St. Johns County School District OCR Complaint No. 04-21-1208 Data Request Electronically and Un-Redacted

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Johns County School District

OCR Complaint No. 04-21-1208

Data Request

OCR is requesting that you forward the following information to us, electronically and un-redacted,
within fifteen (15) calendar days of the date of the accompanying letter. Please do not include any social
security numbers in your data response. If the District submits the data electronically, no additional hard
copy is needed.

1. For the 2018-2019, 2019-2020, and 2020-2021 school years, provide a copy of the District’s
dress code for students. If any District school has a different dress code or if there are different
dress codes for certain grade levels, provide those different dress codes. Also provide all policies
and procedures, memoranda, notes or correspondence that describe how school employees
should determine if students have met dress code requirements, and how the employees should
address dress code violations. “Correspondence” includes, but is not limited to, letters,
memoranda, emails, text messages and other electronic communications.

2. Provide, if different from the above, the dress code requirements and related policies and
procedures for all “Dress for Success” programs in the District.

3. Regarding the Bartram Trail High School 2020-2021 yearbook: (a) list all dress or attire
requirements for student photographs for the yearbook and explain how those requirements were
communicated to students; (b) provide a copy of all policies or procedures that governed or
addressed alteration of individual student photographs in the yearbook due to dress or attire; (c)
provide a copy of all memoranda, notes or correspondence that pre-dated issuance of the 2020-
2021 yearbook and discussed the decision to alter individual student photographs in the yearbook
due to dress or attire; and (d) identify the individuals who played any role in the decision to alter
student photographs in the yearbook for reasons related to dress or attire.

4. Identify or describe the documents that school staff create or annotate when a student deviates
from a dress code requirement. Include a description of the information staff should include in
the document. This request covers documents related to the discipline process as well as
documents that are unrelated to the discipline process.

5. Provide a list of students at Bartram Trail High School who received a disciplinary referral or
warning related to a dress code violation during the 2018-2019, 2019-2020 or 2020-2021 school
years. For each listed student provide the following information: (a) name, sex, and grade; (b)
date of incident, whether the student received a discipline referral, the reason for the referral or
warning -- including an explanation of how the student deviated from the dress code, and if
applicable the outcome of the referral, the type and level of any charged disciplinary offense and
disciplinary sanction imposed, including the length of any suspension, detention or other
disciplinary action; and (c) the name(s) of the employee(s) who referred the student and decided
the outcome. Please include dress code warnings, referrals or other incidents not recorded in a
school’s discipline records or system.

6. Separately for the 2018-2019, 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 school years, provide the following
information regarding each school in the District: (a) school name and grade level; (b) total
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enrollment by sex; (c) total number of students referred for discipline for violating a dress code
requirement; and (d) total number of students who because of a deviation from the dress code
requirement, received a warning, were not allowed to attend or remain in class or were required
to go an administrator’s office, but were not disciplined for a dress code requirement.

7. Provide a list of the students in the Dress for Success Program who received a grade reduction
or other penalty, including disciplinary or other action during the 2018-2019, 2019-2020, and
2020-2021 school years due to dress or attire. For each such student, please provide: (a) their
name, sex, grade, and school; (b) date of incident resulting in grade reduction or other penalty
(including discipline if applicable), and specific reason(s) for the grade reduction or penalty; (c)
a description of the grade reduction or other penalty (including if applicable, level of the charged
disciplinary offense or violation and disciplinary sanction imposed); and (d) the name of the
employee who recommended or referred the student for the penalty or action or issued the penalty
or action. With respect to applicable disciplinary action, please include dress code violations that
are not recorded in a school’s discipline records or system.

8. Provide a list of the students who voluntarily left or were dismissed from the Dress for Success
Program as a result of a dress code violation or other issues related to dress or attire. For each
student, please provide their name, gender, grade, school, and date of the incident.

9. Provide the following information and documents related to a “dress code sweep” that occurred
on March 26, 2021 at Bartram Trail High School: (a) a description of what occurred; (b) the
reasons for the actions by school employees during the incident; (c) a list by name and job title
of all District employees who authorized or were involved in the incident and a description of
each person’s role; (d) a copy of all videotapes of the incident; and (e) a list including the name,
sex, and grade of all students who were removed from their classes, required to demonstrate that
their clothing met dress code requirements or were otherwise involved in the dress code sweep.

10. For the 2018-2019, 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 school years, (a) provide a copy, or if unwritten a
description or summary, of all correspondence, grievances or complaints from students, parents,
guardians or other individuals or entities, regarding District staff: i) issuing dress code violations
to females for wearing shorts but not to males, ii) enforcing the dress code in a manner that
publicly shames and humiliates females, iii) subjecting females to “dress code sweeps”, iv)
pulling females out of class or preventing them from going to class for dress code violations, v)
grading females harsher than their male counterparts in the Dress for Success Program, vi)
digitally altering the photos of the females in Bartram Trail High School’s yearbook, vii)
subjecting female students to harassment or a sexually hostile environment in enforcing a school
or District dress code or viii) otherwise pertinent to the allegations in this complaint. (b) Please
provide a copy or, if unwritten, a description or summary of the District’s response to each item
of correspondence that did not constitute a grievance or complaint. (c) For each grievance or
complaint also provide the following: i) the date of the grievance or complaint and a description
of steps school system employees took to investigate the grievance or complaint, ii) the District’s
determination regarding the grievance or complaint, iii) all disciplinary action, training,
counseling or other actions taken to address, eliminate or remedy issues raised in the grievance
or complaint, iv) all documentation related to the grievance or complaint, including but not
limited to correspondence, meeting notes, investigative notes, logs, witness statements, incident
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reports, and discipline or personnel records, and v) the names and titles of all District employees
involved in the response to the grievance or complaint.

11. A list of all District employees with knowledge regarding the Complainant’s allegations,
including their job title.

12. Any additional information that the District believes may be helpful in resolving this complaint,
if the District wishes to provide such information.

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