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(Submitted to Fulfill the Assignment of Pembinaan Kompetensi Mengajar)

Lecturer: Ika Handayani, M.Pd.

Class : 6B

Group : 5

Abiyyu Nurfawwazi (2223180136)

Allif Nailil Faizin (2223180119)

Muhammad Arfan R (2223180065)

Muhammad Ramdhani (2223180089)






A. Background of Study
In a teaching and learning process, of course, a way is needed to make the
classroom environment suitable for what students need. Therefore, it is very
necessary to use the model of teaching and learning.

In behavior modification and in the task of helping individual to learn good

habits, to imbibe desirable attitudes, interest and other may personality
characteristics, we generally use the term "model" or modelling in presenting
some ideal figure of behavior for the purpose of its copying or imitation by the
individual concerned. A teacher, a leader or a screen hero may work as  a model
for a child and he may pick up the behavioral traits of the personality of that

A model of teaching can be defined as the depiction of teaching and learning

environment, including the behaviour of teachers and students while the lesson is
presented through that model. Models of teaching enable the students to engage in
robust cognitive and social task and teach the student how to use them
productively. Models of teaching are the specific instructional plans which are
designed according to the concerned learning theories. It provides a comprehensive
blue print for curriculum to design instructional materials, planning lessons,
teacher pupil roles, supporting aids and so forth.

According to Paul D. Eggen, Et Al. (1979:12): Models are prescriptive

teaching strategies designed to accomplish particular instructional goals. Joyce
and Well (1972:2):  Teaching models are just instructional designs. They describe
the process of specifying and producing particular environmental situations which
cause the student to interact in such a way that specific change occurs in his
behavior. Jangira and Others (1983:10): A model of teaching is a set of
interrelated components arranged in a sequence which provides guidelines to
realize specific goal. It helps in designing instructional activities and
environmental facilities, carrying out of these activities and realization of the
stipulated objectives. 
From the above understanding, it can be concluded that models of teaching is a
Instructional designs, These designs helps in the process of teaching in the following
ways: They suggest the ways and techniques of creating a favorable environmental
condition for carrying out the teaching process, help in achieving desirable teacher-
pupil interaction during teaching, bringing desirable changes in the behavior of pupil
may be achieved through these designs. Also models is a terms of some specific
teaching strategies aimed at the realization of the set objectives and well planned
guide sheet helpful in realizing the stipulated objectives of teaching by controlling the
teaching environment and specifying the teaching activities.

B. Formulation of the Problem

1. What is models of teaching in English?
2. What are the kinds of models in teaching and learning English?

C. Purposes of the Problem

1. To tell the models on teaching and learning English
2. To tell the kinds of models in teaching and learning English


A. Definition of Model Teaching and Learning

The model teaching and learning is a conceptual framework that describes systematic
procedures for organizing learning experiences to achieve specific learning goals and serves
as a guide for learning designers and teachers in planning and carrying out learning
activities. The model teaching and learning is a series of teaching and learning processes
from beginning to end, which involves how the teacher and student activities, in certain
learning designs assisted by special teaching materials, and how the interactions between
student teachers of teaching materials occur. Generally, a model teaching and learning
consists of several stages of the learning process that must be carried out.

B. Characteristic of Model Teaching and Learning

According to Rangke L. Tobing (1990:5), there are five characteristics of good model
teaching and learning:
1. Scientific Procedure
A teaching and learning model must have a systematic procedure to change the
behavior of students or have a syntax which is a sequence of learning steps carried
out by teacher-students.
2. Specification of learning outcomes
A teaching and learning model states the learning outcomes in detail regarding the
appearance of students.
3. Specification of learning environment
A teaching and learning model explicitly states the environmental conditions in
which students' responses are observed.
4. Performance criteria
A teaching and learning model refers to the criteria for receiving the expected
appearance of students. The teaching and learning model plans the expected behavior
of students that can be demonstrated after certain teaching steps.
5. Steps of implementation
All teaching and learning models mention a mechanism that shows the reactions of
students and their interactions with the environment.

C. Kinds of Model Teaching and Learning in English

1. Cooperative Learning
The cooperative learning model is a learning model that places students as
learning subjects (student oriented). With a democratic classroom atmosphere, which
teaches each other more opportunities to empower the potential of students to the
According to Sunal and Hans in Isjoni (2009: 15), cooperative learning is an
approach or a series of strategies specifically designed to encourage students to work
together during the learning process.
The students are divided into small groups and directed to study the material that
has been determined. In addition, cooperative learning is used to prepare students to
have an orientation to work in teams. Students do not only learn material, but must
learn special skills called cooperative skills.
Cooperative learning is a learning model in which a number of students are
members of small groups with different levels of ability. In completing the group
assignment, each group member must work together and help each other to
understand the material being studied, learning is said not to be finished if one of the
friends in the group has mastered the lesson material.
According to Rumini (1995:12), there are some applications of cooperative
learning in teaching English. There are:
 Team Game Tournament
 Student Team Achievement Division
 Jigsaw
 Group Investigation
2. Contextual Teaching and Learning
Contextual teaching and learning is an approach that focuses on the students’
center. The purpose of the approach is to motivate the learners to take charge of their
own learning and to relate between knowledge and its application to the various
contexts of their lives (Satriani, Emilia, & Gunawan, 2012:11).
Contextual learning is a learning model that provides facilities for student
learning activities to seek, process, and find learning experiences that are more
concrete (related to real life) through the involvement of student activities in trying,
doing, and experiencing for themselves. Thus, learning is not only seen from the
product side, but the most important thing is the process.
Contextual learning is a teaching and learning concept that helps teachers link the
material they teach with students' real-world situations and encourages students to
make connections between their knowledge and its application in their lives.
3. Problem Based Learning
The problem-based learning model was developed based on the concept by
Jerome Bruner. This concept is discovery learning, which is learning that emphasizes
investigative activities. The discovery learning process includes the information
process, transformation and evaluation. At the information stage, students obtain
information about the material being studied and provide responses. In the
transformation stage, students identify, analyze, change, transform the information
In the evaluation stage, students assess themselves that the transformed
information can be used to solve the problems faced.
According to Rohman (2011: 189) suggests that there are several objectives of
problem based learning:
 To encourage collaboration in the completion of assignments among
 Has elements of teaching and learning so as to encourage student observation
behavior and dialogue with others.
 Involve students and investigate their own choices that enable them to
understand and explain real-world phenomena.
 Involving the domains (cognitive, affective, and psychomotor) in students in
a balanced way so that the results can be remembered longer by students.
 Can build students' optimism that the problem is something interesting to
solve, not something to be avoided.


A model of teaching can be defined as the depiction of teaching and learning

environment, including the behaviour of teachers and students while the lesson is presented
through that model. Models of teaching enable the students to engage in robust cognitive and
social task and teach the student how to use them productively. Models of teaching are the
specific instructional plans which are designed according to the concerned learning theories. It
provides a comprehensive blue print for curriculum to design instructional materials, planning
lessons, teacher pupil roles, supporting aids and so forth.

Successful program models for promoting the academic achievement of language

minority students are those that enable these students to develop academic skills while
learning English. The best program organization is one that is tailored to meet the linguistic,
academic, and affective needs of students; provides language minority students with the
instruction necessary to allow them to progress through school at a rate commensurate with
their native-English-speaking peers; and makes the best use of district and community

Moughamian, A. C., Rivera, M. O., & Francis, D. J. (2009). Instructional models and
strategies for teaching English language learners. Portsmouth, NH: RMC Research
Corporation, Center on Instruction.

Penn State College of Education. What are the common models for esl education?.
Retrieved Augusr 2, 2016 from resources/esl-

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