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Tube Lamp Cardboard

by julien.doolaeghe

The Tube lamp in cardboard left when everything was set up in the room.

As everyone, when you get some cardboard out of a When you get the delivery of the house, everything is
delivery you need to get ride of it. then missing and most of the time you only get the bulb
for the lamp.
But sometime you can challenge yourself to do
something good with the cardboard from the delivery. I then decided to workout some very straight forward
This is what has happen to me. I got the dressing setup plan for a Tube lamp
in my home and then I had quite a volume of cardboard

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Step 1: Step1 : Saving the Cardboard

The rst thing that you need for the project is to save the resource that you will use for this creation.

I have then got all the cardboard from the dressing and then I did cut this at the size that can t the machine that i will

therefore I got some cardboard sheet of 25 cm X 25 cm

Once that I got a good amont of this resource I then started to cut the les on the laser cuter

Tube Lamp Cardboard: Page 3

Step 2: Step2 : Cutting the Cardboard

To cut the lamp shape, I have been using an Epilog Helix included on the le some label that I am using for the
laser di erent sales that I do in my workshop. do not forget to
remove it before you set your le ;-)
this is a very e cient laser cutter, which is making the
cut to be very fast Or do not hesitate to visit my workshop:
As i didn't want to get too much waste, I have also




Tube Lamp Cardboard: Page 4

Step 3: Step 3 : Assembling the Different Layers

When I did design the lamp I already had some piece of electrical setup (this is made to t with the IKEA lamp
a tube in cardboard. setup by the way)

Therefore I used it to center all the layers while gluing Then I used 2 layer to make this connection to be very
the layers together. strong
So i started the assembling of all the layers to a minimal
set of layer that I wanted to keep for the bottom of the After all, I then continue with some extra layer on top. So
light. I could get the end of the lamp holding a piece of
cardboard tube of about 5 cm
Then there is the xing layer, to connect with the lamp

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Step 4: Step 4 : the Final Look

Please nd here a picture set of the nal assembly and the gorgeous look that it bring at night time.

The cardboard is making the light to going through shading nicely

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