CEIT 382 Computer Education Teaching Methods II Spring 2020 Microteaching Lesson Plan Assignment

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CEIT 382 Computer Education Teaching Methods II

Spring 2020

Microteaching Lesson Plan Assignment


I. Preparation
 Unit name: Information Technologies
 Lesson title: File Management
 Lesson author: Mohamed Abdelazim Rashad
 Grade level 6th grade
 Duration 20 minutes

 Instructional goal:

Clouding and files compression are an important method that mostly everyone uses nowadays
in many different fields. It is important for the students to know the benefits and the usage of
file compression and to store their own files in a cloud platform. My goal for the students is that
they know the use of file compression, they understand the core principles of clouding and list
cloud storage platforms

 Learning Objectives

- Learner will be able to determine the file size.

- Learner will be able to define the concept of file compression.
- Learner will be able to zip and unzip file by change file’s format.
- Learner will be able to explain the concept of clouding.
- Learner will be able to list the advantages of using clouding platforms.
- Learner will be able to upload their files in a cloud storage (Google Drive)
- Learner will be able to get a sharable link for their files after uploading it (Google derive)

 Previous activity

Last week we covered (Transfers the data in the printed environment to electronic media.)

 Next activity

Next week we will cover (develops a strategy for storing and accessing files.)

 Instructional materials

Projector, white board, Internet, Power point presentation smartboard and handouts related to
the content.

 Learner Characteristics
According to Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development, there are four different stages of
cognitive development, our target students whom are in 6th grade are in concrete operational
According to this stage there are major characteristics and developmental changes:
 During this stage, children begin to think logically about concrete events
 They begin to understand the concept of conversation
 Their thinking becomes more logical and organized
 They begin using inductive logic, or reasoning from specific information to general
 Time chart

Activity Duration (20 min)

- Motivation part (2 min)

Introduction (3 min)
- Objectives and recalling
perquisites (1 min)

- Presentation information (10

Information Sharing and Application min)
(14 min) - Practice and feedback (3

Closure (1 min) - Summarizing the lesson


Assessment (2 min) - Assessment (2 min)

II. Introduction
 Motivating students
At the introduction part, it is essential to motivate the students. in order to get students’
motivation from the beginning of the lesson, teacher will apply the concept of file compression
in real life. Teacher will assume a problem that he faced, and he will discuss the solutions with
the students. The problem is about a file of 10 GB he has in his computer and he wants to give
it to a friend who only has an 8 GB flash memory. So, what can be done in this situation to give
this friend the files he wants?

As a result of this activity, students will have a better understanding of the topic and they won’t
forget the idea of file compression and cloud storage.

 Informing students of the objectives

After finishing from first motivation activity, teacher will briefly explain what the students are
going to do through the lesson using PowerPoint presentation. the students will learn how to
determine the file’s size, how to zip or unzip a file( to reduce the size of a file), what clouding is,
how can we benefit from clouding our files and showing all these process by applying direct
instruction strategy.

 Helping students recall prerequisites

An active learning strategy will be applied called Reconnecting. In this strategy teacher will
reconnect with students after some time has elapsed. At first, teacher will welcome students
back to the class and shortly try to become reconnected. After that, teacher will ask students
“How they feel today”.

Moreover, Teacher and students will have small class discussion related to the prerequisites
topics that is essential for the lesson. For instance, teacher will recall what students have
learned about creating a file and moving files, having a Gmail address and students will
participate in this discussion as well.
III. Information Sharing and Application
 Presenting information
The Teacher is going to:
1- Prepare mini presentation that shows:
o The advantages of zipping files
o Definition of Cloud store
o Advantages of using cloud storage

2- Prepare an Activity using the smartboard which will make the students to participate and
revise the information that was provided in the mini presentation. This activity will include
True-False questions, the class will be divided into two groups to play the activity.
* In BBB Platform I will share my computer screen*

3- Apply Silent Demonstration active learning strategy. By applying this strategy, each
student will work individually on their own computers, and the teacher will be giving step-
by-step procedures to follow.
At first, the teacher will make sure that everyone has a gmail account as they previously
created it, in order to follow the cloud storage producers.
Afterwards, teacher will start to go over the procedures which includes:
o Determine file size
By right click on the file and choosing “Properties”, a small window will pop-up
and show the details of the file including the size of it.
o Zip and unzip file
By right click on the file, different choices will be shown in order to zip and unzip
a file.
o Open google Drive from any browser
o Login and upload any file into (My drive section > New > File upload)
* In BBB Platform I will share my computer screen to do the previous steps*

Screen shots of some instructions:

 Providing practice and feedback
After explaining the topic, teacher will provide an individual guided practice.
Each student will get a small sheet that includes the tasks they will do.
During this practice, the teacher will observe each student and gives feedback if needed.
A Rubric is provided for the activity procedure (Appendix-B)

These tasks are:

1- Create a file named “Myfile” and put 3 different photos inside it.
2- Determine the file size before zipping it and type it here (………….)
3- Change file format to (.zip) format in order to reduce the size of the file.
4- Determine the file size after zipping it and type it here (………….)
5- Open google drive from any browser and upload the same file “Myfile”
6- Share the file link with your instructor.

IV. Closure
 Summarizing the lesson
For the summary part, Topical Review learning strategy will be applied. This strategy requires
students to recall what was learned in the lesson and it is a good way to help students to revisit
the content that the teacher have covered.
The teacher will ask the students what they have learned from today’s lesson. Moreover, the
teacher will briefly talk about the compression of a file and how useful is it as they have learned
and the clouding of a file and the advantages of using it.

V. Assessment
For assessing the student’s outcome, there will a quiz which include hands-on activity and
performance-based activity as well. This quiz will be given at the end of the lesson to check what
students have learned and achieved from the lesson and what they couldn’t.
This test covers all of the objectives that were taught in the lesson. The teacher is going to read the
instruction and distribute the test sheets. (Appendix-A)

SysInfoTools. (n.d.). What is Zip file format and what are advantage and disadvantage of zip file?
Retrieved from https://www.sysinfotools.com/knowledgebase/what-is-Zip-file-format-and-what-are-

Mister, M. (n.d.). 10 Advantages and Disadvantages of Cloud Storage. Retrieved from


March 8, 2018. (2018, March 8). 5 Benefits and 3 Drawbacks of Using Cloud Storage for Your BaaS
Offering. Retrieved from https://www.channelfutures.com/from-the-industry/5-benefits-and-3-

Exam paper:
Information Technology
Name: April 14, 2020
Surname: Duration: 15 min
Signature: Total Grade: ___/100

This exam contains 2 page (including this page) and 30 questions.
Use only Pencil to answer the questions.
Read every question carefully.

True-False question

Indicate whether each of the following statements is TRUE or FALSE by circling “T” for true statement
and “F” for false statements. (Each question is 8 pts. Total 40pts)

1. T F the Zip file format is a data compression and archive format.

2. T F Zip file format is used to increase the size of original data.

3. T F Cloud storage doesn’t take space from your computer.

4. T F Zipping allows you to encrypt private data.

5. T F Cloud storage can only be accessed from your own computer .

Multiple choice question

Circle ONLY one correct choice for each question (Each is 10pts. Total 40pts)

6. Which of the following is the extension of 8. In hard disk space, zipping large files can
a zipped file? save up to?
a) .png a) 30%
b) .pdf b) 50%
c) .os c) 80%
d) .rar d) 65%

7. Which of the following is NOT an 9. Which of the following is a cloud storage

advantage of using cloud storage? platform?
a) Cost saving a) Google Drive
b) Reduce file size b) YouTube
c) Back up files c) Computer hard disk
d) Easy access d) Gmail account
Short answers questions
Answer the following question by writing NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS in the given space.
(Each question is 10pts, total 20pts)

10. A model of computer data storage in which the digital data is stored in logical pools.

is called?

( _____________________ )

11. After uploading a file in (Google drive), what is the best way to send the same file to another


( _____________________ )

After finishing the exam, you will have a homework to finish and submit after one week:

1- Create a file named “yourname_mybestphotos” and put 5 different photos inside it.

2- Determine the file size before zipping it and type it here (…………..…….)

3- Change file format to (.zip) format in order to reduce the size of the file.

4- Determine the file size after zipping it and type it here (…………..…….)

5- Open google drive from any browser and upload the same file “mybestphotos”

6- Share the file link with your instructor.


Question Answer Question Answer Question 10 11

(True- (Multiple (Short
False) choice) answer)
Answer Cloud Sharable
1 T 6 c Storage link

2 F
7 a
3 T
4 T 8 b

5 F 9 a
Mohamed Rashad- 2278562


Student Name:     ________________________________________

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
The Student The Student The Student had The Student was
Create file include successfully successfully some struggles not able to create
photos created a file that created a file that creating a folder a file that
includes 3 includes less than that includes 3 includes 3
different photos. required photos. different photos. different photos
The Student The Student The Student had The Student was
Determine file successfully was successfully was some struggles to not able to
size able to determine able to determine determine the file determine the file
the file size with the file size but size size
the correct steps gave wrong
The Student was The Student was The Student had The Student
able to zip the file able to zip the file some problems couldn’t zip the
Zipping file successfully but in different while zipping the file.
format file

Determine file The Student The Student The Student had The Student was
size after zipping successfully was successfully was some struggles to not able to
able to determine able to determine determine the file determine the file
the file size with the file size but size size
the correct steps gave wrong
The Student The Student The Student had The Student
successfully successfully some problems to couldn’t upload
Cloud storage uploaded the file uploaded the file upload the file to the file to google
to google drive but using a google drive drive
different file than
the required
The Student The Student The Student had The student
Sharable link successfully got a successfully got a some struggles to couldn’t get a
sharable link to sharable link but get a sharable link sharable link to
the uploaded file refers to a to the uploaded the uploaded file.
different file file
Mohamed Rashad- 2278562

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