glue see syn- water on one side of it; types included
thetic resin adhesive. as separate entries are listed below:
resin concrete see polymer concrete. *anchored retaining wall; *buttress wall,
resin lining see sock lining. see counterfort wall; *cantilever wall, can-
resin pocket see pitch pocket. tilever retaining wall; *counterfort wall;
resin streak see pitch streak. *cribbing, cribwork; *gabion wall; *gravity
retaining wall, gravity wall; *sheet piling,
trench sheeting; *wing wall.
resistance moment see moment of
resistance welding a range of welding
processes in which metal objects to be
welded are pressed together and heat for
fusion is provided by electrical resistance;
examples of this are spot, seam, projec-
tion and butt welding.
resistance butt welding see butt
welding. retaining wall
resistance flash welding see flash
resistor see electrical resistor.
retarder, retarding agent; an additive
resonance a physical phenomenon, the for cement, plaster and glues to slow
lively sympathetic vibration of an object down the rate of setting.
or component at certain frequencies of retarded concrete concrete which con-
induced vibration. tains an admixture to increase its setting time.
resonant frequency a frequency at
which resonance occurs. retempering, knocking up; the addi-
resonator in acoustics, a construction tion of water to concrete or mortar in use
designed to absorb sound of a narrow in order to increase its workability, which
band of frequencies by sympathetic reso- also reduces its final strength.
nance; a type of absorber. retention sum, retainage; in contract
resorcinol formaldehyde glue a syn- administration, a sum retained for a cer-
thetic resin adhesive which is water solu- tain period by the client to offset costs
ble for several hours, then insoluble and that may arise from the contractor’s fail-
chemically resistant. ure to comply fully with the contract.

restoration the action of bringing a reticulated a description of a pattern or

building, piece of furniture or work of art construction resembling a net.
back to its original state by repair work, reticulated finish an irregularly lined or
cleaning, etc.; see also land restoration. grooved finish in stonework produced by
dressing with a point tool.
restrictor see throat restrictor. reticulated tracery Gothic tracery of
resultant force, resultant; in mechan- vertical members which are interlaced in
ics, the overall force vector resulting from the upper arch of a window with undulat-
all the different forces acting on a body or ing ogee forms.
at a joint.
retainage see retention sum.
retainer 1 see retention sum.
2 insulation retainer, see insulation clip.
retaining ring see circlip.

retaining wall a structural wall

reticulated tracery, St
designed to withstand lateral forces Ouen, Rouen, France,
from the abutting ground or a body of 1318–1515
retrofit 396
retrofit the installation of components whose height measured
and plant after the usual completion of a through its centre is, like
building or surrounding construction. a circle, a constant; often
found as a decorative
return 1 a short perpendicular change in
motif in Byzantine, Syrian
direction at the end of a wall, moulding, etc.
and Gothic architecture,
2 see return pipe. reuleaux triangle
symbolic of the manifes-
return air, extract air; in air condition- tation of divine will.
ing and mechanical ventilation, stale air
extracted from a space.
reusable formwork in concreting, spe-
cialized or proprietary formwork which is
return-air duct, extract duct, exhaust
not destroyed on striking, and can be
duct; a mechanical ventilation or air-con-
used over again.
ditioning duct carrying stale air away from
a space. reuse the use of waste materials in the
return-air terminal unit, air intake, manufacture of new products; the use of
extract unit; in air conditioning and redundant buildings and plots for new
mechanical ventilation, a grille or other and different purposes; see also recycling.
device through which stale air is sucked reveal, jamb; the vertical side surfaces of
out of a space. an opening in a wall, usually at right
return end, return wall; a short perpen- angles or splayed with respect to the
dicular change in direction at the end of a main wall surface.
wall. reverberation 1 see sound reflection,
return latch, catch bolt, latch bolt, sound reverberation.
spring latch, tongue; the bevelled 2 see water hammer.
metal springloaded tongue in a latch, reverberation time in acoustics, the
which engages in a plate fixed to a door time taken for the sound pressure level to
jamb and retracts when a door handle is drop below 60 dB after the initial sound
turned. has stopped.
reverberatory a description of a room
with spatial conditions and reflective sur-
faces which produce long reverberation
reverse alternate lengths a method of
hanging wallpaper in which every other
vertical length is laid upside down.
reverse box match a veneering pattern
in which four triangular pieces of straight-
return latch grained veneer are laid in a rectangular
arrangement with diagonal joints in such
a way that the direction of grain is from
return pipe, return; a pipeline which the centre point outwards.
conveys fluid from a place of use such as
a radiator back to a storage or plant
return stair see dogleg stair; double
return stair.
return wall see return end. reverse box
match veneering
return water water in a hot water heat-
ing circuit which is returned from radia- reverse diamond match a veneering
tors, etc. for reheating. pattern in which four rectangular pieces of
reuleaux triangle, curved triangle; a straight-grained veneer are laid in a group
three-sided geometrical figure in which so that the grain of each is at an angle and
each equilateral side is constructed by scrib- radiating away from the centre point. See
ing an arc around the opposite apex, and illustration on facing page.
397 rib
design drawing, also called an amend-
ment cloud.
revision panel tabulated information in
a design drawing, listing the revisions
made, dates, etc.; also called an amend-
reverse diamond ment block.
match veneering
revival style a general name for styles in
architecture such as the Greek revival and
reverse ogee arch, bell arch; a decora- Gothic revival which derive forms and motifs
tive round or pointed arch formed of two from historical precedents and bygone eras.
back-to-back ogees with their concave parts revolving door a door with a number of
meeting at the apex; see also keel arch. leaves which revolve around a central axis.

reverse ogee arch

reverse ogee moulding a decorative revolving door

moulding whose cross-section is that of an
ogee, the convex part uppermost; called a RH see right-handed.
cyma reversa in classical architecture.
rhodochrosite, manganese spar; a
reverse taper column see Minoan column. red, brown or pinkish mineral, natural
reverse toothing recesses left in the face manganese carbonate, MnCO3, used as a
of a brick wall under construction into which local manganese ore and polished for jew-
lapping courses in a perpendicular cross ellery and ornamental stone.
wall can be bonded; also called indents. rhodonite a black-veined, pink or red
reversionary development development mineral, a silicate of manganese used as
which returns land or buildings to their origi- ornamental stone and occasionally as an
nal use or state, after a period specified in ore of manganese.
planning permission. rhone see half round gutter.
revetment 1 a layer of binding material, con- RHS see rectangular hollow section, rolled
crete, stone, etc. laid over a natural embank- hollow section.
ment or sloping earthwork as stabilization.
2 a retaining wall for an earthwork or rhyolite, liparite, quartz porphyry; a
embankment. silica-rich, fine-grained volcanic rock used
as aggregates and chippings, for paving
revibration the recompaction of con- and as ornamental stone.
crete a few hours after placing using a
vibrator to reduce settlement cracks,
release trapped water and increase bond- rib 1 in reinforced concrete construction,
ing with reinforcement. one of a number of projections on a
deformed reinforcing bar to provide a
revision, 1 amendment; an annotated
better bond with the concrete matrix;
change to documentation due to altera-
see longitudinal rib, transverse rib.
tions in a design.
2 the main structural member in a rib
2 revised drawing; a documentation or
vault, or a line of stone which marks it;
design drawing which has been altered
types included as separate entries are
because of the above.
listed below:
revision arrow see arrowhead.
*arc doubleau, see transverse rib; *diagonal
revision cloud a rough ring added to
rib; *groin rib, see diagonal rib; *ogive, see
draw attention to recent alterations in a
ribbed bar 398

diagonal rib; *lierne; *longitudinal ridge rib; ribbon a narrow flat woven band often
*ridge rib, see longitudinal ridge rib, trans- used as a decorative motif in carved
verse ridge rib; *secondary rib, see tiercer- stonework, woodwork and plasterwork.
on; *tertiary rib, see lierne; *tierceron; ribbon figure, ribbon grain, stripe
*transverse rib; *transverse ridge rib. figure; a decorative striped figure in sawn
timber and veneers, produced by the
radial cutting of the wood from the log.
ribbed bar see deformed bar.
ribbon window see window band.
rib lathing see ribbed expanded metal
rib vault, ribbed vault; a vault con-
structed of structural arched stone mem-
ribbed bar bers or ribs with an infill of masonry; often
with tiercerons or secondary ribs, and
ribbed board hardboard with one face liernes or tertiary ribs. See illustration below.
moulded with a ribbed texture. rich concrete, fat concrete; a concrete
ribbed expanded metal lathing, rib mix whose proportion of cement is
lathing; lathing, a base for plaster, made greater than usual.
from expanded metal which has been rich lime see fat lime.
ribbed to give a better key. rich mix, fat mix; a mix of concrete or
ribbed-sheet roofing see profiled mortar with a high content of binder.
sheeting. ridge the longitudinal apex where two
ribbed vault see rib vault. sloping planes in a pitched roof meet; the


A bay
B haunch, hanche, rib
C cell, web, severy
D groin
E transverse rib
399 ring circuit
straight line running along the highest rift sliced veneer a decorative veneer
point of a sloping roof. formed by the oblique slicing of a quarter
ridge beam, ridge purlin, rooftree; in log or flitch.
timber roof construction, a horizontal tim- rigger brush a slender paintbrush with
ber which supports the ends of coupled very long fibres culminating in a point;
rafters at the ridge. used by artists and decorators for preci-
ridge board, ridge plank, ridge piece; sion work; also simply called a rigger.
in timber roof construction, a horizontal right-handed, right-hung, RH see
board at ridge level onto which rafters handing.
rigid a description of a structure which
ridge capping, ridgecap, ridge cover- will resist deformation under load due to
ing; a longitudinal construction or com- adequate bracing and stiff joints; see also
ponent for covering the ridge of a roof; stiff; rigidity or stiffness is the property of
often a channel, board, row of U-shaped a material, structure or body to resist
tiles, etc. bending, stretching and deformation.
ridge capping tile see ridge tile. rigid composite pavement road or
ridge covering see ridge capping. paved construction of a structural con-
crete slab surfaced with layers of bitumi-
ridge end in roofing, a special tile or nous material.
other construction at the end of a ridge; rigid frame see portal frame.
see block end ridge tile. rigid joint any joint between two mem-
ridge gusset in timber roof construction, bers which is fixed in place and under-
a fish plate for connecting a pair of rafters goes no rotation about a pivot for
at the ridge. purposes of structural calculation.
ridge piece, ridge plank see ridge rigid pavement road or paved construc-
board. tion consisting of a concrete slab provid-
ing both structure and surfacing.
ridge plate in timber pitched roof con- rigid pipe pipes of ceramics, metal, con-
struction, a piece placed at ridge level crete, etc. which are brittle and cannot be
onto which the ridge capping may be deformed without fracturing.
rilevato, rilievo see relief.
ridge pole a ridge beam in traditional
and log construction. Rilsan proprietary name for a tough, poly-
amide thermoplastic used as fibres.
ridge purlin see ridge beam.
rim latch a latch attached to the surface
ridge rib see longitudinal ridge rib, trans- of a door rather than incorporated into its
verse ridge rib. thickness.
rim lock a lock attached
ridge tile, ridge capping tile; a spe- to the surface of a door
cial roof tile designed to cover the ridge rather than incorporated
of a roof; types included as separate into its thickness; see
entries are listed below: also mortise lock.
*angular ridge tile; *block end ridge tile, rinceau Gothic and
ridge end; *ventilating ridge tile; *dry Romanesque decorative
ridge tile. ornament in low relief
with representations of
foliage, acanthus leaves,
riding shore a slanting prop or raker vines and berries.
rim lock
sprung from another raker in a raking shore.
ring see annulet, annual
rift crack see heartshake. ring.
rift sawing see quartersawing. ring circuit a ring-shaped electric circuit
rift sawn see quartersawn. connected to a power supply.
ringed column 400
ringed column see annulated column, the door rises slightly when opened, and
rusticated column. swings shut under its own weight.
ring failure see cup shake.
ring main 1 a pressurized pipe circuit for
the continuous supply of hot water to a
2 see cold oil ring main.
ring porous wood hardwood with rela-
tively large pores concentrated in early
wood and small pores in latewood. rising hinge
ring pull a handle consisting of a hinged
ring by which a door, drawer, hatch, etc. is rising main, riser; a vertical service main
pulled open. to provide a water, electricity, gas tele-
ring scale fungus see red ring rot. communications supply or service to
upper floors of a multistorey building.
ring shake see cup shake.
riveling see wrinkle.
ring-shanked nail see annular nail.
riven finish, cloven finish; a stonework
Rinman’s green see cobalt green. finish produced by cleaving or splitting;
ripper a tool consisting of a steel bar for the finished surface is the same as the
removing old surface construction such as cleavage plane.
plasterwork, boarding, etc.
rivet a short flat-headed metal pin used
ripping see flat cutting. for fixing metal sheet or plate by inserting
ripping chisel a large chisel used for it into holes in the sheets to be fastened
heavy and rough work. and hammering to flatten the other end.
riveted joint a metalwork joint fastened
ripple marks see ray figure. with rivets.
rip-rap 1 rubble and loose stone used to
form a foundation, ramp, bridge abut-
ment, bank or breakwater; a construction
thus built.
2 loose stones of stones of 7 70 kg used
as covering for a revetment.
rip saw a saw with teeth adapted for cut- riveted joint
ting along the grain of wood; see cross-
cut saw. riveting the process of fixing metal
rip-sawing also called flat cutting. plates together with rivets, and the result
rise, 1 pitch; the vertical distance mea- of this action.
sured from the impost to the crown of an riveting hammer a hammer with a
arch. small face and cross peen used in riveting
2 the vertical height of a step, or the verti- work.
cal distance between adjacent treads in a road oil, asphalt oil; a viscous oily sub-
stair. stance distilled from crude oil; used as a
riser 1 the vertical surface forming the surface treatment or binder in road and
front face of a step. paved construction.
2 a vertical service pipe or duct in a build- road tar a blend of coal tar and tar oil
ing; see rising main, ventilation stack (ven- used in road construction.
tilation riser).
robinia, false acacia, black locust
rising hinge, gravity door hinge, (Am); [Robinia pseudoacacia] a hardwood
rising-butt hinge; a hinge with two of Europe and the USA with golden
metal flaps and a central joining pin, brown, hard and heavy timber; used for
whose housing is cut with a helix so that furniture, fences and posts.
401 roller bearing
rocaille, French Rococo, Louis XV 1725 1775, characterized by abundant
style; an exuberantly decorative style of lightweight ornament.
Rococo architecture in France during the
reign of Louis XV (1715 1774).
rock a naturally occurring agglomera-
tion of minerals forming a distinct and
definable geological body; stone in its
natural habitat within the earth’s
see igneous rock for ancient igneous
rock types (granite, basalt, etc.)
see metamorphic rock for metamorphic
rock types (marble, schist, slate, etc.)
see sedimentary rock for types of sed-
imentary rock (limestone, sandstone, Rococo window Rococo portal
rock anchor, rock anchorage; a system rodded joint see keyed joint.
of steel rods, guys or braces to fix a struc- rodding see tamping.
ture firmly to bedrock. rodding eye see cleaning eye.
rock axe see masonry axe. roll billet see round billet.
rock bolt a fixing which receives the rolled asphalt asphalt laid hot and com-
forces from a rock anchorage and trans- pacted by rolling plant; used for wearing
mits them to the bedrock in which it is courses, basecourses or roadbases in road
embedded. construction and external paving.
rock burst, rock bursting; the breaking rolled concrete, roller-compacted
away of a larger area of rock face than concrete; stiff concrete compacted using
intended during blasting excavation. a vibrating roller; used for roads and
rock-faced see quarry finish.
rolled glass glass manufactured by pass-
rock flour rock which has been crushed ing molten glass between steel rollers,
into a powder with grains which are well often shaped to provide patterned sur-
under 1 mm in size. faces; see patterned glass.
rock maple see maple. rolled hollow section, RHS; a struc-
rock pick a small hammer with a bladed tural steel section formed by processes of
peen, used for careful removal of stone rolling, whose uniform cross-section is
from surfaces, geological specimens, most often a hollow rectangle (also RHS),
archeological finds, etc. but may also be a square or circle; see cir-
cular hollow section, rectangular hollow
rock plant any species of landscaping section, square hollow section.
plant which usually grows and thrives in
rocky or dry areas. rolled steel section a structural steel
profile with a uniform cross-section pro-
rock pocket see honeycombing. duced by rolling.
rock socket, rock shoe; the lower end rolled steel joist, rsj see I-section.
of a foundation pile, by which it is bored roller, paint roller; a hand-held imple-
into and connected to bedrock. ment consisting of a roll of absorbent
rock wool mineral wool produced from material on an axle; used for the rapid
volcanic rock or other rock types; used for application of paint to a surface.
thermal insulation. roller bearing a structural bearing consist-
Rococo an architectural and decorative ing of one or more cylindrical pieces which
style originating from France c. transfers loading between parallel plates.
roller blind 402
roller blind an internal fabric window mill using industrial methods; see cold
blind with a spring mechanism to forming (cold rolling), hot rolling.
enable it to be retracted by rolling up rolling load a structural live load
around a central rod above the window imposed by a moving vehicle; see also
opening. moving load.
roller catch a fastening roll joint, batten roll joint, conical roll
device fixed into the edge joint, wood roll joint; in sheet roofing, a
of a door leaf to hold it in joint formed by dressing roofing material
a closed position by around a timber fillet with welted joints,
means of a sprung cylin- or nailing the sheet material to the fillet
der in a casing; see also and fixing a capping on top; see hollow
ball catch. roll joint.
roller-compacted con-
crete see rolled concrete.
roller compaction see
roller catch
roller door see roller
roller painting the application of paint
on wall surfaces with a paint roller.
roller shutter any door, gate, shutter or roll joint
screen which is rolled up around an over- roll-jointed roof a sheetmetal roof
head horizontal axle when in an open whose adjacent strips of roofing are con-
position; especially an overhead door or nected with roll joints.
shutter made up from hinged slats, cloth, roll-jointed roofing felt or sheetmetal
etc. which roll up around a drum above roofing in which adjacent seams running
the opening; usually a high-speed motor- from ridge to eaves are formed using roll
ized door. joints.
roll moulding, round moulding; a
decorative moulding which is half round
(or a greater part of a circle) in cross-
section; see scroll moulding, round billet
(roll billet).
roll-rim [Paxillus panuoides] a brown rot
fungus which attacks timber in damp con-
ditions, forming brown lobed shelf-like
roller shutter roll tile a pantile or Roman tile.
Roman architecture the post-Etruscan
roller tray a shallow plastic vessel in classical architecture of the Romans from
which paint is held while being trans- 750 BC 476 AD, characterized by Greek-
ferred to a paint roller; also called a paint influenced temples, theatres, baths and
tray. tenements, and by engineering ingenuity
rolling, 1 roller compaction; in road for structures such as roads, bridges and
construction, the compaction and evening conduits; see also full page article on
out of a freshly laid surface or substrate Roman architecture on p. 404.
with heavy rolling plant. Roman arch a masonry arch whose
2 in landscaping, the evening and flatten- intrados describes half a circle; a semicir-
ing of lawns, etc. with a manual roller. cular arch.
3 the production of metal bars, plate, etc. Roman cement 1 a pozzolanic (hydrau-
with a uniform cross-section in a rolling lic) cement used since Roman times,
403 roof
made from natural pozzolan mixed with the early 1500s, typically characterized by
lime. foliage and medallions and with Italian
2 Parker’s cement, brown cement; a pro- Renaissance influences.
prietary form of cement produced from
burnt clay and used as render in England
rood a large crucifix in a church.
in the 1800s. rood altar an altar against a rood screen,
Roman concrete Roman walling con- facing the nave.
struction made from two skins of rubble rood arch the main arch in a rood
with an infill of cement and small screen.
stones poured at intervals during rood beam a beam spanning across the
construction. chancel to support a rood screen.
Roman Corinthian order a variation of rood loft a gallery running along the top
the Greek Corinthian order, especially of a rood screen intended to carry can-
favoured during the Renaissance, in which dles, effigies or a crucifix.
bare columns are crowned with tall rood screen a screen which separates
Corinthian capitals, and the entablature the nave and chancel of a church and is
has richer embellishment. intended to carry a crucifix.
Roman Doric order, Doric Roman rood spire, rood tower a spire and
order; a Roman and Renaissance version tower (respectively) over the crossing of a
of the Doric order comprising columns church.
with fluted shafts, simple capitals (consist-
ing of a decorated echinus above an
annulet and surmounted by an abacus roof 1 those parts of the top of a building
edged with a cyma moulding), bases, and which provide shelter against the ele-
an entablature with triglyphs and ments; the uppermost weatherproof level
metopes. in a building. See illustration on p. 408.
2 see roofing, roof covering.
roof types according to structure,
method of construction and materials
are listed below; roof types according to
shape are listed under roof form.
*barrel vaulted roof; *clasped purlin collar
rafter roof; *close couple roof, close cou-
ple rafter roof; *cold roof; *collar roof, col-
Roman Doric capitals
lar rafter roof; *common purlin roof,
horizontal rafter roof; *couple roof, cou-
pled rafter roof; *crown post rafter roof,
Roman Ionic order a Roman variation crown post and collar purlin roof; *crown
of the Greek Ionic order whose volutes post rafter roof, crown post roof; *double
have greater sculpturing than the original. roof, see purlin roof; *glazed roof, glass
Roman ochre a variety of yellow ochre roof; *grass roof, see turf roof, green roof;
pigment, either one used in ancient Rome *green roof; *hammer-beam roof; *hori-
or found naturally in Italy. zontal rafter roof, see common purlin
Romanesque religious architecture in roof; *inverted roof, see upside down roof;
Western Europe from the early eleventh *king post roof; *northlight shell roof;
century, characterized by bulky massing, *open roof, open timbered roof; *organic
massive semicircular masonry vaults for roof; *protected membrane roof, see
roofing the nave and aisles, sparing use of upside down roof; *purlin roof, double
detail, and the round arch with a heavy roof; *queen post collar rafter roof, queen
intrados (a Romanesque arch); known in post roof; *queen post rafter roof; *rafter
England as Norman architecture; see also roof; *roll-jointed roof; *Roman tiled roof
Carolingian and article on Romanesque illustration; *scissor roof, scissor rafter
architecture on p. 406. roof; *shake roof; *sheetmetal roof;
Romayne pertaining to decorative carv- *shell roof; *shingle roof; *single roof;
ing, furniture and panelling in England in *slate roof; *span roof, see close couple
(continued on p. 408)

Romans were followers of the Greeks aesthetically, but their construction technology
resolved numerous problems which were unknown to the Greeks. The city of Rome, urbs
Roma – caput mundi – ‘capital of the world’, had about a million inhabitants during the early
imperial age in the 2nd century AD. Typical to its architecture, as in any other large Roman
city, were monumental squares lined with public administrative buildings and temples,
insulae) with shops (tabernae), public baths
(thermae), amphitheatres, libraries, and water distribution and sewerage systems. These
represent a new urban architecture.



Ionic order

Doric order

elevational study and cross section of the Flavian Amphitheatre (The Colosseum),
Rome, 72-80 AD, scale ~1:1400, showing superimposed orders of outer wall

Roman architects re-evaluated the meaning of

the wall in a spatial sense and developed new
types of interiors by using vaults, domes and
apses above circular and polygonal plans. Of
great importance in this was opus caementi-
cum (Roman concrete), a mixture of water,
lime, volcanic sand and crushed stone, which
formed the plastic hardcore of stone or brick
veneered walls. Concrete, arches and vaults
were not in themselves new inventions, but
by combining them, Romans created con-
structions on a vast scale such as had never
been seen before. With the fall of the Western
Roman Empire, Roman concrete technology
disappeared for nearly 1500 years.
Roman concrete walling (otherwise
cella, known as opus testaceum), cutaway to
sanctuary show brick facing of triangular pieces
around a concrete core, with plaster
Although Romans followed Greek patterns
in their temples, they were not simply imita-
Roman pseu- tions. They used predominantly Ionic and
doperipteral tem- Corinthian orders, seldom Doric, and a
antecella, ple (hexastyle), temple was built on a high pedestal and en-
porch “Maison Carrée”, tered through a staircase and a frontal porti-
20-15 BC, Nîmes, co. Temples were not surrounded by peristyle
France, scale colonnades as in Greek models, exterior walls
1:800 being adorned rather by half-columns .
The Romans had a highly organized society, exemplified by a system of law, large public
building projects and a vast well-disciplined army, a tool which allowed them to practice
aggressive expansionism. At its territorial peak in the 2nd century AD, the Roman Empire
included all of modern western Europe, extending as far north as the Scottish border, and
including Egypt and Lebanon in the east, and the whole of coastal North Africa. The Ro-
man military camp (castrum) which was erected to a standardized format, was always
arranged regularly around a main square (the forum) surrounded by religious and ad-
ministrative buildings at the crossing of main streets, the decumanus from east to west
and the cardo from north to south. It was a layout repeated across the empire from Egypt
to Britain, and formed the beginning of a number of Mediterranean and European towns.
chester’ at the end of town’s name is indicative of its origin as the site
of a Roman military camp.
plan of Roman
military camp,
Northumber- 4 4
land, England,
c. 124 AD, scale
1:2500 3
1 decumanus 1
2 cardo
3 headquarters 2 6 4
4 barracks
5 granary 4 5

Perhaps the most important legacy of Roman architecture for modern times is the basilica,
a Roman secular meeting hall or court building, that became the archetype of the Christian
church in Western Europe until the beginning of the 20th century. Basilica originally refers
to a king's tribunal chamber, and in some Christian contexts it may refer to an important
church where certain ceremonial rites are held. Architecturally, a basilica is a great hall di-
vided by colonnades into aisles which often terminate in apses at one end. Typically there
are two rows of columns, and the broader central aisle or nave rises above flanking aisles to
allow for the penetration of light through upper clerestory windows.

Left and below, plan and section of Roman

tribune, basilica (the Basilica of Maxentius (Basilica
apse Maxentii), or Basilica of Constantine, Rome,
306-312 AD, scale ~1:2000, showing cleresto-
reyed nave, side aisles and end apse as a
precursor to the plan of a western Christian
aisle nave aisle

chalcidicium - porch


Romanesque describes the architecture

of Europe between 950–1150. This less-
than-satisfactory term – which means
‘pseudo-Roman’ – was coined in the early
19th century in Normandy during an era
when monumental archaeology and
newly re-discovered medieval art had
become fashionable, and it gives an Romanesque scallop
impression of medieval art as an imita- capital, Schotten-
tion of Mediterranean Late Antiquity. In kirche, Regensburg,
itself the term would be better suited to Germany, c. 1150
its predecessors, Carolingian and
Ottonian architecture.

In the Carolingian era details such as columns,

bases and mouldings were often introduced
directly from Rome. A Carolingian invention, the
westwork – the tower-like western end to a
church, containing an entrance vestibule with a
private chapel above, flanked by two stair towers
– bears resemblance to a Roman imperial town
gate and is a symbol of the church militant. Gal-
leries opening onto the nave above the aisles
were accessible through westwork stairs. The
whole structure was later replaced with mag-
nificent Romanesque and Gothic west ends,
and the solarium windows of palatine chapels
above the entrance gave way to wheel and
rose windows.
Left: carolingian westwork of
the Benedictine Abbey of Cor-
vey on the Weser (New Corbie),
Westphalia, Germany; 822-885
(remodelled in 1596)
Below: Anglo-Norman (English
Romanesque) wheel window,
St. Mary’s church, Patrixbourne,
Kent, 1170

During the Romanesque period new

unparalleled structures take shape, ones
that would become characteristic to all
European architecture. Their development
can be associated with monasticism, prince
bishops and abbeys, feudalism and castles,
pilgrimages and crusades, and with the
spread of knowledge.
Romanesque architecture invented wide naves and broad transepts that afforded space for
daily rituals and processions to the shrine. The round arch and the constructions based
on this are central to Romanesque architecture. The tunnel vault above thick masonry
walls became universal in a constructional as well as a decorative sense; its span increased,
and successive arches created ever longer vaulted spaces. The most ambitious vaults on
the continent were erected at the beginning of the 12th century.

plan and longitudinal section of Speyer

Cathedral, Germany, 1032-1090;

An essential feature of Romanesque church

architecture is the crypt under the choir. Below: diagram of Romanesque bar-
The crypt was used for displaying the rel- rel-vaulted roof showing alternation of
ics of a saint to pilgrims and to offer burial supports
places near the saint's grave.
In arcades, pillars of laid block masonry
were used instead of massive stone col-
umns, and the alternating system
of columns and piers were used for
both constructional and spatial reasons.
Groin vaults linked naves and transepts
and formed a crossing between the choir
and the body of the church. The richly
decorated round arches and column capi-
tals reflected old superstition, illustrating
imaginary demons and creatures as well
as naturalistic embellishment.
roof batten 408


A verge
B ridge
C eaves
D valley, valley gutter
E roof hatch, access hatch
F walkway, catwalk, roofway

roof; *thatched roof; *tie beam roof; *tiled building, including structure, insulation
roof, tile roof; *timber roof; *trussed roof, and roofing material.
triple roof; *trussed purlin roof; *trussed roof covering see roofing.
rafter roof; *trussed roof, triple roof; *turf roof decking, roof sheathing; in roof
roof; *unventilated roof; *upside down construction, any stiff sheet material such
roof; *ventilated roof; *warm roof. as plywood, boarding etc. laid above raf-
ters or trusses as a base for roofing

roof batten one of a number of timber roof extractor in air conditioning and
strips laid to provide a nailing base and a ventilation, a protected fan unit situated
ventilation gap for roofing material. on a roof or at the top of flues, ducts, etc.
to extract waste gases.
roof beam one of a series of horizontal
or slanting structural members for sup-
porting roof construction; see also rafter, roof form the shape of the roof of a
joist. building; roof types according to shape
are listed below; roof types according to
roof boarding, sarking; in roof con- structure, method of construction and
struction, timber boards laid onto rafters materials are listed under roof.
as a base for roofing material such as felt, *butterfly roof, Y-form roof; *catslide roof;
sheetmetal, turf, etc. *clerestory roof, see split-level roof; *clipped
roof channel see box gutter. gable roof, see half-hipped roof; *conical
roof; *crossform roof; *curb roof, double
roof conductor the metal components pitched roof, knee roof; *domed roof, domi-
attached to a roof in a lightning pro- cal roof; *double gable roof, see M-roof;
tection system, for directing current *double hipped roof; *double lean-to roof;
from lightning strikes to a down *double pitched roof, see curb roof; *duo-
conductor. pitch roof, see saddleback roof; *flat
roof construction the component parts roof, platform roof; *gable roof, gabled roof;
or layers of the uppermost level in a *gabled mansard roof, gambrel roof;
409 roofing upstand

*gambrel roof, gablet roof; *half span roof, roofing bolt a metal bolt with an inte-
see lean-to roof; *half-hipped roof; *helm grated sealing washer, used for attaching
roof; *hip and valley roof; *hip roof, hipped profiled or other sheet roofing onto a frame.
roof; *hipped gable roof, see half-hipped
roof; *hipped mansard roof; *hyperbolic
paraboloid roof; *jerkinhead roof, see half-
hipped roof; *knee roof, see curb roof; roofing
*lean-to roof, half span roof; *L-roof; *M- nail
roof; *mansard roof; *monitor roof; *mono-
pitch roof; *northlight roof; *ogee roof;
*pavilion roof; *penthouse roof, pent roof;
*pentise roof; *pitched roof; *platform
roofing bolt roofing screw
roof, see flat roof; *pyramid roof; *rainbow
roof; *saddleback roof, saddle roof; *saw-
tooth roof; *shed roof, see monopitch roof, roofing cleat see cleat.
see penthouse roof; *shread head roof, see roofing felt sheet roofing material com-
half-hipped roof; *single pitch roof, see posed of a thin fibrous mat soaked in a
monopitch roof; *skirt roof; *southlight roof; waterproofing compound such as bitu-
*spire roof; *split-level roof, clerestory roof; men, supplied in rolls; see bitumen felt.
*station roof, umbrella roof; *suspended
roof, suspension roof; *trough roof, see M- roofing nail a galvanized or stainless
roof; *valley roof, see M-roof; *Y-form roof, steel nail used for fixing down tiles, slates,
see butterfly roof. roofing battens or roof sheeting; often
provided with a soft washer or shaped
head to seal the nail hole; see clout, con-
roof glazing see glazed roof, rooflight. vex head roofing nail.
roof gully see rainwater outlet. roofing screw a pointed metal screw
with an integrated sealing washer, used
roof gutter see rainwater gutter. for fastening profiled sheet roofing to a
base; see sheetmetal screw.
roofing, 1 roof covering, weather- roofing sheet see roof sheeting.
proofing; in roof construction, the
impermeable outer surface and finish roofing slate, roof slate, slate; a piece
material which provides waterproof and of thin stone, usually slate, nailed to bat-
weatherproof protection for a roof; vari- tens in overlapping rows as roofing.
ous types of roofing are listed below: roofing system proprietary roofing sup-
*aluminium sheet roofing, aluminium roof- plied with all relevant fixings, seals and
ing; *asphalt roofing; *bitumen felt roofing, sealant, flashings, trim and special compo-
built-up roofing; *bituminous roofing; *built- nents included.
up roofing, built-up felt roofing; *calendered
roofing tile see roof tile.
polymeric roofing; *corrugated sheet roof-
ing; *felt roofing, see bituminous felt roof-
ing; *flexible metal roofing, see supported
sheetmetal roofing; *lap-jointed roofing;
*membrane roofing; *metal multi-tile roof-
ing; *metal roofing, see sheetmetal roofing;
*polyester base felt roofing; *polymeric roof-
ing, see calendered polymeric roofing; *pro-
filed sheet roofing; *ribbed-sheet roofing, roof tiles
see profiled sheeting; *roll-jointed roofing;
*seam-welded roofing; *sheet roofing; roofing underlay a layer of roofing felt
*sheetmetal roofing; *strip slate roofing; used as a waterproof underlay for profiled
*supported sheetmetal roofing; *tiled roof- sheet, tiled or slate roofing; also called
ing, see roof tiling; *troughed sheet roofing. sheathing.
2 the laying of weatherproof roofing
roofing upstand the turning up of the
material, or the construction of a roof. edges of roofing felt or sheetmetal
roof insulation 410
roofing against a vertical verge, parapet or roof tile, roofing tile; a flat slab of
abutment. burnt clay, concrete, or other rigid mate-
roof insulation those layers of roof con- rial fastened overlapping or interlocking
struction which provide thermal in series as a roof covering; types included
insulation. as separate entries are listed below:
roof joist any beam which supports a *angular hip tile; *block end ridge tile;
roof; see rafter. *bonnet hip tile; *clay roof tile; *cloaked
verge tile; *concrete roof tile; *double
rooflight, roof window, skylight; a Roman tile; *dry ridge tile; *eaves tile; *half
window or glazed panel in a roof to pro- tile; *hip tile; *interlocking tile; *mansard
vide natural lighting for the interior; may tile; *ornamental tile; *pantile; *plain tile;
be horizontal or at an angle; see also lan- *ridge tile; *Roman tile; *shingle tile; *sin-
tern light. gle Roman tile; *roofing slate; *strip slates;
rooflight sheet translucent sheet mate- *top course tile; *under-and-over tile; *val-
rial such as glass or plastics laid alongside ley tile; *ventilating tile; *verge tile.
similarly formed opaque roof sheeting to
allow light into spaces below.
roof outlet see rainwater outlet. roof tiling, tiled roofing; a roof surface
or roofing of interlocking or overlapping
roof penetration the place at which a tiles.
chimney, flue or other component passes
through a roof, requiring particular mea- rooftree see ridge beam.
sures to ensure weatherproofing and roof truss in roof construction, a triangu-
waterproofing. lated timber frame which supports sec-
roof pitch the slope of a roof plane, ondary construction and roofing material;
given as a percentage or ratio. see truss for list of different types of roof
roof plane one of the flat surfaces which
make up the outer surface of a roof. roof valley see valley.
roof plate in timber roof construction, a roof vent a component for ventilating a
horizontal member running parallel to the closed roofspace or roof construction.
ridge, which spreads the load of roof roof ventilation the natural circulation
trusses onto a wall or beam. of outside air through roof construction
roof screen a fire barrier within or above and voids to remove unwanted moisture.
a roof space. roof void a space in between the upper-
roof sheathing see roof decking. most habitable room and the roofing in a
building too small to stand up in; see also
roof sheeting, roofing sheet; rigid roof space.
sheet material, such as sheetmetal, fibre
cement sheet and profiled plastics sheet- roof window see rooflight.
ing, used as impervious roofing material; room any enclosed space within a build-
see also sheet roofing, sheetmetal roofing. ing excluding circulation space; see also
roof slate see roofing slate. habitable room.
roof soaker see pipe flashing. room acoustics the characteristics of a
roof space, roof void; the uppermost space with respect to sound quality and
level beneath the pitched roof of a build- audibility.
ing; often a loft or attic. room air-conditioner see unit air-
roof structure the structural elements conditioner.
which form a roof and support the layers room formwork see apartment
of decking and waterproofing; see also formwork.
roof truss. room heater, domestic solid-fuel
roof surfacing a layer of chippings or appliance, heating stove; a wood or
other material used as a protective cover- coal fired heater, range or other closed
ing for bituminous roofing against the flued appliance used in the home to pro-
elements. vide occasional heating.
411 rotating damper
room height see ceiling height. rosewood [Dalbergia spp.] hardwoods
room index in lighting design, a design from South America and India with pur-
formula relating to the geometry of a plish brown timber and decorative grain,
space, given as follows (l 3 w)/h(l 1 w), used for decorative panelling, furniture
where h is the working height. and cabinets; often also called palisander;
other similar species are often sold as
room temperature the normal internal rosewood; see below for full list of related
temperature of the habitable spaces of a species included in this work.
building, usually between 15 C and 21 C. Bahia rosewood [Dalbergia nigra] a
root barrier a layer of resilient sheeting Brazilian tropical hardwood with yellowish
laid beneath landscaped planting, green brown streaked timber; used in veneers
roofs, etc. to prevent roots from growing and for interiors.
plants damaging waterproofing mem- Brazilian rosewood [Dalbergia sprucea-
branes and other underlying construction. na] a tropical hardwood from the Amazon
basin with red or violet streaked timber;
root rot see annosus root rot.
used for furniture and interiors.
rope a thick wound twine of fibrous mate- Indian rosewood, East Indian rose-
rial, plastics or metal consisting of a core wood; [Dalbergia latifolia] a tropical hard-
around which at least three strands are wood native to the Indian peninsula with
spirally wound. reddish-violet streaked timber; used for
rope moulding see cable moulding. high-class furniture.
rose 1 any round boss-like fitting to cover rosin, colophony, Greek pitch; a hard
an outlet, often decorative; a metal plate transparent brittle resinous residue
or fitting for covering the hole in a door formed during the production of turpen-
through which the spindle of a door han- tine; used with a solvent as a weak adhe-
dle passes; the round perforated nozzle of sive and in some paints.
a shower outlet; an ornamental ceiling fit-
ting from which a luminaire can be
rostrum a platform for public speaking, a
mounted, a centrepiece.
2 a decorative motif of a stylized rose rot, decay, fungal decay; the decompo-
bloom; see rosette, Tudor rose, whorl. sition of wood by the attack of fungi and
other micro-organisms; see list of wood-
rose madder see madder lake. attacking fungi under fungi.
Rosenstiehl’s green see manganese
rotary cut veneer, peeled veneer;
veneer cut from a rotating log or flitch to
rose quartz a cloudy pink variety of produce a continuous sheet; sometimes
quartz used for ornament and as a called unrolled veneer.
rosette, rose; a decorative circular orna-
ment which represents a stylized rose or
any other similar flower; see also whorl.
rose window, marigold window; in
medieval religious architecture, a large
round ornamental window with tracery.

rotary cut veneer

rotary float see power float.

rotary planer see planer.
rose window rotary trowel see power trowel.
in Rouen
Cathedral, rotating damper a rotating metal flap
France, incorporated within a flue or chimney to
14th century regulate the amount of draught for
rotating pan mixer 412
combustion, or to shut off the flueway round arch any arch whose intrados is
completely. the arc of a circle; types included as sep-
rotating pan mixer, paddle mixer; in arate entries are listed below:
the production of concrete, a pan mixer *circular arch; *Florentine arch; *horse-
which has rotating mixing baffles. shoe arch; *Italian round arch, see
rotten knot see unsound knot. Florentine arch; *Norman arch; *Roman
arch; *round cinquefoliated arch; round
rotunda a classical circular domed build- horseshoe arch, see horseshoe arch;
ing used for ceremonial or public *round multifoliated arch; *round trefoil
functions. arch; *round trifoliated arch; *segmental
rough board finish a finish for concrete arch, segmented arch; *semicircular arch.
in which the grain and sawing pattern of
the boards used as formwork are evident
in the surface. round-arris boarding see round-edged
rough brick arch, rough arch; a struc-
tural arch laid with rectangular bricks in round bar a metal bar with a circular
wedge-shaped joints. cross-section; uses in construction include
framing, brackets, tie rods, concrete rein-
forcement, stakes and ornamental work.
round billet, roll billet; an ornamental
billet moulding consisting of a chequer-
work of elongated convex forms or
rough brick arches

roughcast, 1 trullisatio; the first under-

coat or key layer of rough plaster added round billet
to a masonry surface onto which a fresco
is to be painted; see intonaco, arriccio.
round brush any paintbrush with a
2 see wet dash.
round head and round handle; used pri-
roughcast glass glass with an obscuring marily in decorative work and stencilling.
surface on one side, traditionally pro-
round cinquefoliated arch a decora-
duced by casting molten glass on a bed
tive arch whose intrados is composed of
of sand; see also cast glass.
five circular lobes or foils, and whose
rough grounds see grounds. extrados is a semicircle.
roughing plane, cow plane, scrub
plane, scud plane, scurfing plane; a
woodworking hand tool with an uneven
blade for shaping and roughing timber
surfaces prior to gluing.
rough planed a classification of a timber
surface which has undergone preliminary
smoothing with a plane.
rough t and g board a timber cladding
round cinquefoliated
board which has a sawn finish, as arch
opposed to being planed, and also has
matched tongue and groove edges.
round column see circular column.
round 1 a milled joinery profile which is
round in cross-section; also called a rounded aggregate coarse aggregate
dowel. whose particles are rounded in shape.
2 see round bar. rounded arris see pencil round.
413 round trifoliated arch
rounded edge see bullnose. round knot a knot in a sawn timber sur-
round-edged boarding, round-arris face, roughly circular in shape.
boarding; timber cladding boards with
rectangular cross-section whose outer
edges have been rounded; used for deck-
ing, outdoor furniture, etc.

round knot

round moulding see bowtell, half round

moulding, roll moulding, three-quarter
round, torus.
round multifoliated arch a decorative
arch whose intrados is composed of a
number of circular lobes or foils, and
round-edged whose extrados is a semicircle; see trifo-
liated, cinquefoliated.

roundel, 1 oculus, round window; a

window which is round in shape; see also
bullseye, rose window.

round multifoliated

roundel round nail any nail whose shank is round

in cross-section; see also round wire nail.
2 any decorative circular panel, tablet,
relief or window; see tondo, medallion. round nose pliers a pair of pliers whose
3 any straight decorative moulding which jaws are smooth but rounded conical
is half a circle or more in cross-section; an rods, used for gripping and bending wire.
astragal, roll moulding, bead moulding, etc. round plane, convex plane, gutter
plane, spout plane; a woodworking
plane with a convex base and blade for
cutting concave rebates; usually sold in a
pair with a hollow plane.
round section see circular hollow sec-
tion, round bar.
roundsil see compass plane.
4 a round or semicircular turret in a castle round trefoil arch a decorative arch
or fortification. with three circular lobes or foils in a clo-
verleaf arrangement.
round head screw see dome head
screw. round trifoliated arch a decorative
arch whose intrados is composed of
round hollow section see circular hol- three circular lobes or foils in a cloverleaf
low section. arrangement, and whose extrados is
round horseshoe arch see horseshoe a semicircle. See illustration on following
arch. page.
round tube 414
rowlock, bull header; a brick on edge
with its end showing in a masonry wall.

round trifoliated arch

round tube a metal profile of hollow

round cross-section; when in steel and
used for structural purposes, it is called a
circular hollow section, a CHS. rowlock course, bull header course;
a brickwork course made up entirely of
round window see roundel, Catherine rowlocks.
wheel window, rose window (marigold rowlock bond see rat-trap bond.
Royal green see chrome green.
round wire nail, French nail; a nail
with a round shank and flat chequered Royal yellow see king’s yellow.
head, 13 150 mm in length. RSI-value, internal surface resistance
router a motor-driven hand-held cutter value; a theoretical measure of the ther-
for making a variety of cuts in wood, mal insulation properties of the internal
including grooves, rebates, housings or surface of a given construction or compo-
mouldings. nent parts of a given construction; used in
router plane, granny’s tooth, hag’s the calculation of U-values; units are m2
tooth, old woman’s tooth; a two-han- C/W.
dled woodworking plane with a narrow rsj rolled steel joist, see I-section.
protruding blade for cleaning out and
RSO-value, external surface resis-
smoothing the base of grooves.
tance value; a theoretical measure of the
roving in glassfibre construction, a num- thermal insulation properties of the exter-
ber of parallel glass strands wound nal surface of a given construction or
through one full turn to form a loose bun- component parts of a given construction;
dle; used as a basic material for woven used in the calculation of U-values; units
glassfibre fabric. are m2 C/W.
rowan, mountain ash; [Sorbus aucupar- rubbed brickwork see gauged brick-
ia] a relatively small European hardwood work and following entry.
tree with hard yellow-brown timber, used
rubbed finish a smooth finish in stone-
for small items, tool handles and spinning
work, brickwork and concreting produced
wheels; it is often planted as an ornamen-
by manual rubbing with abrasives; see
tal in parks and gardens on account of its
also gauged brickwork.
feathery pinnate leaves, white flowers, red
berries and autumn foliage. rubbed joint a brickwork mortar joint
flush to the brickwork surface, formed by
clearing off excess mortar with a rag
when wet.

Sorbus aucuparia –
rubber a synthetic organic polymer or
rowan natural product obtained as sap from
certain species of plants and trees with
good properties of elasticity and water-
row house any small dwelling con- proofing; used in the construction
structed in a row, with common party
industry for seals and waterproofing, as
walls or subsidiary buildings joining one
latex in paints, in flooring, etc.; types
to another; see terraced house, link house.
415 run cast

included as separate entries are listed rubble chute see drop chute.
below: rubble concrete concrete containing
*acrylic rubber, see polyacrylate rubber; large pieces of broken stone, masonry,
*bromine butyl rubber, BIIR; *butadiene concrete and building rubble as a filler.
rubber; *butyl rubber; *cellular rubber; rubble facing stone facing of a rough or
*chloroprene rubber, CR; *ethylene propyl- rustic nature for masonry walling; used to
ene diene rubber, EPDM; *expanded rub- provide a fine finish at a lower cost than
ber; *foam rubber; *isoprene rubber, IR; rubble masonry.
*natural rubber, NR; *nitrile rubber; *poly-
acrylate rubber, ACM; *polyisoprene; *sili- rubble finish see quarry finish.
cone rubber; *sponge rubber, see foam rubble revetment see pitching.
rubber; *styrene-butadiene rubber SBR;
*synthetic rubber.
rubblestone walling masonry of rough
coursed stones with varying height.

rubber adhesive, rubber glue see rubble wall a masonry wall con-
elastomeric adhesive, rubber solution. structed from roughly cut or irregular
rubber flooring durable flooring in stones; sometimes also called ragstone
sheet or tile form, manufactured in rolls wall; types included as separate entries
from natural or synthetic rubber; see also are listed below:
studded rubber flooring, cement rubber *coursed rubble; *dry-stone wall; *gabion
latex flooring. wall; *random rubble, uncoursed rubble;
rubber latex cement flooring see *squared rubble masonry.
cement rubber latex flooring.
rubber mallet a mallet whose head is Rubens brown a form of Vandyke
made of rubber; used for jobs where a brown earth pigment.
steel head may cause damage to that
being struck. Rubens madder a brownish shade of
alizarin crimson pigment.
rubber set an outdated name for false set.
rubidium a silver-white, metallic chemical
rubber solution, rubber glue; glue element, Rb, used in the manufacture of
manufactured from natural or synthetic photoelectric cells.
rubber and used for gluing rubber
products. rubstone an abrasive stone used for
sharpening chisels or for producing a fine
rubber spreader see spreader. surface on stonework.
rubbing see flatting down. ruddle see red oxide paint.
rule see scale rule, screed board.
rubble 1 any broken pieces of brick,
stone, concrete, etc. resulting from
ruled joint see scored joint.
demolition work and building waste; rule joint hinge,
used as fill and hardcore; see also table hinge; a back-
hardcore. flap hinge with one
2 roughly cut or irregular stones used in leaf wider than the
masonry walling; types included as sep- other; used for hinged
arate entries are listed below: table tops.
rule joint hinge
*coursed rubble; *coursed squared rubble run 1 a defect in a
masonry; *random rubble; *squared rub- paint finish caused by drips from thickly
ble masonry; *random squared rubble painted areas running down the surface
masonry, see uncoursed squared rubble once setting has begun.
masonry; *uncoursed rubble, see random 2 see going, total going.
rubble; *uncoursed squared rubble 3 drain run, see discharge pipe.
run-by pit see lift pit.
run cast a preformed decorative plaster
rubble basket see gabion. cast formed of fibrous plaster by running
run moulding 416
a template known as a run mould across running dimensions dimensioning for
it when wet. a drawing, usually a survey, in which all
run moulding, horsed moulding; an measurements in any one line are taken
ornamental plasterwork moulding shaped from a single reference point.
by dragging a template in the profile of running dog classical ornament made
the final moulding across wet plaster. up of a series of S-shaped curves joined
end-on end, synonymous with Vitruvian
plaster scroll; sometimes rendered as a fret with
cornice squared lines or fillets.
running mould, horse mould; a metal
or wooden template drawn across a plaster
surface to form an ornamental moulding with
a uniform cross-section; see run moulding.
running running ornament any banded orna-
mould mental motif made up of a pattern of
run moulding wavy lines which intermingle to form a
continuous design, rather than having
run-moulded plasterwork plasterwork simple distinct repeated motifs.
shaped into a profiled moulding by this running rule in making a plaster mould-
method. ing, a long strip of timber used as a guide
runner 1 in excavation work, one of a for a running mould.
series of timber boards driven into the running sand a soil type, sand saturated
earth at the side of a proposed trench, after with water, which behaves in a similar
which soil is removed from the trench side. fashion to a liquid.
2 in thatched roofing, a flexible stick of
hazel or willow used to tie thatch to raf- rupture a break in a material or compo-
ters; see withe. nent which can lead to failure.
3 in timber frame construction, a horizon- Ruskinian an architectural movement in
tal timber member to which other mem- England from the 1800s linked to the Arts
bers including joists are fixed. and Crafts, which championed the
4 see ceiling runner. Venetian Gothic style advocated by the
5 see lift guide. writer John Ruskin and sought solutions to
running, 1 repeated; a description of industrial living from medieval precedent.
ornament, decoration and brick bonds, rust the reddish-brown product of oxida-
etc. which are composed of the same tion which forms on the surface of
interlinked recurring motif; see running untreated iron and steel when in pro-
bond, running ornament. longed contact with water or air.
2 in ornamental plasterwork, the making of rust inhibiting see corrosion inhibiting.
run mouldings such as cornices by drawing a rustication 1 in
shaped profile across the face of wet plaster. masonrywork, decorative
running bond 1a rebates or sinkings
brickwork bond around the edges of indi-
consisting entirely vidual stones to empha-
of courses of size joints and give
stretchers, with articulation to the surface;
alternate courses especially prevalent in
laid with a half brick Renaissance architecture. rusticated masonry
overlap, primarily 2 see textured finish. corner
called stretcher running bond rusticated ashlar, rustic ashlar;
bond. coursed and dressed stonework with edges
2 a paving pattern in which alternate rows of and joints emphasized by rustication.
rectangular pavers are laid with a half-stone rusticated brick, rustic brick; any
overlap with respect to neighbouring rows; brick whose face has been treated or
similar patterns in parquetry and tiling. pressed with a pattern or texture.
417 R-value
rusticated column a column with a series rustication strip strip material attached
of square blocks arranged vertically up its to the inside of formwork to provide
round shaft, often decorated with surface grooves and indentations in cast concrete
texture; found primarily in classical architec- surfaces.
ture from the late Renaissance onwards; may rustic brick see rusticated brick.
also be called a banded or ringed column. rustic finish see textured finish.
ruthenium a light, spongy, white, dura-
ble metal, Ru, from the platinum group;
used as a hardener in some alloys.
R-value, coefficient of thermal resis-
tance; a theoretical measure of the ther-
mal insulation properties of a given
construction or component parts of a
given construction; the reciprocal of C-
value, whose units are m2 C/W.

rusticated columns
sabin see metric sabin. saddle roof see saddleback roof.
sabre saw see jigsaw. saddler’s hammer a tack hammer with
sackcloth see hessian. a small claw attached perpendicular to its
peen; used for pulling out tacks.
saddle 1 see bolster.
2 in thatched roofing, long straw laid over
saddle stone, apex stone; the upper-
a ridge and secured with hazel or willow most stone in a gable, pediment or other
branches; see also brotch, ligger. triangular or conical stone construction.
3 see chimney saddle. safe anchorage a fixing or cleat
4 see saddle junction. anchored to a roof surface for tying safety
5 see pipe saddle. ropes and cables during maintenance.
saddleback see saddleback coping. safety the range of legislation and codes
saddleback capping brick a saddle- of practice for building construction per-
back coping brick whose length matches taining to structural stability, construc-
the width of the wall on which it is laid, tional integrity, measures taken to prevent
without overhangs on either side. and protect against fire damage, etc.

saddleback coping, safety curtain see fire curtain.

saddleback, saddle safety factor see factor of safety.
coping; a coping safety glass glass which resists breakage,
stone, brick or other or breaks in such a way as to reduce the risk
construction with a of injury to a minimum; includes toughened
central linear ridge saddleback coping glass, laminated glass and wired glass.
and two downwardly
sloping upper faces, forming a weather- safety glazing glazing designed to with-
proof capping for the top of a freestand- stand a specified level of physical impact
ing masonry wall or parapet. without breaking; see safety glass.
saddleback coping brick a special safety lighting, emergency lighting;
brick with a ridged upper surface and auxiliary lighting used in emergencies to
throated overhangs providing a saddle- provide illumination for escape during fire,
back coping. power failure, etc.; see also standby
saddleback roof, duopitch roof, sad- lighting.
dle roof; a pitched roof of two sloping safety officer a local authority inspector
planes which meet at an upper ridge with who ensures that designs, constructions
a gable at either end. and site procedures comply with safety
saddle clip, pipe clip; a U-shaped metal standards and regulations.
fixing with protruding lugs, designed to safety rail a light open balustrade or rail-
attach a pipe to the building fabric with ing at the side of access stairs, gantries,
screws. platforms, etc. to afford protection during
saddle coping see saddleback coping. maintenance.
saddle fitting see pipe saddle. safety sign see fire safety sign; fire exit
saddle junction, saddle; in plumbing
and drainage, a branch connection made safety valve a valve operated automati-
by boring a hole in a main pipeline and cally or manually to release excess pres-
joining a subsidiary pipe with a special sure in any system of pipework and
fitting. vessels containing a gas or liquid.
saddle notch in log construction, a sim- safflower, carthame; a red dye made
ple log corner joint in which the under- from the dried petals of the flowers of the
side of each log is cut with a transverse safflower plant [Carthamus tinctorius].
V-shaped notch to fit with the corre- saffron a yellow pigment, used in Roman
sponding shaping of the upper surface of times, obtained from crushing the dried
the log below. stigmas of the flower Crocus sativus.
419 samson post
sag, curtain, curtaining, sagging; a sally see birdsmouth.
defect in a paint finish caused by an area salomonica see spiral column.
of thickly applied paint which begins to
run down the surface producing a hori- salt glazing the glazing of ceramics by
zontal ridge. covering with a layer of common salt
which fuses on firing to provide a protec-
sag pipe, inverted siphon; in drainage, tive surface.
a kink in a horizontal inground drainpipe
or sewer to convey its contents under an salvage, scrap; solid metal waste which
obstacle, relying on siphonage to can be recycled.
function. samba see obeche.
sail dome, sail Samian base a classical Ionic column
vault; a round or base in which the lower end of the col-
hemispherical dome umn rests on a spira, a cushion-like pro-
constructed on pen- trusion with horizontal fluting.
dentives, so named
because it resem-
bles the form of a
billowing sail with
arched openings
between its corners;
see also pendentive sail dome
sailor a brick on end Samian base
with its bed showing
sample 1 a section of a building or con-
in the face of a
struction, interior space, component,
masonry wall, used
product, material or colour which has
in a row for string
been assembled or presented to give an
courses, fill and dec-
indication of how it will function or
orative effects; a
appear once finished; a mock-up.
sailor course is a brick course made up
2 a part removed from a whole for testing;
entirely of sailors.
a soil sample, concrete test sample or
sail vault see sail dome. component from a batch.
sal ammoniac see ammonium chloride. 3 an example for demonstration or sales,
as with a product sample or colour
salamander a portable heater used dur- sample.
ing cold weather for curing freshly poured
concrete with a naked flame. samson post in traditional timber frame
construction, a freestanding post for carry-
Salix spp. see willow; Salix alba, see white ing a beam, supported directly from a
willow. floor.
sallied half lap joint a timber lengthen-
ing joint in which the halved ends of both floor strutting
pieces are splayed with a V-shaped or sal- construction
lied end termination to fit into corre-
sponding cuttings.

samson post joist

angle brace

sallied mortised
housing sallied half lap joint
samson post
SAN 420
SAN styrene-acrylonitrile. sand joint a joint between adjacent laid
sand mineral soil composed of particles paving stones, filled with brushed sand.
between 0.06 2 mm in size; classified var- sand jointing see joint sanding.
iously as fine sand (particles from 0.06 mm sand-lime brick see calcium silicate
to 0.2 mm), medium sand (particles from brick.
0.2 mm to 0.6 mm), coarse sand (particles
from 0.6 mm to 2 mm); sandy soils and sandpaper, emery paper; paper coated
rocks are described as arenaceous. with an abrasive such as powdered glass,
mineral, emery or hard metal for sanding
sandalwood [Santalum spp.] a tropical by hand or machine.
evergreen hardwood from Asia and
Australia whose timber is used in decora- sandpaper block see glasspaper block.
tive work. sand piling see deep compaction.
sand bedding a layer of sand spread sandstone a brown, beige or reddish
over a structural base, in which paving sedimentary rock formed of particles of
stones are laid. quartz cemented together by other miner-
sand blasting a smoothing, finishing or als; relatively easy to shape and used
cleaning treatment for concrete, glass or extensively as a building stone.
masonry surfaces in which sand or other sandwich panel a prefabricated com-
particles are mechanically projected at posite concrete wall panel consisting of
high velocity by compressed air; also writ- an inner structural and outer cladding leaf
ten as sandblasting. bonded on either side of a layer of fluted
sand curing a method of curing concrete insulation.
by placing a layer of wet sand on top.
sand drain, vertical sand drain; in soil sandwich grouted
panel junction with
mechanics, a bored excavation filled with
floor slab
sand to drain and consolidate clay and
silty soils.
sanded a description of an even, smooth integrated
and matt surface or finish for masonry insulation with
and wood produced by rubbing or blast- ventilation
slots structural
ing with abrasives; a description of materi-
als to which sand has been added. leaf
outer leaf
sanded chipboard, sanded plywood
chipboard and plywood respectively
whose surfaces have been sanded smooth sanitary appliance any device in a
during manufacture. building supplied with water and con-
sanded finish a finish for timber or nected to a drain; used for drinking, clean-
masonry thus produced. ing or disposal of foul water.
sanded plaster a plaster mix containing sanitary module a prefabricated assem-
a high proportion of sand. bly of sanitary fittings with surrounding
sander a machine tool used for smooth- fabric and finishes, used on large projects
ing timber surfaces; see belt sander, with a high degree of prefabrication;
orbital sander. brought to site and connected to struc-
sand-faced brick a brick, one end and ture and service outlets.
one side of which have been given a coat- sanitary pipework, sanitary plumb-
ing of sand before firing. ing; the system of drain pipes which con-
sanding 1 the producing of an even,
vey foul water from a building to an
unpitted, smooth surface finish in timber, inground drain or sewer.
stone, etc. using an abrasive. sanitary space a general term for wash-
2 see joint sanding. rooms and toilets.
sanding block a small block of wood, sanitary ware sanitary fittings such as
rubber or cork around which sandpaper is basins, WCs and urinals, moulded from
wrapped during manual sanding. vitreous china and glazed.
421 saucer dome
sanitation installation an installation sash window, double-hung sash win-
of plumbing and appliances in a building dow, hanging sash window, vertical
for providing water and disposal of waste. sliding window; a window with an
Santalum spp. see sandalwood. openable sash or sashes which slide verti-
cally in a frame; for sliding sash window,
sapele [Entandrophragma cylindricum] a see sliding window.
West African hardwood with red to
golden brown, strong and durable timber;
used as a substitute for mahogany in fur- sliding sash
niture, panelling, flooring and veneers.
saponification a defect in paints caused
by the breakdown of the oil medium to
form a soft soapy mass in the presence of
alkalis and moisture; especially occurring frame
when applied to mineral-based surfaces
such as masonry, new concrete, plaster
and render.
satellite link aerial, satellite antenna; a
telecommunications receiver for relaying
sap-stain a fungus which leaves a dark electromagnetic signals via a satellite; a
tinge, usually bluish, on the surface of round satellite aerial is called a satellite dish.
satin see opal, eggshell gloss.
sapwood living wood found in the outer
area of a tree trunk.
satinwood [Chloroxylon swietenia] see
Ceylon satinwood.
saturated colour in colour theory, a col-
our whose outward appearance cannot
be intensified by the addition of more of
heartwood the same coloured pigment.
sapwood saturated soil soil whose voids are filled
bark phloem with water.
sapwood rot fungal decay in the sap- saturation 1 the relative amount of water
wood of timber. filling voids in soil or other porous or
Saracenic pointed arch see stilted arch. absorbent substance; especially its maxi-
mum possible water content.
sard a reddish-brown microcrystalline 2 see colour saturation.
variety of the mineral chalcedony, used as
a gemstone and for decoration; a form of saturation point see fibre saturation
cornelian. point, see dewpoint.

sarking see roof boarding. saturnine red see red lead.

sarking and sheathing grade insulat- saucer dome a dome whose height is
ing board a grade of insulating board small in relation to its diameter; a shallow
suitable for cladding roofs and walls. dome.
sarking felt see reinforced felt.
sarsen a rough unhewn boulder of sand-
stone which occurs naturally on the sur-
face of the land, often previously used as
building stone.
sash, window sash; an openable framed
part of a window opened either by sliding
or on hinges; a casement is a hinged sash.
sash chisel see butt chisel.
sash cramp see joiner’s cramp.
sash handle a device or fitting used for
opening a window sash. saucer dome
sauna 422
sauna a building, room or series of spaces sawing included as separate entries are
with wooden benches and a stove for listed below:
bathing in steam. *band sawing; *flatsawing, plain sawing,
through and through sawing; *flitch saw-
saw one of a wide range of hand or ing; *live sawing; *sawing round the log;
machine tools with toothed blades, *resawing; *rift sawing, quartersawing;
used for cutting materials; types *rip-sawing, see flat cutting.
included as separate entries are listed sawing defect a defect or blemish in
below: sawn timber caused by blunt or poorly
*backsaw; *bandsaw; *bayonet saw, see adjusted machining tools.
jigsaw; *bead saw; *bench saw; *bracket sawing round the log a method of
saw, see fretsaw; *cabinet saw; *carbo- quartersawing timber by removing four
rundum saw; *chainsaw; *circular saw; thick sectors and resawing them into
*compass saw; *concrete saw; *coping relatively even-grained boards, thus
saw; *cross-cut saw; *crown saw, see hole leaving a square central section; often
saw; *diamond saw; *donkey saw, see used for logs with heart rot.
mill saw; *dovetail saw; *drunken saw;
*felling saw; *fillet saw; *flexible saw, see
saw chain; *floor saw; *flooring saw;
*frame saw, see gang saw, mill saw; *fret-
saw; *grooving saw; *hacksaw; *hand-
saw; *hole saw; *inside start saw, see
flooring saw; *jigsaw; *joiner saw, see
bench saw; *keyhole saw; *lock saw, see
keyhole saw; *masonry saw; *mill saw;
*mini-hacksaw; *notching saw, see groov- sawing round the log
ing saw; *pad saw; *panel saw; *power
saw; *radial arm saw; *rip saw; *sabre
sawmill an industrial plant for converting
saw, see jigsaw; *scribing saw, see
timber from logs into sawn boards.
coping saw; *scroll saw, see fretsaw;
*stairbuilder’s saw, see grooving saw; sawn, 1 sawed; a description of a surface,
*steel bow saw, see bow saw; *tenon saw; object or material such as timber, board,
*trenching saw, see grooving saw; *tubu- stone or concrete that has been cut or
lar saw, see hole saw; *turning saw; worked with a saw.
*veneer saw; *web saw, see turning saw; 2 one of the industrial surface finishes
*wire saw; *wobble saw, see drunken saw. available for building stone, obtained by
sawing blocks into slabs or cutting stones
to required sizes, with cutting marks from
saw buck see saw horse.
diamond disc or gangsaw blades clearly
saw chain, flexible saw; a saw consist- visible on the surface.
ing of a barbed chain pulled back and sawn finish 1 a rough but even surface
forth across wood; a manual chainsaw. on timber boards, stone, etc. produced by
sawdust the fine powdered wood result- conversion with a band saw or circular
ing from sawing, sanding and milling saw; see also previous entry.
timber. 2 an even finish produced by sawing
sawdust concrete see wood-cement stone; see sawn.
concrete. sawn veneer high-quality decorative
sawdust plaster see wood-fibred veneer cut with a fine saw as opposed to
plaster. peeled.
saw horse, saw buck, trestle; a timber saw set a slotted tool for setting the teeth
A-frame structure on which wood may be of a saw.
sawn. sawtooth each of the small cutting serra-
tions along a saw blade.
sawing the cutting of timber, stone, etc. sawtooth moulding see indented
with a saw; variations in methods of moulding.
423 scallop
sawtooth roof an industrial roof type 3 furring; in plumbing and hot water
having a number of parallel roof surfaces installations, an undesirable hard chalky
of triangular section with a profile similar deposit from hard water building up on
to the teeth in a saw; the steeper side, the inside surface of water pipes and
usually vertical, is often glazed; see also heating vessels; other types of unwanted
northlight roof, southlight roof. sedimentary detritus; see loose rust (loose
scale), mill scale.
scale model a three-dimensional realiza-
tion of a design, usually to a smaller scale
and to a lesser degree of complexity, for
the purposes of presentation and as a
design aid.
scaling the manual removal of loose rock
and stones from a freshly blasted rock sur-
sawtooth roof
face, or loose scale from a metal surface.
scaling hammer a hand-held hammer
sawyer beetle a longhorned beetle of whose head has one chisel edge and a
the genus [Monochamus], whose larvae sharpened edge opposite; used for
cause damage to conifers by boring. removing deposits, rust and scale from
metal and stonework.
Saxon blue see smalt.
scallop ornamental carving or decoration
SBR styrene-butadiene rubber. with a stylized fan-shaped shell motif; see
scabbling in concretework, the removal also scallop moulding.
of a surface layer of hardened concrete to
expose the aggregate; see tooling; also
the rough dressing of a stone finish.
scabbled finish see quarry finish.
scabbler see scabbling hammer.
scabbling hammer a mason’s hammer
whose head has a sharp point at one end,
used for the rough dressing of granite scallop motif
and other hard stone. scallop capital, scalloped cushion
scaffold, scaffolding; a temporary struc- capital; a capital found in Norman archi-
ture erected alongside the external wall of tecture, consisting of a squared block with
a building under construction or repair to its lower edges cut with radiating reed
support workmen and materials. ornamentation resembling a scallop shell;
scaffolding boards, scaffold boards; see also double scallop capital.
boards used to form a walkway or work-
ing platform in a scaffold. Anglo-Norman
scaffold nail see double headed nail. scallop capital at
scagliola a decorative masonry finish imi- Fountains Abbey,
tating marble, originally used in classical Ripon, Yorkshire,
Rome, composed of an applied mixture of c.1135–1147
alabaster, gypsum, lime, marble and
cement which is heated and polished to a scallop moulding, invected mould-
very high sheen; sometimes referred to as ing; a Romanesque decorative moulding
stucco lustro, though generally regarded consisting of a series of stylized scallop
as its precursor. shells; a series of arcs joined end on end.
scale 1 the proportion relative to full size
at which a design drawing, model or map
is produced; see also human scale.
2 a gradated measuring implement or
classification; see fee scale, grey scale, ver-
nier scale (see vernier callipers). scallop moulding
scaly cap fungus 424
scaly cap fungus, scaly lentinus; undertaken for a construction project,
[Lentinus lepideus] a brown rot fungus often written prior to the contract stage
with a scaly cap and white flesh which or forming the basis of a contract without
attacks timber in contact with damp a bill of quantities.
ground. scheduled fabric in reinforced concrete,
scamillus Lat.; diminutive form of scam- fabric reinforcement defined by specify-
num; a small unadorned plinth beneath ing the size and spacing of the wires or
the bases of Ionic and Corinthian columns. bars.
scantling a piece of sawn timber with scheme, 1 design; designs of a building
cross-sectional dimensions of 38 75 mm project or development presented as
thick and 75 175 mm wide. drawings, models or computer genera-
tions; the building produced from these
scarf joint, scarfed joint; a timber
lengthening joint for connecting two tim-
2 a building group or a cluster of linked or
bers or boards end to end by cutting and
physically attached buildings serving an
overlapping to provide a gluing or fixing
associated function, as in a housing
edge; see lengthening joint.
scarf-jointed plywood, or scarfed
plywood plywood which has been schist a group of medium-grained meta-
extended or lengthened using scarf joints. morphic rocks in which the minerals are
arranged in parallel layers similar to that
scarlet vermilion see vermilion.
of sedimentary rocks; see also crystalline
scattering the spreading out or diffusing schist, foliated gneiss (gneissose mica-
of radiation when passing through matter; schist), mica schist.
in lighting design, the diffusing of sun-
light when passing through the earth’s
schistose rock rock containing schist or
with a texture similar to schist.
scenic lift see observation lift. Schnitzer’s green see chromium oxide
schedule written design documentation
for doors, windows, ironmongery, etc. in
Schweinfurt green see emerald green.
the form of tables or detailed lists specify- scissor brace in traditional timber frame
ing type, finish, quantity, location and construction, the cross bracing of pairs of
other information not found on drawings; common rafters.
an itemized list or programme; see below scissor gate see collapsible gate.
for derivative entries, and also drawings
schedule, ironmongery schedule, window scissor lift a steel platform raised and
schedule. lowered by the hydraulic action of a
schedule of defects, defects sched- hinged scissor-like structure beneath;
ule; a list of defects, omissions and errors, used in loading bays, etc. for raising
poor workmanship, etc. in building work goods through short distances.
drawn up during the final inspection of a scissor roof, scissor rafter roof; a tim-
building nearing completion, obliging the ber roof which has diagonal cross braces,
contractor to make reparations accordingly. called scissor braces, as a means of sup-
schedule of drawings see drawings porting and stiffening the rafters.
schedule of fixtures and finishes a
contract document specifying surfaces
finishes, interior materials and fixed fit-
tings for each space in a building.
schedule of rates a schedule in which
the prices applicable to various items of
work are listed.
schedule of works in contract adminis-
tration, an itemized list of work to be scissor roof
425 scratcher
scissors truss a pitched truss whose Scots pine, European redwood; [Pinus
lower chords cross to form an inverted sylvestris], see pine.
V-shape. Scolytidae see bark beetle, ambrosia
scour, erosion; the gradual wearing
away of a surface layer (a coastline, river-
scissor truss bed, pipelines) due to the effects of a
flowing liquid.
scoinson see scuntion. scouring in plastering, compacting and
sconce 1 a bracket fixed to a wall to hold smoothing of the surface of a fresh coat
a candle or light fixture. using a float worked in a circular motion;
2 a secondary fortification to protect a also called float-finishing.
castle entrance. scrap see salvage.
sconcheon, scontion see scuntion. scraped plywood plywood whose face
scoop see scorp. plies have been smoothed with a
scope of contract the range of tasks mechanical scraper during manufacture.
which a particular contractor or subcon- scraper, 1 devil, dumb scraper; a small
tractor has contractually agreed to under- piece of sharpened steel plate used for
take within a building project; the smoothing and scraping the surface of
boundary thus formed between work wood and other materials as a finish; see
undertaken by similarly obligated contrac- also Japan scraper.
tors; also referred to as extent of contract.
scored joint, ruled joint; a horizontal devil, dumb scraper
brickwork joint with lines scribed in the
mortar to sharpen the appearance.
Japan scraper
scorp, scoop; a drawing knife used for
scooping out hollows in wood. scraping iron
Scotch glue a variety of animal glue.
scotia, 1 gorge, trochilus; a horizontal window scraper
moulding found especially in the bases corner scraper
and capitals of classical columns, consist- scrapers
ing of a deep concave asymmetrical cut- 2 paint scraper, scraping iron; a hand
ting in cross-section. tool with a lateral metal blade fixed to a
handle; used for the removal of old paint,
dirt and coatings from surfaces prior to
3 see scraping tool.
scraping iron see scraper.
scotia moulding
scraping tool, scraper; a turning chisel
2 a strip of wood, metal or plastics with a used for the accurate shaping of wood,
uniform cross-section shaped with a con- available with a number of different
cave recess; used as trim for covering the shaped blades.
internal join between two perpendicular scratch the undesirable linear marking or
surfaces. scoring of a surface, coating or compo-
nent; a defect occurring during manufac-
ture, handling or use.
scratch coat see first plaster undercoat.
scratcher, comb, drag; a hand tool
scotia used to provide a key for subsequent
moulding coats of plaster, or to spread tiling mortar,
scratch plaster 426
etc., consisting of a set of steel points or a 3 any vertical wall-like barrier, often with
serrated blade set in a handle. perforations, to provide visual separation,
scratch plaster patterned plaster which privacy and protection from the wind and
has been scored with a nail float after sun, etc.
4 a visual interface on which films and
application, producing a rough striated
surface; also called scratch render. other graphics are projected or otherwise
scratch resistance the ability of a sur-
face such as a paint film or other coating screen facade, false front; the non-
to resist scratching or abrasion, measured structural grand front of a building, espe-
by standardized tests. cially in Italian Renaissance architecture,
which disguises the true interior form or
screed 1 a layer of concrete, mortar or size of the building.
cement up to 75 mm thick applied to a
horizontal concrete slab as a level and screening 1 a method of grading aggre-
smooth base for a floor finish. gate by passing it through screens of a
2 a straightedge dragged across the certain mesh size to separate out particles
above surface to form an even thickness; of that size.
2 in the treatment of waste water, the pro-
see screed board.
3 a strip of material to regulate the thick-
cess of straining out some of the larger
ness of the above; see screed rail. solids, paper, etc. from the incoming sew-
age using a coarse screen of bars; a subse-
screed batten in concretework, one of a quent process using fine mesh screens to
pair of wooden strips fixed to a base to remove grit, etc.
define the thickness of a screed cast in
between, along which a screed board is screen wall a regularly perforated wall of
guided. mesh, slats, louvres, etc. used for internal
separation, visual separation and to give
screed board, screeding board, privacy to an area.
screed, straightedge, rule, tamper; a
board dragged across the surface of fresh screw a pointed fastener with a helical
concrete between two screed rails; used threaded shank and head which has a
for the production of an even and level shaped indentation, allowing it to be
surface, or screed; see also vibrating fixed by turning with a screwdriver or
screed board. similar tool; types included as separate
screeding 1 the dragging of a board entries are listed below:
across wet plaster between guides to *adjustment screw; *allen head screw;
form a level surface and strike off *bugle head screw; *butterfly head screw,
unwanted material. see one-way head screw; *clutch head
2 the laying of an even surface layer of screw, see one-way head screw; *coach
concrete up to 75 mm thick on a floor or screw; *concrete screw; *counter-
ground slab using a screed board and sunk screw, countersunk head screw;
rails. *cross-slot screw; *dome head screw;
*dowel screw; *drive screw, see screw nail;
screeding board see screed board. *drywall screw; *fillister head screw; *flat
screed rail, 1 plastering screed; in plas- head screw; *general purpose screw;
tering, a strip of wood or cast plaster used *hook screw, see screw hook; *lag
to regulate the thickness of a plaster screw, see coach screw; *machine screw;
surface. *masonry screw, see concrete screw; *mir-
2 a batten or rail for regulating the thick- ror screw; *one-way head screw; *oval
ness of a horizontal concrete screed. countersunk screw, see oval head screw;
screen, 1 sieve; a graded wire mesh in a *Phillips head screw; *plasterboard screw,
frame used for the sorting by size of gran- see drywall screw; *Pozidriv head screw;
ular material such as aggregate. *raised countersunk head screw, see oval
2 partition; a lightweight interior wall, head screw; *roofing screw; *round head
often freestanding or with upper glazing, screw, see dome head screw; *self-tapping
used for dividing up a larger space. screw; *set screw; *sheetmetal screw; *tap-
ping screw, see self-tapping screw;
427 screw pile

*thumb screw; *Torx head screw; *wood threaded end for screwing into a wall
screw. surface.

screw eyes

screw head the enlarged slotted part of

a screw, by which it is driven in with a

dome oval pan- fillister counter- bugle

head head head head sunk head
straight Phillips Torx Allen
screw anchor see concrete screw
screwback see skewback. Pozidriv Supadriv square one-way
screw cap, Edison screw cap; the screw slots
metal part of an electric lightbulb to
which an electric supply is connected, screw hinge see screw hook and eye
provided with a screw thread as a means hinge.
of connecting it to a holder. screw-hole a hole into a which a screw is
screw cup, finish washer; fixed, either pre-bored or made by the
a pressed metal raised ring screw as it is tightened.
for a countersunk screw to screw hook, hook screw; a wire fixing
protect the base material screw cup in the shape of a hook with a threaded
into which it is being fixed; end for screwing into a wall surface.
see also recessed screw cup.

screwdriver a hand tool with a steel

blade for fixing screws with a turning screw hook
action; types included as separate
entries are listed below: screw hook and eye hinge a rudimen-
*impact screwdriver; *offset screwdriver; tary hinge used for hanging gates, con-
*ratchet screwdriver, spiral ratchet sisting of two threaded and pivoting
screwdriver. shanks one of which is screwed into the
screwdriver bit an interchangeable gate and the other to its gatepost.
steel attachment for an electric drill or
power screwdriver whose end is
suitable for tightening screws.

screwed boss a threaded spout protrud-

ing from an appliance or pipeline to screw hook and eye
which a pipe can be fitted. hinge
screwed pipe any cast-iron or steel pipe screw nail, drive screw, square
or pipe fitting joined via threaded ends twisted shank flat head nail; a nail
and connectors. with a square spiralled shank to increase
screwed union a short pipe fitting its fixing strength when driven in.
threaded at both ends; used for connect- screw pile in foundation technology, a
ing a threaded pipe to the outlet of an pile for soft silts and sands whose base is
appliance. helically tipped to enable it to be screwed
screw eye a wire fixing whose end is into the ground, and to provide a greater
shaped into a closed loop, with a bearing area.
screw thread 428
screw thread see thread. scupper in roof construction, an opening
scribe, marking awl, scriber; a sharp- in a parapet from which rainwater from a
pointed metal instrument for marking out gutter or roof surface may drain.
lines on metal, timber and stone surfaces. scurfing plane see roughing plane.
scribing saw see coping saw. scutcheon see escutcheon.
scrim coarse fabric or a mesh product scutch hammer, scutch; in bricklaying,
used in plastering as reinforcement for a small pick-like tool with a blade on
wallboard joints and fibrous plasterwork. either end of the head; used for shaping
script brush a finely pointed paintbrush and cutting bricks and blocks.
with bristles shaped to produce fine lines; seal a component or product used to
used for intricate decoration, especially form a weathertight, watertight or airtight
flowing writing. joint; draught excluder, weatherstrip,
weatherseal, gasket.
scroll an ornamental motif resembling a sealant 1 any resilient material used to
coiled band or line, or a scroll of paper; seal a joint.
types included as separate entries are 2 building sealant, joint sealant, mas-
listed below: tic, sealing compound; a soft, flexible
*linen scroll, see linenfold; *double C- compound applied to construction joints
scroll; *leaf and rose scroll; *leaf scroll; between components or material as
*Vitruvian scroll; *volute. weatherproofing.
3 see glazing compound.
sealant primer a priming treatment for
construction joints in porous materials
prior to the application of a sealant.
sealant strip see jointing strip.
sealed expansion vessel see expan-
sion tank.
scroll sealed glazed unit, insulating glass
unit, insulated glazing unit, sealed
scroll moulding, roll moulding; a glazing unit; an insulating glazing com-
decorative moulding which is scrolled in ponent with two or more panes of glass
cross-section. sealed around an edging strip and the
scroll ornament any ornament, gap between each pane filled with an
medallion, etc. with spirals, coiled lines inert gas; officially called a hermetically
or bands; see scroll. sealed multiple glazed unit.
sealer any material applied in liquid form
scroll saw see fretsaw. to porous surfaces as waterproofing, seal-
scrubboard see skirting board. ing, or to reduce their absorptivity prior to
painting and finishing.
scrub plane see roughing plane.
scud plane see roughing plane. sealing compound, 1 mastic; solid or
semi-solid plastic material used as a seal-
sculptor’s point a pointed mason’s ant for joints between components or
chisel used for carving detail on parts of construction.
stonework. 2 lap cement; in built-up roofing, cold
sculptured portal a main doorway in a liquid bitumen used for sealing the
medieval church, with sculptured jamb lapped joints between layers of bitumen
and trumeau figures of saints, prophets, felt.
nobility, etc. 3 see sealant.

scuntion, esconson, scoinson, scon- sealing strip a flexible strip applied to

tion, sconchion, scuncheon; a reveal construction joints between components
at an opening in a wall. or material as weatherproofing.
429 secret wedge
seal nut a nut with an secondary reinforcement concrete
incorporated rubber reinforcement designed to distribute
bung, which seals any loads resisted by main reinforcement, and
opening over which it is resist shear and thermal expansion.
tightened. secondary rib see tierceron.
seal nut
seam the joint between adjacent sheets secondary roof truss in traditional tim-
of sheetmetal, linoleum, matting or cloth; ber roof construction, a smaller roof truss
see also standing seam. supported by purlins between the princi-
seaming the forming of folded and pal roof trusses.
rolled seams between adjacent strips in secondary sash glazing see secondary
supported sheetmetal roofing using a spe- glazing.
cial tool or machine. secondary shaft a small or minor shaft
seam welding, resistance seam in a bundle or clustered column, essen-
welding; a method of resistance welding tially found in Gothic architecture.
to produce continuous joints in overlap-
ping metal sheets by means of an electric second coat see second plaster
current passed via a pair of rollers which undercoat.
press the components together. second moment of area see moment
seam-welded roofing supported sheet- of inertia.
metal roofing whose joints are seam
welded on site by machine.
second plaster undercoat, floating
coat, straightening coat; the second
seasoning, drying; the process of drying coat of plaster in three coat plastering,
timber using natural or artificial methods applied above the first coat to provide a
to produce a product with minimal warp- smooth base for the final coat.
age and cracking; an equivalent process
for stone.
secret dovetail joint a cabinetmaking
dovetailed joint in which the various
seasoning defects defects and warpage
cuts are concealed within the assembled
in sawn timber sections which occur as a
result of improper seasoning.
seasoning shake a split in the surface secret fixing, concealed fixing; the
of a timber piece which appears as a fastening of timber boarding and other
result of uneven shrinkage during incor- components so that its fixings are not visi-
rect seasoning; also called a check. ble in a finished surface.
secco see fresco secco. secret gutter a roof gutter concealed
from view, often included in the thick-
seclusion see privacy. ness of roof construction or behind a
secondary beam one of a number of reg- parapet.
ularly spaced beams, joists, etc. which are
secret hinge see invisible hinge.
supported by heavier principal cross-beams.
secondary colour in colour theory, a secret joint a timber joint in which cut-
tings such as dovetails, notches, tables,
hue formed by mixing two of the three
etc. are concealed within the assembled
primary colours together in equal parts.
secondary consolidation, plastic set-
tlement; the permanent reduction in vol- secret nailing, blind nailing, con-
cealed nailing; the nailing of timber
ume of soil beneath the foundations of a
boarding so that the nails remain hidden.
new building due to compression caused
by the weight of the building.
secondary glazing, applied sash
glazing, secondary sash glazing; a
lightweight glazed sash added at a later
stage to the inner face of single glazing to secret nailing
form a kind of double glazing; see also
subsidiary glazing. secret wedge see fox wedge.
sectio aurea 430
sectio aurea Lat.; see golden section. side; the door leaf is horizontal and above
the door opening once open.
section 1 any thin length of material
which has been preformed by a process
of rolling, extrusion, sawing, etc. into a
uniform cross-section of certain shape
and dimensions; see also bar, profile;
types included as separate entries are
listed below:
*aluminium section; *bar; *channel, chan-
nel section; *circular hollow section; *cold
formed section; *C-profile, see C-section,
sectional overhead
channel; *C-section; *customized section;
*H-section; *hollow section; *hot-rolled
steel section; *I-section; *L-profile, see
angle profile; *open section; profile; *rect- section foreman a contractor’s repre-
angular hollow section, RHS; *rolled hol- sentative responsible for supervising part
low section, RHS; *rolled steel section; of the work on site.
*round hollow section, round section, see section modulus, modulus of sec-
circular hollow section; *square hollow tion; in structural engineering, the moment
section; *steel section; *structural hollow of inertia of a beam section divided by the
section; *T-section, T-bar, tee section; distance from the extreme fibre to the neu-
*tubular section, see hollow section; *UB tral axis; the extreme fibre is the point on
section, see I-section; *UC section, see the section furthest from the axis.
H-section; *U-section; *Z-section.
2 cross-section, cut, sectional draw- sections method see method of
ing; a design drawing or view repre- sections.
senting a theoretical cut through a site, security 1 protective measures taken in a
building or object, showing objects in building to prevent unauthorized intru-
view from the cutting plane and often sion and burglary.
the construction of the structure which 2 guarantee, collateral; a sum of money,
is cut. assets or property agreed as a guarantee
for a loan; if the loan is not repaid, this is
taken instead; see bond.
security bolt see hinge bolt.
security door chain see door chain.
security glass laminated glass specially
designed to resist vandalism, burglary or
penetration during physical attack; see
anti-bandit laminated glass, anti-vandal
glass, blast-resistant laminated glass,
armour-plated glass (bullet-resistant lami-
nated glass); see also following entry.
security glazing glazing with security
section through medieval church of St Mary, glass and specially approved secure glaz-
Turku, Finland, 1300s, showing timber roof ing beads designed to withstand
structure and masonry external walls intrusion.
security lock, thief-resistant lock; a
lock designed to prevent the inward entry
sectional drawing see section. of intruders but to allow outward passage
sectional overhead door an overhead in the event of an emergency.
door whose leaf is made up of horizontal sedge a species of grass [Cladium mariscus]
hinged segments, opened by pulling it whose cut and dried stems are particularly
upwards between vertical tracks on either used for ridges in thatched roofing.
431 self-placing concrete

sedimentary rock forms of rock segmental coping a coping stone or

formed by the layered deposition of masonry unit whose upper surface is convex
granular material; types included as sep- in cross-section; see also half round coping.
arate entries are listed below:
*arenite; *bauxite; *calcareous rock;
*chert, hornstone; *clastic sedimentary
rock; *clayslate, killas; *limestone; *loess;
*natural rock asphalt; *oolite; *quartzite;
*sandstone; *selenite; *shale; *siliceous
rock; *tufa. segmental coping

sedimentation, settling; 1 the gradual segmental pediment see pediment.

sinking of granular solid insoluble parti- segmental pile in foundation technol-
cles to the bottom of a liquid in which ogy, a pile formed from short lengths of
they are suspended;. concrete placed on top of one another.
2 the mechanical process of water purifi-
cation by allowing solid matter to sink to segmental vault see segmental barrel
the bottom of a sedimentation tank. vault.
sediment, precipitate; the solid mass segmented arch see segmental arch.
of sunken particles. selective tendering competitive ten-
sediment trap a device for inhibiting dering in which a limited number of per-
the passage of granular solids suspended sons or firms are invited to submit a
in surface water into a drain. tender.
SE duct a ducted flue system in which air selenite gypsum in crystalline form, or a
is drawn in at the base and released as sedimentary rock based on this mineral;
combustion gases at the top. used in building as decorative stone.
segmental arch, segmented arch; an selenium a poisonous, non-metallic
arch composed of an arc of a circle which chemical element, Se, used in the manu-
is less than a semicircle. facture of solar cells.
selenium red see cadmium red.
self-build, do-it-yourself, DIY; building
processes, usually small scale and domes-
tic in nature, in which the owner or client
is responsible for organizing labour,
acquiring materials, and is often involved
in the actual construction work.
segmental arch
self-cleansing gradient see minimum
segmental barrel vault, segmental gradient.
vault, surbased vault, cambered self-compactable concrete, self-
vault; a shallow masonry barrel vault consolidating concrete see self-plac-
whose curvature is less than a semicircle. ing concrete.
self-contained air-conditioner see
unit air-conditioner.
self convection see free convection.
self-levelling concrete self-placing
concrete used for screeds and flooring,
which, due to its low viscosity, will flow
into a naturally horizontal surface without
the need for vibration or floating.
self-placing concrete types of very
segmental barrel vault workable and easily placeable concrete
self-siphonage 432
used for densely reinforced structures, dif-
ficult voids, intricate formwork, etc., which
will settle or flow into its final position
without the need for compaction or
vibration; also known as self-compactable
concrete, self-consolidating concrete, flow-
able concrete or non-vibration concrete.
self-siphonage the sucking out of a
water seal from a trap by siphonage
induced by the introduction of water from semicircular
a sanitary appliance or a fluctuation in stair
semi-detached house, duplex house,
self-supporting referring to a compo- two-family house; a residential building
nent or member capable of supporting its of two dwellings structurally joined but sep-
own weight without the need for a struc- arated by a common dividing wall or inter-
ture or frame. mediate floor; often simply called a semi.
self-tapping screw, tapping screw; a
screw which makes its own hole and cuts
its own threads as it is screwed in; used
for fixing metals, wood, etc.
semi-aquatic plant any species of land-
scaping plant which usually thrives in
shallow water.
semi-arch an arch with only half a curve, house
terminating at its crown, as with a flying
buttress. semi-direct lighting artificial lighting in
which luminaires distribute 60 90% of
semicircular in the shape of half of a cir- the emitted light downwards or to the
cle; also called half round. area to be illuminated.
semicircular arch an arch whose intra-
dos describes half a circle. semi-dome see half dome.
semi-dry pressing see dry pressing.
semi-gloss the fourth of five grades of
glossiness in a dry paint surface; slightly
less glossy than full gloss.
semi-indirect lighting artificial lighting
in which luminaires distribute 10 40% of
semicircular arch
the emitted light downwards, or to the
area to be illuminated.
semicircular capping see half round semi-skilled worker a construction
capping. worker in level of skill between a trades-
semicircular channel see half round man and labourer.
semi-spiral stair see semicircular stair.
semicircular coping see half round
coping. sense of place, genius loci, spirit of
semicircular gutter see half round place; a characteristic feature, identifying
gutter. emotion, etc. of a particular natural or
semicircular moulding see half round built environment.
moulding. sensitivity 1 in soil mechanics, a propor-
semicircular stair, semi-spiral stair; a tional measure of how much a sample of
stair which is a half circle in plan, with clay will change its strength characteristics
wedge-shaped steps arranged radially once it has been remoulded.
around a single newel post or opening. 2 see light sensitivity.
433 service illuminance
sensitive clay clay which loses compres- serigraphy see silkscreen printing.
sive strength when moulded. Serlian motif see Palladian motif.
sensitivity ratio in soil mechanics, a
measure of the sensitivity of clay defined serpent column, Aesculapian col-
as its compressive strength in the undis- umn, Asclepian column; an ornamental
turbed state to that of a sample which freestanding Greek column constructed as
has been reworked. part of monument commemorating vic-
tory in battle, with three spirally inter-
sensor see probe, detection device. twined snakes carrying a golden cauldron
separate drainage, separate sewer- on their heads; also named after
age see separate system. Aesculapius, the Greek god of healing and
separate system, separate drainage; medicine.
a drainage or sewerage system in which
surface water and sewage are conveyed
in separate pipes.
separating floor, party floor; a floor
slab or structure which divides adjacent
premises or dwellings within the same
block, often with different ownership, and
which usually has to meet certain require-
ments of fire resistance and sound Greek serpent column,
insulation. Aesculapian column,
Asclepian column –
separating layer in floor and roof con- Delphi, Greece
struction, a layer of impervious sheet
material used to isolate layers in construc- serpentine, 1 serpentinite; a soft, dark
tion to prevent bonding; also called an green, metamorphic rock composed of
isolating membrane or bond breaker. hydrated magnesium silicate, often richly
separating wall, common wall (Am), patterned; easily polishable and used as
party wall; a wall which divides adjacent decorative stone in building, for jewellery,
premises or dwellings within the same etc.
block, often with different ownership, and 2 a greenish or yellow mineral found in
usually has to meet certain requirements veins in metamorphic rock, especially the
of fire resistance and sound insulation; see above.
also fire wall. Serpula lacrymans see dry rot.
sepia a dark greenish-brown pigment servant key a key which operates only
extracted from the ink sacs of the cuttle- one or a limited number of locks in a suite
fish [Sepia officinalis]; nowadays produced of locks for which there is a master key.
synthetically for watercolour paints.
service, technical installation, utility;
septic tank, settlement tank; in the any system, installation, etc. in a building
treatment of waste water, a small-scale providing water, air, gas, communications
treatment plant for one building or com- or electricity or disposing of waste; see
plex, in which the solid matter in sewage also services.
settles and the remaining effluent is puri-
fied and released.
service clamp see pipe saddle.
sequencing of operations see con- serviced housing see sheltered
struction sequence.
sequoia [Sequoia sempervirens], see
service duct a duct for cables, pipes or
equipment that also allows space for
serial contract a contract let for work of
a similar nature to previous work, or fol-
service illuminance in lighting design,
a measure of the illuminance of a surface
lowing directly on from it.
or space averaged over the maintenance
series connection the arrangement of cycle of the luminaires and the space in
appliances in an electric circuit so that which they are situated; see also standard
each receives the same current. service illuminance.
service lift 434
service lift a lift designed to carry goods sett, cobble; a
for providing a service to a building, too small hewn
small to carry people. rectangular
service pipe a pipeline which conveys block of natural
water or gas from a supply main to a stone such as
building. granite or sand-
stone used in
service road a road leading to a build- series as paving
ing, used by service or maintenance traffic for roads and
and emergency services. hard areas; sett paving
services 1 the provision of water, gas, ranging in size from 50 3 50 3 50 mm to
electricity, phone lines and other basic 300 3 200 3 100 mm; sometimes called a
infrastructure for a building. cobble; a small sett is known as a cube.
2 the provision by a local authority of setting 1 in general construction, the
schools, hospitals, transport, information, hardening to its usable form of any mate-
maintenance, etc. for a community. rial applied or cast as a liquid or paste.
service space 1 a space within a building 2 set; the hardening of the cement in
involved with its maintenance or servic- concrete from a liquid to a soft crumbly
ing; see also plant room. solid, occurring before the hardening or
2 a secondary space whose function is to strength-gaining stage.
serve a major space; see also utility room. 3 in the sharpening of a saw, the action of
bending teeth over alternatively to one
service stair see access stair.
side and then the other so that the saw
servicing see maintenance. cut is greater than the thickness of the
servicing valve a plumbing valve saw blade.
attached to an appliance or pipeline for
switching off a water supply during
setting block see glazing block.
maintenance. setting coat see final plaster coat.
sessile oak the durmast oak, see oak. setting out, 1 marking out, staking
out; the marking of boundaries and levels
set 1 see setting, accelerated set. on a construction site for a prospective
2 the slight bending to either side of alter-
building before construction begins.
nate teeth in a saw blade to allow for eas-
2 the laying out of the parts of a technical
ier movement of the saw through wood.
or design drawing, various projections,
3 see feint.
title block, borders, etc. on the paper or
set accelerating admixture, acceler- drawing plane.
ator; an admixture included in a concrete setting stuff plaster used for finishes,
mix to increase its setting rate.
produced from lime putty and fine sand.
setback the recessing of the facade of a setting time the period of time after
building, usually at ground floor or upper
application over which a liquid such as
storey level.
glue turns into a solid; the time taken for
set retarding admixture an admixture the cement in a concrete mix to harden
included in a concrete mix to reduce its to the required degree, measured by a
setting rate. standard test.
set screw a threaded fastener without a setting up see upsetting.
head, used to secure a sleeve, collar or
settlement 1 the collection of particles
gear on a shaft by compression, prevent-
suspended in a liquid at the bottom due
ing relative movement.
to the action of gravity.
set square a technical drawing imple- 2 the movement of a building downwards
ment for drawing perpendicular or angled soon after construction as ground mate-
lines, a right-angled triangular piece of rial underneath is compressed; see imme-
thin transparent plastic, wood, etc. with diate settlement, creep settlement.
either two 45 angles or 30 and 60 ; see settlement damage problems of crack-
also adjustable set square. ing, structural damage, and doors and
435 shake
windows that don’t open, caused by the of six ribbed bays with curved roof
differential settlement of a building after surfaces.
construction. sgraffito, graffito; in coloured plaster-
settlement tank see septic tank. work and pottery, a pattern scratched in
settling see sedimentation. surface material which allows for a back-
settling tank see sedimentation tank. ing material or colour to shine through.
severy see cell. shackle, bail; any
looped metal bar or
sewage soil water and solid human construction such as
waste, not surface water, conveyed in a the fastener for a pad-
sewer away from buildings. lock; used in fixing,
sewage disposal, sewage treatment securing gates and shackle
the screening, sedimentation, filtration, scaffolding, attaching chains, etc.
etc. of waste water and solids from a
sewer, and the disposal of settled sludge shade 1 in lighting design, an area over
in digestion tanks or on drying beds at a which direct light, especially sunlight,
sewage treatment plant. does not fall.
sewage pumping station pumping 2 a device placed externally over a win-
plant for raising sewage from a drainage dow or around a light fitting to prevent
system to a sewer located at a higher glare or diffuse direct light; see awning,
level. sunshade, lampshade.
sewage tank see cesspool. 3 see tint.

sewer a large diameter pipe which con- shadow bead a strip

veys waste liquids and solids in suspen- of planed timber or
sion away from a building’s soil and foul other material with a
water drainage systems to a treatment rebated or recessed
plant; any pipeline or channel which con- edge; used as trim to shadow bead
veys foul waste. form a recessed joint between adjacent
sewer pipe a length of proprietary pipe components.
with suitably formed interconnecting shaft 1 the straight vertical part of a col-
ends, joined in series to form a sewer. umn, by which loads are transmitted to a
sewerage, sewerage system; a public base or foundation; a column shaft.
drainage installation or network consisting 2 one of the distinctly carved merged
of branch and main sewer pipes, inspection piers in a Gothic compound column,
chambers, pumps, valves, etc. which con- which continues upwards in vaulting as a
vey foul water to a sewage treatment plant. rib; see principal shaft, secondary shaft.
3 the longitudinal body of an implement
sexfoil a decorative motif found in Gothic such as an axe, hammer, drill bit or other
tracery consisting of six lobes or pointed device, usually connecting one part to
arched protrusions radiating outwards another, or that of a nail or screw (also
from a central point. called a shank).
sexpartite vault, hexapartite vault; a 4 an enclosed vertical opening, hole, etc.
vault sprung on six points of support, hex- in a building or the ground; see well,
agonal or rectangular in plan, composed chute, chimney shaft, lift well, light shaft,
stairwell, ventilation shaft.
shaft ring see annulet.

shake 1 a crack which occurs in timber

due to natural causes; see below:
*seasoning shake, check; *cup shake;
*heartshake; *straight shake; *oblique
shake; *wind shake.
2 dry, shakes; a fine crack or vent
which occurs across the cleavage plane
sexpartite vault
shale 436

of rock or stone due to a natural shaving knife see drawing knife.

imperfection. shear, shear force; an internal splitting
3 split shingle; a thin timber cladding force caused by two forces acting in
or roofing tile made by splitting a short opposite directions at a distance to one
log of timber along the grain. another on the cross-section of a struc-
tural member.
shear crack one of a number of diagonal
cracks which may appear in the web of a
beam or bracing wall due to shear stres-
ses exceeding shear strength.
shear force see shear.
shearing stress load on a structural
member due to shear forces exceeding
shear strength.
shear plate connector in timber frame
shake roofing construction, a round flanged metal plate
housed between two bolted timber mem-
bers to strengthen the joint.
shale a layered, crumbly argillaceous sedi-
mentary rock formed by the deposition of
clay and silt.
shallow foundation any foundation,
such as a footing, pad or raft foundation,
which does not require a deep

shear plate connector

shear reinforcement, web reinforce-
ment; in reinforced concretework, rein-
forcement designed to resist shear forces.
shear strength the stress at which a
material, component or construction will
structurally fail in shear.
shear stress the force per unit area in
kN/m2 acting on the cross-section of a
structural member due to external forces
shallow foundation acting on it in opposite directions but not
along the same line.
shank, 1 shaft; the straight slender body shear wall a wall designed to resist hori-
of a nail, screw, bolt, etc., between its zontal forces along its length; used to pro-
head and tip. vide bracing for concrete frames.
2 see neck.
shears see tin snips.
shape code in reinforced concrete, the sheath in post-tensioned concrete, a pipe
standard notation for the shape of a rein-
cast into the concrete into which the pre-
forcing bar.
stressing cables are placed so that they
shaping 1 see forming. will not adhere to the concrete while it is
2 in the sharpening of a saw, the filing of hardening.
teeth to a uniform shape after they have
sheathing 1 board laid over a frame to
been topped.
cover a surface or construction; see sheet-
shave hook a scraping tool consisting of ing, boarding, roof decking.
a thin blade attached perpendicular to a 2 a layer of roofing felt used as underlay
handle; used by a painter for removing for profiled sheet roofing.
unwanted paint splashes from glazing 3 the outer insulating and protective
and other surfaces. covering for electric wires in a cable.
437 sheetmetal
sheathing grade insulating board *aluminium sheet; *copper sheet; *corru-
see sarking and sheathing grade insulat- gated sheetmetal; *expanded metal; *lead
ing board. sheet; *perforated sheetmetal; *sheet
sheave see lift sheave. steel.
shed roof see monopitch roof, pent- sheetmetal capping see pressed
house roof. metal capping.
sheetmetal cladding panel,
sheen a grade of paintwork finish which pressed metal facing unit; a prefab-
appears glossy at an angle but appears ricated exterior cladding unit made of
matt when viewed straight on. pressed sheetmetal with turned in
sheer legs a simple hoisting device con- edges and proprietary fixings.
sisting of a crude tripod over which a sheetmetal cleat, roofing cleat,
rope is slung. latchet, ear; a small L-shaped metal
fixing for attaching sheetmetal roofing
sheet any material or product manufac- to decking below, and included in
tured into planar sizes of preset length
standing seams and roll joints; also
with a thickness of between 0.15 mm and
called a clip, tie or shingle.
10 mm; see sheetmetal, sheet glass.
sheetmetal coping see pressed metal
sheet curing see membrane curing. coping.
sheet flooring flooring of sheet material, sheetmetal duct a ventilation or air-
boarding, etc. with butt or housed joints. conditioning duct made from galva-
nized sheetmetal, often rectangular in
sheetmetal flashing, pressed metal
flashing; a strip of sheetmetal laid over
a joint to inhibit or divert the passage of
water; see also eaves flashing.
sheetmetal joint see welt, standing
sheet flooring sheetmetal roof a roof clad with thin
metal sheet, either supported or profiled
sheet glass, drawn sheet glass, and usually of aluminium, lead, copper,
drawn glass; glass manufactured by ver- or galvanized or coated steel.
tical drawing of molten glass from a fur- sheetmetal roofing, roof sheeting;
nace in a continuous sheet, rarely used roofing of profiled or seamed sheets of
nowadays because of its uneven surfaces. steel, stainless steel, lead, zinc or alu-
sheeting 1 any material or surface con- minium; types included as separate
struction formed into continuous rigid or entries are listed below:
flexible sheets with a thickness of *supported sheetmetal roofing; *alumin-
between 0.15 mm and 10 mm. ium sheet roofing; *corrugated sheetme-
2 sheathing, shuttering; sheet material tal; *metal multi-tile roofing.
or rough boarding used in formwork to sheetmetal screw a self-tapping
support and form the shape of cast con- screw with a flat head, used for fixing
crete while it is hardening. sheetmetal to a frame or base; see roof-
ing screw.
sheet laminate a durable facing product
of layers of paper, wood, glass fibre or
fabrics impregnated with synthetic resins
and pressed into sheets.
sheetmetal screw

sheetmetal, metal sheet; metal pro- sheetmetal sill see pressed metal sill.
duced in sheets less than about 2 5 mm sheetmetal work any work on a con-
thick according to type of metal; see also struction site using sheetmetal, usually
metal plate, foil; types included as sepa- by folding and spot welding or pop-
rate entries are listed below: riveting.
sheet mosaic 438
sheet mosaic mosaic tiles or tesserae component; see shell construction, shell
fixed to a paper or mesh-backed web to structure.
enable them to be easily laid on floors 2 decoration or ornament in the form of
and wall surfaces. shell motifs; see scallop, conch.
sheet pile see steel sheet pile. shellac a natural resin gathered from the
twigs of certain Indian fig trees, mixed
sheet piling, trench sheeting; vertical
with a solvent such as alcohol and used
members of interlocking profiled steel
as a varnish.
plate driven into the ground to support
the sides of a major excavation; see steel
sheet pile. shell construction a thin curved load-
bearing concrete, steel or plastics slab
used for loadbearing roof forms; also
called a shell structure; types included
as separate entries are listed below:
*barrel shell; *concrete shell; *polygonal
shell, see folded plate; *prismatic shell.

sheet piling

sheet roofing any roofing material

manufactured and laid in sheets; bitu-
men felt, sheetmetal, ribbed polymer
sheeting, etc.; types included as sepa-
rate entries are listed below: shell structure
*aluminium sheet roofing; *bituminous
roofing; *corrugated sheet roofing; *felt
roofing, bituminous felt roofing; *mem- shell roof a thin self-supporting roof con-
brane roofing; *profiled sheeting, ribbed- struction of reinforced or prestressed con-
sheet roofing; *profiled sheet roofing; crete or other plastic material, often
*sheetmetal roofing. designed in three-dimensionally curving
or polygonal forms.
shell shake see cup shake.
shell structure see shell construction.
shelterbelt a row or rows of landscaped
trees or shrubs forming a shelter against
wind, sun, noise, etc.
sheltered housing, serviced housing;
sheet housing or a residential block for the han-
roofing dicapped or elderly with communal facili-
ties and staff on call in case of emergency.
sherardizing a rust-proofing treatment
sheet steel, steel sheet; steel rolled for a steel or iron surface consisting of a
into sheets not more than 3 mm thick. coating of zinc dust applied at a tempera-
shelf fungus see conk. ture slightly below its melting point.
shelf life, storage life; the length of shielded metal-arc welding see
time an adhesive, paint or other building manual metal-arc welding.
material can be kept in storage without shielding angle a measure of glare in
deterioration. artificial lighting design, the angle to hori-
shell 1 a thin, hard, structural or protective zontal above which a lamp in a ceiling
outer facing for a building, construction or luminaire can be seen through a diffuser.
439 shore
shielding glass glass design to provide
protection from radiation of various kinds;
see radiation-shielding glass, electronic
shielding glass, lead X-ray glass.
shim a thin strip of veneer used in the
repair of veneerwork or plywood.
shiner, bull stretcher; a brick on edge
laid with its bed showing in a masonry

shingle tile roofing

shingling the trade of laying shingles as
roofing and external wall cladding.
shiplap boarding rebated and recessed
timber cladding boards laid horizontally
so that adjacent boards overlap one

shiner course, bull stretcher course; a

brickwork course made up entirely of
shingle 1 naturally rounded stones of var-
iable size used as coarse aggregate and
for surfacing flat roofs and driveways; see
gravel. shiplap
2 a sawn timber tile used for cladding boarding
roofs and walls.
3 felt shingles, see strip slates. shiplap joint a timber joint used in over-
shingle dash, dry dash; a weatherproof lapping boarding, with the edges of each
rendered finish for masonry and concrete board rebated to receive an adjacent
with a coating of shingle embedded into board.
wet mortar. ship timber beetle see lymexylid
shingle roof a pitched roof clad in tim- beetle.
ber shingles. shipworm, marine mollusc; [Teredo
spp.] a marine organism which causes
damage to wood submerged in seawater
by boring.
shoddy fibrous material made from old
cloth, often used as caulking in log
shoe see driving shoe.

shore a temporary support or prop for

an excavation or work under construc-
shingle roofing tion; types included as separate entries
are listed below:
*dead shore; *flying shore; *horizontal
shingle tile a clay or concrete roof tile shore, see flying shore; *jack shore; *rak-
manufactured in imitation of a wooden ing shore; *riding shore; *single flying
shingle, often with a rustic surface and a shore; *sloping shore; *vertical shore, see
curved or decorative tail. dead shore.
shore pine 440
shore pine see pine. headers, in which the mortised member is
cut to incorporate the side of the tenoned
shoring the erection of one or a con-
piece; often the same as an undercut
figuration of slanting timber props or
tenon joint.
shores as temporary support for a struc-
ture under construction or under repair; shoulder fitting see barrel nipple.
the construction thus formed; see excava- shoulder plane a narrow plane with a
tion shoring. chamfered blade, used for cleaning up
the inside corners of shoulders, grooves
and rebates in wood.
shove see bunch.
shower a sanitary installation with a con-
trollable spray or jet of water for washing
and cleaning.
shower head, shower rose; the perfo-
rated part of a shower assembly through
which water is ejected, usually a spray
shower tap, shower mixer, shower
shoring unit; the mechanism by which the supply
short circuit the situation occurring in of hot and cold water to a shower head is
an electric circuit when two points with controlled.
different voltages come into direct con- shread head roof see half-hipped roof.
tact with little resistance, causing a surge shrinkage the reduction in dimensional
which may damage equipment and volume of a material due to compression,
appliances. evaporation of water, or change in state
short grained see brashy. or temperature; see autogenous shrink-
shotcrete sprayed concrete containing age, chemical shrinkage, dry shrinkage
aggregate over 10 mm in particle size, plastic shrinkage.
placed by spraying it against a surface shrinkage crack a crack occurring dur-
using pneumatic pressure. ing the setting of concretework as a result
of the evaporation of water.
shotcreting see previous entry and con- shrinkage joint see contraction joint.
crete spraying, spray concreting. shrinkage preventer an admixture
shot firing see blasting. included in a concrete mix to inhibit
shothole a 2 3 mm diameter hole in the
surface of wood, caused by burrowing SHS see square hollow section.
insects. shutter, 1 window shutter; an opaque
shoulder 1 in timber tenon jointing, the or louvred panel, usually hinged or sliding,
timber surface at the base of a tenon used to cover or shade a window; see
which abuts the face of the mortised persiennes.
member. 2 gate; a light construction, often of light
2 the widening of the blade of a chisel or or lattice construction used to close off an
other similar tool between the neck and opening such as a shop front or doorway.
cutting area. 3 see fire shutter, fire damper.
shouldered scarf joint see housed scarf shutter hinge 1 a hinge used to hang a
joint. shutter.
shouldered tenon 2 see parliament hinge.
joint, stepped
tenon joint; a fram- shuttering see formwork, sheeting.
ing mortise and shutting jamb, closing jamb; the verti-
tenon joint for the cal framing member against which a win-
ends of joists and dow casement or door leaf shuts and into
window and door shouldered tenon joint which a lock, latch or catch engages.
441 sight size
shutting stile, closing stile, lock stile; side-opening door a double sliding
the vertical side framing member of a door in which both leaves slide to one
window casement or door leaf opposite side of the door opening; lift doors are
that from which it is hung, often contain- typical examples.
ing a lock or fastening device.
SI 1 silicone.
2 International System of Units, an interna-
tionally accepted series of measures of
basic quantities and units.
Siberian fir [Abies sibirica], see fir.
Siberian larch [Larix russica, Larix sibirica]
a softwood from eastern Siberia with typi-
cal properties of the larch; one of the
most common source of larchwood in side-opening door
side plane see profile plane.
Siberian spruce [Picea obovata], see
spruce. side purlin in timber roof construction, a
purlin situated between ridge and eaves
Siberian yellow pine, cembra pine; level for supporting common rafters.
[Pinus cembra], see pine.
side rabbet plane a small woodworking
siccative see drier. plane with a narrow blade for widening
Sicilian brown see raw umber. and shaping rebates; it may sometimes
side board in the conversion of timber, a have two blades for cutting in either
rectangular sawn board cut tangentially direction.
from the edge of a log, with end grain side rezor, side wevor, side wyver; a
forming a series of concentric arcs. side purlin in traditional timber frame
side form see edge form. construction.
side hung referring to a window, case- siding see weatherboarding (also for list
ment, door or hatch whose opening leaf of different types of weatherboarding).
is hinged at the side. Siemens-martin process see open-
side-hung door a term which distin- hearth process.
guishes the most common category of Siena see sienna.
doors which have hinges along one verti-
sienna, Terra Sienna, raw sienna; a
cal edge, rather than sliding, tilting or
form of yellowish-brown native pigment,
other mechanisms.
named after earth found near the Italian
sidelap the overlap of adjacent parts of city of Siena (called Sienna by the
roofing material such as tiles or roof English), consisting of hydrated mineral
sheeting on either side. iron oxide; used in watercolour and oil
side light 1 a glazed panel at the side of paints; see also burnt sienna.
a doorway. sieve see screen, strainer.
2 a narrow glazed casement at the side of sieving, grading; a method of sorting
a window unit, hinged on one vertical aggregate by passing it through succes-
edge. sive sieves of certain mesh size to sepa-
rate out grains of the required size.
openable sight in surveying, a device connected to
side light an optical instrument or level to guide the
eye, or to visually ascertain an alignment.
fixed light
sight size, daylight size; the size of
the opening in glazing or a window
frame frame, measured from inner edge to
opposite inner edge; smaller than the
tight size.
sign 442
sign the graphic representation of a mes- internal corners in tiling and other wet
sage, instruction or advertisement; the applications.
device or board on which it is presented. silk see eggshell flat.
Silesian bond see Flemish garden-wall silk cotton see kapok.
silk-screened glass, silkscreen glass;
silencer see muffler. decorative, reduced-glare or obscured
siles see crucks. glass whose surface is silk-screen printed
silica, silicon dioxide; a mineral chemi- with a pattern of baked enamel, paint or
cal compound, SiO2, used in the manufac- frit during tempering.
ture of glass, porcelain and abrasives and silkscreen printing, serigraphy; a
in metallurgy; found naturally in sand- method of making graphic prints in paint
stones, quartz, flint, opal and agate. or ink which is pushed through a fine
silica gel a gelatinous form of silica used mesh, originally of silk, masked off with a
as a desiccant. patterned stencil.
silica glass see fused silica glass. sill, cill; the lowest horizontal member in
silicate a salt derived of silicic acids; also a door, window or other vertical frame-
any of the largest group of minerals which work; see window sill, door sill, ground
includes clay, quartz, mica and feldspar. plate.
silicate mortar types of mortar contain- sill block a concrete block with a sloping
ing silicates of potassium, etc., used for upper surface, designed for use as a sill
their resistance to high temperatures and below a window opening.
acidic conditions. sill board see window board.
sill plate, cill plate; a horizontal timber
siliceous rock types of sedimentary rock base member fixed to a footing or foun-
which have a silica content of over 50%; dation, onto which a timber frame is con-
includes chert and flint. structed; see also ground plate.
silicon a common chemical element, Si, sillimanite a hard, greenish or brownish
found in the earth’s crust in minerals and aluminium silicate mineral; used for gem-
rocks; used in the production of glass, stones and in ornament.
bricks and alloys, and in steelmaking; not
to be confused with silicone. silt a soil type composed of particles
silicon bronze, silicon brass; a durable between 0.002 and 0.06 mm in size;
copper alloy with zinc, silicon and small graded as fine (particles from 0.002 mm
quantities of other metals such as manga- to 0.006 mm), medium (particles from
nese and beryllium; used for corrosion- 0.006 mm to 0.02 mm), coarse silt (parti-
resistant fixings. cles from 0.02 mm to 0.06 mm).
silicon carbide, carbon silicide; an silver a heavy, pale, soft and malleable
extremely hard crystalline chemical com- metal, Ag; a good conductor of electricity
pound, SiC, used as an abrasive, for fire- used as a decorative coating on other
proof products and for electrical resistors metals and in some photographic com-
in high temperature applications. pounds; coating colours associated with this.
silicon dioxide see silica. silver birch [Betula pendula], see
silicone, SI; a clear, flexible, waterproof birch.
thermosetting resin used as a sealant and silvered-bowl lamp see crown silvered
in paints; not to be confused with silicon. lamp.
silicone paint a durable heat-resistant silver fir [Abies alba], see fir.
paint consisting of silicone solutions silver leaf sheets of silver beaten or
mixed with polymers. rolled as thin as 0.001 mm, used as sur-
silicone rubber an elastomer made face decoration in a similar way to gold
from silicone, used for seals and electrical leaf; usually treated with varnishes to pre-
insulation. vent the blackening effects of oxidation.
silicone sealant a silicone-based flexible silver maple [Acer saccharinum], see
sealant with a characteristic acidic odour, maple.
applied with a caulking gun for sealing silver poplar see poplar.
443 single roof
silverlock bond see rat-trap bond. their temperature and pressure controlled,
operated by one lever fitted on a ball
sima see cymatium.
simply supported stair a stair in which
each step is supported at both ends.
single-lock welt, single-lock cross-
welt; a sheetmetal roofing joint in which
the edges of two adjacent sheets are
bent over each other then hammered

single-lock welt

single notched
simply supported stair joint, trenched
joint; a timber
single-coat plaster, one-coat plaster; crossing joint in
plaster designed to be both an undercoat which the face of
and a final coat, laid over a base as a sin- one member is cut
gle layer. with a notch or notched joint
single-coat plasterwork (one-coat plas- groove to receive a
terwork) plasterwork laid as one thin layer second member.
of final plaster. single orientation referring to an apart-
single drainage system an outdated ment or dwelling unit with windows on
drainage system in which foul water and one external wall only, opening out in the
surface water from domestic premises are same direction.
combined in a single drain. single-phase a description of alternating
single-family house see one-family current at 240 volts with one phase, or
house. with phases at an angle of 180 ; used for
single Flemish bond a brickwork bond normal applications such as residential
giving the appearance of a Flemish bond and office buildings.
on the outer face of a brick wall more single-pipe system see one-pipe
than 9” thick. system.
single flying shore a flying shore in single pitch roof see monopitch roof.
which the supporting element is a single single Roman tile a wide single-lap roof
member. tile with one flat waterway or channel
single glazing glazing with a single between convex projections.
uninsulated layer of glass separating the
inside and outside of a building.
single-hole tap see monobloc mixer.
single layer chip-
board, standard
grade chipboard;
chipboard manufac-
tured from chips of
an even size, or of
chips of varying size
evenly distributed
single layer Roman
throughout the chipboard tiling
thickness of board;
see also graded density chipboard, multi-
layer chipboard. single roof a roof construction in which
single lever tap a lever tap in which hot rafters are unsupported by purlins or
and cold water supplies are mixed and primary beams.
single sized aggregate 444
single sized aggregate aggregate con- features in many ornamental motifs and
sisting of particles of relatively even size. column capitals
single spread adhesive see one-way
sistrum ornament at
stick adhesive. top of Egyptian Hathor
single welt see welted edge. capital
sink a sanitary vessel of vitreous china or
stainless steel for washing utensils, hands,
etc., connected to a drainage system,
fixed to a wall or furnishing at waist
height and usually fitted with a plug-hole site 1 the place at which construction
and taps; see also handbasin. work is undertaken; a building site.
2 an area of land designated by a plan-
sinking a recess or groove cut into a ning application for a specific develop-
surface, especially stone or timber. ment, or one for which a proposed
sinter a range of yellow-brown minerals building is to be designed.
and rocks formed as a build-up of depos- site access, site road; either a road
its from mineral-rich spring water; which permits access from a public right
includes calcareous tuff and travertine. of way to a private plot, a point of access
sintering the process of heating particles for vehicles entering a building site, or a
of mineral matter to such a temperature temporary road on the building site itself.
that they fuse together to form a porous site accommodation, site hut; a tem-
solid without becoming liquid. porary portable shelter with electricity
sintered aggregate lightweight aggre- and water supply used by the contractor
gate produced from particles which have and other site employees for on-site
fused together on heating. administration, storage and as sanitary
sinuous grain see wavy grain. facilities during a construction project.
siphon a tubular apparatus for transfer- site agent a contractor’s representative
ring liquid over an obstacle from one level responsible for managing and supervising
to a lower level, which operates by the work on a small site.
pressure difference acting on columns of site assembly pertaining to components
water within the tube; see induced and parts of construction which are built
siphonage. or assembled on site rather than by a pro-
siphonage, siphonic action; the con- cess of prefabrication.
veyance of a liquid using a siphon, or by
such principles. site boundary the official boundary of
siphonic WC pan a WC in which soil ownership or right of use for a particular
falls into a water-filled bowl and is plot of land, often a building plot.
removed by the siphonic action of flush- site concrete see mixed concrete.
ing water. site engineer a contractor’s representa-
sipo see utile. tive responsible for overviewing external
Siricidae see wood wasp. and structural work, setting out and foun-
dations, etc.
sisal the dried leaf-fibre from one of a
number of Central American plants, espe- site equipment, site plant; plant,
cially Agave sisalana; used for making heavy tools and other machinery used in
ropes and matting. on-site building construction, rather than
sisal matting a natural floor covering that installed in the building itself.
woven from sisal fibres. site hut see site accommodation.
sistrum ornament based on an ancient site inspection the initial overviewing of
Egyptian musical instrument composed of a building plot or site prior to site investi-
a metal handled loop and crossbar with gation, surveys and the commencement
perforated discs threaded onto it; making of construction, or an inspection of build-
a gentle rattling sound and used in sacred ing works under construction, carried out
rituals of the cow-goddess Hathor, it on site.
445 skew chisel
site investigation an investigation of Sitka spruce [Picea sitchensis], see
the subterranean site conditions of a spruce.
building site prior to foundation design to
ascertain soil types, bearing capacity and size 1 the magnitude of an object;
evidence of toxic substances. examples of sizes used in dimensioning
site manager a contractor’s representa- and construction included as separate
tive responsible for managing and super- entries are listed below:
vising work on a large site. *daylight size, see sight size; *dressed size,
dressed dimension; *external dimension;
site meeting a meeting held at or near a *finished size; *full size, see tight
construction site in which the designers, size; *glass size, glazing size, see pane size;
contractors, client representatives and *grain size; *measurement; *mesh size;
other associated parties meet to discuss *modular size, modular dimension; *neat
progress and problems regarding the size, see dressed size; *nominal dimension,
project, make decisions, etc. nominal size; *opening size; *overall
site mixed concrete concrete mixed on dimension, overall size; *pane size; *span
site rather than delivered pre-mixed or dimension; *sight size; *tight size.
ready-mixed. 2 sizing; a clear water-based glue or
varnish used for sealing porous surfaces
site office a temporary office on a build- such as painting canvas or plaster
ing site where site administration is car-
before the application of paint, wallco-
ried out, and in which site meetings are
vering, etc.; types included as separate
entries are listed below:
site plan a drawing showing in plan the *bole; *glue size; *gold size, gilding size;
layout of a site and buildings, roads and *varnish size.
landscape thereon. size water a water-based solution of
gelatine used for slowing down the set-
ting rate of casting plaster.
sizing 1 the sealing of a plaster wall,
painter’s canvas or other absorbent sur-
face with size before painting.
2 see size.

site plan of
skeleton see frame.
showing roof skeleton stair see open riser stair.
plans of main
sketch drawing, preliminary drawing,
boundary wall, outline drawing; a drawing made at an
planting and early stage in the design of a building to
paths show the designer’s concept and initial
layout of spaces and massing, etc.
site plant see site equipment. skew see oblique.
site possession see possession of site. skew arch a form of arch whose abut-
site preparation programme a series ments or supporting structural elements
of documents and drawings produced by are on different lines in plan to the face of
a contractor to indicate means of access the arch.
to a site, location of stores, materials, skewback, screwback; the wedge-
signs, any demolition work, huts and shaped masonry abutment or splayed
other site arrangements during stone at the springing of an arch to trans-
construction. mit its thrust downward.
site pump mobile mechanical plant for skew chisel, long-cornered chisel; a
pumping rainwater and groundwater from straight-bladed turning chisel whose cut-
surface areas and excavations, and for low- ting edge is set at an angle; used for
ering the water table on a building site. smoothing and accurate shaping of wood
site road see site access. on a lathe.
skew filler piece 446
skew filler piece a proprietary compo- skirting trunking, plugmold, wire-
nent fitted beneath profiled roof sheeting way (Am); an openable conduit for
at slanting eaves or a hip to block up the cables and wiring in an electric installa-
corrugations. tion, which also functions as skirting.
skew nailing the hammering of nails skirt roof a false overhanging roof or
into a surface at an angle when attaching canopy fixed to a wall at storey level.
a timber on end or to provide a stronger
fixing; also called toe nailing or dovetail
skilled labourer, craft operative,
skilled operative; a construction worker
whose skill is equivalent to that of a
tradesman, often one skilled in a modern skirt roof
skimming coat see final plaster coat. sky factor, sky component; in daylight
skimming float a thin-bladed hand float calculations for a room, the portion of
used for the application of finish plaster. daylight which is diffuse radiation from
the sky as opposed to direct sunlight.
skin a lightweight and non-structural
outer facing, cladding or layer for a wall skylight, 1 indirect solar radiation; in
or component. lighting design, that part of solar illumi-
nance that reaches the ground as diffuse
skin mould in ornamental plastering, a light from the sun.
membrane-like flexible mould in which 2 see rooflight.
decorative castings are made.
slab 1 any thin plate-like structure, espe-
skip 1 see miss. cially solid in-situ concrete or precast con-
2 any large open steel container for col- crete units, which function as floor or roof
lecting building rubbish, conveying mate- structure; see floor slab.
rial, etc. 2 flag, pavior; a hard, thick, fairly large
skirting 1 an area of cladding tile for floors or external areas,
roofing which has been usually of stone, clay or a mineral-based
turned upwards against material such as concrete; see concrete
an abutment to provide paving slab.
protection at the upper 3 in the conversion
edge of a roof. skirting of timber, curved-
2 a strip of metal, wood or plastics for cov- edged or waney
ering the construction joint between floor boards cut from the
and wall in a room. edge of a log,
skirting board a wooden board, strip or often with attached slab
component funtioning as a skirting (also bark.
variously known as a baseboard, mop- slab block an elongated multistorey resi-
board, scrubboard or washboard). dential block, most often rectangular in
skirting tile a ceramic tile designed for plan, whose dwelling units are arranged
use at the lowest edge of a tiled wall, around, and accessed by, a series of verti-
where it meets the floor; see also coved cal circulation cores with stairs and lifts.
skirting tile. slab-on-grade see ground supported
slab reinforcement steel reinforcement
for a reinforced concrete slab.
slack side see loose side.
slag a mineral by-product of steel pro-
duction used in construction; see blast-
furnace slag for further information.
slag concrete, blast-furnace con-
skirting tile crete; lightweight concrete using
447 sliding damper
granulated blast-furnace slag as a coarse of the battens to allow for the passage of
aggregate. ventilating air within construction.
slag wool a brittle fibrous material
formed by the heating and spinning of
blast-furnace slag; manufactured into
sledgehammer, sledge; a heavy two-
handed hammer with a long shaft and
slabs and used as thermal and acoustic
heavy iron or steel head, used for crush-
ing, breaking and driving; types
slaked lime hydrated lime or calcium included as separate entries are listed
hydroxide in liquid form, produced on site below:
by slaking. *beetle; blacksmith’s hammer; *club ham-
slaking the mixing of water with quick- mer; *double face hammer; *drilling ham-
lime (calcium oxide) to form slaked lime mer; *engineer’s hammer; *engineer’s
(carbon hydroxide); used as a binder in sledge; *lump hammer, mash hammer,
plaster and as an opaque white pigment see club hammer; *maul, mall; *peen
in whitewash; see also wet slaking, dry sledge, see engineer’s sledge; *smith’s
hydrate. hammer, see blacksmith’s hammer; *strik-
slap dash see wet dash. ing hammer.
slash conk [Gloephyllum separium,
Lenzites separia] a form of brown rot sleeper see ground plate.
which attacks timber whose moisture con-
tent alternates between being damp and sleeper wall a low masonry wall which
dry. carries timber floor joists at intervals
between side walls, usually in honeycomb
slash grain see plain sawn. bond to allow for underfloor ventilation.
slash sawing see through and through sleeve see pipe sleeve, ferrule.
slash sawn see plain sawn. sleeve anchor see wedge anchor.
slat a thin piece of wood or other material sleeved nail a round-shanked nail with
used in a shading device or grille. an outer sleeve which expands as the nail
is driven home.
slate a dark grey aluminium silicate meta-
morphic rock formed in thin layers; it can sliced veneer, knife cut veneer;
be easily cleft into sheets and is used for veneer produced by moving a log or flitch
roof tiles (also called slates) and paving vertically against a fixed veneer knife; see
slabs; see roofing slate. veneer slicing.
slate black a greyish-black pigment of slide bolt, 1 snib bolt; a secondary bolt
powdered slate or shale used in some incorporated in a rim latch, operable from
water-based paints. the inside only.
slate fillet one of a series of pieces of 2 thumb slide; a small barrel bolt.
slate laid in mortar as an upstand in tradi- slide damper in air conditioning and
tional roofing construction. mechanical ventilation installations, a
slate hanging the hanging of slates on damper which functions by sliding across
battening as cladding for external walls. a duct to control the flow of air.
slate roof a sloping roof whose weather-
proofing is provided by rows of overlap- sliding bearing a structural bearing con-
ping roofing slates nailed to horizontal sisting of two surfaces which can move
battens. horizontally with respect to one another.
slate walling masonry walling of pieces sliding bevel a bevel square which has a
of slate laid horizontally and bedded in slot through the blade so that it may be
mortar. extended out for added versatility.
slating the trade of laying slates as roof-
sliding damper a sliding metal flap
ing or walling; the work thus done.
incorporated within a flue or chimney to
slatting in timber-clad construction, bat- regulate the amount of draught for
tening laid with spaces between the ends combustion.
sliding door 448

sliding door a door opened by sliding sliding hatch a hatch for sales, serveries,
its leaf along an upper or lower track, information desks, etc., which opens and
with manual or motorized action, see shuts by sliding horizontally in tracks.
types below: sliding sash a framed light in a window,
*double sliding door; *sliding folding opened by sliding.
door; *centre-opening door, bi-parting sliding sash window see sliding
door. window.
sliding window, horizontal sliding
window, sliding sash window; a win-
dow with a sash or sashes that slide open
horizontally within a frame; see sliding
folding window, sash window.

sliding door
sliding door gear mechanisms for
opening and closing an automatic slid-
ing door, operated by signals from a
detector device, remote controls, etc.
sliding door handle a device or fit- sliding windows
ting by which a sliding door may be
pulled open. slip see engobe, brick slip.
slipform, continuously moving form;
proprietary formwork used for large-scale
sliding folding door, concertina and seamless concretework, consisting of
door; a sliding door whose leaf is also a rig which moves continuously along a
hinged so that it slides along a track and
plane while casting is taking place.
folds with a concertina action.
slipform casting the in-situ casting of
concrete in continuously moving
slip layer a coating applied to the shaft
of a foundation pile to minimize friction
between it and the surrounding ground
during piledriving.
slip match a veneering pattern in which
similar pieces of veneer are glued side by
sliding folding doors
side to form a repeated pattern.
sliding folding window a sliding win-
dow whose sash is hinged so that it also
folds, thus increasing the area of openable

slip match

slip membrane one or two layers of

sheet material, often polyurethane sheet,
used to provide a horizontal movement
joint between successive layers of floor
sliding folding window construction.
449 smoke damper
slip sill in masonry construction, a win- a metal cone-shaped mould and measur-
dow or door sill which does not extend ing how much it subsides when the
beyond the edge of the opening into mould is removed.
which it fits, and is not built into the wall slurry a mixture of fine solid particles sus-
at either side. pended in a liquid, having the general
slip tenon joint see free tenon joint. flow properties of a thick liquid; see
cement slurry.
slit coil a steel product from a rolling mill;
coil which has been cut lengthways into slurrying in stonework under construc-
strips. tion or repair, the application of a tempo-
rary coating of lime and stone dust to
slope an area of terrain or land at an
provide protection during further con-
angle to the horizontal; the angle that a
struction, washed off on completion of
stair, roof, etc. makes with the horizontal;
see pitch, gradient.
sloping grain, diagonal grain; grain in smalt, Saxon blue; a form of powdered
blue potassium glass, with traces of
a piece of sawn timber which is not paral-
cobalt, used as a pigment in paints, glass,
lel to one of its straight edges.
ceramics and enamels.
sloping roof see pitched roof.
smaragd green see viridian.
sloping shore a flying shore assembled
at an angle for increased stability, etc.
smart card a personalized card with a
microchip or magnetized strip containing
slop moulding see soft-mud process. information which can be updated, used
slot 1 any long, narrow recess or gap for phonecards, credit and swipe cards,
formed into a surface. etc.
2 the sinking in the head of a screw or smart key a range of electronic products
other fastener, by which it is rotated with used as keys for access control and auto-
a tool. mated access systems, in which the per-
slot mortise, open mortise; a mortise sonal information of the carrier, and their
for a timber joint that is cut through the accessibility credentials, are encoded
end of a piece, having three open sides. within; see entry above.
SMA welding acronym for shielded
metal-arc welding; see manual metal-arc
smelting see reduction.
smith’s hammer a blacksmith’s
joint with slot hammer.
smith welding see forge welding.
slot overflow a rectangular opening smoke alarm an alarm triggered by the
near the rim of a basin or sink through presence of smoke.
which water can flow into a drain if the smoke chamber the space in a fireplace
water level rises too high. formed by a throat, gather and smoke
slotted panel absorber an acoustical shelf.
absorbing construction consisting of a smoke control measures taken in design
perforated board with an air gap or min- and practice to control the flow of smoke
eral wool behind. outwards from a hazardous building fire.
slotted waste a pipe fitting at a slot smoke control door see smoke door.
overflow, which joins a sink or basin to a
discharge pipe. smoke damper a hinged or sliding
metal flap in a fireplace flue for regulating
slow grown see close grained. the amount of draught for combustion;
slump test an on-site test to determine sometimes called a throat restrictor; see
the consistency of fresh concrete by filling sliding damper, rotating damper.
smoke detector 450
ventilation ducts by introducing smoke or
other coloured non-toxic gas.
smoke vent see fire vent.
smoke venting see fire venting.
smoke venting rooflight a rooflight
smoke which also functions as a fire vent.
damper smoky quartz a brownish or smoke-
coloured variety of quartz used for orna-
hearth ment and for gemstones.
smoothing see sanding, dressing, surfac-
section through
ing, float-finishing.
masonry fireplace smoothing compound a material
showing smoke damper applied in semi-liquid form to interior
floor construction, which sets to provide a
smooth flooring.
smoke detector a fire safety sensor or smoothing plane a small bench plane
fire detector which reacts to the presence used for the final smoothing or cleaning
of smoke and triggers fire safety measures off of work.
and warnings. smoothing trowel see finishing trowel.
smoke developed rating a standard- smooth planed a description of sawn
ized classification of the amount of smoke timber which has been smoothed with a
given off by the combustion of an interior plane to produce a finished surface.
finish; sometimes also known as smoke
development rating. snaked finish a smooth, lightly polished
matt finish in stonework produced by rub-
smoke dispersal see dispersal, fire bing with a fine abrasive or whetstone.
snap header, half bat; a half brick used
smoked glass glass manufactured with a in walling to appear in a wall surface as a
grey or brown body tint, achieved by the header.
addition of nickel, iron, copper or cobalt
oxide. snap line, snapping line see chalk
smoke door, smoke control door,
smoke stop door; an approved door sneck a small stone used in rough
type with seals around its edges to pre- masonry joints as a gap filler and to stabi-
vent the passage of cold smoke. lize walling.
smoke extract fan a fan which removes snib, check lock, locking snib, thumb
smoke from hazardous building fires by slide; a mechanism in a lock or latch to
blowing it along designated routes, corri- hold its bolt in a closed or open position,
dors or ducts to the outside. usually operated by a sliding button in
the forend.
smoke outlet an opening in the upper
part of an external wall, shaft, etc. through key
which smoke from a building fire may be
vented to the outside; see fire vent. lock
smoke pipe see flue.
smoke shelf an upwardly curving ledge bolt
in a fireplace to direct smoke up the flue.
smoke shutter an automatic door, hatch snib
or shutter designed to close and prevent snib bolt see slide bolt.
smoke spreading from one space into snib latch see indicating bolt.
another during a building fire.
snowguard a horizontal bar or rail fixed
smoke stop door see smoke door. at eaves level on a pitched roof in cold cli-
smoke test a test for unwanted openings mates to prevent the slippage of snow
and flow in a system of plumbing pipes or onto the ground below.
451 sodium
snow load a structural live load imposed sodium a soft, silver-white metallic chem-
by the weight of snow on a roof. ical element, Na, found in common salt
soakaway a rudimentary drain consisting and discharge lamps.
of an excavated pit filled with sand, gravel sodium bicarbonate, sodium hydro-
or stones, into which waste water is dis- gen carbonate; a white, water-soluble
charged and from which it leaks away chemical compound, NaHCO3, used in fire
into the surrounding soil. extinguishers and baking.
sodium borate see sodium tetraborate;
soaker 1 in roof construction, a small see borax.
piece of metal sheet laid beneath roof sodium chlorate a colourless, water-sol-
tiles at a hip, valley or abutment. uble chemical compound, NaClO3, used
2 roof soaker, see pipe flashing. in explosives, matches and as a bleaching
3 a strip of waterproofing material laid agent.
between courses of roof shingles in sodium cyanide a white, poisonous
exposed areas. chemical compound, NaCN, used in the
soap a special brick with a square profile, surface treatment of metals and for carbu-
usually 50 3 50 3 215 mm. rizing steel alloys.
soapstone, steatite, potstone; a sodium hydrogen carbonate see
soft, grey rock whose surface has a soapy sodium bicarbonate.
feel; it contains a high proportion of sodium hydroxide, caustic soda; a
talc and is used for baths, sinks, fire- corrosive alkaline chemical compound,
places and in industry; see also French NaOH, used in the manufacture of pig-
chalk. ments, soap, cellulose and paper.
sodium hypochlorite a pale green,
social housing see public housing. crystalline chemical compound, NaOCl,
socket, 1 bell (Am); the enlarged end of used as a bleaching agent in the textile
a drainage pipe which fits over the end of and paper industries, in water purification,
another pipe and forms a join. and for domestic use.
2 a short length of connecting pipe which sodium lamp, sodium-vapour lamp;
is internally threaded. a discharge lamp used primarily for street
3 see socket outlet, telecommunications and external lighting, producing yellow
outlet. light from sodium vapour; see high-pres-
socket outlet, plug socket; electric sure sodium lamp, low-pressure sodium
installation casing and switches to receive lamp.
an electric plug at a power point. sodium nitrate a crystalline, water-solu-
socket reducer, reducing bush; a ble chemical compound, NaNO3, used in
small pipe fitting attached into the explosives, fertilizers, the manufacture of
socketed end of one pipe to reduce its glass, and as a colour stabilizer in pro-
bore for the attachment of a smaller bore cessed meat.
pipe. sodium silicate, water glass; one of a
sock lining a method of repairing a leak number of chemical compounds used in
or hole in underground pipes by inserting the production of soaps, detergents, in
a resin-soaked felt “stocking” into the the textile industry, as wood preservative,
pipe and then expanding it against and in the manufacture of paper products
the pipe wall with compressed air or and cement.
water; this provides a seal when the resin sodium sulphate a white, crystalline,
sets; also called resin lining. water-soluble chemical compound,
Na2SO4, used in the manufacture of dyes,
soda-lime glass the most common type soaps, glass and ceramic glazes.
of glass, manufactured from sand, soda sodium tetraborate, sodium borate;
ash and limestone; used for flat glass, bot- a chemical compound, Na2B4O7 (10H2O),
tles and light bulbs. used for dissolving metal oxides, cleaning
sodalite a blue or yellowish white alumin- soldered surfaces, and in glazing and
ium silicate mineral, a major constituent enamelling; found naturally as borax.
of lapis lazuli; used for jewellery and fash- sodium-vapour lamp see sodium
ioned into ornamental objects. lamp.
soffit 452
soffit, 1 undersurface; the lower face of *cedars, Cedrus spp.; for other trees
any building component or structure such called by the name cedar see Calocedrus
as a ceiling, arch or slab; the upper under- decurrens, Chamaecyparis lawsoniana,
surface of a window or door opening, also Juniperus, Thuja; *cypresses, Cupressus
called a head; see window soffit, door head. spp.; *Lawson’s cypress, Chamaecyparis
2 see intrados. lawsoniana; *southern cypress,
3 see soffit board. Taxodium distichum; *firs, Abies spp.;
soffit bearer in timber roof construction, *Douglas fir, see Pseudotsuga douglasii;
a small horizontal timber at eaves level to *hemlocks, Tsuga spp.; *juniper, eastern
which a soffit board is nailed. red cedar, Juniperus spp.; *larches, Larix
soffit board, soffit; a horizontal board spp.; *pines, Pinus spp.; Oregon pine,
or boarding fixed to the underside of the Pseudotsuga douglasii; Parana pine,
ends of joists or rafters in projecting eaves. Araucaria angustifolia; *spruces, Picea
soffit formwork, decking; formwork spp.; *yew, Taxus baccata.
for casting and supporting the underside softwood board a piece of sawn soft-
of a concrete slab. wood with cross-sectional dimensions
softboard, insulation board; a light- of less than 47 mm thick and greater
weight timber-based sheet product with than 100 mm wide.
porous construction; a low density softwood plank a piece of sawn soft-
fibreboard whose density is less than wood with cross-sectional dimensions
350 kg/m3; used for sound and thermal of 47 100 mm thick and greater than
insulation. 275 mm wide.
soft face hammer a hammer with a softwood plywood plywood whose
plastic, leather or rubber head for ham- veneers are made from softwood.
mering easily breakable surfaces. softwood scantling a piece of sawn
softwood with cross-sectional dimen-
soft maple [Acer saccharinum, Acer sions of 47 100 mm thick and
rubrum], see maple. 50 125 mm wide.
soft-mud process, slop moulding; a softwood strip a piece of sawn soft-
process of forming bricks or other ceramic wood with cross-sectional dimensions
products from wet clay which contains of less than 50 mm thick and less than
20 30% water. 125 mm wide.
soft pine see pine.
soft rock, soft stone; according to a
hardness classification of rocks used by soil 1 fragmented, granular or loose min-
stone masons and construction techni- eral or organic material within the
cians, rock which has a compressive earth’s crust, consisting of weathered
strength below 800 kg/cm2; includes and crushed rock, including humus;
sandstones and limestones. earth above the bedrock, classified
according to composition and grain
soft soldering the normal method of size; natural granular material with
soldering used for joining copper and appropriate nutrients, laid as a growing
brass pipes and electronic components medium for planting; types included as
using soft solder, an alloy of tin with a low separate entries are listed below:
melting point. *coarse soil, see granular soil; *cohesive
soft stone see soft rock. soil; *fine-grained soil; *granular soil;
*growing medium; *non-plastic soil;
softwood the collective name for tim- *organic soil; *plastic soil; *saturated
ber from any coniferous tree, in general soil; *subsoil; *topsoil; *vegetable soil.
light-coloured with pronounced growth 2 see soil water.
rings, which, despite its name, may
sometimes be harder than some hard-
woods; see below for list of species of
soil amelioration in landscaping, the
improvement of the quality and drainage
conifers (softwood tree) included as
of soil by the addition of granular
separate entries in this book:
453 soldering
soil anchorage a system of steel rods, solar cell one of the photoelectric cells in
guys or braces to fix a structure firmly to a solar panel which converts light into
the underlying ground. electricity.
soil appliance, soil fitment; any appli- solar collector that part of a solar heat-
ance for the disposal of human waste, a ing system designed to absorb solar
toilet or urinal, connected to a soil drain. energy and heat up water or other liquids.
soil binder plants and bushes planted on solar constant the average amount of
embankments and other sloping surfaces, the sun’s energy received by the earth,
whose roots provide reinforcement for measured as that received over unit time
the soil. by a unit area of the earth’s surface at a
soil cement cement with soil as its theoretical mean perpendicular distance
aggregate, used in road construction and from the sun, taken as approximately 1.94
soil stabilization. cal/min/cm2.
soil conditioning in landscaping, the
improvement of the quality and drainage solar control glass, anti-sun glass;
of soil by the addition of chemical glass which has been treated with a
material. body tint or reflective coating to
improve solar absorption and reflection;
soil drain see soil water drain. types included as separate entries are
soil fitment see soil appliance. listed below:
soil mechanics the science surrounding *anti-fading glass; *absorbing glass, heat-
the investigation of soils by the collection absorbing glass, see tinted solar control
and testing of samples in order to provide glass; *laminated solar control glass; *low
information used for foundation design. emissivity glass; *reflective glass; *surface
coated float glass; *surface-modified
soil reinforcement, ground improve- tinted float glass; *tinted solar control
ment; the strengthening of soil to be glass.
used for loadbearing earthworks, soil
structures, embankments and under foun-
dations using geotextiles and other rein- solar declination in lighting design, the
forcing measures. angular distance of the sun measured
soil sample a sample of loose subterra- north or south of a plane traced out by
nean material or earth taken from a site the equator.
to ascertain bearing conditions, contami- solar energy energy received as radia-
nation, etc. tion direct from the sun, or electricity pro-
soil stabilization the strengthening, duced from this.
reinforcing, supporting or compacting of solar heating any system which makes
weak and porous soils to prevent erosion use of the radiant energy of the sun to
and provide a structural base for roads provide heat; see passive solar energy.
and other earthworks.
solar panel in a solar heating system, a
soil stack a vertical drainage pipe into device containing solar cells for convert-
which soil water is discharged into a soil ing radiant energy from the sun into
drain. electricity.
soil water, soil; discharge containing solar power electricity produced by a
human solid waste from WCs. solar cell or panel.
soil water drain, soil drain; a horizon-
tal pipe buried beneath the ground for soldering the joining of metals together
leading soil water from a building to a pri- by melting a soft metal alloy or solder at a
vate or public sewer. join and allowing it to harden; widely
used for fastening electronic components
solar altitude in lighting design, the and metal plumbing connections; see also
height of the sun in the sky, measured in soft soldering, brazing.
degrees above the horizon. solder a metal alloy used in joining
solar building a building heated wholly metals together by soldering; usually an
or partly by energy from the sun. alloy of lead and tin for soft soldering, or
soldier 454
copper and zinc for brazing; see soft sol- solid-fuel appliance, solid-fuel
der, hard solder. heater see solid-fuel stove.
soldered joint a joint in plumbing or solid-fuel heating, wood-fired heat-
other metalwork formed and sealed by ing; heating a building or space by the
soldering. combustion of solid fuels such as wood,
soldering iron a tool with a thin copper peat or coal.
blade heated electrically or by gas; used solid-fuel stove, cast-iron stove; a
for melting solder and applying it to metal freestanding heater which burns coal and
connections. wood as fuel; usually a patented product
soldering torch a device consisting of a of metal plate or cast-iron construction
vessel containing a combustible liquid or connected to a flue.
gas attached to a nozzle, which, when solid parquet parquet strip flooring of
ignited, produces a flame used to provide solid matched lengths of hardwood laid in
melting heat for soldering. parallel arrangement.
soldier in brickwork, a brick on end with solid-phase welding see pressure
its face showing in a masonry wall, used welding.
in a row for copings, string courses and in
flat arches. solid plasterwork see in-situ
solid timber, solid wood timber pro-
ducts or sections which are unprocessed
wood throughout their thickness rather
than veneered board, framed panels, fac-
ing, etc.; often includes glue-laminated
timber beams and planks.
solid timber beam a beam produced
soldier either from a single piece of sawn or
hewn timber, or one of glue-laminated
soldier course a course of bricks made rather than composite or built-up
up entirely of soldiers, usually for decora- construction.
tive bands, above openings, etc. solid timber flooring flooring material
sole member see sole plate. of planed timber sections rather than par-
quetry or wood products.
solenoid a coil of metal wire, usually cop-
per, that becomes magnetized when a soling see pitching.
current is passed through it. Solomonic column see spiral column.
solenoid lock an electric lock whose soluble blue a form of water-soluble
latch is restrained or freed for use by Prussian blue pigment.
means of a solenoid.
solute a material that is dissolved in
sole piece in traditional timber frame another.
construction, a short horizontal lateral tim-
ber which provides the bearing for a com- solution 1 a chemical mixture consisting
mon rafter onto a wall; see also sole plate. of a material (called a solute) dissolved in
a liquid (a solvent).
sole plate, base plate, sole member, 2 an answer, series of decisions or out-
sole piece; in timber frame construction, come to a particular problem or dilemma.
the lower horizontal member in a stud
wall, onto which vertical framing mem- solvent, dissolvent; a liquid in which
bers are fixed. another substance will dissolve; an
organic solvent is any highly volatile
solid background any solid masonry or organic liquid used as a vehicle in paints
concrete surface, as distinct from lathing and adhesives, and for paint and grease
or battening, to which plasterwork or plas- removal.
terboard is applied. solvent adhesive a polymer-based
solid fuel any solid material such as coal, adhesive for plastics, which dissolves sur-
wood, etc. used as fuel to provide energy faces to be joined, forming a bond as its
when burned. solvent evaporates.
455 soundproofed
solvent borne adhesive, solvent- various methods including dropping
based adhesive; any adhesive whose weighted lines or echo-sounding.
binder is dissolved in an organic solvent sounding board see tester.
which sets by evaporation.
sound insulation, 1 soundproofing,
sone in acoustics, a unit of subjective sound isolation; dense material used to
loudness equivalent to a tone of fre- prevent the travel of sound from one
quency 1000 Hz at a sound pressure level space in a building to another; also called
of 40 dB. acoustic insulation.
soot door a hatch at the base of a chim- 2 the prevention of travel of sound from
ney or fireplace through which a flue can one space to another; also called acoustic
be swept. isolation; see impact sound isolation.
sound insulation glass see sound con-
Sorbus aucuparia see rowan. trol glass.
sorel cement see oxychloride cement. sound intensity in acoustics, the rate at
sound 1 a sensation produced in the ear which sound energy progresses through
by rapid waves of pressure in a body of a given medium; measured in units of
material, often air or water. W/m2; also called acoustic intensity.
2 a description of a construction, structure, sound intensity level the measure of
material, etc. which is unbroken, stable, in relative sound intensity, in decibels.
good working order or without defects. sound isolation see sound insulation,
sound absorber see absorber, muffler. impact sound isolation.
sound absorption the ability of a mate- sound knot a knot in seasoned timber
rial or construction to absorb sound by which is free from decay and as hard as
inhibiting or preventing reflections from the surrounding wood.
its surface; also called acoustic absorption. sound level in acoustics, the make-up
sound absorption coefficient the pro- and intensity of a sound source, measured
portion of sound energy incident on a sur- by a microphone linked to a calibrated
face which is absorbed by that surface. electronic sound level meter.
sound attenuation in acoustics, the sound level meter an electronic instru-
prevention of echoes, reverberation and ment used in acoustics for measuring
reflections of sound in a space due to sound pressure levels.
scattering and absorbing of sound waves soundness, integrity; the property of a
by surface treatments and careful design; material, structure or product which is
also called acoustic attenuation. free of defects, whole and unbroken.
sound attenuator see muffler. soundness test see gas soundness test.
sound boarding see pugging boards. sound power in acoustics, the sound
sound control glass window glass energy per time emitted by a sound
whose properties of sound insulation are source.
improved with extra thickness, added sound power level the measure of
compounds or special interlayers; also var- sound pressure.
iously called acoustical glass, acoustic con- sound pressure in acoustics, a measure
trol glass, noise control glass, noise of the pressure at any point in a sound
reduction glass, sound insulation glass wave.
and sound reduction glass; see laminated sound pressure level the logarithm of
sound control glass. the ratio of a given sound pressure to a
sounder that part of a fire alarm, doorbell reference sound pressure.
or other device designed to produce a soundproof in acoustics, referring to a
noise by mechanical or electronic means. material or component which inhibits the
sounding 1 in soil investigation, the driv- transmission of sound through its mass,
ing of a steel rod into the ground to dis- structure or envelope.
cern the level of underlying bedrock. soundproofed a description of a space,
2 depth sounding; a process of deter- duct, chamber, etc. constructed with
mining the depth of a body of water by sound insulating material and resilient
soundproofing 456
joints to prevent sound from passing in or extension in three dimensions; a bounded
out of it. area within a building.
2 the measured length from one point of
soundproofing see sound insulation.
a sawtooth to the next, a measure of the
sound propagation in acoustics, the fineness of the cut of a saw.
travel of sound via wave movement.
spaced boarding, open boarding;
sound reduction in acoustics, the ability sawn timber boards laid on a building
of a material or construction to inhibit the frame with noticeable gaps between each,
transmission of airborne and impact often as a base for cladding, roofing or
sound through it. flooring.
sound reduction glass see sound con-
trol glass.
sound reduction index a measure of
the sound transmission through an object
or material.
sound reflection, reverberation; in
acoustics, the various ways in which
sound is reflected within a space, depen-
dent on its shape, surface materials and
sound resistance the ability of a given spaced
material or construction to inhibit the boarding
transmission of sound.
sound reverberation in acoustics, a space frame, space structure; any
three-dimensional framework, especially a
number of late secondary reflections in a
deck structure for long spans, consisting
space which unite to form a continuous
of a three-dimensional lattice of triangu-
lated members, usually steel tubes con-
sound spectrum see audio spectrum. nected at their ends; see also space
sound timber timber which is free from lattice.
fungal decay or insect attack.
sound wave a longitudinal pressure
wave in air or other media which pro-
duces the sensation of sound in the ear.
sour cherry [Prunus cerasus], see cherry.
southern cypress, swamp cypress
(Am); [Taxodium distichum] a deciduous
softwood from the swamps of east and
south USA; its timber is yellow-brown and space frame
used for interior and exterior cladding
and furniture. space heating see heating.
southlight roof a sawtooth roof with space lattice a space frame assembled
south-facing glazed lights used for indus- from a number of parallel lattice girders
trial buildings in the southern hemisphere; connected with lateral members.
see northlight roof. spacer, 1 cover block, reinforcement
soya bean oil a drying oil used as a vehi- spacer; in reinforced concrete, a small
cle in paints, pressed from soya beans; piece of concrete, plastic or steel fixed
used widely as an industrial substitute for over reinforcing bars to provide the appro-
linseed oil. priate amount of concrete cover between
the bar and the formwork surface.
soya glue glue made from soya bean 2 glazing unit spacer; a hollow metal
meal after the extraction of its oil.
tube sealed around the edges of adjacent
space 1 an area or volume bounded actu- panes in a sealed glazing unit to keep
ally or theoretically; a continuous them apart and provide an insulating gap.
457 spatterdash
space structure see space frame. spandrel glass see cladding glass.
spacial see spatial. spandrel step one of a number of
solid steps, triangular in cross-section,
spacing see centers. which form a stair with a smooth sloping
spacing plate a large perforated plate soffit.
placed underneath a bolt-head or nut in a Spanish bond a paving pattern of a
bolt fixing, which acts as a spacer and series of square pavers bordered with
transfers the pressure of the fixing over a smaller stones, resembling basketweave
wider area. pattern, but with arrangements of stones
spackling a very fine paste which sets to forming rectangular areas; similar patterns
form a hard, smooth surface; applied in in parquetry and tiling.
thin layers by a painter to fill small cracks,
holes, joints and other blemishes in a sur-
face prior to painting or wallcovering; also
called spackling compound, stopping or
filler; the job of applying this; also called
stopping or filling.
spackling knife see putty knife.
spaded concrete see tamped concrete.
spading see tamping.
spall in masonry construction, flakes of Spanish bond paving
stone removed during dressing with a
tool, or which become detached due to Spanish brown see burnt umber.
frost or chemical action. Spanish chestnut see sweet chestnut.
spall hammer, spalling hammer; a
mason’s hammer for the rough dressing
Spanish tile see under-and-over tile.
of hard stone by spalling off small pieces. Spanish white high grade whiting in
spalling a defect in a stone, masonry or lump form.
plaster finish caused by the separation of spanner, wrench (Am); a simple steel
pieces from the surface. tool with jaws fixed at a certain width for
spalt an early form of white rot in timber undoing or tightening nuts.
causing white areas surrounded by dark spar 1 a structural timber or mast, circular
lines. in cross-section.
span the area or axis over which the 2 see brotch.
unsupported part of a beam or arch lies, 3 see cross spar.
between adjacent columns or main sup- spar dash, dry dash; a rendered finish
ports; the horizontal distance measured for masonry and concrete in which white
from centre to center; also called a span spar pebbles are applied to a surface coat-
dimension; see clear span. ing of mortar.
span roof see close couple roof.
sparrowpecked finish, stugged fin-
spandrel 1 an almost triangular area of ish; a relatively even stonework finish
wall or structure bounded by an arch and produced by dressing with a small pick.
a rectangle which surrounds it, often
embellished. spatial, spacial; relating to the quality
and characteristics of an interior or exte-
rior space.
spatial planning see planning.
spatterdash 1 a mix of cement and sand
thrown roughly onto a masonry wall sur-
tied arched bridge face as a key for further rendering or
2 the area of wall between two adjacent 2 a wet mix of plaster flicked onto a
arches in an arcade. masonry wall by hand or machine to pro-
3 a triangular area of wall beneath a stair. vide a mottled external finish.
spatula 458
spatula a bladed hand tool used in paint- types included as separate entries are
ing and decorating, plastering and listed below:
masonry for applying and smoothing fil- *angular hip tile; *block end ridge tile;
lers, plasterwork and mortar. *bonnet hip tile; *cloaked verge tile; *dry
special referring to any product or com- ridge tile; *eaves tile; *half tile; *hip tile;
ponent which is available in non-standard *mansard tile; *ornamental tile; *ridge
form, one which has unusual properties, tile; *top course tile; *valley tile; *ventilat-
or one which has been produced for a ing tile; *verge tile.
specific purpose; see following entries.
special shape brick see special brick.
special brick, 1 special, special
shape brick (Am); any brick in a man- specific heat the heat required to raise
ufacturer’s mass-produced range which the temperature of one unit of a particular
is of non-standard shape or size; some- material by 1 C, measured in MJ/kg C.
times also called a standard special specification see specification of works,
brick; types included as separate entries descriptive specification, performance
are listed below: specification, project specification, techni-
*angle brick; *arch brick, see radial brick; cal specification.
*birdsmouth brick; *bullhead brick, see specification of works, specification;
cownose brick; *bullnose brick; *cant a written contract document that
brick; *capping brick; *coping brick; *cove describes in detail all parts of work for a
brick; *cownose brick; *culvert header; construction project to be carried out by a
*culvert stretcher; *featheredged coping; contractor, including standards of work-
*header plinth; *plinth brick; *plinth manship, testing and other procedures.
header, see header plinth; *plinth specified see as specified.
stretcher, see stretcher plinth; *radial
brick; *radial header; *radial stretcher; spectral colour see chromatic colour.
*saddleback coping brick; *soap; Spectrolite the trade name for the rock
*stretcher plinth; *tapered header, see cul- anorthosite containing a high proportion
vert stretcher; *tapered stretcher, see cul- of labradorite; a dark rock, iridescent with
vert header. blue reflective plates when polished; used
2 see purpose made brick. for decorative effect and exported from
special colour any colour which is not spectrum the range of wavelengths of
standard for ranges of supplied proprie- any type of wave; see visible spectrum,
tary items, or is unusual because of its audio spectrum (sound spectrum, acoustic
composition. spectrum).
special glass any glass such as tem- specular reflection the reflectance of
pered, toughened, coated, body-tinted or visible light without distortion or disper-
laminated glass which has special proper- sion, as if by a perfect mirror.
ties of strength, durability or colour.
speculative builder a person or con-
specialized contractor, speciality struction company who constructs build-
contractor, trade subcontractor; a ings without having a buyer or occupant
building contractor employed to carry out for them in advance, and thus bears the
work on site requiring specialized skills or inherent financial risk.
expert knowledge. speculative development the practice
specialized work work on a building by a builder, developer, financier, etc. of
site requiring contractors or tradesmen having buildings designed and con-
with skills in unusual or demanding areas structed with a view to selling them to
of construction, modern technologies, etc. previously unknown buyers, often before
the completion of the buildings
special roof tile any roof tile in a man- themselves.
ufacturer’s mass-produced range which spherical wave in acoustics, the spread-
is of non-standard shape or size, for use ing out of sound in all directions from a
at particular junctions or penetrations; point source.
459 spiral grain
spheroidal cast iron see nodular cast spill-over level the level of liquid in a
iron. basin, bath, sink or other vessel at which
sphinx an ancient Egyptian sculpted it will spill over the rim.
figure which has the prostrate body of a spindle 1 a square metal rod that fits into
lion and the head of a human (andro- a handle on one or both sides of a door
sphinx) or other animal such as a ram leaf and turns a latch mechanism.
(criosphinx). 2 see fillet chisel.
spindle moulder a woodworking
machine tool with a rapidly rotating cutter
for machining housings and mouldings; a
router mounted upside down on a bench.
spine beam see mono-carriage.
spine wall a principal loadbearing wall
criosphinx (ram-headed sphinx), parallel to the main axis or structural lay-
Karnak, Egypt out of a building.
spira Lat.; a cylindrical torus moulding in
spick see brotch. an Ionic or Corinthian column base.
spigot the plain, annulated or threaded spiral, volute; a curve which may be con-
pipe-end which fits into the socket of
structed mathematically, consisting of a
line or lines rotating around a fixed point
spigot-and-socket joint, bell-and- with a steadily decreasing distance; often
spigot joint (Am), spigot joint; a joint used as a decorative device; see also con-
formed between two drainage pipes by
tinuous coil spiral.
means of a socket enlargement at the end
of one pipe, which fits over the end of spiral column a column type with a shaft
another and is sealed. carved into a helical form, appearing in
Late Gothic and Baroque architecture, and
spike a large cut iron nail traditionally found in the legendary temple of King
used in framing.
Solomon; variously called a barley-sugar
column, salomonica, Solomonic column,
torso, twisted column or wreathed column.


spike knot a knot in seasoned timber

formed from a branch that has been cut

spiral column
spiral cutter a woodworking tool for
machining decorative spirals or threads
onto dowel.
spiral grain, torse
spike knot grain; contorted
grain in a piece of
spike lavender see oil of spike. sawn timber which
spike plate a small makes it difficult to
serrated metal washer work, formed by
clamped between two steep spiral arrange- spiral grain
timbers in a bolted joint ments of fibres in the
to provide stiffness. spike plate tree trunk from which it was cut.
spiral ratchet screwdriver 460
spiral ratchet screwdriver, double splash figure see ray figure.
spiral screwdriver, in-and-out screw- splashback an area of sheetmetal or
driver, pump screwdriver, spiral other sheet material such as plastics or
screwdriver, Yankee screwdriver; a coated plywood attached behind a sink as
screwdriver with a spiral mechanism to waterproof protection for an adjacent
enable screws to be tightened or loos- wall.
ened simply by pressing down on its
handle. splashboard, waterboard; a strip of
timber or other material attached to the
spiral stair, cork- base of a door or cladding to throw rain-
screw stair, helical water away from the surface or threshold.
stair, spiral stair-
case; a stair which splay 1 the surface formed when a corner
is usually circular is removed from a rectangle; a chamfer or
in plan, with steps bevel.
arranged radially 2 a splayed moulding, see bevel
around a single newel moulding.
post or opening. splayed and tabled scarf joint,
spiral stair hooked scarf joint; a timber lengthen-
ing joint formed by making a slanting
spire the tall pointed roof of a church Z-shaped cut in the end of both timbers
tower, which may be round, polygonal or to fit each other.
square in plan and resembles a very steep
pavilion or conical roof. splayed and tabled
scarf joint


splayed scarf joint

splayed corner joint see bevelled cor-
ner joint.
splayed halved joint see bevelled
halved joint.
splayed moulding see chamfered
spire splayed scarf joint a timber lengthen-
spire roof a very sharply pointed hipped ing joint formed by splaying the ends of
or conical roof. both timbers; often simply called a scarf
spirit level a device for indicating true
splayed tenon joint a timber joint in
horizontal, by means of an air bubble
which two tenons inserted in a common
sealed in a marked, liquid-filled glass tube
mortise from opposite sides are splayed
mounted in a frame; the tube is horizontal
to abut one another.
when the bubble is between two marks.
splay knot in
spirit of place see sense of place. timber grad-
spirits of turpentine see turpentine. ing, an elon-
gated oval
spirit stain a translucent colouring agent knot formed
consisting of a dye suspended in spirits, from a branch
used for porous surfaces such as timber. that has been splay knot
spit in manual excavation work and land- cut length-
scaping, a depth of soil equal to the ways, which crosses an arris on a sawn
length of the blade of a spade. board.
461 splitting hammer
splice an end-to-end joint of timbers or higher than those on the low side, with
other components such that there is an entrances at either side on different
overlapping area (called a scarf) or levels.
strengthening piece (a splicing piece, fish
plate or joggle) to give added support.
spliced joint, fish joint, fish plate
joint; a longitudinal timber joint in which
fish plates are fixed on either side to
strengthen the joint.
fish plate

split-level house

spliced joint split-level roof, clerestory roof; a

spliced scarf joint a timber lengthening pitched roof with two roof planes sepa-
joint with a splicing piece added as rated vertically by an area of walling; used
strengthening. for buildings with a varying number of
splice plate see fish plate. stories or on sloping sites, either with roof
splicing piece a piece fixed to or incor- planes parallel or in mirror image.
porated in a timber lengthening joint to
strengthen or stiffen it.
spline, loose tongue, feather; a thin
piece of material inserted into a longitudi-
nal grooved joint as a strengthening
spline joint, feather joint; a timber
joint in which timbers are joined length- split-level roofs
ways by cutting a groove in the edges of split ring connector in timber-framed
each and inserting a tongue or spline. construction, a split metal ring housed
spline-jointed boarding, feather- between two bolted timbers to
jointed boarding timber cladding strengthen a joint between timbers.
boarding with grooved edges into which
a loose connecting spline is concealed to
provide rigidity.

split ring connector

split-ring washer see spring lock

split shingle see shake.
spline-jointed boarding splitter, nicker; a wide-bladed masonry
chisel whose cutting edge is approxi-
mately 2 mm thick.
split face brick a facing brick whose
rough texture is achieved by splitting off split tile a tile manufactured by splitting
the surface layer. an extruded tile into two, once fired,
through its thickness.
split-level house a house-type for a
sloping site, in which floor levels on the splitting hammer a mason’s hammer
high side of the site are a half a storey with a sharp axe-like blade, used for
spokeshave 462
splitting stone; often held by one person stabilizing and sealing rock faces, tunnel
against the stone surface while another walls and embankments.
strikes with a sledgehammer. sprayed concrete, pneumatically
spokeshave a small winged woodwork- applied concrete, pneumatic mortar;
ing plane for planing curved surfaces. concrete placed by spraying through a
spokeshave scraper see cabinet nozzle against a surface using pneumatic
scraper. pressure; used for stabilizing rock walls
and repairing reinforced concrete; see
sponge a soft, porous cleaning imple- shotcrete, gunite.
ment used for soaking up water, wiping,
texturing plaster and concrete, etc. sprayed mineral insulation see
spongeable wallcovering wallcovering firespraying.
that can be cleaned by wiping with a spray gun see paint spray gun, plaster
damp sponge or moist cloth without caus- spray gun.
ing damage. spraying 1 the application of liquid
sponge float in concretework and plas- paints, glues and other surface treatments
tering, a hand float whose blade is coated under pressure as a spray of fine droplets;
with a synthetic sponge; used on a wet see concrete spraying, zinc spraying.
surface to produce a specific finish. 2 a method of curing concrete with a con-
sponge rubber see foam rubber. tinuous spray of water to keep it moist
spoon gouge, front bent gouge; a and inhibit evaporation.
gouge with a hooked, spoon-shaped blade, spray outlet, spray nozzle; a perfo-
used for carving deep recesses in wood. rated outlet for a tap or valve designed to
spot see spotlight, reflector lamp. produce a spray or shower of droplets
spot board see hawk. rather than stream of liquid.

spot gluing the adhesion of one material spray paint any paint with a consistency
to another using small areas of glue as suitable for spray painting, including aero-
opposed to a uniform glue film. sol paints.
spray painting an efficient form of
spot lamp see reflector lamp. painting using a spray gun, aerosol, etc. to
spotlight, spot; a luminaire which emits apply a smooth, even film of paint.
a narrow beam of light, used for highlight- spray plaster see projection plaster.
ing elevational features, task lighting, spray plastering see projection
ornament, displays, exhibitions, etc. plastering.
spotlighting directional lighting for the spreader 1 a rubber or plastic hand-held
above, using spotlights. implement with a bevelled edge, used by
spot welding, resistance spot weld- a painter and decorator for applying and
ing; a method of resistance welding for spreading glue and filler, smoothing and
sheetmetal, using electric current passed shaping, etc.; see glue spreader,
through small diameter electrodes which squeegee.
press the components together and cause 2 see box spreader.
a localized fusing at that point. spread foundation any foundation, as
spout nozzle; the outlet pipe or assem- distinct from pile and special foundation
bly of a tap, from which water is dis- systems, which transmits loading to the
charged; see also rainwater spout. ground beneath by means of a widened
plate or raft beneath a wall, column, etc.
spout plane see round plane.
spray adhesive, aerosol glue; an adhe- spreading rate the unit area covered by
unit quantity of paint or glue.
sive stored in a pressurized can and
applied by spraying. sprig see glazing sprig.
spray concreting, shotcreting; the spring 1 an elastic device of coiled metal,
application of concrete to a surface by fir- etc., which can be wound or tensioned to
ing it at high velocity through a nozzle, store mechanical energy.
propelled by compressed air; used for 2 see crook.
463 spruce
3 a natural source of water from the sprinkler system a fire safety system of
ground. ceiling-mounted water outlets (sprinklers)
spring clamp in joinery and cabinetmak- connected to a main, which shower extin-
ing, a clamp whose pressing force is pro- guishing water downwards into a space in
vided and released with a spring. the event of a building fire.
sprinkler a sprinkler system or sprinkler
spring clip any small metal fixing for head.
securing components in place with a sprinklered referring to a space pro-
push-pull action; especially used for hold- tected against the spread of fire with a
ing infilling, glazing, etc. in frames before sprinkler system.
the application of fronting or capping. sprinkler head the specially shaped out-
springer, springing stone; one of the let nozzle of a sprinkler, through which
two lowest wedge-shaped pieces or vous- water is released and dispersed in the
soirs on either side of a true masonry event of a building fire.
arch. sprinkling in landscaping, the watering
springhead roofing nail see convex of dried areas of planting, lawns, etc.
head roofing nail. using spray outlets.
spring hinge a hinge containing a spring sprocket, cocking piece; in timber roof
mechanism to return it to its folded posi- construction, a piece of timber attached
tion; used for closing a door or flap auto- to a rafter at eaves level, forming a
matically; see double-acting spring hinge. sprocketed eaves.
springing line see spring line. sprocketed eaves in timber roof con-
struction, eaves which have a smaller fall
springing stone see springer. than the common rafters.
spring latch see return latch. spruce [Picea spp.] a common softwood
spring line, springing line; a theoretical found in the northern hemisphere with
horizontal line from which the curvature pale timber similar in properties to pine-
of an arch begins. wood; used in general construction and
for cladding and joinery; see below for
spring lock washer, species of spruce included in this work:
split-ring washer,
compressive washer;
a slightly helical washer spring lock
inserted beneath a
screw or bolt head,
which, when tightened,
compresses to form a firm joint.
spring toggle, butterfly toggle; a tog-
gle bolt whose locking part is made up of black spruce [Picea mariana] a softwood
paired wings which open under a spring native to Canada and north-east United
action and clamp against the rear of States, marketed as Canadian spruce;
construction. occasionally planted as an ornamental
tree on account of its attractive purple
insertion Canadian spruce [Picea mariana, Picea
glauca] a collective name for the black
and white spruces; common North
American softwoods with stiff, resilient,
pale yellow timber; used widely in build-
ing construction and joinery.
Engelmann spruce [Picea engelmannii];
spring toggle a softwood native to western North
America, planted for timber in Europe and
marketed as Canadian spruce; occasion-
spring washer see spring lock washer. ally planted as an ornamental tree in
springwood see earlywood. parks and gardens.
spruce beetle 464
Norway spruce [Picea abies, Picea excel- *bevel square; *carpenter’s square, fram-
sa] a common European softwood with ing square; *combination square, try and
soft, light, pale-coloured timber; used mitre square; *mitre square; *set square;
widely for framing, interior and exterior *T-square; *try square.
cladding and pulp; one of the most com- 3 an urban public open space, often
mon European construction and structural planted or paved, surrounded on all
timbers. sides by, in front of, or between
Siberian spruce [Picea obovata] a buildings.
Russian softwood from the Siberian taiga
with pale timber, very similar to Norway
spruce, logged as construction timber. square bar a manufactured steel bar,
Sitka spruce [Picea sitchensis] a spruce square in cross-section, used in welded
from western North America with high- steel construction, detail work, etc.
quality, relatively knot-free pale pink tim-
ber; used for building construction, clad- square billet an ornamental billet motif
ding and joinery; one of the most consisting of a chequerwork of squares.
important forestry trees in Britain. square cup hook
white spruce [Picea glauca]; a softwood a square screw
native to Canada and north-east United hook with a collar
States, marketed as Canadian spruce; above the threaded
square cup hook
planted as an ornamental tree in gardens shank to restrict its
on account of its grey-blue evergreen screw-in depth and
foliage. cover the edges of the hole.
spruce beetle a small group of longhorn squared see edged.
beetles [Tetropium fuscum brown squared rubble masonry roughly
spruce longhorn, Tetropium castaneum squared pieces of stone laid as a masonry
black spruce beetle] whose larvae kill liv- wall; may be constructed in courses
ing trees by tunnelling beneath the bark (coursed) or laid with no definable courses
and disrupting the transfer of nutrients; (random, uncoursed).
mainly found on spruce trees in Europe
but also known to attack other conifers square-edged boarding, butt-edged
and occasionally hardwoods. boarding; timber boards with rectangu-
lar cross-section laid horizontally as clad-
spur in Byzantine, Romanesque or early ding for a wall frame; see planed square-
Gothic architecture, one of a number of edged board.
decorative devices set at the corners of a
square or polygonal base supporting a
round column, often of leaf or grotesque
ornament; also called a griffe.



square external angle trowel a hand

tool for smoothing external corners in
square 1 a piece of sawn timber, square plasterwork with a handled blade of bent
in cross-section, 25 100 mm in size. steel sheet.
2 a triangular or L-shaped implement for square fillet a thin straight decorative
measuring and marking angles; types moulding, square in profile.
included as separate entries are listed
square hollow section, square tube;
a hollow steel section, square in
465 stable door
cross-section, formed by rolling and weld- squinch, squinch arch; a series of adja-
ing steel plate; used for structural pur- cent masonry arches, each successive arch
poses such as framing, columns, posts, larger than the last; used as corner vault-
balustrades, etc. ing to support a polygonal structure or
square hook a dome on a square base.
screw hook which
is L-shaped. square hook

square internal angle trowel a hand

tool for smoothing internal corners in
plasterwork with a handled blade of bent
steel sheet.
square nut a nut which is square in

dome on squinches
square nut
squint, 1 hagioscope; a small oblique
opening in the wall of a church to allow
square pattern a paving pattern in
people in the side aisles and transepts to
which rows of square pavers or paving
see the altar.
slabs are laid to form a simple grid pat-
2 a squint brick.
tern; when alternate stones are of differ-
squint brick a
ent colours it may be called a checkered,
special angle brick
chequered or checkerboard pattern; simi-
with a shaped
lar patterns in parquetry, tiling and
chamfered end,
designed for use at
an external obtuse
corner in a brick squint brick
wall; manufactured for standard corners
of 30 , 45 or 60 .
St Andrew’s cross bond see English
cross bond.
St John’s white see bianco sangiovanni.
stability the ability of a structure to resist
square pattern paving buckling, bending and collapse.
square tile any stabilization see soil stabilization.
ceramic tile whose stable door a door type whose leaf is
exposed face is composed of two parts hinged separately,
square in shape. one above the other.
square tile
square tube a
metal profile of hollow square cross-
section; when in steel and used for struc-
tural purposes, it is called a square hollow
section or SHS.
square twisted shank flat head nail
see screw nail.
squeegee a hand-held implement with a
wide flexible rubber blade attached to a han-
dle; used for wiping and spreading liquids. stable door
stack 466
stack a tall, narrow chimney or duct; see theatre in front of the seats, from which a
chimney stack, discharge stack, soil stack, performance is carried out.
ventilation stack. 2 one of a series of sections of work in a
stack effect a thermal phenomenon construction project; also called a phase;
governed by the tendency of heated see design stage, phase; post-contract
gases to rise causing suction beneath; an stage; pre-contract stage.
effect on which the functioning of chim- staggered referring to a pattern of lines,
neys, fire venting and natural ventilation construction joints or a layout in which
rely. adjacent elements are slightly overlapping
stack vent, stench pipe, vent pipe; a and every other element is aligned, as
length of ventilating pipe attached to the with crenellations or masonry; particularly
upper end of a discharge stack or pipe, to for brickwork in which vertical masonry
relieve pressure and through which foul joints in adjacent courses form a regular
air from a drain can pass into the open toothed pattern, achieved by laying bricks
air. with a quarter brick overlap; cf. raking.
stack bond, 1 stacked bond; a brick- staggered bond any brickwork pattern
work bond with courses of bricks on end whose joints form a regular vertical
and continuous vertical joints; not a true toothed pattern in the wall surface; see
bond. Dutch bond (staggered Flemish bond),
staggered Flemish double stretcher bond.
staggered jointing in built-up roofing,
the laying of successive layers of bitumen
felt such that the joints between them are
covered by the sheet above; the similar
overlapping in other repeated construc-
tion such as brickwork and roof tiling.
staggered siding see board on board
stack bond
staggered stud partition an acoustical
brickwork stud wall construction in which alternate
studs are placed off-centre in the thick-
2 a paving pattern in which rows of rect- ness of the wall to prevent direct trans-
angular pavers are laid with joints running mission of sound through them.
in orthogonal lines, forming a chequered stain 1 a defect in a surface occurring due
pattern; similar patterns in parquetry and to the presence of unwanted colour.
tiling. 2 a translucent colourant for porous sur-
faces consisting of a dye suspended in a
clear liquid; when used on timber the liq-
uid penetrates the surface and allows the
underlying pattern or grain to show
through; see oil stain, spirit stain, stainer.
stained glass coloured and patterned
surface-tinted decorative glass held in
lead cames, often depicting biblical
scenes in ecclesiastical buildings.
stack bond paving stainer, colouring pigment, tinter; a
translucent colouring agent for paints
stacked joint see straight joint. consisting of a pigment suspended in an
Staffordshire blue brick, blue brick; oil paste.
a hard, dense, dark blue brick made from staining 1 the colouring of a timber sur-
the shales of Staffordshire, England; used face with coloured stain.
for engineering and industrial purposes. 2 an unsightly defect in a finish or surface
stage 1 a raised platform in a theatre or caused by uneven discoloration.
auditorium for performance; that area of a staining power see tinting strength.
467 stake
stainless steel a range of types of silver- staircase 1 originally the space occupied
coloured alloy steel with good corrosion by a stair and its structure, nowadays the
resistance, usually containing a high pro- stair itself; see also stairway.
portion of chromium (up to 18%) and 2 a grand, main or public stair.
nickel (up to 8%); used for structural stair clearance see stair headroom.
members, cladding, furniture and fittings,
hardware, tubes, windows and fixings. stair clear width the minimum unob-
structed width of a stair on plan, mea-
sured at right angles to the direction of
stair, stairs, staircase, stairway; a travel.
means of vertical circulation consisting
of a number of steps from one level to stair enclosure that part of the building
another; although usually called “stairs” fabric in which a stair is enclosed.
in the colloquial, “stair” may be used in stair flight see flight.
preference to denote a single unit of stair headroom, clearance; in stair and
vertical circulation; types included as ramp design, the minimum vertical height
separate entries are listed below: from a stairline, slope or landing to the
*alternating tread stair; *angle stair, see lowest overhead obstruction.
quarter turn stair; *cantilevered stair; *cir-
cular stair; *closed riser stair; *concrete stair landing see intermediate landing,
stair; *corkscrew stair, see spiral stair; storey landing.
*curving stair; *disappearing stair; *dog- stairlift a domestic lift designed for the
leg stair, dog-legged stair; *double canti- disabled or elderly to operate along the
levered spiral stair; *double cantilevered line of a stair.
stair; *double return stair; *emergency
stair, see escape stair; *escape stair;
stair nosing see nosing.
*external stair; *fire stair, see escape stair; stair rail a light balustrade for the side or
*geometrical stair; *grand stair; *halfpace sides of a stair, or a handrail often fixed to
stair; *half turn circular stair; *half turn the wall of a stair enclosure, or atop a stair
stair; *helical stair, see spiral stair; *ladder balustrade.
stair, see open riser stair; *L-stair, see stair riser see riser.
quarter turn stair; *main stair; *open rise
stair, see open riser stair; *prefabricated stairs see stair.
stair; *quarter turn stair; *ramp stair; stair shaft see stairwell.
*return stair, see dogleg stair; *semicircu- stair spandrel in stair construction, a tri-
lar stair, semi-spiral stair; *service stair, angular shaped infill construction or
see access stair; *simply supported stair; panelling beneath a string and the floor.
*skeleton stair, see open riser stair; *spiral
stair; *straight flight stair; *three-quarter stair tower a tower articulated on the
turn stair; *turning stair, winding stair. outside of a medieval or later historical
building containing a spiral or winding
flight handrail staircase; a similar element in a modern
multistorey building.
stair tread see tread.
stairway, 1 staircase; an enclosed space
containing a stair.
2 a stair.
stairwell 1 the space within a stair enclo-
landing sure in which stair flights and landings are
stair enclosure
located; also called a stair shaft.
2 the open void between adjacent flights
of a stair, or a full height shaft-like open-
stair balustrade a balustrade for the ing at the side of a stair.
sides of a stair; see also banister. stake, stave; a timber post driven into
stairbuilder’s saw see grooving saw. the ground as part of a foundation
staking out 468
structure, for marking out, etc.; a timber particular range of prefinished products
pile; see also pale. are usually supplied.
staking out see setting out. standard concrete cube see test cube.
stalactite work in Islamic decoration, standard concrete cylinder see test
clustered small pendant-like secondary cylinder.
vaults which hang down in geometrically standard grade chipboard see single
arranged tiers from main vaulting, resem- layer chipboard.
bling geological formations called stalac-
tites; also known as honeycomb work. standard lamp see floor lamp.
stalactite capital a Moorish capital standard modular brick see metric
carved with embellishment resembling brick, US standard brick.
stalactite work. standard service illuminance the
recommended level of illuminance for a
specific space, setting or task.
standard special brick see special
standby lighting building lighting with
an independent power source; used in an
emergency during the failure of normal
standby pump in sewage pumping and
other pumped installations, a reserve
stalk the downward vertical flange of a pump which cuts in automatically if the
precast concrete tee beam. main pump fails.
standing seam a sheetmetal roofing
stanchion a column of metal, usually joint in which two adjacent sheets are
steel; types included as separate entries bent over each other and left standing
are listed below: perpendicular to the roof plane.
*battened stanchion; *braced stanchion,
lattice stanchion; *composite stanchion;
*laced stanchion; *steel stanchion.

standard 1 any product, method, process
or procedure which has been established
as an exemplar, is a stock or basic item or
otherwise represents the norm; see norm.
2 a vertical scaffolding post.
3 upright; one of a series of spaced verti- standing seams
cal framing members in a balustrade, to
which infill, rails, a handrail, etc. are fixed.
standing wave, stationary wave; an
acoustical phenomenon in corridors or
standard brick any mass-produced narrow rooms with smooth parallel walls,
rectangular brick produced to standard- in which sounds of certain frequencies are
ized dimensions, often coordinated in intensified, caused by waves whose posi-
terms of height, length and width, vary- tions of maximum and minimum oscilla-
ing in size from country to country and tion remain stationary.
state to state; see also following entries. stand oil a heavy, viscous refined linseed
*metric standard brick; *modular stan- oil which has been polymerized by heat-
dard brick; *imperial standard brick; ing to over 500 C for a number of hours;
*US standard brick. used as a vehicle in paints.
standpipe a vertical water pipe, usually
standard colour one of number of set from a water main to domestic premises,
colours in which proprietary items of a with a tap fitted to its upper end.
469 steel bar
staple, 1 U-pin; a loads and bending moments cannot be
U-shaped nail, used determined by the laws of statics, due to
to fix boards, cable, the presence of redundant members.
etc. static load a structural load which is
staple non-moving and unchanging in terms of
2 a small U-shaped wire fastener, pro- magnitude and direction.
jected from a hand-held device to fix static moment, first moment of area;
sheet material together, to another com- in structural statics, the sum of products
ponent, or to a frame. obtained by multiplying the area of a struc-
3 see brotch.
tural section by its distance from an axis.
staple gun, stapler, stapling
machine; a tool used for fixing light static penetration testing in soil
board, sheet, fabric or paper to a frame or investigation, penetration testing using a
base with wire staples, either driven by testing implement which is pushed with a
compressed air or electricity, lighter ver- steady force into the soil.
sions are spring-loaded. stationary wave see standing wave.
starch adhesive an adhesive for internal station roof, umbrella roof; a roof
use made from vegetable starch mixed used for open shelters, canopies, etc., car-
with water. ried on a single row of stanchions or col-
star formation the arrangement of adja- umns, cantilevered on one or both sides.
cent plies in plywood with their grains at stave 1 see stake, pale, timber pile.
a noticeable angle to one another, not 2 see parquet block.
necessarily a right angle as with stave construction a traditional form of
crossbanding. timber construction based on a series of
staves or pales driven into the ground
inner ply
side by side as side walls.
face ply stay 1 a structural member such as a prop,
pier, buttress or cable, which gives sup-
port to a construction; see support, guy.
2 a simple device for holding a window or
door open or in a certain fixed position;
see casement stay, door stop (door stay).
stayed see cable-stayed.
star formation steam curing the curing of concrete by
star-ribbed vault see stellar vault. placing it in a chamber with steam to
speed up its gain of strength and reduce
star shake see heartshake. dry shrinkage; see autoclaving, low pres-
starter see lamp starter, starter bar. sure steam curing.
starter bar, starter, stub bar; a reinfor- steam heating an industrial space-
cing bar which protrudes from cast areas heating system in which the heating
of reinforced concrete, to which reinforce- medium is steam, circulated from a main
ment in the next batch or stage can be heating plant.
attached. steatite see soapstone, French chalk.
starting device see lamp starter. steel a versatile, strong, finely crystalline
starved joint a poorly bonded glue joint alloy of iron with a carbon content of up
caused by lack of applied adhesive. to 2%; one of the most common building
statically determinate frame, isostatic and structural materials.
frame, perfect frame; a structural frame steel angle, angle bar, angle iron; a
with no redundant members, in which all structural steel section whose uniform
the forces, loads and bending moments cross-section resembles the letter L,
can be determined by the laws of statics. formed by a process of rolling.
statically indeterminate frame, steel bar any longitudinal solid length of
hyperstatic frame, redundant frame; steel rolled into a uniform cross-section;
a structural frame in which all the forces, used in construction.
steel beam 470
steel beam 1 any beam rolled, welded or certain shape and dimensions, often syn-
manufactured from steel. onymous with section, but usually more
2 see pressed steel lintel. complex; used for patent glazing, door
frames, etc.
steel cable see cable, high-tension steel
steel column a column manufactured
from steel; often a standard steel section;
see stanchion, H-section (universal column).
steel concrete see reinforced concrete.
steel construction building work using 7 17
structural steel; the product of this; see 5
steelwork. 2
1 18
steel deck floor see composite floor 3

slab. 12
10 11 19
steel-fibre reinforced concrete 8
sprayed or cast concrete reinforced with 20
less than 2% steel fibres; used for road and 16
floor surfaces, pipes and thin structural sec- 15
14 profiles
tions; the steel fibres used are thin crimped
filaments of steel, betwwen 50 100 mm 1 flat bar, flat
long and 0.5 mm thick; used in bulk. 2 round bar
steel fixing, reinforcement; in rein- 3 square bar
forced concretework, the cutting, bend- 4 hexagonal bar
ing, binding and placing of steel
reinforcement prior to pouring the HOLLOW SECTIONS AND TUBES
5 round hollow section, round tube
6 square hollow section, SHS; square tube
steel frame any frame structure com- 7 rectangular hollow section, RHS
posed of steel beams, columns, bracing,
etc. joined at their ends, onto which clad- ANGLES AND OPEN SECTIONS
ding components, flooring, roofing, etc. 8, 9 equal angle
are fixed. 10, 11 unequal angle
12 T-bar, structural tee
steel joist rolled steel joist, see I-section. 13 Z-bar
steel lintel see pressed steel lintel. 14 channel, U-section, C-section
15 I-section, universal beam, UB section
steel mesh any mesh product manufac- 16 H-section, universal column, UC section
tured primarily of steel; see wire mesh for 17 cold formed or cold rolled steel beam
list of mesh types; see welded mesh, fab- 18 hot rolled steel beam
ric reinforcement. 19 plate girder, welded plate girder
steel mesh reinforcement see fabric
reinforcement. SHEET PRODUCTS
20 metal foil, foil
steel nail a round nail made from tem- 21 metal sheet, sheetmetal
pered steel; used for nailing to concrete 22 metal plate
and masonry surfaces.
steel pile any foundation pile fabricated steel purlin a lightweight secondary
from steel; see box pile, H-pile, pipe pile steel beam laid in series for supporting
(tubular pile). floor or roof construction; usually a Z-, C-
steel pipe see circular hollow section. or I-profile.
steel plate flat plate manufactured from steel reinforcement see concrete rein-
steel; see quarto plate, chequerplate forcement, reinforcing bar.
(checkerplate). steel rule a straight parallel-sided strip of
steel profile any length of steel pre- steel, often gradated, used for scribing
formed into a uniform cross-section of and measuring.
471 stepped tenon joint
steel section any thin length of steel stench pipe see stack vent.
which has been preformed by a process stencil a template used for application of
of rolling, extrusion, bending, etc. into a lettering and painted motifs in printing,
uniform cross-section of certain shape interiors design and draughting.
and dimensions, often for structural use; stencilling, stencil painting; a form of
see steel bar, steel profile, hollow section applied decoration produced by painting
(structural hollow section). over sheet material with patterned per-
steel sheet see sheet steel. forations to leave a negative design on a
steel sheet pile, sheet pile; in excava- surface.
tion work, one of a series of interlocking step a shallow platform or construction
steel profiles driven into the ground prior designed to negotiate a pedestrian
to excavation to retain the sides of the change in level by means of a short hor-
subsequent excavation. izontal surface connected to a vertical
steel sheet piling a number of these riser, either on its own or as part of a
which form a retaining wall for an excava- stair; types included as separate entries
tion; see also sheet piling. are listed below:
steelwork, steel construction; framing *balanced step, see dancing step; *corbie
construction work in welded or bolted steps, see crow steps; *dancing step,
steel sections, usually structural steelwork; French flier; *doorstep; *flier; *kite step,
the construction and structure resulting kite winder; *parallel tread, see flier;
from this. *spandrel step; *tapered step; *tread;
steeple the combined tower and spire of *wheel step, wheeling step, see winder.
a church. going, run
stela, stele (Gk.); Lat.; a slab or upright
stone in antiquity with inscriptions and
carvings; often a gravestone or commem-
orative pillar. tread
Greek marble stela
with inscription, 207 steps
AD, erected in
fulfilment of a
sacrificial vow by a step iron one of a number of iron fasten-
husband on behalf of ings in series providing vertical stepped
his ailing wife access to a shaft, manhole or up the side
of a chimney stack.
stellar vault, star-ribbed vault, star
vault; a masonry vault used for medieval step-off part of the horizontal end of an
church roofs, whose ribs, tiercerons and escalator made up of two stair units, from
liernes form a star-shaped pattern in the which a passenger steps to leave the
interior ceiling. escalator.
step-on part of the horizontal beginning
of an escalator made up of two stair units,
onto which a passenger initially steps.
stepped flashing in roof construction,
an upstand flashing at the junction of the
verge of a sloping roof and a masonry
stellar vaulting in ceiling of St Mary's parapet or wall, whose upper surface is
Church, Turku, Finland, 14th century stepped and housed in horizontal joints in
the masonry.
stellite a cobalt-chromium-tungsten
metal alloy, used for hard facings for cut- stepped gable see crow steps.
ting tools, bearings, valves and other com- stepped tenon joint see shouldered
ponents prone to wear. tenon joint.
steps 472
steps an external solid stair in a garden, 2 a low external construction of steps to
park, yard or urban environment. provide passage over a wall or fence in
rural areas for people but not animals.
stereobate in classical architecture, a
masonry base or visible foundation for a Stillson wrench see pipe wrench.
column or wall; the base or foundation on stilted arch an arch whose curvature
which a building is constructed; see also begins above the impost, as if on stilts.
stylobate. pointed Saracenic arch, stilted
Stereum sanguinolentum see bleeding pointed arch; a stilted arch with a
Stereum. pointed apex.
stick, sticker; a strip of wood for separat- stilted semicircular arch a stilted arch
which is semicircular.
ing layers of piled timber being seasoned
or stored to aid air circulation. stippling the producing of a decorative
mottled surface for paint or plaster by
stick welding see manual metal-arc
regular dabbing with a stippler.
stippler also called a stippling brush or
stiffened concrete laid or cast concrete stipple; a stiff brush, sponge, or similar
that has hardened to a degree that it is hand-held implement.
no longer workable.
stipulated sum agreement see lump
stiffening see frame bracing. sum contract.
stiff-leaf carved decoration of stylized stirrup 1 in timber frame construction, a
foliage motifs found in Norman metal strip or belt fixing for two perpen-
architecture. dicular pieces, fastened to both sides of
stiff-leaf capital is a Norman capital one piece and wrapped around the
consisting of a block carved with stiff-leaf, other.
possibly inspired by the classical 2 one of a number of bent secondary rein-
Corinthian equivalent. forcing bars which bind the main rein-
forcement and resist shear forces in a
reinforced concrete beam or pile; also
called a link, binder or ligature.
Romanesque stiff-leaf
capital at church of St stone 1 a generic name for the rigid min-
Mary the Virgin, West eral material forming the earth’s crust;
Walton, Norfolk, used in building construction as masonry,
England, 1240 paving, cladding, concrete aggregates,
decoration, etc.; see rock for references to
stiffness see rigid. lists of building stones, rocks and miner-
stilb abb. sb; a unit of luminance equal als; see natural stone, cast stone.
to one candela per square centimetre; 2 an imperfection in manufactured glass
cd/cm2. caused by a small solid lump or fleck of
S-tile see pantile. opaque mineral material.
stile 1 a vertical side framing member of a stone axe see masonry axe.
door leaf or window casement; see door stone block see natural stone block,
stile. dimension stone, ashlar.
stone block paving a paved surface
made up of evenly sized stone units or
panel stone carving the carving of patterns,
frame sculpture, ornament and lettering into
rail stone with tempered steel tools.
stonecarving chisel, stone chisel see
rail masonry chisel.
stone cladding see stone facing, natural
stone cladding.
473 stopper
stone column see vibroreplacement. stop 1 a rebate in a door or window
stone facing any cladding in sheets or frame, against which the door leaf or win-
fragments of natural stone cemented or dow casement rests when closed; see
hung on a base of brick, concrete, etc.; door stop.
2 in stonework and carving, a decorative
see natural stone facing, ashlar facing,
rubble facing; if in thin precut sheets it is terminating element for horizontal
called stone veneer. mouldings.
3 a termination or closing construction for
stone flooring hardwearing or decora- a long component or construction such as
tive flooring of natural or cast stone slabs. a gutter.
stone masonry masonry in roughly stopcock see stopvalve, mains stopvalve.
hewn, cut or sawn stones laid as structural
walling, arches, vaults, cladding, etc. stop end, 1 gutter end; the closed end
stonemason see mason. of an eaves gutter, or a terminating com-
stonemason’s axe see masonry axe. ponent which achieves this; see stop-end
stonemason’s chisel see masonry outlet.
2 see stopped end.
stop end form, day joint, form stop;
stone nogging stone infill for the timber formwork sheeting placed at a joint, at
stud frame of a traditional half-timbered the edge of a component or to contain
building. the edge of concrete being cast.
stone paint see masonry paint. stop-end outlet a terminating drainage
channel or guttering section blocked at
stone paver see natural stone paver, one end, with an opening in its base to
paving stone.
release drainage water.
stone paving, natural stone paving; stop notice a notice served by a plan-
shaped flat slabs of natural stone laid hori-
ning authority requiring building work,
zontally as a hardwearing external surface;
demolition or other activity on site that is
see pebble, sett; for crazy paving, random
in contravention of planning control to be
stone paving, see ragwork.
immediately stopped.
stone slab a large solid flattish slab of stop nut, back nut, lock nut; a nut
natural stone, worked into shape; used for
screwed tightly against the back of
many purposes in construction; see pav-
another nut to prevent it from working
ing stone.
stone veneer see stone facing. stopped a description of a timber joint in
stoneware a hard ceramic material con- which a mortise or recess is cut only part
taining a relatively high proportion of way into the timber receiving a tenon,
glass, fired at high temperatures of rather than right through.
1200 1300 C and used for unglazed
drainage products, pipes, channels, etc.
stopped dovetail joint see lapped
dovetail joint.
stopped end the end of a laid masonry
stonework any part of a building, wall which terminates in a straight vertical
structure, cladding or paving which line through the use of bonding stones;
incorporates natural stone as a primary see return end.
material; construction and detailing in stopped mortise, blind mortise; in
stone; some types included as separate timber mortise and tenon jointing, a mor-
entries are listed below: tise that does not fully penetrate the
*diamond work; *long and short work; piece into which it is cut.
*ragwork; *range work.
stopped tenon joint a timber mortise
and tenon joint whose tenon does not
fully penetrate the piece into which it is
stool bottomgrate a cast-iron grated
fitted; see stub tenon joint.
podium in an open hearth fire, on which
solid fuel rests during combustion so that stopper, plug; a simple conical, wedge-
air may be drawn up through it. shaped or threaded component for
stopping 474
closing an opening or orifice in a tube,
pipework, duct, etc.; see tap-hole stopper.
stopping the filling of cracks, holes, joints
and other blemishes in a surface with filler
prior to painting; the product used for
this, usually a very smooth paste which
sets to form a smooth finish; spackling or
filler; see caulking, putty.
stopping in in plasterwork, the filling
and smoothing of joints in plasterboard
construction and ornamental plasterwork.
apartment block
stopping knife see putty knife. with basement and
stopvalve, stopcock; a valve in a system rooftop plant room
of water or gas pipework to shut off flow.
storage cylinder a closed cylindrical
pressure vessel for storing hot water for storey height see floor height.
domestic use. storey landing a stair landing at the
same level as adjacent floor construction.
storage heater, 1 thermal storage storey rod see gauge rod.
heater; a unit heater consisting of elec-
trodes embedded in a mass of material storied rays see ray figure.
with a high thermal capacity surrounded stormwater, storm sewage; rainwater
by insulation; the electrodes heat up the from heavy rainfall which has been col-
mass with off-peak electricity during the lected as runoff from external surfaces of
night and the resultant heat is given off a building and conveyed to storm drains,
slowly during the day; see also next often mixed with foul water to prevent
entry. overflow.
2hot water storage heater, storage storm drain, storm sewer, storm-
water heater; in hot water systems, a water sewer; a municipal or private
hot water storage vessel in which water is drain for conveying water directly to a
also heated. river in the event of heavy rainfall.
storage heating space heating with a storm sewage see stormwater.
series of storage heaters utilizing off-peak storm sewer see storm drain.
electricity, or with massive masonry fire- stormwater sewer see storm drain.
places providing slow release of heat.
story see storey.
storage life see shelf life.
stove a closed appliance for heating a
storage tank see oil storage tank, space, often freestanding and connected
cistern. to a flue if solid-fuel, gas or oil-fired, or
storage unit a piece of domestic or ventilated if operated by electricity.
office furniture or in-built fitting contain- stove enamelling, baking, stoving;
ing a number of cupboards for storage. the process of drying or fusing an applied
storage water heater see storage polymeric coating by the application of
heater. artificial heat; products thus coated are
variously stove enamelled, stove finished,
store 1 a building or room within a build- baked or stoved; see also acrylic stoving
ing devoted to storage or distribution of
enamel, alkyd stoving enamel.
stoved acrylic see acrylic powder
2 storage space; a space or part of a
space within a building for the storage of
stoved enamel, stove enamel,
equipment, supplies or goods.
stoved finish see baked enamel.
storey, floor, story (Am), level; one of stove finished, stoving see stove
the horizontal floor levels in a building; enamelling.
the area between vertically adjacent floors stoving enamel see acrylic stoving
of a building. enamel, alkyd stoving enamel.
475 strand
stoving lacquer lacquer dried by a sus- straight shake a crack running along
tained period of baking or application of the grain of a timber board.
straight arch see flat arch.
straight bands those internal plies in
the thickness of plywood whose grain is
in the same direction as the face plies.
straight bevelled halved joint see
straight shake in
bevelled scarf joint.
improperly seasoned
straight cut veneer see flat cut veneer. timber board
straightedge 1 a long straight rod used
for measuring and setting out. straight stairs, straight-run stairs; a
2 see screed board. stair which ascends in a straight line, with
or without intermediate landings; see
straightening coat see first plaster straight flight stair.
undercoat, second plaster undercoat.
strain in structural mechanics, unit defor-
straight flight stair a stair which con- mation of a member resulting from
sists of a single linear flight with no inter-
applied stress.
mediate landing; see also straight stairs.
strain energy the energy stored in an
elastic body under stress.
strain relief see partial release.
strainer a coarse filtering device or sieve
for preventing solid matter in liquid sus-
pension from passing a certain point in a
flow system such as sewage treatment;
see also outlet strainer.
strainer arch a supplementary masonry
arch constructed part way down a high
straight flight stair opening to prevent buckling of its sides.
straining arch a structural arch which
straight grained a description of a functions as a brace, as in a flying
piece of sawn timber whose grain is buttress.
approximately parallel to an edge.
straight-grained float a flat-bladed
wooden float used for smoothing plaster-
ing, whose timber grain is parallel to its
straight joint, stacked joint; a vertical
brickwork joint which rises through more
than one course and provides only a weak straining arch
straining beam in traditional timber
straight match a condition of decorative roof construction, the upper beam
or patterned wallpaper which should be between the tops of queen posts in a
hung with horizontal patterns aligned on queen post truss.
adjacent sheets.
straining sill in traditional timber roof
straight peen hammer a hammer construction, timbers attached to the top
whose peen is aligned with its shaft. of a tie beam to prevent the base of
straight reducer a pipe fitting for join- queen posts from moving.
ing two pipes of different diameters in a strand 1 one of the wound fibres,
straight line. filaments or threads in a rope, cable or
straight-run stairs see straight stairs. cord.
stranded caisson 476
2 a bundle of many glass fibres, often street parking, on-street parking,
hundreds, used as reinforcement in kerb parking, curb parking (Am); the
fibreglass. provision of parking places in marked
3 see prestressing strand. spaces lining the edge of a street
stranded caisson see box caisson. carriageway.
S trap a drainage trap shaped in the letter strength the property of a material or
“S” lying on its side, with both the inlet component to withstand forces without
and outlet vertical and a water seal con- fracture or failure.
tained in the lower bend. strength accelerating admixture,
accelerator; an admixture included in a
strap 1 a metal strip or belt fastened concrete mix to increase its hardening
across a joint to secure a fixing in timber rate.
frame construction. strength test see compressive strength
2 ceiling strap, see ceiling hanger. test.
3 see anchor strap.
strap hinge, flap hinge; a surface- stress the effect of an external force or
mounted hinge with long, tapered or forces on a structure or structural mem-
straight flaps; see also tee hinge. ber; the force per unit area resulting from
external loads on a structure, or internal
forces such as drying, in units of N/m2.
stress corrosion corrosion leading to
potentially disastrous cracking and failure
taking place in steel structural members
under tensile stress.
strap hinge stress grading the classification of sawn
timber according to structural defects.
strapwork surface decoration of interwo-
stressing the application of stress or
ven bands rendered as if cut from a sheet
load to a structure or structural member.
material such as leather, originating in the
Netherlands in the 1500s. stressed skin construction a method
of construction of walls, floors and panels
in which boards or membranes are fixed
to either side of a frame or series of struc-
tural members as bracing.
stressed skin component a prefabri-
cated structural timber walling or flooring
component with boarding fixed on either
side of a timber or pressed metal frame.
strapwork stressed skin panel a rigid structural
element consisting of a frame onto which
Strasbourg turpentine, olio d’abezzo; boards or sheets are fixed as bracing.
a variety of turpentine exuded from
the silver fir [Abies alba], used as a stretcher a bonded brick or stone laid
medium in paints, varnishes and with its long side or face exposed in the
adhesives. surface of a masonry wall.
stratification a defect in cast concrete
resulting from overvibration, causing
lighter constituent materials such as water
and cement to rise to the surface.
strawboard, compressed straw slab;
an insulating building board manufac-
tured by compressing straw under heat stretcher bond 1 running bond; a brick-
between sheets of card. work bond consisting entirely of courses
straw thatch, long straw thatch; of stretchers, with alternate courses laid
roofing thatch of unbroken, dried wheat, with a half brick overlap. See illustration
barley, rye or sedge stalks. on facing page.
477 strip parquet
striking piece in concreting, a piece of
formwork sheeting which can easily be
removed to aid dismantling of the rest of
the formwork.
striking plate, keeper, strike, strike
plate; a metal plate with a rectangular
perforation, attached to a door jamb to
stretcher bond
receive a latch or bolt when the door is
2 any brickwork bond consisting of single closed.
courses of Flemish, etc. interspersed with
an odd number of courses of stretchers; forend
see Flemish stretcher bond, monk bond
(Flemish double stretcher bond), raking
stretcher bond. lock
stretcher course, stretching course; case
a course of bonded brickwork which con-
sists entirely of stretchers. striking
stretcher face the visible side of a brick plate
when laid in masonry as a stretcher.
stretcher plinth,
plinth stretcher;
a special brick striking time, stripping time; the time
whose upper arris from placing of cast concrete after it has
has been cham- reached an accepted degree of hardness
fered along one of so that formwork can be safely removed.
stretcher plinth
its long sides; used string stringer; an inclined beam which
as a stretcher in a brick coping or above a carries the treads in a stair.
string course see band course.
stretching course see stretcher course.
stringer see string.
striated finish see batted finish.
stringline see bricklayer’s line.
strigil ornament in Roman architecture,
a decorative motif of shallow recurring stripe figure see ribbon grain.
S-shaped carvings for vertical surfaces; it strip flooring see wood strip flooring,
takes its name from the curved imple- wide plank flooring, solid parquet, par-
ment used by wrestlers to scrape the oil, quet strip.
sweat and dust from their bodies after
strip foundation, strip footing; a wall
bouts in the arena or palaestra (wrestling
foundation consisting of a continuous
horizontal strip of concrete; see widestrip

strigil ornament

strike, strike plate see striking plate.

striking, stripping; the removal of form-
work from hardened concrete.
strip foundation
striking face see face.
striking hammer a heavy hammer or strippable wallcovering wallcovering
maul used for striking cold chisels and
which can be removed in one piece once
other cutting and shaping tools in stone
and metalwork; see drilling hammer,
mallet. strip parquet see parquet strip.
strippers 478
strippers see wire strippers. the mortar in at the bottom of the joint;
see weathered joint.
stripping see striking, paint removal (hot-
air stripping). structural pertaining to loadbearing sys-
stripping knife a flat-bladed spatula tems, forces or elements; referring to a
used for removing old paintwork and material, member, etc. whose function is
wallcoverings. loadbearing.
stripping time see striking time. structural adhesive a strong and dura-
strip slates a roofing product of small ble adhesive for joining structural
pieces of shaped bitumen felt laid in the components.
same manner as roof tiles; if sold in structural board any building board
attached groups they are called strip used for its loadbearing properties as
slates or tiles, if sold as single nailable decking, bracing, etc.
items they are variously known as asphalt,
bitumen, composition or felt shingles. structural brickwork brickwork which
is designed to be loadbearing.
structural concrete concrete designed
to carry loads or be part of the structure
of a building.
structural concretework any work on
site involving reinforced concrete frames,
including formwork erection, casting,
installation of precast panels, etc.
structural defect an imperfection affect-
ing the strength of the structure of a
strip slates building, component or material such as
strip soaker a strip of waterproofing structural design the design, theoretical
material laid between courses of roof testing and calculation of structural loads,
shingles in exposed areas. stresses and sizing of structural members
undertaken by a structural engineer.
strip tie see strip wall tie.
structural drawing a design drawing
strip tiles see strip slates. produced by a structural engineer to
strip wall tie any wall tie formed from show the layout, materials and sizing of
metal strip rather than wire; see vertical structural units of a building.
twist tie, fishtail tie.
structural engineering the engineer-
strip window see window band. ing discipline which deals with the design,
strongback a structural member used as calculation and testing of structures.
a spreader beam, soldier or as waling in structural engineer a qualified profes-
formwork. sional responsible for designing structures
and supervising their construction and
strontium a metallic chemical element, maintenance.
Sr, compounds of which are used in pig-
ments, optics, fireworks, flares and some structural floor those loadbearing layers
armaments. of floor construction designed to support
strontium white strontium sulphate dead and imposed loading, over which
(SrSO4) used as a pigment in the same flooring is laid.
way as blanc fixe and barites. structural frame see loadbearing frame.
strontium yellow a pale bright yellow structural glazing, frameless glazing,
pigment manufactured from strontium
planar glazing; a system of glazing in
chromate, now almost obsolete.
which the glass itself has a structural role,
struck joint, overhand struck joint; a usually unframed sheets of toughened
horizontal brickwork mortar joint used for glass hung on patch or spot fittings with
interior and sheltered work, which is slant- sealed butt joints. See illustration on fac-
ing in cross-section and made by pressing ing page.
479 stub tenon joint
structure, 1 loadbearing structure; a
combination of parts joined together to
form a loadbearing or rigid whole.
2 composition; the construction or
make-up of an object, compound, mate-
rial such as stone or timber, organism or
component and the relationship of parts
structure borne sound in acoustics,
structural glazing sound transmitted by the fabric or other
structural grid the orthogonal layout of components of a building.
columns and main structural elements in structure borne sound transmission
a building; see also grid. sound transmission through the building
structural hollow section a structural
steel section formed by rolling or welding, strut any structural member which resists
whose cross-section is a hollow rectangu- forces in compression along its length;
lar, circular or other shaped tube. especially a secondary vertical or oblique
member which resists compressive forces,
structural member one of the compo- a column or diagonal; in timber roof con-
nent parts of a structural system designed
struction, struts are secondary members
to carry load.
carrying the thrust from purlins or other-
structural skeleton, frame; the pri- wise adding support to a rafter.
mary framework for a building or strut beam see collar beam.
structure. strutting see herringbone strutting.
structural steel a general name for Stuart architecture an architectural
rolled steel sections, beams and col- style in England during the reigns of
umns used in construction for framing Charles II and James II (1660 1688); it is
and other loadbearing functions; struc- evident principally in secular palaces and
tural steel sections included as separate country houses, and is characterized by
entries are listed below: use of Baroque elements.
*bar; *channel, channel section; *circular stub bar see starter bar.
hollow section; *C-section; *H-section;
stub mortise and tenon joint see
*hollow section; *hot-rolled steel section;
stub tenon joint.
*I-section; *L-profile, see angle profile;
*rectangular hollow section, RHS; *rolled stub stack a vertical pipe, closed at its
hollow section, RHS; *rolled steel section; upper end, into which a number of sani-
*round hollow section, round section, see tary appliances at one level may
circular hollow section; *square hollow discharge.
section; *structural hollow section; *T-sec- Stub’s wire gauge see Birmingham
tion, T-bar, tee section; *tubular section, wire gauge.
see hollow section; *UB section, see I-sec-
tion; *UC section, see H-section; *U-sec- stub tenon joint, joggle tenon joint,
tion; *Z-section. stopped tenon joint, stub mortise
structural steelwork any structural and tenon joint; any mortise and tenon
work or loadbearing frames consisting joint in which the mortise does not pene-
of steel sections fixed together. trate right through to the other side of a
receiving member.
structural threshold in threshold analy-
sis, existing built form or urban grain
which presents a barrier to further urban
structural timber timber and timber
products used in construction for their
structural and loadbearing properties in
framing, beams, trusses, etc. stub tenon joint
stucco 480
stucco any plaster used for facing the out- stud partition a lightweight internal
side of buildings, for decorative castings, dividing wall constructed with a frame of
etc.; stucco usually refers to textured ren- spaced verticals lined with a building
derwork in lime mortar, cement mortar or board.
lime cement mortar, especially fine plas- stud wall in frame construction, any wall
terwork for classical or Baroque decorative framed with spaced vertical timbers or
work, columns, rustication, etc. in imita- studs.
tion of stone; see hemihydrate gypsum stud welding a method of resistance
plaster, marble stucco, plasterwork welding threaded studs onto steel frames
enrichment. using special guns, as a fixing for clad-
stucco architecture ornate architectural dings and other components.
styles in which stonework is imitated in studwork studding; timber or pressed
decorative plasterwork, much in vogue in metal sections laid vertically as a frame-
the eclecticism of the 1800s. work for lightweight partitions or timber
stucco lustro a technique of marble- sections in timber framed walls.
imitation plasterwork invented in the stugged finish see sparrowpecked
seventeenth century, in which coloured finish.
pigments, marble dust, etc. are sprinkled
or painted over the plaster when wet, stump tenon joint in timber frame con-
then the surface is polished to a sheen struction, a joint in which the end of a
with a hot iron; sometimes called marmor- post is received into a housing in a hori-
ino or, for high-quality interior finishes, zontal sill or head member.
Venetian stucco; see also scagliola.
stud 1 in timber frame construction,
spaced vertical timber members in a wall
frame, to which external cladding and
internal lining are attached; a spaced ver-
tical timber or pressed metal framing
member in a lightweight partition.
2 a metal fixing consisting of a short steel stump tenon joint
rod threaded at one or both ends to take
a bolt. stupa a dome-shaped sacred Buddhist
3 a bolt or nail attached by firing with a
building, often surrounded by a freestand-
special pistol. ing wall or railing and containing holy
studded rubber flooring proprietary relics.
sheet or tile flooring of natural or syn-
thetic rubber whose surface has been tex-
tured with low projections to provide
friction; also known as raised-pattern,
coin-pattern or coin flooring.

Great Stupa, Sanchi,

India, Sunga period,
185–77 BC elevation

studded rubber flooring

stylobate 1 in classical architecture, the
studding see studwork, threaded rod. upper stepped course of a crepidoma, on
stud gun a robust nail gun for firing nails which a temple stands.
or fixings into masonry and concrete. 2 a plinth or base for a colonnade.
481 sulfur
styrene a clear volatile liquid produced subsill the lower member of a window
from benzene and used in the manufac- opening, formed into a sill onto which a
ture of plastics. window frame rests and is fixed; see tim-
styrene-acrylonitrile, SAN; a thermo- ber subsill.
plastic formed by copolymerization of sty- subsoil a layer of soil immediately above
rene with acrylonitrile; used in the solid ground, but below topsoil; see also
automotive industry, for kitchenware, foundation.
appliances and furniture. subsoil drain 1 a perforated pipe laid
styrene-butadiene rubber, SBR; a beneath the ground in sand or gravel to
resilient synthetic rubber used for car dry out damp soil and lead seepage water
tyres, carpet-backing and wire insulation. away from the substructure of a building
styrofoam see extruded polystyrene. or road to a public drain.
sub-base in foundation, paving and road 2 irrigation drain; in the treatment of
construction, a layer of material such as waste water, a perforated drain which dis-
hardcore, cement, etc. laid beneath the charges effluent from a septic tank into
substructure to spread loading evenly to the surrounding soil.
underlying soil, to restrict frost heave and subsoil drainage see land drainage.
as drainage; see also flooring sub-base. substrate any surface to which a finish,
sub-basement a storey under the main coating or adhesive may be applied; also
basement of a building. called a base or ground.

sub-contract a contract to carry out a substructure that part of the structure of

part of a larger contract, paid for and a building, particularly those constructed
managed by a main contractor. below ground, which transmits loading to
sub-contracting a procedure that the ground below.
enables a main contractor to contract subsurface drain see subsoil drain.
out specific parts of the building work, subtractive mixture in colour science,
often of a specialist nature or trade, to darker colours formed when colours are
another subsidiary contractor, called a combined, each absorbing a part of the
subcontractor. light incident on it.
subfloor those layers of floor construc- succinite see amber.
tion above a structural floor which pro-
vide a base for the flooring material; see sugar maple, rock maple; [Acer sac-
flooring sub-base. charum], see maple.
subframe wall framing at the edges of a sui generis use ‘of its own kind, unique’
door or window opening, to which a door (Lat.); in planning control, a class of devel-
or window frame is directly fixed. opment which does not fit into any of the
main defined classes.
subgrade in paving and road construc-
tion, that part of the ground or an earth- suite, 1 lock suite, suite of locks; a
work which bears loads from the overlying group of locks within a building which
road structure; see also foundation. can be opened by a single master key,
and each has its own individual key which
submerged-arc welding a method of fits only that lock.
arc welding steel plates in which an elec- 2 a set of furniture comprising, for exam-
tric arc is applied across an intermediate ple, a sofa and two armchairs of the same
electrode, carried out under a mass of or similar style.
molten flux. 3 a group of rooms and service spaces
submersible pump a small pump for planned for a particular use; see WC
drawing relatively clean water from wells, suite.
excavations, etc. by immersion in the water. suiteing the planning and formulation of
subsidiary glazing, secondary glaz- a suite of locks within a building or com-
ing; proprietary glazing units, usually in plex to suit the needs of user groups, but
metal frames, attached to the front side of in such a way that all are openable by a
old or leaky windows to improve master key.
performance. sulfur see sulphur.
sulphate 482
sulphate sulfate (Am); any of a number sunk fillet a thin hollow moulding, rect-
of water-soluble compounds formed by angular in profile.
the reaction of minerals or metals with
sulphur; used in traditional paints as fixa-
tives and to prevent attack of timber by
insects and fungi.
sulphate attack a fault in hardened con-
crete caused by the attack of dissolved sunk fillet moulding
sulphate salts.
sulphate-resisting Portland cement, sunk relief, cavo-relievo, cavo-rilievo,
sulphate-resistant cement; a Portland intaglio rilevato; carved ornament or
cement, low in tricalcium aluminate, decoration which does not project from
which has a better resistance to attack by the surface into which it is carved.
sulphates dissolved in water than ordinary sunlight, direct solar radiation; in
Portland cement. lighting design, that part of illumination
sulphur, sulfur (Am); a yellow chemical reaching the ground as direct, unob-
element, S, used in matches, explosives scured and unreflected light from the sun.
and the vulcanization of rubber. sun-refined oil, sun-bleached oil;
sulphur dioxide a poisonous, gaseous, traditional linseed oil refined by leaving it
chemical compound, SO2, used in bleach- in the sun in glass vessels for a number of
ing; a major source of air pollution. weeks; used as a vehicle in paints.
sulphuric acid, oil of vitriol; a dense,
sunshade, shade; any grill, set of baffles
oily, corrosive chemical compound,
or blind fixed externally above a window
H2SO4, used in the chemical industry,
or glazing to provide shade from the sun.
pickling of steel surfaces, and in dye
manufacture. super abacus, supercapital see
sulphur-ore see iron pyrites. dosseret.
summer, summer beam, summer super glue see cyanoacrylate adhesive.
tree; in traditional timber-framed build- superimposed orders the stacking of
ing, a heavy main beam which carries a classical orders as elevational devices in
wall or other continuous load. successive storeys of a classical building,
summerwood see latewood. by convention (from the bottom) Tuscan,
Doric, Ionic, Corinthian and Composite.
sun-baked brick see mud brick.
superplasticizing admixture, super-
sun-bleached oil see sun-refined oil. plasticizer, high-range water-reducing
sunburst matching a veneering pattern admixture; in concretework, a power-
for round or polygonal tabletops in which ful admixture included in the mix to
segmental slices of burl or crotch veneer maintain workability with a reduced water
are glued side by side to form a repeated content.
star-like pattern. superplasticized concrete liquid con-
sun-dried brick see mud brick. crete with a superplasticizer added to
increase workability; used for patching
sunflower seed oil, sunflower oil; a structural defects in reinforced concrete.
drying oil pressed from the seeds of the
sunflower plant [Helianthus annuus], used superposition principle a structural
as a vehicle in paints. theory for calculating forces in redundant
frames by dividing them up into a num-
sunk bead a thin hollow moulding, semi- ber of superimposed perfect frames.
circular in profile.
superstructure that part of the structure
sunken half round a hollow moulding, of a building or bridge above its substruc-
semicircular in profile. ture or foundations; parts of a building
which remain above ground level.
supersulphated cement blended
cement composed of blast-furnace
cement mixed with calcium sulphates and
sunken half round lime or cement clinker.
483 surface condensation
superterranean see surface. surcharge the overflowing of a drain or
supplier a commercial organization sewer caused by an excess of pressure or
which stocks, produces or delivers materi- capacity.
als, components or products for a building surface 1 the outermost bounding layer
project. of an object, especially when coated or
supply 1 goods or services which are pro- treated.
2 superterranean, above ground;
vided or available.
2 the conveyance of electricity, gas, water
referring to any construction work under-
or other service to a building via a main; taken above ground level.
see electricity supply, gas supply, water surface-acting agent, 1 surfactant; an
supply. additive which reduces the surface ten-
3 in mechanical ventilation and air condi- sion in a liquid; used in detergents and to
tioning, the introduction of ducted fresh make paint more brushable.
air into a space using fans. 2 an additive for concrete which lowers
supply air, 1 input air; treated air intro- the surface tension in mixing water to aid
duced into a space by an air-conditioning penetration of the concrete into formwork
system. voids and dispersion and foaming of
2 fresh air; air pumped into a space by other additives.
mechanical ventilation plant to replace surface area a measure of the two-
stale air. dimensional space taken up by a surface,
supply air terminal unit, outlet, abb. a; in architectural design a measure
input device; in air conditioning and of the floor area of buildings or parts of
ventilation, any device, grille, diffuser, etc. buldings.
through which air is supplied to a space.
supply pipe that part of the service pipe surface box, valve box; a receptacle
of a water or gas supply installation which with a hinged lid, submerged into hard
connects the supply of a building to the external surfaces, floors, footpaths, etc., to
communication pipe, lies inside a site offer protection to a valve or pipe fitting,
boundary, and is not maintained by the and from which it can be operated and
supplier. serviced.
support, stay; any construction or com- surface checks surface splitting in the
ponent which keeps something in place face of an improperly seasoned timber
or bears a load such as a prop, beam, board.
bracket, cleat or column.
supported sheetmetal roofing, flexi-
ble metal roofing; roofing of thin, flat
sheets of metal laid in bands with longitu-
dinal joints, standing seams, etc. over
boarding or decking; unlike profiled
sheeting, it is not self-supporting; see also
surface checks
seam-welded roofing.
surface coated float glass, reflective
float glass; float glass treated with a
transparent but reflective surface layer of
metal oxide or other material to reduce
transmission of solar radiation.
surface coefficient in calculations for
thermal conductivity of a construction,
the heat loss per  C of temperature differ-
supported ence between a surface and the surround-
sheetmetal roofing ing air; units are W/m2 C; see also
U-value, C-value.
surbased vault see segmental barrel surface condensation undesirable
vault. water vapour or steam which condenses
surfaced 484
on cool internal surfaces such as ceilings, by mechanical or chemical means, or by
window frames or walls as droplets of the application of a coating to produce a
water. finish.
surfaced see dressed, dressed timber. surface vibration the compacting of
surfaced bitumen felt see mineral fresh concrete by applying vibration to its
granule surfaced bitumen felt. outer surface with a type of vibrator called
a surface vibrator, rather than immersing
surfaced four sides (Am) see planed a vibrator into it; see also immersion
all round. vibrator (poker vibrator), beam vibrator.
surfaced sawn, surfaced two sides surface water rainwater which falls on
(Am); a description of sawn timber which the ground, roofs of buildings, roads and
has been planed on three sides only, leav- paved areas, and is collected in a drain.
ing one face unplanned. surface-water drainage the convey-
surface filler see filler. ance of rainwater from the slightly sloping
surface of paving, roads, etc. into a system
surface-fixed hinge see non-mortised of drains.
surface-water erosion the erosion
surface hardening a process of harden- caused by surface water running over
ing the surface of steel for use in tools by loose and granular soils, causing damage
various heat-treatment processes. and subsidence and contributing sedi-
surface hinge a hinge designed to be mentation to streams and drainage
mounted to the face of a door, gate or systems.
hatch rather than its edge. surface water gully see rainwater gully.
surface-modified tinted float glass surfacing 1 see dressing.
float glass treated with a layer of tinting 2 in road construction and landscaping, a
metal ions during manufacture to reduce layer or layers of material such as tarmac,
transmission of solar radiation. paving or concrete which form a hard-
wearing surface; in road construction this
surface mounting the fixing of electric is made up of the base course and wear-
cables and other services to the surfaces ing course.
of ceiling, floors and walls, as opposed to 3 see roof surfacing.
installing them in ducts, housings or
trunking. surfactant see surface-acting agent.
surface-mounted door closer a door surform tool a hand tool with a multi-
closer designed to be fixed to the face of toothed blade for rough shaping and
a door leaf. smoothing of wood and plastics.
surface-mounted luminaire a lumi-
naire designed to be fixed to and pro-
surround lighting see general surround
trude from a surface, rather than being
sunken into it. surveillance see camera surveillance,
perimeter surveillance.
surface planer, surfacer; a machine surveillance camera, closed circuit
with a wide rotating cutter mounted into a
television camera; one of a network of
bench for planing a flat, even surface on a
cameras installed at key points in or
wooden board; see thicknessing machine.
around a building to provide security
surface retarder a material applied to monitoring of the movement of people.
concrete formwork to slow down the set-
ting of surface concrete, providing an
exposed aggregate finish once the form- survey the gathering of information
work is struck. from samples, research, measurement,
photographs, etc. for a particular pur-
surface tension a property of the sur- pose; types included as separate entries
face of a liquid to behave as if covered are listed below:
with a supporting film. *building survey; *geotechnical survey;
surface treatment, finish; the protec- *investigation; *land survey; *quantity
tive or decorative treatment of a surface survey; *property survey.
485 Swiss trowel

survey drawing see record drawing. Sussex bond see Flemish garden-wall
surveying the action of doing a survey; bond.
see land surveying, mapping; see also swag see festoon.
survey. swamp cypress see southern cypress.
surveyor a qualified professional who
carries out a survey, see building sur- swan-neck chisel see mortise lock
veyor, land surveyor, quantity surveyor. chisel.
sward in landscaping, an area of tended
suspended base floor the lowest struc-
tural floor in a building, which transmits sway in thatched roofing, a long rod of
loading via foundations but is not con- hazel, elm or willow for fastening down a
structed directly onto the ground or bed- course of thatch.
rock below. sway brace see wind brace.
suspended ceiling a ceiling system of sweet cherry, wild cherry; [Prunus
hangers, runners and panels hung from avium], see cherry.
the soffit of floor construction above, in
sweet chestnut, Spanish chestnut;
which light fittings, ducting and outlets
[Castanea sativa] a European hardwood
are incorporated; sometimes called a
with golden-brown, rough-textured, dura-
hung ceiling.
ble timber, whose uses are similar to that
suspended floor a floor construction of oak.
which spans between points of support
sweetgum see gum.
rather than being fully supported over its
whole area by the underlying ground. swelled chamfer see oundy moulding.
suspended roof, suspension roof; a Swietenia spp. see mahogany; Swietenia
roof supported by cables. macrophylla, see Honduras mahogany.
suspended scaffold a scaffold with a swing door a door whose leaf is hinged
working stage which is hung from a coun- so that it may open in both directions.
terweighted cantilever from the ridge or
eaves of a building.
suspended slab any floor or roof slab
supported at intervals by columns or cross
walls, which does not bear directly onto
the ground.
suspended structure a structure such
as a suspension bridge which relies solely
on the force of tension to support loads.
swing door

swing door hinge see double-acting

hinge, double-acting spring hinge.
suspension bridge swing door operator a motorized lever
or hinge mechanism for opening and clos-
suspension a liquid containing minute ing an automatic swing door, operated by
particles of a solid or liquid suspended a signal from a detector device, remote
in it. control, etc.
suspension agent see thickening swirl the irregular grain pattern that sur-
admixture. rounds knots or crotches in a piece of
suspension roof see suspended roof. sawn timber.
suspension track a proprietary profile Swiss trowel a hand tool used for
of metal or plastics with rollers or guides smoothing plaster in projection plastering
for overhead mounting of blinds, signage by means of a rectangular flat blade
and lighting. attached to a handle.
switch 486
switch a manual or automatic device for synthetic screed see levelling
closing or opening an electric circuit. compound.
swivel damper a smoke or flue damper synthetic turf see synthetic grass.
which opens and closes by means of a Syrian arch, arcuated lintel; a major
pivot, about which it rotates; also called a masonry arch supported on columns;
pivot damper. often a large decorative arch in an arcade
or colonnade with walling above, espe-
sycamore, harewood; [Acer pseudopla- cially one marking an entranceway or
tanus] a hardwood with tough, light, fairly other portal.
strong perishable yellowish timber, used
for flooring and veneer; in North America
the tree known as sycamore is the
American plane [Platanus occidentalis].
syenite a coarse-grained, grey, bluish or
reddish crystalline igneous rock contain-
ing feldspar and hornblende.
sympathetic resonance, sympa-
thetic vibration see resonance. Syrian arch
synthetic man-made, as opposed to
occurring naturally. system building a modern method of
synthetic anhydrite the mineral gyp- construction in which all or a certain
sum produced as a by-product of another major part of the building components for
process, or calcium sulphate manufac- a construction project are prefabricated to
tured under controlled conditions. save time and labour on site; see also
synthetic fibre see artificial fibre. prefabrication.
synthetic grass, astroturf, synthetic system glazing see patent glazing.
turf; a hardwearing surface covering for system of measurement an agreed
sports fields, a mat of raised tough plastic system of unified units of measurement,
strands manufactured in imitation of such as the metric system or SI-system, by
grass. which size, quantity, mass and other phys-
synthetic resin adhesive a group of ical phenomena can be quantified.
adhesives whose main constituent is a system of proportion a set of rules,
synthetic phenolic or aminoplastic resin; principles or numbers governing the lay-
see melamine formaldehyde glue, phenol out and relative arrangement of aesthetic
formaldehyde glue, resorcinol formalde- forms.
hyde glue, urea formaldehyde glue. system scaffolding proprietary scaffold-
synthetic rubber rubber produced from ing of specially made tubes, fixings, hous-
synthetically manufactured latex. ings and shackles for quick and easy
synthetic rubber glue see elastomeric assembly, dismantling and storage, and
adhesive. automatic compliance with regulations.
t&g see tongue and groove. 2 the condition of a painted or glued sur-
tabernacle-work carved decorative face which has not yet dried, and is still
work in a church especially for a taberna- sticky.
cle and its canopy, but found on other fur- tack free a stage in the drying of paint
nishings such as pulpits, screens or stalls. at which the painted surface is not sticky,
but not fully hard.
table 1 the horizontal upper flat slab of a tack hammer, brad hammer, pin
precast concrete tee beam, which takes hammer; a small hammer with a light-
its name from the piece of furniture with weight steel head for driving small nails,
a flat horizontal working or activity pins, brads or tacks.
surface. tack welding, tacking; the fixing of
2 a diagram for presenting information in metal pieces together or in position with
a regular and clear way in columns and temporary welds before final welding.
taenia Lat.; see tenia.
tabled scarf joint, hooked scarf joint;
a timber lengthening joint whose halved tail the lower edge of a roofing slate or
surfaces are set back or tabled along their tile.
length for added strength. talc, soapstone, steatite; natural mag-
nesium silicate, ground and used as a filler
in paints.
tallow-wood [Eucalyptus microcorys], see
tamarack, eastern larch; [Larix laricina],
see larch.
tabled scarf joint
tambour, drum; a wall which supports a
dome or cupola, cylindrical, square or
table formwork large-scale proprietary
polygonal in plan and often punctuated
formwork used for casting and supporting
with openings.
the underside of concrete slabs in multi-
storey buildings, which has its own sup- tamping, punning, ramming, rod-
ports so that it can be easily moved and ding, spading; the compaction of fresh
reused in subsequent locations. concrete by the repeated manual thrust-
ing of a sharp metal tool into it to release
table hinge see rule joint hinge.
air voids; spading uses a spade-like tool,
tablet flower an ornamental motif con- rodding uses a long steel rod.
sisting of a series of embossed square tamped concrete, spaded concrete;
flowers. concrete compacted by repeated tamping
with a hand tool.
tamper see screed board.
t and g see tongue and groove.
tang the pointed spike at one end of a
chisel blade, drill bit or file, designed to
tablet flower be housed into its handle or chuck.
tacheometer an instrument used in sur- tangentially cut see plain sawn.
veying for measuring distances, direction tangential surface the surface of a
and level differences. piece of sawn timber which has been cut
tack 1 a flat-headed tangentially from the log.
nail or pin for attaching
building paper, fabric
and carpets; see uphol-
tank any open or closed vessel for the
tack storage of liquids or gases; types
stery tack.
tanking 488

included as separate entries are listed tap-hole stopper a plug accessory

below: designed to cover a tap-hole in a sink, in
*aeration tank; *cistern; *expansion tank; the case that no tap is to be installed.
*gas tank; *oil storage tank; *oxidation taping strip, reinforcing strip; in built-
tank, see aeration tank; *pressure tank; up roofing, strips of material laid over
*reserve water tank; *sedimentation tank; joints in the underlying structure before
*septic tank; *settlement tank, see septic the laying of bitumen felt.
tank; *settling tank, see sedimentation tapping the cutting of internal screw
tank; *sewage tank, see cesspool; *stor- threads in a bored hole with a tap.
age tank; *water tank. tapping screw see self-tapping screw.
tar a black viscous liquid with a smoky
odour, manufactured from the destructive
tanking an impervious layer of asphalt, distillation of wood or coal, traditionally
bitumen or bituminous felt for water- used as a wood preservative.
proofing the outer surface of subterra- tar epoxy paint tar-based epoxy resin
nean concrete or masonry structures. paint used for waterproofing concrete or
tanking membrane see air-gap steelwork.
membrane. tar paper building paper saturated with
tar, used as a moisture barrier in wall
tap 1 any fitting by which piped water,
gas, etc. can be drawn off for use; see
tar paving tarmacadam, tar slurry or other
water tap.
bituminous cements containing road tar as
2 a hard metal hand tool consisting of a
a binder; used for surfacing pedestrian
threaded rod, used for cutting female or
areas and those designed for light traffic.
internal threads into prebored round
metal holes. target cost contract a form of cost-
reimbursement contract in which a nomi-
tap aerator a device attached to or nal cost is estimated beforehand; on com-
incorporated into the nozzle of a water
pletion of the work, the difference in value
tap for introducing air into the stream of
between this target cost and the actual
cost is divided between the client and
tape measure see measuring tape, flexi- contractor according to pre-agreed terms.
ble steel tape measure.
tarmacadam, coated macadam, tar-
taper a conical pipe fitting for joining two mac; a hardwearing road surfacing made
pipes of different diameters. from graded aggregate coated with bitu-
tapered brick tapered header; see cul- men or road tar to bind the particles
vert stretcher, tapered stretcher; see cul- together.
vert header. tarpaulin a thin sheet of waterproof
tapered edge gypsum wallboard material, originally waterproofed fabric,
gypsum wallboard whose edges are used for the temporary protective cover-
tapered on the face side to enable butt ing of constructions and materials on site.
joints to be made more easily. tarsia see intarsia.
tapered header see culvert stretcher. task lighting artificial lighting designed
tapered step, tapered tread; a wedge- to provide a higher level of illumination
shaped step whose front and back edges for certain localized activities such as
are not parallel, such as one in a spiral reading, writing, drawing, etc.
stair. tax brick a brick of larger than normal
tapered stretcher see culvert header. size which originated in England to avoid
a brick tax levied from 1784 1850.
tapered tread see tapered step.
Taxodium distichum see southern
tapered tube a metal tubular product cypress.
whose circumference decreases with
length, used for flagpoles, masts and Taxus baccata see yew.
floodlighting poles. T-bar see T-section.
489 telescopic prop
T-beam, tee beam; a flanged beam, tapered flap and one small flap, which
T-shaped in cross-section to withstand forms a tee-shape when opened out.
greater compressive stresses.

precast tee hinge

T-beam tee section see T-section.
Teflon trade name for polytetrafluoro-
teagle post see principal post. ethylene.
teak, Indian oak; [Tectona grandis] a tegula, plural tegulae; ‘tile’ in Latin; a
hardwood from Burma, India and Thailand flat tray-shaped roofing tile used in con-
with durable, oily, dark yellow or brown junction with an imbrex or covering tile in
timber; used for interior construction, ply- Italian and Roman tiling.
wood, boat-building and decorative
telamon see atlas.
tear fungus see dry rot. telecommunications the transmission
of signals and messages over long dis-
teazle tenon in traditional timber- tances usually by electronic means, using
framed construction, a tenon made in the cables or satellites.
top of a post, housed in a mortise in a telecommunications network a tele-
horizontal member above. communications system comprising all
outlets, exchanges, transmitters, relays,
cables, satellites, antennae, etc., via which
signals are transmitted.
telecommunications outlet, telecom-
munications socket; a plug-hole by
which a telecommunications transmission
device can be connected to a network or
transmission system.
telephone system a digital, wireless,
teazle tenon analogue, local, international, manual or
automatic communications network using
technical installation see service. telephones.
telephone entry system, door
technical specification a document phone; security telecommunications
outlining a technical description of a
between an external door or gate and a
product, process or service, and the
restricted area, usually a send-and-receive
requirements to be fulfilled by it.
unit connected to a monitoring centre,
Tectona grandis see teak. occupant’s residence, etc.; often the same
tectonics the art of building; a pictorial as an entry-phone.
composition which takes into account the telephone socket see telecommunica-
structural qualities of line and surface. tions outlet.
tee a pipe fitting to connect one pipe to telescopic crane, telescopic jib crane;
another at right angles. a crane whose boom or jib is telescopic
and can be easily hydraulically extended
tee beam see T-beam. or retracted, often mounted on a vehicle.
tee half lap joint a timber halved joint telescopic prop a proprietary steel strut
of one member meeting another at right whose length can be adjusted, used
angles, forming a tee shape. for temporary propping of slabs and
tee hinge, strap hinge, T-hinge; a sur- horizontal formwork; also called an
face-mounted hinge which has one long adjustable prop.
tellurium 490
tellurium a silvery, crystalline chemical the top of a Doric architrave, below the
element, Te, used in alloys and as a col- frieze.
ourant in glass and ceramics. tenon a rectangular protrusion cut into
tempera paint consisting of oils in an the end of a timber member, which fits
emulsion, used with water as a medium, into a recess or mortise to create a mor-
which dries to form a hard, durable surface. tise and tenon joint.
tempering heat treatment to increase
the ductility of hardened steel by reheat-
ing it to a temperature below that of
hardening, and allowing it to cool. tenon
tempered glass see toughened glass. cheek
tempered hardboard dense fibreboard haunch
impregnated with oil or resin for added
strength, water resistance and abrasion
tenon joint
template any flat sheet of stiff material tenoned purlin see butt purlin.
which has been profiled, shaped or had tenoned scarf joint a timber lengthen-
patterned holes cut out of it; used in ing joint in which the end of one or both
marking out, draughting, lettering, and as pieces is fashioned with a tenon to
a pattern in milling and turning on a lathe; increase the strength of the joint once
variously called a stencil, templet, pattern assembled.
or profile. tenon joint see mortise and tenon joint
for list of joints in this category.
temporary works work on site which is tenon purlin see butt purlin.
demolished or dismantled after use and is tenon saw a medium-sized saw with a
not part of the completed construction, reinforced back, 250 350 mm in length,
usually work carried out to stabilize or used for general accurate benchwork.
protect an existing building or as an aid
to construction such as formwork, scaf- tensile pertaining to forces in tension.
folding, etc. tensile failure the failure of a structural
member due to excess tensile force.
tender a written offer to carry out work tensile force, tension; a pulling or
or supply goods or services in given con- stretching force in a structural member.
ditions at a stated price; a bid; see com- tensile reinforcement see tension
petitive tendering. reinforcement.
tender document any document which tensile strength in structural design,
is part of a package sent out to tender; a the greatest tensile stress that a member
contract document. can withstand on a permanent basis.
tendering see competitive tendering, tensile stress pulling or stretching force
tendering procedure, two-stage per unit area.
tendering procedure the procedure for tension the state of being stretched or
the invitation, selection and acceptance of pulled apart by a tensile force; see tensile
tenders. force.
tender programme see outline tension brace in traditional timber
programme. frame construction, a curved convex brace
tender sum in construction planning, running from post to sole plate for stiffen-
the sum which a potential contractor ing the frame, often exposed on the exte-
offers as a fee for work to be undertaken, rior of a half-timbered building; see tie
stated in his tender. rod.
tensioning the application of tensile
tendon, prestressing tendon; in pre- stress or load to a structure, structural
stressed concrete, a steel bar, wire, strand member, prestressing strands, etc.
or cable stretched within the concrete to tension pile, anchor pile; in founda-
place it in compression. tion technology, a pile designed to resist
tenia, taenia (Lat.); in classical architec- downwards or lateral tensile forces, often
ture, a thin moulding which runs along a raking pile.
491 terrace
tension reinforcement, tensile rein- tephra see tuff.
forcement; reinforcing bars whose pri- Teredo spp. see shipworm.
mary task is to resist forces in tension
rather than shear in reinforced concrete. term contract a form of building con-
tension rod see tie rod. tract that enables the client to order work
tension wood reaction wood from the over a prescribed period at agreed rates.
upper surfaces of branches and leaning Terminalia ivorensis see idigbo;
trunks of a hardwood tree. Terminalia superba see limba.
tented arch see draped arch. terminal unit see air terminal unit; sup-
tent-pole capital an ancient Egyptian ply air terminal unit.
stone capital carved in imitation of the bil- termination 1 the end or uppermost ele-
lowing fabric structure of a tent. ment or component in a building or
2 the point in a technical installation at
which there is an interface, such as an air-
conditioning outlet.
Egyptian tent-pole
capital from the temple termite, white ant; [Isoptera spp.] a
of Amun, Karnak, group of insect species of tropical and
Thutmosis III, sub-tropical origin which cause serious
(Tuthmosis) c. 1450 BC damage to timber.
teocalli ‘house of God’; an ancient terms of agreement, terms of con-
Mexican or Central American temple on a tract see conditions of contract.
truncated pyramid-shaped mound of terpene an oily hydrocarbon obtained
earth and stone or brick. from coniferous and citrus trees, used
in the manufacture of solvents and
terra natural pigments such as ochre,
umber and chalk made from coloured
mineral earth; see earth colour for full list.
terra alba a white powdery form of the
mineral gypsum.
terra di Siena see sienna.
terra merita yellow pigment made from
teocalli, Temple of the saffron or turmeric root.
Giant Jaguar (Temple
terra ombre see raw umber.
I), Tikal, Guatemala;
c. 500 AD
terra rossa see red oxide paint.
Terra Sienna see sienna.
teopan an Aztec teocalli, a stepped pyra- terra verde see green earth.
mid temple. terrace 1 a raised external level or plat-
form in a garden, park, protruding from a
building, etc. for promenading or leisure.
2 an external raised area in front of a
grand building or mansion, often with
ornate staircase and balustrade.
3 an urban street lined with similar build-
ings joined together; the row of buildings
in such a street.
terraced block see stepped block.
terraced house, terrace house; one of
teopan, Temple of the
God of the Winds,
a row of dwellings joined together by
Calixtlahuaca, dividing walls, each having its own
Mexico, 15th to 16th entrance at ground level and often a small
century AD garden; called a row house in USA. See
illustration on following page.
terracotta 492

*air test; *compressive strength test; *con-

crete flow test; *concrete slump test; *cone
penetration testing, deep penetration test-
ing; *core test; *cube test; *cylinder test;
*destructive testing; *dynamic penetration
testing; *fire test; *flow test, see concrete
terraced house flow test; *gas soundness test; *hydraulic
terracotta a fine-grained red clay from test, see water test; *mirror test; *non-
which hollow clay blocks and tiles are destructive testing; *penetration testing;
manufactured. *pipe system test; *pneumatic test, see air
test; *slump test; *smoke test; *soundness
terrazzo, terrazzo concrete; a smooth test, see gas soundness test; *static pene-
concrete surface finish or thin finish facing tration testing; *strength test, see com-
of cement and marble or other attractive pressive strength test; *vane testing;*Vebe
aggregate chips laid in a screed then test, see VB-consistometer test; *water
ground and polished. test; *works cube test.

test piece, test specimen; a specially

made concrete cube, cylinder or prism
used in the compression testing of hard-
terrazzo flooring ened concrete.
laid over concrete
floor slab test pile a foundation pile sunk prior to
construction to determine loading condi-
terrazzo tile a concrete floor tile or wall tions, settlement characteristics, etc. in a
tile with a surface of prefabricated terrazzo. particular location; see trial pile, prelimi-
tertiary rib see lierne. nary pile.
tessera Lat.; a small, thin rectangular or test pit see trial pit.
polygonal unit of glass, stone or ceramic test specimen see test piece.
material used as cladding for walls and
floors; its plural is tesserae; see mosaic. Tetropium castaneum, Tetropium
fuscum see spruce beetle.
test see testing.
textile any sheet product woven or
test core a concrete test specimen, often bonded from fibres.
cylindrical, removed from an existing textile wallcovering wallcovering
structure by drilling. whose outer surface is of fabric; cloth
test cube, standard concrete cube; a ‘wallpaper’.
specially cast and hardened sample con- texture a property relating to the
crete cube used to compression test a smoothness, softness, coarseness, etc. of a
particular batch of concrete. surface, or to the structural character of a
test cylinder, standard concrete cyl- solid object or granular material.
inder; a specially cast and hardened sam- textured finish, rustic finish, rustica-
ple concrete cylinder used to compression tion; a rough face treatment for bricks
test a particular batch of concrete. achieved by scoring, blasting or other
tester, sounding board; a board hung means.
above a podium or pulpit to project the textured plasterwork, patterned
voice of a speaker forwards into the plasterwork; plasterwork whose surface
auditorium. has been rendered or tooled with a
scratched, embossed or stamped pattern
testing a process of defining the prop- or texture after application, but prior to
erties of a material or component with setting.
regard to strength, fire resistance, dura- textured wallcovering a wallcovering
bility, etc. through a series of standard- treated with a surface layer of straw, cork
ized controlled tests; types included as or other granular material to provide a
separate entries are listed below: texture.
493 thermal insulation
thallium a soft, bluish, metallic chemical thermal bridge see cold bridge.
element, Tl, used in alloys and as a thermal capacity, heat capacity, ther-
pesticide. mal inertia; a measure of the ability of a
thalo blue, thalo green see phthalocy- material or construction to store thermal
anine blue, phthalocyanine green. energy and of how rapidly it warms up,
thatch a traditional roofing material of given as the quantity of heat required to
bunches of straw, reed or other dried raise the temperature of a given construc-
plant matter. tion by unit temperature.
thatch coat a layer of roofing thatch laid thermal column the rising column of
over a whole roof plane. hot air, smoke, ash and other debris over
thatched roof a roof whose weather- a fire; also called a convection column.
proofing and insulating material is bun- thermal comfort the sensation of physi-
dles of straw or reed (or in some cases cal well-being caused by the effects of
heather or bark) held down with timber temperature, draught and humidity in a
rods, wire, etc. space; an empirical measure used in heat-
ing and ventilation design for an internal
cross spar environment.
ridge saddle thermal conductance the rate of flow
of thermal energy through a material or
construction of given thickness, whose
unit of measurement is the C-value.
brotch, spike thermal conduction the transfer of
ligger, runner heat through a solid or stagnant liquid or
gas by the excitation of adjacent particles
within it.
thatched roof thermal conductivity the rate of flow
of thermal energy through a homoge-
Thénard’s blue see cobalt blue. neous material or construction, whose
theodolite, transit (Am); an optical unit of measurement is the K-value.
measuring instrument used in surveying thermal convection the transfer of heat
for measuring angles in both planes by in a liquid or gas by internal thermal
means of a sighted telescope which can currents.
be turned through both horizontal and
thermal expansion the increase in size
vertical axes.
of a material caused by an increase in
thermal break an insulated break in temperature.
construction between interior and exterior
thermal finish see flamed finish.
to prevent the passage of heat, and thus
cold bridging. thermal image see thermogram.
thermal-break profile, thermally thermal imaging see thermographic
broken profile; a proprietary metal win- imaging.
dow or door framing profile which is man- thermal inertia see thermal capacity.
ufactured with an integrated plastics
bridging piece to minimize loss of heat
across its construction. thermal insulation, heat insulation;
a layer of lightweight material added to
building construction, often as an inter-
layer in walls and roofs, etc. to restrict
the flow of heat to the outside; insula-
tion for boilers and pipes is called lag-
ging; types included as separate entries
are listed below:
*cellulose loose-fill insulation; *expanded
proprietry steel dry-glazed polystyrene; *extruded polystyrene; *frost
thermal- insulation; *glass wool; *loose-fill insulation;
break profile system *mineral wool; *rock wool; *roof insulation.
thermally broken profile 494
thermally broken profile see thermal- thermoplastic elastomer, TPE; types
break profile. of rubbery thermoplastics which remain
thermal radiation the transfer of heat elastic at moderate temperatures but can
in the form of electromagnetic infra-red be easily remoulded to new forms at high
waves. temperatures.
thermoplastic glue see thermoplastic
thermal resistance a physical quantity adhesive.
whose basic unit is m C/W, the inverse of
thermal conductance; see R-value. thermosetting plastics a group of
plastics which undergo an irreversible
thermal storage heater see storage chemical change on heating and become
heater. hard; cf. thermoplastics.
thermal transmittance the empirical thermosetting adhesive, hot setting
measure of a given construction to con- glue; a synthetic resin adhesive which
duct heat; its basic unit of measurement is sets into its final shape under the applica-
the U-value. tion of temperatures above 50 C, and can-
not be reshaped by reheating once cool.
thermal wheel see heat recovery unit.
thermit welding, alumino-thermic thermostat a simple control device
welding, thermite welding; a method of which maintains the temperature of a sys-
fusion welding steel rails in which alumin- tem at a constant level.
ium powder and iron oxide form a reaction thermostatic mixer, thermostatic
which melts the steel in close proximity. mixing tap, thermostatic valve; a tap
for sinks and showers in which hot and
thermo-differential detector, heat cold water supplies are mixed and their
differential detector; a fire detector temperature and pressure controlled.
which measures the rate of temperature
rise and issues an alarm at a particular thick bed designating a layer of mortar
pre-specified value. over 10 mm in thickness, enabling tiling
and paving to be laid onto uneven
thermodynamic equilibrium see heat surfaces.
thickening admixture, suspension
thermo-forming a method of forming agent, thickening agent; an admixture
thermoplastic mouldings by pressing included in a concrete mix to improve vis-
sheet material against a one-sided mould cosity and prevent segregation and bleed-
and heating. ing of the concrete.
thermogram, thermal image; an thicknessing machine, thicknesser,
image of a surface or area taken by a spe-
panel planer; a milling machine for plan-
cial camera which reacts to infrared radia-
ing the rear side of a flat board or piece
tion to show heat variations in a body or
to the required thickness so that both
faces are parallel; see surface planer.
thermographic imaging, thermal
imaging; a method of creating pictures thief-resistant lock see security lock.
based on heat or infrared energy emitted thimble see wire rope thimble.
by a viewed scene; used for checking or
surveying buildings for missing or dam- thin bed the fixing of tiling and paving in
aged insulation, air infiltration or intersti- a layer of mortar less than 3 mm thick.
tial moisture. thin bed masonry a modern masonry
practice of laying accurately sized and
thermoplastics a group of plastics shaped bricks, blocks, tiles, etc. in a bed of
which always soften when heated and
specially developed glue mortar, with
regain their hardness on cooling; cf. ther-
joints between blocks of less than 2 mm.
mosetting plastics.
thermoplastic adhesive, hot-melt thin coat a designation of hard plasters
adhesive, hot-melt glue; glue made and renders which are designed for appli-
from a plastic which softens on heating cation in very thin smooth layers of about
and becomes rigid again on cooling; 3 mm thick.
applied as a strip with a special electric thin coat plaster plaster designed to be
glue gun. applied in very thin layers.
495 three-phase
thin coat render render designed to be threading the cutting of external screw
applied in very thin layers so that the tex- threads on a screw.
ture in the substrate (brickwork, etc.) will threaded of a bolt, round bar or pipe,
be evident in the finish; also called thin cast or machined with screw threads.
section render. threaded bar see threaded rod.
T-hinge see tee hinge. threaded boss see screwed boss.
thinner, diluent, reducer (Am); a vola- threaded pipe see screwed pipe.
tile liquid which lowers the viscosity of threaded rod, studding, threaded
paint and makes it flow more easily. bar; a length of threaded stainless or gal-
vanized steel rod on which bolts are
thin section render see thin coat screwed to form joints and connections.
thin wall plaster final coat plaster which
includes a binder that hardens by drying.
threaded rod
thixotropy the property of a gel or vis-
cous liquid to become fluid when shaken,
brushed or otherwise agitated; useful for three-centred arch, anse de panier,
non-drip paints. basket arch; an arch whose intrados is
composed of curves of differing radii con-
tholobate a cylindrical base which sup- structed from three centres of curvature;
ports a dome.
see also pseudo three-centred arch.
tholos, 1 tholus, beehive tomb; ‘vault’
(Gk.); originally a dome-shaped corbel-
vaulted masonry tomb from the
Mycenaean period of ancient Greece.

three-centred arch

three coat plasterwork, render, float

and set; plasterwork for rough surfaces
laid in three separate layers; the first filling
coat, the second coat which smooths off
the surface and provides a key, and the
tholos tomb, Treasury of Atreus, ‘Tomb of final coat which provides a finish.
Agamemnon’, Mycenae, Greece, 1325–1250 BC
three-dimensional referring to an
2 any classical Greek building type with a object or geometrical system which has
circular plan, especially a round temple length, breadth and depth.
surrounded by a colonnade (peripteral three-dimensional coordinates a sys-
temple). tem of defining three-dimensional space
thorium a grey, radioactive, metallic on a flat plane, or as a series of numbers,
chemical element, Th, used in alloys and using three mutually perpendicular coor-
for filaments in some lamps. dinate planes, by convention referred to
as horizontal or ‘XY’ plane, vertical or ‘XZ’
thread 1 a thin cord of natural, synthetic plane and side, profile or ‘YZ’ plane; also
or metal strands which have been wound called spatial or space coordinates.
2 screw thread; the helical moulded three-hinged arch, three-pinned
windings along the shaft of a screw or arch; an arch which has pin joints at both
bolt, or internally in a nut or cap, which its abutments and at its crown.
provide a mechanical fixing. three-phase referring to electricity sup-
thread gauge a simple device with a ply, usually used for providing power at
number of calibrated saw-toothed blades 415 volts, in which there are three live
for defining the gauge of a screw thread. conductors plus a neutral wire.
three-pinned arch 496
three-pinned arch see three-hinged throating see drip.
arch. through 1 designation of a housed com-
three-pointed arch see equilateral arch. ponent or member which will penetrate
three quarter bat, three quarter; a right through to the other side of another.
2 a through stone, see parpend.
brick cut to three quarters of its length for
use in brickwork bonding. through and through sawing, 1 flat-
sawing, plain sawing, slash sawing;
the conversion of logs by sawing into
planks or boards longitudinally along the

three quarter bat

three quarter brick see king closer.

through and through
three-quarter round an ornamental sawing of boards from
moulding which is semicircular in cross- flitch
section; see also bowtell.
three-quarter turn stair a stair which 2 live sawing; the conversion of logs as
turns through 270 on its ascent. above, but by first edging the log to pro-
vide a flat even surface on one or both
sides; the flitch thus produced is sawn
into sections of even dimension.
through mortise and tenon joint see
through tenon joint.
through purlin, trenched purlin, laid
on purlin; in timber roof construction, a
purlin resting on the backs of principal
rafters or notched into their upper
through stone see parpend.
three-quarter turn stair through tenon joint a timber mortise
and tenon joint whose tenon fully pene-
threshold 1 the place in a doorway at trates the piece into which it is fitted.
floor level between two adjacent spaces.
2 the lowest member in a door frame; a
door sill.
threshold of hearing in acoustics, the
lowest sound pressure which gives rise to
a sensation of sound in the human ear. through
threshold of pain, pain threshold; in tenon joint
acoustics, the lowest sound intensity
which gives rise to a sensation of pain in throw, blow; in air conditioning and
the human ear. mechanical ventilation, the distance that a
throat 1 see drip. jet of air extends out from a supply air
2 damper opening; a narrow opening inlet to that point at which its air speed is
between the outlet of a fireplace and a a specified value.
flue, over which a flue damper is often sit- thuja, arborvitae, thuya; [Thuja spp.] a
uated, to improve draught and reduce genus of East Asian and North American
pressure in the smoke chamber. softwoods with weak, soft but durable
throat restrictor an adjustable device to timber; used for telephone poles, railway
regulate the size of a throat in a flue sys- sleepers and exterior cladding; widely
tem or chimney; a smoke damper. planted as hedging and as an ornamental
497 tied arch
in parks and garden and as a potted patio thunder shakes, cross shakes, light-
or balcony plant on account of its ever- ning shakes; a timber defect caused by
green foliage; see below. cross grain faults in a living tree, resulting
western red cedar, British in abrupt failure and general weakness.
Columbian cedar, giant cedar, thuya see thuja.
Pacific red cedar, red cedar, giant
arborvitae; [Thuja plicata] a North thyme oil an aromatic essential oil pro-
American softwood with weak but dura- duced from the herb thyme [Thymus vul-
ble reddish-brown timber; used for shin- garis], whose active component is thymol;
gles and exterior boarding. used in painting to increase the durability
white cedar [Thuja occidentalis] a North of watercolours and as a fungicide and
American softwood with light brown tim- disinfectant.
ber; used in boat-building and construc-
tion work. tie 1 any structural bracing or stabilizing
thumb mould a small running mould member which resists forces in tension;
used to make ornamental plasterwork types included as separate entries are
mouldings. listed below:
thumb moulding a decorative mould- *angle tie; *cavity tie, see wall tie; *diago-
ing whose cross-section is that of a round nal tie, see angle tie; *dragon tie, see
edged fillet, oblique to the vertical; see angle tie; *formwork tie, form tie; *king
also gadroon. tie; *recoverable tie; *tie rod; *wall tie.
2 a stirrup in a vertical reinforced con-
crete component.
3 see clip.

tie beam 1 a beam for tying the ends of

supporting posts, walls, rafters or columns
thumb moulding together.

ridge board
thumbnail bead moulding a decora- rafters
tive moulding whose cross-section is that
of a quadrant of a circle, its upper face
convex or concave; often found at the
lower join of two perpendicular planes.
thumb nut any nut which can be tight- tie beam
ened by hand; see wing nut.
thumb screw a tie beam truss
threaded fastener with
a large round textured 2 a timber beam for connecting the upper
head, designed to be ends of parallel side walls to prevent
thumb screw
tightened by hand for them from splaying outwards.
applications such as 3 see ground beam.
removable access tie beam roof in timber roof construc-
panels, computer cas- tion, a rafter roof with tie beams to pre-
ing, etc. vent rafters and underlying walls and
posts, etc. from splaying outwards.
thumb slide see slide bolt; snib. tie beam truss 1 a simple roof truss with
thumbtack see drawing pin. rafters tied at their lower edges by a hori-
thumb turn a small sprung handle zontal member or tie beam.
turned to operate a latch or lock by grasp- 2 a roof truss with a large tie beam as the
ing between thumb and forefinger; often main supporting member for the rafters,
used to operate a door from the inside; struts and other subsidiary members.
called a locking snib if used for locking a tied arch a structural arched beam, usu-
bathroom lock. ally of steel or concrete, which is braced
tie plate 498
at its lower extremities by a horizontal tie tight size, full size; in glazing, the size
beam, to prevent them from splaying out- of the opening in the frame, measured
wards; a simple bowstring truss used in from inner edge of rebate, in which the
bridges, etc., often with vertical hangers pane fits; larger than the sight size.
between upper and lower chords.
TIG welding, gas tungsten arc weld-
ing (Am), GTA welding (Am), tung-
sten inert-gas arc welding; a method
of welding in which an arc is formed
using a tungsten electrode shielded by an
bridge with tied arch supporting deck
inert gas such as argon.
tie plate a steel or wrought-iron plate
bolted to either end of a tie rod to bear the tile any thin, rectangular or polygonal
outward thrust of a loaded masonry wall. product of mineral, plastics or organic
tie rod, 1 tension rod, tension brace, material used in series to form a pro-
hanger; a steel rod by means of which tective or weatherproof finish; types
any component such as a balcony or can- included as separate entries are listed
opy is hung from overlying structure. below:
2 a steel or wrought-iron rod threaded at
*brick tile; *ceramic tile; *floor tile; *orna-
either end and often added to construc- mental tile; *parquet tile, see parquet
tion as a remedial measure; used in con- floor square; *roof tile; *strip tiles, see strip
junction with tie plates to prevent parallel slates; *wall tile.
masonry walls and vaulting from buckling
outwards under loading.
tile accessory any component such as
Tieghemella heckelii see makore. clips, spacers, special tiles, etc. designed
tierceron in masonry vaulting, a subsidi- for use in the laying or fixing of tiles.
ary rib which connects a point on the tile cladding a weatherproof facing of
ridge rib or central boss with one of the tiles for an exterior wall or other surface;
main springers or supports. see tiling.

groin rib tierceron

tile clip a small metal fixing for mechani-
cally attaching a roofing or other tile in

tile clip
transverse lierne
rib tile cutter any tool used for cutting and
cropping tiles; especially a scissor-like tool
tiering see torching. for cutting or snapping ceramic tiles along
tiger grain see wavy grain. prescribed cutting lines of weakness.
tightening the act of securely fastening tiled finish see tiling.
a component or assembly with a fixing, tiled flooring see tile flooring.
locking screw, wedge or other device.
tight knot, adhering knot; a live or
dead knot in timber held firmly in place
by the surrounding wood.
tight-pin hinge see fast-pin hinge.
tight side, closed face, closed side;
the outer side of a veneer sheet as peeled tiled flooring
from a flitch, which has less checks and
markings from the cutting or slicing than tiled paving ceramic tiles laid horizon-
the loose side. tally as a hardwearing external surface.
499 timber flooring
tiled roof, tile roof; a roof whose weath- tilt-up formwork special formwork in
erproofing is provided by roofing tiles. which concrete is cast horizontally, then
tiled roofing see roof tiling. rotated to enable lifting to another loca-
tion; used for casting prefabricated units.
tiled upstand see tile fillet.
timber, 1 lumber (Am); wood used for
tiled valley in tiled roofing, a valley constructional purposes.
formed entirely of specially formed tiles. 2 wood converted from sawlogs.
tile facing see tiling. see list of species of tree from which soft-
wood is obtained under softwood.
tile fillet, tile listing, tiled upstand; see list of species of tree from which hard-
roofing tiles set in mortar below a parapet
wood is obtained under hardwood.
or abutment to act as a flashing; a tiled
upstand. timber-based board see wood-based
panel product, coreboard, particleboards,
tile fitting any specially shaped roofing chipboard, plywoods.
timber board 1 a planed or sawn flattish
tile flooring floor surfacing of laid tiles. section of timber used in finished flooring,
tile grout a cementitious compound external cladding, linings, etc.
applied to fill the joints between adjacent 2 timberboard, see bargeboard.
laid ceramic tiles. timber cladding cladding of sawn tim-
tile hanging, vertical tiling, weather ber boards or joinery panels for the
tiling; tiles hung vertically in overlapping frames of walls, floors and roofing; also
courses as an external cladding for walls. called timber facing, or, if external,
tile layer see tiler.
timber construction building activity in
tile listing see tile fillet. which the principal framing material is
tiler, tile layer; a tradesman or skilled wood or wood products for wall, floor or
labourer who lays tiles. roof construction, log walls, panel pro-
ducts, etc.; any building or structure pro-
tile roof see tiled roof. duced in this way, primarily of wooden
Tilia spp. see lime. parts; see timber frame.
tiling 1 the trade of laying tiles with but- timber defect an imperfection which
ting joints as flooring, wall covering, etc. lowers the quality of piece of sawn or
2 the resulting surface or construction. dressed timber; see seasoning defect,
3 tiled finish, tile cladding, tile facing; sawing defect.
a wall, floor or ceiling surface laid with a
facing of tiles.
timber door a door whose leaf and
frame are made primarily from timber; see
see roof tiling, floor tiling, wall tiling.
also glazed timber door.
tiling base the wall or floor surface
below tiling, onto which tiles are fixed; timber facing see timber cladding.
see substrate.
tiling batten one of a series of timber timber flooring any flooring material
strips fixed across rafters or decking as a whose finish is treated wood, veneer or
base for tiling. wood product; also generally called
tiling mortar, bedding mortar, fixing wood flooring or wooden flooring; types
mortar; mortar used for fixing ceramic included as separate entries are listed
tiles to a wall. below:
tiling pattern the various patterns in *block flooring, see end-grain wood block
which ceramic and other tiles can be laid. flooring; *board flooring; *chipboard
tiling substrate see tiling base. flooring; *end-grain wood block flooring;
tilting drum mixer a concrete mixer *floorboards; *overlay flooring; *parquet
with a rotating hinged drum in which the flooring; *plank flooring, see wide
constituent materials are mixed, which plank flooring; *plywood flooring; *pun-
can be tilted to enable emptying. cheon flooring; *solid timber flooring;
tilting fillet see doubling piece. *strip flooring, see wood strip flooring;
timber frame 500

*timber flooring; *wide plank flooring; timber subsill the lower framing mem-
*wide strip flooring, see wide plank floor- ber of a window opening; a timber plate
ing; *wood block flooring, see end-grain incorporated into wall construction onto
wood block flooring; *wood board floor- which a window frame can be attached.
ing; *wood flooring; *wood strip flooring. timber trim, joinery profile, joinery
moulding; a narrow strip of machined
wood used in construction as decorative
timber frame a structural frame for a edging, for covering unsightly joints, glaz-
building, partition, etc. made of timber ing beads, etc.
sections fixed at their ends; see A-frame,
balloon frame, platform frame. timber trim
timber-framed building, timber
frame building; any building whose
structural frame is of timber members 1 2 3 4
clad and lined with sheet material, espe-
cially one with a frame of vertical spaced 7 8
timber studs clad with sawn boards; see 6
half-timbered building. 9 10 11
timber glazed door see glazed timber 1 cover fillet 6 scotia
door. 2 skirting 7 wedge bead
3 hockey stick, 8 glazing bead
angle bead 9 dowel, round
timber joint a mechanical, glued or 4 shadow bead 10 half round
nailed joint formed between two or 5 quadrant 11 carpet strip
more timber members; types included
as separate entries are listed below: timber truss a truss whose members are
*bridle joint; *double tenon joint; *cabi- wooden.
netmaker’s joint, see mortise and tenon
joint; *carpenter’s joint, see framing joint; timber window a window whose frame
*corner joint; *crosslap joint, see cross is made primarily from treated timber; a
half lap joint; *dado joint, see housed timber-framed window; see also compos-
joint; *dovetail joint; *halved joint, halv- ite window.
ing joint, halflap joint; *housed joint,
housing joint; *joinery joints, see mortise
and tenon joint; *lengthening joint; *mor-
tise and tenon joint; *scarf joint; *tenon
joint, see mortise and tenon joint.

timber lath a split timber batten fixed to

a base in rows over a frame as a base for
plasterwork; see lathing. timber window
timber lathing a base for plaster made
from thin strips of timber fixed to a base
or structural members; see bruised lath. timberwork the construction work of a
building on site involving timber, carried
timber lining any covering of boards, out by a carpenter; see also joinery,
plywood and other wood products for the carpentry.
inner surface of a wall frame or structure.
time control the automatic switching on
timber pile a foundation pile hewn or and off of lighting and other technical sys-
fabricated from timber. tems for preset periods using control gear
timber roof a roof whose structure or containing a timer device.
skeleton is of timber members. time for completion see contract time.
timber scaffolding scaffolding whose time lock a lock controlled by a timer
structural members are timber sections. device which permits opening only at
timber seasoning see seasoning. specified times.
501 tin

seam welded roofing top edge, upper eaves

board-on-board cladding,

upstand flashing,
abutment flashing,
apron flashing

wall plate supported sheet metal roofing,

underlay –
battening roofing felt

roof sheathing,
roof boarding

spaced boarding,
floor joist

gypsum board lining

close boarding
ceiling boarding,
soffit boarding


concrete ground slab

sill plate

wall base

drainage membrane,
cavity drainage membrane,
air-gap membrane

block foundation


longitudinal reinforcement
subsurface drain BUILDING

timer, timer switch; a switch operated Timonox a trade name for antimony
by a mechanism which turns an electric white pigment.
current on or off after a specific duration. tin a chemically durable, soft, pale metal,
2 push-button timer; a switch used for
Sn, with a low melting point; often used
corridor lighting, etc. which, when for the protective coating of other metals
pressed, will open a circuit for a specified such as iron and copper.
duration before closing it automatically.
tingle 502
tin bronze an alloy of copper with tin; Titanox a trade name for titanium white
true bronze. pigment.
tin plate steel sheet manufactured with title block an area or table of text
a protective coating of tin, used especially located at the bottom right-hand corner
to make tin cans, pots, etc. of a design drawing, containing informa-
tin plating see tinning. tion about its content, scale, designer and
tingle see clip. date; also called a title panel.
tinner’s hammer a hammer with a toe nailing see skew nailing.
square flat face for beating and dressing toggle see toggle bolt, hollow-wall plug,
sheetmetal panels. hollow-wall anchor.
tinning, tin plating; the coating of a toggle bolt a metal threaded fastener
metal such as copper or iron with a thin for fixing to drywall or hollow wall sur-
protective layer of tin; also the result of faces by means of a pivoted or sprung
this process. ‘job’ which is clamped against the reverse
tin snips, hand shears, tin shears; a side of construction once the bolt has
tough, scissor-like hand tool with high- been pushed through a bored hole; see
leverage handles for cutting sheetmetals. spring toggle, gravity toggle.
tint, shade; a colour formed when a
number of pigments are mixed together;
a body tint is when colour is added to the
whole thickness of a material (glass, con- insertion fastening
crete) rather than just one surface.
tinted glass transparent glass coloured
either with a body tint or with a coloured
interlayer; see also body-tinted glass.
tinted solar control glass, heat- insertion fastening
absorbing glass, absorbing glass;
glass manufactured with a body tint to toilet 1 a room or building furnished with
absorb heat from the sun, reduce glare, one or a number of water closet suites,
etc. urinals and wash basins; variously called a
tinter see stainer. lavatory, convenience, cloakroom, closet
tinting strength, staining power; the or WC.
ability of a coloured pigment to modify 2 a receptacle for collecting human waste,
the colour of white paint. a WC or water closet suite.
tip-up window see horizontal pivot toilet lock see bathroom lock.
window. tolerance an acceptable range of varia-
titanium a grey, hard, light metal, Ti, tion in size or magnitude of a manufac-
which is corrosion resistant and used for tured, supplied or constructed object to
the toughening of steel; some compounds that specified; a permissible range of inac-
are used as pigments. curacy in measuring.
titanium dioxide a white, non-poison- toluidine red an organic solvent-based
ous, chemical compound, TiO2, used as vivid red pigment.
an opaque pigment in paints (titanium
tondo a round painting, or a carving set
white) and in plastics.
in round space; see also medallion.
titanium oxide see titanium dioxide.
titanium pigment see titanium white.
titanium white, blanc titane, tita-
nium pigment; a permanent and
opaque white pigment whose chief com-
ponent is titanium dioxide; suitable for
use in oils and glues.
titano gypsum the mineral gypsum
occurring as a by-product of the manufac- tondo
ture of titanium oxide.
503 top form
tone see colour saturation. timbers bolted together to strengthen the
tongue 1 the projection along one edge
of a tongue and groove board.
2 see return latch.
tongue and groove, tongued and
grooved, t and g, t&g; referring to
joints, boards and other sheet products
whose edges are matched with tongue
and groove joints. toothed plate connector

tongue toothed plate fastener see nail plate.

toothed washer see tooth washer.
toothing the toothed end of a partially
laid brickwork wall formed by overlapping
alternate courses, used for bonding subse-
quent work; see also reverse toothing.
tongue and
groove board groove

tongue and groove boarding see toothing of

matchboarding, open tongue and groove
boarding, rough t and g board. construction to
tongued and grooved see tongue and ease further
groove. work
tongued and grooved board any
building board machined with tongued
and grooved edges.
tongued and grooved chipboard tooth ornament see dogtooth.
chipboard whose edges have been milled
tooth tool see patent claw chisel.
with a tongue and groove, used for
matched flooring and sheathing. tooth washer, toothed washer; a cir-
tongue and groove joint, tongued cular metal washer whose inner or outer
and grooved, t and g, t&g; a joint for edge is stamped with crimped serrations
flush timber boarding, chipboard, etc. in to provide a tight bolted joint by com-
which each board is milled with a flange pression; see internal tooth washer, exter-
or tongue along one long edge and a nal tooth washer.
channel or groove along the other,
designed to fit into one another when the
boards are laid edge-on as flooring and
cladding; see also barefaced tongued and
tooth washers
grooved joint.
tongue and groove jointing, match-
ing; the milling of the edges of building top chord see upper chord.
boards with a tongue and groove. top course tile a special roof tile which
tooled finish any stonework finish in is shorter than other tiles; used for the
which the marks of the tools are evident. uppermost course in roofing.
tooling, hacking, scabbling; the work- top dressing the addition of any min-
ing of the surface of exposed concrete or eral, organic or chemical material to the
stone with a chisel, point tool or mechani- surface of planted and landscaped areas
cal device to produce a patterned or tex- to improve the quality of the soil.
tured finish or to roughen the surface as a top edge the upper part of a sloping roof
key for a finish. plane at a ridge or abutment.
toothed plate connector, bulldog top form formwork used for casting and
plate; in timber frame construction, a supporting the upper side of concrete
toothed metal plate placed between two slabs, walls, etc.; top formwork, in full.
top hung 504
top hung referring to a window, case- torch see soldering torch, blowlamp
ment or hatch whose opening leaf is (blowtorch).
hinged at its upper edge.
torching, rendering, tiering; a tradi-
top-hung casement window, awning
tional practice in tiled and slate roofing
window a window type whose opening
whereby lime mortar is laid under the
casement is hinged at its upper edge.
heads of roof tiles and slates as a second-
ary fastening and to prevent the passage
of drifting snow.
tori plural of torus.
torn grain a sawing defect resulting in
wood fibres frayed loose at the surface
after cutting and converting timber;
caused by a blunt saw or wet timber.
top-hung casement torque the magnitude of an axial twist-
window ing or rotating action produced by a
force, equal to the actual force multi-
top light a narrow plied by the perpendicular distance
glazed casement at from the centre of the axis about which
the top of a window
it acts.
unit, hinged at the
top; any glazing torque wrench a manual wrench with a
fixed gauge or meter to indicate the amount of
above a main win- light torque transferred to the nut or bolt, and
dow, partition or
door; see fanlight. so control its final tightness.
top light
topography 1 the torse see wreath.
measuring, surveying and representation torse grain see spiral grain.
in map form of natural and artificial fea-
tures in the landscape. torsion in mechanics, a twisting action on
2 ground profile, contour; the shape of an object caused by two forces working in
an area of land according to the changes opposite directions perpendicular to its
in vertical level of its surface. main axis.
topping 1 see concrete topping, wearing torso 1 a statue of a man or beast lacking
course. limbs and a head.
2 the first stage of the sharpening of a 2 a spiral column in the architecture of
saw by levelling of the tips of its teeth the middle ages.
with a file. tortil see wreath.
topping out the stage in a project when torus pl. tori; a three-dimensional shape
the structure of a building under construc- formed by the rotation of a circle or conic
tion has reached its full height or is com- section through 360 around a point; plu-
pleted, often marked by a small on-site ral is tori; a decorative convex moulding,
ceremony. larger than an astragal, found in classical
top rail the upper framing member of a bases; see spira.
window casement or door leaf. Torx head screw a screw whose head
top raker the uppermost slanting prop in has a patented star-shaped or serrated
a raking shore. indentation, tightened with a special
screw bit; usually used on finishing and
top reinforcement main reinforcement precision work.
for a reinforced concrete beam or slab
placed near the upper surface to resist total cost the cost of all works, labour,
tensile forces near junctions, fixed ends construction materials and design in a
and cantilevers. construction project.
topsoil soil occurring at the earth’s sur- total going, run (Am), going; the hori-
face, rich in root, fibrous and organic zontal dimension of a stair flight as mea-
material; see also growing medium. sured on plan.
505 tracer
touch dry, dry to touch; in painting, a town planner, planner; a person or
stage in drying at which finger marks will organization responsible for designing
not be left on the painted surface. and developing town, area and general
touching up in painting and decorating, plans.
the covering of small missed or damaged town planning see planning.
areas with paint after the main body of town planning department, plan-
painting work has been carried out. ning department, planning office;
the administrative department of a local
toughened glass, tempered glass; authority which prepares town plans for
glass that has been heated and then the regional area.
cooled rapidly during manufacture to pro-
duce controlled internal stresses as townscape the visual and spatial quality
strengthening and to make it less danger- of streets, buildings, parks, squares and
ous on shattering; cf. annealed glass; see other elements in a built-up area.
chemically strengthened glass, heat- Town truss a type of lattice beam pat-
soaked glass. ented by Ithiel Town in 1820, consisting
of a series of fairly densely spaced cross-
ing diagonals tied between an upper and
lower chord.

diagonal web
typical shattering of upper chord members
toughened glass into
small pieces to avoid
large and dangerous
shards lower chord
Town truss

toughness the property of a material to toxicity the measure of the poisonous-

withstand repeated deformations without ness of a material or substance with
breaking, through ductility and tensile regard to living organisms.
strength. toxic waste waste material or products
tourelle, touret see turret. left over from a process or use which may
pose a contamination hazard to the envi-
tourmaline a colourful boron aluminium ronment and should be disposed of using
silicate mineral used for its unusual ther- special measures.
moelectrical properties and as a
gemstone. TPE thermoplastic elastomer.
tow rough fibrous material made from trabeated describing a structural system
hemp and flax used for caulking log based on the use of columns and beams;
buildings. see post and beam construction.

tower any tall, slender structure, building

or part of a building. grid of
tower block a tall apartment block con- beams
taining a number of flats on many floors. floor slabs
tower bolt a large barrel bolt.
tower crane a high site crane with hoist-
ing equipment, a control booth and a
counterweighted boom or jib fixed atop a trabeated construction
tall trussed stanchion, either static or run-
ning on rails. trabs, trabes; Lat.; a large principal
town plan the layout of streets and activ- beam, often a main rafter or architrave in
ities in a town; a statutory document classical architecture, or one supporting a
which stipulates types of use, land use crucifix in a church.
restrictions, layout of areas for residential tracer a large masonry chisel used for
and other forms of use, etc. splitting rock.
tracery 506

tracery Gothic ornamental stone and Trametes pini see red ring rot.
woodwork decoration carved into an trammel a compass-like device used as a
intricate vertical and interwoven frame- guide for making an elliptical plastering
work of ribs for the upper parts of open- moulding.
ings such as windows or perforated trammel rod a timber strip used in con-
screens, or for the surface of vaults and junction with a trammel for making an
walls; types included as separate entries elliptical plastering moulding.
are listed below: transenna a perforated
*bar tracery; blind tracery, blank tracery; screen in an early
*branch tracery, astwerk; *decorated trac- Christian church; origi-
ery; *fan tracery, fanwork; *flamboyant nally referring to early
tracery; flowing, curvilinear, undulating forms of window with
tracery; *geometrical tracery, geometric small panes made from
tracery; *intersecting tracery; Kentish trac- thin sheets of translu-
ery; *loop tracery; *rectilinear, panel, cent marble or
perpendicular tracery; *plate tracery; alabaster. transenna
*reticulated tracery; *Y-tracery.
transept the transverse space to either
trachelion, necking, trachelium; the side of the crossing in a cruciform church
upper part of the shaft of a classical Doric or cathedral, the ‘arms’ of the cross which
column, below the shaft ring and above meet the nave and chancel.
the hypotrachelion; sometimes also called transfer 1 in prestressed concrete, the
a collarino. transfer of loading from the concrete to
trachytic tuff see trass. the prestressing tendons; see also
track 1 a preformed steel or plastics sec- 2 patterns, lettering, symbols or figures,
tion for guiding and supporting rollers in vehicles and plants printed onto thin
the operating mechanism of a sliding adhesive transparent plastic sheet and
door, curtain, etc.; see also lighting track, applied as embellishment to drawings.
suspension track.
2 a small unpaved road or route, or an
transfer moulding a method of forming
assembly of rails, sleepers and fixings for a thermoplastics and thermosetting plastics
rail transport system. products by heating material in a mould
then applying pressure to force it through
trade one of the various skilled or semi- channels into its final shape; used for deli-
skilled technical on-site occupations, often cate castings.
demanding training, required in the con-
struction of a building. transformer an electrical device for
trade contractor see specialized transmuting electrical energy to a differ-
contractor. ent voltage and current level with mini-
trade discount a reduction in prices mal power loss.
offered by a supplier to trade customers transit see theodolite.
from which the client may be entitled to transitional igneous rock see hyp-
benefit under terms of a building abyssal rock.
trade name the name by which a prod- transitional style a style in architecture
uct or material is sold. which occurs during the change from one
trades foreman a contractor’s represen- style to another, such as from
tative responsible for supervising con- Romanesque to Gothic or from Gothic to
struction work on site carried out by Renaissance.
specific tradesmen. transit mixer see truck mixer.
tradesman a person skilled in a particu- translucency, obscurance; the property
lar job of work, employed on a construc-
of a material to allow the passage of light
tion site.
without being fully transparent.
trailer mixer a mobile concrete mixer translucent glass see diffuse reflection
designed to be towed by a vehicle. glass.
507 tread
transmittance see light transmittance, 2 arc doubleau; a rib which runs across
thermal transmittance. the space at the edge of a rib vault.
transom, transome; a horizontal fram- transverse ridge rib a horizontal rib
which runs across the space at the ridge
ing member in a window or door frame,
of a rib vault.
between two openable panels such as a
door and fanlight above, or between two transverse section, cross-section; a
sashes in the same frame; also the hori- drawing representing a cut through the
zontal bar in a cross. shorter dimension of a site, building or
fanlight transverse warping see cup.
transverse wave a waveform in which
displacement is perpendicular to the
transom direction of propagation.
trap a device or construction at a drain,
mullion gully or drainage outlet, filled with water
to prevent the passage of foul air from a
sewer back into the building or area.
transom light, transom window see
fanlight. trapdoor a horizontal hinged hatch in a
floor; see also access door.
transparency 1 the property of a mate- trapdoor handle a device or fitting for
rial which permits the undiffused passage pulling opening a trapdoor.
of light through it; a transparent material
such as glass is also described as clear. trapless gully a drainage gully with no
2 a sheet of clear acrylic or other plastic trap, through which gases from the drain
with an image or text printed on one side; can freely escape.
used in conjunction with an overhead trapped gully a gully containing a trap
projector or other projecting device; a to prevent gases and odours escaping
print applied to transparent or translucent from the drain to which it is connected.
material such as plastics or paper.
traprock see diabase.
transparent gold ochre see Turner’s
yellow. trass, trachytic tuff; a variety of volcanic
tuff which, by virtue of its hydraulic prop-
transparent mirror glass glass treated erties, is often used as an admixture in
with a thin metallic foil to reflect most of cement in underwater construction.
the light which falls on it, rendering it
transparent under certain lighting condi- trave see bay.
tions and a mirror under others. travertine a variety of porous, pale-
transparent oxide of chromium see coloured limestone, tufa, deposited by
viridian. springwater, often containing fossils; used
in building for decorative stonework and
transverse arch one of a series of arches ornament.
crossing the main body of a vaulted build-
ing such as a Romanesque basilica church, tray see metal tray.
supported on columns on ether side of tray decking see profiled sheeting.
the nave; an arch in a groin, rib or fan trayle see vignette.
vaulted roof which separates one vaulted
bay from another; any similar or crosswise
arch in a modern structure. tread the horizontal upper surface of a
step, or the shallow platform which
transverse beam see cross-beam.
forms a step; types listed as separate
transverse joint see cross joint. entries are listed below:
transverse reinforcement see lateral *parallel tread, see flier; *tapered tread,
reinforcement. see tapered step; *wheel tread, see
transverse rib, 1 a lateral protrusion in a tread plate see chequerplate.
reinforcing bar.
treated plywood 508

tread width in stair design, the hori- trench a long, narrow excavation in earth,
zontal distance from the nosing to the or similar longitudinal cut or machining in
rear edge of a tread, often greater than a surface such as wood.
the going. trenched joint see notched joint.
trenched purlin see through purlin.
trench-fill foundation a rough founda-
treated plywood plywood whose tion constructed by excavating a longitu-
veneers or adhesive have been treated dinal excavation, laying reinforcing bars,
with preservatives or resins. and filling the excavation with concrete,
without the need for formwork.
treatment the application of a process,
material coating, etc. to a surface, object
or component in order to improve its
properties; see also acoustic treatment,
surface treatment, air treatment.
trefoil a decorative
design consisting of
three leaf motifs or
lobes radiating out-
wards from a point; trench-fill foundation
see also pointed trefoil. trefoil motif trenching saw see grooving saw.
trefoil arch an arch composed of three trench sheeting see sheet piling.
lobes or foils in a cloverleaf arrangement.
trestle see saw horse.
trial hole see trial pit.
trial pile in foundation technology, a pile
sunk prior to foundation construction to
determine the suitability of its functioning
and design; see also test pile, preliminary
trial pit, trial hole, test pit (Am); in site
trefoil arch
investigation, an excavation made on site
trefoil moulding a decorative moulding prior to commencement of construction
with a series of trefoil motifs joined to ascertain the soil type, existing services,
end on end, primarily found in heraldic depth of bedrock, etc.
designs; also called a cloverleaf moulding. triangular arch an arch composed of
two flat leaning slabs which meet at an
apex to form a triangular opening; not a
true arch.

trefoil moulding

trellis a loose screen with a grid or rows

of jointed timber strips for supporting
climbing plants.
tremie concrete underwater concrete
pumped into place using a tremie, a long triangular arch
flexible pipe with a funnel-shaped upper
end, into which concrete is poured, whose triangular fillet see angle fillet.
other end is located in the fresh concrete triangular pediment see pediment.
which has already been placed. triangulation 1 a method of surveying
trenail a large hardwood pin, peg or nail and mapping which employs trigonome-
used for fastening traditional timber try to divide an area into a grid of trian-
joints. gles between known fixed points.
509 trimming
2 in structures, the use of diagonal struts attached as mouldings, beads, rails, and
in pin-jointed frames to provide stiffening. cover strips; see also door trim, window
3 in drawing composition, the use of diag- trim, moulding, perimeter trim, timber
onals to define key points and assess trim.
proportions. trimetric projection 1 ‘three measure-
tribune 1 an apse in a basilica. ments’; in general, any axonometric or
2 a gallery in a church above a side aisle oblique projection drawing in which lines
and opening out onto a nave. parallel to all three main axes are drawn
3 an important room in an Italian villa, a at different scales; scales and angles are
balcony or gallery therein. chosen to produce the most realistic
4 a raised platform for a speaker; see depictions.
tribunal. 2 in particular, any of a number of stan-
tribunal arch an upper arch between dardized axonometric projections in
the choir and apse of a church or basilica. which the X and Y axes are drawn at dif-
trickle ventilator a venting device ferent angles above the horizontal and
incorporated into a high performance the Z axis is vertical; all three axes have
window unit to permit ventilation without different scales.
draught caused by an opening. trimmed beam, trimmed joist; in tim-
trifoliated arch a decorative arch whose ber frame construction, a beam shortened
intrados is composed of three lobes or to accommodate an opening or otherwise
foils in a cloverleaf arrangement, and cropped, carried by a trimmer joist or
whose extrados is a round or pointed beam at the edge of the opening.
arch; especially found in Gothic architec- trimmed rafter a rafter carried by a
ture; see round trifoliated arch, pointed trimmer at the edge of an opening in roof
trifoliated arch. construction.

triforium in Romanesque or Early Gothic trimmed veneer a sheet of veneer of

religious architecture, an inwardly facing which at least one edge has been cut
open wall passage, often arcaded, running straight before gluing.
above the nave arcade below clerestory trimmer, trimmer beam; in timber-
level in a cathedral. framed construction, a lateral member
which frames the edge of an opening in a
floor or roof, and bears the ends of
clere- trimmed beams or joists; also known as a
story trimmer joist.
trimmer's hammer a lightweight ham-
mer used by a flooring carpenter.
trimming 1 the removal of the ends of
batches of converted timber sections to
produce pieces of the same lengths for
arcade shipping and sale.
2 in timber frame construction, the cutting
and framing of timbers around an
triglyph in classical architecture, one of a opening.
series of grooved blocks or panels which
line a Doric frieze and are separated by
metopes; these vertical grooves, called trimming joist
glyphs, are arranged in groups of three.
trim a narrow strip of wood or other
material used in construction as surface
decoration or for covering a joint or seam,
or a gap between frame and adjacent trimmer trimmed
construction in a window or door open- joist
ing; see architrave; a generic term for all
thin sections of timber or other material trimming axe see masonry axe.
tringle 510
trimming joist in framed floor and wall trochilus a deeply recessed moulding,
construction, a joist bounding an opening, ovoid in cross-section; also called gorge;
from which trimmers are supported. see scotia.
trimming rafter in timber roof construc- troughed sheeting metal and plastics
tion, a rafter, from which trimmers are profiled sheeting formed with a series of
supported, which bounds an opening in stiffening toothed protrusions in profile;
the roof. steel troughed sheeting has structural
tringle see listel. strength and is often used for decking.
Trinidad bitumen a form of lake asphalt
which used to be imported from Trinidad.
tripartite vault a masonry vault sprung
on three points of support, triangular in
plan and composed of three curved roof

troughed sheeting
troughed sheet roofing thin non-struc-
tural sheetmetal or plastics troughed
sheeting used as roofing material.
trough mould a formwork mould for
producing an elongated recess or channel
tripartite vault in a concrete slab.
tri-phosphor lamp a fluorescent lamp trough roof see M-roof.
with good colour rendering and circuit trough vault a barrel vault whose ends
efficacy whose colour spectrum is made are closed with vaults.
up of three distinct peaks.
triple glazing glazing in which three
parallel layers of glass separate the inside
and outside of a building to provide ther-
mal and acoustic insulation.
triple-glazed unit a sealed glazed unit
made of three parallel sheets of glass
sealed around air gaps.
triple-glazed window a window ther-
mally insulated with three successive trough vault
panes of glass, either forming a sealed
unit, glazed individually or a combination
of the two. trowel a hand tool for the application,
jointing, smoothing and shaping of plas-
triple roof see trussed roof.
ter, filler, mortar, etc. by means of a flat
Triplochiton scleroxylon see obeche. metal blade fixed to a short handle;
tripod a portable three-legged support types included as separate entries are
used as an adjustable but steady mount- listed below:
ing for an optical instrument. *angle trowel; *bricklayer’s trowel, brick
trowel; *corner trowel, see angle trowel;
trip switch see overload trip, circuit *external angle trowel; *finishing trowel;
breaker. *gauging trowel; *helicopter, see power
tritium a radioactive isotope of hydrogen. trowel; *internal angle trowel, inside cor-
triumphal arch (Lat. arcus triumphalis); ner trowel; *jointing trowel; *laying-on
a large arched monument constructed in trowel, see plasterer’s trowel; *machine
a public urban place to commemorate a trowel, see power trowel; *margin trowel;
great event, usually a victory in war; mod- *mason’s trowel, masonry trowel, see
ern equivalents in urban settings. bricklayer’s trowel; *mechanical trowel,
511 trussed

see power trowel; *notched trowel; *out- trunking, raceway (Am); openable cas-
side corner trowel, see external angle ing for cables and wiring in an electric
trowel; *plasterer’s trowel; *power installation.
trowel; *rotary trowel, see power trowel; trunnel see gutta.
*smoothing trowel, see finishing
trowel; *spatula; *square external angle
trowel; *square internal angle trowel;
truss, lattice structure; a structural
element consisting of a number of
*Swiss trowel; *twitcher trowel, twitcher.
members pin-jointed at their ends to
form a beam which resists loads by
means of triangulation, in particular one
of steel or timber used for supporting
floors and roofs; types included as sepa-
rate entries are listed below:
*arch braced roof truss; *arched truss,
arch truss, see trussed arch; *attic truss;
*base cruck truss; *Belfast truss; *Belgian
trowel-finished rendering rendering truss, see Fink truss; *bowstring truss;
whose wet surface has been worked *closed cruck truss; *collar and tie beam
with a hand-held trowel to produce a truss; *composite truss; *couple truss, see
smooth, even finish. coupled rafters; *cruck truss; *double
trowelled finish a finish for concrete hammer beam truss; *fan truss; *Fink
produced by smoothing with a power truss; *fish-bellied truss; *flat top truss,
or hand trowel. flat truss; *French truss, see Fink truss;
trowelled plastering see hand- *full cruck truss, see closed cruck
plastering. truss; *half truss; *hammer-beam roof
truss; *Howe truss; *joggle truss; *king
post roof truss; *mansard roof truss;
truck mixer, transit mixer; a concrete *open cruck truss; *plane truss; *polygo-
mixer attached to a vehicle, which can nal truss; *Pratt truss; *principal roof truss;
mix the concrete in transit to site. *queen post truss; *queen strut roof truss;
*roof truss; *scissors truss; *secondary
true fresco see buon fresco. roof truss; *tie beam truss; *timber truss;
trulay rope a proprietary name for pre- *Town truss; *Vierendeel truss; *Warren
formed rope. truss; *W truss, see Fink truss.
trullisatio see roughcast.
Trumeau a masonry column, pillar or pier trussed a designation of structural com-
between two openings, often in religious ponents constructed of longitudinal mem-
buildings supporting the centre of the bers which are triangulated in the form of
tympanum in an arched doorway or a truss.
window. trussed arch a truss in which both upper
trumeau figure a carved statuesque and lower chords are arches, with diago-
figure decorating a trumeau, depicting a nal web members between; also known
religious person or saint. as an arch truss.
trumpet capital a Gothic capital whose
diameter increases in size towards the
top; also called a bell capital.
trussed arch

trussed arch bridge

trussed beam, framed beam, lattice

trumpet capital beam; a compound beam of upper and
truss-out scaffolding 512
lower chords which take compression and T-square a T-shaped drawing instrument
tension stresses respectively, and interme- for ruling straight parallel lines, with a
diate triangulated struts which hold them wooden or plastic ruler and perpendicular
apart. piece guided by hooking it over the edge
trussed construction any triangulated of a drawing board or table.
frame construction braced to form a rigid
Tsuga spp. see hemlock.
loadbearing structure.
trussed purlin a trussed beam which tube 1 any rigid hollow product of plas-
functions as a purlin. tics, ceramic or metal, used for structure,
trussed purlin roof a roof with purlins framing, electrical protection, conveying
which are trussed beams. liquids or gases, etc.
2 see fluorescent lamp, neon tube.

ridge beam tube conveyor, pneumatic document
conveyor; an in-house system for con-
veying light goods such as documents or
money in sealed units along pipelines
from one room or floor to another, driven
by compressed air.
tubular pile see pipe pile.
trussed purlin
tubular saw see hole saw.
tubular scaffolding scaffolding of steel
trussed rafters in pitched roof construc- or aluminium tubes, often with proprie-
tion, coupled rafters with or without sub- tary jointing and shackles, supporting
sidiary supporting or bracing members. scaffolding boards or grilles.
trussed rafter roof a pitched roof with tubular section see hollow section.
all opposite pairs of common rafters trian- tuck-in in bituminous roofing, the edge
gularly braced. of a sheet of bitumen felt skirting tucked
trussed roof, triple roof; a roof struc- into a chase in an abutment.
ture of roof trusses held together by
purlins. tuck pointing in brickwork jointing,
light-coloured mortar pushed into darker
truss-out scaffolding scaffolding sup- coloured pointing to create the illusion of
ported by and projecting from the build- thin joints between bricks.
ing for which it has been erected; used
where the ground cannot provide Tudor architecture architecture in
support. England during the reign of the Tudors
(Henry VII to Elizabeth I, 1485 1603), evi-
truss plate construction timber frame dent principally in secular palaces and
construction in which timber members country houses, and characterized by the
are held together by a toothed metal gradual transition from Gothic to
plate called a truss plate; see nail plate. Renaissance elements.
try and mitre square, combination Tudor arch, four-centred pointed
square; an adjustable carpenter’s tool arch; a pointed arch composed of four
used as a try square, mitre square, level, arc segments struck from different points,
marking gauge, plumb, and straight edge. sometimes with straight upper edges; see
trying plane see jointer plane. also pseudo four-centred arch.

try square a measuring instrument for

marking lines perpendicular to a surface
or checking perpendicularity, consisting of
a wooden stock and straight metal blade
fixed at right angles to one another.
T-section, T-bar, tee section; a struc-
tural steel section formed by rolling,
whose uniform cross-section resembles a
letter T with equal width of flanges. Tudor arch
513 turn button
Tudor flower an English Gothic decora- tungsten, wolfram; a heavy, grey metal,
tive motif depicting a stylized ivy leaf. W, which has a high melting point; used
for the filaments of electric lamps and as
an alloy in steel.
tungsten carbide a very hard alloy of
the metal tungsten used for tipping the
edges of cutting tools.
tungsten-halogen lamp see halogen
tungsten inert-gas arc welding see
tudor flower TIG welding.
tungsten steel steel alloyed with tung-
Tudor rose a decorative design of a red sten and small quantities of carbon.
and white rose combined in a single tunnel formwork see apartment
motif; the symbol of a united England formwork.
after 1485.
tunnel vault see barrel vault.
tupelo, black gum (Am); [Nyssa spp.] a
lightweight hardwood from North
America with grey sapwood and creamy
yellow heartwood; used for railway slee-
pers, flooring, furniture and plywood.
tudor rose turette see turret.
turf roof, grass roof; a roof whose
tufa a porous sedimentary rock, usually weatherproofing is provided by growing
limestone, formed from the deposits of turf laid over a waterproof membrane; see
mineral-enriched springs or pools; see cal- also green roof.
careous tufa.
tuff, volcanic tuff, tephra; volcanic rock
formed by the consolidation of ash and
other ejected products of volcanic action;
used as building stone; see trass (trachytic
tuff), ignimbrite (welded tuff). vegetation layer
tuffite rock consisting of volcanic tuff rooting layer
mixed with sedimentary rock. drainage layer
tufted carpet a type of carpet with pile membrane above
tufts mechanically inserted into a prewo- boarding
ven backing by needles. turf roof

tulipwood, American whitewood,

canary wood, yellow poplar; turn see thumb turn.
[Liriodendron tulipifera] a hardwood from turnbuckle a mechanism for tensioning
North America and Europe with soft bracing wires, cables or rods joined end
greenish-brown timber; used for plywood on end by means of two threaded con-
and interior furniture. nections housed in a sleeve, which is
turned to produce a tightening force.
tumbler one of a number of pivoted pins
or discs which holds the bolt in a lock
mechanism fast until lifted with a
suitable key.
tung oil, China wood oil; a high-quality
drying oil pressed from the nuts of the Turnbull’s blue a form of potassium fer-
Chinese trees Aleurites fordii and Aleurites rous ferricyanide used as a pale blue
montana; used as a vehicle in industrial pigment.
varnishes to produce tough strong
coatings. turn button see button.
Turner’s yellow 514
Turner’s yellow, Kassler yellow, min- along its axis for greater flexibility in cut-
eral yellow, Montpelier yellow, pat- ting curves, etc.
ent yellow, transparent gold ochre;
an obsolete yellow lead oxychloride pig- turning stair, winding stair; a stair
ment used extensively in the past in whose direction of travel changes as it
watercolour, oil and chalk paints. ascends; types included as separate
turning the shaping of wooden pieces on entries are listed below:
a lathe to create items which are predomi- *curving stair; *half turn stair; *one-turn
nantly circular in section. stairs; *quarter turn stair.
turning chisel a woodworking chisel
used for shaping wood on a lathe.
turnkey contract see design and con-
struct contract.
skew chisel
scraper turn-up in bituminous roofing, the edge
of a sheet of bitumen felt which acts as a
skirting at an abutment.
turpentine, oil of turpentine, spirits
parting gouge of turpentine; volatile distillations of the
resinous liquid exuded from certain pines
turning chisels and other coniferous trees; used in the
turning gouge a turning chisel with a preparation of oil paints and as a thinner;
concave blade for removing wood, rough originally the resinous secretion itself; see
shaping and smoothing. also rosin.
turning catch see turning latch. turquoise, kallaite; a semi-translucent
blue or blue-green mineral polished or
turning circle in design for vehicular carved as decoration and ornament.
traffic, the minimum distance needed for
the turning of a particular class of vehicle, turret a smaller defensive or decorative
measured variously as the outer radius or corner or boundary tower in a castle, forti-
diameter of the circle it inscribes when fication or palace, often with a platform
turning through 180 . and battlements; also sometimes called a
tourelle, touret or turette.
turning latch, turning catch; a simple
latch which holds a door leaf or casement Tuscan order, Etruscan order; a simple
in a closed position by means of a rotat- classical Roman order, influenced by the
ing piece of stiff material attached to the old brick and timber temples of the
frame. Etruscans, and the Greek Doric, with
smooth-shafted columns, a simple capital,
turning piece, camber slip, camber base and entablature.
piece; a piece of timber with a slightly Tuscan capital a simple capital at the
curved upper edge, used as temporary top of a column of the classical Roman
support for a flat or shallow cambered Tuscan order, consisting of an echinus
masonry arch during construction. above an annulet, surmounted by an aba-
cus edged with a cyma moulding.

turning piece
Tuscan capital

turning saw, web saw; a workshop saw Tuscan column a column of the Roman
with a wooden frame constraining a blade Tuscan order, distinguished by a gap
tightened into place, which can be turned between the shaft ring and capital.
515 two-pipe system
tusk tenon joint
in timber frame con-
struction, a specially
hewn tenon joint
for housing the
ends of joists,
pinned to increase tusk tenon joint two-brick wall
its bearing capacity.
twining stem a decorative moulding two by four the traditional term for
representing the coiled stem of a climbing sawn timber whose cross-section is
plant. 503100 mm; refers to dimensions in
two-centred ogee arch, depressed
ogee arch; an ogee arch with lower
haunches constructed around two centres
twining stem of curvature; lower or fatter than a normal
ogee arch.

twinned see coupled.

twinned columns see coupled columns.
twin tenon joint see double tenon
twin triangle tie double triangle
wall tie.
twist an end-to-end rotational warping of
an improperly seasoned timber board on
two-centred ogee arch
drying, making it propeller-shaped.
two coat plasterwork, render and
set; plasterwork consisting of two sepa-
rate layers; the first coat which smooths
off the base and provides a key, and the
final coat which provides a finish.

twist in improperly
two component, two pack, two part
seasoned timber
designations of high-performance adhe-
board sives and sealants which are supplied in
two separate parts which must be mixed
before use for chemical hardening to
twist drill a hardened steel drill bit with occur.
spiral cutting edges, used for boring holes two component adhesive see two-part
in metal or wood. adhesive.
twisted bar see cold twisted bar. two component sealant, two-part
sealant; a sealant such as polyurethane
twisted column see spiral column. products, supplied as two separate com-
twist gimlet see gimlet. ponents, which must be mixed before
twisting fibres see interlocking grain. application.
two part adhesive, two pack adhe-
twist tie see vertical twist tie. sive, two component adhesive;
twitcher trowel, twitcher, angle adhesive mixed from two separate parts
trowel; a hand tool for smoothing inter- before use.
nal corners in plasterwork with a handled two part sealant see two component
blade of bent steel sheet. sealant.
two-brick wall a solid bonded brick wall two-pipe system a central heating sys-
whose width is the sum of two brick tem in which each radiator is served by
lengths plus one intermediate joint. two pipe circuits: one for input hot water
two-stage tendering 516
and the other for return water to the heat- tying wire see binding wire.
ing plant.
tympanum, 1 tympan; Lat.; an area of
two-stage tendering in contract wall, panel or space enclosed within an
administration, a tendering procedure in arch and its horizontal line of springing.
which a contractor is selected on the basis 2 the triangular panel or surface on the
of an approximate bill of quantities, and front face of a classical pediment or deco-
the price negotiated on the basis of the rative gable.
contractor’s advice at the design stage. 3 see dado.
two-way reinforcement concrete slab Tyrian purple, Grecian purple,
reinforcement consisting of sets or a ostrum, purple of the ancients; a pur-
mesh of parallel reinforcing bars laid in ple pigment used by the Romans for
two perpendicular directions to provide imperial dress, originally obtained from
resistance to tensile forces along two the shellfish Murex trunculis and Murex
major axes. brandaris and later manufactured synthet-
two-way slab a reinforced concrete slab ically; now superseded by other pigments.
with two-way reinforcement, designed to
Tyrolean finish a surface coating of
span in two perpendicular directions.
mortar for masonry and concrete, tex-
two-way stick adhesive any adhesive tured after application; textured or pat-
applied to both surfaces to be joined. terned render or plasterwork.
UB section see I-section. ultraviolet light resistance the ability
UC section see H-section. of a material or surface to inhibit the
transmission of ultraviolet light, or to be
UF urea formaldehyde. unaffected in its presence.
Ulmus spp. see elm.
ultimate load the greatest load a struc- umber, umbre; a general name for
ture or structural member can withstand brown native pigments rich in oxides of
before it fails. iron and manganese; its colour may
ultimate strength, breaking strength; range from yellowish to greenish and
in the study of materials, the stress at reddish and is usually darker than
which a material or component fails under sienna and ochre; umber pigments
increasing load. included as separate entries are listed
ultimate compressive strength failure below:
occurs due to compression or crushing. *burnt umber; *chestnut brown, raw
umber; *jacaranda brown, see burnt
ultrabasic rock a form of igneous rock umber; *mineral brown, see burnt umber;
whose silica content is less than 45%. *raw umber; *Sicilian brown, see raw
umber; *Spanish brown, see burnt umber;
ultramarine, ultramarine blue; a *terra ombre, see raw umber.
greenish-blue pigment originally made
from the mineral lapis lazuli until an arti-
ficial method of production was discov- umbrella dome, melon dome, para-
ered in 1828; also the name given to chute dome, pumpkin dome; a domi-
the shade of colour of this. cal vault which, in plan, is a polygon
ultramarine green a greenish form of whose sides are arcs of a circle.
ultramarine pigment.
ultramarine yellow an old name for
barium yellow pigment; types of ultra-
marine included as separate entries are
listed below:
*cobalt ultramarine; *French blue, French
ultramarine, Gmellin’s blue, see artifical

ultrasound sound with a frequency

greater than that which can be heard by umbrella dome
the human ear (greater than 15 20 kHz).
ultrasonic pertaining to ultrasound. uncoursed a descriprion of masonry wall-
ultrasonic welding a method of weld- ing which is not laid in regular horizontal
ing stainless steels and other alloys by the courses.
application of ultrasonic vibration and uncoursed ashlar, random ashlar
light pressure. ashlar masonry with stones of different
ultraviolet radiation, UV; that part of sizes laid in a rough bond with no or few
the electromagnetic spectrum beyond the horizontal running joints.
cool violet end, with wavelengths between
400 40 nm, shorter than radiation of the
visible spectrum; often known as ultraviolet
light when produced by lamps.
ultraviolet control glass see laminated
ultraviolet light control glass, anti-fading
ultraviolet lamp an electric lamp which
produces light from the ultraviolet end of uncoursed
the spectrum. ashlar
uncrushed gravel 518
uncoursed rubble, random rubble undercoat plaster plaster laid directly
masonry construction of roughly shaped onto a wall or ceiling as a base onto
stones not laid in courses. which further coats are applied.
undercroft the vaulted cellar of a build-
ing, used for storage, or the vaulted cellar
of a church, a crypt.
undercut tenon joint a timber tenon
joint in which a sloping cut is made into
the receiving piece to provide a greater
gluing area for the tenoned end, or a
ledge on which it rests.

under-deposit corrosion see deposit
rubble corrosion.
underfelt see underlay, felt underlay.
uncoursed squared rubble masonry
roughly squared pieces of stone laid as underfloor heating, floor heating;
masonry with no definable coursed pat- electric wires or hot water pipes laid under
tern; also called random squared rubble a floor or within floor construction as
masonry. space heating and to provide a pleasantly
warm floor surface in bathrooms, etc.
uncrushed gravel coarse aggregate
processed from naturally occurring gravel underground parking an area of park-
which has not undergone further proces- ing located below ground, either in spe-
sing of mechanical crushing. cially excavated structures or in the
basements of buildings.
under-and-over tile, Spanish tile,
mission tile (Am); a U-shaped clay roof underground watering in landscaping
tile laid alternately convexly and conca- and forestry, the provision of water
vely in courses to overlap one another. directly to the roots of plants by burying
perforated pipes in the soil.
undergrowth, understorey; the lowest
layer of plants and shrubs that grow on a
landscaped area or woodland floor.
underlay, 1 underfelt; a base layer of
sheet material such as expanded polysty-
rene or cork sheeting laid beneath a floor
covering as a vibration or noise attenuator
and to provide an even base; flooring
under-and-over tile 2 in roof construction, a layer of impervi-
ous material such as polythene sheet or
undercloak the lower overlapping part roofing felt laid beneath roofing such as
of a folded sheetmetal roofing seam or slates, tiles, profiles sheeting, etc. as sec-
welt, covered by an overcloak. ondary protection against the penetration
of water; see also base sheet, felt under-
overcloak lay, roofing underlay, sheathing, perfo-
rated underlay bitumen felt (vented
undercloak underlay).
underpinning the addition of support
beneath the foundations of an existing
roll joint structure to account for an increase in
loading or altered ground conditions.
undercoat a coat of paint or treatment underpitched vault a cross vault in
applied to prepare, seal or colour a sur- which the arches at the edges of the bay
face prior to a final or finish coat; see also are smaller than those across the bay. See
plaster undercoat. illustration on facing page.
519 untreated sewage
because of its state of disrepair, contami-
nation, fire damage, etc.
union a pipe fitting with a loose coupling
nut at its end; used for connecting a
threaded pipe to an appliance; see
screwed union.
union clip an accessory for joining two
sections of rainwater guttering or similar
under-reamed pile in foundation tech- component end to end.
nology, a bored pile whose base is
unit, 1 unit of measurement; a value or
enlarged; also called a belled pile or
size used by convention as a measure of a
pedestal pile.
quantity (metre, second).
undersurface see soffit. 2 a component or group of components
underwater concrete concrete which is viewed as a whole; a module; see prefabri-
placed, and hardens, under water; see cated unit, precast concrete unit, cladding
also tremie concrete. unit, concrete paving slab, dwelling unit.
unit air-conditioner, cooler unit,
undisturbed sample a soil sample room air-conditioner, self-contained
which has been removed from the ground air-conditioner; an independent air-
as a core sample and largely represents treatment unit situated within the space it
the properties in analysis of the soil from serves.
which it was taken. unit cost the price per unit (square
undulating moulding see wave metre, kilogram, etc.) of a commodity.
moulding. unit paver see concrete block paver.
undulating tracery see flowing tracery. unit price contract a standard prime
contract in which a contractor agrees to
undy moulding see oundy moulding. carry out construction work according to
unedged a description of converted tim- a pre-determined, fixed sum for each
ber which contains wane, or has been specified unit of work performed; the final
sawn on two opposite sides but not at the price is determined by multiplying the
edges. unit price for each unit by the measured
quantity of work carried out.
unequal angle a steel angle in which
the limbs are of differing lengths when universal beam see I-section.
viewed in cross-section. universal column see H-section.
uneven grain a pronounced visual dif- universal plane see combination plane.
ference between earlywood and latewood
in a piece of sawn timber. unreinforced a description of structural
concrete which does not contain steel
unexcavated referring to an area of a reinforcement; unreinforced concrete is
construction site which has not been dug also called plain concrete.
or excavated during construction work.
unrolled veneer see rotary cut veneer.
unframed door 1 a rudimentary door
whose leaf is made from vertical match- unsaturated in colour science, referring
boarding held together with horizontal to pale shades of colour which are not as
members or ledges nailed to one side, intense as the same hue without white.
often with diagonal braces for additional unsaturated polyester see polyester
stiffness. resin.
2 see all glass door. unskilled labourer a construction
unheated space space in a building worker with little formal training, who
which contains no heating appliance and usually works as a builder's hand.
is kept at about the same temperature as unsound knot, decayed knot, rotten
external air. knot; a knot in timber, softer than the sur-
uninhabitable a description of a build- rounding wood as a result of fungal attack.
ing deemed to be unfit for occupation untreated sewage see raw sewage.
unventilated roof 520
unventilated roof roof construction U-profile see channel.
which contains a vapour control layer to upsetting, setting up; the making thicker
restrict movement of vapour above the of the end of a metal bar by hammering
insulation layer, and has no need for a it on end while hot, as with the fixing
ventilation gap within the construction. of rivets.
UP polyester resin. upside down roof, inverted roof, pro-
up-and-over door an overhead door tected membrane roof; a roof whose
whose single door leaf is opened by lifting insulation is laid above the waterproofing
it into a horizontal position above the membrane and is held in position by bal-
door opening on a system of pivots, levers last such as shingle or concrete slabs; the
and springs. insulation thus protects the waterproofing
from the effects of weathering and ther-
mal variation.
upstairs the upper floor of a building
above the ground floor.
upstand an area of waterproof mem-
brane or sheeting turned up against a
wall abutment or parapet to provide a
secure edge joint; see roofing upstand;
slate fillet; tile fillet (tiled upstand); water
up-and-over door check.
upstand beam a beam which protrudes
upholsterer's hammer a small hammer from the upper face of a concrete slab,
used for hammering tacks in upholstery which it supports.
work; it often contains a magnet in its upstand flashing in roofing, a flashing
head for holding nails. which forms an upstand at an abutment
but is not dressed into the abutting wall;
upholstery fabric covering for furniture
it is covered by a cover flashing.
and fittings.
upholstery tack, upholstery nail; a uranium yellow a permanent, expensive
small nail with a dome-shaped head, used pigment made from uranium oxide; used
for fastening upholstery to furniture. in ceramics.
urban development the construction
of whole areas of a town or city, con-
trolled by planning processes to enhance
or improve conditions therein.
upholstery tack
urban fabric, urban form see urban
upholstery textile in interior design, structure.
cloth used for cladding or covering fur- urban planning town planning con-
nishings and other interior components. cerned with the nature, structure, and
U-pin see staple. functioning of human collectives in physi-
cal space; see planning.
uplighting lighting designed to provide
indirect light to a space by illumination of urban redevelopment see urban
ceiling and upper wall surfaces. renewal, comprehensive redevelopment.
uplighter a luminaire which indirectly urban renewal, urban redevelop-
illuminates a space or area by directing ment; the reconstruction and rehabilita-
light upwards. tion of blighted or decaying urban areas
upper chord, top chord; the upper and communities.
member in a truss. urban structure, urban fabric, urban
upper glazing see top light. form; the overall shape and pattern of an
urban area based on its visual and mate-
upper king post see king tie. rial impact, density, traffic patterns and
upright see standard. topography.
521 U-value
urdy moulding a crenellated moulding regular dimensions of 8” 3 4” 3 22/3”
whose upper and lower castellations have (203.2 3 101.6 3 67.7 mm); also confus-
sharpened extremities; sometimes called a ingly called a modular brick.
vair moulding in heraldry. utile, sipo; [Entandrophragma utile] a
hardwood from West Africa with strong,
heavy, rich tawny timber used for furni-
ture, panelling and construction work.

urdy moulding
utility 1 see service.
2 tool; auxiliary computing software for
urea formaldehyde, UF; a clear ther- performing a simple routine task such as
mosetting resin used for mouldings, WC sorting, searching or inspecting.
seats, paints and stove enamels. utility room 1 a room adjoining a
urea formaldehyde glue a synthetic kitchen for providing additional facilities
resin glue made by chemically condens- for washing, storage and other domestic
ing urea with formalin. activities.
urethane varnish see polyurethane 2 service space; a subsidiary space or
varnish. room used in conjunction with the func-
tioning or servicing of a building or adja-
urinal a soil appliance for receiving urine cent major space, largely for storage,
and flushing it away into a drain; a bowl preparation, etc.
urinal or pod urinal is an individual
rounded wall-mounted urinal. utilization factor in lighting design, the
ratio of the luminous flux received by a
use class in planning control, an official surface to the total luminous flux pro-
classification of proposed and existing duced by individual lamps.
building development according to types
of use, whether residential, commercial, UV see ultraviolet radiation.
recreational, industrial etc. U-value, air-to-air heat transmission
use classes order in planning control, coefficient, coefficient of thermal
an official document specifying classes of transmittance, coefficient of heat
use for building development, so that a transfer; a basic quantity used for heat
change of use within the same class is not loss calculations for external wall, roof and
taken to involve development requiring floor constructions, whose units are W/m2
planning consent. 
C; a measure of how well the given con-
U-section a metal section whose cross- struction will conduct heat, available from
section resembles the letter C or U; see standard empirical tables of data, based
channel. on experimentation by measuring the rate
of heat flow per square metre of surface
user a person, animal or object for whom for every degree of temperature differ-
a building is designed and constructed. ence on either side of the construction,
US standard brick a standard size of with a surface coefficient added to allow
brick in use in North America with for exposure to wind and rain.
V-joint a brickwork mortar joint in which value, reflectance; in colour science and
the mortar is shaped with a pointed tool painting, the relative darkness or lightness
to form a V-shaped depression. of a colour, the amount of light reflected
vacuum breaker see anti-vacuum valve. from it.

vacuum concrete, vacuum dewa- valve a control device for closing off and
tered concrete; concrete to which a vac- regulating flow of liquids and gases in
uum is applied after placing in order to pipework.
extract the excess water not needed for valve box see surface box.
hydration. vanadium a metallic chemical element,
vacuum concreting working with vac- V, used as an alloy to toughen steel.
uum concrete. vandal resistant, vandalproof; a
vacuum dewatering, vacuum proces- description or property of a component,
sing; the compaction of fresh concrete by construction or finish which is designed
the application of a controlled vacuum to to resist deliberate damage from vandal-
suck out excess water. ism by virtue of robust construction, tef-
vacuum forming a method of forming lon coatings, etc.
thermoplastic moulded products by suck- Vandyke brown, Rubens brown; a
ing sheet material against a perforated native earth pigment composed of clay and
one-sided mould using a vacuum. iron oxide with included organic matter; a
vacuum pressure impregnated tim- shade of dark brown used by the Flemish
ber see pressure impregnated timber. painter Antonius van Dyck in the 1600s; the
colour of the pigment burnt umber.
vacuum processing see vacuum
dewatering. vane testing in soil investigation, the
on-site testing of the stiffness of soft and
vacuum sewerage a sewerage system silty clays by sinking a winged implement
for flat or low-lying areas in which sewage inside a tube into the soil and measuring
is sucked along plastic pipelines with vac- the force required to turn it.
uum pressure induced by a pumping
station. vanishing point in perspective drawing,
one of the points at which lines converge,
vacuum WC a sealed WC for use on constructed as if at infinity.
trains, ships and aircraft in which soil is dis-
charged into a collecting tank by means of vanity basin, counter top basin; a
a partial vacuum induced by a pump. domestic wash basin housed in a hole cut
into a worktop, usually as part of a bath-
vair moulding same as urdy moulding. room cabinet.
valley the inside join formed by the junc- vaporizing oil burner a burner in an
tion of two pitched roofs meeting at an oil heating system whose oil is vaporized
angle; a roof valley; see also tiled valley. and mixed with air prior to combustion.
valley board in timber frame construc-
tion, a wide board which runs the length vapour barrier, vapour check; an
of a valley as a base for the valley gutter. impervious membrane incorporated into
valley gutter in sheetmetal and other wall construction to inhibit the passage of
pitched roofing, a pressed sheetmetal airborne moisture.
component or other construction vapour blasting see wet blasting.
included in a valley for the runoff of water vapour check see vapour barrier.
to a gutter or outlet.
valley rafter in timber roof construction, vapour control layer a layer of imperv-
a diagonal rafter supporting the meeting ious material or membrane included in
of two sloping roofs at an inside corner or wall, roof, floor, etc. construction to inhibit
valley. the passage of water vapour.
valley roof see M-roof. variable air volume system, variable
valley tile a special roof tile manufac- volume system, VAV system; an air-
tured for use in a roof valley. conditioning system in which temperature
523 vein
of input air is a constant, but actual room vault; *tripartite vault; *trough vault;
temperature is governed by the amount *tunnel vault, see barrel vault; *under-
of air provided to each space with the use pitched vault; *wagon vault, wagonhead
of localized fan units. vault, see barrel vault.
variation, change (Am), modification 2 an underground storage room
(Am); a change in the nature or the beneath a building; a cellar; often one in
extent, conditions or programming of which valuables are kept; a strongroom.
construction work from that stipulated in
a building contract, agreed and billed by
a contractor extra to the contract.
vaulting 1 the curved surfaces of a vault.
variation formula see price variation 2 the making of masonry vaults.
formula. 3 a series of vaults.
variation of price contract a form of VAV system see variable air volume
building contract in which prices may be system.
amended to reflect changes in economic
conditions; see also formula variation of VB-consistometer test, VB-test, Vebe
price contract. test; a test for the workability of fresh
concrete, in which the time of collapse of
variation order in contract administra- a concrete cone on a vibrating table is
tion, an instruction from the client or cli- measured.
ent's representative that implements a
change in the nature or extent of con- vector graphics computer-aided design
structed work. drawing using lines defined by their end
points in space.
varnish a liquid coating applied to a sur-
face as a finish, usually timberwork, join- vegetable fibre thin fibres of plant
ery or furniture, forming a hardwearing material such as wood, hessian, sisal or
transparent film. jute used as reinforcement in composite
varnish brush see flat varnish brush. materials or woven to form matting.
varnish size size made from varnish vegetable fibre reinforced referring to
diluted with a solvent or thinner. composites consisting of vegetable fibres
in a binder such as clay, mud, cement or
plaster; traditionally used for cast and
vault 1 a three-dimensional arched ceil- in-situ work.
ing construction to support a floor or
roof, often of masonry; types included
vegetable glue glue made from plant
matter, especially starch glue (cassava),
as separate entries are listed below:
protein glue (soya glue), or glue from oils
*annular vault; *barrel vault; *cambered
pressed from nuts and rape seed.
vault, see segmental barrel vault; *cloister
vault; *conical vault; *corbelled vault; vegetable soil a thin layer of dark crum-
*coved vault; *cradle vault, see barrel bly soil, usually topsoil, containing a large
vault; *cross vault, see groin vault; *cylin- proportion of decayed vegetable matter
drical vault, see barrel vault; *dome; or humus.
*domical vault, see cloister vault; *dormer vehicle the main liquid body of a paint,
vault; *expanding vault, see conical vault; including a thinner.
*fan vault; *Gothic vault; *groin vault,
groined vault; *hexapartite vault, see sex- vehicle heating point, car heating
partite vault; *intersecting barrel vault, point; an electrical point installed in
see groin vault; *net vault; *octopartite unheated car parks and outdoor parking
vault; *pointed barrel vault, pointed vault; areas to which engine and in-car heating
*quadripartite vault; *rampant vault; devices can be connected in cold
*relieving vault; *rib vault, ribbed vault; weather.
*Roman vault; *Romanesque vault; *sail vehicular ramp an inclined carriageway
vault, see sail dome; *segmental barrel in a car park, roadway, etc. for vehicles to
vault, segmental vault; *sexpartite vault; move from one level to another.
*stellar vault, star vault, star-ribbed vault; vein a linear marking or band of a differ-
*surbased vault, see segmental barrel ent colour or material to the base matrix
velvet carpet 524

A double bay E
B bay
C web, cell, severy
D principal arch
E transverse arch
F wall arch F


in rock and ornamental stone, especially

marble and limestone.
velvet carpet a type of cut-pile carpet of
a basic Wilton type.

veneer 1 sheets of wood less than

6 mm in thickness cut from a log by slic- veneer cutting veneer peeling
ing, peeling or sawing; glued together
as plywood or to cheaper boards as a
decorative finish; often called wood veneered chipboard chipboard sur-
veneer to distinguish it from brick and faced with a wood veneer, used for high-
other veneers. quality interior linings and furnishings.
see veneering pattern for list of
matches; types included as separate veneered parquet see multilayer
entries are listed below: parquet.
*back cut veneer; *burl veneer; *flat cut veneered wall an external wall whose
veneer; *half round veneer; *quarter sliced cladding or facing is non-structural.
veneer; *rotary cut veneer, peeled veneer.
veneer flitch see veneer bolt.
2 non-structural masonry cladding for
the exterior of a buiilding; see brick fac- veneer hammer, veneering hammer;
ing (brick veneer), stone facing (stone a hammer with a long thin flat face used
veneer). in veneerwork for pressing down veneers
during gluing.
veneering, veneerwork; 1 the process
veneer bolt, veneer flitch; a piece of of cutting and gluing decorative glued
wood or log from which veneer is peeled veneers; see veneering pattern for list of
or sliced. matches.
veneer cutting decorative veneer pro- 2 a decorative facing of veneer on board,
duced either by slicing or peeling. plywood or lower quality timber.
525 ventilating pipe
veneering hammer see veneer venetian blind, louvred blind; a rais-
hammer. able window-blind consisting of a number
of horizontal slats of wood, metal or plas-
tics hung by string or tape one above the
veneering pattern the various pat- other, whose angle is adjustable to allow
terns in which veneers are glued to a
more or less light through.
base; types included as separate entries
are listed below: Venetian dentil moulding a dentil
*bookmatching, book match; *box match; moulding cut with a splayed base or
*butt match; *centre match; *chevron background.
match, see V-match; *diamond match;
*herringbone pattern, herringbone
match; *random match; *reverse
box match; *reverse diamond match; *slip
match; *sunburst matching; *vertical butt
and horizontal bookmatching; *V-match.

veneer parquet see multilayer parquet.

Venetian dentil mouldings
veneer peeling decorative veneer pro-
duced by cutting the surface layer from a Venetian mirror glass mirror glass
rotating log or flitch. coated with wide strips of mirrored sur-
veneer pin a small round pin, face interspersed with narrower clear
10 38 mm in length, used for temporarily strips; used for providing one-way vision
fastening veneers in position until the from surveillance and control rooms,
glue has set. offices, etc. to larger spaces.
veneer plywood see plywood. Venetian motif see Palladian motif.
veneer saw a small, fine-toothed saw for Venetian red see oxide red.
cutting veneers. Venetian window, Palladian window;
veneer slicing decorative veneer pro- an ornamental window with three open-
duced by straight cutting of a half log or ings, the central portion arched.
flitch. Venice turpentine a variety of turpen-
veneerwork see veneering. tine exuded from the European larch
Venetian arch 1 a decorative arch form [Larix decidua], used as a medium in
whose intrados is formed of two adjacent paints, varnishes and adhesives.
semicircular arches, and whose extrados is vent, ventilator; a grille or other device
of one, double width semicircle; the span- to allow the passage of fresh air to a
drel left between often contains a circular space from the outside, or for release of
opening or panel. stale air; an openable hatch or window to
provide ventilating air; see fresh-air vent,
exhaust vent, ventilation pipe.
vented underlay see perforated under-
lay bitumen felt.
ventilated roof roof construction with a
planar gap within its thickness above the
insulating layer, for the circulation of air,
Venetian arches removal of moisture, etc.
ventilating brick see air brick.
2 a decorative pointed arch form whose
intrados and extrados are further apart at ventilating column a vertical ventilat-
the crown than at the springing; an arch ing pipe for an underground sewer.
whose intrados is an elliptical arch and ventilating pipe a pipe in a drainage
extrados is an ogee is also sometimes system for the ventilation and pressure
called a Venetian arch. release of a discharge pipe.
ventilating tile 526
ventilating tile a special roof tile with ventilator see vent, trickle ventilator,
perforations to permit ventilation. eaves ventilator.
ventilating ridge tile a special perfo- venting see fire venting.
rated ridge tile to allow for the passage of
ventilating air. venting layer see perforated underlay
bitumen felt.
ventilation 1 the maintenance of the air
quality of spaces in a building by contin- venting panel see blast venting panel.
ual provision of fresh air from the outside, vent pipe see stack vent, ventilation
either by natural or mechanical means; pipe.
see natural ventilation, mechanical
vent soaker see pipe flashing.
2 the natural passage of air into rooms to vent stack see ventilation stack.
provide fresh air, and through gaps or veranda, verandah; a roofed open
cavities within roof, wall and floor con- space, terrace or porch providing shelter
struction to convey excess moisture out, and shade along the sides or front of a
thus inhibiting mould and fungal attack; building.
see also roof ventilation.
ventilation duct an air duct used in a plan of holiday home,
mechanical ventilation installation, or a architect N. Davies
closed flue or other channel, through living
which stale air from a space can pass to sauna
the outside.
ventilation gap a space between layers
in roof or wall construction allowing for verandah
the passage of circulating air to remove
unwanted moisture. verawood, Maracaibo lignum vitae;
ventilation installation see ventilation [Bulnesia arborea] an extremely heavy
plant. Venezuelan tropical hardwood.
ventilation pipe, vent, vent pipe; a verge 1 the join of roof and wall at a
pipe connected to a drainage system gable or sloping end of a pitched roof.
which conveys foul air upwards out of a 2 margin, median, reservation; a strip
building, easing the flow of water in or area adjoining the carriageway of a
drains. road for emergency stopping, etc.
vergeboard see bargeboard.
ventilation plant, ventilation installa- verge tile a special roof tile for use at a
tion; the pumps, fans, ductwork and verge.
other equipment that make up the
mechanical ventilation system of a vermiculation the dressing of a stone-
building. work or plaster surface with random
ventilation plant room, air-handling worm-like decorative recesses or wavy
plant room; a service space in a building lines; especially used for quoins or finer
containing intakes, mixing chambers, fans stones.
and main delivery ducts for a ventilation
ventilation rate see air-change rate.
ventilation riser see ventilation stack.
ventilation shaft a large vertical ventila-
tion duct. vermiculite any of a group of hydrous
ventilation stack a closed flue or other silicates of aluminium, magnesium or iron,
vertical channel through which stale air is used loose as thermal insulation and fire-
released to the outside, usually via natural retardant coatings.
convection; also called a vent stack or vermiculite plaster, gypsum-vermic-
ventilation riser; if large, may be called a ulite plaster, vermiculite-gypsum
ventilation shaft. plaster, fire-retardant plaster; plaster
527 Vestorian blue
containing fine exfoliated vermiculite
aggregate, used as a fire-retardant coating
for steelwork.
vermilion, scarlet vermilion; a bright
red inorganic pigment, originally manu- vertical butt and
factured from the mercury sulphide ore, horizontal bookmatch
cinnabar; synthetically produced since veneering
vernacular architecture traditional vertical circulation the means of
rural or rustic architecture which is based changing from one level to another within
on the culture of the countryside, making a building using stairs, lifts and ramps.
use of local forms and materials, building vertical folding door an overhead door
methods and craftsmanship; nowadays with sections hinged horizontally, which
any architecture in mimicry of this. fold up into an overhead space on open-
ing; see also bi-part folding door.
vernier two adjacent sliding calibrated vertical glazing bar an intermediate
scales which, when read in conjunction vertical glazing bar in a window; often
with one another, provide a more accu- called a mullion.
rate reading for measurements of linear vertical grained see quartersawn.
size. vertical pivot window a window with
vernier callipers (also called a calliper an opening light hung centrally on pins at
gauge, vernier gauge); a metal or plastic top and bottom of the frame, about which
instrument with sliding jaws, used for tak- it opens.
ing small-scale but accurate measure-
ments by reading from a vernier scale.
vert emeraude see viridian.
vertical 1 a description of any line, body,
etc. placed or lying perpendicular to a flat
horizontal plane; see also plumb.
2 an upright member in a structural sys-
tem such as a truss, or standard in a
vertical boarding timber cladding vertical pivot window
boards laid with their long faces vertical.
vertical sand drain see sand drain.
vertical section a scaled drawing repre-
senting a vertical cut through a site, build-
ing or object; a horizontal section is called
a plan.
vertical shore see dead shore.
vertical sliding window see sash
vertical tiling see tile hanging.
vertical twist tie any wall tie formed
out of metal strip with a twist along its
length to provide a suitable drip for gath-
vertical boarding ered water; a strip tie.

vertical butt and horizontal book- vestibule a space or room directly

matching a veneering pattern in which beyond the external door of a dwelling,
bookmatched veneer sheets are also public building or church; also called an
matched with an array of mirrored sheets entrance hall, lobby or porch; an entrance
end on end; used in cases where veneers hall or passage in a Roman building is
being used are not long enough to cover called a vestibulum.
the whole panel heights; often simply Vestorian blue a variety of Egyptian
called butt match. blue pigment.
viaduct 528
viaduct a high-level masonry bridge with similar to vibrocompaction, in which
many arched spans, designed to carry a gravel is introduced into the ground dur-
railway or road between two elevated ing compaction to form a wide stone pile.
points over a valley, waterway or low- vice, vise (Am); a cast metal or wooden
lying ground. screwed device for holding and gripping
objects in place while they are being
worked, fixed to a workbench.
viaduct Victorian architecture architecture in
England during the reign of Victoria
vibrated concrete concrete compacted (1837 1901), characterized by lavish
by vibration. ornament and eclectic styling of all types
of buildings.
vibrating screed board, screed;
mechanical plant for levelling and com- videoscope an endoscope with a flexible
pacting a concrete floor slab; a screed tube and a camera at the end, whose
board with the capacity for motorized image is transmitted to a remote video
vibration. monitor.
vibrating table a machine for compact- video surveillance the monitoring of
ing precast concrete by means of a vibrat- internal and external space in a building
ing platform onto which the fresh using a system of fixed video cameras
concrete and formwork are placed. linked to centralized monitors; see also
camera surveillance.
vibration 1 the rapid oscillation of
mechanical plant, etc. causing unwanted Vienna blue a form of the pigment
pressure waves to be transmitted through cobalt blue used in glass and enamels.
the air as sound, and surrounding build- Vienna lake see carmine.
ing fabric as mechanical energy; see vibra-
tion insulation.
Vierendeel truss a flat trussed beam
with vertical web members only, con-
2 the compaction of fresh concrete by the
nected to upper and lower chords with
application of mechanical vibration to
rigid joints; named after the Belgian engi-
release air pockets using an immersion or
neer Arthur Vierendeel, its inventor, in
surface vibrator.
vibration insulation the placing of flex-
ible material in strategic joints to attenu-
upper chord vertical
ate vibration from mechanical plant and
other sources of vibration.
vibration insulator, damper, vibra-
tion isolator (Am), isolation mount a lower chord
layer of resilient material onto which Vierendeel truss
mechanical equipment is placed to reduce
the transmission of sound and vibration viewer door viewer, see door scope.
into the surrounding fabric.
vignette, trayle, vinette; an ornamental
vibration limit in the setting of con- motif consisting of stylized vine leaves
crete, the time after which concrete will and grapes.
no longer respond to vibration.
villa Lat.; a large classical Roman country
vibrator see concrete vibrator. house with an estate; originally divided
vibrocompaction, vibroflotation; a into two parts, the pars urbana, or living
method of stabilization for soft ground in area, and pars rustica, or working area; in
which a large vibrating poker is sunk into more modern times, any well-to-do
the soil using water jets from the base detached house, country house on an
of the vibrator; the ground is compacted estate, holiday home or a so-named sub-
by the vibrations to form wide earth col- urban dwelling.
umns of compacted soil. vine an ornamental motif consisting of
vibroreplacement, stone column; a stylized leaves and stems of the vine
method of stabilization for soft ground plant, Vitis vinifera; see also vignette.
529 Vitruvian
watercolour and acrylic paints; variously
known as Casali's green, emerald chro-
mium oxide, emeraulde green, Guinet's
green, Mittler's green, Pannetier's green,
vine scroll ornament smaragd green, transparent oxide of chro-
mium, vert emeraude.
vine black, grape black; a bluish black
pigment consisting of carbon with impuri-
viscose a cellulose sodium salt solution
used in the manufacture of artificial silk
ties obtained from burnt and ground
and other plastics.
wood and other vegetable products, tradi-
tionally made from charred twigs of the viscosity, internal friction; in hydraulics,
vine [Vitis vinifera]; also known as blue the resistance of a liquid to flow.
black, coke black, cork black, drop black, vise see vice.
German black, kernel black or yeast black,
depending on country of origin or raw visible smoke detector see optical
material used. smoke detector.
vine leaf capital a medieval capital visible spectrum the range of wave-
embellished with vine leaf designs. lengths of the electromagnetic spectrum
comprising the colours in light which can
be seen by the human eye.
vista in landscape design, a view along a
Gothic vine leaf capital main or grand axis; in the urban milieu
in the chapter house lined by built form, in rural areas marked
of Southwell Minster, out by landmarks or bounded by natural
Nottinghamshire, features.
visualization the explanation or presen-
vinette see vignette, vine. tation of a proposal, design or idea in
terms of a drawing, diagram, chart or
vinyl the common name for polyvinyl model.
chloride (PVC), a common plastic polymer-
ized from vinyl chloride. vitreous china a ceramic material with a
vinyl chloride a poisonous colourless relatively high glass content, used for san-
gas used in the production of PVC and itary fittings such as WC bowls and sinks.
other polymers. vitreous enamel see enamel.
vinylidene chloride see polyvinylidene vitrification the conversion of mineral
chloride. compounds into glass by fusion in high
vinyl paint an acid, alkali and weather- temperatures.
resistant emulsion paint based on a dis-
persion of vinyl or PVC in water; used on vitriol a traditional name given to any of
exterior masonry and plaster surfaces. a number of hydrated sulphates of metals
vinyl wallcovering wallcovering of a such as iron, copper, zinc, cobalt and alu-
paper or fabric base with a PVC coating, minium, or for sulphuric acid.
available in rolls. Vitruvian after the Roman writer, archi-
violation of agreement see breach of tect and engineer Vitruvius (first century
contract. BC), the author of De architectura (The Ten
Books on Architecture), a work document-
violet a general name for bluish purple ing Roman architecture and construction.
colours in the visible spectrum with wave- Vitruvian man a popular theme in theo-
lengths between 380 430 m; named after ries of art and architecture from
the flower of the violet plant, Viola spp.; Renaissance times, depicting a man of
see purple for list of purple and violet ideal proportions with arms outstretched
pigments. within a circle and square, thus proposing
violet madder lake see alizarin. the proportions of the human body as a
viridian a bright, transparent, permanent basis for aesthetic design in according
green pigment consisting of hydrated with the canons of proportion suggested
chromium oxide, suitable for use in oil, by Vitruvius.
V-match 530
Vitruvian scroll, Vitruvian wave, run- earth's crust; these include basalt, dacite
ning dog, wave scroll; an ornamental and tuff.
motif consisting of a series of intercon- volcanic tuff see tuff, peperino.
nected leaning S-shaped figures.
volt abb. V; the SI unit of electromotive
force or potential difference; one volt pro-
duces a current of one amp in a resistor
with resistance one ohm.
voltage potential difference; the mea-
Vitruvian scroll sure of electromotive force in an electric
circuit, measured in volts.
V-match, chevron match; a veneering voltage drop the loss in electrical pres-
pattern in which veneers with slanting sure or voltage caused by resistance of
grain are glued side by side in mirror cables, power lines and other transmission
image along a centre line, forming a series devices.
of V shapes. voltage tester a screwdriver-like device
with an insulated handle containing a
small lamp which lights up when a cur-
rent flows through the blade.
voltaic couple see galvanic couple.
volume the physical measurement of
three-dimensional space (length 3
V-match width 3 height) whose SI unit is the cubic
veneering metre (m ).
volume batching, proportioning by
volume; the measuring out of the com-
vocabulary see architectural language. ponent parts of concrete into the desired
void 1 an opening in floor or wall con- ratio by volume as opposed to weight.
struction, such as one in a floor slab, to volume yield see concrete yield.
afford light and a visual link with the sto- volute, helix; in classical architecture, a
rey below. spiral scroll found typically as a motif in
2 space within a building or component, classical Ionic, Corinthian and Composite
usually for technical installations, weight capitals; any similar ornament; see also
reduction, etc., which is enclosed and to spiral.
which access is provided usually for main- volute capital any capital which contains
tenance only; see ceiling void, roof void. paired volutes; an Ionic, Aeolic or other
3 air or water-filled spaces or channels capital from Asia or the Mediterranean;
within a porous solid such as concrete or see Aeolic capital, Ionic capital.
wood; see air void, water void.
void box see void form.
Phoenician Ionic Carolingian
void form, void box; a formwork
mould for creating a void or opening in a
cast concrete component.
voids ratio in concretework, the ratio of
the volume of air to the total volume.
volatile referring to a liquid which will
readily evaporate at room temperature. volute capitals
volatile oil see essential oil.
volcanic glass uncrystalline vitreous rock voussoir a wedge-shaped stone or brick
formed when molten lava cools down used in the construction of a true masonry
very quickly. arch.

volcanic rock, vulcanite, effusive vulcanite see volcanic rock, ebonite.

rock, extrusive rock; types of igneous vulcanization the process of treating
rock originally formed from rapidly solidi- rubber with sulphur at a high temperature
fied magma pushed to the surface of the to increase strength and elasticity.
waferboard flakeboard with specially 2 in excavation work, a horizontal interme-
shaped flakes. diate support for poling boards, held apart
waffle floor, honeycomb floor, rect- by horizontal struts across the trench.
angular grid floor; a concrete floor slab walking line a theoretical line joining
constructed of a grid of downstand the nosings in a stair, given as the average
beams with a pattern of hollows or coffers position in plan of a person using the stair
in the soffit, both for economy of concrete and taken by convention as 457 mm from
and for aesthetic effect. the handrail.
waffle mould, waffle form, pan walk-up apartments an apartment
form; plastic, plywood or steel reusable building less than three stories in height,
moulds or formwork used to cast rectan- with access to all flats via external stairs or
gular recesses in the underside of a con- a stair core.
crete slab to form waffle slabs and
coffered ceilings. walkway any passage or place providing
waffle slab, coffered slab, honey- a route for walking; a cloister or ambula-
comb slab; a ribbed reinforced concrete tory in a church; a link or external gallery
floor or roof slab whose underside is providing access to a building; an ele-
indented with a regular arrangement of vated platform or gangway on a construc-
hollows; see waffle floor. tion site, theatre or roofspace, etc. for
material conveyance, access to services
and circulation, often with safety balus-
trades; often called a footway.
wall a vertical construction delineating
and enclosing space inside a building,
forming the external envelope, freestand-
ing, etc.; it may be loadbearing or non-
waffle slab wall anchor see toggle bolt, hollow-wall
wagonhead vault, wagon vault see wallboard any board product such as
barrel vault. gypsum board, fibre board, plywood or
wainscot, wainscoting; timber or join- laminates used in construction as clad-
ery panelling, originally of oak, fixed to an ding for a wall frame, as a base for a fin-
interior wall below waist height. ish, or as a lining.
wallboard panel see prefabricated gyp-
waist 1 a thinning out in the middle of a sum wallboard panel.
component or element.
2 in concrete stair design, the minimum
wall brush see flat brush.
thickness of the concrete in a flight, mea- wall cap see coping.
sured between the soffit and meeting of wall cladding weatherproofing compo-
tread and riser, perpendicular to the soffit. nents, sheet material, etc. for cladding the
wale, waler, whaler; in timber construc- exterior wall frame and construction of a
tion and formwork, a horizontal timber building.
member which binds together vertical wallcovering any material in thin sheet
boards or sheet material; see waling. form, wallpaper, textiles, vinyl sheeting,
waler plate a long plate which transfers etc., supplied in rolls and applied to inte-
loading evenly from a form tie to rior walls as a finish or a base which can
formwork. be painted.
waling 1 wale, waler, ranger; a hori- wallcovering support the surface onto
zontal beam or other structural member which a wallcovering is fixed; a wall or
which holds formwork sheeting in place ceiling.
around cast concrete, or at the edge of an
excavation. wall end see stopped end, return end.
wallette 532
wallette a model wall built for test used in cavity walls; types included as
purposes. separate entries are listed below:
wall hung a description of a sanitary *butterfly wall tie; *double triangle wall
appliance such as a WC, basin or a bidet tie; *fishtail wall; *strip wall tie; *twin tri-
designed to be supported by a bracket angle tie, double triangle wall tie; *vertical
from a wall so that there is a gap between twist tie.
it and the floor, its drain penetrating the
rear wall. wire
walling the process and product of con- fish-
structing walls in masonry. tail
wall ties
wall joint in masonry construction, an
internal joint which remains hidden in the
thickness of a wall.
wall lining, lining paper; paper wallco- wall tile any tile used for facing an inter-
vering hung as a base for a subsequent nal or external wall surface.
wallcovering. wall tiling the laying of wall tiles, and
the product of this process.
wall painting see mural.
wall-to-wall carpet see fitted carpet.
wall panel a prefabricated cladding or
infill panel for walling. wall unit see wall panel.
wall panelling boards or joinery fixed as walnut [Juglans spp.] a group of hard-
a timber lining for a wall, often framed. woods from Europe, Asia and America val-
wallpaper wallcovering of decorated or ued for their decorative grain figure; used
embossed sheets of sized paper, supplied for furniture and veneers; walnut trees are
in rolls. low and wide-spreading, planted in parks
wallpapering, paperhanging; the on account of their large many-stemmed
trade of fixing wallpaper to an internal exotic foliage; see below for species of
wall surface. walnut included in this work; see also
wallpaper paste adhesive for fixing African walnut [Lovoa trichilioides, Lovoa
wallpaper, consisting of a powder such as klaineana].
flour or methyl cellulose mixed with American walnut, black walnut;
water. [Juglans nigra] a hardwood native to cen-
tral and eastern United States, with rich
wall plate a longitudinal member incor- dark brown timber, valued for its decora-
porated into or placed on a wall, onto tive figure; used for furniture, panelling
which other construction is fixed. and veneers.
wall plug a plastic fixing sleeve inserted butternut, white walnut; [Juglans
into prebored holes, enabling metal cinerea] a hardwood native to eastern
screws to be anchored to masonry and North America with pale brown timber;
other difficult surfaces; see also legs used for decorative veneers.
anchor, hollow-wall plug. European walnut, English walnut,
Persian walnut; [Juglans regia] a hard-
wood from southern Europe and China
with grey streaked timber; valued for its
decorative figure; used for panelling and
walnut oil a drying oil used as a vehicle
wall plug
in paints, pressed from the dried kernels
of the common or English walnut.
wall tie a galvanized steel or twisted wane the curved
wire fixing laid at regular intervals into a edge of a timber
masonry wall to provide stability by con- board cut from the
necting masonrywork to a structural edge of a log, with
base, or by linking inner and outer leaves or without bark.
of brickwork; called a cavity tie when
533 waste
waney a description of sawn timber with *flat washer; *lock washer; *spring lock
wane on one or both edges. washer; *tooth washer.
warm-air heater, fan heater; a space-
heating appliance which blows out a plain countersunk finish
stream of warmed air.
warm-air heating, fan heating; a
heating system in which warm air is
split-ring toothed toothed
blown into spaces to maintain a certain
temperature level.
warm-air unit a device which discharges lock spike plate
a flow of warm air to provide heating and
warm roof roof construction in which washers plate nut
insulation is laid below the waterproofing,
and a vapour barrier below the insulation.
warp 1 the distortion in shape of a piece
of improperly seasoned timber due to
washing machine valve a water fitting
for turning on or off a cold water supply
uneven drying.
to a washing machine.
2 warp yarn; in weaving, carpetmaking
and tapestry, a suspended lengthwise
structural thread onto which the weft or waste 1 material left over from an
crosswise threads are woven. industrial, commercial or consumer pro-
warranty see guarantee. cess which is relatively unusable; waste
may refer to both solids and liquids,
Warren truss a trussed beam patented refuse is usually solid; types included as
by the British engineers James Warren separate entries are listed below:
and Willoughby Monzoni in 1848, whose *biodegradable waste, see organic waste;
web members form a series of equilateral *commercial waste; *construction waste;
or isosceles triangles joined by upper and *domestic refuse; *garbage; *hazardous
lower chords; sometimes its end struts are waste; *household waste, see domestic
vertical; see also Howe truss, Pratt truss, refuse; *industrial waste; *organic waste;
Vierendeel truss. *problem waste, see hazardous waste;
Warrington hammer see cross peen *recoverable waste; *recyclable waste, see
hammer. recoverable waste; *sewage; *soil water;
*solid waste; *toxic waste; *trade waste,
wash a watery solution of material
see commercial waste; *waste water.
applied as a surface treatment or finish;
2 the metal ring-shaped component
see acid wash, whitewash; in watercolour
fixed at the base of a sink, handbasin or
painting, a layer or area of thin, transpar-
sanitary appliance, through which waste
ent, watered-down colour often used as a
water passes via a trap into a drain;
often supplied with a fitted plug; see
washable describing a coating or finish waste coupling, outlet, pop-up waste,
which may be washed with water and slotted waste, flush grated waste.
soap without causing damage. waste chute, refuse chute; a chute
washbasin see handrinse basin. within a building into which waste
material can be tipped, often with a col-
washboard see skirting board. lecting vessel or rubbish room at its
washer a perforated plate beneath a waste coupling, waste; a pipe fitting
bolt-head or nut which acts as a spacer at a plug-hole or other appliance outlet
in a bolt fixing and transfers the pres- for joining it to a discharge pipe.
sure of the fixing over a wider area; waste disposal unit a powered
types included as separate entries are device for shredding organic household
listed below: waste prior to its discharge into a drain.
waster 534

waste mould in ornamental plastering, water distribution system a system of

a mould which has to be destroyed in pipes, vessels and associated devices
order to release the casting. through which water is conveyed to a
building or area.
water engineering in civil and ground
waster a masonry chisel with a flat, engineering, the design and control of the
toothed or profiled blade for producing a flow, treatment and disposal of ground
rough stone finish. and surface water.
water fitting in hot and cold water
installations, a tap, valve or other fitting
connected to a water supply to control its
flow or draw water off for use.
water gain see concrete bleeding.
waste water water which results from water glass see sodium silicate.
household processes, cleaning and food
preparation but not from WCs or indus-
water hammer, reverberation, pres-
sure surge; the sudden change of veloc-
trial processes.
ity of water in pipework inducing pressure
waste water appliance any sanitary
waves which cause a hammering noise.
appliance, basin, etc. for washing, fitted
with a water supply and outlet connected water heater a device or installation for
to a waste water drain. heating water in a hot water supply sys-
tem; see electric water heater, pressure
water bar, water stop; a strip of metal water heater.
or plastic embedded into a sill or thresh-
water-heating plant see boiler plant.
old to inhibit the passage of water.
watering the addition of water to con-
water-based, aqueous; referring to struction processes, planting, etc. by pour-
paints, varnishes, adhesives and other
ing, spraying or sprinkling.
similar liquids which consist of a solid or
liquid dissolved, suspended or dispersed water installation see water system.
in water; water-borne specifically implies waterleaf any decorative motif based on
to liquids which contain a suspension of the stylized leafs of the water lily (called
polymeric particles, which fuse together lotus in antique times); found in Roman
once the water has evaporated. and Greek architecture, and in different
water-based paint any paint in which form in the capitals of medieval Byzantine
the pigment is suspended or dissolved in and Romanesque architecture; especially
water; often emulsion paint. the stylized unribbed broad leaf motifs
waterboard see splashboard. found adorning capitals in Norman
water-borne see water-based for
waterleaf and tongue, waterleaf and
dart; an ornamental motif consisting of a
water burnt lime slaked lime which has series of stylized leaves alternating with
been incompletely mixed with water giv- ovoid forms; same as or similar to leaf and
ing a coarse texture. dart.
water/cement ratio in concretework, waterleaf capital any capital embel-
the ratio of water to cement in the mix, lished with water leaf designs, especially a
regulated to affect its compressive Norman capital with a squared block
strength. whose lower corners are carved with a
leaf motif.
water check an upstand or raised fillet in
a flat roof plane to convey water away
from vulnerable areas.
water closet see WC. Byzantine waterleaf
capital, cathedral at
water content the mass of water per As-Suwayda, Syria,
unit volume of mix, especially in concret- 5th–6th century
ing, plastering and painting.
535 water test
water level, 1 hydrostatic level; a sim- plasticizing admixture included in the mix
ple site instrument for measuring level dif- to increase workability with a lower water
ferences between two points on a content.
building site, consisting of a flexible tube water reed [Arundo phragmites,
filled with water. Phragmites australis]; see best reed,
2 the level at which the upper surface of Norfolk reed.
water usually rests, whether in a gauge,
waterway or the water table; see also next water-repellent cement see hydropho-
entry. bic cement.
water-line a horizontal mark indicating water resistant, moisture resistant; a
water level when a cistern, storage vessel, description or specification of a material
etc., is full. or construction which resists penetration
by, and chemical reaction with, water and
water main a main water distribution
is otherwise physically unaffected by con-
pipe from a water authority, to which indi-
tact with water; see also waterproof.
vidual users or buildings can be
water-resistant adhesive, waterproof
glue; any adhesive which maintains its
water meter a device for measuring the bond strength when in contact with
quantity of water for consumption sup- water.
plied to a building.
water-resisting admixture, water-
water of hydration in concreting and proofing admixture; in concretework,
plasterwork, the water that combines an admixture included in the mix to
chemically with a hydraulic binder. inhibit the absorption or passage of water.
water outlet one of the points in a build- water seal water in the vessel of a drain-
ing where the hot or cold water supply age trap to prevent the passage of foul air
can be drawn off for use; usually fitted from a drainage system.
with a tap or valve.
water seasoning see ponding.
water pipe a pipe, usually of copper,
through which water is conveyed to and waterside plant any species of land-
within a building; part of any technical scaping plant which usually grows near
installation in which water is conveyed. water, but not necessarily in it.
water pressure the force exerted by a water spout see rainwater spout.
mass of water either to propel itself, or water stain a translucent colouring
exerting a load on a surrounding agent for porous surfaces such as timber,
structure. consisting of a dye suspended in water.
waterproof the ability of a material or water stop see water bar.
construction to resist the penetration of
water storage tank see water tank.
water; see also water-resistant.
waterproof adhesive see water-resis- water supply the supply of water for a
tant adhesive. building from a main; see also water
waterproof glue see water-resistant system.
adhesive. water system, water installation,
waterproofing admixture see water- water supply; the piped supply of water,
resisting admixture. pipe fittings, appliances, etc., for a build-
waterproofing membrane a layer of ing; see also hot water supply system.
impervious sheet material, usually bitu-
men-based, incorporated into flat roof water tank a closed pressure vessel for
construction to prevent the passage of storing water for use in a water supply
water downwards. system; see cistern, reserve water tank.
waterproof ink ink that is not soluble in water tap, faucet (Am), tap; a water fit-
water once dry. ting, usually attached to a basin, sink or
waterproof plaster, waterproof ren- bath, from which hot or cold water can be
der see damp resisting plaster. drawn off for use.
water reducing admixture, water water test, hydraulic test; a test for
reducer, plasticizer; in concretework, a leaks, unwanted openings and water flow
watertight 536
in pipework by introducing water into a
closed or restricted circuit at high
watertight referring to the ability of a
material or product to keep out water.
water vapour small droplets of airborne
water, usually condensation from boiled
wave pattern
or evaporated water.
water void in concretework, small spaces
or voids in hardened concrete containing wave scroll see Vitruvian scroll.
excess water not bound by the hydration
reaction, which may render the concrete wavy grain, curl, sinuous grain, tiger
susceptible to frost damage; see capillary grain; an undulating grain formation
space. found in certain hardwoods with an irreg-
ular cell structure; used in decorative
waterway in plumbing and drainage, any veneers.
pipe, channel or vessel for conveying
water. wavy paver a specially-shaped concrete
paving unit with a wavy profile, laid to
watt abb. W; SI basic unit of power, create a regular pattern.
1 W 5 1 J/s.
wawa see obeche.
wattle see flaking.
wax a solid greasy extract from vegetable,
wattle and daub, rad and dab, wattle animal and mineral sources, used in the
and dab; a traditional form of infill wall- production of paints and varnishes, as a
ing construction for timber frames, etc. protective finish for wooden surfaces and
consisting of woven horizontal twigs, as a binder in wax and pastel crayons; see
often willow, covered with clay or mud; beeswax, carnauba wax, paraffin wax.
Roman wattle and daub construction was
known as opus craticium. waxing the application of a coating of
wax to a surface as a finish.
wave 1 a series of oscillations which trans-
fers energy through a medium without WC, 1 water closet; a room containing a
the transference of the matter itself; see water closet suite connected to a drain
sound wave. and water supply; see toilet.
2 see WC suite.
2 see wave moulding, Vitruvian scroll
(wave scroll). WC cover a hinged lid for a WC seat.
WC lock see bathroom lock.
wavelength the measure of a length of a WC pan, water closet pan; the ceramic
physical waveform, measured as the dis- bowl in a water closet suite where human
tance between two adjacent crests. waste is deposited.
wave moulding, undulating mould- WC seat the hinged part of a WC suite
ing; an ornamental motif consisting of a which provides a place to sit.
pattern of undulating lines; see also oun- WC suite, water closet suite; a device
dy moulding, Vitruvian scroll. with a pan, seat and flushing cistern for
collection and disposal of human waste;
commonly simply called a WC or toilet.
wear the mechanical degeneration of a
surface, construction or appliance due to
continual use, exposure to the elements,
wave moulding etc.
wearing course, topping, carpet; in
wave pattern a paving pattern of small road and external paved construction, the
stones or cobbles laid in a series of undu- uppermost layer of hardwearing material
lating and interweaving curves, resem- in contact with traffic, usually asphalt or
bling guilloche ornament. concrete.
537 wedge

weatherboarding, siding; exterior weathered pointing in brickwork, the

cladding of horizontal or vertical sawn tim- making of weathered joints.
ber boards for a building frame, laid side weather fillet see mortar fillet.
by side or overlapping; types included as weathering the effect of rain, moisture,
separate entries are listed below: sun, wind and external pollutants on mate-
*bead boarding; *bead edged boarding; rials that have been in external conditions
*board and batten cladding; *board on for some time; the discoloration, greying,
board cladding; *butt-edged boarding, see and disintegration of untreated external
square-edged boarding; *ceiling boarding; wood surfaces due to the effects of the
*clapboarding; *close boarding; *colonial weather; see also brickwork weathering.
siding, see clapboarding; *diagonal board-
ing; *exterior boarding, external boarding, weathering steel steel with a high cop-
see weatherboarding; *feather-jointed per content, whose surface corrodes to
boarding, see spline-jointed boarding; form an oxide coating with good resis-
*featheredged boarding, featherboar- tance to corrosion; marketed as Cor-Ten
ding; *gapped boarding, see spaced (see Cor-Ten entry).
boarding; *horizontal boarding; *log cabin weather joint see weathered joint.
siding; *matchboarding; *moulded board-
ing, see bead boarding; *open boarding,
weatherproof see weather resistant.
see spaced boarding; *open tongue and
weatherproofing see roofing.
groove boarding; *reeded boarding, see weather resistant, weatherproof;
bead boarding; *roof boarding; *round- referring to a material, product or con-
edged boarding, round-arris boarding; struction which is resistant to the attack
*shiplap boarding; *sound boarding, see of the elements.
pugging boards; *spaced boarding; weather seal see weatherstrip.
*spline-jointed boarding; *square-edged
boarding; *staggered siding, see board weather shingling timber shingles laid
on board cladding; *tongue and groove vertically as cladding for a wall.
boarding, see matchboarding; *vertical weatherstrip, draught strip, draught
boarding. excluder, weather seal; a strip of imper-
vious material applied into joints between
studwork a door leaf or window casement and its
frame to prevent the passage of water
and air draughts, and as soundproofing.
weather-struck joint see weathered
weather tiling see tile hanging.
web 1 part of a beam between the upper
and lower chords or surfaces, which
weatherboarding resists shear forces within the beam; the
material, flange, etc. forming this.
2 the surface of a vault, see cell.
weathered 1 referring to materials that weber abb. Wb; SI unit of magnetic flux,
have been in external conditions for some equal to the amount of flux that produces
time with consequent surface deteriora- an electromotive force of one volt as it is
tion such as discoloration, corrosion, exfo- reduced to zero in one second; 1 Wb 5
liation, etc. 1 volt per second.
2 referring to a sill or coping laid at a
slope to allow for the runoff of rainwater. web reinforcement see shear
weathered joint, weather joint,
weather-struck joint, struck joint; a web saw see turning saw.
horizontal brickwork joint whose mortar is wedge in timber jointing, a tapered piece,
pressed in at the top, slanting in cross- used for tightening joints and fixings; see
section. folding wedges, fox wedge.
weep-hole 538
wedge anchor, sleeve anchor, weir a damming waterfall in a waterway
expansion bolt; a heavy-duty metal to control the level of water upstream,
threaded fastener for fixing items to con- often sloping downstream; in sinks and
crete or masonry, inserted in a bored hole basins this type of device is often used to
then twisted to retract its wedged termi- prevent overflowing; see following entry.
nation into a split sleeve, which expands weir overflow a weir in a basin, sink or
to lock tight against the edge of the hole. other vessel, essentially a lipped side-
chute down which water can flow into a
drain if the water level in the vessel rises
too high.
weld 1 the act or result of welding; see
wedge anchor welded joint.
2 a yellow vegetable pigment produced
wedge bead a small wedge-shaped from the dyer’s rocket plant [Reseda
machined timber profile used primarily as luteola].
a glazing bead. welded fabric welded mesh, especially
when used as concrete reinforcement; see
fabric reinforcement.
welded joint, weld; a joint between
metal components which has been
formed by welding; see butt weld, fillet
weld, lap weld.
wedge bead
wedged joint any timber tenon joint
using wedges driven in as tightening; see
fox-wedged joint, keyed tenon joint. lap weld
butt weld
welded joints

welded mesh, welded wire mesh,

welded fabric; a product manufactured
from two sets of parallel steel strands or
wires spot-welded at right angles to one
wedged tenon joint another to form a mesh; used for fences,
partitions, lathing and as concrete rein-
wedged scarf joint see keyed scarf forcement; see fabric reinforcement.
weep-hole a gap for ventilation and to
allow water to run out of the lower edges
of cavity brickwork above a damp proof
course, usually made by leaving the mor-
tar out of vertical joints.
weevil [Curculionidae] a family of insects, welded mesh
some species of which cause great
destruction to timber by boring; see ere- welded plate girder see plate girder.
motes weevil, wood weevil. welded tuff see ignimbrite.
welded wire mesh see welded mesh.
weft yarn in carpetmaking, weaving and welding the joining together of metal
tapestry, a crosswise thread woven onto (and plastics) components by melting or
the warp or structural threads, forming pressure or a combination of both; see
the main surface of the fabric. fusion welding, resistance welding, heat
weight batching, proportioning by welding.
weight; the measuring out of the compo- weld line the visible line along a joint,
nent parts of concrete into the desired formed when two materials are welded
ratio by weight as opposed to volume. together.
539 wheelhouse
weld-on hinge a prevent the abrasive surface from clog-
heavy-duty hinge ging up.
for use with steel- wet area a bath, shower or other space
framed doors and in a building in which water can be
windows, of which expected to flow freely, requiring water-
one swivelling part resistant finishes and specially located
is welded to the electrical fittings.
frame and one to
the leaf or
weld-on hinge wet blasting, vapour blasting; the
casement. sandblasting of masonry with an abrasive
and water, included to inhibit the spread
well 1 a traditional source of drinking and of dust.
household water, a hole bored in the
ground into which fresh groundwater nat- wet dash, dashed finish, harl, rough-
urally gathers. cast, slap dash; a rendered finish for
2 shaft; a vertical void through a building external masonry in which mortar or plas-
to provide light and ventilation, or for a ter is thrown on a wall rough, either by
lift installation or staircase; see following hand using a trowel or by machine using
examples: lift well; stairwell; light well; mat an applicator.
well. wet-mix process a sprayed concrete
well enclosure see lift well enclosure. process in which premixed concrete,
well module see lift shaft module. including water, is projected through a
welt, welted seam; a fastened seam or nozzle at high velocity by a pump; see
joint between two adjacent sheets of sup- dry-mix process.
ported sheetmetal roofing; see welted wet-pipe system a sprinkler system
edge, cross-welt, single-lock welt, double whose pipes are always full of water, con-
welt. nected to a permanent supply; see dry-
welted edge, single welt; the bent- pipe system.
over edge of a sheetmetal component, wet removable wallcovering a wall-
roofing, etc. to provide rigidity. covering which can only be removed by
wenge [Millettia laurentii] a hardwood scraping, having been treated by soaking
from Central and East African rainforests in water or a stripper, or by steaming.
with dark brown-black, extremely tough wet rubbing the smoothing of a surface
timber; used for furniture, and exterior with a fine abrasive such as sandpaper in
and interior joinery. the presence of water to clean and
western framing see platform frame. remove dust.
western hemlock [Tsuga heterophylla], wet sieving the segregation of coarse
see hemlock. concrete aggregate from finer particles by
western larch [Larix occidentalis], see placing in water and sieving the mixture
larch. through a 0.075 mm mesh prior to use in
western red cedar, British Columbian
cedar, giant cedar, Pacific red cedar, wet slaking the slaking of lime using an
red cedar, giant arborvitae; [Thuja excess of water than is needed for
plicata], see thuja. hydration.

western white pine, soft pine; [Pinus wetting the application of water to a sur-
monticola], see pine. face or solid mass, as in curing of con-
crete, raising of timber grain prior to final
wet analysis in soil classification, the smoothing, etc.
analysis of fine particular soils by allowing wettability the ability of a liquid to become
a sample to slowly settle in water and immersed in a solid and make it wet.
measuring the densities of the sediment
at regular intervals. Weymouth pine see pine.
wet and dry paper a fine abrasive whaler see wale.
paper used for sanding and smoothing; wheelhouse a round prehistoric dwelling
wetted with water as lubrication and to with a circular open central court and
wheeling step 540
radiating walls defining interior space, iron; used as a base for steel and malle-
occurring predominantly in Scotland. able cast iron.
white cedar [Thuja occidentalis], see
white cement see white Portland
wheelhouse, round
house, Calf of Eday,
white concrete a light-coloured finish
Orkney Isles, Scotland, concrete made with white Portland
c. 100 BC cement and a pale-coloured aggregate.
white fir [Abies concolor], see fir.
wheeling step, wheel step, wheel white lead a poisonous opaque white
tread see winder. pigment used since ancient times in
wheel window see Catherine wheel paints; composed of lead carbonates and
window. lead sulphates.
whetstone see hone. white noise, white sound; in acoustics,
unobtrusive noise of a wide range of fre-
whip in landscaping, a young slender- quencies introduced into a space to mask
stemmed tree under two years old. out unwanted background noise.
whispering gallery an acoustic space white oak [Quercus spp.], see oak.
under a dome in which even a quiet noise
such as a whisper may be heard all white pine see pine.
around its circumference. white pitted rot, white pocket rot
see red ring rot.
white a general name for achromatic white poplar, silver poplar, abele;
shades of colour; the lightest colour of [Populus alba], see poplar.
the grey scale; white pigments included white Portland cement, white
as separate entries are listed below: cement; a Portland cement, made with
*antimony white; *barium sulphate, see iron-free raw materials, used to provide
blanc fixe; *baryta white, see blanc fixe; white cements and concretes.
*biacca; *bianco sangiovanni; *bismuth
white; *blanc fixe; *blanc titane, see tita- white rot a general term for fungal decay
nium white; *Bougival white; *ceruse; which attacks both the cellulose and lig-
*Chinese white; *constant white, see nin of dead wood to leave a white stringy
blanc fixe; *Cremnitz white; *Dutch white; residue behind, causing serious decay and
*enamel white, see blanc fixe; *English weakening of timber construction.
white, see whiting; *Flemish white, French white rot fungus one of large group of
white, see flake white; *Krems white, see fungi which cause white rot.
Cremnitz white; *lime white; *lithopone; white spongy rot [Antrodia serialis] a
*magnesia white; *magnesium carbonate; brown rot fungus which causes decay in
*mineral white; *oleum white, see litho- wooden posts and timberwork in poorly
pone; *Paris white; *permanent white, see ventilated, damp underfloor spaces.
blanc fixe; *Spanish white; *St. John’s
white, see bianco sangiovanni; *strontium
white sound see white noise.
white; *terra alba; *Timonox; *titanium white speck a form of white pocket rot
white; *white lead; *whiting; *zinc white. which causes rice-sized cavities or specks
in living timber; see also red ring rot.
white spirit, mineral spirit, petroleum
white alder (Am); [Alnus incana], see spirit; a volatile liquid manufactured from
alder. the distillation of petroleum; used as a
white ant see termite. thinner and as a substitute for turpentine.
white ash [Fraxinus americana], see ash. white spruce [Picea glauca]; a softwood
white cast iron rapidly cooled cast iron, marketed as Canadian spruce.
harder and more brittle than grey cast white walnut see walnut.
541 winder
whitewash, limewash, whiting; a solu- the bearing of heavy loads over a larger
tion of lime or crushed chalk and water area than with a normal strip foundation.
used to whiten masonry and plastered
wall surfaces.
whitewashing see limewashing.
white willow, common willow; [Salix
alba] a deciduous tree commonly planted
in parks and gardens as ornament.
whiting natural calcium carbonate which
is ground, washed and refined; used as an
inert pigment in paints, a white pigment widestrip foundation
in water-based media, and mixed with oil
to form putty; see also Paris white, wiggle nail see corrugated fastener.
whitewash. wild cherry the sweet cherry, see cherry.
Whitworth thread, BSW thread; a willow [Salix spp.] a
standardized range of screw threads genus of hardwood
whose dimensions are based on the num- bushes, shrubs and
ber of threads per inch. trees often planted
whole-brick wall see one-brick wall. as decoration and
Salix spp. –
with light, resilient,
whorl decoration based on a spiral or pinkish white tim-
swirling flower motif. ber; its timber is used for furniture, joinery,
panelling, cricket bats and artificial limbs,
etc., its branches for holding down thatch
and for basketwork.
Wilton carpet a thick and durable
woven carpet which has its woven loops
cut open.
wimble see gimlet.
wicket door, 1 pass door; a small inte- winch, hoist; a lifting or pulling device in
gral hinged door within a larger overhead which a wire or cable supporting a load is
or sliding door in factories or loading bays wound around a drum or similar
for the use of staff. construction.
2 a gate to an area such as a churchyard wind beam see collar beam.
or field. wind brace 1 any structural member
wide plank flooring wide strip floor- designed to maintain the rigidity of a
ing; timber flooring consisting of wooden structure against the forces of wind; wind
boards over 100 mm wide, or rough bracing is a system of such braces incor-
planks, laid parallel to one another. porated into the structural frame of a
2 sway brace, purlin brace; in tradi-
tional timber frame construction, a brace
at the angle of a rafter and a purlin to
stiffen the roof against wind and other lat-
eral loads.
windbreak in landscaping, a natural bar-
wide plank rier or fabricated screen constructed to
flooring provide shelter from the wind.
winder, wheeling step, wheel tread;
widestrip foundation a foundation a tapered step in a spiral stair, whose
type consisting of a wide rectangular con- front and back edges radiate from a
crete casting beneath a wall, requiring single point, often attached to a newel
transverse reinforcement; used to spread post.
winding stair 542
winder flight a series of winders or folding window; *sliding window, sliding
tapered steps which turn a corner in a sash window; *steel window, steel-framed
turning stair. window; *strip window, see window band;
winding stair see turning stair. *timber window, timber-framed window;
wind load the structural load on the *tip-up window, see horizontal pivot win-
external surfaces of a building imposed by dow; *top-hung casement window; *top
the action of wind. light; *transom window, see fanlight; *tri-
ple-glazed window; *Venetian window;
window an opening in an external wall *vertical pivot window; *vertical sliding
of a building for allowing light into a window, see sash window; *wheel win-
space; may be a simple opening or an dow, see Catherine wheel window.
assembly of parts; see window assem-
bly, window unit; types of window
included as separate entries are listed
below: subframe
*access window, see access door; *alumin- window
ium-faced timber window, see composite soffit
window; *aluminium window, aluminium- casement
framed window; *angel light; *arch win- jamb
dow, arched window; *awning window,
see top-hung casement window; *barred
window; *bay window; *blank window; board
*blind window, see false window; *bor- frame
rowed light; *bottom-hung casement win- sill
dow; *bow window; *casement window;
*Catherine wheel window; *clerestory win- drip
dow, clearstory window; *composite win-
dow, compound window; *coupled light;
*coupled window; *display window;
*domelight; *dormer window; *double-
glazed window; *double-hung sash win- window acceptor see acceptor.
dow, see sash window; *double sash win- window apron that part of external wall
dow; *double window; *factory glazed construction beneath a window; see win-
window; *false window; *fanlight; *fire dow back; a decorative panel or cladding
window; *fixed light; *flanking window; beneath a window, either externally or
*folding window, see sliding folding win- internally.
dow; *French window, see casement door; window assembly all the parts of a win-
*hanging sash window, see sash window; dow: the outer frame, sashes and glazing.
*horizontal pivot window; *horizontal
sliding window, see sliding window; *Jesse window back the internal lining
window; *lancet window; *lantern light; between the bottom of a window and the
*leper window; *light; *louvred window, floor; a window apron.
louvre window; *low side window, see window band, ribbon window, strip
leper window; *marigold window, see rose window; a long narrow horizontal win-
window; *metal-faced window; *metal dow, or windows grouped together in the
window; *offertory window, see leper win- same opening.
dow; *oriel window; *Palladian window,
see Venetian window; *picture window;
window bar see glazing bar.
*pivot window; *plastic-faced window; window board, elbow board, sill
*plastics window, see PVC-U window; board, window stool; a horizontal
*projecting window; *PVC-U window; *rib- board fitted internally at the base of a
bon window, see window band; *roof- window opening to form a shelf or win-
light, roof window; *rose window; *round dow sill.
window, roundel; *sash window; *shop window box a container for decorative
window, see display window; *side-hung planting hung externally beneath a win-
casement window; *side light; *sliding dow, situated on a balcony, etc.
543 wing light
window buck see buck. frame and the main wall surface of a
building; the side wall of a window
window casing in traditional timber
window construction, the external cover-
ing surround for a window frame. window sash see sash.
window component any part of a win- window schedule a written document
dow, including ironmongery, frame, gas- listing and specifying the windows and
ket or glazing unit. associated accessories for a construction
window construction the materials,
frames, glass and seals from which a win- window seat an interior window sill low
dow is made; the sequence in which they and wide enough to be used as a seat,
are assembled. often situated in a bay window.
window former a formwork mould to window shutter see shutter.
create an opening for a window in a con- window sill 1 an external horizontal pro-
crete wall. truding construction at the base of a win-
window frame the surrounding con- dow for throwing off water.
struction for a window unit, which holds 2 the lowest horizontal member in a win-
the glazing in place and in which open- dow frame.
able parts are hung; see also casement window soffit the upper horizontal
frame. undersurface of a window opening.
window glass glass manufactured for window stay see casement stay.
use in glazing; either float glass or sheet
glass. window stile a vertical side framing
member of a window casement.
window head the uppermost horizontal
member of a window or window frame; window stool see window board.
see also window soffit. window strip a draught excluder for a
window hinge a hinge for a window window.
casement; a casement hinge. window trim a strip of material around a
window jamb a vertical side member in window for covering joints between a
a window frame or window opening; see window frame and surrounding wall
window reveal. construction.
window lining facing for a window window unit a prefabricated glazing
reveal which covers the join between component of glass in a frame, often con-
frame and wall. taining openable casements, fittings, etc.
window louvre, grille; a construction or window wall, glazed wall; a wall, part
grille of slatted bars, profiles, etc. located of a wall, screen or partition made up
externally in front of glazing to provide partly or entirely of glazing; a wall which
shade or as an external feature. contains a window or windows.
window opening an opening in the wind shake a crack in timber, the segre-
walling fabric of a building, into which a gating of the growth rings caused by
window assembly is fixed. wind strain during growth.
window pane a piece of glass fitted in a wind stop see draught excluder.
window frame. wing a longitudinal extension of a build-
window panel in prefabricated construc- ing, often containing additional or subsidi-
tion, a prefabricated wall unit which con- ary spaces.
tains a fitted window. wing compass, wing dividers; in tech-
window post in timber-framed construc- nical drawing, a compass with a lockable
tion, a vertical member to which the win- thumbscrew which can be tightened onto
dow frame is fixed at the edge of a a protruding steel band to lock the arms
window opening. to a set dimension.
window reveal, window jamb; the winged knot see branched knot.
vertical portion of wall between a window wing light see flanking window.
wing nut 544
wing nut, butterfly included as separate entries are listed
nut, thumb nut; a below:
threaded fixing for a *welded wire mesh, see welded mesh;
bolt with wing-like pro- *woven wire mesh; *crimped wire mesh;
trusions for tightening *fabric reinforcement; *conveyor belt
by hand. wing nut mesh; *chain link mesh; *insect mesh, see
winter bricklaying, cold-weather insect screen; *hexagonal mesh, see
bricklaying; bricklaying in conditions chicken wire; *steel mesh.
where the temperature is around or
below freezing point, requiring special welded woven chain link
measures to ensure good results.
winter concreting, cold-weather con-
creting; concreting which takes place
when the average temperature is below
5 ; special measures and mixes have to be crimped conveyor chicken wire
used to prevent water in the fresh con-
crete from freezing.
winter hardy plant any species of land-
scaping plant which can survive outdoors
during the winter months. wire mesh
wire balloon a small wire basket
attached over the outlets of external wire-mesh balustrade a balustrade
drainage and vent pipes, gullies, etc. to with an infill of wire mesh in a steel or
prevent blockage by fallen leaves, nesting aluminium frame.
birds, etc.; an outlet strainer. wire-mesh lathing see wire lathing.
wire-mesh reinforcement see fabric
wire brush a brush with bristles of steel reinforcement.
wire used for roughing, scratching, clean-
ing up surfaces and removing scale from
steel; other softer metals such as copper wire nail a nail manufactured by
are sometimes used for the bristles. mechanical stamping lengths of wire,
wirecut brick a mass-produced brick obtainable in a range of lengths from
manufactured by extruding clay through a 12 200 mm; see round wire nail (French
suitably shaped die and cutting it into nail), oval wire nail.
suitably sized pieces with a slanting wire.
wired glass, wired cast glass; glass
which has been rolled with a reinforcing
wire mesh in the middle.
wire drawing see cold drawing.
wire gauge a simple device for defining wire nail
the gauge or diameter of wire, consisting
of a plate with a number of calibrated wire pull handle a slender pull handle
holes or notches. made from a single U-shaped metal rod.
wire handle see wire pull handle. wire rope see cable.
wire lathing a galvanized wire mesh wire-rope balustrade see cable
base tied at intervals to wall surfaces to balustrade.
provide a key for plasterwork and render- wire-rope clamp,
work; wire-mesh lathing. wire-rope clip,
cable clamp; a
bolted metal ring
wire mesh any mesh product manufac- fastening for clamp-
tured from two series of parallel metal ing two lengths of wire-rope clamp
wires woven, welded or crimped per- wire rope together
pendicular to one another; types side-by-side.
545 wooden pile
wire-rope thimble, softwood; see list of species of tree from
cable thimble; a which hardwood is obtained under
metal harness for hardwood.
strengthening a loop wood adhesive, wood glue; any adhe-
at the end of a wire sive suitable for gluing wood.
wire-rope thimble
rope or tensioning
cable. wood-based core plywood core
plywood with a core of wood.
wire saw a saw whose blade is a piece of
wire coated with a hard abrasive material wood-based panel product, timber-
such as carborundum grit; used for cut- based board; a building or insulating
ting ceramics, metal and plastics. board produced from wood products
(particles, veneers, strips) pressed
wire strippers a scissor-like tool with together with a binder or adhesive.
notched jaws used for stripping the plas-
tic insulation from electric cable. wood block flooring see end-grain
wood block flooring, parquet.
wire wall tie any wall tie bent or twisted
into shape from galvanized steel wire; wood board flooring, board flooring;
also shortened to wire tie. traditional flooring of large solid timber
planks laid side by side on joists.
woodcarving the working of wood with
hand tools to create decorative mould-
ings, carvings and artifacts.
woodcarving chisel, carving chisel; a
chisel used by a woodcarver for shaping,
wire wall tie sculpting and decorative work; available
in a variety of shaped blades for different
wireway see skirting trunking.
wood cement chipboard, cement
wiring 1 the laying of cables and wires in bonded chipboard, wood cement
an electric installation to form circuits; the particleboard; chipboard whose parti-
circuits thus formed. cles are bonded together with Portland
2 in reinforced concreting, the job of bind- cement as opposed to resin.
ing reinforcing bars together with wire.
wood-cement concrete, sawdust
withe, 1 osier; in thatched roofing, short concrete; a lightweight concrete made
flexible branches of willow, hazel, etc. with wood chips, wood fibres or sawdust
twisted together to form a runner, with as an aggregate.
which thatch can be bound to rafters; also
written as wythe; see brotch. wood cement particleboard see
2 see leaf. wood cement chipboard.
withe braiding see flaking. wood chipboard see chipboard.
with the grain in the milling of timber, woodchip wallpaper, ingrain wallco-
the direction of cutting in which the grain vering; cheap wallpaper with small chips
of the piece is sloping downwards and of wood embedded in it to provide a tex-
into the milling edge. tured finish.
woad a traditional blue dye made from wood cramp a wooden clamping device
the leaves of the woad plant [Isatis used by a joiner, tightened with a screw
tinctoria]. or folding wedges.
wobble saw see drunken saw. wood drill a hardened steel spiral-cutting
wolfram see tungsten. drill bit, often with a positioning spur at
its end, for cutting accurate holes in
wood an organic material made up of lig- wood.
nin and cellulose, obtained from the
trunks of trees; called timber when used wooden block, wooden brick see
in construction; see list of species of tree nog.
from which softwood is obtained under wooden pile see timber pile.
wood-fibred plaster 546
wood-fibred plaster plaster containing wood plastic composite, WPC; a
an aggregate of wood fibres for increased wood product which has been impreg-
strength. nated with a plastic to restrict its moisture
wood-fired heating see solid-fuel movement.
heating. wood preservative see preservative.
wood float a wooden board with a han- wood primer a primer for sealing, pre-
dle, used for smoothing and levelling con- serving or pretreating a timber surface
crete and plaster surfaces; see cross- prior to painting.
grained float, straight-grained float. wood roll joint see roll joint.
woodfloat finish a concrete surface
which has been smoothed with a wood wood screw a screw for joining or
float. attaching to pieces of timber, often self-
tapping and with threads which are wider
wood flooring flooring such as wood- and steeper than those used for other
block, floorboards or parquet which form purposes.
a hardwearing wooden surface; also called
timber flooring. woodstain stain used on timber surfaces;
see exterior woodstain.
wood glue see wood adhesive.
wood strip flooring timber flooring
wood-inhabiting fungus any fungus consisting of matched wooden boards up
which causes deterioration of wood. to 100 mm wide laid parallel to one
wood joint a mechanical, glued or nailed another; wood strip flooring most often
joint between two or more wooden mem- refers to hardwood flooring placed on
bers; see timber joint for list of types of battens over a solid structural base; cf.
joints and illustrations. floorboards; see solid parquet.
wood key long round or square pegs
driven into vertical pre-bored holes in log
construction to tie adjacent courses
together and provide lateral stability; a
large dowel, peg or pin.
woodland plant in landscaping, any
species of plant which usually grows in a wood strip
shaded environment such as woodland or flooring
wood mastic a compound consisting of wood turpentine turpentine manufac-
tured by the distillation of wood.
sawdust and a binder used for filling
cracks and joints in timber boarding and wood veneer see veneer.
boardwork. wood wasp, horntail; [Siricidae] a family
wood mosaic, mosaic parquet; of insects whose larvae bore into soft-
decorative timber flooring in wooden wood, causing weakening of the timber
strips, usually less than 10 mm thick, laid in and loosening of the bark.
a repeated square patterned arrangement. wood weevil, wood boring weevil;
[Pentarthrum huttonii] an insect which
causes damage to damp infected timber
by burrowing.
woodwool slab a thick board manufac-
tured by compressing a mixture of wood
shavings and cement; used as thermal
and sound insulation and cladding.
wood mosaic
flooring woodwork the panelling and decorative
construction work of a building on site
wood particle aggregate lightweight involving timber, carried out by a joiner;
concrete aggregate manufactured from framing is usually referred to as timber-
treated wood chips. work; see also joinery, carpentry.
547 woven carpet

woodworking chisel a hand tool work face see face side.

with a metal blade sharpened at one working drawing, production draw-
end for cutting and shaping wood; ing; a design drawing for the construction
types included as separate entries are industry providing information about
listed below: structure, components and materials in a
*bench chisel; *bevelled-edge chisel, bevel project or development, from which it can
edge chisel; *bruzz chisel; *butt chisel; be realized.
*cant chisel, see framing chisel; *carving working life see pot life.
chisel, see woodcarving chisel; *caulking
chisel, caulking iron; *corner chisel, see working model a rough scale model
bruzz chisel; *dogleg chisel, see bruzz made of a design proposal at design stage
chisel; *drawer lock chisel; *firmer chisel; to test ideas of space and massing.
*floor chisel; *framing chisel; *gouge; working pile in foundation technology,
*heading chisel, see mortise chisel; *hinge any pile used as part of the foundation
chisel; *joiner’s chisel, see paring chisel; system of a building.
*lock chisel; *long-cornered chisel, see
skew chisel; *mortise lock chisel; *mortis-
working plane in lighting design, a
hypothetical horizontal, vertical or tilted
ing chisel, mortise chisel; *paring chisel;
plane for which lighting conditions are
*parting chisel, parting tool; *pocket
calculated; usually assumed to be 0.7 m
chisel, see butt chisel; *registered chisel;
above floor level for offices, 0.85 m for
*ripping chisel; *sash chisel, see butt
industrial applications.
chisel; *scraping tool, scraper; *skew
chisel; *swan-neck chisel, see mortise lock working stress see permissible stress.
chisel; *turning chisel; *turning gouge; workmanship a required, specified or
*woodcarving chisel. accepted standard of work on a building
site, or by a craftsman.
woodwork joint see wood joint, timber work plan, work program see plan of
joint. work.
woodworm see furniture beetle. works 1 the body of building or construc-
tion work involved in a project; see also
woolly grain see fuzzy grain. construction works, external works, tem-
work 1 in mechanics, the distance porary works (falsework), groundwork; see
through which a force operates, measured also work.
in Nm or Joules; one joule is the work 2 a manufacturing or production plant
required to move one newton through such as a brickworks or gasworks.
one metre; see energy. works contract see electrical works con-
2 see construction work for list of types of tract; minor works contract.
sitework; see also works. works cube test a test for concrete
3 see decorative work for list of types of used for a particular development, carried
ornamentation. out on site during the progression of work
workability 1 the ability of a material,
by destructive crushing of a sample cube.
especially wood, stone, plastic material or worktop, work surface; the flat horizon-
metal to be easily shaped with cutting tal upper surface or component of a
and abrasive tools; see also machinability. kitchen unit, desk, table, etc.
2 the property of concrete that is able to wormhole, borehole; a small round
be placed, pumped and vibrated with hole in wood caused by burrowing
ease; see plasticity. insects, evident as a defect in the surface.
workability retention aid in concret-
ing, an admixture included in the mix to worm’s-eye referring to a view, scene or
increase the time during which the con- pictorial projection of an object as seen
crete is workable. from below.
workbench a robust wooden bench con- worse face see back.
taining in-built vices; used by a joiner in woven carpet carpet manufactured by
the workshop. weaving crosswise threads known as weft
woven mesh 548
onto suspended lengthwise structural
threads; warp.
woven mesh see woven wire mesh.
woven roving see glassfibre cloth.
woven wire mesh a metal mesh prod-
uct manufactured from two sets of wire laurel wreath
strands woven together in an orthogonal
arrangement, with square or polygonal wreathed column see spiral column.
openings between; used for security fenc-
ing and anti-intruder applications; see wrecking strip a piece of formwork
chain link mesh, conveyor belt mesh, sheeting which can easily be removed to
chicken wire, hexagonal mesh. aid striking, and is destroyed in the
wrench see spanner.
wrinkle, riveling; a defect in a paint fin-
ish consisting of one or a number of small
creases in the surface.
wrot see dressed.
wrought iron a form of ductile iron,
woven wire mesh fibrous in structure, which has little or no
WPC wood plastic composite. carbon added; easily forged and welded,
and used for water pipes and rivets.
wpm waterproofing membrane.
wrought nail see forged nail.
wrack poor quality timber, unsuitable for
use in construction. W truss see Fink truss.
wreath ornament depicting a twisted ring wych elm [Ulmus glabra], see elm.
of foliage, flowers, etc. wythe see withe, leaf.
xenon a heavy, inert, gaseous chemical naturally radioactive elements; their uses
element, Xe, used in television and fluo- in construction include non-destructive
rescent tubes. inspection of welds and other opaque
Xestobium rufovillosum see death constructions.
watch beetle. X-ray resistant glass see lead X-ray
XLPE cross-linked polyethylene. X-ray resisting plaster, radiation-
XPS see extruded polystyrene. shielding mortar; plaster containing
barytes, which is relatively resistant to the
X-rays penetrating short wave, high- penetration of X-rays.
energy electromagnetic emission from
Yankee screwdriver see spiral ratchet yellow birch [Betula alleghaniensis], see
screwdriver. birch.
yard 1 abb. yd.; imperial unit of length yellow cedar [Chamaecyparis nootkaten-
equal to 3 feet or 0.9144 m. sis, Cupressus nootkatensis] a softwood
2 an area of land surrounded by, linked to, from Alaska and the west coast of North
or belonging to a building or buildings. America; used in interiors, furniture and
yard blue, deal yard blue; blue stain boat-building; not a true cedar (see cedar).
occurring in timber in storage. yellow deal commercial timber from the
yarn a product manufactured of strands Scots pine tree.
or fibres wound together and used in the yellowing the weathering of a colour, trea-
fabrication of textiles. ted surface or material from white or clear
Y branch a Y-shaped pipe fitting for to shades of yellow due to reaction with
merging pipelines in a drainage system. light, lack of light, heat or airborne pollution.

yeast black a variety of vine black yellow ochre a dull yellow pigment in
pigment. use since prehistoric times; yellow or
yellowish-brown hydrated iron oxide
produced from yellow clays.
yellow a colour of light from the visible yellow oxide of iron see Mars colour.
spectrum which represents a range of
wavelengths from 560 585 m; yellow yellow pine, Weymouth pine, white
pigments included as separate entries pine; [Pinus strobus], see pine.
are listed below: yellow poplar see tulipwood.
*alizarin yellow; *antimony yellow, see
Naples yellow; *arsenic yellow, see king's yellow ultramarine see barium yellow.
yellow; *arylide yellow; *aureolin, see yew [Taxus baccata] the heaviest soft-
cobalt yellow; *auripigmentum, see king's wood in Europe with strong, resilient, red-
yellow; *aurora yellow, see cadmium yel- dish or purple-brown timber; used for
low; *barium yellow; *brilliant yellow, see decorative inlays and veneers, and the
Naples yellow; *buttercup yellow, see zinc English longbow in the Middle Ages.
yellow; *cadmium yellow; *Chinese yellow; Y-form roof see butterfly roof.
*chrome yellow; *citron yellow, zinc yel-
low; *cobalt yellow; *gamboge; *Hansa yield 1 in mechanics, the permanent
yellow, see arylide yellow; *Indian yellow; deformation which happens to a material,
*indanthrene; *jaune d'antimoine, jaune especially a metal, under stress beyond its
brilliant, see Naples yellow; *Kassler yel- elastic limit.
low, see Turner's yellow; *king's yellow; 2 see concrete yield.
*Leipzig yellow, see chrome yellow; *mas- yield point, yield stress; in mechanics,
sicot; *Montpelier yellow, see Turner's yel- the stress at which a body under stress
low; *Naples yellow; *Orient yellow, suddenly deforms rapidly, shortly before
cadmium yellow; *Paris yellow, see failure.
chrome yellow; *patent yellow, see yoke in traditional timber roof construc-
Turner's yellow; *permanent yellow; tion, a member joining and bracing the
*puree, pwree, Indian yellow; *Royal yel- upper ends of rafters.
low, see king's yellow; *strontium yellow;
Yorkshire bond see monk bond.
*terra merita; *transparent gold ochre,
see Turner's yellow; *Turner's yellow; Young's modulus see modulus of
*ultramarine yellow; *uranium yellow; elasticity.
*yellow lake; *see yellow ochre; *yellow Y-tracery bar tracery found in Gothic
oxide of iron, see Mars yellow; *yellow churches of the 1300s, in which each mul-
ultramarine, see barium yellow; *zinc lion branches into a Y-shape at its upper
yellow. end.
zaffer, zaffre; an impure form of cobalt coating of atomized zinc to the surface of
oxide used as a blue colourant for cera- metals by spraying; aluminium is often
mics and glass. also used.
Z-bar see Z-section. zinc white, Chinese white; a harsh
white pigment, often pure zinc oxide,
ziggurat an ancient Babylonian, used in paints for its properties of durabil-
Mesopotamian or Assyrian tiered structure ity, colour retention and hardness.
of sun-baked bricks, similar to a stepped zinc yellow, buttercup yellow, citron
pyramid on a rectangular or ovoid plan, yellow, zinc chrome; a pale poisonous
with straight or spiral ramped access to a semi-opaque yellow pigment consisting
summit temple, approached by a proces- of zinc chromate, no longer in use.
sional way; also similar structures in early
Central and South American cultures. zinnober green see chrome green; zin-
nober is an alternative spelling of the min-
zigzag see chevron; indented moulding. eral cinnabar.
zinc a bluish-white, fragile metal, Zn, with zirconium a corrosion-resistant grey
good resistance to corrosion; used as a metal, Zr, with properties similar to those
protective coating for other metals, espe- of titanium; used principally in the nuclear
cially steel. industry, but also in some alloys and for
zinc chromate a chemical compound, valve and pump components.
ZnCrO4.7H2O, used as a corrosion inhibi- zirconium oxide a chemical compound,
tor and a yellow pigment in paints and ZrO2, used in the manufacture of ovens.
metal primers; see also zinc yellow.
zinc chrome see zinc yellow. zircon white zirconium oxide used as a
zinc coated steel see galvanized steel. white pigment in ceramics.
zinc coating the corrosion protection of zoisite a grey, green, pinkish or blue vitre-
ferrous metals by application of a thin ous mineral used as a gemstone and for
layer of zinc; the protective coating thus ornamental stone.
formed. zoning in town planning, the division of a
zinc green see cobalt green. larger area of urban land into zones or
zinc oxide a chemical compound, ZnO, districts, and the establishment of regula-
used in the manufacture of cements and tions within each zone to govern the
glass, and as a white pigment; see zinc scope of development with regard to
white. land-use, height and volume of buildings
zinc phosphate a paint used as a corro- etc. to form the basis of a local plan.
sive coating for priming steel.
zinc-rich paint a protective surface zophorus, zoophoros (Gk.); Lat.; a clas-
treatment for steel sheeting consisting of sical frieze with animal or human
paint which contains 90 95% fine zinc ornamentation.
powder; the application of this is often Z-section a structural steel section,
known as cold galvanization. formed by rolling, forming or bending,
zinc silicate paint a two component whose uniform cross-section resembles
paint used for priming steel. the letter Z; sometimes called a Z-bar
zinc spraying, metallization, metal when of hot-rolled steel.
spraying; the application of a protective

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