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The following is an adventure intended for 1st level players,

however, it is generally recommended for somewhat Intro (Optional)
experienced or experimental players, as it breaks, tweaks, or
utterly ignores how most classes would typically play due to The story starts as many stories do. The players are
the very strange situation it places the players in. transporting a wagon from a place to another place, as
What is the situation? The players are abducted by a adventurers do, and it's full of stuff and things, drawn by a
spaceship and find themselves bereft of gear and hopeless horse.
out matched by their foes wielding sci-fi level gear - their only The players find themselves on a grassy path through some
hope is to seize their foes weapons and shoot their way free light hills, with tumbled rocks all about. Have them make a
with laser guns! Wisdom (Perception) check - on a 10 or higher, then realize
they are being ambushed by orcs! Roll initiative.
Overview There is about 15 orcs, surrounding the players. The
The following is the rough intended outline of adventure. No situation looks quite grim.
outline survives contact with a part of adventurers. On initiative 20, have all of your players make a DC 20
Charisma saving throw. On failure, they see a blinding flash
Players are abducted by a spaceship via transporter beam. of light, and everything fades to blackness. While this is
Wake up unarmed and weaponless with the ship in the intended to be failed, if one passes, let them pass. They see
midst of a boarding action and mutiny. their companions vanish into a beam of light that descends
Arm themselves with weapons from the fallen, and space from the sky, and can take their turn as they wish.
suits that give them temporary air (to bypass the poison If a player is knocked out by the orcs, they will
gas). automatically fail their next DC 20 Charisma save, which
Kill everything that wants to shoot them. occurs on initiative to 20 until all players have failed.
Decodes the door locks from the clues in the Medbay and And no... it's not railroad... it's a spaceship!
Crew Quarters.
Restarts the power to the ship.
Negotiates with the AI on the bridge to send them home. Grassy Path Map
(Optional Objectives: Save the elf child, deal with the This map is fairly simple and doesn't necessarily
pirates, loot the captain's chamber, find a way to kill the need a battle map at all, but if you are looking for
Mind Flayer. one, I'd recommend this Grassy Path by 2 Minute
Table Top. You can even find Wagon assets from
Overall, while it has many paths, it's a small fairly linear them as well.

A Kibbles' Adventure (In Space)
1. Specimen Storage The orc's name is Had-rak, and he is very aggressive,
confused, and currently violent. Talking him down without
Dull red light illuminates a strange metallic cave. A deep knocking him unconscious requires speaking orcish and a
rumbling noise breaks the silence. This chamber has eight
DC 15 persuasion or DC 20 Charisma (Intimidation)
check. This check is reduced by 5 for each time he has been
strange reclined beds made from metal and glass that are
knocked out by the party, until it reaches a minimum of 10 or
exceedingly uncomfortable. Each is covered with a strange he is killed.
curved glass window. The floors and walls seem entirely made Once the immediate problem of an angry orc is resolved,
from a worked metal substance, with a door to the east and the corpse can be investigated. The corpse is wearing
west. Each door has a strange number pad, buttons and Strange Armor. A DC 10 Wisdom (Medicine) check will
flashing light to the right of it. You see a humanoid corpse reveal the corpse appears to have died of poison inhalation,
against the western door. and a subsequent DC 10 Intelligence (Investigation) check
will reveal that it appears the helm is improperly sealed. A
In the fourth bed, you see an orc stirring awake. player donning the armor does not require a check to engage
or disengage the seal, the previous wearer was just in a hurry
and made a mistake.
This is where the adventure properly begins. These contain Examining the doors will reveal they are sliding metals
the players and one orc from the previous encounter. They doors, each has a panel to the right side. This panel has a
have lost all of their gear and find themselves with only keypad with the numbers zero through nine on it, and two
strange blue smocks. The orc will immediately attack in buttons. The button on the left locks the door, and the button
confusion, and can be a challenging foe for a party with no the right opens the door. You can warn the players that once
weapons. locked, they see no easy way to unlock the door, as locking the
wrong doors can make their progress very challenging.
A Kibbles' Adventure (In Space)
2. Med-bay On a DC 10 Perception check or if the players enter the
room, read the following description of it.
Illuminated by the same dull red light, this room contains what
This chamber is dominated by three massive glass container-
appears to be large storage racks along the northern wall, two
like beds - similar to those you found yourself in earlier, but far
marginally more comfortable looking beds surrounded by
larger. The floor is covered in broken glass, and the source is
strange arcane ritual equipment along the western wall, with a
desk and smaller door on the southern wall, with a large door clearly the container to the north which seems smashed open,
and a small door along the eastern wall. Both of the smaller a large ogre corpse spilling out of it. Two additional containers
doors have a flashing red light beneath their keypad above the are in the room, one open and the other closed.
buttons. A desk is against the north wall with an odd spear in a rack
next to it. A large door is to the south, a small green light
A corpse lies in the southeast corner against the small door flashing on its control panel.
to the east, leaving a large pool of blood.

A closer inspection of the closed pod reveals that it contains

Likely the first room the players will explore after their their player's horse from part on.
starting location, there's a lot of useful things for them to find The poison is flooding into the chamber from vents along
here. First of all, the med-bay beds are advanced healing the ceiling, and can pose a great danger if not deactivated or
stations, though likely beyond the players ken to use. If a contained. A creature can deactivate the poison from any of
creature is placed in the bed, another creature can activate the pod consoles with a DC 5 Intelligence check. If the panel
the healing properties of the bed with a DC 20 Intelligence next to the horse's container is used, failing this check
check. If a creature fails by 5 or more, the creature in the bed accidentally releases a confused horse into the poisoned
takes 1d4 slashing damage. If they succeed, they can restore room. The horse can be released intentionally without a
1 hit to the creature in the bed, bringing an unconscious check, but figuring it out takes 1 minute.
creature to wakefulness. A creature with an Intelligence The desk contains nothing useful, but the spear is a
ability score of 10 or high instinctive realizes that challenge Lightning Zap Spear.
and risk of using this gear. The door to the south is unlocked and leads to the main
An investigation of the equipment wields that little of it can halls, and the players roll initiative as soon as it opens.
be understood, but a DC 10 Investigation reveals a Force
Scalpel that they can take and make use of.
The players can find a limited selection of their former
belongings in the storage racks, including any holy symbols,
arcane focuses, and other small items. None of their weapons
or armor is present though. They do however find a Strange
Armor and a Strange Plate Armor on the storage racks, each
of them have a Strange Wand holstered at the side.
The desk to the south holds papers the players cannot
understand. Using comprehend languages will reveal little as
most of them are in medical jargon, but will reveal notes
about "Neogi" and "Illithid" and their dietary and medical
requirements. Additionally, it holds two doses of Healing
Serum (which are effectively greater health potions).
The corpse in the south eastern corner wields a damaged
Strange Armor. It has only half the temporary hit points
remaining. The corpse is additional carrying another Strange
Wand. A DC 5 investigation check reveals that he appears to
have died while trying to open the door to the east, a result of
10 or more will reveal notice that the blood smears on the
keypad come from his hand and are on the numbers "7" and
3. Large Specimen Storage
Immediately upon opening this door, have each player that is
not wearing a Strange Armor with their helm sealed make a
Constitution saving throw as poison gas begins to fill the
room. Each player takes 1d4 poison damage, and as a result
of a 5 or less collapses to the ground, unable to act.
If the players immediately shut the door again, no further
checks are required, but as long as the door remains open
requires additional checks, with the DC rising by 1 each time.

A Kibbles' Adventure (In Space)
4. Main Halls 5. Mess Hall
The main hall connects the mess hall, crew chambers,
captains room, fitness center, hibernation pod, teleporter pad, This room is instantly recognizable as the common room of an
and bridge. Entering this room from the fitness center or inn, its arrangement is strange with tables arrayed facing the
large specimen storage rooms presents the players an walls. A large table stands in the middle of the room, a bar in
immediate challenge though. A Strange Sailor is around the the back, and a strange mechanical bar along the eastern wall.
corner toward the bridge, and two Neogi are around the
corner toward the captain's chamber. Distractingly a large ogre stands in the middle of the room
A DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) check will reveal that the carrying a blood splattered metal chair, a smashed corpse
Strange Sailor seems as wary of the door directly across sprawled over the table being the obvious source.
from him (the door into 12. Cargo Bay) as he is of the Neogi
or players. That door is currently locked.
Both factions are hostile to each other and the party, and As soon as this door is opened, have the players roll initiative
communication is all but impossible. The Strange Sailor will if they are not already in initiative. The ogre is in a smashing
hold his position and fire at the closest threat. The Neogi will mood and there's little the players can do to convince it to do
rush into the Large Specimen Room as soon as the door is otherwise. The ogre is remarkably proficient in using the
opened, dashing if necessary. They will prioritize deactivating metal chair as a club, but deals only 11 (2d6 + 4
the poison, closing the doors, and then killing the players. bludgeoning damage), and corpse on the table got a solid
The Neogi's Enslave ability does not recharge in this module, shot in before being clubbed to death, leaving the ogre with
and only one of them has a use of Enslave remaining. If they 47 hit points.
become bloodied, they will recognize the players as a threat Once the ogre is dealt with, the players are free to explore
and attempt to use Enslave on the strongest looking one. the room.
The two Neogi have nothing of value to players, but the The kitchen is mostly incomprehensible to the players
Strange Sailor has a Strange Wand and a Strange Armor regardless of a check, but they can determine the heating unit
but his armor is likely to be destroyed in the process of and cold food storage. All the food the players could want is
fighting him. He speaks no languages the players do, and here, though it will largely be strange and unrecognizable to
cannot be easily convinced to stand down, as he's functionally them as to what it actually is, it tastes quite good. The strange
backed into a corner as the players will learn should they machine along the eastern wall dispenses various beverages
reach the Bridge. from coffee to soda, and can be figured out without a check
(though if a player wants a custom latte, a more complicated
Event: Strange Pirates! check might be appropriate!)
Each time the players subsequently enter the main halls after The dead Strange Sailor's armor is once more totally
a minute has passed since all creatures within them have destroyed, but from his body another Strange Wand can be
been slain, make an event roll with a d20 (or as the players salvaged.
do). On a 5 or lower, the Pirates in the cargo bay have They will find the only other door is to the small room to
managed to hack their door, unlocking it, and have entered the back in the southwest corner of the room. It is also
the Main Halls (both Strange Pirates and the Strange locked, but even a cursory examination shows that this door
Pirate Wizard). Unlike the other factions in the ship, they seems more decorative than effective. Players can either
will avoid combat with the players if possible, shouting at open it with the lock code if they've discovered it or simple
them and pointing weapons, but not attacking unless smash it down with a DC 10 Strength (Athletics) check.
attacked (they are shouting for the players to drop their The room beyond seems to be a fancier dining room,
weapons). They have no interest in fighting the players. requisite with silverware. A DC 10 Intelligence
(Investigation) check reveals the silverware is just valueless
shiny metal rather than silver. A DC 10 Wisdom
(Perception) check or a search of the room reveals there is a
Small Elf Child in hiding in the room.
Small Elf Child (Yin'lore'id)
If the room becomes flooded with poison or has its
atmosphere vented, the child is unfortunately dead.
Otherwise, the child is scared of the players but generally
harmless. She will be far less apprehensive of an elf
character (particularly a high elf) than others. She does not
share any languages with the players and her language is
incomprehensible and sibilant.

A Kibbles' Adventure (In Space)
She has the commoner stats, but with a Strength of 4 and an 7-9. Crew Chambers
Intelligence of 14, a size of small and does not speak
common, but speaks a unique dialect of her people, as well as The crew chamber doors are unlocked, all with the flashing
the languages spoken by the pirates and sailors. She is green light to indicate that. When any are opened you can
proficient in Technology. The only way to directly read the description:
communicate with her is the A.I. in the bridge, but she can
communicate in basic gestures to an extent. If the players The room contains a narrow bunk bed, a desk, a storage chest,
come up with reasonable gestures, simple let them work, and little else. The rooms are spartan and small, though the
otherwise communicating simple concepts requires a DC 10
Charisma (Performance) check to communicate, and a DC beds look at least a little more comfortable than the strange
10 Wisdom (Insight) check to understand her response; glass beds you awoke in.
complicated concepts are much harder to communicate, but
clever players may come up with some ideas.
She is, like the players, collected as a specimen, and is a Room 7
moon elf (as in elf from the moon... which moon is not clear), A DC 5 Intelligence (Investigation) check reveals finds the
and generally finds the situation scary. She is happy to follow players a Repair Kit. A 10 or more finds the Strange Brace
around the players, and has no objective besides surviving, of Crossbow Bolt Tips as well (these are ammunition for the
getting off the ship, and preferably being returned home. As Automatic Armless Crossbow that can be found on the
she can read the language of the Sailors, she can potentially wounded Strange Sailor in the Fitness Room).
provide some clues if the players are otherwise stuck.
Room 8
A DC 5 Investigation check of this room reveals scraps of
Playing Yin'lore'id paper in the trash can. With a 5, you can determine the
The small elf child is scared of dying and will stay numbers "9" and "07" are written on them. With a 10 or
away from anything that looks dangerous, but higher, you can determine that a fourth number is another 7.
unlike the players understands that she's on a With a 20 or higher you can fully reconstruct the note to
spaceship, and how most of the things on it work reveal the keycode ("9707").
(as well as child would). If the players are stuck here without finding or searching
the rooms, you can always have a bored Yin'lore'id find the
paper scraps if she is still alive.
6. Captain's Room Room 9
The first challenge of the captain's room is that it is locked, A DC 5 Intelligence (Investigation) check reveals finds an
and it has a unique keycode to it. The keycode to the Intricate Gauntlet. A 10 or more finds a Greater Healing
Captain's room is 1234, but the only person on the ship that Potion as well.
knows that is the A.I. on the bridge. It is not impossible a
player would guess the code, and if they do, let it work. 10. Fitness Center
Otherwise, you can let them make a DC 20 Wisdom
(Insight) check to guess it. The adventure can be completed All doors into the Fitness Room are locked, so it cannot be
without entering this chamber. The Captain was at some accessed until the players have a way to open these doors. As
point tossed out an airlock during the fighting prior to the soon as one of these doors open, have them roll for initiative.
player's arrival. The wounded Strange Sailor in the room has been waiting
Should the players successfully open the door, they are to get the drop on whoever enters and has advantage on his
confronted by one of the more dangerous enemies of the roll. Unlike the others, he armed with the dangerous
adventure, XF-344, the captain's guard droid. You can use an Automatic Armless Crossbow (which is actually an assault
Iron Golem with the following changes: its size is medium, it rifle of some form).
lacks the Sword and Poison Breath actions, and it has only Due to his superior knowledge of the device, he gains both
60 hit points. the benefits of having sufficient strength and intelligence,
It will not attack unless they enter the room, and DC 5 despite not having the requisite stats. He is an extremely
Wisdom (Insight) check reveals that information. Even with dangerous enemy due to the damage he can deal firing 6
their gear, it is a difficult opponent to fight, and it cannot be shots, though he is very unlikely to hit after 3 or 4.
easily convinced to stand down. If engaged, it will use its Fortunately, he has only 4 hit points and 24 temporary hit
superiority at melee combat to its advantage and close the points, having been badly wounded and partially repaired his
door, forcing the players to come to it. It can exit the room if armor.
the players attempt to siege it, but will not pursue them if they Once this threat is dealt with, the player can find two
flee. holographic target ranges at the eastern side of the room, a
Should the players successfully defeat or bypass the guard, treadmill, a bench press, and medicine cabinet containing
they can search the room finding three Greater Healing vitamin supplements. Among these are two Healing Potions,
Potions, a Charged Sunblade, a +1 Strange Wand, an though it takes a DC 10 Wisdom (Medicine) check to identify
intact Strange Armor, a repair kit, a diamond worth 300 gp, them as such.
and the Captain's ID Card.
The Captain's ID card is the only item that can get the A.I.
to allow them control ship operations.

A Kibbles' Adventure (In Space)
11. Engine Room The ship cannot be moved and the warp pad cannot be
used unless the ship is fully powered. The A.I. can tell the
As soon as one of the doors opens, have the players roll players how to operate this console, as can the pirates or
initiative. Yim'lore'id (as though she has no idea how it works, she can
read what the buttons say, which makes it obvious) if either
By far the strangest room yet, this large room is filled with a can be communicated with to understand what they players
dull roar and more brightly lit than the other rooms, with the
want and convinced it will help them. As the sequence is
red lights warring with a bright blue glow from the various
simple, the players can quite likely figure it out themselves.
strange massive arcane structures in this room. 12. Cargo Bay
Giant tanks cover the south wall, a massive work table sits The Cargo Bay is locked, but may be unlocked by either the
near the door, and unimaginably complex large devices players or eventually by the Pirates within it (as per the
dominate the room. An armor figure grabs a heavy looking Strange Pirates! event). If this is the first time encountering
wand off the workbench and points it at you, flames leaping
the occupants within, read the following:
from its tip.
This room is filled by strange large metal crates. The northern
wall seems to be rent open, but resealed by a strange metal
Inside is a Strange Armored Sailor, this is a Strange Sailor, tube. Crouching amid the large metal crates you see three
but wearing a Strange Armored Suit giving him an AC of 16 figures in strange armor, but different armor than you have
and 45 temporary hit points (instead of 30). He is armed with seen before. Both more ragged, but more heavy and effective
the Heavy Fire Wand (a flamethrower) and will use it to hit looking. One of them is wearing a strange glowing device
as many players as he can each turn. around his wrist and blue coat over his armor, and all three
Once this threat is dealt with, his weapon can be taken and
the room can be explored. Much of the room is taken up by seem armed with strange wands.
strange "arcane" machinery, but no arcana check can reveal They do no open fire but yell at you in their strange
more info about it. There is a workbench with the Lightning language gesturing with their wands at you.
Fire Wand on it (an arc welder). This is one way to open
locked doors if the players cannot figure out the codes, and
can open a door in a bout minute, destroying it in the process. Inside is two Strange Pirates and a Strange Pirate Wizard.
With a DC 10 Intelligence (any related tool) check, a The Strange Pirate Wizard is just a Strange Pirate that gains
player can cobble together a set of that tool here, be that the ability to cast the following spells once each: shield,
Smith's Tools, Tinker's Tools, or Glassblower's Tools. burning hands, scorching ray, and fireball, with a DC of 14.
Engine Console These are a hard fight, but will prefer to avoid a fight. They
The console is the engine console. It is very simple to use, have no interest in the players, and just want to loot the ship,
but the players have no way of knowing that. It has three but will be content with the primary prize they already have
buttons, though they are labeled, the players cannot read the in the cargo bay if they cannot get more without fighting.
labels. The players can establish a working relationship with the
pirates, as the pirates don't care if the players escape or take
Prime Engine: The far button left button primes the the ship, but will fight if the players try to take cargo or pirate
engine. If the engine is off, it causes the screen to have a ship. Working with the pirates is hard due to the language
green diagram on it, and the room begins to hum. If the barrier, and the easiest approach is to just leave them alone,
engine is already primed or running when the button is but they present many potential outcomes to the adventure
pressed, it causes flashing red lights and then shuts down should the players engage with them. It is not impossible that
the engine. the pirates would recruit the players as a potential ending to
Start Engine: The middle button starts the engine. If the the one shot.
engine is primed, it causes the screen to have a blue chart The pirates have a hacking device that unlock the doors,
on it, and the ship powers up, normal lights being and the Pirate Wizard is a 5th level caster (through his
restored. techno-caster tool), unfortunately he does not have
Stop Engine: The right button shuts down and flushes the comprehend languages on it, though he can prepare it during
engine, setting it to fully off. If the engine is off, this does a long rest if the party is somehow on the ship for that long
nothing. If the engine is primed or on, it flushes the engine (though that will only allow him to understand the party, not
and shuts it off, causing a red light to and the ship to run speak to them).
on emergency power (as it has been).
The engine starts in the primed state, so just pressing the
middle Start Engine button will start the engine, but pressing
other buttons will shut it down, requiring pressing Prime
before Start again.

A Kibbles' Adventure (In Space)
13. Teleporter Pad Should it be awakened, it will use it's Mind Blast to knock
out the players, and then act from there the best way based
on the state of the ship. The Neogi serves it. The Pirates will
A giant window along the southern wall shows a wide dirt road
not fight it and will flee back to their ship and fly away if they
through a grassy plane that looks a lot like where you last become aware of its presence.
remember being before being abducted.
15. Bridge
Strange glowing screens cover the eastern wall, and the
small console of some kind is in the north eastern corridor. The door to this room is locked. If the players open it, read
the following.
The window on the southern wall is simply a screen showing Large windows out into the night sky cover the eastern wall.
where the teleporter is calibrated for. If the players activate it Below them, dozens of flashing lights and strange pieces of
and go through it, they will be returned to where they started, arcane technology cover the lower part of the wall. Five large
but is not currently active. If the ship has not been powered chairs face the windows.
on yet, a blinking red lock icon shows over the screens.
This is how the players got on the ship, and represents one In the largest and closest of these chairs is perched on of
of the potential ends of the one shot should they figure out the large bugs. Two other chairs are occupied by the strange
how to use it to get back to their planet. It cannot be used sailors. As the door opens, the bug's neck twists to face you,
unless the ship is powered on, and requires a DC 20 screeching incomprehensibly.
Intelligence to determine the usage of it. The A.I. on the
bridge can operate it, and is the most likely person to do so, The two sailors stand up as once spinning to face you,
though the Pirates could also operate it without a check. grabbing their strange wands.
Yim'lore'id can operate it if the Ship Manual from the bridge
is retrieved, but it requires her several hours to figure out, You notice a large ghost like figure floating over a strange
and requires a DC 10 Intelligence check to avoid table to the south. It is the upper body of a large humanoid
complications. figure, that looks
Returning Yim'lore'id to where she came from is extremely
challenging (see Bridge A.I. section for more details). She'd
rather go with the players to their world than stay here Have the players roll initiative. The bug is a Neogi Master
though. and the two humans are Strange Sailors the Neogi have
14. Hibernation Pod mentally enslaved. A DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) check
reveals their movements to be strange and clunky. They are
The door to this room is locked, though if the players manage armed with Strange Wands, but move to block access to the
to open it, read the following. Neogi before prioritizing their own cover.
The Neogi will attempt to find cover from the players as
This room is far stranger than any you have seen before, with quickly as possible, and use it's innate spell casting to defeat
strange purple crystals growing from the walls and a hot them. It cannot use Enslave as it has already enslaved the
humid environment. The floor seems to be some strange
sailors (and for the purposes of this adventure, Neogi Enslave
does not recharge).
spongy material.
All three will fight to the death.
At the far side of the room against the eastern wall is a glass
Ship Controls
tank-like bed similar to what you woke up in, but larger and
The ship controls are incomprehensible regardless of any
more complicated. Inside is a strange purple humanoid with
checks. They are too complicated and foreign to be used.
tentacles descending from their jawline. Only the Pirates or A.I. can control the ship effectively from
The creature in this pod is a Mind Flayer, and DC 10
Intelligence (History) reveals that. The Mind Flayer will not
wake up unless their pod is opened or it is attacked, which is
good, as if the Mind Flayer is awakened, a TPK is likely. With
enough preparation, the players may be able to kill the Mind
Flayer before it acts, but to do so would be dangerous. The
pod prevents any melee attacks from reaching it without it
being broken or opened, and absorbs the first 20 points of
damage if the creature attempts to attack through it. The
mind flayer wakes as soon as the pod is damaged.
You can warn your players that they feel a sense of unease
and danger from this creature, as waking it will likely lead to
a total party kill.

A Kibbles' Adventure (In Space)
A.I. "R.I.V.A 51" Returning Yin'lore'id
The ship's A.I. is the only entity that can communicate with If Yin'lore'id is still alive, the A.I. is the only person that
the players. It does not know what language they speak, but knows where Yin'lore'id actually came from, but she was
will cycle through them until it finds one they speak. It will abducted earlier, and her moon is out of range of the Warp
first inquire if they are sentient life forms. It can speak all Pad now. The A.I. will not fly the ship back that way unless
languages the players might know. compelled by the Captain's ID Card, and will insist
Once it concludes they are sentient, it will converse with destruction is likely, as they would attract more pirates and
them. It refers to them as "Specimens" and is not particularly worse flying in that direction.
hostile, but will threaten to self-destruct the ship if they attack This would lead into a whole new adventure, so should the
its console. If power has been restored to the ship, it is not ship be compelled to do so, that'd be one of the ends of this
bluffing, as it has anti-tamper software installed. If power has one-shot.
not been restored to the ship, it cannot do so. The ship will recommend taking Yin'lore'id back with you
Consequently it will try to get the players to restore power and finding another way to return her to her home using
to the ship as early as possible if it has not already been. "magic". The A.I. does not care if you succeed in this, and just
The A.I. cares little for anything besides not being blamed wants to be rid of the players, the kid, the horse, the orc (if
for the disaster, and will insist it warned the crew that alive) and the insurance liabilities you all represent.
working with Neogi and Illithid was an insurance nightmare
waiting to happen. From talking to the A.I. the players can 16. The Pirate Ship
determine that the ship was crewed by the humans at the If the players defeat the pirates, they can search the pirates
behest of the Neogi and Illithid, but after the specimens were ship. It is much smaller than the ship that abducted them,
collected, a series of problems occurred. with a small cargo bay, ready room, bridge, crew bunk,
The Neogi attempted to seize control of the ship, captain's room, gunners station, and engine room.
enslaving half the crew. It is rougher and less well maintained, but functional.
The Pirates attacked the ship, damaging its engines and Flying it is no easier than flying the main ship and it has no
boarding it to loot the cargo. A.I. of its own, but the A.I. of the main ship (RIVA51) can be
convinced to give the players brief instruction on how to fly it
There are quite a few potential outcomes in talking to the should the pirates be dispatched and the A.I. believes it will
A.I. get rid of the players.
The simple and intended outcome of the adventure is that Should they attempt to fly off the pirate ship, it is extremely
the ship will return the players to where they were likely they will crash land back on their world, but this can
abducted from. It will do this if they restore power to the open the door to many new chapters of their adventure
ship, and (a) give it a voice recording to the A.I. clearing it should it continue down that route.
of any wrongdoing (for insurance purposes) or (b) use the
Captain's ID Card to force it return them, or (c) use the The End
Captains ID card to give it control of the ship. This adventure can end many ways, but if you have remaining
The A.I. can control the ship once power is restored, but time or wish to continue the adventure, the main expected
will not do so at behest of the players unless they give it a outcome is that the players are returned to where they were
good reason or use the Captain's ID Card to compel it do abducted. They are likely ambushed by orcs once more, but
so. The A.I. will be able to return the ship to its owners their new weapons should be able to drive off the orcs rather
once it divests itself of the players, so that's its preferred easily... ideally taking up most of the remaining charges they
outcome. might have on their very overpowered items... perhaps just
leaving a few uses or souvenirs for future adventures.
Playing RIVA51
RIVA51 is an AI. She can transmit herself off the
Awarding Experience
ship if it is destroyed, so she is primarily concerned Unfortunately defeating enemies with advanced weaponry
with liability and being decommissioned for the gives reduced experience, but it would be appropriate to let
failures of this mission. Returning with the ship the players reach level 2 from their very strange experiences
intact would make her less likely to get among the stars.
decommissioned, so that's her primary objective.
She does not seriously consider the Players as new
crew material (and they are not), so would be
extremely difficult to convince to allow that.
She views the players as barely sentient and
largely ignorant, but is more patronizing that rude.
She is perfectly happy to return them to the world
if she can get what she wants, and bares them no
ill-will for killing the crew. She dislikes the Pirates,
but will work with them to accomplish her goals.

A Kibbles' Adventure (In Space)
Automatic Armless Crossbow
Items Two Handed, Heavy Crossbow?, Ranged Weapon
When you make an attack, roll a 1d6. It makes that many
Strange Armor attacks. Each subsequent attack has an additional -3 to hit (-0,
Light Armor, AC 12 -3, -6, -9, -12, -15). On a 5 or higher for the number of attacks,
Strange armor made of remarkable tough cloth or hide of a make DC 12 strength saving throws. On failure, you disarm
creature you don't recognize. yourself and the attacks are made against random targets as
Donning this armor grants you 30 temporary hit points. the weapon flies from your grasp.
These hit points are diminished when you take damage, and Deals 3d6 piercing damage on hit. Range 60/180
cannot be regained unless the suit is repaired. You see no If your intelligence score is 15 or higher you can select the
obvious way to do that. number of shots you fire when using this weapon.
These temporary hit points are bypassed by psychic If your strength score is 15 or higher, the penalty to each
damage. attack is -2 instead of -3.
You can seal the helmet of this armor, making you immune After being fired 35 times, this weapon mysteriously stops
to inhaled poison or lack of oxygen. It has 1 minute of stored working.
air without an attached tank.
Clip of Strange Crossbow Tips
Dose of Haste Small metal objects arrayed into some form of tight fitting
It appears to be a small potion of haste. Once you take it, you container. No obvious use.
are under the effect of the haste for the next three hours. 50 of them.
When the effect ends, you become incapacitated for 6
hours while occasionally vomiting.
Lightning Zap Spear These are obviously spare ammunition for the
Spear, 1d6, Versatile (1d8). Automatic Armless Crossbow, a DC 16 Intelligence
A strange spear that produces lightning. check can reveal that, but it should be relatively
Deals an additional 3d6 lightning damage on hit. On a hard for PCs to deduce.
critical hit, the target must make a DC 14 constitution saving
throw, or is stunned until the end of their next turn.
The strange metal magical cylinders run out and need to Strange Plate Armor
be replaced after 20 hits. Heavy Armor, AC 16
Strange Magical Wand
Strange armor made of remarkable tough cloth or hide of a
creature you don't recognize.
Ranged Weapon, Martial Weapon Donning this armor grants you 45 temporary hit points.
A strange magical wand that is activated by pulling a lever. These hit points are diminished when you take damage, and
Make a ranged attack. Deals 3d6 lightning damage on hit. cannot be regained unless the suit is repaired. You see no
Range 40/120. obvious way to do that.
After being fired 20 times, the magical metal cylinders that These temporary hit points are bypassed by psychic
power it stop working. damage.
Heavy Fire Wand
While wearing this armor, your Strength is increased by 5
and your Dexterity is increased by 3.
You can use this to cast 3rd level (5d6) burning hands at will, After 2 days of use, the magical metal cylinders that charge
DC 14. this armor die and must be replaced or recharged.
Once you cast burning hands with this 9 times, it
mysteriously stops working. Force Scalpel
Patch Kit Dagger, Simple, Thrown(20/60)
Make an advanced fabrication check DC 14 (Intelligence A strange dagger that projects a force blade. Deals 3d4
modifier + smith or tinker's tools proficiency). On success, it force damage.
restores 5d6 temporary hit points to Strange Armor or Mysteriously stops working after making 40 attacks.
Strange Plate Armor (up to its maximum starting health). If Strange Magic Device
they get a 10 or higher, they manage to restore 1d6 Magic Device
temporary hit points. On a 9 or lower, the kit wasted. Has 20 charges.
Intricate Gauntlet You can cast: chromatic orb (fire) using 1 charge.
A very fancy metal gauntlet. Allows you to add your You can cast: scorching ray using 3 charges.
Intelligence modifier to your Dexterity modifier. Mysteriously stops working after spending the charges and
After 3 days, it mysteriously stops working. doesn't seem to recharge no matter how many times dawn
Healing Potion?
This mysterious liquid causes you to instantly regain 4d4 + 4
hit points.

A Kibbles' Adventure (In Space)
Small Mysterious Tank
Gives you a bad feeling. A sort of explosive bad feeling. Filled Strange Pirate
with some form of liquid. Medium humanoid (human), neutral evil

Charged Sunblade Armor Class 16

Melee Martial Weapon, Longsword, Versatile, Finesse, Hit Points 7 (1d4 + 1)
Magical. Speed 30
This item appears to be a Longsword hilt. While grasping
the hilt, you can use a Bonus Action to cause a blade of pure
radiance to spring into existence, or make the blade STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
disappear, by pressing a button on the hilt. While the blade 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 8 (-1) 10 (+0)
exists, this magic Longsword has the Finesse property. If you
are proficient with shortswords or longswords, you are Skills Perception +3, Technology +5
proficient with the sun blade. Senses Passive perception 13
You gain a +2 bonus to Attack and Damage Rolls made Languages Space People
with this weapon, and the weapon deals an additional die of Challenge 1* *(as long as you have laser guns)
radiant damage (2d8, or 2d10 when wielded in two hands).
The sword's luminous blade emits bright light in a 15-foot Strange Armor: The Strange Sailor starts with 45
radius and dim light for an additional 15 feet. temporary hit points from his armor.
Educated. This creature has an unusually high
Temporary Items? proficiency bonus.
Unlike the other items, this item doesn't quickly
run out of power. If it does or how long it takes is Actions
up to the DM. You can easily make this just a 20- Multiattack. The giant makes two Strange Wand
30 use item if you plan to continue the campaign attacks.
and don't want it to disrupt the game long term.
Strange Wand. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
Reach/Range, one target. Hit: 10 (3d6) Lightning
Monster Stat Blocks

Strange Sailor Credits

Medium humanoid (human), neutral evil Art
Spaceship - Licensed Stock Art
Armor Class 12 Spaceship battle map - KibblesTasty Homebrew
Hit Points 5 (1d4 + 1) (Commissioned by a friend)
Speed 30 Ogre - Wizards of the Coast
Neogi - Wizards of the Coast
8 (-1) 14 (+2) 8 (-1) 15 (+2) 10 (+0) 8 (-1) Fan Content Policy
Content is unofficial Fan Content permitted under
Skills Perception +3, Technology +5 the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by
Senses Passive perception 13 Wizards. Portions of the materials used are
Languages Space People property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the
Challenge 1* *(as long as you have laser guns) Coast LLC.

Strange Armor: The Strange Sailor starts with 30

temporary hit points from his armor. Made with the support of my patreons at
Educated. This creature has an unusually high
proficiency bonus.

Strange Wand. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
Reach/Range, one target. Hit: 10 (3d6) Lightning

A Kibbles' Adventure (In Space)

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